#Nature Research Center
chiropteracupola · 8 months
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hanging out with the great blue heron (taxidermied)
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stellaluna33 · 6 months
I'm sure there are vegans who are knowledgeable about biology and zoology, etc (there HAVE to be. Right?), but I am continuously seeing takes on here that seem to be coming from people who haven't bothered to learn anything about the animals they claim to care about so much, and that is... BREATHTAKINGLY ironic to me. Like the person who claimed that honey is made by grinding up bees in a machine?!! Or that humans "force" them to make it somehow?!! Genuinely WHAT are you TALKING about??? 😭 Watch a nature documentary or read a Wikipedia article or SOMETHING! They make that stuff ON THEIR OWN! This is why historically foraging humans (not to mention FREAKING BEARS!) could find honey LITERALLY DRIPPING out of hollow dead tree stumps in the FREAKING WOODS! This is why people who have accidental bee infestations in their houses have honey oozing out of the freaking walls! They make it to feed their larvae and they almost always make too much! Which is why it oozes out everywhere! To hear "educate yourself" from people who know even less than I do about extremely basic nature science is... Really frustrating?
If you love animals, that's GREAT! Might I suggest expressing that by learning about them before forming an opinion about what they need?
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orcelito · 1 year
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hahahaha. you dont say.
in any case i just read chapter 40 of trimax and i am. not the same.
#speculation nation#fanny reads trigun#tesla... oh tesla...#the discovery is horrifying in tristamp but it really has Nothing on this#them reading through the research reports. With Pictures.#seeing their SISTER turn from a normal & sweet looking child. into a husk of a body.#wires and tubes and scalpels and blood. and at the center of it all this poor kid with tears and a dead look in her eyes#and then them finding her corpse. preserved in test tubes in Parts. they couldnt even give her dignity in death#guts out brain removed organs separated ARM severed. this poor girl dealt with so much in life & it couldnt even stop in death#no wonder knives goes off the deep end after this. that poor kid so desperate for humans' approval#sees the truth about human nature. that curiosity that turned their SISTER into a pile of flesh in a few test tubes#hurts even more to see knives and vash bickering like brothers before this. theyre just KIDS and so was she#she never even got to be as old as they are here. dead by day 229. while theyve managed to live at least a full 365#it makes sense why Rem was trying so hard to keep them hidden. trying SO hard to prevent this from happening again#she was just trying to protect them. trying to raise them and Love them. as the children that they are.#i swear i need a fuckin DRINK after this. it's so fucking horrible#i say this with full love of the series of course but just. god. fucking. DAMN.#uhm.#trigun spoilers/#i mean my live read tag is basically a spoiler tag but Some posts are more spoilers than others#and this. this is some pretty big spoilers lol#head in my hands. It Hurts.
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fidicusautism · 26 days
Call : +917997101303 | Whatsapp : https://wa.me/917997101505 | Website : https://fidicus.com
ADHD Tests and Investigations | Structure and Function of Brain Related to ADHD ADD Hyperactivity | Treatment Cure Medicine | Autism
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About Video : Explore the essential tests and investigations used to diagnose ADHD, including behavioral assessments and cognitive evaluations. This video also delves into the structure and function of neurons in the brain, explaining how abnormalities in neural pathways relate to ADHD symptoms. Gain a deeper understanding of how ADHD is diagnosed and the neurological basis behind it, helping you comprehend the condition's complexity and the role of the brain's structure in ADHD.
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cgandrews3 · 5 months
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intlforestday · 6 months
Innovation is advancing ecosystem restoration as a powerful nature-based solution to multiple global challenges.
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14.30-15.30 - Panel Discussion entitled'' Innovation is advancing ecosystem restoration as a powerful nature-based solution to multiple global challenges.''
Keynote speaker: Tom Crowther, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH) Moderator: Khalil Walji, The Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)
Tom Crowther, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH)
Yelena Finegold, FAO Forestry Officer       
Chetan Kumar, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)       
Adrien Leitoro, Nature and People as One       
Fabiola Zerbini, Brazilian National Secretariat for Biodiversity, Forests and Animal Rights
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thorsenmark · 6 months
Gold Medal Day in Mesa Verde National Park by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting outside the visitor center in Mesa Verde National Park with a view looking up and to the west at a statue and sculpture (Edward J. Fraughton). My thought on composing this image was to have a backdrop with the wisps of clouds in the skies above to highlight the sculpture. I chose to face to the west because the sunlight was more on the sculpture itself with all the reflected light, then directed towards my camera and myself (if I was facing the sun). The rest was later making adjustments with control points in DxO PhotoLab 7 to bring out the contrast, saturation and brightness I wanted for the final image. A clip I found from a news article mentioned the statue and sculpture depict an ancestral Puebloan climbing a cliff using hand and toe holds while carrying a bundle of wood for fuel.
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liliacamethyst · 1 year
Web of Secrets - Miguel O'Hara 
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Miguel O'Hara x SpiderSun Reader
words: 3.7K
warnings: secret pregnancy trope, swearing, angst, heartbreak, grumpy/sunshine, smut
Part I Part II Part III Part IV
In your universe, you are known as the Sun Spider. It all started on a school field trip to a solar energy research center, where you were accidentally exposed to a spider that had been subjected to intense solar radiation. You woke up with a white-hot surge of power, and your life changed forever. You donned a suit of pure white, taking the name that reflected both your newfound abilities and the brightness you brought into the world: Spider-Sun.
Your ability to harness solar energy and transform it into powerful blasts or create protective shields made you a formidable superhero in your home city, Nea Yorkey. Your ability to bring light to even the darkest corners of your city earned you the love of its citizens.
However, everything changed when you were suddenly pulled into the Spider-Verse.
Upon arriving, you were greeted by the gruff leader of this interdimensional team of Spider-People, Miguel O'Hara. His reputation preceded him - the genius intellect, the imposing figure, the gruff demeanor. Everyone respected him, and some even feared him. You, on the other hand, were drawn to him. There was something about that guarded demeanor that called to your own sunny nature.
You became an integral part of the team, fighting off anomalies and working hard to maintain the balance in the Spider-Verse. And despite Miguel's stern exterior, you felt yourself falling for him.
One mission was particularly rough, and you found yourself alone with Miguel in a safe house, nursing your wounds. His usually stern face softened as he tended to your injuries. The distance that he usually maintained was nowhere to be seen.
"Thank you, Miguel," you whispered.
He looked at you, his usually hard eyes soft. "You fought well, mi sol."
There was a moment of silence, a strange tension hanging in the air. Then, Miguel leaned in, capturing your lips in a kiss that was filled with unexpected passion.
In that moment, you were not the Sun Spider, and he was not the Spider-Man 2099. You were just two people, seeking solace in each other.
Afterwards, as you laid side by side, Miguel turned to you, a serious look on his face. "This...this can't be more than what it is. Just...you know, stress relief," he muttered, his voice just above a whisper.
His words wounded you. Naturally, they did. He had reduced your relationship to mere stress relief, as if you were some object devoid of feelings. Yet, in spite of it all, you fell for him. Perhaps you were naive, even foolish, but you didn't care. You yearned for him and were ready to accept any fraction of affection he was willing to offer, no matter how small.
During the day, as you fought alongside him against the anomalies threatening the Spider-Verse, his attention toward you was sparse. He mostly shared only necessary information, barely making eye contact. Sometimes he didn't speak at all, and you and the rest of the team would receive mission orders and briefings from Lyla, his AI assistant.
But at night, when the two of you were alone, he became a different person. He'd whisper praises into your ear, telling you how exceptionally you fought, how much he desired you. He showed you his hidden vulnerability under the cover of darkness, the sheets their only witness. He'd gently stroke your hair and peppered your jaw and temple with kisses until you fell asleep, only for you to wake up the next morning to an empty, cold spot where he once lay.
This cycle - his coldness by day, and the fervor by night - repeated itself relentlessly for months.
And so, this is how you find yourself: disoriented, frenzied, and on the verge of tears, seated on the couch of your best friend, Peter B. Parker, in Earth-616. Cradled in your arms is his sweet daughter, Mayday, who, with her innocent touch, tries to console you. Yet her wide eyes dart anxiously to her father, reflecting her own alarm at your distress.
Peter rubs his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe we should wait until MJ gets home?" he suggests, then, with a furrowed brow, he asks, “Have you tried talking to Jess about this?”
You shake your head vigorously. "No, I haven't told anyone. I have no idea what to do," you confess, your voice breaking.
Peter, ever the caring friend, gently takes Mayday from your arms and sets her down. He turns back to face you with a sympathetic gaze. “Do you..eh.. know who the father is?” he inquires softly.
You shake your head again, even though deep down, you know the truth. “The father is out of the picture. He doesn’t know, and he never will because he doesn’t want kids,” you whisper, fighting back tears.
As you and Peter sit down on the couch in his cozy living room, you find a sense of comfort being around him. His experience as both a superhero and a parent seems like it could be a beacon in this storm you're facing. The room is quiet, save for the soft ticking of a clock on the wall.
“You know, Peter,” you begin, your voice almost a whisper. “I’m terrified. What if the baby has powers? How am I going to protect them, especially if...if I can’t stop fighting anomalies?”
Peter looks thoughtful. “That’s a valid concern. First, you should know that you don’t have to do this alone. There’s a whole community of us, and we stick together. If the child does have powers, she or he will be badass like Mayday, right?”
You nod slowly but then anxieties pile on top of each other in your mind. “But... how can I hide this? Nobody and I mean nobody is supposed to know that I’m pregnant. Especially not...” You trail off, not finishing the sentence.
Peter rubs his chin, deep in thought. “We could look into modifying your suit, maybe talk to some tech geniuses in the Spider-Verse about creating something that can shield or conceal the pregnancy.”
You roll your eyes. “That kinda defies the ‘nobody is allowed to know ‘ordeal, Peter. You have to promise me that this stays between us.”
“I promise,” Peter says sincerely.
Silence fills the room again, and then you voice another fear. “Peter, what if...what if I’m not a good mother? What if I mess this up?”
Peter smiles warmly. “You know, I had those same fears when Mayday was born. I think it’s normal for any parent. But, take it from me, the fact that you’re worried about being a good parent means you’re already on the right track. You’ve got a good heart. Trust it.”
You look down at your hands, fingers interlaced. “Thank you, Peter. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’ll never have to find out,” he says with a reassuring smile. “We’re family, in this weird, Spider-Verse kind of way. But maybe… and I am sayig this as a father myself… reconsider telling the father. I can’t imagine any guy wanting to give up this.” He says, pointing to his precious daughter playing with a napkin she found on the floor.
"Maybe you should reconsider telling the father," Peter's words are echoing in your mind like a haunting melody. A part of you yearns for that possibility. Perhaps you're not alone in this. Maybe, just maybe, Miguel wants this as much as you do.With newfound resolve, you set off for the Spider-Verse headquarters, expecting to find Miguel tucked away in his office, immersed in maintaining the spider verse or as he calls it "arachno- something-multiverse-thingy” or something similar to that.
Upon reaching his office door, you pound on it sharply. No response. Frowning, you knock again, a little harder this time. When silence continues to greet you, you slowly turn the doorknob and peek inside. There he is, hunched over his desk, lost in a world of numbers and codes.
"Miguel, I-" you start, but his sharp voice cuts you off.
"No," he interrupts, his tone cold. "Did I say you can come in? Dios mio, why are you always so damn clingy?"
His words hit you like a punch to the gut. You stare at him, taken aback by his blatant disregard for your feelings. You can feel the beginnings of tears prick at the corner of your eyes, but you will them away.
He doesn't mean it, he doesn't mean it like that. This mantra plays over and over in your head, like a broken record. You take a deep breath, forcing down the hurt his words cause.
"Look, Miguel," you begin, struggling to keep your voice steady. "There’s something we need to talk about, and I think it's important for you to listen to me."
“Fucking hell, woman! What exactly don’t you understand. I’m busy. I don’t care about your little problems, right now.” he barks, not even looking up.
“Miguel,” you speak up, forcing the words out through clenched teeth, “ I’ve never asked anything from you. Not once have did I ask you to stay, to feel the same I feel, to fucking talk to me when people are around. Please all I am asking you is to just ... listen to me, fpr once.” Your voice grows stronger as you speak, a determined fire igniting within you.
Miguel finally looks up, his eyes meeting yours. For a moment, he seems taken aback by the resolve he saw there.
He rubs his temples. “Can we do this later?”
“No!” you shout. “It’s always later with you. You’re like...like a ghost. Just a figure in the hallway. I don’t need a figure, I need a person! I need someone who listens when...”
He glares at you, his eyes narrowing. “Okay, okay I will listen just not now. Whatever it is, it can wait.”
“No, it can’t,” you retort, your voice shaking a bit. “Why is it that every time I try to talk to you, you just brush me off? Am I that insignificant to you?”
He stands up abruptly, the chair skidding behind him. “This? This is what you want to talk about?” he says with a tone of annoyance. “Look, I have a million things to deal with and-”
“And what? And I’m not one of them? Just five minutes, Miguel! That’s all I ask!”
The room is tense. Your heart is racing. His eyes are fiery. It's a standoff.
“And what is so important that you have to disrupt everything right now?” he challenges.
Your breath catches in your throat. This is it. You're about to say it.
“I...” you stammer. “I need to tell you that...”
Suddenly, the door to the office swings open and Jess storms in.
“Miguel, we have a major issue in Sector 12! The anomalies...” she starts, then catches sight of your tear-streaked face. “Oh, am I interrupting something?”
Miguel seems to shake off the tension and slips back into commander mode. “No nothing important. What’s happening in Sector 12?”
You can't believe it. Just like that, he turns away. It feels like your heart is being squeezed.
Jess starts rattling off data and scenarios. The two of them are talking, but you don’t hear it anymore. All you can think of is how you almost told him. How you just wanted five minutes.
Your hands shake and you quietly step out of the room. The door closes behind you, and it feels like a chapter that you can’t read has been sealed away.
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The next day you are on Earth-8311, an anthropomorphic animal-dominated universe. It's the home of Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham, and you can't help but find it amusing.
