#Nanu always and forever
vintagetvstars · 4 days
Alan Alda Vs. Robin Williams
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Alan Alda - (M*A*S*H) - He is both the saddest wettest little meow meow and your kindly grandfather and your favourite eccentric uncle (mom's side). Somehow it works. Passionate Democrat, feminist, great writer, he and his books are hilarious. Did a cartwheel when he won an Emmy! How he met his wife is the best meet cute of the last two centuries, and they've now been married over 60 years!!!
Robin Williams - (Mork & Mindy) - Mork & Mindy will forever be iconic. Robin Williams is such a gem on this show! Nanu Nanu <3
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Alan Alda:
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he’s just so good in MASH
he put so much bisexuality into hawkeye i think it fundamentally changed me when i was little and watching mash for the first time. anyway do we all know the story about how he met his wife when they were at a party together and they were the only two people eating the cake that fell on the floor and he fell in love with her over her laugh. i just think hes neat :) i love when theres a strange looking man. also feel it necessary to say that the guy that wrote the book mash was based on wrote himself as hawkeye and HATED alda's hawkeye bc he displayed his morals too much (alda had it in his contract for the show that every episode had to have an operating room scene bc otherwise you arent backdropping the fact that war is Not fun. actually. he almost didnt take the role bc he thought a war comedy would make too much light of the horrors)
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please please please use this picture of him, he's so hot in it
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His comedic delivery in MASH...
The story of how he met his wife is charming and sweet, and they've now been married 65 years
Just look at him. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen but also he's completely average. He's got a weak jawlines and a round face and these big soft eyes and he's just so beautiful. He's capable of playing a silly charismatic sitcom protagonist in one scene, and a jaded army surgeon haunted by the deaths he's witnessed in the next. He's so hot that my dad once told me he decided to apply to medical school because of how much he was attracted to Hawkeye Pierce. That's literally how I learned that my father was bisexual.
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He's also just a really great dude? He's been outspoken about his political beliefs for a long time, and has always been strongly and vocally anti-war, pro-feminist, and pro lgbt. He served a tour in the Korean war, and his experiences there informed his performance in the show. He (and honestly the entire cast, but especially him) really just soared above and beyond the standard for comedies of the day.
He's so funny and his eyes are pretty
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He loves and is a champion of science (Source).
Robin Williams:
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leggerefiore · 5 months
Can I request hcs for submas, cyrus nanu and larry where they have to leave for a long time on a trip or something? When they come back they accidently walk in on their s/o snuggling their clothes or putting on their cologne because they missed them so much. 🥺🥺🥺 Thank you if you decide to take this request!!
cw: fluff, comfort(?) kinda
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Cyrus, Larry, Nanu
● The trip had been a surprise for the both of you. Business trips were not common at all. In fact, Ingo struggled to recall a time that they had occurred at all. But, somehow, it happened. An invitation by another battle facility to come learn and observe. A Battle Tower, off in Sinnoh. While part of him had wanted to say no, Emmet clearly was excited to explore the prospect, so it was challenging to deny the trip. That would leave the Battle Subway closed for a while, but the experience simply might improve their battle styles and make them more enjoyable for their patrons. So, the difficult time came to say goodbye to you. The hug was a long one marked alongside a sweet kiss. He promised to return in two weeks, but it truly did almost feel like forever. Your heart hurt to see him go, yet this was his brother and his interest and talent.
● The time spent separated was mostly boring. Nothing really happened around the home, especially since Ingo's and Emmet's pokemon were not around to play into their usual antics. It was quiet. It was routine. You did pop in to check on the station a few times, as Ingo had requested. Calls between you both were frequent, which kept you appeased for the most part. Yet… Loneliness and desperation began to creep into your mind. You missed Ingo. A lot. One of his uniform coats caught your attention one evening. The distant smell of his cologne and coffee… Perhaps a small odour from Garbodor and a sulphur smell from Chandelure. But, all of that made it so distinctly him. Clutching it to your body as you laid down, you could almost convince yourself that it was him.
● It became a new part of your temporary routine to cuddle with the coat when you missed Ingo. Occasionally, you even laid it out beside you on the couch to pretend that you were watching television with him or just sitting around with him. It was definitely a bit odd, but you felt that any form of comfort was better than just staring at your phone waiting for a reply from him. Though, you had lost track of the dates as the day of Ingo's return had come. You were once again holding the coat and sighing at the fading scent. The sound of the door opening barely registered with you. Ingo had entered with his bags, wanting to surprise you a bit. Instead, he caught sight of you clutching his coat to you rightly.
● “Dearest…” he called out, bewildered and flustered. Had you missed him truly that much? Something in him felt distressed about having left you for so long. He knew how jittery he got being away from Emmet for extended periods, but he had not even registered that the same might be true for you. Clearly, it should have been obvious as he had missed you, too. The coat, however, was dropped at the sound of his voice. Suddenly, you were running towards him to bury your face into his nape. The scent you had been relying on for comfort hit you hard. His warmth accompanied it as he caught you and embraced you back. “I'm here,” Ingo reassured you, “I'm here now…”
The image of you cuddling his coat remains a fixture in his mind as he goes through his daily schedule for weeks following. He finds himself entranced that you simply loved him that much.
○ The Subway Boss never had taken a business trip, admittedly. While he had travelled, certainly, the was almost always on his own time and something that you easily join him on. This time, however, it was a request by another battle facility to attempt a learning opportunity by training with other heads. He and Ingo almost felt it impossible to decline. Powerful trainers were their favourite things, after all. Though, mostly Emmet enjoyed winning over anything else. He agreed instantly without realising how it might impact you. Honestly, he was surprised to realise that you could not tag along. At one point, the twin even got a bit huffy over it before ultimately accepting it. His parting from you was filled with tight hugs and many kisses. Ingo probably had to pull him from you because he was simply being so clingy. You could only wave goodbye to the twin as he was pulled towards their beloathed airport to travel to another region.
