#Natasha Dumas
arianakozlova · 11 months
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her style♥️
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randomnameless · 8 months
As much as I love the tragedy of Lyon and his unrequited love for both Renais twins, I agree that the banner should've had other characters. Keep Myhrr, add Morva, change the duo to Joshua/Natasha, add Ismaire and then, idk, Caellach or Gerik as the TT reward. But seeing the cyl results and Lyon still doing great even after daddy Fomortiis I'm not surprised they're milking this dry and probably will make Lyon more of a tragic bisexual disaster rather than someone with a hurt ego in an hypothetically remake of Sacred Stones. But the thing I don't agree with is that the trend of dead dads stopped in this banner, I think it stopped with the fates banner as we did not get Valentines Garon (we were ROBBED) and Valentines Mikoto/Sumeragi; and even before the fates banner we can argue if the awakening banner also broke the trend (depends if you count the robins' and chrom as dead parents when they're only dead in a timeline we only get to experience in dlc). And tbh I think breaking trends is kind of nice, wish they did the same with other banners (tired already of the harem jokes on bridal and the playboy/playgirl suits in easter).
Sing it with me anon!
TBF about Lyon's popularity in CYL... Fomortiis couldn't be voted for!
And FEH feeds itself - by bringing more light to old characters through their own depiction, CYL voters will vote for Lyon based as the version they see in CYL, not the Lyon we got in FE8.
So yeah, I guess people will now remember him as a "tragic bisexual disaster" of a character, and not the egomaniac who thought he could go toe to toe against Satan to "win" the love of the twins and his people.
(heck, FE13's depiction of Lyon was closer to the character than FEH's!)
You're right about the previous Valentine's banner, but it completely escaped me lol, since it was a Fates seasonal and I don't really have a lot of feelings for Fates' cast.
Chrom at least was in his "father" role, because Lucina was there - ditto for Lissa.
I'd say breaking the trend bring more freshness... but those trends are the only occasions to have some characters added in, sure Vigarde was brought in his zombie form last year - but without the "dead parents" Valentine, would FEH really had an occasion to bring Vigarde? Fado? Morva? Ismaire??
That's why I was so pissed at dragonween ending (i know flayn is a lizard) - Dragonween was the only (because I don't have faith in FEH) opportunity to get less known dragons released (the Goldoans!), or even alts for the most serious ones (Duo!Duma lol), but now it was just... a seasonal banner with popular character and maybe one oddball like any other.
I agree on the harem jokes for the bridal banners though, but it's in general tiredness for the bridal banners in themselves, even if I liked bridal Louise and bridal Pent - it's a tiresome banner only to sell characters in white and poofy dresses with, sometimes, a breast modifier and the less is said about the easter banners, the better we are lol
(unless they go full bara for this year's easter banner, with Izuka Daizuke's league of vilains, Bunny!Ashnard, Bunny!Medeus, Bunny!Hardin, Bunny!Fomortiis...)
A trend I would like to see disappear though is the Fodlan summer - I'd love swimsuit!Seteth as much as Mythic!Willy - but this grows really stale. They even joked about it last year in the TT, but damn, let it go IS, please.
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nellie-elizabeth · 9 months
2024 Book-Tracking Post!
GOAL 1 BOOKS: OWNED & NOT READ (13 as of 1.2.24)
Red Rising - Pierce Brown
The Mighty Nein Origins: Fjord Stone
The Dispossessed - Ursula K. Le Guin
Promise of Blood - Brian McClellan
Words of Radiance - Brandon Sanderson
Edgedancer - Brandon Sanderson
Dawnshard - Brandon Sanderson
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter - Brandon Sanderson
The Sunlit Man - Brandon Sanderson
The Last Hero - Terry Pratchett
Harrow the Ninth - Tamsyn Muir
[The Adventure Zone - Suffering Game] - preordered
[What Doesn't Break (Bells Hells)] - preordered
GOAL 2 BOOKS: BOOK CLUBS! (1 as of 1.2.24)
The Robber Bride - Margaret Atwood
GOAL 3 BOOKS: RE-READ OLD BOOKS (40 as of 1.2.24)
Peter and the Starcatchers
Peter and the Shadow Thieves
Peter and the Secret of Rundoon
In Cold Blood
The School Story
The Wish List
Walk Two Moons
Bud, Not Buddy
Crime and Punishment
Adam Bede
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
The Princess Bride
The Blithedale Romance
Olive’s Ocean
Our Only May Amelia
The Valley of Secrets
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest
The Magician’s Nephew
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Horse and His Boy
Prince Caspian
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle
Gathering Blue
The Host
Beloved - Toni Morrison
Mama Day - Gloria Naylor
The Accursed - Joyce Carol Oates
Ivanhoe - Walter Scott
The Cricket in Times Square
The Hobbit
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Charlotte’s Web
The People in the Trees
Books are available & not read:
Discworld series [14]
Brandon Sanderson Novels [17]
Red Rising series [7]
Powder Mage series [3]
The Locked Tomb series [3]
The Poppy War [3]
The Machineries of Empire (Ninefox Gambit) [4]
Dresden Files [17]
Chronicles of the Avatar - F.C. Yee (Kyoshi and Yangchen) [4]
Singing Hills Cycle [2]
NK Jemisin - short stories [1]
Series/Author New Releases to keep tracking:
Outlander Series - Diana Gabaldon
Cosmere - Brandon Sanderson
The Adventure Zone - Graphic Novels
The Old Guard - Comics
Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells
Noumena - Lindsay Ellis
Singing Hills Cycle
Nampeshiweisit - Moniquill Blackgoose
Edward Rutherfurd
Kate Alice Marshall
Critical Role Content
Madeline Miller
Hank Green
John Green
Authors to buy additional:
Philippa Gregory
Kazuo Ishiguro
Hilary Mantel
Evelyn Waugh
Ursula K. Le Guin
Tom Stoppard
Elizabeth Jane Howard
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Barbara Kingsolver
James Baldwin
Charles Dickens
Bronte Sisters
Neal Stephenson
Alexandre Dumas
Emily St. John Mandel
Dan Jones
Ruth Ozeki
Natasha Pulley
Neil Gaiman
Margaret Atwood
Leo Tolstoy
Tamora Pierce
Andy Weir
Greenhollow Duology - Emily Tesh
The Saint of Steel - T. Kingfisher
Time Traveller's Guides - Ian Mortimer
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weirdesplinder · 1 year
La mia top ten dei classici della letteratura mondiale
Era un po' che ci pensavo. In questa era di TIKTOK i nostri giovani leggono gli stessi classici della letteratura che abbiamo letto noi, oppure sono ormai finiti nel dimenticatoio? Mi sono posta questa domanda e molte altre simili e ho deciso che era il caso di rimboccarsi le maniche e mettersi a parlare anche dei classici di cui di solito non parlo perchè do' per scontato che tutti già li conoscano o li abbiano addirittura letti a scuola. Ma visto che temo non sia più così e credo sia meglio rinfrescare la memoria a qualcuno o farli proprio conoscere a chi magari non li ha mai neppure sentiti nominare attraverso un aserie di video e post.
