felassan · 3 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard info compilation Post 2
[Link to Part 1]
Post is under a cut due to length.
There is a lot of information coming out right now about DA:TV from many different sources. This post is just an effort to compile as much as I can in one place, in case that helps anyone. Sources for where the information came from have been included. Where I am linking to a social media user’s post, the person is either a dev, a Dragon Age community council member or other person who has had a sneak peek at and played the game. nb, this post is more of a ‘info that came out in snippets from articles and social media posts’ collection rather than a 'regurgitating the information on the official website or writing out what happened in the trailer/gameplay reveal’ post. The post is broken down into headings on various topics. A few points are repeated under multiple headings where relevant. Where I am speculating without a source, I have clearly demarcated this.
Character Creation
It is the best CC BioWare has ever made in a game [source]
The faction we choose will determine who we as protagonist Rook were before they were recruited to put a stop to Solas [source]
Certain conversation options are only available to Rooks of certain factions. For example, Grey Wardens get conversation options that are focused on the Blight, as they know more about it from other people. It also impacts how people talk to Rook (reactivity from characters and then faction reactivity from plots relating to that faction) [source]
Faction choice affects a lot of things [source]
There aren't unique missions (I think this means like the playable Origins in DA:O), but faction choice does set the course for Rook for the rest of the game [source]
"body customization and morphing. From more muscular characters, to curvier builds, and just about any shape you want to give your character, there are all sorts of toggles to adjust so you can give them any figure you want". "There's even features that let you choose proportions, so you can alter their height, give them wider shoulders, and much more" [source]
There are makeup options [source]
There are tattoo options [source]
The hair uses a "Strand system" to "make them behave and move in a believable way for the different races" [source]. (Fel note/speculation: I think "race" here refers to irl, as opposed to like human vs qunari or something, as the language they are using for human/elf/dwarf/qunari is "Lineage")
There are 4 voices to choose from for Rook: two feminine and tow masculine (one American, one British for each) [source]
In CC, 'Lineage' is the game's parlance for race i.e. human, elf, dwarf, qunari [source]
We can pick Rook's name, but the dialogue calls them 'Rook' [source]
In CC we can "make a few key decisions that will impact how The Veilguard begins" [source]
"I really do think its our most feature-ful character creator ever." [source]
Story and lore
In the opening segment of the game (see more on the story's opening moments here), we're too late and Solas' ritual worsens, so Rook and the companions go to stop him. When travelling to the next location (Arlathan Forest) in the chase after Solas, the characters travel through an eluvian [source]. The Forest is where his ritual is taking place. Varric then asks the player if he should confront Solas, and players then work to take down the surrounding statues in order to stop the ritual. "I won’t spoil what happens next, but I’ll just say the player and Veilguard have a tall task ahead of them if they want to save Thedas." [source]
Four of the 6 faction options for Rook (Mourn Watch, Lords of Fortune, Veil Jumpers, Shadow Dragons) are "rooted in northern Thedas" [source]
Certain conversation options are only available to Rooks of certain factions. For example, Grey Wardens get conversation options that are focused on the Blight, as they know more about it from other people. It also impacts how people talk to Rook (reactivity from characters and then faction reactivity from plots relating to that faction) [source]
There aren't unique missions (I think this means like the playable Origins in DA:O), but faction choice does set the course for Rook for the rest of the game [source]
A line of dialogue Dorian had at the Winter Palace in DA:I about what Tevinter is like informed the devs' approach to bringing to life the setting of Tevinter: ""There's a line in Dragon Age Inquisition that we always like to call back to," Epler says. "Dorian goes to the Winter Palace, which, up to that point, is probably the most impressive thing you've seen [as the Inquisitor], and [he] says something like, 'Oh, this is cute.' And we had to ask, what does it look like? What is Tevinter if Dorian sees that [the Winter Palace] and thinks that?"" [source]
The fact that Minrathous used to be the land of the elves was factored into the location's design. John Epler: "You can see the architecture has changed. It's become a lot more elven focused. And something that we've kind of hinted at, but we've never really shown explicitly, is the idea that Tevinter is built on the bones of the ancient elven empire. Tevinter itself, Minrathous itself, all the magic you see, that's just a pale imitation of what the elves are capable of. So you'll start to see as you get deeper into the game, the elves, for example, worked Lyrium into their building materials. Tevinter can't quite figure out how to do that. So instead, you'll see more gold and gems, kind of imitating it, but not ever quite approaching what the elves are able to do, and really creating that continuity of the space. Obviously, Solas isn't too thrilled that this world is the way it is, because he lived in a time of miracles and magic, and even the most magical place in Thedas isn't magic like the elven people used to be able to do" [source]
At the end of the opening portion of the game there is a "jaw-dropping title card cliffhanger" [source]
On the opening sequence: ""One of the things we wanted to do with this game is make the prolog feel like the final mission of a different game," John Epler says. "We really needed to get the stakes, the spectacle, right off the bat. Obviously, players who had been waiting to confront Solas have been waiting for just this moment."" [source]
Each companion has their own storyline that runs parallel to the main story [source]
You cannot succeed without the companions. Each of them has a reason why they need to be part of your party, why they need to help you stop the end of the world [source]
All 7 companions are recruited in the game's first act [source]
The firey demon looking guys shown near the start of the Gameplay Reveal are Rage Demons. Demons in general got a revamp in this game "to more closely align their look", this can be seen with the shades and the Pride demons as well. "they’re creatures of emotion so they have a spectral nervous system look" [source]
The Pride demon the group fight at the Solas face-off in the Gameplay Reveal video "was more a direct tie to Solas than anything else, but it didn't escape us how much it echoed the beginning of DA:I". they wanted to show the stakes and the scale of Solas' power [source]
Characters, companions, romance
Harding was one of the earliest characters that the devs wanted to bring into DA4, because she was such a fan favorite. She is this game's 'traditional returning' character [source]
Each character's romance flavor or style is different. They don't want every character for the romance to feel the same. They want everyone to have their own flavor that's appropriate to them as a character [source] [two]
"We found as we were building a story, more than ever before, it's a story about the people around you; a story about building this team, and working with them." [source]
Each companion has their own storyline that runs parallel to the main story [source]
You cannot succeed without the companions. Each of them has a reason why they need to be part of your party, why they need to help you stop the end of the world [source]
All companions are pansexual (specifically pansexual, not playersexual) [source]
Their pansexuality may come through in what we learn about their backstories [source]
No companion romance is race-locked [source]
Companions reference their past experiences or partners, and they reference who they'll become romantic with. [source]
If you don't romance a character, they may find a different partner for themselves. This could be within the companion roster itself or outside of it in the broader world. [source] For example, if the player does not romance Harding, she may get together with Taash [source]
The game is rated M [source]
The game contains nudity [source]
We can start flirting with the companions pretty early [source]
All 7 companions are recruited in the game's first act [source]
It is not until later parts of the game that you really commit to romance and things get pretty spicy [source]
The nudity, spicy things etc is more towards the end of the game [source]
The devs want the companions to be relatable and fully realized. So things get spicy, but in a more relatable way for people than e.g. some of the more shocking and comical scenes of this nature in Baldur's Gate 3 [source]
How sexually explicit the scenes are varies between characters. Some are more spicy than others. They have diverse personalities like in real life. "Some of them are more physical, more aggressive, and some of them are more... we have a gentleman necromancer [Emmrich], for instance, that is more intimate and sensual." [source] "some characters may be a little more steamy while some characters maybe a little bit more innocent" [source]
The romance and relationship system is more fleshed out than in previous BioWare games. A character's romance will be better woven into their personal story arc and into their involvement in the core questline of the game [source]
"BioWare has also worked to ensure that getting to know your characters as friends feels just as satisfying - and that just because you're not banging your buddy, their (platonic) relationship with you will still continue." ""One of the things we tried to do with The Veilguard is it's not just romantic relationship building," Epler continued. "You need to get to know a person before you can really build that kind of relationship with them, and if you choose not to build a [romantic] relationship, we never want to feel like you're being cut off. There's no 'okay, well, their arc isn't progressing, I'm done'." We want to make sure the non-romantic relationships are deep as well, with friendships not just for companions and yourself, but also between companions across the party."" [source]
GDL reprises his role as Solas [source]
Gameplay, presentation, performance etc
The game has a photo mode [source]
Combat is fast-paced [source]
If you pause the game using the ability wheel you can scan enemies to learn more information about them [source]
Each of the 3 main classes is distinguished by how it generates and spends energy for abilities [source]
Each of the 3 subclasses for each 3 main class promise to offer some meaningful distinctions from each other [source]
for this, rogues have momentum. You build momentum by attacking, by dodging, by parrying, and you lose it by being hit, so there's really a focus with rogues on avoiding damage, avoiding attacks. They build momentum quickly, but they lose it quickly. Warriors have rage, which they build a little bit more slowly, but they don't lose [source]
Attacks can be cancelled [source]
Regarding enemy weaknesses, some of these are elemental. In other cases their defenses are more vulnerable to specific types of abilities [source]
Combat seems to be a matter of managing our abilities as best we can to whittle down enemy defenses and take advantage of their weaknesses [source]
Over the course of the game we get access to three abilities per companion as well as an additional two abilities we can slot, and an additional ability that coms off of items that the devs will not talk about for now [source]
Fully offline single player, no EA account linking, no micro-transactions [source]
The game uses advanced rendering tech in Frostbite, nice subsurface scattering, high quality meshes, while having a striking pseudo-painterly look [source]
There are blood spatters in the game [source]
Production values on the game have gone through the roof. It looks like a big improvement on what came before [source]
On the music: "lots of foreboding tunes mixed with epic flair" [source]
Good voice acting, great facial animations, good hair tech, busy-looking environments and worlds [source]
It's not open world. "There are open areas you can explore around in, but it's mostly structured/mission based, sort of like Mass Effect." [source]
There are difficulty options [source]
They will talk about PC spec stuff at a later time [source]
There is probably an option to see damage numbers [source]
There are many reasons why the game is M-rated [source]
There are lots of abilities, with 3 swapped in on the wheel at any one time [source]
There are a bunch of accessibility options and they will talk about these soon [source]
The ability wheel gives you flexibility to enhance your playstyle. If you don't want to use it at all, you don't have to and that's no issue as shortcuts are available [source]
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thedinanshiral · 10 hours
Exciting times
As we enter the last leg of this race, please beware of the SPOILERPOCALYPSE.
The reason i'm not here much lately is precisely because of spoilers. I think marketing has done more than they should have, i don't need to see more of the game, i just want to play it. Now just checking my socials puts me at risk of getting major spoilers i'm trying so hard to avoid at all costs.
Yesterday the embargo on the preview event was lifted and all the people who was fortunate to be invited have been sharing their reviews, impresions and recorded gameplay. Unfortunately for those of us who wish to experience the game ourselves instead of having the first Act spoiled, not everyone uses spoiler warnings, hashtags or keywords one can mute or block while this lasts. Personally i'm mostly on twitter and there i muted +130 words for 30 days only to have a spoiler about Rook's origins in one of the factions still slip through.
I've been checking on YouTube carefully like it's a minefield -because it really is- for some of these content creators' videos, for the most part just to listen and what i've gathered so far is they were allowed about 7 hours of play, including the character creator and 5 selected missions from Act I, but there's a couple of late Act I missions they weren't allowed to record or talk much about, and they weren't allowed to show some menus, namely the accesibility menu as it seems there's official marketing coming up centered on that.
The big and main positive i can take from these recent developments is that there's a new consensus: Dragon Age The Veilguard looks good. Long gone are the days of first trailer bad impressions and Fortnite accusations, now that some people finally got to experience the game themselves the reviews are mostly positive, excited, and i've seen some content creators change their minds about the game entirely. Bioware took notes all these years and are ready to deliver an unexpectedly very polished game as a result. People at the event were told the game has 3 Acts and i've heard this from several people, if the rest of the game keeps up the rhythm from what they saw of Act I, then Bioware is back. GOTY contender. IMO BW was never "gone", they were just slowly cooking this upcoming full meal
Sure, combat may not be for everyone, a more linear experience may not be for everyone. But personal preferences aside all seems to indicate The Veilguard will deliver as promised.
Spoilers are unavoidable sometimes so i've actualy looked for some, namely the Character Creator, the different factions origin stories, the different surnames. I had to go out of my way to see these things tho, intentionally spoiling myself these details because I have as of now 12 different Rooks planned and i needed to know if the stories i made for them would conflict or not with what the game will offer. Only one origin has a detail that might restrict things a bit.
There's apparently also a scene from a mission i'm not sure they were allowed to show, i skipped through a video about it without really looking and just now saw something from it on my dashboard but i scrolled down as fast as i could because it's something i really want to see in game first. It's such a big thing, it shouldn't have been showned or leaked at all. All i'll say is it's about Solas, and something many of us wanted to see for a long time.
All this said, while we wait for October 31st to come quick we still have the podcast Vows&Vengeance each Thursday. I might write on it soon. This podcast is safe from spoilers, it's set pre-Veilguard and introduces the companions one per episode, and the original characters are apparently a V&V exclusive and won't show in game. I think this podcast series is currently the only safe marketing material available until release. Meanwhile the IGN coverage continues, full of minor spoilers sprinkled all over so i'm also avoiding all of it.
We're now 41 days away from an event we've been waiting for 10 years! The waiting has never been harder.
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meatbag-status · 2 years
So it’s been 8 years since DAI was released and I just found this area during the prologue where you can kill 3 demons, find a lifeward amulet, AND get more dialogue from Solas, Varric, and Cassandra. Like...dialogue wheel dialogue. WTF!?! I thought I’d flown all over this map. Like literally flown because I have a flying mod and I’ve tried to fly up the butthole breach multiple times. Also, apologies for the lag. My fps drops considerably when I screen record. (Ohh god the video quality is so bad brb)
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fanstuffrantings · 2 years
I think solas's disapproval scene really is on a different level than the other companions you get because of his line "I thought you all thuggish, simple, and crude. Now? Now I know I was right. You have no idea what a comfort that is."
Vivienne may look down on the inqusitor to a certain extent but it mainly has to do with her feeling as though the inquisitor is doing chaotic things that could actively harm other people.
Cassandra drinks in anger and screams at the inquisitor but never once thought they were beneath her. She's angry that what she's fighting for is turned into a mockery of what it should be.
Cole is disappointed that the inquisitor is letting him down. He came to help people, to fix things, the inquisitor is doing the opposite or what is often deemed morally good. He hates it.
Each companion is mad but never once does it feel like they thought of you as savage and thuggish from the minute they met you. Solas did. He says both of those things to the inquisitor directly regardless of what race you play.
Solas is so far above everyone in his own mind that even despite being capable of going through the fade and seeing all the good that was done while he was sleeping, he still held the belief that everyone who wasn't an elf from the past was a savage not worthy of his respect.
And this isn't me saying I hate solas. I don't hate solas. I don't hate any companion from inquisition, it's the only game I like every companion in.
But that ego he has and the moments it slips out really can make you angry enough to want to punch him.
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bbykpoper · 3 years
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Chapter 3 // Masterlist
GENRE: mafia au, fluff, a bit of smut, a smudge of angst if you squint your eyes hard enough, possible fantasy????
WARRNING: description of murder and blood at the end, viewer discretion is advised!!!
SYNOPSIS: A centuries old feud which kept itself silent suddenly ignites once again as two warring gangs face each other for the first time. A family of established immortals who came together after the war, a band of humans who began remembering their past lives and officials breathing down their neck threaten the world once again as fantasy and reality clash in the form of a young man hell bent on being in the lead and a young woman hell bent on ending this meaningless feud. A story will unfold before you now, questioning your morals as well as grinding your nerves to the edge.
“A princess turned assassin?”
“A coward turned prince?”
Who will survive the last wave of this war?
“I don’t trust them. Why are they here?” Mark spoke as two of Bangtan’s finest sat outside their meeting room with them. “She even killed Jaemin!”
“Shush Mark. She can hear you.” Haechan spoke up, trying to calm his friend down. 
