#chapter 2 coming tomorrow
thosehallowedhalls · 4 months
The 2 AM Christmas Tree Farm (1/2)
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Pairing: Trystan Thorne/MC (Emma Rose)
Summary: Trystan is haunted by regrets. But when he's granted a wish to undo the worst of them, he finds that the price might be more than he's willing to pay.
@choicesjanuary2024 @lilyoffandoms Day 10, "Change"
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
When the first flurries of snow fall and Christmas lights begin to go up, Trystan always battles a certain melancholy. Growing up, the holiday season was a time of year when royal responsibilities were somehow more overwhelming. His mother always breathed down his neck a little extra hard, which made the extra number of public appearances, guests, and boring so-called ‘parties’ more unbearable.
Then, during the one holiday he spent with Juliana, things shifted. Juli loved Christmas. Her enthusiasm and joy were so contagious that Trystan found himself genuinely enjoying it for the first time. She talked about the annual Christmas ball they would hold when they were king and queen, and she swore it would be an enjoyable one - unlike his parents' usual tedious affair.
He has wrestled with bittersweet memories ever since.
But this year is different. This year, he has Emma. She makes everything better, and he finds himself looking forward to the season for the first time in years. She always makes sure to attend the Rockefeller Center tree lighting in honor of her dad. He’s looking forward to going with her this year.  He’s looking forward to a lot of things.
He can’t completely banish the regrets, though. This year, Sebastyan has joined Juli in his personal hall of ghosts. He no longer blames himself for their deaths, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever fully get over the guilt of not seeing that they needed protection.
He hasn’t told Emma this, but he imagines she knows. She has her own regrets, after all. Her own ghosts.
“Trystan, are you going to help or are you just going to fool around?” Exasperated, Emma tries to wrestle the Christmas lights out of his hands.
He pretends to think about it. Then he wraps them around her. “Option B.”
She blows the hair out of her face. “Seriously?”
He plugs in the lights and grins when she starts to sparkle. “Oh yeah. They look much better on you than they would on the tree.”
“You know, when you asked me to help you put up some Christmas decorations, I assumed that we’d be decorating the tree.”
“But you’re so much more interesting than a tree.”
“Then why, exactly, did we bother going to that horrifyingly packed tree farm yesterday?” She shudders. “Seriously, when a New Yorker tells you that a place is bound to be too busy, listen to her.”
“But the people were the best part! When those two elderly gentlemen almost came to fisticuffs over the tallest fir? The angst. The drama.”
“The extra half an hour that breaking them up added to our day.”
He waves this aside. “You’re determined to see only the negative. Besides,” he wiggles his eyebrows. “Didn’t I make it up to you when we got back to my apartment?”
Her lips twitch. “We could’ve had another two hours for you to make it up to me if we’d had a tree delivered.”
Trystan gives her a pitying look. “What would your father say about having a Christmas tree delivered?”
“… He would say only philistines do such a thing. How could you possibly know that?”
“Easy. A man who takes his daughter to see the tree lighting every year is a man who takes Christmas seriously.” He wraps his arms around her waist, pulls her still glittering form close. “I intend to carry the torch.”
She gives him a suspicious look. “Am I being managed? Did you ask me to decorate with you to make sure I have fun this Christmas?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m simply lazy and unwilling to decorate an entire tree by myself.”
“Did you even have a Christmas tree these last eight years?”
“Naturally. The biggest tree of them all. A veritable tree farm in my living room.”
She kisses his jaw. “Not that I want you to make managing me a habit, but… thanks.”  With a sigh, she pulls back. “It’s getting late. I have to go.”
“Stay,” he murmurs, his lips against hers.
“I can’t.” She nuzzles his neck, her tone making it clear she wishes she could. “Tommy has a date with Sofia. I promised to tend bar tonight.”
“Responsibility isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” he says forlornly.
“Welcome to adulthood.” With a last kiss, she walks out.
