#Neteyam slow burn
cordyce · 2 years
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(we are written) in the sand and in the stars
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Neteyam x Reader
FIC SUMMARY: Sullys stick together. That is something you have heard since the beginning. But when you are forced to uproot and leave your home, it is something you must learn to fully take to heart. You are not technically a Sully, but you fight like one. And that in turn is enough to be shielded like one as well. There is no choice but to openly accept that this family, these Na’vi, are your fortress. It is perhaps harder, though, to accept that Neteyam has seemingly appointed himself as your personal guard.
TAGS: partially canon compliant. canon divergent. reader is spider’s unbiological “sister”. neteyam is a very protective big brother & protective in general. reader is an unofficial sully. canon-typical violence. reader is an avatar turned “na’vi”. bigger time cap. characters are older than canon. slow burn. friends to lovers. reader & neteyam lean on each other. near death experiences. not canon ending. fluff & angst. problems with identity. best friends to lovers. betrayal. denial of feelings. love confessions. comfort. lo’ak is a little shit but we love him. tuk is so precious.
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CHAPTER ONE: The Turning of the Tide
“Change is not always wished for.
Sometimes it just crashes in; ebbs and flows like the oceans waves as the tides attempt to conquer their never ending battle of easing against the grain. It does not give you much of a choice, does not care about your contentment in the moment, whether or not you are ready to embrace it. Fair amounts of times there is no warning, no siren to let you know of its approach.
It simply comes. And it uproots you from the comfort of where you find yourself to be planted. Your roots being forced out of the only soil that you know, that makes you who you are, that augments you.
And it plants you elsewhere.”
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
My Dearly Detested
Status: Part One (7 part Mini-Series, 1/7)
Genre: Enemies to Lover troupe, Angst, Rude Neteyam, Comforting Lo’ak, some fluff, Romance, violence. Mentions of blood.
Warnings: Depictions of blood, Battles and cursing. Rude Neteyam😭. Reader is older then Neteyam by 1year.
Parings: Neteyam X Y/n (Reader)
Summary: Neteyam hates Y/n. He never liked how she always bested him in everything and never once sought the praises he was accustomed to. She had no one, yet she had everyone in the palm of her hand. He despised her, and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. The but happens when the RDA threat comes and Jake tasks her with watching his sons? Neteyam can’t help but grow a newfound hatred.
Word count: 4.4k
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The beauty of Pandora never ceases to amaze Y/n. The forest is surrounded with foliage, beautiful fauna and trees as high as the eyes could see. It was simply breathtaking. It didn’t matter how familiar she became with the environment around her, new discoveries seemed to amaze her every day. The simple yet striking beauty, that is her home planet. Eywa'eveng.
Y/n regulates her breathing, perched on a tree branch high above the ground. Over the years she had mastered her skills to perfection, she could walk the entire forest without a single sound. Something she was quite proud of as many admired her for it. 
Y/n peers down below her, her bow at the ready. The perfectly hand crafted bow seemed weightless under her hold as she grips it tightly. Her eyes scan her target, who was oblivious to her presence.  She carefully pulls back to reach for an arrow, aligning it against her bow with ease. She had been following a lone yerik for a while now. She watches it bend its long neck to munch on a plant near him. 
Y/n pulls her arrow back, her eyes zoning in on its head. A clean headshot, sure to relieve the creature from pain. Taking a sharp intake of breath Y/n whispers a silent prayer under her breath. 
‘Eywa rutxe’ srung ‘sno’ (Eywa, please guide me) (A/N: Also, the translation may not be accurate. Please ignore that!)
In a flash Y/n lets go of her arrow, striking the yerik with deadly force knocking in down immediately. Y/n lets out the breath she was holding in, jumping down the greenery below. Her feet land with a soundless thump, her feet carrying her towards the moaning yerik. 
Y/n peers down at the animal, crouching down beside it. Her hands caressed its body reassuringly as it laid beneath her, letting out soft whimpers of pain. Thankfully Y/n’s precision was on point, her arrow landing exactly where the nociceptors were. The pain receptors of the brain. After her Tsahik training Y/n made it her mission to learn more, her intellect and drive was enough to push herself through tedious teachings proving to be effective in the long run. 
“Shhh, Shhhh little one” Y/n whispers, taking out her knife from its sheath. The animal whimpers, seeming to accept its fate. 
“Oel ngati kameie, ma tsmukan, ulte ngaru seiyi irayo” Y/n whispered, inserting her knife into the yerik sliencing it. She carefully pulls out her arrow in the process, her lips formed in a saddened frown. (I See you, Brother, and thank you)
“Ngari hu Eywa salew tirea, tokx 'ì'awn slu Na'viyä hapxì” (Your spirit goes with Eywa, your body stays behind to become part of the People)
Finishing off with the prayer her nimble fingers closes the creature's eyes, letting out a long sigh. Y/n's ears perk up to the sound of footsteps, the  pattern of the steps proving who it  was that approached her.
“Another clean kill, I must say you never cease to surprise me numeyu” (Student) Tarsem teases, walking towards the large catch of the day. A proud smile adorned his lips as he glanced down at Y/n. His student who seemed to grow up too fast for his liking. It seemed like just the other day when Y/n would latch onto his leg begging to join him on his hunts with her watery pleading eyes. 
Now, Y/n was an established warrior. She completed her Iknimaya a while ago with flying colors gaining admiration and respect amongst the clan. She had grown as a warrior and as a woman. Her rights were done long ago  and she grew to become a beautiful Na’vi. It didn't go unnoticed how many suitable men who ogled her, wanting to court her. 
Her locks were long and always braided neatly, adorned with beautiful beads and pearls. Her hips grew wider as did her height, though she was still shorter than Tarsem and many other men. It didn't stop her fierce personality. Her e/c eyes, unique and eye-catching. Y/n was the epitome of beauty, requests to court her being asked regularly. But Y/n never reciprocated any gestures, her mission to become the best warrior was far too important. She had stated loud and clear that she had no intention of finding a mate, even at the ripe age of 20.
Tarsem’s mom would always scold her, claiming it was the perfect time to find a mate and start a family. But even with all her accomplishments, Y/n still felt unfulfilled. She felt like she didn't quite accomplish her goal, and she wouldn't let anything stop her from reaching that feeling of fulfillment. 
“Numeyu? Really?” Y/n chuckles, wiping her arrowhead while she stands up. She hated how short she was compared to the Tarsem who still towered over her. 
“Oh, sorry taronyutsyìp. I keep forgetting how grown up you are!” (Little hunter) Tarsem tosses back, loving the way Y/n’s little nose twitches at the nickname. He places his arm over her head teasingly, displaying how tall he is compared to her. Y/n huffs out in annoyance. 
“Yea? Well, at leas-”
An urgent voice calls out, running towards the duo. Kay’m, Tarsem’s friend and fellow warrior, bursts through the bushes. Y/n bit her lip from bursting out in laughter. He looked to be in disarray, leaves caught in between his locks making him look silly. 
“Yes? What's the matter?” Tarsem asks, taking a step away  from Y/n. He seemed to notice the look of mild worry over his friend's features, causing his tail to twitch in attentiveness. 
“The Olo’eyktan wishes to speak to you” He gasps out, trying to regain control over his breathing. Tarsem furrows his eyebrows but nods nonetheless.
“He wanted to speak to Y/n as well” 
Y/n’s ears perk up, her eyes looking towards  Kay’m in question. Sure, Y/n was very close to the Sully’s. She grew to spend most of her free time with Kiri and Tuk, who she loved dearly. The little girl always tried following Y/n around in pure awe. Though Lo’ak had grown up a lot over the years, Y/n still found herself covering up for him, trying her best to keep him out of trouble when his brother couldn't. Speaking of Neteyam-
“He didn't say why. But it's urgent. I'll take care of this, please go right away” Kay’m urges, his tone serious. Y/n glances down at her kill, letting out a sigh of defeat. 
“Lets go”
Y/n follows Tarsem’s lead towards the Olo’eyktan tent, nodding to the Na’vi who smile at her presence. Y/n loved the village, but she loved the forest more. The only time she spends her free time in the village would be when she would come to restock her arrows, hang around her guardians and Mo’at or to pick up Kiri and Tuk to accompany her in exploring. 
“What are you doing here?” a sharp voice calls, stopping Y/n mid step. Thankfully she stopped when she did , or else would have collided against Tarsem who also froze at the cold tone. Y/n turns her head, her ears folding upon taking in the figure standing a few feet away from her. 
He stood tall, much taller than her. His braided locks fell past his shoulder, his visor still placed neatly fastened on his forehead. The gear he wore proved that he was flying his Ikran prior to now. His posture was stiff, his broad veiny muscles folded against one another as he eyed Y/n. She watches nervously as his piercing unwavering gaze trails from her face all the way down to her toes. It made her feel warm, and cold at the same time. Warm because she didn't understand the fuzzy feeling she felt whenever he stared at her. Cold because she knew what his stare always meant, hatred. 
The only other warrior that could be considered a rival to her feats of accomplishment. The only other warrior that despised the very soil she walked upon. 
“The Olo’eyktan called for both of us” Tarsem informs, his jaws slightly clenched. 
He looks back at Y/n who snaps from her trance. He nods forward  indicating for her to follow, before stepping into the tent. Y/n hurries to follow only to be intercepted by Neteyam. He stepped near her, his gaze shooting straight down her soul. Y/n gulps, her palms growing sweaty. 
“H-Hi” she stutters out, in a meek attempt to erase the awkward atmosphere. Neteyam snorts at her words, throwing one last glare her way before disappearing inside the tent. 
Y/n huffs out before stepping inside as well. The first thing she notices is how tense everyone looked. Jake stood tall, his eyes holding worry. Neytiri paced around, her fear wafting off her in waves. 
“Yes Sir, I’m quite familiar with that area” Tarsem replies snapping Y/n from her thoughts. She takes a step beside her former teacher, her head held high. She had to force herself to look straight, to avoid the harsh stare Neteyam sent her way from his spot across the tent. 
“Yes, That's why I've called you two. We don't know where she could be and I don't want to alert the clan by sending a search party….yet” Jake responded calmly. Y/n’s eyes widen, she glances around frantically.  She knew Kiri had lessons with Mo’at, and Lo’ak was always busy during this time hanging out with Spider. That only left one Na’vi unaccounted for. 
“Where is Tuk?” 
Neteyam curses under his breath, his scoff not going unnoticed. “Can't you hear? She's been missing since the morning.” He relays, ignoring how Neytiri hisses at his tone. Y/n frowns, turning her gaze to Tarsem. She must have been so deep in her thoughts that she missed the part where Jake had debriefed  them on what the situation was.
“We’ll look for her, don't you worry about it Sir” Tarsem declares, ignoring the staring contest Neteyam was having with Y/n.
Neteyam turns to his father after hearing Tarsem’s words. He held back the urge to raise his voice.
“I’ll help too. You won’t be needing her help, Tarsem and I can take care of it ourselves” Neteyam pipes up, stepping forward. 
He was deeply worried for his sister, he got the call from his father while he was out on his solo hunt. He immediately rushed home in order to find her, he just didn't see why Y/n had to be included. His rival who he despised. He would do anything in his power not to ask for her aid. He didn’t want to be indebted to her in any way. 
“Neteyam” Neytiri calls warningly, her tone of embarrassment for her son's behavior.
“Sorry mother, it's just that I’m sure we can handle it. Tarsem will be on ground, and I can be in the air. If we have both terrains covered we’ll be able to find her before the sun sets” Neteyam explains, throwing an apologetic smile towards his mother for his odd  behavior. Jake looks to be contemplating the idea when Y/n steps forward, in front of Tarsem. 
Y/n felt her resolve break. She cared a lot for Tuk, and not to mention it was her duty to ensure the safety of her people. Especially the children of Toruk Makto. She felt honored to be considered to search for her, but she wouldn't stand back and let Neteyam take that away from her. Memories of the many times Neteyam tried to keep her out of hunts and excursions rack her brain. She was never one to fight back, always keeping her head low and quietly  following her duties blindly. But now, today, she had enough.
“With all due respect I know the forest like the back of my hand. I know the forest because I actively explore it. While I do think scouting from the air would be ok-” Neteyam tenses up, noticing how she threw a slight jab at him “-it’s nothing compared to someone who knows the land. I can find her, I can track her down. if you'll let me” Y/n says sternly. She surprised herself from how she kept her voice firm, unweaving. Jake nods in understanding. 
“So be it, Thank you for your service Y/n” 
Y/n smiles wide, looking up at Tarsem who smiles endearingly. She didn’t notice how Neteyam clenched his teeth, or how his eyes burned with fury. 
“Let's get going Nìhona” (Sweet Thing)
To say Neteyam was unhappy with the decision was an understatement. The moment Tarsem was far enough from the duo, Neteyam grabs Y/n forcibly by her waist, pulling her along him to a stop. 
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“What the hell was that?” he spat harshly, his grip tight. Y/n bites back a wince, her eyes on him. 
“What do you mean?”
“That stunt you pulled in there. Does it please you to taunt me in  front of my parents?” Neteyam hissed angrily. Y/n furrows her eyebrows. That was not what she had intended. She just didn't want to lose the opportunity to find Tuk, someone dear to her. 
“Dont say my name!” Neteyam growls. It was as if her even mentioning his name seemed to burn him in some type of way. 
“Don’t act like you're familiar with me” he hisses. Y/n’s feels her throat close up. She didn’t know why he hated her so much, why he acted as though her presence was a punishment from Eywa. 
She would be lying if she said the rivalry between them didn’t push her to where she was today. They always butted heads growing up, always fighting each other to do their best. While Y/n rarely retaliated, Neteyam was all bark. The prince of the clan who was widely admired had a dark side. A dark side he let out only in her presence. As if it was exclusively reserved for her. Despite all that, Y/n couldn’t find it in her heart to hate him like how he openly hated her. 
“Do that again and I won’t hesitate. I won’t hesitate to put you back in your place” Neteyam whispered harshly. Neteyam glances at Tarsem. Noticing how Tarsem’s steps slow down, as if noticing the lack of Y/n’s presence behind him.
“I didn’t mean it like that, I swear” Y/n tried one more time. She admired him, watched in awe when he caught his first adult Talioang at the age of 15 with one clear shot. How he held himself, how amazing he was. She wanted his approval, in a way that's what started her quest for perfection in the first place. But Neteyam never seems to acknowledge her accomplishments. He never used her name, always regarding her as she or her. As if saying her name would leave a bitter taste in his mouth. He acted as though he didn't care that she was older than him. 
“Oh please, you don’t think I don’t notice how hard you try to best me? How hard you try to be better?” Neteyam says through clenched teeth. His ears perk up to the sound of Tarsem fully stopping. In a blink of an eye Neteyam lets go of her wrist, backing away. 
Y/n pulled her hand back to her, holding it against her chest as it stung. 
“Y/n! Hurry up!!” Tarsem calls, confusion written over his features. 
Neteyam turns to leave before looking at her once more. “Stay out of my way. I mean it” 
He quickly walks off, presumably to call his Ikran. Y/n ignores the pang in her heart as she jogs up to her best friend. Tarsem’s eyes are trained to where Neteyam disappeared too. 
“Did he say something?” He asks quietly. Not noticing how Y/n hid her wrist behind her. She furiously shakes her head, forcing out a smile. She felt like she wanted to be alone, and focus on the search. She needed space.
“I’m fine! How about we split up? We’ll cover more terrain that way” Y/n suggests, not giving Tarsem time to argue back as she begins to walk away. 
Groaning under her breath Y/n turns around, having one more place in mind. She checked all the places Tuk accompanied her when they went to explore together. All of which she came up empty handed. 
‘Ewya, please make sure she is ok’ 
A silent prayer leaves her lips as worry weighs her down. She couldn’t find any traces of the young Na’vi which only caused more panic to rise in her. She also didn’t receive any responses from Tarsem or Neteyam. Upon leaving for the search Jake had supplied them with their own coms and earpieces. So they wouldn’t check the same place twice and have contact with one another if they were to split up. 
Y/n cursed herself for being so caught up with the interaction with Neteyam. Truth be told she always tried to figure out why he acted the way he did. Y/n was one year older, therefore her age alone demanded respect. Heck, her title as a warrior demanded respect, all of which Neteyam actively avoided. 
Y/n begins to worry that she probably missed Tuk, she had been so involved with her own thoughts she wasn’t quite aware of her surroundings. Maybe Neteyam was right? Maybe Jake shouldn't have asked her for help? Just as Y/n walks closer to her favorite tree, filled with her favorite Yovo fruit she hears a whimper.
It was so quiet it almost went unnoticed, but Y/n’s ears automatically reacted to it, standing up in alert. She looked up at the tree, it was tall and big. From the ground it looked as though it could reach for the stars. 
“Tuk?!” Y/n calls, her voice echoing throughout the forest. She had her hand ready near her knife should any predator sneak up on her. 
Hearing no response back she turns to leave but stops abruptly. Hearing that familiar whimper. 
“Y-y/n?” It was quiet. As quiet as a whisper in the wind. But Y/n heard it, loud and clear. She whips around, squinting her eyes. She finally catches sight of the frightened girl, latching onto the tree for her life. She was quite high up, which made sense as to why she didn’t come down. The branches were thick but fragile. One wrong misstep could cause the branch to collapse. 
“Tuk!!!” Y/n calls, hauling herself against the tree. She seems to forget about the splinters within the old tree as she works her way towards the shaking girl.Tuk is gasping out in fear, her eyes blown wide. As she stares at Y/n coming her way, she feels hands shake. Unable to hold on. 
“Y/n!!!” Tukl calls again, her voice laced with fear.
“I’m almost there!!! J-Just hold on!” Y/n reached the branch closest to her, she carefully took tiny steps towards the girl who was within her arms reach.
“Give me your hand Tuk!!-” Y/n urges. Tuk glances at the outstretched hand. She shakes free one hand to reach out. “-Trust me”
As Tuk gains more confidence she stretches out, their fingertips brushing against one another. When all of a sudden, the branch holding them up lets out a crack under their weight. 
Neteyam lands his Ikran with ease. He swiftly jumps on the grass below, his eyes scanning the dense forest around him. He picks up the sound of footsteps nearby, choosing to follow it after he instructs his Ikran to leave, for now.  Fear was eating him alive at this point. He couldn't find Tuk  anywhere from up above and the sun was already beginning to set. 
He angrily swipes at the bushes nearby, feeling terrible guilt settle inside him. He couldn't help but realize it had all been his fault. He should have accompanied Tuk for her excursion when she had begged him earlier on in the day. He was just so caught up on his hunt, he desperately wanted to make his father proud. Over the many accomplishments he overcame. He is still yet to actually accompany his father on actual raid missions. It always left him in a sour mood when Jake enlisted Y/n’s help. Even if it was just as a spotter. 
“Neteyam” Tarsem calls, turning around to the sound of his steps. Neteyam glances around him, his tail twitch in annoyance noticing Y/n was nowhere to be seen. 
“Any luck?” he asks, noting how Neteyam seems on edge. His silence alone spoke volumes. “Don't worry, we'll find her” he tried to reassure. 
Neteyam lets out a huge sigh, his shoulder slumping. 
“We should call it in, just in case we need a search party” Neteyam mumbles walking closer to Tarsem. His solemn mood doesn't go unnoticed by Tarsem.
“It's not your fault Neteyam” 
Neteyam’s ears twitch. He knew Tarsem was right, but that didn't stop the feelings growing inside. He smiles sheepishly at his mentor turned friend. 
“Maybe Y/n found her. I haven't heard anything from her end” Tarsem pipes up, his eyes dancing around. At the mention of her name, Neteyam clenches his teeth. His mood shifted significantly. 
“I highly doub-”
“H-hello?” a quiet voice calls from both of their coms.Tarsem stands up straighter, his hand reaching up to press his collar. Neteyam stood still, his heart rate quicking. He could faintly hear her rapid gasps, as if she were in pain. Neteyam couldn't help but feel dread. 
“Y/n?! Where are you? What's wrong?!” Tarsem speaks firmly, also noticing her tone and the gasps of air. She sounded to be in pain, and struggling. 
“I-I found T-uk, she's o-k” She rasps out.
Neteyam’s feet carry him across the clearing with Tarsem hot on his tail. He had no idea where he was going, where his legs were carrying him. But all he knew is he had to reach her. Her tone alone had set him off, he couldn't help wondering what danger befell her. 
“Where are you Y/n! We’re coming” Tarsem says, his heart rate increasing in fear.
“Shhh, we're ok. You're ok, shhhh” Y/n clutches Tuk closely against her body. The little girl was wrapped up tightly in her embrace, her face tucked away in the crevice of her neck as she sobs quietly. 
The moment Tuk lost grip as the branch beneath them broke, Y/n had lunged for the girl. Cradling her against herself to insure she took the majority of the impact as they tumbled to the ground below. The fall had caused a nasty gash along Y/n’s thigh. It bled heavily as her body was also littered with tiny cuts from the branches she crashed against.
Luckily Tuk had nothing major, just a few scratches here and there. Other than that, unharmed. Y/n called it in the moment she was able to catch her breath and insure no broken bones. She had to thank Eywa for evading that causality. That being said Y/n had trouble standing up, still clutching the sobbing girl within her grasp. 
“They're coming, they'll be here soon” Y/n tries to say soothingly. She had trouble taking her steps, every step felt like a stab through her body. Her body aching in protest. Y/n’s ears twitch to a sound of flapping, and a screech of an Ikran nearby. Tuk seems to quiet down, recognizing her brother's Ikran right away. 
Y/n halts her steps as two Ikrans land before her, screeching wildly. She immediately recognized them as she looked towards the riders who hopped down with ease.
Neteyam is the first to reach them, his eyes searching for Y/n’s. His eyes widen as they scan her beaten up form, the blood that trickles down her leg as she stood in an uncombable way to relieve her injured leg of her weight. He bites his lips furiously, his worry for his sister clouding his vision. He glances at Tuk who smiles softly at him. 
“She's ok.” Y/ns whispers out, handing her over into Neteyam’s outstretched hands. He takes her with ease. His eyes wandered to her, his mouth opening and closing as if he had something he wanted to say but was too afraid to speak. 
“Y/N!!” Tarsem calls rushing in, he carefully scoops her up peering down at her shocked face. She smiles slightly as he inspects her wounds, hissing as his eyes wander to her thigh. Her blood smeared against him. It looked deep, which further triggered his brother's instincts. 
“Shit!! Let's get back!”
“Y/n, please. Let's go to the Tsahiks tent? You need to have that checked out” Tarsem pleads. Still holding her tightly against him.
Even though Y/n had insisted she could walk just fine, he wouldn't let up. Neteyam, uncharacteristically, had been quite the entire ride back. Not even throwing a glare Y/n’s way that she grew accustomed to. He had whispered a quiet  thanks to their general direction before heading towards his family's hut in a hurry.
“Fine, though I could fix this on my own. I don't want to bother Mo'at '' Y/n reluctantly agrees. Anything to get out of Tarsem's arms. She felt tiny against him, and the weird stares she received from the younger Na’vi only soured her mood. A smile twitches along Tarsem’s lips as he walks quickly towards the hut. As if she had weighed nothing. 
Upon arrival he peeks in, his eyes wandering around the empty hut. He quirked an eyebrow in question, looking back at Y/n as if she had the answer to his question. Y/n sighs out, gesturing towards herself. Getting the memo, Tarsem gently sets her down.
Y/n holds onto his bicep as she takes her wobbly legs towards the mat, seating herself as a loud grunt leaves her lips. 
“She is probably already at the Olo’eyktan’s tent, checking up on Tuk. I’ll be fine” Y/n says calmly, reaching for a cloth to wipe away the blood. Tarsem physically cringes. Seeing her hurt and bleeding made him question himself. He couldn't help but feel guilty that she got hurt under his watch. 
“Tarsem, I'll be fine. Please go and relax. You look tense” Y/n observes, gesturing her hand in a shoo-ing motion. Tarsem chuckles at her attempts, his ears folded down. 
“I’ll be right back…I have to tell mother” he informs, causing Y/n to wince.
She didn't want anyone worrying over her. Tarsem’s mom would always fuss over her, treating her as her own. Y/n nods watching him leave the tent. She winces as the cloth grazes at the cut. She gently reached for the basket of tools she was well equipped with after helping Mo’at on many occasions. She searched for a needle and thread, it was a deep cut and it required stitching. While she fumbled through the basket she heard rushed footsteps walk into the tent. 
“Tarsem I'm fine, I'll just stitch it up. You go-” To Y/n’s surprise it wasn't Tarsem, but Neteyam. His chest heaved as he looked to have rushed here. Her eyes are solely focused on her thighs, his eyes glancing at the cloth soaked up in her blood staining it crimson. 
“Ne- What are you doing here?” Y/n stutters. She didn't think Neteyam would ever approach her out of his own free will. She watches how his strained eyes dance around the tent. 
“Mo’at isn't he-”
“I'm not here for her:” Neteyam cuts her off, taking a few steps to loom over her. He couches down to her level, finally looking her in the eye. Y/n felt a lump in her throat from the sheer intensity of his gaze. She didn't know what it meant.
 Sure, before she could easily recognize the hate with his yellow orbs. But now? Now it was an emotion she wasn't familiar with. A deep emotion that swam within his irises. 
“Do you…need help?’ he asks, gesturing to her still open wound. 
“Wha-? No, I’m fine” she quickly responded, covering up the cut with the bloody cloth. Anything for him not to linger around. Not receiving the message Neteyam’s eyes look back into hers. 
“Thank you…for what you did. For finding Tuk '' Neteyam says, his tone forced but holding some sincerity. Y/n smiles, it felt like he acknowledged her. And it felt great. 
Neteyam’s eyes glance all over her face, momentarily stopping at her lips that were stretched into a small smile. He quickly shakes his head, standing up at the thoughts he refused to let surface. Y/n jolts at the sudden movement breaking from her trance. 
“Y-Your Welco-ome!” she stutters out as he turns to walk out of the tent.. He stops himself, a smile playing along his lips. 
“Get yourself fixed Y/n” 
And with that, he disappears.
Y/n grins, forgetting the aches and pain. He had said her name. And she couldn't be happier. 
He said her name….
A/N: Ok, confession time. I cry every time I have to write about rude Neteyam. Like, he’s not rude at all!! It’s soo OOC for me, he is such a sweet and caring boy 😭😭😭 Anyway, thank you for the great response on the prologue!! I hoped you enjoyed Part One. If you would like to be added to the Tag List for this series please comment below. Love ya’ll!!
Ps. This chapter was long cuz its the first one, I'll try to shorten the next ones!
My Dearly Detested TagList
@afro-hispwriter  @bigbootahjudy   @sasuvkee  @a-blog-name-2003   @arminsgfloll @notmonroe  @mahalkomarvel @jackiehollanderr  @briacreations96 @naynay2808 @universal-s1ut   @lili-of-the-dream   @cumikering  @baebinana @empiricsad @aspen-sprout   @jjkclub  @thehoneymushroomhealer  @cherrymoon4 @zoetrope1997    @hannabanana-09  @annyis    @yhern05 @inolaphoenix
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simpforboys · 2 years
loving you was never a regret
neteyam x fem!metkayina!reader
summary: when the sully’s came to your village, the oldest son flipped your world upside down in ways you would have never expected
warnings: some angst, fluff ending, obvious x denial trope, you and neteyam are 19
based on prompt “I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but that doesn’t mean I regret it one bit” by dumplingsjinson!
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you never really believed in true love, despite tsaheylu.
it was just something you didn’t plan in your future, not seeing a point in having a mate or children.
you stuck to your plan for 19 years, until, the sully family had arrived at your village.
the oldest sully was immediately drawn to you, like a magnetic force pulling him towards you.
your piercing greenish blue eyes, natural curls, and teal skin made him feel infatuated. he wanted to know you.
and while you couldn’t deny that he was attractive, when he met your eyes you ducked away and left.
this made neteyam’s brow bone furrow, his eyes following your frame as you dove into the ocean.
it wasn’t until a few days later where your paths would actually connect.
“tsireya, have you seen my-“
you stopped, looking at the group to see the sully kids standing there with your good friend.
“y/n!” tsireya grabbed you, making you stand next to her.
“y/n, this is tuk, kiri, lo’ak, and neteyam.”
the boy was looking directly at you, his pupils dilated with a small smile on his face as you looked away, giving the group a small wave.
“well i guess i better get going-“
your friend cut you off once more.
“actually, do you want to help me teach them how to swim with the ilus?”
tsireya was like a little sister to you, and unfortunately, you would do anything she asked of you.
she had a pleading look in her eye and you couldn’t help but cave in.
she sent you a massive smile.
“follow me.” tsireya started walking, lo’ak following closely behind her as kiri and tuk walked together, leaving you and neteyam.
“hello.” he greeted you as you both began to walk.
“hi…” you said shyly, still avoiding his gaze.
“i saw you the other day, when my family and i arrived.”
“yes, i saw you too.”
“why did you leave?”
his question was so sudden and so harmless it made you grow nervous.
“i had chores to get done.” your feet began to walk into the ocean where tsireya was starting to educate the other sullys on ilus.
neteyam went to open his mouth, but got stopped when tuk asked if he could hold her.
you called your ilu, rifa. she swam up to you, nuzzling her head against your leg before surfacing her head.
“she’s so cute!” tuk awed from neteyam’s arms.
you smiled, feeding the girl a fish.
“ilus are very wonderful creatures. highly intelligent, have good personalities, and excellent first bonds. they are not as loyal as your ikrans, but they are amazing animals nonetheless.”
you spoke, sending rifa to circle around the kids as rifa splashed them, causing tuk to laugh. neteyam smiled at you, kiri curious about the animal as lo’ak watched tsireya.
ao’nung emerged out of the water with rotxo, eyeing the sullys and you suspiciously.
“ao’nung! help us with the demonstration, tsumakan (brother).”
ao’nung rolled his eyes, and you noticed the way rotxo stared at kiri with big eyes.
ao’nung called to the ilus, many coming up to the surface and inspecting the forest na’vi with curiosity.
“if you are going to live here, you have to learn to ride.”
neteyam put tuk down as you held onto another ilu, holding the excited animal from diving.
“who wants to try?”
none of the sullys stepped up.
“i will.” neteyam shrugged, walking over to the ilu as he pet the creature.
“make the bond gently,” you guided him, and slowly everyone started breaking up into groups.
tsireya and her brother helped lo’ak and kiri as tuk stayed with neteyam and you.
“feel her energy, her breathing, her heart beat.” neteyam sucked in a deep breath through his nose.
“you will hold here.” you grabbed his hand, unaware of the way it suddenly flustered him, and put it on the small hand holder.
you wooped at the ilu, causing the animal to dive under the water with neteyam going with it.
tuk gasped as she lightly bounced in the water. “i want to try!”
you grabbed another ilu, this time a younger one, more fit for tuk. you guided her hand to where to hold on, when neteyam’s head popped up.
you giggled as he looked out of breath, probably falling off the animal. neteyam’s cheeks grew warm.
days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months.
you grew close to the sullys, showing them around the reef and sometimes joining them for dinner in their marui pod.
neteyam’s feelings grew also. he wanted you, needed you, in a romantic way. but every time he tried to show interest, you would shy away.
it was no secret around awa’atlu that neteyam liked you.
you would never admit it, but you enjoyed spending your time with the boy. he made you laugh and feel safe.
and you weren’t a skxawng (idiot), you knew of neteyam’s feelings. but the fear of the commitment put you off.
“rewon (morning), y/n.” neteyam’s tail slapped the back of your thigh playfully as he came up behind you.
you jumped from the sudden action, a smirk coming onto your face.
“you are lucky i felt that with your tiny tail.” you teased, showing off your thicker one as it splashed a wave of water at neteyam.
he laughed, making your stomach turn into knots. you looked away, trying to return back to the chore you were completing.
neteyam leaned against a wooden rack, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched you intently. you could feel his eyes burning into the back of your head and it made you nervous.
“take a photo, it will last longer.” you joked, looking up at the boy.
“i would if i could.” he shrugged, making you flustered. you grabbed the bucket of fish and began to walk to the beach when neteyam followed you.
“you follow me around like a baby.” you commented.
“do you not enjoy my company, y/n?” neteyam smirked at you. you looked up at him, sharp eyes onto his playful ones.
“i enjoy your company very much.” neteyam added, seeing the way you shifted your weight onto your other leg.
“oooh! are you feeding the ilus, y/n? can i join?” tuk came walking down, bouncing on the balls of her feet. you mentally thanked her for saving you.
“of course, tuk.”
neteyam ruffled tuk’s hair as she grabbed a fish. you called rifa, the animal nuzzling against you.
“piak si (open), rifa!” you instructed.
when the season came back, tsireya had woke the village. the tulkuns had returned, jumping out of the water happily.
you got out of your bed, diving into the water. your spirit sister, herwìva, was just as excited to meet you.
with a smile on your face, you called rifa as the ilu appeared. she took you to where herwìva was, the tulkun doing a twirl.
“my sister!” you signed.
how have you been?
“these past few months have been challenging. there is a boy.”
herwìva cut you off. a boy?
her tone was teasing through her noise and you playfully rolled your eyes at the tulkun.
“he likes me, very much.”
are you two mated?
“you know i cannot, herwìva.” you signed back.
try, my sister. you deserve someone.
herwìva went into detail about her own mate she met. catching up with your spirit sister was something very dear to you.
her words left you wondering.
and maybe you didn’t realize how much the forest boy meant to you, until your life came crashing down.
the sky people were coming, quickly.
you were on rifa, chasing after tsireya and neteyam since lo’ak went to warn payakan.
you arrived within minutes. lo’ak was calling out for help, neteyam climbing on top of the tulkun with tsireya swimming towards them.
“shit.” you mumbled, hopping onto the animal as ao’nung, kiri, and tuk had arrived to help.
“attach this on!” neteyam tossed a rope.
you took the initiative, helping lo’ak tie the rope to the tracking device as neteyam took an ilu and tried to force it off.
“they are coming!” tsireya screamed.
“pull harder, cmon!” lo’ak shouted back.
the six of you sat there and tugged onto the orange device until it finally came out of the tulkun. but by then it was too late, the sky people were coming towards you.
“dive! every body get into the water!” you instructed. the teenagers followed your orders, diving into the water as neteyam took off with the tracking device.
rifa swam up to you as you grabbed on, following the kids with neteyam coming up behind you.
suddenly, submarines began to attack you all, sending you into panic mode as the group had split up.
neteyam had stayed with you, following you into an air pocket.
“what happened? where is everyone?” neteyam asked.
“i don’t know, we need to find them.”
your voice cracked in fear. neteyam reached his hand out of the water, caressing your cheek comfortingly.
“we will all be okay, y/n.”
you nodded, diving back under the water. when you peeked out, kiri was using plants to fight off the submarines.
“follow!” you signed to ao’nung and rotxo as the boys grabbed kiri. you called out to rifa, your girl coming towards you. only she didn’t get to make it before one of the submarines came around the corner, piercing the ilu through the neck.
you accidentally sucked in a deep breath from the shock, beginning to choke on the water. the screeches and whines that came from rifa made your mind go blank, seeing the way her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
you couldn’t move or think. neteyam, watching the scene, grabbed onto your arm and forced you to get away on another ilu.
you didn’t resurface again for a couple minutes as neteyam held your thigh against his body, making sure you were coming.
you approached an island, neteyam helping you onto the rocks as you cried out for your ilu.
“they murdered my rifa!” you wailed. neteyam held you against his chest, letting you cling onto him as you mourned.
“mawey, y/n. mawey (calm).”
the boy stroked your curls in a comforting way, his movement stopping when he saw lo’ak, tsireya, and tuk on the sky people ship.
“listen, y/n. they have taken my siblings and tsireya, and i need you here with me. okay? you have to have a strong heart.”
your lip quivered as more tears left your eyes, but you needed to save tsireya.
“we can attack from under the sea, while my father goes above.” neteyam said, seeing the metkayinas go into battle with jake.
but you two didn’t go so far before payakan jumped out of the water and onto the ship, beginning to battle the sky people.
“c’mon!” neteyam dived into the water.
without thinking, you jumped in after him. another ilu picked you up, and it felt wrong being with another animal that wasn’t rifa.
nonetheless, the ilu helped you onto the ship where neteyam was cutting free tuk.
“tsireya!” you alerted, running up to the teen as you hugged her tightly. she noticed your sad eyes.
“what is wrong?” she asked.
“they killed rifa.” you explained sadly, voice broken.