The girl in question only observed the two, blinking occasionally to show she was alive. Her back was glued to the wall as she sat on the small bench, Solas by her side observing the commotion inside the NCT dining room. Forcas and Beelzebub were facing two very annoyed individuals, one of them being Johnny who had lost the race to Yeonjun earlier this night. 
“She killed our youngest and you want us to work with her?!” Brain was screeching at the two Bangtan men. Both of them sighed thanking every possible Gods out there that Yoongi was not here, or Jongkook. Those two would have lost their temper a long time ago and killed at least half of the house before y/n could stop them. “The fuck do you think we are?! We can take care of our problems by ourselves!”
“Oh? Is that so?” Forcas smirked in amusement. “Then why don’t you do it by not stepping into our territory of business?”
“We do what we have to, and we have similar interests with the Chinese regarding you.” Brain seethed through his teeth.
“Then I guess this conversation is over.” Beelzebub sighed, standing up along with Forcas. “Such a waste of time.”
Solas and Fae noticed the two walking up to them and both stood up catching the two babysitters off guard at the quickness of their movements. Forcas softly smiled at her and placed his hand on her head, a coping method to soothe his anger, and gently patted the younger girl.
“Wait, wait.” The leader of NCT, Lee Taeyong also known as Boss, was quick to stop the group from leaving. “Please excuse my subordinate, his anger keeps talking for him.” The four individuals didn’t seem amused. “I apologize in his stead. May we start over?”
“We are very busy individuals Mr. Taeyong.” Beelzebub narrowed his eyes, the air around them taking on a certain buzz. “We don’t have time to play childish games with men who can’t do orderly business in a disciplined fashion.”
“Then do business with only me and Boss.” Johnny spoke up from next to Fae, the girl only observing him from the corner of her eye. She noticed his intention of coming closer to her even before he thought of it. His body language was too obvious for her. “We will close the doors and come to an agreement, without anybody interrupting us.”
“Seems quite fair.” Forcas spoke, motioning for Solas to step in between Johnny and Fae. “But, I have a condition.” 
“We’re listening.”
“Keep Brain away from Fae.” Was the simple condition.
“Why? Scared I’m going to kill her?” He mocked, glaring at the girl. He was met with the most emotionless pair of eyes, which slightly glazed over with something which Brain could only identify as blood thirst.
“Oh no, I’m pretty sure she will kill you first.” Forcas smiled, coming close to him. “We wouldn’t want NCT’s top mastermind to lose his head now would we.”
“We’ll be by the car.” Fae announced and turned to leave with Solas, nodding slightly to the two men.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t you two. And be cautious!” Beelzebub yelled after them as Solas burned with embarrassment. “Now then, shall we?”
Kim Hanbin, Chief Inspector in charge of taking care of the whole Bangtan/Nct problem, now sat with crossed arms as four young women sat across from him. His expression was sharp as they stared down at him, with his lips trained in a tight line.
“Inspector Kim, it has come to our attention that you’ve been quite lacking with your work concerning the Bangtan gang.” Agent Manoban spoke to him, her eyes peering through the glasses she wore as she looked over a file she held in her long fingers. “No arrests were made, you are not even a step closer to finding out who their Angels of Death are-”
“Fallen Angels.” Kim Hanbin spoke up for the first time. 
“- yes, the Fallen Angels.” Agent Manoban rolled her eyes. 
“Let’s cut to the chase Inspector Kim.” Agent Kim Jennie spoke up, having enough of this spectacle her colleague and this Inspector put up. “Our superiors are not satisfied with the progress of this case and they’ve sent us to finish this, make the appropriate arrests and close it.” 
Inspector Kim didn’t speak up about this, knowing very well that he had no say in this and that if he even tries to he’ll be taken off the case. 
He’s been working on this case for the past two years and finally, a few months ago he managed to place one of his detectives as an undercover agent almost at the top to work with one of the Fallen Angels and extremely close to Fae, making contact with her on more than one occasion. He couldn’t compromise his man, and he couldn’t exactly tell these four FBI agents because they would no doubt, reveal him and endanger his life. 
And he was extremely glad that he briefed his own men on this silent code.
“All right, what do you need?” He asked, sighing and bringing his his hands on the table. 
“We will need all of the information you have gathered on the group, as well as the full support of your team.” Agent Kim Jisoo smiled softly at him. To Hanbin she seemed to be the kindest one among the four, but he knew better than to blindly go along with it. 
“We need the names and badge numbers of your team.” Agent Park handed him a piece of paper and a pen. 
Chief Inspector Kim Hanbin complied and wrote down five names. Five detectives who were part of his team and regulars at the station. 
“Aren’t you missing one?” Agent Manoban raised an eyebrow.
“One of the men was taken off the case a few months back. He is now in another division.” He spoke calmly, his eyes not giving away the secret he held.
The women nodded and took the paper from him, releasing him to go his own way. 
He went back to his division and took a seat at his cubicle as the rest of the men glanced at him, too scared to ask him anything.
“Well friends, we’re screwed.” He announced. “The FBI is going to become part of this team and investigation. They asked for all of your info and names, while they will most likely look into Jiwon to see if he really is in another division or not. I believe we will co-operate with them and not get ourselves in trouble or in sticky situations.”
“Yes sir!” They all answered, noticing how Agent Manoban observed the interaction closely.
The men went back to their tasks at hand as Hanbin looked over to his desk where a picture of him with his whole team stood. They really didn’t need the FBI breathing down their necks right now, but if this is what it meant for them to keep themselves on the case, then he’ll be damned if he couldn’t take it.
Fae sat on the hood of the car observing the two designated babysitters as they paced left and right. They were annoyed and on edge to have to keep an eye on them but at the same time there was something more. They were anxious, as if they were expecting something to happen.
“Hey Tae, do you feel the shift in energy in the air?” She turned to look at her friend who also seemed restless to a point.
“Yes. But it’s coming from the east. Outside of the house and their border of territory.” He spoke up, his eyes trained on the spot where he felt this sudden shift of energy.
“I’ll go check up on it and you go tell Joon and Jin.” He nodded at her as she swiftly disappeared in the shadows. 
Her footsteps were light on the ground as she neared the place of question. Her dark eyes trained on the group of people before her became lighter when she noticed it was someone who they could have expected. Approximately seven men, in dark clothing stood with guns at the ready, mask pulled up so their faces were revealed. Faint talking revealed to her that they were not Korean, but rather Chinese and that their target was to take out the four of them from Bangtan with the help of NCT.
“Rubbish.” She seethed out through her teeth as her eyes steeled themselves like the blade of her katana which she carried with her.
“I know right? Some of our kids are not exactly well behaved and they called them over.” Johnny’s voice came as a whisper, but (y/n) didn’t care much of it. She saw red and wanted them dead, as much as she wanted every single NCT member to lay their last breaths under her blade. “Please don’t look at me like that. I fear I cannot allow you to kill our kids.”
Wait a minute, he can read my thoughts?
“A little bit. Weird isn’t it?” He smiled widely at her. “It’s quite easy with you, even though I thought it would be harder.”
The movement from the seven men caught her attention and averted her gaze from the man crouching next to her in the high tree branch. Without a second glance, she jumped onto the one directly above one of the men in the back and she landed on him, her blade running through the middle of his head. She pulled it out quickly and with a swift turn cut two more heads off, before she slid into the shadows of the nearby tree line. The other four took to a stop when one turned to see the decapitated bodies of their companions and this gave (y/n) leverage to slide out round them and cut two of the mens feet off in one swift swish. The scream they let out alerted the rest of her existence but she was too fast, and in three flowing moves, their bodies were cut in half.
The minute she exhaled a breath and sheathed her sword, her eyes narrowed in on the overly excited man still stuck in the tree branch where she originally was.
“Who are you, Johnny Seo?”
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greenteabtch · 4 years
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Inquisitor as a Companion: Ty’as 
Hehe a lot of my mutuals have done this already but I’ve decided to debut my new Inquisitor by sharing them as a Companion! I put my whole heart into this, I hope you enjoy!
Name: Ty’as (she/they)
Race, Class, & Specialization: Qunari (Vashoth), Mage, Rift Mage
Varric’s Nickname for them: Mystic
Default Tarot Card: The High Priestess, Upright: intuitive, unconscious, inner voice.
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How they are recruited: After addressing the Chantry in Val Royeaux, the Herald can speak to Solas in Haven about a matter of concern regarding Elven artifacts that measure the veil. He will mention the one in the Hinterlands, as well as a second, temporary location in the Hissing Wastes, beginning Measuring the Veil.
If the Herald does not travel to the Hissing Wastes to activate the artifact before reaching Skyhold, the location will disappear and Ty’as will no longer be recruitable. Talking to Solas will reveal that he felt tremors in the Hissing Wastes, leading him to believe the artifact had been destroyed. This earns slight disapproval from him.
If the Herald agrees and journeys to the location, Solas will be locked in as a party member for the duration of the quest. On arrival, there will be a small scene where they approach a half buried Dwarven temple. Solas will comment that the veil is alight, though with what he’s uncertain. If you investigate further he says the spirits are unusually talkative, and it is too difficult to piece out their message at this time. Descending through the temple, the Herald will encounter a mix of human smugglers and Venatori, each hoping to loot the deserted temple for forgotten art and knowledge. They will have to fight through them to reach the goal marker. Eventually, after two floors, the party will reach a wide room that looks to have been a former library.
A small cutscene plays as the Herald looks around the deserted room, saying they see no signs of any artifact. If playing as a Cadash, they’ll ask if Solas had gotten the location right, as the Shaperate never reflected the presence of any Elves in Dwarven settlements in the region. Solas will reply that he was sure it was here, only to blink and fire a spell towards the door which they entered. He shouts that the figure has the artifact, and the Herald catches sight of a cloaked figure running off in the direction they came and a chase is given through the temple. Before they can reach them, the figure throws up a barrier that causes the Herald and their party to bounce off and stay trapped as they make their escape on horseback. Solas, though aggravated, will sigh saying that it is fine. He is able to sense the artifact through his connection to the Fade. If a non-mage Herald asks why he did not dispel the barrier in the first place, he will comment that it is not a typical barrier, and in fact it seems to be imbued with a spirit of protection. If the Herald is a mage they will ask Solas why they cannot dispel it, to which he will answer the same. The conversation is ended by the barrier dispelling on its own, and Solas indicating that he will lead the way.
At this time the quest Measuring the Veil is marked complete, with a new quest taking its place called Building a Bridge.
The scene changes to an open market in the middle of the desert, colorful fabrics and jewel tones shining in the sun. The Herald and companions look surprised as Qunari pass by, of all ages and walks of life. They look at the party in surprise and question, murmurs indicating shock that they had been discovered by outsiders. If the Herald is an Adaar, they can say “Well… this is starting to look a lot more like home.” If Iron Bull is in the party, he will wonder to himself “Tal-Vashoth? Working together?” The party is then approached by a Qunari male, with one horn broken and a guarded expression. He appears to be a leader of the community, and greets them in Qunlat, asking them to explain who they are and state their business. The Herald can explain the occurrences at the temple, with Solas’ interjection about an artifact of his people being stolen, to which the Qunari male will rub his chin and ask how he can be certain that they’re not Venatori or Smugglers themselves. If Dorian is in the party, his clothes will be pointed out as clearly of Imperium make. The Herald can then show the Mark as proof of their role. 
If playing as an Adaar, the Qunari will apologize in Qunlat, and introduce himself as Nehara, the storyteller and leader of the Tal-Vashoth Encampment. Otherwise he will nod and invite them to follow him to the object. As he leads them to an orange printed tent in the back of the camp, he will refute Solas’ claim that the Elven artifact was stolen, to which Solas will dryly question if Nehara believed it was just being taken out for some air. Nehara will hum, stopping at the tent and saying that he had better let the Seer explain. With puzzled expressions, the party enters, the world around them fading into black. Companions may comment at this point:
The Iron Bull: Oh shit… 
Dorian: Good, I was beginning to forget what it was like to black out from expensive wines.
Vivienne: The fade? No… this couldn’t be… how curious…
Solas: Interesting...
Varric: I miss Kirkwall, at least the weird shit there was bright red in your face crystals, not the ground disappearing under your feet.
Cassandra: What is this… where are we?!
Sera: No friggen way, no friggen way!
Cole: Hello!
Blackwall: Right… guess we could do without the floor… and the walls.. And the sky…
The figure from the temple is positioned at the center of the darkness, and the Herald walks towards them, the party trailing behind. They face away from them, the artifact peeking out, glowing. The Herald has the option to either greet them, wait for them to respond to them, or rip their hood off. 
Option 1: Ty’as hums, asking for just a moment before standing up to face them, artifact in their arms.
Option 2: Ty’as continues to work till they are satisfied, before standing up to face them with the artifact.
Option 3: Ty’as continues to work, though they frown, before standing up to face them with the artifact. 
They will greet the Herald with a name derived from the Herald’s class. 
“Shanedan, (Warrior: Beres-taar, Rogue: Hissrad, Mage: Rasaan)”
Ty’as removes her hood, revealing her horns and explains that she is the village Seer, tasked with communing with the spirit realm and guiding the village through metaphysical matters. She apologizes for running off with the artifact in the Dwarven temple, returning it to Solas with a bow, explaining that she had thought that they were smugglers and wished to protect the artifact. If she had known it was the Herald, she says she would not have run. When asked how she knew about the artifact, Ty’as will smile and with the flip of her hand call a weave of colorful spirits to flow around her, before spinning them away. She explains that amongst the Tal-Vashoth, she is a Seer, the bridge between the natural world and the spirit. They had alerted her to the presence of the artifact when the breach exploded in the sky, and she has been monitoring it ever since, the spirits highlighting the importance of keeping it safe. Solas will look unconvinced. The Herald can ask his opinion, to which he will express that Ty’as’ story is not impossible but he has never met a Tal-Vashoth or Qunari that let their mages run with open mouths, not to mention hold a position of power. Iron Bull can also be consulted, to which he will offer a similar opinion, though run closer to the side of distrust. If Ty’as hears this, they will frown but plainly express that respectfully, what they know of Tal-Vashoth could be boiled down to the size of a Fennec’s nutsack. Iron Bull will snicker at that comment, despite him reaffirming that just because Ty’as could tell a joke didn’t mean Tal-Vashoth couldn’t be dangerous. Ty’as looks discontent but turns to the Herald. 
“I truly meant no disrespect. In truth, I am concerned by the breach, as any. The spirits are whispering of change in the winds, and I must take care to keep them safe.” With a woosh, the blackness disappears and the party is standing in the tent, plush pillows beneath their feet, Ty’as, no longer cloaked, is sporting travel bags and wrapping a shawl around their shoulders. “I will accompany you in your journey.”
The Herald may ask about their village, to which Ty’as will explain that their role as Seer calls them to care for the well being of the spirit realm to balance that of the physical. If they neglect the spirits to tend to their people, they will all suffer in the wake of the breach.  
The Herald can say two things.
Option 1: We’d be remiss to pass you up. (Slightly Approves, Ty’as is recruited for the Inquisition)
Option 2: I think we already have one too many mages. (Ty’as is not recruited for the Inquisition)
If Option 1 is selected, Ty’as will smile, thanking the Inquisitor for their trust. They say they will say their goodbyes. A scene will play where Ty’as walks through the village market, escorted by small children, and accepting supplies from merchants. She will meet Nehara in a hug, who will spin her with a laugh. A small exchange passes between them:
“Panahedan, imekari. Be safe on your journey.” (Take refuge in safety, child)
“Panahedan, Papa. Sataareth kadan hass-toh issala ebasit.” (Take refuge in safety)
The scene ends as Ty’as walks up to the Herald. The Tal-Vashoth village is now explorable, with merchants available, and additional lore about Tal-Vashoth if the Herald speaks to Nehara.
If Option 2 is selected, Ty’as frowns, puzzled. “The spirits did not describe you as a Qalaba.” With that she will brush past them, covering her head with her hood, as she stands at the exit to her tent. With a look back, she bids a final apology to Solas, and thanks the party for their time, walking off into the sand, never to be seen again. The Tal-Vashoth village is explorerable now, with merchants available, and additional lore about Tal-Vashoth if the Herald speaks to Nehara. Additionally, speaking to Nehara will reveal that Ty’as has journeyed on her own to stop the Breach, with or without the Herald’s help.