Iniziamo a parlarne molto in generale con un classico del mio blog, la mia lista di preferiti, la mia top ten dei classici della letteraura mondiale. A cui seguiranno liste più specifiche divise geograficamente.
Naturalmente come al solito è una lista estremamente soggettiva che riguarda me, perciò siete liberissimi di aggiungere nei commenti i vostri preferiti in questa categoria:
Guerra e Pace, di Lev Tolstoj
Link: https://amzn.to/3OQsmfK
Trama: In questa celeberrima opera si fondono due narrazioni: da una parte, i grandi avvenimenti storici che travolsero la Russia all'inizio del XIX secolo; dall'altra, le vicende delle due famiglie dei Bolkonskij e dei Rostov, unite dalla figura del conte. In tutto il romanzo emerge chiaro il pensiero di Tolstoj, per il quale non sono gli eroi, i generali e i re a fare la storia, ma le grandi masse, con le loro paure, le loro sofferenze e le loro speranze. La storia è infatti una successione inarrestabile di eventi che il singolo non può modificare. L'autore è abilissimo nel descrivere l'identità psicologica dei personaggi: dal principe Andrej, altero e deluso dalla vita, alla bella Nataša, vivace e affascinante, al conte Pierre, fragile e tormentato, ma le loro vicende non avrebbero senso senza il racconto della storia del popolo russo, di cui essi divengono dei simboli. In "Guerra e pace" sembra che i veri protagonisti siano proprio lo scorrere del tempo e l'avvicendarsi ineluttabile degli eventi, che rendono questo capolavoro della letteratura quasi un poema epico.
La mia opinione: se stupisco qualcuno con questo primo posto mi dispiace perchè secondo me questo è un classico imprenscindibile, un romanzo storico che veramente contiene tutto e scavalca tutti i sottogeneri del romanzo storico perchè li comprende tutti. E' la storia di una guerra, di un'epoca, di due famiglie, di un popolo, di una nazione, dell'Europa, di personaggi indimenticabili. Ha tutto perciò come non mettterlo al primo posto?
2. Il Conte di Montecristo, di Alexandre Dumas
Link: https://amzn.to/447TKdw
Trama: Nel febbraio del 1815, a Marsiglia, il marinaio Edmond Dantès viene falsamente accusato di bonapartismo e arrestato nel giorno delle nozze, alle soglie di una brillante carriera navale. Durante la prigionia nel castello d'If, uno scoglio in mezzo al mare, affina un odio feroce per gli autori della sua rovina e, quando l'amicizia con un altro prigioniero gli procura l'evasione nonché un favoloso tesoro, ne farà lo strumento di una vendetta grandiosa e spietata.
La mia opinione: come non amare Dumas? Io adoro tutti i suoi romanzi, come scrive, le sue trame, erano già dei film su carta prima delle loro trasposizioni cinematografiche. Avventura, intrigo, insomma il padre di D'Artagnan, La maschera di ferro e Robin Hood non ha bisogno di presentazioni.
3. Umiliati e offesi, di Fedor Dostoevskij
Link: https://amzn.to/3qn2G11
Trama: Fra le strade di Pietroburgo, nelle fredde prospettive della capitale, si incrociano le vicende di esseri umani in lenta rovina. La famiglia Ichmenev, amministratrice dei terreni del principe Valkovskij, viene allontanata dalla casa familiare a causa dell'amore sorto fra la giovane Natasha e il figlio del principe, l'ingenuo Alesa, ed è costretta a trasferirsi nella capitale; qui si muove anche Nelly, orfana poco più che bambina, che ha assistito impotente alla malattia della madre e all'indifferenza del nonno. Ivan Petrovic, studente e scrittore, ritratto di un Dostoevskij ventenne, è testimone protagonista: innamorato di Natasha sin da bambino, la aiuta nella fuga d'amore con Alesa, e decide di adottare Nelly per sottrarla agli abusi e alla mendicità. In "Umiliati e offesi", uno dei primi romanzi di Dostoevskij, emergono da una nebulosità ancora diffusa i personaggi e le situazioni che saranno propri del grande scrittore: i tormenti e l'amore, i personaggi candidi, l'indagine e la comprensione dell'animo umano.
La mia opinione: non ricordo nemmeno più perchè comprai questo romanzo, forse perchè visto che non avevo amato Delitto e Castigo, mi rifiutavo di non riuscire ad apprezzare un opera di questo scrittore così osannato da tutti e infatti Umiliati e Offesi mi piacque molto di più. E' un opera ottimista? No. E' molto triste e malinconica? Sì. Ma al contempo il fatto che al centro del romazo ci siano i rapporti famigliari, in particolar modo padre/figlia la rende per me più capibile a molti livelli. Poi il quadro storico è stupendo, i personaggi ben delineati. E' un romanzo forse poco nominato di Dostoevskij, ma che per la mia formazione è stato importante.
4. Orgoglio e pregiudizio, di Jane Austen
Link: https://amzn.to/3qqD976
Trama: I Bennet sono una famiglia rispettabile, ma non agiata, che vive nell'Hertfordshire, composta dai genitori e da cinque sorelle: Jane, Elisabeth, Mary, Catherine e Lydia. La signora Bennet è una donna frivola e dal comportamento spesso imbarazzante, il cui unico scopo nella vita è quello di trovare un buon marito alle proprie figlie. Quando il ricco Charles Bingley si trasferisce vicino alla tenuta dei Bennet con le due sorelle e l'amico Darcy, si verificano cambiamenti importanti.
La mia opinione: vi ho già parlato di questo libro in quasi ogni mia lista, un romanzo che ha segnato la storia del romanzo e del romanzo femminile in particolare, una bella storia raccontata con garbo e arguzia e che per questo è rimasta nei nostri cuori senza tempo, sempre attuale. La si può traslare in qualsiasi epoca questa trama e funziona sempre
5. Il visconte dimezzato, di Italo Calvino
Link: https://amzn.to/3KA19LQ
Trama: La bizzarra storia del visconte Medardo di Terralba che, colpito al petto da una cannonata turca, torna a casa diviso in due metà (una cattiva, malvagia, prepotente, ma dotata di inaspettate doti di umorismo e realismo, l'altra gentile, altruista, buona, o meglio "buonista"). "Tutti ci sentiamo in qualche modo incompleti" disse Calvino in un'intervista "tutti realizziamo una parte di noi stessi e non l'altra.
La mia opinione: altro classico della mia infanzia e lettura scolastica, divetente, piacevole e molto più profondo diq uello che sembra se lo si analizza.
6. Il signore degli anelli, di Tolkien
Link: https://amzn.to/442zPNi
Trama: La Compagnia dell'Anello si apre nella Contea, un idilliaco paese agricolo dove vivono gli Hobbit, piccoli esseri lieti, saggi e longevi. La quiete è turbata dall'arrivo dello stregone Gandalf, che convince Frodo a partire per il paese delle tenebre, Mordor, dove dovrà gettare nelle fiamme del Monte Fato il terribile Anello del Potere, giunto nelle sue mani per una serie di incredibili circostanze. Un gruppo di hobbit lo accompagna e strada facendo si aggiungono alla banda l'elfo, il nano e alcuni uomini, tutti uniti nella lotta contro il Male. La Compagnia affronta un cammino lungo e pericoloso, finché i suoi membri si disperdono, minacciati da forze oscure, mentre la meta sembra allontanarsi sempre di più.