“y/n! take the girls and get off the ship!” neteyam said as lo’ak ran off.
“lo’ak!” you shouted, but it was useless as neteyam took off.
“come here, tuk.” you grabbed tuk’s hand as you dove into the water with tsireya.
“are you alright?” you asked the child when she resurfaced.
her chest was rising and falling, flushed cheeks with fear evident in her eyes.
the sound of guns firing made you grab onto the younger girls, guiding them to a spot where you were all hidden.
you lifted your finger to your lips, making a shh noise. tuk clinged onto you, but let go when she saw an ikran holding her sister.
“they have kiri!” she shouted.
“tuk!” you and tsireya called out after the child, but tuk climbed her way back onto the ship.
you and tsireya didn’t get the chance to follow because lo’ak, a human, and neteyam jumped into the ocean.
“i’m shot.” neteyam gasped for air and you felt as if pandora stopped.
tsireya called an ilu, and the last few minutes went by in a blur. you held neteyam’s hand while the ilu took you to a rocky island, the one you and neteyam were at moments prior.
your head was ringing but all you could focus on is saving neteyam.
he laid on your lap as lo’ak applied pressure to his wound. you comfortingly stroked his cheek, much like how he had done earlier to you.
“neteyam…” you croaked out.
“i see you, y/n.” neteyam’s voice was shallow and you could see his eyes draining.
“no, no, no, stop.”
you took your queue, and without thinking connected it to neteyam’s.
“y/n!” lo’ak gasped as ronal came rushing onto the island, tsireya close on her tail.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you felt neteyam’s pain, his feelings, his memories.
and each happy one had you.
“move, children!” ronal snapped as she sat next to neteyam, beginning to do a prayer to eywa.
“why would you do that?” tsireya asked you when you came back from your daze, the queue still holding on to neteyam’s.
“i need him, i cannot lose him.”
lo’ak and tsireya looked at each other as ronal continued on with her prayer, calling out to eywa as jake and neytiri approached.
“what happened?” jake asked, but neytiri shushed her mate.
neteyam laid weak in your arms, your own tears falling onto his cheeks.
“come on, neteyam. come back to me.”
as if it was a signal, neteyam sucked in a deep breath as ronal and eywa healed the boy.
“thank you great mother!” neytiri gasped, taking her son and holding him close.
you finally felt like you could breathe as everyone surrounded the boy.
days went by. you held a private funeral for rifa, neteyam attending as he was the only one you invited.
a flower was tucked into your pointed ear as you cried, neteyam comforting you as eywa took rifa’s energy back.
“my sweet rifa.”
while most ilus were not very loyal animals, rifa and you had a connection that could only be described as fate.
rifa did not ride with anyone else, unless you allowed it to be done.
and neteyam knew how much the animal meant to you.
when your emotions had finally calmed down, eclipse dawned over awa’atlu. you and neteyam stood on the shore in the cove of the ancestors, cold sand between your feet as you stared off into the ocean.
“neteyam…” you trailed off.
the patient boy looked at you, love and sorrow in his glowing yellow eyes.
“i gave you so many reasons to walk away from me, and you never did. why?”
the topic change caught neteyam off guard, but your emotions were going off the charts.
“there has been many things i have walked away from, y/n. things that have filled me with tìlapx (regret). and i didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but that doesn’t mean I regret it one bit. getting to spend time with you made all of it worth it.”
neteyam wiped the tears off your cheeks as your lip quivered, you went to hold onto his wrists as he caressed your cheek once more.
“i see you, neteyam.”
neteyam’s lips curled into a smile as he placed his forehead against yours.
“i see you, y/n.”
you grabbed your queue, connecting it to neteyam’s once more, but this time, a stronger tsaheylu. neteyam became your mate in the eyes of eywa.
you pressed your lips to your new mate, him cupping your jaw and pulling you closer to him.
if someone were to tell you months ago that you would be standing in the cove of the ancestors, kissing your mate, you would have told them they are lekye’ung (crazy).
but meeting neteyam was the best thing that has ever happened to you, and you hated yourself for not realizing it earlier.
but all neteyam could think that after months of flirting, feelings, and seeing you through the good and the bad, he was beyond thrilled to be your official mate.
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bookworm551 · 2 years
Of Duty and Desire | Chapter 1 | Neteyam x Metkayina!reader
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He glanced away for a moment and clenched his jaw. When he looked back at you, you could see the frustration burning in his face. "I just-" he paused, staring at you intensely. "I've never wanted anything as much as I want you."
Summary: You are the tsakarem of the Metkayina, promised to Aonung, and you have settled into your role nicely. Everything is as it should be until a family of Omatikaya refugees arrives, and the eldest son causes you to reconsider everything
A/N: I have been working on this piece for a while, but I literally had to rewrite this like four times so whoops. I appreciate all the love on my last fic, so hopefully y’all enjoy this too :) also, after this part I’m aging up the characters lol. Part 1 of idk
Neteyam x fem Metkayina!readers
5.8k words
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Epilogue
Freedom is oftentimes the sacrifice demanded by duty.
The privilege of choosing how to live one's life is swept away by the responsibilities one has to their family, their friends, or their people. You thought you understood the weight of duty when you became the tsakarem of the Metkayina, but you soon realized thereafter that the cost was higher than what you were willing to pay.
In the months following their arrival, you had gotten close to the forest children. You loved spending time with Tuk. She was bright and full of wonder, and she never failed to make you laugh with her occasional sassy remark. Lo'ak was determined and a fast learner, and you were constantly amused by his poorly-hidden attraction to your best friend, Tsireya. You became fast friends with Kiri due to her deep connection with Eywa and interest in healing.
But there was something about your relationship with Neteyam that was different from all the others. In the few short months you had known each other, your friendship had grown much faster than you had expected. He was kind and respectful, and he always knew how to make you laugh. He was as close to you as the friends you had known your whole life.
You had first met him one day rather unexpectedly after their arrival. You were under the cover of the healing tent when you heard someone approach from outside. You were surprised to find the oldest Sully waiting expectantly while gripping his wrist tightly. He dropped his grip in order to offer you the customary greeting of his hand to his forehead before immediately returning to hold his wrist again.
You offered the gesture back to him before asking, "Is everything alright?" He gave an embarrassed smile and said, "I touched a plant in the water with my hand, and now it burns. I was told to come here for a remedy." You knew immediately what it was, and you offered him a sympathetic look. Taking his hand, you inspected it to confirm your suspicion.
"We learn at a young age not to touch the sea nettle," you told him with a faint smile. "Think of it as a rite of passage." His lips turned upwards at your words. "Then I suppose I'm one step closer to becoming Metkayina," he joked. You chuckled as you searched for the treatment for nettle.
While he waited for you, he sat down on the floor and said, "I do not believe we have met before. I am Neteyam." You cast a brief glance over your shoulder with a smile. "I know who you are, Neteyam te Suli," you told him. "But you are right, we have not met. I suppose that is my fault, I have been very busy since you arrived." After finding the correct bowl, you sat down across from him and introduced yourself properly.
"You are the tsakarem, yes?" Neteyam clarified as you took his hand to inspect it for any remaining nettles. "I am," you confirmed, trying not to appear proud or arrogant in the title. "I spend much of my time here in the village. I have been able to become acquainted with your mother and sisters, though you and your brother seem rarely to leave the water."
Neteyam nodded with a small smile. "We have been learning so much," he told you. "It is all still so new to us." You hummed in understanding. "You seem to be adjusting well to the reef," you observed.
Before he could respond, you took the small bowl of oil and held it above his hand. "This will sting at first," you warned. He nodded, and you poured a small amount over his palm. As you had predicted, he tensed at the pain, and you could see the muscles in his arms flex reactively. He took a deep breath and relaxed as the pain ebbed away.
Carefully, you took your thumbs and rubbed them down his palm. "Let me know if I am hurting you," you told him quietly. He remained silent as you massaged the oil into his hand. You felt his eyes on your face, so you glanced up at him. He didn't look away, keeping his amber eyes fixed on your face, and he offered you a soft smile. You were only able to hold his gaze for a few seconds before becoming slightly embarrassed, and you quickly looked back down at your hands again.
"It feels much better," he said after a moment. "I'm glad," you replied earnestly. "I haven't touched sea nettle since I was very young, but I remember the sting of it very well." He nodded his head with an ironic grin. "I don't think I will forget this any time soon," he agreed.
You continued working the oil into his skin for a moment, and you still felt his eyes on your face, though you didn't look up at him again until you were finished. Dropping his hand, you said, "Try to avoid nettle in the future. We usually save the remedy for children, but I made an exception for you this time."
He grinned at you. "I am very grateful," he told you, placing his hand over his heart. "And I will take more care in the future." Smiling at him, you replied, "I hope so. I don't want to have to patch you up every day."
He looked at you in amusement. "I'm sure there are worse ways to spend the day," he teased. You shook your head with a small laugh. "Perhaps," you conceded. "But there are certainly more productive things to do as well."
"Thank you," he said as he moved to stand up. "I will see you later tonight?" You blinked in surprise. You saw him every night during the evening meal from afar, but since you had never spoken to him before, you were surprised at his forwardness.
"I suppose," you replied, then added with a smirk, "That is unless you hurt yourself again before then." He gave you a cheeky smile. "No promises," he responded playfully.
You saw the forest boy more often after that. Sometimes he would come in claiming to be searching for his mother and then stay and talk with you. Other times, he would come in with scrapes and cuts not severe enough to warrant Ronal's expertise, but deep enough to justify seeing you for help.
Sometimes, you wondered if he was getting hurt on purpose. You didn't mind though. He was sweet and enjoyable, and he always told you stories of himself and his siblings in the forest. You knew he missed it very much, but he hid his longing behind all the funny tales of his family.
One person who was wary of your friendship with Neteyam and his family was Aonung. He had his mother's distrusting nature as well as her pride, and as his intended mate, you knew he wasn't happy with how close you had become to them. He never said anything directly to you, but he would drop subtle comments about them when you were around. Whenever you were helping teach the forest children, he watched closely for how you interacted with them. You could feel the tension between him and the Sullys, and it all came to a head about two months after they had arrived at the reef.
You were sorting things when you heard a commotion outside. You looked out in confusion before Aonung pushed his way into the tent. You took in a sharp breath as you got a look at his face.
He looked awful. His eye was starting to swell, there was blood dripping from his nose, and dark purple bruises were beginning to form on his cheek. "What happened?!" You asked him sharply as some of his friends followed in behind him sporting similar injuries on their faces. Aonung didn't look at you, but one of his friends behind him chimed in, "It was the forest boys."
You scowled at Aonung. "What did you do?" You demanded to know. He shot you an irritated look. "You are accusing me?" he asked incredulously. Your scowl deepened as you glared up at him suspiciously. "Yes," you said. "I am." He scoffed at you. He wasn't afraid of your ire when he knew he had the privilege of being the son of the two clan leaders to protect him.
"They do not belong here," he told you. "I don't know why you are so fond of those freaks." His friends behind him muttered their approval at his statement. You turned your glare to them, and they immediately fell silent and looked away. Even if Aonung didn't fear you, at least they did.
"They are here under uturu," you said in a harsh whisper. "We must treat them with respect and dignity." Aonung rolled his eyes at your words. "Where is my mother?" he asked, ignoring your statement. You huffed an irritated breath. "Out," you responded crossly, walking over to where Ronal kept her store of medicines and other mending materials.
You pulled out a jar of ointment and handed it to Aonung. "For the cuts," you told him. "Now go." You pointed at the entrance of your tent resolutely, maintaining a level glare at him. He held your gaze for a moment before taking the bowl and walking away, his friends in tow.
You closed your eyes in exasperation. How could they all be so stuck up and stupid? You knew that Aonung took great pride in being the next in line for Olo'eyktan, but you had never seen him act so rude and self-absorbed. Honestly, it was embarrassing for you.
After a moment, you decided to go out to see if you could find one or both of the Omatikayan boys to apologize on behalf of Aonung. Stepping out, you headed over to where their family was residing. From a distance, you could see that Lo'ak was stepping out of the tent, his face downcast and irritated. He was still too far from you to try and call out to him, so you skipped briskly along the suspended walkways between you to try and catch up to him.
Despite your urgent pace, Lo'ak quickly moved in the opposite direction from you, but from their tent, Neteyam walked out into the light of the sun wearing a subtle smile on his face. Approaching his tent, you called out to him. He glanced up at you in mild surprise and offered a polite nod.
You studied his face for injuries, but besides a busted lip, he seemed relatively unharmed. "I know what happened with Aonung," you began. "Well, sort of. I am very sorry about him and his friends." He gave you a soft smile and shook his head casually. "It was not your fault," he said simply. "There is no need for you to apologize."
As he spoke, you noticed the fresh blood on his lip from his cut. "You are cut," you observed. "Come with me." You grabbed his arm to lead him back to the healing canopy, but he resisted, shaking his head again. "This is nothing," he told you gently. "I will be fine."
You didn't let go of his arm. "You have come to our home as guests," you said softly. "Aonung and his friends have treated you dishonorably. Please, let me make it right." You gazed up at his face imploringly, and after a moment, his face softened and he nodded. "Alright," he conceded and followed your pulling hand.
Entering under the cover of your canopy, you had Neteyam sit down while you took out a small cloth and a salve. Dampening the cloth with fresh water, you turned to where he was sitting patiently for you.
Taking his jaw in your hand gently, you turned his face so that you could inspect the cut better. Neteyam's eyes stayed on your face for a moment before glancing away to fixate on the tent walls. In addition to the cut on his lip, you also noticed some more purplish spots starting to form on his neck.
You traced your fingers over the forming bruises on his neck. Neteyam tensed at your touch, and his eyes quickly darted to your face. You pulled back your hand from his neck and said, "Sorry." He gave you a subtle smirk. "It doesn't hurt," he assured you. "Just sensitive."
"Ah," you said in a low voice, looking away from his eyes sheepishly. You started to clean away the blood on his lip. "What did he do to start the fight?" You asked him, changing the subject. He blinked slowly and shook his head. "It does not matter," he replied in a quiet voice, looking away from you.
Your grip on his jaw tightened slightly, and you turned his face back so he would look you in the eyes. "What did he do?" You asked again in a more insistent tone. You could see him contemplating, and you held his face and gaze in expectant silence.
"He was making fun of Kiri and Lo'ak," he relented. "He called them freaks." The grip of your hand holding his face tightened reflexively as anger burned in your chest. You closed your eyes for a second to regain your composure before turning his head back to continue attending to his cut.
"I am very sorry, Neteyam," you murmured earnestly. "He never should have said those things." In your peripheral vision, you could see that his eyes were fixated on your face, but you kept your focus on his lip. "You do not have to apologize," he repeated from earlier, trying to keep his mouth still as he spoke. "You have shown nothing but kindness to my family since we arrived."
You glanced up for a moment to meet his eyes. He was looking back at you with a soft gaze, and you became aware of how close you were to his face. You turned away from him as you felt your cheeks grow warm to pull out the salve you had. Taking a small swatch on your thumb, you brushed it gently over his lip. You could feel his eyes on you as you did, and despite your best efforts, you glanced up at them. A beat of tense silence passed as you looked at each other wordlessly, one of your hands holding his face while the other was tracing his mouth.
Worried that he may be able to hear your heart pounding, you thought desperately of something to say. "He is intimidated by you," you said finally as you dropped your hands from his face and looked down from his eyes. Neteyam cocked his head to the side. "Aonung?" He clarified. You nodded as you wiped the remaining salve off of your fingers.
"He is the son of Olo'eyktan," you explained, shifting to sit on the floor next to him. "There has never been anybody to challenge that status until now, but not only was your father Olo'eyktan as well, but he was Toruk Makto. We were raised hearing stories of him. Some sound too strange to be true."
Neteyam looked at you in curiosity. "Stories?" He repeated. "Like what?"
You smiled, somewhat embarrassed. "There are many," you said slowly. "He  was once a human, a warrior from the stars." Neteyam nodded his head slowly. "That is true," he confirmed. You thought back for more rumors. "They say he killed one of the Na'vi to possess his body," you mentioned.
Neteyam let out a small, surprised laugh. "That one is not true," he said, amused at the story. "The Sky People grew his body from the blood of his brother and Na'vi blood, and his spirit now resides in it." Your forehead scrunched in confusion. "The blood of his brother?" You echoed, perplexed.
He shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. "I don't even fully understand it," he admitted. "But the important thing is that no, he didn't possess anybody else's body to become one of the People." You nodded faintly, still very confused about Neteyam's answer.
"What else have you heard?" He prompted. You thought back to the way you imagined Toruk Makto before he came here. You had thought he would be large and intimidating like Tonowari, but with an authoritarian attitude and little humor. It was almost comical how he really was just like any other Na'vi father aside from some small physical differences and his accent.
"I thought he couldn't speak in the Na'vi tongue," you added. "We all thought he spoke a strange language." Neteyam nodded again. "When he led the revolt against the Sky People," he explained, "he spoke very little Na'vi. His first language is called English."
You tilted your head at the funny word. "English," you repeated. He smiled at your accent and nodded. "He usually only speaks it with my family," he said. "Many of the Omatikaya can speak it a little, too." You smiled back before asking, "What does it sound like?"
Neteyam shrugged. "What do you want me to say?" He said in English. You couldn't help but giggle at the strange language. "What does that mean?" You asked. He smiled at you in amusement. "I simply asked what you wanted me to say," he clarified.
You hummed thoughtfully as you came up with a phrase for him to say. You looked out at the afternoon sun casting brilliant reflections on the water outside of your tent. "The sea is very beautiful," you said finally. He looked out at the water for a moment. "The sea is very beautiful," he replied before looking back at you and adding, "and so are you."
You tilted your head and eyed him suspiciously. The pause between his words sounded like he said something extra. "All of that means 'The sea is very beautiful?'" You questioned skeptically. He glanced away for a moment with a faint smile. "Not all of it," he admitted. He paused for a moment, and then he said, "I said 'The sea is very beautiful, but I miss the forest.'"
"Ah," you said, nodding in understanding. "It must be very hard for you to be away from it." He sighed, looking back out at the sea with a far-away stare. "It is," he agreed after a while. "It is so different there. The sounds, the smells, everything. I don't think I have ever spent so much time in the sun as I have here."
You laughed at his last statement. "What do you mean?" You asked. He pointed out to where a few large, craggy precipices jutted out over the water. "The trees where I am from are higher than those cliffs," he explained. "When you are in the forest, very little sunlight reaches the ground."
Looking out to where he pointed, you shook your head in amazement. "I cannot even imagine trees like that," you said in wonder. He turned to you with a soft smile. "I'll take you to see them someday," he promised.
You smiled up at him, but it quickly faded away. You shook your head and looked away from his face. "No," you sighed regretfully. "I am tsakarem. It would not be right for me to leave the reef." He hummed in understanding. "I imagine your intended would not be happy about it either," he commented, watching you for your reaction.
You shifted uncomfortably. "No," you conceded quietly, "probably not."
When he didn't respond, you glanced up at his face and saw he was gazing at you expectantly. "He is not entirely to blame," you defended gently. "He and I have a great responsibility to the clan. He has carried it his whole life, but I am still getting used to it." He gave a small nod in understanding. "I have carried it my whole life, too," he said, then added in English, "but it didn't make me into an ass."
You smiled at the strange words and shot him a quizzical look. "I said, 'It is a heavy burden to bear,'" he translated for you. You nodded in agreement, and you missed the wry grin on his face.
"It must be nice for you finally to be free of that burden," you reflected. He heaved a heavy sigh and shook his head. "Even though my father is no longer Olo'eyktan, he still holds the title of Toruk Makto," he countered. "It is one that will always follow him, and so it will always follow me."
He stared out at the water in contemplation. There was a pause, and Neteyam gave another sigh. You could see the weight of his family's legacy on his face, and you felt a sense of compassion for him. "A heavy burden," you repeated his words quietly. He didn't say anything, lost in his own internal musings.
Even though you knew that the expectations weren't quite the same, you felt that on some level, you understood the struggle of upholding the standard of greatness in life. Your parents were very proud of your status of tsakarem, and you felt the pressure of it from them as well as Ronal, whose expectations were higher than everyone else.
"I never understood how heavy it was until now," you commented. "But I accepted my role. You were born into yours." Neteyam looked at you carefully and tilted his head in curiosity. "You accepted it," he repeated, "but did you actually want it?"
His question caught you off guard. As you pondered it, you felt a strange mix of emotions stirring in your chest. Nobody had ever considered that you wouldn't want to be tsakarem. It was easy to get swept up in the honor and prestige and forget about the fact that you were surrendering many of the freedoms you had previously enjoyed in order to prepare yourself to help lead the clan.
Your throat tightened unexpectedly as you thought about his question. Neteyam must have noticed your reaction because he shook his head apologetically. "I'm sorry," he said. "I did not mean to upset you." His words snapped you out of your thoughts. You shook your head dismissively and gave a weak smile.
"It's okay," you assured him. "I just..." you trailed off, not sure of what to say. After a beat, he took your hand comfortingly. "You carry the title with great dignity," he told you reassuringly. "And you bring honor to your people."
Your chest warmed at his words, easing the strain of his earlier question. With a shy smile, you asked, "How do you say 'thank you' in English?" He chuckled at your question. "Thank you," he told you in English.
"Thank you," you repeated in his funny language. He gave you a warm smile. "You're welcome," he replied. "You're welcome," you echoed thoughtfully. He nodded in approval. "That was almost perfect," he complimented. You hummed at his praise. "You'll have to teach me to speak it perfectly," you told him. He smiled as he looked at you. "I will," he promised gently.
You felt your cheeks warm at his soft gaze. You had never seen eyes quite like his. They were a shade of yellow you had never seen before, almost greenish in the reflections from the water.  In the prolonged silence, you realized that he was still holding your hand, so you blinked and pulled it away gently while you desperately thought of something to say.
"Your cut will heal within the next couple of days," you said finally. He blinked as though pulled from deep thought and nodded gratefully. "You are very kind," he told you. "Thank you."
You smiled. "You're welcome," you told him, trying your best to accurately mimic the way he said the phrase.
He chuckled at your use of his language. "You're a fast learner," he praised and then sighed. "I should go find my brother," he added. You nodded in understanding, and you both stood up. Before he could leave, you said, "Please send my apologies to Lo'ak."
Neteyam shook his head with a reproachful smile. He brought his hand up to your face and tilted your chin upwards with his fingers to look him in the eye. "You need to stop apologizing for things you didn't do," he told you earnestly. Then, he dropped his hand and walked out of the tent before you could reply and before he could see the deep blush forming on your face.
Later that evening, you had taken Tuk out to feed the ilus. Waist deep in the water, you both giggled as the pod of ilus gathered around, swimming in eager circles around you. You and the young girl took turns feeding them one by one.
"I think this one likes me," Tuk giggled as one of the animals nudged her side affectionately. "Yes, well, that one is notorious for loving whoever has the food," you said with a laugh. Taking a fish from the basket, Tuk fed the cuddly ilu. "Then I'll feed him every day," she said with a bright smile.
From behind you, you could hear someone moving through the water. You turned and saw Neteyam wading out to where you and Tuk were standing. Noticing her older brother, Tuk called out, "Look, Neteyam! Come feed the ilus with us."
Neteyam offered his sister a quick smile before it melted into a more urgent look.
"Have either of you seen Lo'ak?" He asked. You glanced at Tuk, who looked back at you with the same confused look. "I haven't seen him since I saw you last," you told him. "Is everything alright?"
Neteyam glanced quickly at his younger sister before looking back at you. "It's probably nothing, I'm just looking for him." He started to walk back out of the water, and you could see the look of agitation on his face. You handed Tuk the basket of fish and said, "Here, you keep feeding them, I'll be right back."
You moved out of the water to follow after Neteyam. He must've heard you behind him because he slowed down and waited for you to catch up to him. Stepping behind him, you asked, "What's wrong?"
He shot you a worried glance. "I've looked everywhere. There is no sign of him, and nobody has seen him." Your forehead scrunched up at his words. "When did you last see him?" You asked. He gave a loose shrug and replied, "Earlier today, same as you."
"At your home?" You clarified questioningly. He nodded. "Yes, after my father told him to go..." he trailed off, and you could see that a thought had entered his mind. His worried face hardened into aggravation, his jaw clenched, and his head tilted as he fought to compose his anger.
"What is it?" You questioned in concern. Neteyam took a moment to close his eyes before muttering, "Aonung." Your stomach dropped a little bit at his name. Surely, he wouldn't have caused any more trouble than he already had.
Neteyam turned from you sharply and walked at a brisk pace towards the village. You struggled to keep pace behind him. "What about Aonung?" You asked, confused. Without breaking his stride, Neteyam said, "My father told Lo'ak to apologize to him earlier, and that was the last time I saw him."
A feeling of unease settled over you, and you prayed that Lo'ak was just off brooding somewhere instead of being in trouble. As you both quickly stepped across the beach, you caught Aonung's familiar form standing in the shallow water.
"You," Neteyam called out to him in a hard tone. Aonung had been staring out at the water towards the Sea Wall, but at the sound of Neteyam's voice, he whipped around. He was immediately defensive as Neteyam stepped up to him in the water.
"Where is my brother?" He demanded. Aonung scoffed. "He's your brother," he replied in a haughty voice. "Aren't you the one supposed to babysit him?" Neteyam shot the other boy a burning glare and took a step forward to get in his face, causing Aonung to take an uneasy step back. "I kicked your ass once already today," Neteyam stated. "I will do it again if I have to."
"Enough," you said firmly, not wanting a repeat of their earlier altercation. The boys didn't say anything, still holding each other's glare. "Aonung, do you know where Lo'ak is?" You asked. After a brief pause, Aonung's eyes glanced away from Neteyam over to you, and you saw the uneasy look he had.
Your stomach sank. "Where is he?" You pressed, feeling frustrated at his silence. You could see his hesitation before he finally relented, "I'm not sure. We...we left him at Three Brothers Rock."
You inhaled sharply. "Aonung," you whispered, horrified. He didn't look at you, the severity of his actions sinking in. Neteyam was a little lost. "Where is that?" He asked you, desperate to know where his brother was. You didn't answer him, still looking at Aonung in disbelief.
"How could you do that?" you asked quietly, and he averted his eyes. You glanced back at Neteyam. "It is way out past the reef," you said. "It is not close, and it is very dangerous for him to be alone."
At your words, Neteyam's face twisted in anger. He stepped towards Aongung again, but you had anticipated his reaction and moved quickly to stand between them and placed a hand on his chest. "No fighting," you told him sternly. "We need to gather a search party for Lo'ak, not waste time giving each other more injuries for me to tend to later on."
Both the boys stared at each other for a moment before Neteyam looked down at you and gave you a barely-perceptible nod. You let your hand drop from his chest and looked over at Aonung. "When did you leave?" You asked him.
He shook his head uncomfortably. "It's been a few hours," he admitted. You closed your eyes with a heavy sigh. Neteyam huffed a sharp breath and grabbed Aonung by the back of his neck. "I'm done with this," he muttered and marched him back to the village.
A search party was quickly organized. Several warriors and divers on skimwings and ilus assembled to search for Lo'ak. With the sun receding behind the planet, you and the rest of your friends were ordered to stay within the Sea Wall.
You saw Neteyam pacing anxiously on the beach, looking out for any sign of his brother's return. You walked up to him carefully. "I'm sure they will find him soon," you assured him, breaking him from his thoughts. He heaved a large sigh and looked out towards the water.
"I should have been with him," he murmured. "This wouldn't have happened if I had been with him." You looked at him with sympathy. "You can't blame yourself," you told him gently. "If anyone is to blame, it is Aonung." He didn't argue with you, and you both knew you were right.
You sat down on the sand with a sigh, and after a moment, Neteyam followed suit and sat down beside you. "I have known him almost my whole life," you said as you sifted some sand between your fingers. "He has always been proud and stubborn, but he has never been malicious." You couldn't deny that Aonung's behavior towards the Sullys before had made you uncomfortable and disappointed, but this was on a whole new level, and you felt as though you didn't even know him at all.
You sighed again and looked over at Neteyam. He was staring out at the water with a blank gaze. You weren't sure what else to say. You couldn't assure him of his brother's safe return because there was a very real chance he was not safe. So, you just sat in silence beside him.
As the evening turned into night, Lo'ak eventually returned unharmed, much to the relief of you and Neteyam. After taking the blame for Aonung, an uneasy but not unfriendly relationship started between him and Lo'ak, and Neteyam put aside his anger for his brother's sake.
The next day, Lo'ak recounted how a lone tulkun had saved him from the akula the day before. After describing the creature who saved his life, Tsireya quickly realized that the tulkun was the outcast Payakan.
"I'm telling you guys, he saved my life," Lo'ak explained insistently. "He is my friend."
Everyone had doubtful looks, but Neteyam stood up with a jaunty smile and grabbed his brother by the shoulders. "My baby bro," he said lightheartedly. "The mighty warrior who faced the killer tulkun and lived to tell about it."
Lo'ak was not amused and pushed his brother's hands off of him. "You guys aren't listening," he huffed and walked away. You all called out to him, but he continued away in irritation. Tsireya followed after him, and the others all disbursed to start the day.
You remained sitting there, perplexed at what you had heard. Everyone in the clan knew about the dangerous, young bull who had killed both Na'vi and other tulkun, and Lo'ak's assertions of Payakan's innocence unsettled you. Deep in thought, you hadn't even realized that Neteyam had stayed behind until he asked, "What are you thinking?"
You blinked, startled out of your thoughts. You gave a short sigh. "Tsireya is right," you told him. "If it was Payakan, then your brother is lucky to be alive. Payakan is very dangerous." Neteyam looked out for a moment to where Lo'ak had stormed off. "He seems to think differently," he commented.
You shifted uncomfortably. "I do believe your brother sees Payakan as a friend, but there is a reason for his exile." You looked out at the water and shook your head faintly. "The good thing is that Lo'ak is safe," you told him.
He smiled at you warmly. "That is true," he conceded. "And I appreciate your concern for my brother. It means a lot." You shrugged and replied, "You are my friend. What concerns you concerns me."
He offered his hand to help pull you up. You took it, and he pulled you up effortlessly. After you steadied yourself, you moved to walk off, but Neteyam didn't let go of your hand. You looked up at his face questioningly, and he was staring back at you with a soft smile.
"I'm serious," he told you earnestly. "Your friendship means a lot to me. Thank you." His face was so sincere and his voice so heartfelt that you didn't respond for a moment. "You're welcome," you replied finally. He held your gaze for a moment, the corner of his lips turned upwards, before dropping your hand and walking away to begin the day.
As you watched him disappear, you couldn't help but wonder why it was exactly that your heart was beating so quickly.
Chapter 2
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theunfortunateplace · 8 months
Say you love me (Neteyam X OC!Na’vi) Chapter 18
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Pairing (Neteyam X Original Metkayina Female Character)
Synopsis: follow Luaewe as her world literally gets turned upside down with new na’vi joining her village. Never having to face many obstacles besides finding her way back home. How will she be able to handle the constant jealousy she's faced with and an unwanted love triangle. Disclaimer: All characters in this fic have been aged up for the convenience of storytelling and to match the aging system up with both Pandora and Earth
OC Luaewe-22 Neteyam-23 Kiri-23 Lo'ak-21 Ao'nung-23 Tsireya-21
Warnings: Smut, Thigh fucking, P in V, Marking, Heavy impreg talk, Breeding kink, Creampie (let me know if I missed anything else)
I awoke bright and early along with the Sully family. 'Teyam and I said goodbye to my mother with her of course not sparing me the kisses. Even Neteyam got smothered in some. This trip was originally supposed to be us two but it quickly turned into a family trip. Was Neteyam happy about that? Nope. Not one bit but he eventually got over it. I on the other hand was excited regardless I never traveled that far before.
Travels like that were only meant for the traders of the clan. “Are you sure you packed everything?” I heard Reya ask as we approached the others by the ikran. “Of course I did! I even packed extra for you.” Lo’ak answered back while giving his ikran a pet. She was tagging along too her mother insisted it was the right thing to do and Lo’ak didn’t want to leave her alone. 
“Why do I have the feeling they will be bickering the whole travel?” Neteyam whispered in my ear as we approached his ikran. I chuckled and looked up at him. “ because it’s highly likely that it’s going to happen, but I’m sure if you fly fast enough we won’t hear it.” I winked at him causing him to smirk at me. He leaned down and kissed my lips. 
I felt his hand caress my face as he deepened it. “Ma teyam did you drink the tea this morning?” I asked in between kisses. He pulled apart resting his forehead on mine. “Yeah…I did…maybe we should have made this trip sooner.” He said in a worried tone. 
I tossed the items my mom requested for me to bring on his ikran and cupped his face. “You'll be fine… if you feel like you need to take a break do it. Don’t push yourself harder than you need to.” He nodded his head placing one last kiss on my lips.
“OK, love birds, are you guys done sucking face so we can fly out?” I heard Jake call out as he finished loading everything up. I heard Neteyam groan pulling away fully reaching to secure the sack I placed on top. 
I chuckled and quickly placed my hand on his. gesturing for him to check if the saddle and everything else were secured. I looked over at Kiri as she talked with Spider who sat in front of her. I still have yet to have a proper conversation with him… every time I try to it’s like he avoids me as if I were ill.  I shook my head turning back to the ikran that was staring me down. I gave him a pat on the head only for him to blow air through his nose at me nudging while against my hand. “ you ready for the ride big guy?” His face changed making me raise a brow confused by his reaction, but he quickly licked a long strip on my cheek. I groaned and patted his head. 
“Yup-yup, I love you too.” I walked off wiping all the slobber away and shook my head that dude needs to work on expressing his feelings in another way. I climbed on top and sat towards the front in my normal spot. I can’t believe I would be going to the forest…. Let alone meeting his grandmother. I felt his eyes lingering from behind me causing me to look and sure enough he was. 
We didn’t have much time and every second we spent here the less time we had to make it there before his rut. “OK, is everyone ready?” I asked shaking the worriedness from my voice. I gestured to 'Teyam to get on and he followed. “All set!” Jake called out. Before I could even reply back I felt 'Teyam wrap his arm around me tightly inching closer to me. “You know the drill hold on tight.” I gripped the leather strap and he took flight. 
I gasped feeling the wind rush past my face as the ikran screeched out. No matter how many times I fly with him it never gets old. 
Jake took his position leading us in the front while Neteyam followed closely behind. Ever so often I could hear their voices communicating their next move or to ask questions. The technology was all new to me. Neteyam didn’t wear the device often but I guess since we are going to the forest it’s necessary.
I wonder if they use it because you can’t hear anyone when flying and it’s not like us, the Metkayina, where we have sign language….
My mind was filled with so many questions. Sure I’ve wondered how different clans lived their life but it just dawned upon me that the Omaticaya use many forms of human technology… 
My mind was like this for hours new thoughts popped in. Questioning many different things it wasn’t until I felt a drastic shift in our direction that I realized we were making our first stop. 
He landed the ikran and got off. Holding a hand out to assist me, I smiled and thanked him with a kiss causing him to smirk. 
“Gosh, I have to pee!” I hear Reya say as she practically runs off somewhere. I chuckled and looked over to Kiri and Spider. I locked eyes with Spider and I saw nothing but fear in his eyes. Even though I was waving and smiling at the pair. I bit my lip and turned back to Neteyam who was looking at me with a confused face. 
“What's wrong?” He asked I shook my head reaching for the snack bag and pulling out some dried fish. “It's nothing.” I looked up and smiled at him only for him to caress my cheek. He leaned down moving closer to my lips, when I suddenly I heard a crunch. I opened my eyes to find this man chewing on my damn fish. 
“You little-“ he abruptly kissed my lips and started running away. “ I’m gonna get you once we get to the forest, you fish thief!” I yelled out. I huffed and ate the remains fish in my hand and walked over to Lo’ak who was stretching his legs out. 
“How was the ride so far?” I asked he scoffed and smirked. “ I’m sure you can guess what it was like Luaewe.” I chuckled and shook my head. 
“Well, it’s almost eclipse she will go to sleep soon, and the crankiness will wear off.” He smiled slightly and looked away for a short moment. “ I don’t suppose you have something that will help with nausea?” I smiled and patted his shoulder. 
“And who would I be if I wasn’t prepared for everyone? Come I’ll give you a couple of things to give her.” He let out a sigh of relief and quickly walked over with me. 
I undid the knot on the satchel that held all my medicine and took out some candy I made. “These should help.” He raised a brow. “You sure, because it just looks like candy to me.” 