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Where they are in Haven: Ty’as can be found in Adan’s Apothecary, perusing his shelves of herbs. When the PC walks in, they can occasionally hear Adan grumbling about Ty’as messing with his already shoddy equipment, to which she will liltingly reply that she didn’t hear him complain when she brewed a pot full of Vandal’s Tears. 
Speaking to Ty’as will unlock dialogue about:
The Kossith
Their views on Mages
Vashoth/Tal-Vashoth/Kossith Encampments across Thedas
The Qun/Qunari
Their role as a Seer
Their thoughts on Spirits
Their life at the Hissing Wastes Encampment
Where they are in Skyhold: Ty’as resides in the tower between Cullen and Iron Bull’s. Hanging from the beams above are cycles of stained glass, ornamented like mobiles that cast a rainbow pattern along the ground. The stone walls have been covered with tapestries and blankets similar to those seen at the Tal-Vashoth village. A table containing various ground spices, herbs, and dyes sits to the side, and a hammock covered in furs is suspended from the “second floor”. Pillows of orange and red are scattered in a circular fashion around a woven rug, and unfamiliar magical instruments of all shapes and sizes stick out from a chest to the side of the room. A kendang drum rests against it. There is a changing screen with gilded geometric patterns, and a wardrobe.  In the very center of the room is a flat pot of ashes, incense sticks protruding, steaming as if they were just lit. Flowers lie around it, as well as some food offerings. Typically, Ty’as is standing at the desk, staring out the window that looks into Skyhold, sitting in one of the circular pillows, lighting a stick of incense, or hanging strings of Plumeria Alba. For their opening cutscene they are pinning the blankets up to the wall, commenting that she has been amongst ruins before, but for some reason Skyhold’s walls feel eerie, like they were intended to block her connections to the spirits. The Inquisitor can offer to help her put up tapestries, which will give slight approval as she says she’d feel much more at home that way.
Things they Generally Approve of: 
Greatly Approves
-Letting Solas kill the mages in All New Faded for Her.
-Disbanding the Templars in Champions of the Just.
-Allowing Blackwall to stay with the Inquisition after Revelations.
-Selecting ”A dwarf/qunari/elf/mage will fight for us all” when made Inquisitor.
-Having less than 75 court approval at the end of Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts.
-Letting Celene be killed/having Gaspard executed in Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts.
-Defending/Showing respect to nonhuman races and mages.
-Letting Cole remain a spirit.
-Being brought to the fade in Here Lies the Abyss.
-Finding the Chateau D’Onterre and uncovering its secrets.
-Aiding the spirit of Command in Crestwood.
Slightly Approves
-Helping Vivienne collect books for the Circle.
-Allying with the mages in In Hushed Whispers.
-Being brought to places where the veil is thin, like ruins or former places of battle.
-Exacting creative punishment in judgements (conscripting Alexius/Blackwall, etc).
-General acts of humility and compassion, such as aiding refugees in the Hinterlands.
-Humorous dialogue.
Things they Generally Disapprove of: 
Slightly Disapproves
-Not aiding the spirit of Command in Crestwood.
-Vehemently anti-magic rhetoric.
-Sacrificing the Chargers in Demands of the Qun.
-Encouraging Cullen to continue to take Lyrium in Perseverance.
-Stopping Solas from killing the mages in All New Faded for Her.
-Putting Gaspard alone on the throne in Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts.
-Non-Elf Inquisitors drinking from the Well of Sorrows.
-Being taken into the Deep Roads.
-Conscripting the Mages in In Hushed Whispers.
Greatly Disapproves
-Recruiting the Templars as allies to rebuild in Champions of the Just.
-Banishing Blackwall for his crimes.
-Encouraging Cassandra to rebuild the Seekers.
-Forcing Dorian to reconcile with his Father.
-Cruelty and unjust dialogue/actions.
-Allowing the Wardens to remain in Orlais in Here Lies the Abyss.
Similar to Solas, Ty’as’ approval can be recouped through investigative dialogue about her experiences with spirits, magic, and respectful/affirming words on the Tal-Vashoth. It is not too difficult to earn high approval with her, though.
Mages, Templars, Other?: Growing up in her Tal-Vashoth community, Ty’as was removed from the width of the mage-templar conflict, though she had heard about some of it from word of mouth. She believes that mages can be free to exist without threat, but that Southern society has propagated an unhealthy fear of magic, rather than an understanding. To that extent, though they would prefer Circles to exist only as optional institutions of study, they believe in a paced transition towards changing the Southern perspective on magic that promotes harmony between Fade-Dwellers (spirits) and World-Born (physical beings). Only then can true freedom be achieved for all. Their views are most closely aligned with Vivienne, though they hold a strong distaste for the abuses committed by templars and sanctioned by the Chantry, and prefer disbanding them as the first step towards achieving peace.
Friends in the Inquisition: Vivienne, Iron Bull (later), Cole, Varric, Blackwall, and Solas.
Rivals in the Inquisition: Cassandra, Iron Bull(beginning).
Neutral in the Inquisition: Dorian, Sera, Cullen, Josephine, Leliana.
Romanceable: Yes, to all races and genders.
**If unromanced, and Iron Bull is not romanced, they will strike up a physical relationship that eventually turns  fully romantic. Asking Ty’as’ opinion on Iron Bull will result in a line of dialogue that shifts depending on the stage of their relationship. Stage 1 (Antagonistic): “Ah. He has made it clear where he stands on people like me. I have nothing against him, but I will not seek out a Qalaba and expect it to think.” Stage 2 (After Adamant, Neutral): “He has sought me out about the events in the fade. He is processing the best way he knows how.” Stage 3 (Friendly): “[laughs]... He told me a marvelous story yesterday about his Chargers. I don’t think he sees it, but he is truly a Mother Hen sometimes.” Stage 4 (Romantic; if neither has been romanced): “Maa Asala has grown. He is trying his best to unlearn his fear, both of my people and the spirits... I take great pride in him. Perhaps one day I can show him the village. The children would love his rack.”**
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Rivalry: “(if non-Qunari) Basra.” “Inquisitor/Herald.” “(if Qunari) Bas.”
Neutral: “Inquisitor Lavellan/Trevelyan/Cadash/Adaar.” “Beres-taar/Hissrad/Rasaan.”
Friendship: “My friend.” “(Name).”
Romance: “Kadan.” “Maa Asala.”
War Table:
Awfully Bland Here Isn’t It? (After Recruitment)
I’ve noticed a distinct lack of… diversity in your cooking supplies. It has made it difficult for me to perform my offerings to the spirits. If it pleases you, I believe I have a solution which benefits us all. I have contacts with Tal-Vashoth merchants who will be able to provide the Inquisition with a variety of herbs and spices at a reasonable rate. Our traders have access to stocks a Southern peasant would go their entire life without seeing. At worst, you’ll be able to resell them for a decent profit. If you can, though, try to keep this quiet. I would not want to risk the wellbeing of my people.
Please consider.
P.S- I think the troops would be delighted to have a little bit of flavor added to their meals, wouldn’t you agree?
>Josephine: This is an incredible opportunity. It’s been whispered amongst elites that Tal-Vashoth trade routes span the entire continent and are impossible to access, for obvious reasons. I can have my emissaries establish a connection with the listed merchants and retrieve supplies of all flavors, materials, styles, colors... Did I already mention this was an incredible opportunity?
>Leliana: We’ll have to keep this quiet. Parading into their market and naming the Tal-Vashoth as our suppliers may inspire backlash amongst Andrastians who couldn’t tell a giant gray rock from a living, breathing, Qunari. My scouts will discreetly meet with these merchants and bring back a small batch of supplies.
>Cullen: This isn’t the North. As silly as it is to admit, the blandness of the food may go unnoticed if we don’t introduce anything new. I say we leave the Tal-Vashoth be and save our gold.
>Josephine: The delivery arrived this morning and it smells as wonderful as it feels. Unfortunately, Inquisition emissaries in full garb inspired gossip amongst the locals, and now rumor has it we are a long-arm of the Qun disguised as an Andrastian military force. Nothing will come of it, I’m sure, but it is not exactly ideal.
Received: 5 Felandaris, 5 Amrita Veins, 10 Dawn Lotus, 10 Witherstalk, and 7 Rashvine Nettle.
Ty’as slightly disapproves.
>Leliana: In and out, with not a head turned in surprise. Quite the find.
Received: 3 Felandaris, 3 Amrita Veins, 8 Dawn Lotus, 8 Witherstalk, and 5 Rashvine Nettle.
Ty’as approves.
>Cullen: Well. We might not have “java beans” or “galangale,” but at least we maintained our soldiers expectations.
Received: 20 influence.
No approval change.
Contacting the Kos-Rasaan (Available at Skyhold)
Written in a rushed but curvy script.
As I was meditating on the events at Haven, I recalled a conversation with my mentor where she lectured me on the Kossith’s recounts of the First Blight. Little outside our community are aware, but the Qun is only a recent innovation amongst our people. Outside of Par Vollen, expanses of innovation and knowledge dating back to the Divine Age were whispered and shared throughout Kossith/Tal-Vashoth societies. With Tevinter and Par Vollen’s history, it would be crucial to get in touch with Kos-Rasaan, to see if her knowledge reflects any existence of this Corypheus, and moreso, if the Kossith encountered others like him.
She may know a weakness that has slipped through the fingers of recorded history.
>Josephine: I’m told the University of Orlais has scholars in the area. They may have some knowledge on Kos-Rasaan’s whereabouts. We can send them along with appropriate gifts, such as incense or rare roots.
>Leliana: Allow me to dispatch some of our Elven agents to search for Ty’as’ mentor. It may take longer, but the Kos-Rasaan may find it more amicable to have direct contact with a small number of Inquisition scouts than an unknown entity.
>Cullen: We can send troops to cover the area and conduct a thorough search of the desert. With luck, we’ll find Ty’as’ mentor by sundown.
>Josephine: The scholars were given quite the scare when they accidentally activated a series of wards, entrapping them in a feisty collection of Deathroot. They readily thrust out the gifts we had brought along, to which I’m told, Kos-Rasaan found amusing. She has sent this message along (see after all advisors)
Received: Saartoh-Bas Kos Issqun (Staff)
20 Power
Ty’as Greatly Approves
>Leliana: Our agents just narrowly missed the deathroot vines that shot from the canyon’s walls. I was told Kos-Rasaan was somewhat disappointed, but greeted them with warmth. She has sent along the following message (see after all advisors)
Received: Saartoh-Bas Kos Issqun (Staff)
20 Power
Ty’as Approves
  >Cullen: In an awkward first-encounter, our soldiers were caught in a series of wards that trapped them in vines of all shapes and sizes. Reacting, they attempted to cut themselves down, which did not please Kos-Rasaan. She was thankfully merciful on the realization that they were rookies, but we should probably consider sending a gift basket. Or replacement vines. I don’t know. 
Received: Saartoh-Bas Kos Issqun (Staff)
20 Power
Ty’as Slightly Approves
Attached Letter to Each Result:
Inquisitor Adaar/Lavellan/Trevelyan/Cadash,
It is certainly a surprise for a Saarebas of my years and reclusion to be put in touch with the Southern force making the ground quiver. Your scholars/scouts/soldiers were a welcome reprieve from the darkness of the times, [if Josephine used:and I thank you for the offerings you have sent (not to mention the gift of laughter).] Maa imekari was smart to point you in my direction, as throughout our history there have been tales of Dark Magisters claiming to possess the power that Corypheus wields. The spirits we have tended to since the birth of our people have whispered of mages entering the fade, but of a Maker or Andraste, not. There may be truth yet to Corypheus, perhaps corrupted after centuries being unable to leave the fade, or merging with a soul of… what you might know as an “Old God.” In any case, I had your agents transcribe some of our oral history regarding him. With any luck you’ll find something of use.
Give my blessings to Ty’as. Please remind her to keep both feet on the ground.
--Transcribed by a precise scholar’s/efficient scout’s/blotted soldier’s hand.
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Companion quest:
Chasing a Dream
Triggered by entering her quarters after Here Lies the Abyss and +35 Approval. A cutscene will play where the Inquisitor looks around the room. It seems to be empty, but the incense sticks are recently lit. They look up to see Ty’as, hanging upside down from their knees. The Inquisitor can ask her what she’s doing, to which she will gracefully drop down with a sigh. She will explain that she is trying a technique that will pool her spiritual energy towards her crown, but once again it is to no avail. The Inquisitor can prod further, at which point she will frown and gesture for the Inquisitor to join them on the cushions. Ty’as will disclose that she is trying to widen her mana pool to seal her connection to the fade and achieve abilities similar to that of a somniari. If the Inquisitor asks why she describes with a fond look that the somniari leads a perfect state of being: one foot firmly planted in the spirit realm, and one in the physical. Though she would not be a true somniari, she would be able bridge the tiny magic deficit between herself and that of one to fulfill her role as a seer beyond a doubt, and serve her community in the ultimate way.
There are some Dialogue Options here:
a) You already seem to have a strong connection with the fade. (slightly approves)
Response: It is as you say… In truth, though, it is not as effective to commune with the beings there but not be able to enter their home as they enter mine. 
b) Getting sick of the physical realm? (slightly disapproves)
Response: I am equally bound to both realms, to neglect one would be to give a starving man food but no water.
c) So you’d be more susceptible to demons (slightly disapproves)
Response: It’s far more complex than that, but I suppose if you must put it simply. I would also be able to communicate with more spirits than before.
d) (Flirt) Ah, so now you’ll be making even more appearances in my dreams? (slightly approves)
Response: Even more you say? That could be arranged...
A mage Inquisitor may say that they thought that there was no recorded way to increase one's connection to the fade, to which Ty’as will look thoughtful. They will reveal their Father had passed down a story about a Kossith mage, who after performing a ritual, was able to enter the fade at will. They explain that they had always wished to pursue the tale, but after seeing the fade for themselves, began to look in earnest, resulting in the discovery of a set of tablets describing the ritual in the tale. Ty’as says that they need it retrieved from the private collection of a rich Orlesian merchant, and asks if the Inquisitor could spare the resources.
The Dialogue Options are:
a) We will get you what you need.
Response: [with a smile] You have my thanks Inquisitor. I will leave the location of the artifact with your advisors. (Approves)
b) Are you sure about this?
Response: I know it must seem like I’m chasing a loose thread, or that I am attempting to alter the physical fabric of my being. But I need to do this, to fulfill my role as a Seer. (Returns to options A and C)
c) I don’t like the sound of this.
Response: [frowns] Do not act as if you are more versed in what I need than I am. Please… you wouldn’t understand. Should you change your mind, I will leave the location of the artifact with your advisors. (Disapproves)
In any case, the quest Chasing a Dream will appear in the journal. To continue the quest, the Inquisitor must go to the war table, where a quest marker by the same name will appear in Val Royeaux.
Chasing A Dream; War Table
Inquisitor Lavellan/Adaar/Cadash/Trevelyan,
The tablets that Lady Ty’as seeks are housed in the DuRellion’s Estate. When we petitioned them for custody, citing the cultural value of the artifacts, they responded with an elegant refusal. Apparently it has been ‘passed down in their family for generations and generations…’ The tales these nobles spin… They will soon be hosting a soiree where they intend to showcase their immense collection of magical objects. If we play our cards right, it could be an opportunity to acquire a closer look at the tablets.
Ambassador Montilyet
>Josephine: I could secure the Inquisition invitation to the DuRellion’s soiree. All they need is a little bit of assurance that the Inquisition will remember their generous contribution.
>Leliana: It would be simple enough to retrieve the tablets before the day of the Soiree. I hear blackouts are becoming common again throughout Orlais. A product of the civil war, perhaps?
>Cullen: Not participating.
>Josephine: It took several hours and multiple barrels of Antivan wine, but the tablets are secured. 
Received Quest Object: Tablets of Tjioman
Ty’as slightly approves
>Leliana: The soiree was cancelled after a sudden run of power outages led to the disappearance of the tablets. I’m told they suspect the Marquis! There always was bad blood between them. 
