#NOTHING UP TO 200 THO! crazy.
orcelito · 1 year
Ok I edited an addendum to the original post to acknowledge the oversight hfjshfkhd which ppl aren't gonna see bc it's being passed around in reblogs but it'll make ME feel a bit better at least
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silvertsundere · 7 months
Silver Talks AniManga (29/10/23)
veeeeeeeeeeeeeery late this week I know it's my own fault really, I was warned by my buddy mega that yozakura would be a dense read and take a while but I didn't listen and underestimate how long it'd take, I should've started during the week but I only started reading on saturday NIGHT so no way in hell I was gonna be able to catch up.. by the time I went to bed on sunday I was on 111/200 so oof.. also didn't mon tue or wed so that's why the post is so late but anyhoo
green - new series/new to me pink - catching up
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Frieren Ep8
very good episode like usual, even more for me cause of all the action. looks like the next one will also have quite a bit of it so I'm pogged up
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Undead Unluck Ep4
bro that episode went absolutely INSANE?? HELLO the sakuga was so good I was losing my gourd I'm so glad uu got the adaptation it deserves also my queen yuuki absolutely stole the show, really showing why she's up there with the best of the best, it's gonna be sad not getting more gina til like cour 4 but it'll be worth the wait
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Pokemon Horizons Ep26
pretty chill episode after all the excitement from last week's cour finale, mostly just setting up the plot for the future. tho we also got a new op and it goes absolutely crazy
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Adult Precure Ep4
alright episode, mostly about what saki and mai have been up to, saki being engaged and mai breaking up with her bf. I know that in their shows, from the very start, the girls have crushes on boys (ofc it couldn't be otherwise cause toei are cowards) but you gotta understand how deep in the yuri mines I am. hearing them actually say they're engaged or dating a man gave me whiplash
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Imas Million Live Ep4
good episode as usual, the best part was getting a lot more screentime for some of the girls that were barely in the other eps, tho it still wasn't that much and since this isn't following the og format there's always gonna be some girls that won't get their time to fully shine sadly. also got a couple momoko moments™ including the box so that was funny
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Mission: Yozakura Family Ch1 - 200
wowie that was.. a lot better than I expected. honestly went in not expecting much, and after having just caught up to jujutsu from 1 to current I wasn't expecting yozakura to be so good since jujutsu is so much more popular but, hot take: I think it's way better like sheesh. I talked about it on my server but the only I thing I think jujutsu has over yozakura is the battles, otherwise it's beat in every category. I like the art a lot more, even from ch1 yozakura had waaaaay better paneling than even current jujutsu. and the whole cast is a lot more likeable. like from jujutsu I cared about gojo, nanami, maki and okkotsu. in yozakura we get cooldown chaps were the different family members do their own stuff and interact with each other which helps you get to know them more and in doing so liking them more, while still using these chaps to move the plot along so the pacing isn't too slow (outside of that little side detour with the past heads that got cut short prob by the editor but yknow)
anyway rambling and just repeating what I already said in the server but TL;DR it's good, glad to be caught up, and looking forward to it wrapping up in the near future since we're close to the final arc
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Witch Enforcer Ch1
I started this mostly on a whim cause the art is good (artist's on here too btw @ camellia0x0) but I was pleasantly surprised. there was nothing surprising about the story but it was delivered well and the art was solid through the whole chap (tho the paneling is very basic but I'll give them a pass since it's their first serialization [only some one shots before]) and the concept of a witch making and using mechs is fun. looking forward to seeing this artist's growth as a mangaka, hopefully the series doesn't get axed too early
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Undead Unluck 181
good chap, especially the end tho. never thought this could be a possibility but it makes total sense there'd be a reverse evil union on the side of god. never thought about it since we had under before. really curious to see how the next chap gonna but it's prob just gonna be introducing all those baddies that people will fight in the final arc
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devilscastle69 · 7 months
im really just watching my body mind and soul decay in real time huh. i hate the drugs im on rn I hate them I hate them im going actually crazy rn I started sobbing bc I was like I have no food but I just spent 200 on groceries yesterday so idk how that even makes sense like wdym. And it’s easy to make. Im like bouncing off the walls but moving is like exhausting and my job is lots of moving so I reached my limit and I can’t work out to get rid of it bc if I go up the stairs too fast I wheeze and like am in pain and idk what to do honestly I was like let’s sing and play uke or guitar and that hurts let’s do this I can’t. I’m so tired of watching tv. It’s like day 23 of this and I’m terrible and sad and like am not functioning and Ik I’m not but I’m doing enough at least at my job but nowhere else and like that’s at least a W but that’s my one W. Like hahahahaa I’ve taken so many Ls I’ve fucked so much up already and also have not and nothing actually makes sense anymore it’s like that funny feeling like Ik these meds are making me better but they’re making me so much worse at the same time I just want to sleep I want to cook and eat and like work was everything and I don’t have much this week and I can’t relax and I’m like haha what if I’m actually dying tho!!!! What if I’m dying like. This isn’t normal for me and idk if it’s worse in my head bc I’m crazy or if like I’m actually declining or if this is gonna mutate into something worse again and I’ll just never get better idk. Maybe my immune system is forever fucked. Idk how ppl who go thru so much worse get thru. Like idk if my life is actually ending ig it’s yolo balls to the walls idk like did I even ever live. A kid asked me about my bucket list today and it’s like oh id like to travel and luckily they had a lot they wanted to do so I didn’t have to talk bc I don’t know. So why don’t I actually do it instead of waiting to die idk :) but idk I want to hold hands in front of a Christmas tree I want to shop for gifts for our families with my friends I want to celebrate something I want to be free I want to meet the friends I still haven’t seen irl i want to dance at a club again I want to learn guitar better and ukulele. I want to see myself grow into someone I can love and I’m so scared I’ll never get there rn I’m so dramatic but it feels so real and lonely I’m tired of going to the doctor and finding new things wrong. Limerence sounds like such a pretty word and it’s not a pretty feeling and it’s like so familiar and painful and it makes me feel so evil and cruel and I just want to be better and not sick inside and out
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mianmimi · 1 year
I ship Namor/Shuri as a purely fanon ship and just because I love me some enemies2lovers energy. They had MAD chemistry! That Scene in Talokan? Wow! I have no hopes it will ever become canon and I don't want it to tho. He killed her mom y'all lmao. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Namor/Shuri becomes the MCU's take on Namor/Sue Storm but way less creepy. MCU Namor would tell blue eyes yellow hair to pack her small pox and go lmao this Namor has no patience for white people and good for him!
Ah dear Nonny, one thing I noticed through the years is that nothing I ship will ever be canon 🤣 And I’ve learned to accept that and live with it. A ship doesn’t have to be canon to be bring you feels. Hell a ship doesn’t even have to make sense 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you like it, then enjoy it, so long as people don’t get hurt of course.
With all that said, I think the Namor/Shuri ship is one of the few that legitimately reflect the enemies to lovers tropes. I mean….they are the definition of being enemies now, and reluctant allies. Which sets them up for the enemies to lovers trope. There’s a LOT going against the ship from being canon though. The biggest factors being Ramonda’s death and how Namor attacked Wakanda. Not to mention nearly killing Shuri with that spear. It’s gonna be hella hard to overcome all of that. Which is what makes the ship incredibly open to fix-its and AUs. Interestingly enough I think most of their shippers tackle those issues head on instead of trying to avoid it. I really feel like addressing those issues in fanfic/fanart/fandom lends so well to deeper stories and character development. It’s gonna be challenge to get over that which in turn forces writers to really work out a convincing path to that famous happy ending. In short, shipping Namor/Shuri is a true labor of love. And coming from a long time Strordo shipper, it’s gotta be hard defending your ship constantly. At least we were spared that for the most part.
I really hope we won’t see Namor chasing after blonde Sue Storm. That would be such a terrible look, especially with Namor’s origins and hatred for colonization. I’ve seen theories where people speculate that Shuri will be the Sue Storm figure in 616, and that Namor will be fixated on her instead. This makes a lot more sense to me tbh. They already have massive history and their fates are tied together due to their alliance, and sadly also due to the pain they inflicted on each other. I think the big tragedy for Namor/Shuri is that their romance was doomed before it got a chance to really bloom. It’s a ship that will never be canon, but it’s a ship that absolutely thrives in fanon. For me Namor/Shuri is phenomenal for AUs, What Ifs, and multiverse craziness. And with nearly 200 fics to the ship in less than a month that’s super telling of their potential.
To be honest I’m jealous 🤣 But I’m also very happy to see all the new fanworks coming out. Congratulations Nashuri? Namori? shippers! Enjoy the feast before you.
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hotboygucciglockboy · 2 years
Tag how many mutuals you want to ask these 33 questions to
tagged by @kyameron 🤝
1).Name and nickname: Andre. My true friends say Andre The Giant, but few and far in between.
2).meaning of your tumblr username: black kray lyrics. 98 flameboy
3).What is one dream you have yet to accomplish?: travel, but before that i want to own a home.
4).What accomplishment are you most proud of?: moving out to texas on my own.
5).What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?: at rolling loud 2015 a group of friends and i left the venue and got back in line with a duplicated vip email and got back in successfully.
6).What type of music are you into?: mostly rap/ hip hop but there’s an appreciation for a bit of everything.
7).What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?: i’m suppressing all of that so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
8).What’s the one thing that people always misunderstand about you?: that i’m off and can’t explain why.
9).If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?: i want my health intact. a steady stream of income and the ability to protect those i love most.
10).If you had superpowers, which one would you have and why?: i would either be a stand user or have baki’s strength and fighting ability.
11).What is the strongest animal you could win against with just your bare hands and feet?: i would destroy a crab fr.
12).What is your strongest qualities?: i think patience is my strongest quality. i’m working on empathy as well.
13).What's the best advice a family member gave you growing up?: my mom told me “there’s nothing worth taking your life.” i think about that often.
14).if you could have an one night stand with anybody who would it be?..it could even be an mutual if you like or celebrity: 🤐🤐🤐
15).Ethnicity & Nationality and do you take pride in it?: Alexa; play Black & Proud by Robb Bank$
16).hobbies or talents: i like to play video games mostly. no standout talents :/
17).what is your fashion style: i’m on the fringes of street wear. haven’t had any new shit since 2019 fr.
18).What do most people overestimate or underestimate about you?: i couldn’t tell you honestly.
19)..are you an lover or fighter: it could go either way.
20).If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?: Earl or The Dude.
21).What problem are you currently grappling with?: self image and things that deeply affected me in the past.
22).What's your favorite physical attribute about yourself?: my hair and shape. wish i were a bit more muscular tho.
23).What hobby/talent have you always wanted to develop?: i want to produce music, or get better at gloving. but FL studio is $200 away!
24).What’s the certain product you couldn’t live without?: chewing gum, a life saver if you get heartburn…
25).what is one thing you would change about yourself: i wish i had thicker skin.
26).What personality traits did you get from your parents?: i’m quiet and soft spoken, i think i get that from my mom.
27).Which one do you prefer: being controlled or be in control?: shit seems easier when you “go with the flow” but that can land you in some shit if you aren’t careful. but being in control is another form of pressure. let’s meet in the middle.
28).What are your phobias?: heights, car accidents. bodily harm in general.
29).What qualities do you want in a partner who will be with you for the rest of your life?: i just wanna feel like i can be myself. even if i don’t show that right away. as yams said (R.I.P) you gotta get to know me to truly see my swag blossom.
30).Who is your role model in life?: as of late.. Joe Budden. (work harder)
31).What are the things that drive you crazy?: it’s usually a buncha tiny shit that builds over time, no specifics.
32).Do you plan to have kids?: i have a beautiful son, and have plans for 2 more then i’m out the game.
33).Would you rather visit your ancestors in the past or meet your descendants in the future?: why not both? knowledge from the past to bless the future.
alright gang, if you see this or are tagged just lmk. also copied the questions if y’all want me to send it (if the messages will even let you copy text)
@bluegriptape @q00chie @vuzi @gytbro @slumperella @idcdontfwm @occvltswim @doublecupleen @slurpdemon @mwadvillain
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itsdelicate · 1 year
its totally fine that ur busy!! im not lol just in this waiting period for my exam results so i have all this time to send u a whole essay reply lmaonjdsmk. aw :( felt like it just flew by like suddenly its 2023 which is crazy
ahh its so great to have a friend like that!! i dont lmao my friends listen to music that is vv different from my music taste so i just google recs. like im getting back into r&b music cause i had a bit of phase where i was obsessed w it during quarantine and also joni mitchell and elliott smith and i just googled and saw recs on reddit. YES YES YES a ten min version of the great war would be mmmmm perfect
tbh ive never been to any concerts like just little recital sorta stuff but i do really love live music!! wbu? what are the best concerts youve been to? that would really suck if they laughed at u for that omg. ohhh yea i get that like recently ive been in a very speak now songs mood but i listened to it A LOT so now im listening to the new sza album!! ooh how was the musical? ive never heard of it before tbh ijsdmk
wdym by that? like bought? cause i havent actually like gotten a physical copy of an album before (or even like a digitally bought one). i just listen on spotify. but the first album i got into like listened to (and loved) the whole album is prob harry styles' first album!! like i got into one direction during quarantine (weird as hell i know) and all the other boys but i listened to his whole album first and it was everything !!!! wbu what was the first album you got (like bought) or got into?