I chuckled. “It is candy, I made it. I figured we wouldn’t have time to sit and brew tea and all that extra stuff…well you guys might but Neteyam and I don’t.” 
He hummed.” You know that’s a really smart idea. I never seen something like this.” I smiled and thanked him. He looked off again and scratched the back of his head causing me to raise my brow. 
Is there something else wrong? Why is he acting like this? Normally he’s cracking jokes or goofing around or something. “OK, what's going on? This.” I moved my hands in a circular motion. “ is making me worried.” 
“ I- shit…. You know this is really awkward to talk about especially considering you’re my brother's mate and now my sister...” I huffed and placed my hands on my hips.  What the hell is he trying to say? And why is it so hard? “Lo'ak?” He looked at me directly. “ Just say it.”
I chuckled, causing him to smile. “How did you know you were in love… what did it feel like?” I blinked slowly, completely stunned by the question. 
“Wow ok, I wasn’t expecting that um…. Well ha….At first, I was extremely conflicted due to some stuff that happened in my past… I don’t think there was a specific incident that made me love him, it was really everything combined. Like sure when you like someone you feel a pull or whatever but every second I wasn’t with him felt emptiness… when he held me even at the most awkward times.” I chuckled and looked off into the distance. “ It's like this warmth engulfed me and I’m not talking about body heat. I could literally feel his love. I don’t know, it's hard to explain but when you know you know.” 
I looked back at him only to find him in a transfixed state. As if he were thinking really hard. It wasn’t until Reya called out to him that he snapped out of it. We don’t have deep conversations together but I could tell he was going through something.
I felt arms wrap around me from the back and I smiled leaning into his chest. He placed a kiss on my forehead and hummed. “ Where did you run off to fish stealer?” He looked down and chuckled. 
“ I had to handle some business before we headed back out.” I raised a brow in confusion. I mean if he had to use the bathroom he could of ju- ooooooooh. I turned around and he tilted his head. 
“ Why didn’t you ask? I would've helped.” I said lowly. He smiled and gently grazed his thumb against my cheek. “Ma orae if I did that I definitely would have not been able to hold back and would have pushed myself into an early rut.” I pouted but accepted his words. That’s the last thing either of us want. “You're right.....well, did you at least get the satisfaction you needed?” He laughed out and gently ran his hands up and down my back only for him to firmly grasp my ass making me gasp out in shock. “‘'Teyam, your family is right there!” I whispered, yelled, looking around quickly to make sure no one was watching 
He lowered his face to my ear and playfully nipped it.“Shh, it's not like they would notice.” Of course they would you’re literally gripping my ass in broad daylight gosh I hope Tuk isn’t looking over here!
“It was enough, but I would have preferred that tight little pussy you have.” I playfully swatted his arm causing him to chuckle moving his head away. “You can be touchy all you want but you better keep that mouth in check!” I pointed my finger at him and furrowed my brows. 
“OK, I’ll keep it in check. Wouldn’t want to accidentally turn you on, or we would be stuck here for days and I probably would end up with a broken arm again.” 
Too late for that ‘'Teyam, and I’m sure he can tell because that damn smirk on his face is staying put. He leaned down kissing my lips. I felt his hands starting to grope my ass as he tried to deepen the kiss. I pulled away quickly and pushed his chest away. He looked at me as if I had betrayed him but quickly came back to his senses. “Shit, I’m sorry.” He pulled back fully and let out a frustrated sigh. 
I shook my head and gave his arm a squeeze. “It's okay, that’s why I’m here to keep you in check.” I said trying to lighten the mood, he let out a soft chuckle and nodded his head. “We should head back out. I’m not sure if everyone else is ready but we gotta go.” He said while looking around. 
He pressed his fingers on the device and spoke. “Me and Luaewe are gonna head out first.”  I watched as Jake popped his head up from whatever he was doing. “OK, we will meet at the third stop.” 
I reached back into the back and took out another piece of dried fish. I was just standing there watching them both communicate but I had no clue what they were saying. I felt Neteyam’s hand graze my lower back. 
I turn away from the bag making sure to close it and look up while taking a bite of the fish. He chuckled and leaned down. I instinctively moved away having a feeling he would take another bite from me but he held me in place and kissed my forehead.
“Come on, my pretty girl it’s time to go.” Heat suddenly rose to my face causing me to look away. But I quickly grabbed the saddle and hopped up. He positioned himself behind me swiftly connecting his kuru. He wrapped his arm around my midsection and before I knew it we were off in the air again. 
I have no clue when the next stop will be maybe hours from now well into Eclipse. I bit my lip feeling him reposition himself behind me as we leveled out in the air. Gosh, this was going to be a difficult ride. I mean I knew it was but shit his fucking dick is pressed up against my ass and it’s taking everything in me not to reach back and grab it. 
But the last thing I want is for us to crash into the ocean……this is gonna be a long trip. 
“OK, we will camp here for tonight leave out early morning and meet up with everyone at the third stop.” I hum as he helps me back off the ikran. 
“How many more stops till we get there?” He walked over to the bags and took some off. “maybe two more, it all depends on the weather really.” 
I smile and fold my hands together. That’s awesome we’ll I’m sure the weather won-“ the sound of thunder crashed interrupting me. “Well shit.” He chuckled as I looked up to see if there were any rain clouds. 
I quickly walked over to him and took some of the bags. “Will those be alright in the rain I’m not sure how your material holds up?” We moved under a tree and set everything down. “Yeah, it's made out of leather and we waterproofed it…. It would be ideal if we found a cave if it’s going to rain but we will have to make do with this tree.” He said fiddling with something in the bags. I tried to help but he told me to just sit so I did. 
If I knew one thing about Neteyam it’s that if he tells you he’s got it and doesn’t need help he doesn’t. Well until you hear cursing or a loud noise. I watched as he strung up the material that would keep us dry.  
I shook my head subtly walking back over to him and went into the bag taking out the blanket we would sleep on. I heard his playful scoff from behind me and I smiled. He should have known I wouldn’t stay put. I jolted up feeling a sudden wetness on my back. “Looks like we landed just in time.” He said while quietly moving the other bags under the material. I hummed and sat down watching the rain hit the sand. “ I should have known not to jinx the weather.” I lightly chuckle as I feel him pull me closer and wrap his arms around my waist. 
“It's fine, at least we get to enjoy the rain together…. You know I just realized this is the first time since mating  we will sleep alone.” I smiled and rested my head against his chest. 
“You're right… it’s weird not having Tuk trying to infiltrate our cuddle time or my mom waking us up.” I shook my head. I’ll never forget the day when Neteyam and I were about to have our afternoon nap. Anyone walking by would think we were about to have sex with how intense we kiss before we sleep. 
But that didn’t matter to Tuk. She ran into our area and jumped on us complaining how it was unfair we didn’t spend time with her as much as we do with each other. 
“Mhm, we are finally alone. Maybe when we get back our marui will be finished hopefully not though. It’s my duty- well back in my clan once mated the male or one who initiated creates the hammock or   marui as you guys call it.” 
I raised a brow confused do they not sleep in marui’s like us. “ wait so how do you guys sleep?” 
“ in hammocks. There are individual ones, then ones for couples, and lastly the family ones but after moving to the mountains because of the war… we had to set up tents you can still sleep in the hammocks inside or sleep on the floor…. It’s kinda complicated you’ll see when we get there.” I hummed and moved forward reaching for some fruit. 
“ I’m excited especially since you guys really talk up the forest.” He chuckled while placing a kiss on top of my head. 
“ because it deserves to be talked up!” He held his hand out and I placed some of the fruit in his hand willingly. “ you think Sa'nok will make some porridge for me?” He let out a laugh and I looked up with a serious face. “ I’m serious! You said it was better so now that I’ll be there I can’t leave without tasting it!”
“You'll get your porridge don’t worry… and the other delicious foods,” I closed my eyes and hummed. That’s another thing I had no clue about. The types of food they ate… 
I felt his face dip against my neck lightly nipping at my skin. “Why do you have to smell so good ma Orae?” He grunted against me. I bit my lip feeling his dick press against my back. “ I don’t know why this time around is so hard for me but shit!” I felt him squeeze my hips trying to lift me up but continued to restrain himself. 
“Let me help you-“ I said trying to turn around he lowly hissed warning me to stay put. “Luaewe, you know we can’t.” He strained. 
“But it’s hurting you! I can’t stand seeing you this way, 'Teyam. You don’t have to put it in. I can jerk you off or you can put it in between my legs.”  
He nipped my neck again as his hand slid around to the front forcefully cupping my pussy. My breath shuddered at his fingers grazing my clothed clit.
He let out a deep chuckle against the back of my neck but cursed as I touched his thigh. I was still wet from earlier. It’s probably what’s driving him to behave like this. Gosh, I feel so bad! And the fact that I can’t even help. “My hand isn’t even fully touching your pussy and I can feel how wet it is.” 
He playfully tapped against my clit causing me to jolt back in surprise. “What I would do to be inside you right now… feeling that tight hole squeeze me as I fill you up with my cum.”  I let out a whimper as he continued to speak in my ear. 
Fuck I don’t remember him talking this dirty before. I let a moan slip from my mouth and I could feel him smirk against me. “But this will have to do. Lay down for me sweetie.” He patted my thighs letting me know what he decided and I followed his instructions. 
I laid down on my side with my thighs pressed together looking back waiting for him to move closer to me. He looked at my ass hungrily grabbing it with his hand. Even with hands as big as his some of it flowed out between his fingers. 
He chuckled lowly moving his hands up my hips speedily undoing my tweng. His chest pressed up against my back causing me to lean into him. He dipped his face back into the crevice of my neck and let out a deep growl. “You smell so good.” His fingers found their way to my folds massaging my entrance. I let out an airy moan reaching back to hold his forearm. “So wet for me. Fuck I just want to be in you!” 
You and me both! “Please?” I let go of his arm reaching back further for his cock that was pressed between my ass. “ I don’t want your fingers. Put it between my legs ''Teyam.” I gave up trying not to sound desperate right now. I wanted my mate and I couldn’t even have him the way I wanted.
He moaned as I gripped the base of his cock as I lifted my leg up slightly. “mmmm.” I bit back my moan as I rolled my hips back into him. Setting him in place nestled snugly between my folds.  He forcefully grabbed my face detaching his lips from my now abused neck and latching them onto my lips. 
He started moving slowly at first. Almost antagonizingly slow. Even in his horny pre-rut filled brain he still had it in him to torture me. But that all came to an end very quickly. His hand caressed my body spending extra time on my breast. When suddenly he sped up out of nowhere causing me to jolt forward with the increase in stimulation. 
“ ssshit!” I moaned out while gripping his arm once again as he pulled me back holding me still. “I’m not even in you and you’re running?” He scoffed “How is my mate supposed to tend to me when she can’t even take my cock rubbing up against their tight little pussy huh?”
He lowered his hand to my clit rubbing it ferociously. I gasped, feeling an orgasm fast approaching but he switched up the pace on purpose. “Please please please please please-“ I choked out begging for him to make me cum but he refused. He pulled his hand away gripping my breast again. 
“Fuck, I love these! And your fucking ass. I wonder how big they’ll get when you swell with my child.”  It’s just his pre-rut talking. It’s just his pre-rut talking. I chanted to myself trying to rationalize his words. He leaned down kissing me once again quickly deepening it. “Please let me cum.” I begged against his lips. 
He smirked moving to my ear. “You wanna cum? Yet my cock isn’t in you? You think I’ll let you do that?” I whined getting frustrated with this game! “All you have to do is-“
“Just fuck me already damn it!”  I shouted out fed up with all this teasing and non fucking. Maybe I’m out of my mind maybe I’m just fucking horny but if he cheats me out of another orgasm I will lose it! 
I felt him smirk pulling back slightly and slowly pushing into me. “Yes yes yes yes!” I chanted as the swell of his cock stretched me. His lustful moans filled my ears as he settled deeply into me. I gasped, feeling our Kuru’s connection. I didn’t even feel him touch mine. 
He moved slowly trying not to hurt me but he could tell I was fine and quickly picked up pace. The sounds of our skin hitting and the sound of my squelching pussy overpowered the downpour that was upon us. Thank Eywa we were alone or else this would be an embarrassing thing to happen with everyone there.  Though his speed picked up his strokes were deep and with the curve of his cock it almost felt like it was intentional. 
“T- 'Teyam, you're too deep!”  His hand went back to my breast rolling my nipple in between his fingertips. I moaned out arching my back from the new stimulation. He chuckled sinisterly knowing exactly what he was doing. 
“You're mine.” He nipped my ear with his teeth “If your breasts are this sensitive now just imagine what they’d feel like full of milk.” His stroke grew deeper, more aggressive. I cried out feeling him grow larger. How is that even possible? “Fuck ‘'Teyam please you’re too-“ 
He growled tightening his hold on me refusing to let go. “ I’m gonna fucking breed you! I’m gonna get you pregnant muntxate.” My pussy clenched vigorously around him causing him to chuckle. “You like that huh? You like when I say I’m gonna get you pregnant hm?” 
His hand moved to my belly causing me to gasp. “ I’m gonna love watching you waddle around the village parading that round belly. Having it be a physical example of what I did to you.”  He said while caressing my belly as if a bump were already there 
He bit down onto my shoulder pushing me right over the edge. He held me tight as a scream of pure pleasure ripped through my throat. My body convulsed from how intense the orgasm hit me. But despite how forceful it was he continued to rut into me as his knot began to swell. I couldn't help but get turned on even more. Knowing the risk of us already performing tsaheylu. If he were to knot me, I would for sure get pregnant.  
He bit down harder as his cock twitched inside of me spurting his hot cum against my cervix. I can only imagine what it feels like to be stuffed with his knot. 
I reached placing my hand on his thigh and rubbing it as he came down from his high. His soft lips peppered my neck with kisses causing me to smile. “Fuck.” He breathed out, “I- I'm sorry, my love…… I got carried away shit.” I shook my head while attempting to look back. 
“It's okay, you're alright right?” 
“Mhm,” he said lowly while dipping his face in my neck still trying to calm his breathing.  I reached back brushing the braids out of his face. “Then everything is fine and you feel relieved no?” He nodded his head and I smiled. 
“Then there’s no need to worry ‘'Teyam.”I tried to pull away to fully check out his arm but instead, he tightened his hold around my waist. I chuckled while tapping his hand. 
“Alright big guy, let me go I need to properly check your arm.” He groaned and I couldn’t help but let out a little laugh at his antics.  But my laughter was quickly replaced by a shudder of my breath as he pulled out of me causing the cum to rush out of me. 
“Gosh!” It felt almost erotic feeling the warmth of his seed run out of me and onto my inner thigh. I looked back to see his glistening cock slowly relax and knot fully deflate. I sat up with him following suit and reached for his arm. 
Unlike Ronal, I wouldn’t be able to tell the healing status when most of it had healed already but I can’t tell if it’s broken. I felt around for anything out of place and listened to him for any small sounds to slip from him. But there was nothing everything was fine. I looked up and smiled while letting his arm down, “Nothing is broken.” I said softly 
He reached up to caress my face and pulled me in for a kiss. “Thank you.” I giggled against his lips and patted his thigh. 
“It’s my duty.” I squealed as he pulled me into his lap and laid down. “ ‘Teyam! We have to wash up.” I whined only for him to shush me. 
I let out a groan and laid my head on his chest accepting defeat. His cum is gonna get all crusty! “You're gonna be the one scrubbing your cum off of me!” Laughter erupted from his chest 
He cupped my ass while sitting back up. Good because I didn’t want to deal with that in the morning. “You just won’t let me enjoy my muntxate huh?” He said while standing up still holding onto me. 
“You must want a crusted-up muntxate then if you thought I would just let you let me lay there! Skin as smooth as mine takes care!” He shook his head playfully and scoffed. 
 I felt him playfully tap my ass, “alright, let's make it quick then”. He looked out from under the material keeping us dry and hummed. “It looks like the rain slowed down but we should still make it quick. 
“Are you gonna put me down?” I asked while tilting my head he smirked. “No, this is payment for not letting me lay down with you.” I groaned playfully but I enjoyed it when he carried me. To him, I practically weighed nothing. I leaned that quickly from how many times he scooped me up and placed me in his lap. 
I smiled and shook my head as I pushed my face into his neck. “Nga yawne lu oer“ 
“ I love you too,” he says.  I tried to shove my face deeper and he chuckled. The rest of the night was spent with us bathing and playing around in the water longer than we should have but we eventually got out and went back to ‘camp’ as Neteyam called it. 
I was cuddled up against his warm chest with his arms wrapped around me. I listened to his heartbeat while the sounds of light rainfall could be heard in the back. I gasped while closing my eyes feeling the connection of our kurus. 
His hand grazed my back as he placed a kiss on my forehead. “Sleep Ma Oare, I’m not going anywhere.”  He said in a low tired voice. I continued to listen as the sound of his heart beating turned into a trance….
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periprose · 2 years
Neteyam x Reader
Desc: Neteyam left this world too early. The emptiness everyone feels is palpable- you don't know how to go on. But you're not so important. Your name is Kanu -meaning smart, or intelligent, in Na'vi- and sometimes you feel anything but. As a Metkayina villager, you feel that you don't have any reason to actually miss Neteyam so much. So why does Eywa keep bringing you to him, in the Spirit Tree?
Snippet of the fic and link below:
Neteyam is silent as you walk together through the forest, towards something that seems perpetually out of reach. 
"What's wrong?" You ask, and Neteyam stands still, mulling over his words.
"My grandfather… he means well, but-" Neteyam sighs, exasperated. "But he does not understand that I never wanted to be Olo’eyktan. He keeps telling me what I am missing out on."
"Yeah, he never seems to hear what I'm saying-"
"No, sorry." You look at him with newfound interest. "You don't want to be Olo’eyktan?"
"Well, Kanu." Neteyam fixes his visor, and thinks about how cute you look when you stare at him this intensely, before clearing his throat and deciding it would be better to not. "If you were told you could only be one thing in your entire life, wouldn't you want something else?"
"Yes!" You exhale in excitement before calming down. "Everyday, I think about that."
You trail off to a silence, meaning to allow Neteyam to explain himself. But he gestures for you to keep going. Once the oldest sibling, always the oldest sibling.
"I've always been told. Be smart. Stay inside. Don't put yourself in harm's way if you don't have to." You murmur, and Neteyam can tell your parents have hammered that into your head. "I'm left feeling like I've never quite lived at all."
"Tell me about it." Neteyam agrees, rolling his eyes. "'Oi, Neteyam! Be responsible! Be a good role model for your siblings!' I never really got to be myself."
"Fair enough." You look at your surroundings, thinking about how this isn't really Pandora. "But you can be yourself now, can't you?"
"You would think so." Neteyam chuckles, slowing his pace down to a stroll. "But everyday I'm worrying about what those knuckleheads are up to."
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thiccybae · 2 years
See Me
Neteyam x Human F! Reader x Lo’ak
Part 1.
Warnings/Content: Enemies to Lovers, angst, fluff, Love Triangle, future smut, slow burn, Neteyam is ab 19, Lo’ak is 18
Word count: ??around 1000
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A human girl was born in the air of Pandora. Like the Na’vi, the air is normal to you. When the humans left Pandora you were the product of the few good ones that stayed.
For many years, you lived among the humans and Na’vi. When you were younger, you would often visit the Sully’s and you truly seemed to the apart of the family, but as you grew, the relationship changed.
As you got older, and grew around the Navi, problems between you and the brothers arose and they began to see you as different. Spider acted like he was one of them constantly, and he easily fit in. But it was hard for you, and you only grew distant from the brothers, as they did to you.
It hurt, but you grew used to it. You were still so close with Tuk, Kiri, Jake and Neytiri, and you could never understand why the brothers acted like they did to you. But they wouldn’t stop you from continuing to be around the rest of the family you love. Even if it they caused you to spend less time doing so, you would still do it when you were able.
- - -
You pushed through the doors of the building as Norm called out to you.
“Don’t forget a mask! Just Incase!” He yelled.
“I’ll be fine!! I always have been,” you called back as the doors closed behind you. You’ve been breathing the Pandora air since you were born, never having a moment where your breath would escape from you as most humans experience without their mask.
You hurried quickly and leapt through the glowing trees, as you raced to meet Spider and go to the village.
“Took you long enough!” Spider called.
“It’s not my fault! Norm was keeping me for so long.” You walked with him, pushing a branch out of the way. He laughed as he started running and grabbed your wrist, pulling you forward with him.
The two of you raced to the village, barefooted and hot from the heat of the forest.
By the time you got to the Hometree, the heat had died down, and the sun had started to fall. The Na’vi that were gathered around the tree moved in the path to the Tree of Souls. You started to follow the crowd with Spider until you were tackled to the ground.
“Y/n!” Kiri hugged you tightly. “Why haven’t you come around in so long?!” She questioned, frowning. You laughed as you sat up, still hugging her.
“It’s only been like a week Kiri,” you smiled.
“Yeah a week too long!” She huffed.
“That’s what I’ve been telling her too! You should be more social.” Spider chirped in. A few more pairs of footsteps appeared behind you and stopped.
“Hey, I thought it was nice without her, shut up Kiri.”
You whipped your head around and glared at Lo’ak as you stood up with Kiri. Neteyam stood behind Lo’ak, not saying anything, or acknowledging you.
“Why are you such an ass Lo’ak,” Kiri rolled her eyes, pulling you and Spider along with her.
Neteyam and Lo’ak walked behind you and Kiri, and Spider slowed down to talk with them. You glanced back for a moment, watching Spider converse with the boys. You looked forward again, thinking to yourself. You could never understand why your relationship with them was so different than theirs with Spider. You could never fathom how things turned out the way they did with the brothers you’ve always admired since you were a child. How could being a human girl be different than being a human boy? How were you so different?
Kiri pulled you out of your thoughts, squeezing your hand as you made it to the Tree of Souls. Jake, Neytiri, and Tuk turned to you as Kiri yelled, greeting them. Jake walked over, pulling you into a hug as Kiri let you go to pick up Tuk. Jake pulled your chin up to look at him.
“You need to start coming around more again. You know you’re family right?” He questioned, his voice deep and rough.
You nodded, averting your eyes from his, “I know Jake.”
“I know things have changed over the years…But we all still love you..Even if some of us don’t show it,” he looked over to Neteyam and Lo’ak as he said the last part.
“Okay, Okay. Things have just been tense lately for some reason. Spider gets along with them, but.. things are different with me.” You said as you squeezed Jake and let go.
“I know. I’m sure it won’t always be like that. You are family. Just don’t worry about it.” He smiled softly at you. You nodded and Neytiri came over and hugged you, almost as if she could sense your mood.
“Irrtok si,” she paused, “Jake is right. Do not worry.”
You smiled slightly. You and the Sully’s walked together to the Tree of Souls and the annual celebration began. You joined arms with Kiri who sat beside you. Spider sat on your other side. You felt relief being with them again, you were glad you came. You felt that you would always be happy with them.
If only you knew what was to come.
- - -
Na’vi language:
Irrtok si - smile
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magnoliabutters · 2 years
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pairing: neteyam x augustine (na'vi/avatar oc, she/her)
summary: augustine follows her father’s wishes and travels to the metkayina clan. there, she is reunited with the sully’s.
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; avatar twow spoilers; complicated family dynamics, near death experience, fluffy fluff young love, slow burn, etc.
word count: ~6.8k
• part 1 • eywa’s choice • series •
note: y'all i'm low-key obsessed with avatar rn and i can't get this out of my head. i did a lot of research for this one and included some links if you need it! please note there is canon divergence obvi within this story, as well as both characters being 18 and 19 years old (i.e., 4 years after twow). here is some young love, coming your way! also did not make this gif ♥️
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"Augustine," Spider calls out as he rushes into the gardens behind the old military base. "You out here?" Augustine stands from her bed. "Spider!" she says as rushes to the edge of her treehouse beside the greenery. She peers down, hopeful to land her eyes upon him.
She watches as the man, whom she considered as her brother, ran up to the base of the tree. His dirty blonde dreaded hair being held back behind his oxygen mask. She has not seen him in what feels like forever. After he joined the Sully clan, things had changed. Although a spark races in her heart, she is wary. Unsure of who they are to each other now. Is he still her brother? Is she his sister?
"You coming down any time soon?" Spider asks as he places his hands upon his hips with a smirk. Augustine laughs, shaking off her nerves, as she jumps down from the tree. She lands gracefully upon the soft soil. A smile sprawls across her face. "This soon enough?" she asks with amusement in her voice.
Spider rolls his eyes and scoffs as he turns around. "It must be nice to be eight feet tall. That was barely a jump, huh?" he asks. "Aw, are you jealous, brother?" Augustine taunts. He shakes his head while releasing a chuckle. "Norm's calling for you. It's dinner time," he shares as he turns to make his way back to the research buildings. "Race you there," she suggests with a smile.
Augustine's feet dig deeply within the dirt as she pushes off the ground. Spider groans and rushes quickly behind his Na'vi sister. She slows her pace giving him the slightest chance. As she rushes through the airlock chamber, she laughs until he runs right behind her. "Maybe one of these days you'll beat me," she giggles. He rolls his eyes as she grabs hold of her mask. She hooks the gas mask around her neck. The machine hooked onto her shorts.
As she walks in, Augustine is met with the several scientists and doctors that took part in raising her. The love of her family is filled with appreciation. Spider runs off to mess around with Dr. Patel. She grins as she looks over her beautiful family.
"Gusty!" Norman says with open arms. It was always nice to see him in his true form. His shaggy hair and crooked smile always left her hopeful. His avatar did not do him justice when it came to her favorites of his quirks. "Hello papa," she says as she falls into his embrace. "How are you, sweetie?" he asks as he grips hard around her back. Despite him being at least six feet, it is still quite hilarious how much she towers over him.
“Doin' good! I’m surprised to see Spider here,” she mentions quickly as she turns to look his way within his embrace. Her father peers over towards him. His body language uncomfortable. It intrigues her. “Yeah, let’s have some dinner first,” he says as he guides her towards the table. “What’s wrong, dad?” she asks as he lowers his hands. “We can talk about it over dinner,” her father suggests with a shifty smile.
“Hm, I think I want to talk about it now,” Augustine says as she sits down across from him. She stares at him with a skeptical look and a “no bullshit” type of attitude. He meets her stubbornness with laughter. “Oh Ewya, you are just as fiery as your mother,” her father mutters.
Her mother, Ewtoä, was born of the Tayrangi clan - a true Na’vi. Augustine has been told stories of her mother all her life. How strong of a warrior she was. How intelligent she was in leading strategies and maneuvers. How she would stand beside Toruk Makto and often be his right hand in battle, especially after Tsu'tey's death. Toruk Makto would often share how great she would have been in the Jarhead clan he spoke of.
Ewtoä was beautiful, inspirational. Her father met her in the first war against the sky people. They rushed in together on the ground as Toruk Makto and Neyteri attacked from the skies. She helped get her father’s avatar to safety after he had been shot. Soon, Augustine came along. However, she never got to meet her mother. She died in childbirth despite all the doctors' efforts. Father was devastated.
After years had passed, father slipped up and recklessly shared that her mother never wanted children. All in good spirits. He told a story of how she always intended to be a warrior and that being a mother may complicate things. Augustine did not mind being an accident, but she did mind being the one who brought her mother to Ewya. Ewtoä, an incredible warrior, killed by her unwanted child. It ripped a whole in her heart that she has yet to repair.
"Father, please. Why is Spider here?" Augustine places her hand upon his. "Is everything alright?" she asks with worry. Her father sighs as he places his hand atop hers. "I want you to go back with him - to the Metkayina clan," he sheepishly answers. His eyes to the table's surface.
Her brows pushed together as pain rains through her face. "You mean to Toruk Makto," she says with her lips pulled in disgust. She quickly takes her hand from him and stands. Spider and Dr. Patel watch from afar. She could hear Spider mumble, "I knew she wasn't going to take it well."
Augustine growls as she paces back and forth in annoyance. Her ears flatten as she tries to process her father's request. "Hey, no. Not Toruk Makto. Your uncle - Uncle Jake," her father corrects as he stands and places a calm hand upon her shoulder. She rolls her eyes and shakes off his hand. "I'm an alien. They will not accept me," she yells as she throws her four fingers up towards her father. "Sweet girl, you know Na'vi. And they accepted the Sully's," her father attempts to soothe as he reaches out once more but pulls back.
"They lived along the Omatikaya. I haven't lived with the forest people in 5 years. Anything I learned is long gone," Augustine says under her breath. "I mean look at me now! I wear clothes!" Spider bursts into laughter on the other side of the room. She quickly turns and rushes him. He jumps up onto the desk as he defends himself. A hiss seething through his teeth. She stands before him, bent down and ready to pounce. She returns a hiss in his direction. How dare he laugh at her? "Look at you. You still have Na'vi in you," he says with a smile as his body relaxes. She groans as she turns her back towards him.
"Augustine," her father whispers. "You are a great warrior. Just because time has passed does not mean that you will not remember. You still have your ikran." He places a hesitant hand to her cheek. "I haven't seen Nei in so long. She will be angry, as she should," she mumbles under her breath as she attempts to pull away.
"The sky people are going to come back. The avatars will be back." She leans into his palm. "I want you to be able to protect yourself," he mutters. "Gusty, I need you to be safe." She whines, "I am safe here. You brought me here to be safe after the sky people came the second time!" He shakes his head, as he guides her into a hug. "You aren't, sweet girl," he whispers against her cheek. She pulls away as tears flood her eyes. "I can't keep you safe anymore."
Augustine looks down as the tears fall from her cheeks. "I will go," she whispers with a nod. "Thank you," her father says was he sighs in relief. "When?" she asks with a crack to her voice. "After dinner, Gus," Spider replies quietly as he steps down from the table. She turns towards him and winces. "After dinner," she repeats as she slowly sits on the chair.
The dinner was silent and solemn. After their meal, Augustine rushes towards her home. She packs her favorite clothes from when she was with the tree people, as well as her favorite memories. The makeshift arrow that her father made her when she was a child. The flying visor that her mother wore into all her battles. "You don't want to bring your human clothes?" Spider asks with a laugh. She turns towards him and playfully pushes against his chest with a chuckle. "I don't want to look more like an alien than I already am," she mutters with insecurity. "Kiri and Lo'ak have four fingers. You will never be alone. Never again," he says with a sunken smile. "Thank you, brother," she says.
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The trip to the reefs was long. For some reason, the journey was unable to wait until morning. The SA-2 fearlessly flew through the night sky. The cool air blows Augustine's hair aside and continues to fly right into her face. Spider holds back laughs as he watches her struggle. She forgot about the chill in the air with her clothes. She catches glimpses of her father watching her. His eyes water as he sniffles against the rushing wind. Her heart aches for him, but she knows that this is what he wants.
Finally, as the sun rises over the horizon, the vehicle lands atop the sanded surface. She takes in sharp breaths of air, attempting to calm herself. The nerves sending painful shocks throughout her body. Her eyes are fixed upon her hands, as they rest between squeezed thighs. Would the Metkayina accept her? Would Kiri, Lo'ak, Neteyam, Tuk remember her? It has been so long.
Spider quickly jumps off the SA-2 and rushes towards a blue form. Augustine notices the sweet smile and quickly recognizes her childhood friend, Kiri. Excitement bursts through her chest. She has not seen her since she was fourteen years old. She continues to watch as her arms wrap around Spider. They hold in an embrace that leaves her mind reeling. Spider and Kiri? she thinks. She watches as the two smile and rush off towards the pods. A part of her heart hurts as Kiri did not greet her.
"Gusty," her father says as he comes into view. He holds his hand out. Augustine grabs hold of him as she steps outside the vehicle. She hooks her backpack over her shoulder. "We have to say goodbye," he says as he holds back a sob. Her thoughts disperse as she immediately looks at her father. "Father, I-," she starts as tears stream down her cheeks. "It's okay, sweet girl," he says as he wipes away her tears. "You will be safe here."
"Norm," a booming voice came from behind her. Father turns, wiping away his own tears. "Sully," he says with higher affect as he opens his arms for an embrace. Augustine recognizes the man as Toruk Makto. She immediately gestures a greeting as he looks her way. His hardened face gazes deep into her soul. "Augustine," he says with a nod and returns the gesture. "Toruk Makto," she responds with a quick gulp.
He laughs as he puts a firm hand on her father's shoulder. "No one's called me that in years," he smiles. "You can call me Jake." He places his hand out for what she recognizes as a handshake. She learned of a handshake from father, but never had the opportunity to do so. She hesitantly extends her hand and feels Jake’s fingers wrap around her’s. He shakes her hand and lets go immediately. She is not sure how she feels about the interaction. Jake smiles. “You've grown so much since I last saw you,” he happily states as he looks over her. She recognizes Neytiri gracefully joining at his side. An involuntary smile grows upon her face.
Augustine's father comes back into view. “I see you,” her father says as he gestures towards her. His hands tightly gripping onto hers. She nods and clears her throat. “I see you, papa,” she replies as she pulls him into a hug. “I love you,” he mumbles against her ear. “I love you. Please come back for me,” she whimpers in his arms. “I will. I cannot wait to see the wonderful, strong warrior you were always meant to be,” he smiles as he pulls away. “Just like your mother.” She nods, holding back tears. “Yes, father.” And with that, her father got back onto the SA-2. With tears in her eyes, she watches as the pilot pulls away. Her father waving goodbye until he was out of sight.
Augustine feels a gentle hand upon her shoulder. “Augustine,” she hears a sweet voice say. She turns to see Neytiri, someone whom she loves greatly. A soft smile grows upon her face. Her brows slightly push together in concern. “We welcome you to our home, Augustine," she says as she places a hand to her chest. She gestures a welcome as she bows. "I see you, Neytiri. Thank you for your welcome," she beams. "May I hug you?" she asks with a smile. They both happily embrace each other.
As they release, Neytiri walks around her with a smirk. She scans her body, brushing her hand through her long straight locks. “Lor,” she says. Augustine blushes as she recognizes the Na'vi word for beautiful. “How was your ride over?” Jake asks as he wraps his arm around his mate's. “Windy,” she answers with a chuckle. The two laugh alongside her. Their amusement seems genuine, but she remains nervous.
“How's your Na'vi?” he asks as he guides the trio towards the pods. "I never stopped speaking it," she answers as she gracefully switches to the Na'vi language. She never had the option to not practice the language. Her father loved it greatly.
With Jake’s direction, Augustine walks through the lands of the Metkayina. She was not able to notice its beauty before as she was so focused on her father’s departure. She remembers that she has never once been more than an hour or two away from her father. Yet, now her father travels farther and farther from where she stands. She tries to get the thought from her mind, but feels a tightness in her chest as she struggles to maintain her breath.
The water is a shade of greenish blue that she is not familiar with. Lighter, more calm. The ground beneath her feet soft and malleable. She can feel it’s warmth through her toes. The sun pleasant against her skin. She notes the other Na’vi, the sea reef people. Their skin matching the ocean’s color. Their hair curlier and thick. They are beautiful. Their faces are oval and sweet. Their tails thick, resembling the fish she has seen in the forest’s ponds.
They watch her. Their eyes baring holes deep within her skin. She could not discern if they were interested or if they were disapproving. As she peers through the crowds, she begins to worry about her Na'vi fluency. Does she remember? Does she remember the Na'vi people's traditions? Her people's? She continues follow along the Sully leaders until they approach a pod. “Everyone’s been so excited to see you,” Jake says with a genuine smile. He walks through the threshold and gestures for her to enter.
“Everyone?” Augustine mutters to herself as she bends down to walk into the space. The first thing she sees, or feels, is Kiri rushing towards her with a hug. She feels happiness, something she has yet to feel for some time. “Gus, it’s been so long!” she exclaims. She and Kiri have had a special bond since birth. After all, they are both heavily inspired by Dr. Grace Augustine. “Kiri, I’ve missed you so much,” she says with a grin as she pulls away. Her hands still gently holding her forearms. “I’ve missed you so much!” Kiri smiles as she pulls her in once more for a stronger embrace.
“Hey, move along, sis. Don’t hold her up,” a boy says as he pushes his arm between the two girls. “Lo’ak,” Augustine smirks as she wraps her arms around his neck. “Gusty,” he chuckles as he wraps his arms at her back. “Where have you been, girl?” he asks. “Where have you been? Last I checked, you were the one who left,” she taunts as her brows raise. He laughs as he playfully punches her shoulder and steps away.