○ Your time spent separated from Emmet was quite dull. Usually, the younger twin would fill your days with his silly antics or have you around the station with him. Loneliness was not exactly an issue with all the friends that he had left behind, but they understood your plight quite well. Your train man was missed dearly. His cute smile as he greeted you in the morning, all his affections that he just endlessly presented you with, and how he seemed ready to keep you involved in everything. It was little wonder you picked up his work coat and buried your face into it. Something sugary lingered in the scent mixed in with something like ozone and light spritz of cologne. The Joltiks seemed to surround you as you cuddled with the coat. It was enough to appease you for now.
○ The coat was something you found yourself coming back to in the following days. It was a simple comfort that reminded you of your sweet Emmy. If you were not cuddling with the coat, the Joltiks seems to take residence in it as well. They missed him just as much as you did, it appeared. Sleeping with it at night almost drew a similar feeling to Emmet cuddled up beside you or having it near made you feel as though he were. It was a better way to manage your feelings rather than hanging out by the phone waiting for any sign of life from your boyfriend. Slowly, however, you did lose track of time as the day of his return had come at long last. He threw open the door happily, ready to snatch you into a hug and be near you for a long while. Instead, he found you napping on his coat on the couch.
○ Emmet stared at your adorable sleeping face for a moment before gently waking you up. “Darling… I am back,” he cooed when you opened your bleary eyes. You rubbed them and yawned. Then suddenly jolted at the sight of him. He giggled when you wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his nape. It was only natural to embrace you back. The coat entered his mind. Had you missed him that much? His heart hurt. Oh, his poor darling! You laughed at how his kisses tickled you. “You must have been verrrry lonely,” he spoke softly, “I am sorry! I am back!” The coat was forgotten as your real Emmet gave you all the affection you could ever want.
You cuddling with his coat stayed on his mind for a long while. The both of you had done many things with his coat, but somehow that was his favourite. You were simply too cute for him at times.
☄️ Business trips were not necessarily uncommon for Cyrus. He had a few sporadically throughout the year to meet with various business partners and discuss shared projects and other deals. Those tended only to be a few days at most, usually. However, a rare trip came up related to a foreign business partner wishing to discuss a possible device more in depth and have him work on development in house rather than on his own in Sinnoh. Cyrus typically would have declined such a request, hating being at the behest of others, yet he accepted. A possibility of gaining information for his more secretive project was simply too much to pass on. Unfortunately, that would mean you would be unable to join him. Your obvious upset over this was haunting as he attempted to say goodbye. You clung to him and asked why you could not come again. He awkwardly had to shake you off and give a lame explanation.
☄️ Truthfully, Cyrus being away on a business trip was not that different from your usual day to day with him. He was always busy and often did not return home until much too late at night. But, the few days he did arrive back at a reasonable hour kept you from feeling to unloved. Now, however, there was not a chance of that occurring. Phone calls were rare, as he was so busy. They did happen at least every three days, but loneliness truly began to eat away at you. Moments where you would wake up late at night to see the blue-haired man in bed with you did not happen any more either. It was little wonder that you found his tablet in his office and began to cling to it. The device almost felt like a small piece of him. When you thought of him at home, you thought of him and the device in his hand.
☄️ It was a strange comfort, certainly. The days were passed by with the tablet near you. The lock screen was his company's emblem, but you could pretend it was Cyrus in a way. Talking to it unconsciously as you might the man himself, you seemed to find small peace. It was something to let you pretend he was around. You even found yourself holding it to you in bed. Time began to pass as you unconsciously lost track of the days. The day of Cyrus's return had come finally, and he unlocked the door of your apartment entirely ready to rest after the mess of endless work and flight back to Sinnoh. Instead, he heard you talking to someone when he entered. Soft, tender, and loving words were spoken as his heart seemed to freeze. He stepped in quietly, needing to see whatever was happening with his own eyes. The sight he was greeted with was more bizarre.
☄️ You held his tablet in your hands while sitting on the couch and watching television. No one else was around. Then he heard you call the tablet his name. “… Beloved?” he finally called out to you, filled with a rare worry. Your eyes went big as the tablet was quickly abandoned. Rushing over to him, you linked your arms around him tightly and babbled out his name over and over again. He let his hand come to comb your hair with his fingers. Your hold was inescapable. How much had you missed him? You even had started speaking to his tablet like it was him, apparently. Cyrus grasped your chin to have you make eye contact with him. He had neglected your needs again. “I'm here now. We should… spend time together. It has been far too long.” Your embrace grew even tighter somehow.
The image of you clinging to his tablet and speaking to it as if it were him taunts him as he holds the very device. It was his fault that you had ended up in such a state, and he entirely intended to stop that from reoccurring.
🍙 Business trips were a common occurrence with Larry. He was an overworked salaryman, after all. Geeta him sent him all over and seemed to intend to keep him busy no matter what. You usually did not accompany on his trips, but they were usually only a few days or just a day trip. This, however, was rare for both him and you. Nearly two weeks out for negotiations with a far off pokemon league. He was not going to decline, even if he clearly viewed it as too much of a hassle. The salaryman had apologised a few times to you. It was unfortunately just part of life for him. His goodbye was a quick peck to your cheek and hug. He politely bid farewell before disappearing onto a plane.
🍙 Truthfully, the days were not so different with Larry gone. He was often away for long hours, being pulled back and forth by his duties as both an Elite Four member and Gym Leader. But, evenings were frequently spent with the man. Sometimes you would nap with him before dinner or cuddle up with him while watching a some random show. That was not happening now. You found yourself oddly lonely when the sun began to set and looking for anything that would remind you of the man. His cologne was an unexpected find. The familiar smell seemed to ease the burden of loneliness almost instantly.
🍙 It became a common thing to spritz on some of the cologne when you began to feel lonely during the later parts of the days. The small change really did alleviate a lot of your previous upset. A simple sniff of your shirt could take you back to using Larry's chest as a pillow. Then, you could almost feel his lazy hold around your waist. It was far too comforting. The days began to pass unconsciously until Larry's arrival back finally came. He walked into your shared home to smell of you cooking something. His shoes were quickly taken off and his bags temporarily dropped and forgotten. Arms came behind you from behind as you stirred around a frying pan. Larry's head rested on your shoulder. An oddly familiar scent, however, entered his nostrils now.
