causereyna-artie · 6 months
“aren’t you like hee-ndu? Don’t you worship cows?”
Nope, actually I only kneel for women.
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sneeplerbeepler · 3 months
Hindu girls: remember that our ancestors didn't do purdah. our goddesses don't do purdah. Does Saraswati cover her hair? Does Lakshmi cover every inch of her body? No. So why should you? Seeing the female body as something sexual to be covered up is the mindset of our colonizers, and they've sadly colonized a lot of our minds. Decolonize!
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aahanna · 7 months
"God also knows the power of women's beauty"
That's why he took the avatar of Mohini to lure the monster during the Amrit Manthan." (She uses the power of seduction and her alluring charm to trick the Asuras into giving her the nectar, which she then gives to the Devas.)
Lord Vishnu takes the form of Mohini to accomplish tasks that he could not have accomplished in his original male form. Vishnu has taken the form of Mohini on several occasions.
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lilithism1848 · 1 month
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scltbvrns · 4 months
right winged indians are so (i don't want to utter that word) when it comes to media literacy but all of them literally grew up in godi media so i cannot blame them either. like no one is saying INDI alliance is good. it's just the lesser evil out of the two.
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usedtobekrampus · 6 months
I want to make an ilustration of Ratri, the Hindu goddess of the night, but I don't know anything about this subject myself, and I want it to be as authentic as possible, their are aparently no primary source depictions of her. can anyone give me some advice for how i can make it more acurate?
most basicaly, id like to know what all these outfits and symbolism mean and what would be most fitting...
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...but litteraly anything would be a great help
please reblog, i don't have enough followers to reach the intended audience
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dreamyeyedrose · 2 months
listen if we brat summer our way out of fascism I'll fuckin take it
#ravi rants#historically speaking the best way to shut down asshats that violate the social contract of tolerance is to mock them#idk man maybe I have a different perspective on all of this because I'm part of the desi diaspora#but like.... so Indians won't always obviously call out violations of social decorum#if you're making an idiot of yourself or you're making a scene. other people will stand by and let you do it.#my therapist and I talk about me coming from a high-context Asianic cultural background like I do a lot actually#because the thing about Indian decorum is that. like.#one. you protect yours. if your friend is actively intervening in on something there's a reason and it might be helpful#but two. if someone's breaking decorum.... we allow them to do so in order to figure out why.#if someone's ex is crashing a wedding and successfully gets the floor they'll get heard out#and everyone will be paying attention#because the thing is those kinds of overt violations of decorum usually happen for a reason....#Indian soap operas are A Lot™ but listen. a party might be the right time to call someone out on being abusive or manipulative#because the whistleblower can be escorted away to safety by them and theirs.#and usually you have to be able to know enough decorum to get to the point where you make a scene#and Indians respect the hustle. we'll hear you out.#the Hindu gods are notorious for being like 'alright smart guy. here's your wish.'#the gods will readily admit if they've been outwitted#but you're an idiot if you think you'll get away with fucking with the natural chaos of samsara and karma forever :)#however. there's also Hindu parables of asuras and dumbass humans realizing they fucked up and taking the L with grace#and the gods respect that#but lol. fascists aren't respectful.#Richard Spencer shut the fuck up after we all saw him get punched#conservatives are having a mental breakdown over being called weird while insisting that a cis woman is a man#and I'd like to remind everyone that the social role of a court jester is to keep everyone humble#bc dude. if you're getting butthurt over the clown ribbing you. maybe calm the fuck down? look in the mirror?#you may be a king but the larger the seat you hold#the better your toilet plumbing should be
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sillyguy-supreme · 4 months
the thing about religion is that i’m only casually religious so i don’t think my politics are irreconcilable with hinduism, plus there are movements that practice hinduism without perpetuating casteism. however diaspora hindus are fucking crazy. i can be casually hindu but i don’t want to be hindu american
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an-absolute-nightmare · 11 months
me: india is not secular anymore it's turning into a hindu nationalist country :(
my so called liberal and open minded parents: india is not secular anymore it's turning into a hindu nationalist country :D:D:D:D:D
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purple-worm · 1 year
Some excerpts from Adv. Vrinda Grover's statement at the Supreme Court of India, as a part of the 15 petitions that were heard for the marriage equality bill. She presented arguments for the concept of a chosen family which was a more progressive stance on how families/unions could be defined by the constitution and it goes beyond just same-sex marriage. It could cover polyamory and recognition of queerplatonic intimacies between 2 or more individuals, and much more:
“During COVID, a study that was done on trans persons found that when trans persons due to lockdown and the nature of the disease, had to return to their natal families and their homes. Over there they faced violence. They faced conversion therapy which is prohibited. And that was actually an illustration of what would happen if other social formations of care and support did not exist. This is what has been described as an atypical family. This form of chosen family is recognized in our law; for instance, adoption.
