jerzwriter · 7 months
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I treated myself...
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baddawgsports · 2 months
Gotham FC and defender Kristen Edmonds agree to mutually part ways
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sleepanonymous · 11 months
Legend has it if you listen to this soundcheck on repeat it will clear your skin, water your crops, and cure your depression. I hope this heals all of you like it has healed me.
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totaly-obsessed · 7 months
Kelley O’Hara Appreciation
woso appreciation masterlist | with @alotofpockets
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s-e-v-e-n-24 · 1 month
Jersey is the third smallest state. Meaning, Mass and York are both taller then him. In York's case by quite a bit
A concept: Jersey steals both their clothes. Because that is totally normal to do with your rivals
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Their different reactions
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Also: Thinking of changing my Jersey and York designs a bit
NY: Stop stealing my shit >:(
MA: I want my shirt back
NJ: Ok
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alotofpockets · 5 months
Emily Sonnett Appreciation
Request a player | with @totaly-obsessed
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hockeylovee12 · 6 months
Crossing Enemy Lines
Chapter Two
Luke Hughes x Original Character
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Warnings: Cussing
A/N This chapter was updated on 04/11 to replace the photo and then improve the text. The story line remains there's just a few minor adds.
November 11th, 2023
The mid-morning sun filters through the curtains in Luke’s room, casting a gentle glow across his face, as he slowly stirs awake. 
His eyes flutter open and he immediately feels the dull throb of a slight headache. 
With a groan, Luke rolls over and buries his face into the soft pillow. He silently thanks the hockey gods that his coach-even if it was done reluctantly-gave the team the day off, allowing him to nurse his minor hangover in peace. 
Fumbling around on the nightstand, his long fingers finally find his phone. He squints at the screen, taking a moment to adjust to the brightness as he swipes through his notifications. 
A text from his brother Quinn catches his eye: Tough game last night bud. 
Luke sighs, remembering the bitter taste of defeat, his team suffered last night at the hands of their fucking rivals the Rangers. 
He makes a mental note to call Quinn later, and check in on how his game went, knowing the Vancouver Canucks played the reigning cup champs last night, but having no clue how it went. 
The next message is from his mom: Hi sweetie, Dad and I are so excited to see you and Jacky this weekend! How’s everything going? 
A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, as he types out a response to his mom indicating his excitement to see her too, before hitting send and returning to check the rest of his notifications. 
As he scrolls a text from an unknown number appears on his screen: Hey it’s Jordan. I had a great time tonight, let’s do it again :) 
Luke’s heart skips a beat as he reads through the message, and a flutter of excitement courses through his veins. Memories of the previous night flood his mind-the laughter, the easy conversation and the undeniable spark he felt between him and Jordan. His smile widens as he types out the response: I’d like that. 
Just as he hits the send button, the door to his room swings open and Jack strolls in, uninvited of course-a habit Luke has had to become reacquainted with since joining the Devils, and moving in with Jack. 
“What’s got you smiling so early in the morning?” Jack asks, his voice equal parts teasing and curious. 
Luke quickly locks his phone, trying to play it cool “Don’t worry about it,” he mumbles
But Jack, ever the perceptive older brother, narrows his eyes and in one swift motion snatches the phone from Luke’s grasp, ignoring his younger brother’s protests, as he types in his password. 
“Lets see what we have here” he says, a mischievous glint in his eye as he reads the text from Jordan “Ah is this the girl from last night?” 
Luke swiftly stands up and lunges towards Jack trying to grab his phone, but Jack holds him at arm's length. 
“Fine, yes, now give me back my phone” Luke grumbles, his cheeks flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and annoyance. 
“Not so fast,” Jack grins, his eyes still glued to the screen “You like her, don’t you?” 
Luke hesitates, his mind racing. He likes Jordan, he likes Jordan a lot. There’s something about her-about her laugh, about her smile, about her energy, the way she carries herself. As he ponders for a response, his phone beeps, signaling a new message. 
“She’s asking when you’re free” Jack informs him, his eyes scanning the screen. 
“Today?” Jack says, his fingers flying across the keyboard, to type out the very question he said aloud. 