Received Quest Object: Tablets of Tjioman
Ty’as slightly approves
To continue, speak to Ty’as in her tower. She will be grinding a red colored mixture in a bowl, before drinking it. They turn when the Inquisitor enters, excitement in their voice as she asks for the tablets. The Inquisitor hands them to her, and she steps back, mouth moving as she looks over the ancient script. She halts her pacing.
“It would seem that I need your help once more. The ritual requires the presence of one who has walked the fade before. A somniari... or you.”
Dialogue Options:
a) But I’m not a mage? (non-mage Inquisitor)
Response: But you have the mark, and we all saw what happened in Adamant. (Returns to dialogue tree with this option gone)
b) This is starting to sound dangerous. (slightly disapproves)
c) What would you have me do? (no approval change)
d) I trust you. (Flirt) (slightly approves)
Response: Thank you...That holds great meaning for me.
“The instructions are difficult to translate. You will…for lack of better words.. Open a rift inside of me. Not in actuality, of course, but that is what it will feel like to you.”
Some investigative options are available now, which reveal that going through with the ritual will widen Ty’as’ mana pool, but at the cost of making her more attractive to demons. She may be more susceptible to possession, and lose some of her livelier qualities. She would be more powerful and see more of the Fade and its spirits if the ritual is performed.
Option 1: Say you will help Ty’as perform the ritual. (Greatly Approves)
Ty’as thanks the Inquisitor and says the two of you must go quickly, before this moon cycle ends. The scene changes to that of the desert, likely the hissing wastes, as Ty’as climbs a dune and sits below a barren tree. They pull out a mixture of gold and mark their face in ceremonial dress, beckoning the Inquisitor closer and doing the same for them. Then they pour a potion from their belt, sharing it with the inquisitor. They smile, looking somewhat nervous, but relax into a lotus position, waiting for the moon to finish its ascent. When it has reached the highest point, Ty’as will exclaim “Now!” and the Inquisitor will reach their hand out, showing a beam of green similar to when they close rifts protruding from Ty’as’ forehead. After a second, there is a boom that flings the Inquisitor back into a rock and knocks them out. When they awake, the sun is rising, and they scrabble over to Ty’as who is lying flat on their back. The Inquisitor shakes them awake and Ty’as opens their eyes, a coat of blue over them but snapping away with a blink. She accepts the helping hand up and smiles. “It is done.”
Option 2: Say you will not help Ty’as perform the ritual. (Greatly Disapproves)
Ty’as is visibly distraught and tries to convince the Inquisitor to change their mind, but if they stay their course, they eventually acquiesce and say that if it is so then it is so for a reason. The cutscene ends and the quest And Morning Came is available.
And Morning Came (Only if the Inquisitor did not help Ty’as perform the ritual)
Ty’as is sitting on the wall which overlooks Skyhold’s lower level, birds tweeting. They turn their head at the Inquisitor’s approach, a tentative smile on their face.
“I wanted to apologize for putting you in that position, Inquisitor. It was a daunting ask, one that you were reasonably cautious of.” They watch as Cole tends crouches by a sick man.
“I wanted to be more than I was born as. To rise to the role I had been given. I was so consumed with my love for the world that I did not stop to think that I was born as I was for a purpose.”
Dialogue options.
a) You’re perfect as you are. You always have been. (Flirt) (approves)
>Response: [softly] You speak from the heart?
I. Where else? (slightly approves)
II. Without a doubt. (approves)
III. I take it back. (disapproves)
*picking options I and II will bring a smile to Ty’as’ face, and she will look at the Inquisitor with pleading eyes, before looking to their lips, and away.
b) It’s easy to get lost in our ambitions. (slightly approves)
c) You care very deeply for your community. (approves)
d) That wasn’t very wise. (slightly disapproves)
“You are right… [she smiles towards you] I am feeling ...whole. Thank you, Inquisitor. For standing your ground.” They rise from their seat, walking off towards the battlements before calling over their shoulder. “Come by anytime Inquisitor. I am grateful for your friendship.”
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Romance: The Land of the Living (Available if Ty’as was flirted with during Chasing a Dream or And Morning Came)
Activated by entering Ty’as chambers after the prerequisites are met.
The scene changes to twilight in Skyhold’s lower courtyard, where Ty’as is pleasantly speaking with an elven scout. She has picked a flower for Ty’as, who gratefully accepts and weaves it through her hair. The elf stutters, blushing like mad and taking their leave when the Inquisitor approaches. Ty’as watches fondly, before looking towards the Inquisitor, who asks, “New friend?” Ty’as shakes their head, explaining that people often like to bring them gifts of affection, despite her lack of interest romantically.
Dialogue options:
a) So you’re leading them on? (slightly disapproves)
>Response: (sighs) It is in fact their own fantasy. I make my intentions clear from the start.
b) In high demand then? (slightly approves)
>Response: (laughs) Apparently so. Perhaps my appearance is attractive to them.
c) Not the type to be tied down? (Flirt) (approves)
>Response: (she peers up seductively) In a manner of speaking I am. 
“In truth, I have never had a very structured experience with romance. Training in isolation for the decade of your maidan years does make that difficult, and my people struggle to view me as someone to know intimately.”
Dialogue options:
a) Is that something you want? (Flirt)
b) That’s not something I’ve struggled with. (Flirt)
>Response: (coyly) No?
c) I could never see you that way. (Ends scene)
She stands, gesturing the Inquisitor along. They walk towards the outside gates as the stars begin to show. They pause at the outermost wall, Ty’as leaning against it and looking over the glaciers.
“I want to live. To feel like I might die and fear every second of it.” Their voice drops, and they look to the Inquisitor, caressing their face. “To experience unimaginable levels of ecstasy and pleasure, achieved with one that I love. I want to be…” They drag their thumb over the Inquisitor’s lip. “Physical…” They look into their eyes. “Emotional…” Their lips part. “Yours.”
a) [Kiss her] (Locks in Romance) (Greatly Approves)
b) I want that too. (Locks in Romance) (Approves)
c) I can’t give you this. (Ends scene) 
Picking option A or B will result in a passionate makeout against Skyhold’s outer walls.The scene fades to black and the Inquisitor awakens in Ty’as’ room. Ty’as is already awake, and watches the Inquisitor languidly with love in their eyes. 
Tarot card change
Ritual Performed: Death, Upright: end of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis.
Ritual Not Performed: The World, Upright: fulfillment, harmony, completion,
Romance: Judgement, Upright: reflection, reckoning, awakening.
Cole’s reflection on their thoughts:
“Colorful smoke, the smell of incense fills my nose, songs sung over a hundred ages, beasts and legends and heroes alike, us, me, ours, ‘Papa, are they proud of me?’”
“Ra’s staff sweeps my legs, ‘Again!’ bruises bloom, my proof, my flesh is frail, but I am strong, bright, blasting. I will try again.”
(If ritual was completed) “They’re loud now, they always were, they liked to talk, but too loud now, I can’t rest, I must listen, this is my purpose, Compassion help me!”
(If ritual was not completed) “She stares at her reflection, touches her nose, her eyes, her scars, her horns. This is me too.”
(If romanced) “Bodies and bodies, no, a body, one to hold close, confide in, who believes. He/She/They ground(s) me like roots in the desert, buried deep, tangled. Spirit and soul, united, alive, awake.”
Comment(s) on Mages: “Fear… so much fear… of the templars and of themselves…” “They are stronger than this.” “I wish I could sit down and speak to them all.” “It doesn’t have to be like this.”
Comment(s) on Templars: “Little people in big suits.” “I am sorry that they have been twisted to fear their siblings.” “They wield magic too.” “There is something to be said about people who hide behind weapons and armor”
When looking for something: “It seems the spirits are guiding you!” “I wonder what we’ll find!”
When finding a campsite: “Let us rest.” “A breath would be welcome.”
When the Inquisitor Falls: Low Approval: “Goodnight!!” “Meravas (So shall it be)!” “May you lie in the grave you dug.” // Neutral: “I will be there in a moment!” “Spirits watch them!” // High Approval: “I’m here!” “Rethsaam Inquisitor (We all protect the Inquisitor!)” // Romance: “Maa Asala, please do not leave!” “Spirits, not yet, not them!”
Upon killing an Enemy: “Spirits take you.” “Maaras, kata. (Nothing is ended)” “Asit tal-eb. (It is to be)”
When they are low on Health: “Virtues, some kindness please!” “Ah, those aren’t health potions.” “If you demand my soul, meravas!”
When revived: “My journey continues.” / “Not today, it seems.” / “You have my thanks.”
When a companion is low on health: (Iron Bull) “Losing your touch, Bull?” / (Varric) “Seek higher, Varric!” / (Dorian) “I’ll lend you my assistance!!” / (Sera) “Watch your surroundings, Sera!” / (Cassandra) “Ouch.” / (Solas) “Look forward, Vehl (Mentor).” / (Cole) “Compassion, knives are okay!” / (Vivienne) “My lady, allow me to help!” / (Blackwall) “Beres-taar, please care for yourself!”
When a companion falls: (Iron Bull) “(sigh)” if romanced: “Parshaara! You will not.”/ (Varric) “Small one!” / (Dorian) “Let’s not nap now, my friend!” / (Sera) “Sprightly one! Wake please!” / (Cassandra) “Hm.” / (Solas) “You are stronger than this, Solas!” / (Cole) “Compassion, no!” / (Vivienne) “My lady!” / (Blackwall) “My friend! Spirits guide him.”
When they see a Dragon: “Breathtaking. True embodiments of Protection.” “They are highly respected amongst my people… in person it is clear to see why.”
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Default saying: 
Rivalry: “Ah, how unexpected.” “Inquisitor/Herald.” “Hello.” 
Neutral: “Inquisitor Adaar/Cadash/Lavellan/Trevelyan.” “How can I help, Inquisitor/Herald?” “Did you have need of me?”
Friendship: “My friend, let me start a brew you.” “Shanedan!” “Something is on your mind? Sit with me.”
Romance: “Maa Asala,” “How lucky I am, to share a moment with you.” “Your visage never tires me, Kadan. Speak with me for a while, please..”
Travel Banter:
The Iron Bull: So… your whole village back there…. Tal Vashoth?
Ty’as: Yes.
The Iron Bull: All of them?
Ty’as: What answer are you seeking?
The Iron Bull: Just an explanation to the number of hornless, the black eye-balls… features you don’t have.
Ty’as: Our community is descended from Kossith who left the North before the Qun took place. Some of their physical traits still show, to speak little of their cultures and histories.
The Iron Bull: But you’re really a Tal-Vashoth. 
Ty’as: My Mother is. She met my father after leaving the Qun. I am simply Vashoth. You believe what I say about the Kossith?
The Iron Bull: I’m looking for a reason not to.
(After Chasing a Dream is completed)
Solas: This ritual you found… did it succeed?
(If ritual not completed) Ty’as: Perhaps it did long ago, but it was not to be for me.
Solas: That is… unfortunate to hear. A greater relationship with the fade is one to be treasured.
Ty’as: I understand what you are saying, Vehl, though I find I am grateful for my relationship now. We cannot force ourselves into a deeper connection with friends and lovers, the spirit world is the same.
Solas: A unique way of approaching it. I am glad to see you remain whole.
Ty’as: (smiling) Me too.
(If ritual completed) Ty’as: It did.
Solas: Ah, how intriguing. How has dreaming been since?
Ty’as: Dreams have always been different, but the few times I have managed to sleep have blessed me with visions been beyond description.
Solas: Few times? Not sleeping well then?
Ty’as: No. Adjustment has been… odd.
Solas: I can imagine. When we return to Skyhold, I will send over some herbs that may help. Ghilas eth ma. (Go with safety.)
Ty’as: Compassion, is this the only form you have?
Cole: Leliana doesn’t let me fill out reports.
Ty’as: Ah, my mistake. 
Cole: You mean why don’t I look like Bronala? I can grow the horns if it will help, but I don’t think Vivienne will like me on four legs.
(If present) Solas: Nor will the rest of the Inquisition, I believe.
Ty’as: No, thank you. I would not wish you to change yourself for me. Be as you are.
Cole: You were not wrong about what we look like. Some windows are more colorful than others.
*Bronala- An animist god said to embody compassion in Kossith religion.
Cassandra: Ty’as, Cullen has told me that you have been aiding our soldiers through stretches?
Ty’as: It is called merengtakan. Would you like to join us? It may give you some peace of mind.
Cassandra: I pray to the Maker for that.
(if present) The Iron Bull: You’re missing out, Cassandra. I felt a pop in my back so big I thought I lost part of my spine.
(if present) Sera: Frig. That arse would’ve been the perfect target.
(if present) Varric: Listen, I was skeptical too Seeker but you can’t argue with the results. Look how much handsomer I’ve gotten!
Ty’as: We all have different pathways to clarity. Go as you wish, but you are always welcome.
Dorian: Ty’as, you’re awfully tall.
Ty’as: [laughs] You’re awfully small.
Dorian: Yes, astute observation. I was just thinking it must be difficult to find clothes in your size, like Bull.
(if present) Iron Bull: My lack of clothing is a personal statement.
(if IB present) Dorian: Right, that’s why you don’t wear a shirt in minus 30 weather. To make a point.
Ty’as: No more than it’s difficult for you to find a tailor willing to sew forty buckles together and make a onesie.
Dorian: Well, touché.
Blackwall: So. What did you do for fun in the desert?
Ty’as: Ate fruit, communed with the spirits, danced naked in the moonlight, mancala. 
Blackwall: Mancala you said?
(if present) Sera: You?!?!? Oh… joking.
(After Revelations)
Ty’as: Blackwall…
Blackwall: Yes?
Ty’as: I am proud of you.
Blackwall: … Thanks.
Vivienne: Ty’as, have you had the chance to look over the books I sent you?
Ty’as: I found them intriguing, my lady. Did you give any thought to the scrolls I sent?
Vivienne: Of course. This research on the fade is… one lacking in the Circles. 
Ty’as: If it pleases you, I will be happy to make copies so that you may share them amongst your peers.
Vivienne: No, allow me darling. I’m grateful for the knowledge. Spreading education and understanding of magic will be a huge help to young mages across Thedas.
Ty’as: You are as intelligent as you are beautiful my lady. I could not agree more.
(If in party) Iron Bull: Damn...
 Leaving the Inquisition: If approval is low enough for them to leave, the Inquisitor will find Ty’as descending from the tower wearing travelling gear. They will say that it is clear that the Inquisitor was not who they thought they were, and that their partnership will end here. The Inquisitor may try to ask Ty’as to stay, but Ty’as will say that the spirits signs are clear, and the Inquisitor’s poor leadership and cruelty are intolerable. They will leave if the Inquisitor does not apologize and pledge to do better, never to be seen again.
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corseque · 4 years
Hello Corseque! I wanted to ask if your vague posting about BW game direction and Solas is similar to my own idea but want to say first you don't have to answer! My idea is that I think when he says "my people" and "the time of the elves", he's talking about spirits. They are seen as semi sentient magic at best and it pains Solas when they're abused much more than it does when elves are. 1/2
“Obv also going off the Solas was originally a spirit theory but the idea that he has not only seperated the world from magic but split his people (spirits) off from the rest of the world is tragic. I also think all the talk about elves not being themselves is alluding to the fact that modern elves have part of their spirit seperated from their body, which is why he doesn't see them as his people either. He doomed them all when he put up the Veil. Bringing it down would restore them all.
Possibly this is the reason there are no elf hybrids? When an elf has a child with an elf it's a full merging of a spirit/soul and an elven body, so you get the pointy ears etc. With other races the elven part from the parent is the spirit, not any physical traits. So all half elves are an elven soul in the body of another race. Iyswim?”
Answer: I think you’re on the money with the first part. I think there is a reason why spirits of valor are fighting for Solas now. His people are neither spirits nor elves because his people are both of them together, no longer sundered unnaturally from each other. As he describes Sera, “She is... apart from herself.” And my vague post is sort of connected to all of this.
