#there was an equal amount of respect for their beliefs as well as understanding that they could grasp the concept of alien life beyond thei
ovenproofowl · 26 days
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Why would they speak in whistles? They don't always. They have a phonetic language for day-to-day interactions, but the whistle-speak lets them communicate across great distances. It's not uncommon to find in cultures before communication technology evolves.
STAR TREK DISCOVERY: 5x06 'Whistlespeak'
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gjenkatarot · 8 months
𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃 💌 Your next significant relationship.
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Tarot masterlist | Paid services
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
⋆ Pile one ⋆
Your next meaningful connection might involve someone entirely new to you, a person whose depths you have yet to fully explore. This individual may carry the weight of deep childhood traumas or unresolved emotional baggage, some of which can be quite profound and challenging to navigate. For some of you, this person may have unfinished business with you or vice versa, someone who harbours grudges and finds forgiveness to be a difficult journey. Your significant other may possess great restraint and self-control, demonstrating resilience in the face of life's trials. While they tend to avoid confrontation, their ability to do so requires a considerable amount of mental strength. They frequently temper their ego and approach life's decisions with a rational mindset, seeking coherence and logic in all things. Engaging in intellectually stimulating conversations, where they can showcase their intelligence, is something they relish. Their approach combines both intellect and emotion, even though their words may occasionally come across as sharp or cold, often unintentionally. This person may struggle to release grievances, finding it challenging to move forward due to being ensnared by the past. The mask they wear may starkly contrast with their inner turmoil; beneath their cheerful exterior lies a deep well of sadness and melancholy. They may grapple with their past traumas, hindering their ability to progress. Your next significant other may exhibit impatience and a somewhat temperamental disposition. In your relationship, they may display possessiveness and occasional bouts of jealousy. They derive satisfaction from intellectual debates, readily defending their beliefs and opinions. Currently, it appears that this person is on a healing journey, working on their inner self and transitioning into a more tranquil state of mind, leaving the past behind. You will likely encounter this person after a significant change or transition in their life, marking the point at which they are ready to embrace a new chapter with you.
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⋆ Pile two ⋆
Your next important relationship is likely to begin slowly and develop over time. The person you'll be with is patient and doesn't rush things. The person you'll be with is comfortable with this gradual pace and doesn't rush into things. They pay great attention to details and are persistent, preferring to gather information before making decisions. They excel at nurturing both others and themselves, investing heavily in self-care. They also know when it's best to let go of things beyond their control. They have a strong commitment to treating everyone with equal respect and exhibit a well-balanced nature. They typically can see both sides of a situation and maintain a calm demeanour instead of getting carried away by extreme emotions. They are known for their straightforwardness and honesty, always getting to the point. Trustworthy and kind, they rarely dominate conversations because they value understanding different perspectives, making them excellent listeners. They are willing to assist you in finding solutions to your problems. Financially, they are self-sufficient and have worked diligently to achieve their current status. They are capable of enjoying life's finer pleasures and pursuing their goals and dreams with determination and confidence, thanks to their abundance of creative ideas. They are open-minded and enthusiastic about exploring the world around them. However, it's important to note that this person experiences anxiety and can sometimes become overwhelmed by stress, leading to worries and sleepless nights. They are highly sensitive and deeply in touch with their emotions, occasionally being too critical of themselves. They may benefit from reminders to be gentle with themselves.
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⋆ Pile three ⋆
Your upcoming meaningful relationship is bound to be nurturing and affectionate. This person will make you feel comfortable, cared for, and protected. Their presence will bring you a sense of security and tranquility, almost like a soothing lullaby. They have a balanced and grounded energy and are comfortable with their sexuality, exuding sensuality. Regardless of their age, this individual possess a mature outlook on life, understanding the true priorities. They appreciate slowing down to savour the beauty in life. They are motivated and hardworking, always striving to achieve their goals. Their ambition and enthusiasm are infectious, and they thrive on continuous mental and physical stimulation, possibly showing interest in sports. They will keep your relationship exciting and prevent any feelings of boredom. Your connection with this person will be special and intense, characterized by a deep bond. They might have experienced some complexity in their own love life. It seems like this relationship will help both of you confront fears and insecurities. It could be a private or discreet relationship, perhaps rekindling a hidden connection from the past. They may find it challenging to open up emotionally to new people, often prioritizing work and goals. They enjoy developing new skills. In this relationship, you will feel genuinely loved, as their heart is pure and their intentions are sincere. They are committed to nurturing their relationships, and self-improvement. They have a systematic approach to working on their emotions and thoughts, processing feelings constructively. They actively contribute to the relationship and don't leave all the effort to you. Persistence is a key trait in everything they do.
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lord-squiggletits · 5 months
On the MegOP fandom trend of saying "Optimus should apologize to Megatron"
(Speaking specifically for IDW1, though it applies to a lot of MegOP especially ones that do continuity soup with heavy reference to IDW1)
I was talking to a friend in DMs and they mentioned a common headcanon/fanfic trope that I also concurred with, and both of us said it's something that bothers us: a common take in the MegOP fandom goes basically along the lines of "If Optimus had just apologized to Megatron, the war would've ended" (or other variants including "if he'd tried harder to understand Megatron/work in collaboration with him").
