shiftdrawwing · 3 months
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Raph don't lick that thang :(
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ohdeerfully · 2 months
I live
Well, barely
Your writing. I swear. It's so good. Like when I read any other alastor x reader fic I have this nasty voice in the back of my head going 'He wouldn't do this'. THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN HERE
You are a genius. (Thabk you for speepy Alastor coming from an insomniac is good praise, no?)
My personal favourites are
a. Either of the sleepy Alastoe fics (obviously)
b. Dry bed. Istg the writing in that.. Augh
Could you do a part two to Dry bed? Maybe they just wake up (Together!!!) and awkwardly get their way down to breakfast. Then they simply avoid each other all day, not talking, but still stealing glances at each other when the other isn't looking. Then reader finds Alastor chilling on the hotel roof the following night and they TALK about it. And figure things out.
Omg thabk you for listening to my rant I hope you are doing well byeeee
P. S. You and your fics are my new hyperfixation
hello!!!!! in general sorry yall for my absence, finals are literally next week so it Will happen again
im so glad u like my depiction of alastor hes literally so annoying to write... a dry bed is honestly probably one of if not THE fave fic ive written (though might be a tie with mourning dove) so i hope part ii does it a bit of justice (,: i kind of deviated from ur request at the beginning (they dont wake up together >_<) but otherwise i hope u enjoy! hopefully its not too obvious i kind of rushed it
mwah! <3
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A Warm Bed
(sequel to A Dry Bed)
Alastor x Reader (hurt/comfort, fluff) TW: none really, alastor is probs ooc but who cares
join my discord!
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It felt a little bit too cold when you woke up, but you couldn’t immediately find a reason why. Your eyes squinted open, facing the curtains that were drawn just enough to where a peek of the morning light rudely shone against your face. You turned over with a dissatisfied groan.
Peering at the empty bed beside you, you stared blankly as wheels began to turn in your mind. It only took a few seconds to remember the previous night, and your face quickly warned as you hissed in a breath through clenched teeth, wrists coming up and rubbing your eyes with a sense of dismay.
Man, what were you thinking. You felt a strong mixture of regret and embarrassment but also… you felt lonely. The strong, strange affection from Alastor the previous night directly compared to him disappearing and leaving you alone in the morning made you feel all the more cold. The room also had an uncomfortable silence to it, but at the same time too loud with the hum of your ceiling fan.
Whatever, you feigned indifference to yourself and lifted yourself from your mattress, legs dangling over the side of your bed for a few moments, allowing yourself to get a quick stretch in before sliding on some comfortable slippers while you went to your restroom, protecting your feet against the cold tile.
You quickly freshened up, pulling on some comfortable loungewear before leaving your hotel room and walking down the long corridor that led to the steps. Maybe it was just your current mood, but the ambience was too quiet and uncomfortable.
Your spirits slowly lifted as you made your way down the steps, and you could hear the faint clashing of kitchen tools being dropped and thrown, alongside unintelligible and arguing voices, one doubtlessly being Vaggie trying to tame—or, no, threaten—the chaos.
The air, at the very least, smelled good despite the racquet. Though you were in Hell, the food was still appetizing—even if you weren’t exactly sure what it was half the time.
You must’ve made it just in time, as right when you turned the corner you nearly hit your head against Charlie’s shoulder as she rounded the same corner. You tripped over each other for a moment before she ultimately steadied you with a hand and a breezy laugh.
"Good morning! I was just about to tell everyone breakfast was ready…” You smiled at her gesture. Every morning she tried to host some sort of typical continental style breakfast that was standard for most hotels—that is if Niffty’s behavior permitted a successful morning—and the quality was usually higher than what you remembered in your time alive. Of course, you were dealing with the Princess of Hell, who obviously wouldn’t want anything mediocre for her treasured guests.
“Thank you,” was all you could offer in return before she passed you, doubtlessly to gently announce the food to the other guests. There had been an increase in residents lately, so you weren’t shocked at the piles of delicious looking food that met your eyes when you stepped into the kitchen. You could practically imagine sparkles dancing around the fluffy pancakes and still sizzling pans of various breakfast meats.
You helped yourself to a meal, carefully stepping around the growing crowd of other guests, who all, for the most part, seemed a little aggravated at being woken up but nonetheless pleased at the free meal.
A brief hush filled the room as the air seemed to get just a bit heavier, more ominous, alongside the new presence of a prickling against your skin. You didn’t have to look up, nor did you even want to look up, to know who the culprit of such a suffocated atmosphere was; you knew him well enough.
The kitchen slowly came back to life, albeit a bit stiffer and with quieter conversation. You kept your eyes glued to your plate of food as you made your way towards the dining area. As you passed through the entrance, out of your peripheral you saw the large, looming figure of the demon you had become unnaturally attached to. You didn’t look up or even acknowledge him, pretending to just not notice, but you could swear you felt his red gaze burning a hole in your skin.
A few minutes passed after you sat down before Alastor joined you, sitting in his unofficial assigned seat. The only difference was he didn’t scoot his chair nearly as close as usual, as well as the way his body was turned just slightly so that his back was facing you. Not enough to be noticed by other people, but just enough for you—though, maybe you were just overanalyzing things?—to notice how he was pointedly uninviting you from any interactions with him.
Why even bother coming to breakfast, you thought coldly to yourself, deciding to just feel mad about it instead of stewing in your own self-hate and regret. You had already spent all morning feeling stupid for the night before. It’s not like you even eat this shit. Go eat a dead deer or something.
Your fork poked aggressively against the food on your plate, head propped up against a fist as you mindlessly scooted the food around in a pool of syrup. You hoped to convey some sense of hatred to the demon next to you as you jammed a fluffy bite of pancake into your mouth—oh, that’s so good, your spirits were lifted just a bit as the slightly sweet and buttery pancake touched your tongue.
A hand touched your back, and you jolted in surprise. Naturally your eyes first went to Alastor next to you, thinking maybe he was finally over himself, but he had his hands folded on the table in front of him as he watched another table argue over something probably meaningless. Maybe you’re crazy, but did you see his eyes flick to your just as you looked away? You shook off the idea.
Vaggie sat to your right, and was currently eyeing you with a hint of concern in her eye. You shrugged off her hand as politely as possible before smiling at her with a raised eyebrow, trying to play it off with an ‘I’m alright.’
“People that are ‘alright’ don’t usually have some personal vendetta against a plate of breakfast food,” She said in a low voice, trying to keep your conversation private, particularly from a certain set of prying, fluffy red ears. “You know you have friends here. Especially Charlie.”
“Really, I’m all good, just… long morning,” You did your best to wave away her worries again, suddenly feeling a little childish. From the way she spoke, you would think she was talking to someone going through something serious—you were just having some guy problems.
It seemed to work well enough, because after looking at you for a few more beats she raised her hand and turned away, picking up a conversation with her girlfriend. You sat in your spot for a few more minutes, but the growing anxiety from silently and awkwardly sitting next to Alastor, sifting through so many racing thoughts and doubts, gnawed at your stomach. You finally stood up and excused yourself with a thank you and left the room.
You had no specific place to be, so you just wandered into the lobby and slumped against a couch. You briefly wondered where Angel was; he was surprisingly good at listening to romantic troubles, though honestly you probably wouldn’t divulge your whole “thing” with Alastor. That would probably meet no welcomed response.
You must have dozed off, because the sudden sound of raised voices startled your eyes open. Arguments and general anger were commonplace here, so you weren’t particularly shocked to find Vaggie and Angel Dust going at it about something regarding his behavior and the Hotel—a recurring theme in their conversations. Vaggie’s words fell on deaf ears as Angel tutted at her words with a waving and dismissive hand.
“I’m sure ninety percent of these guests would love to have a piece’a me!” He said, taking long strides across the room as he fixed up his chest fluff with two hands. He leaned his hip against the large chair that, much to your dismay, sat Alastor, his grin tightening as Angel approached. His eyes narrowed suspiciously as the spider laid his torso across the head of the chair.
“Even this one…” Angel said with a pouty lilt in his voice, finger dragging up the embellishments as he tried to play flirty. Alastor clicked his tongue distastefully in response before he stood up, hands folding neatly across the top of his cane.
“Not quite to my taste, thank you!” He said, looking down at Angel with an ugly curl in his lip. Angel only huffed in response before slinking down the back of the chair and taking up the space where Alastor previously sat, leaving said demon just standing there.
Alastor’s eyes glanced at you, so brief that you honestly may have imagined it, before he simply hummed with closed eyes and melted into the ground, the shadow where he once stood inking across the carpet before finally coming to a rest… behind the couch where you were laying. You grimaced as you felt his presence manifest again, sending a ripple of that familiar prickle down your bare arms.
Was this going to be your eternity now? Playing some game of cat and mouse where you have to leave every room you’re in just because Alastor gets too close for comfort? You turned your head to try to get a look at him from the corner of your eye, but immediately looked away again when you saw he was already looking at you. You couldn’t read his expression.
You sat up and thought for a few moments. Honestly, it was probably best to just go spend a depression day alone in your room. As pushy as Alastor could be, he wasn’t typically the type to barge into rooms without invitation.
Slowly standing, you managed to avoid the attention of the couple of others in the room—though, realistically, none would care if they happened to see you leave; you were just on edge to everyone and everything. You quickly made your way up the stairs, frowning down at your feet as you walked. You shot a sideways glance at Alastor as you rounded a turn in the steps, finally meeting his gaze for a few seconds before your view was blocked by the wall.
You sighed as you found yourself in front of your hotel room, a heavy feeling making you suddenly choke up. You ushered yourself into the room before you embarrassed yourself by crying openly in the hallway, but the comforting solitude of your room as you leaned your back against the door to close it made it a bit easier to breathe.
After ensuring the door was locked, you went to stand at the edge of the bed, frowning down at the still unmade sheets. Thoughts of that tender night came to the front of your mind at full force, and you bit your lip anxiously. The warmth of his body against yours, the tangle of legs and soft touches of lips… was it all actually, in a cruel turn of reality, a fake expression of care from him? When you had finally begun to think you could read the affection on his face…
You settled into the soft mattress, uncomfortably aware of how big and cold it was. You were no stranger to sleeping alone by any means, but after finally experiencing the shared space with someone you loved, the contrast was stark and unwelcomed. You did your best to ignore it as you tucked yourself in, letting your eyes fall shut in a poor attempt to sleep away your worries.
Your attempts were unsuccessful, and an empty feeling of longing and despair in your stomach grew stronger with each hour that passed as you watched the red hue of the daylight sky turn darker. You felt both restless and tired at the same time, lacking any energy to actually do anything to pass the time. 
It all proved to be counterintuitive to the whole “sleep your worries away” as the hours you spent just lying down only gave you ample opportunity to melt in your own thoughts as the memories of last night kept returning. Man, why did you have to kiss him? You unwittingly ignored the fact that he had also played a part in closing that gap between you; you were honestly just pinning the blame fully on yourself.
Finally sick of stewing in misery, you kicked off the heavy blanket and stood up. You needed some fresh air. 
You tried to walk quickly with a fake sense of purpose so, in the odd chance you passed someone, they hopefully wouldn’t ask about your absence all day—you were typically more present and friendly with everybody as you would often help Charlie with event organization. Lucky enough for you, you passed nobody on your way to the door that opened to some stairs up to the roof of the Hotel.
After a quick pace up the echoey, metal steps, you pushed open the large doors and greeted with a pleasantly cool rush of wind. It was still warm, of course, being Hell and all, but cooler than usual. You quietly closed the heavy doors behind you.
There was a spot on the roof you typically sat at during long, restless nights, and you turned the corner of the door before promptly backtracking and pressing yourself up against the metal door once again, jaw clenched in a mix of shock and anger.
Why the Hell was Alastor on the roof at your spot with your blanket that you had left up here on some previous night? Was he doing all this on purpose? Constantly getting all too close to you while simultaneously acting cool and indifferent towards your existence? Was this all just some sick game to him? Well… it is Alastor.
You peeked over the edge from where you hid to get a better look at him. He sat serenely with his back towards you, legs hanging over the edge of the roof. You couldn’t see his expression, but his body waved just slightly, most likely to the tune of some song in his head. Despite all the frustration you felt in your soul towards him, looking at him under the blanket of a dark red sky with a sprinkling of stars… he still endeared you. Especially when he looked so harmless and relaxed.
Just as you were about to turn away again and find somewhere else to relax, he cleared his throat, stopping you before you could even move.
“It’s rude to stare,” He stated, projecting his voice just enough for you to hear the light humor in his voice. “You seem like a stalker, darling!”
You straightened your shoulders before walking out from behind the wall, a frown on your face. You didn’t walk any closer—God forbid you accidentally do anything to hurt your relationship anymore, if that was even possible.
“I didn’t mean to, I was just… surprised, that’s all,” You reasoned, tapping your foot impatiently. “You are kind of in my spot.”
He hummed, absently pointing at the surface around him. “I didn’t see your name on it.” 
You couldn’t really think of a response quickly, so you just stayed quiet, continuing to just stand in place a few meters away from Alastor.
He briefly put his hand down on the space next to him, patting twice in a vague invitation for you to join him. You thought for a brief moment before cautiously walking towards him, steps growing slower with each foot you got closer. He made no move to send you away—in fact, he even started moving the blanket in a way to make the concrete just a bit more comfortable to sit on. He still didn’t look at you.