“Wait. Jack don’t-” Luke tries to warn, but it’s too late. Jack hits send, a triumphant grin on his face. 
Luke finally manages to snatch his phone back, his heart pounding as he stares at the screen. 
Three little dots appear, then disappear, and for a moment Luke forgets how to breathe. 
Then, a white bubble pops up, with a single word that sends his pulse racing: Sure.
Jack leans over Luke’s shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips “You’re welcome” he says his tone equal parts smug and supportive. 
Luke playfully shoves Jack away, a genuine smile spreading across his face “Get out” he laughs, guiding his brother towards the door. 
As the door clicks shut behind Jack, Luke leans against it, his eyes fixated on his phone, as his smile widens. 
He quickly types out a message, asking where they should meet, and Jordan’s response comes almost immediately suggesting a cafe in New York City. 
Luke responds: Sounds good. How’s 1pm? 
Jordan replies: Works for me! I’ll send you the address. See you soon. 
With a grin Luke types out Looking forward to it, and sets his phone down, a flutter of anticipation rises in his chest as he thinks about seeing her again. 
He takes a deep breath, then pushes off the door, making his way to the bathroom, to start getting ready. 
Luke’s breath forms a cloud in the crisp New York air as he pushes open the door to the quaint cafe nestled on the corner of a bustling street. 
His heart races with anticipation as he scans the room for Jordan. 
He spots her at a table, her face lighting up with a smile, as she waves him over. 
“Hey” Luke greets her sliding into the seat across from her 
“Hi,” Jordan replies, her eyes sparkling. 
They order their drinks- an ice tea for Luke and a matcha latte for Jordan, before easily falling into a conversation.
“Oh before I forget,” Jordan says, reaching into her bag. She pulls out a well-worn paperback and hands it to Luke. “You asked me to recommend something for you and uh this is one of my all time favorites” She explains
Luke smiles, turning the book over in his hand, and looks at the title The Great Gatsby
“Thank you Jordan, that was really kind” Luke expresses 
“Well, you did promise me you’d actually read it” Jordan teases her eyes twinkling with mirth. 
Luke chuckles setting the book down on the table, “I’ll dive into it as soon as I can”
 They continue chatting, swapping stories and laughing at each other's jokes. They delve into various topics from their favorite movies, to their most embarrassing childhood memories.
"...and then I tripped, face-first into the cake," Jordan recounts, laughing at the memory. "My mom was horrified, but my brother couldn't stop laughing."
Luke chuckles, imagining a young Jordan covered in frosting. "Siblings, they never let you live anything down, do they?"
“Definitely not, do you have siblings?” 
“Ya I uh, I got two older brothers” Luke tells 
“Baby of the family?” Jordan teases. 
“Something like that” He jokes
“Don’t worry I’m the baby of mine too” She says, eliciting a laugh from Luke. 
They continue their conversation, shifting the topic to their favorite places. 
At one point their hands brush against one anothers on the table sending a jolt of electricity through both their bodies. Luke looks up, his eyes meeting Jordan’s, and for a moment the rest of the world fades away. 
They lean in, drawn to each other like magnets. Luke’s heart races as he inches closer, his gaze dropping to Jordan’s lips. 
And just as they're on the brink of sharing what would most likely be a magical kiss, the loud buzzing sound of a notification on Luke’s phone startles them both. 
Instinctively, he turns the phone face up, his brightness fully illuminated, and as he clears the random alert, his lock screen comes into view-a picture of him in his New Jersey Devils uniform, standing proudly on the ice. 
Jordan’s eyes widen as she catches a glimpse of the image, and her heart skips a beat. 
Luke notices her reaction and realizes his mistake. 
"Alright, um, I guess you kinda caught me," he admits sheepishly. "I'm not a student. I, uh, I play in the NHL."
Jordan is silent for a moment, processing this newfound information. Luke laughs nervously, trying to lighten the mood. "You know, most girls think it's pretty cool. Did you have a terrible experience with a hockey player or something? Promise not all of us are the same."
Jordan hesitates before speaking. "You play for the Devils?"
"Yeah," Luke confirms, studying her reaction.