La mia opinione: nelle mie liste dedicati ai classici della lettteartura cercherò di non citare romanzi di generi specifici come il fantasy o la fantascienza, ma per lui faccio un'eccezione.
7. L'antologia di Spoon River, di Edgar Lee Masters
Link: https://amzn.to/3Yz6vwz
Trama: «Dove sono Elmer, Herman, Bert, Tom e Charley, / il debole di volontà, il forte di braccia, il buffone, il beone, il rissoso? / Tutti, tutti dormono sulla collina». L'autore dei versi, un avvocato del Kansas, compose il documento forse più completo, realistico e lirico sulla vita nella provincia americana di fine Ottocento, testimoniata dagli abitanti defunti del paesino di Spoon River. Con distacco, con passione, con ironia, con rabbia, si presentano su un palcoscenico ideale e raccontano la propria storia. La poesia nuova di Masters, asciutta, limpida, forte, procede nel racconto come una lente d'ingrandimento che rivela anche gli inganni meglio dissimulati, le frodi, le ipocrisie. O i desideri e la bellezza di uomini e donne cui la società negò ogni riconoscimento.
La mia opinione: opera che forse non molti conoscono estremamente d'impatto che ha un posto speciale tra le mie letture. racconta la vita e la sua caducità in sintesi senza fronzoli.
8. L'Orlando furioso, di Ludovico Ariosto
Link: https://amzn.to/3YrONLz
Trama: Poema cavalleresco di travolgente intensità narrativa e inimitabile equilibrio formale, l'Orlando furioso ha attraversato ogni epoca e stagione letteraria senza smettere di incantare i propri lettori. Ideale prosecuzione dell'Orlando innamorato, il Furioso porta ai massimi sviluppi la ricca sostanza umana e artistica dell'opera boiardesca: il conflitto tra le forze cristiane e quelle musulmane, l'amore non corrisposto del paladino Orlando per la principessa Angelica, la travagliata unione dinastica tra Ruggiero e Bradamante. Ma nel poema dell'Ariosto gli ideali della società cortese si separano definitivamente dalla realtà, segnata da quell'irrazionale intrico delle passioni che sarà raffigurato nella forsennata giostra dei cavalieri. Una tensione drammatica dietro cui si cela l'amara consapevolezza della crisi dei valori su cui si fondava l'utopia della civiltà umanistica.
La mia opinione: in teoria andrebbe studiato a scuola, ma in realtà già quando io andavo allae superiori veniva trattato molto in fretta per potersi dedicare maggiormente ad altri autori italiani ed è un vero peccato. In realtà è un'opera che meriterebbe la stessa analisi accurata che i programmi scolastici dedicano a Dante e Manzoni eppure non è mai così. Quindi perchè non leggerla nel tempo libero come romanzo di storie cavalleresche e cortesi? Tutte le edizioni pubblicate sono ben commentate in modo che chiunque possa leggerla e capirla senza problemi.
9. Miseria e Nobiltà, di E. Scarpetta
Link: https://amzn.to/3s9rkCQ
Trama: La commedia ha come protagonista Felice Sciosciammocca, celebre maschera di Eduardo Scarpetta, e la trama gira attorno all'amore del giovane nobile Eugenio per Gemma, figlia di Gaetano, un cuoco arricchito. Il ragazzo è però ostacolato dal padre, il marchese Favetti, che è contro il matrimonio del figlio per via del fatto che Gemma è la figlia di un cuoco. Eugenio si rivolge quindi allo scrivano Felice per trovare una soluzione. Felice e Pasquale, un altro spiantato, assieme alle rispettive famiglie, si introdurranno a casa del cuoco fingendosi i parenti nobili di Eugenio. La situazione si ingarbuglia poiché anche il vero Marchese Favetti è innamorato della ragazza, al punto di frequentarne la casa sotto le mentite spoglie di Don Bebè. Il figlio, scopertolo e minacciatolo di rivelare la verità, lo costringerà a dare il suo consenso per le nozze.
La mia opinione: per quanto mi riguarda le opere teatrali, Shakespeare docet, sono opere letterarie valide quanto le altre e alla stessa altezza, quindi ne vedrete comparire molte nelle mie liste. Questa l'avrò rilettta cento volte e ogni volta mi fa ridere. Un classico.
10. La bisbetica domata, di Shakespeare
Link: https://amzn.to/3DOcPqC
Trama: Petruccio è un avventuriero che parte da Verona e va a cercare fortuna a Padova. È un maschio giovane, forte e avvenente, assai dotato, e ha quella libertà di movimento che agli uomini è pienamente concessa nell'Italia immaginata da Shakespeare – così come nella sua Inghilterra. E quale modo migliore di fare fortuna se non trovare moglie? Moglie vuol dire dote. Anche se brutta come il peccato, o scontrosa come la proverbiale Santippe, la donna assolverà comunque al suo compito, se il padre-padrone com'è suo dovere la consegnerà al futuro sposo coprendola d'oro il giorno del matrimonio. È così che il giovane Petruccio s'imbatte nella giovane Caterina, la quale non sarà brutta, ma senz'altro è la più scorbutica delle spose. Caterina è la sorella ribelle dell'angelica Bianca, che tutti vorrebbero in moglie, ma che non potrà sposarsi, se il padre non si sarà prima liberato di quella gattaccia selvatica che è Caterina.
La mia opinione: e per concludere ancora teatro, stavolta del grande Shakespeare che non ha bisogno di presentazioni.
Lista come sempre molto soggettiva e riduttiva che rispecchia la mia formazione letteraria e i miei gusti, per fortuna potrò citare molti altri miei classici preferiti nelle altre liste specifiche altrimenti mi sarei sentita troppo in colpa!
Ora sono curiosa di conoscere i vostri classici delle letteratura preferiti, lasciatemeli nei commenti.