🍙 He was still for a few moments while you greeted him. The food was put back to cool while you hugged him properly. Larry's mind was solely on that smell, however. “… Is that my cologne?” he finally asked, thinking he figured it out. You grew flustered by his words. He blinked. That was it? The scent was not a bad one, he supposed, but he did not really think it was your taste. Before he could offer to buy you a bottle, you explained how you had been using it. His heart raced for a moment. That was… oddly sweet. He felt bad for making you feel that way, though. “I'm here now,” Larry reassured you, “… I doubt I'll be sent off like that again for a while.” He might actually complain to Geeta about it, seeing as you had been hurt by the length of time he had spent away.
Something about you wearing his cologne stays on his mind for a while. It oddly made him feel a rare kind of smug. His scent had been on you and brought you comfort.
🌑 The old man was retired, so there was absolutely no reason for him to be going anywhere for an extended amount of time. That, and his duties as a Kahuna kept him bound to Ula'Ula and Alola until he dropped dead. Though, apparently Looker had gone through far too much effort to get the old man on a mission that was too much work for him alone. Even if he wanted to decline on behalf of his duties, the agent had already asked the Tapu if he could leave for a period of time. It had been agreed to. He was truly amazed. His intention had still been to say no, yet Looker convinced him it was of utmost importance. Nanu finally grumbled and agreed. His goodbye was a short one, clearly not one for getting overly emotional. A simple kiss to your lips and a warm hug before he messed up your hair. He promised that he would try to be back earlier if he could.
🌑 It was strange being in the Po town police station without him. His Meowths looked at you as if you were crazy while you cared for them and slept alone on Nanu's couch-bed situation. His computer was free use for you, but you felt lonely. Sure, the Meowth cuddled and demanded attention, but you missed napping on the Kahuna. His gentle heartbeat echoing in your ears while you nodded off. Now, you were left to sporadic eerie rains and meows. Picking up one of his discarded uniform jackets, you slipped it on and sighed. A distant smell of smoke and coffee came from it and made you feel almost like Nanu himself was embracing you. The comfort was immense enough for you to nap easily in the clothing piece.
🌑 The jacket became a staple in your attire as you hung around the station. It almost made you feel as if Nanu were there with you. Of course, he was clearly not, or the Meowth would not be crying as they were for your attention, but it was something small to give you relief. You had even found yourself laying it across the pillow when you slept to help feel like you were cuddling the old man. The days seemed to pass on without recognition until a certain day arrived. Nanu opened the door of the station, relieved to have actually finished that mission early. He tensed up at the sight of you watching something on his computer while bundled up in one of his spare jackets. His hand came to scratch the back of his head.
🌑 “I'm back,” he announced as he tried to avoid the horde of Meowth at his feet. Your attention left the screen. Then, you rushed over and nearly tackled him. Nanu caught you with unexpected strength and sighed. You clung to him tightly. Your face was buried into the nape of his neck. He rubbed your back and shook his head. Had you really missed a dreg like him this much? You must have been wearing that jacket as a comfort. Now he felt bad. “... Sorry for taking so long, Looker was making some annoying mistakes,” he sighed and brought his red eyes to meet your own, “You good for a nap?” They only sparkled in reply.
The image of you wearing his jacket became a favourite one. It actually suited you quite well, he felt. Or maybe he was taking a note from his Meowths' books about scenting.
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Mhm mhm *throws kink HCS at you*
🔞 MDNI as usual because I'm a menace
For Boss Emmet Boss Ingo separately (maybe next I could do Officer Nanu and Gym Leader Kabu. Gilf Edition)
Warning! This is horny and also long. TW: Overstim, Kink themes. Not complete by any means but some I could imagine them enjoying.
Boss Emmet
Daddy/Master Kink. I know it. You know it. He knows it. The first time you let either slip out of your mouth it's over.
Cock-warming, though it surprises him as much as you. You both discover it when you jokingly wish you could just hang out with his cock in you and... Yeah. Tease him too much and it might turn into something else, though.
He loves manhandling and being stronger than his S/O. He enjoys pinning you down, wrestling for control, and just holding you up in general. You're whimpers are just so cute when he fucks you against the wall!
Overstimulation/Begging/Desperation for sure. He's not sure why, but something about the way you squirm away when he's nailing you too much, too deep! makes him absolutely feral.
He hates when you're sad, but the way you cry when he's pressed behind your prone form and just slamming his fat cock into your hole as you're forced to cum around him for the fourth time? He's addicted.
He's the same in reverse, however. He would love it just as much if his partner wanted to top him in the same ways. Tell him no, that he has to watch you without touching or even just manhandle him into a good position and watch him nearly weep from desperation to fuck you.
Also he would love to be your horny puppy mistress.
Dirty talk and says the nastiest shit. Would corner you in the subway and put his hand between your legs and just let loose, waiting until you were practically grinding into his hand to walk away with a wide smile and tip of his hat. His lack of intonation just makes it sound so casual, the jerk!
Praise kink. Call him your good boy, all yours, or "my Emmet" and he's yours forever. Tell him you love him and he crumbles. Will immediately turn rough Emmet into soft Emmet because he really is soft inside. He's also just addicted to you.
Boss Ingo
Him and Emmet really share most of kinks, but like certain things a little more than the other.
Ingo likes free use, for example. Only at home and only if it's you, but something about you just pushing him down on the couch and taking your pleasure from him without a care makes him a desperate flushed mess. Knowing he's always at your service drives him wild. (Emmet likes the idea but is not nearly patient enough for this) Cock-warming ties into this for him. It's so casually intimate that it makes him blush.
Praise kink like Emmet, but if you praise him during sex he will fuck you even harder. Will talk endlessly about how he loves you, how good you feel, how perfect you are. He could probably get off untouched from praise alone. He moans like a whore and will apologize, but if you praise him for it it will help his confidence.