LMAOSKMDF that is alr more than enough. i do really wanna watch the latest puss in boots movie tho just cause i love puss in boots jdskm
i didnt know there was a life of play omg how was it?? my brothers and my parents loved the movie back then!! ooh thats nice!! havent been to the zoo in a while lol. what's studying animal welfare like? idk anyone who studies it so this is vv cool to me lmao
omggg i really love lover so i dont know how to feel ab this 😭yes!! it has some great songs. okay heres a question that could be a dealbreaker to me if you answer wrong (jkjk lmao) but thoughts on false god? yea i was one of those ppl too sdhcnjk but now i love all that lmao
thats nice!! what was the recipe for? my days gonna be very boring i think lmao ive nothing to do so im prob just gonna be doing online courses and listening to music
now ab the matilda musical: YESSS its literally one of the best htings ive watched in 2022 (havent watched a lot of things tho lmao). omg i'm here is def number one like i CRIED sm at the "dont cry daddy" part djis. one of my fav parts tho is the part in when i grow up where miss honey sings cause it makes me cry and its so very. i just could not. also love my house and still holding my hand (basicallt every scene ever w miss honey she is so special to me <3) and the smell of rebellion (EMMA FREAKING THOMPSON!!!!!!!!) i dont think so actually ive got a lot of shows and movies sitting in my list on nfx waiting to be watched lol so those will be next prob. my friend got me into this reality tv show recently ab rich ppl in dubai called dubai bling and all the drama is so funny so ive been watching that and re-watching queer eye for the fiftieth time lmaodfmk. wbu? any musicals or movies or shows you're excited for?
xxx ur secret santa
omg all the best for your results!! i always find the waiting period so nerve wracking whew i know! it went so fast
yeah it’s fun to get recs!! during covid my friends and i tried to do this month long song challenge from prompts and we all added in songs into a joint playlist and ended up with almost 200 songs that were all over the place it was fun ahdjf ooh r&b is interesting! god yes i need that song to possess me idk
aw but that’s fun! live music is great <3 taylor’s concerts for me! (big surprise i know 😭) are you liking the album? the musical was great!! it’s a jukebox musical so it was really really fun!! shakespeare’s wife doesn’t like that he kills of juliet just because of romeo so she proposes rewriting it so juliet goes on to live her life shdjg
that’s fair! the first cd i ever bought on my own was hannah montana when i was little 💀 a quarantine one direction phase is so valid, did you like harry’s first album? i haven’t heard the whole thing just a few songs!
omg yes i want to watch that too! and the play was really good! the animal puppets were incredible! it’s great!! i study animal welfare and anthrozoology and i love love love it :’) nothing in the world i love more than animals so it’s <3333
shfkgk i’m so sorry 😭 i feel like i’m neutral about false god like i don’t Not like it but i also have to be in a specific mood to listen to it 🤔
it was bahn mi! ooh what online courses?
everything u said!! yes yes!! i want to rewatch the stage musical again hopefully this year 🤞 omg that sounds wild i haven’t heard of it before! aw nice! i’ve seen like three episodes of queer eye it was great idk why i never continued it ahdjf i’m not sure actually!! idek what movies are coming out this year or anything hmm (also have u ever seen taskmaster? it’s my fav hehe)
also i think i’ll find out who you are tomorrow if u revealed yourself so i just wanted to say thank you for all your messages!! i’ve loved talking to you sm it’s made me so happy 🫶🫶🫶
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atrirose · 3 years
OMO CONGRATS ON 200 !! 🥳🎉🎉 may i please order a d'auvenay chevalier with enhypen? thanks ! :3
my ideal type : just someone i can be myself with 🥰 through my serious times where i'm lost in thought & through my dumbass hours where i'm probably on crack or smthn 🦖🦖🦖 preferably someone i can baby & take care of, but someone who would take care of me too ^^
something about me : most responsible yet irresponsible person ever, book-smart but street-dumb yk😃 eldest amongst my siblings but one of the youngest in our friend group and i act accordingly ig 🤨 i like math science english but hate arts & physical education with a passion (music gets a pass though) - infj, libra, & i like being with my friends, but my social battery dies out really quickly (accidentally end up ghosting people bc of this 😭🤧)
fav aesthetic : idk, i'm not much into these things... but maybe... late nights, dumbassery on the sidewalks, starry skies, the cool sea breeze, a flickering street lamp, fireflies picking flowers and sticking it behind a friend's ear, campfires, burning marshmallows ??? i'm not really good at this sorry lol
─── ⠀ * ⠀ JAKE SIM
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He sighed in awe as he lay down on the soft grass watching the night sky, stretching his hands out so lay with him watching the beautiful view while he enjoys your sweet smell. his strong grip encircled your waist as you lay your head on his chest enjoying his heart beat after a long day of school, homework, teacher nagging and loud people, you finally are alone with him, your favorite person, your cute boyfriend. "You seem tired, school being too much" his voice was deep and soft making you feel giddy "yeah I am, but nothing i can't handle" you let out a low chuckle. Hugging you closer he said "I love you" but started to doze off, exhausted waves hitting you, confused he shakes you "I said I love you baby" you can feel he is pouting but you just hum in response. "Say it back!" restless he whines at ypur mischief "back" you say "its not funny" shakes you violently until you have no choice but to say "okay o-kay stop shaking me, I love you too" congratulations you have made jake feel loved again lmao. Hugs you too hard that you almost died and had to tickle him to lose his grip.
—: roselyn 200 event
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Okay honestly this ask basically is me, but hey anon it was hard to match you because your character went with sunoo and niki but I choose jake because you can baby him all you want, you can be crazy with him a you want, and just like you he is street dumb and book smart with a love for math and physics. Tho he does likes physical education and is a athlete but that just compliment you realtion even more
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ameliasbitvh · 3 years
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ahhhh! thank you all soso much for the 300 followers! i just hit 200 last week?! how are there 300 of you? i honestly don’t know, but i started this account as a place to just read smut and then i decided to post on here. the reason why my first post was angst was because i was being a slut for angst to feel something in those few moments- okay i’ll stop myself right there. for this milestone i’m going to do mutual appreciation for the moots i’ve interacted with the most so far! (if we’re moots and u wanna interact pls do, i’m not scary!)
okayy first up,
i love you so much bby, i could not believe it when you followed me. i was legit crying happy tears and i specifically remember you followed me after i posted “needy” random lol.
your writing is immaculate, absolutely lovely. ur smut *chefs kisses* i love that you put up with my shit photos that i send you and that you actually ask for more- but it baffled me when you first interacted with me, this was my reaction
*deep breath* “omfg! (ur username) just interacted with me, wtf do i do?!” also ur nick name reminds me of belly from dear, draco.
i’m not writing a lot, bc for your sleepover i wrote you a damn paragraph 😭 but i love u sm belly!! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
ARI! i love talking to you, bc i can talk about anything and when i say anything i mean anything. like kinks, porn, random draco scenarios, etc… you are one of the funniest people i have seen on this app.
ur blunt and funny at the same time, it just makes it more fun to talk to you. ur smut is soso good, bc i don’t find a lot of smut with a dom!reader and sub!draco.
i remember you followed me, so out of curiosity i checked out your blog and saw your piss kink fic and that did it for me. after that i followed you back and we became moots ajnwja. when ur first account got terminated you scared me so fucking much, because i thought you were going to leave tumblr forever. don’t. ever. play. like. that. again. i’m glad we became moots bc i fucking love you <3
I LOVE YOU SM! i think u were the first moot that i interacted with in direct messages, bc you had tea to spill, and ever since than we’ve been #4lifers. you send me edits and hate on t*m felton with me on instagram. you were the first mutual to know what i looked like lmaoo. u r an absolute goddess, bestie, like what- i know that you can pull anyone you want, so stop playing when you talk about someone.
even though we have a fucking 12 hour time difference, we still find time to talk to each other. it is so fun talking with you and the fact that when we talk it’s night for one of us. you let me send that stupid tik tok of ed sheeran and t*m felton to you and it probably haunts your dreams now ajnwajsj-
i appreciate that you study ur MF ass off for your exams, bc i could never. and you even send me those cute memes when i wake up- also we better be watching those true crime documentaries, bc i’m still waiting. idc if we have a time difference :) anyways ILY SM ELLIE !! <3
okay- where do i even get started with this. we first interacted when i reblogged that draco fan fic and we reblogged talking about how desperate we were trying to find that iconic fic. and i forgot that the creator could see all the reblogging we were doing- you texted me directly about adding my name into your tags, which obviously i agreed to. then we just started talking about random shit like how we were superior because we were june geminis. or how we talked about being in love with remus lupin.
i have vivid flash backs of how your remus fic hurt me. i cried my false lashes off proof reading janajaj- bestie- you’ve seen me cry ajnwja- your writing is ethereal, i don’t know how you can see that? your so nice too, like girly u gave me ur netflix within like a day of knowing each other 💀 we watched bridgerton in two mother fucking sittings. we ate that bridgerton hoe up!
all ur input on the scenes were so funny like the “with child” and “dicking” comments 😭 i love how it’s so easy to talk to you about everything, like how dumb i am- even talking about the privilege of being poc and not burning in the sun. bruh u even let me tag u in dumb tik tok videos, like what?! and i think your the only mutual i have that’s in the same time zone as me… also we better binge the next season. but ily sm, ur like my older sister, even if u say ur life is shitty 😭 <3
honestly, kacia. i owe a lot to you for my account being “found” or whatever, bc you reblogged a fic of mine, i’m pretty sure it was “common room” and that’s when i started getting notes and followers najajwjwj- you might not know that but i do 💀 i will forever remember that.
you literally were one of the first accounts ever- to follow me. and i won’t lie, i went crazy when u followed me because i love your fics so much! you are so funny and blunt too i swear 😭
and can we talk about your tom riddle fic? like?!the fact that you really showed tom’s true personality and character. every world had me enthralled further into the fic, the way you wrote him is exactly how i think tom riddle would act towards his s/o. his toxicity and gaslighting is too accurate.
moving on from the discussion of your fic, which is amazing, ily sm babe!!
we’ve interacted a few times and when u texted me directly saying that you thought i was sweet, i literally went, “omg- people think i’m sweet” in a good way, not bad jkwajjw- can i just get started on your writing, because oh. my. fucking. god. it is the most captivating and heart breaking thing i’ve ever seen- the emotions that you put into every word completes the entire fic. every angst piece that you have written, made me cry or made something inside me just twist with sadness. it is truly lovely and magnificent.
how do ur fics not get thousands of notes? because everyone should see what you write, it’s unfair that others haven’t seen your fics. when u explained your dream to me, i swear you practically wrote a whole fic 😭
i remember u said that you wanted to do a face reveal, but we’re scared. bestie what are you scared of? you look like an ANGEL!! and if anyone were to disagree, they are obviously blind. but ily bestie <3
BESTIE BAE ORION i love you so much!interacting with you is honestly so fun. and i remember like literally yesterday we were trying to figure out ari’s time zone and we were freaking out. you, ari, and me all have a fucking time difference 😭 it sucks so much!
at least every day you ask me how my days been and i think that’s so sweet, because before i got on tumblr people didn’t ask that question. i appreciate that you ask me that and just random questions in general, because i love interacting with you so much. and you should start writing bby! i will reblog anything you write, also ily sm <3
we don’t talk a lot, but you seem like a fun person! i love seeing all the edits you post on here, bc honestly i need more ferret boy content. i know there is a lot, but i feel like i’ve seen all of them. until i see you posting a new edit and i’m like, “okay… i guess i haven’t seen every draco edit” but that’s all i have lol, ly!!
to be honest, you seemed so intimidating to me. i know you said you’re not, but to me you seemed really scary even though i knew you weren’t 😭 i just interacted with you recently and you are so sweet i swear! i love all ur fics, especially “and then i felt nothing” because when i read this fic you better believe i was crying so hard- to the point where i couldn’t breath- everything was written so beautifully, i couldn’t believe it.
i love how one thing we share in common is losing our phones 💀 but i just wanted to say thank you for explaining the whole sleepover and celebration things to me! even tho we just started interacting i already love u!!
moots bc i’m in love with all of them: @just-a-smol-spoon @dreamy-clousds @dracoskinks @unedibledaisyduck @thatsassyhufflepuff @a-aexotic @l0vely-lupin @gothboutique @wolfstar4lifee @littlemissnoname13 @deatthfairy @arcaneslut @ladyvesuvia @laceycallisto @dracossweetprincess @the-lonely-poet-loves-to-weep @realityblocked @harmqnia @yoooespinosa @opalsheart @lilscloud @cupids-crystals @mellifluousart @lunas-kisses @malfoysmainb @klauscarolove @crystxlss @beforeoursunsets @marrymetheonott @queeriacs @electriclocean @dlmmdl @o-rion-sta-r @sfdlm @ilygw @desiredmalfoy @underappreciated-spoon-321 @draco-and-tom @hellounicorn @mugglesthesedays @dracomalfoys-wh0re
if i didn’t tag u it’s bc i can’t tag more than 50 blogs :(
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honeypirate · 3 years
I don’t knowwww what this is but I love this senbon user.