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ezikial13 · 9 months
In 2023 I have read 68 books. Here they are:
Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett
The Devil and Dark Water by Stuart Turton
Orphans of the tide by Struan Murray
Ironside by Holly Black
Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes
The Amazing Maurice and his educated rodents by Terry Pratchett
Tin Princess by Philip Pullman
The Three Musketeers by Alexander Dumas
Moby Dick By Herman Melville
Moonblood by Alastair MacNeill
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
The Seven Dials by Agatha Christie
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
The Italian Girl by Iris Murdoch
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Fredrich Nietszche
The woman in white by Wilkie Collins
The Wreck of the Titan by Morgan Robertson
Destination Unkown by Agatha Christie
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
The Listerdale Mystery by Agatha Christie
The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens
The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo
Poirot's Early Cases by Agatha Christie
The City of God by Augustine
Longarm and the Wendigo by Tabor Evans
Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery
The Ghost Drum by Susan Price
The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett
Man's search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
When the Lion Feeds by Wilbur Smith
Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'e
Flatland by E. A. Abbot
The Island of Doctor Moreau by HG Wells
The Piano Teacher by J.Y.K. Lee
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Goblin Fruit by D.M. Chan
Heidi by Johanna Spyri
The Three-Body Problem by Cixian Liu
The Man who was Thursday by G.K.Chesterton
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie
Dune:Messiah by Frank Herbert
Tarzan of the Apes by E.R. Burroughs
Eric by Terry Pratchett
1913 by Florian Illies
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett
Hour of the Wolf by A.J. Gallows
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Little House on the Prairie by L.l. Wilder
The Railway Children by E. Nesbit
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: A Trilogy in five parts by Douglas Adams
From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne
Round the Moon by Jules Verne
American gods by Niel Gaiman
Vanity Fair by W.M. Thackery
The Master of the World by Jules Verne
The Vicar of Wakefield by Oliver Goldsmith
A Season in Hell by Jack Higgins
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
The Price By A. Sokoloff
The Hogfather by Terry Pratchett
The Bible as your GPS by K. Genis
0 notes
tonkirenta · 2 years
Jeimy fashion love affair
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#Jeimy fashion love affair plus#
#Jeimy fashion love affair professional#
What are your favorite places to shop in Vancouver right now? My favourite spots to shop in Vancouver are of course Secret Location (My latest purchases were an Anine Bing tee and Vanrycke necklace), Holt Renfrew (I purchased Chanel Espadrilles and Valentino Rock Stud Heels, it is a great place to find the latest designer pieces) and for little day to day treats I go to Zara and J.Crew. What are your favorite fashion finds for this season? My favourite fashion finds for spring and summer 2013 in terms of designers are Otswald Helgason (really cute printed sweaters and great pops of bright colour), Duro Olowu (again amazing mix of floral and stipe prints, and SS13 black and white trend in flowing dresses and skirts, so feminine and flirty!) and Vika Gazinsskaya (often seen on Miroslava Duma, she creates amazing shapes and interesting prints that I haven't seen anywhere else) As far as just trends go, I love seeing more bright colours, floral and stripe prints, and I especially love the monochrome look or print on print, so easy and so fun! A mental health day aided with some retail therapy sounded just like what my little soul needed.
#Jeimy fashion love affair plus#
1-48 of 745 results for ' shein plus size ' RESULTS. Offering everything you need to live your colourful life, from on-trend women’s fashion created especially for real women in sizes 10-32, to footwear, accessories, gifts, home furnishings & electrical goods. Eventually I decided to quietly take myself and leave the office, although I did clear it with my boss first. Marisota is a shop designed with you in mind. Got to the office and felt like a bear with a sore thumb. You get to see and try a lot of fashion pieces early. Today I woke up feeling a little at odds. I would love to move into more advertising campaigns to really work with brands long-term to create great content and ads that can be used on all social media and brand sites next!
#Jeimy fashion love affair professional#
Another favourite campaign was when I visited Luisa Via Roma in Florence and did three "Style Lab's" where I chose pieces from the store and had a professional photo shoot in and around their shop in three different outfits, and then again hosted a giveaway for a Natasha Mark By Marc Jacobs Bag. My latest campaign was with ALDO to promote their Spring line.I was gifted a pair of shoes and created three different outfits with them, and then hosted a giveaway for a $50 Amex Gift Card where my readers had to visit the Aldo site and let me know which spring shoe was their favourite. Well, in this case, your challenge is to rock white See more ideas about white outfits, fashion, all white outfit. All white affair dresses, cocktail dress you will love these prom party dress. How do you like to work with brands? And what's a favorite recent campaign? I love working with brands, from simply styling pieces from their collection to hosting giveaways to doing long-reach campaigns to spread the word about the brand or a new aspect of the brand. Flowy maxi dress with asymmetric neckline, CATRIN loveaffairfashion loveaffair loveaffairfashion spainfashion fashionbrand worldwidefashion mallorcafashion modernwomanwear palmafashion. My love affair with creating zara plus size outfits continues with this recent find.
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0 notes
litafan4ever · 6 years
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Redheads In Fiction & Entertainment
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jatur · 2 years
1:07 about Dasha's childhood: she said there was nothing in her childhood that might be considered LGBT propaganda, except probably for the t.A.T.u. music band, still she was attracted only to the girls. She does not believe that some sort of content may change one's sexual orientation, anyway. One of the reasons why she decided to make her coming-out public, because she imagined herserf as a 13-14 years old, feeling attraction to other girls and how it could maybe help that girl to spend less time to realize and embrace the truth about themselves and not be afraid to become themselves, because of Daria's own experience.
3:02 - skipped
7:19 - skipped
8:00 about whether the day for her coming-out was chosen on purpose: it was a coincidence, they actually thought that the interview would be published a few days before, but something didn't work. Dasha felt relieved after this interview because finally she didn't need to worry about if her and Natasha are going to some places are too provocative, if those published photos are too revealing for their relationship.
8:54 was Natasha supportive of that decision: Natasha was supporting Dasha's decision, she herself has spent 10 years preparing herself for coming out, she said, eventually it was easier with Dasha, probably because she finally met her person, so she was not afraid after all that time.
9:36 how they met: Natasha did write to Dasha, congratulated her, Dasha responded, so they kept communicating that way, in the autumn Dasha arrived to Moscow, to see Natasha in the tournament. That was the moment. From then they knew they belong to each other. Dasha and Natasha both felt something towards each other, no matter if there's a law against them or not.
10:50 - How people reacted on the interview, where Daria came out: Yevgeny Kafelnikov thinks that Tartakova edited the interview and she set the girls up. Daria argued telling nothing was additionally edited in the interview, only Viktor and his team was editing the interview, Daria said that there were no questions that she was not prepared for. Daria just laughed when she heard Alexander Tikhonov's opinion. Biysultan Khamzayev said that Dasha's interview is a propaganda and she is going to commercialize it in the future, in order to get a citizenship. "That's the Judas lot" ("иудово племя"). Dasha's reaction: okay, so I can now open a direct message of any immigration agency and write here "hey, I fancy girls, give me a passport... pleeeease".
12:59 is Dasha afraid to return to Russia: Dasha is not afraid to return to Russia, though she is genually upset that Duma members consider someone saying truth about their personality as propaganda. She thinks she did nothing wrong, she just told the truth about herself.
13:49 about Zemfira's call and their friendship: Zemfira called her after Dasha's confession, she supported Dasha's decision. It was not the first time she called. Zemfira often visited Dasha's games, sitting, where relatives are sitting, together with Renata Litvinova. Their (Dasha and Zemfira's) friendship started through Anastasya Pavluchenkova, Zemfira asked her for Dasha's phone number to discuss Australian Open(?), where Medvedev was playing with Nadal and Zemfira was mostly the one talking during that call, asking different questions and replying herself. Zemfira had invited Dasha to her concert. Dasha had missed that opportunity and she is guessing that it will probably never happen in Moscow in the future, maybe in another country. Dasha wants to go to Zemfira's concert, especially with Zemfira older songs. Those are Dasha's favorite ones: "Прогулка", "Главное", "Прости меня, моя любовь", "Мачо" (Dasha has a strong association with Saint Petersburg when hearing this song, probably it is because Dasha was listening to this song when she first had arrived to St.Petersburg for tournament), "Мы разбиваемся", "Жди меня", "Жить в твоей голове".