He drops down on the couch, intending to watch a movie, but finds himself musing on Emma’s words.
Did you even have a Christmas tree these last eight years?
He tried once, the second Christmas after Juliana’s death. But it felt like a mockery. An accusation. Christmas was always Juliana’s thing, so what right did he have to enjoy it? Why should he have a good time after failing to save her?
As usual over the last several weeks, thoughts of Juliana turn to thoughts of Sebastyan. Bas always did enjoy Christmas more than him. Did Juli’s death also ruin the holiday for him? He could ask Mags or Lydea, but he isn't sure he wants to know.
He wishes he had not drunk so much the night of Mags’ debut. That he hadn’t fallen asleep almost as soon as he and Juli fell into bed. That he had been a better brother to Bas. That he’d been able to save them both.
Perhaps, if she had lived, Bas’ life would have been different. He never saw the charm and warmth that Marguerite talks about, but they apparently existed once. Maybe he would have moved on with his life without the specter of Juliana to haunt him. Fallen in love with someone else. Been happy.
Regrets coursing through his veins, useless wishes clamoring in his heart, Trystan dozes off.
The scent is the first thing that stands out to him. It’s easy enough to recognize – after all, it was filling his nostrils only yesterday. Firs and spruces, hot cocoa and candy. The Christmas tree farm where he spent a chaotic yet marvelous afternoon with Emma.
What in the world is he doing here?
“Oh, hello.” The man who sold them his fir yesterday smiles. “I was wondering when you’d arrive.”
“You were… what?”
“Lots of visitors this time of year,” the man, his name tag reads Jacob, says.
“Well, yes. I would assume that late November is a busy time for Christmas tree farms.”
“Indeed.” Jacob nods sagely. “And an even busier time for regrets.”
Well aware that he sounds like a broken record, Trystan blinks. “What?”
“That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? That’s why everyone is here.”
“About that. You sure work late. Or early, depending on your perspective.”
Jacob waves this off. “2 AM is the perfect time for regrets. No other time of day invites them quite as enticingly.”
Trystan shakes his head. “I’m afraid you’ve lost me."
"You have regrets, don’t you?”
“Who doesn’t?”
“Ordinarily, you deal with them well. But every once in a while, they suffocate you.” His gaze sharpens. “Tell me, Trystan, if you could have a second chance, if you could undo a regret… what would it be?”
He's given up on trying to understand what's happening. The oddity of the question doesn't register anymore. It only brings back to the surface the wish that's been playing on his mind in a painful loop. “I would save Juli and Bas.”
The alarm goes off too early, as it invariably does. He stirs when he feels lips on his cheek, fingers trailing down his chest.
“Mm. ‘S nice.”
The responding giggle is melodious, beautiful, and very familiar. It sounds an awful lot like… like…
“Good morning, my love.”
His eyes snap open. Awareness slams into him like a freight train. “Juli?”
“For your sake, you had better not have anyone else waking you like this,” she teases. “Happy Christmas Eve. Now get out of bed and let’s get to work.”
“Juli? He asks again, dumbfounded and wondering when in the world he started lucid dreaming. Because this… surely it is only a dream?
Concern softens her features. “Darling, are you all right? Do you want me to fetch the doctor?”
He struggles into a sitting position, feeling the silk against his skin and realizing that… oh. This isn’t a dream. But then…
I would save Juli and Bas.
Oh my god.
“That is my name, yes.” Her tone is light, but she only looks more concerned. “Wait here, I’ll have Elias call the doctor.”
“No, wait.” His hand shoots out, taking hold of her wrist. “How are you here? How am I here?”
“Where else would we be? The Christmas Ball can’t very well happen without us.”
The Christmas Ball?
He looks at her, truly looks at her. She’s as beautiful as always, but there’s a new maturity to her face. This Juliana has lived longer than twenty-two years. “What year is it?”
Her eyebrows disappear under her hair. “Oh no. Please tell me you aren’t hungover. We have a million things to do today.”