Embarrassingly your hands had started to shake, which you realized when you reached your hand down to support your body as you lowered it to sit. You just hoped Alastor didn’t notice. You let your legs fall over the ledge, swinging slightly next to Alastor’s. You didn’t notice how he shifted his knee a bit closer to yours.
The two of you sat in silence under the still-darkening sky, and you couldn’t decide if it was a comfortable or awkward silence. Alastor didn’t seem to mind, so you tried to convince yourself it was comfortable despite the itching anxiety in your chest.
“I’m really sorry about last night,” You blurted out, unable to contain it anymore. Was it a bad idea to even bring it up? Maybe. But you felt that your relationship was already irreparably damaged so it couldn’t hurt to at least apologize. You saw his eyes turn towards you out of your peripheral, and you were too ashamed to meet his look, instead opting to fiddle with a fray of the blanket edge.
“Whatever for?” He responded after an uncomfortably long pause—this stunned you. Fuck you mean ‘whatever for?’ Your head whipped up to look at him, brows furrowed.
You had spent all die scared that you ruined everything between you and Alastor, regretting everything that led up to last night’s events—it didn’t help that Alastor himself was also blatantly avoiding you. What the fuck is he acting so confused for?
Apparently you said that all out loud, as Alastor’s smile was growing more and more strained with each loud word that tumbled from your lips. You didn’t even realize until you were done and catching your breath, but at this point you couldn’t care less to apologize or feel bad about it. You folded your arms and fixated your eyes on some random pedestrian below as another long stretch of silence filled the air.
“You confuse me,” He finally said, with a voice that lacked its usual radio tone. You didn’t respond, so he continued. “I feel these alien emotions when I’m near you—you bewitch me. And I don’t like it. I hate you for it.”
You couldn’t control the slight slump in your shoulders and the sharp pang in your stomach that his words brought you. Hate. 
“But… I kill the demons I hate,” He said, looking away from you and up at the sky. “And I can’t find myself wanting to kill you. That has to mean something, though I’m really no man to figure it out myself.”
You cautiously returned your eyes back to him, shoulders curled forward as if to protect yourself against the blow of any harsh words. But, as he spoke, you felt that anxiety slowly lighten as you pieced together what he was trying to convey in his own strange way. Although, you weren’t really sure what to say in response, filled with too many swarming emotions—both new and old. 
Suddenly you looked at the space between the two of you—was Alastor’s hand there just a minute ago? You looked up to try to get any hint of his goals; but, unsurprisingly, he remained unreadable. It was definitely safer to just ignore it.
Well, that got a lot harder when his pinkie finger stretched towards you just a bit, practically inviting you. You looked at his face one more time, swallowed your fear, and tenderly laid your hand down next to his. You moved it cautiously closer, just enough so that your pinkie touched his own. His lifted up and curled over yours, tightening in a way to bring the rest of your hand closer and enveloping it with his own. Your gaze was fixated on this exchange and you felt heat warm your cheeks and ears.
You both said nothing, but you thought the pounding in your ears would drown out any attempt.
Your attention finally broke from the hands that now clasped together between the two of you, turning up towards Alastor. You found that he had been looking at you with such an intensity it made you feel like an open book before him. His eyes had a slight glow to them now that the sky had fully darkened—eyes that were usually so malicious and secretive seemed to now burn with what you could only assume was affection.
“I can’t promise I’ll be a good man,” He finally broke the silence. His smile was small but strained, and his voice uncharacteristically quiet. 
In response you shook your head with a breathless laugh, tightening your hand just slightly around his as you focused on the street below, watching the scattered presence of night owl demons.
“I probably couldn’t promise the same, either,” You admitted, leaning back and stretching out your legs in the open air over the ledge of the roof. You froze momentarily when Alastor shifted a bit closer, his knee now barely knocking against yours.
He reached his hand out, fingers curling gingerly but firm over your chin and pulling your face closer to his. He examined your face for a moment, red eyes trailing over every curve of your features before settling back to look into your eyes.
“But I can promise, cher,” The new name he referred to you as made the already present flush in your cheeks only intensify. “That as long as you own what’s left of my heart, no demon in Hell can keep you away from me. Not even you.”
His words were spoken almost like a threat in an ominously low tone, that heavy radio affliction dripping from his words. In his eyes was a sudden look of sinister intensity and devotion, something you had never even dreamed of seeing, especially from him and especially towards you. As menacing as the words seemed, you couldn’t stop the wry smirk that inched up your lips, slightly smushed between his fingers that still firmly held your head in place.
“I’d like to see anyone try,” You responded in an attempt to match his energy. This seemed good enough for him, as his smile lifted for a moment as he released you from his grasp and faced forward again.
You yawned and stretched out your arms above your head, popping a few bones in your back before you stood. He followed suit, deftly touching his clothes with one hand to smooth any wrinkles or crooked buttons—his other was still holding your own.
He stepped closer, nearly pressed against you, when suddenly the atmosphere around you seemed to melt in a swirl of black before being replaced with the familiar decor of your hotel room. He gave you a light nudge and you fell back onto the bed.
After recuperating and settling, you watched him from your spot on the bed as he draped off his coat and slacks before joining you in the sheets. His body language was tense and unsure, but to your own pleasure the stiffness in his shoulders lightened just a bit when your hands tenderly rubbed against his skin.
The bed that was only hours before too big and too cold was now inviting with the warmth of Alastor’s body against your own, his scent filling your nose with every inhale as his hair brushed against your cheek. Every movement was a shaky blur as you were still filled with a sense of disbelief and maybe a little bit of adrenaline from the unexpected switch-up from him. The mattress dipped and creaked as he tried to make himself comfortable, which took an awkward few seconds, but after finally settling in you found yourself laid against his chest, fingers trailing down his skin.
Alastor’s own clawed fingers trailed through your hair and he hummed the quietest tune, lulling you further into an exhaustion that you didn’t realize had been creeping up on you. You fell asleep to a comfort that you hoped you wouldn’t have to spend another day in eternity without.
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nights-at-crystarium · 10 months
You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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bisexualiteaa · 1 month
Burning Love
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Benny x Fem Courier Six (Smut!! Also fluff and slight angst)
CW: NSFW MDNI! Mutual pining, slight OOC Benny, slight deviation from the game, black widow dialogue, established friendship, enemies to friends then friends to lovers, flirting, dirty talk, perverted thoughts, P in V, p0rn with some plot, unprotected seggs, 0ral (male and female receiving) praise, cursing, mentions of alcohol, briefly proofread, possible grammar/spelling errors
AN: Hey everyone! I’m back with some more content! It’s a little different than the usual Cooper Content ™️ I usually put out but it’s still Fallout themed. I wanted to try my hand at writing for Benny from New Vegas and allow some of my other character hyperfixations to have a moment in the spotlight to shine! I’m still rather new to Fallout in general, and especially to New Vegas so please be kind and patient with me if I have some things wrong, I’m still learning! 🥺 I know this wasn’t an ask from anyone, and I will be getting to those as I can! Writers block has been absolutely dreadful lately so I hope y’all can understand, I’ve only just started to come out from the hole and try to write when the days are good 😭 But I hope y’all dig this piece! Enjoy, and happy reading! 🥰
Taglist: @expirednukacola
This was bad. This was really, really bad. At least that’s what he proceeded to tell himself over and over internally as he paced around his room. Just what was it that was so bad? So bad that it left Benny Gecko, the head chairman, in a bind? You. You; the courier that he executed once upon a time for simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time. You; who just so happened to somehow actually be alive despite a bullet being discharged into your skull. You; who had come to the strip months ago on your journey through the Mojave, siding up with him and becoming his business partner. You; who not only managed to become his best friend, but now held a place in his heart as something more. How could he let all this messiness happen? There was a rule in business where you never allow yourself to get involved with the people you work with, especially when you were someone who was as powerful as Benny. Yet you were all he could ever think about. You were his inspiration and guidance in trying and gain power over all the factions, you were the reason why the Legion no longer stood in his way. You were his right hand through everything, there for his every plan, there to help in the execution of them no matter what it could cost. You were loyal, beyond that, you were a confidant and a friend.
It took him ages to finally put the pieces together leading up to this moment. To finally understand why he would feel so disgusted watching Swank flirt with you, or so angry when someone would threaten you. He knew you could handle yourself, you were your own person, independent and deserving to live how you wished. Hell there had been many occasions where, had it not been for you, he likely wouldn’t have made it out alive. When you saved him from the Legion, that’s when he finally saw it. Seeing him down on his knees before you, giving you the perfect opportunity to take your revenge if you wanted to for him killing you back then. You could have murdered him in cold blood, leaving him to the radroaches and feral ghouls like he did to you once. But you didn’t, instead you showed him mercy. You *saved* him. Something he wasn’t sure anyone else aside from his body guards, would have done for him had they been in your shoes. Since that day, it’s been all he could do to pry the thoughts of you from his brain. By day, you were always by his side, and at night you were always on his mind. How was he supposed to be able to work like this? Fuck, how was he supposed to tell you? Should he tell you? He wasn’t sure. But he supposed it was too late to back out now seeing as you were on your way up to his suite.
His heart jumped in his chest upon hearing the knock on his door, a signal that let him know it was his people coming by. “Come in” he said, finally pulling himself from his thoughts to see who was at his door. Of course, to no surprise, it was you. He let out a breath of relief upon seeing you. You had grown to become his comfort, even in a moment such as this, he took solace in your presence. “You came” he said softly, just above a whisper but his tone held something akin to disbelief in it that you were here. You spotted a rocks glass in his hand filled with a drink that was likely just freshly made, wondering what it was that was bothering him so much that it had him drinking before bed. He watched as you stepped inside his suite, closing and locking the door behind you to ensure privacy. “You called” you answered genuinely, wondering why he seemed so shocked to find you here when he had asked for you to come. “What’s wrong, Benny? You doin’ okay? I’ve never seen you so many glasses deep in one day” You asked, noting that he had been drinking earlier too, growing concerned for him and the way he seemed to be so caught up in thought. “You’ll have to forgive me, my mind is a bit mixed up at the moment” Benny said before taking a swig of his drink, watching as you sat down on his bed. He wished you hadn’t, because despite being the well-mannered gentleman he was, he was still a man with needs. Even he couldn’t help the thoughts that started to race through his mind as you sat on his bed. Thinking of what you would look like splayed out on it, free of your clothes and him on top of you. Normally he would be able to keep such thoughts under control, but with the buzz of the alcohol running through his system, he was finding it hard to keep them from running rampant. “What’s on your mind? If somethin’s buggin’ you, you know my hands can make light work of it. All you gotta do is say the word” you offered, making him chuckle. Your hands could make light work of him. What in the god damn? “stop that” he told himself, cursing himself for feeling this way towards his close friend of all people. “Afraid what’s on my mind can’t be helped that way, baby. What’s got me in a twist is all my doing” he replied, and it left you rather confused, he could see it in the way your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at him. Your head tilted sideways a tad like a dog who couldn’t seem to understand what their owner was saying. You were so fucking cute. “Well then what’s got you all in a twist? You called me here for a reason, Benny. I just wanna help” you replied, pleading with him to give you something to work with. He could groan at the way his name fell off of your tongue so melodically. You just had to show up in uniform too, with your dress slacks hugging your thighs, your blazer really showing off your curves, and your blouse that dipped low enough for him to get a peak of your cleavage. He was eating you alive with his eyes, he knew it. He couldn’t help it, you were a sight to behold. You could tell he was lost in thought at the way he was staring, leaving you chuckling before you waved your hand to grab his attention. “Earth to Benny, you still in there?” You asked jokingly with a grin as he snapped out of it. “Maybe it’s time to lay off the booze for the night” you added with a chuckle as his eyes met yours. Everything was screaming within him to tell you, but at the same time, everything screamed at him not to. He was at war within himself on what to say. Does he tell you and risk losing you? Or does he keep it and risk hurting himself when there comes a time you fancy another man? Neither sounded great to the conman, but between the alcohol in his system and the respect he had for you to always be honest with you, he knew he had to tell you.
“Fuck it, I’m just gonna bite the bullet and hope we can still keep this in the groove, dig?” He asked, and his words weren’t slurred and he didn’t feel drunk. So why was his head spinning? His heart racing? He was a certified mess, and it was your doing. “Oh c’mon Benny, we been runnin’ this show for how long now? You know you can always talk to me! Ya got girl trouble?” You asked with a devious grin, knowing he had a new flavor just about every month if not more than that. He was almost amazed at the way you figured out what was wrong, but thankfully not down to the specifics. It was reasons like this he called you not only his business partner but his best friend. But god how he craved for you to be more than that. “I wonder sometimes if you’re a damn psychic with that prime intuition of yours, babe. Girl trouble ain’t even half the start of it” he replied, sitting across from you in a plush chair as he placed his glass down on the small table next to it. You gave a chuckle. “Ya never did have good luck in choosin’ broads, Benny. Kinda funny to see that hasn’t changed since Vegas became ours” you quipped playfully, making him chuckle. “Very funny. I think I remember calling you here for help, not to take jabs at me, pussycat” he replied, making you laugh. “Aww c’mon you know I’m just yankin’ your chain. What’s got you all in a twist then? You didn’t get one of ‘em pregnant, did ya? Because I can’t help you there with that one” You asked, an eyebrow raised at him in suspicion. “Fuck no, the Ben-man ain’t nothin’ if not responsible. Have a little faith” he said, making you playfully wipe your forehead as if you were super worried. “Whew, that’s a relief. I ain’t ready to be an aunt just yet” you joked, making you both laugh. You always were great at helping him calm down. “Well then what is it? She do something wrong? Steal from you?” You asked, killing yourself internally with each question knowing that it was another woman he was speaking of. “My heart maybe” he said boldly as he took another sip of his drink, and it was true, you had his heart in your hands at all times. But you didn’t know that. You gave a smile that hid the pain inside from his statement, believing he was speaking of another woman. You wanted him to be happy, he deserved it, and you knew when you started working with him that it could never be you that would make him feel this way. But damn if he didn’t have a way of charming himself into your own heart, making you hope that it could work. “Awww, well ain’t that sweet” you replied, trying your best to coat the poisoned words with saccharine falsity, to disguise the ache resting in your chest at the thought of another woman stealing his heart. “I said smooth, baby doll” he said, making you both chuckle. “What? A girl can’t be happy for her friend who’s in love? Sheesh. She sounds like a lucky gal” you joked, making him chuckle once more. friend. God how that word killed you. A constant reminder of what will never be, especially now. Or so you thought.