The mission: to transport an anomaly, which resembles an enormous floating jellyfish, back to its home universe. It's been pure chaos here, and you are determined to set things right.
The team: Gwen, Hobie, and Peter B. Parker. You're all in your suits, eyes sharp, and webs at the ready.
"Alright, Spiders. Let's round this jelly up and send it home," Peter B. Parker takes charge, shooting a web towards a nearby building.
You swing alongside him, your thoughts a whirlwind. The world around you blurs - the animal citizens, the bustling cityscape, the strange yet familiar surroundings.
The anomaly appears before you, thrashing and pulsating as it floats through the sky. It releases blasts of energy that ripple through the air.
"Watch out, Sunny!" Gwen calls out as she dodges a blast.
You, however, are a split second too late. Your reflexes are off, your movements sluggish. The blast sends you spiraling towards the ground.
Hobie swings in and catches you mid-air, his guitar strapped on his back. “Get it together, Sun!” he shouts over the noise, his punk-styled hair waving wildly.
You shake off your daze and look up to see Peter B. Parker shooting webs to pull the anomaly back down, while Gwen is deploying a device to open a portal back to its home universe.
Your heart races as you focus on the task at hand. You need to get this right, not just for yourself, but for the life you’re now carrying. Your suit seems to glow even brighter in the chaos.
With a final combined effort, you manage to lasso the anomaly and push it through the portal. The anomaly disappears, and the portal closes behind it.
The team regroups on a rooftop. Gwen is catching her breath, Hobie is tuning his guitar, and Peter B. Parker gives you a concerned look.
“Are you okay?” Gwen asks, her voice laced with worry. “You weren’t yourself up there.”
The weight of the secret you’re carrying feels unbearable. But you're not ready to share it.
“Promise me you won’t tell Miguel about this,” you say, your voice barely audible.
Gwen raises an eyebrow, while Hobie crosses his arms. Peter B. Parker simply nods.
“Nah, Bossman doesn’t need to know about this,” Hobie says, and there’s a firmness in his voice that is strangely comforting.
Back in the HQ, your head spins, and your stomach feels like it's doing somersaults. You mumble a quick excuse about feeling nauseous and practically sprint to the nearest restroom.
Meanwhile, Gwen, Hobie, and Peter B. Parker head to the cafeteria to grab something to eat.
As they sit down at a table with their trays, Gwen breaks the silence. “Is it okay if I say that this mission was kind of easy? Like, I’ve seen Sunny take down Doc Ock from Earth-818, and she did that without any problem. So what was that today?” Gwen’s concern is apparent.
Hobie, munching on a sandwich, nods in agreement. "Yeah, it's like her spidey senses were jammed or somethin'. Never seen her like that before."
Peter B. Parker looks thoughtfully at his sandwich, then glances up at Gwen and Hobie. He’s torn, having promised you to keep your secret but also wanting your friends to understand why you were off your game.
"You guys remember when she fought Morlun on Earth-001? She was a totally smashin’ it, and today, she nearly got turned into spider-paste by a floating jellyfish. That ain’t right," Hobie adds.
Gwen’s eyes suddenly widen. "Oh my God! Do you think she’s in trouble? Like, something from her universe? Or maybe she's having an identity crisis! Should we stage an intervention?"
Peter B. Parker clears his throat. “Maybe she’s just having an off day.”
Gwen’s eyes narrow as she scrutinizes Peter. “You know something, don’t you?”
Peter scratches the back of his head, obviously uncomfortable. “Nope, no idea.”
Hobie puts down his sandwich and leans in. "Oi, mate. Spill your guts. There's something dodgy going on. She's always been our burst of sunshine, lifting the mood. But now she's... dimmed. What's going on with our Sunny, Parker?"
Before Peter B. Parker could answer Gwen’s barrage of questions, Jess - Spider-Woman - appears, her belly showing. She takes a seat at the table and, oblivious to the serious conversation that was taking place, asks them about their latest mission.
"So, how did your mission go?" Jessica asks, while munching on her Burger.
"Nothing to report, Jess," Gwen answers, a little too quickly, her face all sunshine and false smiles. Peter simply nod in agreement.
“Yah, all good!” Hobie chimes in, flashing a grin that seems a little too bright.
“How about you? How are you holding up?” Peter asks Jess, trying to steer the conversation away from the mission.
Jessica shrugs, not overly concerned, and bites into her burger. "'M good. You know,  I'm so glad I can finally eat a burger again. At the beginning of my pregnancy, practically every food made me nauseous, especially after swinging around on missions.”
Suddenly, there's a moment of collective realization among Gwen, Hobie. It’s as if their spider senses are tingling in unison. They exchange knowing looks, all of them silently putting the pieces together.
Gwen’s eyes are wide, Hobie’s eyebrows are raised, and they both turn to look at Peter, who simply nods.
Jess, noticing the silent exchange, squints at them. “What is up with you guys? You’re acting weird. Well, weirder than usual.”
“Uh, nothin’!” Hobie says, a little too quickly.
“Yeah, just tired from the mission,” Gwen adds, trying to play it cool.
Jess rolls her eyes and stands up. “Alright, weirdos. I’m gonna go find some normal people to talk to,” she says jokingly and walks away.
After she leaves, the trio leans in.
“Sunny’s pregnant, isn’t she?” Gwen whispers.
Hobie's eyes are as wide as saucers. “That would explain everything!”
Peter B. Parker nods. “We need to be there for her, but remember, it’s her news to share when she’s ready.”
They make a pact to support you without pushing you to reveal anything before you're ready.
As you walk back into the cafeteria, you find your friends huddled together. They break apart when they see you and welcome you back with smiles and light conversation, but something in their demeanor is different but you can’t put your finger on it. They are being more attentive, considerate, and frankly, a little too curious about your well-being.
"Are you sure you're okay, Sunny?" Gwen asks for the third time since you sat down. Her concern is genuine, but her intensity is slightly off-putting.
"Yeah, do you need anything?" Hobie offers, his eyes gleaming with unspoken curiosity. "Food, drink, or maybe... pickles?" Pickles? Thats oddly specific.
There's a burst of laughter from Gwen, and even Peter is suppressing a chuckle.
"What's up with the pickles?" You ask, looking at them suspiciously.
"Oh, nothing!" Gwen says, a little too quickly, trying to hold back her laughter.
"Hmm, pickles and ice cream, a weird combo, innit?" Hobie wonders aloud, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.
Again, there's suppressed laughter, and you look at each of them, a realization slowly dawning on you. You turn to Peter, your gaze steady and serious. "You told them, didn't you?" Peter looks shocked, but quickly composes himself. "I didn't exactly tell them, per se," he confesses, "I might've confirmed their suspicions when they asked, but they figured it out on their own. Spider senses and all that jazz.”
Before you could respond, Gwen and Hobie jump in, both talking over each other in an attempt to apologize.
"We're sorry, Sunny," Gwen says sincerely. "We didn't mean to invade your privacy, it's just that... we're worried about you. Please don’t be mad."
Hobie nods, adding, "And we're right behind ya, whatever comes our way. We've got your back, no doubt about it."
You are happy, while the situation isn't ideal, but at least you're not alone. You have friends who care about you and, despite their unconventional way of showing it, they are there for you. You smile, comforted by their concern, and grateful for their support.
"Yeah," you finally say, "I guess we’re gonna need a lot more pickles and ice cream around here, huh?"
“Sooo...who’s the dad? Is he hot?” Gwen, leaning on the table with her elbows, asks shyly after a while.
You let out a long sigh, “He’s very hot... but also a colossal jerk.”
Peter raises an eyebrow. “You took my advice and talked to him then?”
You shake your head, your eyes starting to well up. “No, I tried. But he wouldn’t listen to me. He was busy, and I guess I wasn’t important enough. So, the baby won’t be either,” you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Hobie's eyes narrow, and his face is flushed with anger. "Who's this bloke, eh? I swear on me nan's grave, I'll give him a right proper earful! No one treats our Sunny like a tosser and gets away with it!"
Gwen jumps in, her eyes wide with speculation, “Wait, is he a Spider? Is it Peter? Or the other Peter? Or—”
“Guys, guys!” you cut them off, your voice cracking. “Please, it doesn’t matter. He made it clear where I stand, and it’s not with him.”
There’s a silence that settles over the table as your friends look at each other and then back to you. Their faces are a mix of concern, sadness, and frustration.
Peter B. is the first to break the silence. “You don’t have to go through this alone. You’ve got us. If the dad doesn’t want to step up, then he’s missing out on something amazing.”
Gwen nods, her eyes firm with resolve. “Yeah, we’re family. We’ve got your back, no matter what.”
Hobie, still fuming, finally calms down enough to say, "All you gotta do is whistle, love, and we'll be there in a blink. Even if it means thumping some manners into this mystery idiot."
You can't help but crack a small smile, despite the tears. You’re overwhelmed by the love and support your friends are giving you.
“Thanks, guys. You don't know how much this means to me.” 
They all reach out and there’s a group hug right in the middle of the cafeteria. You didn’t know how much you needed this until it happened.
Part 2 “Webs of Fate”
a/n: Thank you guys for all your love on this fic so far.I really appreciate each like, comment, reblog <3. I still can’t reply to your comments so please if you want to tagged (and are not already) comment on part 2 and I’ll do my best and add you.Also I am open to requests, critic and wishes. Have a wonderful day. xx
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
angel of a daughter
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words: 2.2k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, stepcest, stepdad!rafe, p in v sex, unprotected sex, virgin!reader, female receiving oral, fingering, breeding, fertility issues (from mother), reader is described as having big boobs, kinda pregnancy kink from rafe but more talk of sex while pregnant, cheating (no daddy kink)
“i got the results back.” your mom says, her voice low and sad, revealing her results with her tone alone. “the doctor says theres no way.” “i’m sorry, mama.” you pout, wrapping your arms around her shoulders. you hate that you feel a bit of relief. your mom had you young, a teenager knocked up by another teenager who ran off the second he heard his girlfriend got pregnant.
your mom raised you until you were a teenager yourself, doing everything by herself until your stepdad came into the picture. he inserted himself perfectly into your life, but expected to have kids of his own.
“whats the plan then?” you question as your stepdad comes into the living room, setting a glass of water down in front of your mom. you sit on either side of her, showing your support. “adoption? surrogate?” 
you like being an only child. you like it just being you, mom, and rafe, but at the same time, you want your mom to be happy, and if a baby gives her that, you'll adjust for her.
“actually…” rafe clears his throat. “we were hoping you’d be willing to help out.”
“yeah, of course.” you nod. “anyway i can.” 
you don’t realize what rafe means until later. you assumed it was just help researching adoption agencies, or finding a surrogate, but as rafe hovers over you, you realize he means to breed you.
“m-my mom can’t be okay with this.” you stutter out, body stiff against the bed, trapped as you blink up at rafe, body caging you over the mattress.
“she thinks you’re going to get inseminated.” he huffs out, breath warm against your face. “and in a way you are. a natural way.”
“i-i-” you stutter out. “i don't know about this.”
“come on, i see the way you look at me.” rafe shifts his weight to one hand, gliding down the other down your torso, squeezing your hip gently. “i know you want this.”
“you're married to my mom!” your eyes are wide, but a spark does ignite inside of you. “you're my stepdad!”
“and you’re going to be doing both of us such a big favor, pretty girl.” rafe coos, his fingers running along the material of your shorts, stroking closer and closer to your center every time.
“i-i guess it would be easier than going to a doctor.” you’re sure it involves waivers and legal shit that your mind just can’t even wrap around.
“exactly!” rafe smiles down at you, glad for your naivety. “besides, im making you feel good... you’ll get pregnant, and both of us will feel real good.”
“how many times will we get to do it?” you whisper, hands reaching up to touch rafes cheeks, running your finger down the smooth planes. “like, it probably won’t take the first time.”
“as many times as we have to babygirl. and i’ll take real good care of you during your pregnancy. rub your feet, buy whatever you are craving, eat you out.” rafe loves the way your eyes blow wide.
“thats not appropriate!” your mom has lectured you long and hard about sexual experiences and above all how important it is to wait so you don’t become pregnant young like she did. and now she is asking you to allow your stepdad to breed you when you’re freshly out of your teen years.
“its okay, its just you helping us out so im helping you back out in return.” rafe moves his hand up to cup your cheek. “let me show you.”
he leans down to press your lips together in a kiss. you lay frozen for a moment before beginning to move back, reciprocating the kiss as your hands fist into his shirt, tugging him lower.
you let out a moan into his mouth and rafe has to pull away to chuckle. “see, i knew you wanted me babygirl.”
“yeah.” you nod. “okay, lets do this.” damn the consequences, you can think about them later.
“good.” he coos out, lips back against yours quickly as his hand gropes at your breast, rubbing them through your tanktop. you’ve always been insecure about the size of your chest, but as rafe lowers down to look at them, you think about them in a whole new light.
“these are gonna feed our baby so well.” he says, tugging at the hem of your shirt, lower and lower until it breeches the swell of your breasts and they pop out the top. you don’t ask who he means by ‘our’. you can indulge in the fantasy that it’s just you and rafe. that your mom is still in the picture, but only in the role as your mother, not the one of rafes baby. 
rafe wraps his lips around your nipple, sucking deeply into his mouth, so in contrast to what it must feel like to have an infant feeding.
“i-more.” you gasp out as rafes fingers play with your other nipple, rolling and pinching at it until they’re both stiff peaks.
“i can’t wait to fuck you baby.” rafe says, helping you sit up just slightly to pull your shirt off, the small pajama shorts the only barrier you have left on your body. rafe also tugs his shirt off. you’ve seen him shirtless before in the pool or on your boat, but its different in this low lighting, so intimate and close. 
“gonna eat your pretty pussy first though.” rafe tugs your shorts down, your thighs pressing together to allow you to keep that part of yourself hidden for a moment longer, before rafe is pushing at your legs and slotting himself onto the bed in between them.
“aww.” rafe smiles, looking much more like a boy your age with his grin rather than your stepfather. “i knew she’d be cute.” his hands stroke over your inner thighs. “have you ever had a guy eat your pussy before?”
