tanema123 · 5 months
How you can draw Zestial spider thingy.
Do I know what I'm doing? Not really. But I do try. I never narrated. Also, how do you cut videos? This was too fricking long. 🤣🤣🤣
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aramasan · 1 year
Kita mungkin bahkan tidak butuh seorangpun di fase terendah hidup kita.
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Bullshit semua teori tentang mahkluk sosial.
Waktu membuat kita kuat.
Waktu juga yang membuat kita sadar.
Kita sendirian selama ini.
Selalu sendiri.
Itu hanya ilusi.
Perasaan yang bisa diciptakan.
Mana ada, mencari kebahagiaan. Apalagi mencari kesedihan.
Dari awal, memang kita hanya sendirian.
Terlahir dan tercipta sebagai individu.
Hal utama dan pertama dalam kehidupan ini adalah mencintai dirimu sendiri.
Jangan pernah sia-siakan dirimu untuk mencintai "diri" yang lain.
Kenali, cintai, dan peduli akan dirimu sendiri yang kelak akan membuatmu benar-benar hidup.
Mungkin mendingan mati.
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authorlmmontes · 1 year
When reading a book, I enjoy the story’s visuals brought on by the author’s well crafted writing. Narration can be boring if it isn’t spiced up with words that get the readers attention. Believe me, I’ve read some books that were boring in parts because there wasn’t any ‘flavoring particles’ in the narration. It was just relaying information. I get that information must be conveyed to the reader…
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lazyajju · 1 year
Star Trek: Resurgence is a narrative, action-adventure and exploration game. 😱🚀
Available now on EGS, Xbox & PlayStation
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rexterforeverafter · 3 months
The fact that the cross-over of eah and the mh got cancel yet we still have the book shadow high and uhmm I am the only one wondering and wanting to know whats the intro it because i feel like the song in the cross-over will be hit and fire but ye
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cyberr-v0id · 10 months
Please try it if you get a chance! I’d greatly appreciate it
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achillesuwu · 1 year
Little snippets of my LiuJiu body swap fic because I have no self control and I want to show it to someone (PS: if I finish this and you want to know just say it in the rt and I will tag you or you can go on my ao3 (AchilleUwU) and subscribe ^^)
Title : I’m lucky, God went to bed and we have fate in our hand
Summary :
It should have ended there. Liu Qingge should have come back to his peak, sleep a bit and then go back to an other mission. Shen Qingqiu would have done whatever the fuck this spoiled brat does of his time.
Maybe in an other world it would have been like that.
Maybe in this world, God was bored and decided to change fate. Who knows.
It began like this.
It was a normal mission, not particularly difficult not easy either. Well, except for the fact that his partner was Shen Qingqiu but even then it wasn’t really different.
They argued on the way, Shen Qingqiu wanted to go on the left path because « it’s safer, shidi ! », Liu Qingge wanted to go on the right because « You are just a coward, Shen Qingqiu ! It’s faster ! ». They ended up taking different path and coming to the town at the same time. Then, they fought because Liu Qingge couldn’t stand Shen Qingqiu smug face when he saw Liu Qingge’s dirty clothes. Liu Qingge won as always.
They slept in different inn (if Shen Qingqiu slept in an inn at all and not in some woman arms), fought again because Shen Qingqiu couldn’t handle himself and flirt with every young, old, married, unwed, poor and rich ladies when they should investigate. (Truly that hat guy has no shame !)
Still, they found the demon, Liu Qingge killed it, Shen Qingqiu tried to kill him again. They fought again, Liu Qingge won yet again. They went on a different path again, Liu Qingge came back to his peak, made his report to his shifu, trained a bit and then went to slept.
That’s all.
That should have been all. It should have been an other nameless not particularly special mission.
The first thing Liu Qingge noticed when he slowly emerged from sleep (which was truly unusual for him, he always woke up rapidly and ready to go on his day) was the smell. He knew that smell, but his foggy mind and oh dear- his headache (since when does he has headache ?) prevented him from knowing exactly from where he knew it.
His head hurt so much, he couldn’t even think.
The second thing he noticed was the hand that was playing with his hair and smoothing his ache. It reminded him of his mother.
Liu Qingge slowly opened his eyes, everything was so bright and overwhelming but the chest of the person he had his head on was so comfortable.
He distanced himself from the other person as fast as he could and fells off the bed.
He fells off of someone else’s bed. He was on someone else’s chest.
Someone had throw a bucked of cold water on him, he would have feel the same. What have I done ? He dishonored a lady, he must have been drunk, he may even have forced her. How could he —
« A-jiu ? » The woman’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts « Are you alright ? »
« A-jiu ? » He repeated confused, frowning. The world finally seemed to be less bright, his gaze focused on the woman. She was a pretty and young lady, her hair was simply styled and she was in red robe. Then he looked around the room, it was a rather large room in red tone. There was a low table opposite the bed with a Guqin on it. Another table with a tea set on it was in the corner of the room, near the door.
However, it wasn’t the tea set that caught his attention.
Green clothes had been lazily thrown on the chair.
Carelessly on the table and half hidden by a sleeve was a sword but Liu Qingge would recognize it everywhere.
Xiu Ya.
Finally, his gaze fell on his hands, on his bare forearms and then on his half-naked chest. It wasn’t his hands, forearms or chest and the robe that slipped off his shoulder wasn’t his either.
« H-how ? »
The woman quickly got out of bed, barely readjusting her clothes « Are you ok, A-Jiu ? » she said close but without touching him.
If earlier he felt that a cold water bucket had been throw on him now he felt like he was in a volcano. With a red face and pointing at her, he stupidly said « You are a prostitute » which made him earn a confused look.