As for the half elf hybrids - there’s actually a really prosaic answer to this. It’s just impossible in a video game where they’re trying to clamp down on scope creep. If they said “hybrids exist” that complicates the world. Instead of four mortal races:
elf, qunari, dwarf, human (4 races)
you’d have
elf, qunari, dwarf, human, elf-qunari, elf-dwarf, elf-human, qunari-dwarf, qunari-human, and dwarf-human (10 races)
not to mention getting into quarters and eighths. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but in a video game, all of these races would need unique 3D models and designs.
I think (don’t quote me) I read a tumblr post written by Gaider or listened to an interview where he said this was just a matter of literally trying to actually make a video game that exists in the real world. You have to keep the scope manageable or the video game will continually expand in detail and will never be made. You have to know when you’re biting off more than you can chew, and you have to pick your battles. They chose not to develop this aspect of it as a visible difference, which was a decision based in practicality rather than not having any ideas for it, or not wanting the complexity of it, or wanting to make a particular statement about it. It was because they would have to make assets for at least 6 additional “races” to really do the idea more than lip-service justice in game. And they decided they just couldn’t do that because of scope creep. I’m sure they would like to wave a wand and suddenly have the designs and models for 6 additional races exist for people’s pleasure. I’m sure if these games were instead purely novels, those ideas would be played with. From what I remember of Gaider talking about it, this particular aspect of the story is a medium limitation.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
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Heskan Aeducan as a Companion
(Face Claim: Can Yaman) - Okay, I really wanted to do this because Heskan is basically the hot romanceable dwarf we’d all deserve in Inquisition. He uses the Dwarf Noble Origin and has the Spirit Warrior specialization, using it as an archer.
Hope y’all like him! Feel free to romance him, haha!
Inquisitor’s Name: Heskan “Hess” Aeducan
Race, Class, & Specialization: Dwarf Archer Warrior (Spirit Warrior)
Varric’s Nickname for them: Feathers
Default Tarot Card: The Chariot
How they are recruited: He joins automatically if you talk to him at the gate leading to the bridge in Skyhold; a cutscene triggers where he and Leliana are speaking and she vouches for his skill and he offers aid to the Inquisition.
Where they are in Skyhold: Aiming his bow over the battlements, taking potshots at trees in the distance.
Things they Generally Approve of: Pragmatic options, manipulating nobles, recruiting prisoners
Things they Generally Disapprove of: Letting prisoners go, executing them, dismissing Sera from the Inquisition, hitting Solas or Dorian
Mages, Templars, Other?: Heskan comes from Orzammar, and is really tired of having to deal with this whole surface conflict, especially as darkspawn get closer and closer to overrunning his people. That said, he prefers the mages. Templars he doesn’t trust.
Romanceable?: Yes, by any gender or race.
Friends in the Inquisition: Cole, Vivienne, and Iron Bull - Heskan and Varric have a not-quite-friendly rivalry.
Small side mission: Run around Skyhold collecting a stray arrow each time you return to Skyhold. 9 arrows altogether, every 3 arrows earns you a Heskan Greatly Approves.
Companion quest: Heskan wants to know if he is accessing the Fade through his Spirit Warrior specialization and asks the Inquisitor and Cole to help him, sleeping in front of them so they can test it. Cole mentions that Heskan is actually afraid of finding out the truth. After he wakes up, the Inquisitor has two options. Neither option impacts the ability to romance him.
Option 1: Lie and say no. This will net Disapproval from Solas and Approval from Cole and Heskan. Heskan seems relieved to learn that he is not upending all the rules for dwarfs and talking to him later reveals he is a little concerned because he’s been getting fragments of dreams, but nothing else comes of this. 
Option 2: Tell the truth. This will net Slight Disapproval from Cole and Great Approval from Heskan. Heskan admits that the idea of breaking all the rules for dwarfs and magic is frightening, but he is thrilled to consider this (if a Dwarven Inquisitor replies they feel the same way, they can earn extra approval). Talking to him later reveals that he has come to terms with accessing the Fade and he wants to attempt speaking with the spirit he has bonded with.
Tarot card change
Option 1: The Chariot (reversed)
Option 2: Knight of Pentacles
Cole’s reflection on their thoughts: “The smile should not have to be my mask, but it serves its purpose, bright and blinding as I bleed from the wounds in my back.”
Comment(s) on Mages: “Poor sods. I’d be pretty tired too if someone shut me up in a tower all my life and didn’t let me breathe wrong.”
Comment(s) on Templars: “We trade these people lyrium and we don’t care where it goes... but seeing what happens to them... I wonder if it’s worth it.”
When looking for something: “Did somebody hear that?”
When finding a campsite: “Care to kick up your feet for a while, Inquisitor?”
When the Inquisitor Falls: “Hurry, save the Inquisitor!”
When they are low on Health: “Hello? Archer needing help over here?”
When they see a Dragon: “You’re gonna go fight that thing, aren’t you?
Default saying: “Sort of brisk out here, isn’t it?”
Travel Banter with Canon Companions of your choice:
Heskan: So, Varric. Varric: (Sighs) Hello, Feathers. Heskan: You don’t like me much, do you? Varric: One handsome dwarf archer is enough for a good story. You’re a bit superfluous. Heskan: Don’t spare my feelings or anything...
Vivienne: Tell me, Prince Aeducan. What are you doing on the surface? Heskan: Madame Vivienne, please. You may call me Prince Heskan. Varric (if present): (Disgusted noise.) Vivienne: That wasn’t an answer, Prince Heskan. Heskan: No... no it wasn’t.
Heskan: Varric? Varric: (Sighs) What is it, Feathers? Heskan: Oh, I apologize. You must be trying to find a way to describe me other than “exceptionally ugly.” Varric: So you read The Tale of the Champion, huh? Heskan: If anything, I’d say that only one of us uses chest hair to distract from our sorry faces. Varric: “Hideously ugly and arrogant” it is, then. Heskan: Lazy writing!
Cole (after Heskan’s personal quest is complete and he is told the truth): She says hello. Heskan: She? She who? Cole: I don’t know... she’s you. (if made more human) I used to see her better. Heskan: Oh. Could you... could you tell her thank you? Cole: She knows. Heskan: Thank you, Cole.
Friendship?: “Hello there, love. Miss me?”
Leaving the Inquisition: “I’m not fond of the way you’re running things here. If you don’t shape up, I’d rather be sucked up into the Fade than hang around here.”
The Fade
How they react: “Well... this is different. Not sure I should really be here, actually.” Their Tombstone: Betrayal What the Fears look like: His dead brother Trian What the Nightmare says: “Ah, the murderer-Prince of Orzammar. Have they forgiven you for killing your brother yet? Or do you think they’re waiting for the right time to strike?” Their reflection about the Fade: "Yeah, I’m not so sure I enjoyed that.” Hawke or Warden: Has worked with both, Disapproves if Hawke or Alistair is left behind. Greatly Approves if Loghain is left behind. Approves if Stroud is left behind.
The Wardens
Their feelings: Respects the Wardens, being a veteran of the Fifth Blight and working with the Hero.  Exile or Allies?: Allies
The Ball
How they feel: “Smile, love. We’ve got a role to play here, so stay guarded.” Where they linger: Outside the door to Gaspard’s balcony Are they good at the Game?: Very much so. What people say about them: “Oh, that dwarven Prince is such a good dancer!” “Tall for a dwarf, isn’t he?” Gaspard, Briala, or Celene?: Prefers Briala through Gaspard
Temple of Mythal
Rituals or Hole?: Hole Agree with the Elves’ bargain?: Agree. Morrigan or Inquisitor for the Well?: Morrigan
Comments on Canon Romance
Cassandra: “Personally, the Seeker frightens me. But if you’ve chosen each other, I can tell she’ll be true.” Dorian: “Treat him well, Inquisitor. He’s been through enough in his life, I can tell.” Sera: “Hah, fun for all, eh? She’s a firecracker, she is.”  Iron Bull: “Heh, he’s a fun one. If you two weren’t together...” Josephine: “Ah, Lady Montilyet. A fine woman indeed. You’re lucky, Inquisitor. They don’t come much sharper than her.” Cullen: “Ah, I’ve met Cullen a few times before. He’s... he’s a better man than I once knew, I’ll say that.” Blackwall: “I’m definitely not qualified to judge. But he’ll treat you right, Inquisitor.” Solas: “Well, to each their own.”
Sexual/Racial preference: Panromantic. Any race.
Nickname for PC: My sweet
Romance only mission: Heskan asks the Inquisitor to accompany him to Valammar, where he has heard rumors of trouble brewing. The party is ambushed by Endrin loyalists who want Heskan dead for the alleged killing of his brother ten years ago. Afterwards, Heskan explains the details of his murky past, including why he killed his brother, and how he has always had to look over his shoulder. Choosing the dialogue response “Maybe I could look for you” locks in the romance, and Heskan expresses awe and joy that their casual flirting actually meant something.
Dialog to being asked for a kiss: “How could I refuse you, my sweet?”
Halamshiral dialog: “Just keep up that pretty smile of yours, my sweet. I promise I’ll put a real one on your face once the party’s over.”
Being asked to dance during mission: “As much as you want. Once this business with the Empress is over, of course.”
Asking to dance post-mission: “Come here... you’ve done so well tonight. If I can help you relax... I am honored.”
What Cole says about companion to PC: “The smile... it used to be false. Fake, fleeting, like feathers in the wind. But now... he is safe, secure...his sweet is here.”
Who is concerned about the relationship?: Varric, Cullen
Who supports the relationship?: Josephine, Leliana, Vivienne, Dorian
Who had a bet running on it?: Blackwall, Iron Bull, Sera
Banter(between NPCs):
Varric: So... you and the Inquisitor? Heskan: Ha, I never figured you for the jealous type, Varric. Varric: I - that’s... ugh.
Vivienne: A well-made match, my dear Prince. I congratulate you. Heskan: For once, Madame, I was not considering politics. Vivienne: Nonsense. Matters of the heart are just as political as anything else. Heskan: (chuckles) I suppose that on that count, we agree.
Iron Bull: So, are you a one-lover dwarf, or can I expect you again? Heskan: Why, Bull, you know I’ll never forget that magical night... Sera (if present): Ewww! How would that... oh. Fingers. Heskan: BUt in any event, you’d have to ask my sweet one. (The Inquisitor can respond favorably or unfavorably) Favorably Inquisitor: You could... if you don’t mind my presence. Iron Bull: The more the merrier! Heskan: My sweet, the Bull makes an excellent footrest. I’ll have to show you... Unfavorably Inquisitor: Sorry, Bull. He’s mine. Heskan: And I need no other lover. 
Flirt options: Upon meeting (gains Slight Disapproval from Varric), and at almost every interaction. Flirting with him enough unlocks his romance quest without needing to gain higher approval
Break up dialog:
If PC breaks it off: “I understand. It was fun while it lasted, though, eh? I’ll see you around, my - er, Inquisitor.”
If NPC breaks it off(and why): “I... I can’t condone what you’re doing, my sweet. I wish it could be different. I wish I could help you... but I cannot.” (Low Approval breaks off the romance)
Love confession: Heskan takes the Inquisitor walking along the battlements. “I... I never really thought I would find anyone who truly cared... but with you... I feel safe. I feel like... I could be happy.” The Inquisitor can flirt with him, which leads to a sex scene and lazy kissing in the Inquisitor’s bedroom, or say they love him, which leads to him pulling them to him with his bow string and kissing them deeply. “Then I am yours as long as you will have me, my sweet.” In either event, the Inquisitor can ask for a kiss or ask to “take a long walk,” which will result in a brief implied sex cutscene with a shirtless Heskan leaning over to kiss the Inquisitor in their bed.
Romanced tarot card: King of Pentacles
End game dialog: “You’ve done it. Beaten the villain, slain the dragon. I wish I could tell you it gets easier from here... but no matter what, I will be at your side, my sweet. Always.”
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
10, 16, and 24 for the DA OC ask? :)
*waves excitedly* Hello, hello! :D Welcome to my curiosity shop, but instead of selling curiosities; I supply them! >:D
Thank you so much! Let's ramble! >:3
10. Do your protagonists share the same opinions on the Chantry?
For the most part, yes. Fane is simply the more volatile of the three. He just...does not do good with religion or faith or divinity in any capacity. His kin suffered under the hands of beings who believed themselves gods, and he doesn't want see the same thing happen again. He's also very, very sensitive about Tranquility, the whole Chantry's habit of turning their gazes away while still spouting that, 'We're here. We'll protect you. The Maker will see us through this.', and the self-righteousness, the corruption, the double standard. He also doesn't like the whole act of racial profiling, how the Chantry makes one faction greater or lesser than the other and practically signals them out every time something goes wrong on their end. Fane may refer to most by their race (elf, qunari, dwarf, human, creatures), but that's only because he's laying the base; he's seeing the natural aspect. He never means it as an insult or a slur. Sadly, his tone can come across that way, but it's something he does work on. People are people. No more, no less.
Fane values freedom of thought, of a world where people can think and depend on themselves rather than run to a priest or cleric for certainty. He wants people to believe in themselves. That's all. He knows what it means to be met with silence, to cry and cry and cry for mercy and receive nothing from those that are said to answer with swiftness and benevolence. He doesn't want that to continue. The world is weeping from that kind of attitude, and Fane will do anything to see those tears dry up.
And well, he's also very bitter on the military side of things, too. Templars that get within even a five mile radius of Mhairi or Solas get a claw to the face, especially if they manage to silence or smite them. Fane sees nothing but ruin with the Chantry in place. Rylen and Elise see its importance, its relevance in some capacity, but even they can agree it needs to either change or just go.
Rylen would probably be more close to Fane's reaction though. The Chantry fucked Rylen royally before and after his mother died, and now they continue to play innocent, like everything was his fault? Yeah, no.
Elise is devout. She believes in the Maker, looks up to Andraste and follows her guiding principle to some length, but Anders' predicament before Awakening and after, and the Circle Tower during the Blight had her shaken, had her eyes opening. In those moments, she didn't see magic as the villain, the cause. All she saw was the Chantry, hands bloody, but a smile on their faces and a brand waiting along the sidelines.
'It's to protect you, and those from you. Magic must serve man, and never rule over him.' Elise used to find comfort in those words, believing it was a well thought out plan to ensure everyone was on the same page. Now, she wonders who truly rules over who. It most certainly isn't magic or mages. And motherly smiles of clerics and vacant eyes of those she once knew for their passion, their fears, their hopes and dreams, don't feel like safety anymore.
16. Would your protagonists have the same Hogwarts house?
I'm not too versed in Harry Potter-esque stuff, but I know the houses! And I think I can safely say that, no, they wouldn't have the same house. XD
Fane would probably be Slytherin or Ravenclaw. He's ALWAYS two! I can never just go with one for him! XD
Elise would be Ravenclaw. Without a doubt. She's curiosity and learning incarnate. More than Fane, honestly. PFFT!
Rylen probably Gyrffindor, if I had to choose one for him!
Me: You're a wizard, Fane! >:3
Fane: ...I'm a dragon.
24. How do each of your protagonists handle loss?
This girl becomes a mess. Not joking. She's lost so much in such a short amount of time. Her family, who she can't even remember, Jowan, Alistair, Anders. The list goes on and on. Loss to Elise doesn't just mean in death. It could mean someone parting ways with her, whether through an argument or just cruel, cruel fate and the flow of the world. She has a hard time letting go, and even ten years later she still thinks about Jowan and how she wished she could have helped him more, done right by him. And it takes a while, but Nathaniel helps her learn how to let go, to restart and look forward, not back.
...Heh. Rylen also has lost a lot in a short period of time. His losses were like a domino effect, too. Malcolm, then Carver, then Bethany, then Leandra. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Each lost, each one given a silent burial. Rylen never had time to grieve properly, so he bottles all of it, holds it tight and close. He's actually amazed he's been able to keep the cork on his heart for so long, but he knows eventually it'll burst; all the pain and sorrow finally getting a chance to scream as he wants to. Until then, he smiles, he jokes, and he crumbles in silence. Fenris and Sebastian, especially Sebastian, help coax Rylen into caving eventually, but the man's stubborn and prone to holding up a front.