“no.” you shake your head. “never done anything with a guy.” you’ve kissed past boyfriends, but it never went beyond that.
“im gonna be your first?” theres a spark in rafes eye when he realizes that you’re a virgin. that he’s going to deflower you, fill you up. 
“y-yeah.” you nod. 
rafe wants you to cum once with his mouth and fingers first to open you up and get you wetter before he fucks you, so he wastes no more time, pushing his face forward between your legs, tongue swiping over your folds as you scream out in pleasure. 
rafe is glad as your moans increase with every flick of his tongue and glide of his lips that he chose to sneak into your room in a time when your mom was gone, off to the spa with her girlfriends, no doubt sharing to them her recent doctors trip and how her angel of a daughter agreed to be a surrogate so her and rafe could have a baby of their own.
“you taste so good.” rafe says. he isn’t one to enjoy giving head often, but you really are the sweetest taste on his lips. he focuses in on your clit as your entire body stiffens before relaxing, sighing out as your head becomes fuzzier and fuzzier with every touch of rafes mouth.
“do you touch yourself here?” rafe asks, pressing kisses to your clit, making out with it just like he did you mouth.
“no.” you shake your head. you occasionally grinded yourself into a pillow stuffed between your legs to get off when you got too overwhelmed, but you never reached your hand in your pants to feel yourself.
“what about here?” rafe brings his hand to your cunt, finger circling around your entrance.
your eyes widen again, that gloriously innocent startled look that has rafe grinding into the bed to give his cock some sort of relief.
“never!” you shake your head.
rafe just smiles, going back to focusing on your clit as his finger pushes in. you’re so wet it’s not difficult at all, but he can feel the way you squeeze around his digit, getting used to the feeling of the intrusion.
“relax for me, princess.” rafe says, sucking at your clit as he begins to move his finger in and out until he’s able to easily pump, the delicious squelching of your wetness filling the room with his every movement.
“gonna add a second, okay?” rafe talks you through the process, not wanting to do something to scare you into changing your mind. “gotta open you up for my cock, baby.”
rafe pushes a second finger into your entrance, working you open until he feels your body stiffen, his concentration going to your clit as he works you through your orgasm, your high so suddenly breeching that your body locks up and you let out a scream.
“shh, i got you.” rafe kisses along your mound as you work through it, pussy clenching around his fingers as he scissors them, knowing he needs you looser to fit inside.
“that-” you gasp out, mouth suddenly feeling dry. “that was so good.” “yeah?” rafe smiles up at you. “i can keep helping you feel that way, baby.”
“mhm.” you nod, not sure how you’ll ever go without now that you’ve felt the high that rafe can get you.
“can i fuck you now?” he questions. as much as he’s ready to go right now, if he has to build you up to allow him inside bare, he would wait.
“yeah.” your voice is dripping with eagerness. “yeah, yes please. just need a drink of water first.”
you sit up slightly, going to reach for your water bottle on your bedside table, but rafe moves quicker, helping you bring the bottle to your lips and suck the water down, pulling away with a gasp as a drop of water glides down your chin, reaching your throat before rafes tongue is on your skin, tasting the sheen of sweat as he follows the wet trail up to your lips, kissing you to keep your mind occupied.
he works his pants and underwear off while you’re wrapped up in the kiss, your hands stroking through his hair, playing with the strands. 
rafe moves your legs to wrap around his hips as he holds onto his cock, swiping it through your folds. he taps the head against your sensitive swollen clit, making you pull away with a gasp.
“stay nice and relaxed for me, baby.” rafe says, pressing kisses to your jaw as he lines up with your entrance. he pushes in slowly, your eyes clenching shut as your chest moves up and down with each breath, trying to keep your body relaxed like rafe said.
“there ya go.” rafe says, halfway inside your cunt. “good girl.”
he pushes as far in as your pussy allows, both of you sitting in that moment, relishing in the feeling of being joined together as you stretch to accommodate his large length, shifting your hips side to side and up and down to get used to the feeling.
“i gotta move, baby.” rafe says, his voice sounding strained.
“yeah, go ahead.” you nod. despite your affirmation, rafe continues to move slowly, his hips swinging back before pressing forward, carefully building up a rhythm.
“it feels really good.” you tell rafe, your cheeks flushed bright pink, hair fanned out on the pillow around you like a glowing halo.
“yeah, yeah.” rafe nods rapidly, his grip on control quickly loosening. “you feel so good too.”
rafe knows he should stop, but he loves the way your body reacts to his dirty words. “you’re so tight around me. i love this pussy. so much better than your mamas. gonna give me a baby, right?”
“i-yeah.” you nod. “fill me up.”
rafes loosening control shatters, his hips swinging forward fast, burying his cock inside of you as the pace instantly triples. you let out a squeal, the sheets gripped in your hands as he pounds into you.
“gonna fill up your pretty little cunnie, baby.” rafe grunts out, his own forehead sheening with sweat from his effort, his muscles straining as he pushes up then down, up then down.
“want it so bad.” you whine. 
“fuck.” rafe gasps out, mouth dropping open, his lips shiny from eating you out. “can’t last much longer. gonna cum.”
you experiment, clenching your pussy around his cock, and judging by rafes reaction of a loud moan and curse, you can tell he likes it. you continue, squeezing every time he pulls out, wanting to keep his cock wrapped in your warmth.
“i-im cumming.” rafe gasps out, his cock growing inside of you before your eyes widen, suddenly feeling warmth spreading as his cum fills you, his cock pressing in even harder, hoping it reaches your womb.
“god.” rafe groans, lowering his body on top of yours, but you don’t care about the weight as you smile.
“we’re gonna keep doing that?” you ask, running your hand down his back.
rafe looks up at you. “oh, of course baby. gonna keep fucking you while you’re pregnant too, maybe you’ll give us twins.”
you roll your eyes and giggle at rafe. “thats not how it works, silly!” “oh, what do you know?” rafe smirks at you. “you haven’t even had sex before!”
“well… i have now.” you mumble, shifting your hips from side to side, rafes cock still lodged deep inside of you.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra
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dandelionsresilience · 2 months
Good News - July 22-28
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. Four new cheetah cubs born in Saudi Arabia after 40 years of extinction
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“[T]he discovery of mummified cheetahs in caves […] which ranged in age from 4,000 to as recent as 120 years, proved that the animals […] once called [Saudi Arabia] home. The realisation kick-started the country’s Cheetah Conservation Program to bring back the cats to their historic Arabian range. […] Dr Mohammed Qurban, CEO of the NCW, said: […] “This motivates us to continue our efforts to restore and reintroduce cheetahs, guided by an integrated strategy designed in accordance with best international practices.””
2. In sub-Saharan Africa, ‘forgotten’ foods could boost climate resilience, nutrition
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“[A study published in PNAS] examined “forgotten” crops that may help make sub-Saharan food systems more resilient, and more nutritious, as climate change makes it harder to grow [current staple crops.] [… The study identified 138 indigenous] food crops that were “relatively underresearched, underutilized, or underpromoted in an African context,” but which have the nutrient content and growing stability to support healthy diets and local economies in the region. […] In Eswatini, van Zonneveld and the World Vegetable Center are working with schools to introduce hardy, underutilized vegetables to their gardens, which have typically only grown beans and maize.”
3. Here's how $4 billion in government money is being spent to reduce climate pollution
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“[New Orleans was awarded] nearly $50 million to help pay for installing solar on low to middle income homes [… and] plans to green up underserved areas with trees and build out its lackluster bike lane system to provide an alternative to cars. […] In Utah, $75 million will fund several measures from expanding electric vehicles to reducing methane emissions from oil and gas production. [… A] coalition of states led by North Carolina will look to store carbon in lands used for agriculture as well as natural places like wetlands, with more than $400 million. [… This funding is] “providing investments in communities, new jobs, cost savings for everyday Americans, improved air quality, … better health outcomes.””
4. From doom scrolling to hope scrolling: this week’s big Democratic vibe shift
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“[Democrats] have been on an emotional rollercoaster for the past few weeks: from grim determination as Biden fought to hang on to his push for a second term, to outright exuberance after he stepped aside and Harris launched her campaign. […] In less than a week, the Harris campaign raised record-breaking sums and signed up more than 100,000 new volunteers[….] This honeymoon phase will end, said Democratic strategist Guy Cecil, warning the election will be a close race, despite this newfound exuberance in his party. [… But v]oters are saying they are excited to vote for Harris and not just against Trump. That’s new.”
5. Biodegradable luminescent polymers show promise for reducing electronic waste
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“[A team of scientists discovered that a certain] chemical enables the recycling of [luminescent polymers] while maintaining high light-emitting functions. […] At the end of life, this new polymer can be degraded under either mild acidic conditions (near the pH of stomach acid) or relatively low heat treatment (> 410 F). The resulting materials can be isolated and remade into new materials for future applications. […] The researchers predict this new polymer can be applied to existing technologies, such as displays and medical imaging, and enable new applications […] such as cell phones and computer screens with continued testing.”
6. World’s Biggest Dam Removal Project to Open 420 Miles of Salmon Habitat this Fall
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“Reconnecting the river will help salmon and steelhead populations survive a warming climate and [natural disasters….] In the long term, dam removal will significantly improve water quality in the Klamath. “Algae problems in the reservoirs behind the dams were so bad that the water was dangerous for contact […] and not drinkable,” says Fluvial Geomorphologist Brian Cluer. [… The project] will begin to reverse decades of habitat degradation, allow threatened salmon species to be resilient in the face of climate change, and restore tribal connections to their traditional food source.”
7. Biden-Harris Administration Awards $45.1 Million to Expand Mental Health and Substance Use Services Across the Lifespan
““Be it fostering wellness in young people, caring for the unhoused, facilitating treatment and more, this funding directly supports the needs of our neighbors,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. [The funding also supports] recovery and reentry services to adults in the criminal justice system who have a substance use disorder[… and clinics which] serve anyone who asks for help for mental health or substance use, regardless of their ability to pay.”
8. The World’s Rarest Crow Will Soon Fly Free on Maui
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“[… In] the latest attempt to establish a wild crow population, biologists will investigate if this species can thrive on Maui, an island where it may have never lived before. Translocations outside of a species’ known historical range are rare in conservation work, but for a bird on the brink of extinction, it’s a necessary experiment: Scientists believe the crows will be safer from predators in a new locale—a main reason that past reintroduction attempts failed. […] As the release date approaches, the crows have already undergone extensive preparation for life in the wild. […] “We try to give them the respect that you would give if you were caring for someone’s elder.””
9. An optimist’s guide to the EV battery mining challenge
““Battery minerals have a tremendous benefit over oil, and that’s that you can reuse them.” [… T]he report’s authors found there’s evidence to suggest that [improvements in technology] and recycling have already helped limit demand for battery minerals in spite of this rapid growth — and that further improvements can reduce it even more. [… They] envision a scenario in which new mining for battery materials can basically stop by 2050, as battery recycling meets demand. In this fully realized circular battery economy, the world must extract a total of 125 million tons of battery minerals — a sum that, while hefty, is actually 17 times smaller than the oil currently harvested every year to fuel road transport.”
10. Peekaboo! A baby tree kangaroo debuts at the Bronx Zoo
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“The tiny Matschie’s tree kangaroo […] was the third of its kind born at the Bronx Zoo since 2008. [… A] Bronx Zoo spokesperson said that the kangaroo's birth was significant for the network of zoos that aims to preserve genetic diversity among endangered animals. "It's a small population and because of that births are not very common," said Jessica Moody, curator of primates and small mammals at the Bronx Zoo[, …] adding that baby tree kangaroos are “possibly one of the cutest animals to have ever lived. They look like stuffed animals, it's amazing.””
July 15-21 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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neptxn3 · 5 months
Astrology Observations II
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Disclaimer, these are observations I have made through personal experience and thorough research, observations also vary depending on other natal placements involved
doesn’t resonate ≠ untrue 
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♅ Virgos tend to represent the trad wife far more than people assume taurus does, and that’s because Virgos ability to uphold their life (at least on the outside) tend to attract men who want a wife that can keep them on track
Some Virgo women tend to also attract gay men unfortunately 😭, again I think Virgos just seem like the perfect trad Wife and it will attract closeted men like flies. This isn’t to say all your partners will be closeted but the ones who are overly aggressive on your role in the relationship might be.
♅ Gemini moon children develop QUICKLY. These are usually the kids who weird you out with their extensive knowledge and self awareness that seemingly comes out of nowhere. The mercury influence allows them to digest many topics which in turn has Gemini moon children mentally developing at a faster pace than their peers
I’ve also observed Gemini moons are those annoying kids in your class that are a lot smarter and a bit condescending to others intelligence, not because that’s just the way they are, but their mercurial moon needs constant stimulation, and with a combination of their rapid growth you’ll see them climbing academic ranks which in turn can make them dislike school if they are not progressing at a speed they like. 
♅ Scorpio moons have a tendency to see the worst in every situation/person which can be a nasty habit, but this isn’t out of judgment, rather they don’t like to give people the benefit of the doubt. They don’t like to be screwed over and their best bet is to think of the worst scenario possible. 
♅ Aquarius Venus who are flaky in relationships and constantly cheat will eventually have karma handed back to them, usually in the form of being in their mid 40’s still single.
Aquarius Venus flaky reputation does stem from the fact that it is a Saturn influenced placement, as well as being fixed. It’s not that they hate any type of restriction to their freedom but rather to what extent you restrict them to. They can and will jump quickly into relationships but if they see any glimpse of possessive or controlling attributes they will leave. Again because it’s fixed and Saturn influenced Aquarius Venus knows once it settles down that’s it, they’re not going anywhere, that’s why they’re so scattered to find the right person who fits their criteria. 
♅ Moon/Sun harshly aspecting Neptune is the embodiment of “I hate my Mom/Dad, but I love her/him too”. Neptune harshly aspecting these planets can cause a huge wall of misunderstanding between parent and child, but Neptune blurs the lines so deep that the individual sees them “through rose colored glasses” and if incapable of harboring hate. I would even say there could be nights where these people will look back and remember their past relationships (Neptune = Dreams)
♅ 10h placements can sometimes struggle maintaining relationships due to the very contradicting nature of the Midheaven and ascendant. Usually people will perceive them to be very different from who they actually are.