Breeding kink. Emmet shares this one a bit, but Ingo loses his mind at the idea of marking you up inside, filling you in a way only he can, and claiming you as his. It's less about making a family with you (although that excites him, too) but more about the little possessive joy it brings him to know you're his in that way. The cum kink is a bonus. He finds it dirty, so if you desire it you have to assure him you're okay with it.
If you gently dom and dote on him he will never be able to recover. Take your time to get comfortable together, tell him what a good boy he is while jacking him off and teasing him ever-so-much will have him putty in your hands. Soft loving sex really is the way he prefers it.
That said... He loves having sex in the office or on the train. He has a slight voyeur streak but would never want to share your beautiful body with anyone else in such a way. He won't do anything with other people around like Emmet might but he would fuck you against his the office window.
Absolutely debilitating domesticity kink. Wants to be your man so, so, so bad. Happy Malewife.
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jadeazora · 10 months
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Here are my favorite Gym Leaders (and Nanu) to counterbalance my least favorite Gym Leaders!
Kinda debating whether I should have gone with Koga or Sabrina since he does become an E4 member a generation later, but decided to go with him since that came later. Genuinely tough call between those two, but Koga's design and personality just always appealed to me a little more. (Sabrina did scare the crap out of me as a little kid tho in her anime debut.)
Morty has probably had one of my favorite glow-ups in the series. I always wanted to cosplay him, but our only con is in August and I would probably die of heat stroke. 😅
Probably a weird pick, but I always liked how jovial Wattson was. (Tho there is a bit of a facade there, from what I recall he had a bit of a shady past in ORAS with the New Mauville project. That makes him pretty interesting imo.)
Volkner is such a goddamn menace that Lear probably wants to literally strangle half the time, but I love seeing more of that side of him on Pasio! (There's also him being friends with Flint, and having a fun dynamic with him.)
I will forever remember Brycen just throwing hands with Team Plasma in Generations, completely forgoing having an actual Pokemon battle with them. Instant favorite. Kick their asses!
I really always loved Valerie's elegant design, but her personality and wanting to actually be a Pokemon is a lot of fun too.
I would consider the Kahunas a Gym Leader equivalent too, probably just not counting Hala since he's an E4 member too within that Generation, but Nanu is just cool from looking after Acerola, to being a UB hunter within the International Police alongside Looker in his backstory, to getting one of the most morbidly funny lines in a Pokémon game when he meets the protagonist, to kinda being the first dark-type Gym Leader, I just love the dude and he's my favorite Alolan character! I was so happy when they gave him a supporting role in the postgame of SM.
Our first true Dark-type Gym Leader, Piers is definitely my favorite Galar character overall alongside Raihan, and it was a tough call between them, but I really liked how they gave Piers an extended role in the postgame where he was more actively helping the player deal with the Royal Pain in the Ass brothers, so he was who I went with. It's also adorable how he dotes on/frets over Marnie.
Larry is also an E4 member, so I'll probably do one of these and feature him for my favorite of the Paldea E4 (tough call between him, Rika, and Hassel tho), so Ryme is runner-up. Her battle was just a lot of fun with the crowd hyping you up. She had a cool personality too, I really enjoyed her a lot as a character. They never miss with Ghost users.
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rainyraisin · 4 months
Get art dumped
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Human Ret Donnie redesign!!! When I draw a coloured ref he’ll wear his overalls but I felt like drawing long sleeves whsjhdkshdkv- I actually designed him a while ago, in my art gcse sketchbook, but I’m not allowed to post those or I could get disqualified so I drew him again 💥💥💥
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Another Bloodsoaked Contract design! I have a lot more I’ve done but they’re either on post it notes or I legit can’t share them for spoiler reasons so you’ll have to make do with this silly for now- She’s the first member of Team TEO I’ve designed (I did have a old TEO design on here but she got scrapped 😞💔 RIP lolita lady you were cool but very NPC core). Might redesign her suit a bit eventually.
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@cyaneaxo ‘S TURTLESONA WAHHHHH MATRIX MOMENT MATRIX MOMENT!!! The coolest ever fr fr!! Just a goober just a silly!!! It was so goofy looking at all my desaturated pieces compared to her whjshdjwhd- I love Matrix so much y’all their design is so goshdarn cool 😭😭💖💖💖 FOLLOW CYA RN BECAUSE THEY ATE AND ALWAYS DO‼️‼️🗣️🗣️💯💯💥💥‼️‼️
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MORE CYA ART!!! THIS TIME OF FP!LEO HE IS GEN SO SO COOL I HAVE BEEN BRAINING OVER HIM FOREVER AHHHHHH!!! FP LEO FANS RISE UP‼️‼️🗣️🗣️💯💥💥💥‼️‼️ I need to draw him more his design is so freaking awesome Cya cooked so hard when it came to the FP sillies 🥺🥺💖💖💖
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NANU INCORRECT QUOTES!!! Specifically from MCAT 😈😈💥💥‼️‼️ Spinning them around in my silly little brain Nature Vs Nurture duo my beloved…
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NANU PART 2!!! A very quick doodle whqjdhwkdh I wasn’t gonna post it but gotta share Nanu content with the world 😈😈💥💥‼️‼️‼️
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Also uh first attempt at drawing Shadow The Hedgehog (he is sm easier to draw than Sonic it is insane 😭😭😭)
Maybe I’ll do a post it note doodle art dump at some point because I am literally drowning in post it notes it is insane
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metrova · 7 months
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Rant about this battle (pokemon anime SM ep76) aka me ranting about an anime protag's plot armor
(uhh i swear so be warned ig, also flashy gifs)
It just pisses me off man. Mimikyu was supposed to win, and I'm not only saying that because it's my favorite pokemon. I'm saying Ash and Pikachu's plot armor here was outrageous to me. (because mimikyu is my favorite pokemon and im pissed it lost :( )
Basically, I think Nanu lead TR over to the abandoned megamart and then Ash so that he could have his trial with them if I remember correctly idk. So, the battle starts, and Pikachu immediately has the shit beaten out of him for minutes on end.