“Well, c’mon, don’t spare me the details. Who is it?” You asked, not really wanting to know the details but you could put your feelings aside for the happiness of Benny if that’s what it took. However that’s when his face turned red. He should’ve known you’d ask that question. His heart slammed against his sternum as he tried to think of what to say. He couldn’t just straight up tell you, not when he didn’t know if you felt the same way, and he’d be royally pissed at himself if he managed to scare you off. He couldn’t just not tell you either, you deserved to know. “Is it one of the broads over at Gomorrah?” You asked when he didn’t pipe up with an answer right away, making him scrunch up his nose in distaste at even the inquiry. You laughed at his response. “The Ben-man’s got taste. Didn’t know you thought so little of me, babe” he replied, making you giggle at him. “Alright I admit, bad guess there” you responded. He wondered if you would ever guess it, if you would either seriously or jokingly say yourself and then maybe it could be laid to rest easily. “Some of the frequent fliers here are a little questionable Benny…I’m starting to second guess on if I wanna know” you said with a joking grin, wishing you’d figure it out already and save your heart the pain. He shook his head no at all the ones you knew off the top of your head that frequent the casino, leaving you nearly out of options already. “Quit pokin’ around Benny and just tell me already! You got me hangin’ on the edge of my seat here” you said, making him take another swig of his drink to work up the proper courage to tell you the truth. It was now or never. “I ain’t got no other way of sayin’ this sweetheart, but the Ben-man has gone and caught a fever for the fine looker layin’ on his bed” he said, making you blink a few times as you registered just what he said. He was caught up on you? Was he drunk? Surely this was a joke, he couldn’t actually be serious…could he?
“Me?” You asked, sounding taken back by his answer. “You sound shocked, baby. Weren’t expecting to be the broad to catch my eye?” He asked, making you blush. Now this was suddenly going to be difficult on you. How do you tell a man who shot you in the head once that you’re in love with him? “Honestly no, I didn’t think I would. I figured out of all the women out there, the last one to catch your eye would be me” you replied, and how it broke him to hear you talk so little of yourself. To share in a vulnerable moment that wasn’t hidden behind false confidence and bravado. He always respected the way that you were a different woman outside of work, that you could detach yourself from the persona you had to carry with you in the casino and around the other chairmen. He wished he could be more like you, more in touch with his humanity, but he was a conman, and a good one. His work is all he’s really known until you came around. “You’re the prime article baby, ol’ Benny here ain’t ever met a broad like you” he replied, making you blush as your stomach started doing flips with excitement. It was everything you’d been dying to hear from him for so long now. It felt as if fate herself was shining down on you in this moment. “I certainly ain’t met a man quite like you either, Benny” you said with a growing grin, making him chuckle. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s a real good thing I got a case of Benny fever then, huh?” You asked with a far more confident grin as you looked at him, sat across from you with his legs spread to help ease the growing tightness of his dress slacks. “Benny fever, is that so?” He asked with a mirrored grin of excitement, making you bite your bottom lip as you shook your head yes in response. “That bullet scramble your egg? Or have you always been a naughty broad?” He asked, finding himself more and more intrigued. Not to mention hot. The laugh you gave in response was breathy, and he wasn’t sure if it was just because it came from you, or the alcohol toying with his mind but he found it sexy. “What can I say? Girls like bad boys, and you have been downright awful” you replied, sensuality dripping from your tone as you flirted with him. “You’re one sick pussycat, baby. There’s quins and then there’s…I don’t even know what to call you” he commented, making you giggle playfully as you crossed your legs in front of him. “I’m saying I dig you too Benny, have for a while now” you said, making him grin even wider at your admission. Thank god, now he could no longer worry. “If I heard “dig” from you back then, I’d have told you all I can think of is a shovel. But you got a real twisted up way of showin’ the Ben-man your forgiveness” he replied, making you giggle once more. “I can think of another way to show you my forgiveness” you suggested, making him raise a brow at you and let out a sound of intrigue and excitement. “Oh yeah?” He asked, watching you bite your lip in excitement as your body language screamed for him to get closer. “And what idea is on that wild mind of yours, baby?” He said, making you hum. “How ‘bout i put my past profession to good use and I show you how well I can…handle your package? If you let me?” you responded. Oh, he definitely wanted you to.
You weren’t sure when it all began, but the next thing you knew, you both were down to your underwear. You made a show of stripping yourself of your uniform, being sure to be slow and teasing as you slipped out of your blazer, blouse and dress slacks for him. You made a show of bending over when you took off your slacks, then moving to your bra that soon found its way to the floor to be forgotten about until the next day. “You are the prime article baby. Nice Charlie’s too! Give ‘em a shake for the Ben-man, would ya?” He asked, making you giggle as you shook them and made a show of fondling them and feeling them up in front of him to tease him. “Hellooo!” He responded as you straddled his lap, taking a seat and pulling him into a heated kiss. He relished in the way your lips tasted like the sweet bourbon cherries that rested in your drink from earlier that you shared with him while you were both still downstairs. He tasted of vodka and cigarette smoke, a mixture you’d have never found appealing had it not been upon the lips of the addicting man you were tasting it from. You hummed into it in delight as his hands rested on your hips, softly moving your hips to grind against his. You moaned softly as you felt your clit bump and rub against his clothed length through your panties, effectively working you up even more than you already were. As you opened your mouth to moan, he took the chance to slip his tongue in to dance upon yours, needing more of that sweet taste of you. Your hands rested on his shoulders, using it at leverage as you continued to grind your hips into his before trailing their way up to tangle in his hair. He moaned at the blissful feeling of your nails scraping his scalp and the occasional tug of his hair. “Fuck baby, got me all kinds of worked up and you haven’t even taken those cute panties off yet” he said, making you giggle as your lips started to migrate down his neck in search for a sensitive spot to suck on and nip at. “Gotta make you as crazy for me as I’ve been for you, baby” you replied with a grin, leaving small but dark hickies in your pleasurable wake. He groaned in response, making you giggle as you felt it rumble from his chest and in his throat as your lips were pressed to his pulse point. “Oh trust me, I’ve been just as crazy for you, pussycat. No doubt about that” he responded, making you grin as you worked your way down his chest and stomach before you were on your knees in front of him.
Your fingers hooked into the waistband of his boxers before pulling them down, watching as his dick slapped his stomach just below his naval as it was freed from its confines. You bit your lip at the wonderful sight, and it was like a dream come true in his eyes. Seeing you here, on your knees in front of him, looking up at him the way you were right now was the fuel to so many of his fantasies he had nightly of you. “Like what you see, baby? I saw those pretty little eyes light up just now” he teased, making you chuckle while your lips littered kisses along his inner thighs before working your way to where he needed you most. “Sure do sugar, wondering if you taste as good as you look” you said before licking a fat stripe from base to tip of the underside of his cock. He groaned, his fingers digging in and clenching tightly the sheets beneath him in his fists from your hot, wet tongue. You made direct eye contact as you did it, one of your hands coming up to cup and fondle his balls as you brought him into your mouth. “Shit…can’t believe this is what I’ve been missin’ out on this whole time” he said, tipping his head back some as you worked his balls with one hand and what you couldn’t fit in your mouth with the other as you started to bob your head up and down on him in a pleasant rhythm. “Can’t tell you how many nights I’ve pictured this baby. Mmm and I gotta say- fuck! You’re a dream come true, honey- oh fucckk…” he moaned, tilting his head to look down at you between his legs on occasion. If he wasn’t careful, he’d find his release too soon and he couldn’t have that. Not when the fun’s just getting started between you two. It was when he felt his tip hit the back of your throat, making your watery eyes look up at home through your lashes that he had to call it quits. “Oh baby, stop, stop, stop. Shit, you keep going like that and I’m not gonna make it to the fun stuff” he said, unashamed of admitting just how much you turned him on. You let off of him with a pop before standing back up.
“Treated me so good baby, least I can do is return the favor. Sit up here and give the Ben-man a taste” he said, lying on his back and motioning you to sit on his face. “Shit Benny, I haven’t done that before. Are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt you…” you said bashfully, making him chuckle and slip you a grin. “If it’s between these pretty legs? I would die a happy man, baby. Don’t be shy c’mon, promise I’ll take good care of you” he insisted, and you had to admit, you rather liked the idea of having such control and trying something new. He watched as you removed your panties, tossing them to the side where they too would be forgotten until the next day, then as you crawled your way up his body. Your legs straddled his head as your core hovered just over his lips, his hands soon resting upon your hips and ass to pull you down and onto his face. You threw your head back with a pornographic moan as his tongue explored your cunt. “Fuck, oh Benny, baby…” you moaned almost breathlessly as his tongue trailed your slit before coming to dance along your clit. “When were you gonna tell me you’re such a tasty treat, doll?” He asked, and it was a whole different sensation receiving pleasure this way, one that left you bucking your hips in rhythm with his tongue to feel more of that wonderful friction against your sensitive bundle of nerves. “Benny! Oh my god, just like that!” You moaned, getting lost in the feeling of his tongue swirling and fluttering against your sensitive bud. Your hand came down to rake your fingers through his hair once more in appreciation of the way he made you feel. “Keep moaning my name like that baby, tell this whole joint how good I make you feel” he egged on before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking gently, making your body jolt in response before letting out a pleased yet surprised moan. “God yes! Oh I’m so close, please don’t stop…” you begged, looking down at the sight of him between your legs as you fucked yourself on his tongue. He gave a chuckle and a moan into you at the way you were riding his face, using him for your pleasure. It made his dick throb almost painfully. “Keep using me babe, fuck your pretty self on my face. Wanna feel you cum on my tongue baby, give it to me” he begged, drilling his tongue in and out of your entrance and then back up to your clit. “Oh fuck I’m gonna cum…oh god, yes! Benny!!” Was all you could get out before his head was squeezed between your thighs, your body spasming and shaking as your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the sheer force of pleasure your orgasm sent sky rocketing through you. If he had no restraint, he’d have cum just from the sight of you, paired with the way your pussy fluttered on his tongue and the way you moaned his name like a sinful mantra.
“Holy fuck…oh my god. Oh shit!” You said breathlessly, realizing you needed to release him from the tight grip your thighs had on him as you made your way off from his face to straddle his lap instead. “Are you okay?” You asked, trying your best to catch your breath and climb back down from cloud nine. He made a show of licking your slick from his lips as he sat up before wiping his mouth. “Better than okay baby, you’re fucking delicious. How do you feel? You look like you high-fived the heavens there, baby doll. I make you feel that good?” he responded with a confident grin, pulling you into a heated kiss once again, loving the way he made you feel so damn good. “Better than good, you’re fucking dangerous with that tongue of yours” you replied into it, making you both chuckle before seating yourself on his hips once more, gliding your soaking cunt along his throbbing cock as you kissed. “Insatiable little thing, you’re right up my alley baby” he said, making you giggle and moan into your shared kiss as he fondled your tits, lavishing them with kisses and hickies. “And so gorgeous, I’m a damn lucky man” he said, making you bite your lip as your fingers laced in his hair once again, your eyes fluttering shut in bliss as he brought your nipple into his mouth and sucked. “Damn right you are- fuck…god I need you so bad Benny, please” you pleaded, making him chuckle as he flipped you both over, your back against his mattress as your hair fell around you like a halo.
“You ready, baby? Benny’s gonna show you the Tops! Hope you’re built sturdy you crazy broad” he said, lining himself up to your entrance. You hissed at the painful stretch of his length sliding into you, as wet as you were, it still burned with the way he spread you open. He felt like he had the wind knocked out of him when he slipped in even just half way, you were a tighter fit than any of the girls he fooled around with. “Almost there baby, doing so good for me. Feel so good wrapped around me like this” he complimented, leaning down to kiss you softly and sweetly to distract you from the pain as he tried to fully slip the rest of himself inside you. You both moaned in unison as the last of him slipped inside you, his hips stilled, waiting for your signal that told him he could move. “Doin’ okay, baby doll?” He asked, checking on you to make sure you were okay and not in too much pain. It had certainly been a long while since the last time you had sex. You’d go as far to say that the last time might have been before you were shot in the head. You shook your head yes in reply, scared that your voice might betray you if you tried to speak. “I won’t move until you tell me it’s alright. Wanna make sure I’m making my girl feel just as good, if not better, than she gets me feelin’, dig?” He responded, making you bite your lip as you tested a roll of your hips to feel if it was okay for him to move. He took that as his sign, but just to make sure he wasn’t going to hurt you, he slowly slipped nearly out of you completely before slowly working his way back in. He watched as you laid your head back against his pillows, your eyes fluttering shut in bliss as you covered your mouth to keep you from moaning too loud. He wasn’t having that. “None of that baby, I wanna hear you. Wanna hear how good I make you feel” he replied, pulling your hand from your mouth and testing another thrust, making you moan in response. “That’s it baby, you moan so pretty for me. Love hearing you” he said, starting to set a slow but nice pace, enjoying being able to watch your expressions and the way your breasts bounced with his movements. His hand grabbed one of yours from beside you, pulling it up by your head and intertwining his fingers with yours as a sweet show of compassion. You smiled up at him, feeling him lean forward to close the gap between you before his lips connected with yours once more. It was gentle yet passionate, just like before. Your free hand traversed the expanse of his back, needing to feel every inch of him you could against your own skin. It was intimate, intimate in a way he hadn’t been in quite a long time. One could even say there was love put into it with the way he cared for you. You weren’t just any run-of-the-mill broad, and this certainly wasn’t just any night in the sack for him, no. He wanted to show you how much he meant it when he said all the things he did, how much he cared for you and wanted you. He wanted to make it apparent that he wasn’t fucking you, he was making love to you. And that wasn’t something he did with just anybody.