Genma x femreader
Part two here
Your feet land on the road a little ways away from the gate, jumping from the treetops and landing silently.
You’ve been gone for awhile, on a deep undercover mission that kept you away for a few years and you were ready to finally be home again.
You get to the closed gate and feel your heart skip when Genma appears in front of you
“State your name and business” he says and clicks his senbon against his teeth.
You place a hand on your hip, fingers messing with your headband around your waist as a belt as you smirk “I know I’ve been gone a while Genma, but I didn’t think I was that forgettable to you” you raise your hand and cover your heart “my heart actually hurts”
You watch the recognition enter his eyes as he smiles with the senbon in his teeth “y/n. It’s so good to see you” he says and pulls you into a hug. “You too Genma” you say into his neck, closing your eyes tight so you don’t cry.
“Sorry about the gate” he says as he closes it again behind you both “we’ve had some assassination threats” you say a soft oh and nod your head “no worries. I’m happy to be home I gotta tell you. I should find a place to stay” you scratch your neck and laugh softly “since all my things are in storage” you go to turn but he grabs your hand “can I find you later? To catch up?” You smile and nod “I’d love that”
After debriefing with the Hokage you found an inn to stay in not far from where your things were stored then you went to go buy some food and new clothes that weren’t from your mission.
You had a few bags in your hand as you walked the streets of the village, a small smile on your lips and a light heart as you familiarized yourself with your home town again.
“There you are” he says as he hops from the room of the buildings to standing next to you.
“Nice to see you again Genma” you said with a soft smile and a sparkle in your eye that make his heart race.
Even after all this time his feelings for you remain unchanged.
He takes the bags from your hands and offers you his elbow, which you take with a small laugh and a “thank you”
“Have you eaten yet?” You ask, looking up at him your chin brushing his shoulder. He smirks at the way his skin comes alive at your touch and the way his stomach fills with butterflies as you easy fall back into your old closer than just friends ways.
“No I haven’t. Where would you like to go?” You notice the way his eyes soften when he looks at you and the way his usual smirk seems more genuine. “Take me to your favorite place” you say and he laughs with a nod “you got it”
“I’m so glad this place is still here” you say as they place two bowls of pumpkin soup down on the table. “I’m pretty sure we’re still in business because of Genma here” the owner says from the back and you laugh “I bet. I’ve seen him put away a lot of pumpkin soup before” you wink at him as you blow softly across your soup to cool it down.
“Tell me about your mission” he asks as he takes another bite and you smirk “well. I guess it isn’t really classified anymore” you say and wipe your lips with a napkin
“I had to go undercover and infiltrate the growing army of rouge ninjas that were in the north” his eyes widen slightly, he’s heard stories about them and even tho they were a lesser version of the Akatsuki they were still a tough group.
“I went through the ranks until I was the right hand man of the head of the group who turned out to be a girl. She was an amazing person if she wasn’t so absolutely crazy.” You take another bite and he leans forward a little “that’s where you’ve been all these years? It makes sense as to why the missions involving them suddenly stopped” he says and scratches behind his neck
“After I made my way to the top, they were planning on wiping out the village hidden in the mist . I sent word back to the Hokage who told the Mizukage, I worked hand in hand with them to take down the entire army and now I’m here” you shrug and he’s looking at you with shocked eyes.
“What?” You ask with a laugh and he just chuckles “nothing I just.. I always just thought you’d be my cute little best friend from daycare” you laugh and run your hand through your hair
Before you can respond a member of the ANBU appears beside your table “the Hokage needs to see you both right away”
Your hands run down your face as you sigh deeply “so she survived and then escaped and is coming after me?” The Hokage nods “I’m placing Genma as your bodyguard and for now you’ll go into hiding, to one of the safe houses” you scowl, wanting to protest, to say how you can take care of yourself, but you honestly didn’t even know if it was the truth.
You nod once “yes, lord sixth”
Genma beside you tenses his jaw and nods once, he won’t lie, he’s excited to spend so much time with you, he just wishes it was with better circumstances.
“How long has it been? Since we were Chunin I think” he says as the gates close behind you
“Since we went on a mission together? Yeah since I was placed on your team because my team was all out of commission. You iced me out for the first day because you thought I was cute”
He gasps “I did not!”
You laugh and chase your head “yeah sure. So you ignored me but stared at me the entire time for the first day but then your excuse the second day was” you imitate his kid voice “I had something in my eye”
He can’t help but laugh with you, his cheeks dusting a little pink “it was true. I had something in my eye” he sticks with it and you just sigh and shake your head “yeah it was awkward 12 yr old feelings” you say back and he just scoffs, sticking to his original story.
You get to the safe house around nightfall, a small farm house on the outskirts of a smaller town that consisted of a small market and a couple shops, guessing that less than 200 people lived around here.
You flick the light switch and wait in the doorway as the lights flicker before staying on, a low light cast across a small living room with a hallway and an attached kitchen. Genma checks the house and secures it as you kick off your shoes and look through the kitchen.
“We will have to hit the market in the morning. Maybe we could go back to that ramen place we passed” you say as you meet him in the living room.
“There’s only one bedroom since were supposed to be acting as a couple, you can take the bed and I’ll take the couch” he says, twisting his senbon in his mouth and avoiding your eye as he tries to not imagine sharing a bed with you.
You laugh “that’s not fair though. How about we Rock Paper Scissors or thumb war or something else?” You can see the pink on his sheets and you’re pretty sure he’s thinking of the same thing you are, sleeping in the same bed.
“Yeah okay. Thumb war” he says with a nod, still not looking at you. He knows he could lose it easy and still give you to bed.
You cross the room to him and hold out your hand, he finally meets your eye as his finger slick with yours. His fingers were warm against your usual cold fingers and you could feel his calluses against your skin. “Ready?” You asks, eyes locked on his and a small smirk on your lips.
“Go!” You say and his longer thumb reaches for yours as you dodge it with a giggle, your left hand reaching out to hold his bicep as you dodge his thumb, he’s feigning trying to win until your thumb locks across his and for a second he forgets what he’s even doing, he’s too caught up in the way your eyes sparkle as you look at your thumb, your laughter that hasn’t changed since you were a kid. All those times you would joke together as kids and hanging out when you grew up. Meeting you again after your days in the ANBU, then seeing you again this morning, the way his heart has only beat for you his whole life.
He gasps softly when you squeal, looking up into his eyes with a grin “I win!” You say and his cheeks flush, your hand still on his arm and your fingers still locked with his, “congrats! You get the bed” he says, throat a little dry.
“Now let’s clean up and head to dinner” you say, dropping his hand. His hand feels empty without the feeling of your fingers against his but he swallows hard and shoves his hands in his pockets with a nod, pretending that your grin isn’t making his heart race.
There’s two bathrooms, one downstairs and one connected to the bedroom. You get ready in the bedroom bathroom and him in the other.
You know you’ll bathe later but for dinner you still want to look good. You’re supposed to sell that youre married to Genma so you dress like you would if you were going out with your husband.
You take off your headband and wash your face with cool water before putting on a little makeup and fixing up your hair. You change into a dark green dress that hits just above your knees. You spray a little perfume that you just bought before your mission, then head down the stairs.
You smile when you see him, sitting on the couch and twisting a kunai in his fingers as he waits.
“I have something for you” you say with a smirk as your reach the bottom of the steps.
“What is it?” He asks and stores his kunai before looking up at you and gasping softly, his eyes widening as he takes you in, his eyes slowly moving down your body before landing back on your face
He stands and walks to you “you look good” he says in a whisper and swallows hard, his cheeks blushing and warm.
“Thank you. So do you” you say and nod as you look him over, he’s changed out of anything that would give him away as a ninja. He’s wearing a dark shirt and dark pants that you realize are just a little bit fancier than you would have guessed he’d own. You look nice, like a couple that would blend in with the village.
You hold out your hand and open your palm, showing two matching rings “whataya say Genma? Will you fake marry me?” You smile softly and he takes the ring from your palm “I do” he says with a smirk and you chuckle as you slide the ring down your left hand finger.
“One more thing” you say and reach up, untying his headband and running your hand through his hair as you fix his headband hair. You hand it to him and he smiles softly “now we look like any young couple who moved to the country” he puts his headband in his bag and then held the door open to you “shall we?” He asks and you nod, taking his arm with a smile.
ꕥone month laterꕥ
You’re weeding your garden you have out front, the small sprouts bringing joy to your heart. So far they haven’t been able to find her so for now you’re still stuck here.
Genma is fixing a leak in the roof, the sound of his hammer reaching your ears as you wipe your dirty hands on your apron. You place the weeds in the compost pile at the back edge of the yard as Genma climbs down the ladder.
“All fixed?” You ask with a smile, your sundress flowing against your legs in the breeze and he feels his heart hammer against his ribs. You looked like the prettiest housewife he could almost picture this being his real life.
“All fixed” he says with a grin, a spare nail still in his teeth instead of his usual senbon. He had sweat lining his forehead and his hair tied back in a low bun, his face looks a little sun kissed and you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering to imagining him as your househusband.
Your cheeks feel warm and you wipe your hands on your apron again before taking it off and walking up to him, folding it and using a clean space to dab his forehead “let’s go inside, I’ll make something light for lunch” he clears his throat, grateful for the sunburn on his cheeks that he knows won’t show his blush. “Sounds good” he says with a semi strained voice, trying not to show how flustered you made him.
That evening, after dinner and bathing, you head downstairs to find Genma but pause when he’s nowhere to be found.
You find the door open but before heading out you grab his sweatshirt he had over the side of the couch and throw it over your head.
You take a few steps off the porch and hear a soft whistle, pulling your attention to the roof. You feel your heart skip when you turn and spot him laying against the roof, the moonlight glistening off his usual senbon he still used at the house.
You appear beside him and sit down, pulling your knees up to your chest and tucking them inside your sweatshirt.
“Isn’t it funny that we went from being apart for years to being thrown together for who knows how long?” His voice was a whisper but it felt loud because of how alone and quiet you where on this little farm.
“I’m sorry you got dragged into this. You probably have a girlfriend back at the village who’s gonna hate me when we get back” you say as you rest your forehead on your knees
Yes you’ve lived together for a month but you haven’t brought up relationships because then you’d have to admit the feelings you had for him.
He laughs and leans up, his elbows around his knees “no ones gonna hate you” he says and you meet his eye
“So then she’s really nice? That’s good. I always hoped you’d end up with someone nice” your voice was strained and he tilts his head, his tongue turning the senbon
“No” he says and you raise your eyebrows “so she’s mean? I didn’t expect you to be ..” he cuts you off with a laugh “no I mean.. no she”
Your eyes widen a little then you laugh “ohhh so you have a boyfriend. Well if you’re happy that’s..” he groans and falls back, his arms above his head exasperated.
He takes his senbon from his mouth and then lays his arm back down, looking up at the stars as he says in a monotone voice “I’m sorry I should have made it more clear. I’m not dating anyone”
You feel your cheeks heat up as your soul fills to the brim with embarrassment. “Oh”
You wait until your face cools off before you lean back and look up at the sky with him. You look up at the stars for just a moment before you decide to make a move and adjust your body, scooting up to lay your head against his arm.
“I’m glad” you whisper and pause for a moment “that no one is going to hate me when we get back”
You were glad he wasn’t dating anyone. Glad that he was single and that your feelings have an option to be reciprocated.
His heart was racing in his throat, his fingers holding his senbon in a vice grip as your hair tickles the skin on his arm.
Over this last month all of his feelings from childhood had returned with a vengeance. He thought that maybe they were the same feelings but as the days progressed he’s learned how much stronger they have become for you. How he’s been desperately yearning to kiss you every night here.
The way your hair is crazy in the mornings, the way you yawn and rub your eyes as you drink coffee, the way your eyes sparkle in the sun as you work in the yard, these little sides of you that he feels lucky to be witnessing.
He loves the way the house smells like your shampoo after you bathe, the way you laugh at his jokes even if they aren’t very funny but your laughs are always genuine.
