#NOT a Tedious Joy extra
celestialtarot11 · 9 days
Astro Post 🪽
Hi lovelies! A new astro post for ya’ll! Hope ya’ll enjoy! Feel free to like comment and reblog with your feedback, or thoughts. I would love to hear! 🤍
divider creds: @fairytopea
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Cap moon babies…it takes us a while to figure out who we are amongst the chaos. I think its important for Cap moons to experience living alone, outside of trauma because its necessary for our development. We crave stability and order, and when we live in an environment that isn’t conducive to that, we get unstable within ourselves. That being said: cap moons need to be alone at some point to figure out who they are instead of constantly saving people around them, or adjusting their personality to reduce backlash. Love you cap moons 🤍 (including me)
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Pisces moon, ya’ll be similar to cap moons too. Its easy for yall to get stuck to your environment because it feels safe. It feels like its your only “checkpoint” to everything feeling real. So much that when you enter the real world it feels like a dream. Doing day to day things can trigger dissociation, because you only really felt alive during the traumatic moments. Pisces babes, please if you can create a safe space for yourself to grow outside of trauma. Just like cap moon.
And I think this goes for everyone regardless of astrology.
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Aquarius placements, the need to feel unique and special can become tedious. Aquarius placements feel this way to feel chosen, and validated in their community after being neglected. Sometimes perfectionism can get in the way of Aquarius loving themselves truthfully, because they want to project an image of accuracy. So much that people can’t make out anything wrong about them. If they have neptune affliction to their personal placements, its almost about: “an illusion,” “i was never really there,” “and you cant find anything wrong with me if i never existed.” And some of them own this insecurity and work with it. Aqua placements, regardless of your past you will always be chosen by your higher self and spirit 🤍 you have someone rooting for you: you. Your future self.
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Leo sun women, you don’t have to dim your light to seem more “mature,” “smart,” and “poised.” You are the light your inner child needs and anyone who stifles that, is also stifling the love you share to your inner child. Think about it. Your joy is your inner child, you get excitement from the littlest of things and having someone constrict that: means they are lessening the relationship you have with yourself. Don’t stick around with people who rain on your shine! Stick with others who shine with you. Leo sun women are so connected with their heart and inner child, that relationship is strong. Of course it can be weakened with trauma and pain, but Leo sun women need to be surrounded by those who uplift them!
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Virgo placements knowing when something isn’t right and then dissing their intuition. Virgo pls, in esoteric astrology you’re known as the messenger of intuition and divine order! Gemini is the process of expressing it, but Virgo is the vessel to receive it. You guys know whats up immediately, and have a strong sense of internal navigation. You guys know where to find and create safe spaces if theres none, and your intuition knows if someone isn’t up to any good. Save yourself the villain arc, and trust yourself babes 🤍
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Aries rising libra on the descendant, many others expected you to be poised, graceful, and humble to the point of neglecting who you are to fit in. Aries rising I think, always knew they weren’t the type to just “fit in,” since they were young. They knew they’d be open, outspoken, authentic and honest. Even if it shook people, which isn’t the same as being blunt: it’s called being truthful. And the truth scares people who avoid it. As Aries rising grows older they hone their personality that is honest, bold and confident, and releases the codependent part of them. 🪽🤍
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Extra 🤍
Paid Readings 🪽
PAC Readings 🪽
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naeverse · 11 months
Extra Credit
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🏫staring. Professor O’Hara x Sassy fem!reader
🎒 preview: “Do you agree, Y/N? Will you help me help you?"
🖋️Summary: Miguel O'Hara, a renowned, attractive genetics professor, known for his strict stance against extra credit. As a senior, you struggle to keep up with coursework and Mr. O'Hara's opposition to extra credit makes it difficult for you to pass. However, a chance encounter with you changes everything, as Mr. O'Hara becomes more open to helping you - but you must help him in return.
📕tw/cw. unprotected sex, harsh language, hate sex, rough, hand job, blow job, dirty talk, oral sex, spanking, accidental simulation, multiple reader orgasms, big dick Miguel, mutual orgasm, etc… 
📘pet names: (hers) little puta or puta (Little bitch, bitch), Muñeca (Doll) 
✏️ rating. 18+ explicit I SMUT I
📖Word count: 5.3k words
🍎 Credit to Artist in header: Narutoss.ramen
(*All rights reserved. DO NOT repost/translate/copy any of my work.*)
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Why the hell did you decide to take this class?
That was the question swirling in your mind as you sat in your genetics college lecture, stifling a yawn. 
This was, without a doubt, your most dreaded class.
The workload was overwhelming, the subject matter mind-numbingly tedious, and worst of all, it just didn't capture your interest. No matter how hard you tried, it felt like your relationship with your genetics class was doomed from the start.
So, it came as no surprise that you were struggling in the course...
You reclined in your chair, legs propped up on the desk, wearing a pair of knee-high leather boots adorned with belts and straps. A black crop top with "Baby Girl" written in cursive across your chest covered your torso, while a long-sleeve fishnet shirt was layered underneath. Below, you sported a black and white flannel skirt held in place by a snug belt that accentuated your waist and curves. The skirt was perhaps a tad too short, that with a slight shift of your legs could give a tantalizing glimpse of the black thong you wore underneath.
You were a troublemaker, unapologetically sowing chaos and taking pleasure in the discomfort of others. Manipulating people's emotions, capitalizing on their vulnerabilities, and hurling insults were all routine for you, and you reveled in it.
However, nothing quite compared to the joy you found in getting under the skin of your genetics professor…
Mr. Miguel O'Hara.
The imposing figure entered the classroom, firmly closing the door behind himself. For most, his mere presence was enough to command respect and instill fear… 
But not for you.
You couldn't help but smirk as you observed his stoic, tanned face, his curly, dark brown hair flowing to the back of his head, the black spectacles concealing his amber eyes, and his muscular frame neatly dressed in a simple white polo shirt, black tie, black slacks, and leather oxfords. Even his black bookbag appeared dwarfed by his imposing figure. As he made his way through the rows of desks, greeting his students with a grunt.
Mr. O'Hara was a man on the edge, stressed beyond belief. He had to wrangle with four different classes of young adults, all seemingly indifferent to his efforts to teach genetics. They attended his class merely to mark their presence, spending their time either dozing off, chatting, or glued to their phones during his lectures.
Countless students had been kicked out of his class due to the disrespect they showed him, but it had reached a point where it seemed futile to do so anymore.
As the days passed, the number of students disrespecting him only grew, and it was no wonder that he dreaded walking into the classroom. The exhaustion and stress etched into his features, with drooping shoulders, the dark circles under his eyes, and the ever-increasing wrinkles on his tanned face were visible proof of the toll it took on him after each lecture.
He walked by your desk as you smiled at him. "Good Afternoon Mr. Grumpy!" You exclaimed, causing a few laughs to ripple through the students at your comment. Mr. O'Hara groaned, placing his bag down onto the floor by his desk.
Mr. O'Hara was already annoyed; he had barely had enough sleep last night and was running on only three hours of rest after staying up late to grade these dreadful students' assignments.
He wasn't in the mood for your antics today...
"Y/N, are you planning on being like this the entire semester? Because I just might have to drop you if that's the case," Mr. O'Hara said coldly, turning around to face the girl who was smirking back at him.
You giggled at his threat. "Oh, Mr. O'Hara, but you told me that last time, and guess what?" You held up your hands, looking around the class with a smirk. "Looks like I'm still here." Mr. O'Hara rolled his eyes, ignoring you as he walked to the small podium in front of the room where he would take attendance.
"Okay... when I say your name, I need you to say 'here,' and only 'here,'" he said, his glare directed at you, causing you to chuckle. Mr. O'Hara began going down the list, calling out many students' names, and receiving replies ranging from "here" to "present" to complete silence.
You couldn't help but wear a mischievous smile. You’ve been waiting for this moment. 
"Yes, I'm present today, Mr. Grumpy Gorilla."
Mr. O'Hara clenched his jaw, his grip tightening around the pen in his hand. His hand trembled with anger as he pressed the pen's tip harshly onto the paper, marking a check beside your name. It was taking every ounce of his self-control not to lose his temper with the girl who seemed determined to test his patience to its breaking point.
He exhaled deeply, doing his best to ignore your presence as he scanned the classroom. "Okay, good. Everyone is here," he announced, moving his podium out of the way to begin his lecture.
"So, in our last class, we discussed what genetics is, its significance, and why it is important to be studied," Mr. O'Hara said, moistening his lips. His well-built figure strode over to the whiteboard, where he picked up a dark blue marker.
"To kickstart your minds this afternoon, here's your introductory question: 
How do genes work?"
He voiced the question while writing it on the board. As Mr. O'Hara spoke, your gaze lazily trained on his muscular backside whilst he wrote on the board. Your eyelids were on the verge of closing any second.
Surveying the rest of the class, you noticed some students had already succumbed to sleep, others were absorbed into their phones, and only a handful seemed to be actively engaged with the imposing, tanned instructor at the front of the room.
"So, does anyone here know what a gene is?" Mr. O'Hara asked the class, turning around to see only two raised hands; the rest seemed utterly disinterested.
'I don't get paid enough for this.'
He thought with a heavy sigh. Running a frustrated hand through his dark brown curls, he continued scanning the class until his gaze settled on a girl at the back, her hand raised high. He pointed at her, prompting a smile to spread across her face as she began to respond.
"Genes are the basic units of heredity... blah, blah, blah."
You rolled your eyes, slumping lower into your seat. This girl was a living and breathing Siri, reciting what sounded like a paragraph straight from Google search itself.
Once the girl finished her detailed explanation, you raised a finger. Mr. O'Hara hesitated to acknowledge you, but he did so anyway. "Yes, Y/N?"
"Out of everything that girl said, was any of that important? I kinda zoned out after the word 'genes...'"
Mr. O'Hara sighed, giving the girl in the back of the class who answered his question an apologetic glance. He rested his hands on his hips, turning his stern gaze back onto you. "Everything she said was, in fact, important," his voice was firm and cold.
"Maybe if you actually came to my class to learn, you'll actually be interested in what your classmates are saying," Mr. O'Hara said, pushing his black eyeglasses up his nose and placing the marker he had in his hand into his pocket. He glanced down at the back of the annoying girl's black boots resting on her desk, a scowl pulling at his lips. "And get your feet off your desk. You're not at home."
You rolled your eyes and begrudgingly placed your feet on the floor, but your expression remained unfazed as you locked eyes with Mr. O'Hara. For a brief moment, he couldn't help but savor this small victory over the challenging student.
You hummed nonchalantly, leaning back in your seat and crossing your arms over your chest. As you snickered at Mr. O'Hara's faint, prideful expression on his face, you couldn't resist adding, "You had your moment, I'll give you that, but don't get too comfortable... 
Class isn't up yet, Mr. O." 
Your tone held a hint of amusement, which only further irritated Mr. O'Hara.
This woman was unbelievably infuriating. It seemed like she had a comeback for everything, and it was driving him up the wall.
"Just sit there and be quiet. Let me teach the people who want to listen," he spat, his tanned face contorted with anger. "At least be like the ones who don't give a damn and stay silent."
You raised your hands in mock surrender. "My bad, my bad. Didn't mean to ruin your victory moment," you said sarcastically.
Mr. O'Hara let out a frustrated sigh and continued with his lecture on genes and how they worked, determined to get through the material regardless of your antics.
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Mr. O'Hara was quite surprised. You remained astonishingly quiet for the rest of his lecture, which was a rare occurrence. He managed to finish his teaching earlier than usual, allowing the students some time to work on their assignments before the class ended. 
Mr. O'Hara settled in front of his computer, launching the spreadsheets for his classes, eager to resume grading the remaining assignments that had kept him awake throughout the night.
In contrast, you let out a sigh, showing no interest in working on your assignment. Instead, you rocked back and forth on the back legs of your chair.
'Well, this class is boring as hell,' 
You thought, casting a glance around the room to see some students diligently working on their assignments, while others were following your lead…
Slacking off.
You chewed your bubble gum, your eyes landing on Mr. O'Hara, who sat at his desk with hooded eyes, peering at the screen in front of him through his black spectacles.
A mischievous smirk crossed your face.
'This should be fun.'
You pushed your chair back and stood up, the belts on your boots jiggling as you walked over to Mr. O'Hara's desk. Even before you reached him, you could hear him mutter under his breath.
“Oh, mi maldito Dios”
His hand ran frustratingly over his face, a clear sign of his annoyance. You hopped onto his desk, your skirt riding up your thighs. Mr. O'Hara sighed, leaning back in his seat, looking at you, his expression making it evident that he wasn't in the mood for any distractions.
"What do you want?" he asked, his irritation palpable.
You shrugged your shoulders, a smirk playing on your lips. "Nothing really..."
Mr. O'Hara scoffed, shaking his head in exasperation. "If you don't want anything, go back to your seat. I'm grading, and you can't be over here," he sternly said, turning his attention back to his computer, determined to resume his work.
You swung your legs, absentmindedly poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue. Your gaze drifted down to the stack of papers Mr. O'Hara was currently grading, and you recognized it as the test from last week.
'I probably bombed that shit,' 
You thought, recalling just how challenging the test had been. You glanced back over at Mr. O'Hara, who was staring sternly at his computer screen. His intense gaze made it seem like he was angry at his monitor.
"Have you graded mine yet? Your test last week was really fucking hard," you said with a chuckle. Mr. O'Hara groaned, fully aware that if he just did what you wanted, you'd leave him in peace.
"Yeah, I have," he replied, hastily changing spreadsheets to access your afternoon class. He knew you were likely eager to know your score.
You waited patiently, your gaze shifting from Mr. O'Hara's stoic face to the side of his computer monitor.
Mr. O'Hara quickly located your name, intending to show you your overall grade in his class along with your latest scores on assignments and tests. He turned his monitor towards you, ensuring that only the two of you could see your grades.
You peered over at the monitor, leaning in so close to Mr. O'Hara that your sweet perfume filled his senses. It took him by surprise, leaving him momentarily speechless.
You glanced over at him, your eyebrows furrowing. "Mr. O, are you going to walk me through this?"
Your words snapped him out of his trance. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure. Using his finger, he pointed to the 58% you had received on your test the previous week.