He felt your legs wrap around his hips, keeping him close to you. He groaned at the feeling, how your legs pulling him into you made him hit deeper inside, pulling a delighted moan from you. “You play a dangerous game there baby doll” he said playfully, making you giggle and bite your lip as you looked up at him. “Maybe it’s a gamble I’m willing to take, sugar” you said, and it was mighty tempting for sure, a thought that grew more and more enticing the closer he was to reaching his end. “Benny…” you moaned breathlessly as you felt him nudge your sweet spot inside, making you keen and dig your nails into his back each time he hit it. “That the spot baby?” He asked, making sure to angle his hips where he would be able to hit it repeatedly, even with his slower pace. “Yes…fuck, just like that honey. Feels so good” you replied, looking up at him with your brows furrowed and lips parted as your moans filled the room like a sinful symphony. His lips trailed down to your neck, littering your neck and chest with kisses and playful nips at your soft skin. “Fuck baby…feels like this pretty cunt was made just for me with the way you’re huggin’ me all nice” he said through a groan. “Just for you baby” you replied, feeling the coil in your stomach growing tight. The mixed melody of your shared moans and the sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the suite. With the way the bed seemed to creak and squeal beneath you in time with the movements of your bodies, you wondered if anyone in passing could hear what was going on behind closed doors. “So close Benny…please, don’t stop” you pleaded, looking up at him, watching the way his eyes drank you in beneath him like this. “Cum for me baby, wanna see that pretty face all twisted up in pleasure” he encouraged, using his free hand to slip between your bodies, rubbing gentle circles against your clit.
It wasn’t long before stars filled your vision, sending your back arching from the mattress as you tipped over the edge into sweet bliss. Your nails of your one hand dug into his back, your other gripping his hand, that still lay entwined in yours, tightly as you cried out his name. You couldn’t care less about those who may have heard you in passing, all that mattered to you right now was this moment, spent with Benny. He wasn’t far behind you, pulling himself from you to spill all over your stomach with a groan. You giggled as he collapsed next to you, but not before grabbing something to help clean you both up. You turned and looked to him with a dreamy smile plastered to your face. “That was a nice bit of hey-hey girly. You’re a real ring-a-ding broad” he said, making you laugh at his compliment. “Not so bad yourself, handsome” you replied through your grin, feeling his hand come to rest along your hip as you both settled in beneath the covers. “Did ya really mean it when you say you dig me, baby?” He asked, wanting to make sure it wasn’t just something said in the heat of the moment, and that if it was he could properly detach his heart and move on. He wasn’t usually the type of man to show his hand, but now all his cards were out on the table for you to see. He wanted to be sure he hadn’t mistaken your words. “Of course I meant it, Benny. I ain’t a fink” you replied, your hand coming to rest against his cheek softly, your thumb rubbing his skin gently. His hand came up to rest against yours, smiling back at you. “I know you aren’t. I can always rely on you to be real with me, just makin’ sure I’m not betting a losing hand” he said, making you scoot closer to him. “Far from it. So long as you’re the cuddling type, and that this ain’t a one time thing, I’m here to stay” you replied, making him chuckle. “I’d be a dunce to quit you, baby. You’re as addicting as a gambler chasing the high of a winning streak” he complimented, making you giggle as your faces rested rather close to each other now. You smiled as you looked into his chocolate brown eyes. “What’dya say we give this a shot, you and me? Be my dame” He asked, and you couldn’t have been more delighted by the idea. “I’d like that” you answered softly with a smile, your eyes flickering between his and his lips, making him smile happily at your answer. “Yeah? You’d be mine, honey baby?” He asked. “About time you asked me, we’ve been dancin’ around each other for long enough. Don’t you think?” You asked, making him chuckle as he leaned in to kiss you. “See that right there? That’s what I like about you. I knew I made the right call” he said into your kiss, making you giggle once more. “Good. Now hush up and kiss me, would you?” You said playfully, making him hum in amusement as he kissed you like it was his last day he’d ever have by your side.
As you both pulled away for air, he couldn’t help but get lost in your eyes as he looked at you, feeling his chest grow warm with joy. Finally, he no longer had to worry about the way he felt, or wonder if you felt the same. He had you, and you had him, and to Benny that was the way he felt it should be. Like this, all felt right in the world. When he laid here in your arms, head resting against your chest, he felt at peace. He only hoped he could do the same for you. “Hold me, will ya? I swear you wore me out” he said, breaking the peaceful silence and making you giggle as your arms wrapped around him, your fingers carding through his dark hair. He let out a sound of contentment as you did, making you smile happily as you continued until you too fell blissfully asleep.
It was earlier that next morning, about the normal time the chairmen would meet up to discuss plans and all things business for the day. Swank, who normally stopped by your room to have someone by his side to talk to for the trip up to the thirteenth floor to Benny’s suite, was left rather confused when you hadn’t answered his knocks at your door. Normally you were either already out the door and waiting on him, or you’d be out the door the moment he knocked. He’d tried for a good ten minutes to get to you. He stood outside your door knocking at least five or six times, not knowing that you weren’t inside your room before finally giving up. He assumed you were either dead asleep and going to be chewed out by Benny later for being late, or up and there already and for some reason decided not to wait for him. Needless to say, it came as a bit of a shock when Swank knocked on Benny’s door, came inside, and didn’t already see you sitting there. Where were you? Had Benny sent you out for a personal errand maybe? Something didn’t feel right. “What can I pour you to drink, baby?” Benny asked as you were still in the bathroom, leaving Swank confused. He must have invited another girl up to his room, something he hadn’t done in a few months now that he came to think about it. You gave a chuckle, and soon his question about where you were was answered. “Interesting way to start off the morning, sugar. I can think of a far better way to start it than liquor could” you said suggestively, completely unaware of the added person in the room and only earning a chuckle from Benny in return. Swank watched as you walked out from the connected bathroom in nothing more than Benny’s dress shirt that looked as if it nearly swallowed you whole, clearly just fresh out of the shower. It was as you were drying your hair with a towel when you padded into the room to see Swank sitting in the chair across from Benny, leaving you wide eyed in surprise and red in the face. “Shit, Benny! You didn’t tell me you were having the meeting now!” You said, and both Benny and Swank gave a laugh from seeing you so flustered. “Busted. Now I know why I didn’t get an answer when I knocked on your door earlier” Swank said with a grin, eyeing the hickies adorning your neck that gave away what you were up to last night. His eyes soon dragged to the exposed skin of your legs, before coming back up and delighting in the slight peek of cleavage from the dress shirt you were wearing. His eyes soon came to the few hickies that seemed to peek from Benny’s collar, further answering his suspicions. “Warn a girl next time, would ya?” You asked, tossing your towel at the back of Benny’s chair before going back into the bathroom to change into your uniform and hopefully hide your embarrassment. “Have to say, rather jealous of you Ben-man. Been chasing her for a while. She seems like the real deal” Swank said after blowing his cigarette smoke out after a drag of it. “I take it you two had an…eventful night last night from the looks of it” he added, Benny chuckled with a grin that told Swank all he needed to know. “You sly dog you” he replied with a grin of his own and a laugh as he poured himself a drink. Once you stepped back out, this time in uniform, you made yourself a drink before sitting next to Benny, a dusting of red still lingering on your cheeks from embarrassment. “Been wondering why you’ve been holding off on your monthly flavors the past few months there Benny, guess I know why” Swank spoke, wiggling his eyebrows in your direction before taking a sip of his drink. “Don’t sound so jealous Swank, the girls over at Gomorrah got you wrapped around their pretty little pinky” you bit back playfully. “He’s just mad I stole a prime article from right under him” Benny teased back, making Swank laugh. “Well unless you’re just here to cock-block me from having a good morning, I suggest we get this meeting started” you spoke, making Swank grin at your sass being thrown his way as business ensued. But not to worry, you and Benny had your share of fun once you were alone again.
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
I just refound my hyperfixation with franken stein from soul eater and was wondering if you would write nsfw stein/maid! Reader?
Sure, thanks for the ask, and sorry for the wait!
SE Franken Stein x Maid!Reader 🍋 - Commands
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Summary: Your new employer decides to correct you after finding your service to not be up to his standards.
Warning: Rough, unprotexted sex, hard dom!stein, sub!reader, fem!reader, service!sub, kinda short
"(Y/N)," your employer called, prompting you to toddle over to him in the kitchen. "How many times am I going to have to correct you before you can do things correctly?" he asked ominously, cocking his head a bit and erecting his arm to crank the bolt lodged in his temple.
"Apologies, sir," you mumbled. "What was it that I did wrong?"
"Taste this." he ordered, shoving a mug in your face. Hesitantly, you took in by its handle and took a sip, instantly grimacing at the taste.
"Tea?" you whispered under your breath, confused. Why was there tea in the coffee canister?
"Correct. And what did I ask for?" His confirmation startled you, as you hadn't anticipated him hearing you.
"Coffee, sir." you answered shamefully, setting the cup down to go make him a fresh cup. "Apologies."
"That won't be enough this time," you could here his teeth grind when he spoke, making your skin crawl as he grabbed you by the wrist to pull you back to him. "I'm going to teach you a lesson this time."
"Watch those teeth or you'll lose them." he commanded down to you as you diligently sucked him off, making sure to take everything he said straight to heat, lest you screw up again. "That's better." He purred, holding your head still in an effort to fuck your throat more comfortably. Stein leaned against the refrigerator tiredly, his head tilted back against it, not only out of bliss, but exhaustion. He'd had a long day and he didn't have the energy to look after you to make sure you did things properly.
"If you were half as good at you job as you are at sucking dick, we might just get along." he remarked with a throaty chuckle. "But you're not, so I guess this is all your good for." You took in his displeased words as they went straight to your heat. You wanted so desperately to sink your fingers into your core while you pleasured him, letting his distain for you ag you on, but you knew better. Stein was a cold, uncaring man, and you knew for a fact that if Death himself hadn't appointed you to keep his lab clean, you'd be on the streets.
Suddenly, you felt a harsh slap deliver to your cheek, causing you to withdrawal from him, alarmed. "Teeth." he reminded.
"S-Sorry," you whined, brows knitted together shyly as you gazed up at him.
"God, you're pathetic." he moaned, releasing a shaky breath as you licked a stripe up his shaft. "Either you're such a little snowflake that you're going to cry over one little slap, or you're getting pleasure from this." he noted breathlessly, before pressing his palm to your forehead and pushing you to the floor. "Either way, that I'm not going to let that happen." He growled, approaching you, and manhandling you off the ground.
You whined hopelessly as the man of the house held you as you were laid out on the kitchen table, fucking into your weeping whole like he hated you, and in many ways, he did. You vexed him constantly with your sickeningly sweet tone, your stupid mistakes, and the way you said things that drove him wild, entirely unintentionally. He gripped your thigh tighter, your leg half hazard slung over his shoulder, while the other dangled off the table.
"Dick dumb little whore," he grunted, sweat dripping off his brow and landing on your uniform. "Can't even make a simple cup of fucking coffee."
Your face felt numb, and you struggled to form a single coherent thought as he pounded you into the table, simply uttering choked attempts at his title. "Y-Yes, sir..."
"Fuck," he groaned as your walls clenched around him, squeezing for all he was worth. "Better not fucking cum, I swear to God, I'll hurt you so bad." His threats did nothing to stop your climax from washing over you. If anything, they made it stronger, the thought of all the ways he could harm you tasting delicious in your mind. Your pelvis rose off the table as your legs began to tremble, your gross noises spilling into the air, pissing him off even more. "God, you can't do anything fucking thing I tell you, can you?"
You neglected to answer him, simply laying limp against the cold surface, you eyes rolled back and drool dribbling down your chin from your ajar lips. "Don't think that just because you came I'm gonna stop," he warned, tossing your leg off him and gripping your hips as harshly as he could, fingernails digging crescent moons into your supple flesh.
"Gonna fuck you until you learn your Goddamn lesson."
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doodlebat33 · 9 months
Hey can you do a netflix monkey king x reader? like where it’s the idea that opposites attract? Like since monkey king is very hesitant to show his feelings or express them. The reader expresses their feelings a lot and likes to sort things out by talking to each other and solving the problem. just feel like Monkey king didn’t like it at first it. But then he does later on as he gets to know us. I loved your fic about Netflix monkey king x reader. That made me twirl my hair and kick my feet❤️❤️❤️🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 thank you for feeding my hyperfixation whatever it’s called🙏🏼🙏🏼
Absolutely yes and thank you!