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The battle goes on, and Pikachu obviously gets more and more tired out (I'm pretty sure he was weakened or something in this episode too because he couldn't use electro ball for some reason), so eventually team rocket decides to use let's snuggle forever to finish Pikachu off.
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This honestly got me so hyped because I was (pretty obviously) rooting for Mimikyu through the whole thing. But, when Mimikyu reveals what it "did"...
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ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Not only was he too weak and tired to even use a move, but he was too weak and tired to even TRY to defend against a Z-MOVE. Not only that, but the fucking rat also somehow got basically all his energy back just enough for Ash to use his Z-move, which insta-KOs Mimikyu.
I probably wouldn't as salty as I am if it was done in a different way and not just plot armor, but this is just... Awful. I know it's an anime and the writers always favor the protag and all, but come on!! Just because TR are the bad guys doesn't mean they have to lose!! Ash and Pikachu absolutely deserved to lose that battle imo, or at least should've been handled in an actual logical way.
Not only that, but the idiot also later proceeds to challenge Hapu, the ground-type kahuna, with only pikachu... Her giant ground-type pokemon should've stomped that rat dead! That battle was some Brock's Onix type of bs
Thank u for listening to me being salty over my favorite pokemon losing a battle
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anonprotagging · 1 year
no, you know what it is?? it's that thing where everything feels hollow if an ending is too easy.
that the characters who have been upset and fighting and struggling and you relate to -- just don't have to deal with any aftermath and everything's just suddenly okay now! :)
the reason I liked the ending of sun and moon so much is because it's not easy. lusamine is still hurt from nihilego and she needs treatment. guzma has finally felt fear once and makes the (bad) decision to disband his team, but he's struggling to do good. plumeria's back in the trailer park, but she still loves the team.
lillie had spent the whole game fighting to be her own person, and now she is -- but it certainly wasn't easy and she's still dealing with the effects of her mom's abuse on her family. looker and nanu are traumatized and the UB mission doesn't fix that -- it just helps them take the first step to healing.
unova did this equally well. things are bad after the end of the game. the sages are still loose, ghetsis got away, N has left. you have to do what you can to help a region that has been changed forever -- and then in B2W2 you have to do it again, because there was aftermath!
it bothered me in swsh when leon was injured but did the championship battle like everything is just fine now don't worry!! and don't worry about rose, he just got ~arrested.~ the region didn't even really have a scar on it.
it bothered me in SV when arven's parent was revealed to be dead!! literally dead!!! kaput!!! gone!!! RIP in pieces!!! and they just. glossed over it. he's okay now let's just have fun :)
and I'm still pissed off about the alola villain arc, yeah, but I could have put that aside if the end of the villain arc as a whole weren't so "don't worry so much :) the region is safe we're just having a fun battle now :) heehee :)"
they show giovanni planning his next scheme, but they literally always do that. he will always do that. they don't show ANY of the aftermath for anyone else. is red okay??? is blue okay???? leaf???? looker's croagunk???? professor oak????? how are archie and maxie doing??? have the other villain teams' alliances dissolved now that the threat is gone??????? are team skull and team yell going to hang out now?????? what is happening????????? why does everything have to be focused on paulo, paulo, paulo, oh and tina and the PC are there too???????? wasn't the whole point of this to show everyone working together?????????
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Hello, Nico! I hope you had a safe trip home! I’ve always been curious, but how did you get into Dark-type care?
hey Beau! thanks again for all your help Squire's been getting along great with Ban and he can't wait to meet the rest of my guys (he's nervous but Ban's been helping him a lot)
as for how I got into dark type care! it's a bit of a long story but i'm always happy to talk about it!
for those that dont wanna read the long ass story, tldr; i came across a half frozen absol on mt lanakila and i had no idea on how to care for him. i got him unfrozen but he Did Not trust me. my houndoom got him to at least have faith that i wouldnt harm him and got him off the mountain. nanu was called by the pokemon center and i thought he was the coolest person id ever seen and i begged asked him to teach me what he knew. he did and i brought that back to Johto when i moved and now im using it to teach others through Moonlight Rescue!
when I was little dark type pokemon had just about been discovered and there... wasn't really a whole lot of discussion on how to care for them.
i had lived in Johto for a little bit before my family moved to Alola. i had my starter Astro (a cyndaquil) and i grew up there, eventually getting to partake in the island challenge and it was up until i caught Temis (houndour). I knew how to take care of fire types between Astro and Ban but when it came to Temis it was just... harder.
i wasn't doing things that i could've easily been doing to help provide her needs but i literally couldn't because the research wasn't as wildly available because she was half dark type. i couldn't even really rely on the pokedex for a lot of it (burned by a houndoom and itll hurt forever get out of here, it hurts for a while but certainly not forever like any other burn)
things thankfully went well and it wasn't actually until i was a lot older and came across an injured absol up on Mount Lanakila. Astro (now a typhlosion) took him to a cave we found and took shelter and he was half frozen. thankfully my fire types helped warm him up but he was rightfully wary about me, nothing i did could help him and i felt... helpless. i had a typhlosion, a salandit and a houndoom but he would not come near me in the small cave. he didn't eat, didn't sleep, wouldn't take his eyes off me.
through Temis i got him to at least have some faith that I wouldn't hurt him and that i just wanted get him off this freezing mountain. i took him to Tapu Village and the pokemon center there got him stabilized with... a lot of difficulty.
they called the kahuna, Nanu, and he knew exactly what to do to help the absol relax, got him comfortable and just did everything I couldn't do.
im not gonna lie, i still think that was the coolest shit id ever seen and, well after a lot of persistent asking, Nanu taught me what he knew about caring for dark type pokemon. i retired from being a trainer and, eventually, moved back to Johto (which unfortunately was still a little behind the times in terms of dark type care)
i opened up Moonlight Shadows and im hoping that through it, not only can i care for dark types but also teach younger trainers (or older) how to care for them properly.
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sleepypsyducks · 2 years
Kabu and Sweetheart the Espurr
Since Kabu is known as a fire type trainer, everyone expects him to have a house full of fire types. That is mostly true.
However, there are two exceptions.