"Y/N, as you can see, you've scored below the standard I expect," he said, watching as you grimaced at the score. Your reaction actually shocked him.
"Damn, what's my overall score?" You asked, your eyes locking with Mr. O'Hara's. His heart and stomach did something at the contact. 
He hastily faced his computer, backing out of your test grade to show your overall score. 
Using his finger, he pointed, once again, at the screen, bringing to your attention the 42% that showed your overall grade for his course. 
"You might want to consider putting more effort into your work, and in actively listening during my lectures.” Mr. O’Hara’s voice stern as after showing your scores, he went back to grading. He was ready for you to leave him be and go back to your seat. 
But you did no such thing…
You clicked your tongue. "Well, shit." You glanced over at Mr. O'Hara, who seemed to be determined to focus his attention solely on grading. You looked down at your lap with a worried expression.
‘Shit, I need to pass his class to graduate this year. These are the last credits I need,' You thought, biting your lip as you pondered your situation.
'It's too far into the year to change classes, and I'm sure as hell not waiting another year to graduate,' 
You huffed, glancing over at Mr. O'Hara, who was examining a student's test packet, his eyes fixed on the stapled papers.
"What is it?" he coldly inquired, noticing your gaze on him.
You smirked, raising an eyebrow at him. "You're not one to offer makeup work or extra credit, are you?" you inquired, crossing your legs, causing your skirt to ride up your thighs even higher.
Mr. O'Hara closed the packet he had been examining and shot you an annoyed glance. However, when his eyes fell upon your legs, he was taken aback.
The sight left him momentarily stunned...
Your legs were...
His eyes widened.
The skin appeared silky and smooth, plush and soft. An almost irresistible urge to reach out and touch them washed over him, expecting them to feel as soft as marshmallows under his fingers.
Your legs were indeed a captivating sight…
His heart skipped a beat, and a blush crept up on his face.
He took a deep breath, turning his attention back to the test packet, hoping to hide the faint blush that had crept onto his cheeks. He cleared his throat, aiming to maintain a professional and firm tone. "No, I don't offer makeup work or extra credit. You know that Y/N."
You sighed once more, your desperation palpable. "Come on, Mr. O, not even a single extra credit assignment?" you implored. You refused to accept no for an answer. "I mean, you saw my grade, Mr. O. I really need the help," you whispered to Mr. O’Hara, your tone hushed.
Mr. O'Hara let out a deep sigh, his frustration clearly evident as he struggled to maintain his composure in the face of your unrelenting persistence. It was becoming increasingly clear that your behavior was getting under his skin.
Even if he occasionally offered extra credit, the thought of extending that courtesy to you didn't sit well with him. After all, you had entered his class and proceeded to insult your classmates, which had only succeeded in aggravating him further. He couldn't help but be surprised that you suddenly seemed so invested in your grades.
Desperately attempting to refocus on his grading, he did his best to ignore your continuous pleas. However, strangely, his attention kept wandering elsewhere. In his peripheral vision, he couldn't help but notice your thighs, which appeared incredibly smooth under your short flannel skirt. It was apparent that this outfit likely violated every dress code on campus.
As he grappled with the conflict between concentrating on his work and being distracted by your constant appeals and your captivating appearance. 
After a while of pleading, you decided to give up, feeling the frustration building inside you as it became apparent that Mr. O'Hara had no intention of helping you.
"Fine then..." you muttered under your breath, hopping off his desk. Unfortunately, as you made your exit, your hand accidentally bumped against Mr. O'Hara's black pencil holder, sending his numerous writing tools scattering onto the ground, along with the case.
"Shit," you cursed quietly, realizing the mess you had inadvertently created. Your outburst drew the attention of everyone in the classroom, briefly interrupting their activities before they returned to their tasks.
The accident appeared to push Mr. O'Hara over the edge. He was already struggling with distractions and inner conflict, and the disruption only added to his stress. With a groan, he stood up from his chair, muttering to himself in frustration, "Me voy a volver jodidamente loco," as he began to kneel down and clean up the spilled writing tools.
However, as he glanced up, what he saw left him wide-eyed with surprise. Before him, you were on your hands and knees, helping him pick up the pencils and pens that had fallen. But it wasn't the act itself that shocked him. 
It was something else entirely...
Your back was turned to him, and your arching posture thrust your luscious bottom into the air, affording him an unobstructed view of your enticing rear. 
Mr. O'Hara couldn't help but notice that your ass was clad in a black thong, which, unfortunately, did little to conceal your exposed cheeks beneath the black and white flannel skirt.
Mr. O'Hara found himself frozen, and completely speechless
He couldn't discern whether it was his prolonged abstinence from sexual activity that had left him in this state, but his thoughts spiraled into a maelstrom of naughty and lustful fantasies.
His mind became filled with improper and dirty visions of you: 
Images of you on your knees before him, with his substantial member in your mouth as you expertly accommodated it, taking him in the depths of your throat...
Thoughts of him spanking you into submission. Your plump bottom turning red after every smack of his hand as he relished in your body trembling in pleasure and pain…
Thoughts of his hand wrapped around your gorgeous neck whilst he fucked you senselessly. Your velvet walls sucking him in as he had his way with you.  
Mr. O’Hara licked his lips. 
He soon snapped out of his thoughts when he observed you bending over once more to retrieve another pencil, offering him yet another view, but this time, of your clothed pussy. 
He almost salivated at the sight…
"Damn, why do you have so many pens and pencils?" You said in annoyance, standing up on your knees to place the last few in the pencil holder before getting to your feet.
Mr. O'Hara cleared his throat, making an effort to regain his composure and expel any inappropriate thoughts or desires of you and your body from his mind. 
Mr. O'Hara had a reputation on campus for being one of the attractive professors. Being in his early 30s, many college students believed they had a chance with the genetics professor.
On a daily basis, many students tried to get his attention, whether by staring at him for a moment too long, touching his hand when exchanging things, buying him gifts, lunch, and snacks, dropping things to kneel before him so they could come face to face with his crotch, or leaning in during conversations to display their cleavage in the hopes of catching his eye.
Mr. O’Hara was used to women trying to get his attention and seeing explicit things like this…
So why was it so different with you?
Because Mr. O'hara knew damn well that your actions weren't intentional…
You had a sour relationship with Mr. O'Hara. You'll piss him off, he'll yell at you and use all of his willpower to keep from throwing something across the room.
That was your relationship... 
He hated you. 
You hated him.
So he knew you didn't purposely flash him…
And that was the problem…
Mr. O'Hara was still in shock, observing as you placed the black pencil holder onto his desk and then stood nearby, beginning to dust off your outfit.
Soon, he recalled your previous question about the number of writing tools he had. He cleared his throat, averted his gaze to the ground, and noticed another pen nearby. On his knees, he leaned over to pick it up, the dark blue pen appearing rather small in his massive hand.
"It's normal... Every teacher has plenty of them," Mr. O’Hara finally muttered. He stood to his full seven-foot height and moved to insert the two he had retrieved into the pencil holder, then returned to his computer chair.
He attempted to divert his attention away from your physique, striving to put the recent sight behind him, but that skirt... 
That skirt was too damn short, irresistibly drawing his gaze back to your enticing thighs and igniting a stream of inappropriate, and lewd thoughts once more.
Mr. O’Hara shifted his attention to his computer, avoiding eye contact with you. "Y/N, I believe we need to address your dress code violation,”  he stated.
You groaned inwardly at his words. 
'Dress code violation, my ass,'
You thought, rolling your eyes. You believed that dress codes on college campuses were nonsensical. After all, you were an adult.
"What's the issue?" you asked, placing your hands on your hips. Mr. O’Hara glanced over at you, struggling to maintain eye contact.
"The dress code explicitly states that skirts cannot be shorter than three inches above the knee. If your skirt remains like this, I'll have no choice but to send you home, and you'll automatically fail my class," he explained.
Mr. O’Hara struggled to maintain professionalism, but his desire continued to cloud his thoughts, drawing his gaze back to your legs.
You couldn't care less about the genetics class, but this was your final year at this wretched college, and you weren't willing to be set back another year over a skirt.
"I'm sorry, Mr. O, but I don't have a change of clothes," you said with a feigned pout, then flashed a bright smile at Mr. O'Hara. "How about you let me off on a tiny, little warning, okay?" you asked, resting your hands on his desk.
He sighed, clearly frustrated by your attempt to evade the dress code violation. Mr. O’Hara knew your excuse probably wasn’t a lie, but your legs were undeniably distracting.
It was stirring up emotions he hadn't experienced in years, and it was genuinely bothering him.
Mr. O’Hara glanced over at you, finding you still smiling at him, hoping for his leniency. His eyes momentarily strayed towards your cleavage that peeked out from the dip in your crop top and down to your inviting thighs.
Suddenly, a voice emerged in the back of his head, a seductive and enticing thought that didn't want you to change. He found himself actually enjoying the way you looked...
‘At least I’ll have something to look at for the rest of class.’ 
Mr. O'Hara sighed softly, his gaze momentarily leaving his computer screen to address you. "Just this once, I'll let you stay. Don't make it a habit," he remarked, his tone stern. "But do ensure that you don't expose yourself too much."
You responded with a broad smile to his words, glancing down and realizing that your skirt had once again ridden up your legs, revealing more than you intended. In a hurry, you adjusted it.
Flashing someone in class had never been your intention; you simply thought the outfit was cute and wanted to wear it.
Flustered, you muttered, "Shit, my bad" not even realizing how high your skirt had risen.
Mr. O'Hara glanced at you as you adjusted your skirt, and before you drew the fabric down, he had caught a sight of your black, clothed mound.
He quickly turned his head, his ears reddening whilst he tried to focus on his computer. Mr. O’Hara was making every effort to distract himself from the dirty thoughts of you and your stunning thighs and pussy.
Mr. O’Hara cleared his throat, his gaze trained on the monitor as he attempted to resume what he was doing prior to being disturbed. “Y/N, just be sure to be more aware of what your body is showing in the future.” 
"Yeah, yeah, I understand," you replied, waving your hand dismissively as you returned to your seat. With a groan, you slumped into your chair, your gaze instantly fixed on the wall clock in Mr. O'Hara's classroom.
You still had twenty minutes left in this boring, ass class...
Another frustrated sigh escaped your lips. You knew the next few minutes were going to be dreadful...
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The next few minutes were, in fact, filled with torture and torment for you and Mr. O'Hara.
He was desperately trying to grade and do his work, but he physically couldn't.
That moment just wouldn't leave his mind...
Your ass, presented clear as day to him. 
Your cheeks plump, round, and squeezed by your black thong, and…
Your clothed pussy… 
His entire body always felt a wave of heat and tingles run through him at the recollection. He had to put his pen down and take a breath.
Mr. O'Hara sat back in his seat and shut his eyes for a brief moment, a deep exhale passing his lips.
When he opened them, his amber-crimson eyes slowly drifted across the classroom, taking in the diligent students who were busily doing their work, and then the little shits who were asleep, typing on their phones, or daydreaming off into space.
And it was one of those little shits that caught his eye...
You ran a frustrated hand through your hair while chewing the end of your pencil in thought. Your legs were crossed over one another as you balanced on your chair's back legs.
Mr. O’Hara continued to stare at you
He couldn't help it...
The more he looked, the more appealing every aspect of you seemed to become.
The black crop top that covered your torso had the phrase "Babygirl" written in cursive across the front. It hugged your body just right and really accentuated your breasts. Your eyes were so gorgeous as you focused them on the wall clock before you. 
The black, long-sleeve fishnet shirt you wore underneath your top hid the minor amount of skin of your stomach. Your stunning abdomen, concealed by the fishnet material, teased any male who desired a good look. On your waist, you wore a thick leather belt that squeezed your frame perfectly, emphasizing your marvelous curves.
As he continued to look at you, Mr. O'Hara's breathing became heavier, his eyes traveling down your body.
Mr. O'Hara was thanking you more and more for wearing that short black and white flannel skirt. Your thighs, with their soft tissue pressing delectably on your seat, were clearly visible to him as the fabric barely covered your bottom.
You legs were crossed under your desk, and the pose made your limbs look even more appealing, and Mr. O'Hara couldn't explain it, but when he actually saw the black boots that adorned your feet, his stomach nearly did a backflip.
The numerous belts and straps on the black, knee-high boots gave you a rather badass appearance that increased your attractiveness in Mr. O'Hara's eyes.
Mr. O'Hara didn't realize how long he had been staring at you aimlessly. He bit his bottom lip in desire, his black dress pants started to get fairly tight around his growing arousal in his pants.
Mr. O’Hara jumped at the sound of his own phone alarm, signaling that his last class for the day was finally over. 
His eyes immediately landed on you, who was grinning broadly in response to the alarm. You quickly got up from your seat and started stuffing your bookbag with your things.
His mind was racing at the sight. 
His thoughts were filled once more with lewd thoughts of you. His erection in his pants, begging for attention. 
Then a wicked idea came to him…
He knew his idea was dirty, and cruel, but he needed some type of release. 
Mr. O'Hara inhaled deeply, cleared his throat, and his eyes fell on you as you were packing your purple book bag with your journal.  He spoke loudly so that he could be heard over the students' many conversations and movements.
You had a huge grin on your face, ecstatic that this horrid class was over and that you could finally go home and do absolutely nothing.
Then, you heard your name being called by Mr. O’Hara, and you couldn't help but display an annoyed expression. 
'What does he want?' 
You thought, turning your gaze to him. “Mr. O?” you called back to him, placing your purple bookbag in your lap and zipping it up.
Mr. O’Hara cleared his throat, licking his lips as he tried to find the right words. His intentions were highly unprofessional, but he still found himself wanting to proceed with his plan. 
'Fuck it...'
His amber-crimson eyes peered at you through his black spectacles, meeting your curious, annoyed, and confused face.
“I need you to stay after class.” 
Your stomach dropped, disbelief washing over you. Anger and annoyance began to build up inside. You sighed heavily in irritation, your intense gaze locked onto your genetics professor. “What for!?” You shouted, clearly agitated.
Mr. O’Hara tried to interject, “Y/N-”
But you didn’t let him finish and continued your rant.
“Is it because I was slacking off!?” You exclaimed, hastily shoving your belongings into your bookbag.
“Y/N, if you will just let me-” Mr. O’Hara tried once again to explain, but you were so lost in your own head that you persisted.