20:20 peer pressure and wake-up calls: Dasha said that she felt wake-up calls about her orientation a long time ago (no specifics). But only recently she decided that there' only one life, and you need to live it like you want, no hidding, no pretending to be someone else, Natasha helped her with that, with Natasha Dasha finally felt to be ready for this change.
22:18 Dasha parent's reaction: Dasha's parents learned the truth about Dasha 2 years ago and was very supportive about it, her brother knew about it for the longer period of time, because they are brother and sister, after all. He was very supportive too. Dasha realise how lucky she is that the closest people in her life didn't reject her as it usually happens with LGBT members in Russia.
23:39 About LGBT community in Spain: He said very general things, nothing specific, he said that in time he just gotten used to it after many years on the road. Dasha's brother said he is not afraid of homophobia towards their parents, because they still live in Tolyatti.
25:56 Natasha about her own situation: Natasha's situation is more complicated, she didn't plan to tell anything to her mother, and once she did, her mother was not supportive at all, both her parents are more conservative. Natasha aknowledged the truth about her orientation 10-11 years ago. But she was trying to trick herself into believing that its just some stupid thoughts, and she is normal, she just never met a right person. She was struggling with these attempts a lot. She felt like she was trapped in the dark room with no doors, no windows, where the only thing to do is to jump on the walls. Note: Okay, it is maybe not so important but I found it cute, there's a moment where the three of them are drinking coffee in the kitchen and there's some beeping and Dasha suddenly jumps. Turns out, Dasha does not cook, Natasha do sometimes, Dasha's brother loves to cook and Dasha loves to eat :D
28:32 Natasha about her past engagement: According to Natasha, her ex-fiancee was asking her to put all her energy and her finances into his success, like her time is gone now, it is time for him to shine, so he was living on her finances all the time they were in relationship. She wanted to participate in some skating related shows and he didn't want that to happen.
32:01 About Ukraine and February, 24: Dasha has a lot of friends who either was born/lives in Ukraine or/and have relatives here, she was shocked when she learned the first news, she hoped it would end very fast, and she was terrified by how the events went on after these first news. She thinks that day was the worst since many years before. She is appalled by how Russian people in their Stories, etc are publishing some happy times, she considers them finished people.
34:34 If people need to speak up about "special operation": Dasha is not blaiming people who are silent about the events, she understands that those people in Russia have reasons for that silence. She thinks that everyone deserves their right either to tell what they think or not.
36:48 - About the playing under neutral colors: It was humilating, Dasha didn't like how it was organized, some bag-shaped costumes of the same size for all of them, with their country colors taped, so they would be hidden, while other costumes were all colourful and of many variations.
39:08 Collective responsibility: Dasha thinks that national teams ban is the correct decision because those teams are connected with the government and are run by the state, but she can not tell the same about sportsmen individuals, like her. She partially accepts that decision, but not completely. She said her country took away her dream, she does not think she could ever play under Russian flag anymore. And that was her dream. She learned Russian anthem when she went to school with a dream. There's a one type of tounrment called Roland Garros, where when the sportsman wons their country's flag would be hoisted and their country's anthem would be playing. That what she was dreaming about. It will never happen.
41:56 About "Eсть тема" TV-show issue: After Dasha's interview a very humilating episode of the "Есть тема" TV-show was aired. Sofia Tartakova strongly advised Dasha not to watch it and announced very harsh comments on this show after what she was removed from another show, where she was a host airing on the same channel. Dasha thinks that after that issue tennisists would stop visiting this show at all, because in the past it was only because they had good relations with Sofia.
46:14 Dasha is calling to Sofia: Sofia had no doubt in Daria, she completely supports Daria's decision. Sofia also noticed that one of the comments on Daria's interview was from Adidas, while many Russian sportsmen were losing their international contracts, it was their official support of Dasha.
48:13 About Adidas decision: after Dasha's official coming out Adidas decided to bring back some very important commercials with Dasha which were recorded prior the "special operation" and Adidas at first decided not to use it as it was done for other Russian sportsmen, but after the interview they changed their mind for Dasha's piece.
52:08 About politics and sport in Russia: Dasha is very sorry for Kamilla Valieva who was supposed to have a potential for many medals. Dasha thinks that she was lucky to keep playing, and Kamilla has suffered most because of the government recent decisions.
54:03 About religion: Love will save the world: Dasha still believe in these words, according to her and Natasha, love still have potential, even though with each year it is harder to believe in this.
56:30 Her first big money: It was the third round(?) of the US Open. Dasha got upset that she had to pay 30% tax.Before the tax it was 100k-130k. Dasha has saved the money, left after taxes and she is still very careful with money. She only spends money for the people who she loves, she bought a new car for her mom a few years ago. She also once bought Chanel bag and then decided it is not her cup of tea. She was mostly happy she could afford such things. She also bought a flat for herself in Dubai. In 2018 year, which was the most successful for Dasha, she spent 600k for her team, her brother's salary, all required logistics, etc. About 100 people are really getting money for tennis in our country.
1:01:07 - How Andrey became a trainer: Andrey became a trainer after graduating as a lawyer, they were running some healthcare study group aside from his normal working schedule, plus, he was helping Dasha with all her logistic activities and training routine. So at some point he decided that it is time to become a professional trainer for his sister.
1:02:30 - About Tolyatti: this city lacks of sunlight and one of the worst parts of being a tennis player from Russia, because of the bad climate you always training inside while almost all tournaments are taking place outside, Russian sportsmen suffer from this difference a lot, as for Tolyatti or any other city aside from Moscow and St.Petersburg, the logistics are always painful, you always need to spend at least a day in transfer flights, through Moscow.
1:04:45 - How the country supports young sportsmen, what does it cost to raise a sportmen: If you started your training from 7 years, you will need someone to help and guide you before any government support would be there. Dasha told that her parents had to sell their house so she could keep going. According to Dasha, you need to spend at least 50k so your 15 years old child could visit all important tournaments and traninings. It is very expensive to go from Russia anywhere to Europe. In 2018 before Dasha got her first big money, her parents confessed they have almost nothing, her brother was going to sell his own flat for Dasha's carier.
1:14:18 - About Russian Tennis Federation: Dasha said that it was 10 on 90% between how much financial support she got from the federation in comparison to how much her parents has paid. Dasha thinks that Federation must become younger.
1:18:20 - Why Dasha almost stopped playing: When she was playing in 2019(?) with very bad results her ex-trainer said the words that almost destroyed her, he said that he couldn't pull her mentally anymore, so maybe she should try something else. If the Devil made an offer to Dasha, whether to have a few years of absolute success in tennis, to become a legend, or to spend her whole life with Natasha happily with nothing great in tennis, Dasha would have picked the second option, she does not want to end as Maradona.
1:28:14 Natasha is giving advice for LGBT people in Russia: She has adviced to be open about your nature, those people who really love you, they will understand, and you will feel better after that.