The way you hold his hand and kiss his cheek when you go to town makes his heart race every time, he won’t ever get used to the feeling. He’s a ninja but how hard he’s tried to dig out all his feelings and do away with them, he can never seem to do it. You’ll give him one of those looks where he feels like he’d do anything for you, your smile and the way your eyes soften when they see him, and he can’t do it. He knows this is an act but he can’t help but wish it was real.
“Y/n I need to tell you something” he says and as you turn to look up at him, you sense chakra. He’s caught it just a moment before you and he’s pulling you to his chest, throwing his senbon. the sound of it hitting a kunai making your palms sweat as you quickly get your shit together.
“It’s her” you say and then she appears on the ground, looking up at you both with her hands out and a smile.
“I’m just here to talk” she says and you feel a chill down your spine “you don’t talk, Mina! We both know that” you shout back and she just laughs.
Genma goes to attack and you watch as it goes in slow motion, one moment he’s throwing a kunai and flying through the air, the next he’s pinned to the ground by another Ninja who was hidden in the ground, popping up from your garden and holding him fast. A little part of your heart twinges with sadness for your baby garden.
You move into the defensive, not knowing what to do next since you didn’t have any weapons with you expect for your jutsu. You didn’t what to do, Genma was trapped and you had to fight her with no weapons and who knows how many people she had in hiding.
“I’m seriously here to talk so you can come down now” she says with an excited lilt “don’t do it!” Genma shouts but it’s cut off by the sound of his agonized groaning “i think you should do it!” She sings and you don’t hesitate in jumping to the ground and walking through the dirt path towards her
“Take me and let him go” you say and she laughs hard, wiping away tears, “how about I kill you first and make him watch” she says and then immediately throws a handful of Kunai your way.
You gasp and dodge them easily, not seeing her move through the dark and and cutting your arm with the kunai in his hand.
“The ritual is compete” she says with an insane laugh and you feel your body become frozen, paralyzed.
Your eyes look to her and notice how her skin has changed to black, covered in white symbols where bones would be. “She’s like Hidan” Genma says in shock as you watch her cackle in front of you, her arms out wide with the kunai still in her hand.
“Do you know how much trouble I went through to find you?” She asks and then brings the Kunai down into her thigh making you gasp when your thigh starts to bleed from the deep slice.
“Don’t worry tho, I’ll make sure to miss all your vital spots until we’re done talking”
Your heart is pounding with fear. There isn’t much you can do right now, you know you can’t get out of this and Genma is detained. You’re going to die.
“I’m sorry Mina” you say between deep gasps of air through the pain “I was just following orders”
She cackles and you can feel her hatred coming form her in waves. The Kunai comes to her neck and you watch blood trickle down the side of her skin before you even felt it start to run down your own.
You gasp when she slowly pushes the knife deeper, the wound in your neck flowing more. “Maybe I’m done talking now” she whispers out and goes eerily quiet as she stares at the blood coming from your neck.
“No.. stop!” Genma is fighting against the other ninja, struggling but not getting anywhere.
“Genma” you whisper out but he stills when he hears your voice “it’ll be okay” you say, feeling your eyes sting but refusing to cry in front of her.
“Mina just go. Why are you doing this? You could run. You could go live the life you’ve always wanted and hoped for. The little farm you told me about. You can go do that you have been given this chance you don’t need to use it for revenge. You can be happy”
“Shut up!” She shouts at you, her eyes overflowing with tears
“I wanted that life with you!” she says through gritted teeth and you gasp softly, your heart racing. You never knew that’s how she felt for you.
“But if I can’t have you” she says, eyes wide and crazy, the tears suddenly stopping and turning to crazy chuckles “then no one can” she finishes her sentence in a quiet calm voice that’s even more eerily sounding than her laughter.
She raises her arm back and then screams as she brings it down to her throat with all the force she can muster! Your eyes widen in shock and you gasp, expecting to have it be your final moment but feeling relief flood your body when you hear the words from Shikamaru in the dark “shadow possession, complete”
Turns out Shikamaru and a few ANBU had been tracking her for a week. They would have caught her sooner but Kiba was on a different mission and couldn’t help.
The fight was quick after that, you don’t really remember most of it. Once Genma was free he was by your side and holding gauze to your leg while you held one to your neck.
“Thank you” you whisper to him as you sit in the dirt, watching as he dresses your wound.
“This is all my fault. I let my guard down. I was thrown off by seeing you in my sweatshirt. You look so good I got distracted. I’m sorry I let you get hurt” his eyes were on his hands and your leg as he finishes tying the bandages, you’re pretty sure he doesn’t even know what he just confessed to.
Your hands take his into your own, the wound on your neck stopped bleeding and isn’t more than a scratch.
“Genma” you say softly and wait until he meets your eye. His senbon was back in his teeth and you heard the gentle grinding sound as he bit down against it.
You reach up and cup his jaw “I worry about your teeth” you joke and he rolls his eyes, relaxing his jaw before looking back to your eye.
“We should get going. You should see a doctor about that wound” Shikamaru said, coming back from taking care of Mina and her accomplice and sending them off with a couple ANBU.
Your eyes don’t leave Genma’s but you drop your hands “okay. My leg isn’t too bad so I can pack up my things real quick. Could you help me?” Genma nods immediately and picks you up into his arms bridal style, carrying you back towards the house.
As you stand on your good leg at the bathroom sink, Genma goes to clean up his things. A quick sweep of the home since you kept it spotless normally in preparation.
You look at yourself in the mirror and sigh, brushing your hair behind your shoulder as you look at the cuts on your neck.
“Do you think they’ll scar?” You ask when he appears in the doorway, his pack over a shoulder.
“I doubt it. They aren’t very deep. If they do scar it will be gone in a year” you scowl and look away, going to grab your small bag if things to add to your pack on the bed.
You go to hop your way out but he drops his bag and puts his arm around your waist, easily taking your weight as he helps you back to the bed.
“Shikamaru will take my bag, I’ll carry you back” he says and doesn’t wait for you to say anything, just turns and crouches, waiting for you to climb up.
You chuckle “I’ll be fine” you say and he clicks his senbon before leaning back and grabbing your calves, gently pulling you so you lose balance with a gasp and fall into him.
“We’re ready” Genma says, not even ten minutes after Shikamaru said it was time to leave. You’re scowling but holding on to his shoulders tight.
Genma throws his pack to him and he catches it in silence, putting over his shoulder. “Let’s go”
His hands are firm against your thighs as he carries you and you notice how he never forgets about your wound, is always gentle with you whenever he has to adjust or move you.
“It’s gonna be weird not living with you” you admit with a small chuckle and his hands squeeze your legs gently “oh yeah. I bet you’ll miss having fresh coffee made for you in the morning and never having to wash a dish” you laugh and playfully slap his shoulder “and you’ll miss my cooking every meal!” He chuckles and nods “you know it. You’re a queen of the kitchen” you feel your cheeks warm and are grateful that he can’t see.
“We’re here” Shikamaru says and you feel your stomach fill with relief until it gets taken over by worry when you realize you still don’t have anywhere to stay. Shikamaru heads off to talk to the Hokage as Genma brings you to the hospital to get looked at.
“I’ll be here when you’re done” he says as he sets you on the exam table and your eyes widen “you will be?” He raises his eyebrows with a smirk “of course I will be” you feel your cheeks warm, the mission was over so you just expected him to go his way as you go yours. You nod, feeling your eyes sting again with your feelings as you smile shyly “thank you Genma”
A few medical ninjas heal your leg up and disinfect and bandage up your neck when you exit the room, true to his word, Genma is sitting on the chair across the hall with his head relaxed against the wall behind him. His eyes are closed and you can tell he’s sleeping, his senbon hanging in the edge of his lips.
You crouch in front of him and smile softly as you look him over. His messy hair and his recreational clothes, he was missing his headband still and has dirt on his cheeks.
You reach up and softly run your fingers through his hair, smiling when his eyes flutter open. “Good morning sleepy head” you say softly and he takes a deep inhale, a soft smile on his lips as he meets your eye. “Good morning beautiful” he says and rubs his eyes.
“Wanna get some breakfast?” You ask, fingers still moving slowly through his soft hair. “God yes” he says and you laugh, standing with a groan before offering him your left hand, which he takes without hesitation and stands.
“How’s your leg?” He asks, lacing his fingers together with yours and making your heart flutter. “It’s fine. Nothing major was hit, should just be a bruise now.” You want to ask why he’s holding your hand. Want to point out how he doesn’t have to do that anymore since this is your village and you’re not pretending anymore, but you don’t. You don’t ask. You just savor the feeling knowing it’s probably the last time.
You yawn hard as you sit across from him at the table, waiting for your food to be delivered as you sit quietly with him. You both looked exhausted, exactly like you’ve been traveling all night. You look up from the picture on the wall you were zoned out staring at and feel your cheeks warm when you catch him looking at you.
“What?” You ask with a small chuckle and he just smiles “nothing. Just looking” he says and it makes your heart flutter. “Would have thought you looked enough over the last month” he chuckles “not nearly enough if I’m being honest” he admits quietly and you chuckle at the softness.
“Stay with me” he says as he takes a bit of his pumpkin soup. “What?” You ask, choking on your own spit.
“Stay with me while you find your own place. Your stuff is still in storage right?” You feel your cheeks warm as you wipe off your mouth “yeah that’s true but I don’t want to impose I can just stay at the inn” he shakes his head “no. Stay with me. I have more than enough room” you laugh “I’m not gonna be able to change your mind Huh?” He shakes his head with a small smile “I insist”
He takes another bite of his soup and sighs “it’s not as good as yours” he says a little sadly and for some reason it fills your heart full of pride. “I’m sorry I ruined your favorite meal” you say and he laughs, running his hands through his hair and sticks his senbon back in his teeth. “It just means I’ll need you to make it for me now” he says and you laugh “anytime. But just for you” you say back and you feel as if your heart could burst.
After your meal he takes your hand again in his, lifting it and using his thumb to twist the fake wedding band “I guess we should take these off Huh?”
You nod “yeah probably. Since the mission is over” he sighs and slips yours off before he takes his off and puts them both in his pocket before he takes your hand again, your pack over his shoulder.
“We don’t have to hold hands anymore either. And I could take my pack..” your voice sounds as sad as you feel but you doubt you’d even be able to hide it.
“Oh” he says softly “yeah. You’re right” he hesitates for just a moment before dropping your hand and shoving his roughly into his pocket. He doesn’t give your bag to you though, which makes you smirk, your hand moving behind your back to hold your elbow.
The first night at his place was nice, you insisted on taking his couch and he couldn’t find a good enough excuse to change your mind. You helped clean off the dust and air out the apartment before he went out to stock up on fresh groceries as you shower.
When you get out the shower you wander around his bedroom, more or less snooping. You open his closet and hum in approval at the collection of comfortable clothing he has as well as his nice fancier clothing. You take one of the comfy jackets off a hanger and throw it on before you continue your trek through his apartment.
His apartment was spacious even though it was one bedroom. His room was large and open, a bed in the middle with amazing light when the sunrises. It has a couch at the end of the bed, a large bathroom, and decent closet. It had a sliding glass door and a small balcony that had a chair and table.
You sat on the side of the bed and opened the top drawer of the bedside table.
Exactly what you expected from him, a kunai and a box of condoms that were a particularly larger size than you would have assumed he would have.
“You big snoop” he says with evident laugh in his voice as he catches you with condoms in your hand.
You gasp and flail, the box hitting the headboard of his bed and falling behind you on the bed as you just sigh and hide your face in your hands.
“That was funny. You shoulda seen your face” he says with a laugh and you just keep your face hidden, your cheeks hot under your palms.
“God Genma you scared me” you say and he just laughs and sits beside you on the bed.
With a low groan, he leans slowly behind you and grabs the box of condoms. “If you wanted to know what size condoms I use, you could have just asked” he said with a twirl of his senbon and you let out a squeak that makes his skin tingle.
You decide to try and tip the scale of his cockiness so you quickly move, throwing your leg across him and pushing him down to the bed with your hands.
You lean in close to his ear and his hands move to grip your thighs “would you have told me... or shown me?” You ask, teeth connecting to his ear as you bite him gently, smirking when his breath hitches.
You lean up, sliding your hands down his chest and looking down at him with a smile for a moment before you take his senbon from his mouth and stick it between your teeth before you wink and slide from his lap to your feet. Walking out of the door with a satisfied hum and a swing of your hips.
You walk down the hallway into his spacious and homey living room, your toes appreciating the soft rug as you cross the living room to the dining room and kitchen, towards the brown paper sacks he must have left on the table.
“Oooh you got melon. I love melon.” You say with a smirk, twisting the senbon around with your tongue as you make eye contact with him as he comes across the room.
“I know you love it” he says and stands beside you, placing his hand on your low back as he leans down and takes the end of his senbon into his teeth and you smile, letting him take it from your mouth.
You know the condom moment made the air more tense between you, but you really liked it. It felt real, like the mission was just a show but now this, this!, is real flirting! Real feelings!
