#New favourite episode
umineko episode 3- wow my expectations where high but some how they were completely blown out of the water
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agni-ashes · 11 months
ooh they updated the episode name from “untitled episode” to “how zed does it… differently” which like, slay! but also it was so freakin funny to just have an episode be called “untitled episode” and then BAM! you get zedap-ed
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idiotlovers · 2 years
Woah ........ fear and loathing, the visuals are fucking great,
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ovenproofowl · 2 months
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Why would they speak in whistles? They don't always. They have a phonetic language for day-to-day interactions, but the whistle-speak lets them communicate across great distances. It's not uncommon to find in cultures before communication technology evolves.
STAR TREK DISCOVERY: 5x06 'Whistlespeak'
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
go crazy! live your best life! take up magic as a pandemic hobby! build an escape room! lock yourself in an out of order bathroom and force your friends through a series of complex tedious tasks to find a paperclip to unlock the door to find you tied up and gagged on the toilet! wait it's not you? it was your evil magic wielding great-grandfather! he travelled through space and reality from decades past and has been here the whole time! also your friends threaten to push you down the stairs and ice you! but aha! it was you all along! they win the game and pour water bottles on your head as confetti floats through the air! all in a good day's work, am i right?
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brrambleroses · 10 months
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Practically punching my screen in excitement the entire time
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murd3rouscrow · 4 days
Wooo, it's been a while, hasn't it?
Anyways, Dancing Men part 3
did i get emotional this episode? maybe i did, but we'll get to that. Instead, let's talk about how absolutely intense this episode was, like every second.
Sherlock getting a bit jealous of John's new bestie, Ian meant so much more after the ending.
and let's talk about that ending... Hearing Sherlock absolutely snap when John got hurt, him crawling over to Abe, wanting nothing more than to kill Abe. Sherlock finally calling John his best friend, quietly singing 'baby come back' into Abe's ear, mentally torturing him.
One of those moments that i really appreciate that sherlock and co is a podcast. I don't think that could've given the same effect if it was visual.
I'll probably make another post going over sherlock's actions here and what it probably means for the future of the story...
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doortotomorrow · 2 months
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fallout » episode one : the end
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raven--stag · 3 months
Sooo... Um. "Fool for love" huh.
I wish my brain was functioning properly right now so I could write a fucking doctoral thesis about how absolutely BRILLIANT this episode is. However, it left me curled up on the floor shaking and crying, unable to put words together in a sentence that would make sense to anyone but me. So, yeah. What a fucking episode!?
As a side note, the fact that btvs writers clearly could write something of such quality but didn't /couldn't makes me really fucking sad. Because nothing in this show prior to this episode made me so feral and I feel like they missed out on a lot of opportunities to make their show this special.
A bit of incoherent thoughts because I just need to put it somewhere: something about Spike saying "I've always been bad" and them cutting to him being nice and kind and polite and gentle. Something about them telling us that demons are just shells of humans with no emotions or anything underneath. And then showing us bits and pieces of human Spike that he somehow got to keep? (like that parallel between vamp Spike saying "ow ow ow" as Buffy beats him up and human Spike saying the same thing as Dru draines him). Don't get me wrong he's a fucking asshole but he's capable of decency (if not kindness) and he's still as cringe as he was before he grew out a shiny pair of fangs. And him KNEELING BEFORE BUFFY as he tells her the secret of her mortality (crappy screenshot attached because I can't get it out of my head)
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And him being unable to kill her and being the only person that kept her company in THAT moment.
There's more things but my brain is all mushy and I literally can't think straight.
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skimmeh · 1 year
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I can't do this again- I totally can they are my favourite flavour of silly
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hualian · 6 months
Happy TGCF and Hualian Wednesdays to those who celebrate !
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beaboep · 3 months
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In honor of my favorite underverse episode I decided to lock in and make cover art for the episode.
I might make more cover art for the other episodes
Dream and nightmare belong to Jokublog
Cross belongs to jakei
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imkazz · 18 days
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some kny drawings to get myself out of studying T~T
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sandymybeloved · 9 months
inspired by this poll and because I'm curious how the results will differ (also this is not about the definition of my doctor, its about if the doctors you might name for the two things correlate)
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oifaaa · 1 year
Holy shit tim drake is basically TTGO robin
So the funny thing is your kinda right despite the fact that tt and ttgo Robin is meant to be dick ttgo Robin has way more in common with Tim then he does dick which is why this line is so fucking funny
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
Me for the whole episode:
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Me for the 15 seconds of sskk interaction at the end:
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