“If this is about my damn skirt, I thought we talked about it!” you exclaimed. “I swear you are just so wishy-washy, Mr. O. You can’t tell me you're letting me slide, only to force me to stay after class. Like, make up your damn mind.” You glared at him with frustration.
You were furious that Mr. O’Hara was holding you back while the other students were free to leave through the classroom door. 
Mr. O’Hara sighed heavily, rolling his eyes at your predictable reaction. His plan was already feeling like a mistake. 
‘What the hell am I doing? Y/N!? Out of all the students on campus!?’
He thought with anger, frustration, and a touch of disappointment and shame.
‘Why did it have to be you?!’
He groaned inwardly, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He desperately wished to halt this before things escalated, but an inner voice of desire urged him to continue.
"If you'd allow me to explain, Y/N, you'll understand that my reason for keeping you after class has nothing to do with those assumptions." Mr. O'Hara said sternly, gazing at you through his black spectacles. Your eyebrows furrowed as you studied the tanned genetics professor in confusion.
"Then why, Mr. O?" Mr. O'Hara cleared his throat, briefly glancing at your body before absentmindedly fiddling with a few paperclips and papers on his desk. His attention was no longer on you.
“Y/N… I would like for you to stay behind after class to...
Discuss your grade.”
Your fiery anger soon gave way for hope and joy. 
You believed that Mr. O’Hara might actually want to assist you with your wretched scores, and you were willing to do whatever it took to bring your grade up…
“Okay…” you replied with a tentative smile.
Mr. O’Hara nodded before quickly turning back to his computer, cheeks tinged with a deep shade of red.
His plan was proceeding smoothly so far…
Very Smoothly...
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A/N: Part 2 will be posted soon!
Hope you enjoyed the first part of my first one shot! ✌🙃❤
(*All rights reserved. DO NOT repost/translate/copy any of my work.*)
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whoschr · 1 year
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ᶻz u found a new way to ease ur boredom on ur bf (0.4k) genre: est relationship, fluff warnings: pet names jake x fem!reader
BROWSING THROUGH INSTAGRAM USED TO BE ENTERTAINING, but now it's become monotonous. Watching the same people doing the same dances to the same songs became a tedious experience. You quickly turned off your phone and looked for something more entertaining to withhold your boredom, your boyfriend, Jake.
Succumbing your thoughts through boredom during the moment, you got up off the couch to go to your boyfriend's desk in the corner.
As he heard the squeaking of your Ugg slippers on the apartment floor, he quickly moved his chair to create more space between himself and the desk. He then placed his hand on his lap, gesturing for you to sit there.
You followed through. The cologne he wore had a sweet and subtle fragrance. With a noticeable pout, you expressed your boredom with an "I'm bored."
"I apologize, my love. Let me complete my work then I can spend time with you."
You didn't respond to his words because his actions always made you the happiest person in the relationship. You and Jake taking turns to strengthen your relationship has brought nothing but joy to both of you.
You became lost in thought for some time. Eventually, you began fidgeting with your fingers, a habit you have when feeling uncomfortable. After a few more minutes, you became aware of the hair tie on your wrist and an extra hair clip in your hair.
You got off your boyfriend’s lap, now standing behind him.
You started grabbing the longer pieces of his hair.
“I'm sorry, I’m bored ok?”
You picked out the amount of hair you needed and carefully gathered your boyfriend Jake's strands. After tying it into a stylish apple hairstyle, you backed up to admire your work. Honestly, Jake looked adorable with his new hairdo.
Seeing your boyfriend's apple hairstyle, you couldn't help but feel proud of how cute he looked. However, you couldn't help but notice that it looked bland. After some thought, you realized what was missing and decided to use another hair clip from your hair to add some style to his look.
Your boyfriend touches his hair, assessing the situation. "My cute hair stylist," he says, facing you. "Do you like it?" you ask with a pout. "Of course I do," he replies. "Why wouldn't I?" You smile, satisfied with his response.
"It's getting late. We should get some sleep," you suggest as you continue to admire Jake’s hair. "I truly believe I have the skills to style your hair continuously," you add. Jake responds with a noncommittal, "We'll see."
★ DEAR UNICORN DIARY.. my second written work ?!! hhehe this took a while but i was happy :)) its finally here bae @flwrshee and KISSES to lily, esther and xin @urszn @weoris @jennaissantes for beta reading this ily
👟 TLIST. @yenqa @zaannnaaaa @kpopstanmeg @flwoie @vivkiz @redm4ri @teddywonss @felixinameadowandthesuniswarm @y4wnjunz
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thebibutterflyao3 · 10 months
Day 6 - Prompt: Obstacle @jegulus-microfic
December Daily Series - 476 words.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
James blinked rapidly as he watched Regulus walk away. He touched the bridge of his glasses, then trailed his fingers over the arms. Regulus had positioned them perfectly on his nose after cleaning them.
He shouldn’t be surprised, really. Everything Regulus did was intentional and precise. James doubted he ever acted on impulse. He could almost see the calculations in his eyes.
Sirius affectionately called his brother “neurotic,” but James envied his organised mind. The ability to cultivate his thoughts into a plan before acting on it was a brilliant skill. James rarely considered consequences, let alone prepared for any obstacle that he might encounter.
“Jamie!” his mum called, waving from the car park.
He jogged toward her with his jacket flapping wildly in the wind. The crisp seaside air was refreshing after an entire day spent driving up. James had to cram his six foot frame into the centre of the backseat just to stretch his legs out.
“Hey mum, are we ready?”
“I think so! The boys left their skates in the car and I have yours.”
They planned to visit the local ice rink for open skate. Regulus and Sirius took lessons as kids, so they agreed immediately. As soon as they climbed out of the SUV, Regulus’s lips twitched into a fleeting smile. He clutched his joy tight to his chest like a child with a new toy, as though he expected to have it ripped away at any moment.
Regulus whispered to Sirius as they tugged on their skates, then nodded solemnly at his response. It was nice to see them getting along. Their confrontational relationship confused him, but Sirius assured him that it was normal for siblings.
“Prongs, let’s race!” Sirius announced, pulling the guards off of his blades.
“Sure. Are you joining too, Black?” James asked as he hopped over the boards.
Regulus shook his head as he shrugged off his coat and removed extra layers. “I’d rather not. I’ll stay in the centre, I think.”
“Suit yourself.”
James kept pace with Sirius for three laps, his longer stride making up for any deficiencies in his speed. Sirius still won, of course, but it was still fun to expend his pent-up energy. As they slowed to a stroll, his attention drifted to centre ice where Regulus skated backwards in slow, elegant figure eights.
His fitted black trousers and shimmering collared shirt reflected the rink’s lights beautifully. Every turn and skip was flawless. Regulus made it look easy.
“Impressive little shite, isn’t he?” Sirius said, nodding. “He could have gone pro.”
“Why didn’t he?”
“Because he hates to lose. If he isn’t 100% sure that he’ll win, Reggie usually won’t take the risk.”
The logic was sound, even if James didn’t relate to the sentiment. Life without risks sounded tedious, even if it looked lovely. And Regulus always looked lovely.
Next Part >>>
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saturnnelahy · 11 months
◦•●◉✿ They are two ✿◉●•◦
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Paring: Kim Taehyung x FemReader
Genre: Fluffy, Taehyung being extra cute
. ━━━━⊱⋆⊰━━━━
His hands were sweating a little so he rubbed them against his tight black jeans, trying futilely to calm down a little as he let out a heavy sigh, his eyes fixed on the clock above the door that seemed to be ticking slowly as if it wanted to torture him, his feet with their heavy black cut-offs tapped nervously against the floor causing a low rhythmic sound as his head rested against the wall behind him, the ceiling of the place was ugly and very bright, causing a slight discomfort if he looked at it for too long. He sighed, his body aching from sitting in that hard, uncomfortable plastic chair, but he couldn't leave, he needed to see and hear his little girl, to know that it was her.
A smile lit up his face when he imagined her, his beautiful little girl, he could hardly contain his joy and excitement when he thought about it, it still seemed unreal how things had changed so much for him in such a short time and how his already happy life had become immensely happier after receiving that wonderful news. One day he was just Taehyung, a bts member, a good friend, a good boyfriend, and now he was…
— Miss Yn and Mr Kim — Called a nurse in a light blue coat at door number 06, the same door he knew so well and would continue to enter for some time until the big day arrived. Taehyung jumped out of his chair, relieved to finally be able to leave that tedious room and not have to feel his body ache because of those horrible chairs. His smile covered his whole face, making him look sweet and jovial, which made him even more beautiful — This way, please.
He held her hand gently and helped guide her into the white room with one of his hands on her back. The delicacy with which his hands touched her body made it seem like glass, like an extremely delicate rose; he looked at her so passionately that the girl's heart almost stopped beating. When he had finished laying her on the gurney, he stopped next to her head, held one of her hands and stroked her hair with the other while looking excitedly at the small screen.
During the doctor's conversation with his girlfriend, the boy's mind travelled far and wide, trying to imagine different shades of hair, eyes, and what his little hands or nose would look like. Would she look more like his family or hers? Would it have a way about it like his or hers? Would its laugh be like hers? He wanted it to look like her so much.
— Do you want to hear the heart? — The doctor asked and they both said yes immediately, which made her laugh, Yn squeezed his hand lightly, which made Taehyung smile even more. The sensation of hearing his own child's heart beating was indescribable, it beat so fast and strong, a sigh broke through his lips at the same time as a shiver ran through his body, emotion filling his heart, but there was something strange — They're healthy babies, they're two girls, congratulations.
Time seemed to have stopped and Taehyung remained petrified as the doctor explained that one of the twins had been hidden during the first consultation, a consultation in which they ended up not being able to hear the little heart because the device was slightly faulty. The man looked at his future wife's belly while he felt an immense joy invade him, he was a little afraid that he might not be able to cope with everything, but knowing that he was going to be the father of two girls filled him with a joy that he didn't know he would be able to feel. Taehyung had finally got the family he had once longed for.
— There are two of them! And they're going to be girls! I won! — He shouted excitedly, looking at his girlfriend, who sighed and rolled her eyes, but then laughed at his excitement. The young father was referring to the bet they had made as soon as they found out they were pregnant, that if they were girls, the names would be chosen by him, Taehyung hugged her gently and kissed her forehead, feeling like the happiest man in the universe — They're twins, love, our girls!!!
He turned away to look at her and the happiness he felt was reflected in her, he could see his whole life being spent next to that woman and all the happy memories they would share together, he had never loved anyone so much and he doubted he would ever love another woman apart from her, he had finally found his "home".
. ━━━━⊱⋆⊰━━━━
This is just a little something I thought of today and thought someone might like to read it 💜 Have a good night💜
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inu-mothership · 2 months
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Inu-Mothership Spotlight Saturday Update: July 27, 2024: KogKag!
Hi everyone! We here at @inu-mothership are back with a new round of fic recs! Our server has just celebrated its third anniversary this week, and to honor that, we'll be revisiting some of the ships that we featured very early on in our Spotlight Saturday days. This week, we're going back to our very first fic rec list, which was KogKag!
This week, we're back with 15 new fics, all published after our last KogKag list, which was a summary of the 2022 KogKag Secret Admirer event! Stories are listed below the cut in alphabetical order, according to title, with rating and status (ongoing or complete) also noted. We hope you find some new KogKag gems in this list!
The Beauty of Storms (G; complete) by abovetheruins (Ao3)
Outside, thunder rumbled. A flash of lightning illuminated the sky, throwing the tree trunks beyond the cave into sharp relief. Kagome’s breath caught at the brilliant display, though she was distracted from the storm by the faintest whisper of footsteps beyond the cave. Within her next heartbeat, the wall of water bearing down upon the entrance parted as a shadowed figure pushed their way through.
Caught in the middle of a rainstorm, the Inu gang take refuge with the wolf clan. Kouga and Kagome share a moment.
Chasing Fate (M; complete) by @fawn-eyed-girl
Yōkai exterminators Kagome and Miroku are called to investigate the mysterious possessions and murders that have been happening on the late night Musashi train line. When confronted with the culprit, Kagome is surprised to see not one, but two faces from her past…
The one who broke her heart. And the one whose heart she broke.
Can she put the past aside to solve this case? And perhaps also reunite with the ookami who still owns her heart, even after she let him go?
Cultural Variances (T; complete) by @arisukingdom
Kouga has been courting Kagome for years now, but she is clueless. One day, he had the perfect excuse to complete all the courting traditions he knows of but they aren't enough. What does she need?
Duty Bound (E; ongoing) by Nora_Wall (Ao3)
It's been several years since the defeat of Naraku and supposed destruction of the Sacred Jewel. Stuck in the past, Kagome has been trying to adjust to the tedious life of a village miko while harboring a dangerous secret. With the emergence of a deadly illness sweeping through Edo, Kagome is tasked with helping Kouga save his pack. The only problem is that Kouga is determined to use this opportunity to not only save his tribe, but to convince Kagome to be his. Drawn to the powerful wolf demon, Kagome must learn to walk the fine line between following her heart and staying duty bound to protect those she loves.
Happenstance (T; complete) by @megara09
A chance encounter in a dark park with a stranger who saves her.
When Kagome injures herself, Kouga takes her home. After learning that her injury will prevent her from helping at her family’s shrine, he volunteers to help out.
Add in a creepy stalker and a big secret for some extra flavor!
Howling Heart (E; ongoing) by @mynightshining
Unexpectedly stuck in a storm together after time apart forces Kagome and Koga to address the elephant in the room.
Hungry Like a Wolf (T; complete) by @mynightshining
Koga lived centuries as the Pack's bachelor alpha. It's fine, really. It doesn't bother him anymore. He embraced the lifestyle. Little does he know the Tanabata festival has a surprise in store.
Joys of Music (G; complete) by @classysassy9791
Kouga hated waking up early, until he didn't.
Little Red (NR; complete) by Langus (Ao3)
The autumn air was crisp and the full moon high in the night sky. Its light bathed the forest floor in a cool cerulean glow that cast long shadows into the underbrush. She pulled in a cleansing breath and let it out in a rush.
"Chase me," she breathed and immediately began to run.