"Don't tell me you hate hockey?" He somewhat jokes, hoping to god and beyond her answer isn't yes cus that's the biggest deal breaker in the world. 
Jordan hesitates, her expression unreadable. "No I um, I don't hate. My, uh, my brother plays," she reveals, her voice soft.
Luke's brows furrowed in confusion. "Oh, cool. In the NHL?"
"Yeah," Jordan sighs.
"Who's your brother?" Luke asks, curiosity getting the better of him.
"Jacob Trouba."
Luke's jaw drops, his eyes widening in shock. "Your brother is Jacob Trouba?!" he exclaims, a hint of anger creeping into his voice.
"Guilty," Jordan half-jokes, trying to diffuse the tension.
Luke runs his hands through his hair, muttering under his breath, "What the fuck."
Jordan bristles at his reaction. "Hey, it doesn't really change anything."
"Are you kidding me?" Luke scoffs, his frustration mounting.
"What?" Jordan challenges, her own irritation rising to the surface.
"Your brother is the captain of the Rangers, and I'm a Devil," Luke points out, as if it should be obvious.
Jordan laughs, but there's an edge to it. "So?"
"So? What do you mean, 'so'?" Luke asks incredulously.
"What does it change?" Jordan counters, her eyes narrowing.
"Wh-what? Everything!" Luke sputters. "Why didn't you mention this?"
Jordan's face hardens. "Are you kidding me? I didn't mention my last name because I had no fucking clue you gave a shit about hockey. In case you forgot, you told me you were a college student. Failed to mention you're actually in the fucking NHL."
Luke tries to defend himself. "Yeah, but that's different. I didn't tell you cus I figured you be some kinda fan girl, which by the way would be a hell of a lot better than you being the sister to the captain of my biggest rival" 
Jordan lets out a harsh laugh, "Rival? Oh My God! Are you serious? Do you hear how ridiculous you sound?" 
"It's not ridiculous" Luke claims
Jordan scoffs "You're right it's not ridiculous, it's just fucking comical" She stands abruptly, grabbing her purse "Grow the fuck up, Luke" 
With that, she turns on her heel and storms out of the cafe, leaving Luke sitting there, stunned. 
The copy of The Great Gatsby still lies on the table, a painful reminder of the moment that had slipped away.
With a heavy sigh, Luke stands, tossing a few bills on the table to cover their drinks and picks up the book, scoffing at the irony of it all, as he walks towards the exit of the cafe, and steps back out onto the bustling streets of New York, a scowl plastered across his face, at the unfortunate turn of events. 
Luke returns to his and Jack’s apartment, his mood sour and his thoughts consumed by the disastrous end to his date with Jordan.
As he enters the living room, he finds Jack sitting on the couch, his phone propped up in front of him. The familiar voice of Quinn filters through the speaker, indicating that they're in the middle of a FaceTime call.
Jack looks up, a smirk playing on his lips. "Hey, Lukey! How'd the date go?"
"Shut up," Luke grumbles, plopping down on the couch beside Jack.
Quinn's voice chimes in, concern evident in his tone. "What's wrong, Luke?"
Luke sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Just didn't go well," he says vaguely, not wanting to delve into the details.
Jack and Quinn exchange a glance through the screen, their brotherly instincts kicking in. "Come on, man," Jack prods gently. "Talk to us."
Luke shakes his head, his gaze fixed on the floor. "It's not gonna work out, that's all."
"Why not?" Quinn asks, his brow furrowed.
"Just... not going to," Luke responds, his tone indicating that he doesn't want to discuss it further.
Jack and Quinn sense Luke's reluctance and decide not to push the matter. "Alright, bud," Quinn says, his voice sympathetic. "I'm sorry, but maybe things will still work out?"
"Not gonna happen" Luke mumbles, anger creeping into his voice. 
Jack leans back on the couch, trying to lighten the mood. "It's probably for the best, come on, man. You don't gotta be hung up on some random girl when we're trying to win a Cup."
Luke nods, forcing a small smile. "Yeah." He stands up, stretching his arms above his head. "I'm gonna go lay down for a bit."