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imanes · 3 years
talking about books! what are some of your all time faves? or faves of 2021? 💕
glad u asked because i love peddling my faves <3
2021 book faves:
piranesi by susanna clarke
the hero of ages (mistborn #3) by brandon sanderson
lanny by max porter
white tears brown scars by ruby hamad
women race and class by angela davis
the winter of the witch (winternight trilogy #3) by katherine arden
conversations on love by natasha lunn
pew by catherine lacey
a decolonial feminism by françoise vergès
all time faves (in addition to the ones cited above):
the stormlight archive by brandon sanderson
pride & prejudice by jane austen
the count of monte cristo by alexandre dumas
circe by madeline miller (would need to re-read to cement its status though)
the farseer trilogy and the tawny man trilogy by robin hobb
annihilation by jeff vandermeer
kate daniels series by ilona andrews
i have a goodreads account where i shelve my favourites by year too bc i love organisation :-) if you are curious! muchos besos
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holylulusworld · 2 years
17 questions, 17 people
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I was tagged by @jay-and-dean, thank you.
Nickname: Lulu, Bienchen (my mom used to call me like that. It's the diminutive form of bee in German)
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5′6″ or 1,71 m
Last thing I googled: divorce in the us
Song stuck in my head: "Hope" by Natasha Bedingfield. I was listening to it for a fic and now...it won't leave...
Number of followers: Let me check...16143
Amount of sleep: 6-7 hours
Lucky number: 7
Favorite songs: I chose more than one. I don't have only one...
Kansas - Carry on my wayward son (thanks SPN)
Linkin Park - Numb & One more light
Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall
Oasis - Don't look back in anger
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
and many more...
Favorite instrument: I like to listen to classic music. Mostly piano or violin. I got no talent to play an instrument...though.
Dream job: Published writer.
Aesthetic: To define is to limit. -Oscar Wilde ;)
Favorite authors: Again, I can't name only one.
Stephen King, my master, forever *Hail to the king*
Alexandre Dumas
Charles Dickens
Jane Austin
Virginia Woolf
Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski
Léon Tolstoi
Favorite animal noises: the noises my guinea pigs make (while begging for food) and a purring cat (I love cats)
Random: Sonofabitch! I tag @moosekateer13, @valsworldofcreativity, @charmed-asylum, @laxe-chester67 and as I'm a lazy chick, I tag everyone who wants to play.
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Books of 2022 - September TBR
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I'm trying to make sure I reread less this month so I'm giving myself a TBR. I might and probably will swap them as we go through the month but here's a vague idea of what I want to read.
Warhost of Vastmark by Janny Wurts
La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas fils
The Children of Hurin by J.R.R. Tolkien
Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie (most likely to be swapped for Lord of Emperors by Guy Gavriel Kay)
The Kingdoms by Natasha Pulley
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pistolslinger · 3 years
people i’d like to get to know better!
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1. alias / name: natasha, nat, tasha, ‘ah, satan’ if u rearrange the letters in natasha  2. birthday: jan 3rd 3. zodiac sign: capricorn! i dunno what my rising/falling/gatorade things are :( 4. height: 5′ 5″ 5. hobbies: drawing & writing mainly! tho i also love baking and dnd. idk if this counts as a hobby but.........i love to hunt for old furniture / decor. one day i WILL live in a haunted mansion and i need to be ready for it asap x 6. favorite color: blue & gold 7. favorite book: oh god. east of eden, by john steinbeck aaaaaand the count of monte cristo, by alexandre dumas! both have very intricate plots imo and also i’m a sucker for themes of revenge / penance / acts of karma. also i would be lying if i said pride & prejudice wasn’t like... top 5.  8. last song: hot / confetti. 9. last film / show: z.....zombies 2.........................it was good, ok, don’t judge me 10. recent reads: i’m starting the locked tomb atm!! i’ve also got crier’s war ready to go :D 11. inspiration: oooh, that depends on the character in question. for jesper, i lean very heavily towards stories involving characters with that ‘asshole with a heart of gold’ persona going on — rick o’connell, howl pendragon, jack dawson, mercutio ( the harold perrineau version and nothing else, thank you ), assane diop etc. also: the potc soundtrack. he’s not a pirate but like, he’s a pirate 🎵 12. story behind url: i really feel like it’s self explanatory :’D 13. fun fact about me: if u write ghost / space / pirate related aus with me, i MAY just propose to you on the spot. my superpower is spontaneous engagement ring materialisation
tagged by: @morsquies 💋 tagging: @cavliers @rietveild @henddriks @melnchly​ @heartrendes @mimnghs​ @icepromised​ 💖 AND ALSO YOU, IF UR READING THIS!
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citylightsbooks · 4 years
City Lights Bookstore’s Antiracist Reading List | UPDATED
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Human creativity is integral to revolutionary resistance—the urgent plea, the silenced cry, the righteous rage. It is imperative that we educate and illuminate ourselves to deepen our commitment to justice and equity for Black people and all people of color, and to pave the way for radical systemic change.
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fordboyle · 3 years
Emphasize that the same pride you take in caring for your pet extends to taking care of your home.
Emphasize that the same pride you take in caring for your pet extends to taking care of your home. And the nights were worse. The Court decided this lawsuit should be a class action on behalf of a "Class," or group of people, that could include you. Melisandre had given Alester Florent to her god on Dragonstone, to conjure up the wind that bore them north. Where is my Pulitzer?Close students of presidential politics such as the eminent Michael Barone and Charles Krauthammer know that liberals go to painful lengths to live up to their prototypical image. If Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS resented in the heat of blood, it would probably extenuate a homicide to manslaughter, upon the same principle with the case stated by Lord Hale, that if A riding on the road, B had whipped his horse out of the track, and then A had alighted and killed B.. With an impatient gesture he puma red bull racing evo cat papuci de casa din pasla ii flung the paper on the table, rapping it vigorously with the stick to which the paper was fastened, and blazing with personal dignity, and crimson with punch and amour Propre, in his turn he fastened his little bloodshot eyes on the offensive old man. They sit in camping chairs, drink Big Gulp sodas, and get blank stares.. Black ash and dying embers were all that remained of the hearthfire. The captain had only to look at him to see that the white knight was ghete galbene piele ill at ease. G. The watchdog group specifically called out a 2007 episode that featured dialogue about bestiality and sex with vegetables and filed an indecency complaint with the FCC for a strip club scene in a 2008 episode.. So this mat and the plug I linked would work together, yes?Any ever so slightly conductive surface should easily provide sufficient conductivity for ESD purposes. “A sure cure for constipation,” said Tyrion. "It may be bikes btt usadas that a family may need to pay an electricity bill, and there aren't any organizations in that community that can help them address them, so they take care of that with a grant awarded to the school district," Garza said. Tahanto Regional, at Fino Field in Milford.. Violence, displacement and hunger are on the rise in the country as the Obama administration has extended the war for a third time. In 2011 Lewis McGowan starred as a little boy who could barely wait for Christmas, the star last year was Monty The Penguin. He thought of Tysha and wondered where whores go. I shuddered, and I, too, cried out. We hope that consumers will engage with our rich brand story that is 104 years in the making.". The right of masters to dispose of the time of their slaves has been distinctly recognized by the Creator of all things, who is surely at liberty to vest the right of property over any object in whomsoever he pleases. A Hindoo, who knew nothing of this generous and beautiful book, except from such pamphlets as Mr. The