An Olympic Rendezvous (E; complete) by NeutrInu (Ao3)/ @neutronstarchild
There is a reason that the Olympic Village supplies so many condoms. Athletes need to find ways to relax and celebrate, right? When Kagome meets an absolutely gorgeous wolf demon from the French team, she decides it’s time to ‘relieve some of that post-competition tension.’ And with this much chemistry, who needs a common language?
Open Invitation (G; complete) by monophobian (Ao3)/ @nikkxb
Kouga didn't know what she was studying or why she was studying or why she was so stressed about it, but he did know he could help. Somehow.
He didn't realize how quickly he adapted to Kagome at his den.
Skip (G; complete) by @commandercrouton
Kouga surprised his wife with a romantic dinner for a special anniversary. Except Kagome doesn’t know.
Slipping Traces (M; ongoing) by @pointyobjects
Kagome arrives back home with an education and a new title in her small town: the governor's daughter. It's her job to make every citizen of Serenity Creek feel entirely at home, including the handsome, aloof new Horsehand.
Summer-time Blues (G; complete) by GoblinOnAHouse (Ao3)/ @brain-rot-hour
Kagome has a lot of thoughts about life with Kouga and the Pack.
And summer.
Zephyr (T; complete) by AshMish111 (Ao3)/ @mrfeenysmustache
For Kagome Higurashi, the winds of change blew fast and hard, leaving her tossed about and her world upside down.
They were best avoided.
But sometimes change comes on the gentle currents of a warm breeze, and before you know it you’ve gone too far down stream to turn back.
She should have known;
She’d always associated Koga with wind.
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thosehallowedhalls · 8 months
The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm (1/2)
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Pairing: Trystan Thorne/MC (Emma Rose)
Summary: Trystan is haunted by regrets. But when he's granted a wish to undo the worst of them, he finds that the price might be more than he's willing to pay.
@choicesjanuary2024 @lilyoffandoms Day 10, "Change"
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
When the first flurries of snow fall and Christmas lights begin to go up, Trystan always battles a certain melancholy. Growing up, the holiday season was a time of year when royal responsibilities were somehow more overwhelming. His mother always breathed down his neck a little extra hard, which made the extra number of public appearances, guests, and boring so-called ‘parties’ more unbearable.
Then, during the one holiday he spent with Juliana, things shifted. Juli loved Christmas. Her enthusiasm and joy were so contagious that Trystan found himself genuinely enjoying it for the first time. She talked about the annual Christmas ball they would hold when they were king and queen, and she swore it would be an enjoyable one - unlike his parents' usual tedious affair.
He has wrestled with bittersweet memories ever since.
But this year is different. This year, he has Emma. She makes everything better, and he finds himself looking forward to the season for the first time in years. She always makes sure to attend the Rockefeller Center tree lighting in honor of her dad. He’s looking forward to going with her this year.  He’s looking forward to a lot of things.
He can’t completely banish the regrets, though. This year, Sebastyan has joined Juli in his personal hall of ghosts. He no longer blames himself for their deaths, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever fully get over the guilt of not seeing that they needed protection.
He hasn’t told Emma this, but he imagines she knows. She has her own regrets, after all. Her own ghosts.
“Trystan, are you going to help or are you just going to fool around?” Exasperated, Emma tries to wrestle the Christmas lights out of his hands.
He pretends to think about it. Then he wraps them around her. “Option B.”
She blows the hair out of her face. “Seriously?”
He plugs in the lights and grins when she starts to sparkle. “Oh yeah. They look much better on you than they would on the tree.”
“You know, when you asked me to help you put up some Christmas decorations, I assumed that we’d be decorating the tree.”
“But you’re so much more interesting than a tree.”
“Then why, exactly, did we bother going to that horrifyingly packed tree farm yesterday?” She shudders. “Seriously, when a New Yorker tells you that a place is bound to be too busy, listen to her.”
“But the people were the best part! When those two elderly gentlemen almost came to fisticuffs over the tallest fir? The angst. The drama.”
“The extra half an hour that breaking them up added to our day.”
He waves this aside. “You’re determined to see only the negative. Besides,” he wiggles his eyebrows. “Didn’t I make it up to you when we got back to my apartment?”
Her lips twitch. “We could’ve had another two hours for you to make it up to me if we’d had a tree delivered.”
Trystan gives her a pitying look. “What would your father say about having a Christmas tree delivered?”
“… He would say only philistines do such a thing. How could you possibly know that?”
“Easy. A man who takes his daughter to see the tree lighting every year is a man who takes Christmas seriously.” He wraps his arms around her waist, pulls her still glittering form close. “I intend to carry the torch.”
She gives him a suspicious look. “Am I being managed? Did you ask me to decorate with you to make sure I have fun this Christmas?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m simply lazy and unwilling to decorate an entire tree by myself.”
“Did you even have a Christmas tree these last eight years?”
“Naturally. The biggest tree of them all. A veritable tree farm in my living room.”
She kisses his jaw. “Not that I want you to make managing me a habit, but… thanks.”  With a sigh, she pulls back. “It’s getting late. I have to go.”
“Stay,” he murmurs, his lips against hers.
“I can’t.” She nuzzles his neck, her tone making it clear she wishes she could. “Tommy has a date with Sofia. I promised to tend bar tonight.”
“Responsibility isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” he says forlornly.
“Welcome to adulthood.” With a last kiss, she walks out.
He drops down on the couch, intending to watch a movie, but finds himself musing on Emma’s words.
Did you even have a Christmas tree these last eight years?
He tried once, the second Christmas after Juliana’s death. But it felt like a mockery. An accusation. Christmas was always Juliana’s thing, so what right did he have to enjoy it? Why should he have a good time after failing to save her?
As usual over the last several weeks, thoughts of Juliana turn to thoughts of Sebastyan. Bas always did enjoy Christmas more than him. Did Juli’s death also ruin the holiday for him? He could ask Mags or Lydea, but he isn't sure he wants to know.
He wishes he had not drunk so much the night of Mags’ debut. That he hadn’t fallen asleep almost as soon as he and Juli fell into bed. That he had been a better brother to Bas. That he’d been able to save them both.
Perhaps, if she had lived, Bas’ life would have been different. He never saw the charm and warmth that Marguerite talks about, but they apparently existed once. Maybe he would have moved on with his life without the specter of Juliana to haunt him. Fallen in love with someone else. Been happy.
Regrets coursing through his veins, useless wishes clamoring in his heart, Trystan dozes off.
The scent is the first thing that stands out to him. It’s easy enough to recognize – after all, it was filling his nostrils only yesterday. Firs and spruces, hot cocoa and candy. The Christmas tree farm where he spent a chaotic yet marvelous afternoon with Emma.
What in the world is he doing here?
“Oh, hello.” The man who sold them his fir yesterday smiles. “I was wondering when you’d arrive.”
“You were… what?”
“Lots of visitors this time of year,” the man, his name tag reads Jacob, says.
“Well, yes. I would assume that late November is a busy time for Christmas tree farms.”
“Indeed.” Jacob nods sagely. “And an even busier time for regrets.”
Well aware that he sounds like a broken record, Trystan blinks. “What?”
“That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? That’s why everyone is here.”
“About that. You sure work late. Or early, depending on your perspective.”
Jacob waves this off. “2 AM is the perfect time for regrets. No other time of day invites them quite as enticingly.”
Trystan shakes his head. “I’m afraid you’ve lost me."
"You have regrets, don’t you?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“Ordinarily, you deal with them well. But every once in a while, they suffocate you.” His gaze sharpens. “Tell me, Trystan, if you could have a second chance, if you could undo a regret… what would it be?”
He's given up on trying to understand what's happening. The oddity of the question doesn't register anymore. It only brings back to the surface the wish that's been playing on his mind in a painful loop. “I would save Juli and Bas.”
The alarm goes off too early, as it invariably does. He stirs when he feels lips on his cheek, fingers trailing down his chest.
“Mm. ‘S nice.”
The responding giggle is melodious, beautiful, and very familiar. It sounds an awful lot like… like…
“Good morning, my love.”
His eyes snap open. Awareness slams into him like a freight train. “Juli?”
“For your sake, you had better not have anyone else waking you like this,” she teases. “Happy Christmas Eve. Now get out of bed and let’s get to work.”
“Juli? He asks again, dumbfounded and wondering when in the world he started lucid dreaming. Because this… surely it is only a dream?
Concern softens her features. “Darling, are you all right? Do you want me to fetch the doctor?”
He struggles into a sitting position, feeling the silk against his skin and realizing that… oh. This isn’t a dream. But then…
I would save Juli and Bas.
Oh my god.
“That is my name, yes.” Her tone is light, but she only looks more concerned. “Wait here, I’ll have Elias call the doctor.”
“No, wait.” His hand shoots out, taking hold of her wrist. “How are you here? How am I here?”
“Where else would we be? The Christmas Ball can’t very well happen without us.”
The Christmas Ball?
He looks at her, truly looks at her. She’s as beautiful as always, but there’s a new maturity to her face. This Juliana has lived longer than twenty-two years. “What year is it?”
Her eyebrows disappear under her hair. “Oh no. Please tell me you aren’t hungover. We have a million things to do today.”
Trystan tries to smile. “Humor me?”
“2023, of course. Same as the last 356, and the next eight, days.”
She’s thirty now.
She’s alive.
He throws his arms around her in a hug so sudden that Juliana squeaks in surprise. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
She curls into him, bringing on a deluge of emotion and memories that nearly topple him where he stands. She still wears the same perfume. “Likewise, husband of mine.”
Husband? But…
She presses her lips to his, tenderly stroking his cheek. For a moment, Trystan holds motionless. Part of him feels twenty-two again, kissing the woman he loves when love is a new and dazzling experience that he never expected to have. But deep inside, a voice blares a warning.
He pulls back. Juliana considers it a tacit suggestion.
“Yes, yes, you’re right. We need to get to work. There are a hundred details to finalize and even more to double check. I’m happy that we’re to finally be the hosts of this ball, but I don’t think I truly realized how much work it was going to be.”
If they’re hosting the Christmas Ball, then that means he’s… and they’re…
Fear trails cold fingers down his spine, and he finishes untangling himself in a burst of panic.
Where is Emma?
“Well? Are you ready to get started?”
His royal training kicks in, allowing him to keep his turmoil in check. “Right, yes. Remind me what’s on the agenda for today?”
She rattles off an intimidatingly long list, complete with receiving the guests who would be arriving for the week. “Bas and Em will be here any minute now. Play nice.”
It’s unexpected that Sebastyan and Emika would arrive anywhere together, but the warning is fair – or it would be, if he weren't so relieved that his brother is alive. Presumably, he thinks with a pang of shame, this Trystan still despises his little brother. “I’ll do my best.”
“I mean it, Trystan. You know she doesn’t like you, and the last thing we need is you antagonizing one of our guests.”
He stops. “She?”
“Oh, please get it together. Emma already didn’t like you before. Now that she and Bas are together, she’s unlikely to see you in a more positive light. You know how in love they are.”
Everything inside of him goes cold.
It can’t be.
“Of course. What is Emma’s last name again?”
She gives him a look. “Trystan, darling, Rose is hardly a difficult name to remember. What is the matter with you today?”
“It’s n-nothing. Give me a moment.”
He locks himself in the bathroom before she can reply.
He can’t breathe.
Emma doesn’t like, let alone love him. She’s in love with someone else. With his brother. The words keep replaying in his mind, equally unbelievable each time. It’s like someone completely changed the rules of the game and threw away the handbook.
He doesn't know how to live in a world where Emma doesn’t love him.
All this time, when he was wishing he could have saved Juliana, he never stopped to consider that if he had, he and Emma wouldn’t be together. Much less that Emma might be with Bas.
What the hell does he do now?
The thought emerges fully formed. I want to go back. But can he truly wish for a world where Juliana and Sebastyan are dead, simply because the woman he loves is in love with someone else? Is he truly that selfish?
Trystan emerges back into the suite with a forced smile. “You go ahead, I’ll get dressed and meet you in a moment.”
His heart is hammering in his chest when he heads to the front entrance, fully dressed and looking as regal as he’s capable of looking. Juliana is hugging Bas, and right next to him is… He sucks in a breath, drinking in the sight of Emma, holding back the desire to rush to her side and take her in his arms. Then she looks up and sees him standing at the top of the staircase.
Her smile fades.
His heart trembles. Even when they first met, before he wormed his way into her good graces, Emma never looked at him with such patent dislike.
Juli and Bas break apart, and she moves to hug her. “It’s so good to see you! It’s been too long.”
“I know. I’ve been busy. For that matter, so have you.”
Juliana waves this off. “Never too busy for a friend. I thought you’d be coming over sooner. Didn’t you arrive a few days ago? Oh, what am I saying. Bas wasn’t going to let you out of his apartment after spending all that time apart.”
Sebastyan wraps a possessive arm around Emma’s shoulders. “I didn’t get to see her in over two months. I wasn’t ready to share her.”
Juliana laughs, then glances over her shoulder. “Trystan! What are you doing up there? Come greet our guests.”
Somehow, his feet carry him to the foot of the stairs. “Hello, Bas. Emma. It’s good to see you both.”
“Trystan.” Sebastyan’s stiff tone says that he doesn’t like him any more than he did in the original timeline. But Trystan can tell he’s making an effort, probably for Juliana’s sake. “We appreciate the welcome.”
“No need. This is your home, too.” It’s probably Sebastyan’s home more than it’s ever been Trystan’s, but that’s neither here nor there. His eyes slide over to Emma’s.
She lifts her chin a fraction. “Your Majesty.”
It’s all wrong. Emma has called him Your Majesty before, but the tone was always affectionate and teasing. This… this sounds like she’s talking to his mother. Polite. Formal. Cold.
“Please, Trystan is fine.” He holds out a hand, and after a brief hesitation, she takes it. He resists the impulse to pull her to him, but he can’t help savoring the feel of her skin.
Emma’s hand tenses in his, and he realizes that he’s been holding on to it. He lets her go quickly. “Well, you should be shown where you're staying.”
Juliana gives him an odd look. “They already know where they're staying. In the same room where Bas lived for twenty years, and where they stay every time they come over.”
He would be more confused by that twenty years remark if the singular room hadn’t sucker punched him. His gaze falls on their entwined hands. “Of course. My apologies, I’m afraid I’m running on little sleep today.”