“That wasn’t very nice what you did in there” he says and you laugh “I’m sorry Genma. Did I get you worked up just to leave? How rude of me.” You say as you cut the melon.
“Maybe don’t dish out the teasing if you can’t handle it back” you say and offer him a small bite of melon. He rolls his eyes and leans down but instead of popping it into his mouth you quickly put it in your own with a grin
“Hey!” He says and you chuckle “what are ya going to do about it? Huh?” You tease and he places a hand on your hip and pulls you to his chest, a little squeak leaving your lips making him smirk.
“I wanted a taste” he says his voice low and his eyes playful. you smile, your hand on his chest can feel his racing heart and you reach up, taking his senbon as you say “then take one” his lips hitting yours less than a second later.
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simonandgarfunkie · 2 years
Why do i have such commitment issues starting a new book i can read 200 pages like nothing but when it’s a 400 page book that requires effort to pick up and start i’m like 🧍‍♀️ damn. That’s crazy someone should read that. Not me tho
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maziekeen · 4 years
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maziekeen’s coloring tutorial (part 1, base)
part 2 for dark scenes here
before anything, here are some helpful resources for what i’m about to do cause i think you need to test everything to see what will work for you and will learn so damn much in the process:
how to use curves: curves tutorial by completeresources. and gif tutorial by barrysberkman. curves is the best and it’s what i use to “fix” the coloring before proceeding with the coloring
how to color yellow-ish/terrible scenes: coloring tutorial by jungshoseok. i’m always going back to this tutorial when i’m stuck with my coloring or need a reminder of a different way to color difficult scenes, and again, sami uses curves!
and there is more on my resources tag here
download the psds
save for web settings
sharpen settings
text settings
crop sizes (new dimensions)
my ko-fi ♥
the tutorial, finally lol
tv show high fidelity. this gonna be simple scene before going to the annoying dark/yellow/green/blue scenes on the second part of the tutorial.
this is important: i don’t always get right the first time like i’m showing this tutorial. i do all this process and then go back to the layers and adjust a few to get what i want
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1) curves. first i brighten the gif just a little with RGB so i can see how to color correct, and to do that i use the red, green, and blue there. instead of using them up, i decrease their values, trying to leave as natural/red/magenta as possible, sometimes i increase, like i did with blue, but it’s really just a bit
okay, what do i do? i decrease the color that’s bothering me. when you increase the RGB, the color that stand out is what you will use the others to fix. like this one, the gif got too yellow, so i decrease red. then it was too green, so that’s the next one to change. i get this “controlled” yellow, it’s good but i want more red-ish/magenta tone so i can work with the colors only later, so i increase the blue just a bit for that. then you get the result
i always try to "take off” the colors here so i have more control of them in the future and edit the way i want
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2) levels. i use for both darken and brighten, nothing too extreme
the white arrow to brighten, it depends on the gif, but since i'll use exposure to that later, i only use around 200 to 250
the gray one to darken, if you increase this one too much then you’ll be whitewashing the shit out of the gif, i only use this way or don’t use at all. exception if it’s a really dark gif
the dark one is to darken too, i use only around 0 to 10
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3) exposure. this one is the one i use to brighten, here the different is minimal, but in a dark gif this works really well as you’ll see on part 2. also, i know it looks like the levels was for nothing here, but most of the time you go back to previous layers and edit a bit more. or even after use exposure and need to darken, levels is there for it
exposure. i never use more than 1,00. and sometimes only +50 is enough in a dark gif
offset. nope, never, no
gamma correction. also, never use more than 1,10. sometimes 1,05 is more than enough
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4) gradient map. i wasn’t a fan, but now that i see the difference i’m always using it. i like that controls the dark parts of the gif, i could use more levels for that, but it would get weird
always soft light, and the fill i only use around 20%. sometimes my standard is 15%. i got this from sami’s tutorial and it’s amazing even tho it doesn’t look like much here
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5) color balance. i’m still in that thought of “taking off” the colors, because after this layer that i’ll edit them.but also here i fix the color if the gif is practically ready. i only used midtones, but sometimes i use highlights to make the gif as natural as possible. it doesn’t look like it changed much here, but you’ll probably get back here after finishing the psd to fix a thing or two
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6) selective color. the fun part! honestly, just mess around the colors. i can’t really say do this or that here because i change this a lot depending on the gif, so here are some tips:
reds and yellows. i use to fix whitewashing, make the person more vivid too, you know? usually i’ve been using magenta with yellow together, you have more control if the red will stay red or it will be pink-sh, and if the yellow will stay yellow or be around green
cyans and blues. if you come across a gif where the white is blue, you adjust this on cyans. decrease the cyan and mess around magenta and yellow
magentas and whites. sometimes the gif seems too red-ish, or something, so you decrease magenta and it will make a LOT of difference. the whites it’s helpful too when the white on the gif have another annoying color, you adjust here just like the cyans
neutrals and blacks. nothing hardcore, sometimes i don’t even use neutrals. and i used to use blacks on 10 and it’s just the worst on most of the gifs, so now i use top 5, depending on the gif
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7) vibrance. i don’t overdo because it will ruin everything i edited previously, like, if add more vibrance the yellow would go crazy along with the background and ugh, this way is so clean and exactly what i want. so, i never use more than 50, some scenes are really with no color, so i use more
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final result:
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other examples using the same process are in the post previews since tumblr won’t let me add more gifs here ;)
there i’ll color dark/yellow-ish/blue scenes <3
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tatertotthethot · 4 years
The Doms Next Door 2.0
Warnings/AN: frequent, casually cursing; comical, gay Jimin; insecure reader; steamy flirting; tattoo/sexualized Tae 🙃. Enjoy~ (TAEKOOK EDIT ABOVE IS ARTKOOK DONE BY NONCONMAN ON INSTAGRAM)
copyright © 2018 all rights reserved
Your tires came to a stop outside of the tattoo shop you've seen online— a brick building, covered in spray paint and street-style art. A sign buzzed over the awning of the entrance doors, with the built-in UV lights and graffiti-styled font displaying the name of the place in neon-red letters. Kink For Ink! The name alone was what first caught your attention last week, when you Googled "Tattoo shops near me" and it pulled up a list, with "Kink For Ink" being the first option. It just seemed so uncanny and fitting at the time, considering the previous run-in you just had with the sex-crazed neighbors a couple nights before. You couldn't help but to click the link to their Instagram.
A profile came up with 53.4k followers, which immediately blew your mind... but you quickly saw why. Every tattoo and piercing, no matter the body-placement, skin-type, or quirky design, was vividly appealing— certainly done by the articulate hands of certified experts. Even in the comments of the piercings that were posted, people were praising them for the "minimal" amount of pain they experienced, despite the fact that some of piercings were done in places you couldn't even fathom the thought of having a needle jammed through.
It said in the bio that the shop is owned by the two artists that work there— Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. You couldn't find out much about them, all their pictures showed was their work. You even went back to search for a personal account of their own, but nothing came up. You then went back to the bio and clicked a link to the official website, hoping to find out something, but you were met with a disclaimer rule at the top that automatically deemed your chances of even getting your piece done by them, slim-to-none.
• No walk-ins allowed.
• Every request/idea must be sent in through the DMs of our Instagram page. You will only be accepted only if it spikes our personal interests.
Yikes; You were instantly discouraged by this. The piece you wanted was something so common and cliché, that you actually got the image out of a child's coloring book.... It was the cartoon layout of the glass vase and enchanted rose, from the Beauty and the Beast movie. Cheesy, yes. But it was something of personal, nostalgic value. You remember when you were little— roughly around 3 or 4 years of age— when your parents started fighting and would spend all day screaming and throwing things at each other, putting you in a constant state of anxiety. But then you'd go to bed at night and pop the VHS tape, and the movie never failed to put you in a peaceful state of mind— a hopeful one. It's remained as your all-time favorite love story throughout the years. Which, is ironic, considering that the relationship itself was different, but almost as dysfunctional as your parent's. However, the fact that even the Beast was capable of change, and everything wound up so perfect and happy in the end, makes your heart happy. And even now, at age 19, it still puts you in your feelings. The previous remake of a movie is what actually inspired you to get the enchanted rose as a tattoo, after seeing it in 3D not too long ago. But you're only willing to shell out up to $200 for it, at most. You've just started college, and even though Jimin's parents own the house and let the two of you live there, rent free, you're still responsible for half the utility bills from month to month. Blowing every bit of money you have saved up, right at the start of the semester, would just be irresponsible. But $200 was manageable, and you're looking for anything that'll give you a little extra "oomph" to break you out of this introverted shell you've always known. Pushing it off would just delay it, and you were ready for change. The nose piercing you want is just a small little thing that'll hopefully add a bit of flare to the features of your face. These two guys could probably do the piercing/tattoo with a blindfold on and a hand tied behind their back. So, if it meant that you'd be able to get these things done in confidence, without having to worry about the outcome, you figured it wouldn't hurt for you to at least ask, even if they straight-up ignore you. So, after spending an unnecessary amount of time overthinking the wording of your text, you finally constructed a message in your notes and DM'd it to business page, after sending them a small, simple outline of the cartoony rose, and pressed send.
• You: Hello! I've been wanting to get this tattoo done for a very while now, and was hoping one of you will be willing to do it for me... along with piercing my nose? I know it's a very mediocre and cliché piece, and a nose piercing can be done anywhere. But I'm new to the area and I've never gotten a tattoo/piercing done before and I haven't really checked out any other places either because I found this page first. And from what I can see, you guys are pretty efficient and CRAZY talented. So, I trust it'll get done right.... only if you want to! I'm willing to pay $200 for this, but if it costs that much for just the outline I've sent then that's fine as well. But I understand if neither of you want to do it cuz that is really cheap compared to the ones I've seen lol. But either way, thx for ur time 😁
A few minutes went by and you had just unlocked your phone to check the message again, when the word "seen" popped below the message. You held your breath for a second— but seconds turned to minutes, and time went by with no reply, what-so-ever. You figured maybe you sounded a little too immature to take seriously; kind of like a prepubescent 12-year-old asking someone out for a dance... and you blew it. Which was disappointing, but predictable. So fuck it. Maybe it's a sign; you shouldn't get it after all.
11pm rolled around, many hours later. You were now hiding beneath your covers, beginning your "amateur threesome" exploration on PornHub. You were ready to see what this whole "2 guys, 1 girl" thing was all about. But just when you were about to type it into the search bar, you were interrupted by an Instagram notification dropping down from the top of your screen.
"KinkForInk sent you a message."
You audibly gasped, eyes turning to saucers as you clicked on the notif and switched over to the Instagram app.
• KinkForInk: Hi (Y/N). This is Tae, one of the artists of the shop. The tattoo you sent in is worth roughly $100... but I want to run an offer by you in hopes that you'll be interested.
— Your brows scrunched in oddity, stomach fluttering. An offer? For you?
• You: Okay, sure. What's that?
• KinkForInk: I've been looking for someone willing to showcase the custom design I've come up with, specifically for a much more... exclusive version of the Beauty and the Beast tattoo you sent. And if you'd be down for letting me and my partner put it on you, it'll be free. No charge. BUT you'll also have to sign a contract saying that you'll do a little bit of modeling for us once it's done. You think you'd be in to doing something like that, even if you get it?
— Your head spun for a second, reading the message over and over again until you could fully wrap your mind around what he was saying.
• You: Hold on... YOU wanna put a tattoo on ME so that I model for you? And it's FREE? Are you sure about this? I'm not even model material lol.
• KinkForInk: Yes, yes, and yes, you are. You'd be perfect for this.
• You: How do know that? Is it a face tattoo? Cuz I only have 6 selfies on here and you can't see anything past my shoulders.
—"Seen" came up as soon as you hit send, but a couple of minutes rolled by with no reply to the message, nor was he even typing. Maybe you came off a little rude. But it was already sketchy and it was a logical question.
— An image suddenly popped up: a screenshot of your Facebook profile. Then another— and much to your horror, it was the photo Jimin tagged you in last week, when the two of you were swimming at a local community pool. You were wearing a simple two piece, sitting at the foot of the lawn chair Jimin was also sitting in, as his legs were visible on either side of you and his lap was practically framing your ass. The photo was at an upward angle and looked so scandalous— but really, you had just asked Jimin to put sun screen on your back and he didn't want to stand up because the pavement was too hot against his bare feet. But you actually liked the picture at the time; it was just a silly joke and your ass actually looked quite nice from that angle. Plus, everyone knows nothing sexual actually goes on between the two of you, for obvious reasons. But Taehyung doesn't, so you couldn't help but dreadfully cringe when you saw the caption of the screen shot.
"Babymama 💦🍆"
• KinkForInk: Is this you??
• You: Yes, that's me. The caption is a joke tho... pay no mind to that. But this is like, really happening? You really think it'd look good on me?