« Yes ? »
He pointed at himself « This is Shen Qingqiu »
« …Yes ? »
He was nearly going to embarrass himself by asking « did we have sex yesterday » as if it wasn’t obvious by the state of their clothes but a commotion in front of the brothel stopped him. Liu Qingge stood up rapidly and walked toward the window
He heard faint mumbling but the closer he got toward the window, « … you jerk … » the clearer the voices became « … get out of … » until he slides them open and went on the balcony. A silenced talisman must have almost completely cut off the outside sound in the room because once he went outside everything was so loud, it was like being thrown into the middle of a storm.
« WHAT DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND IN ‘GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BUSINESS’, ASSHOLE ? » The old madam screamed on top of her lung at a man.
The man didn't back down no matter what she was screaming at him, he was trying to talk to her but she didn’t seem to listen
Not any man, it was his body
« SHEN QING QIU » Liu Qingge could feel anger rise in this body he wanted nothing but to put that lech in the dirt. Immoral and perverted to the point of sleeping in a brothel the same night he returned to the sect after a mission
Everyone became silent. The women looked between the two of them with confused look.
Shen Qingqiu sighed and looked toward him with an annoyed face « Liu Qingge » he said to confirm their predicament to everybody there. Then he redirected his attention to the brothel madam. « May I enter, Madam » He slightly bowed to her.
Some people would say that Shen Qingqiu was very respectful but Liu Qingge knew better « STOP FLIRTING IN MY BODY »
« Stop shouting half-naked in mine, you brute ! »
They continued to argue a bit more, Liu Qingge was close to jump off the balcony to fight that womanizer but Shen Qingqiu calmed down strangely quickly when the madam asked him to. They talked, Liu Qingge couldn't hear much of it. Then Shen Qingqiu walked to the front door of the brothel and there was no way Liu Qingge would let that bastard go alone into a brothel in his body.
Liu Qingge ignored the prostitute that spend the night with Shen Qingqiu and ran towards his robes and boots, he didn’t take the time to put all of the layers. He just took an outer robe and Xiu Ya and roughly put the boots while running in the corridor.
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lilshitpeta · 2 months
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raouls-fine-horses · 9 months
I present my Rocky Horror Show fan cast (no I will not be taking any criticism at this time)
• the Narrator - Norm Lewis
• Riff Raff - Sierra Boggess
• Magenta - Samantha Barks
• Columbia - Sutton Foster
• Brad - Rosalie Craig
• Janet - Hadley Fraser
• Rocky - Ramin Karimloo
• Dr Scott - Kevin Chamberlain
• Eddie - Alex Brightman
• Dr Frank-n-Furter - Aaron Tveit
This is my proudest creation and if they do not cast all of these people as these characters then I am going to sue
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argyrocratie · 2 months
el conde was sure a movie...
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somebodytolove31 · 2 years
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I decided to check out The Stanley Parable because of the gay shipping fanart I saw, and I was let down
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sundogscoops · 6 months
Equipping the HEALER outfit will give you the passive effect "Swine Superstition"
"its bad luck to pull over someone in scrubs especially on the way to work."
+2 Esprit De Corps
+1 Composure
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liliesandthemoon · 1 year
What hobbies does Glane have?
I'm so excited I get to talk about Glane AAAAAA, thank you anon!!!!
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Okay so, I've actually gone and checked a list of hobbies to figure out which ones I think would fit Glane for this ask! The ones I thought matched him better were... *drums roll* Cooking and Running!
Extended HCs for each hobby!
Running 🏃
Glane has always had terrible stamina
When he decided he wanted to be of service to Dalmore as a military logistics support he started training on it by going on some long walks,after some time he advanced it to jogging and finally to running
And well, training became his hobby! He tries to run for a bit every day early in the morning. According to him, Dalmore’s air is fresher at this time of the day and it feels very nice.
The sounds of the Dawn chorus and the lack of people outside induces his mind into a peaceful but energetic state,which is perfect to start his day
….. Plus he must look very hot nice on those tight sport shirts
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When he was younger,whenever he felt sad,his parents’ cooking always cheered him up!
This is a big HC of mine but I believe Glane is a big people pleaser,a lot of times he puts others him before himself (too much to a certain gray haired lady’s displeasure) and keeps saying he does it just ‘’to avoid bigger problems’’
But don’t get it wrong, the reason he likes cooking is not just a ‘’I cook so people are not sad’’
Glane only does his best cooking for those he holds dear to him
To him, cooking is his way to be ''a little selfish'' for once (I have this scenario in my mind where he and Chloe end up arguing because she wants him to think more about himself first,something along the lines ''I want you to be more selfish Glane!!'' days later they apologize to each other,Glane invites her over for dinner and at the end when they finish dinning and Chloe says how much she loves his cooking, he says something like ''You like it? That's my selfishness right there''
Like you can taste his genuine love when he makes a dish for somebody he loves very much, if that makes sense?
So yeah, Glane’s cooking is very good,but Glane’s cooking when he cooks for his family or close friends? HE A V E N L Y
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mycrowleycalromance · 2 years
this has gotta be one of (if not the one) my favorite fob mv now it's so fun, i love the style, the animations, the little storytelling and the references to the band and the world around them, the little nod in the end of "this actually happened but shh *wink*"
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ichaserabbits · 1 year
Door guard at the circus: sorry you can't come in
My arch fey pact warlock trying to make Karlach happy: If you don't want the Seelie court to rip you to shreds you're gonna let me in right the fuck now
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lilshitpeta · 1 month
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