"Augustine," she hears a familiar comforting voice call. She looks up to note Neteyam's large golden eyes. He looks the same as she remembers. However, he now proudly wears a tattoo upon his right shoulder of a fish found in the forest lands. "Neteyam," she answers with a nod. He smiles and stands beside Lo'ak. Things have always been rather odd between Neteyam and Augustine. They have never spent time alone together and only in a group with each other’s siblings. She did not expect anything more from the eldest of the Sully's.
A small figure rushes from the other side of the tent. “Auggie!” she yelps. She bounces and smirks as she crashes into Augustine's torso. "Tuk?" she asks in surprise. She places her hands upon her shoulders, placing some space between their two bodies. "You've gotten so tall!" The Sully clan bursts into laughter as Tuk blushes. "You are so beautiful, little one," she shares as she pinches her round cheeks. Neytiri and Kiri smile in the back as their hands collide.
She cannot explain the amount of happiness rushing through her body. The people she has loved so much remember her. Remember her despite the many years that have passed. Her greatest fear is just that - fear. No longer having the possibility of being fact. "I've missed you all," she shares as she looks over the family. They return smiles her way. She notes a stranger beside Lo'ak.
"And who is this?" Augustine asks curiously as she gestures a welcome towards the girl. Her skin matches that of the sea. Her hair curly and long. She was gorgeous. Lo'ak smiles as he steps forward. "This is Tsireya, my-" he introduces. "Reya," she says as she returns a welcoming gesture. "It is wonderful to meet you, Reya," she replies with a grin. She is elated to see Lo'ak so happy.
"Let's eat," Jake announces as he rubs his hands together. The family sits down as they laugh over a delicious meal. "What have you been doing for the last couple years?" Lo'ak asks between bites. Augustine laughs as she bumps against Kiri's happy shoulder. "I've been studying under my father. Learning the human, I mean - sky people's medicinal ways," she shares. "A healer," Neytiri beams proudly as she nods towards her. "Yes, a healer," she agrees. "I had a few more years to learn," she mumbles on. Her smile falls as she realizes that she may never return to her studies.
"My mother is the healer of the Metkayina," Reya shares with a genuine smile. "Yes, Ronal the Tsahik," Kiri added. "She saved me once, you know?" Augustine turns towards her in shock. "What have you been doing that you may need a Tsahik?" she asks with worry. Kiri laughs with her siblings as Neytiri and Jake eat with emotionless expressions.
"Remember when Norm came to visit us?" Lo'ak asks with amusement. "Yes," she inquires. "I remember getting into a huge fight with my dad because he wouldn't let me go with him." Neteyam smiles as he drags his words, "He was coming to heal Kiri." Augustine turns towards her once again with wide eyes. "Kiri! It was that bad? Are you okay?" she asks as she pulls at her arms, analyzing her body. "Yes, yes, I am fine, Gusty," she answers with a giggle. "Thank Eywa," Neytiri and Augustine say in unison.
After much time laughing and reminiscing over childhood stories, Jake gathers the clan's attention. "Augustine, you are here to recall your training as an Omatikaya warrior. You will also train as a Metkayina," Jake announces. Led by Neytiri, the Sully's click their tongues and make sharp encouraging and excited sounds. The sounds she missed dearly. "Neteyam will teach you the way," he adds. Neteyam's head raises. His brows push together in confusion. He must not have been aware she notes. "Yes, sir,” he says in a quiet tone. His chin pinned to his chest as he looks down. Almost like he was a nantang submissive to his alpha. Underneath his obedience, she could sense annoyance and anger.
Augustine's brows furrow as she looks down at her legs. She swallows as she feels her first pain within the ocean's islands. "Let's get some sleep. We're starting early tomorrow," Jake directs as he stands. He grabs hold of Neytiri's hand, supporting her as she raises. The Sully's stand promptly and move to their designated beds. Lo'ak holds both Reya's hands as he whispers his gentle goodbyes.
Augustine lays in her bed, snuggling up on the netting above the warm salty seas. As silence fills the home, she struggles to keep her mind from her family, from her home, from her father. She holds back sobs as she curls tighter into herself. Tears stream down her face. "I will make you proud, father," she whispers to herself before falling asleep.
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"Wake up, Augustine," she feels a gentle hand upon her shoulder. She turns to see Neteyam kneeling beside where she rests. She feels the netting sink beneath his weight. "I'm getting up," she murmurs. "Now," he says sternly. He abruptly raises from the floor. Enough to shake her as she remains on her side. She turns to watch him walk away as she pulls her lip. Somehow she has annoyed the eldest of the Sully's. She could not even make it a single day.
As she stands, Augustine stumbles on her feet atop the netting. She quickly maintains her balance as she opens her arms to the side. She smiles, proud that she did not fall. As she looks up, she notices Neteyam peering back at her with a blank stare. He rolls his eyes before walking out the pod’s entrance. She shakes her head and grumpily follows behind him. She does not remember him being so pissy.
He leads her through the different families’ pods. She smiles as she watches mothers nuzzle against their little ones, siblings play fighting, families enjoying a meal. It reminds her of her own childhood and spending time with the growing Sully clan when she was barely ten.
“Hurry,” Neteyam says as he grabs hold of her wrist. The grasp is not tight or painful but Augustine did not enjoy being touched. She quickly pulls her hand from him, giving him a stare. How dare he think he has the right to touch her after being so rude to her? He peers back at her. His face showing a hurt expression that confused her. He gestures for her to follow along as he quickens his step.
Neteyam leads her to the marketplace. It is bustling with Na’vi. It puts a huge smile upon her face. She smells in the delicious food cooking. She listens to the beautiful music, filled with pronounced drums. She closes her eyes to take it all in, all her senses but sight. She has missed this. Every fiber of her being missed her people. She understood why father ripped her away from them then. Just as she understands why he ripped her away from him now.
As she slowly opens her eyes, Augustine notes several Na’vi watching her. Looking around, she recognizes a variety of faces - disgust, interest, annoyance. That is when she catches Neteyam’s eyes. For once, they seem welcoming. Like he had been staring at her the entire time. Not with disgust, interest, or annoyance. What was it?
Once their eyes met, that welcome disappeared and was replaced with annoyance again. “Let’s go, Augustine,” he says firmly as he runs off past the market. She awkwardly smiles as she looks around once more. She clears her throat and runs after him.
Neteyam leads her to a secluded beach away from the bustling crowds. She watches as he walks into the ocean. The water hitting his ankles as he closes his eyes and leans his head back. He must enjoy the water, she thinks to herself. “The first thing you need to learn is how to breathe,” he begins as he gestures for her to join him. “Good thing I already know how to do that,” she laughs to herself. He clearly is not amused.
Augustine quickly joins him in the ocean. She feels the warm water hit her shins. She wiggles her toes into the sand. She smiles as she realizes she enjoys the water too. He walks in deeper without looking back at her. She instinctually follows him. He then yells out a call, similar to those when one calls upon their ikran.
Suddenly, a dark mass rushes through the water. Panic floods Augustine’s chest. She drops down into a crouch, the water now at her knees. Her ears fall back and she hisses as her fists raise. Neteyam begins to laugh hysterically, practically falling over into the water. She slowly raises in confusion as the mass floats beside him.
“Are you ready, warrior princess?” He asks with chuckles interrupting his words. She rolls her eyes as she walks closer. She notices it’s beauty, it’s soft eyes and quick movements. “This is ilu,” he says as he smooths his hand over the mass. His tone now calm and serious. She hesitantly follows his lead and touches it. It is slimy under her touch but so soft.
“It is like Pa’li,” Neteyam adds as he reaches for his tswin. He swiftly makes a tsaheylu. His pupils widen as he holds tighter against his ilu. He breathes out, alongside the beautiful creature. “Come,” he gestures for Augustine to get on top. “I’ll go behind you,” she mutters under her breath.
“Trust me, she is quite fast. You will want to be in front so you are not thrown off,” he says. “Unless the warrior princess has something to prove?” he taunts with a raise of his brow. “I have nothing to prove to you, Neteyam,” she says sternly as she kicks her leg over the ilu’s body. He scoffs as he gets on behind her. His arms wrap around her to hold the notch in front. She holds onto a lower notch. She feels the warmth of his chest on her back.
Neteyam pulls down his visor. He says, “If you need air, just tap my hand.” In surprise, she tries to turn around and knocks her head back into his chin. “Oh, sorry,” she winces. He shakes off the pain with a sigh. “We are going under the water with ilu?” she asks hesitantly. “Yes, take a deep breath,” he says as he slowly takes in air. She immediately imitates him to take in as much air as she can. He nods and leans forward, prompting her to lean forward as well.
The ilu dives underneath the ocean’s surface. Augustine feels the speed of the water through her face and hair. Neteyam is smacked with a face full of hair due to high speeds. Her eyes flutter as they struggle to remain open. But, oh Eywa, what she sees? She wishes she could see it for the first time over and over again.
The reefs are colors of purple, blue, pink, and yellow. It’s vibrancy reminds her of home and the forests surrounding it. Whether her body wants to or not, Augustine’s eyes widen as they swim over a large vast of oceanic space. She can no longer see the ground. She smiles at the sight of gorgeous creatures she has never seen before. Her grin grows as she watches some creatures flash like twinkling lights. She could not help but think of and thank Ewya.
But suddenly her body begins to panic. Her chest tightens and constricts. Nerves and electric shock run through her veins. She needs air. Augustine taps Neteyam’s hand. He immediately brushes her off and gestures for her to stay down. She gestures “no” and smacks his hand again. She could feel him shaking his head “no” as he continues forward.
The stress of her body going into survival mode is incredibly painful. She is desperate to make it stop. She digs her nails into one of his hands. He pulls back as he winces. She lets go of her notch and swims up. Due to the ilu’s speed, she tumbles behind in its current. She struggles to find which way is up as she begins to feel her heart beat in her ears.
Finally, she swims up and breaches the water. The air sucked in burns her lungs. She struggles to get another breath. Neteyam appears from the ocean atop his ilu. “What the hell was that?” he asks, annoyed. “What?!” she yells breathless. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “No, Neteyam! Don’t roll your eyes at me again. You were trying to kill me,” she utters. Anger replaces the pain in her body.
“You were fine. You had a few more minutes,” he whispers under his breath. “You know what? I’m done,” she says as she begins to swim back to the shore. “Oh common, Augustine,” he whines. “Don’t be like that.” As she paddles forward, she lifts her hand to flip him off. She could hear a grunt and rushing water.
“Augustine, we can’t stop now,” Neteyam says as his ilu swims beside her. She receives comfort from feeling the ground. Her hair sticks against her back, chest, and neck. “And why is that, Neteyam? It’s not like you wanted to train me. You’ve been acting like a dick this entire time,” she says as she crosses her arms on her chest.
He growls in annoyance as he shakes his head. He takes a breath and looks back at her. “I can’t fail my dad,” he mumbles. His energy completely shifts as his eyes meet the ocean waves. “I’m still not sure how that explains why you’ve been acting like a dick?” she asks with a raise of his brow.
His face deadpans as he stares her way. “I had plans,” he whines. “I was going to hunt with the greatest warriors today.” He splashes the water away from the pairing. Now this is the Neteyam that she remembers. Always “woe is me” and focused on the responsibilities expected of him by his family. “This was the first time I have been invited since I received my rites,” he mutters. “He knew how important this is to me.” He takes a breath. “But it is not a priority to the family.”
Augustine watches over him as his body language loudly displays defeat. “I am sorry I have been a ‘dick’,” he says with hand quotations. “I am sorry that you weren’t able to go on the hunt,” she genuinely shares. He nods and mumbles, “Thanks.”
She watches, confused, as he sighs and smiles. “Should we continue?” he asks. “Um, no. It’s your turn again,” she demands. He creates his own mixture of scoffing and laughing. “My turn to what?” he asks amusingly. “You have another thing to apologize for,” she replies with her hand gesturing out in annoyance. “What?” he smirks. “You just tried to kill me!” she yells.
“I did not try to kill you,” Neteyam answers with a taunting singsong voice. “Then what the hell was that?” she asks in another yell. He snorts at her reaction. “I wanted to see how long you could hold your breath. To see where we are starting,” he chuckles. “Okay well, why would you tell me to tap on your hand when I need air and not let me get air?” she asks as she splashes water towards him.
“Hey!” he laughs. “I knew you could hold out a little longer.” Augustine huffs as she resumes her walk towards shore. “Okay, okay, Augustine,” he pleads. “Part of it was that I knew you could hold your breath a bit longer, but the other part was for you to feel your body underwater.”
Neteyam climbs off of his ilu as he walks towards her. He flicks his visor up gracefully. She watches him with suspicious eyes. “How your body tells - screams for air,” he says. “When to trust yourself.” He places his hand upon her chest. He places his other to his own. His palm warm and comforting. She surprisingly does not want him to leave. “The first signs of when you may need air.” He looks up, finally noticing his hand’s placement. He quickly pulls from her.
“It hurt,” Augustine shares as her eyes peer down at his hand by his side. Neteyam watches her with a hurt glance and furrowed brows. “I’m sorry I hurt you,” he whispers to her. “Finally, an apology,” she murmurs back with a growing smile. He puffs out air as he pulls away from the intimate moment. “Can we continue now?” he asks with a nod towards the ocean.
Augustine shrugs and abruptly runs towards his ilu. She laughs as she hears Neteyam running behind her. He splashes all along the way as she hops on and grabs hold of a notch. As he sits behind her, he chuckles to himself. “Where did you even learn the word, ‘dick?’” he asks. “Kiri,” she smiles back towards him. “Of course you did,” he grumbles as he pulls down his visor.
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After hours of training in the blue green oceans, Augustine was able to extend her underwater diving for another minute. She hates to admit it but Neteyam is quite the teacher. She has to continue practicing but she learned deep breathing comes from the belly and not the chest.
She flutters her legs as she floats face down on the surface of the water. Neteyam points to each new sea creature and whispers their name into her ear. She wants to know more. She wants to know everything. She catches herself jealous of the Sully’s. That they have had four years of this beauty, while she had five living in the old military compound.
Augustine hates to admit it, but she had forgotten how beautiful Ewya was. She was able to appreciate the All-Mother in the surrounding trees, bushes, flowers. However, she rarely saw Ewya’s creatures. To see the beauty in the moving and living forest. She is thankful for her time in the forest. She is thankful for her time now in the ocean.
Neteyam began to trust her a bit more with every passing hour. He provides her more space as they both dive deeper into the ocean. Their explorations remain individual, but parallel. Only small shared looks here and there past the sun rays within the clear blue water.
A fish caught Augustine’s eye. It is thin, like a wall. Eyes on either side, like a Pa’li. It is pale white, like the ocean floor. She has not seen it before. She looks to find Neteyam, hoping he may know it’s name. His back is turned towards her as he dives deeper. She peers back down at the creature as it begins to swim away. She wants to see more.
She quickly breaches the water. She takes a deep breath from her stomach and submerges. She gracefully swims towards the fish, leaving enough space to just observe and not disturb. The fish reminds her of something but she could not put her finger on it. It is swift as it moves through the water. It leaves little ripples behind its fins. They are so strong that she can feel them from off in the distance.
The fish sneaks into a large pink and red colored coral reef. The opening just as thin as it. Augustine makes a face in frustration. She is not ready to say goodbye to this gift from Ewya. She swims around the reef to find another opening. All she needs is a small space between the corals, but they are so dense. She just wants to see - to learn more.
She continues to swim around the creature’s home, hoping for a mere glimpse. She feels tingles atop her skull. Her body’s earliest sign, communicating for a breath of air. Yet, she is determined. Trust yourself, she thinks of Neteyam’s words. A little bit more. She flutters her feet, attempting to make as little waves as possible.
Finally, Augustine sees it. A smile grows upon her face. She watches as the thin creature curls around in its secluded space within the coral. Miniature versions of it circle around the space. A mother and her family. She swims closer to the coral. Her hands carefully placed against its sharp edges. Ewya is beautiful. She is lucky to see her again in these creatures.
She begins to feel lightheaded. Her body’s second sign. She will not ignore it this time. With a sweet smile, she pulls away from the gorgeous underwater structure. Her face looks up as she begins to kick the water below her. Happiness fills her. She wishes for nothing more than to experience this day once more.
As her hands almost reach the surface, Augustine feels a pain in her back side. She turns to realize that the bush of her tail had been caught between the grooves of the coral. She swims back quickly to separate herself. Only to realize that the thick bits of her hair were puzzlingly tangled deep within the corals.
She begins to panic. Her chest tightens greatly. She tries to clear her head as she focuses on the complex mystery before her. She tries to untangle. She tries to pull. She feels the pain with each tug. One last brutal tug opens her mouth as she attempts to scream. The last of her breath gone. Now, it is time to panic. She pulls harder and harder. She watches as blood floats above her tail. The pain is unbearable. Not anything she would have expected. Not an agony she has ever experienced before.
She feels pain bubble to her scalp. The third sign. She gives it one last tug, giving all of her effort. She knows this might be her last chance. Luckily, she is free. The red liquid floating through the water. Pushing through the pain of her tail, the pain of her body, she pushes once again. Pushing to get to the surface. She prepares herself for the pain of the large gasp of air once breaching.
Augustine kicks and kicks and … her body stops. It has used all of its energy. She watches as her body lays just a few meters away from the surface. Her body has given up, yet her mind still screams. She screams for a breath. Then the distance between the air and water grew larger. Her lightheadedness increased. Before she knew it, she fell asleep.
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Augustine chokes on the sea water. As she struggles to cough up the liquid in her lungs, her hands involuntarily grip beneath her. She feels the warmth of the grains in her palms. Like a wave, she begins to feel her senses return. She hears her name called repeatedly. She sees Neteyam above her with worried eyes. She feels his braids tickle her chin as he floats directly over her.
“Augustine!” he yells as he places his hands onto her cheeks. She takes in the breath of air she had imagined. It hurts, like she imagined. With a few more coughs, she raises. He helps her up and pins the side of her face to his chest. “Neteyam,” she whispers through pained wind pipes. “Thank you, Ewya,” he murmurs under his breath as he rocks both their bodies.
He abruptly pulls her away to stare into her eyes. “Are you okay?” he asks with worry rippled throughout his face. “Yes,” she whispers. “Are you sure?” he asks hastily. His fingers furiously pushing away the wet hair in her face. “Yes, I am sure,” she says louder, despite the pain in her throat.
Augustine raises her eyes to Neteyam’s once again. The worry is still clear in his face as his hands smush her cheeks. His eyes rapidly switch between her own. “I thought I lost you,” he mumbles underneath his breath. She watches him with confused eyes. Her mind remains foggy. She attempts to grasp onto reality by placing her hand upon his, as it cups her cheek.
His eyes move to different aspects of her face. She wonders if he is looking for other areas where she may be hurt. His gaze falls upon her lips. Slowly, he leans towards her. Before she is able to realize what is happening, he presses his lips upon her’s. The warmth of his soft lips against her mouth is another memory she wishes she could experience again. She leans into his embrace. Her hand gripping onto his.
Neteyam pulls away. His eyes fall to the sand, as his hands lower. Despite the near death experiences, Augustine wants nothing more than to repeat today’s first experiences.
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note: whatcha think? I hope you liked it! let me know if you want to see a part two! comment if you'd like to join the taglist ♥️
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Aged up!Neteyam X Aged up!Avatar!Reader
𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐬
Warnings: Slight smut (reader getting fingered) | Mentions of blood | mentions of weapons and war | A little angst (I guess?) | Sort of forbidden love | Slow burn (might do a part two if people like it) | Not proof read AT ALL
Summary: Y/N had just left earth, coming to pandora with the intention of earning money. However, she expected everything except having an avatar body. One day she’s sent on a mission to protect supplies being transported back to base. Later that night the train was attacked by the na’vi and she found herself fighting for her life. And that was the moment she saw him.
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The distant forests whisked by as she glared out of the window. The blue of her avatar body contrasted the silver metal of the train she currently sat in. Y/N had been tasked with transporting goods back to the main base without any casualties. Which, at the time sounded like an easy job. Now as the train zipped through the lush planet, she found her mind jumbled. The only ones on the train with her was the small task force group also assigned to transporting the goods. Although as Y/N spared a glance to each, she could see their lack of professionalism.
She sighed, adjusting the gun in her lap. Somehow she’d managed to squeeze herself into the small car of the train, her head resting against the wall of it. So far everything seemed to be going just fine, no incidents, no na’vi spotted. Tonight it would seem luck was on her side. “Hey princess, you look lonely over there. Why don’t you come take a seat here.” Y/N’s face scrunched up at the nickname, her gaze meeting the persons with distaste. Dean, the bastard. He always harassed her, believing that he himself was the best looking one there. Y/N of course couldn’t agree. In fact, it was difficult enough looking at him. His face still looked aged in his avatar body, his creepy smirk managing to make him look even worse. She noticed where his hand was placed. Right on his lap. “I will shoot you.” Y/N spoke, her eyes narrowing as her hand slipped to the handgun at her hip.
This got the message across. Dean chuckled awkwardly in response, shaking his head as he averted his gaze. “Pussy.” Layla, the woman sitting across from Y/N said as she gestured towards Dean. “Quit hitting on the new girl Dean, before she really does shoot you.” Layla rolled her eyes as she shook her head. “Y/N, you should totally shoot him, he’s such a dick sometimes.” She egged on, a friendly smile on her face. Although she was joking, Y/N was almost tempted to do so. “Yeah, he’s a dick all the time. I really should sho-“
Y/N suddenly fell forward, her body thudding against Laylas now limp one. The train car was now blazing with a new fire, smoking filling the air as cinders stung at Y/Ns skin. The back half of the car was missing, along with Dean. The poor bastard. She pushed herself off of Layla, the woman’s faint breaths bringing a slight relief to her. Her ears rung, her eyes adjusting to the new sight. Y/N hardly had time to recover before shots were fired. An arrow whistled past her, narrowly missing her head. Her ears fell, lowering as she came to realize what was truly happening. Dean was dead, Layla was unconscious, and they were under attack. Well fuck. Y/N scrambled around to find her gun, flipping stray pieces of debris over as she searched for it. “Where the hell is it..!” She coughed out as smoke burned her lungs. The broken cart began to tremble and creak, threatening to collapse any moment. “Fuck it.” Y/N muttered as she gave up trying to find it. She had her handgun, she’d be fine. Or so she hoped.
With a grunt she hoisted Layla over her shoulder, huffing as the woman’s body weighed her down. Avatar bodies were way too heavy. Shuffling out of the train cart, she carelessly scratched her calve against a sharp piece of debris. All she could do was groan uncomfortably, her jaw clenching as she made her way out just in time. Behind her, the roof of the train car caved in, collapsing into a pile of nothing. Though that relief was brief as she came to realize she was in enemy territory. And the enemy was only a few feet away. God she had the worst luck. Y/N stumbled towards the forest, praying that she could at least find a place to take cover before she was noticed. Her valve ached with each step, the warm trickle of blood stimulating her senses. The debris from before had hurt her bad, leading to the light headed-ness she suddenly felt. “Fuck Layla..why are you so damn heavy.” She cursed as she finally entered the forest, large bushes covering a majority of their bodies. Y/N however didn’t stop. She continued forward, heading deeper into the woods as the war cries of the Na’vi sounded behind her. Though their voices were distant, it was still too close for comfort. Her eyes wandered the area, flickering across the bustling fauna that watched her curiously. Under different circumstances she would’ve enjoyed the bioluminescence of the forest, but that wasn’t the case. Y/N stumbled about until finally her body gave into its exhaustion. She toppled over, Layla’s unconscious body falling next to her. Her head spun incoherently as she found it difficult to stay awake.
Just as she was about to succumb to her wounds, a face appeared in her peripheral vision, jolting her up. She panted, panicked by the unfamiliar face. Her hand found the pistol at her side, pulling it out and aiming it at the enemy shakily. Her vision was blurred, her finger trembling on the trigger as the figure aimed an arrow at her. She could feel their hard gaze on her, daring her to make a move as they hid within a bush hardly visible. Y/N hesitated for some reason, her gun falling to her lap as her eyes glazed over. Black speckled her vision before finally she fell, her head hitting the ground with a thud.
Her ears twitched, unfamiliar voices flooding her senses. While she had no clue what was going on, from what she could tell the voices were arguing, combating one another about..what? Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the bluish green lights surrounding the place. Her eyes felt heavy as they wandered around, taking in the area. From what she could tell, she was inside a small tent like area with two people standing over her. They wore loincloths, and other traditionally na’vi clothing. Wait a damn minute. Y/N shot up, her eyes widening as a surge of pain shot through her leg. “God damn it..!” She laid back down, her eyes clenched shut at the uncomfortable pain. The voices around her had silenced, now a wordless silence. Slowly she opened her eyes, her gaze finding two mens. They focused in on her, their eyes harsh. “Great you woke her up.” One of them said as they pinched the bridge of their nose. “Your mother will not be happy about this. Neteyam, stay here and WATCH her. Don’t let her out of your sights, understand me boy?” The man with dread locs commanded before departing from the tent. The other man, who she assumed was this Neteyam guy, frowned hands running through his long braids.
His gaze turned to meet hers, yellow eyes giving her a once over. “What’s your name?” He questioned as he stared down at her. Y/N didn’t bother responded, instead opting to sit back up and attempt to grab her gun. Instead of finding her gun, she found the ropes that wrapped around her wrists and ankles. Her expression hardened. “So you chose to kidnap me instead of kill me? It was you who was aiming that arrow at my head, yeah?” The man only sighed in response, rising from his crouched position to place his hands on his hips. “You chose to put your weapon down when you could’ve easily shot me first. And you did faint.” He made his way across the tent, grabbing some sort of bowl. “It’s hard not to faint when you’re bleeding out of your le-“ She paused as she analyzed her leg, odd cloth was wrapped around it, blood staining a small spot of it. “You patched me up..” Y/N muttered in disbelief.
“Yeah, well I would’ve felt bad if I just let you die. Now let me see your leg Tsampongu girl” He said as he crouched in front of her, a sort of paste coating his fingers. “Tsam-po what girl?” She said as she quirked a brow. The man only chuckled in response as he unwrapped the bandages with his free hand. “This might sting a little..” He spoke before dabbing the mixture onto her wound. Y/N hissed in response, jolting away at the intense pain. Glancing down, she got a good look at the wound. It was pretty deep, and made her stomach feel queasy. “Damn, be a little more gentle!” She grumbled as she glared down at him. He didn’t bother replying, instead continuing to tend her wound. Y/N was beyond confused. Why exactly was he helping her. She hadn’t done anything to help him, and she certainly wasn’t on his side. “Neteyem right? Why are you being so nice? Do you want something from me?” She questioned before jolting her leg away, a groan rumbling in her throat. Neteyam’s eyes shot up to hers, his brows knitting as he pulled her leg back to him. “I want you to sit still Tsampongu girl. And it’s Neteyam. Not Neteyem.”
“Why do you keep calling me that? And you didn’t answer my first question.” She retorted, receiving only silence in response. He finished with the paste, now wrapping new bandages around her leg. “Next time sit still, it’ll make it go faster.” He said before standing up and returning the bowl to its rightful place. “To answer your question-“ He said as his back faced her. “I’m not sure why I’m being so nice. You don’t deserve it really…but something about you.” He glanced over his shoulder, his eyes raking over her body. “Draws me in.”
Y/N felt her face warm, her eyes falling into her lap at his confession. She felt incredibly flustered by his words, and his intense gaze. ‘What the hell is wrong with this guy?’ She thought to herself. Neteyam returned, crouching back down, though this time he was right next to her. “Tsampongu girl, what is your name? Unless you want me to keep calling you that.” He smiled, his eyes soft as they watched her. Y/N sighed, slouching forward as she finally gave in. “Y/N. Also you still haven’t told me what the hell that means.” She scowled at him, though she had to admit the nickname was beginning to grow on her.
“War girl. Because that is how we met. Now-“ Y/N interrupted, “Wait. Where’s the woman I came here with. You did bring her right?” Neteyam pursed his lips in response, studying her expression for a moment before speaking. “She’s fine, being taken care of. You know Tsampongu girl, you love interrupting me.” His monotone expression was enough for her to realize that she was beginning to get on his nerves. “Or you take forever to talk.” She rolled her eyes, sarcasm lacing her tone. “Or you talk too much.” He snapped back as his face neared hers. Y/N leaned away, her eyes taking in his appearance. Now that she really looked, she could see just how attractive he was. His pretty eyes, lean build, and tall stature. If they had met any differently, she probably would’ve made a move. She noticed his lips and the way his tongue slid over his bottom one. She noticed the way his body tensed as she hyper analyzed him. The way his gaze hardened, staring right back at her as the silent tension grew. They were so close to one another, the warmth of his presence drawing her in. “You..” Neteyam hesitated, his words falling to nothing as the man from before stormed back in, this time a woman followed in his path. Y/N couldn’t lie, she was a bit disappointed she didn’t get to hear what Neteyam was going to say, but now she was on high alert.
“Grandmother.” Neteyam spoke as he gestured some sort of greeting to her. The woman simply waved him off as she approached Y/N. The older woman gave the younger woman a once over, her eyes narrowing as she analyzed her. The woman spoke to the other two men in a language Y/N couldn’t manage to comprehend. She quirked a brow, her eyes falling to Neteyam. “Hey what’s she saying? She’s not gonna kill me is she?” She didn’t receive a response. Instead the woman knelt down beside her, pulling a long needle from a sheeth in her head decor. She poked it into Y/Ns skin, an “ow” leaving her lips as she cringed at the woman. She watched as the woman licked the fresh blood from the needle, her eyes studying their capture. “Why have you come here?” She questioned as she stood straight.
“Wha-“ The man with locs cut in. “Don’t make this difficult, just be honest.” Y/N scoffed as she observed the group. It would seem they were quite serious. She took a moment, trying to come up with the gist of things. “I have no intention of harming your home if that’s what you’re thinking. Just doing my job. Except now that the trains gone..I guess there is no job.” She muttered the last bit to herself as she stared at nothing. She hadn’t thought about it before. People died, people that she knew. And now she was practically alone. “Look, if you’re gonna kill me then just do it. I know I’ve seen too much for you to let me go.” Neteyam cut in, stepping forward. “We’re not going to kill you. But you are correct, we cannot let you leave. So, you will stay and learn. While my father isn’t fond of you staying near the people, you will be staying here and I will watch over you. Understand Tsampongu girl.” From what she could tell, they weren’t giving her any options. So, she nodded in agreement, a sigh leaving her lips as she laid back down. The cot she sat on was plush enough to support her back, along with the small pillow that she rested her head on. The man, who she assumed was Neteyams dad, walked out with the older woman.
“Well then Y/N. Get some rest, because tomorrow is going to be very fulfilling.” Neteyam spoke as he set out his own cot. It was across the tent from her, far enough for personal space but close enough to keep an eye on her. The place was still lit by small lantern like objects, giving her enough light to watch him closely. “I can feel you staring Tsampongu girl. Is there something you need?” His gaze burned into her. “Actually, now that you mention it…” She raised her arms, the ropes on her wrists still intact. “These are getting pretty uncomfortable.” The man sauntered over, his large hand coming to grasp the ropes. He hummed with amusement, a smirk lacing his lips. “Hmm, war girl, I’m not sure I trust you enough. Sure you’re beautiful I’ll give you that. But you’re dangerous too.” She gasped, flustered and attempting to remove her arms from his grasp. Neteyam had other plans. He knelt down, pinning her wrists over her head as he began to close the proximity between them. “You’re too close I..you need to move before I-“ He chuckled at her response. “You’re mistaken Y/N, I’m simply untying your ropes. Unless, you thought I was making a move on you?” He released the ropes tying her wrists together, circulation beginning to flow once more. Y/N scowled at him. “Shut up.” She muttered before his hand trailed down her body, falling to her waist. His fingers felt light as a feather against her skin, and somehow it felt as though he was burning her with his touch. Unconsciously she jutted her hips into his touch, a heavy breath leaving her as they glared into one another’s eyes. “War girl..does my touch make you nervous?” Neteyam egged on, his face nearing hers. And suddenly his hand left her, now grasping the belt and handgun that was once around her hips. “Fuck you.” Y/N said as she slapped his other hand away. He looked at her, puzzled by her sudden aggression. “Did I do something wrong?” She only scoffed in response, the feeling from before beginning to fade to nothing. “No, it’s nothing just..nothing.”
“Pänutìng if you don’t communicate I cannot help. Now tell me, what is the issue?” Y/Ns gaze softened at his words, her body lifting up as she used her elbows to support her. “You keep teasing me and I don’t like it.” She muttered, her voice softening as the embarrassment washed over her. She never truly realized how pathetic she was until now. Needy for his touch after everything that had occurred. Neteyams hand returned, trailing down her legs at such a tantalizing pace. It had her hoping for more. His hand got closer and closer to the place she needed him most, where she yearned to feel his burning touch. ‘Just a little closer’ She thought as she bucked her hips. Instead his hand fell to her thigh, trailing and massaging the fat of it. It wasn’t as though he was the first person to touch her such a way, it was the way he meant it. The way he took his time to observe every last inch of her. His hand trailed lower, loosening and removing the ropes that bonded her ankles. While it felt relieving, she was too distracted by the way his hand returned to her inner thigh. It rested there, his fingers fiddling with the fabric of her jean shorts. His expression changed, becoming one of confusion rather than lust. “These, what are they?” Y/N was confused, her eyes studying him to see if he was being serious. “Shorts. Have you seriously never seen them? Huh.”
“Take them off.” Her eyes widened at the his command, her stomach swirling with a familiar feeling. “Wha-“ “You said you didn’t like me teasing, so take them off and let me do what I need to.” Y/N stuttered for a moment as she fiddled with her shorts, doing her best to shimmy them off. She felt hot under his gaze, her body heating up as she yearned for more. “Your undergarments. They’re different. They’re..cute.” He uttered out as he spread her legs apart. Her clit throbbed at the rough touch, his hand beginning to tease at her slit. “T..they’re just underwear.” He licked his lips as he finger lightly ran over the wet patch on her panties. “Pänutìng quit being so stubborn with me.” Neteyam spoke before slipping his finger under her panties. He let out a sigh a the feeling of her soaked cunt. It was warm, and drenched. While Neteyam teased at her cunt, Y/N was a mewling mess. One hand grasped at his bicep as support, little pants escaping her lips as she attempted to stay composed. “You’re so pretty when you’re like this for me.” He groaned as he pinched her clit. This earned a loud moan from her, her tail thudding against the ground next to her. She had forgotten all about that thing.
Finally, his long finger found its way inside her, now curling up to find the perfect spot. As he did this his mouth came to meet her neck, now kisses and licking but not daring to leave a mark. He knew better, but oh did he want to do it so bad. He continued to curl into her at a slow pace, drawing moans and pants from her. Y/N was at her breaking point, her head falling back from the stimulation. “Can I add one more Pänutìng?” She didn’t even hear him, too lost in her own pleasure. Neteyam took this as a yes, plunging another one of his fingers into her cunt. She let out another loud moan, and this time Neteyams hand came up to cover her mouth. Her loud noises were going to get them into trouble, and Neteyam couldn’t have that. “Shhh Pänutìng..we’ll get caught.” She only hummed in response, her eyes shutting as her clit began to throb. “I can feel you tightening around my fingers love.” He said as he placed a gentle kiss to her neck. “You can cum for me, it’s okay.” He spoke before finally that familiar feeling of an orgasm washed over her. Her clit throbbed, her walls tightening around his fingers as she squeezed at his bicep. “M’Teyam” Her moan was muffled by his hand, though he knew exactly what she said. Hearing her moan his name almost made him cum right then and there. This however was merely for her pleasure. And a one time thing. He couldn’t do it again. He knew better than that. Slowly he pulled his fingers from her core, the sticky juices she released now coating his fingers. He licked the mess away, the taste of her almost making him go in for more. However, they needed rest. She gave the side of her thigh a light pat and her neck one last kiss before standing up. “Get some rest now. We’ll be busy tomorrow.” Y/N only watched him as he returned to his own cot. God she wanted him so bad. She knew he was holding back, but it was only making her want him more. As he laid down on his cot and turned to face opposite to her, he said one last thing.
“Goodnight Pänutìng.”
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kindoffruity · 2 years
Smitten - Chapter Three - Aonung's POV
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Mild Warning: Non canon compliant :P
Smitten - Chapter Three - Adore - Aonung's POV
The ride back on Neteyam’s Ikran had been brutal, the pain settled in on his body, there wasn’t a part of him that hadn’t been aching. But Aonung learned fast that the more he reacted to the pain the more Neteyam seemed to be worried.