All three of them look like they don't quite believe him. But Emma… Emma looks the way she always does when a new mystery fires up her mind. He can practically hear the cogs of her mind turning.
Then she shrugs and turns to Sebastyan. "We should unpack."
Juliana smiles. "Certainly. Don't forget that we're having a small family dinner this evening."
"We'll be there," Sebastyan says, before wrapping an arm around Emma's waist. They both head upstairs.
Trystan's gaze follows them. Sorrow swells up in his chest.
What the hell has he done?
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elexuscal · 7 months
okay so Gideon and Harrow. Harrow and Gideon.
their thing being that they Mean The World to each other, but it takes (/is taking) so long for them to realise it, because their personalities and their values are so at odds
and a really interesting microcosm to that i think is their interest in food?
like Gideon loves food. loves to eat, revels in it, likes it hot, finds it a revelation when she's actually given something that goes beyond that into 'actually delicious'.
and throughout GTN, Harrow is constantly restricting her access to it. making them late to meals, or leaving meals early, or leaving behind like a single loaf of stale like a cat's owner putting out an extra bowl of food cuz they'll be staying the night somewhere else.
and on that first read, it feels like a way to reinforce how little Harrow cares about Gideon, or at least, how she puts her own priorties constantly before her cavalier's.
but then we get Harrow's POV in the next book, and she just. isn't interested in eating. finds it a tedious body maintenance task. barely even does it except when absolutely necessary.
'okay but she was hella depressed and disassociating in that book', you might think. but Nona is in Harrow's body, and she's a cheerful bundle of joy with an utter joie de vivre. but she also dislikes eating. her friends/family have to constantly cajole her into it. Harrow's body just seems to be wired to find it at best, utterly dull, and at worst, sensory hell.
so Harrow seems to have just been assuming that was the Default for everyone. So when Gideon is asking to go to dinner, it's not because she's genuinely hungry, or actively gets joy out of the activity. that concept is utterly foreign to Harrow. No it must be because Gideon is being her usual obstinate pain-in-the-ass self.
even when it comes to something as simple as food, these two have utterly different perspectives and utterly fail to communicate it.
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plushieclan · 5 months
Moon 8 Gathering
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Tigerpaw was basically jumping with joy as he prepared the food for the Gathering. Starleaf was coaching him through what to do, an exhausted look on her face. Nightflower chuckled. She remembered when it was her doing tedious tasks. Part of her almost longed for her apprentice days again… but it sure was nice to have her own space!
Since Crystalclan’s camp was so vacant of good shelter within the wider structure, apprentices lived in the nursery. When it was all ten of them in the same den? Now that got crowded!
To be honest, Nightflower wanted to stay home. But there was no was she’d risk it. After all, Firepaw would be a warrior any day now. It would be a bad move for her to miss the Gathering— she wanted to be there when her friend finally managed to graduate.
Firepaw’s mentor Smallcloud had passed a few moons ago, so she had to receive a new one. Apparently, he wasn’t much better. His name was Cowfur and much like his namesake, supposedly all he did was sleep and ignore her training. Maybe Firepaw was just exaggerating.
Still, Nightflower could see how that could get annoying.
The Gathering was extra packed that night— there were new faces everywhere she could see. She figured the occasion was the face on the loft with the leaders. A younger cat, looking to be about her age, stood next to the Wanderer’s representative.
Darkstar jumped onto the loft to join them. He wasn’t the last leader tonight— Redstar was lingering in the crowd with two smaller cats. He said one last goodbye before getting into place with the other leaders.
Starleaf bounded over to the steps, where the deputies stood. Bloodthorn’s spot was empty last moon; but this moon, a suave-looking cream tom was in her place.
Tonight, her father was the one to start the proceedings.
“All is well in Crystalclan. We have one new warrior, Applesnow! She has worked hard for the position.”
The aforementioned Applesnow just smiled away, seemingly oblivious to the attention placed on her. Nightflower made sure to yell her name extra loud, so that she’d notice they were talking about her.
“Huh? Oh, it’s my turn already?!” she snapped back into reality, before folding in on herself in embarrassment. “Oh… um… thank you?”
Next, it was Badgerstar’s turn.
“There isn’t much to report. Our clan is doing well.” he stated, before lumbering off to the side.
Redstar came to the front next, a serene smile on his face.
He held his paw up, pointing into the crowd. “Swampclan has had a momentous moon. Two wonderful kits have become apprentices. Please celebrate Jaggedpaw, our newest warrior apprentice, and Sharppaw, our first cleric apprentice.”
“YEAHHH!” a loud, loud cheer ripped through the crowd. It came from the mouth of a small, scrappy molly with eyes as crimson as Redstar’s, one of the ones he was talking to earlier. She was definitely Jaggedpaw. She punched the shoulder of the apprentice next to her, who had a meeker attitude. Nightflower assumed this was Sharppaw.
Redstar lifted his pointed paw into the air, silencing the gathering.
“I’m afraid to announce that our deputy Bloodthorn has retired. In her place, Bergamotfur has become our newest deputy. I hope you will all wish him well on his journey.” Redstar said without missing a beat. His smile never faltered.
With that, he stepped back to allow Finchstar to take the front.
Finchstar was not a tom who showed a lot of emotion, from what Nightflower had seen of him. Mainly, it was reserved for his family— in the form of joy. But today, he looked… troubled. She wondered why.
“Today, we have one new warrior. Please welcome Firefall.” his voice lacked enthusiasm.
Nightflower cheered as hard as she could for her friend. If anyone deserved it, it was her! Firefall was a very good name too. Although, as she looked at Grangeclan, she could see an unease settling over them. They were cheering the least out of any of the clans. What in the world could that mean?
He stepped back, and Nightflower expected things to end there. But instead, the Wanderers representative stepped forward.
“I am training a new apprentice to take my place. Penny will be replacing me in due time. However, she has much to learn, so I will not be leaving yet.” The rep mrrped in laughter. “Penny, step forward and say your piece.”
Penny was a tuxedo cat like Nightflower, but with much smaller ears. Her eyes were a bright orange, rather than Nightflower’s purple.
“Um, hello. As you know, I will be taking the position of Torch-bearer in the future. Fran has been a good mentor so far! As part of my training, I will spend a moon living in each camp. I hope to see you all soon!” Penny smiled as she spoke, even though she seemed nervous. She stepped back, and the Gathering began
The extra cats began to cheer. They must have been Wanderer’s cats, she figured. One of them was talking with Starleaf— a grizzled dilute calico molly. Starleaf beckoned Nightflower over.
“You can go congratulate your friend in a bit— there’s someone I want you to meet first.” Starleaf spoke outwardly with a curtness, to keep up appearances. Of course, Nightflower knew her mother well enough to tell that she was quite excited.
“Who is it, Starleaf?” Nightflower said, careful to keep familiarity out of her voice.
Starleaf motioned to the calico molly, and they slinked out of the Four Corners through a rotted board. Nightflower quickly followed after them.
Once they were far enough away to avoid eavesdroppers, Starleaf smiled.
“Nightflower, do you know your grandmother?”
She blinked. Her… grandmother?
The calico molly laughed. “Oh, the little one wouldn’t remember. She was just a week old!”
Nightflower gasped. “I’m so sorry… I can’t remember you. I’m a terrible granddaughter!”
“Come on, don’t worry dear. My name is Squirrel. I’m your mother’s mother; your grandmother. I used to lead a squad of the Wanderers, back in the day. Now your mother’s sister’s taken it over.”
“I-It’s nice to meet you, Grandma!” she stood up straight.
“How’s retirement been, Mom?” Starleaf asked.
Squirrel chuckled. “Oh, it’s been nice. Your father’s No-furs keep me fed, and it’s fun to see the new recruits struggling in the yard! Maya was too busy to come with me, but she says hi.”
“Maya?” Nightflower asked.
“Ah, you haven’t met any of your aunts and uncle, have you?” Squirrel chuckled. “Maya is one of your mother’s sisters. She’s the one who took over my squad. There’s also Hazel, my son, and Shauna.”
“Penny is Shauna’s daughter.” Starleaf clarified. “That’s why your grandma hauled herself all the way here.”
“Ah, and what a good decision that was. I’m so glad you’re doing well here.” Squirrel smiled. “I wish your littermate was still with us. But I supposed she’s watching over you from your stars, isn’t she?”
Nightflower’s thoughts lingered on Ravenkit, and how she had seen her last moon. “Yeah. Sometimes I wish I knew what she was thinking.”
Starleaf seemed surprised. “You’ve seen her recently?”
“Yeah. She led me to Grassfoot on the First Snow. I wouldn’t have found her if it wasn’t for Ravenkit.”
Starleaf furrowed her brow. “I— I didn’t know that. Nightflower, will you remember to tell me next time you see her?”
Nightflower gasped. “Oh! Yeah Mom, I promise. Sorry, it slipped my mind.”
The grief lingered in Starleaf’s mind just as it did Nightflower’s. She hadn’t really considered how hard it was for her mother to not know what Ravenkit was doing… and to watch one child grow, while the other stayed the same for all of eternity.
Squirrel butt her head into Starleaf’s, then Nightflower’s. “It’s so good to see my kin again. If you’re ever in the area, be sure to stop by the No-fur den, ok? Conan and I will be so happy to see you around. And make sure you take care of Penny, alright? Don’t let those Swampclan bastards hurt her!”
Starleaf turned to Nightflower. “You can go now. I’m going to stay to catch up with my mom for a bit. Enjoy the Gathering, ok?”
Nightflower smiled. “Alright. Bye Mom. And it was nice meeting you, Grandma!”
“Good seeing you too, dear!” Squirrel waved her off.
When Nightflower had returned, everyone had started eating. She picked up one of the last pieces of prey, a small sparrow, and ran over to where Firefall was sat.
Their friend group was tucked into a corner, away from the fire. Not many others were near them due to how cold it was that night, but the friends huddled together for warmth. It was Shimmersky and Lynxclaw on the outside and on the inside, was the new warrior of the day.
For a molly who just passed the greatest milestone of her life, she looked awfully conflicted. Just as much as the rest of her clan. Nightflower set her food down next to Firefall and turned to her.
“Hey new warrior!” She said excitedly.
“Hey.” Firefall repeated without much enthusiasm.
“What’s with the long face?”
She just turned away.
Shimmersky nudged Nightflower “Hey, trade prey!” Shimmersky had a big, juicy vole by her side. Nightflower was happy to oblige.
The friends sat side by side, silently eating prey, before Lynxclaw spoke.
“Ok, enough of this! Firefall, what’s going on?! You’ve been practically counting down the days before you became a warrior, so why are you so upset now?!”
Firefall looked at her food. “I… I can’t tell you. I’m not supposed to discuss it with the other clans.”
“Other clans?!” Lynxclaw was indignant. “Firefall, we’re your friends! We’re not some enemy!”
Nightflower looked at Shimmersky, then back at Firefall. Shimmersky nodded. “Go for it.”
“Hey, I get it Firefall. I get it.” Nightflower started. Firefall seemed to relax a bit. “If it makes you feel better… I have a secret of my own.”
Lynxclaw’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not supposed to tell the other clans, but… you’re my friends. I think it’s time for you to know.” Nightflower said, “I’m not Shimmersky’s littermate. I’m Darkstar and Starleaf’s surviving kit.”
Firefall and Lynxclaw’s eyes went wide.
“I-is that really safe to be saying out loud?!” Lynxclaw whispered. They knew just as well as Nightflower did the danger of what that meant. “I mean, we won’t tell anyone, but what if someone heard that?!”
“You… survived. You survived that. You’re… you’re the cat from the prophecy.” Firefall looked at her with a new expression; one of determination.
“Yeah. I know this is dangerous. But I trust you guys. And I want you to know that we trust you too, Firefall. We’d never tell your secret to anyone else.”
Firefall nodded. “Ok. Ok…” she looked up. “Do you know what reincarnation is?”
Nightflower shook her head. Shimmersky and Lynxclaw seemed similarly confused.
Firefall continued. “Basically… if a kit dies really young, they can sometimes use their power to be born again. They lose their memories, but get a second change at life. It’s purely Starclan power— they don’t even need a second parent to be reborn.”
Nightflower could see where this was going.
“One of my clanmates— Ashrise— used to get really weird around me. A few others would too, but especially him. And I never used to know why. But… this moon, my parents sat me down. Apparently… I’m the reincarnation of one of his dead kits. They figured this out because… well… apparently my father can’t father kits. So my parents were really confused as to how I came to be. And when I was born, I looked a lot like Ashrise’s kit Emeraldkit.”
“Emeraldkit?” Shimmersky asked. “This must have been long before our time. I’ve never heard of that name before.”
“Pearlheart went to Starclan to ask, and well… all of the other kits were still there; except Emeraldkit. And her littermates confirmed it. I’m… someone’s dead kit. I don’t know what to do. Do I talk to Ashrise? He’s… technically my father. But at the same time… I love my parents. Rainleaf and Bloomfur are the ones who raised me. And I don’t know… do I even have room for another parent?“
Nightflower looked at Firefall. “I don’t think it should be up to us what you do. In the end, your decision is your decision. But… I mean, I don’t think it’ll hurt to get to know him. Maybe give it a try? In my experience,” she thought about Rime and their porch, “another parent never got rid the ones that came before. They just became another person to love.”
Firefall seemed to think about it a bit. “I… yeah. I’ll give it a try. Maybe not yet, but someday. Ashrise has always been nice.” she sighed. “It’s weird to think about how I’m technically the deputy’s sister.”
Lynxclaw thought for a moment. “Have you been able to meet Emeraldkit’s other parent?”
Firefall scrunched up. “No… that’s the weirdest part of this whole situation. They won’t tell me anything about Emeraldkit’s mother or how she died. The whole clan’s been on edge about it. Something… bad happened. Something really bad.” she sighed for a moment. “All I know is that she was the cleric before Flyheart. I don’t know a name though.”
Both Lynxclaw and Shimmersky looked as confused as Nightflower felt.
“Well, just know that we’re here to support you, Firefall. If you ever feel like your clan’s too hard to be around, you can come stay with us in Crystalclan.” Shimmersky butt her head into Firefall’s. She chuckled.
“I’d offer too, but Badgerstar is the worst. He probably won’t let you stay. I’d fight him for you though!” Lynxclaw added.