Trystan tries to smile. “Humor me?”
“2023, of course. Same as the last 356, and the next eight, days.”
She’s thirty now.
She’s alive.
He throws his arms around her in a hug so sudden that Juliana squeaks in surprise. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
She curls into him, bringing on a deluge of emotion and memories that nearly topple him where he stands. She still wears the same perfume. “Likewise, husband of mine.”
Husband? But…
She presses her lips to his, tenderly stroking his cheek. For a moment, Trystan holds motionless. Part of him feels twenty-two again, kissing the woman he loves when love is a new and dazzling experience that he never expected to have. But deep inside, a voice blares a warning.
He pulls back. Juliana considers it a tacit suggestion.
“Yes, yes, you’re right. We need to get to work. There are a hundred details to finalize and even more to double check. I’m happy that we’re to finally be the hosts of this ball, but I don’t think I truly realized how much work it was going to be.”
If they’re hosting the Christmas Ball, then that means he’s… and they’re…
Fear trails cold fingers down his spine, and he finishes untangling himself in a burst of panic.
Where is Emma?
“Well? Are you ready to get started?”
His royal training kicks in, allowing him to keep his turmoil in check. “Right, yes. Remind me what’s on the agenda for today?”
She rattles off an intimidatingly long list, complete with receiving the guests who would be arriving for the week. “Bas and Em will be here any minute now. Play nice.”
It’s unexpected that Sebastyan and Emika would arrive anywhere together, but the warning is fair – or it would be, if he weren't so relieved that his brother is alive. Presumably, he thinks with a pang of shame, this Trystan still despises his little brother. “I’ll do my best.”
“I mean it, Trystan. You know she doesn’t like you, and the last thing we need is you antagonizing one of our guests.”
He stops. “She?”
“Oh, please get it together. Emma already didn’t like you before. Now that she and Bas are together, she’s unlikely to see you in a more positive light. You know how in love they are.”
Everything inside of him goes cold.
It can’t be.
“Of course. What is Emma’s last name again?”
She gives him a look. “Trystan, darling, Rose is hardly a difficult name to remember. What is the matter with you today?”
“It’s n-nothing. Give me a moment.”
He locks himself in the bathroom before she can reply.
He can’t breathe.
Emma doesn’t like, let alone love him. She’s in love with someone else. With his brother. The words keep replaying in his mind, equally unbelievable each time. It’s like someone completely changed the rules of the game and threw away the handbook.
He doesn't know how to live in a world where Emma doesn’t love him.
All this time, when he was wishing he could have saved Juliana, he never stopped to consider that if he had, he and Emma wouldn’t be together. Much less that Emma might be with Bas.
What the hell does he do now?
The thought emerges fully formed. I want to go back. But can he truly wish for a world where Juliana and Sebastyan are dead, simply because the woman he loves is in love with someone else? Is he truly that selfish?
Trystan emerges back into the suite with a forced smile. “You go ahead, I’ll get dressed and meet you in a moment.”
His heart is hammering in his chest when he heads to the front entrance, fully dressed and looking as regal as he’s capable of looking. Juliana is hugging Bas, and right next to him is… He sucks in a breath, drinking in the sight of Emma, holding back the desire to rush to her side and take her in his arms. Then she looks up and sees him standing at the top of the staircase.
Her smile fades.
His heart trembles. Even when they first met, before he wormed his way into her good graces, Emma never looked at him with such patent dislike.
Juli and Bas break apart, and she moves to hug her. “It’s so good to see you! It’s been too long.”
“I know. I’ve been busy. For that matter, so have you.”
Juliana waves this off. “Never too busy for a friend. I thought you’d be coming over sooner. Didn’t you arrive a few days ago? Oh, what am I saying. Bas wasn’t going to let you out of his apartment after spending all that time apart.”
Sebastyan wraps a possessive arm around Emma’s shoulders. “I didn’t get to see her in over two months. I wasn’t ready to share her.”