So Aonung sucked most of it up until they arrived back. 
Unfortunately, their parents had been gathered in a line to meet them, Ronal and Tonowari seemed to be a mixture of angry and concerned for their son. “What is this! Why do you look like this? Was this you, demon?” Ronal seemed to accuse Neteyam as she practically yanked her son towards her inspecting him. 
“No ma’am..” Neteyam immediately looked down, not wanting to upset Ronal more. He dismissed his Ikran, looking like he was struggling to find the words to describe what had happened. 
“Neteyam saved me, please do not disrespect him.” Aonung pulled away from his mother, he looked more insulted than Neteyam had been. “I am fine, I would probably be dead by now if he had not shown up, he deserves respect for that.” Aonung corrected his mother and it was a feat that left many stunned. 
“What happened?” Jake asked Neteyam after inspecting his son and not seeing a scratch, “The altercation earlier.. I followed those boys from the Ta’unui clan, they mentioned they would get their brothers and teach Aonung a lesson for embarrassing them. I tried to go back to warn Aonung but I couldn’t find him. So I got on Etera to search.” Neteyam explained to his parents.
Aonung watched from the corner of his eyes, he hoped that Jake and Neytiri would not find some way to blame Neteyam. 
“Why didn’t you tell anyone else before you left? You could have been hurt. I’d expect this recklessness from Lo’ak but not you.” Jake huffed and looked disappointed in Neteyam. Neteyam nodded his head and looked down at the sand before looking back up at his father. “I am sorry sir, it won't happen again.” Neteyam apologized, Aonung wanted to scream. How could they blame Neteyam?
“But I do not regret it.” 
Neteyam’s words stunned everyone at this point, even Aonung was taken aback by his words. Despite this, there was a small smile tugging on his bruised lips. It wasn’t like Neteyam had disrespected his parents, but Aonung respected that Neteyam finally said something.
“Excuse me?” Neytiri asked, completely full of disbelief that her oldest son had spoken out of line. Aonung could see the twist of emotions on her face, his mother had mirrored the same emotions earlier. There was anger, hurt, and confusion all brewed into one look. 
“I reacted completely appropriately for the situation, had I taken any longer or detoured myself, who knows what could have happened.” 
Aonung couldn’t even hold back the smirk, Neteyam had finally spoken, a small chuckle escaped his lips and Tonowari gripped the back of his head and pushed in down to bow towards the Sully’s. “Your son speaks the truth, I apologize for any inconvenience my son may have caused, and I thank you for protecting my son.” Tonowari’s words were enough to put an end to the bickering. 
“Yes, thank you, Neteyam.” Aonung looked up, a smile adorning his lips as he took in Neteyam’s appearance. His posture was tense, like he was trying to seem strong but Aonung knew he was probably shaking inside from being anxious. Aonung did catch his eyes for a moment, the second they locked they seemed to share a silent moment.
 They were thanking each other for different reasons. 
Aonung was thanking him for saving him and finally speaking up for himself. 
- - - - 
The next few days were particularly difficult for Aonung, the injuries he had received and the entire talking back situation had his parents keeping him on a short leash, he wasn’t able to sneak out in the evenings and see his Forrest boy.
Aonung was struggling with just looking at Neteyam during dinner, his mother kept him attached to her so there wasn’t much he could do besides exchange longing looks with one-another as they ate. 
It wasn’t much but at least seeing Neteyam was enough to make the day bearable until he had been all healed up. 
The Ta’unui clan brought forth a series of topics with Aonung’s parents that he truthfully wished to avoid: Mates, Iknimaya and Olo’eyktan.
“Tane, while he may not have handled it correctly, he had the right idea. You will be Olo’eyktan one day, you must get serious about your Iknimaya to become an adult within the clan. You need to search for a strong mate who will continue our way of life.” His father, Tonowari, spoke to him at dinner. 
Did this conversation need to be public? Why speak of this at dinner when the Sully’s were at the other side of the room. Aonung tried to look at Neteyam for.. Guidance? No, that wasn’t it. Maybe confirmation? Could he be bold enough to claim Neteyam as his own at their communal dinner? 
But Neteyam didn’t look up at him, he hung his head low as if trying to hide himself. 
“I will focus on my Iknimaya, but I will allow my mate to choose me.” Aonung knew who he had in mind as a mate, but claiming Neteyam now without properly courting him would make him just as bad as the men who had sought after his sister's hand. 
The dinner progressed, it seemed like it was dragging, and then Neteyam excused himself from dinner. 
Aonung took that as his opportunity to escape as well, he didn’t know where Neteyam was heading but he could only imagine he would find him at the end of the beach where he went to clear his mind. 
“I knew you’d be here..” Aonung called out as he moved to sit next to Neteyam, his tail almost instinctively wrapping around Neteyam, his finned hand resting atop the others. “I have missed you, my mother worries too much when I am injured and puts me on bed rest.” Aonung felt a need to explain why he hadn’t been around, he grabbed the other's slender hand and pressed a gentle kiss to it. 
Much to his surprise, Neteyam slowly pulled away his hand. 
“Nete..?” Aonung looked confused, had he done something wrong? Was Neteyam upset with him? His mind ran through all the scenes, he couldn’t recall what he had done wrong. 
“You will be Olo’eyktan one day.” Neteyam started to speak, a tense silence filled the gap, “This...This cannot happen.” Neteyam referred to their potential relationship, his hands at his side. 
“I do not understand you.. Do you not wish to be with me? Did I do something wrong?” Aonung turned his body to face Neteyam entirely, his hands grabbing both of Neteyam’s and squeezing them gently in the middle of his hands. 
“No.. You have done nothing wrong. I think it will be best for us to end this now,” Neteyam couldn’t even look at Aonung in the eyes, his hands were shaking and Aonung couldn’t help but feel hurt that Neteyam would even suggest they stop this relationship now.
“You must be someone of your kind, a strong Metkayina, someone who understands the way of water.” Neteyam’s words were rushed, as if he didn’t want to give Aonung the opportunity to speak. 
“I want you,” Aonung felt frustrated immediately, was this why Neteyam wanted to end ‘this’. It was a terrible excuse. 
“You must be with your own kind- they will never accept me.. Aonung, you will be a great leader one day, you mustn’t waste your time with someone like me.” Neteyam tried to plead with him, but those golden eyes were saying otherwise. 
“You are a strong Metkayina. You are one of us now.” Aonung spoke, he knew he had to keep a level-head otherwise his irrational emotions would get the best of him. 
“Aonung.. I am Omatikaya, when the war is over I will return home..” Not even Neteyam believed his own words, Aonung knew it, there was hesitation in that voice. Neteyam’s voice was usually confident when he believed in his words. 
“You have been ingrained in me, I do not wish for anyone else but you. I will become an Ole’eyktan worthy of you.” Aonung’s eyes were locked on Neteyam’s, he was looking to see if Neteyam had made his decision. 
“Please.. As much as I have enjoyed this time together, and you’ve made me happier than I have been in a long time.. Your parents-” Neteyam was fumbling with his words, they were full of hesitation. 
“Then look me in the eyes and tell me you do not wish to be with me, I will not accept this otherwise.” Aonung cut off Neteyam’s fumbling words, Neteyam looked up for a moment in shock. 
“I.. I do not..” Neteyam could not look him in the eyes, he tried though and immediately those golden orbs spilled the truth. “I want to be with you.. But you need to be with-” Neteyam started again and Aonung huffed in frustration. 
“I do not want anyone other than you, I have every intention to court you.” Aonung cupped Neteyam’s face with both hands, forcing him to lock eyes and look nowhere else. 
“I adore you.” 
Aonung’s words must have struck heavy with Neteyam because he nodded, his braids bouncing around as he did. Aonung could only take it as Neteyam had accepted his words and would dismiss this thought of ending ‘this’.
“Why must they look like they are in some tragic love story everytime we look for them? I swear your brother better not hurt mine. I’ll rip off that fish tail of his.” Lo’ak asked at the other end of the beach, he had been sent to gather his brother for bed. 
Similarly, Tsireya had been tasked with the same thing. “Perhaps their relationship is troubled..I wonder if ours will be like that.” Tsireya spoke softly, tilting her head as they walked through the sand slowly just enjoying their time together. 
“I would fight Payakan for you,” Lo’ak said seriously and Tsireya couldn’t help but giggle at that. “You would not need to do that, but I do appreciate the thought.” The two locked hands as they decided to give the couple at the other end of the beach some much needed alone time.
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rileytwenty · 1 year
Leyra || the Albino Na'vi
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(Neteyam x OC)
Chapter 5
For the next week or so, Neteyam ate all his lunches with Leyra in the forest. Sometimes he brought them portions of the clan lunch, sometimes the pair hunted something to eat together.
Neytiri grew worried for her son over his absent behavior, and she expressed this to her mate.
"Ma Jake, our son is spending all his free time alone in the forest. Sometimes, he doesn't even take any lunch. I worry for him. Talk to him, please. You are his father."
Jake didn't take this well, saying that he spent a lot of time alone at this age too, and it was nothing to worry about. Neytiri insisted, saying it was not normal for a Na'vi boy to spend so much time away from the clan. Finally, finally, Jake agreed to quickly check in with him.
"Neteyam, wait." He had caught his son on his way out to meet Leyra for lunch.
Jake sighed. "Your mother is worried about you. She says you spend too much time alone in the forest. Would you try to hang around a bit more, for her sake?"
Neteyam realized that his parents didn't even have an inkling of his blossoming relationship with Leyra.
"Of course, sir. I will do my best."
Jake clapped him on the shoulder and directed him back towards their marui. "Great. Come, eat with us."
Shit, Leyra will be looking for me. He even had a gift he was going to give her today. But there was nothing he could do.
He was right, Leyra was looking for him. She saw the hunting party return to base camp a while ago and Neteyam was nowhere to be found. She crept towards the entrance of the cave system, but without an ikran she had no way of getting up.
"Looking for Neteyam?"
She whipped around, only to find Kiri te Suli Kireysi'ite laying on a log behind her. She sat up.
"Our dad made him stay for lunch in the marui. Mom was getting worried, saying that he spent all his time alone. But he's been acting too happy lately to be spending all that time by himself, so I knew something was up. Then I remembered him asking around about an albino Na'vi some time ago, and... well, I connected the dots." Her words were accusatory but her tone was playful.
Leyra was suddenly ashamed for Neteyam for ever hanging out with her, and was desperate to cover it up for his sake.
"What? I'm not looking for anyone."
"Don't bother lying, I saw you together yesterday."
"Please don't tell anyone." Leyra's tone was suddenly quiet and vulnerable.
Kiri seemed taken aback by this, standing up and-- to Leyra's surprise-- wrapped the poor girl up in a hug. "Don't worry, I promise I won't."
Relieved, Leyra hugged back.
"But I did some thinking and... I wanted to talk to you."
"About what?" Now that the two felt more comfortable, they both took a seat on the log to converse.
"My mom has been asking for my opinion of the clan girls lately."
"Neteyam is to be the future Olo'ektan, and that means my parents will help pick out a Tsahik for him. Someone who has a good relationship with Eywa."
"Look, I just don't want my brother getting hurt. Or you, really. I just think you should both be realistic."
Leyra paused, a deep depression settling over the image of the only thing that's been bringing her proper joy. "You're probably right." Her head fell into her hands. Why was she so upset? She must've known deep down that Neteyam could never be hers. "I'll talk to him the next time I see him."
Over lunch, Neytiri slowly mentioned different girls of the clan, and gauged Neteyam's interest. Getting frustrated by his complete lack of care, she finally just said it up front.
"Neteyam, you will need to choose a Tsahik soon. You are almost sixteen, so you should be getting to know her now, before you turn seventeen."
Neteyam knew the subject would come up eventually, but not so soon.
"Can't it wait a while? I've got more than a year."
"Actually, I've already picked out a few girls that I think will be a good fit, I just want you to meet them, see how you feel-"
Jake, who had left a few minutes ago, now re-entered the marui with four girls trailing nervously behind him.
Neteyam was furious. How could she spring this on him? Especially when she had ditched her arranged mating?
"Mother!" He all but snarled, taking Neytiri by surprise.
"I thought having someone might make you happier?"
"I don't need anyone el-" He cut himself off, pulling at the roots of his hair. "I'm perfectly happy as it is, thank you."
"Just try, my son, maybe-"
He was gone, heading for his ikran. All he wanted to do was talk to her about this.
"Neteyam!" It was his father, but all Neteyam did was shout an apology over his shoulder.
At this point, Kiri had gone back to exploring the forest and Leyra found herself wallowing alone in her waterfall cave. Neteyam found her after a long while of circling the area.
"Leyra," he breathed, so, so relieved to see her. But the tension found him again when he noticed her solemn expression. He put a hand on her cheek. "What? What is it?"
"You first," she deferred, sensing his urge to talk.
"Are you sure?"
She nodded. "Very sure."
"Well, my mother ambushed me today at lunch," he explained, taking a seat beside her, "she brought in a bunch of girls that she wants me to pick as a mate."
It hurt more, somehow, to hear it from him. "Oh." It came out as more of a sigh.
"What?" He turned to face her completely.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, actually. Kiri is the one who brought it up. I don't think we should see each other anymore."
taglist: @kachowness @fanboyluvr @dakotali
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
I Wish I Knew
Genre : ANGST, Slow-Burn, Unrequited love, SFW,Romance.
Status: Oneshot-Completed
Parings : Neteyam X Reader,
Warnings: Sad Neteyam, Unrequited love, Mutual Pinning, Mentions of blood/bullets, Mentions of alcohol and consumption (Please be advised), Panic attacks.
Inspired by; Bad Habit by Steve Lacy
Summary: Neteyam and Y/n have been joined at the hip since they were children. Growing feelings for one another was inevitable due to their close proximity. But Neteyam always suppressed his feelings in fear of losing his friendship with her. But as they grow into adults he can’t help but wonder, had he missed his chance?
Word count: 5.9k
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“How did you find me?” Neteyam asks, his eyes strained forward. He didn’t bother turning to face her as she set herself down. Her feet mirrored his as she dangled them over the edge of the cliff.
Neteyam knew it was her, he didn’t have to look to confirm who it was. He knew the moment she softly landed her Ikran, the coo of the creature he knew by heart because that always signaled her arrival. Her scent wafted through the light breeze as the air caused his body to freeze up. It was a scent he memorized. Because it smelt like her, because it was her. 
“Call it intuition?” She chuckles softly, the breeze picking up in the slightest. Her braided locks clacking against one another, the sound of the beads crashing caused Neteyam to quickly glance her way. 
Y/n peered up into the sky, the stars mirrored amongst her e/c irises beautifully. Neteyam stopped himself from getting lost in them, which he caught himself doing often. It was weird considering she was his dearest friend, his oldest friend. He just couldn't help the fluttery feeling that consumed him whenever she was near. He didn't know when it started, but as he grew, so did his feelings.
Neteyam and Y/n grew up joined at the hip, even though she was younger by one year the girl never hesitated to follow Neteyam to his duties. Always marveling at how he slowly but surely became such a great warrior, outranking all in his age group. Neteyam also adored her, he respected how she tried to become a warrior herself. Even though she fell short many times, it never deterred her from her goal. That same goofy smile plastered on her face even when her body was littered with bruises. 
Neteyam thought of her as a distraction at one point, but as they both grew up he realized how much he needed her support. Someone to talk to, someone to pour all his raw emotion on. And Y/n was always eager, her shoulders waiting for him to lean on as the days of stress pulled him down. It was as if she always knew how and what he was feeling.
 “What did he do this time?” Y/n whispers softly. 
Neteyam’s ears twitch to the sound of her voice, laced with concern and question. Neteyam had once again been on the receiving end of his fathers words. He was tasked to help Lo’ak with his tracking skills, but that skxawng decided to run mid session, almost getting eaten by a threatened mother Pululukan. Neteyam had barely made it in time to save Lo’ak as well as himself. The array of leaves covered in ointment scattered all over his body proved that it was indeed a close call. 
“He almost got eaten by a mother Pululukan” he replies solemnly.
 He catches the way Y/n’s eyes scrunch together at the mental image. Her brows furrowing together, her lips forming into a frown. 
“Let me guess, you took the blame?” Y/n asks, more like declares. 
She knew Neteyam like the back of her hand. Of course he took the blame from his brother, always has and always will. It’s just that each time he did, he never could recover the pieces that Jake tore apart upon each lecture. That’s where Y/n came in, always ready to piece him back together. 
“You shouldn’t protect him all the time. He’s 15 Neteyam, he has to realize the stunts he pulls have consequences” Y/n says, her body turning to face him. Neteyam averts his eyes, not wanting her to catch his gaze that was already lingering on her. 
“It’s my job, I’m the eldest son. If I don’t watch over my siblings, who will?” Neteyam replies back, refusing to look her in the eyes. Y/n sighs out in defeat. She knew how much Nteeyam loved and cared for his siblings, she felt the same way being the only child. That's why she stuck to the family like glue. As if they were a second family.
“Then who will have your back?” She asks, her voice laced with concern. Neteyam finds his lips twitching at her words. She never failed to surprise him with her caring nature. It was astonishing to the young warrior that someone like her, who was so kind and nurturing, was also a warrior. Someone that equaled his skills at times.
He turns around to face her, locking eyes. He felt his breath hitch at their close proximity, how her eyes shone under the moonlight with such allure. He felt like he was being sucked in, and he didn’t feel it within himself to deny the feeling. 
“I was hoping you would”  a smile twitches along his lips. 
Y/n let’s out a giggle, her eyes filling with a twinkle which left Neteyam starstruck. Oh how beautiful she looked under the moonlight, it had to be a sin. 
“I thought that was a given” she teases, playfully nudging her shoulder against his. The feeling sent a jolt of electricity through his body, causing a pleasurable shiver to run along his spine. It was moments like these that made him feel alive, that made him feel sane. So much stress has been put upon him since birth, all washing away with a mere smile. 
“Just making sure” Neteyam easily replies back, opting to lean against her shoulder. Something they did often when they sought each other for comfort. Y/n hums happily, leaning her weight against his. She rests her head against him, breathing in the night sky. 
“You are obligated to take care of your siblings Neteyam. That I respect. Just….take care of yourself too, ok?” Y/n suggests softly. Neteyam lets out a sigh, nodding his head, agreeing with her words. Seeming satisfied by his non verbal response Y/n smiles wide.
 “And I’ll always be here for you Neteyam. I’ll never leave your side. You are my best friend after all” she teases her eyes locking onto the moon, oh how majestic it looked.
Neteyam thickly swallows the lump in his throat. At that moment the feeling of serenity left him. He enjoyed his moments with Y/n. Over the years it seems as though these particular moments held all his happiness. It felt great when he was naïve to his feelings.
At first he was confused as to what the quicken heartbeats meant when he would stare into her eyes. He questioned the butterflies in his stomach, and an unfamiliar fluttery feeling whenever she gazed at him. 
It took him a while, but once he realized what he was feeling, it was already too late. The feeling had grown without his knowledge. What was once a simple crush grew to infatuation. He felt cursed, cursed to loving his friend who didn’t love him the same way. The unconditional love that seemed to grow year by year. 
“Shhh, don’t speak!” Kiri shushs, crouching down near the tent. The close call with the RDA left quite an impact with the Sully children and Y/n. After Y/n had decided to accompany Lo’ak and Spider on their adventure, all so she could keep a watchful eye on Tuk. They got caught by the RDA. Y/n desperately held Tuk within her grasp all while her tswin was harshly being held against her.
The moment Neteyam heard Y/n’s name over the com an unexplainable dread came over his form. They had his siblings, they had Y/n. What if he was late? What if he couldn’t save her in time? As he quickly showed his parents the quicker way he was determined to find her. He was determined to ensure her safety. 
Neteyam didn’t have to think twice about going against his fathers orders and got involved right away. Because he knew, if it were the other way around, Y/n wouldn’t hesitate to disobey orders from her leader to save his siblings, himself included. 
The relief that flooded Neteyam’s system was like waves after waves as he realized everyone was safe and unscathed. He pulled Y/n tightly against him, relishing in her heat as she shook under his hold. Sobs racking her body in full force. She was terrified by what had transpired and Neteyam felt useless being unable to console her. 
As the siblings and Y/n eavesdrop on the parents' conversations, Neteyam keeps a firm grasp of Y/n’s hand. Ever since the incident Y/n has been desperately latching into him. Her fear is getting the best of her. Neteyam felt horrible for what she went through, but loved the feeling of her needing him, wanting to hold him. 
“He had our children. He had them under his knife!” Jake hisses.
Y/n audibly gulps. Was he actually suggesting they leave? Flee the clan? Y/n felt her heart drop to her stomach with a sickening feeling. They would leave her, her second family would leave her here alone for their own safety. And Y/n couldn’t do anything about it. She wanted them safe more than anything, but the fear of them leaving caused her to choke up with unbridled sadness. 
Feeling her eyes sting with tears Y/n pushes herself into Neteyam’s embrace. He was shocked at first but welcomed it. Would this be the last time he held her? Feel her pressed up against him like this? He would wake up every day not seeing her face? Neteyam’s throat closes up at the thought, letting Y/n nuzzle into the crevice of his neck. He wraps one hand around her for support as he bites lips furiously. He couldn’t cry, as much as he wanted to. He is a warrior after all. He had to stay strong.
“What about Y/n? She was protecting Tuk, they know she is close to the family. They will hunt her down Ma’Jake” Neytiri cries in fear.  
Both Neteyam and Y/n freeze up at her words. Lo’ak and Kiri glance at the duo, horror stricken as well. It was true, Y/n tried her best to cover Tuk during the entire altercation. They didn’t bother inspecting her hands while they were focused on Lo’ak and Kiri. But her involvement meant they knew her. And where to find her.
 “I’ll speak to her parents. It’s not safe for her here” Jake says, causing Y/n to gasp in shock. She covers her mouth before looking at each Sully. Confirming what she heard was true. He was suggesting she go with them. 
Feeling an overwhelming amount of emotion Y/n abruptly stands up, before sprinting towards her tent. Neteyam moves to follow her but Kiri stops him midstep. Her expression of worry for her friend.
“Give her some space, brother” 
“How did you find me?” Y/n asks softly, her back facing Neteyam as he took tentative steps towards her. He purposely made sure his steps were heard, he didn’t want to startle her after all they’ve been through the past few days. If he wanted to go unnoticed, he would have succeeded. He was very silent with his footing. 
“Call is intuition?” Neteyam lightly teases, taking a seat beside her. His shoulders slide against her, feeling her body cold against him. Neteyam flinches upon contact. How long had she been out here? 
“Eywa Y/n, you’re freezing. How long have you been out here?” He questions his eyes trained in her. She turns her head to face him, her puffy cheeks covered with the stains of her tears she had shed a while ago. She sighs out, shrugging her shoulders in response. Neteyam frowns, he felt sick to his stomach seeing her like this.
The past two days have been utter hell for him. After Jake declared the decision to the family he went on about how Tarsem would be the next Olo'eyktan. Not to mention when Jake left to relay the news to Y/n’s  parents. They were upset at first but stressed for her future, they agreed that for her future she needed to flee. For her own safety. Y/n’s parents reluctantly agreed to the request, she would be unsafe the longer she stayed within the village. Ever since that, Y/n had been actively avoiding the Sully’s, Neteyam included. 
Neteyam lost his birthright, and best friend all in one day. 
He's been through a rollercoaster of emotion's and sadness the past few days, but he was able to come to terms with it. His family came first, if he were to lose his title for that, then so be it.
Neteyam also wanted to approach Y/n many times but respected his sister's wishes to give her space. By the fourth day he was fed up, he couldn’t stay away from her. He had to ensure she was ok, he also missed her terribly. Thus why he came all the way out here in search of her. He missed her terribly and couldn’t help but blame himself for everything that has happened. 
“I’m sorry…” Neteyam whispers, his voice cracking under everything he felt. Y/n’s eyes snap to him, concerned glossing over irises in confusion. 
“W-what? For?” She asks scooting closer to him. Neteyam clenched his hands into fists.
“For you getting involved….for forcing you to leave everything you’ve known, your family, your friends, for us..” he admits, head bowed down shamefully. Y/n lets out a shaky sigh, taking her small hands and using them to cup Neteyam’s cheeks. He allows her to lift his face up to meet her waiting eyes, all while still cupping his cheeks. 
“Neteyam…..I was sad, the first day. But I’m at peace with it. I will not endanger our people, my family, just so I can stay here. I’m fine with coming along with your family. In fact, I’m grateful your family thought of me and my protection” Y/n says softly. Neteyam lets out the breath he was holding, his shoulders relaxing significantly. He felt a huge weight being lifted off his shoulders. He couldn’t explain how happy he was to hear this. She was ok with coming with him, she was at peace with it. How could he not feel happy? 
“Then….why have you been avoiding us?….have I done something to upset you? Has someone else done something?” Neteyam asks, he tries to play it off as a regular question but it came out as a plea. His need for her seeping through his words. Y/n thickly swallows, as if his question caused her to choke up again. Neteyam sits up straighter, placing his hands over hers. Y/n clears her throat before taking a deep breath. 
“I-it’s you…”  she says, causing Neteyam to go slightly stiff. 
“All your life you’ve been training to become an Olo'eyktan. You’ve worked so hard, proved yourself and gained so much respect amongst the people. I know, because I was always there to watch you from afar. Admiring your strength and vigor-“ Neteyam felt a sad smile twitch along his lips. She’s always been there, always watching him grow. Always seeing him.
“-once I heard Tarsem being announced as the next leader, it was as if a part of me shattered…..here I am, watching helplessly as my best friends dream slips through his fingers….all because I couldn’t try hard enough to keep Lo’ak from venturing out” Y/n croaks, tears streaming down her face. 
Neteyam is quick to wipe the fresh tears away from her cold skin. The past few days Y/n had been beating herself over the fact that she may be the reason Neteyam had lost his birthright. What he dreamt of every day. In a way, his dream became apart of her dream as well, as she watched him grow.
Neteyam pulls her in for a hug, his heart soaring but his heart crumbling. “It’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself Syulang. Please” Neteyam begs, feeling Y/n shake that much harder under his hold, unable to hold back her cries of pain. After a while Y/n settles down, slightly pulling back to wipe her eyes. 
“Neteyam, I-“ 
“Don’t you dare apologize” he interrupts her, swiping the streaks of tears along her cheeks. His gaze stern. Y/n seems to frown at his word but understands he didn’t want to speak of the matter any longer. 
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“I was sad,” Neteyam says, causing her ears to twitch with attention.
“I was sad that I’ve lost my goal, that I have to leave everything I’ve known growing up. I lost my title that I worked so hard for, but I can prove myself again. I know it. This isn't the end Y/n, but a new beginning…also a part of me is happy knowing I have my family to rely on….happy that I’ll have you” he admits, words that felt like stones to his heart because he knew Y/n wouldn’t interpret his words for what he actually wanted to say.
‘I love you, I need you with me’
“Oh Neteyam. I’ll follow you to the ends of Pandora. I’ll always be by your side.” She croaks, pulling him in for a tight embrace. Neteyam presses his head against her temple, inhaling her scent. A scent that always gave him comfort.
“I know, I’ll always be there for you Y/n. Always'' 
“Watch his head!!!” Lo’ak hisses, struggling to pick Neteyam up on the rocks. Tsireya steadies his legs, Y/n and Spider holding his side as they haul him over as gently as possible. Y/n winces at the sharp pain on her arm, her tears staining her cheeks. She helps set Neteyam down as he looks up at her, concern lacing his painful expression. 
“Y-y/n” He whimpers out, seeing the distant look in her eye. That of fear. 
After Neteyam and Lo’ak decided to find  Spider deeper in the ship, they didn’t notice how Y/n snuck in after them. She stayed quiet making sure to stay a few feet behind them, her knife in the ready to assist them if needed. 
A lot has happened over the past few months, the quick adaptation to the sea, the Metkayina clan not accepting them and dealing with the RDA once again was like hit after hit. Y/n had failed to keep Kiri safe when the Ikran snatched her away; she refused to allow Neteyam and Lo’ak to get hurt under her watch. 
Her attention snaps back to Neteyam and Lo’ak jumping down taking on some of the human soldiers. Y/n doesn’t even hesitate jumping down to assist them while Neteyam and Lo’ak stare at her in shock. Seeing a soldier get up she grabs the gun off the floor, shooting the man shakily. 
“Y/n! What are you doing here?” Neteyam demands, snatching the gun from her shaking hands. Y/n looks over at the three who stare at her in astonishment.
 “I can’t let you do this alone. Now let’s get out of here!!” Y/n encourages her ears twitch at the sound of rapid footsteps nearing them. As they run away from many soldiers, Y/n sends Lo’ak and Spider to jump into the water safely while Neteyam fires the gun to distract the soldiers shooting their way. 
“Go! Go!” Neteyam hollers, his eyes focused on the soldiers who refuse to give up. 
“Not without you!” Y/n demands, her eyes widening, seeing the soldier come closer for a clearer shot. “Shit!” Y/n shoves Neteyam pulling him with her. She glances over her shoulder seeing the avatar directly point the barrel of his gun towards Neteyam. Towards his chest. Using her adrenaline to her advantage she shoves Neteyam into the water, tumbling after him. 
The moment she crashed into the sea she heard the happy screams of Lo’ak and Spider as she desperately looked for Neteyam. She noticed the crimson in the water before she caught sight of Neteyam, holding onto his arm in pain. 
“I’ve been s-shot” he struggles out. The three words Y/n never wanted to hear. 
As she helped Tsireya pull Neteyam into the Iiu she was shocked to see the blood in the water increase. All of a sudden she feels a sting on her side, glancing down she is able to see a flesh wound, where the bullet had grazed her as well. It seemed as though colliding her body against Neteyam caused the bullet to gaze at her arm as well as his. 
Y/n snaps her attention back to Neteyam as he regulates his breathing. Luckily the bullet hasn't penetrated his arm, but the gash was deep enough to cause a lot of blood. Neteyam was about to pass out from the blood loss. Y/n shakily puts pressure on his wound, drowning out the sounds around her. 
Tsireya audibly gasps seeing blood pour out of Y/n’s arms. The girl was in shock, therefore not registering how everyone was around her, as well as her own injury. Her attention solely focused on the wound  as she tried to stop the bleeding. 
“Y/n!! Your arm!!” Lo’ak screams in hysterics, his father rushing towards them. Seeing Neteyam on the floor he clutches down, noting there was no wound on his chest, just his arm. 
“Is there an exit wound?” He asks crouching down to his level. Neteyam groans back, glancing between his father and Y/n.
“N-no, it's just a graze….Y/n save m-me” Neteyam says through clenched teeth, pain cursing through the entirety of his arm. Jake looks at Y/n  with relief but it disappeared upon seeing her own gash.
“S-she’s hurt dad, p-please” Neteyam whispers, seeing how Y/n’s eyes were glazed onto him, as if she were in a trance, in her own world. She didn’t register her pain or when Jake had instructed Tsireya to hold onto her wound to stop the bleeding.
 “Y/n '' Neteyam calls again, causing her to break eye contact, resting on his face. Her initial shock wore off at the sound of his concerned tone. 
“You’re hurt” Neteyam breathes out, feeling some relief flood into his system with her pressing tightly against the wound. Y/n shakes her head.
 “You Skxawng you almost died. Don’t worry about me” she assured shakily, sending a tear sticker Tsireya a small smile. Neteyam coughs, his feeble attempt to laugh at her tone. She sounded like a mother bird, always stressing over everyone including him. 
“T-thank you. For saving me” 
Y/n smiles at his words, her eyes glossing with warmth. She felt panic rise deep within her at the sight of so much blood. But seeing him alert and responding proved that he was ok. He was alive.
“I told you I’ll always be there for you. I’ve got your back” 
5 years. 
It’s been five years since that fateful day. The day they won against the sky people, since the day Tonowari and Ronal accepted them as true Metkayina. One with the Reef.
Since then the Sully’s and Y/n have accomplished a lot. Lo’ak was finally recognized as a man, completing his Iknimaya. He was Metkayina now, able to prove Payakan as a hero as the people accepted him.
Neteyam also completed his Iknimaya. Claiming a Tulkun for himself as well as a Tsurak on his first try. He was known as a fierce warrior amongst the clan, Tonowari and Jake were greatly proud of his accomplishments. He had proven himself, and was seen as a mighty warrior. He finally felt like he gained what he once lost.
Kiri and Y/n also finished their Iknimaya with equal results, following Ronal and her teachings as Tsahik. And today, Tuk had finally completed hers. Thus the celebration that had been held for the majority of the day in celebration of her. Her feats at such a young age were being appreciated greatly. 
Once the celebration had died down, the group decided to sit around a fire, taking sips of the celebratory alcohol to reminisce about the past.
“Do you remember when Payakan swallowed you whole? I was so scared that you were sent to Eywa!! If it weren't for Tsireya and Ao’nung then I would have had to throw hands with a Tulkun in your memory” Neteyam lets out a booming laugh, Tsireya cracking up next to her mate. Lo’ak rolls his eyes playfully at his brother's antics, nudging Tsireya who sat beside him, their hands clutching small cups of liquor.
Y/n laughed aloud at the memory, she sat perched on a large log beside Kiri and her mate Roxto. His hand held her against him as she laid her head on his shoulder. The alcohol evading her system.
 “Oh yea? Who was it that fell face first into the sea right after they tamed their Tsurak?” Lo’ak taunts, Roxto snickering loudly at the memory. Neteyam frowns, drowning his drink in one go. Y/n giggles, her eyes crinkling with happiness.
 “I have a better story, how about that time Lo’ak burst into tears when getting his first tattoo? I remember the big fat tears rolling down his eyes'' Y/n teases causing Lo’ak to scoff loudly. Tsireya giggles at the memory, how Lo’ak clutched her hand in a vise-like grip that left a bruise. 
“Hey! Not fair, you’re defending Neteyam again!” Lo’ak accuses causing  Y/n to send a playful wink across to Neteyam. Neteyam smiles, his heart thumping wildly against his chest. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol but Y/n looked absolutely breathtaking under the moonlight. Her hips grew fuller over the years, her bust also growing a few sizes, beautifully adorned with shells of the sea. Her hair had grew straight down to her waist, the tattoos running down from her arm all the down to her thighs. She looked stunning. 
“Neteyam?” Tsireya calls his attention to her, his head snapping towards her. Embarrassed to have been caught gazing towards Y/n’s direction.
“Sorry, I blanked out for a second. The alcohol is strong. What was the topic?” He asks, glancing at Y/n who takes a tiny sip of the sweetly tangy drink. 
“We were talking about crushes. Lo’ak said he didn’t like anyone but me-“ Tsireya furiously blushes as Lo’ak smirks wide. “-I admitted to a childish crush I had as a child that died down a long time ago. Before I met Lo’ak. Now it's your turn. Have you had any crushes?” She asks.
Neteyam feels hot under everyone’s watchful stare. He forced down  the sick feeling in his stomach, as he forced his stare on the fire in front of him. He didn’t stare at Y/n across from him, the girl who had his heart for years. The love that seemed to always  torture him, knowing he could never have her. How could he love her? Was he even worth her? These questions always kept his confession at bay after all these years. 
He didn’t feel worthy of himself and he feared losing her altogether. He feared that if he spilled the longing he had for her, she’d run away and never turn back. Which is why he never even attempted to confess to her, painfully opting to watch from afar. Loving her from afar. It didn't hurt much since he grew accustomed to the pain, learning how to numb the burning jealousy and sadness within. He knew she didn't love him, that was the only thing that keep him sane.
There was no other female that ever held a candle to her, no other girl who took his breath away. No girl who caused his soul to smile with pure joy. There was no one that took up his heart the way she did, from the very young age of 13. It had always been her. 
“Not really. Back home I was so busy with my duties I hardly had time to look for a potential mate let alone a crush. I did feel something once…… but it ended quickly. It also didn’t help that I had to stay vigilant and watch over my troublesome siblings”  he states, earning a glare from both Kiri and Lo’ak. Neteyam was shocked at how easily he was able to lie through his teeth. He added a tiny bit of the truth in there to make his story believable. 
 Neteyam stifles a laugh, looking anywhere else but Y/n. He didn’t want his feelings to betray him, after many long years.
The group seems satisfied with his response as they move on to Roxto, then Kiri. Both admitting to never having feelings for anyone else until they met each other. How romantic. 
Then, it landed on Y/n. 