“Thanks guys.” Firefall smiled. “I might take you up on that offer. Not the fight one though— I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
Nightflower settled in closer to Firefall. “We can stay with you until the end of the Gathering, if you want.”
She laughed a bit. “I think I’m getting flashbacks to that first Gathering.”
“Hey, you get your turn to mourn too. It really sucks to be isolated from your clanmates.” Lynxclaw looked over to the side, eyes focused on a small group. Nightflower could see Penny speaking with Yarrowheart and Badgerstar.
“Agreed.” Firefall said.
The four settled into their spots, talking idly until the gathering ended.
Nightflower and Shimmersky had said goodbye to Lynxclaw and Firefall, wishing them the best. They joined the rest of their clan on the way out. Everything had seemed to conclude normally. It was just Swampclan and Crystalclan left in the Four Corners. Both were on their way out. Nightflower was with Starleaf.
“Where will Penny sleep when she comes to our clan?”
Starleaf hummed. “I think the elder’s den would be best. It’s empty for now, so she’d be quite comfortable there.”
Nightflower started to make a statement in agreement, before the loudest yowl she’d ever heard ripped across camp.
Nightflower turned to see Jaggedpaw, the apprentice from before, wrestling with Tigerpaw.
“I’LL KILL YOU FOR THAT!” her claws were sheathed, but her eyes were filled with as much venom as her words. She had managed to pin Tigerpaw down.
“IT’S NOT THAT SERIOUS, MOUSEBRAIN!” Tigerpaw shouted back, kicking her with his hind legs.
She was unrelenting, leaning into him. “Apologize.” she spat.
“NO! I DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING WRONG!” he writhed under her paws.
Nightflower had started her way there, but Starleaf had already bounded over to separate them.
“That’s enough, Jaggedpaw.” a voice interjected.
Redstar himself calmly strode towards the two apprentices.
“F-Father!” Jaggedpaw smiled.
“Get off the apprentice this instant.” He said.
She looked horrified. “B-But… but he insulted our clan!”
Redstar’s expression never changed. “You are the one insulting our clan with your conduct. Get off him.”
She retreated, stepping off Tigerpaw with a scoff. As she left, Nightflower could swear she saw tears prickling at the corners of her eye.
“This Gathering has already concluded. Jaggedpaw will be punished later for this mistake.” Redstar said, before beckoning the rest of his clan to leave. They exited out of the main entrance.
The Swampclan cats whispered among themselves as they left. Nightflower could have sworn some of them were laughing.
“What were you thinking?!” Starleaf yelled at her apprentice. “Fighting at a Gathering… do you know how that looks? It’s dangerous!”
“It wasn’t my fault!” Tigerpaw bristled under the scolding. “I wasn’t even talking to her! All I said was that it’s creepy that Swampclan is making kits apprentices!”
Starleaf sighed. “Because of you, we could have been in a serious situation. You need to learn to hold your tongue better at Gatherings.” she placed a paw on his shoulder. “What would I have told your parents if you had gotten hurt?”
Tigerpaw scoffed. “She’s just a kit. She can’t hurt me.”
“Really? Because it looked like she was winning to me.” Pebblepaw added with a smirk.
“Shut up Pebblepaw!” Tigerpaw lunged after his sister, who ran away laughing. He followed after her, huffing in anger.
Starleaf looked very tired. “She won’t be a kit forever…”
“There’s no way he can hear you, Mom.” Nightflower replied.
“I know. I just worry for him. He’s too impulsive for his own good.” Starleaf sighed.
Nightflower bumped into her mother’s side. “He’ll learn someday.”
“I hope you’re right, Nightflower.”
Jaggedpaw was huddled in a corner of the nursery, wrapping her body around her paw. All she could hear was Rosekit’s raspy breaths. She huffed, turning in on herself.
“Do you want me to look at that, Jaggedpaw?”
She looked up to see Alderflower.
“No. I don’t need any medical care. Focus on stupid Rosekit.”
Alderflower looked at Rosekit, who slept soundly despite her mangled leg. Jaggedpaw couldn’t understand. Why in the world would she care so much about a kit that wasn’t even hers? Why wouldn’t she just let it die?
“Rosekit is stable. Her wounds aren’t bleeding.” Alderflower finally replied. “Yours are. Let me look at them.”
Jaggedpaw acquiesced, holding her injured paw out to Alderflower.
Alderflower gently took Jaggedpaw’s bleeding paw into hers. “He did this to you, didn’t he?”
“No. He didn’t. And even if he did, I deserved it for disgracing our clan.” Jaggedpaw snapped.
Alderflower licked her paw clean, which made Jaggedpaw wince. “Alright, I won’t push.”
She grabbed some cobwebs out from beneath the nest, placing it on Jaggedpaw’s wound.
“It should heal without a scar. You’ll be alright.” Alderflower smiled. “Do you want to sleep with me and Rosekit tonight?”
Jaggedpaw turned up her nose. “No. I don’t want to.”
She looked out of the nursery to the empty apprentice den, where she slept all by herself. Snow had begun to form a thick layer on the ground.
“But the apprentice den is really cold, so I suppose I have no choice.”
Alderflower moved over to make room for Jaggedpaw. She reluctantly slotted herself inside.
She’d be a great warrior someday. One that made her father proud. Today, she slept in the nursery. But tomorrow, she’d plot her revenge.
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americasass81 · 6 months
Vibranium Knight
Warnings:- Mild Kidnapping, Use of Pet Names, Cockwarming, P in V Smut.  18+ only. Do not read if any of these warnings are upsetting. Feedback is welcomed.
By proceeding you are acknowledging that you are over 18 and are consenting to the content below the cut.
Author’s Note 1:- @targaryenvampireslayer just a little something I wrote for you Suz to hopefully make your working day a little brighter.  Sorry it took so long but I hope it’s worth the wait being that this is my first time writing for this character I know you adore..
Author’s Note 2:- As always, all images have been found through google search.
Synopsis:- Enjoying a beautiful Spring day was not supposed to introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities but that’s exactly what happens when your distracted state intersects with an Avenger on a totally personal mission.
Pairings:- dark-ish!Sam Wilson x Female Reader.
Word Total:- 4,836
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The office was quiet as you sat down at your desk and turned on the monitor, but the silence didn't really help.  The truth was nothing did.  ‘Why did it have to be this way?’ you thought as you now stood back up and headed for the nearest coffee machine while your computer flickered to life and the pinging of the elevator told you that soon your colleagues would be filing out of it to join you in another monotonous day of being totally undervalued while you scrimped and saved to hopefully retire before the humdrum working existence stole all semblance of joy from your life.
Sitting back down now and stealing a quick, generous amount of the caffeine infused beverage designed to see you through the day, you nodded kindly at your colleagues and exchanged pleasantries about your weekend activities before throwing yourself headlong into your work and counting down the seconds until lunch brought a much needed and welcome relief.  Or at least that's what it usually did.
Powering down your computer at the 1 o'clock mark and picking up your jacket while rising from your chair, a brisk walk to the elevator past the fire alarm that you'd dreamed so often of pulling just to add some excitement to the boring office routine, a smooth, uninterrupted trip down to the ground floor and your were free.  At least temporarily anyway.
Stepping outside the door then and taking in a few delightful breaths of the sweet spring air, you contemplated getting in your car, letting the top down and just spending your hour's break cruising around the city.  After all, it wasn't very often you got weather like this that let you feel the wind in your face or the sun shining down on you in a manner that wouldn't leave you burning up from the inside out afterwards.  No, this was exactly the type of weather you relished.
Not too hot, not too cold, you took one last delightful lungful and agreed instead that this was far too glorious a day to waste even a second of it sitting around in smog-fueled traffic.  Walking instead now to your favorite restaurant and collecting your usual order to go, you next headed to the local park and finding one of the easily accessible benches beside the river, sat down and tucked into the mouthwatering ramen noodle dish that only David managed to prepare just the way you liked it.
Although to be fair you thought as you took that first delicious bite and savored every single flavor that assaulted your taste buds, the other staff members never really screwed up this dish and it was the main reason you loved their food so much, but there was just something extra that seemed to make it taste a whole lot nicer when David made it.  Maybe he added something the others didn't.  Maybe it was his infectious smile and sunny disposition.  And then just maybe, it was the fact that he always had it hot and prepared for you the second you walked in as if he somehow accepted how excruciatingly tedious and demanding your work environment was and how precious this lunchtime break was for you.
A good deed in a weary world.  And yet something so small that made a world of difference to you.
Finishing up your meal now and dumping the rubbish in the nearest bin provided, you then decided that a bit of exploration was due you before you headed back to the grind of daily life necessary to pay your bills and afford you some small pleasure away from the hustle and bustle of trying to get a leg up in the corporate world.  And perhaps it was this very ruminating that found you off the beaten track in an area of the park you had never ventured before as a cloth came up to cover your mouth while the world went black all around you.
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Coming back to the waking world some time later with absolutely no idea of what had happened in between or how much time had passed exactly, two things at least were perfectly clear .... and only one of them brought you any semblance of relief.  Looking around the room now while simultaneously focusing your gaze on the outside world that greeted you through a nearby window, you knew beyond all doubt now that this was not your apartment while the vegetation blooming back at you confirmed this too was no longer the city you knew and worked in.  As for the second thing?  Well, the pounding in your head told you you were well and truly alive, but whether or not that was a good thing or a bad thing remained to be seen.
Rising slowly from the bed now and thankful from your head to your toes that every stitch of clothing you had last put on was at least in place, you still needed to know exactly what was going on.  Walking then from the side of the huge bed over to the double doors that clearly opened on the outside world, you placed your palms on the handles and sent up a silent plea before quietly as possible pushing down and releasing a breath as the latches gave way and an exit appeared.  Giving one last look behind you then to make sure you hadn't alerted whomever it was that brought you here against your will, you next stepped forwards into the unknown and faced what lay ahead.  And what an experience that was.
Gazing around you now at wide open fields in every direction set against the backdrop of a picturesque mountain and river, it would have taken your breath away if not for the truth of what it revealed .... you were totally and utterly cut off from civilized society.  Taking an extra few moments still to just stand there and soak in the peace and tranquility so evident in every rock and blade of grass before you, you then pulled yourself away from the quiet and headed back towards the house.  It was time to figure out where you went from here.
Turning around then and walking back through the double doors that just moments ago had offered you freedom and then stolen it away just as easily, you stopped up short however when a man appeared through another door in the bedroom covered in only a towel as water droplets running down his exposed upper half told you he had just returned from a shower.  Which actually explained why your absence had gone unnoticed .... at least until now.
"Well hello there chicklet, am I to assume by your return that you're not yet ready to try and make a run for it?" he asked while you simply stared blankly back at him as a thousand questions exploded in your mind like fireworks on the 4th of July.  Yet nothing came out.  So it seemed he would have to try again.  "You don't remember me, do you chicklet?" he now asked as he walked fully into the room, closed the doors you had neglected in your shock and then sat down on the seat situated at the foot of the bed to await your response.  A response that came rather quickly this time.
"Remember you?  When the hell did I ever meet you?" you asked, but any answer from him was unnecessary as flashes of memory answered your own question for you.  For you see you had met him.
Oh sure it was now a lifetime ago and he went by The Falcon back then, but there was no mistaking that beautiful smile, those soft eyes or the fact that you haven't lived your life under a rock.  No, the whole world knew of Sam Wilson.  Formerly known as the heroic Falcon, now carrying the mantle of Captain America, the whole world had witnessed his strength and character when The Flagsmashers had sought to create even more chaos out of the tragedy that was the Blip and the resulting return of all those people that had been snapped away.  You on the other hand knew him personally.  Kind of.
Sitting by the catwalk many years back at a New York Fashion Week event your friend Alice had somehow managed to get both of you tickets for, your memory of lying beneath the strapping superhero when guns began blasting and bullets started flying might have remained more prominent in your mind if it wasn't for well .... said gunfight.  As it was, you remembered being tackled to the ground, moved this way and that to a safe place before the winged superhero told you to stay put upon rising from your position and heading off to help The Black Widow deal with whatever skirmish was wreaking havoc on the spectacular event.
No, that was definitely an encounter you were only too happy to forget.  Even if it did include a run-in with an actual Avenger.  But wait, if Sam Wilson was still an Avenger and he was now currently occupying a house in the middle of absolutely nowhere with you, then what exactly did that mean for your current location?  After all, you had woken up that morning in England just like you did every other morning and Sam Wilson, as far as you could recall, was everything good that the United States of America had to offer.  But they were oceans apart.  Literally.  So where the hell were you now?
In the time you had lost had you somehow been transported across the Atlantic to the good old U. S. of A.?   Or was Captain America himself currently shacked up in the most idyllic of settings deep in the heart of the English countryside?  Looking out the double doors once more and realizing now that you could in no way place this location in either country, you were about to give up and ask him where both of you were when a glance through the door he had just entered brought a whole new set of questions and distractions flooding through your mind.
Walking into that room while completely ignoring the half naked Adonis and staring in awe now at the rows of fabric that had caught your attention, one half of what appeared to be a gigantic closet filled with fabulous dresses, comfy casual wear and shoes that would have made Miranda Priestly swoon told you that you were in far more serious trouble than you had previously imagined.  For this situation was not something that had just sprung up overnight.  No, every little detail here had been meticulously planned.  So turning back to the bedroom now and facing the man you suspected to be your abductor, you took a deep breath before asking that very same man what the fuck was going on.
"Aw come on now chicklet, isn't it obvious?" he asked with a smirk before continuing as you sat down on the chair nestled in the corner of the room.  "I built this place for you.  For us.  This beautiful, isolated spot where you can live a life of pampered luxury without that tedious job sapping your joy and killing your creativity.  I've read some of your work, you know.  Who says fantasies don't come true?"
Staring at him blankly now as your mind began spinning with what he had just told you, your anxiety spiked to the point where if you weren't sitting down you would most possibly pass out yet again.  As it was, you now had no alternative but to tell your brain to shut up and think.  For what he was saying couldn't possibly be real.  Right?