"Okay," Jack says, understanding in his eyes. "We'll be here if you need us."
Luke makes his way to his room, and decides to take a shower, hoping the hot water will help clear his head.
As the steam fills the bathroom, Luke's internal monologue takes over. He knows he doesn't need to be in a relationship, but the idea of having someone by his side isn't entirely unappealing.
His thoughts drift to his past relationships, or lack thereof. It seems like everyone around him has someone - Quinn with his girlfriend, Jack with his rotating roster of dates. But for Luke, finding a genuine connection has always been a struggle.
The last real relationship he had was back at Michigan, and even that ended in heartbreak when he discovered the girl was only using him for his family name. But now, with Jordan, he thought he'd finally found something real, something special and the fucking irony that for once it wasn’t his last name that ruined something, it’s stupid, it’s fucking stupid. 
As he steps out of the shower and changes into comfortable clothes, Luke can't shake the feeling of loneliness that settles in his chest. He lies in bed, scrolling aimlessly through his phone, trying to distract himself from the ache in his heart. 
It doesn’t work, he tosses his phone to the side, staring at the paperback book he threw on his nightstand. 
Suddenly, his phone buzzes with a notification. For a brief, hopeful moment, he thinks it might be Jordan, reaching out to apologize or explain. But instead, it's a message in the Devils' group chat,
Reminder practice tomorrow 9 AM. 
Luke groans, his disappointment palpable as he tosses his phone onto the nightstand and buries his head in his pillow.
A/N Part 3 coming soon
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a-very-tired-jew · 3 months
Not my fiancé threatening the cricket outside our home in the thickest NY/NJ Jewish accent possible.
Some days it's like living with Harley Quinnzel. Fiancé: You better stay outside, motherfucker.
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Statement regarding zionist violence at stolen Palestinian land sales across the U.S.
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thetransitgirl · 1 year
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A project I’ve been working on for several months is now almost finished :)
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maastrichtiana · 6 months
If anyone felt that, the earthquake, that just hit the Northeast US, calm yourself with some citizen science and fill out a Felt Report
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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The accuracy tho. WHERE you live in Jersey REALLY matters.
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baddawgsports · 6 months
The Lewis Morgan and Dante Vanzeir Show at Red Bull Arena
Witnessed history at Red Bull Arena! Lewis Morgan with a remarkable hat trick and assist, alongside Dante Vanzeir making club history with 4 assists in a single match. Dante now joins an elite group as the 8th player in MLS history to achieve this feat!
The weather was awful in Harrison, New Jersey and the pitch at Red Bull Arena struggled but never bent during the heavy rain that fell before and during the match. For the first time I can remember Red Bull Arena had multiple pooling’s of water on the field and the ball was affected dramatically by the waterlogged field. The match was supposed to be a win for Inter Miami, but they failed to beat…
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loulucifer · 1 year
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I think im so funny (+ an extra Quinn one)
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toasttt11 · 6 months
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December 14, 2023
Gemma grabbed all of bags off the airport conveyer belt, she had just landed in Toronto being home for two days.
Gemma originally was suppose to be on a plane right now on the way to Sweden and she wasn’t going to be able to make it to the Blue Jackets at The Leafs game to be able to see Adam playing in the NHL at their home stadium.
Gemma luckily asked her coach if she could come two days later and be able to watch her brother play in the NHL for the first time.
Obviously she got the okay and immediately booked her ticket to come home and she contacted the Blue Jackets media team to keep her ticket that Adam had originally gotten for her and made sure no one knew she was coming to see him play.
Gemma got an uber to her child hood home and carried all of her bags up into her room and luckily for her, her family had already left for the game. Gemma quickly put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue hoodie with Adam’s jersey over and slipped a pair of black converse on.
Gemma called for a cab to take her to the stadium. She paid the fee and walked up to the stadium through the crowds of people, she scanned her ticket and headed to her section and she smiled seeing many people that she knows in the section and saw her parents, Luca and Nick sitting in a row and a seat empty next to her dad.
She walked down the the stairs quietly not catching anyone’s attention and walked into the row her ticket was at, “Is this seat taken?” Gemma softly questioned making her parents and Luca heads all snap up to her.