Sweetheart, a shiny Espurr, is the keeper of the house. She's abnormally small for an Espurr but commands the house and it's residents with ease. She isn't allowed to train with Kabu and his Pokémon because he's afraid she'll get hurt so instead she sits on the porch and cheers them on with a little fire type flag and her fire type outfit (fireproof of course). During matches, she sits in a private box that only Kabu has access to and cheers for them while holding a small little camera to the glass for two men on the other end to watch the battle.
Unbeknownst to Kabu, Sweetheart has a strong psychic bond with Mewtwo, whom she sees as her older brother. Sweetheart was found by Giovanni and Mewtwo during a rainstorm one day and after watching the Espurr fight with all her might to stand up and fight him to get away, Mewtwo carried her back to Giovanni's home and they healed her. (Mewtwo is very protective of Sweetheart.) Through a little bit of convincing, and help from Nanu, they were able to make it so that Sweetheart ended up in Kabu's care.
Nanu and Giovanni "know about Sweetheart" (they don't tell Kabu until much later that they somewhat set up their encounter) and spoiler her rotten because she's the baby. Kabu tries to keep them at bay but Nanu tends to go overboard and Giovanni is even worse. The first present Nanu ever gets Sweetheart is a tiny shirt that says "Meowths are my favorite" and Kabu glares at the shirt for hours but spams the group chat he really never talks in with dozens of photos of Sweetheart. (There's a Team Rocket shirt that Giovanni sends as well that Sweetheart will often sleep in because it's big and baggy and she can curl up in it.) Giovanni tends to get the best Pokémon treats and food money can buy for Sweetheart and is the worry wort constantly sending Kabu demands for updates. He sends article after article to Kabu about what to look out for in regards to her health and her abilities. Kabu just sighs and reads the articles out loud as bedtime stories. Nanu on the other hands sends a lot of random advice about keeping his house clean as well as often requests video chats so the Meowths in his care can see her. Kabu always make sure she's wearing her fire type gear when those calls happen.
Sweetheart can and will fight other Pokémon who try to be mean to her family, especially if they try to be mean to Centiskorch. More often than not Centiskorch has to pick up Sweetheart by her shirt of the day and carry her back to the house because she can and will throw hands.
Sweetheart's most prized possession is her everstone that she made Kabu get her. She cried and cried until he figured out what she wanted. She always carries it in her little backpack that has a teeny tiny little R sewn on the front. Along with the everstone there is an old folded up photo of three young men.
The other exception is Clotho, Kabu's Galarian Meowth that rarely leaves the house. Terrified of people and other Pokémon, Clotho tends to hide under Kabu's bed. Sweetheart is incredibly protective of him. When Kabu has nightmares of the past, Clotho often will curl up next to him and purr until Kabu's nightmare cease. While Clotho would prefer to hide forever, he is meticulous about his appearance and will follow Kabu around the house with a hairbrush. (Sweetheart is also known to tie little bows in his fur.)
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pindl3 · 3 years
Currently headed to my death (/j) so I'm trying to calm down searching floweys, and I got reminded of you so I bring you the best ones I found :D
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My favourite is the blu one but the others look really nice :D
(also dont worry I'm not dying I just have dentist in 10 and my teeth are shit so yeah-)
Flowers!! :DDDDD and good luck with the dentist! I know it sucks, I fuckin hate the dentist
Time is only passing tho and at some point it'll be over and done with^-^
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caparrucia · 2 years
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
I'm working on a one-shot (shhh, we're gonna pretend it's a one-shot, no matter how long it gets) about a no war AU, where Mors did something to put an end to the war, but no one quite knows what. And then one day Nyx does a Katara and starts showing signs of magic, which makes everyone remember the fact Mors was in Galahd for like... a while, when he did that thing he never told anyone about, that ended the war and the scourge and everything.
And so everyone assumes Nyx is Mors' bastard - how else would he have magic at all? It's obvious! - and he gets voluntold he's going to Insomnia to meet Regis, who is always and forever spiritually exhausted by his father's bullshit so he's taking the idea of a brother with a sigh and a cosmic-wide why not? That's something my dad would do.
Nyx's mom is not alive to comment on this, so off go Nyx and Selena, headed to Insomnia, to meet the King and get some help on the whole please stop setting our goddamn forest on fire with your fire magic bullshit thing.
And then Nyx meets Cor, and of course shenanigans abound.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
From the goddamn Nanu fic that will just not fucking end:
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missingstarter · 2 years
(i don't want to switch accounts forgive me but) the three diamonds meme for red @truebeginnings? 👀 and nanu @ecliidse if you wish, even if they haven't interacted almost at all. 🤔 [ three thoughts ; CLOSED ]
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“Nanu... I can’t tell.
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I remember... someone? From my childhood, who walked around the base, when I was a little. I’m pretty sure that was his name, but it was a long time ago. As for Red-”
He takes a moment. Breathes. It’s... always conflicting, talking about him.
“...he’s a strong trainer.  Brave, ready to do anything for Kanto. It’s... impressive, of course, but-”
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“... ...nevermind. It’s- nothing.”
But maybe he would appreciate him much more, if he didn’t single-handedly changed his life forever. For the better, of course. Kind of. But it did change from a day to another, all of a sudden... and that makes things much more confusing.
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roskii · 2 years
Bro lemme hear abt them Pokemon OCs 👀
Of course!
First we got Haru from Hisui (originally born in Kanto, lavender town) he's a bandit who eventually befriends Akari and Laventon, becoming a professor assistant. He's very blunt, invasive but he's very loyal once he comes to trust you. Haru was orphaned at 5, saved by Mew and a hisuian typhlosion. Haru's oppression to find Mew is something that's passed down to his descendants.