This is also why they struggle with their self esteem (the natural square to the ascendant). Sometimes they feel like they need to keep up an image to satisfy others and that isn’t someone who they truly are 🥲
In synastry this also points to partners trying to change who they are/make choices for them because they think it’s “for the best” or “what’s good for them”. 
♅ Every Virgo rising I’ve met always gives me a small lesson on why astrology isn’t real but follow up with a “but can you read my chart I want to see if it’s true 👀”. I truly believe it’s the 12h Leo which makes them secretly a little self centered (hence the interest for things like astrology to attempt and figure themselves out) but the mercurial ascendant will always make them skeptical 😭
♅ Saturn conjunct Jupiter natives is a dangerous fire sometimes. I’ve noticed if they haven’t learned to balance this aspect in their chart, the people around them can suffer their warm and cold attitude. It’s almost as if one second you could be hysterically laughing in class together, and the next second they immediately stop and ask you to be serious and finish your work. WHERE DID THE VIBE GOOO?? The key here is moderation in whichever sign/house this is in
♅ Whoever said Neptune in hard aspect to Venus needs to practice saying positive affirmations (especially to Venus related topics) to themselves in the mirror was SO correct. Neptune indeed does reflect lies to you and reaffirming yourself in the mirror breaks that spell. I don’t think I’ve felt so beautiful since I started doing this. 
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loneisland · 3 months
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warnings: mention of a scratch (sae), cat haters, literally nothing this is just cute little headcanons
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(the type of guy that “hates cats” until he loves them)
When you first asked him about getting a pet, he said no because a dog would be too much to take care of since he’s a professional football player. Didn’t even consider the cat. But you did.
Arguments to plead your case included but were not limited to: cats are naturally independent and clean animals. They are relatively calm (he raised an eyebrow at that), and spend most of their time sleeping. You had one when you were a kid so you know how to take care of one!
Poor guy. Almost had an aneurysm. He was terrified and looked at you with all the incomprehension in the world
Told you they were selfish, vain and vicious animals who only care about you because you give them food. You almost slapped him in the face, and you both went to adopt the cat in compensation for the emotional damage he caused you. Was frowning the entire time during the adoption process.
UUUNTILL. You come out of your bedroom to get some water in the kitchen. You pass by the living room. You see kaiser on the couch. WITH THE CAT IN HIS LAP. You gasp, kaiser looks over at you in surprise, the cat scampers off, but it’s too late… you saw everything. Kaiser has been converted into a cat person.
Later that day, kaiser swears you to secrecy.
(the type of guy that really hates cats [most people would call that a psychopath])
You asked about getting a cat and it took him about a millisecond to deter you from getting a cat in your home.
For about 5 minutes. Because a few hours later you went to the adoption center to get a few pictures of cute little kitties in hopes that they would get to rin and he would eventually cave because, who wouldn’t? And he DIDN’T.
He looked at you. Looked back at the pictures, back at you, back to the pictures, his eyes devoid of any emotion. Does not understand what you’re trying to do. Does not care. There will be no cat in this household, and that’s the end of the story.
That is it. Desperate times call for desperate mesures. You sneak a cat in the house regardless. Maybe the real thing will make him realise just how cute kitties can be. After all, you can’t pet a picture, you can’t play with a picture, and you can’t see a picture move! This is it, you are going to convert him into a cat person.
Had you known this would turn your home into the Cold War, you wouldn’t have done it.
Not only does Rin not like the cat, the cat doesn’t like Rin either. Each look is a stare down show. Rin refuses to get into bed as long as the cat is on it. The cat refuses to lounge in his favorite spot if Rin happens to be near it. Rin begs you to return the cat, but, it’s not your fault if the cat doesn’t like him… he likes you just fine 🤷‍♀️
(the type of guy you thought hated cats but actually loves them)
You felt like you had prepared yourself your life for this. Today would be the day you would get sae to adopt a cat with you. You had everything planned: PowerPoint presentation, cat pictures, budget, and a meticulously prepared answer to any and every single question he might have. This was your D-Day. Nothing would get past you.
You had done a whole lot of research: why sae didn’t like cats (you figured it was mostly genetics, most of his family weren’t fond of cats), his experience with cats (he came home with a scratch on his hand one day, and claimed he “hated the lot of them”. Who is ‘them’, might you ask? Cats, of course!) and so on.
When you heard a set of keys jingle on the other side of the door, you knew this was your time to shine. You set up the laptop, hang the pictures, and take you seat
And so it starts: stats, projects, nothing does get past you, just as you intended.
However, there is one small thing that does bother you tiny little bit, and that makes you trail off on some of your points: your boyfriend is dead silent. His expression is like the void, there is nothing that could tell you if you convinced him or not.
And there it is, the one word sentence that you’ve been waiting for: “sure. I like cats.”
Your mouth hangs open. Sae is the only one who likes cats out of his entire family. The scratch he got on his hand was from a mouse who had almost gotten ran over. You had completely miscalculated his moves.
But at least he likes cats
this is for all my cats lovers!!! Cat lovers unite!!!!
comments and reblogs are most appreciated!
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©loneisland 2024
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
An attempt at summarizing the controversies that embroil mycorrhizal network research:
a bunch of scientists are miffed at how the media has taken "plants communicate and distribute nutrients through the mycorrhizal network" and run with it, finding the "mother tree" thing too anthropomorphizing and too presumptive about something very poorly understood
unfortunately all of the major models for understanding the mycorrhizal network are anthropomorphizing, even the more competition-centered ones...to the point that papers discuss whether the network is a "capitalist" or a "socialist" system
But, setting aside the question of whether trees can "intentionally" do something or be altruistic...how do we know the plant is the one in control? Are the trees "sending" nutrients or is the fungus taking the nutrients and sending them to other trees? Wait, how do we assign agency in a system like this at all? Isn't it unscientific to assume that any part of the system, fungus or plant, is consciously acting? Wait...are they actually separate organisms with their own interests, or is it more accurate to view all the members of a mycorrhizal network as one big super-organism? (Wait, is it anthropomorphizing to consider organisms as having interests? If yes, how do we describe what's happening using language?)
Basically, yes we have demonstrated and established that nutrients move from one plant to another plant in the mycorrhizal network, including from fully grown trees to saplings, plants in sunlight to shaded plants, and other things that are definitely fun to interpret as one plant "helping" the weaker plant. However, we don't actually know the intentions of plants, so for all we know, the fungus could be doing everything. Or it could be completely stupid to describe any of it as "one individual organism in the network Intentionally Does A Thing."
Big Problem: Although a shit ton of research is being done, most research in the mycorrhizal network is done on very simple networks of 1 or 2 plant species with a handful of selected fungal inoculants in otherwise sterile laboratory settings. These conditions do not reflect the natural world at all.
in fact, experimental conditions used to study mycorrhizal networks are mostly completely unlike anything that would ever exist...you know, Outside,
most of the research pertains to agriculture and there are many demonstrated benefits, and many farmers are ALREADY using methods to promote mycorrhizal networks, but my guess is that it's not as simple as matching crops up to fungal inoculants that help them for instant 20% yield increase, at least in Real Outdoor Soil with an existing microbiome and seed bank.
Roughly speaking, 50% of mycorrhizal associations benefit seedling establishment, and the remaining 50% are themselves split halfway between "no effect" and "negative effect." Doesn't this mean that the mycorrhizal network is not always chill and altruistic?
Well, those findings might mean absolutely nothing either way, since in a field-setting plant community, there are dozens if not hundreds of fungi species (the diversity and number of specialists increases in later-successional communities) that are part of the mycorrhizal network, and through them any given seedling might be linked to a thousand different plants.
Some researchers find it puzzling how so many mycorrhizal partnerships seem to have no effect. Maybe the effect only comes online in certain conditions?
Parasitism, mutualism and commensalism aren't fixed types of relationship, and two partners in the mycorrhizal network can and do switch between the three constantly. This is another problem: the experiments don't usually follow both partners in a plant-fungal pairing to the end of their natural lives, and it's been shown that a fungus can be mutualistic early in a plant's life and later on become more parasitic (for example). Or that a fungus can be beneficial in poor soil conditions and become parasitic in rich soil conditions.
But...is this really best understood as a situational switch between types of symbiosis, or can we judge it by the net effect on both partners throughout their life spans, or...my brain is breaking
Like, a fungus that mostly decreases the fitness of the host plant, BUT becomes very helpful in the presence of extreme drought...is it a parasite or mutualistic partner?
Some researchers lean toward a source-sink model where nutrients tend to flow toward plants that are most lacking and away from plants with most abundance. This is a rough approximation of something ridiculously complicated
Plants can and do select fungal partners to pair with and reject fungi that contribute fewer benefits.
Fungi also appear capable of selectively distributing resources based on the fitness of the host, or at least they did this one experiment where the fungus was connected to two different trees and researchers ripped all the leaves off one of the trees. This caused the fungus to divert its nutrient flow to the undamaged tree (throwing in its lot with the tree most likely to survive). However, we're not sure if this would happen in a forest or other natural plant community, since in the lab, the fungus was totally dependent on the two trees for survival and there were no other participants in the network. So basically, it's kinda like those behavior studies on captive wolves?
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nanamiscocksleeve · 3 months
Natural Breeding Clinic - Prologue
warnings: MDNI, breeding kinks, general sex, mention of infertility and insemination methods
a/n: It's here. Finally.
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Teaser - Prologue - Chapter 1
You take a deep breath and sit down in front of the laptop, waiting for the other person to join the call. Never in your life had you heard about such a unique reproductive center but lately, you’d been feeling the pull to start your own family. You’d discussed this with relevant people in your life. Everyone had said if you really wanted a child, then you should go with the options you thought were right for you.
You’d done the research, looking into different doctors and fertility clinics, but this one just stood out. There were testimonials from several happy families, saying their methods, though unconventional, were effective, and the doctors showcased on the website were all incredibly striking, each one handsome in their own way. But it was the success rate that caught your eye. A 98% guaranteed rate that you would be pregnant, and that pregnancy would be healthy. The site didn’t go into too much detail on their method, but the wording caught your eye.
“A natural breeding clinic” they’d called themselves. You’d finally bitten the bullet and called, requesting an information session. The screen suddenly lightens and you focus your attention as an attractive woman with shoulder-length brown hair comes into view. She smiles in a welcoming way before speaking.
“Hello. Am I speaking with Mrs. L/n?” You nod and smile back, trying not to look awkward or uncomfortable. 
“Perfect! My name is Shoko Ieiri, I’m the main coordinating nurse here at Jujutsu Fertility. Thank you for scheduling an information session with us.”
“Yes, of course. I just needed more details before I booked an appointment.”
“Indeed.” Shoko claps her hands together before continuing. “Let me start by telling you a little bit about ourselves. We’ve been around for almost 6 years now. What sets us apart is that we focus more on women’s comfort than most other clinics. And we are sought out by people who are willing to use a sperm donor. We do not perform insemination services with sperm that are not from our own stock.”
“Your own stock? Are you associated with a sperm bank? And screen all the donors yourself?”
“Not a sperm bank in the conventional sense. We have 5 doctors who keep excellent health and their sperm is regularly screened to ensure quality. They are the only stock we allow for insemination.”
You blink to make sure you haven’t misheard. “The…doctors? Are you saying the fertility doctor I’d be meeting with will also be my sperm donor?”
“That is correct.” Shoko nods her head to confirm. “You will be meeting with the doctor of your choosing for at least 5 sessions. They will need to be at least once a week. Some women take the week off and come in 5 days straight.”
“5…sessions?” you ask, confused by the wording.
“Yes. It’s to ensure the insemination process has occurred an optimal number of times.”
“Wait…so…I’m going to be inseminated multiple times? How much downtime do I need in between each insemination?”
“Hardly any. Our method isn’t like a typical clinic. Most women leave feeling very normal and a lot more satisfied than when they came in.”
“Not like a typical clinic? So…you don’t use the catheter method?”
“We use minimal medical equipment in our inseminations.”
“Minimal…so what does the procedure entail?”
Shoko clears her throat and continues. “So it begins with you choosing one of our doctors. We highly recommend spending some time on this part. It’s essential that you feel attraction towards your doctor. Once you make a choice, they will reach out to discuss how your insemination experience can be optimized for you. You will receive a biodata on their sexual profile, their preferred methods of arousal, and other relevant details.”
“I’m sorry, but what?” You are at the edge of your seat wondering if you’ve entered an alternate dimension. Surely, this was all being made up? “Arousal, sexual profile- why would I need all these details? I thought sperm donors only gave information like height, weight, medical history and stuff like that.”
“Why wouldn’t they? You’re choosing to be bred by them. They would have to make sure their patient is satisfied with the experience.”
“Bred?” You bleat the word stupidly.
“Yes. We are a natural breeding clinic. We use the method nature has provided to us to ensure a pregnancy.”
The gears in your brain start turning and something finally clicks.
“Are-are you saying…I would be having sex with my doctor?”
“That is correct.” Shoko smiles gently at you, pleased that you have finally caught on.
“The human body doesn’t necessarily enjoy having medical equipment inserted into it. All that cold plastic, and the mechanical methods of insertion. It puts the body in a state of stress. Not good for implantation. So our doctors will inseminate you through the process of intercourse.”
 Her words fall like a fog around you. You can feel your heart racing, a flush creeping into your cheeks. It was…insane. The doctor of your choosing was essentially going to fuck a baby into you. As your mind starts pulling up the images of their doctors, each one impossibly handsome and striking, you feel a familiar throb starting between your legs. Wetting your lips, you try to talk to continue with the information session.
“I see. And…there are benefits to this?”
“Yes. Intercourse allows the body to relax, releasing happy hormones. In this stress-free state, in addition to the knowledge that your doctor is someone you’re attracted to and trust, the chance of an implantation doubles.”
You gape at Shoko, your mind reeling from all the information.
“And…when you say the insemination process will be optimized for my best experience…?”