Oh sure, you were far from stupid or naïve.  Anyone these days could find anything on the internet with enough savvy if they looked hard enough and of course you were well aware that one or two celebrities at least poked their virtual heads on Tumblr from time to time.  BUT THIS?  Had Sam Wilson really found your blog and read your fics?  Had he truly discovered your secret desire to feel his powerful, naked body pressed against yours after he rescued you from a job that treated you no better than a mechanical robot tapping away at a keyboard and answering questions for people who couldn't even be bothered to thank you afterwards?  Worse yet, how had he managed to put all the pieces together and actually track you down?
No, this couldn't seriously be what was happening here.
Looking up at him now however and seeing the truth etched quite plainly on his handsome face, you quickly got up from your chair and began frantically pacing back and forth before him as your anxiety spiked once more to levels you barely remembered previously experiencing.  "No, no, no.  This can't be happening.  This can't be happening. This.  Can't.  Be.  Happening," you now repeated like a manta in the hopes that saying it enough times, with enough conviction, might make it so.  But that didn't happen as was evidenced when the man whose presence you now tried desperately to ignore reached out, pulled you onto his lap and stopped your ranting the only way he knew was guaranteed to shock you out of your current state.
He kissed you.  And what a kiss it was.
Slow and deep.  Soft and with nothing but luscious lips well versed in the art of seduction, the humming that left your throat as his lips first massaged your top one and then your bottom before alternating back and forth would have been a sound he could happily listen to all day if he didn't have other plans.  For he wanted to hear you scream.  Continuing to gently devour your lips without seeking entry, his hands now moved to cup your ass and massage here too as your brain began the process of slowing down the panic currently controlling your system.  After all he did want you to agree to this and for that he needed you to be calm and thinking clearly.  Well as clearly as his kisses would allow anyway.
Switching from a humming to a purring now as his ministrations continued to calm you while a warm feeling slowly made itself known between your thighs, you were finally relaxed enough to ask Sam what the plan was next, but it seemed he asked that question for you first.  "So chicklet, can I interest you in a life of pleasure and debauchery after all?" he asked as his lips finally left yours and he pulled back from your face just long enough for you to look into his eyes as he continued, "What do you say?  You willing to live here and let your creativity flourish while I spend my days saving the world and my nights ravishing every inch of this .... divine specimen," he finished as his palms squeezed your ass cheeks while his eyes roamed over your clothed form as if it was the most glorious sight he had ever seen.
And maybe it was, but you rarely thought so.
Looking back at him now in return as if he had completely lost his mind and wanting to tell him so, you opened your mouth to turn down his proposal but his lips now buried against your neck brought a whole different response.  One you never consciously planned on making.  "Yes.  Yes.  Oh my god, yes," you moaned out continuously as Sam now nibbled on your neck and shoulders before soothing the harsher nips with his tongue while his hands still caressed your ass and made you wonder if you could actually orgasm from this situation alone.  Which was actually a frightening concept when you thought about it.
Coming to your senses long enough now as a result of this stray thought however, you pushed back slightly from the man beneath you to fully take in the position you were in.  Sitting atop the thighs of Captain America, who was currently wearing nothing but a towel as he set the embers burning in your loins, you wanted to tell him to slow things down but he wasn't having any of it.  You had accepted his offer and he now intended to show you exactly what that meant.  "May I chicklet?" he asked and before your mouth could raise any objections, your head gave an imperceptible nod and that was all the consent he needed.
Returning to kiss your lips now as his tongue this time sought to invade your mouth and distract you from what his hands were doing, you might have been shocked by the strength he displayed in standing up with you in his arms and letting the towel fall from his waist if he wasn't so good with his damn mouth.  As it was, he was very good.  Kissing you endlessly, while twisting his tongue with yours as well as biting it gently every few swirls, you only now noticed the changes taking place when his face disappeared from before you, your back now rested against his chest and the closet door appeared in your vision once more.  He had completely turned you around without ever letting you go.
But that wasn't even the most remarkable feat.
Sitting on his lap still as his lips now returned to tasting any bit of skin they came in contact with, your brain tried to figure out not how he had done what he'd done, but how your jeans and panties now lay lodged around your ankles as his hands began to make themselves acquainted with your most private region.  Roaming along your thighs, squeezing here and there as well as opening you up as wide as was possible atop his powerful legs, the warmth now spreading outwards from your core just ached for him to quench it but he just wanted to have some fun.  And all at your expense it seemed.
Running his fingers back and forth along your slit now as his other hand slid up your top to rest against your stomach, you whined and pleaded for him to make you come but that it seemed was not yet in his immediate plans.  Circling your clit extremely slowly instead to the point where your hips began to move against him, he stopped and slapped your pussy once before chuckling into your neck at the yelp that left your tender lips.  "Patience chicklet, we're a long ways off from making you squirt all over my sheets but .... maybe I can give you something to take the edge off," he offered and with that he once again defied the laws of man by somehow using a foot to finish removing your lower garments before lifting you up and slotting his shaft into your warm, wet and waiting pussy.
And what a feeling it was .... for both of you.  Long and hard and thick enough to split your lower regions apart, you were by no means an innocent virgin, but you suddenly doubted you would ever be satisfied with any rod other than the one currently making its presence known to your fluttering walls.  Not that Sam had any intention of allowing another man or his equipment anywhere near you.
Making you comfortable then as your perfect flower held him snugly in place and his weeping tip just kissed your cervix, his hands now removing your top clothes while his lips by your ear whispered not to move told you his plan was a simple one .... to pleasure you with everything he had except what you really, really wanted.  In other words, he planned to torture you.
Verbally railing against him now as his hands began massaging your breasts while his lips now became acquainted with every bump and dip along your spine, your hands moving down to tend to the ache between your legs brought a murderous slew of profanities streaming from your mouth as his teeth made themselves known to the soft juncture of your neck and your shoulder.
"Chicklet no," he reprimanded now as he pulled his teeth back and he ran his lips over the spot that was sure to sport a lovely mark come morning, "you'll get your release when I give it to you and not a second sooner," he continued as his hands now moved further upwards to allow his fingers dance against your shoulder blades.  Pressing here and kissing there now as you held onto his thighs to keep from toppling forwards, the moans you soon started releasing as his skillful talents worked out knots you never knew existed were matched only by the devious chuckles coming from the man behind you when the odd thrust upwards added a growl from you every now and then.
The bastard wasn't playing fair.
Continuing to run his fingers over every inch of your glorious body as his hands moved down to finally rest atop yours, you hoped now you might finally get some release, but Sam it seemed still wasn't cooperating.  Taking your left hand in his now and linking your fingers together, he next took your hand and moved it to his sac before speaking.  "You feel that chicklet?  What you do to me?  You have no idea the number of nights I've gotten myself off to your writing wishing we could make it real.  Who knows, now that I have you we might even give your back door the attention it so desperately craves," he added and realizing what he was now referencing, your body produced a burst of strength you never knew you possessed and hurled you back across the room as horror dawned on your face while surprise clearly settled on Sam's.
"Please tell me you've taken one too many blows to the head and taken leave of your senses?" you now asked as you reached for the throw resting on the chair and wrapping it around you while waiting for the superhero to prove your suspicions wrong.  For he couldn't possibly be suggesting that.
Unfortunately for you however that's exactly where his mind was headed.  Reiterating once more that he wanted to experience everything with you, both sexual and otherwise, he now joined you on the floor before promising that any and all adventures would only take place when you were ready and with your complete and unwavering consent.
Content at least with the sincerity you found in his eyes and voice, you agreed in principle to give him a chance as he then stood up, offered his hand and pulled you gently from the floor when you easily obliged.  Walking you to the bed then before tipping up back onto it, a few kisses later and his shaft was buried deep inside your pussy as his eyes stared into yours and fingers once more laced with your own just inches from the headboard.
Pulling out slowly then before plunging back in at the same leisurely pace so your quivering walls felt every ridge, vein and twitch his impressive phallus possessed, it was nothing compared to the magic his lips were working.  Feasting on your breasts with just enough pressure to dull the lines between pleasure and pain, his tongue soothing the skin felt like utter bliss.  As were his words.
Dripping with honey and whispered out between bites and moans, the professions of love, praise and plans for your future together did far more in this moment to turn you on really than anything his physical form was capable of.  It was unlike anything you had ever experienced before.  Continuing to gaze into his eyes now as you felt your body moving ever closer to that elusive release you thought would never come, Sam stalled his hips just long enough to whisper those three little words that sent a flutter straight to your heart as your walls contracted and tried to pull him deeper.
"I offer freedom," and with that he kissed you deeper than he had before, brought your interlocked hands closer together and pounded into you with such abandon now that it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began.  And yet you still didn't feel pain.  There was nothing but love and pleasure and as both of you finally reached the precipice and leapt forwards together there was a strange sense of completeness.  Of being whole.
Continuing then to kiss you through your orgasms as wave after wave of warm cum flooded your insides and reached the sheets as Sam had earlier promised, your eyes closing on this liberating experience shut out any words he murmured as sleep dragged you into its welcoming embrace.
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Opening your eyes on the world again and almost crying out from the loss of the dream that was both bizarrely weird yet oddly satisfying, you snuggled deeper into the soft sheets to hold onto the memory a little while longer.  For you didn't want it to disappear.  Someone had wanted to worship you.  To love you, provide for you and show you that their world began and ended with you.  But of course that only proved it had to vanish.  Work wouldn't wait, wouldn't give you what you most craved.
Groaning in frustration now as you resigned yourself to heading back to the daily grind, a hand appearing from behind you and resting across your stomach brought your focus squarely and securely on the other half of the bed however.  For it seemed you weren't alone.  Frantically wondering what to do now in regards to fight, flight or simply screaming your lungs out like the damsel did in every single horror movie you had ever watched, turning slowly now to assess the situation brought a whole new shocking and wondrous revelation to your unbelieving eyes.  The dream it seemed was real.
Laying beside you now, his hand still resting where it had just landed, his naked form clothed in fabric and sleep, Sam Wilson looked a vision if such a thing could be said about a man.  But what then did this mean for you?  Was the dream actually real and not a dream at all?  Had this real life, honest to goodness superhero been serious when he offered to pamper and pleasure you every second his presence wasn't required to save the world?  Did this really mean you never had to work in that deplorable, dead end job again where you were less valued than the office chair you sat on?
Contemplating all these questions now while reaching out to touch the man beside you simply to further confirm his existence was real, you were just about to place your palm gently upon his cheek when you thought better of it.  This was nuts.  Total, complete and utter bonkers.  Your life wasn't meant to be this easy and carefree.  Writing stories and having your every sexual desire catered to by your very own superhero.  Never again having to worry about bills, unappreciative bosses or rude customers whom it seemed had never been taught terms like kindness or common decency.
No, things like this never happened to you and so as you resigned yourself to the fact that all of this was simply wishful thinking, you turned away from the god before you and prepared to exit the bed and return to the reality that was your life.  But it seemed this trip was only ever meant to be one way.
Joining you now away from the peaceful embrace of slumber that previously held all of his attention, Sam opened his eyes, reached out his other hand and pulled you tighter towards him.  "Now, now chicklet, I hope you don't plan on sneaking out of our bed to run off somewhere at this god awful early hour.  It's too warm and cozy here for me to have to chase you down and fuck you where I catch you," he murmured between still sleepy breaths.
Gulping down your shock now as images of his glorious erection splitting you apart the previous night sprang forth before your eyes, his knowing smirk told you he had you right where he wanted you.  You weren't yet ready for another round.  Still unsure of where he got his stamina from and how you were meant to keep up, the throbbing still present in your pussy and his intense gaze raking over your equally naked form quickly and easily made up your mind.
Now was the time to be his good girl.
Finally admitting defeat and turning back onto your side, you silently allowed Sam Wilson to spoon your bodies together and pull the covers back over both of you before closing your eyes and drifting back to sleep with the promise that when you woke again you would try employing reason and common sense to regain control over your future.  Even if the grip around your midsection solidly confirmed your plan was doomed to failure and the future he promised was now yours for the taking.
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bootleg-parable · 1 year
ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀ. . .
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ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴇxᴀᴄᴛʟʏ ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍɪɴɢ ʜᴏᴍᴇ?
Shiloh was the first to notice when their friend had turned up missing. Watching over the house and the office grew to be a rather tedious way to fill their empty schedule within a week.
That week had long since passed. It had been a few months now. Still no sign of their friend.
The leak in the roof was much more prominent than when the young man vanished seemingly off the face of the Earth. The bucket was full. Shiloh still didn't have to empty it, but the time was coming close. They were lucky it hadn't rained, yet. Their existence was nothing more than a waiting game at this rate. Watching every drop of water inch closer and closer to the brim, only looking up to glance at the door as if it would swing open any second.
It never did.
And with a heavy sigh, and a heavier heart, Shiloh had to come to terms with the fact that it probably never would. . .
" Did you get the BROOM CLOSET ending? The broom closet ending was MY FAVOURITE! ...I hope your friends find this concerning. "
It's a difficulty to truly choose a favourite ending. We certainly find joy in the countdown/explosion ending. Letting Narry have an entire villainous monologue; We adore it. But of course, the Broom Closet Ending. What could be better?
Otherwise. . .
New character introduction, this is Shiloh. They are a friend of User's, who's been counting every second that User is missing. To where, they are unsure, but they are not fit to search and find out. So instead, they keep things maintained in User's house and in the office.
And so, the plot thickens.
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Complementary extra before the redraw and the tweaking of a few design elements.
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celestialtarot11 · 5 months
May Month Predictions for You 🌅💖
Hi friends! Welcome back to another PAC reading. Today we’ll be doing May month predictions 🤭 this ones extra spicy! Enjoy and feel free to like comment and reblog 🤍
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Pile 1: Hi there pile 1’s! 🌅💗 I see for you May is all about speaking your truth and owning your needs/wants. Speaking up about the things you like or don’t like, setting boundaries and becoming organized. If you are moving into a new place this month will be about physical organization, it helps you think clearly and feel better when your space is clutter free. Also this is a month for you of clearing out the old, especially physical things. It may carry emotional attachments and its time to release that. May for you is beautiful because I see you are becoming disciplined in your goals, plans and solidifying your dreams. You are also having the strength and capacity to let go of what doesn’t serve you 🥰🤍 If you are wondering about romance this month is the month where you focus on you, i know it may not be what you want to hear especially if you are seeking a person. This isn’t a sign they won’t come in, I think spirit is saying to get your ducks in a row for yourself first and this person will meet you halfway ☺️💗 which can very well be in this month! Never mess with divine timing 🤣 I think for those who are in relationships you will be coming back to yourself, focusing on self care a lot more and will be prioritizing healthier habits and mental stimulation. This may be a month for you to explore dating as well if you haven’t found someone! 👀 enjoy pile 1’s!