Kira is from Kanto (Haru's descendant) she's a former Rocket executive and is the mother of Silver. Her father is the one who created Mewtwo, and after mewtwo kills the scientist..mewtwo spares her and Giovanni's mom takes Kira into Rocket. She's steals a Charmander from professor Oak at 24 and meets Liam (a Pokemon ranger) and falls for him (despite..also being in love with Giovanni) eventually she sides with Liam and leaves to live with him in Unova, having a child with him (they tho.. divorce years later) she's also friends with Maxie and Archie (in my au they worked under team rocket and she was their boss)
Liam in present day is a retired Pokemon ranger that helps out looker or nanu with investigations into team Plasma. Liam is a protective father who will do anything to keep his family safe from ghetsis and other shitheads. Tho Liam has very bad PTSD due to the events of black and white/b2&W2
Amber is a young woman during b2/W2 and was traveling with her brother Casey to keep him safe from team Plasma. She's also friends with Liam's child since childhood! She's very shy and soft spoken, despite being in a punk band.. her journey is a sad one, losing Casey to Kyurem.. in present day, she's a Pokemon therapist, helping human and pokemon get on the path of recovery. Many villians and trainers are under her care.
Beau is Kira and Liam's only child, and was raised pretty normal life, tho he was held back to do his pokemon journey due to Team plasma.. after the events of b2/W2 beau was depressed and Liam and Kira worked with Professor Sycamore to get a sponsorship for Beau to start his Journey..in Kalos. Beau wasn't thrilled caring for the kids Sycamore had him travel with..so he always split from them but found a friend in Lysandre. With their negative world views they bounced well off each other...til beau started to perk up, ironically cause of Lysandre's kind words. Beau felt like he had control of himself..til well Lysandre fucked that up. After the events of X&Y, Beau tried to keep himself busy with deals and even attending in matches in Galar. Beau even came out trans during this time, but he still struggles with the lost of his old friend.
Koa and topaz are..not as developed cause I still need to play these games fully, but they are my Alola trainers! A father daughter duo who travel together during the events of sun and Moon. Koa is Kukui's older and stubborn brother who refuses help from his little brother..or anyone for that matter. Topaz is Koa's only child, she's 10 during s&m and Is an odd little gothic girl who catches solely Ghost types.
Morgan is my sheild trainer. A childhood friend of Leon's that couldn't attend the journey due to losing his mother to cancer. Morgan is a dork who loves all things witchcraft and enjoys giving readings to Hop or anyone who ask, capable of understanding pokemon. (Hop always goes to Morgan about his wooloo) He's a bit shy and withdrawn.. til you set him off, he will start swearing up a storm. He and Leon have a bit of a rough patch during his journey, and even after Morgan becomes champion..it took a long time til those two rekindled their friendship. (And of course they date I'm gay)
Some fun facts.
Kira loses her leg in the events of Omega ruby to Groudon. Maxie is forever guilty.
Kira rekindles things with Giovanni when they are both in their 50s.
Beau isn't the most.. powerful trainer of the group. But he's got a level 100 Raichu.
Koa has a tremor in his right hand, which stopped him from pursuing an art career.
Morgan uses a cane after the battle with eternatus. He's also got a thick Irish accent.
Liam lives in Unova, but he's from my made up Region, Reno.
Haru was killed at 35, Cyllene and Laventon raised his daughter after his death
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butternutsims · 4 years
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dahlia bazaar - a living room set with outfits
Well my babes, it’s finished. I’ve spent 2 weeks on this baby and i’m super happy with it! When I first started putting it together, it had a really different vibe, and once I was a few items in, I got a really clear picture and I just went from there! There were things cut, things included at the last minute.. a lot of coffee was drunk!  This is a super long post, apologies! There’s a lot in here, 30 objects total!
Alright lets get to it, it’s all below the cut!
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CAS All the clothing use a similar bunch of patterns and I tried to go for a resort wear feel, so I picked some really lovely items from other creators that I knew would fit. And I had to include some hairs as well so I could do some Sundance recolours. 
alex wears... wild-pixel Sammie Hair - mesh required, grab it from @wild-pixel​ here - recoloured in my Sundance Palette
Anessasims Wild Sun Dress - mesh required, grab it from @anessasims​ here - 10 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
savannah wears...
QICC Michelle Hair - mesh required, grab it from @qicc​ here - recoloured in my Sundance Palette
Ophelia Dress - Strangerville required - 13 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
devon wears..
SingingPickles Heather Hair - mesh required, grab it from @singingpicklessims​ here - recoloured in my Sundance Palette
AxA Gwen Bodysuit - mesh required, grab it from @aharris00britney​ here - 8 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
ilkup Sulani Pants - mesh included, thanks @ilkup​ for your generous TOU, grab the original here - 12 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
angel wears...
nuagelle gaia hair - mesh included, thanks @nuagelle​ for your generous TOU, grab the original here - recoloured in my Sundance Palette
pinalexple Kali V2 top - mesh included, thanks @pinealexple​ for your generous TOU, grab the original here - 10 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
Saurussims Stacey Skirt - mesh included, thanks @saurussims​ for your generous TOU, grab the original here - 8 patterns +  Monterrey Palette solids
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Buy Objects (& a Wallpaper!) This is probably my pride and joy out of this pack, I am obsessed with all of it. I really love Peacemakers Oasis Chic Living wicker set and thought it needed patterns, and I found a great pattern set and just went with it, and it helped become the base theme of this pack. I know it’s technically an outdoor pack, but I love how it looks inside as well.. and well, you can use it wherever you want, cause it’s your game.. and not mine! Then I just kinda found all these other little things to compliment it and went from there.