“The doctor you choose will ask you extensive questions about your preferences. What turns you on, positions, dislikes, toys. It’s to determine if they will satisfy your breeding experience. If they feel they might not be a good fit, they’ll recommend another one of our doctors.”
You swallow, your mouth going dry. “I see. And…what else do I need to know?”
“We will start by collecting your medical history and run some blood work to make sure your body is ready for an insemination process. Women who have a domestic partner will need to get both a waiver and a consent form signed by their partner that they have been informed what happens for the insemination.”
“Of course. Makes sense.”
“You will be assigned an emotional support companion during this process. It will either be myself or Mr. Ijichi Kiyotaka. We are there to help ease your nerves and ensure you enjoy the process. And all patients must think of a unique safeword to use during the insemination process.”
“Safeword?” you parrot back, still processing.
“Yes. At any point during the process, should you feel uncomfortable, your safeword ensures all actions cease and your doctor will give you some space to breathe and reassess the situation.”
All you can do is nod along. Shoko gives you a look of reassurance. “I can guarantee that most women are pleased with the results. And our doctors are quite skilled in what they do. It’s natural to feel a little shy and embarrassed but at the end of the day, we all share a common goal- a healthy baby.”
Despite your initial shock, you feel some of your trepidation fade away. Shoko continues.
“If you are ok with all of this, I can send you the forms to get the process started. Once those are filled, you can take some time to decide on your doctor. Then we’ll set up a call with them.”
“Thank you.” You make a split-second decision. “Please go ahead and send the forms.”
“Excellent. I’ll send them to the email you put in your inquiry. Was there anything else?”
You shake your head no. “I think I have all I need.”
“Great! I look forward to assisting you again.” Shoko ends the call and you immediately go the the website again to look at the doctors, one of which will end up fathering your child. Such a hard decision. How will you ever make the choice?
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In Vedic astrology, the ascendant, or rising sign, represents the foundation of your personality and approach to life. Each rising sign is ruled by a specific planet, known as the Lagna Lord, which governs key aspects of your life, including your strengths, challenges, and overall destiny. The placement of this ruling planet in different houses of your chart adds further depth, influencing how you express your unique qualities and navigate various life experiences. In this blog, we will explore how each rising sign and its Lagna Lord shape your journey, and what the placement of the ruling planet reveals about your path in life.
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𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, having Aries as your ascendant (Mesha Lagna) gives you a vibrant, fearless, and action-oriented nature. As someone with Aries rising, you are naturally bold, self-reliant, and inclined to take the lead in life. You excel in leadership roles and enjoy starting new projects, often feeling an innate desire to steer the direction of those around you. Mars, your ruling planet, symbolizes drive, bravery, and assertiveness. Mars, your ruling planet, symbolizes drive, bravery, and assertiveness. The house placement of Mars in your chart will play a crucial role in determining how you chase after your goals and overcome obstacles.
Possible Nakshatras:
Ashwini: You act quickly and have a pioneering spirit, with a natural talent for bringing healing or innovative ideas to life. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and you’re known for making fast, decisive choices.
Bharani: You are attuned to life’s cycles of transformation and possess immense inner strength. Freedom is highly valued, and you show great patience and resilience when facing life’s challenges.
Krittika (1st pada): You are sharp, determined, and highly focused. You cut through distractions with ease, always striving for success. You have a strong sense of fairness and an unyielding drive to accomplish your goals.
Mars through the Houses:
Mars in the 1st House: You are naturally assertive, confident, and full of energy. You take charge of situations easily, often stepping into leadership roles with courage and determination.
Mars in the 2nd House: You are highly focused on financial security and work diligently to maintain it. You tend to speak directly and value personal wealth and family assets.
Mars in the 3rd House: A courageous communicator, you’re unafraid to take risks in writing, media, or entrepreneurship. Your relationship with siblings may be competitive, but you tackle challenges head-on.
Mars in the 4th House: Protective of your home and family, you feel deeply connected to your roots. However, emotional intensity can sometimes lead to inner conflict or unease in your domestic life.
Mars in the 5th House: Creative, passionate, and competitive, you thrive in areas like sports, the arts, or speculation. You lead with confidence in activities that demand boldness and self-expression.
Mars in the 6th House: You are fiercely competitive in work and health matters. Challenges don’t faze you, and you may excel in fields related to healthcare, conflict resolution, or service.
Mars in the 7th House: Relationships tend to be intense and dynamic, often attracting strong-willed partners. Conflicts may arise, but they provide opportunities for personal growth.
Mars in the 8th House: Drawn to deep transformation, hidden knowledge, and research, you may face financial challenges related to shared resources but possess the power to emerge stronger from crises.
Mars in the 9th House: Adventurous and philosophical, you are driven to explore new beliefs, cultures, and ideas. Higher education or long-distance travel might be areas of focus, as you seek to broaden your perspective.
Mars in the 10th House: Your career takes center stage, and you are highly motivated to achieve recognition and success. Leadership suits you well, and you approach professional goals with ambition.
Mars in the 11th House: In group settings, you naturally assume a leadership role, and your energy is directed toward achieving long-term objectives. You flourish in social circles that share your ambitions.
Mars in the 12th House: Your drive may be channeled toward spiritual growth, healing, or working behind the scenes. You often seek solitude and introspection, using your energy to explore life’s deeper meanings.
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𝐓𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, those with Taurus rising (Vrishabha Lagna) tend to exhibit a calm, practical, and grounded demeanor. As a Taurus ascendant, you naturally gravitate toward stability, comfort, and security in both your personal and professional life. You are patient, reliable, and have a strong desire to build lasting foundations. Consistency and a steady approach are hallmarks of your personality. Venus, your ruling planet, governs love, beauty, and material comforts. Where Venus is positioned in your chart reveals how you seek pleasure, express affection, and secure financial well-being, shaping your life’s direction.
Possible Nakshatras:
Krittika (2nd, 3rd, and 4th padas): You have a keen, discerning mindset with a focus on precision and perfection. Krittika natives are ambitious, and you pursue success with determination, often excelling in creative or leadership roles.
Rohini: Creativity and sensuality come naturally to you, and you are deeply connected to beauty and the arts. You possess charm and artistic flair, drawn to luxurious experiences, seeking comfort and pleasure in life.
Mrigashira (1st and 2nd padas): You are intellectually curious and adaptable, always in search of new knowledge and experiences. Mrigashira natives often channel their creativity into problem-solving, thriving in communication or travel-related ventures.
Venus through the Houses:
Venus in the 1st House: You exude charm, grace, and attractiveness, with a naturally magnetic personality. You prioritize harmony in your relationships and personal appearance, often bringing beauty and elegance into your everyday life.
Venus in the 2nd House: You focus on building financial security and material wealth, often thriving in areas like finance, luxury goods, or beauty. Your speech is pleasant, and you seek stability and comfort in a strong family environment.
Venus in the 3rd House: You communicate with creativity and elegance, often finding success in writing, media, or artistic expression. You may have close, supportive relationships with siblings and a flair for artistic endeavors.
Venus in the 4th House: Home is a source of emotional fulfillment, and you are drawn to beautifying your surroundings. You find joy in your family and heritage, creating a nurturing and comfortable domestic life.
Venus in the 5th House: Passionate and expressive, you thrive in creative or artistic fields. Love and romance play a central role in your happiness, and you may have a strong affinity for children, teaching, or the arts.
Venus in the 6th House: You bring beauty and balance to your everyday routines and work environment. While you enjoy helping others, be mindful of indulgence, particularly in health matters, and focus on maintaining harmony in your daily life.
Venus in the 7th House: Partnerships and relationships are a major focus, and you are drawn to loving, harmonious unions. You seek balance and beauty in your relationships and often attract partners who share your refined tastes.
Venus in the 8th House: You are drawn to transformative and deep relationships, often growing through shared resources or intimate bonds. Your love of mystery and intensity may lead you to explore hidden aspects of life, such as psychology or spirituality.
Venus in the 9th House: You seek harmony and beauty in philosophical, spiritual, or educational pursuits. Travel, higher learning, and broadening your horizons bring fulfillment, and you may be inclined toward creative or artistic teachings.
Venus in the 10th House: Your career may center around the arts, beauty, or luxury industries. You aim for recognition in areas where you can express your creativity, bringing grace and harmony into your professional endeavors.
Venus in the 11th House: You are highly social and enjoy connecting with groups that share your aspirations. Friendships and social networks provide support and inspiration, and you may find success in collaborative or artistic communities.
Venus in the 12th House: You are drawn to spiritual or mystical paths, often seeking solitude for creative inspiration. Your love for beauty and art may manifest in subtle or unconventional ways, and you may find fulfillment by working behind the scenes or helping others.
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, a Gemini rising (Mithuna Lagna) bestows you with a lively, inquisitive, and mentally agile nature. As a Gemini ascendant, you are quick-thinking, adaptable, and always in pursuit of new experiences and knowledge. Your mind thrives in environments where communication, learning, and social interaction take center stage. You are naturally inclined toward exchanging ideas and engaging in stimulating conversations. Mercury, your ruling planet, governs intellect, communication, and analytical thinking. The position of Mercury in your chart will influence how you communicate, connect with others, and seek intellectual growth.
Possible Nakshatras:
Mrigashira (3rd and 4th padas): You are intellectually curious and driven by a constant desire for exploration. Mrigashira natives excel in communication, research, and learning, always seeking to broaden their knowledge base.
Ardra: Intense, focused, and transformative, Ardra natives are known for their deep analytical abilities. You have a keen mind and often shine in fields that require scientific or technical expertise.
Punarvasu (1st, 2nd, and 3rd padas): Optimistic and spiritually inclined, Punarvasu natives are nurturing and adaptable. You are drawn to new beginnings, and wisdom-seeking is central to your journey, often finding fulfillment through learning and personal growth.
Mercury through the Houses:
Mercury in the 1st House: You possess a sharp intellect, and your curiosity drives your interactions. Quick-witted and social, you navigate life’s challenges using communication and mental agility, thriving in dynamic environments.
Mercury in the 2nd House: With a talent for clear communication, you have the potential to build financial security through teaching, writing, or public speaking. Your focus is practical, often excelling in commerce or finance-related fields.
Mercury in the 3rd House: A natural communicator, you excel in writing, media, and intellectual endeavors. Your bond with siblings or close friends is important, and you shine in roles that involve networking and idea exchange.
Mercury in the 4th House: You integrate intellect and communication into your home life. You may be drawn to careers in education or real estate, and your home could serve as a center of learning and intellectual growth.
Mercury in the 5th House: Creative and intellectually playful, you excel in areas like teaching, writing, or the arts. You may have a strong interest in education, speculative ventures, or guiding children toward growth and learning.
Mercury in the 6th House: You are methodical and have a knack for problem-solving, especially in areas like health, work, or service. Your analytical nature helps you succeed in administrative, health-related, or organizational roles.
Mercury in the 7th House: Partnerships are intellectually stimulating for you, and you seek relationships that value communication and shared ideas. You may excel in professions centered around partnerships or communication.
Mercury in the 8th House: You are drawn to deep investigation, research, or fields like psychology. With a probing mind, you excel in uncovering hidden truths and may thrive in areas involving finance, transformation, or healing.
Mercury in the 9th House: Your curiosity pushes you toward higher education, travel, and philosophy. You may find success in teaching or sharing knowledge, excelling in writing, publishing, or fields that explore different belief systems.
Mercury in the 10th House: Your career likely revolves around communication, writing, or media. Ambitious in your intellectual pursuits, you bring a sharp, analytical mind to your professional life, aiming for success in public-facing roles.
Mercury in the 11th House: You flourish in social settings, finding success through networking and collaboration. Intellectual or technology-driven fields appeal to you, and you may be drawn to careers that foster social change or collective goals.
Mercury in the 12th House: You may gravitate toward introspective careers such as research, spirituality, or working behind the scenes. With a reflective and analytical mind, you find fulfillment in guiding others through intellectual or spiritual insights.
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𝐂𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Cancer rising (Karka Lagna) imbues you with a sensitive, nurturing, and emotionally driven personality. As a Cancer ascendant, you have a deep connection to your emotions and seek comfort and security in your surroundings. You are empathetic, protective, and naturally drawn to caregiving, especially within close relationships or family settings. The Moon, your ruling planet, governs your emotions, intuition, and inner world. The position of the Moon in your chart reveals how you manage your emotional well-being, care for others, and seek stability in life.
Possible Nakshatras:
Punarvasu (4th pada): Adaptable, nurturing, and optimistic, Punarvasu natives are closely connected to family and home life. You find emotional satisfaction in supporting loved ones and creating a safe, comforting environment.
Pushya: Known for being deeply responsible and nurturing, Pushya natives are committed to fostering growth and stability. You excel in roles that allow you to care for others and provide emotional support.
Ashlesha: Intuitive and intense, Ashlesha natives have a profound understanding of emotions, both their own and others’. You have a gift for navigating complex emotional situations and can transform relationships through your emotional insight.
Moon through the Houses:
Moon in the 1st House: You are emotionally attuned, intuitive, and nurturing by nature. Your moods may fluctuate, but your ability to connect with others on an emotional level makes you a caring and empathetic individual.
Moon in the 2nd House: Your emotional well-being is closely tied to material security, and you focus on creating comfort for yourself and your family. You may thrive in areas related to finance, food, or any field where nurturing is central.
Moon in the 3rd House: You express your emotions through communication, often finding fulfillment in writing, speaking, or media. Close relationships with siblings or friends hold significant emotional value, and intellectual pursuits may provide emotional satisfaction.
Moon in the 4th House: Your home, family, and roots are central to your emotional security. You are deeply attached to your domestic life and may find success in real estate, home design, or caregiving professions.
Moon in the 5th House: Creative and playful, you invest a great deal of emotional energy in self-expression and relationships with children. The arts, education, or any field that allows you to nurture others creatively may be particularly fulfilling.
Moon in the 6th House: You are emotionally connected to service, often finding satisfaction in helping others through health, wellness, or caregiving. Balancing your emotional needs with work responsibilities is essential to maintain stability.