— Why that picture though? You couldn't help but wonder.
• KinkForInk: Yes. Like I said, you're perfect for this piece. Are you down to at least see what the tattoo will look like? We don't expect you to be experienced with modeling or anything, but if you listen to us and cooperate, you'll do just fine.
• You: Yes I wanna see, and I'll do the best I can if I decide to get it... I'm just a bit shy, is all.
• KinkForInk: You'll be in good hands. I promise.
• You: Okay... are you going to show me??
• KinkForInk: Can't send it over a message, I don't want it plagiarized or the concept stolen. But the piece itself isn't necessarily crazy or anything, just more creative. I'd be more than happy to show you at my shop some day this week, if you'd be willing to swing by.
• You: Yeah, I can do that. When should I come?
• KinkForInk: Are you available after 5 tomorrow?
• You: I am, I get off at 4:30.
• KinkForInk: Great. Be here by 5:30, and make sure you've eaten in case you like the piece and wanna get started. It's pretty big for a first timer and gonna take a lot of time and patience. It'll have to be done in sessions but I hope you have a fair enough pain tolerance to at least get the outline of it done first.
— It can't be any worse than a bikini wax, you thought, shivering at the memory. That a story for another time. You decided on an alternative scenario.
• You: I give blood from time to time... but that's easy and doesn't really hurt that much. I think I can handle it though... maybe. I honestly don't know lol, I'm sorry 😣. But I can try my best. Can I ask where it's supposed to go?
• KinkForInk: That's okay, I'll work with you. It's supposed to go down the middle of your back. Starts between the center of your shoulder blades, and trails down the length of your spine to your lower lumbar. You'll see how it looks once we transfer a template on your back. But if you don't like it, there will be no hard feelings from my end. I can still do the tattoo you want if that's the case, free of charge just for your time.
• You: Oh no, you don't have to do that! I'd still pay!
• KinkForInk: Not if I don't accept your money. Trust me, I'm not worried about it. The nose piercing is gonna be $30 regardless, though. JK isn't so lenient.
• You: Of course. Will I have to take my shirt and bra off for the tattoo?
• KinkForInk: Yes, and for the pictures once it's done.
— Your mind blanked at that; thumbs froze over the keypad. He was typing again.
• KinkForInk: Don't let that discourage you. Again, you're in good hands. You can bring something to cover your chest. And the pics will be if your back as well.
• You: Okay, I can handle that. So 5:30 tomorrow?
• KinkForInk: Yes, please don't flake on us!
• You: Lol, I won't. I'll be there.
"They're gonna knock us the fuck out and sell our organs to the black market," Jimin declared. He had parked next to you outside of the shop, and was now sitting in the driver seat of his car with his door locked and windows all the way up, refusing to get out. You were standing right outside his door, still having to talk on the phone. "And is this Tae-guy an AllState representative or something?"
Jimin is petty. You wanted him here for moral support— which he's usually reliable for— but this time, he's just plain salty right and doing everything he can to remind you of that. Reason is, he's been begging you to get a matching tattoo with him ever since your 18th birthday, and you've always refused because of what he wanted to get.
Cupcakes. Jimin wanted to get matching cupcake tattoos... in honor of Cupcakke the legend. Sorry, but H E L L no.
You rolled your eyes, growing frustrated. He only has enough time to pop in and confirm that these two aren't gonna kill you, and then he's gotta head home to get ready for work. You were already supposed to be in there. It was 5:33pm, 3 minutes past the time.
"Jimin, you're the one that insisted on coming along! And now you're making me late!" you ranted. "I'm going in without you."
"Hold your horses, hoe! I'm finishing my blueberry slushie," He retorted, sassily bringing the straw to his mouth and loudly slurping it into the phone. He then abruptly flinched away from the straw with a disgusted expression, nostrils flared, body locking up; lips drawing into an air-tight knot that was so extreme and unnatural, it caused an ugly snort to break out of your nose.
He smacked his lips in exaggeration to the taste, face falling back into stone as an eyebrow arched over the top of his aviators; unamused and saltier than before... Like you were at fault for that, too.
"Or... Blueberry-ass, I should say."
That forced another giggle out of you as Jimin stiffly rolled his window down, phone still pressed to his ear and eyes still scowling at you behind the inspector shades. He bit down on the straw and withdrew it with his teeth before dumping the dark-blue contents of the drink out of the window, making it a point to shake the styrofoam cup empty of every drop before tossing it over his shoulder and into back seat. He then spat the straw out of his mouth with an audible "PLUUUUH!" of a French accent, and waited until the window rolled all the way up again, just so he could hang up the phone. You scoffed at this as you shoved your phone back into your pocket, scornfully watching Jimin exit the car and slam the door behind him. He snatched his glasses off his face as his cotton-candy hair swayed in the breeze, revealing his scornful eyes right back at you as he gestured for you to lead the way in exasperated manner— as if you were the one wasting his time now.
"Go on, lead us to the grave," He shooed, a snippy little shit. You sauntered away, walking up the side of the shop, then paused just before reaching the glass entrance door, when you remembered how much of a coward you are. You've never even stepped into a parlor before, and supposedly, this was a famous one. Which makes it more and more surreal when you think about it.
"Are we doing the mannequin challenge now? Is that what we're doing?" Jimin sardonically inquired.
"You go first, I'm nervous!" You whisper-hissed.
"You don't want me to go in there first— I'll show out," he reasoned, simply stating a fact.
"Please don't," you whined.
"Then, again, I'll show out?" He reiterated, as if to say duh. "How else am I supposed to break the ice? I look like Timmy Turner's Fairy-Gay- Parent."
You gave him a wary look... he's right. You sighed, slightly kicking your foot in distracted defeat. Fuck, you hated making an entrance to new places—
"Hold up— is that Drake?" Jimin suddenly blurted, holding his hand up to silence you. You honed in on the muffled track playing from behind the glass door, and Jimin's face soon light up like a Christmas tree before he spun around you, unstoppable.
"Jimin, NO—!"
It was already too late. The door was flying back behind him as he Milly-Rocked his way into the shop, leaving you no choice but the chase in behind him.
You were panting, coming to a stop right behind Jimin, where you instantly latched on to the back of his shirt as you met the face of the man behind the studio counter. And, as corny as this is gonna sound: the world actually stilled for a solid beat... or maybe you were in the verge of cardiac arrest.
A pair of glossy-Black eyes looked up at the two of you; A series of silver-studded earrings trailed along the outer cartilages, peaking out beneath a head of soft, layer-swept hair. It was a Carmel-tinted blonde in color— thick and shaggy, and neatly spilling in waves around a headband that proudly sported a high-dollar brand-name you've never seen anyone wear in person before. G U C C I, it read— Meaning that the headband alone was probably worth more than some of your college text books, put together. It sat just a few inches above a pair of dark brows, that oddly brought out the shape of his cat-like eyes— irises like polished marbles. His ample lips had a sharp, well-defined Cupid's-bow, and a natural shade of pink that fit the porcelain appearance of his melanin-kissed complexion, to the finest degree.
And here you are, looking like an actual bum. You had just enough time to clock out of work and head straight over here to make it in time. You didn't even have any makeup on, and the only thing hiding your raggedy hair from those captivating eyes is your old baseball cap from high school. It took a second for him to take the bold presence that was Park Jimin— who was also frozen to the spot as he openly checked the guy out. He was hunched over the counter, a v-neck hoodie covering the rest of him with a thin, loose-fitting material. It was Black and allowed a full visual of his tan neck, and prominent collar bones. And it certainly didn't hide the fact that he had a pair of wide-set shoulders, either. A pencil sat in his hand— one that was laced with masculine veins, and lot of decorative ink. There was a silver ring on his thumb.. and a very heavy-looking Rolex watch.
The man cracked a grin at Jimin— a boxy one that dimpled in at the corners.
"Love the hair," he humorously began, twisting a quirky eyebrow at Jimin. You subconsciously snagged the bill of your hat as your eyes went a little wide at how mature the man's voice was.
"Love the watch," Jimin retorted, then reached around and gripped you by the wrist before pulling you into full view beside him. "You wouldn't happen to be Taehyung...?"
"Mhm," the man hummed, absentmindedly moving his wrist at the mention of his watch. His eyes cut over to you, and you swore you could see a minuscule reflection of yourself in his eyes, before they flashed back at Jimin and blinked. "You must be the babydaddy?"
Blood rushes to your ears. It's really him... a guy who looks like a high-dollar model himself, asking you to be his canvas model. Your own conscious didn't even know what to say right now. So you stayed quiet and still as Jimin took charge... which was a mistake.
"She wishes, but no. I'm the best-friend— and a gay one, at that," Jimin replied, and you knew he did that for his benefit. Thot. "I'm just here to make sure you're not gonna sacrifice her to Satan, or anything of that nature. I need her around in case I ever forget the Netflix password."
Taehyung chuckled at that, mouth opening to reveal a row of teeth shinier than Chip Skylark's. But then, you caught something behind his teeth that caused your gut to leap. A silver ball... a tongue ring. Your thoughts clouded over for a second.
"Well, I can assure you, she's safe with me," he said, looking over at you again. You blinked, nothing more. His brow arched at your lack of response, but this time, it was done more handsomely as he was still smirking at you. "Still, you don't look too thrilled to be here... You sure you wanna do this?"
"She's just nervous because you're really fucking hot," Jimin announced, unyielding. "You should feel how sweaty her hand is."
"Don't listen to him— I'm gay too," You lied in panic, trying to defend yourself from the absolute truth Jimin spoke just then. You snatched your hand away from him and jutted a finger at the door, eyes beading and lid twitching as your nerves ran amuck. "Goodbye, Jimin."
"She's a lonesome hetero," Jimin told Taehyung, assuring him with a face that showed no bluff. "One look at her camera roll, and you'd see for yourself—" You were yanking him away by the arm now, in a tug-of-war game that Jimin obviously could've won if he really wanted to. But he figured you suffered enough and eventually let you drag him out of the shop, waving bye to Taehyung before turning to look at you with beading eyes.
"I think he wants to fuck you— text me as soon as you can," Jimin uttered with unmoving lips as before he walked to his car. You stopped for a second, noticing he was actually being serious. How could he possibly think that he wants to fuck you, just from that small encounter? And what is the odd sensation currently coiling in your stomach? Things grew awkward again when you re-entered the shop, coming to a stand at the same spot... only alone now. He was still amused, it seemed. And so calm and cool despite this odd, intense look in his eyes. It gave him a Casanova effect, where all he had to do was give you that look and it'd instantly make you blush.
"He seems like a fun person to be around," he noted, somewhat honestly, but more so making fun of the red-hot appearance of your face.
"He's a pain in the ass," you muttered, trying to conjure up a smirk but hardly even able to speak properly from how dry your mouth was. It felt like there was a white-hot iron expanding in your throat. "I'm really sorry about him."
"Don't be. I'm just glad you're here— thought you'd chicken out." You nervously wiped your clammy palms over the back pockets of your jeans as Taehyung got up from the barstool behind the counter and approached you on the other side of it, a whole head-and-a-half taller than you. He was wearing black cardigan jeans and matching combat boots.. his headband and jewelry the only thing not black on him. And oddly enough, he made it look fucking fantastic.
"Mh-mm," You hummed, not trusting your voice. You've never needed a sip of water so bad in your life— he even smelled expensive.
"Well, It's very nice to meet you," he formerly began, and you mustered up the normality of placing your (dried) hand into his much larger one, as he held his out to you in greeting. And boy, was he close. So close that the heels of your spine itches to lean back from the proximity.
"It's nice to meet you, too. I'm really sorry if I'm acting weird. I'm just nervous." — Your mind struggled to stay focused on your words, arm tensing at the skin-to-skin contact. You were extra-effected by the firmness in his grip. You really wanted to look down at all the bold ink you saw dashing across the veiny surface of his tanned hand, or see if those were images or scripted letters on the knuckles of lengthy fingers... But you were held captive by those God-blessed eyes... And that fucking tongue ring. It was infecting your head in ways that weren't necessarily healthy for your current state of mind, as you saw it peering in and out at certain words.
"And physically shaking," Taehyung pointed out, brows twitching down at your trembling hand in his as if he was concerned for it. But his smirk gave off an odd sense of fascination to the involuntary symptom, like it was cute or something? Hm. He glanced back up at you, causing your dehydrated throat to bob as his other hand came to clasp over the rest of yours, swallowing it completely from the wrist down. "Intimidated?"
"V-Very," you spluttered, a small slither of saliva copulating down your throat as you looked back up at him. He absentmindedly rolled his tongue ring over the button row of his teeth as he watched you with tainted eyes— undoubtably getting cocky with that damn grin of his and proudly teasing you about your reaction to him. It gratified the effortless sex-appeal he had. You were even beginning to imagine that tongue ring elsewhere, and you literally just met him. Then, as you felt the band of a ring move along with the pad of his thumb as gently ran it across your trembly knuckles, chills shot up all the way to your shoulder. Oh... oh wow. You glanced down at his knuckles on reflex this time, and saw a four-letter word scripted in black ink across the bottom row of his knuckles, and another word scripted on the middle section of his fingers. A silver band on his naked thumb. STAY TRUE, it said.