Like Rylen, Fane bottles his emotions. He encourages others to let their emotions out because he understands from a practical standpoint that it's detrimental, but it's harder to make himself let go. When his mother died, Fane went mute for several months; no one could get him to speak. He had receded into himself, only acknowledging others with a sidelong glance and a contempt twitch of his mouth. He wouldn't pick up a book of poetry, he wouldn't look at Mhairi half the time because of her eyes and hair, and he wouldn't go near the halla pen or the tree she would guide him to when a bout of rage took him at a young age.
Fane had reconnected to his nature without knowing after her death. He chose silence and vacant observation to cope. But, all it did was sow the seed of resentment and disassociation. Eventually, Fane began to speak again and look at his sister and run his fingers along a stanza of measured words and reach a hand out to a halla, even knowing it would spook, but his mother's absence lingers like the ghostly eyes of his kin and all he wishes is for her to appear one day, maybe just in the Fade, and tell him, 'It'll be all right, da'len. I love you. I will always love you, no matter what. You are my da'isenatha (little dragon)'. She didn't know, of course, but when Fane hears that term in her voice, he breaks and he weeps until he's numb.
...I made myself cry agiaaaaain! *wails*
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jackdawyt · 4 years
We’ve finally reached the moment my channel was created for, BioWare officially revealed a brand-new behind the scenes trailer that showcased many gameplay prototypes, concept artwork pieces and next-gen footage that each demonstrate Dragon Age 4’s current production stages, building an overall mood of the game’s vision and direction. And it’s just the best thing to come out of this year.  
Saria and myself have already broken down the trailer’s concept art, and gameplay shots in an incredible 45-minute video, that you need to check out if you’re remotely interested in the next Dragon Age game.
However, today I’m delving into every single piece of information that surrounds this new trailer, as we’ve got plenty of news, tweets and tidbits to delve into!  
First up though, before the trailer’s release we had a few related tweets from the team regarding the current production of the game.  
Production Updates:
In late July, Mark Darrah tweeted some updates about Dragon Age 4’s development. He said: “I realize that most of you are here for Dragon Age news and there hasn't been a lot of that lately...
Let me just run down some things I can say:
1. We are working on the next Dragon Age
2. Yes we are working from home
3. Working from home is harder  
4. We are making progress”
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Continuing from that, John Epler retweeted Darrah’s post and said: “WFH is hard! But we're figuring it out, a little better every day. I miss lunches with my team, though.”
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And, Patrick Weekes tweeted: “An exhausting but productive week, with a bunch of folks across the Narrative team coming together for Writer Voltron to look at some stuff and figure out how to make it better. Harder over Zoom, but worth it nevertheless.”
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@stoner_gordon asked Patrick: “Writer Voltron? Maybe I’m slow today but what do you mean by that?”
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Patrick Weekes replied: “There are things writers can work on for awhile by ourselves. Followers, or individual quests. But some stuff is owned by multiple writers, so we set aside time for all of us (plus non-writers involved with Narrative) to get together and hash things out. That’s Writer Voltron.
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It is mostly a TON of meetings. We go over content and see what works and what doesn’t. It’s also the time where we make big narrative decisions as a team (or make big proposals we then bring to other affected departments).
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Examples of stuff we decide at things like this:
- Hey, this big story element doesn’t work
- How should we do romances?
- Hey, this big huge thing is unclear
- Does it feel like we’re all making the same game?
We have a great team. It’s positive. We’re all exhausted by Friday.”
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This was a very interesting look at how the writing team are pushing forward during the current world situation, ensuring that each writer can push on with individual work, while tasks that are assigned to many writers are slightly trickier, the team are working it out, while staying as safe as possible. And, I’m always eager to hear how certain things like individual quests, followers and romances are being developed.
Dragon Age Website Update:  
With the new trailer’s release, the Dragon Age website was updated. The trailer itself ended on the notion of visiting DragonAge.com.  
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Upon impact to the site, there’s a red lyrium wallpaper with a slogan that says:
The world needs a new hero. Will you answer the call?
“Journey into the world of Thedas in Dragon Age™. Discover new adventures full of striking characters, powerful magic, and rich storytelling. Meet an incredible number of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Qunari in a realm where every decision you make echoes across history.”
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New protagonist, new adventures, striking characters, powerful magic, rich storytelling, a roster of races with every decision having rippling effects in the world. Each quality that truly define a Dragon Age game. Very exciting to see this!  
Behind The Scenes Trailer:
Onwards to the trailer, we have many of the amazing developers sharing plenty of insights into the next Dragon Age game’s vision and development.
Casey Hudson stated their using next generation technology, which will be Anthem’s codebase and tools of the Frostbite engine, to bring the world and characters of Dragon Age to life. And the team are still in early production, I’ve estimated that they’ve been in production stages for around 15 months, since May 2019.  
Casey Hudson (General Manager): “We’ve been using next generation technology to bring the world and characters of Dragon Age to life. We’re still in early production.”  
Gameplay Designer Melissa Janowicz spoke about creating bosses and how she helps with many of the creature designs, mostly doing the big threats we’ll go up against. This trailer’s concept art certainly paints a picture of many dark, evil monsters to defeat.  
Melissa Janowicz (Gameplay Designer): “We’re very experimental here at BioWare, so we’re always coming up with new stuff.”  
“I actually design bosses; I help with the creature design team as well. So, I do all of the big threats you have to go up against.”  
The Creative Director, and previous Art Director, Matthew Goldman shared that Dragon Age is all about mystery, and hard-boiled detective stories, which is an egg-cellent pun. All wrapped up in a fantasy setting, with an original world.
Matthew Goldman (Creative Director): “The world of Dragon Age has really got it all, it’s got frontier stories, it’s got mystery, it’s got hard-boiled detective stories. And of course, it’s all wrapped up in kind of a fantasy setting.”
“This is an original world, original flora, original wildlife, original architecture, that makes it fun to explore and discover.”
Executive Producer, and proficient teaser, Mark Darrah shared that in the next Dragon Age, we get an opportunity to see new things, new places, and interact with people who lived and grew up in these spaces as well.  
There’s a huge emphasis on characters we haven’t met yet, because of course, the Inquisition declared it would look for new people to deal with Solas. We’re going to Northern Thedas, we should expect brand new characters to fall in love with.  
Mark Darrah (Executive Producer): “In the next Dragon Age, we get an opportunity to see new things, new places, and interact with people who lived and grew up in these spaces as well.”  
Mastermind, and Lead Writer Patrick Weekes shared about the game that currently working on, and how they want to tell a very different story about what happens when you don’t have power, what happens when the people in charge aren’t willing to address the issues.  
This time around, we’re playing as a new hero, with not nearly as enough power like the Inquisitor, but instead someone who most likely comes from humble tidings, at a guess, someone like a spy, Antivan Crow, or Lord of Fortune.  
No matter the role, our main character will have many conflicts with the predominate people in charge, as they aren’t willing to tackle the issues at stake. I can assume many ideas of course, perhaps the Tevinter Magisterium, The Qunari Invasion, or the Dread Wolf’s scheme.  
Whatever powerful force that may ignore the ongoing issues, there’s going to be a lot of conflict from what can assume is going forward thanks to Tevinter Nights. 
Patrick Weekes (Lead Writer): “For the game we’re working on now, we want to tell a story – what happens when you don’t have power, what happens when the people in charge aren’t willing to address the issues.”
Arby’s Enthusiast, and Narrative Director John Epler spoke on the things we can expect in the next instalment, there are going to be stories that focus on the people around you, and the friends and family you make.  
Every Dragon Age game is about the family we create along the way, expecting more of that, lightens my heart!  
John Epler (Narrative Director): “The things you can expect in the next instalment are going to be stories that focus on the people around you, and the friends and family you make.”
“I just love the possibilities that Dragon Age offers us, and I’m excited to explore a lot more of them.”
Associate Producer Jen Cheverie shared that something we’ll be able to look forward to in the next Dragon Age are really close relationships with game characters who really become real for you. I’m so excited to see how relationships and friendships develop in the next game.  
Jen Cheverie (Assoc. Producer): “Something we’ll be able to look forward to in Dragon Age is a really close relationship with game characters who really become real for you.”
Foundation Technical Director, Jon Renish, with an amazing beard, spoke on how BioWare want characters to either be loved or hated, the best examples of that is Solas. Half of the community wants to kill him, half the people want to marry him, then another part want to do both.
The fact that the devs can stir these reactions, proves that BioWare can and will create characters that move, and shape us.  
If they can make you love or hate a character, they’ve successfully made you care for this world, even if hate is that motivator. However, if you felt nothing for a character, then you wouldn’t have these strong reactions, and wouldn’t feel as connected to the world, or that character.  
Jon Renish (Foundation Technical Director): “We want characters to either be loved or hated, one of the best examples of that is Solas. Half of the community wants to kill him, half the people want to marry him, then another part want to do both.”
Lead Creature Animator, Esther Ko confirmed that Dragon Age 4 is being created using motion-matching technology, that will ensure characters will be as realistic as possible, from the way they walk, move and interact.  
We saw a sneak peak of Solas’s facial animations, and we can already see the improvement of graphical fidelity and animation quality.  
Esther Ko (Lead Creature Animator): “BioWare and EA have been one of the forerunners in using motion matching technology, and that makes it way more realistic for when you're looking at the characters, the way the walk and move, and interact in the world.”
Writer Slyvia Feketekuty spoke on how players want suspension of their disbelief, to believe that the bunch of pixels that make up these characters are actually a living, breathing soul.  
Slyvia Feketekuty (Writer): “Players want that suspension of disbelief that this wonderful collection of digital pixels is actually a living breathing soul.”
Gameplay Director Andre Garcia said that choice is a big part of what Dragon Age is as a franchise, the decisions you make can affect change in the world. Reiterating that the next Dragon Age will most certainly surround our choices, with consequences for each.
Andre Garcia (Gameplay Director): “Choice is a big part of what Dragon Age is as a franchise, the decisions you make can affect change in the world.”
Adding more fuel to the fire for choices and consequences, RPG Programmer Katrina Barkwell spoke on decision-making meaning that a party member lives, or a party member dies. Ultimately, choice making means owning your outcome and reactivity to the choices that you do make.
Katrina Barkwell (RPG Programmer): “Decision-making can mean that a party member lives, or a party member dies. And it means owning your outcome and reactivity to the choices that you do make.”
I said in my breakdown, and I’ll say it again here, it was very nice to see a few of the developers that we love and support in this trailer, sharing vital information on the next game. The story about Dragon Age 4’s development is all about the people creating it, and I am so glad that BioWare have an amazing, tremendously talented bunch of people who know what Dragon Age is.
Adding to that, it was so wholesome to see many of the other developers on a zoom call, showing how despite the current world situation, they’re doing all they can to push the development of the next Dragon Age.  
Key Trailer Features:
Moving on, throughout the trailer, we had many key features highlighted.  
The in-engine shots showcase the next-gen improved fidelity and quality of the Frostbite engine. The reveal of Solas’s facial animations indicate more realistic and life-like animations and scenes, just look at his pearly white teeth, and how his face folds.
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And the Gameplay shots reveal a character playing as a warrior, with a sword and shield, wearing Grey Warden armour. Most certainly, the character is a champion specialization, indicated by the “Line in the Sand” ability.  
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We see them evading, blocking, shield bashing, and preparing to strike. The camera placement is solid, I really like the angle it currently has, I’m hoping it stays like this.  
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The spider with hands is incredibly frightening, however, beautifully animated. I just hope it’s not going to grab items like the barrel, and throw them at us, when approaching combat.  
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Two brand-new voice actors were revealed: Jee Young Han & Ike Amadi
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Jee Young Han previously appeared in Anthem, as the character Sentinel Dax. In Dragon Age 4, conceptually, she’s playing a character called “Bellara”, whom I’d suspect is a dwarf, given that Qunari and Dwarves generally have American voice actors. Not to mention her dialogue line of something being “the good kind of rumble.”
Ike Amadi, also appeared in a previous BioWare title, being Mass Effect 3, as he played Javik! It seems he’s playing a character by the name of Davrin. Who is most certainly a Grey Warden, indicated by his dialogue? Perhaps he’s the Grey Warden in Tevinter Nights’ cover, considering none of the characters on the book’s cover appeared in the actual book?
Concept Art:
Moving on, the majority of the trailer features amazing conceptual artwork that reflects the mood, tone, story threads and narrative beats that the developers would like the final game to take inspiration from.  
Equally, that means the concepts may or may not appear in the finished project, it’s too early to tell. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn't pass on dissecting and inspecting the art pieces, because we get a sense of BioWare’s vision, scope and direction for Dragon Age 4.  
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Adding to this, Patrick Weekes tweeted about how concept art is used to create a mood, not to outrightly confirm things, but for a framework. While some concepts may excite you, like “Harley Qun”, don’t get attached just yet because they may, and will change.  
To quote Weekes: “We can't answer questions right now about who is or isn't a follower or what story choices we're making. Beyond giving away too much too early, we could also give you the wrong impression and leave you disappointed later. Or we might need to change things between now and ship.  
What I can say is that I personally am proud and excited about the game we're making. I hope that came through in the video. I also hope you have fun speculating, even if we can't answer questions right now. You all made a lot of devs' days yesterday. Thanks.”
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So, while it’s absolutely fun, and amazing to speculate about what these concepts may relate to, and the direction of the next game, don’t get too attached just in case certain plot threads or characters are cut or changed.  
Needless to say, me and Saria still have plenty of speculation videos coming up following the trailer, because we find enjoyment in speculation, and seeing how far off from the truth we were when the game actually does ship, I think that’s a good mindset to have.
Regarding the trailer as a whole, I think it’s fair to say it was created as a reaction to what was shown at EA Play. A lot of the fanbase, and people in general were upset with what was shown, however, BioWare listened to us, and delivered this behind the scenes trailer, two months after.  
We can tell it was recently filmed too, not to get too stalker-ry, but Patrick Weekes dyed their hair on the 19th, June, which was a day after EA Play.  
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If they had done so before, Weekes’ would’ve had their natural hair-colour in the trailer.  
So, even with the current world situation, the developers took the time to film and create this amazing BTS trailer. Speaking on behalf of the entire DA fandom, thank you so much BioWare for giving us a trailer while in very early-production stages. It has been the saving grace of 2020.  
Romance Teases:
In other news, we have a few Weekes Tweets that regard romance in the future.
Patrick Weekes retweeted @nevarran-novice saying: “This is my formal request that BioWare give us at least one emotionally damaging romance for every Dragon Age game. Like, literally scoop my soul out and throw it at the wall with the angst. Please.”  
Patrick replied with: “I mean I like happy romances with fun positive endings, but the customer is always right!”
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It really is true; we all love pain and tragedy in this fandom, as we play Lost Elf theme at 1 am, sobbing in the night. I’m not the only one, right?
Patrick Weekes tweeted: “Hi, sorry, stumbled across this while looking for something else. Just wanted to say:
- Disliking a character or ship is totally valid and does not hurt my feelings
- Coming into someone’s space to say that what they like or dislike is wrong is bad, sorry that happened to you.
And in games with romances, I believe that the same-sex romances should offer the same spectrum of sweet-to-spicy that the straight options do. If all our m/m romances feel dirty while our m/f romances range from romantic to raunchy, then we need to do better.
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This clearly hints to BioWare making their future romances more tasteful for every type of romance, which is always good, more inclusivity for everyone! In my honest opinion, I don’t need sex scenes to drive romances, while I’m sure I’d love one for a potential Qunari female wife, I don’t need, or desire them for every single character. Sex and romance in moderation; while being tasteful, sounds perfect in my opinion.  
In the concept artwork, we saw a sexy, Qunari female, that many of us have dubbed the nickname “Harley Qun”, while it’s really hard not to get attached, it’s nice to see BioWare making this character idea more of a reality.  
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In 2017, a fan asked Weekes about the idea of a strong female Qunari companion. Weekes replied: “definitely a chance. We like doing character types we haven’t down before, and that would be a biggie in hypothetical future game.”
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 So, while Harley is still just a concept design, there’s much potential for her in the future. I wonder if Patrick is writing her too, not that I’m basing my news on retweets, but Patrick has been retweeting a lot of her fanart. But that could just be because we’re already obsessed with her.  