Moon in the 7th House: Partnerships are central to your emotional life, and you seek security through relationships. You are nurturing and empathetic in your partnerships, often prioritizing your partner's emotional well-being.
Moon in the 8th House: You are drawn to transformative emotional experiences and may have a deep interest in psychology, mystery, or healing. Your intuition helps you navigate life's emotional complexities, allowing you to grow through difficult circumstances.
Moon in the 9th House: Your emotional fulfillment comes through higher learning, travel, or spiritual exploration. You may be drawn to philosophical or spiritual teachings and may find success in careers like teaching, publishing, or spiritual guidance.
Moon in the 10th House: Your career plays a key role in your emotional well-being, and you seek public recognition for your work. You may excel in nurturing professions, public service, or roles where you can care for and guide others on a larger scale.
Moon in the 11th House: You are emotionally connected to your community and social circles, finding fulfillment through group activities and friendships. You may be drawn to social causes or humanitarian efforts, using your nurturing nature to inspire others.
Moon in the 12th House: You seek emotional satisfaction through introspection, solitude, and spiritual practices. Meditation, healing, or working behind the scenes to support others may provide deep emotional fulfillment. You may also guide others through emotional or spiritual transformations.
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𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, those with Leo rising (Simha Lagna) are endowed with a strong, charismatic, and confident personality. As a Leo ascendant, you naturally gravitate toward leadership and enjoy being in the limelight. Your presence is radiant, and you often express yourself with boldness and creativity. The Sun, your ruling planet, represents vitality, authority, and self-expression. The position of the Sun in your chart will shape how you assert your identity, take charge, and influence your surroundings.
Possible Nakshatras:
Magha: Noble, proud, and inclined toward leadership, Magha natives often have a deep connection to their ancestral roots. You aim to uphold traditions with respect and dignity, seeking positions of authority and influence.
Purva Phalguni: Known for your charm and love of life's pleasures, you are drawn to creativity, beauty, and luxury. Purva Phalguni natives enjoy art, entertainment, and socializing, often thriving in environments that celebrate beauty and leisure.
Uttara Phalguni (1st pada): Practical and generous, you focus on creating long-term stability. Uttara Phalguni natives balance personal enjoyment with social responsibility, often excelling in leadership roles that benefit others and create lasting impact.
Sun through the Houses:
Sun in the 1st House: You possess a natural authority and exude confidence in all aspects of life. Leadership is second nature, and you often take initiative, inspiring those around you with your charisma and boldness.
Sun in the 2nd House: Your focus is on financial stability and building material success. You take pride in managing resources effectively, often gaining recognition for your ability to secure wealth and provide comfort for your family.
Sun in the 3rd House: A natural communicator, you are bold in expressing your ideas and excel in fields like writing, teaching, or media. Your influence grows through intellectual pursuits, and you often stand out in debates or discussions.
Sun in the 4th House: Your emotional well-being is deeply connected to your home and family life. You take pride in creating a secure and harmonious household, and you may find success in real estate, home-related industries, or caregiving.
Sun in the 5th House: Creative and expressive, you are passionate about self-expression and may excel in the arts, entertainment, or speculative ventures. Your playful nature and romantic spirit draw attention, and you thrive in environments that celebrate creativity.
Sun in the 6th House: Dedicated to service and hard work, you take on leadership roles in your workplace, organizing and improving systems. You are driven by a sense of duty and responsibility, often excelling in environments where you can help others and lead by example.
Sun in the 7th House: Partnerships play a significant role in your life, and you seek recognition through your relationships. You may be drawn to influential partners, and your leadership qualities are likely to manifest in both business and marriage.
Sun in the 8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative experiences and may have a strong interest in psychology, research, or the occult. Your strength often comes through managing crises or handling other people's resources, where your leadership shines in challenging situations.
Sun in the 9th House: You are passionate about expanding your horizons through philosophy, education, and travel. You may find success in teaching, publishing, or roles that allow you to influence others with your knowledge of different cultures and ideas.
Sun in the 10th House: Ambition drives you to seek leadership and authority in your career. You are highly focused on achieving public recognition and leaving a lasting legacy through your professional accomplishments.
Sun in the 11th House: Focused on long-term goals, you often work within large organizations or social causes. You thrive in group settings and are likely to gain recognition through your contributions to collective efforts, often taking on leadership roles within your community.
Sun in the 12th House: You may be inclined toward solitude, spirituality, or working behind the scenes. Your leadership qualities are expressed in more quiet, introspective ways, often finding fulfillment through helping others or pursuing spiritual growth.
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𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Virgo rising (Kanya Lagna) gives you a practical, analytical, and service-oriented nature. As a Virgo ascendant, you are detail-focused, methodical, and constantly striving for improvement in yourself and your surroundings. Known for your intellectual approach, you excel at organizing and refining everything you do. Your ruling planet is Mercury, which governs intellect, communication, and analytical thinking. The placement of Mercury in your chart will show how you process information, communicate, and manage your day-to-day responsibilities.
Possible Nakshatras:
Uttara Phalguni (2nd, 3rd, and 4th padas): You are responsible, hardworking, and focused on creating long-term success. Uttara Phalguni natives balance personal happiness with social responsibilities, and your generosity and dedication make you stand out in leadership and supportive roles.
Hasta: Resourceful and skilled, you have a natural talent for detail and craftsmanship. Hasta natives are adaptable and excellent problem-solvers, thriving in service-oriented or creative fields where precision is required.
Chitra (1st and 2nd padas): Charismatic and creative, Chitra natives are driven to make their mark on the world through beauty and artistic expression. You may excel in design, architecture, or any field that allows you to create something lasting and beautiful.
Mercury through the Houses:
Mercury in the 1st House: Highly intellectual and communicative, you possess a sharp mind and an analytical approach to life. You excel in fields that require critical thinking, such as writing, teaching, or problem-solving, and your curiosity keeps you engaged in constant learning.
Mercury in the 2nd House: Skilled in managing resources, you are practical and calculated when it comes to building wealth. Your communication abilities play a key role in your financial success, making you thrive in business, commerce, or public speaking.
Mercury in the 3rd House: You have a natural affinity for communication, writing, and intellectual exchange. A strong bond with siblings and peers is likely, and your quick thinking and adaptability make you well-suited for media, marketing, or any field that requires sharp mental agility.
Mercury in the 4th House: Your intellectual pursuits are centered around home and family life. You may find success in real estate, education, or home-based enterprises, using your sharp mind to create stability and security within your personal environment.
Mercury in the 5th House: Creative and intellectually curious, you enjoy engaging in teaching, the arts, or speculative ventures. You approach creativity with analysis and precision, making you an excellent mentor or academic guide to others.
Mercury in the 6th House: Highly organized and detail-oriented, you excel in problem-solving within work or health-related fields. Your practical nature helps you navigate daily responsibilities with ease, leading to success in administrative, healthcare, or service professions.
Mercury in the 7th House: Partnerships hold intellectual significance for you, and you seek mental stimulation in relationships. You may excel in consulting, law, or client-based services, where your analytical skills and clear communication are highly valued.
Mercury in the 8th House: You have a strong inclination toward research and uncovering hidden truths. Whether in finance, psychology, or healing, your intellectual depth allows you to solve complex problems and bring clarity to mysterious or transformative situations.
Mercury in the 9th House: Your intellectual curiosity drives you toward higher education, travel, and philosophical exploration. You may find success in teaching, publishing, or law, where your ability to break down complex ideas helps others understand new perspectives.
Mercury in the 10th House: Career-oriented and ambitious, you thrive in professions that demand intellect and analytical skills. Business, technology, or media are areas where your sharp mind shines, and your problem-solving abilities bring you recognition and success.
Mercury in the 11th House: You excel in social settings and collaborative environments, often finding success through networking and teamwork. Intellectual or technology-driven fields attract you, and you may thrive in roles that promote social change or collective goals.
Mercury in the 12th House: Reflective and introspective, you are drawn to deep research or spiritual pursuits. You find fulfillment working behind the scenes or in healing professions, using your analytical abilities to provide clarity and understanding to those in need.
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𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Libra rising (Tula Lagna) grants you a diplomatic, charming, and relationship-oriented personality. As a Libra ascendant, you have a natural inclination towards balance, harmony, and beauty, especially in how you relate to others. You seek fairness and often serve as a mediator, working to create peace and equality in your surroundings. Your ruling planet is Venus, which governs love, aesthetics, and harmony. The placement of Venus in your chart will illuminate how you approach relationships, beauty, and your pursuit of comfort and pleasure in life.
Possible Nakshatras:
Chitra (3rd and 4th padas): You are creative and charismatic, driven to leave your mark on the world through artistic expression. Chitra natives often excel in fields that require design, craftsmanship, or an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics.
Swati: Independence and adaptability define your nature. Swati natives are known for their grace and flexibility in overcoming life’s challenges, often succeeding in diplomacy, negotiation, and maintaining balance in difficult situations.
Vishakha (1st, 2nd, and 3rd padas): You are ambitious, focused, and determined to achieve your goals. Vishakha natives possess strong leadership qualities and thrive in roles that require perseverance, focus, and a relentless drive for success.
Venus through the Houses:
Venus in the 1st House: Your charm, grace, and natural attractiveness draw others to you. You place a high value on relationships and beauty, excelling in fields where diplomacy, creativity, or public relations are key elements of success.
Venus in the 2nd House: You prioritize material wealth and comfort, often using your creativity to build financial security. Success may come in areas related to luxury goods, finance, or the arts, and your refined taste adds value to your professional and personal pursuits.
Venus in the 3rd House: Creative communication is your strength, and you excel in writing, media, or other intellectual endeavors. Your relationships with siblings may be important, and you enjoy collaborating with others, exchanging ideas, and sharing artistic or intellectual projects.
Venus in the 4th House: Your home is a sanctuary of beauty and comfort, and you are deeply attached to family life. You may find success in real estate, interior design, or any career that involves creating harmonious environments that nurture both body and soul.
Venus in the 5th House: Romance, creativity, and self-expression play a central role in your life. You may excel in the arts, entertainment, or speculative ventures, and your romantic relationships are vital to your emotional well-being and personal development.
Venus in the 6th House: You bring a sense of beauty and balance to your work life, excelling in service-oriented professions. Careers related to health, wellness, or aesthetics suit you well, as you find ways to combine practicality with your refined sense of harmony.
Venus in the 7th House: Partnerships are the core of your life, and you seek love, harmony, and balance in your relationships. You are likely to excel in romantic and business partnerships that align with your values, and you may thrive in careers that require negotiation and diplomacy.
Venus in the 8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative relationships, and your love life may be marked by intensity and passion. You may also find success in fields like finance, psychology, or research, where your exploration of the deeper aspects of life and relationships leads to growth.
Venus in the 9th House: Beauty and balance are themes in your pursuit of higher knowledge, philosophy, and travel. You may find fulfillment in teaching, writing, or exploring different cultures, where your appreciation for aesthetics and harmony broadens your understanding of the world.
Venus in the 10th House: Your career is likely to be focused on the arts, beauty, or diplomacy, and you strive for recognition in these areas. Fields like public relations, law, or creative industries may be especially fulfilling, as you work toward success with grace and poise.
Venus in the 11th House: You thrive in group settings, where your charm and diplomatic nature help you connect with others and achieve shared goals. You may find success in social causes, technology, or any career that involves networking, collaboration, and collective progress.
Venus in the 12th House: You are drawn to spirituality, art, or healing, often finding fulfillment in working behind the scenes. Your creativity and sensitivity may be expressed through charitable work, healing professions, or spiritual retreats, where you can use your gifts to help others find peace and comfort.
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𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, those with Scorpio rising (Vrishchika Lagna) are characterized by their intense, magnetic, and determined nature. As a Scorpio ascendant, you are known for your emotional depth, resilience, and transformative energy. You approach life with a sense of intensity, seeking to uncover its deeper mysteries and hidden truths. Your ruling planet is Mars, representing action, courage, and vitality. The placement of Mars in your chart shows how you assert yourself, navigate challenges, and pursue your goals with laser focus and determination.
Possible Nakshatras:
Vishakha (4th pada): Ambitious and driven, you are focused on achieving your goals with perseverance. Vishakha natives excel in leadership and competitive environments, using their strong will and determination to succeed.
Anuradha: Loyal, compassionate, and deeply spiritual, Anuradha natives are skilled in forming strong, supportive partnerships. You balance power with grace and are known for your devotion to your personal and spiritual path.
Jyeshta: Authoritative, protective, and powerful, you have a natural instinct to control your surroundings. Jyeshta natives often take on leadership roles and possess a deep understanding of responsibility and authority.
Mars through the Houses:
Mars in the 1st House: You are assertive, confident, and have a commanding presence. Leadership comes naturally to you, and your courage and resilience help you overcome obstacles with determination. You face challenges head-on, unafraid to take risks.
Mars in the 2nd House: Your focus is on achieving financial security and stability. You excel in business, finance, or managing resources, approaching wealth-building with strategy and a strong determination to succeed materially.
Mars in the 3rd House: You are a dynamic communicator, excelling in fields like writing, media, or any domain requiring quick thinking. You thrive in intellectual competition and may have a strong, sometimes competitive, relationship with siblings.
Mars in the 4th House: Protective and nurturing, you are deeply invested in your home and family life. However, your intensity can sometimes create emotional tension, so finding a balance between control and compassion is key for harmonious relationships at home.
Mars in the 5th House: You are passionate about creativity and take bold risks in speculative ventures or artistic pursuits. Your romantic life is full of excitement and intensity, and you naturally assume leadership roles in creative or competitive settings.
Mars in the 6th House: Highly disciplined, you excel in work environments that involve service, health, or conflict resolution. Your strong work ethic and ability to confront challenges head-on ensure success in overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.
Mars in the 7th House: You are attracted to strong-willed, assertive partners, and your relationships are often marked by intensity and passion. While conflicts may arise, these challenges push you to grow, fostering deeper and more meaningful connections.
Mars in the 8th House: You are naturally drawn to life's deeper mysteries, and your career may involve research, psychology, or handling joint finances. Your ability to navigate crises with strength makes you a go-to person during challenging times of transformation.