I think I've got a pretty good scenario depicting this in short or really how it would begin
Going to be writing this and any Y/n interactions in a more modern au/sort of Isekai take (Monkey King wakes up from mediation in a completely new cave and y/n finds him there and takes him home) Mainly because I am a sucker for the fish-out-of-water trope, that's the good stuff!
Y/n is sitting on large bean bag in their room, watching some videos on their phone. Monkey King walks in he looks to them
"Whatcha doin?"
Y/n looks up at him and says they're just watching some stuff and he's welcome to watch with them if he'd like. He shrugs
"Nah I'll pass."
Monkey King sits on the very very edge of the bean bag, tending to stick and giving it a few twirls. He looks over to Y/n's phone out of curiosity. Y/n looks over to him, and they ask him why he is sitting so far away from them. Monkey King rolls his eyes,
"I'm just getting some buffs outta stick. Don't wanna intrude on, whatever it is you're doing."
Y/n says that they don't bite and he can sit closer if he wants to. Monkey King huffs a bit and reluctantly sits a little bit closer. As time goes on, he puts Stick down and inches closer and closer in order to see what y/n is watching. Soon enough, and he hardly even notices it, he gets so close to the point that his head is practically resting on y/n's shoulder. Y/n chuckles a bit and playfully nuzzles his face. Monkey King recoils and gives y/n a rather perturbed expression.
"OK then! Like I said, didn't wanna get in your space."
Y/n looks back at him and apologizes, they just thought it was funny how close he was and jokingly say that he's so close that he's practically snuggling up to them. Monkey King immediately retracts and starts to huff and puff with a sarcastic tone,
"Well, I'm sure if I knew what that meant I would be super offended!"
Y/n's happy expression swiftly turns to confusion and asks if he knows what snuggling is. Monkey King shakes his head, Y/n asks about cuddling, and Monkey King shakes his head, they ask about Nuzzling? Monkey King thinks for a second, kind of shrugs but still shakes his head. Y/n is of course completely baffled by this new information.
They put their phone down, turn to him, and start to explain it. After the explanations, Monkey King simply raises an eyebrow and retracts his head back. He doesn't know how to feel about this, part of him is very intrigued by it but the other part of him, the whole "this monkey hero's alone", pushes the feeling away. He stifles a laugh and just kind of shrugs it off,
"Pfft, sound's pretty sappy! I don't think that's happening anytime soon, definitely not what I was going for, sorry to get your hopes up haha!"
Y/n shrugs it off and picks their phone back up continuing to watch the video they were watching. After a bit of time, y/n remembers that they could hear Monkey King stirring a lot in his sleep, sometimes even growling or snapping his teeth. They ask him if he's been having nightmares. Monkey King sort of tenses up but quickly rolls the feeling off his shoulders.
"Nah! Just dreaming about kicking demon butt! Nothing can shake me up, need I remind you I took on a dragon king and heaven all in the same day? You think a little nightmare can rile me up? Hah! think again." He turns away from y/n and picks Stick back up. His confidence fades from his face.
Y/n suggests that, if he ever were to have nightmares he is more than welcome to tell them. Y/n says whenever they have nightmares, they tend to snuggle either their stuffed animals or pillows that they have and that tends to help a lot. Monkey King shakes his head, still avoiding eye contact, his voice a bit defensive
"I can take care of myself. I've done it for this long, not gonna stop now."
Later on, in the dead of the night, Monkey King wakes up from another nightmare. He sits up on the large bean bag and tries to keep his labored breathing to himself so as not to wake up Y/n. He manages to somewhat calm down but, he's still on edge. He remembers what y/n had mentioned earlier that day. But, he didn't want to feel weak, to feel like he needed to depend on someone. He's taken care of himself for so long, he should be able to manage this himself. He looks at of y/n's stuffed animals and thinks to himself,
"Well… I mean, they're asleep, They'll never know."
Reluctantly, he plucks up one of y/n's stuffed animals and grips it tightly. But of course, to no avail this is help at all, it only makes his desperation stronger. He tosses the stuffed animal to the side and looks at y/n, still fast asleep with their arm wrapped around a large pillow. He quietly walks over to Y/n's bed, a quiet grumble in his throat. He sticks his tongue out and softly bites it as he tries to think. How can he get close without them waking up? He gets an idea and puts it into action. He grabs the pillow y/n is holding and tries to slowly take it from them.
Y/n adjusts themselves in their sleep and Monkey acts faster. He snatches the pillow from them, crawls under their arm, and lays down with his back turned to them. His ear flicks to see if y/n has woken up from any of that. They sigh in their sleep and wrap their arms around Monkey King, holding him close. Monkey's whole body stiffens up as his fur bristles to their soft touch. Is this, are they snuggling? His mind starts to race with a never-ending barrage of worries:
"Does this make me a wuss? They'll never let me live this down if they find out! What am I doing?! This was a horrible idea!"
Just before his worries his their peak, he gains clarity again by y/n softly nuzzling his back. His muscles start to relax as he faintly sighs, maybe, just for tonight. One night. His eyes start to feel more heavy and he quickly drifts off to sleep.
Monkey king x reader Masterpost
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lightarin · 1 year
Content: Jade Leech x GN!Reader (Brief Sebastian appearance)
Fluff; comedy
I saw that Black butler was getting a season 4 and thought he looked more like Jade in the new animation style... (Yes I know Sebastian came first, but atm my hyperfixation is Jade)
So I ended up writing this. I'm not entirely sure what it is. Please enjoy.
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“My dear… Who is this?”
Jade stares at the man beside you with a polite smile, his eyes glinting as he took in the similarities. The stranger also wore a polite smile, his suit so neat it seemed inhumane, witu a gloved hand over his chest as he introduced himself.
“My name is Sebastian.”
Jade arched an eyebrow, his gaze turning back to you for an explanation. Despite the tension that seemed to linger in the air, you smiled brightly at him, one hand going to grasp Sebastian’s sleeve and shake it.
“I wanted you to meet him, Jade! He made me think of you. He’s really good at everything, and makes it all seem easy! He knows a lot too, it’s like he’s not really a human!”
(To your credit, you knew exactly what Sebastian truly was. But they didn’t need to know that. After all, your feigned ignorance was part of your plan.)
Jade’s gaze glinted as he watched your hand hold onto Sebastian’s sleeve, his polite smile becoming cold when he noticed the other’s look of amusement. 
“My dear, you shouldn’t tug one someone else’s clothes like that.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize-”
“It’s quite alright. There is no harm done.”
Sebastian gives you a smile, smoothing out the fabric of his suit as he continues. 
“You flatter me too much, dear guest. I was merely fulfilling the duties given to me by my master.”
“Still! I swear some of the things you did defied logic. What are you?”
(Here it was, the biggest part of your plan. If it went smoothly, everything else would fall into place.)
Sebastian’s eyes closed into crescents as he smiled, giving you a small bow.
“I am simply… one hell of a butler.”
With that, he straightened up and gave a farewell nod to both of you.
“Then, I shall be on my way.”
You both watch him walk of in silence. When he disappears from view, Jade clears his throat preparing to question you. Only to be taken back by surprise when you spin towards him, your hand resting on his arm as you shook him.
“That! That’s what I wanted you to see! Please do that!”
He stared at you with wide eyes confused by your sudden excitement. That? What exactly were you referring to? He blinked once. Then twice.
Then it hit him. 
“Hmm… Do you mean this?”
He gently removed your hand from his arm, his gloved hand going to rest upon his chest as he gave you a secretive smile, his own eyes closing into crescents. 
“I am simply one hell of a butler.”
You jumped happily, making him chuckle in amusement. He shook his head affectionately, pinching your cheek lightly.
“Next time you want me to do something, just ask, hm? I was very confused by the whole situation.”
You look up at him, your words slightly muffled due to the fact that he hadn’t let go of your cheek yet.
“I’m sorry… I thought it’d be easier to show you what I wanted rather than try to explain it.”
You rub your cheek when he finally lets go, giving him a look that he found impossible to refuse as he relented with a sigh. 
“Alright, alright. Don’t look at me like that.” 
“So you’re not mad?”
“I’m not mad.”
“Will you do it again?”
“No.” “You are mad!”
He smirked at you, his hand resting on the small of your back to guide you into the lounge, his gaze filled with amusement. 
“You misunderstand me, my dear. I will not do it again, right now. After all, I am still working, and you are an esteemed guest.” “Oh, drop the act.” “Oh? I thought you would like it since you seemed so fond of the butler you just brought along.”
“Come on, Jade! You know it was nothing like that.” “Of course not, of course not.” He guides you to your usual table, pulling the chair out for you with his ever unwavering smile. 
“I’ll ask the kitchen to get started on your usual order my dear. We can talk more about this after my shift.” Jade leans down to kiss your cheek, whispering in your ear before he pulls away. 
“I hope you enjoy the meal. You’ll need your energy later.”
And with that, he walks away, tending to other guests as you watch him. His words hinted at a long conversation ahead, and you knew it would be a long night. However, when you replayed his Sebastian imitation in your head…
I regret nothing.
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larphis · 9 months
I really hate to be this person but, crew, when season 2 comes out and you have the chance to download and share the episodes on your file sharing websites or choice: PLEASE! Do so.
This is not a means of me wanting to be cheap and robbing the talented writers, creators and actors of their well earned money especially after the WAG strike just came to a settlement:
This is a desperate plea from a European person.
To my fellow Americans, you have no idea how sad it is to be robbed of the experience to participate in the fandom without being spoiled, not because you were careless but because you simply couldn’t avoid media coverage on your hyperfixation for half a year or more because your country was still fighting over licensing issues.
Do you want to know when season 1 was released in my country?
On the 1st of June 2023.
Of course by then I already knew the plot by heart, since waiting more than a year to watch this revolutionary new queer show that took my heart by storm without being exposed to it, especially as a person engaging in a lot of queer media fan circles, was impossible.
And I’m not even from a conservative country. There weren’t any reasons of homophobia behind it, the only reason was seemingly a petty licensing fight because HBO Max doesn’t exist in my country therefore every HBO show is distributed by different means.
So think about how crew members from conservative countries must feel? Some of them will probably never get a licensed import into their countries because their government has major LGBTQ+ discrimination laws.
So I am not trying to urge or bribe you, but simply politely nudging at your shoulder to share these episodes as soon as they are out so that those of us who don’t have the means to access them can have the same blind experience as you do without being spoiled all over social media and then having to wait another year.
Last I will say that when the offical release of OFMD season 2 happens in my country I will of course buy it! I am not advertising media sharing as a means of robbing the team behind OFMD of their well earned money, I am simply begging for all of us to have an equal experience in enjoying this beautiful piece of media with fresh, eager eyes.
Lots of love and let’s remember to all talk it through as a crew ❤️🏴‍☠️
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Happy New Years!
...I was wondering if you could write some headcanons on a relationship between an autistic master reader and Berserker of El Dorado (Penthesilea). Can be platonic but romantic would also be an interesting challenge heh.
Happy New Years my inconsistently interested friend! and first of all I would like to say this, I love you for requesting one of if not my favorite Berserkers. I've always wanted to write something nice for Penthesilea but I've never had anything good come to mind, at least not until you asked for this! Now then, moving on to what I have to say about what I wrote. Rather than basing it off of Autism in others like some of my friends I based it off how I personally act in day to day life due to the fact that a lot of my friends with Autism have suggested that I have it. In a way you could say I have been "Peer Reviewed" by my autistic friends.
But now, it is time to get back on track with your request.
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(I'm actually quite fond of this Eyecatch in particular, I was trying to go for a Bronze color but landed on this more golden one instead.)
Penthisilea stood at attention next to you as your hands shot over the keys of your computer and swiftly grabbed papers and books from the pile around you.
You had been at this for hours on end, failing to even eat lunch despite Penthisilea’s numerous reminders and even considerations of picking you up and taking you to the kitchen so she could force you to eat.
She decided against it only because she knew that you may be unable to return to the same amount of productivity you were currently enjoying as you researched your new “Hyperfixation” as you called it.
The hyperfixation in question being the person standing right next to you.
The Queen Of Amazons, Penthisilea.
She had to admit, it was a little bit flattering that you had taken such an interest in her.
Not to mention, you always complimented her but never on her… looks.
Penthisilea nearly gagged on her own words as they entered her mind. 
Still, Penthisilea appreciated that you saw her as more than just someone pretty.
Actually, she more than appreciated that, she loved it.
You treated her like an equal, bouncing off your questions, ideas, and idle thoughts off of her like a “Soundboard”.
You took comfort in her presence, often idly playing with her fingers and loose pieces of clothing when the two of you were just passing time together.
Not to mention, she also took comfort in some of the small ticks you have.
Clicking your tongue, humming a tune, drumming your fingers on your legs, tapping your foot against the ground, Penthisilia was soothed by these sounds.
Another thing she took comfort in was that you always spoke your mind. Especially to her. She liked that. She never had to wonder where the two of you stood.
Penthisilea could go on and on about all the things she liked about you.
How particular you were about things, how curious you were, How much you liked having her around.
Simply put, the both of you took great comfort in being around each other. Probably more than simply being both good friends and master and servant could reasonably explain.
True, neither of you really knew that, but neither of you could really explain your relationship either.