“So, did you have any childhood crushes??” Tsireya asks giddily, genuinely interested. Y/n giggles covering her mouth with her hand, her cheeks turning purple in embarrassment. Neteyam finds himself smiling at the gesture. 
“I did, and it wasn't a childhood crush. It was serious until I realized I didn’t have a shot and I had to move on” Y/n starts, every eye on her. All equally invested.
 Neteyam goes stiff. She liked someone? It wasn't a child-like crush, it was serious. Who was it? Had he turned her down? How didn't he notice? Neteyam is bombarded with these questions as he leans closer into the circle. Now fully invested. 
“Who was it?” Roxto asks, sitting on the edge of his seat. Y/n chuckles, sending Neteyam a quick apologetic glance. Neteyam’s eyes furrow in question. 
“It was Neteyam….” 
Neteyam’s ears flatten against his head, his breathing comes to a halt at her words. 
“I loved Neteyam for the longest time, ever since I was a little  girl. I always followed him around” Y/n adds chucking at the memory fondly. Everyone shares smiles, wanting to hear more.
 All while Neteyam sat frozen in time. She loved him? Ever since she began following him? ‘How could I have been so blind….w-we both l-loved each other?’ Neteyam felt stupid, he hated himself for not noticing. All that time thinking he wasn't good enough, all that time worrying he’d lose their friendship over a confession. All of the pain that came with watching her from a distance. All that pain. All of it could have been avoided. 
“Did you know?” Lo’ak asks causally causing Neteyam to jolt up. 
“N-no I n-neve-“ 
“I made sure he didn’t notice. I honestly never thought I had a chance which is why I decided to keep everything under wraps” Y/n quickly cuts in. In her eyes Neteyam looked disgruntled and slightly uncomfortable. When in reality he was beating himself up for being so foolish.
“How did you get over it?? When did you get over it?” Kiri asks, causing Roxto to nudge her. “You don’t have to answer if that makes you uncomfortable!” Kiri quickly adds, 
“It’s fine, we're all adults here. And it was a while ago I guess…I took many years to get over him. But eventually I did and now I’ve finally moved on '' Y/n looks at Neteyam apologetically. 
“I’m sorry Neteyam, this must be so uncomfortable. Hearing that your best friend once had a crush on you” Y/n says apologetically causing Neteyam to finally find his voice in the middle of his shock. 
“No. It’s f-fine. If I knew I would hav-“ Neteyam whispers his feeling blubber inside of him. He felt he had to let her know, know that he felt the same. That he still feels the same. His feelings almost slip past his lips as Ao’nung walks towards the group with an annoyed sigh. Holding a tray filled with drinks accompanied with a gourd. 
“Next time you guys want drinks, don’t order the future Olo'eyktan to grab them for you” Ao’nung grumbles, handing Tsireya the tray who passes it around. Neteyam mechanically accepts his glass, his eyes sorrowfully watching as Ao’nungs seats himself beside Y/n. Pulling her into an embrace. 
Y/n stares up into his eyes lovingly as Ao’nung places a careful kiss on her cheek. 
Neteyam feels sick to his stomach as he watches the mated pair cuddle against one another. His entire life he suppressed his feelings. Feelings he thought were forbidden. Dwellings he thought would harm his friendship with the girl he longed and dreamed about. 
He painfully watched the last 4 years as Y/n and Ao’nung got closer together, eventually announcing their union before Ewya. Neteyam felt a part of him die that day, but he was okay and happy knowing she found someone she loved, after all, what he felt was unrequited, she didn't love him back. Therefore he never had a chance. 
But now, all that self talk and self reassurance crumbled as Y/n had confessed she once loved him. For so long. 
There was a perfect moment in time where  they both mutually loved another. 
‘Only if I wasn't a coward’ Neteyam cursed, his eyes stinging with the unshed tears as he watched Y/n nuzzle against Ao’nung. Her mate for life.
He missed his chance, long ago. But now he would have to live with the knowledge he lost her not because she didn’t leave him back. But because he was too much of a coward to fight for his love for her. 
“Hey, are you ok?” Lo’ak whispers quietly, ignoring the chattering group. He made his way over to his brother who had been dead silent for a while. He catches the glossy look in his brother's eyes, how he watched Y/n from across the fire. A look filled with longing, sadness and regret.
 Lo’ak felt his stomach lurch at the thought that Neteyam might be on the verge of crying. 
“Neteyam?” He calls again, Neteyam finally turning to his brother. His eyes blown wide as he struggles to hold in his tears. Small gasps escaped his body that caused his body to shake. Lo’ak realizes the symptoms Neteyam was having, a start of a panic attack. He quickly pulls his brother up, letting him rest all his weight against his body. This catches the attention of the group as Y/n stands up, her face scrunched with worry. 
“It’s fine, he’s feeling sick. Told you guys he can’t hold his liquor” Lo’ak jokes teasingly. He tosses Tsireya a knowing look before excusing himself from the group. All the while having Y/n’s  worried stare focus on the retreating boys. 
As they walk a good few feet away Lo’ak glances at his brother's defeated face. The tears run along his cheeks freely as he tries to regulate his breathing. His face was in complete mourning, as if he had lost something of high value.
Lo’ak was able to put the pieces together, Why he had been acting differently. Why his brother always looked at Y/n as if she held the stars, in complete wonderment. And why he looked completely distraught hearing Y/n confess about her past feelings. 
“It was her….you loved her didn’t you” Lo’ak states causing Neteyam to whimper out in pain.
 “Yes” he gasps. He felt as though his world was crumbling around him. 
“It has always been her” 
Lo’ak felt his heart crumble, his brother, the mighty warrior looking defeated as the life in his eyes disappeared. It was as if he felt as though he had nothing else to live for. 
Neteyam choked in another sob, unable to control himself any longer. He desperately wished he could go back in time. Tell his younger self to open his eyes. To take the step he couldn’t take.
He couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if he was aware of her feelings back then. Would they have been mated? Would they be this stupidly in love? Would they begin to start a family Neteyam always dreamed about. Neteyam couldn’t help but wonder. 
‘I wish I knew…..’ his vision became blurry with the endless tears. His sobs taking him full force, causing him to shake in Lo’ak’s arms. 
‘I wish I knew you wanted me’
A/N: Hi!!!! I hope you enjoyed, I was was in a angsty mood so I decided to finish this idea I had for a while. I'm not good at writing angst so this is my attempt! Let me know what you think! I love receiving input from you guys. Also, Thank you for 250 Followers!!!!! I'm so blessed!! I love you guysss!!!!
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teyamloak · 2 years
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Angry... part 2
↳ neteyam x fem! human reader x lo'ak
✩ warnings: neteyam is 18 lo'ak is 17, y/n is 17, fighting, cursing, jealousy.
✩ synopsis: lo’ak confronts you about what was happing with neteyam.
✩ note: hi everyone, the last one got a very surprising couple of likes…..but anyways I hope you like this one! also, this chapter talks about mating a lot and you might be wondering how a human can meet with a naive but in this case, the mating is more spiritual than connecting queues they still connect their queues but in her case, she can’t, so it’s more spiritual.
୨⎯ lo’ak’s pov ⎯୧
have you ever needed someone so bad that once you’re away from them you start to feel like someone is pouring  lava into your heart?
that’s what I feel when I’m away from her. my heart bleeds for her. it beats because she’s with me. I know she won’t go anywhere. I made sure she wouldn’t go anywhere.
the only competition I’ve ever had was with my brother, even though the competition part was only on my part. since I was little I knew that he was going to want you one day. I was right when we were 7 and he was 8 he told me he liked you, and he said that he wanted to mate you. At that moment I didn’t know what a “mate” was until I asked my dad about it. Once he described it I instantly knew that she was my future mate. I’ve known you were my future mate since I was 7 years old. Ever since then, I’ve made it my goal to have you become my mate, there was only one problem.
the brother I love deeply but hate only because I want her.
she’s mine. I’ve always gotten what I wanted and I know that I want her. she is my peace.
the day I found out what was a mate I told neteyam that she was my mate already and that we made a whole plan to mate when we become 18. 18 is the mating age. once you turn 18 you need to mate. you will have your first heat.
18 is an important number. a number that I love as much as I hate. my brother will be 18 before me. how much I wish I was the older brother, to be 18 first. if I’m 18 first then that means I have a 100% chance of y/n being my mate. I know she will be my mate because I’m the only thing she knows I’m the only one that makes her feel “safe” I’m her “family” and she’s attached to me like a lost puppy.
I always believed that y/n would be my mate, and I truly hope that it would be true.  But once I saw them in the island  I knew that that could be ripped away from me. 
he knows to stay away from her. he promised he would. all those years ago, he said he would.  but now I find them alone? why would she do this to me? Why would he do this to me? he knows how much she means to me, how much I care for her.  I needed only one year, I had only one year left. she could’ve been mine if you would’ve stayed away. I knew she had been stripped away for me. The moment I saw her cling to his hand when he tried to move no matter if his face showed anger, he knew he wanted her. I knew he wanted her.
as quickly as I saw him, hold onto her hand is as quickly as I saw him, retrieve his hand. he nods at me he doesn’t have to say anything but I know what he says, he saying “sorry” why would he be saying “sorry” is it because he told her that he has feelings for her before I could, or is it because they have already been mated, but I know too well in my heart that they haven’t mated yet she still can be mine. 
୨⎯ y/n pov ⎯୧
“what are you doing out here y/n? why are you with neteyam?” “ oh, you know aonung was being mean to me and neteyam came to help me.” 
“wtf did they do to you” his voice was firmer than before. He takes a step forward. You can hear the sand ruffle underneath his feet. He was close, as close as neteyam was before him. 
Shiley, I responded to his question “they didn’t do anything, aonung and his friends were just trying to be funny ” I was telling him the truth in a way. I’ve never lied to lo’ak before. I felt weird and wrong, I got the feeling of being dirty again I’ve been feeling that a lot recently. 
“so why did neteyam have to get involved?” “yk he never gets involved with you, so why now?” “lo’ak it’s not that serious, he was just helping me because he knows how much you care for me” “that it?” “ofc lo‘ak why else would he have done it”
“you’re right, I’m overreacting. I just wish I could’ve been there, I would’ve killed them, yk that right” after saying this it felt like his tall frame was 100 times taller. I knew that lo’ak would do anything for me but was killing also something he would do?
“come here” his face softens, he was back to being my lo’ak he wasn’t acting weird. I listened to his requests and went over there, once I was there he wraps his big arms around me. I was enclosed by his big, strong arms. I felt “safe” just like with neteyam.
why was I so safe around both of them? matter of fact why do I feel so safe with neteyam when I know nothing about him even after I’ve known him since birth?
have you ever felt like you were made to be with someone? At times I get this weird feeling, a feeling that at times I can’t shake. sometimes I feel like lo’ak has made me his project, he has been telling me what to do since I was little he tells me what to wear and what to not wear. he tells me how to act, how to talk, and how to react to other people. sometimes it feels like I’m not the real me I’m just a lost puppy.
I love lo’ak with all my heart but the things that neteyam told me made me look at things from a different perspective.
I was alone right now, at the beach. I tend to be at the beach a lot and things tend to happen when I’m at the beach. I need to stop coming to the beach.
looking at the sky and blue waters that have always made me feel “free” neteyam has strangely made me feel the same. I’ve been thinking about neteyam these past few days. I’ve only ever thought about lo’ak like this but lo’ak hasn’t been on my mind like neteyam has. since that day has passed neteyam hasn’t talked to me.  he hasn’t even looked in my direction he hasn’t even paid attention to me when the other kids were bullying me when I was alone. 
did lo’ak say something to him to make him stop talking to me just like how he did before, I need to talk to him again I miss him….
Jake and Neytiri are throwing a party today. They said that it would bring us and the Metkayina Clan closer. I disagree we’ve been here for a week, and they still haven’t been nice to any of us especially me. this is going to be hell for me. luckily I still have lo’ak.
even though Neytiri doesn’t really like me I like to see her as a mother she did “raise” me even if she was forced into it.
I’ve gotten ready, I thought I looked cute, and Neytiri made me this cute little outfit she even made me a new loincloth this one was almost “sexy” and the last loincloth I had was more kiddish. my top was also new it was bigger around my boob area because they have been growing a lot recently. the new top that I had just put on showed way more skin than my last one, in the back of my mind I hoped that neteyam would like it. Not once did I think about lo’ak’s approval.
the party had already started gettng loud everyone was having a good time, dancing and singing. I still haven’t gone outside, I’m scared. I’m scared to see what people will say about my new outfit, will they call me names? look at me differently?
after a little while of debate, about whether or not I should change I decided not to. I finally left my little hut in search of neteyam. I wanted to see him, show him how I look. walking around I see everyone smiling, I started to smile because of how happy everyone looked. my smile quickly vanished once I saw aonung approaching me, I was about to move away when he stopped me. he placed a hand near the way I was about to walk. 
calmly he asked me if we could talk. The first thing that came to my mind was “is this a set up is he trying to do something” but deep down I knew he wasn’t going to do anything so I accepted his requests and followed him to talk, alone.
weirdly it feels like I’m getting déjà vu from walking around these places, it reminds me of neteyam, everything reminding me of him. 
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we stop after a little while of walking, and aonung turns around and gives me the smile that he always gives me. if I didn’t hate him so much I would’ve liked him don’t get me wrong he’s a shit person but he is hot and that smile, god that smile is so hot, but I control myself because of how much I hate him.
I was the first one to break the silence, it was getting weird that he wasn’t saying anything to me just staring and smiling at me.
“Why did you want to talk” “I wanted to apologize about what happened last week” he wanted to apologize. why did he want to apologize to me, he has never apologized to me. “why are you apologizing now?” he straight up tells me “neteyam almost broke my face because I wasn’t going to apologize, so I came here to apologize and because I want to start over with you. I don’t want to be mean anymore. especially not to you.”
was neteyam right? did aonung like me? that can’t be, it couldn’t be.
I’m being delusional, 3 guys can’t “like” me it’s weird enough that 2 brothers might like me but aonung… he’s literally been so mean to me. Maybe i heard the last part wrong. He only apologized because of neteyam.
Neteyam…Neteyam…even his name is beautiful..eywa why did you have to make him so perfect….why great mother.
What am i doing? why am i thinking about him he “hates” me, he still hates me right?
I liked it better when he hated me. my mind was quieter, my mind knew what I wanted, and my mind only knew one thing. Lo’ak. My best friend, my everything. He’s everything i know,he’s my soulmate, right?
The love I have for lo’ak is like the love I have for our great mother. I’m suppose to end up with him. He’s everything i know. I want to keep it that's way I’m going to keep it that way.
Fuck neteyam he’s playing with my mind, this is how he is, mean. I’m done going along with his games.
I’ll ignore him.
But how can i when he’s all i’ve been thinking about lately.
I hope y’all enjoyed this part as much as y’all loved the first part. Sorry i’ve been gone i had a lot of things on my plate but i’m back now!!!

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bookworm551 · 1 year
Of Duty and Desire | Chapter 5 | Neteyam x Metkayina!reader
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A/N: sorry this took so long!!!! I wish I had a good excuse but really it was just writers block. Anyways, I appreciate your patience, I love you all <33
Word Count: 6.8k words
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 6 Epilogue
When you woke up the next day, you had a few blissful seconds where everything felt normal. You stretched as the light reflected on your face, and you enjoyed the sounds of the village waking up for a moment. Then, the memories of the previous night hit you all at once, and all the guilt came rushing back.
Memories replayed in your head over and over again. His hungry lips trailing down your neck, your eager hands pulling him close, the sound of your heavy breathing echoing around you. It was like a dream that never should have come to life.
You ran your hands over your face. This was not good. You thought you could still be friends, that you could maintain some form of friendship with him, but last night was clear evidence that it wasn't possible. Being alone with him, seeing him with the blue-green cast of colors on his face, and hearing him say how much he wanted to be with you had all been too much for you to think and act rationally.
Now, you had to get up and go about your day pretending as if nothing had happened. And that's exactly what you did.
You threw yourself into your chores, doing everything in your power to distract yourself from the night before. You even asked Ronal for more work when you finished your chores in record time. It was terrible for you to look her in the eye knowing that if she found out about last night, she would unleash a flood of fury on you.
Everything was going relatively smoothly up until late in the afternoon when Aonung found you on the beach mid-errand. "I've been looking for you," he stated as he came up behind you. You looked up at him in alarm, your heart speeding up anxiously. "Oh?" you managed to reply quietly, trying to appear unfazed by his presence.
"I am about to leave with Rotxo and the others," he explained. "There is still time for you to join if you'd like." The anxious tension in your chest subsided somewhat at his question. You had forgotten that he and the others were planning on going hunting, even though they had talked about it just last night. You also remembered that Neteyam had also been invited to go as well.
Forcing a smile, you replied, "Thank you, but I think I will stay inside the sea wall today." Aonung shrugged casually. "Very well," he said. "We'll be back by eclipse." You nodded and watched him walk off, taking a breath to steady your heart.
You needed to figure out some way to reconcile what had happened between you and Neteyam, but you didn't know what to do. You knew how upset Aonung would be if you confessed what you had done with Neteyam and how you felt about him. You knew how upset Ronal would be if she knew that you were in love with someone other than her son. To stay silent would mean you would be eaten up by guilt, but to speak would surely mean severe consequences.
You wouldn't mind facing the repercussions of your actions. In fact, you felt that you should, but you hesitated out of fear of what would happen to Neteyam. If you were to be in trouble, you still had some level of protection through Ronal's connection with your mother, but with Neteyam, there was no doubt that your mentor would be angry enough with him to try something as drastic as excommunication. You would never be able to forgive yourself if he had to face punishment like that.
Shaking yourself from your thoughts, you headed back to the village. You returned to distracting yourself through work, braiding, weaving, and organizing anything you could find. You hadn't even realized the hours that had flown by until you stepped outside to go diving for sea grass.
You had initially planned on swimming out to the edge of the sea wall on your own, but now, you considered taking an ilu. Glancing at the sky, you figured you had less than an hour before eclipse. After deliberating for a moment, you decided that it was enough time for you to gather what you needed without one. As much as you enjoyed riding, swimming on your own was more relaxing.
Swimming out to the edge of the sea wall, you became distracted from your thoughts by the graceful creatures darting around you. Nothing cleared your mind from plaguing thoughts better than floating in the warm water while the glowing dots and stripes of the sea animals swirling around you.
You swam down to the sea floor where the sea grass swayed lazily with the movement of the water. You began pulling up the grass from its roots, tying each bundle tightly before placing it in your pouch. While you were gathering, you were blissfully unaware of a creature nestled in the grass around you.
Reaching for another handful of grass, you touched the fin of what you quickly learned was a viper ray. Defensive and vicious, viper rays typically avoided the reef and rarely came in past the sea wall. Though they were beautiful to watch, being so close to one was dangerous. Their venomous sting had been known to kill Na'vi in the past, and even if it wasn't fatal, it was definitely a very painful experience.
Your touch startled the hiding creature. Faster than you could process, the viper ray whipped around and slashed its thick tail at you, swiping across your ribs.
You immediately flinched and released much of the air you were holding. The pain was immediate, a deep burning sensation that outweighed any sort of injury you had ever experienced. The viper ray darted away back into the grass, leaving you clutching your side as you felt you air supply depleting. Desperately, you began kicking towards the surface as quickly as you could.
When you broke above the water, you gasped in pain. You instinctively clutched at your side, the sting burning like a fire across your body. You looked back at the village, a decently long swim even without being injured. You cursed at yourself for not bringing an ilu. Now, you had no idea how you would get back on your own.
Still, you began kicking towards the beach, your breathing too fast and frantic to dive back down again. From the corner of your eye, you saw movement. Turning your head, you made out several figures in the distance on skimwings leisurely heading back to the village. Blinking through the pain, you recognized the people passing by as the group of your friends who had gone hunting earlier. They must have just returned.
In the dying light, you could make out Neteyam and Aonung side-by-side on their skimwings. Pain was coursing through your side as your breathing came in shallow breaths. You finally managed to inhale enough to call out as loudly as you could, "Neteyam!"
He must have heard your voice because his head immediately whipped around to find you. After a moment, he spotted your bobbing form in the water and swiftly moved to where you were floating.
What took less than a minute for him to cross over to you felt like an eternity with the viper ray venom coursing through you. You were grimacing in pain, the salt water causing your sting to burn even worse. Already, you were feeling the fatigue that came with viper ray stings.
"What's wrong?" Neteyam asked in concern, noticing your face contorted in pain. Right behind him, Aonung came up to you on his skimwing. "I've been stung," you managed to gasp as you struggled to stay above the water. "Viper ray."
Neteyam's face shifted from concern to panicked realization. He had heard the stories of the infamous creature and knew the potentially fatal effects it had. Aonung, too, realized the severity of your injury. "She needs to go to my mother now," he told his friend urgently.
Both boys jumped off of their mounts to take you, and you reached a weak hand out to Neteyam. He took it and pulled you over to his skimwing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, squeezing your eyes shut and resting your head on his chest as he hoisted the two of you onto the back of his skimwing.
Your breathing came in sharp gasps as you took off towards the village. In your mind, your thoughts were growing hazy, and it became difficult for you to understand the reassuring words Neteyam was whispering in your ear. Everything was blurring, and the only thing that somewhat distracted you from the pain in your side was the comfort of Neteyam's arms holding you tightly.
You didn't realize it at the time, but the rest of the hunting party that Neteyam and Aonung were with had noticed the two of them speeding off toward the village and quickly followed suit. When you reached the beach, they all pooled around you to figure out what was happening.
"Find Ronal," Neteyam told the group of them as he carefully slid you off of his skimwing. They all hesitated for a moment, recognizing you curled up in pain in his arms.
"What happened to—,"
"Now," Neteyam snapped, his composure cracking over the panicked desperation he was fighting. The group of hunters scattered across the village, but Aonung remained behind in the water with the two of you.
"Let me take her," he told Neteyam, reaching for your form resting in his arms, but he didn't let you go. "I've got her," he said sharply, wading through the water quickly. Aonung was taken aback somewhat, but he didn't press it since he didn't want to waste precious time arguing.
It wasn't long before Ronal came rushing out to meet you all on the beach. She took a moment to assess you, feeling how your skin was growing unusually warm. "Come quickly," she told Neteyam urgently as she moved back to her pod.
Neteyam stepped after her towards the village. You were groaning in pain, your vision coming in and out of focus. You were still aware of the fact that you were in his arms, but your thoughts were becoming increasingly disorganized. You had felt his strong arms around you before, but when? You had been upset about him earlier, but why?
You tried to focus, but the pain radiating from your ribs made it impossible for you to think clearly. Still, in your cloudy mind, you had a lingering memory of something scandalous.
"What are you doing here?" You mumbled quietly to Neteyam, your speech slurring a little bit. He looked down at you for a second before replying, "You are hurt, and you need help." You groaned again as if to prove his point and turned your face into his chest. "It's okay," he soothed in a low voice, "I will take care of you."
When you had made it to Ronal's tent, Neteyam set you down carefully on the mat. He stayed by your side while Aonung crouched on your other side. Ronal quickly set to work, pouring water over your sting and wiping away the bleeding. You hissed in pain as she inspected the gash in your side.
Grabbing Neteyam's arm tightly, you cried out through clenched teeth, "It burns." He ran a soothing hand over your forehead. "I know it does," he replied, trying to keep his voice calm for you and failing miserably. "You'll be okay." Your breathing was labored as you looked up at his with glassy eyes. "Every day, it burns," you murmured. "How can I stop it, Neteyam?"
Neteyam's heart ached. You weren't just talking about your sting. Your words were echoing what you had said the previous night. It had been weighing on Neteyam the whole day. He had been unable to shake your words from his mind, and he replayed the memory of kissing you over and over again. He would never forget the blissful moment you shared, but he could never forget the look of horror and heartbreak on your face when you had realized what you had done. It burned, indeed.
"What is she saying?" Aonung asked sharply, staring at Neteyam's longing face with suspicion. He looked up at him, pulled from his thoughts, and said dismissively, "She's hallucinating."
"I don't want to stop it," you whispered in a breathy voice. "I wish it could be real." Neteyam tensed at your words and prayed that you would stop talking in front of Ronal and Aonung. Ronal didn't seem to heed your babbling as she worked, but Aonung was looking back and forth between your face and Neteyam's.
"What is she saying?" Aonung repeated in a hard voice. Neteyam's voice felt stuck, and his silence was only made worse when you reached out your hand up from Neteyam's arm to trace his cheek gently with your fingers. He brought his hand up to hold yours and closed his eyes in guilt. There was no way he could justify this.
Ronal's working hands stilled as she witnessed him grabbing your hand, her eyes flashing to Neteyam and then to her son. Neteyam kept his eyes on your face, but he could feel Aonung's burning glare.
He was putting the pieces together. He had known for a while that you were good friends with Neteyam ever since he first came to the reef, but Aonung had never felt any reason to suspect anything else. Recently, though, he had noticed a shift in his friend’s behavior. He had inexplicably started avoiding your friend group, and it didn’t escape his notice the way that Neteyam had been much more reserved recently.
All this, Aonung would have ignored, but now, he reconsidered everything. He had noted how you had called for Neteyam in the water. He saw how you had reached out for him and how you wrapped your arms around him tightly. He noticed the defensive way that Neteyam held onto you, refusing to let go. Now, hearing your mutterings and seeing you reach out for Neteyam, Aonung felt anger bubble in his chest.
"What did you do?" He seethed. Neteyam looked up at him and held up his free hand. "Aonung, please, I can expl—" Aonung shot up quickly and repeated in a harsh voice, "What did you do?!"
The tension was palpable in the silence. "Take this outside," Ronal ordered sharply, and Neteyam could feel the tsahik's anger in her voice. He got up slowly, dropping your hand. You whimpered as he pulled away from you. "No," you pleaded softly. "Stay." Neteyam could see that your words made Aonung even angrier, so he got up and darted out of the tent, closely followed by the other boy.
Outside, the young Metkayina warrior shoved Neteyam's shoulder. "What was that?" Aonung demanded, his chest heaving in anger. Neteyam held up his hands as a pacifying gesture. "Please, let's just—"
"Did you mate with her?" Aonung cut him off furiously. His forwardness caught Neteyam a little off-guard, and his denial seemed to be stuck in his throat. Just then, Kiri, Tsireya, and Lo'ak came around after hearing that you were injured, and Neteyam groaned internally. Having an audience would make this so much worse.
"Did you?" Aonung pressed, ignoring the others. Turning his focus away from his siblings, Neteyam replied, "No, I would never dishonor you like that." Tsireya looked questioningly between him and her brother. "What is going on?" She asked in confusion.
Aonung ignored his sister. "But you want to," he accused Neteyam. Already uncomfortable with having his family present, he stepped towards Aonung. "Let's talk about this alone," he said in a low voice. The other young warrior shoved him back. "Why?" He demanded. "Because it's true? You want her?"
Kiri took in a sharp breath, and Neteyam heard his brother curse loudly. Neteyam felt trapped. "My friend, please," he implored quietly. Aonung scoffed. "You are no friend of mine," he spat in a loud voice. "How long have you been sneaking around behind my back?"
As if things couldn't get any worse, Jake, Neytiri, and Tonowari came up behind their children, alarmed by the shouting. "What is the meaning of this?" The Olo'eyktan demanded to know. Pointing an accusatory finger at Neteyam, Aonung replied, "He has fallen in love with the woman intended for me."
There was a short, stunned silence, and Neteyam saw the look of disappointed frustration on his father's face. "Is this true?" Tonowari inquired severely. Neteyam hesitated for a moment, but he quickly realized he was in too deep to deny anything. "Yes," he admitted quietly.
Everyone present reacted differently. Aonung looked ready to kill Neteyam, Tsireya gasped softly, and Kiri put her face in her hand. Lo'ak looked half-impressed while Neytiri closed her eyes and began muttering under her breath either prayers or profanities. Tonowari and Jake exchanged uneasy glances and shifted uncomfortably.
"Do not blame her," Neteyam continued insistently. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have—," Jake raised his hand, cutting off his son. "Stop talking," he said harshly. Neteyam remained obediently silent while Jake ran a frustrated hand over his face. "Did you two...?"
Neteyam shook his head hastily. "No," he stated. "We are not bonded." A small sigh of relief came from both of his parents before Neytiri stepped forward toward her son. "I never expected this from you," she said in a low, harsh whisper. "You have brought shame upon yourself, upon this family."
Neteyam stood quietly as his mother began her rant. He knew this was coming, and it hurt just as much as he expected it to. Disappointing his parents was the worst feeling for him, and now he was getting the scolding of a lifetime in front of the rest of his family as well as the chief's.
Ronal stepped out of the tent just then, looking extremely displeased, and everybody turned to her expectantly. "She is asleep," the tsahik explained. "Her body will burn away the venom in time." Neteyam breathed a quick sigh of relief, but he was quickly filled with the apprehension of having to face Ronal's fury.
She pointed her glare at him. "Now, what is going on with you?" She asked in a displeased voice. Aonung stepped forward before Neteyam could respond and interjected, "He is in love with her." Ronal turned sharply to face Neteyam, and her scathing glare deepened. "We bring you into our home," she began in a slow, seething voice, "show you our ways, offer protection, and you return it by blatantly disrespecting us, my son, by trying to enamor his intended mate?"
Neteyam shook his head again. "No," he insisted, working hard to maintain a composed voice. "That was never my intention." Ronal look away from him and back at the healing tent. "And what about her?" She asked, gesturing to where you were sleeping. "Does she return your affections?"
Neteyam hesitated, not wanting to bring you into the mess of trouble he was already in. "I cannot speak for her," he said finally. Aonung scoffed at his words. "You heard what she was saying," he told his mother. "Of course she does."
Neteyam didn't say anything—there was no point. Jake stepped up to him, his face hardened in aggravation. "I told you to back off," he reminded harshly in English. "I said not to cause trouble." Neteyam nodded solemnly and muttered, "I know."
Jake huffed an exasperated sigh. "I'll take care of this," he muttered to Tonowari. Neteyam closed his eyes in shame. This was exactly the thing he was trying to avoid in leaving you alone. Now, he was in for a long night of listening to his parents berate him for hours.
Ronal scoffed. "We cannot allow this," she stated in outrage. "Your son has dishonored our son. He cannot go unpunished." Jake held up a reassuring hand. "Believe me, he will be dealt with," he told her earnestly.
"And how do you suppose he is to be punished?" She shot back. "He cannot be allowed anywhere near her again." Neytiri took a heated step towards Ronal. "You cannot exile my son," she asserted angrily. The tsahik glared at her. "Perhaps that would be the best solution," she countered in a haughty voice.
The two sets of parents all began arguing over each other. Neteyam watched in silent guilt. All of this fighting and contempt stemmed from him falling for you. He should have been more careful. He never should have taken you flying. He never should have danced with you. He knew better than that, but he couldn't help himself. He had wanted to thrill you, please you, any way he could, but now, his indiscretion had caused this dispute between his family and Aonung's.
While Neteyam was dwelling on his guilt, Aonung was glaring at him in resentment.
In the time that the Sullys had been in the reef, Aonung had gone from viewing Neteyam as a rival to seeing him as one of his closest friends. He had taught him the ways of the Metkayina. They had hunted together. They killed the akula together. And it was true that Aonung had no romantic feelings toward you, but he still held great respect for you and thought of you as his future tsahik with satisfaction.
Now, everything was changing. It was one thing for you not to feel anything romantically toward him, but it was something else entirely for you to be in love with someone else, especially when that someone else was in love with you. These bitter thoughts swirled in his mind until his voice finally called out above the bickering parents.
"I call for First Blood."
Everyone froze.
The Rite of First Blood was a dangerous and rarely used rite amongst the Na'vi that is only invoked in the most serious of disagreements. When someone called for First Blood with another, they fought in close combat until one of the participants drew blood from their opponent. The victor's conditions were binding and unimpeachable. What made it dangerous was that there were no stipulations other than requiring blood to be drawn, so the victor could go as far as mortally wounding their opponent if they so chose.
"Aonung, are you sure?" Ronal questioned after recovering from her stunned silence. Even she was startled by her son's call for such a serious matter. Aonung held a level glare at Neteyam as he replied firmly, "Yes."
Ronal shot her mate a reluctant look. "Very well," Tonowari conceded after a moment. "What are your conditions?" Everybody stared at Aonung, waiting expectantly to hear what he would demand if he was the victor. "If I win," he began slowly, staring at Neteyam. "You will leave the reef and never come back."
Immediate protestations arose from each of the Sullys except Neteyam, who silently held Aonung's glare with his own level gaze. "Silence!" Tonowari roared, cutting off the forest family sharply. Aonung continued as though he hadn't been cut off, "And I will be with the woman I am betrothed to."
All eyes were on Neteyam for his reaction, but he remained still, face impassive. "I accept," he responded evenly.
"Neteyam," Tonowari addressed. "What are your conditions?" He didn't respond for a second, thinking carefully about what to say, and Aonung scoffed. "We already know," he huffed. "If you win, she is yours."
"No," Neteyam replied resolutely.
Everybody blinked in surprise and exchanged uneasy glances. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. "She has already had so many decisions made for her," he explained slowly, shooting a look at Ronal's scowling face. "She deserves to have a choice for once in her life."
He looked back over at Tonowari. "That is my condition," he said decidedly. "If I win, she chooses if she wants to be tsakarem. If so, then she will continue her duties without reprimand, but if not, then she can renounce her title honorably, without shame, and without fear of retribution."
Ronal hissed in anger, but Neteyam was waiting for Aonung's reaction expectantly. The young Metkayina warrior nodded slowly and stated, "I accept." Tonowari was not pleased in the slightest about the arrangement, but he nodded gravely. "The Rite of First Blood shall take place at high noon tomorrow," he confirmed before turning to Jake.
"I suggest you keep your son away from here until then," he muttered in a low voice to him, but Neteyam could still hear him. Jake was glaring at his son as he responded, "Believe me, he won't leave my sight." Neteyam's stomach sank at the reality of having to face his parents' wrath for the rest of the night until noon. All he wanted was to see you and make sure you were alright, but there was absolutely no way anybody was going to let that happen now.
The good thing was that you were actually alright. You slept for a few hours before you began to stir again. Strange dreams and voices in your head made your sleep turbulent, so it was a relief to open your eyes again. Through your hazy vision, you could see a person sitting next to you, wiping the sweat off of your forehead.
You tried to say something, but your voice felt stuck, and all that came out was a quiet groan. "It's okay," a soft voice whispered. "You are still fighting off the venom." You blinked several times before your sight focused, and you were able to see who it was.
Tsireya's face was full of concern as she gazed down at you sadly. You mumbled her name, and she ran her hand over your hair comfortingly. "What happened?" you asked, your voice rough as a result of a dry throat.
She didn't respond, instead reaching for a bowl of fresh water for you to drink. She held your head up as you took a few eager gulps of it before laying you back down gently. "What happened?" you repeated, sounding clearer now that you had slaked your thirst.
"What do you remember?" Tsireya asked instead, taking the bowl back from your hand. You thought back, the memory of the viper ray flashing in your mind. "I remember getting stung," you began slowly. "I remember finding Aonung and Neteyam." You paused as the memory of Neteyam's arms carrying you replayed in your head. "That's about it," you finished quietly.
Tsireya studied your face for a moment. "Neteyam brought you back here," she explained nervously. "But you started saying strange things." Your face scrunched in confusion. "What kind of things?" You asked. Tsireya hesitated. "I am not sure," she confessed. "But Aonung—," she hesitated for a moment. "Aonung thinks that you are in love with Neteyam."
You blanched. Your mouth opened and shut, but no words came out. You were entirely unprepared for this accusation and could not think of how to defend yourself.
"It is true, isn't it?" She asked quietly. Your mind was reeling, and you were trying to think of something to say, but there was no way for you to justify what you had done. Your heart started pounding, and you began taking uneasy breaths. "Breathe," she implored, taking your hand comfortingly. Her touch helped ground you, and you tried your best to regain your composure.
"Tsireya," you began, "I— I never meant for anything to happen. I never meant to betray your brother." You could see the sadness and sympathy she had for you on her face. "I do not blame you," she told you gently, but you could see that she was torn. "But Aonung is very angry, as is my mother."
You closed your eyes, feeling the bitter sting of knowing you've disappointed the very people you sought to impress. "What did they have to say?" You questioned, not sure you wanted to hear the answer. Tsireya hesitated a moment before answering.
"Aonung has called for the Rite of First Blood with Neteyam."