Narraqqa could stand a new rudder and lines, and the Banded Lizard has some cracked oars, but they will serve. We went in to Natasha. "And if I can help, even with a loaf of homemade bread to a family, then that's great. His account says it was Syrax, Rhaenyra’s she-dragon, which makes more sense than Munken’s version. Tickets are $7, available at the door. There will be spearwives too. It was a mode of death which, to use the language that Cicero in his day applied to crucifixion, “ought to be forever removed from the sight, hearing, and from the very thoughts of mankind.” And to this horrible scene two white men were WITNESSES!. “Of course not. His goal set the stage for a wild finish in the gold medal game.. The way the mists threw back the shifting light made their features seem bestial, half-human, twisted. His rondels were wrought in the shape of human heads, with open mouths that shrieked in agony. All experience proves the contrary. But this he dolce gabanna adidași bărbații neglected to do.. This was a good meet to help me get ready for states. The taste was sweet solace on his tongue, so he lit a candle and poured himself another. Metrics have become very important in the overall measurement of how effective social media is. And she told me to be nice to grandfather and to talk to him. That when we made the decision to partner with Renee Yarbrough in our adidas stan smith j white tactile blue first Be Healthy Challenge. Miller called to her husband, who was in the front porch, and he ran out and seized the man by the collar, and tried to stop him. He passed over a warhammer (too long), a studded mace (also too heavy), and half a dozen longswords before he found a dirk he liked, a nasty piece of steel with a triangular blade. If you want to talk or anything even a question or two you can contact me through facebook (Braxton Brown Dumas). Each of them had given her a silver stag, so she would only need to count the coins. Website is promoting stolen property and land. You despise me, don’t you? You see how much charming simplicity there is in me, what candour, what bonhomie! I confess everything to you, even my childish caprices. The justification for issuing the very intrusive search and production warrants have given the the public insight into the conduct of those very close to the mayor some of whom are clearly associated with the criminal element of society.. Crowfood, they call him. Yandry stole a glance at Septa Lemore from time to time as he was checking the lines. * * * You have made that resolution absolutely necessary to the quiet of the South! But you now revoke that resolution! And you pass the Rubicon! Let me not be misunderstood. Any one who should have travelled in the cars at that time might have seen a venerable-looking black man, all izraeli kézműves ékszerek whose air and attitude indicated a patient humility, and who seemed to carry a weight of overwhelming sorrow, like one who had long been acquainted with grief. Prince Valkovsky had a rather large flat, though he lived alone. Bailey, to help me out of it. Headlines: Brittany Murphy to be buried today after private funeral; father plans to skip service. In lieu of flowers, donations to Heart Stroke Foundation or the Northumberland Humane Society would be greatly appreciated.. Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties oneil mellény when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. He took my hand and began to press it in his. But this feeling soon passed off. My son’s men have searched every inch of that damp and dreary island and turned up not so much as a single gemstone or speck of gold. Joins seven other states that have beefed up security measures for National Guard members.Many of those states governors signed executive orders in the days following the Chattanooga shooting. For notwithstanding nike jean jacket (for some purposes) a slave is regarded by law as a person, yet generally he is a mere chattel personal, and his right of personal protection belongs to his master, who can maintain an action of trespass for the battery of his slave.
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alienspawnwrites · 4 years
Laying Hands: Chapter 5
Read on AO3
Shared Trama
It was two weeks before the Avengers were called back out into the field. Althea had been fixing herself a snack when J.A.R.V.I.S. got her attention.
"Miss Thea, Mr. Stark requests your presence in conference room B."
She didn't utilize the A.I. butler often, but she had grown used to the disembodied voice. She no longer found it weird to carry on a conversation with the thin air. "Should I go right now, or can I finish my sandwich?"
"Mr. Stark conveyed urgency, though I'm sure you can take your food with you if you prefer."
In the end, Althea chose to leave her half-finished snack behind, taking one last hurried bite.
When she exited the elevator into the lounge, she was surprised to find the rest of the Avengers congregated in the room, already deep in conversation. Even Loki was there, half-hidden in the shadows, looking bored as per usual.
"..so straight forward, then: go in, get the weapons, get out?", Clint asked.
"And as always, find out anything we can about their next moves," Steve nodded.
"Fury says this place is locked up pretty tight. That means we're going to need your friend along for the ride, Bruce." Tony looked pointedly at the scientist, who merely sighed in acquiescence.
"Suit up and meet back here. Wheels up in fifteen." Steve dismissed them before heading out to change into his own crime-fighting costume. He nodded to Althea as he passed.
Natasha, Clint, and Bruce followed him out, the later muttering something about 'brand new pants' under his breath. Tony, Thor, and Loki remained behind. Althea looked at Tony in confusion.
"What's going on? What did I miss?"
"We got a mission, kid. The guys upstairs have new information about a stronghold out in Eastern Europe. Looks like your friends Hydra."
"They're not my friends," she countered under her breath.
"Yeah, well, hopefully, they don't have any more sheepish "assets" hidden in this one. I'm running out of spare rooms."
"Am I coming with you?" She tried to imagine riding into battle alongside the likes of Iron Man, Captain America, and the others. The idea petrified her.
"You? Or no, you're not going anywhere," Tony replied, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of her idea. "I just wanted to let you know we were popping out for a bit. Didn't want you to worry."
"Fret not. We will return shortly, no doubt victorious," Thor exclaimed in a booming voice, swinging his hammer for emphasis, clearly excited for the opportunity to do some fighting outside of the training room.
"Actually, Raiden, you're sitting this one out." Thor looked at Tony in disbelief. "Cap doesn't want her left alone with this one." Tony jabbed a thumb in Loki's direction, eliciting a scoff from the dark prince. "Not until we know she can handle herself."
For a moment it looked like Thor would argue, but after an exasperated look at Tony, he dropped his hammer to his side dejectedly.
A few minutes later the team reassembled and made their way out to the helipad. Althea watched with wonderment as they boarded the Quinjet. After a fortnight playing roommate to the team of superheroes, she had almost forgotten what an intimidating force they were. From the window she watched the jet as it flew off into the distance, following it until it disappeared over the horizon.
Thor turned to Loki. "Well brother, what say we take advantage of the empty training grounds?"
"You know I still can't believe you two are related," Thea said, looking away from the window to take her remaining companions. Again she was struck by the differences between the two men.
"Adopted," they muttered in unison. The corners of Loki's mouth turned up slightly in a rueful smirk, but Thor looked unphased by their accidental harmony.
"Fine," Loki sighed, turning to leave the lounge, "there isn't anything better to do anyway." He shot Thea a pointed look before disappearing down the hall. Thor ignored the taunt entirely.
"Would you care to join us, Lady Thea?" Thor had apparently taken to Tony's nickname for her, though he still insisted on calling her "lady".
"I'd rather stay here if it's all the same," she responded. She still hadn't gotten over her last time watching Thor spar. The wide window seat and full bookshelves of the lounge seemed far more appealing than watching the two brothers try their hardest to injure one another.
"Very well. We shall be back soon," he smiled. He leaned in to whisper gruffly, "I do not expect it will take long to best my brother. Loki is a capable fighter, but I believe I have learned to see through his tricks." With a good-humored wink, he followed Loki down the hall.