That being said, Penthisilia did ever so often imagine the two of you together whenever her mind would wander a bit too far.
She, of course, ignored musings.
However, one must wonder what her reaction would be if she knew you had similar thoughts every now and then?
After all, Penthisilea did love the comfort she found in your way of doing things.
And you loved how soothing Penthisilea was to you when she was around.
If the both of you were forced to describe what the feeling the two of you shared for one another, the only answer the both of you would be able to come to is love.
A special, and unique type of love, one built on not just trust, not just attraction, not just want, but on the base of understanding, joy, care, and comfort as well.
Needless to say, that is the type of love that will last for lifetimes.
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queer-irritator · 1 year
A New Neighbor | Kratos x GN! Reader | Chapter 1
A/N: Hello! So I’ve literally never written a fanfic before, but the lack of Kratos x Reader is unacceptable. I’m not sure how often I will update, but GoW is my current hyperfixation, so I’m hoping to update semi-regularly. Please be easy on me if I mess anything up... Enjoy!
Also, this is set around Gow:R timeline, so Atreus is a moody teen.
Content Warnings: None
Word Count: 954
Chapter 2
Summary: Deep in the Wild Woods, you live in a hidden house. While out gathering food, your wolf alerts you to a stranger near your home. As you cautiously approach to the stranger your wolf has found, you see a... teenager?
Kratos and Atreus had just returned home from a long journey the other day. They were both so exhausted that they just went to sleep right away. The first conversation they had since coming home had turned into an argument.
Atreus was frustrated, pacing around the room. No matter what he said, his father didn’t trust him, which is what had led to their current argument. 
“Why can’t you just trust me?” Atreus yelled to his father. 
“Because you lie!” Kratos retorted. 
“I only lie because you don’t trust me!”
“If you did not lie, I would trust you.”
Atreus groaned in frustration, he grabbed his bow and quiver and walked toward the door to leave. 
“Where are you going?” His father questioned.
“Hunting.” Atreus replied coldly as he left the house, slamming the door behind him.
“He just doesn’t get it.” Atreus said to himself. 
He was trudging through the snow, not paying attention to his surroundings. He knew the Wild Woods was (mostly) safe. 
“He gets to keep secrets but I can’t? That isn’t fair.” He continued talking aloud. 
Atreus’ thoughts were interrupted by a low growl coming from his right. He drew his bow and pointed it to where the noise originated from. It was a wolf, it was mostly white with some gray coloring on its ears and paws. Most noticeable, it had striking red eyes.
Atreus let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, “Hey buddy… You scared me there.”
The wolf simply stared at Atreus, unsure of his presence.
He began to lower his bow, “It’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He put his arrow back in his quiver. “See?” Atreus said, slowly beginning to approach the wolf with his hands out in front of him in a defensive position. 
“Rana!” A voice called from deeper in the woods, the wolf howled in response. 
Atreus took a step back and scanned the forest, looking for where the voice came from, ready to grab an arrow if needed. A figure appeared behind the wolf, hidden in the shade of the trees.
“What are you doing out here alone?” the figure questioned, their tone laced with concern. 
“I… I’m hunting.” Atreus replied warily.
“Wolves?” The figure questioned.
“No! No… deer.” Atreus clarified.
“Alone?” Their voice once again showed concern.
The figure stepped forward, a hand reached out and stroked the wolf’s back. The golden light from the setting sun shone on the figure. They had (y/c) hair, some pieces were decorated with gold jewelry cuffs. Their (y/ec) eyes looked over Atreus, searching for any signs of harm done to the boy. 
“Come with me.” The stranger said as they turned around and began to walk deeper into the forest, the white wolf following close behind. 
“O…kay..” Atreus said, unsure, but followed the stranger, keeping distance between them.
After walking for a few minutes in silence, the trio came to a dead end, they stood in front of a dark gray slab of rock. Atreus glanced around, becoming uneasy. 
“This is it…” he thought, “They’re gonna try to kill me.” He silently concluded. 
The stranger got out something from their pocket, rubbed it together in their hands and blew it towards the rock, saying a spell. Cracks began to form in the rock, the outline of a door appeared. The stranger pushed open the newly formed doors, the wolf trotted inside, and the stranger turned to Atreus. 
“Please come in. This is my home.” They stated. 
Atreus slowly walked through the doors, the air was warmer here, there was no snow on the ground. There were animals of all sorts around, chickens, goats, horses, and more wolves. There was a large garden behind a decently sized house. 
“It’s beautiful here.” Atreus gawked.
“Thank you.” The stranger smiled and walked to the front door of their house, and they opened it, motioning for Atreus to come in. “My name is (y/n), by the way.”
Atreus entered the house and replied to (y/n), “I’m Atreus.”
He scanned the interior of the house, taking note of the little trinkets displayed around the house, a pile of books stacked in a corner, and a large array of cabinets and a long table in the corner, where (y/n) was headed.
“You said you were hunting. Do you live by yourself?” (y/n) asked, getting a wicker basket out and laying some cloth in it. 
“No, I live with my father.” Atreus replied, wandering around the house and looking at different artifacts.
“Mmh, I see.” (y/n) began to grab some things out of the cabinet and place it in the basket, they also added a loaf of bread. 
“I haven’t seen you around before,” they continued, “Are you new to the area?”
Atreus chuckled a little, this is the only place he thinks of home, he grew up here, he was definitely not new the Wild Woods. “No, I’ve lived here since I was born.”
“Oh, I’ve been here the last two winters and I never noticed anyone around.” (y/n) explained, still adding to the basket in their hand.
“Well, father and I travel a lot. We just came home a few nights ago.” Atreus explained. 
“I see.” (y/n) said as they crouched down to a small cabinet and pulled out a bottle with a cork on it. “Okay,” they said, standing up, “I’ve got you and your father some food here. We should get you back home.”
“Oh, thank you!” Atreus was trying to not be obvious about how excited he was to have a variety of food to eat.
(Y/n) smiled softly at Atreus, they opened the door to exit their house and began to follow Atreus back to his home.
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nagichi-boop · 2 months
A Star That’s Out of Reach (Chapter 9)
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It’s been a while since I updated this, huh? I saw the news about Keanu Reeves and it kickstarted another hyperfixation, so I decided now would be a good time to try and get at least a few chapters out. I can’t say my posting for this fic (or any fic) will ever be fully consistent though, sorry. ^^;;
Anyways, hope you enjoy~
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Shadow quietly opened the door to the house, his ears drooped and his face pointed to the ground. Much to his dismay, Rouge was still awake and sat on the couch despite it being late. She immediately turned to look at Shadow, seemingly excited about his return, but her disposition shifted as she read Shadow’s body language.
“Hey, are you okay?” she asked worriedly, quickly flying over to him. Shadow remained silent and simply shook his head, feeling too emotional to respond verbally. “I see that you may not be up to talk about it. For now, why don’t you join me on the couch?” Shadow nodded compliantly, still refusing to make eye contact. Shadow laid on his side, resting his head against the armrest. Rouge took her seat next to him, occasionally glancing over at him to make sure he was okay. To her discomfort, he simply stared at the screen, showing no intention of falling asleep or moving. After a couple hours had passed, Rouge paused the tv.
“Shadow honey, I am happy to keep the show on, but maybe you should consider resting your eyes while you watch? You’ll wear yourself out if you don’t.” Shadow let out a small grunt and then closed his eyes compliantly, which brought Rouge a bit of comfort. She resumed the program and after checking on Shadow a few times and finding his eyes still closed, she allowed herself to fall asleep too.
Amy opened her eyes as the sun crept into her room. She rubbed her eyes, still incredibly tired from a restless night's sleep. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t get her mind to calm down enough for her to sleep. Sighing defeatedly, she rose from her bed and drowsily wandered to her calendar. Her eyes widened and she read what she had scheduled for the day.
“Oh, that’s right,” Amy spoke to herself. “Silver and Blaze are coming to visit. Given everything that’s been happening, I sort of forgot.” She then stretched her arms out and exhaled again. “Right, I need to get myself ready.” She dressed herself and then headed outside, joining her friends outside Tails’ workshop where they had agreed to meet. They waved her over, then seemed to become uncomfortable as she approached.
“Woah Ames, are you okay?” Sonic asked worriedly.
“Of course I am! Why?” Amy panicked a little. “Is something wrong with my outfit?”
“No, it’s not that,” Tails interjected. “It’s just…uhm…”
“You look suuuper tired,” Knuckles added tactlessly, warranting an angry stare from both Sonic and Tails. “What? Am I wrong?”
Amy became flustered and shifted nervously in place, trying to decide what to do. “L-let me go back and change and-” Before Amy could even finish her thought, Silver and Blaze arrived in unison.
“Hey guys,” Silver called out, waving enthusiastically. Amy panicked and turned the other way, but then realised Blaze had come from that way.
“Hello everyone,” Blaze greeted politely. She almost immediately noticed that Amy was worried about something, then took note of her tired appearance. She decided, however, not to comment on it for the time being.
“It’s so good to see you both again,” Sonic beamed, high-fiving Silver as he approached. “How have you been?”
“Busy,” Blaze sighed. “I’ve been looking forward to this little vacation.”
“Pretty good on my end,” Silver added. “Though as much as I love the peace, I will admit I’ve been rather restless because of it. I’m happy for the distraction.”
“Is that your way of saying you want me to cause some future-altering disaster for you to help me fix?” Sonic teased, jabbing Silver gently with his elbow.
“I don’t feel like I can answer that without landing myself in hot water,” Silver replied anxiously, taking Sonic a little too seriously. The group laughed cheerily at this exchange, all energised by each others’ company.
“I’m starving,” Sonic then continued. “Let’s go get some breakfast.”
Blaze smirked as she sceptically placed her hands on her hips. “I hope by that you don’t mean chilli dogs.” Sonic looked away and whistled, to which Blaze softly chuckled in amusement.
“Don’t worry,” Tails chimed in. “When Vanilla heard you two were coming, she offered to host breakfast for us. I’m sure Cream will be excited to see you again, Blaze!”
“Well then,” Blaze spoke as she began to lead the group. “Let’s get going!”
The group of them made their way to Vanilla’s house, everyone chattering away except for Amy, who lagged behind the group a little. Blaze looked over her shoulder, observing the vacant expression on her face. Blaze slowed her pace to match Amy’s, now walking alongside her.
“Is everything okay, Amy?” she asked softly. Amy took a moment to respond, then appeared more attentive.
“Oh...y-yeah, I’m okay,” Amy stuttered in reply, her voice lacking conviction. Blaze raised a sceptical eyebrow at her. “I just didn’t sleep very well, that’s all,” she confessed due to nerves.
“Is there a particular reason for that?” Blaze enquired, causing Amy to tense up a little.
“No no, nothing!” Amy insisted, flailing her arms. She noticed Blaze staring at her doubtfully, then sighed defeatedly.
“If you insist,” Blaze conceded. “But I’m here to listen if and when you decide you would like to talk about it.”
Amy smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”
The group eventually made there way to Vanilla’s. Cream excitedly greeted Blaze with a hug, which was hesitantly but warmly reciprocated. They then all made their way into the house and enjoyed eating breakfast together, with Blaze, who was sat next to Amy, occasionally nudging Amy back to consciousness as she drifted in and out of deep thought. After some time, the group left the house, content from their fill of food.
“Man, I could really use a nap right about now,” Sonic spoke as he stretched out.
Blaze’s ear twitched as an idea formed in her mind. “Why don’t we take an hour to rest and then meet up later?” she suggested, which surprised the rest of the group. “No point in us doing anything heavy after such a large meal.” The group looked at one another then nodded in agreement with the plan. Blaze then looked over at Amy, which startled the pink hedgehog. “Amy, perhaps I can come over and help you set up for my stay tonight?” Blaze asked, hoping Amy would pick up on her ulterior motive. Amy stared blankly for a moment, then realised what Blaze meant.
“Oh sure, that’s a good idea!” Amy replied, mustering as much enthusiasm as she could.
“Can I come too?” Silver asked, waving his arm energetically. Blaze glared at him, causing him to flinch a little.
“I don’t mind,” Amy assured, giving Blaze a comforting look. “Did you want to spend your first night with Blaze and I?”
Silver beamed. “Yeah, that would be awesome!”
“Are you sure that’s okay?” Blaze reiterated, unsure of Amy’s thought process.
Amy placed a hand on Blaze’s shoulder. “It’s fine, I honestly don’t mind.”
“I actually have something I need to work on, so I’ll catch up with you all later,” Tails announced before turning and flying away, waving as he left.
“That settles that then,” Sonic sighed contently, then let out a yawn. “Smell ya later.” Sonic then dashed away in an instant.
“I’ll go check on the Master Emerald,” Knuckles stated before he excused himself.
“Well, I guess we should go too, then,” Amy thought aloud. “Did you guys bring any gear with you?” Blaze and Silver looked at one another, then shook their heads.
“I apologise, Amy, but this is actually my first slumber party,” Blaze confessed. “Being a princess doesn’t exactly accommodate this sort of tradition.”
“I’m usually on my own,” Silver followed up, scratching the back of his head nervously. “This is the first time I’ve ever been invited to one.”
“That’s okay,” Amy spoke. “I actually somewhat expected this, so I got some spares for you. Though I will admit, I was expecting Silver to sleep over with Sonic and the others.”
Silver tilted his head. “Is there a reason you don’t want me there?”
“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean it like that!” Amy panicked. “It’s just…unexpected. I wasn’t sure you’d want to sleep over with a couple of girls.”