Your blood ran cold. You immediately propped yourself upright, but you still felt weak from the venom, and your arms buckled. "What?" You whispered, horrified. Tsireya pressed gently on your shoulders to get you to lie back down before she nodded reluctantly. "It has been set for noon tomorrow," she explained.
You stared up at her face, mortified by what she had said. "What are the conditions?" You managed to whisper finally. She took your hand again, and you braced yourself for whatever she was going to say.
"Aonung's conditions are that Neteyam must leave the reef forever," she stated quietly. Your stomach twisted at her words. You closed your eyes and squeezed her hand. This couldn't be happening. It was just yesterday that you had been wrapped in his arms. You had run away out of guilt, but now the very real possibility of never seeing him again made your chest tighten with fear.
"And Neteyam's?" You whispered, trying your best to remain calm. Tsireya sighed. "If Neteyam is the victor, then you are free to leave your duties as tsakarem if you so choose," she explained.
You blinked. "What?" You questioned, unable to process what she just said. "Neteyam said you should be able to choose whether you want to keep training to be tsahik or not," she repeated. "He also says that you will not face any repercussions for your choice, whatever it may be."
You stared up at Tsireya for a moment, completely stunned. Then, you felt your throat tighten as tears gathered in your eyes. It all hit you so suddenly, you couldn't help but let them fall.
He was fighting for you. And not only to be with you, but to give you the opportunity to decide for yourself what you wanted to do with your life. It was so selfless and considerate. Nobody had ever given you that before.
Tsireya ran her free hand over your forehead again, a look of distress on her face. "I did not know you were so unhappy," she said mournfully. "I wish you would have told me." You shook your head as you took ragged breaths to calm yourself. "I could not," you whispered in a hoarse voice. "Your mother is my mentor, and I am betrothed to your brother. To tell you would mean you would need to keep secrets from both."
She didn't say anything as you took another breath to calm yourself. What you had said made sense, but it didn't make her feel any better knowing that you had been hiding your misery from her.
"I need to speak to him," you said at last, moving to prop yourself up again. Tsireya's eyes widened, and she shook her head vigorously. "No," she replied quickly. "My mother would be furious." You sat upright, the sting on your ribs burning as you moved. She must have seen how you winced because she pushed you back down and said, "You need to stay and rest. You are not fit to move around."
You didn't fight her, but you weren't giving up. "Please, let me see him," you begged. "This is all my fault. I need to talk to him, and I won't be able to tomorrow." She sighed regretfully. "I can't let you do that," she said. "Even if you were well enough, Neteyam's parents will not let him leave their home. Lo'ak said that they are very upset with him as well."
You closed your eyes remorsefully. You hadn't even thought about what his parents would think about a situation like this. You remembered Lo'ak's words to you just a few days prior. If this gets out, Neteyam would be in more trouble than I've ever been in. How had it all gone wrong so quickly?
"The best thing you can do is try to get some rest," Tsireya told you gently. "Especially if you want to be there for the Rite tomorrow." With your eyes still closed, you let out a defeated sigh and nodded. You weren't going to win this argument with her, and since you were already in a heap of trouble as it was, you decided not to press the issue.
Still, sleep was the last thing on your mind. A torrent of thoughts whirled in your head. There were no way you could rest when the possibility of losing Neteyam was looming over you. If he lost, then not only would he have to leave, but you knew that the rest of his family would go with him. After all that they went through to acclimate to the reef, they would be forced to pack up their lives again.
With your thoughts, you were resolved to see Neteyam, consequences be damned. Tsireya had left after about an hour, and it was late enough that most people would be preparing to go to sleep right now.
You sat up slowly, trying not to irritate the sting in your ribs. Standing up, you felt a little dizzy, but it passed after a couple of seconds. Carefully, you stepped out of the tent. You checked that there was no one around before moving quietly down to the beach. You waded into waist deep water before softly calling out to an ilu.
You felt too weak to swim out on your own, so you decided that having an ilu to help was in your best interest. It would also allow you to keep your sting clean and dry. When one of the ilus answered your call, you attached your queue and slowly made your way to the Sullys.
As you came around to where the Sullys lived, you were relieved by the sight before you. Neteyam was sitting at the edge of his home out above the water, an arm resting on his knee while his other leg dangled over the water. He was staring up at the night sky. You had often seen him there, gazing up at the bright stars littering the sky, and you had hoped that he would be out there tonight as well.
With his gaze turned upwards, he didn't see you approaching slowly in the water. You glanced around to ensure nobody was nearby to see or hear you. You noticed that his pod was dark and quiet, indicating that everyone had gone to sleep, so you called his name out softly.
He must have heard you because his head snapped down and fixated on your form in the water. When he recognized you, he immediately turned to look behind him and check that none of his family had heard too. "What are you doing?" He whispered in alarm. "Why are you not resting?"
"I wanted to see you," you whispered back. "Can you come down?" He glanced back over his should for a moment before turning back to face you. "The beach," he said softly.
It was all he needed to say in order for you to understand. You nodded before turning your ilu in the water and swimming back toward the beach. As you stepped out onto the wet sand, he was walking stealthily across the suspended walkways toward you. Leaping down onto the sand, he quickly crossed over to you with a concerned face.
"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly, bringing his hands up to hold your shoulders carefully. "You should be resting, healing." You shook your head as you looked up at him. "I could not rest after what Tsireya told me," you replied quickly.
Raising your own hands, you held his arms by the crook of his elbow. "Is it true? Has Aonung challenged you to First Blood?" You questioned, already knowing in your heart it was true. He let out a small sigh, looking down at you in regret.
"It is," he confirmed in a whisper. "We fight at noon." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to calm yourself. "And the conditions?" You continued. "Tsireya said that if Aonung wins, you...," you trailed off, unable to speak anymore.
"I must leave the reef," he finished for you solemnly. You clenched your jaw in an effort to keep from tearing up. "But if I am the victor," he continued softly, "you will be free to choose the life you want. Whether you remain as the tsakarem or not, the choice will be yours with no consequences."
Your throat tightened at his words, and tears filled your eyes. Nobody had ever advocated for you to have a say in your own life. Ever since you could remember, things had always been arranged for you, and you had been too young to know what you actually wanted. Now, you had something that you wanted, and Neteyam was going to fight with everything in him for you to have it.
You shook your head sadly, looking down from his face. "You shouldn't have to do this," you sighed, squeezing his arms in concern. There was a small pause between you before his hands moved up from your shoulders to hold your face, making you look right up at him. His face softened, and his eyes moved back and forth between yours as he shook his head slowly.
"I would do anything for you."
Your breath faltered at his words, and you leaned into his touch with closed eyes. “I was so worried for you,” he continued softly. “I know what you said last night, but when I saw you in the water, I—,” he paused, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” he said finally, “but I can’t bear being away from you anymore. When I saw an opportunity to be with you, I couldn’t turn it aside.” The corner of his mouth turned upward before he added softly, “If you will have me, that is.”
His voice was so gentle and sincere, and he looked almost nervous waiting for your reply. You couldn't think of anything to say that fully encapsulated how you felt, so you stepped forward and pressed your lips against his.
Neteyam still held your face as he kissed you gently. You leaned into him, savoring the feeling of his soft lips against yours. He pulled away after what felt like too short a time, a faint smile on his face.
"I will have you," you whispered to him, the corners of your mouth tugging upward. You looked up at him, his face inches from yours. "But you better win.” His own smile widened in amusement. "I will," he promised, lowering his forehead to rest against yours. "I'm not going to stay away from you anymore."
You closed your eyes and relished the moment of peace between you. For a second, you were able to forget about the guilt and worry you were feeling about everything and imagined the life you could have with Neteyam, the life you wanted so bad, it hurt.
He pulled you back into another soft kiss. His hands left your face to wrap around your torso and wander up your back, exploring as much of your skin as possible. His touch left you breathless, and you eagerly pulled him as close to you as possible.
You could feel how much he wanted you, but he eventually pulled away from your lips, his eyes closed as he moved away. "I need to go," he whispered quietly, his forehead resting against yours. "My parents will know I've gone."
The reality of the situation returned, and you felt all the fear and anxiety of everything stirring in your chest. You sighed regretfully, not wanting to let him go. Neteyam must have sensed your apprehensions because his hands pulled you into a tight embrace, and he whispered in your ear, "It will be alright."
You buried your face in his neck and repeated the words in your mind, but it was difficult to believe when so much was on the line. It was cruel that this was only the first time you had let yourself hold him like this, and if Aonung won the next day, this may very well be the last time, too.
Gently, he pulled away from you. You let your arms slide off his shoulders, unable to meet his eyes. There was a moment of silence between you, neither of you wanting to leave the other. Finally, he sighed, raised a hand up to your head, and brought his lips against your forehead. You closed your eyes and tried to hold onto the moment while it lasted.
"It will be alright," he murmured against your skin. You nodded faintly. "It will be alright," you echoed. You looked up at him, and he had a small smile on his face. "I will see you tomorrow," he said at last as he began stepping backward toward his home. You could only nod as he moved away. Watching him go, you wrapped your arms around yourself and repeated his words over and over again in your mind.
It will be alright.
Chapter 6
Taglist: @mashiromochi @eywas-heir @kafanizdakicokiyi @plzfeedmebread @afro-hispwriter @fanboyluvr @anm3mi @sadexact @peachinsomnia @fluroescentxadolescent @doulcha @crazy4books1 @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @alicetweven @sarasapen @sadexact
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lizzzylovee · 1 year
Eywa’s Vision
Chapter 1: Arrival
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Summary : “Born with the ability to receive visions of the future, Kani must choose to abandon what she knows to aid in Navi that she's never met.“
Authors note: Hello! Just wanted to start off by saying that this the first thing I have ever wrote before lol. I have fallen in love with the Avatar Movies, and after binge reading I realized I wanted to attempt to do it.
Story starts off with the original characters in Home Tree, the sky people haven't returned yet, and all the characters are aged up by 5 years! I will be going more by Navi standards as best as possible. There will be mature contents, but each chapter will be labeled appropriately as possible. There will be a mix of languages, and I will try my best to be as distinctive as possible lol.
*This will most likely be more slow burn than not, I don’t want to rush the story line as much I really want to lol. Eventual smut*** If you see this on Wattpad I have also posted it there under the same tag.
WK: about 3k ish?
CW: cursing, Neteyam being in love struck awe lol, nothing really in this chapter
Chapter 1: Arrival          Chapter 2: Story Time  
The jungle hummed with life. Through the tall treetops, light seeps through, basking the ground with a peak from the light above. Even with the peaceful feeling, it traps you into a sense of safety.
Crouching down, he looks through the foliage, eyes tracking it's movement. Taking slow breathes, he maneuvers into position, knee bent while kneeling on the ground. Bow grasped tightly in hand, sure movements notches the arrow. With one last inhale, he draws the bow, clenching his core, and with one final glance, he releases.
As the arrow soars, it meets it's final destination, straight into the eyes of the unknowing Yerik.
With a roll of his eyes, he can't help but smirk at the praise of his companion.
"You know bro, one day you too might have a chance of being as good as me."
Spiders smile falls, only to proceed to roll his eyes, and flip off his friends back as he goes to pray over his kill.
"We both know I would kick your ass if I was Navi. Besides, why go hunting if the hunting party already left?"
Lo'ak proceeds to bind his kill, securing the feet together for easier carrying on the way back.
"Because if I show up empty handed, my parents might actually disown me."
"What did you do this time?"
Biting his lip, Lo'ak spares Spider a glance over his shoulder.
"I may or may not have forgotten to watch Tuk, leading her to paint a family portrait on the tent.."
With a baffled look, Spider could only gawk at his friend, watching as he puts the final ties to together.
"And hopefully with my peace offering, my dad might actually rethink the 'life sentence' and take me off cleaning duty."
"Fat chance, but I hope it actually goes well! Kiri's been holed up in the Tsahik tent, last thing I need is my other friend being punished to death." Spider slides down from his watching post, kicking at the grass.
"Other friend, since when did she replace my spot as the best friend?" Lo'ak looks at him, eyebrows furrowed, hand to his chest with mock hurt over his face.
"Oh shut up, let's go home." Spider rolls his eyes, glancing down at the floor, trying his best to get the heat from his face. Lo'ak can only laugh at his friends' inability to admit the truth of his feelings, even though he knows that nothing can come about it. With the raise of his hand cupping the side of his mouth, he makes the sound to call out to his Ikran.
"You know bro, maybe you should go for one of the older scientist." Lo'ak replied with barely hid mirth.
"You're fucking disgusting."
With a final laugh, Lo'ak drags his kill to his Ikran, anchoring it around onto it, giving a few tugs to test it's security.
"Come on bro, we gotta head back before dinner, I don't want to wake up dead before tomorrow."
"You do realize you can't wake up dead right?" Spider clamors on, smacking Lo'aks attempt to assist.
"You act like you've never met my mother." Swinging his body over, Lo'ak climbs on behind Spider, and after making tsaheylu, the Ikran takes off with a final screech.
Growing up, Lo'ak always dreamed of the day of owning his own Ikran. Flying through the sky with no care of living up to expectations and having the ability to pretend to be who he wants. After his first failed attempt, which he tries his best not to think on, flying came so naturally that it allowed his mind to blank.
Flying back to Home Tree, first glances at the kill he was hauling for his family, and then to Spider to make sure he was secure, though he would never admit due to knowing how Spider would get if he felt like he couldn't keep up with the 18 year old Navi male.
With the wind hitting his face, he looks far ahead to watch for Home Tree to come into the horizon line, making the appropriate turns needed to avoid floating mountains around. Closing his eyes for a second while leaning his head back, he mentally prepares for this peace to end when he comes back home. With opening eyes, his breath catches in his throat at the sight before him.
8 Ikrans, all in a variety of colors, flies just left above them, flying in a distinct, formation. With an open mouth, Lo'ak gawks at the sight in front of him, having to make a conscious effort to close his mouth, least he wants something fly into it. With a titled head, he he squints at the sight, attempting to make sense of what he was seeing.
After carefully peering at the Ikrans, he realizes that it isn't the Ikrans that is causing his sudden heart spike and confusion, it is the way the riding Navi the Ikrans are dressed. Wraps of colorful fabric cover them, unlike the clothes adorned from his clan.
Without taking his eyes off the unfamiliar flock in his sights, he reaches for the throat comm, pressing two fingers to the button on the side.
"Devil dog, I have my sights on some Ikran riders."
"Send your traffic."
"It looks like Navi, but they aren't dressed like anything I've seen before. And they seem to be heading to Home Tree."
"Copy, do not engage. Get home as soon a possible, no interacting."
"Copy that Sir."
"I mean it boy, no fucking around."
With a roll of his eyes,  Lo'ak urges his Ikran to fly faster,  as the group above seem to have moved expertly through floating rocks, moving as one unit, leaving Lo'ak and his carriage behind. Having set his mind to the task, Lo'ak locks eyes on his unknown enemy, causing Spider to sputter out curses, in the attempt to hold on.
Home Tree has always seemed to have a certain buzz to it, with all it's inhabitants busy with village life, doing what it expected to help aid the clan having a sustainable life. Excusing himself from the hunter's party, leaving his subordinates with the task of cleaning and appropriately readying the day's kill for the cooks, Neteyam seeks out his father to report the day's happenings when a sudden comotion causes the clan to become on uproar.
Attempting to make sense of what was going on, Neteyam frantically looks around, trying his hardest to find the source that started the sudden defenses.
"They're at the check points!"
Wide eyed and erect ears, Neteyam tries in the gentlest of ways to make his way through the crowd. Knowing it was of no use to radio his father, at least with the yells from around, all he could do was make his way to the front of the crowd, knowing where the choas orginated,  his father was already there to contain it.
Swinging his bow over his shoulder, he makes way through the crowd, being internally grateful that being the Olo'eyktan's first son made the clan members aware of just who was bypassing them, almost opening a way for him to make his way through the ground level of Home Tree. After passing by higher level Navi in the clan, the sea of bodies opens up to a sight that instantly puts him on guard.
8 Ikrans. 8 Ikrans that  land side by side in the clearing. The animals are restless, screaming and screeching in their language, shifting   around on the ground, irritated by the warriors that surround them, sharp spears and bows drawn. Warriors cry, with mother's clutching onto children that seem to be overly curious at the sight in front of them.
Keeping his eyes on the sight in front of him, with him slowly circling his way to the front, Neteyam was so focused on the unknown sight that he almost missed the sight of his baby brother hastily landing his Ikran a ways away, only to fall face first into the ground due to his uncoordinated pace of trying to get off the beast. With a minute shake of his head, he refocused on the intruders, catching the sight of his fathers back making way, with his mother only a few paces behind. Following in line with his parents, he swiftly takes his bow off, hand reaching for the arrow on his person, absently mindlessly notching the arrow, muscles tense.
With a raised hand, the clan leader calms the uproar cries of the clan, all falling silent, only for whispers to muttered, in respect of the chief's orders. With a glance to the crowd forming around, the leader makes way around the warriors, stopping in the middle of the odd dressed intruders still perched on their rides. With each step closer, the whispers die down, anticipation rising in the air, almost suffocating.
"State your business!"
With the roar only a seasoned leader possessed, it seamed as if it had gotten impossible quieter, with clan moving restless against one another, intently watching for the intruders next move.
With slow, but sure movement, the rider situated towards the middle made movement to descent off the Ikran. Moving with grace that isn't known in such a tense situation, the small form touches down. Clothed with colorful wraps around head, face, and body, with only the ability the see into the intruders eyes through the riders mask, the unknown figure makes way to the leader, in calm, sure footed steps, raising a hand to take off the riders mask.
With unblocked eyes, Jake Sully allows himself to survey the figure in front of him. Keeping mind of his mates hand on his shoulder, he notices a distinct feature on the figure, that while it may put his clan in an defensive state of mind, only cause curiosity to bloom in his chest. Instead of the normal Navi feature of only having 3 fingers, the Navi in front possess the same amount that him and two of his children have. With gears turning in his head, he comes back to present day with said figure gestures their fingertips from their forehead down, signing 'I see you'.
Straightening their back, the figure locks eyes on the clan lead, and with a voice clear in the Navi Language, "I see you, Jake Sully. I apologize for the intrusion, but there are matters that I must speak with you on."
With a mind and body that seems on autopilot, almost as if he is having an out of body experience, Neteyam brings up the back of the group of foreigners, watching as the strange Navi follow almost single file after his dad, with a couple of them clustered together, limbs clenched together as much as the cloth around the bodies allow. Doing his best to keep a close eye, he ignores the stares and whispers of the passing clan members. Due to his height, which almost passes his father at this point, Neteyam adjust his eyes to look further, able to spot his father leading the group to the large meeting tent, mostly used to gather warriors and to hold meetings. He spots his mother walking tensely by his father, muscles tight and an aura that would let anyone know of her mood.
Walking in almost a daydream like state, a hand clamped down on his shoulder, ripping him from his inner observations. Turning to look at the offender, Neteyam could only shake his head at the sight of his younger brother.
"Bro what the fuck is going on?!" Lo'ak tried as best as possible to keep his volume under control, he did, but when one of the foreigners ears swiveled their way, Neteyam was aware that their conversation was not a quiet as his brother believed, regardless with it being in English.
"You know as much as I do, and still you ask this question? Learn to watch before you speak and you will understand much sooner baby brother." Neteyam hissed back, only giving a spare glance at the human that tried his best to keep up with the longer legged Navi.
Slipping his hand off his brother's shoulder, Lo'ak resigned himself to walk behind Neteyam, knowing that while he may sound rude, he was right in the lack of knowledge.
Coming up on the Warrior's tent, the flap was opened, with his father gesturing the inside. A fire was lit in the middle, casting a more ominous glow. Looking around, Neteyam noticed a handful of his fathers warriors inside, weapons drawn tight in their hands, outline the edge of the tent, barely noticing the glare his father sent to his brother, with the promise of punishment if he acted out of turn. The flap was then closed, closing off the rest of the village, leaving his parents, Lo'ak, and warriors surrounding them, as the foreigners huddled together, kneeling down on the ground, with what it seemed to have their legs tucked under their body.
The one that had spoke with his father prior sat on the front, the rest nestled behind, all stilled wrapped in clothes, with a few holding tight as if the wrap was a form of protection, instead of privacy. With his father turning to look at the group, absentmindedly paying attention to his mother pacing with agitation behind, he takes a last glance and addresses the group.
"Who are you, and where are you from?" Jake spoke in Navi, voice unwavering despite the tension around. After a passing second from the group, the figure in front makes the move to first remove the wrap around their head, causing the cloth from her nose down to fall, revealing their face. Neteyam's eyes widen, not realizing that the cause of so much commotion in his clan, was actually the most stunning woman he has ever seen. Roaming his eyes, he took in every feature.
She had long dark hair, way longer than the women in his clan kept theirs, with half her hair up, secured by what seemed to be a tie with crystals on it. Looking through the hair that framed her face,  he took in her facial features, noticing bright eyes rimmed with black, down to her nose, with a half crescent object hanging from her nose. Her ears were pierced in a similar fashion to his mothers, with feathers looped through and hanging through them. Her neck was adorned with a neck piece, though it was not in a similar fashion found in his clan. It was adorned with crystals, their reflections bouncing from the light caused by the flickering fire in front. His eyes caught the hair above her eyes, similar in the way he has seen on his dad, brother or sisters face. High cheekbones framed and shaped her face, leading to a relaxed facial expression, as if she was unaffected by today's turn of events.
While lost in his thoughts, he was seemingly broken out of his spell when she opened her mouth.
"While I understand the reason for warriors to be present, I do believe this conversation would be best handled with as much privacy as possible."
Everyone in the room froze.
Not for the words actually spoken, but for the language she replied in.
"How the fuck does she know English?"
Well there’s part one! Hopefully you guys like it! I will try my best to attempt to keep everything organized, but Imma be honest, idk how to tf to put stuff together when it comes to links lol. Once again, there will be eventual smut, just gotta set the mood lmfao. Thank you so everyone that took the time to read! Also if you ever curious about the OC characters and how the family dynamics works, hopefully this guide helps lol.
Youngest Daughter
Kekunan Clan
Oldest brother
Mate: Tal'i (22)
Kekunan Clan
Older sister
Mate: Tsuten (21)
Kekunan Clan
Youngest brother
Kekunan Clan
Best friend
Kekunan Clan
Mai's younger brother
Kekunan Clan
_____Other Characters____
Neteyam- 19
Hopefully that answers everything!
30 notes · View notes
periprose · 1 year
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Neteyam x Metkayina!Reader
Neteyam left this world too early. The emptiness everyone feels is palpable- you don't know how to go on. But you're not so important. Your name is Kanu -meaning smart, or intelligent, in Na'vi- and sometimes you feel anything but. As a Metkayina villager, you feel that you don't have any reason to actually miss Neteyam so much. So why does Eywa keep bringing you to him, in the Spirit Tree?
Word Count: 10k
Genre: Slow burn, friends to lovers, grieving/mourning, post ATWOW
Originally posted on AO3 in December 2022
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The puddle grows larger as you stab it with your foot. Digging in your toes into the pale grains of sand, you watch as the little molecules of water begin to swirl.
You’re deep in thought. You’re wondering about your place in the world, and you see a tiny, baby tsiki- a reef tick or crab- emerge out of the sand . It pinches it’s claws together- it’s an extremely alluring green shade, and you point one of your turquoise feet at it.
It blinks all four eyes before suddenly seizing forward, click clacking and tutting before pinching your big toe.
“Ah, kehe! ” You screech, meaning no, and you inhale, before kicking the tsiki off and huffing, wrapping your arms around yourself. Usually tsiki are meant to be gentle, not harmful- they often pluck sand out of your toenails and seaweed out of your curly hair- but this one is just a baby, and is clearly curious and weird. It scuttles away into the deep blue waters, and you sigh.
“Kanu.” Tsireya stands before you, and she motions her hand in an oel-ngati-kameie, I-See-you gesture, before sitting down next to you on the knitted stringy material of the bridges connecting the marui, the woven structures that inhabit your village. You repeat the action. “Why did you leave? Lo’ak and Kiri are worried.”
“Tsireya.” You turn to your dearest friend- you’ve grown up with her, and she has always been comforting and sweet. She always knows just what to say. 
But after the Sky People attacked the reef- after they practically flipped your world upside down, causing nearly permanent damage, you felt like you could’ve died in that moment. And even though that was scary, what really terrified you was that your life flashed before your eyes, and you could not think of anything notable, anything special about yourself. Nothing good, no sense of call or action. 
Really just in the background at all times.
Tsireya, the sweetheart that she is, does not really always understand. She is beautiful- you see other boys in the tribe stare her down all the time, and it’s not with the usual annoyance or indifference that they stare at you with. That, and she’s very clever, and kind, and she’s the daughter of the Olo’eyktan. She was always meant to be special.
You, on the other hand? The Metkayina daughter of two ordinary parents. They do not think less of you, in fact, they are always going on about how smart you are to stay back from danger, from anything that could put you in harm’s way. But you do not do this on purpose- you just feel that you are already rather unimportant in the grand scheme of things, so what would be the point? To try and play the hero? Be someone that ultimately, you are not?
You can never figure out when to strike like Tsireya, Aonung and Rotxo seem to know. Your ilu is forgiving- she pulls you through the water at a pace you’re good to deal with- but forget hunting. You do your best.
You are not pretty. Your hair stays pulled back unappealingly in a braided bun, and your bangs are straight and wispy. Your eyes are always skeptical, which you know throws many off. It’s not that you can’t smile and play nice- you just like to figure people out.
But to know how you look, how you just… lack the attractiveness that Tsireya seems to exude so easily, it hurts you. Especially when you feel like you like someone, and they could never feel the same about you, because you’re just impossibly awkward.
Still, you miss him. You miss Neteyam. You wish you had, just this once, taken the risk- told him that you like him. He was always responsible, strong-hearted. The only one to ask if you were okay or how you were doing, and he would actually listen. It never felt like he was just passing time, or waiting for you to get on with it, the way many Na’vi males do. Like the way he might as a big brother to little Tuk, but with you, he was always kind. Neteyam always seemed to wait back for you, even when others had moved on, and you had never, not even once, told him how that important that was for you.
And now you are desperately alone, all over again. It’s been about three months since he died, and you have never felt more empty.
You will never be Seen. Not in the way that Tsireya and Lo’ak See each other. 
“Do you ever feel like you just haven’t acted soon enough? Like you haven’t done enough with your life?” You blink, and suddenly tears are rolling down your cheeks. You didn’t realized you were near tears. Neteyam’s death had affected everyone so heavily.
“Kanu, no…” She leans in, and wraps her arm around your shoulders. “You are not worthless. Our Great Mother has a purpose for us all .”
It’s a fear you’ve voiced plenty of times before, but Tsireya is always patient, always ready to fight your words.
“I don’t think so.” You shake your head, and then slump down into your knees, your eyes fluttering as you cry. “Kanu, they named me. My mother said it was so I would always be smart, be wise about things, but who would have thought that meant being so… so weak?”
“Being sensible isn’t being weak.” Tsireya tries to remind you gently. “You are careful, but what is wrong with that? Have you seen how Lo’ak and Aonung are ready to fight at every moment one looks at the other the wrong way?”
“I guess so…” You wipe some of your tears, and she squeezes your hand with a familiar warmth. “Still. I wish I was like you, Reya.”
She shakes her head, but smiles. “I think you are better than you think. You have a beautiful mind, my friend.”
Tsireya leads you back to the Sully marui, and Lo’ak is currently chasing Tuk around, as she shrieks in unabashed joy. She gets scooped up by Tsireya, and immediately hugs her tightly.
That’s the kind of effect Tsireya seems to have on everyone.
Lo’ak, too, leans in, brings his arm around her shoulders, and they look like a picture. One happy family of three. Tsireya the doting mother to Lo’ak’s teasing fatherly nature, and Tuk as the little scoundrel.
That could never be you. It leaves a small lump in your throat, to think of how you might never meet your better half- you will probably always be cooped up in your own marui, lying in the hammock, dreaming of a better world. And the sad thing is that you know there is a chance this is your own doing, but you are just too scared to do anything else. 
You are a coward. A fnawe’tu.
Tsireya and Lo’ak don’t seem to help, all wrapped up in their own little bubble of understanding and Seeing each other, as they seem to communicate something in glances that only the two of them understand, but Tuk clues in to your bad mood.
“What’s wrong, Kanu?” She pouts and sits next to you. 
You smile sadly. The girl is too young to really feel the extent of grief, just yet. She means well, though, and you cannot let her feel the full nature of your sorrow. It would not be fair.
Kiri answers for you, as she sits against a pillow, observing the oceans outside. “We’ve been through a lot, Tuk. It’s going to be a while until everyone feels alright again.”
“Yeah, Tuk.” You smile with a little more kindness, trying to muster up understanding. She’s still lost her biggest brother, and that has to hurt. “Little Tuktirey. Are you doing alright?”
Tuk nods, but she suddenly climbs into your lap, wrapping her arms tightly around around you, her face nuzzling into your neck, and it’s all you can do not to cry in the little girl’s arms.
“I miss Neteyam.” She whispers, and you hug her back, stroking the braids of her hair. "I miss home."
“We all do.” Kiri responds softly, and a brief silence overtakes the marui, everyone becoming solemn. Lo’ak and Tsireya sit next to Kiri, and you’ve formed a circle.
“Perhaps we should speak good memories of Neteyam, instead.” Tsireya suggests, and Lo’ak’s eyes flutter to a close. You can tell he’s trying to compose himself.
“He always knew how to protect us.” Lo’ak smiles. “When I first bonded with my ikran, Neteyam was supposed to stay back.” 
“Ikran are supposed to try to kill you when you fight them,” He clarifies, seeing that you and Tsireya both look a little confused. “But Neteyam, that skxawng, he jumped over the barrier and tried to help me. Dad pulled him back.”
Lo’ak chuckles, and you find yourself giggling at the imagery. Of Neteyam leaping after his brother, convinced that he needed to, and Jake grabbing him by the arms. It would have been just like him.
“Neteyam always stood up for me.” Kiri responds honestly, and it’s all she seems to be comfortable with sharing.
“Neteyam helped me practise with my knife.” Tuk motions with her hands, a quick slicing gesture, snarling, and you pretend to die as she giggles. “He said I was gonna be a good hunter one day.”
“You will.” You fixate on your hands. “Neteyam always… well, he always listened. I never felt like I had to talk fast with him to be heard.”
“To be Seen.” Tsireya adds, and you don’t want to disagree with her. But you don’t think Neteyam really saw you.
There just wasn’t enough time.
A loud conch shell wakes you up, and you accidentally smack Kiri in the face as you do.
“Watch it!” She yawns, before pulling herself up. 
You don’t usually fall asleep so easily. But you were so comfortable yesterday, playing games and sharing stories with everyone, that you did not feel as lost as you usually do. 
Tuk snores away, wrapped up on her pillow, and you and Kiri decide to leave her.
There’s always work to be done on the reef. Repairing the marui, weaving with your hands, making large batches of tsiki stew, helping Tsahik Ronal with healing the wounded. Some of the people are still in very poor shape.
It takes the whole village on these days to get things even a little further with progress. It makes you resent the Sky People even more.
A bitter part of you wishes Neteyam had merely been wounded. Then he would still be here.
But you know better than that. You know that you have much to be thankful for, and you know that Eywa can only protect so much. In the great balance, energy has to be given back. That will always be the Na’vi way.
Kiri, in her own strange way, always seems attuned to things you cannot sense or see. She alway seems to know something, past your comprehension, and the best answer she has for it is an energy, a wave length, a heartbeat. Eywa is all around us, Kiri always tells you, and you know she is right. 
Lately she has been giving you more attention, too. It’s like she can tell something about you, and you are glad for it. Glad that you can cling onto Kiri for the time being, because she understands so much even if she can’t quite say it.
“Want one?” She sits next to you on the edge of the shore, holding some niktsyey. Food wraps.
You’re not always so hungry as of late, but you know it’s a nice gesture. Kiri and Neytiri are always preparing, wrapping food out of various meats and vegetables, and it feels like they’re just searching for something to do. To be busy.
As a result, they have a lot of excess.
You take it, and unwrap the leaf, biting into a juicy bit of payoang- fish of the reef- and some grains you’re not sure you’ve ever had before. It’s good, better than anything you’ve eaten in a while.
“You like it?” She grins, and you respond with a “Mm-hmm!”, your mouth entirely full. “The grains are from home.”
At the word home, she sounds a little sad. 
“Is this a traditional Omatikayan dish?” You try to cheer her up, maybe bolster her spirits with some memories. “It’s amazing.”
“Yes. Grandmother always made it better than I do. And we usually use teylu, too. Insect meat.” Kiri admits, twiddling her fingers. “We brought a lot with us… you could try making it, if you wish.” 
You do have an affinity for cooking- but you’re much better with large stews and soups. You know Kiri is just trying to suggest something nice, though, and you agree that one day you should do that. Together.
It’s nice to have a friend.
About a week later, Tsireya is horribly insistent that you come with her, Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk to the Cove of Ancestors, to the Spirit Tree. The boy, Spider, one that you don’t know so well- he dislikes having to be away from things like this, but even he insists that you should go.
“I just- I don’t feel like it, that’s all.” You try, but Lo’ak shakes his head.
“You cannot reject Eywa, Kanu. You'll lose yourself." Lo'ak says, uncharacteristically serious, but he's had to grow a lot during Neteyam's absence.
"We know you're hurting." Tsireya stands next to him, and something about her use of we strikes you, deep in your heart, making you feel more like a loner than ever before. Her and Lo'ak seem like such a team now. 
"It would help, don't you think?" She continues. "So you know you're not… alone. The ancestors will hear you."
You can tell it confuses them. Your great sorrow, how you seem to desperately hold onto it. But lately it's felt like all you've ever known, and you do not know how to explain that, that you feel comfort knowing yourself like this. At least it makes sense.
It is a strange predicament that seems hard to explain.
"She's not alone." Kiri corrects her, which Tsireya takes gracefully. "Kanu has us."
It's true, and so you let yourself be cajoled and ride your ilu towards the Cove of Ancestors, where the underwater tree resides. Kiri is not supposed to join her tsaheylu to the Tree anymore, so she watches on, looking slightly wistful. 
You're scared as you dive underwater. You don't know what the ancestors might say if they hear your sadness. How you shouldn't be so sorrowful when Neteyam meant more to others, and you have nothing to truly be very upset about. But Tsireya and Lo’ak nod at you, so you know you have to do it.
You grab your tsaheylu, and gently brace yourself, as if it's going to hurt- and you let the tendrils bond into the tree's swaying branches. Your eyes close.
You are brought forward, so quickly that you're not quite sure what's happening, until suddenly you're on very solid ground.  
You think you feel grains of sand, but really- it's more dense than that, and you open your eyes.
Dark green foliage, leaves and trees and massive tree trunks, and interestingly colored flora surrounds you. 
This must be the Omatikaya forest, you think. You've never been there before. You've never had such a strong vision in the first place. Anytime you’ve made the bond with the Spirit Tree before, you usually hear your grandmother telling you that she's proud of you.
You watch as a flying lizard floats down in front of you, the spinning of its ribbed body causing you to follow it. You're not very familiar with this place- it's apparent in how your arms sway with confusion, and how your tail seems to drag behind you, instead of properly keeping your balance like the Omatikaya's do.
You trip over a branch and fall forwards into a small riverbed. The water tastes different- it's not as salty as the beaches you are familiar with. But you feel a strong, limber arm grab your own thick forearm, and you are pulled upwards as you stand.
"Kanu?" Neteyam stands in front of you, and you are gutted to see him. He looks the same as when you lost him, still alert, and even now he scans your body for damage. "You okay?"
"Neteyam…" You whisper, and your eyes water almost instantly. This is not what you wanted. You never expected to see him again, and you feel humiliated by everything surrounding you. 
It's as if you’ve walked into a memory that was not made for you. You are of no importance, especially not here, not now, not with him. Why would Eywa bring you here?
"Hey, hey. It's gonna be okay." He says comfortingly as you cry, and you think you should be comforting him. "Whatever happened, it will be okay."
He hugs you, just a gentle sidearm hug, and you begin to sob.
"I'm sorry- I'm sorry-" You wail, and he furrows his brows, not understanding.
"Why?" He grabs your hands. "Why are you sorry?"
It dawns on you that Neteyam doesn’t know. He doesn’t understand that he's dead, away from the real world. It's such a convincing vision, this place.
It’s not your story to tell, is it? What would Jake Sully say? Neytiri, too, she would be disappointed to know that you leapt so forward, into telling their oldest son that he no longer walked among you.