Mars in the 9th House: Adventurous and curious, you are passionate about exploring new cultures, philosophies, and spiritual beliefs. You are driven to expand your knowledge and horizons, often through travel or higher education, seeking wisdom from life’s experiences.
Mars in the 10th House: Ambitious and career-driven, you often rise to leadership positions in your professional life. You thrive in competitive environments and have a relentless drive for success, making you highly respected in your chosen field.
Mars in the 11th House: A natural leader in group settings, you focus your energy on achieving long-term goals. You thrive in collaborative environments, especially in social or professional networks where collective success is the primary objective.
Mars in the 12th House: You are drawn to introspection and may find fulfillment in spiritual or healing professions. Working behind the scenes or in isolated environments suits you well, and you often use your energy to guide others through deep emotional or psychological challenges.
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𝐒𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Sagittarius rising (Dhanu Lagna) endows you with an optimistic, adventurous, and philosophical nature. As a Sagittarius ascendant, you have a strong drive for exploration, growth, and gaining a deeper understanding of life. You are constantly seeking knowledge and truth, often through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. Your ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, expansion, and higher learning. Jupiter’s placement in your chart reveals how you strive for personal growth, broaden your horizons, and achieve success by living ethically and seeking wisdom.
Possible Nakshatras:
Mula: Intensely curious, you are driven to uncover the core truth of any matter. Mula natives have a deep connection to transformation and are known for their ability to let go of the past, seek deeper truths, and embrace renewal.
Purva Ashadha: Ambitious, creative, and determined, you focus on achieving your goals despite challenges. Purva Ashadha natives excel in leadership and social influence, using their resilience to rise above obstacles.
Uttara Ashadha (1st pada): Practical and focused on long-term success, Uttara Ashadha natives are known for their strong sense of duty and responsibility. You work diligently and achieve recognition through hard work, persistence, and dedication.
Jupiter through the Houses:
Jupiter in the 1st House: You radiate optimism, wisdom, and a sense of purpose, making you a natural leader and mentor. You influence others through your expansive knowledge and positive outlook, often taking on roles that inspire and guide others toward growth and understanding.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: You focus on creating financial security and material wealth through ethical means. Whether through teaching, advising, or religious pursuits, your ability to accumulate resources is supported by your wisdom and deep understanding of financial matters.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Intellectually curious, you excel in communication, writing, or teaching. You enjoy sharing your insights with others, and your strong bond with siblings or peers is likely to be centered on intellectual or philosophical exchanges.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Emotional fulfillment comes from your home and family. You may be drawn to careers in real estate, education, or offering guidance to others. Creating a stable, nurturing environment for yourself and loved ones brings you peace and satisfaction.
Jupiter in the 5th House: You are highly creative and find joy in self-expression, education, and mentoring. Whether through teaching, raising children, or engaging in intellectual pursuits, you experience fulfillment in nurturing creativity and growth in others.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Service is central to your life’s purpose, and you excel in professions related to health, wellness, or law. You have a talent for resolving conflicts and offering guidance in difficult situations, often rising to positions of authority and respect.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Partnerships—both personal and professional—are key to your growth. You seek relationships based on intellectual and spiritual connections, and you may excel in fields such as law, consulting, or diplomacy, where your wisdom helps resolve disputes.
Jupiter in the 8th House: You are drawn to transformative fields such as psychology, research, or financial management. Your deep insights allow you to manage joint resources or navigate crises with wisdom, turning challenges into opportunities for growth.
Jupiter in the 9th House: You are passionate about higher education, philosophy, and spirituality, often finding success in teaching, publishing, or international travel. Sharing your knowledge and expanding your horizons brings fulfillment, and you inspire others to do the same.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Your career focuses on leadership, education, or guiding others through wisdom. You often rise to prominent positions in fields like law, education, or religion, where your ability to lead with ethics and integrity earns you recognition and respect.
Jupiter in the 11th House: You thrive in group settings and collaborative efforts, often succeeding through networking and collective projects. You are drawn to humanitarian or community-driven causes and work to achieve long-term goals that create positive social impact.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Introspective and spiritually inclined, you find fulfillment in charitable or healing professions. You excel in fields that require solitude, deep reflection, or spiritual guidance, and your wisdom makes you a source of comfort for others in times of crisis.
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𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Capricorn rising (Makara Lagna) bestows a disciplined, ambitious, and responsible nature. As a Capricorn ascendant, you are deeply focused on long-term success and stability, often working with patience and determination to reach your goals. You value hard work, structure, and perseverance, understanding that success often comes through sustained effort and sacrifice. Your ruling planet is Saturn, symbolizing discipline, endurance, and the lessons learned through challenges. The placement of Saturn in your chart will indicate how you handle responsibilities, face obstacles, and steadily build your life over time.
Possible Nakshatras:
Uttara Ashadha (2nd, 3rd, and 4th padas): Practical, dedicated, and hardworking, you are focused on long-term success. Uttara Ashadha natives are known for their strong sense of duty and ability to rise to positions of leadership through perseverance.
Shravana: Wise, attentive, and detail-oriented, Shravana natives excel in learning and communication. You may find success in fields that involve listening, observation, and intellectual growth, often using your knowledge to guide others.
Dhanishta (1st and 2nd padas): Ambitious and resourceful, you have a natural talent for managing resources and leading others. Dhanishta natives often excel in business, finance, or leadership roles, driven by a desire for material success and achievement.
Saturn through the Houses:
Saturn in the 1st House: You possess a serious, mature, and responsible demeanor, often taking on leadership roles early in life. Your disciplined nature helps you overcome challenges with resilience, and you are known for your patience and ability to work toward long-term goals.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Building financial security is a priority for you, often achieved through hard work and careful financial planning. You may face financial challenges in your early years, but your persistence and discipline ensure material success later in life.
Saturn in the 3rd House: A careful and thoughtful communicator, you prefer to plan your words and actions. You may excel in writing, teaching, or fields that require patience and precision, achieving success through careful effort and attention to detail.
Saturn in the 4th House: Your connection to home and family is strong, though you may face responsibilities or challenges in these areas. Over time, through hard work, you create a stable and secure domestic environment, often improving family conditions through perseverance.
Saturn in the 5th House: You take a disciplined and cautious approach to creativity, romance, and speculative ventures. While not impulsive in these areas, your steady and serious attitude leads to long-term success, particularly in teaching or guiding others creatively.
Saturn in the 6th House: Hardworking and service-oriented, you excel in fields that require discipline, precision, and a focus on routine tasks. Success in health, law, administration, or any field that demands attention to detail is likely to come through sustained effort.
Saturn in the 7th House: Your relationships are serious and committed, though you may face delays or challenges in forming long-lasting partnerships. You seek stable, dependable connections, and your disciplined approach often leads to enduring, successful unions.
Saturn in the 8th House: You are drawn to areas involving deep transformation, research, or financial management, particularly in dealing with joint resources or inheritance. Though you may face challenges in these areas, your resilience allows you to overcome difficulties and emerge stronger.
Saturn in the 9th House: Dedicated to higher learning, philosophy, or spirituality, you take a disciplined approach to expanding your knowledge. Recognition in teaching, law, or religious fields may come through your long-term focus and commitment to mastering your chosen field.
Saturn in the 10th House: Career success is a central theme in your life, and you are determined to rise to leadership positions. Through perseverance and hard work, you often gain authority and recognition in your professional endeavors, thriving in roles that demand responsibility.
Saturn in the 11th House: Focused on achieving long-term aspirations, you work hard to build strong social networks and group connections. Although you may face delays or challenges in reaching your goals, your disciplined and persistent approach ensures success in large organizations or group efforts.
Saturn in the 12th House: Introspective and drawn to spiritual or healing professions, you may work in isolation or behind the scenes. Your patient and disciplined nature allows you to contribute meaningfully through charitable work, spiritual guidance, or in helping others in subtle but impactful ways.
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𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Aquarius rising (Kumbha Lagna) imbues you with a visionary, intellectual, and socially conscious character. As an Aquarius ascendant, you are driven by the desire to contribute to the greater good, often focusing on humanitarian causes and societal progress. Known for your innovative thinking and forward-looking approach, you value knowledge, social reform, and collective well-being. Saturn, your ruling planet, represents structure, discipline, and long-term goals. The placement of Saturn in your chart highlights how you channel your ideals into tangible accomplishments, guided by discipline and perseverance.
Possible Nakshatras:
Dhanishta (3rd and 4th padas): Ambitious and resourceful, you excel in managing resources and networks effectively. Dhanishta natives are known for their leadership abilities and focus on achieving material success, often through disciplined efforts.
Shatabhishak: Intellectual, independent, and driven by humanitarian ideals, Shatabhishak natives are natural healers and innovators. You explore unconventional paths and seek to bring about transformation through knowledge, technology, and social reform.
Purva Bhadrapada (1st pada): Philosophical and idealistic, you are focused on higher spiritual or intellectual pursuits. Purva Bhadrapada natives aim to initiate positive change, often using wisdom and transformative actions to achieve lasting impact.
Saturn through the Houses:
Saturn in the 1st House: You are serious, responsible, and self-disciplined, often exuding a maturity beyond your years. Your strong sense of purpose leads you to take on leadership roles, particularly in social or humanitarian causes, where your dedication and patience pave the way for long-term success.
Saturn in the 2nd House: Your focus is on achieving financial security through careful planning and disciplined saving. You may accumulate wealth slowly but steadily, ensuring long-term stability by adhering to a cautious and methodical approach to material gains.
Saturn in the 3rd House: You are disciplined in communication, often excelling in writing, teaching, or intellectual work. Learning and skill development come through patience and persistence, and you may take on significant responsibilities with siblings or close peers.
Saturn in the 4th House: Challenges or responsibilities may arise related to home and family life, but you are committed to creating a stable and secure environment. Through hard work and sacrifice, you eventually build a solid foundation for yourself and your loved ones.
Saturn in the 5th House: In creative endeavors, romance, or speculative ventures, your approach is cautious and disciplined. Although you may face delays or obstacles, your methodical nature ensures that your efforts lead to long-term success, particularly in guiding or teaching others.
Saturn in the 6th House: You excel in service-oriented or health-related professions, where attention to detail and discipline are essential. Challenges in your work environment or health may arise, but your perseverance enables you to overcome obstacles and succeed through persistence.
Saturn in the 7th House: Relationships and partnerships are serious and long-lasting, though you may encounter delays in forming connections. You seek stable, committed unions, and your disciplined approach to relationships ensures enduring and meaningful bonds.
Saturn in the 8th House: You are drawn to deep, transformative experiences, often involving joint resources, inheritance, or crises. Your methodical approach to these intense areas of life helps you navigate challenges, leading to personal growth and strength through adversity.
Saturn in the 9th House: Higher learning, philosophy, and spirituality are areas of deep interest, and you approach them with dedication and discipline. Recognition or success in academic, legal, or religious fields may come through long-term commitment to your intellectual or spiritual pursuits.
Saturn in the 10th House: Career is a primary focus for you, and you rise to positions of authority through hard work and perseverance. Leadership roles suit you well, as you thrive in structured environments where discipline, organization, and long-term planning are valued.
Saturn in the 11th House: Your focus is on achieving long-term aspirations and building strong social networks. Though you may face delays or challenges in reaching your goals, your disciplined approach ensures eventual success, especially in community or humanitarian efforts.
Saturn in the 12th House: You are introspective and may be drawn to spiritual, healing, or charitable work. Working behind the scenes or in isolation allows you to contribute meaningfully to society, using your patience and discipline to help others through service or quiet dedication.
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𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
In Vedic astrology, Pisces rising (Meena Lagna) imparts a compassionate, imaginative, and spiritually inclined nature. As a Pisces ascendant, your intuition and sensitivity drive your actions, and you often seek deeper meaning in life. You are idealistic, empathetic, and naturally drawn to creative or spiritual pursuits. Jupiter, your ruling planet, governs wisdom, growth, and expansion, guiding you in your quest for knowledge, spiritual understanding, and personal development. The placement of Jupiter in your chart reveals how you grow intellectually and spiritually while helping others on their journey.
Possible Nakshatras:
Purva Bhadrapada (2nd, 3rd, and 4th padas): Idealistic and philosophical, you are focused on spiritual transformation and making a meaningful impact on the world. Purva Bhadrapada natives often work toward creating lasting change through wisdom and altruism.
Uttara Bhadrapada: Calm, composed, and deeply spiritual, Uttara Bhadrapada natives bring stability and balance to their lives. You are focused on attaining inner peace and wisdom, often seeking emotional and spiritual harmony.
Revati: Compassionate, nurturing, and imaginative, Revati natives have a strong connection to the arts and spirituality. You excel in roles that involve healing, creativity, or guiding others, often bringing care and emotional support to those around you.
Jupiter through the Houses:
Jupiter in the 1st House: You are naturally optimistic, wise, and generous, with a strong sense of purpose. Your philosophical and spiritual outlook on life often inspires others, and you may find yourself in leadership roles where you can guide and uplift people through your compassion.
Jupiter in the 2nd House: Focused on building wealth through ethical means, you use your wisdom to create material security. You may find success in fields related to finance, education, or spiritual guidance, and your generosity often leads to prosperity.
Jupiter in the 3rd House: Your intellectual curiosity drives you to excel in communication-based professions such as writing or teaching. You love sharing your knowledge and often inspire others with your deep insights and broad perspectives.
Jupiter in the 4th House: Emotional fulfillment comes from home and family life, where you create a nurturing environment. You may be drawn to careers in real estate, education, or caregiving, using your compassionate nature to bring stability and support to others.
Jupiter in the 5th House: You are passionate about creativity, education, and mentoring. Your love for learning and sharing knowledge leads to success in teaching or guiding others, especially in creative or academic settings where you can inspire growth and development.
Jupiter in the 6th House: Service and healing are central to your life, and you excel in professions related to health and wellness. Your wisdom and practical approach to problem-solving make you a valuable asset in any work environment, particularly those focused on helping others.
Jupiter in the 7th House: Relationships are deeply meaningful to you, and you seek spiritual and intellectual connections with your partners. Success may come through careers in law, consulting, or diplomacy, where your wisdom and ethical approach are highly valued.