Silver’s confused expression grew. “I still don’t get it.”
“Let’s just leave it at that,” Blaze suggested, keen to move along. “Amy, lead the way.”
The three of them made their way to Amy’s house, casually chattering along the way. They quickly arrived, then began to set up for later. Silver moved the furniture with ease using his telekinesis, following Amy’s instruction. Blaze rolled out the sleeping bags next to each other, placing a pillow at the head of each one. Once they’d finished, they all sat on the now moved couch.
“So,” Blaze spoke up. “Care to explain what kept you up last night?”
Amy’s cheek tinted red, then looked at Silver and Blaze, who were sat next to each other. “You promise not to tell anyone about this?”
“Of course not,” Silver immediately promised. “An important component to friendship is trust, right?” Silver’s expression shifted to one of sincerity and keen interest. “I know I may not seem like it, but I’m very good at keeping secrets.”
“You have my word that what is spoken of here shall not be uttered again,” Blaze assured. “Please speak your mind with confidence.”
Amy looked away, hesitating anxiously. “I think there’s someone that I like,” she confessed, twirling her fingers around one another.
“Do you mean Sonic?” Silver asked curiously, to which Amy shook her head.
“Well, I mean,” she stammered. “I do like Sonic, but I confessed to him a while ago.” Amy’s ears drooped a little. “He rejected me.” Blaze and Silver began to look concerned.
“I’m so sorry, Amy,” Blaze comforted.
Amy shook her head again and smiled. “It’s fine. I was anticipating it anyway.” She looked up sombrely. “This isn’t about him, anyway.” This peaked both Blaze and Silver’s curiosity.
“Who is it then?” Silver asked with blunt curiosity, though it was without a hint of malice.
“I’m…not comfortable saying,” Amy admitted as her face became redder. “It makes no sense.”
“Come on, we won’t judge!”
“Silver,” Blaze snapped sternly, causing Silver to recoil a little. She then sighed. “The ‘who’ isn’t what’s important.”
“Oh, you’re right,” Silver acknowledged, realising his misstep. “Sorry Amy. Please continue!”
“It’s just,” Amy continued. “He is such a nice guy despite what other people think. I have only ever seen him as a friend up until now.” Amy leaned forward in her seat, resting her chin in her hands. “But as soon as he confessed to me, I felt so overwhelmed. I was so sure I only viewed him platonically, but now…now I’m not so sure.”
“Is there something wrong with liking this person?” Silver asked genuinely.
“Not necessarily,” Amy answered. “I guess it’s just a bit…strange, from an outside perspective at least. I doubt he would be the first person you’d think of when you imagine someone compatible with me.” Blaze had a sudden look of realisation, but quickly stifled it.
“Just because something is unconventional, that doesn’t necessarily make it wrong,” Blaze commented.
“I know. I guess I’m just worried what would happen if people found out about us.”
“But they’re your feelings, right?” Silver noted. “It doesn’t really matter what other people think.”
“It matters to me!” Amy snapped accidentally, quickly covering her mouth in shock. She then looked at the ground, seemingly conflicted. “I get what you’re saying, I’m just worried what it would mean for everyone if we ever dated.” Silver seemed deep in thought, then suddenly lit up.
“Wait, is it-” Silver started, but was interrupted as Blaze made a cutting gesture at her throat. “Uhm, what I mean is, wouldn’t your friends want to support you regardless of who it is? Besides, knowing you, I’m sure there’s a very strong reason who liking this person.”
Amy remained silent for a moment, twirling her thumbs around each other. “I guess they’d be supportive, even if it takes some time. And this person is remarkably sweet, despite their cold exterior. I guess I’m just worried. It all feels so sudden.”
“You don’t have to rush into anything, right?” Blaze pointed out. “Should you both decide to date, there’s no reason that you have to rush the relationship. You can take it at your own pace. You don’t even have to label your relationship as romantic at first if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Amy acknowledged. “I guess I’m also worried that I might hurt him. I know he’s strong, but deep down I know he has a delicate heart.”
“I’m sure he feels the same way,” Blaze spoke softly. “But that’s something that you’ll only find out if you talk to him. The fact he even confessed to you shows how much he cares about you. I doubt he’d want to do anything to hurt you, just as much as you don’t want to hurt him.”
“Everyone hurts their friends at some point, right?” Silver noted. “No one’s perfect.”
Amy chuckled a little. “It’s funny. I remember saying something similar to him once before.” Amy took a deep breath. “I guess I really should talk to him. But not tonight – tonight is about you guys.”
“By all means, don’t hold back on seeing him on our accounts,” Blaze assured. “Equally though, please take your time. I want you to be comfortable in your decision.”
“I’m sure Shadow will understand and accept your choice either way,” Silver added. “I’m sure he just wants to be by your side in whatever capacity he can.”
Amy smiled. “Thank you both. Speaking to you both has been very helpful.” Amy’s eyes widened and she suddenly sprung up, her face burning red. “W-wait, how did you know it was Shadow?”
“Oops,” Silver croaked nervously.
“Apologies, Amy,” Blaze spoke up, raising her hand. “I also deduced who it was.” Amy stood stunned for a moment, then dived onto the couch face first, hiding her face and kicking her legs restlessly as she squealed from embarrassment.
“I-if its any consolation,” Silver nervously stuttered. “I think Shadow is an amazing person, so I don’t blame you for wanting to date him!” Instead of comforting Amy like he’d hope, he only furthered Amy’s embarrassment. Blaze glanced at the clock, hoping to find a way to bail both of her friends out of this uncomfortable situation, when she noticed the time.
“Oh, it appears our time is up,” she announced, causing the both of them to look at the clock as well. She then smiled warmly at the two of them. “Shall we meet up with the others?” Silver hopped out of the seat excitedly.
“I’m ready!”
Blaze stood up, then turned and offered her hand to Amy. The pink hedgehog sighed, then smiled and took her hand and was lifted onto her feet.
“Let’s go and have some fun, shall we?” Blaze suggested, hoping to ease Amy’s stress.
“Okay,” Amy responded. “Let’s do this!”
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tobyfoxfacts · 7 months
Below, I will answer the TOP Toby questions asked on Google, in microscopic detail.
What did Toby do for homestuck?
Toby Fox composed many songs for the webcomic Homestuck; created by Andrew Hussie. The comic started in 2009, and Toby joined a forum for the comic. He emailed Hussie and requested to join the private music team forum. He included a sample of his music in the email. Toby was immediately added to the forum. Toby stated that many members in the forum never made music as well. He was quite prolific and wrote SEVERAL iconic homestuck soundtracks. After graduating high school, Toby was accepted by Northeastern University in Boston MA. Hussie offered Toby their basement cause Northeastern University was close by. That's how Toby ended up in Homestussies basement.
How did Toby Fox make undertale on his own?
To answer the first part of the question, Toby Fox primarily used game maker studio and MsPaint for the creation of undertale. He did not make Undertale on his own! He got help from several buddies. He didn't design all the enemies in undertale, and Temmie Chang played a HUGE role in the production of Undertale. Toby met Temmie on Tumblr and commissioned her!
What was Toby's inspiration for undertale?
At an interview with Fangamer, Toby advertised the release of Undertale's demo! During his little sales pitch, he said that Undertale was inspired by Earthbound! One of Toby's childhood favorite games! With fond memories like playing the game with his brother, and all the lovable characters, Toby Fox keeps Earthbound near and dear to his heart.
What are some interesting facts about Toby Fox?
How is Toby Fox such a good composer?
Well, that's up for interpretation. Some people may find Toby's music to be repetitive and empty, after he replays the same melody over and over. On the other hand, perhaps Toby's music composition is simply catchy. He always incorporates a simple tune you can hum to. From a neutral standpoint, I believe Toby gets so much praise because his music appeals to a large range of people. Hes got a wide ranged audience. I've met 34 year olds and 7 year olds who like Toby's music! Even my MOM likes his music and she's... not 30.
Thats right! Adults who grew up retro 8 bit music in their video games will be attracted to Toby's nostalgic esque tunes! Chiptune is a common music genre among the autistic community because the beeps and boops are stimulating to the brain. Tons of autistic people enjoy video games, vocaloid, etc. You know. Classic beep boop music. When autistic people like something; they LOVE IT. So Toby's music takes on a whole new meaning for us neurodivergent people. Toby's target audience has hyperfixating personalities, so he receives TONS of praise.
How old was Toby Fox when he started making undertale?
Math time! (^ω^)~♡ Undertale was published on September 15th 2015. Toby Fox was published on October 11th 1991. The game took approximately 2.7 years to complete. The production of undertale began in 2012. Toby was 21 when the true production of Undertale began. The game was published when he was 23, almost 24.
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Hope this was helpful!! I hope this shows up on Google so people see my answers. No more false information and shitty news websites that find pictures of men that aren't even Toby Fox to include in their articles!
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sea-salted-wolverine · 5 months
I'm new to hunting and your post about suppressors made me curious, if you don't mind divulging: what sort of cartridges do you guys use for all the stuff y'all hunt up there? Particularly moose? I'm definitely only hunting whitetail for a long time yet because I'm quite inexperienced and cartridges are so confusing.
Alright so I have good news and bad news.
Good news: Cartridges are not nearly as complicated as they seem.
Bad news: The organization of rifle and handgun cartridges is a fucking nightmare because they use Metric, Imperial, and i/another/i measuring system. All at the same time. On the same damn box. And that's why the whole thing seems complicated.
So let's start with a simple bit first, and we can work our way up to the complex nonsense.
So, your cartridge, also called a round, has four parts.
The bullet itself
The shell, also called a casing, also referred to as brass
The gunpowder
The primer
We're going to pretend that's a bulleted list and the rest is going under a readmore
General mechanics: trigger pull makes the firing pin hit the primer, which works more or less like one of those stomp rocks fireworks. The primer ignites the gunpowder which explodes and sends the bullet down the barrel of the gun. There are different ways to clear the action and reload, I'm going to assume you have a bolt action rifle, and that you know how that works.
So the shell is what defines the caliber of the cartridge and what gun it can go into. Some are measured in millimeters and some are measured in thousandths of an inch. Why? Because fuck you that's why. It is not even as simple as American companies sticking to Imperial and everyone else using metric because specific sizes have been standardized over the years and now everyone produces everything. Some shells are just old designs that have been modified, I think it's the 6.5 which is just a .308 cartridge that's been cut down.
(Remember that hyperfixation by association i mentioned earlier? Sunshineman took over the living room and is resizing .223 shells into 300 blackout. By hand.)
But the shell is just the bucket that holds everything together and fits in the chamber of the gun. The thing that controls the energy output of the gun is the amount of gunpowder and the amount of bullet you are using. If you have a tiny bullet and a lot of gunpowder that bullet will go very fast. But it doesn't have enough mass to really transfer that energy into whatever it hits.
Both the bullet and the gunpowder are measured in grains. It is a measurement of weight, and I don't know what it converts to, but I don't actually need to because gunpowder and bullets are only ever measured in grains. If you are buying bullets, like a normal human being, the grain listed on the box will be the weight of the bullet. The box will also have a muzzle velocity listed, the speed at which the bullet comes out of the gun. This is more useful information than just telling you how much gunpowder is in the round, because different casing shapes and bullet compositions will make that powder react differently.
I am going to talk about wound channels and bullet expansion now, so if you are squeamish this is the place to tap out.
So, a bullet hitting a living body does more than just poke a hole. The energy transferred to the tissue by the bullet creates a hydrostatic shock, basically a ripple through the water inside the cells. As you might imagine this is bad for the cells and turns them into goo. The goo is referred to as the bloodshot meat, and depending on your processing standards of the meat, it is generally discarded as inedible.
However, if the bullet remains perfectly intact and transfers no energy and only pokes a hole, unless you had a perfect shot on a vital organ, the animal will usually just walk away. This is why bullets are made out of lead and copper, anything harder would simply go through. The lead squishes or "mushrooms" and the copper which is just slightly harder, controls where the expansion of the bullet goes.
OK, so now that I've rambled on about cartridge mechanics for several paragraphs, I'm actually gonna answer your question. The cartridges I used to hunt vary wildly based on what I am hunting. General wisdom is You need a gun and a cartridge big enough for the biggest animal you would need to shoot. For me that is a grizzly bear which is not unlike shooting a bus if a bus had claws and teeth and a million years of predatory instinct and the ability to just sit on you and squish you to death if they got annoyed.
But I am usually not hunting bear. So usually what I do is I have a Glock 29, which is a sub compact 10 mil, in a chest holster and a rifle more suited to whatever I'm hunting. The glock honestly sucks to shoot and it is a break glass in case of emergency situation, because it is literally the least amount of gun for the maximum possible bullet.
I also have a 6.5 Creedmoor which is too small for bear or moose, but it is the only other gun that is actually mine and not borrowed from various family members. It works for caribou if I use a solid copper 140 grain bullet and it's great for varmint. My original idea for the gun was goat hunts but I can't convince anyone to go with me and I'm not dumb enough to try a solo hunt.
The 6.5 Creedmoor also has the virtue of being a very well marketed gun. The 6.5 swede has been around for 120 years and is not markedly different than the 6.5 Creedmoor, but a handful of years ago somebody got the right idea to market this thing as a target round for a high precision gun with a mild recoil. So now every bro who thinks he's Chris Kyle has one, which is annoying, but you can always find ammo for this thing because its so popular. It is a small and relatively underpowered gun, but I am a small person and as long as I am hunting small things I feel no need to drag a cannon with me over hill and dale.