Pile 2: Hi there pile 2’s! Welcome to your reading 💖🤍🤭 I could you not I was so excited for you doing this reading!! If you are wanting a promotion or a job this is the month! If you are an entrepreneur and hoping to receive financial help it will come! You are moving into such an abundant place mentally emotionally and physically, and nothing is in your way. You want to focus on peace, wealth and happiness this month, and you are self assured in your joy 💖🌅 For those who are moving places, this place will help you relax and find lots of peace and abundance. Material abundance and also internal happiness. If this is something you’ve been working on for a long time, like a project, a business, or moving out, it will pay off in May. May is your month to shine and feel good. I see any storms are being put to rest, you’re focused on you and you feel open minded. Any financial opportunities will flow to you now 🤍🌅 in terms of romance I do see you’re maybe looking for options now, but not at your expense. Meaning you are performing self care whilst managing options and we love that! There will be someone coming in to whisk you away 👀 and I mean in a good way lol. They will have you intrigued by their conversation and way of thinking. You will enjoy debates and banter and discussions with this person. This can also be a new friend for a lot of you! Not necessarily romantic. Thank you pile 2 for being here 💗🌅 dont forget to like comment and reblog to spread the love
Pile 3: Hey there pile 3 👀 welcome! 🤗 For your May month I see travel plans are being solidified. I also heard “the gc made it out the group chat” so for you maybe there is a friend group you’ve been wanting to travel with, and May is when it happens! I also see you are focused on making different streams of income which is leading you to explore different positions, and experiences. Like maybe you have one job where you make pizza and then another where you are a contract manager 🤣 two vastly different options! But it would be something you enjoy. Something that calls to you and something you’re ready to pursue. Its definitely not tedious and boring as a contract manager, its something that you already wanted to do and thought of for so long. May month could be clearing up for you in terms of your schedule, and time. So you have more time to focus on you and your hobbies. For romance ya’ll could be meeting a fancy person whilst traveling 👀 or it could be everyday commute and someone strikes your fancy. Someone you’d like to be with, they have what you consider is attractive 🥰🤍 ya’ll could also be traveling home and are saving up and May month is wonderful! I also am hearing for advice dont stick to plans too much this month, there’s something about you being reliant on structure and plans which nothing is wrong (I do the same) but spirit wants you to be flexible a little. Allow for some spontaneous adventure, random happenings, and fun 👀 enjoy pile 3! 💗💖 dont forget to like comment and reblog 🤍
Thank yall for always being here 💗🥰 this one is a fun one! Wishing ya’ll a happy May month.
Paid readings ☺️🌅
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uroboros-if · 2 years
A rather romantic ask! BUT if the ROs were to be the ones to setup the first date for them and the MC where would it be? And how much effort would they have to put into to it just to make it EXTRA special
I'm not sure if this is spoilery or not, but it'll probably play out very differently in the story itself, due to circumstances!
This can apply platonically or romantically :)
SALVATORE wants you to visit the heart of Galaio. They want to immerse both of you deeply in humanity, to feel what it's like to be mortal. They want to eat bread with you. They want to lie on grass with you. They want to watch as light falls away from rooftops and bathes the world in ocher warmth with you. They want to share a moment that takes you away, just for a day, and lets you live the paradise you both made and were never meant to enjoy. What would that look like, if day could slip into night, still in your embrace?
They had initially planned out all the kinds of activities for you both to do, because they truly do want to make it special; both of you do not get many chances to have time for yourselves. However, somewhere along the way, those thoughts melt away, and they let themselves be guided by the moment.
LUCIEL would go anywhere you want, but they'd be content to remain in Lucidio, the afterlife. It is, after all, a creation of theirs -- a sanctuary for the deceased. It is a beautiful land where humans are free to roam, to climb, to rest; they may live one with nature, among the trees and the ocean and the hills, liberated from worries of disease, death and hunger. Here, there is only peaceful co-existence. This is the heaven Luciel has designed for humans, and it is a heaven they want to share with you.
The attention to detail they put into your first date depends. If they understood that you wanted to make it extra romantic or special, they'd carefully set up a hideaway in Lucidio where you may both have some privacy. They'd decorate it with plentiful flowers they'd know you like, have it overlook the sea of clouds. If you were more spontaneous, however, they'd have no qualms letting you take the reign or going with the flow; all that matters is being with you.
CIOCANA would love to explore. They'd take you to lands distant from all civilization to show you some of the most beautiful sights they've witnessed, untouched by humans hands and unseen by mortal eyes. An inexplicable joy would bubble in their chest when they watch your expression, observe as your eyes light up as they take in the view, like you're seeing the world again for the first time. That wondrous glint -- they want to surprise and excite you that way.
To make it special, Ciocana shares all these sights and places with you because they're intimate to them. This is where they retreat and walk alone, and now they can share it with you. This is just for you two, and no one else.
ALESSI would take you to their hometown, the countryside. It's personal, to show you this -- simultaneously less pretty than the city, and yet, also so much more beautiful. Whereas Galaio's capital has grand columns and bustling roads, Alessi's world is quaint and quiet. You're struck by that, the silence. Yet, it is not unpleasant. You feel at peace.
They'll have you meet all kinds of animals and take you to do some practical activities like cooking, gathering in the woods, or woodcarving. Even if they may be boring and tedious chores otherwise, there's something comforting about it. Alessi would watch over you and guide you, and doing this with you, they realize ... They wouldn't mind churning cheese and chopping wood with you, like this. For the rest of their lives.
They wouldn't think to make too much effort in the romantic sense, but they want to introduce you to something that's special to them, gets you to know them, and immerses yourself within the world. They spontaneously try to find things for you to do, just so you get the experience.
I'm not super happy with the writing, nor do I think this is exactly what you're looking for, so feel free to reach out and I can answer this ask more casually ♥️ Sorry this took so long, I had to rack my brain! Thank you so much for the ask :)
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lazerv4 · 9 months
Thoughts on Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead
Just my raw thoughts, not a review or anything
At this point I would say I'm used to a specific type of zombie media, it usually is one of 3 things: deep studies into human behavior and relationships with the zombies as basically background noise, exploitation and comedy with zombies as a thing to parody or the classic horror stuff with some gore to make it scary and yet here we have something new, something that isn't just mixing and matching some aspect of the 3 but rather thinking of something different and asking the question, can we use zombies to tell a story about happiness and hope? Zom 100 is a story about Tendo Akira, a recent worker struggling to remain conscious while working conditions crush all the hopes, dreams and even willpower he has to offer in exchange for a pitiful life of nothing. Low salaries, excessive working hours plus extra hours and a toxic workspace beat down his spirit into submission, a struggle all too familiar to most young workers for the past decade… and that is when the zombie apocalypse starts, Akira wanting to rethink his life choices and now live free to do whatever he wants instead of what society expects of him thus creating the eponymous bucket list of the dead which slowly increases as our protagonist recuperates more and more of his past self in a sort of healing process to regain his individuality and identity while also introducing a few other characters to the journey that in different ways have committed the same mistake and will embark with Akira in this quest to find happiness and fulfillment. One of the most interesting parts of Zom 100 is the way the zombie metaphor morphs around the issues facing the main cast like for example while it early on represents the way society beats you down into just another worker hence Akira leaving his work and the zombie apocalypse being one in the same, then changing into a metaphor for isolation and the lost of culture when Akira goes back to his hometown being an extremely clear example of said morphing and creating newer ways to use the zombie concept while still telling the same story via the ever popular concept of a bucket list. Zom 100 subverted what I expected and gave me a show that shines with joy and optimism in a genre where either cheese or action dominate yet it still was a fun watch that didn't ever get tedious or overstay its welcome. An anime that I hope eventually returns despite all its production issues if not only to listen to whatever they'll try to come up with to top the opening "Dystopian Song of the Dead" which while taking most of the show to be completed and only showing in full for 3 episodes was one of the most fun anime OPs in forever and a contender for the best of 2023 along with SPECIALZ, Idol, bloom and innocent arrogance.
No show is perfect but they don't have to be, writing is about expressing your ideas through the form of art most able to give people a chance at understanding your mind and desires, I truly hope Haro Aso keeps improving and can finish this bucket list the same way he writes his characters.
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dcextra · 1 year
Volume 4 extra pages. (Transcribed w/ machine translation.)
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長らくおまたせしてスミマセンでした・・・ m(_ _”m) ペコリの超感謝おまけ企画!! Sorry for the long delay.… m(_ _”m) Super thank you bonus project!
青山剛昌先生スペシャルインタビユー Special interview with Mr. Gosho Aoyama
前々ページまでのおまけを執筆中の青山剛昌先生を直撃取材!! A direct interview with Mr. Gosho Aoyama, who is writing the extras for the previous page.! !
超感謝おまけのおまけPart. 1 Super Thank You Bonus Bonus Part. 1
快斗の衣装は描きにくい!! Kaito's costume is difficult to draw!!
ー4巻の中で気に入っているストーリーはなんですか? - What is your favorite story in volume 4?
青山 • 好きなストーリーは、やっぱ新一と対決する「ブラックスター」の巻かな。 Aoyama • My favorite story is definitely the ``Black Star'' episode where he confronts Shinichi.
ー「まじっく快斗」を描く時に苦労していることはなんですか? What do you struggle with when drawing “Magic Kaito”?
青山 • いや、快斗のあのコスチュームを描くのがめんどくさくてめんどくさくて・・・(笑) Aoyama • No, drawing Kaito's costume was so tedious and tedious... (laugh)
ー「まじっく快斗」を描いてて良かったなと思うときはどんな時ですか? When do you feel glad that you were drawing Magic Kaito?
青山 • いっばいあるよ。 Aoyama • There are a lot.
得に、「名探偵コナン」は追う者の楽しさを描いてるんだけど、「まじっく快斗」では逃げる者の楽しさが描けるかちね。 In particular, ``Detective Conan'' depicts the joy of those who chase, but ``Magic Kaito'' depicts the joy of those who run away.
ー先生の考える”怪盗のイメージ”とはどんなものですか? - What does your teacher think of the image of a phantom thief?
青山 • 神出鬼没で、大胆不敵で、華麗なる大泥棒。まあ、要するに”アルセーヌ•ルパン”ですね。あと、キザじゃないとね(笑) Aoyama • An elusive, fearless, and brilliant thief. Well, in short, it's "Arsène Lupine". Also, it has to be a pain (laugh)
ー「まじっく快斗」本編にコナンが登場する予定はありますか? -Are there any plans for Conan to appear in the main story of “Magic Kaito”?
青山 • まあ、そのうち出るんじゃないかな。お楽しみに。 Aoyama • Well, I guess it'll come out soon. Look forward to it.
ー今後、描いて生きたいストーリーなどはありますか? -Are there any stories you would like to write and live in the future?
青山 • 快斗が脱獄するストーリーなんてのも描きたいんだけど、高校生が捕まって牢屋に入れちゃイカンだろ、ということで今のところは見送ってます(笑) Aoyama • I'd like to write a story where Kaito escapes from prison, but I'm putting it off for now because I don't think it would be good for a high school student to be captured and put in jail. (laugh)
ー5巻目はいつ頃発売されそうですか? - When is the 5th volume likely to be released?
青山 • 5巻目は・・・今世紀中になんとか・・・(笑) Aoyama • The 5th volume is... sometime in this century... (laugh)
ー最後に「まじっく快斗」読者の皆さんに向けてのメッセージを。 Lastly, a message to all the readers of “Magic Kaito”.
青山 • 13年もお待たせして第4巻を出せました・・・ハアハア Aoyama • After waiting for 13 years, I was able to release the 4th volume... hahaha
In the first volume, Kaito himself and I, the author, were only 4 or 5 years apart in age, but now the age gap has widened considerably... As expected, creating the story has become difficult, but I'll do my best (laugh)
Thank you for your support
どーも青山です。今回は13年ぶりの第4巻ということで、ちょっとがんばって、おまけのページも復活させました。楽しんでくださいね。 Hello, this is Aoyama. This is the 4th volume after 13 years, so I've worked a little harder and brought back the bonus pages. Please enjoy
5巻目は・・・今世紀中に(笑) The 5th volume will be... sometime in this century (laugh)
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voidsentprinces · 2 years
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I think Leap of Faith needs to be able to be done by anyone and everyone. You might not be able to get the gold statue everytime but you should be able to get the bronze with zero effort and the silver with only a tiny bit of effort. You should be able to at least complete the course in 1/3 of the allotted time giving you an extra 2/3 for mess ups or extra statue gathering. To me, the Kugane Tower Puzzle and the Kugane Sightseeing Logs in general all have two things working against you: 1. The fear of falling and going from point J back to point B and 2. Model and Environmental Collision.
Most of the tediousness of the tower came from not missing jumps but fighting against the roofs and angles which seemed to arbitrarily chose what did and did not constitute an area in which collision took place. It felt ill defined at times. But a minor annoyance really.
I probably wouldn’t of done the Kugane or Lampost Challenge if Sightseeing Logs weren’t connected to them and I don’t feel like I’ll ever do the Moonfire Faire tower challenge just cause there is no joy in it for me. I’ve only played GW2 a little and only did jump puzzles because they provided me a little exp and some map opening incentive.
Like all content, the Jumping Puzzles are there if you want to do them. But the Tower and Lamppost Jump only seem mandatory for Sightseeing Logs which themselves seems optional, so you’re adding in an unnecessary, tedious coupled objectives to an optional piece of content which feels...wrong somehow. So far as I can tell there no Crystarium or Moon Jump puzzle so it seems the Tower was the height of the absurdity and we’ve now return to Sightseeing Logs just being a fun side thing.
Bottom line: the Jumping Puzzles ARE neat. Not sure if the Tower and Lamppost were absolutely needed for Sightseeing Logs though. You’ve climbed this tower and you get...two (one if you’re bad at jumping) sightseeing logs, a title for Stormblood, and like an 10+ minutes of your time lost...for...uhh...reasons.
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