Adoption is a form of chosen family. Today we recognize families and we conceptualize family as by blood, marriage or adoption."
"There is increasing legislative and judicial recognition of a person who may not necessarily be conjoined through marriage or conjugal intimacies. In relation to the advanced directive, every person who is not a minor shall have a right to make an advanced directive in writing specifying any of the following individual or individuals in order of precedents he wants to appoint as his nominated representatives.
"..Ensure that laws and policies recognize the diversity of family forms, including those not defined by descent or marriage and take all necessary legislative, administrative and other measures to ensure that no family may be subjected to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity of any of its members, including with regard to family related social welfare and other public benefits, etc. "
"I would say that what we are canvassing before this court is a different imagination. A new imagination of marriage and relationships and of family. An imagination which actually places at the foundation, love, care, and respect which may or may not come from the natal family because of my sexual orientation and gender identity.”
"There can be a feminist jurisprudence and feminist critique of family and that family can perpetuate caste purity and patriarchal control; so there may be persons who are of different sexual orientations and gender identities, which because of the hostility of natal families actually form intimacies that are non-marital, non-procreative, which are intimacies that are the only social conclave and support they can find."
Her statements were pleasantly surprising. Most of the earlier petitions chose to only focus on gay marriage and trans people having the right to marry, and I didn't expect any of the (star)lawyers/petitioners to go beyond that. But this. This is a sign of liberation. It reminds me a lot of the family code that granted marriage equality in Cuba. I love that we have some very progressive minds fighting this case.
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demigod-of-the-agni · 3 months
me: mum i'm going to write a story about kalki
mum: but we already have a kalki story at home
the kalki story at home:
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tendercoretroglodyke · 5 months
monkey man was such a fantastic movie... which only makes it all the more devastating (and bewildering??) the ways it stopped short of being perfect :/
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misalpav · 1 year
🎶 jaya srinivasa jaya venkatesha vrusha shailanatha sri padmanabha vaikunthanatha jaya jaya jaya vishwateja rajadhiraja tava jaya jaya jaya devadi deva jaya vasudeva sri ramachandra jaya kalkiroopa shaureesha modha byri ninadha jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya 🎶
🎶 mammu kachina vaadu maa manasu dochina vaadu mangalakarudu maa srinivasudu 🎶
and u my bestie, on this very fine day, have made a very good cinematic decision. feel free to pat yourself on the back, sit back, relax, and enjoy the next 2-3 hours of your life
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peachiyyy · 9 months
ind*a’s h*nduv*ta issue needs to be addressed globally bc they essentially want to do the same thing isr*el is doing to non-hindu indians. They’re also one of isr*el’s biggest supporters + isr*el funds the indian occupation in kashmir. B*p and m*di are garbage and I pray for their downfall everyday. Considering the history of 🇮🇳 , being in favor for genocide should be anti-indian but they hate muslims so much that they don’t care. But when I talk about it some yt saviour on here wants to tell me, a DESI- not just south asian, a DESI person, that im ‘racist’ for calling majority of them garbage lmfao.
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outlanderalien · 2 years
Keep thinking about Trans-coded Mayuri.
Mayuri is a woman's name, it means Peahen (a female peacock) but his design mimics that of a male peacocks plumage, blue, bold, flashy etc. It gives the impression of him being AFAB and switching to masculine presentation.
Mayuri is also quite short for a man (5'8") but that would be tall/average for someone assigned female at birth.
And he has the ability to self modify on a whim, if Mayuri was AFAB and wanted to adjust his form/voice/etc, he'd be able to with ease.
So in conclusion:
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menalez · 1 year
Religion in India is kind of complicated, I'm not going to take sides, Muslims have attacked Hindus for a long time and now Hindus are tired of this shit and so they have started attacking Muslims too. You should look up the Kashmir genocide but also don't because you'll lose your appetite after that. Muslims put the Hindus in chainsaw machines...alive. they gang-raped Hindu women, a lot happened, that's why many Indians are right leaning as of now. But the right has it's own problems, but it's like the lesser evil. Anyways, I like how your opinions are always unbiased, but if you don't live in India, then it can be difficult for you to fully understand the situation.
muslims arent renowned for acceptance of other religions especially not polytheistic ones so i’m not surprised unfortunately but i don’t think the solution would be to reverse the tables tbh
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