As far as hunting for bear and moose go, the rounds used are .308 and .223. I'm sure other people use other things but that's what I'm used to. I would have to check on grain size, but I'm inclined to guess it's up around 200. Those are almost never solo hunts, simply because there's so much work associated with butchering and processing the animal, but also because you really want backup if things go sideways.
Oh, and I use a .22 for birds. And biathlon. That round is so tiny that the entire cartridge is the size of my pinky fingernail and the primer is built directly into the shell rather than being its own thing.
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goat-guy-tm · 8 months
Trying to explain my "Modzilla and Kul'Zak are the same person" hc/theory:
A day or so ago a made a silly lil post with this stupid meme I drew
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and now here I am, taking a swing at trying to explain this weird ass hc/theory I have been stewing for over like a year now.
Now, I don't have any like, hard proof that any canon MCD and MMW/VP content points towards this ever being true or possible, for example you can bring up the fact that Modzilla has canon parents he introduces Aphmau to in MMW, and pointing out that the scar on Kul'Zak's face doesn't match up with the void burns on Mod's face, and even Kul'Zak's tomb, but for a moment put those aside, I have some explinations for those but they are flimsy at best, but simply hear me out.
To start this out, an important thing to note that if you were a fan of MCD, but never watched MMW (ModMod World) or VP (Void Paradox) or watched VP but not MMW, is that Professor Modzilla is what is known as a void scientist and a dimesnion hopper. Within all of the Aphverse, other than Mod's parents which are met in a one off episode, no other character has this ability or knowlage of these things, save for Aphmau in MMW, Laurence in VP and Jayden in VP of course. Laurence and Jayden being those dimension hopping against their own will and unknowingly.
It should be noted that in MMW's plot, Modzilla is trying to find his way back home, stating he was dimension hopping when he made a mistake and no longer knew how to get home to his dimension. At the end of MMW this does happen. In VP, it can be seen that Mod's home dimension is basically eaten by the larger antagonist of VP, which he runs from into a portal Polly, Aphmau and Tommy open to try and contact him.
Why do I bring this up? Note Modzilla's ability to get himself stuck in a different dimension for large amounts of time.
At some point last year I was very hyperfixated on The Divine Warriors, and spent a lot of time thinking and re-reading about them. Out of all pf them, Kul'Zak is the one we know the littlest about, even compared to Menphina. No info about any place he comes from or nothing. Let it be known that his title, amongst all the divine, is Kul'Zak The Wanderer. All of the divine's titles have something important to do with their character. Esmund of course being the knightly personality and need to protecto others, Enki's vast well of knolwage as the Keeper, Irene's want to protect others in a more healing motherly way as the Matron, Shad's rough nature and dark desores as the Destroyer, and Menphina's rambunctious nature as the Fury. So, what could The Wanderer possibly mean?
Well, here comes my little idea; Kul'Zak was not of MCD's dimention. Some how, a 'Wanderer' found their way into the Divine's company, and as a group of powerful warriors, who would they be to not have a companion with powers relating to dimesnion travling freely. Or well, mostly freely.
The scar upon Kul'Zak's face could easily be a void hopping burn, a minor one, maybe Kul'Zak's first ever one. Maybe hopping into MCD took more power than he was ready for, giving him a nasty, eye closing scar.
Maybe Kul'Zak decided to stay for a while, getting to know this new world he stumbled upon, enjoying the company of these new friends he's made, maybe helping save the world while he's at it.
And so what if while he was here, he was given a special relic by Irene, a woman he's come to see as a close friend, and accept it with full heart. And so what if he's been basically given immortality by this. So what if he watches his new group of friends slowly tear each other apart, reincarnate time and time again only to tear each other apart again and again, over Irene herself.
Kul'Zak never reincarnates. He stays himself throughout the years, alongside Irene. They stay close friends, Kul'Zak being a rock for her throught the years. Never does their relationship become more than that.
When Irene decides she can no longer take it, that she wants to finally gibe in, lose her soul to the natures of rheir world and be reborn a new, Kul'Zak is there, telling her he'll support that choice no matter what. His wanderer powers help bringing them to and from Irene's dimension, and when she finally decides to go, she gifts part of her relic to Kul'Zak, a part of her. She tells him she wants to scatter herself across the worlds, just like how Kul'Zak has, she wants to see the worlds alongside him, even if it isn't her.
Kul'Zak, heartbroken as he is, agrees. When Irene and Hyria finally decide to put Irene into her reincarnation sleep, Kul'Zak leaves MCD's world, not before faking his own death, bringing and end to the 'last standing'of the Divine Gods.
He goes home to his own world, no longer feeling like himself after spending nearly a melenia in a world not his own that became his home. Fufilling Irene's wish, Kul'Zak spends years hopping around worlds, showing the part of Irene's soul around. All this dimension hopping slowly, over time affects Kul'Zak physically and mentally as well. The void begins to burn him, leaving half his body a warped, purple and black mess. Not only that, but he starts to lose himself a little. He remembers his home dimension, he remembers Irene, he's lost his name though, he doesn't know where he's going, if he's going home or if he has somehwere else he's supposed to go.
He finds himself in MMW's dimension. He decides to place Irene's soul here. Let her finally become a whole person again, where MMW Aphmau comes from. Kul'Zak wanders the world, eventually finding himself in the village MMW takes place in. He sets up a labratory, trying to excuse a way to find his way back home, but noting down new information about the dimensions he stumbles upon. Years later, a woman named Aphmau moves into the village, and takes up conversation with Modzilla, the town's weird hermit scientist.
Why would, out of everyone in town, Modzilla only eber trust Aphmau with dimension hopping? Why would he have such a out of no where connection to her from the get-go. He lets Aphmau explore these worlds, she does so safely and she seems to love it, it makes Modzilla think of Irene, how she would have loved this, how he's glad he could give it to her, even if it isn't really her anymore. And of course when it comes to Tommy, Aphmau takes to caring for him like it's natural, which Modzilla can only guess truly shows her past of being The Matron.
When Aphmau helps him find his way back to his home dimension, Modzilla deep down is glad, is not surprised in the slightest that the woman who picked him up when he was lost in a new world was the one to help him find his way home.
The only way I can explain Mod's parents is the possibility that either the type of humanoids coming from Mod's dimension have much longer lifespans, or that dimension hopping in general messes with the being of a person so much that their life becomes strange and longer if not immortal. Or it could be a fake out, not his real parents and just some people he payed off to pretend to be his parents, who knows.
Well, that's about it. If this slowly became less readable over time, it took me about an hour to type up, from around 11pm-12:30, I'm tired but I really wanted to get this typed out. This is one of my faborite hcs, and something I think could really tightly tie in MMW and VP to the rest of the stories. I get a lot of joy and amusment from this concept, I also like to play around with this concept minus the idea of Mod losing his memory, just him playong god in disguise trying to just chill with his life out of the MCD world, except whwn Lawrence suddenly shows up and Mod is the only one who speaks old Ru'auni, who they end up bonding a bit over it, and Lawrence connects the dots that Mod is Kul'Zak.
Anyways, see ya laters bozos
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like-rain-or-confetti · 9 months
Black Mask/Riddler/Mad Hatter with an S/O with pretty bad identity issues, maybe? Like every other month (or sooner) they hyperfixate on a new Persona to be. No sense of self, idk.
Your writing is the fucking best
Omg thank you so much 🥺❤️
So I took this as constant personality changes and fixations it be something different. If I got it wrong I am so sorry!
Relationships weren't easy all the time. Relationships were even more complicated when it came to dating a rogue. Now sprinkle in some self-identity issues and a constantly changing personality. Yeah, it's a strange relationship yet somehow it works none the less. However, it made the rogues s/o very unpredictable and not even the Batman could really make a consistent assumption about the s/o
Black Mask: His partner is going to have a very difficult time proving to him that they aren't being fake with these constant changes. Roman won't appreciate it, and his relationships are really dependent on consistent traits that are honest. He won't be able to form a real connection to this kind of person, and the relationship will be quick to fail when Roman gets frustrated and loses patience.
The Riddler: "An enigma are they not, Dark Knight?" He'd seem smug, thinking his partner could even stump the Batman, being too unpredictable to determine the partners next move, and that would be right up Edward's alley, right? So, on the surface, he'd want everyone to think the relationship is perfect, but truth be told, Edward is too controlling to handle this. He needs everything to stay a certain way, in order, at his command. To have a partner that constantly switches up on him has him stressing and freaking out because he can't control that. Furthermore, he can't predict what traits, values, etc will stay and what will go.
Mad Hatter: Here's something frightening. Jervis wouldn't notice this. I think there are periods of his life that he doesn't know what's up or down. Meaning, i think he'd know his partner exists, but the tiny details to him, such as personality, would go right over his head. Yes, I did just describe something so fundamental as a personality in a relationship as a 'tiny detail' to Jervis, because that's how warped his perception is. The most consistent thing in his life is Alice and himself and the how, when and why he got to be where he is today is often blurred. Jervis often gets confused about his own sense of self and why he's doing anything. Naturally, this makes keeping up with his partners changes incredibly difficult and unnoticed ad it would imply he was clear headed and remembered everything about his partner. He's simply used to them.being there and that's where the love comes in.
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eddieswh0r · 2 years
Hello! I saw you just followed me and that your requests are open so I figured I'd ask for something if it's alright! I'll admit, I don't know much about the main plot of Stranger Things (horror media makes me paranoid) but I've somehow managed to hyperfixate on a man from a show I've never even watched lmao - in my defense, I've watched a ton of compilations about him so I know the basics ;-;
Could you please write something about Eddie with an anxious reader who's really into D&D? Maybe she wears a D&D shirt that says like "Carpe DM" and he's already kinda been crushing on her so he invites her over for Hellfire? And then he sees her fun side because she's way more wild when playing D&D and he just falls completely in love. Whether or not you want to make it spicy is up to you!
Thanks so much, and don't feel the need to make it too long if you don't want to! Just some headcanons about this is fine but really it's up to you! Have a wonderful weekend, I wish you the best of luck!
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Oh the Carpe DM shirt is just THE cutest thing Eddie has ever seen, that's when he knew she was the one for him!!
Eddie would 100% purposely skip class just so he could stare at you through the window in the door of the class you're in
Eddie would absolutely have a new interest in the school library, not to learn or read but because that's where you went on free periods and after school, he'd sit across from you but a few chairs down with a book upside down because he just wanted to stare
You'd notice him subtly following you around for weeks and it literally made your anxiety through the roof because the look of him terrified you, you took on a panic attack and heard "Hey, you 'Kay? There's nothing to worry about, you're safe, breathe with me" as he had his hands on your shoulders
He took you outside for air and you both sat on the grass, under a tree and ate your lunch together, he explained how much he loved your shirt and told you about hellfire
The next few weeks were nothing short of perfect, after some convincing on Eddies part, you'd meet under the tree every day to eat lunch together, you never smiled this much. Ever
God can you imagine when the day came to ask you to come to Hellfire? How excited he'd be? Literally bouncing around like a fucking golden retriever
You'd naturally be so nervous turning up, wearing another D&D shirt with some pun on it that Eddie found absolutely hilarious
A hellfire shirt already awaiting you, Eddies big brown eyes so full of love and pure happiness as he gave it to you
Picking the skin around your nails, you anxiously waited for the campaign to start, Eddie noticed you looked lost so with a whisper to your ear "I've got you, everything is okay" you pushed your hair behind your ear smiling coyly, blushing at his breath on your face
The campaign started and you didn't interject much because stepping on anyone's toes at this point wouldn't be go down well at your first campaign with them
As the game went on, you spoke a little more, you cheered, huffed and even slipped a curse word much to Eddies joy
God, he couldn't take his eyes off you, watching how you rolled the dice, the loud belly laugh that fell from your lips, waving your arms around
What really got Eddie going, hard, is when you stood your ground wanting to take action and not run away from the villain Eddie had created and "Kill the son of a bitch" as you slammed a fist on the table. His dick literally jumped when your fist connected with the table
Eddie grinned like a Cheshire cat, leaning back into his chair as you all cheered for the win you got, jumping up and down in glee you glanced at Eddie who was just simply admiring you totally head over heels by this point for someone who loved D&D as much as he did.
You very shyly accepted his offer of going to his trailer with the rest of them for a movie, horror didn't really scare you but Poltergeist did
A few jumps and squeals later, Eddies arm found its way around you and you moved yourself into him, burying your face into his shoulder
All the boys left together but Eddie had offered to drive you home, you tried to politely decline but he wouldn't take no for an answer, fuck that boy is stubborn as shit!
Eddie even walked you up to your door like a real gentleman, that's if gentlemen have shaggy hair, a chain on their ripped jeans and a hand full of rings.
He gushed about how he'd had the best time with you and your cheeks instantly turned fucking crimson, looking up through your eye lashes you started to pick your fingers again, something you did out of being anxious and nervous.
Eddie took your hands in his ever so gently and moved a few steps closer "You don't need to be nervous around me, I told you, you're safe. You're always safe with me sweetheart"
Fuck the literal fireworks you felt when his hand brushed your hair behind your ear and he fucking kissed you, Jesus Christ, you melted, you'd never been kissed before, not that Eddie knew. It wasn't something that cropped up in conversation
"Night sweetheart" ughhhh. Eddie fuckin' Munson. I love you.
please this was so rushed bc im so behind with asks 😭
i hope its okay, if not i will re do one for you i swear❤
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