Jupiter in the 8th House: You are drawn to profound research and transformation, excelling in areas like psychology, finance, or healing. Your ability to guide others through times of crisis or personal transformation makes you a powerful source of support during difficult periods.
Jupiter in the 9th House: Passionate about philosophy, higher education, and spiritual growth, you excel in teaching, publishing, or religious fields. Your love for sharing knowledge and exploring new ideas allows you to inspire others on their path to enlightenment.
Jupiter in the 10th House: Your career revolves around leadership, teaching, or spiritual guidance, and you often rise to prominence through your wisdom and ethical practices. You thrive in roles where you can lead and mentor others, helping them achieve their potential.
Jupiter in the 11th House: You are social and enjoy working with organizations or groups focused on humanitarian or spiritual causes. Your long-term goals often involve making a positive impact on society, and you find success through collaborative efforts and shared ideals.
Jupiter in the 12th House: Drawn to spirituality, introspection, or charitable work, you often excel in fields that involve healing or solitude. Your deep understanding of life’s mysteries makes you a powerful guide for others, especially during times of emotional or spiritual crisis.
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 5 months
Does Izuku Think His Feelings For Katsuki Are Gross? (or, DvK2's Endless Emporium of Nuance)
This is a pretty common sentiment I see repeated, and we all know the source of it: Deku vs. Kacchan 2.
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Original Japanese and official English translation.
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Crunchyroll subtitles
In one translation, Izuku expresses discomfort over this topic; in the other, he outright declares it to be gross.
That is quite the difference. I gotta say, Crunchyroll’s direct “This is gross” kind of shocks me, because it functionally ignores the key adverb “sasuga ni” and translates the line the same as you would if he hadn’t said it at all. The official manga translator, on the other hand, clearly made a decision about what Izuku meant by that phrase and then dispersed that meaning across the line as a whole.
So I understand why people have this straight-forward interpretation.
I’m here to offer some linguistic nuance, because my main problem with “Izuku thinks his feelings are gross” is not that it is completely wrong. It’s that it isn’t the whole story.
There are two really important phrases to take into account: kimi ni wa ienai and sasuga ni.
To illustrate their meaning, let’s split the line into two sections:
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Note: Grammatically, kara belongs in the first section. I’m lumping it into the second section for the sake of isolating the core ideas expressed in the first section and maintaining clarity in the second.
Now we’re going to break the sections down into their constituent parts. This looks like a verbatim nightmare of a translation, because it is, but trust me, it’s a useful exercise.
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Kara links the two sections by showing that the first section directly causes the second. Something worth noting is that Izuku does not use past tense here—he uses present tense and indicates a continuous, unchanged state. He has not been able to before and still cannot tell this to Katsuki. I would argue this also suggests he thinks the circumstances will not change for the foreseeable future.
Important Phrase #1: kimi ni wa ienai
Ienai is the negative potential form of “to say,” which means it is not possible for him to say it. Iwanai, on the other hand, is the negative present tense, and if he had used iwanai instead, that might suggest that he has some choice in the matter. Examples in English might be, “That’s why I don’t tell you this,” “That’s why I’m not telling you this,” and “That’s why I haven’t told you this,” which all express intentional withholding despite opportunity. To use a form that specifically denies the possibility serves to center limitation, regardless of desire.
The combination of the two particles ni and wa are used to emphasize, compare, and contrast. This is extremely telling just on its own. Izuku is emphasizing the fact that, compared to everyone he could possibly tell, he cannot tell Katsuki this. He might be able to tell other people, but when it comes to Katsuki, he cannot. Ienai does not specify where the limitation stems from, but ni wa sure implies it.
Now let’s dig into the phrase that does the most heavy-lifting in the first section.
Important Phrase #2: sasuga ni
Sasuga ni is the adverb Izuku attaches to the adjective kimochi warui (gross or creepy). It is typically translated “as expected” because this kind of adverb sounds awkward in English. “This is expectedly gross” is not a sentence people say much. You might also see it translated “as I thought,” “naturally,” “obviously,” or “indeed.”
And there is something interesting here: Izuku uses a second word that means “as expected” on this page.
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Yappari, which can also be translated as “in the end,” “sure enough,” or “after all is said and done.”
I researched the nuances of these two phrases, synthesizing definitions and examples from four different Japanese dictionaries/encyclopedias and two forum boards for language tutoring from native speakers. My conclusions as related to their usage here:
Yappari indicates:
an outcome that was expected (example: “I tried, but sure enough, I failed.”)
something that remains unchanged [in the state it was previously or in other circumstances]
a situation where, no matter how you think about it, you end up with the same result (example: “I was really torn over it, but in the end I gave up on going.”)
Sasuga ni indicates:
[you, the speaker] must acknowledge that this is the natural result of the situation up to this point (example: “they grew up in a big family, so naturally they are good with kids.”)
something exceeds the permissible range, or that it may be permissible under certain conditions, but not others (example: “no matter how nice a guy he is, if he was accused of something unfairly, he’s bound to get angry.”)
You can see the meanings overlap, but the sentiments are a bit different. I saw someone learning Japanese say that every time they used one of these phrases, native speakers told them they should have used the other one instead. Another learner responded that, from their observations, the distinction appeared to be that yappari is used when the speaker had personally thought about and expected this outcome, while sasuga ni suggests that everyone would agree with this statement.
I’m not sure this is true across the board; usage always varies, even among native speakers, so generalizations are only useful up to a point, but I have to admit, a bunch of little things I noticed in my research do support this line of thinking.
If yappari tends to be more reflective of the speaker’s personal thoughts and expectations, sasuga ni’s “acknowledgment of a natural result” could indeed imply external validation. This is true of the equivalent English words, at least: naturally and obviously both suggest that any reasonable person would accept it as fact.
In fact, permissible as an idea kind of hinges on social norms—what is reasonable for someone to put up with? What behaviors sit within the realms of welcome, allowable, or excusable based on your relationship?
In my opinion, Izuku feels like he cannot say this to Katsuki because it exceeds the bounds of what is permissible between them. If sasuga ni implies Izuku feels sure that anyone would agree with his assessment, Katsuki is absolutely included in that.
Izuku is not saying, “I alone think this is gross, so I can’t tell you.”
He is saying, “Considering everything that has happened between us up till now, you would obviously see this as gross, so I can’t tell you.” Its grossness is a natural result of the situation—their history, the way their relationship fell apart, the way Katsuki lashes out, how he can barely stand Izuku’s presence, let alone his emotional honesty.
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Chapter 10, during Deku vs. Kacchan 1
But remember that this sentence is a fragment: the subject of Izuku’s sentence is revealed in the second half, and it is the fact that he runs his mouth when he wants to win more than he wants to save.
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This is what is gross. Izuku acknowledges that the behavior itself is unpleasant, and that any reasonable person would agree with that. His whole identity as a hero is based on saving people, so he feels some real discomfort when he has to recognize that sometimes he just wants to win. In fact, he can want victory so much that it supersedes his desire to help people.
Izuku has intentionally emulated Katsuki’s practical tactics, but this is about instinctive response. He wasn’t standing there facing Muscular, thinking the winning move was definitely to scream, “shut up.” He was furious, so he wanted to win and make that guy shut up.
When the scale tips, he acts out. He talks shit. He screams at people and insults them, because that’s what Katsuki does. These are all unacceptable behaviors, socially-speaking. Katsuki constantly and intentionally acts the exact opposite of how he should to qualify as a Good Japanese Boy. Izuku, on the other hand, plays the part faithfully, at least until it demands he betray his core values.
Deku vs. Kacchan 2 showcases how neither Izuku nor Katsuki had fully accepted the heroism of their counterpart. Katsuki is uncomfortable with Izuku’s innate capacity to help others, to see their need and meet it without question. Izuku is uncomfortable with craving victory, with that indomitable drive to seek glory. They each admired All Might for the value they themselves embody, and they admired each other for the value they lacked, but that doesn’t mean their admiration was uncomplicated.
Katsuki is a loud-mouthed, aggressive jerk, but Izuku ends up acting just like him. He clearly feels conflicted about it. He’s annoyed and hurt that Katsuki pushed him away by being such a jerk in the first place. And, from his perspective, he fails every time he tries to wrangle their relationship into something less miserable. He might even be embarrassed over the simple fact that he has held on to these deep-seated emotions for years over someone who wants nothing to do with him. He wishes things were different. He doesn’t know how they could be, anymore. He wants to connect, but he can’t.
Izuku frames his inability to express this specific thought as natural and reasonable. Obviously, there’s no way I could do this. And honestly, he is probably right. After all, this is a very intimate, revealing thing to tell someone who seems to hate your guts and has for years.
At any other point in the story, Katsuki probably would have curled his lip in disgust and barked out Izuku’s exact words, “Gross.”
But in DvK2, Katsuki bears his heart to Izuku without restraint.
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Katsuki confesses something painful and private to Izuku twice, at two separate moments.
Izuku has two confessions, too. Here's the first:
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But the second he admits only to himself and the audience.
Maybe if Izuku had said his “image of victory” monologue out loud, Katsuki could have had his own moment of understanding:
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Izuku’s reaction after Katsuki’s second confession.
Maybe Katsuki wasn’t ready to hear it, or maybe Izuku was too chicken to believe he was ready. Either way, he needed to voice both confessions, and he didn’t.
So the narrative punishes Izuku for failing to push past his own limitations.
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In the battle of revealing their honne—their true feelings, their truest selves—Katsuki risked it all.
Izuku couldn’t do the same, and that’s why he loses.
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Don’t forget that underestimating your opponent is one of the easiest ways to lose a fight in MHA.
But I want to reiterate, Izuku feels conflicted about this behavior and his own feelings, not ashamed.
Emotional conflict is borne from two or more simultaneous, contradictory feelings. Izuku admits that any reasonable person would see the way he unconsciously imitates even Katsuki’s bad habits as gross, but he also clearly tells us something else.
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Izuku is directly expressing his own thoughts about it, and the most important phrase is nanoni, which according to online encyclopedia Kotobank, “indicates that the following is contradictory to the preceding matter” and specifically, “includes critical feelings about the contradiction between” those two things. The latter point is unique because other words often used for “but” (such as kedo, which he used earlier in the form of dakedo) do not necessarily do this.
In the final line, one little detail here is the orange highlighted nda. This is used to explain and correlate topics of discussion. The most obvious point of explanation is why he acts this way. But the use of nanoni to connect this thought to the previous one tells us that this line is also explaining why Izuku doesn’t hate it.
Katsuki is his image of victory, and that alone is the reason he does not find this part of himself unacceptable. Just like with sasuga ni, Izuku is telling us that he understands the way other people would see this situation, and he knows what he “should” feel, but then he tells us that he does not feel that way.
I know it is very easy to see “This is gross, so I can’t tell you” at the start of this monologue, skip right to “image of victory,” and walk away thinking that Izuku is ashamed of that specifically, but the details show that the opposite is true.
And let’s not forget the nuance of yappari, which implies that Izuku has personally thought about this fact over and over, but it has always been this way.
I have seen people say that Katsuki is the one letting Izuku set the pace of their new relationship and that Izuku holds back, with this presumed shame as the cause. But I don’t think that acknowledges Izuku’s perspective on their dynamic, nor the casual mutualism they build together.
Katsuki initiated DvK2: a unique, closed “event” wherein, for the first time, they each expressed their vulnerabilities as much as they were able. But immediately outside the confines of DvK2, Izuku is the one who reaches out, as a gesture of reciprocation towards Katsuki for having initiated this change.
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He is asking Katsuki's opinion, but what this gesture means is, “I don’t want us being honest with each other to end there. I still want you in my life.”
And maybe for the first time in years, Katsuki actually understands what Izuku means, and reaches back.
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Look at these fucking nerds.
Notice that Izuku responds to Katsuki twice. At the first response, Katsuki has offered his observations and given him valid criticism on his technique, which is a show of goodwill. But then, Katsuki continues even when the admission reflects a personal weakness, with Izuku's punch having caught him off guard. This is actual honesty, and it means that they didn't just resolve their aggression and reset to neutral peers, but that Katsuki wants to be close, too. And just like during their fight, understanding comes the second time around.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: from Izuku’s point of view, Katsuki’s shitty behavior was the only thing that stood between them, because Izuku’s core feelings for him never changed.
Izuku lets Katsuki decide what is permissible between them, because Katsuki is the one who pushed him away in the first place. He opens the door just enough to say, “Whatever you want to give of yourself, I will accept.”
After that, Katsuki is the one making the big gestures by taking time out of his own life to discuss OFA with Izuku and All Might and help Izuku by training with him, even inserting himself into situations when he isn't asked. At every point, we see Izuku receive Katsuki with warmth and then follow up with smaller gestures of his own.
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Chapters 202, 209, 249, and 327.
The reason we see so much of Katsuki’s side of their relationship, especially after DvK2, is because his feelings are the ones that change the most: from dysfunctional to self-aware and accepting. He has struggled for years over Izuku’s place in his life. He didn’t understand Izuku or his own feelings, and he was wrapped up in denial. He tells himself again and again that Izuku is “beneath him,” when we know the truth is he always thought Izuku was better than him.
Comparatively, Izuku resolves his conflicted feelings about his admiration for Katsuki much quicker, because the source of his conflict was primarily external while Katsuki's was primarily internal.
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Chapter 257
A little detail I love about the "I'm too blessed" moment is that Izuku thinks of his conversations with Katsuki as "normal(?)" with a literal question mark attached. Is this normal? He doesn't really know. But it's enough. Kacchan is Kacchan, explosive and outrageous and way too much, all the time. Maybe they'll never be what other people think of as "normal," but Izuku is happy just to have Kacchan as he is, and be there however Kacchan will have him.
Katsuki's ideal has always been Izuku; he tried to outrun that fact and failed every time. Meanwhile, Izuku’s image of victory has always been Kacchan, and he has just been waiting for Kacchan to want to hear that from him.
Everyone has been wondering if Izuku will ever tell him. Me, personally, I'm hoping their story will end with a mutual declaration of their shared truth.
"You have always been my hero."
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