"And why's that?"
"I.. feel like you're a celebrity," you sheepishly admitted, your other hand wedging into your back pocket as you had to stop yourself from reaching for the bill of your hat again. Is he flirting? The words seem too innocent for the way he was making you feel. It was getting so hot in the oven of his massive palms, and he wasn't even squeezing you hard enough to cut off any circulation, but yet your fingers were beginning to tingle.
"Mm, no. Just a little popular, really," he granted, teetering his head a little as he pondered the thought. You could see his vocal chords contract in his sleek neck as they project his smooth, pungent voice. "You still trust me?"
"Mhm," was all you could muster. He'd gotten even closer, to where his hand had gone into a prayer stance around yours. You were aware of how wide your eyes had gone from the awe you... you knew this was just the beginning. He was going to be very handsy throughout this whole process. But in a very twisted way, you were more than okay with that. Even if it meant you were at risk of fainting from actual dehydration. Maybe you were in over your head. But you couldn't will yourself away from this now. And then, just as a wide, heart-stopping smile edged out on that mind-numbingly handsome face, the door at that back of the room swung open, and heavy-metal rock blasted through the quiet vibe of the scenery and caused you to jump a little at the disturbance. Taehyung shot a wicked smile over his shoulder, and his next words nearly knocked you out right then and there as you beheld yet another, breathtaking sight.
"Oh, there you are," Tae eagerly acknowledged, one hand still holding yours as he walked around to grab your with the other, presenting you to the.. hulking presence in the room. "This is (Y/N), our next little experiment."
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innermort · 3 years
*** disclaimer: this is a very long diary type of entry that is probably quite boring for everyone else and may be ignored. it's merely a very lenghty epiphany I just had about my life and myself and I had to type it out for me, to lock in the thoughts, if you will. it was pretty therapeutic tho. 🙃 ***
I just had the realization that I'm in the process of redefining every aspect of my self and my life.
I quit smoking cigarettes from one day to another exactly 2 months ago tomorrow and went from a heavy to a casual party smoker.
I rarely ever smoke weed anymore (plus when I did since quitting tabacco, I rolled with herbs) and now made the conscious decision to take another long break, so it doesn't interfere with my weight loss again. I get the worst munchies and have no self control when I'm stoned. I'm talking "5000+ cals in one sitting" type of binges. I'm not tolerating this kind of self sabotage anymore.
I re-discovered edblr. Yes. I know. Not the healthiest habit to get back into but it's the only thing that has actually helped me gain the motivation and willpower to put a stop to my raging sugar addiction and instead, an actual effort into losing weight again. Besides, I'm doing it in a much more careful and "responsible" way now (high restricting, taking supplements, no strict/exact calorie limit, very light to no exercise (okay, to be fair the reason for that is mainly my injured knee but still), letting myself eat/drink more than planned if I feel my body needs it). And let's not forget that I've literally been binging every day for the past 2 or 3 months. My diet nearly exclusively consisted of chocolate, pastries and pizza. Literally. I've gained 10 kgs (22lbs) during that time. That lifestyle was just as unhealthy, if not unhealthier.
I finally got to hang up and use my calender. Due to my ADHD (self diagnosed for now), I'm very forgetful and unorganized - at least in my private life. That's why I made the decision to get a big calender which I can use as a semi To Do/Buy list and appointment/meeting/bill reminder. Since I'm glueing a sticker to each day I got through without binging, I'm looking at it pretty much every day anyways. Plus, it's a motivater to not binge (reward that inner child)! Overall, it's helping me become more organized and put together which are two areas I've been lacking in in the past years. So far, I've been mostly using my phone notes but I usually write something down and immediately forget about it if it's not a grocery list or a To Do list I'm actively working through on that same day.
I have my first appointment at a psych ward since I was a teen. It's just a phone call and first get to know conversation but it's better than nothing and more than overdue. I'm finally taking the first steps towards getting diagnosed and being eligible for therapy. I'm sick of feeling like a victim of my own brain, I just want to be better. I deserve to be better.
I'm hungry for knowledge again. I deleted Tiktok from my phone because of how big of a distraction it was and because I realized that even though I'm being bombarded with new information everyday, I'm not learning anything. Our brains can't even comprehend the amount of information given in that short time span. Nothing sticks. Sure, you find out about some pretty cool stuff on TT depending on what kinda fyp you have but for me personally, it was just hours and hours of mindless scrolling in the end. It's crazy how addictive it is, too. Even despite the fact that I was already at a point where it didn't even give me that quick dopamine quick anymore. It felt boring and repetitive and I was merely doing it out of habit.
So, I got rid off the app. I started watching documentaries again. Mostly about gut health and mental illnesses like ADHD, Autism, BPD, Narcissm etc. Like TED talks or interviews/discussions by and with professionals/experts/diagnosed people. I'm back to not just craving but actually consuming something with substance, something that gives me more knowledge and insight on a topic. Something I actually want to know more about.
I realized and accepted that even though I am a creative mind, a fully creative job might just not be for me. I'm learning that maybe I'm the type of person who does something entirely different in their free time than what they do at work. And that that's very much okay. I noticed that at my job (this was the case for every job I ever had), my mind seems to work differently. When people expect me to do something, I have the needed pressure and motivation to get it done. I could also observe in myself that at work, I enjoy organizing/sorting stuff, I'm a fast and independent learner while I'm also excellent at training new employees, I'm much more detail oriented than in my private life - overall, it came to my attention that I might not actually be the ever chaotic forgetful mess who can't form a logic thought - or I can at least recognize that this is merely a part of me and not what defines and limits me as a person. I realized I actually like straightforward work, I like working alone and I like working precisely. When I was younger I would have never used any of these traits to describe my dream career. I would gag at the idea of working an office job and now I feel like this would actually suit me very well. Especially the working alone part would mean feeling less drained at the end of a work day and still having the energy to hang out with people I actually want to see. This is an extremely valuable lesson about myself that I finally seem to have learned.
After this big sub- and now concious evaluation about myself I'm also finally taking actual steps towards a possible career. I bought a course and worked through the first 2 lectures today, taking notes and writing everything down neatly for 3 - 3 1/2 hours (in total with breaks in between). I even got a notebook specifically for this new life project. I'm excited to learn. I feel scared, too. This is something I've never done before but I'm telling myself that trying won't hurt. I have my main job as a safety net, financially nothing can happen to me. I can only learn, even if I fail. And time will pass anyways, whether I get my ass up and put in the work or continue to be unhappy with what I'm doing without trying to change anything.
Speaking of finances, I also started taking those more seriously now. I stopped using my credit card (I was in negative numbers constantly, big numbers like -300 to -800€ due to constant overspending). I set up standing orders for my monthly fixed costs to make sure bills are always paid on time. Due to my forgetfulness and ADHD freeze I would often forget to pay or postpone paying bills until the reminder came in the mail and led to me having to pay on top or generating debt. I still have a little bit of debt to pay off but it's thankfully not a dramatic amount. I also have a second bank account for savings now where I transfer 200€ to every month. Even the simple act of calculating my fixed costs to see how much I can use for what was something that was desperately overdue. What I still have to do is sort out my receipts and write everything down in a housekeeping/budget book. And my first ever tax return. I am very much dreading both of these. 😃
Anyways. Wow. I really needed to type this out. I have the very harmful tendency to look at all the negative stuff and only focus on what I don't have and don't do. I really needed to take a long, deep look at all the things I've been changing around in the past couple months. A lot of it really passed me by until now. It's crazy but I really feel like a complete failure when my body isn't looking its best and it makes me blind for everything else. So, thank you to myself for reminding me that I am actually making a lot of progress, even if it has been in areas other than my fitness and looks. They're just as important (from a healthy brains point significantly more important, obviously) and deserve to be noticed and celebrated.
Conclusion: ❤️✨YAY, ME✨❤️
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Cast your mutuals but it’s only Lottie because it’s her birthday 🥳🎂
I just want to say that I see you, I hear you, and I’ll deliver (even tho I’m lazy and I could never do this if it wasn’t for you)
Cast your mutual ( @imdreamingwiththestars ) as...
Marvel Man — Ant Man, Scott Lang
Wait before you get mad hear me out! SCOTT LANG IS THE SEXIEST AVENGER! First off he’s fucking hilarious without even trying. Like HILARIOUS. Everything he says has me in stitches. Second, he’s a great fucking father— literally the best fucking father. Kinda like how you’re always telling me to drink water and to go to bed. Third, he’s adaptable! He can switch between superhero, commendable dad, friend, awkward, sexy— this man is everything and you are everything. Fourth, he’s a dork. And you can’t get mad at me for that because it’s not a jab— it’s the reason we’re friends. The scene in Ant Man and the wasp where he’s doing a thousand things while bored at home just screams Lottie and the way one moment you’re sending pictures of the bracelet you made and then the next your doing something entirely different. Finally he’s sexy— he’s hot as fuck and anyone who doesn’t think Paul Rudd— America’s true golden boy— is sexy then I don’t want to know you. He’s sexy not only because he’s just plain sexy with no substance (which he’s not and neither are you) but because of all the things I said before saying that he’s hot. This fucking DILF makes me want to be a MILF.
Marvel Woman — Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff
Chaos Queen bisexual witch with nerd boyfriend— sounds about right to me! No— you don’t have nerd boyfriend but he’s out there (and maybe his name is SCOTT LANG). She loves fiercely when it comes to family and feels like she’s dying when those she loves are hurt. Family relationships get rocky at times but would do absolutely anything for her found family. She has meltdowns that rock entire towns and then, in the next second, is fine. Maladaptive daydreamer who creates the realities she would rather be in and adds the extra creative flare that the rest of the people around her are missing. That town was suffering before she showed up and gave it the ol’ razzle dazzle. Like please, take over my mind anyday. Deals with my Agatha Harkness level drama with grace. Like oh shit I kidnap you and force you to relive trauma and you don’t kill me? Wow a queen. 100/10 would bang and, yes, that needed to be added because it’s an important attribute. Also when I picture Lottie’s marvel costuming I see red and I see corsets and that’s enough for me 😌
TVD Man — Kai Parker
No, you aren’t a sociopath but neither was Kai Parker!! He was a kid who’s family fucked him over in every way because he was different and then— when he lashed out after years of straight abuse— got locked up. He’s not crazy— he’s hurt and no one’s fucking listening. He’s made mistakes but everyone would rather say shit about him instead of looking at their own lives. At the end of the day no one was better than Kai Parker despite how much they would like to think they are. He appreciates the little things— snowflakes and good food and sharp knives. He’s charming and has a voice that makes me melt— I can picture him going for walks and sending me videos about his coffee and what he bought at target. He needs a hug and a vacation and an I’m sorry.
TVD Woman — Bonnie Bennet
Is it telling that I picked another witch? Possibly. Am I gonna do it again? Definitely. Bonnie Bennet is a badass despite the fact that literally everything goes against her. She isn’t a badass because it’s easy, she’s a badass because it’s in her fucking DNA. No one wants her to be a badass— even her grandma at some points hates her— but she can’t turn it off so she doesn’t. She shouldn’t turn it off. She’s level headed but oh boy when she gets angry fucking watch out. She’s ride or die for her friends but will put them in her place when she needs to. She’s the most powerful one but no one treats her like it?? Creative problem solver with a penchant to let her powers kinda slip from time to time until a building or two is on fire. Falls for the hottest people but also might fall for your brother. She is the hottest one— full sexy— and again, yes, that’s important.
TO Man — Marcel Gerard
It was a toss up between him and Vincent Griffith but I have made my choice. Marcel is the poster boy for found family but also for knowing when it’s right to separate and do his own thing. The true king of NOLA who has exquisite taste in music. He was kinda evil at the beginning but it really only made him sexy so?? He thought he was protecting his city and vamp fam and I think that’s reasonable. Cares deeply, is beyond loyal, and would kill for those he loves. Saves a dorky awkward gay from death and that goes without saying hey thank you ma’am dorky gay here thankful for you’re consistent messages in her inbox I would be dead on here without you. Accidentally acquires a child but becomes one of the best dads ever despite her temper and unpredictable powers. Has an on off relationship with an equally sexy blonde. Himbo CEO vibes and I think that’s lovely— like you. You are lovely.
TO Woman — Hayley Marshall
Fierce, sexy, hybrid who loves two men even though they makes her so damn angry. Family drama 100%, found family drama 200%. Wolf queen who appreciates the downtime of chilling in nature with a cold drink and good people. Would die for her family but before it even gets to that point she would kill anyone who got in between her and them. Would go to unknown lengths to do the literal impossible like bring her family back from the dead. Impeccable mother— impeccable friend— impeccable leader. IS SO FUCKING SEXY. Also kinda angsty lol.