Juliana laughs, then glances over her shoulder. “Trystan! What are you doing up there? Come greet our guests.”
Somehow, his feet carry him to the foot of the stairs. “Hello, Bas. Emma. It’s good to see you both.”
“Trystan.” Sebastyan’s stiff tone says that he doesn’t like him any more than he did in the original timeline. But Trystan can tell he’s making an effort, probably for Juliana’s sake. “We appreciate the welcome.”
“No need. This is your home, too.” It’s probably Sebastyan’s home more than it’s ever been Trystan’s, but that’s neither here nor there. His eyes slide over to Emma’s.
She lifts her chin a fraction. “Your Majesty.”
It’s all wrong. Emma has called him Your Majesty before, but the tone was always affectionate and teasing. This… this sounds like she’s talking to his mother. Polite. Formal. Cold.
“Please, Trystan is fine.” He holds out a hand, and after a brief hesitation, she takes it. He resists the impulse to pull her to him, but he can’t help savoring the feel of her skin.
Emma’s hand tenses in his, and he realizes that he’s been holding on to it. He lets her go quickly. “Well, you should be shown where you're staying.”
Juliana gives him an odd look. “They already know where they're staying. In the same room where Bas lived for twenty years, and where they stay every time they come over.”
He would be more confused by that twenty years remark if the singular room hadn’t sucker punched him. His gaze falls on their entwined hands. “Of course. My apologies, I’m afraid I’m running on little sleep today.”
All three of them look like they don't quite believe him. But Emma… Emma looks the way she always does when a new mystery fires up her mind. He can practically hear the cogs of her mind turning.
Then she shrugs and turns to Sebastyan. "We should unpack."
Juliana smiles. "Certainly. Don't forget that we're having a small family dinner this evening."
"We'll be there," Sebastyan says, before wrapping an arm around Emma's waist. They both head upstairs.
Trystan's gaze follows them. Sorrow swells up in his chest.
What the hell has he done?
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moonlight-prose · 1 year
feeling like i just ran a damn marathon after finishing this chapter.
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ruporas · 1 year
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i’ll find you again in every universe. let us be a little more honest, let us have a little more time.
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#despite it all though badlands rumble is like. the only universe where we get wolfwood thinking vash died first... and i think that means a#lot to their relationship and how it may bloom if there was more to badlands rumble considering vash literally saw wolfwood carrying a piece#of vash after his supposed death. u know! despite the short time they were together vash still meant so much to wolfwood that he couldn't#just move on or forget him in anyway. needed to keep a piece of him for himself and the rest of his days. but ofc vash lives and wolfwood#was like ill beat ur fucking ass into tomorrow. there's just so much honesty in vash being able to see that gesture bc he wouldnt know#otherwise just how much he might mean to him. ANYWAY. trimax with with the eternal pining featuring the two chapters where imo#where the both of them really fell for each other... i wrote my thoughts about this on another comic i did before#but vash solidifying his feelings during the hospital arc -- ww solidifies his when he realizes his allegiances are permanently with vash#98 my lovelies but also to me they are so one-sided bc ww pined like no tomorrow and vash only realizes after ep 23?24? his heart did tickle#whenever ww complimented his smile though#and tristamp vw my beloveds. it really just feels like they get the  chance to be closer and closer and more honest with each other#with every version that comes about. in trimax they knew how little time they had but struggled so desperately to get closer. in 98 ww felt#more willing to forsake for vash. in badlands rumble theyre Angry but as mentioned earlier ^ more blatant truth... due to circumstances#mainly but has the chance to lead to discussions and tristamp literally. first day of knowing each other ww saves vash - 2 days later vash#saves ww like. Man. AND NOW THEY MAY POTENTIALLY GET EVEN CLOSER!!!! with s2....#ruporas art
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reds-skull · 4 months
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Anatomy is one of the biggest thing I need to work on, so why not do it while drawing these two fuckers.
Tried to focus just on the sketch/lineart, so no shading on this one...