Althea scanned the spines of the largest bookcase, eventually settling on a worn copy of The Count of Monte Cristo. She was soon thoroughly absorbed in the tragic tale of Edmund Dantès, oblivious to the fading light as the day wore on. When it had grown too dim to read, she set the book down and turned her attention out the window, watching as dusk approached the glittering skyline as she pondered the similarities between Dumas's tragic hero and her own life.
The sun had all but set when Loki returned to the lounge, collapsing onto one of the couches in the sunken living area. He had yet to voluntarily occupy the same room as Althea, and she reasoned he hadn't noticed her sitting in the now darkened corner of the room. She took advantage of the chance to observe him with his guard down, careful not to move suddenly lest she scare him off.
He sat sprawled across the seat, long limbs thrown wide in every direction. His eyes were closed and his head tilted back, revealing the pale length of his neck. Sweat gleamed on his forehead and his chest rose and fell rapidly with each breath. His bout with Thor had clearly left him exhausted. Wearily he wiped the perspiration from his face with the sleeve of his green tunic, a satisfied smile playing across his thin lips. The grin disappeared the moment he opened his eyes and noticed Althea studying him.
To her surprise, he didn't immediately get up to leave, instead matching her watchful gaze with one of aggravation.
"How long have you been there, mortal?" He sounded as worn out as he looked, barely managing to inject his usual venom into the question.
"Long enough," Althea replied. She felt emboldened, having caught him in such an expended state. She rose from her seat, taking a few steps in his direction. "Looks like Thor really kicked your ass."
"Looks can be deceiving. Indeed, if you went down to the training grounds now, it would look as though my idiot brother and I were still fighting." Althea remembered the clone Loki had conjured the first time they met. Apparently, he used his ability for avoidance in battle as well as in social situations. She wondered if this one of the tricks Thor believed he had caught on to. "I assure you I had the match well in hand," he added, smiling confidently.
"If that's so, why did you run away?", she asked, sitting down beside him, unable to help but point out the flawed logic in his explanation.
He shot her a withering look. "Because," he sighed, "I prefer to leave once something becomes boring or tedious. Take, for example, this exchange." He moved to stand, bracing his weight on his arms as he rose. As he rose he sucked in a breath through gritted teeth, obviously in pain.
Althea stood with him, concerned. "You're hurt." She looked him over for injury, eventually discovering a sizeable cut on his left arm that had escaped her notice. In the dim room, the flowing blood blended in the deep emerald of his shirt.
"It's nothing," Loki insisted. He made to shift the injury away from her but was too slow.
Without thinking, Althea had reached out to touch his wounded arm. As soon as her fingertips made contact with his torn skin, her hand began to glow; a steady white light emanating from her palm. She withdrew the offending hand quickly, but it was too late. Loki watched in awe as the skin of his arm stitched itself together, the laceration disappearing before his very eyes. Soon the damage had disappeared completely, the tear in his sleeve and the stain of his blood the only indications that the injury had occurred at all.
"What did you do?" he breathed. He looked to Althea for an explanation, but she had turned away from him. Forcefully, he grabbed her shoulder and spun her around, ready to demand an answer, and froze. She stood grasping her arm, a pained look on her face as she avoided his gaze. Between her fingers, fresh blood flowed freely. Cautiously, curiously, he reached for her hand. Althea choked back a small sob as he peeled her fingers away. There, cutting deep into her flesh, was a fresh gash, a perfect mirror to the one that had just disappeared from his own arm. In a matter of seconds, it too began to heal. The flow of blood slowed as the wound closed, eventually vanishing and leaving smooth, unbroken skin behind.
Loki looked back and forth between his own arm and Althea's, trying to work through what he had just witnessed. "What are you?" he questioned, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Loki, I..."
Althea was interrupted by Thor, who strode into the room breathing heavily.
"You fooled me again, brother. Though you must admit I had you on the ropes for a great deal of our match. How long have you..." Thor trailed off as he took in the sight before him. His eyes darted between Loki and Althea, pausing on the troubling amount of blood that covered both of their limbs. "What in the nine realms is going on here?"
Loki met Althea's gaze, his blue-green eyes glittering, before answering his brother's concern. "Something very interesting."
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airlock · 5 years
so! I hear FEH channel is mostly a miss, but at least, the CYL leak is confirmed, huh? time to put that entire day of tallying to use! have some top 25s per continuity as usual
and in order to keep the size of these posts semi-reasonable, I’ll split them up -- this first one shall contain the rankings for Akaneia through Magvel
Marth (44107)
akaneia!Tiki (3031)
Caeda (2400)
Catria (2350)
m!Kris (1662)
Xane (1489)
Minerva (1294)
Navarre (1289)
Ogma (1141)
Camus (1061)
Katarina (1024)
Linde (897)
Wrys (836)
Nyna (792)
Palla (789)
Merric (702)
f!Kris (688)
Elice (659)
akaneia!Anna (650)
Julian (622)
Wolf (610)
Jeorge (586)
Hardin (516)
Nagi (498)
Michalis (489)
(previous winners: Celica (CYL2), Alm (CYL3))
Berkut (2031)
Mila (1741)
Delthea (1386)
Faye (1292)
Luthier (1121)
Tatiana (983)
Kliff (811)
Lukas (732)
Sonya (676)
Rinea / Brigand Boss (660)
Genny (560)
Mae (555)
Fernand (540)
Clair (508)
Zeke (466)
Rudolf (432)
Conrad (418)
Kamui (401)
Python (398)
Saber (339)
Hestia (331)
Leon (328)
Silque (316)
Atlas (298)
Duma (288)
Seliph (15593)
Sigurd (6198)
Reinhardt (4963)
Ayra (2166)
Ishtar (1870)
Leif (1828)
Finn (1625)
Julia (1109)
Eldigan (1106)
Brigid (1026)
Erinys (977)
Lewyn (929)
Larcei (896)
Arvis (879)
Tine (825)
Ced (783)
Lachesis (774)
Azelle (771)
Patty (757)
Lex (738)
jugdral!Arthur (682)
Mareeta (627)
Deirdre (624)
Sara (568)
Ulster (491)
(previous winners: Lyn, Roy (CYL1), Hector (CYL2), Eliwood (CYL3))
Nino (5144)
Lilina (4859)
Ninian (2796)
Nils (2336)
Idunn (1505)
Merlinus (1456)
Erk (1445)
Athos (1409)
Leila (1266)
Rath (1204)
Sain (1091)
Florina (1083)
Fae (1078)
Dieck (1071)
Fir (865)
Sophia (847)
Limstella (803)
Guy (793)
Sonia (771)
Lucius (719)
Jaffar (627)
Heath (621)
Wolt (600)
Pent (579)
Raven (572)
(previous winners: Ephraim (CYL2))
Eirika (26040)
magvel!Selena (4469)
Lute (3047)
Joshua (2575)
Myrrh (2066)
Lyon (1945)
Marisa (1694)
Tana (1129)
Knoll (983)
Seth (883)
Amelia (862)
L’Arachel (714)
Colm (696)
Gilliam (693)
Artur (603)
Vanessa (589)
Duessel (526)
Neimi (511)
Natasha (484)
Franz (467)
Innes (415)
Saleh (360)
Valter (332)
Ismaire (306)
Ross (286)
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