Final romance related tweet, because I didn’t know where else to put this one... Patrick Weekes tweeted: “Is "Dick in a Box" formally a Lonely Island song, or is it technically SNL? It's for work.”
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So, erm. Yep, there’s that.  
Mark Darrah tweeted: “No release date to share at this time…” Obviously as a joke, for those who don’t know, the next Dragon Age is at least 2-3 years away, according to EA’s 2019 earnings call.  
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Next Comic:
As a final, very exciting news update, Nunzio DeFillipis, the amazing Dragon Age comic writer, alongside with his wife, Christian Weir posted on Tumblr about the potential of a new comic mini-series:  
They replied to autopotion asking about the future of the comics, saying:
“We have another miniseries planned - and it would have come out this year if not for the current world situation shutting down the industry.  We don’t want to promise anything, because everything is so up in the air with the entire world right now.  But what we can say is that if and when there is another miniseries, it will wrap up the story we’ve been telling since Knight Errant.  We will then aim to tell more stories, but one thing at a time.”  
“Wish we could say more.  Because we have a LOT to say, we promise.  Hopefully we can talk about things soon.”
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As an absolute fan of each of the Dragon Age comics, the fact that most certainly another one is on its way, and it will end the narrative since Knight Errant excites the crap out of me. Originally, it seems we would’ve had two comic launches this year, Blue Wratih to start year, and one following from that, ending 2020.  
I imagine we’ll see this project back on track soon. It sounds as if this one may be a conclusion to the current comic roster, and after that, we may get brand new stories explored in other comics. While that’s quite far off, I adore this team behind the comics, and eagerly await an update to their stories.  
With all that said, that’s a wrap for this most exciting news update, I’m honestly so excited to be creating Dragon Age content at the moment, making videos that I’ve dreamed about creating for so long. Check out my latest breakdown, and if you’re new, why not follow me, you’re in the best place to be informed on all things Dragon Age related. From the lore to speculation and news, I have it all here.  
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noire-pandora · 4 years
Got tagged by @lord-woolsley thanks for the tag!
Rules: List ten songs that you really like, each by a different artist, and tag people! 
1. Blind Guardian-The Maiden and the Minstrel Knight 
Wherever I'll go you'll be with me My first though and my last though We'll depart in bitterness One day you'll understand Carry on, beloved maiden, mine Cary on or we have to pay the price
2.Olivia Orr-Mage Pride
Domna miri sollia Sidanomi Domna miri sollia Sidanomi Domna miri sollia Sidanomi
3.Escape the clouds-Steampunk Dogfight
-no lyrics-
4. Blackmore's night- All our yesterdays (This is one of Elluin’s songs)
Running through the forest Just like traveling through time Looking back I see it all so clear Dancing wild through the trees was were I meant to be Following a wild heart longing to be free
5. Zdob si Zdub x Irina Rimes - Sanziene (a Romanian song, translated)
Sanziene night The fire burns on the torches I'll read in the flames Where my luck is. All night until dawn I'll read in fire and in flowers I'll read and I'll bewitch To figure out what will 
6. Mumford and Sons-Broken Crown (this reminds me of Solas)
I'll never wear your broken crown I took the road and I fucked it all away Now in this twilight, how dare you speak of grace So crawl on my belly 'til the sun goes down I'll never wear your broken crown I can take the road and I can fuck it all away But in this twilight, our choices seal our fate
7. Ayreon-River of Time
We can save this ill-fated race Who are lost in the ocean of space Show them the way to reverse their decline Guide them back on the river of time Send back visions of war and decay Paradigms of fear in a world of dismay Shape the present, alter the past Create a new future, one that would last
8.Falconer- Mindtraveller 
I travel over high mountains Through deep valleys and forests Crossing great rivers In search of knowledge of the gods From far beyond place and time I hear a whispering wind It tells me to strive on Through the horizon of my thoughts
9. Florence + The Machine - I'm Not Calling You A Liar da2 version (sobs in Solavellan fees)
I'm not calling you a liar Just don't lie to me I'm not calling you a thief Just don't steal from me I'm not calling you a ghost Just stop haunting me And I love you so much I'm gonna let you Kill me
10. Ursine Vulpine-Wicked Game (continues the sobbing)
What a wicked game to play To make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do To let me dream on you What a wicked thing to say You never felt this way What a wicked thing to do To make dream on you!
tagging: @ma-serannas-vhenan @aranislavellan @followingthewolf
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felassan · 3 months
Dragon Age: The Veilguard info compilation Post 5
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
[There are also a series of 'lil snippets' posts where I was just chucking together bits and pieces that I saw at other times: one, two, three, four, five, six]
Post is under a cut due to length.
There is a lot of information coming out right now about DA:TV from many different sources. This post is just an effort to compile as much as I can in one place, in case that helps anyone. Sources for where the information came from have been included. Where I am linking to a social media user’s post, the person is either a dev, a Dragon Age community council member or other person who has had a sneak peek at and/or played the game. nb, this post is more of a ‘info that came out in snippets from articles and social media posts’ collection rather than a ‘regurgitating the information on the official website or writing out what happened in the trailer/gameplay reveal’ post. The post is broken down into headings on various topics. A few points are repeated under multiple headings where relevant. Where I am speculating without a source, I have clearly demarcated this. if you notice any mistakes in this post, please tell me.
For notes in here on community council things in particular, I recommend to listen to the vid directly, it's always better hearing things first-hand ^^
Character Creation
"The diverse body and gender options make it an industry leader by a signifcant margin" [source]
"BioWare was keen to highlight the hair strand technology that looked very similar to that seen in FIFA and EA FC, also made under EA's roof" [source]
"Fine tuning sliders that allowed for microscopic adjustments of nose angles, it was clear that a lot of options exist to get the smallest possible body parts exactly right" [source]
"There's no specific genital customisation to be oversold as CDPR did but, much like Saints Row, there is an option for bulge customisation" [source]
Pronoun choice, gender identity, body type, and voice choice are 4 separate options, not tied together [source]
Height is customised on a slider [source]
Size is customized on a triangle like in Saints Row: the 'points' are fat, slim and muscular [source]
The different lighting options are 4 different settings: clean, bright, dim, sunset [source]
In CC you can also try out what Rook looks like in their starting rags, in typical mid-game armor, and some level 50 gear (class appropriate for each one) [source]
There's a way for you to modify your character's look once the game has started if you want to make some tweaks [source: the official Discord]
You can be any class and choose any backstory/faction, any race, any gender [source]
Story and lore
On meeting Neve in the opening, if Rook chooses to say the positive dialogue option (I think this is the thumbs up one, "You rescued yourself, I see") they say something like, "It looks like you're doing pretty well by yourself huh?" [source]
According to someone who played the game at SGF, the game has a Mass Effect 2 Suicide Mission feel to it [source]
The Shadow Dragons are kind of an anti-Venatori faction, sort of. [source] A freedom force. [source]
The Mourn Watch are kind of like the police for the Grand Necropolis [source]
The Veil Jumpers are kind of like weird magical investigators, weird magical nerds [source]
The moment right after the gameplay video ends is 👀❗❗...? [source]
On the timeskip, the Community Council were told that they were going to make it about the same amount of time in-game as the amount of time that passed in real life from the time most people would have last played DA:I [source]
Rook's faction is also referenced outside of the intro segment of the game [source]
In the gameplay reveal video that we saw, some of the Evanuris statue assets at Solas' ritual site are doubled up in error, i.e. some of them have the wrong heads. This is not supposed to be the case, they are supposed to each have a different head (bear in mind this was an early build and isn't the final build of the game) [source]
Characters, companions, romance
Go [here] to see some DA:TV doodles of the characters that a dev drew this year and last year. :> the hidden doodle is a version of Rook, hidden as they have not yet shown any of the possible hairstyles for Rook outside of the gameplay reveal video. [source]
It is Lucanis who has the purple wings [source]
His name is pronounced "Loo-khan-ess Day-ah-MORT-ey" [source]
Lucanis is hands-down "the sole dumpster fire of the crew". Mary "wrote him specifically to be a bisexual disaster of a human. You're welcome." [source]
As a name 'Rook' is closer to 'Inquisitor' than 'Hawke' [source]
The Community Council highly requested there to be 4 voices for Rook. They kept bringing it up [source] (there are 4 voices for Rook)
The Solas face model has been tweaked "a hundred times" [source]
Gameplay, presentation, performance etc
Rook can jump [source: the official Discord]
Rook can sprint [source: the official Discord]
Warrior gameplay (or at least one build of this) involves doing the right parry timing to lead to a certain attack [source]
Warriors have a dropkick ability, enemies can be dropkicked off cliffs using this [source]
According to someone who played the game at SGF said that the game ran smoothly and didn't have any bugs [source]
Companions can have an ability that heals Rook even when they are not mages [source]
Sword and shield warrior's ranged skill is like, boomeranging their shield over there [source]
In terms of the 'the game isn't open world, it's mission-based' stuff, it could be likened to Trespasser in this regard [source]
The first time the Community Council played, they asked if there is a photomode. BioWare said no, and the Council were like 'aw that really sucks, we really wanted one'. The next time that they went to play it, BioWare introduced them to a dev and said "Okay, we have photo mode, all thanks to this guy". "So there is one particular dev we all need to be kissing the feet of" because he figured out photo mode. [source] [nb, more on the Photo Mode situation here]
The current build of the game is not the final build of the game. A few things are currently being vigorously worked on [source]
Someone who played the game at SGF was told that all of the choices and consequences were in the game, and that basically the team are just polishing things up right now [source]
The number of community members on the Community Council is in the double digits and they are from all walks of life. They don't have any contracts which say that they can only say positive things; they can be as negative as they want about DA media. Not every member of the council has said publicly that they were part of the group, there is nothing mandating them to do so [source]. They have not played the full game [source] and they tested it on consoles [source]. A lot of them ended up liking the gameplay [source]. They played some of the main story but they don't know how it ends. At one point they did three days of playtesting from like 9am-4pm daily. "I liked the quality, I liked what was going on, I was very invested. I did have some worries from the first playtest that were completely resolved in the second". "If you are someone who is into the story, I think we're safe, in the clear, I think we're okay. What I saw, I was really enjoying, I'm really excited about" [source]
The name change also surprised the community council. They aren't keen on the 'the'. There are a lot of things that they said to BioWare which, sometimes things just cannot change as it's too late. [source]
They did not see the finished game trailer before it released, and at that time it might have had a different song in it. They fed back that the version of the trailer that they saw was fine (what they saw was a bit different) [source]
BioWare have data on the percentage of people who used tactical view in DA:I and it's in the single digits [source]
Upkeep of the The Keep is a lot and it goes down like once a month. There have been times when it was down for weeks at a time [source]
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nerd-elf · 3 years
Love & War - Another elven apostate?????
* I’ve decided to post here the first chapter of my fanfic about my OC and Solas, I’ve been posting on AO3 for a while. You can check it here, if you like.
(Warning: Spoilers) A templar alliance made Solas suspicious of Inquisitor Trevelyan. The man treated him decently, certainly influenced by his noble background, though he wasn’t fond of magic or the Fade. Sometimes the elf would talk with Varric and Blackwall, or play an occasional game of Wicked Grace with them, The Iron Bull and even Sera now and then. Yet, the Fade still held the best company, and his plans were going on with no major trouble. Although he resigned himself to stay, the great amount of Chantry forces around always followed by an attentive Cassandra made him apprehensive to even leave his cabin. Nevertheless, one morning, a dailish researcher would change everything.
The sun was rising in the Frost Mountains, and the guards of Haven welcomed some warmth after so many hours freezing during the vigil. Solas, on the other hand, grew accustomed to walking barefoot and in light clothes for so long that he was able to stand comfortably in the wind, appreciating the view of the frozen valley reflecting the colorful sky. He grinned at the vision in the early morning, remembering the nice chat he had with his friends in the Fade during the night.
Cassandra's shouts took him away from his peace however, when he heard her, as ruthless as always, saying “You think I am to believe that another elven apostate, covered with more suspicious theories and gadgets, would care about our cause to study it? Don't you all have a clan or a family to be with?”
He was on the move before he could even realize. He would never accept how ignorance could be so violent. Yet, he kept his voice amused and a sarcastic expression on his face. “Cassandra, may I know what's so thrilling to be already happening at sunrise?” He looked at the Seeker, her face frowned as commonly. Past her, there were 2 templars, one from each side of a retracted person, wrapped in robes and a scuffed cape, shaking with the tension of the situation. The figure had a tall, shiny staff on their back though, deliberately telling they were a mage. He couldn't see their face, but noticed the shape of pointed ears under the hood, trembling with fear, also revealing them to be elven. "Whatever this person is, seems to be scared enough of your entourage to do anything dangerous." He stated.
The Seeker looked at him with suspicion, and he had already regretted his decision. “You said you worked alone, Solas. Now tell me. Another elven apostate appears to me at 6 in the morning, telling me she wants to study the breach, just like you. And almost immediately you come, concerned about her, in the middle of a war between templars and mages, when the breach was clearly created by magic and no one can explain it, except you two. Care to tell me the reason of such a coincidence?”
He didn't know why, although he suspected. Also, another person studying the breach could certainly help the Inquisition, at the same time as presenting a risk to his plans. He didn’t pay much attention to what Cassandra said, since he already knew everything he needed by looking at the leather bag and the mage robes. Instead of giving the Seeker an answer, the elf pushed her, risking being stabbed or restrained, to catch the figure that started falling between the templars. The Seeker was outraged for a moment, placing a hand on her sword but soon stopping herself, realizing the other mage had collapsed.
Solas unwrapped the cape and hood to see a young woman, elven, her face marked in service to Dirthamen. It seemed fitting, since the dailish believed he was the “god” of knowledge. The simple notion of those ideas made Solas want to roll his eyes. She had long white hair, descending in long waves through her body and shining against the sunlight. Her breathing was weak, and her face blushing. “She has a fever.” He spoke. “Probably came walking through the night in the cold, following Haven’s lights in search for a place to stay. Do you really think I'd work with someone that reckless?” He looked at Cassandra and his gaze was grave, concerned, even a little defying. “Humans tend to consider all other races a menace, no matter how stupid that could appear.” He thought.
The warrior snorted. “Alright, bring her in and let us take care of her. But she will be interrogated, due to our fragile status.” The elf felt his good mood sinking with all the drama so soon, and he knew the Inquisitor wouldn't make it better. He was no fond of mages. "You are right" Said Cole, appearing when he felt someone was suffering. “She walked, wandered, wanted. ‘Cold in my legs, cold in my veins, no caves or shelters around. I knew I shouldn't have come to see the breach at night, but during the day there were too many templars. A light. More templars! Everything fades away.’”
Cassandra still didn't understand Cole, so after the shock of his sudden appearance, she instantly barked at him. “Quiet demon! She will be questioned.” The young boy gave Cassandra a piece of paper, suddenly the girl's leather purse was open. “But she doesn't know Solas. She's dailish, a mage. Her song is joyful, but delicate.” Cassandra read part of the girl's research, but still wasn't convinced. “And I will listen to that from her voice. After she wakes up.”
By the time human and spirit finished talking, Solas had entered his cabin with the stranger on his arms and put the girl on his bed, since the nursery was always crowded with victims from so many demon attacks, the Breach was still not closed. Then he gathered clean water, heated with magic, sank a recent washed cloth in the bucket and put it on the girl’s forehead, trying to stabilize her temperature. He also mixed some herbs with water and attempted to make her drink.
He didn't pay too much attention to Cole and Cassandra, his mind flowing with all kinds of thoughts. “Where did she come from? Could she be that stupid? Who did she work for? Could anyone know his identity? Why would she study the Breach? What did she know about it? Could she be useful? Or maybe a threat? Cole said her song was joyful. Part of him knew it was foolish, but hoped he wouldn't feel so alone anymore, since the Inquisitor was taking all the measures he could to make a new Chantry. With so many templars, reverends and the Seeker around...” Cassandra interrupted his wanderings. “Solas, I appreciate your healing abilities. Even so, I'll have to talk to her when she wakes up.” He nodded, still focused on the girl that had stopped shaking for a while.