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buwheal · 17 hours
Spamton HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You made it another year!!! Proud of you!
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scrollonso · 1 month
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month
anyways, in honour of 1 year of honeypre (rip) eos, what were your top stats like at the end of the game? i’ll go first~~~
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highpri3stess · 3 months
I want to post two fics tomorrow as a valentine treat 🤭
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mihai-florescu · 1 month
Hmph. An evil boop is just a regular boop to me... heh. I just have a twisted mind i suppose😎🤘
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timeofjuly · 1 month
Wishbone Chapter 2 Snippet
Hot Seat
You sit in the middle seat, directly in front of Papyrus. If you stretched out your leg, you’d be able to touch him. 
You fold your killing hands neatly in your yellow-clad lap and look at his baby brother like he’s dust at the bottom of your shoe. “I understand that, historically, nobody has ever broken a soulmate bond before.”
Papyrus’ leg resumes its anxious bouncing for a few beats, before it halts abruptly. The silence rings like a bell. “yup, that’s right,” he says, voice thin. “not once you’ve touched. ‘t’s done, now. you’re stuck with me.”
The attempt at a joke falls flatter than a building demolition. Sans needs to hold back his own wince.
You press your lips together. “Right. Have there been any examples of the bond choosing the wrong person?”
This would be the first, Sans thinks. You are as wrong as it gets. 
“nope,” Papyrus says. “that’s not how it works.” 
“Well, something’s clearly gone wrong with this one. I have no interest in being your soulmate. A soulmate at all, actually. It’s nothing personal,” you say, with the inflection of a politician lying through their teeth. 
“yeah, I believe you,” Papyrus says. “doesn’t matter, though. this is it.”
You lean forward and raise your brow. “Because nobody’s broken or changed a bond before? Not once? I find that difficult to believe.”
“It’s the truth regardless of your belief,” Sans says, because he can’t take another fucking second of this. “This bond cannot be broken. Not without killing the both of you.”
Your attention shifts to him for the first time since the Encounter, all fire and fury and bluntly-wielded power concealed under a veneer of impassiveness and for a single second, Sans burns in it. You aren’t the stars; you’re the sun, searing heat, blistered sunburn, catastrophic wildfire. You lay waste to him with a single look and he can’t help but recoil. Soulmate, something in him sings, you are my soulmate. Don’t pull back. Get closer. Who cares if it burns? It’ll be worth it.
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gontagokuhara · 15 days
totally innocuous poll unrelated to anything pinky promise
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firstprincewrites · 8 months
What if, instead of balking at the request, Henry takes Alex up on his offer to dance during 'Get Low'? Alex has been wondering why he feels a little funny whenever Henry is around but an errant touch while their bodies are close causes him to reevaluate everything he's come to know about himself. Can the simple bump and grind of a raucous club song really change everything for Alex? And does their relationship shift now that Alex comes to a groundbreaking realization much quicker than ever imaginable? Read to find out!
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Gonna begin sharing my wips here too — featuring concepts and sketch for The Dark Future Chap 2
Btw Chap 1 is here if you missed!
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Tim sprinted into the Batcave, holding an 8-year-old Dick upside down as Damian chased after them with a sword. Without missing a beat, Tim hurled the child at Damian, sending both Damian and Dick sprawling. OR Jason and Dick get deaged. A wizard did it.
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not-poignant · 6 months
So many excerpts! *rolls around happily*
It'll slow down, but the start of the month always tends to be strong for me in general, and it always is during NaNoWriMo.
What I'm super happy about is that it's looking like I'll be able to write more Palmarosa this month after all, which I wasn't sure of initially! It's not on my official list of things to do but I'm going to smash through the official list soon. :D
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carwoodron · 8 months
“Do you want me?” Speirs asked bluntly, eyes piercing through him, unblinking. There was no waver in his voice, no fear of rejection or scandal. Just a matter-of-factly question, with a yes or no answer.
sooo yes another one. sorry they’re down bad
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