Also.. if you’re not a fan of dark green.. there’s other colours for you! Here are some representing different styles you can achieve. (gif makes it potato quality)
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Oasis Chic Living  - mesh required, grab it from @peacemaker-ic​ here (not all items from PC’s set was used, but the whole thing is great so grab it all!) - 8 patterns for the seats + Monterrey Palette solids  - 14 tiled top patterns for the tables - Lounger not pictured
Large Rug - Laundry Day required - 12 designs
Table Lamp - Vampires required - 5 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
NynaveDesign Kala Candle - mesh required, grab it from @nynaevedesign​ here - 4 scents, Tahitian Vanilla, Lemongrass, Lychee Rose & Sparkling Bellini (new labels in simlish)
Tiled Fireplace - BGC - 11 tiled designs
Sanoysims Mjuk Folded Blanket - mesh included, thanks @sanoysims​ for your generous TOU, grab the original here - Small and large blankets (small not pictured) - 10 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
Palms - BGC - 8 tiled pots
Small Potted Plant - BGC - 8 tiled pots
cherry-sims Milla Nanu Basket - mesh required, grab it from @cherry-sims​ here - 10 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
Burcu Korkmazyurek Art - mesh included, thanks @mxims​ for your generous TOU, grab the original here - art from https://www.burcukorkmazyurek.com/ - 24 prints
Drapes - BGC - 10 patterns + Monterrey Palette solids
Wallpaper - BGC - 22 designs
DOWNLOAD As always, you can grab all the files together in one, or pick and choose. I had to use two different hosting services because the all together zip file was too big for SFS. It’s big because I try to keep the patterns looking HQ as I do with all other things I make.  ALL IN ONE ZIP | SEPARATE FILES
If you love what i’ve made and can spare a buck or two, donate at my Patreon! My content stays free forever, however you’ll get a sneak peek every once in a while and a cool discord role at my Sundance server
THANKS This project was a lot of fun, but at times I was pulling my hair out. Big big big thank you to @crafty-lil-alpaca​ for keeping me calm and being the best personal cheerleader anyone could ever ask for.
Many thanks to all mesh creators who work tirelessly to make these wonderful things that I like to splash patterns on. You make my life 100% easier as I have tried (and will try again) to make my own meshes.. 
Thanks also to my patreons for sticking with me over these two weeks and leaving lovely comments on the WIPs. It’s amazing that I have any patreons, it blows me away every day.
All patterns used were purchased from Creative Market. A lot of artists are struggling right now, so I wanted to help out by purchasing some pattern packs.  Patterns were purchased from Julia Dreams, Terri Henson, Emma Make,  Anugraha Design, Irina Skaska and pixaroma. These patterns will forever be in my rotation of patterns i’ll use in the future
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Fluffy Taang thoughts:
It had always intrigued me how does Toph manages to put all that beautiful hair of hers in that elaborate bun everyday. Also, I think she would be super particular of who’s allowed to touch her hair and who’s allowed to see her how she puts her hair in her elaborate do. One day, Aang watches her do it and he becomes mesmerized by it. Once, they’re together, he begs her to be allowed to help her do it, which she declines but agrees that instead he would help her at night removing the all the pins that holds the style together. So this becomes a routine and then she allows him to brush her hair every night as they prepare for bed. During that time they talk about their day and catch up with anecdotes about their kids or just say sweet things to each other.
You probably have a better HC about this but is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw your emergency call for fluff. Hope it helps! 💚🧡
Nanu! Thank you g this is needed lol. And I can work with any fluffy HC just give me a starting line LMAO.
I agree that Toph's hair is a very personal thing for her, even if she doesn't make a big deal out of it. There's this one ALTA culture post about her hairstyle that makes me HC that there are some things about her childhood and/or family that she cares about enough to maintain in her everyday life. Because otherwise, she seems like the kind of girl that wouldn't care about maintaining her hair or keeping it so long if she resented everything about her family. I also think it's a cute HC that Poppy and baby Toph would have bonding moments where Poppy helped comb through Toph's hair or helped put it up.
So because she has this mini tradition with her mother, I think it makes sense that she cares about who helps put her hair up or even helps her let it down. She definitely has an order to how to let her hair down and take the pins out and she shows Aang all the steps (and his mind is blown by the process because it doesn't even look like there's an order to it when she just does it on her own. It's second nature for her). It takes him a while to get the hang of it, but once he does, they can have a full-on conversation without even thinking about their nighttime routine. Aang likes to take his time so that they can spend forever talking with each other. Toph doesn't mind either lol.
Aang knowing the process helps in a pinch too when Toph is so exhausted from work that she just immediately falls asleep in bed. He always takes the time to let her hair down when this happens, and sometimes she wakes up the next day bewildered that her hair is down, but then is all UwU when she remembers that Aang did it.
When they have little dunebaby rascals, Toph would definitely show the girls how to take care of their hair, but she doesn't expect them to keep it long or up the way she has it. Sometimes the boys want to learn too, but they keep their hair too short for any serious hairstyle tips.
Toph's hair was probably the last thing that she ever changed up, but after years of managing it and busy life, I'm sure she's had to change her hairstyle in a pinch, maybe even chopped it off once or twice because of the maintenance it requires. It's a rare occurrence, though, because the whole family loves the routine. Suyin has been known to throw a few fits whenever Mama changes her hair.
Side note, and it took a lot of convincing, but Toph finally caved and let Suyin play with her hair and put it in different hairstyles for practice. Suyin absolutely loves Toph's hair.
Thank you for the ask Nanu!
Fluffy asks are always appreciated. Cute and fluffy are in my alien DNA (get it? bc stitch is an alien? lmao I'll go now)
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opheliadreaming · 3 years
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Grief manifests itself in the form of 5 stages
5 stages that follow you everywhere.
The first time I confronted grief was at my Nanu's funeral.
Totally oblivious of the loooming death that was yet to unveil itself to our faces, I was the first one who climbed the stairs to my Nanu's home, forever  eager to brag about how I didn't let my motion sickness take over me throughout the  whole journey, only to instead   confront  his deafening absence.
How do you explain death and grief to a child ?
You  simply don't, until the day arrives where he gets to witness its shadow  tucked inside the wails of his mother who has just Lost her father.  hopping from one stage to another, within just a fraction of second.
Whats worse than loss.?
Fear of loss.
And I feel whole my life I have Been paralysed by it. That some day I too, will hop like a little  child, abandoned with abandonement.
My therapist tells me core beliefs can always be challenged.
Sadness is not true  / inhale for 4 seconds / exhale for 4 seconds / mind spins lies / Challenge / repeat
Even when all you can hear around is the sirens, the ambulances, the wails
Even when all you can see is your parents struggling with breathing.
Inhale, exhale
Even when all you can feel is scared.
Even when all you can hear is wails
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