“Gems!” Her dad happily exclaimed pulling his only daughter in a tight hug.
“Hi Dad.” Gemma giggled and hugged him back before letting go and hugging her mother tightly.
“My Gem.” Her mother happily cooed as she held her youngest in her arms before letting her go to Luca.
“Hi Lu.” Gemma smiled widely at her big brother, Luca smiled shaking his head in disbelief pulling his baby sister into a tight hug.
“I missed you.” Luca whispered into his sister’s ear, truthfully this year was weird for Luca being completely alone without either of his siblings for the first time in his life.
“I missed you too.” Gemma whispered back hugging him tighter.
Luca reluctantly let her go letting her go hug Nick, “Hi Nicky.” Gemma smiled and hugged her past teammate.
“Hi little Fants.” Nick smiled hugging her back.
Gemma stepped back after the hug seeing her parents scoot down a seat so she could sit between Luca and her mom, Gemma smiled softer at them and sat down having her mother immediately hold her hand.
“I thought you were heading to Sweden right now.” Julia softly questioned her daughter, knowing that her husband and her were planning to join their daughter with Luca coming with after Christmas.
“I was but Coach let me come two days later so i could come to the game.” Gemma explained to her family, squeezing her mother’s hand back.
“We’re glad you’re here.” Giuliano smiled softly at his young daughter, Gemma sent him a smile back.
Gemma smiled cheering as she saw Adam get into the ice for warmups, she smiled at her brother when she noticed Adam seeing her and she waved softly to her brother as Adam shook his head in disbelief smiling widely and waving back at his sister.
The Blue Jackets won 6-5.
Adam got dressed after the game and hurried to the section where his family and friends were all at, he smiled as he walked up the stairs in shock seeing so many people that ending up coming to support him.
He hugged both his parents, Luca and Nick and saw Gemma waiting patiently and Adam tackled her into a tight hug.
“Hi.” Adam voice cracked slightly, Adam has been able to see Luca and his parents more than he has seen Gemma and he hasn’t seen her since she went back to school months ago and it was the longest they have gone with out seeing each other.
“Hi.” Gemma whispered out hugging her brother just as tightly back hating that they haven’t seen each other in so long.
They pulled apart and shared a look and they both grabbed one of Luca’s arm pulling him into a hug, the three all let out an identical sighs as they were all reunited again and all together.
Giuliano and Julia shared a soft look enjoying seeing their kids all together again.
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thedevilrisen · 1 month
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Nova Crosby -
Lights flashed throughout UBS arena, music and the horn blaring from the speakers as the islanders emerged from the locker rooms for the third time, with 20 potential minutes left in the so far greuling game against the Flyers.
The score sat at a comfortable 4-1 in New York's favour and that just seemed to anger the Flyers more. Nova had been 'on fire' as Anders told her when they had entered the locker room post-second period, she has two of the goals and the latter was quite messy. It was challenged but the flyers lost it which lead to a NY power-play, and two more goals arose of that.
Nova accredited it Luke being here, he was in a box on the side opposite to the bench and if she squinted she could see him, beaming down at her. Three shifts went by before Nova and her line, launched over the boards, directly into the action. The flyers were coming out hard, pushing into the zone, opening shooting galleries and pummelling Islanders players into the boards and plexi-glass.
Nova narrowly dodged a hearty hip-check from Konecy behind the net in the Flyers end as she made haste to cross the ice, ending her shift. Before she could jump through the gate, onto the bench, the puck slid past her and she was once again off on a chase. Barely having time to look behind her being run into from behind, the wind completely knocked out of her as the stick connected with her ribs.
She landed like a dead weight onto the ice, a colossal shooting pain reverberating up her spine. A ringing in her ears as silence fell upon the normally lively rink. She was only conscious enough to register, teammates crouching next to her and trying to help her.
Whistles blew and shouts sounded out, thunks of gloves and helmets meeting the ice could be felt as Nova laid there on the ice. She thought in the faintest tone of Luke’s of so recognisable voice she heard her name, but that was impossible he was too far away to be there so quickly, and then it all went black.
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