A Favourite Song — Drops of Jupiter | Train
Despite what it may seem like, I didn’t choose this because I know it’s one of your faves. I chose it because when I think about you I think about little things. Dunkin donuts and bikini tops and mugs and pink purple blue bracelets and late night talks about nothing. The verses of this song talks about all the little things she does that makes him love her and that’s how I feel about you. I love you because you don’t say hi, you say things akin to “Finn Mikaelson deserves to feel sexy like the rest of his brothers” and I think this song has that energy.
A Favourite Movie — Treasure Planet
“You’re gonna’ rattle the stars, you are.”
A coming of age adventure story with an angsty main character and a happy ending— it’s perfect. Sometimes to find yourself you need to find a golden map, get your moms rich friend to fun your pirate ship, hire a sexy cat captain, and befriend a father figure whose also a villain. Sometimes you also have to let him get away at the end. It touches on themes of discovery, forgiveness, trauma, and self love. Jim is a capable sarcastic smart kid and his best friend is an awkward robot who talks too much— wow, it’s us. Please bring me to space school when you get accepted 😌
I hope this makes you smile on your birthday! I love you most 💕
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vanillatalc · 2 years
jam definitely doing way better w/ money than i have done previously - i think it’s important to not get too relaxed about it tho bc i am actually v bad w/ money on the whole (never grew up worrying about it and as such never really learned how to handle it) HOWEVER ive been paying for everything myself rather than buying stuff using my dad’s card lol + various essential payments this month have been way more than usual but im still doing fine!
my earnings for the last few months -
march (so far - so the past 2 weeks) 1.6k feb - 2k jan - £800 december. 1.4k november - 1.4k october - 1.5k
so actually not too bad on the whole - and obviously from nov - jan i was off my face crazy so it could have been WAY WAY worse
monthly essentials are like -
rent: £150 bills: £120, but going up to £164 :( credit card: £40 (but im planning on paying the balance off soon bc i cba with this and it’s only about £1000 on there) therapy: £200 ( >:()
today i also had to refund someone bc they found one of my wigs on teh second hand market so cancelled the commission they had w/ me LOLLL like ... what the fuck :( + had to spend £90 on a new batch of alpaca, + a joint £90 tesco order came out of my account, so all this was very annoying, but yeah i still have about £1000 in my account atm and there was a time when a day like this would have been absolutely ruinous but i actually absorbed it fine which is really gratifying so in total it’s about 510 (going up obvs) - the only thing that really fucks me over is food costs bc of my inability to eat normal cheap things lmfao but im working on that lol... so i mean i really should be absolutely fine even on relatively low earning months but yeah :| oh well
anyway tbh i am quite proud of myself for building the shop up from nothing
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cynical-sprite · 4 years
(an Apex Legends Revenant x reader fic where the reader and Revenant were in a relationship back when he was human, and, after his “death”, the reader was put into cryogenic suspension for some reason. 200 some years pass, and the reader is thawed out, and she and she is reunited with her former lover who is now the simulacrum Revenant. I had the name Michael in mind, but someone on twitter mentioned that he looked like a James to them, and I thought that was a near perfect fit, so I went with James instead.) This story is based on an THIS IDEA I came up with. If anyone wants to write their own fic based on this idea, it's perfectly fine with me; I just ask that you send me a link to the fic so I can read it.😊
I could feel the stare from across the room as I sat on the drop ship, waiting to drop into World’s Edge. Though unsure whether out of nervousness or curiosity, maybe both, I glanced in the direction where the glare was coming from only to be met with a pair of yellow eyes glowing in the darkness, locked on to me with laser focus. It was the simulacrum, Revenant. A simulacrum, a human consciousness in a robotic body; I found the idea equal parts fascinating and terrifying at the same time. Though the notion was somewhat intriguing to my scientific side, there was  also a part of me that considered the idea to be wrong, just… against nature. I’d heard the stories about Revenant, the rumor that, in life, he was once the greatest assassin The Syndicate ever had. The Syndicate’s greatest assassin. To my knowledge, there was only one person who had ever been given that title… James. We were engaged to be married when James died. We both knew well the dangers of his job, but it did little to ease the pain of being delivered the news of his death. Though I didn't have any proof, I'd always somewhat suspected The Syndicate was responsible somehow, that it had possibly been intentional. The rumors surrounding Revenant were partly what caused me to join The Apex Games, that, and the need to find something to make me feel alive after spending the last two hundred or so years in cryogenic suspension. Since I'd been brought out of cryo sleep a few years ago, I’d wandered somewhat aimlessly, trying to find my place in this new life. When I heard about The Apex games and the rumors surrounding their newest participant, Revenant, I had to see for myself. The games would give me the thrill I sought, and I would get the chance to encounter Revenant, see him for myself. Perhaps I was crazy for even considering the possibility that the simulacrum could somehow be, or could ever have been James, but I just had to find out somehow; I had to face Revenant in person. What did I have to lose besides my life, which, at the moment, sorely lacked purpose.
    I was startled from my thoughts by the voice of Elliott Witt aka Mirage. “Damn, _______, what’d you do to piss off the murder bot?” I blinked in surprise as I managed to turn my gaze away from Revenant and turned to look at Elliott beside me.
   “What? Nothing. I… I didn’t…” I shook my head slightly. “I mean, I couldn’t have done anything to him. We’ve never even met…” 
   "Could've fooled me." Elliott remarked. Though the simulacrum was certainly an unsettling presence, there was a strange feeling of… familiarity, even if only slightly, that I couldn't seem to shake. Or maybe I was just imagining it. Wishful thinking perhaps? I didn't have time to give it any more consideration as the announcement was made that we would be dropping into World's Edge.
   The first half of the match went fairly well; my squad had managed to make it into the top ten. During the second half of the match, I managed to get separated from my squadmates, Mirage and Octane. We were about to be hit with an EMP from Crypto's drone, and the three of us scattered, fleeing in different directions. I tried to reach them over the comms, but, evidently, the EMP had apparently disrupted those as well. 
   As I wandered World's Edge alone, attempting to get the comms working again so I could get in touch with Elliott and Octavio, I quickly got the feeling someone was watching me, stalking me even. My first thought was of Bloodhound. They could easily trail me without being noticed; they were, after all, a hunter and a tracker. Another possibility was Wraith; she could follow me virtually undetected as well. But, when I turned around to take a look, I was taken somewhat off guard by what I saw; standing a few feet away from me stood the simulacrum, Revenant, staring at me just as he had when we were on the drop ship. I shouldn't have been surprised, but for some reason, he had been the last person I'd expected to be there.
  "Hello, girlie." He took a few steps towards me, his glowing yellow eyes staring a hole in me all the while. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared; anyone in their right mind would be. But, I did everything I could not to show it. I wasn't about to give him the satisfaction of knowing it. I probably should have run, but something kept me rooted to the spot. Besides, I was certain there was no way I'd be able to outrun the simulacrum should he decide to give chase. So, instead, I did my best to look intimidating, trying not to let on just how anxious I was. 
   "What do you want from me?" If he'd wanted to simply kill me, there would be no reason for observing me so closely, would there? There must have been more to it… He laughed, a deep rumble in his chest, and had he the ability to make facial expressions, I was reasonably sure he'd have been grinning, no… smirking. He continued towards me until he was directly in front of me, towering over me at almost seven feet tall. His yellow eyes were still glued to me, scanning me over, taking me in. He bent down slightly, presumably to  get a better look at me. Observing me even more closely. There was something hypnotic about those eyes, something that made it difficult to look away, and, maybe this sounds crazy, but I couldn't help thinking that, if you looked deep enough, close enough, there was something almost… human about them. 
   He reached out a hand, and in that moment, I thought my life had reached its end. I had seen video footage where his hand morphed into a blade with which he'd use to put a swift end to the lives of many "skinbags". I was certain that was to be my fate, that or he was about to snap my neck in one swift motion. What actually happened, however, was the last thing I expected. He placed a finger under my chin and tilted my face upwards to better look him in the eyes. His touch was surprisingly gentle for a killer simulacrum. I froze in place, both shocked and confused by the action. 
   It reminded me of something, bringing back a memory I'd half buried in my grief. James was 6 feet tall, a good bit taller than me. Snarky asshole that he was, he loved to tease me for being shorter than him. I'd always tease him back that I wasn't short, that he was just unnaturally tall. Whenever he wanted to look into my eyes, he would place a finger gently under my chin and tilt my head slightly upwards for me to better look into his deep blue eyes. Just as the Revenant was doing now.
   "What… what is this...?" was all I could manage. Could it be true? Was it really him? It couldn't simply some strange coincidence, could it? 
   He let out a slight chuckle, a low sound from deep in his chest."You always have been a tiny little skinbag, haven't you, _______?"
   My mouth dropped open, and I froze in place. Finally, I managed to stammer out the name, a name I hadn't spoken for so long. "J… James…?" The simulacrum froze upon hearing me speak the name. It was clear by his reaction that he hadn't heard in quite a long time, if he'd even remembered it at all. I was unsure just how much the human aspect of his mind had been affected. He tilted his head slightly to the side as he looked at me.
    "Heh. I wasn't sure if you'd recognize me." He was still for a moment before leaning in even closer. "Or, if you'd remember. But, then again, I didn't think I'd ever see you again. Alive, at least." If I didn't know better, I could have sworn I'd heard something in his voice; he sounded almost… hurt. Was he upset about not knowing I was still alive? It wasn't as if I could come to him and tell him. Until a few moments ago, I hadn't even been sure that he was who he was. And, it wasn't as if anyone else could tell him I was alive. Almost no one knew the details of his identity when he was still human.
   "James, I…"
   "James is dead." he snapped, cutting me off. I shook my head.
   "No. No, that's not true. There has to be something left of you in there. You knew who I was, this whole time, you remembered me. It's true you may be made up of mostly tech and mechanics, but your mind… your mind is still yours. And those emotions you're feeling, hurt, rage… those are all very human. Machines can't feel emotion; that's something exclusive to humans. Or, at least, living creatures…"
   "I'm not him anymore. I'm a ghost, a shell of that man. A Revenant."
   "James, I…"
   "Revenant." he corrects me, cutting me off once more.
   "Revenant. I had no idea… about what they'd done to you. I mean, I had my suspicions about the Syndicate, that they had something to do with your death, but… but, afterwards…" A tear escaped my eye, running slowly down my cheek. "I had no idea what they'd done to you. I'm so sorry..." I blinked as another tear ran down my face. He let out what sounded much like a frustrated sigh rather reminiscent of the ones he used to in life whenever I'd say something sappy to him. Being a hitman, James was never the romantic type, but whenever I'd make an attempt, he would always just sigh, sometimes even going so far as to humor me.
   Slowly, he moved his hand up to wipe a tear from my eye, much more gently than I'd have expected from a killer robot.
   "You skin bags are always so emotional." he remarked, though his voice was softer than I'd have thought possible. "You couldn't have known, so cut it out, alright?" Though it sounded harsh, I knew better. Even in life, he was never much good at reassurance; this was the closest you'd get from him. He was trying in his own way. 
   I nodded. "Okay… okay." 
   "Now, you want to tell me how it is a skinbag like you is still alive after all these years. I mean, you do look old, but not that old." I could hear the snark in his voice at his last comment, and, if it had been possible, I was certain he would have been smirking. It earned a slight chuckle from me.
   "Well, that does tend to happen to us skinbags. We age." I shook my head, grinning slightly. "It's… kind of a long story. It involves spending over a decade in cryosleep. I got thawed out a few years ago. But, now's not the time for that. I'll give you the details later, after the match." He silently leaned in, resting his forehead lightly against mine. 
   A few moments later, I heard footsteps approaching. I whipped around and pulled out my Alternator, pointing it in the direction of the footsteps, only to come face to face with my squad mates, Mirage and Octane. "Jesus, you two!" I yelled, lowering my weapon, "Don't do that! I almost shot you guys!" Elliott was holding his hands up in a defensive manner, looking rather shaken. 
   "Okay, okay! Don't have to tell me twice!" he remarked, exhaling a deep breath he'd evidently been holding. "What's this all about?" He gestures towards Revenant and me with his hand.
   "When I saw you two, at first I thought I must be seeing things. But, then, Elliott said he was seeing it, too, so I knew it had to be real." Octavio commented.
   Revenant chuckled lowly. "Well, looks like it's time for me to go. You've got some explaining to do to your friends. See you soon, girlie." And, with that, he disappeared as quickly as he'd first appeared earlier. 
   "Since when are you so cozy with the murder bot? What the hell did we miss?" Elliott remarked. I sighed, rolling my eyes. 
   "Later. I'll explain later. Right now, just focus on the games or I'll shoot you myself." 
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