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planesofduality · 5 years
The Story Behind Solas with Dragon Age Lead Writer Patrick Weekes - Dialogue Wheel (Part 3 of 3)
The final piece of the interview!
Here is Part 1, Part 2
Time: 25:35
One of the most beautiful scenes I think in Dragon Age Inquisition is the scene that you get with Solas if you play as a female elf Inquisitor. Talk a little bit about that choice to have this romance option very, very specific. It’s race- and gender- specific. Why that scene - what that scene meant and a lot of the subtext, because it is a very rich sequence of scenes, not just one. And, I think it’s really one of the most interesting romances in the game.
I love that scene because that scene for me shows how far we’ve gone past - not the make myself irrelevant anymore - but how far we’ve gone with the digital acting. Jonathan Epp the cine-designer for that scene put it together and when you take everything that Gareth David Lloyd - the voice actor - everything he did on his lines. And just putting so much tragedy, and making it clear in every line that he wants to say more than he can. And with Jon Epp the cine-designer, just in the wordless scenes: showing the tragedy, showing the heartbreak, showing how much he does genuinely care against his better judgement, and how he finally forces himself to step away.,
You know how I said when we were talking about the Iron Bull - everything, every major moment we do, is there for a specific type of player fantasy fulfillment. And you know, not all types of fantasies are the happy ones. There’s a reason why The Phantom of the Opera was on Broadway for so many years and it’s not because it has a happy ending.
The Phantom of the Opera isn’t exactly the theme for the romance -  the razor was something closer to almost professor and student in some ways. He definitely comes across as a mentor in some ways. When he finally steps back it is him beating himself up, not you, saying “Wow what I have done here is actually really unfair to you, and you, player, at the time don’t know that I’m beating myself up because I’m actually  1000s of years old and not the person you think I am and it’s disrespectful to you for me to continue this relationship.” So it’s a very moral perspective for our ancient, quasi-evil, trickster god to come with.
Time: 28:41
And it’s amazing because it’s another instance of content that so few players would actually get an opportunity to see. When it comes to making it that specific, I guess, why was that choice made? Because usually a lot of your content - most of the Dragon Age content - it’s very easy to get really rich, wonderful characters right in your face and have those wonderful “eat-em-up” experiences, why for this one was it such a steep price to get in?
You know, I won’t lie, a lot of it came from some of our designers. Some of the women in the design department really, really loving his voice and saying, “You are absolutely fools if you do not make him romance-able in some capacity.” And, really, his story overall is - and, you know, I think we’ve only hinted at that but I think we have hinted at it enough that I can at least say this part of it - his story isn’t a happy one. His story is one, where, if you look at him and Mythal, there is clearly some grief, there is clearly some tragedy. And, adding in the option - even for players who don’t take it - on my end as a writer,  knowing that some players will have this as a star-crossed, forbidden romance, you know, it makes him more sympathetic. It’s important to me as a writer because when you’re writing about someone who, according to Flemeth, is at least somewhat responsible for the bad guy getting the magical item that he used to blow up half a mountain in the prologue, it’s important to have something in there that you can always have, as a writer, look at as your touchstone and go “This is a real person. This is someone who experiences sadness. This is someone who falls in love.” Even if he doesn’t do it with that Inquisitor on that playthrough, this is always someone who can be like that.
Time: 30:58
Where do you see a character like Solas ending up?
(Big sigh) Musical theater.
(laughs) Right when we reach those beautiful moments, Patrick!
I think that it is fantastic that people have emotionally engaged with Solas and I hope we get a chance to explore that in some future content.
Alright and that’s the most that we’re getting right now.
Time: 31:37
Oh, and here’s a little tie in: Here Lies the Abyss, the demon that spoke to Solas - what was all that about, what was that going on?
Oh yes - the demon who speaks perfect Elven!
Yes perfectly to him, and if you remember any of that - did you have anything to do with that?
Yes, Here Lies the Abyss was mine. It was a fun plot. It was a terrifyingly difficult plot, because - I’m not sure how clear this is to players that have one done one playthrough or with one import state - but your key characters throughout the events at Adamant Fortress and then the events of the Fade, it’s a customizable Hawke. Which means it could be a male Hawke or a female Hawke and within that, Hawke from Dragon Age 2 is characterized by one of three different attitudes: friendly, grim, or sarcastic. So, that’s three attitudes times two genders, that’s six different Hawkes and three different possible Grey Wardens: Alistair, Loghain, or Stroud.  So, the process of going through Adamant Fortress and then going through the Fade was a crazy juggling act of trying to keep track of “Okay, now one of these five people, these five Schrodinger’s cat quantum people, will say this line, and then another of these five Schrodinger’s cat quantum people will respond with this line.”
It’s important to remember that as we went through everything in Adamant Fortress and the Fade was taking place in that contest. There was a long period time when we were looking at that really going, “Okay, I just have to hope this actually makes sense when it’s nothing but Alistair and my sarcastic female Hawke.”
But, to actually answer your question. As I recall, the Nightmare, who as a friendly, chipper guy was basically - I do basically two types of villains: I do the villain who thinks he or she is the hero, and is misguided and has opposed goals, and is kind of tragic and tortured in that way. And then I do the mean-girl villain who says snotty high school insults.
That’s it - that’s the gambit.
Well, just about, yes. I’m looking forward to see who writes the villain in the future Dragon Age games - so get ready for either tragic pathos or really, really good high school mean-girl zingers.
As I recall, he was speaking Elven to Solas and if I remember right, he said, “Your pride is responsible for everything that has gone wrong” and I think he said “You will die alone.” And then Solas said something that translates to either “Nothing is known for certain” or “Not necessarily.”
And what does all that mean?
Well I think it’s fascinating that people are emotionally engaged, and I hope we have the chance -
It was a very asked question - it was a question that was asked a lot. Specific to that.
Oh, I’m not surprised, and I hope one day that we can tell you. But, obviously, that demon knows that Solas is hurting and Solas feels guilty about some stuff and really wanted to dig in there, and Solas was shouting back.
Literally just describing what happened (laughs). All right, so something that will clearly be talked about in other games.
TIme: 36:22
Dealing with this particular quest I really think that this was one opportunity to involve the Grey Wardens in a story, and a world, that kind of progressingly, after the first game had less and less of a need to exist - let alone in the world - but in the main characters arc. Talking to David I remember initially there was some idea for this particular mission they would just fall into the hole and be hanging out in the Deep Roads, and having out with the dwarves, so tell us a little bit about this creation.
A lot of the process of writing these large plots, like I talked about the razor, you figure out what the core concept is, you always start with a lot of things, and in most cases what you then end up having to do is cut. And if you’re not someone in the studio, talking about having to cut things sounds like you’re losing awesome content, you’re ruining what would have been clearly the best part of the plot. Inside the studio though, most cases what you’re cutting is the stuff that didn’t actually help tell the story you wanted to tell.
So yes in the original version, in a very early draft, actually this was before I was actually on the plot - this predates me - there was, yes, going into the Deep Roads, and when you fell in instead of ending up in the Fade you ended up down in the dark. And finding out what the Grey Wardens in this version of the story had been involved with the Architect from Dragon Age: Awakening. It was an interesting direction, and it was, I think, a very cool direction, but it did not help tell the story of the Inquisition. It was more a story of “Hey, if we wanted to do more with the Hero of Fereldan, here is an interesting place we could go” and it did not help tell the story of “What is the Inquisition doing?” “What is Corypheus doing?”, “How do these two organizations bounce off each other and who’s caught in the middle?” So trying to come to terms with the Grey Wardens in this game not being the protagonists, not being the group that is in the center of the action but being the group that is caught in the middle of this power struggle was something that led to us having to eventually do the re-jiggering that got us to the plot you saw.
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motheatenscarf · 4 years
DOS2 catchup thoughts, Reaper’s Coast edition because the entirety of that giant map is a fucking blur, mostly good, but my god, I did not have time to stop and talk about every fucking quest or I’d never have gotten through it, it took me like.... an entire weeks as is. But here’s companion stuff that mattered that I have like, emotions about!
I really liked the quest with Sebile and Ifan where you’re going to go kill the leader of the Lone Wolves, that did a lot for unraveling the mystery and I liked that we got to reconnect with that nice blind elf girl from Fort Joy who helped!
Sebile’s backstory gets sadder and sadder the more we get revealed, apparently she’s the single most important elf in the world upon whom all elvenkind relies upon for their survival after Ifan got tricked into delivering the doomsday weapon that annihilaed the elves! 
So... yikes for both of them, her for the identity crisis, and Ifan for the crisis of conscience of realizing what he was tricked into doing by the Divine he pledged his loyalty to. 
Again, I wish the companions were more vocal and would like... talk to each other, because I’d love to hear what Sebile and Ifan had to say to each other about these revelations, but given that you can play AS these characters, maybe you have to play AS Sebile or Ifan to hear their thoughts on the other’s backstories :T
I actually got taken out of it a little bit when Ifan was genuinely surprised that Lucian knowingly unleashed the deathfog on the elves, I figured that was the reason he’d lost his faith, and it made him seem... a lot more naïve than was really believable, but it illustrates the point that he’s loyal and believes the best of those people he pledges his loyalty to, almost like some sort of extremely sociable pack bonding canid, so I guess I get the reason for that.
But re: believable “I fucked up” backstories and feeling REALLY BAD for characters, holy shit, Fane ;__;
I know I already spoil everything, but no seriously, spoilers re: the entire game and p much the entire Divinity series because FUCK, DUDE.
Dialogue with him and his backstory made it pretty easy to figure out that the 7 gods of Rivellon were the 7 advisors he mentioned he gave his research to, but OOF, to find out they took his research and then condemned his entire race to save themselves and remake the world in their own vain image... blows. It’s all his fault, technically, because he stupidly assumed they’d be as devoted to knowledge as he was and not take the power for themselves. He never could have fathomed a.) what horrors lied beyond the veil he discovered (surprise: it was the void), and b.) that the 7 would have turned on their own kind like that.
And now he’s utterly disillusioned and absolutely despairing and doesn’t see the point of anything because his people are all condemned to the Void and I think maybe ARE the Voidwoken?? So they’ve been turned into monsters... and he had a wife and child??????? And he keeps not mentioning them, aside to say that they always came second to his research, and I feel kinda bad continuously reminding him of them in dialogue because it seems kinda like he’s Trying Not To Fucking Think About That so as not to collapse into utter despair, and also because I’m pretty sure that’s gonna bite me in the ass! If I keep reminding him of them, he’ll only be all the more determined to undo his mistake! Which means he will for sure be dead set on becoming Divine!
And I don’t even wanna be Divine, I WANT TO KILL THE GODS, but I haven’t gotten to the point where I can craft the godkiller sword yet >:T
So if it doesn’t let me kill the gods and try to un-break the world, or at the very least let me fucking talk to Fane more, I can see this betrayal coming a mile off. It’s gonna be Solas all over again. 
And that’s fair, tbh, I don’t blame him, but GOD I wish there was more dialogue with him!!! Just the chance to talk to him and show him the world that exists as it is so he can have a chance to have an actual connection in this world. 
The point of RPGs is to make friends and kill gods, and I’m at the point where it’s pretty late in the game and neither seems to be happening and it’s a huge bummer but I’m trynna stay positive. I know for sure how to win Ifan and Sebile’s friendship (killing Alexander and The Master respectively). Here’s hoping Fane’s goals align with mine and he’s down to kill all gods. Cuz if he’s not that’s gonna suck. 
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silvanils · 4 years
Give me a character!! Vilkas, Ulfric, Alistair, and Solas (I tried to think of some you don't have paired with any of your OCs 😂)
GIVE ME A CHARACTER; and I’ll break their ass down:
Vilkas was the hardest one to do this for, LOL! I hope you enjoy my thoughts on these guys, though~
I also made the decision to not include the “unpopular opinions” part simply because I don’t pay enough attention to fandom as a whole to know what counts as “popular” vs. “unpopular.”
How I feel about this character: He’s smart, definitely one of the main strategists of the current set of Companions. He loves his brother more than anything and it shows in a lot of small ways. I wish they had more moments together. I also find it a bit amusing, since Aril romances Farkas, that the first official Companions quest involves having to prove your worth by fighting Vilkas.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I am actually drawing a blank here. Aril honed in on Farkas SO HARD, Vilkas has always just been ‘the other brother.” Hm... I think his romance partner would need to be someone who can put up with his jabs, someone that doesn’t back down, someone witty... but also sweet. I think Vilkas likes sweet, kind gestures in private. Aril is a bit too public about his sweetness and affections for Vilkas. LOL. I realize I avoided the question, though. Maybe one of the other companions, like Ria?
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Vilkas and Farkas, of course! They stick together, no matter what. He also (eventually) opens up to Aril and they get along really well, too.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Mostly just that he had a MORE prominent role. He, Farkas, and Aela should’ve been the “Nightingales” of the Companions, except each of them has different views on the Beast Blood. (I think Vilkas would be the first to want to follow Kodlak’s example, because he’s always questioned the wisdom of using such power. Farkas is neutral about it - happy either way, but he’ll take whatever path his brother does. And Aela won’t budge from her choice to keep it.) 
How I feel about this character: I’ve always thought he was interesting, some of his lines really hit me. There’s a tired, melancholic air around him that I relate to, and... I think he’s caught up in a web he never wanted to be part of. “I fight so that all the fighting I've already done hasn't been for nothing.” Ow.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: ALL? In that case, I’ll admit, Casien’s way up there at this point. I also ship him and Legate Rikke to some degree, I feel like they had SOME kind of history and it MIGHT have been romantic. I don’t think Ulfric falls in love often or easily. (Probably on the grey-asexual spectrum somewhere.)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Galmar, of course! Possibly Ralof, too. They’re all good friends.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Mm... so this kind of falls under stuff I wish were in Skyrim in general, but I wish more stuff about how elves and other races are being treated would come up, especially if you are PLAYING as someone who isn’t a Nord. He should’ve at least had some kind of comment if the Dragonborn who shows up at his door is an elf or Imperial or anything ELSE unexpected.
How I feel about this character: He’s... so... good. I adore him. He’s smart and clever, looks for the bright side, and tries to make everyone else feel better even when he probably needs someone to give him a pep talk, too.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lyanna Cousland, Zevran, Leliana, Morrigan... I also think Dirk Tabris had a one-sided crush on him. I really love Alistair/Warden in general, though. ^-^ (The Leliana and Morrigan ships are a bit conditional, and Zevran... I think is a crush on Alistair’s part, but Zevran knows and teases him because of it. Alistair maybe doesn’t realize it’s a crush until later and he’s like “Oh. I see. Okay. That makes more sense, now.”)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Duncan came to mind first, but... I might actually say Zevran, even though I also listed him in the previous area. They make for an odd pair of friends, but they complement each other well. I also actually adore how much Teagan cares for him and vice-versa. (At least, from what we see of them together in DA2.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He deserves to know the truth about his mom. Tangentially related, I really REALLY wish King Alistair had a bigger role in Inquisition... and he should have been able to interact with Morrigan and Kieran, too, especially if Kieran’s his child. It just seems strange to have put all that in there and then do NOTHING with it.
How I feel about this character: I didn’t expect to like him, but I do. I know I use the word “interesting” a lot but Solas REALLY IS. I’ve always been fascinated by ageless/immortal characters, and myths, and characters that long for a past they can’t go back to...
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Passion, Felassan, Varlas, Ash Lavellan (one-sided, more of a crush)... I like him with Lavellans in general, but I do wish there were more fics and art featuring male Lavellans.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: A non-romanced Inquisitor, I suppose? It seems like out of ALL his friends in the Inquisition, it is the Inquisitor alone that can say “I won’t give up on you” whether they’re together or not. Ash is definitely such an Inquisitor.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish the conversation about vallaslin happened with EVERY Lavellan Inquisitor, regardless of romance or gender, and every Lavellan was given the choice of keeping them or letting Solas take them. It seems like a really important bit of info to ONLY give to a romanced Lavellan.
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