But you cannot help yourself.
"You're… you're gone, Neteyam. Dead. You're not really here." You feel that he deserves to know, and he stiffens. "You are with Eywa now." 
You can see him scrambling to answer, his eyes flickering from you to the forest, but his voice fails him. He cannot explain your appearance in the Omatikaya forest, let alone him being here when he was just at the reef, so it makes sense.
Neteyam shuts his eyes.
“That’s why-” He chokes up, and you feel him shudder next to you. “That’s why Dad was so happy to see me.”
It’s a sadness that overwhelms you. The thought of a father having to pretend that everything was alright, so not to alarm his son. You see Neteyam cry, and it’s so unlike how Neteyam usually was back home, that you feel yourself reach over to wrap your hands around his.
“It’s not your fault, Neteyam.” You whisper, and you’re glad you finally have the courage to say that much before you’re suddenly brought back, away from the cool winds of the forest, and into the cool ripples of the ocean. The last thing you see is Neteyam’s eyes, searching for you as you vanish from his sight. 
Kiri and Tuk have already gone back home.
Tsireya and Lo’ak don’t ask many questions when you come to, even though you’re sure you look insane, totally stupefied by what you saw. You know Eywa doesn’t do things for no reason, but you’re still confused.
You just tell Tsireya that honestly, you do feel better, because it’s all you can say without sounding crazy. Because it doesn’t seem fair that you, a mere acquaintance of Neteyam’s, would end up being the one to visit him again. You know Lo’ak hasn’t seen him yet, even though he tries every week or so.
It would be the worst thing to tell them the truth about it.
Tsireya pats your arm. “I’m glad you’re feeling better, Kanu. The ancestors always know what to say.”
You smile, but you can’t help but feel that you’re lying to your best friend.
You visit again, two days later. You tell Tsireya that you are going to visit a different Metkayina village, where your cousins live- she doesn’t question you, as she’s too busy exploring the depths of the ocean with Lo’ak, Tuk and Kiri as of late- and even though your lie is so easily accepted, it makes you feel more outside to their circle.
But that’s okay for now. You just want to apologize to Neteyam, if Eywa lets you see him again.
When you make the bond with the tree, this time, you’re sent to what seems like one of your village’s marui- but this woven structure is high up in the air, tightly secured inside the branches of a tree. Maybe one of the largest trees you’ve ever seen.
You peer out the window, and seeing how far down the grass is, you jump back in fear, your legs suddenly shaking. You’re in no real danger, but it’s still terrifying, seeing little specks of blue that must surely be other Na’vi that have joined with Eywa.
“Hey. Take it easy.” Neteyam is behind you, and he pulls you by your arm, making the both of you sit on the flooring of the structure. “You look like you’ve seen Toruk.”
“Sorry- it’s just very high up.” You say, and your voice is shaky even though you try to stay calm.
“Of course.” Neteyam crosses his arms, nods his head, wise as ever. “You’re probably never stepped higher than the great branches of the sea trees.”
“Yes, that is true.” You still feel a minor tremor in your throat, so you pull your knees to your chest and huddle yourself down. You don’t want to be so high up- it’s as if you’re being forced to face too many things at once.
“Why are you here?” Neteyam asks, not in an accusatory tone, but just confused. “You've already told me what you wanted to say."
It's not all you wanted to say, but your face heats up at the idea of telling Neteyam that you like him, that you like how his big yellow eyes squinted at every possible detail when he was hunting, that he always used to do a headcount, not just of his siblings, but everyone including you when you headed out past the reef. 
"I don't… I don't know." You shrug, and then look up towards the sky. "I feel that Eywa brought me here to apologize."
You turn to him, and Neteyam leans a little closer.
"I shouldn't have been the one to tell you." You utter so seriously that Neteyam’s brief smile disappears. "I'm sorry. It should have been your father. Or Lo'ak."
"No." Neteyam shakes his head. "They wouldn't have told me. My mom and dad pretend I'm not- I'm still alive, in some way, to them, you know? I cannot take that away from them. And I've never seen Lo'ak. He must feel like the worst son in the world."
"He's not angry at you, if that's what you think." You immediately interject, and Neteyam raises his eyebrows. "Lo'ak has grown a lot since you've been gone."
Neteyam sighs. "Things would be easier if I was still there."
"Of course." You gently touch his shoulder. "It's easy to say that, Neteyam. But you win some, you lose some. We wouldn't have learned so much if you were still here, and you wouldn't be able to rest."
Neteyam nods. "True. All energy is only borrowed…"
"And some day you have to give it back." You respond in turn.
Neteyam smiles. "Tell me how everyone is doing."
You tell him how Kiri is doing better than usual. She's become more resilient, being capable of controlling the nature around her in a way that doesn't quite make sense to you. Neteyam, too, doesn't know how to respond, but he says it's an interesting thought that a supposed freak like Kiri could be so useful. He laughs about how Aonung and Rotxo were shocked to see her move fauna around with just a wave of her hand. 
You start to tell him about Tuk's knife practice, when suddenly you catch some of the leaves surrounding the vision shrinking. You're being pulled away. Back to the real Pandora.
Neteyam looks on in alarm. "Kanu!"
"One last thing- they all miss you so much!" You say genuinely, and as you get pulled away this time, you see Neteyam smile.
You just wish you could've included yourself in that.
The next time you visit Neteyam, he's in what seems to be a very intimate home setting, trinkets and blankets covering the setting. He’s combing back his grandfather's hair. You can tell it must be Neytiri’s father by the robes and beading he's adorned with.
You immediately sweep down into a deep bow. "Olo’eyktan."
"Kanu." The elderly man touches your forehead, blessing you. "Neteyam has told me much about you."
"Ah, Grandfather!" Neteyam cringes, visibly embarrassed by something you don't quite understand. Family can be like that.
"Please. Be on your way." Eytukan gives you his parting grace. 
Neteyam is silent as you walk together through the forest, towards something that seems perpetually out of reach. 
"What's wrong?" You ask, and Neteyam stands still, mulling over his words.
"My grandfather… he means well, but-" Neteyam sighs, exasperated. "But he does not understand that I never wanted to be Olo’eyktan. He keeps telling me what I am missing out on."
"Yeah, he never seems to hear what I'm saying-"
"No, sorry." You look at him with newfound interest. "You don't want to be Olo’eyktan?"
"Well, Kanu." Neteyam fixes his visor, and thinks about how cute you look when you stare at him this intensely, before clearing his throat and deciding it would be better to not. "If you were told you could only be one thing in your entire life, wouldn't you want something else?"
"Yes!" You exhale in excitement before calming down. "Everyday, I think about that."
You trail off to a silence, meaning to allow Neteyam to explain himself. But he gestures for you to keep going. Once the oldest sibling, always the oldest sibling.
"I've always been told. Be smart. Stay inside. Don't put yourself in harm's way if you don't have to." You murmur, and Neteyam can tell your parents have hammered that into your head. "I'm left feeling like I've never quite lived at all."
"Tell me about it." Neteyam agrees, rolling his eyes. "'Oi, Neteyam! Be responsible! Be a good role model for your siblings!' I never really got to be myself."
"Fair enough." You look at your surroundings, thinking about how this isn't really Pandora. "But you can be yourself now, can't you?"
"You would think so." Neteyam chuckles, slowing his pace down to a stroll. "But everyday I'm worrying about what those knuckleheads are up to."
"What if…" You smile at the idea. "I give you updates? Just little stories about them here and there?"
“That would be nice.” Neteyam agrees, but he twiddles with his fingers. “I only wish they would come to see me too.”
“Oh, Neteyam…” You hold your hand over his. “I’m sure they will one day. Lo’ak, Kiri, Spider and Tuk, I think they’re just not ready yet.”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know. We’ll see.”
Neteyam looks towards you, and gently fixes a strand of your hair behind your ears. “Just promise me you’ll tell me how you’re doing, too.”
Neteyam is quick on his feet the next time you see him. He pulls you towards him and you're on your way, running over tall tree branches and trunks.
"Where- are-" You narrowly dodge a large vine that swings towards your face. "Where are we going?"
"Ayram alusìng!"
The floating mountains.
You don't have time to ask. You’ve only heard of these in stories told by Jake and Lo’ak, and sometimes Tonowari, the Olo’eyktan, when he remembers travelling to the forests. You’re excited to see them- and you find that you’re not the only one, as Neteyam grasps your hand with intent and pulls you quickly alongside him.
Suddenly, the large vines and branches you were walking on are within an open space, connecting to tall floating mountains, and you take a moment to breathe in, and look at them. They’re so vast- so much bigger in breadth than you’ve ever imagined- and it’s beautiful, in a way that you can’t describe. You smile, and Neteyam grins looking at you.
“This is how I felt looking underwater for the first time.” Neteyam confides in you, and your eyes widen.
“This is way better than the underwater, Neteyam.” You cross your arms, and he laughs.
“Agree to disagree, then.” He motions towards the top of the mountain, and the vines that you must climb to get there. “Come.”
As you climb, and then reach the top, your legs shake for a moment, seeing just how high up you are. You pull yourself away from the edge of the cliff, before Neteyam grabs your hand. 
"Hey. I'm not letting you go back home yet." He teases, and you feel yourself blush.
"Sorry." You swing your large tail, so used to wading through water, from side to side. "This wasn't made to balance in the air."
“Don’t worry.” Neteyam points to the sky, where Ikran fly and dive towards the ground. “They’re made for anything you could possibly do in the sky.”
“How are they-”
“How are they here?” Neteyam glances at you. You always seem to be on top of things, always asking the right questions. It’s kind of refreshing, because he doesn’t have to play dumb for you, like he might’ve with Lo’ak. Especially when nothing particularly interesting goes on here without you.
That’s not something he’d easily admit- that the highlights of his days in the afterlife is when you come to visit him. But it’s true. He looks forward to your banter, to that funny little scrunch you do with your nose when you’ve thought of something hilarious to say.
Even now, you stare at him, and Neteyam is a little too lost in your gaze to respond.
He shakes himself out of it. “Right. It sounds crazy, but… I think these are Ikran who have passed. They’ve joined Eywa.”
“How can you be sure?” You watch an Ikran screech and dive towards another, and they begin to fight. “Perhaps these are just more visions of Eywa’s.”
“You’re right.” Neteyam points to a bright turquoise blue Ikran, one that looks at him fondly when he waves. “But that one over there? Her name is Seze.”
“Blue flower?”
“Yes.” Neteyam waves back at her. “She was my mother’s Ikran. At least I think she is the same one, but I can’t be sure. She matches how my mother talked about her. And she responds to… Seze!”
Neteyam suddenly leaps over the rocky terrain, and approaches Seze, who turns to his call.
“Wait!” You try to call him back.
“Ikran are only supposed to fly with one person in their entire lives.” Neteyam climbs onto Seze’s back, and she allows him. “But I figure, if we’re dead, if all of this is with Eywa, then I guess that doesn’t matter here.” 
He makes the bond with Seze, and her pupils widen before becoming still and small again. Then she shakes her wings, and approaches the cliff. 
Neteyam pulls his headband down, and he tuts a war cry, before he and Seze drop off the cliff in a graceful dive.
“Neteyam!” You gasp in shock, and before you can stop yourself, you scramble near the edge of the cliff, lying flat on your stomach, letting yourself see if they’re okay.
And of course they are. Neteyam pulls up as Seze’s wings expand, and he does a few rotating flips in the air. He looks back, towards you, because he wants to make sure you’re watching. Yeah, Neteyam is showing off right now, but he never got to do that back in the Metkayina village.
He missed this. Missed flying, the wind in his hair. But most of all, he loves the look on your face- how you’re completely in awe.
He smirks at you, and you snort. The dorkiness of this guy, going out of his way to plan an elaborate scheme to show off something cool to you. And it is really cool, it just strikes you that Neteyam always does things that are in his control. 
Lo’ak would’ve probably jumped off the cliff and onto an ikran to impress Tsireya,
Neteyam begins flying towards your cliff. He lets Seze land, and she chirps fondly at him as he dismounts. 
"So, what'd you think?" Neteyam raises his arms in greatness, as if to accept accolades from you.
"That was insane. Totally amazing!" You giggle and clap for him, and he bows.
"Thank you, thank you." Neteyam leans in, as if he's telling you a secret that only you get to know. "So what do you think? Want to do your own Iknimaya? It's a rite of passage for the Omatikaya, but I think you could do it too. I mean, I don't know what would happen if a living person made tsaheylu with someone not-"
An ikran screeches, interrupting Neteyam, and you draw yourself back, frightened.
"Sorry. I can't." You rest yourself against the cliff wall, as you've been shaking from being so close to the edge, and Neteyam nods, expecting you to continue. "You must think I'm such a petulant child."
"Would a child really use a word like 'petulant?'" Neteyam tuts, and you scoff.
"No. But I'm pretty stupid, aren't I?" You look at the ground, feeling embarrassed that you're scared of such a thing. "Lo'ak says he did his Iknimaya as a child… what am I so afraid for?"
You look up at Neteyam. "I can never do anything right. I'll always end up hiding away out of fear."
"Fear is a sensible thing coming from you, Kanu ." Neteyam tightens the bindings around his arms, emphasizing your name and it's meaning. "And you're not stupid. It's alright to be afraid of things. Me, I was so scared when I first made tsaheylu with my ikran. I almost ran back into my mother's arms when I did it."
You stifle a laugh at the idea of little Neteyam running back towards his mother, Neytiri scooping him up and then putting him back out with the ikran. 
"I know. It's funny, you can laugh." Neteyam smiles. "But you have to remember it took a leap of faith, of trusting myself, to do it."
"I say, don't be afraid to be uncomfortable." Neteyam holds your hand, and traces your thumb. "Take little steps here and there. Then, one day, you can do something more, and it won't be so bad. I'm sure you've grown more than you think."
It's classic Neteyam, to hit you with a bunch of advice right when you least expect it. There were plenty of times he would take the heat for Lo'ak, and then give a strict talking to him afterwards. 
"You're right. Thank you." You admit softly, squeezing his hand back. "I do want to do more with my life."
"And you will." Neteyam nods, completely certain. "You're not stupid. I've never thought you were stupid."
You think of that for a moment, how certain he sounds in saying never. Did Neteyam really think of you before you even came to visit him? Before, when you all swam in the oceans of Pandora together, travelling through the corals and sea plants and the reef? Did he think about you, when there were far more interesting things to think about?
"Anyways." Neteyam clears his throat, suddenly shy. "Want to ride with me? On the back of Seze, I mean. I'll make sure you're safe."
"Why not?" You take his hand again. "Small steps." 
Neteyam tells Seze to stay calm, and then sits on her back. He pulls you up, and then when you're sitting behind him, he wraps your arms around his waist. 
You think about how warm, how real he feels, and then become a little sad knowing this isn't. That this is all happening in the Spirit Tree, not for real. 
Neteyam cries out again, a high pitched sound meaning to go, and you both drop over the edge with Seze, as she dives and then flies around adjacent mountains. The green trees and leaves quickly shrink into tiny little dottings of green on the rocky terrain, and you widen your eyes.
You shriek in partial delight, mostly fear, and tighten your arms around Neteyam when he tells Seze to dive again. He snickers. He likes feeling your arms, though. It makes him feel warm all over, especially in his chest.
"It's fun, right?!" Neteyam shouts, and you laugh and say yes, even if your face is buried in his neck.
It's only around when Neteyam approaches a cliff to land at, that he feels your arms vanish from around his waist. He turns around, and realizes you've gone back to the real world. 
When you go back this time, back to the village, Kiri and Tsireya are waiting for you. It’s past eclipse- everything is dark. Little bioluminescent fish roam through the water, and you stare at them for a moment, wondering what lie you could come up with now.
"Have a good time at the Cove?" Kiri crosses her arms, and you stop walking by the shore. "Yes, that's right. We know."
"Kiri…" Tsireya's tone is telling her to lay off. "I'm sure she didn't mean-"
"To lie to us? To avoid us?" Kiri huffs. "I thought you were our friend, Kanu."
"Wait, please. I can explain." You desperately interrupt her. “I am your friend.”
Kiri’s eyes soften. “Okay, then prove it.”
When you're back inside the marui, Lo'ak is waiting. Tsireya immediately takes his hand and sits next to him, which makes you frown.
“Kanu- it’s not that we’re mad about this, we just don’t understand.” Lo’ak says, and it’s as if he and Tsireya are already Olo’eyktan and Tsahik, leaders of a clan, stronger than you’ll ever be.
You hate being called out, but most of all, you hate how it comes from them. How they make such a resilient team. You are almost positive in the future that Lo’ak and Tsireya will lead the Metkayina.
“You don’t make time for us , anymore, Kanu.” Tsireya comes closer to you, and her eyes search yours, as if she wants to make sure you’re still you. "I miss you! I don't mind if the Cove of Ancestors brings you comfort. I just hope you're not angry with me."
You feel your eyes water. Of course you're not angry with Tsireya, but as you think it over a little, it's as if you began to pull away just because you assumed no one would notice if you were gone. 
Clearly the opposite is true.
"I'm sorry." You utter quietly, and Tsireya touches your forearm, while Kiri touches your shoulder. "I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand. I don't hate you guys, and I never will. I just…"
You close your eyes, wondering if it's worth it. To tell the truth about why you've been disappearing. And a part of you feels so guilty, that you wanted to keep Neteyam just as your own private business, even though he's not your brother, and he means more to others. You have no right to keep him as yours. 
"Ever since that first day you guys made me visit the Spirit Tree… I've been seeing Neteyam." You come clean, and you feel everyone gasp and move closer to you. "I don't know why. I'm sorry."
"Why would you keep that a secret?" Tsireya shakes her head, disappointed. "Do you not trust us?"
"Of course I do!" You don't know how to explain. "I… I just didn't think you guys wanted to know. I didn't know how to tell you without it sounding like I was special or something, or that I was leaving you out."
"But you did leave us out." Lo'ak finally speaks up, and you can see the conflict in his face, the anger he feels. "Why would Neteyam choose to see you ?"
" Lo'ak ." Kiri glares at him. "Stop it. She didn't mean it like that."
You feel your face turn warm, and your heart begins to ache. You don't want this. You don't want a fight. 
"Whatever." Lo'ak rolls his eyes. "I wonder why I have never seen him."
"Don't worry, Lo'ak." Tsireya squeezes his shoulder. "I'm sure one day you will. Perhaps he is just working his way up to see you."
You know she doesn't mean it like that, but something about the way Tsireya comforts Lo'ak- how she asserts his importance over you, even though you were the first person Neteyam saw, after his parents- it makes you cry. You've never felt more unimportant in your life. You're a total mistake. 
You don’t go to sleep very easily that night. You’re in your family’s Marui, and you toss and turn thinking about yourself. About your place in the world.
You know it isn’t right, but you want to ask Eywa why. Why she would let you do this, tear apart a family and become closer to Neteyam when clearly, it just isn’t meant to be anything. Maybe there’s a lesson you’re missing somewhere. 
You never thought anyone really cared about you all that much. That you needed them more than they needed you. But you’re starting to think you’re wrong, that maybe most of this stuff is in your head. Why else would everyone miss you? Why else would they be so heartbroken that you didn’t tell them about Neteyam?
Kind of like Neteyam said. It’s all a leap of faith. You had to talk to Tsireya, Lo’ak and Kiri to find out.
You need to talk to him again. You absolutely cannot sleep, no matter how many times you shut your eyes and wrap your arms around yourself.
Your ilu chirps outside. And you take that as your sign to sneak out of your marui, under the bridging, and onto her back as she waits on the shore.
You wonder if anyone will be waiting for you there. You’re just slightly paranoid now.
But it’s just you, and the Cove, and the Spirit Tree, and you’re happy. You’re glad that you can talk to him one to one. Even if it’s a little selfish.
You make tsaheylu with the tree branch, and you feel yourself move quickly into the bioluminescent forest. It’s beautiful- you’re taken aback for a moment, seeing little lights and shiny things beam at you in the dark.
Neteyam is lying under a large leaf, staring up at the night sky, and the moons that occupy it. He doesn’t notice you until you’re sitting right next to him, hugging him extra hard for some reason.
“Whoa! Kanu-” Neteyam hugs you back. He was on the verge of falling asleep, but now he’s entirely awake. “What’s wrong? Why are you here?”
“Teyam- everything’s gone wrong.” You shut your eyes, and Neteyam tries not to feel too proud over the fact that you’ve given him a nickname, because you’re clearly upset. “I didn’t tell everybody -Tsireya, Lo’ak, Kiri, and Tuk- about you for a while, well, because- it just felt nice to have you for myself. I’m sorry.”
You sound incredibly guilty, but Neteyam shakes his head. “It’s not wrong. We are still people. We will never act with the best judgement, even if we know better.”
“I guess you’re right, but…” You murmur, and then move on to the next thing that’s bothering you. “You know how Lo’ak and Tsireya are all in love, right?”
“Right.” Neteyam nods and snickers a little. “Doesn’t really surprise me.”
You can’t be sure what Neteyam means by that, and you feel yourself grow a little annoyed. “Yeah, it’s not really surprising, is it? When Tsireya is so pretty, right?”
Neteyam blinks. He looks at you, and he can clearly see- you’re pissed off. He doesn’t know how he came off that way- Reya is like a sister to him- but it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t want to make you angry.
“Kanu.” He holds your hand, but you won’t look at him. “I don’t really care for Tsireya like that.”
“I know. I’m sorry.” You whisper, and he listens very carefully. “But it’s just that… everyone seems to think she’s beautiful, that everything about her is good and right and perfect, to the point where it seems like she is always being noticed, always has the first priority in every conversation, and I am always left behind. I am always left to answer last, to be heard after everyone else has already moved on. I wish I wasn’t so plain.”
“Hey. Stop it.” Neteyam tries to interject, but you keep going.
“And Tsireya and Lo’ak really drive me crazy now, because they act like such a team! Already like little future versions of the Olo’eyktan and the Tsahik.” You sigh, and you feel tears begin to run down your cheeks. “I know it’s selfish, and mean to say so- but I feel so worthless. Unimportant in comparison to them. I’ll never be Seen like that.”
Neteyam shuts his eyes. He really wishes he could be in the real world, so he could punch that skxawng Lo’ak for acting all old and mature, when really, he doesn’t know any better. But he feels bad. Nothing of what you’ve said is under other people’s control.
“I know what you mean, Kanu. As a big brother- I’ve always had to be watchful of others. I couldn’t be an idiot like Lo’ak, because I had to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed.” Neteyam swallows, not sure if you’re following, but you nod. “It didn’t make me less useful, right? Just because I was ‘behind’, like you’re saying?”
You wipe back some of your tears, and agree. “You’re right.”
“But you’ll never be useless, okay? I’ve seen how you always comforted Kiri when she was upset. How you would watch over Tuk when everyone else was more concerned with themselves. You’re not weak or dumb because you’re quiet, Kanu. You’re smart, just like your name says.” Neteyam decides to take it a step further, and you’re surprised that he even remembers, holds that much thought about you. “And you’re not nearly as plain as you make yourself sound.”
You feel your face and ears grow warm, and you look towards the ground, but Neteyam’s hands gently grasp your face, forcing you to look back up at him. His golden eyes are more soft, more kind than you’ve ever experienced from anyone else, and he clearly means it. You’re not imagining it.
“You’re beautiful.” Neteyam smiles at how you look a little taken aback, like you suddenly want to run away from all this attention, because you’re so shy. “I See you.”  
And Neteyam leans in to kiss you, whispering sevin as he does- meaning pretty in Na’vi- and for once, you don’t tell him to stop, that it’s a mistake on his part- you just let it happen. His lips envelop yours, and it’s a much warmer feeling than you were anticipating, that Neteyam could be so close to you and you would feel like his.
He does not let go, letting his hands hold on to you for just a moment longer when he feels an urge to connect his tsaheylu to yours, and Neteyam moves back.
“Teyam?” You whisper, and he rests his forehead against yours.
“Listen. I think you’re amazing.” Neteyam sounds guilty. “And I wish you could stay here forever, with me, but that would be selfish.”
“Neteyam, c’mon.” You look at him knowingly, and he does smile. “I did the same thing. I tried to keep you as my own secret.”
“I think that’s adorable.” Neteyam snorts. “But I’m being serious. I think you should be with someone of the real world, someone who can actually exist alongside you. Not me.”
“This coming from a dreamwalker’s son?” You retort. “To Jake Sully, this was not the real world. And he still bonded with your mother.”
Neteyam can’t disagree with you on that, because you’re right. But it’s still not fair to you. He’s going to have to be the bad guy.
“You should go back.” Neteyam says, and even though as he’s saying this he should push you away, he hugs you instead. A parting hug. “A bond between us? A living girl and a dead boy? We know it’s wrong. It would never be as fulfilling as my mother and father. You would only be able to see me a few times a week.”
“But I want it to be you, Neteyam.” You shut your eyes, and hug him back. “I wish it was you.”
“I know.” Neteyam lets go, and you can see- there are tears building up in his eyes. “But this is not right. Please, Kanu, be smart. I know you know better.”
You stiffen, hearing the words that everyone seems to attribute to you. “Stop being so responsible, Neteyam.”
“Actually, I’m not. I’m not that responsible.” Neteyam grows bitter, and draws himself away from you. “I’m avoiding Lo’ak. Eywa calls me to see him, and I’m just so- angry - that I don’t go.”
You’re silent for a moment. “I didn’t know that was possible.”
“Well it is.” Neteyam shakes his head. “You’re too good for someone as angry as me, Kanu. You don’t deserve a dead boy who can’t even bother to see his brother. Who rejects Eywa. I’m not responsible.”
“Well, I’m not smart. I can’t be without you, even if I know it’s wrong.” You respond, and Neteyam watches as you get up, and walk away, your silhouette slowly vanishing as you leave the Spirit Tree.
Neteyam hopes you don’t mean you’re going to live a life of loneliness. He prays you can get over this. It’s not like him to be such a mistake- but something about you keeps him constantly yearning for this, to be around you in any capacity, if you would let him. That’s why he needs you to stay away.
He wonders if Eywa really does see this as wrong.
“Kanu! Wake up, wake up!” Tuk is shaking your shoulders, as you jostle yourself awake.
“Tuk.” You sit up, feeling the early sunlight peek inside your family’s marui. You’re still a little upset after your last conversation with Neteyam, and you fell asleep after crying for a bit. Your eyes are still puffy. Your mother is mending a loincloth- she waves at Tuk, who waves back- and you’re immediately yanked by Tuk towards the outside. 
She jumps up and down on the bridging, giggling, and she yells: “Catch me, Kanu, catch me!”
Tuk, the silly girl that she is, begins to run, and even if you are a little depressed, Tuk doesn’t need that, so you run after her, your much longer legs allowing you to catch up and sweep her up into your arms. She squeals as you pretend to be a monster, growling and swinging her around, before suddenly allowing her to fly up in the air, throwing and tossing her. 
She laughs loudly, and you remember watching Neteyam do this. No matter how tired he was, every time Tuk asked to be thrown in the air, he would do it. Always with a smile on his face, too.
You blink, watching Tuk look up at you from your arms. She’s not your sister, not your family. But you still love her. And you understand some of the reason why things can feel so empty now. 
Without Neteyam, there’s a big gap, a lack of an older brother who knows exactly what makes his sister laugh and cry.
It’s not fair. It’s not fair that you could love someone like that so much, when he meant a lot to everyone. To bond with him would be extraordinarily selfish. You think you get it now, what Neteyam means by not limiting yourself to him, by allowing yourself to be a lot for everyone too.
“Ah, Tuktirey!” You hug her extra tight, and spin around and she wraps her arms around your neck, grinning.
You hear someone swim forwards from the shore. It’s Kiri and Tsireya, and they’re both holding a large fish between the two of them. Kiri places it with some heft into a net, and she ties it up.
But when they see you, they leave the fish and come towards you.
“Kanu.” Kiri touches your forearm. “Can we talk? Please?”
“Yes, of course.” You half-expect her to tell Tuk to leave, since this is more of a big person conversation, but the three of them sit with you on the shore.
“Kanu… I’m sorry. I should’ve been there for you.” Tsireya speaks up first, and you can tell from the way your friend is just barely uttering the words, she must feel horribly guilty. “I don’t know how you felt, seeing Neteyam again, but it must have been a big thing for you to do on your own. You are strong.”
“Am I, though?” You play with your fingers. “I love him. And I know that it’s wrong-”
“But you can’t help how you feel, can you?” Tsireya suddenly grins. “I knew it. I knew that he Saw you the first time we all met. He couldn’t take his eyes off you, he barely learned how to dive into the water.”
You blush, and then shove Tsireya as she giggles. “Stop that! It doesn’t make it less weird. Or more normal. Neteyam said that it would be wrong… the two of us, a living girl and a dead boy, choosing to be together.”
“So what?” Kiri holds her chest up with pride. “I’m a freak, too. I hear Eywa. It doesn’t make you any less of a person to be different.”
You nod, but you just think that Neteyam wouldn’t want this. He was pretty final on making you stay away.
“What does Tuk think?” Kiri says kindly, with a sisterly nature, because Tuk has been vying to speak for the last two minutes, constantly badgering her.
“I think it’s cool!” Tuk laughs, with a big smile, and she rolls around in the sand. 
You’re grateful for the approval, even if it seems wrong, and you tell them as much.
“If it was really wrong, Eywa would not keep bringing you to him.” Tsireya decides. “Our Mother sees through it all.”
It’s easy to die, you find out.
All it takes is a lack of foresight in your movements. An Akula -a large Pandoran shark- attacks you as you and Kiri are swimming towards the fractal reefs deep in the water. She wanted to show you some of the floating jellyfish that made weird echoing sounds, like music, when she touched them. Even though you had lived in this village your whole life, you’d never seen anything like that.
The Akula approaches Kiri from behind, and you try to sign to her- move out of the way!- but it dives towards her too quickly. And before you know it, you dive forward and push Kiri out of the way.
“Kanu!” Kiri yells, air bubbles bubbling from her throat as she does, and it’s the last thing you hear before the Akula clenches it’s jaws around your body, it’s sharpest tooth impaling you through your chest. Everything in your vision blacks out.
Kiri panics and swims after the Akula, feeling her rage burn through her heart and into her veins, and she pushes that rage outwards, the dots and moles aligning her face lighting up in her anger. The coral and leaves that can be moved by Kiri, and her strange power, stretch towards the Akula, and it clings to it, while it shrieks in anger and drops your body.
Kiri gasps, seeing the blood ebb from your body, a red mist that expands through the water. The wound is too deep, from what she can see, and your dead weight is dragging you down into the depths of the water.
Kiri dives after you, grabbing your body, thinking the entire time, no, no, no , but it’s too late.
She comes up onto the shore, and Lo’ak is the first one to see her.
“Kiri?” He notices your body, and immediately goes into survival mode, pulling you with all his might. “We need to- we need to-”
“Put pressure on her wound.” Kiri looks down at you, and it’s so similar to how Neteyam died, she cannot help but feel a lump in her throat. Your blood has leaked and congealed into the sand. The wound is too deep, to the point where Kiri can see into your ribs. Your bright blue eyes are glazed over.
You are dead.
“No! Please, somebody! Help!” Kiri starts crying loudly, and she lies over your body, her tears flowing onto your neck. “Kanu…”
Lo’ak begins to cry, as well. He didn’t get to know you as well as he would’ve wanted to- but he promised himself he would apologize to you. You never meant any harm towards him.
Everyone is devastated. 
Tsireya could not think clearly when she saw your body. She immediately felt her throat choke up, and she lay over you, shutting your eyes so you would at least look at peace.
Kiri is especially wrought with grief and agony, telling anyone that would listen that you saved her life, and it should’ve been her. Jake holds her back- he knows she’s a kid with a lot of fight in her- and Neytiri tells her to stay calm. That you wouldn’t have wanted her to do this to herself.
Tuk, especially, does not understand. It’s difficult to lose so many people and have to keep losing them in this way, at such a young age. She cries- she wants to see you again, but you’re gone. Lo’ak is the only one who can take care of her at this moment.
Your funeral ceremony is not just led by your mother and father. They recognize how deeply you have touched your friends’ hearts, and they allow them to give their blessings to you before you join the Spirit Tree.
Ronal and Tsireya cover up your wound with small sea flowers, allowing you to look more at peace, for your parents’ sanity.
Tsireya places a headdress made from seashells and vines on your head, and she kisses your forehead. She whispers, “I’ll see you soon.”
Kiri hugs you. She hopes you take care of Neteyam, and he takes care of you. That’s where you’re headed, she knows it.
Your body is tipped off the raft, into the underwater depths, towards the glowing golden tendrils of the Spirit Tree, where you are absorbed.
Tuk waves goodbye at you, crying from Lo’ak’s arms. He, too, salutes you.
You wake up in your family’s marui. Things seem different- the village feels more empty, hazy, like something just on the edge of your vision. It quickly clears up as you shake your head a bit.
You’re not sure what’s happened. Where is your mother? Your father?
Even as you leave the marui, onto the shores of the Metkayina village, less questions are answered. You don’t recognize any of the other villagers, you don’t see the Sully family, although a kind woman approaches you, looking understanding of your obvious confusion.
You begin to run- you don’t know why- but something about how off everything is makes you run. You want to leave.
You see someone on the shore, in front of the sunset. A tall boy, with darker blue skin, long braided hair, a skinny tail- it must be Neteyam. You nearly knock him over when you walk into him.
“Kanu?” Neteyam holds your arms, and he’s immediately horrified. Every other time he’s seen you, you were there, but you were obviously a vision of some sort- not quite there, just a little off. This time, though, it’s different. You’re clearly there, clearly real in a way he never quite felt before. He can’t articulate this difference- he just sees that you’re really you.
He knows you must have joined him in Eywa, and you’re bound to feel the grief and rage he did when he realized. When you told him. 
You’re so confused, wondering why you can see Neteyam again, because the last thing you did- you didn’t go to the Spirit Tree, you were swimming with Kiri- it suddenly dawns on you what must have happened. The last thing you can really, truly recall.
You burst into tears, crying desperately, and fall to your knees on to the shore, water splashing around you. You know now. You understand that you’re dead.
He kneels with you, and pulls you into a hug, your head laying against his chest as you sob, thinking of how you would always be on the other side now.
“It’s okay, Kanu.” He tries, and you continue to cry. “It’s going to be okay. It’s just painful right now.”
“I’m really here with you?” You finally choke out, trying to see something positive in the bigger picture.
“I’m here. I’m really here.” Neteyam says, stroking your head, and you feel your tears subside a bit. “You’re not alone. You’ll never be alone.”
Being with Eywa is not as strange as you would think. For one thing, the afterlife is relatively peaceful. There’s no risk of dying a second time- so you think, and Neteyam laughs at you when you ask the question- and you cannot leave his side now that you know you’re in the same place.
You visit your grandmother together. She’s at first a little unamused about the idea of an afterlife-bonding, calling it “strange,” especially seeing how Neteyam is part of the Omatikaya, and you are apart of the Metkayina, but she’s not actually against it and she likes how Neteyam was immediately respectful towards her, bowing down deeply despite being the son of a Toruk Makto. 
It also doesn’t matter so much here. You can sort of do whatever you want, and that kind of unbridled freedom allows you to do so much more. To jump into the water without worrying about sharp rocks, to dive off of an Ikran without worrying about potentially falling to your death. Eywa won’t let you, because you’re at peace now.
“Isn’t it funny that I would have never done all this back in real life?” You ask, sitting in Hometree with him, and Neteyam snorts.
He’s braiding your hair in a traditional Omatikayan style, at your request. “Yeah, because you’d be at risk of dying. It’s because you’re smart.”
Neteyam finishes by placing a sea flower in the back of your braids, to show where you come from, and then pulls you to your feet.
Neteyam is very proud of you. Even though he wishes that you didn’t have to die- you did what you wanted to do with your life. You saved Kiri, and to him that was special. 
“Does it look nice?” You motion to your head, and turn around a few times. 
“It always looks nice. And by extension, so do you.” Neteyam smiles at you, and you squeeze his hand.
Neteyam brings you deep into the trees of the forests, where he grew up alongside his siblings, and together you sit down.
“Oel ngati kameie.” Neteyam says, pointing his hand towards you, and you do the same. You know what he means now- he’s told you openly how often he thought of you before he had even died, and how much he does recognize you in all your worth. 
Then, almost as if it’s purely instinct, he reaches towards his tsaheylu, and connects it to yours. 
The only thing you feel is love.
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