And firstly, this is incorrect for a number of reasons:
There were attempts at peace negotiations during the war, but they fell through. So Optimus WAS trying to work with Megatron to the point of participating in formal diplomatic meetings.
Optimus tried multiple times on page to convince Megatron to just stop fighting and work with him for peace (Autocracy, Chaos Theory) that Megatron rejected. Given that these on-page examples take place at the start of the war and at the end of the war respectively, it makes sense that Optimus asking Megatron for collaboration is something he was trying/willing to do the entire time. So again, Optimus was always willing AND ATTEMPTING to work with Megatron and find a joint solution
Even before the war when Optimus was still Orion, he was very explicitly inspired by Megatron's writing and names Megatron as one of the people who "opened his eyes" to the wrongs of Cybertronian society. So how is it that people claim "the war went on for too long because Optimus never tried to understand Megatron" when OP literally named Megatron as one of his biggest idols, thus implying that OP does understand Megatron's ideals
But the primary purpose of this post wasn't to defend Optimus, actually. Even though I personally think Optimus did plenty (dare I say, everything) to try to end the war, there are some who may still think otherwise, so instead of arguing about whether Optimus did "enough", or who should apologize to whom, or who "deserves the blame" for starting/continuing the war, I'd actually rather talk about this:
No matter who is most "to blame" for the war, it's my firm belief that neither Megatron nor Optimus would even expect/demand the other to apologize to them at all.
On Megatron's side, he would never seek to judge Optimus negatively for the decisions to the point of saying "you wronged me, apologize." Whether it's evil Megatron who doesn't care about atrocities and revels in an opportunity to expose Optimus as a hypocrite, or post-war/Autobot Megatron who knows that his own evil actions are irredeemable, the idea of Megatron judging Optimus and demanding an apology for the war specifically strikes me as out-of-character. Why would Megatron demand or even want an apology from Optimus when Megatron knows fully well that he has his own sins to bear, he prolonged the war for his own selfish/material gain, and that he is responsible for an untold amount of suffering? Demanding an apology would imply that Megatron sees himself as the wronged party and Optimus as the wrongdoer, but by the end of the war, Megatron is too aware of his own part in the war to ever demand such a thing of Optimus. Even if he DID think that Optimus was "equally to blame" for the war (which he doesn't/wouldn't, btw), Megatron's own feelings of guilt would prevent him from trying to seek the petty satisfaction of the moral high ground or making Optimus beg for his forgiveness.
Additionally, Megatron knows Optimus very well as a person: he knows that the position of leadership is full of "loneliness [and] agonizing self-doubt" for Optimus (Chaos Theory) and that "when Optimus hurts others, he hurts himself" (MTMTE). Another reason that Megatron wouldn't demand nor want an apology from Optimus is because Megatron knows Optimus so well that he already knows that being a war leader fills Optimus with immense guilt and suffering. Given that Megatron knows about Optimus' self-doubt and guilt, why would he even need an apology when he already knows how much Optimus regrets the war and desperately wishes/wished for it to end?
Then, as established in the previous paragraphs, Optimus is too full of guilt for his part in the war (both before it started and in being unable to stop it sooner) to demand an apology from Megatron. Again, demanding an apology would put Optimus in an implied position of moral superiority and/or victimhood, but Optimus doesn't see himself as morally superior or as a victim (or rather, he sees himself as being responsible for these bad things happening and internalizes this as a duty to do better/fix wrongdoings). In other words, Megatron and Optimus both share this view of themselves and each other: Their hands are so dirty, and they both feel such guilt over this, and they know each other well enough to know that the other feels this way as well. Because both of them feel blame for the war and are acutely aware of their own flaws/part in suffering, both of them feel far too responsible for the war happening for them to ever blame their archnemesis for "not trying harder" or "being responsible for the war."
Hell, if you even look at the socio-political climate of Cybertron before the war started, neither Megatron nor Optimus were the ones who put this conflict into motion. The corrupt legacy of the Primes, Functionism, class issues-- all of these things existed before Megatron and Optimus did. Even once they started doing things like writing about social issues (M) or fighting against the Senate (OP), both of them were "underlings" in sense that they weren't leaders:
Megatron's writings may have inspired the Decepticon movement, but that movement existed as an independent entity with its own leaders and speakers long before Megatron became the "official" ruler of the Decepticons. He wasn't even the leader of the 'Cons until he took control of the gladiator arena and the nonviolent sections of the Decepticons were (presumably) subsumed into the underground, exploitative battle culture that Megatron created.
Optimus-as-Orion was a police officer to start, but even once he started going against the Senate, he mainly worked in collaboration with others like Senator Shockwave and Zeta (later Zeta Prime), who he either saw as his idols or who were literally superior to him in rank due to government/military structures.
So with this in mind, even from a social level, while Megatron and Optimus may have been "catalysts" of a sort that caused the war to escalate to an outright planetary/galactic level, the scenario is too complex to solely lay the blame for the war at either of their feet. I'm not confident in saying that Megatron/Optimus would explicitly think of this when talking to each other, but what I'm trying to say is that M/OP were just catalysts in a long chain of brewing tension that exploded into a war. Even if one could claim that one of them "started" or "escalated" the war, the social issues that caused the war and the positions of power that allowed them to become leaders in the first place were falling into place before either of them actually BECAME leaders.
In other words, this shared fate of being the final reaction that exploded a societal conflict into outright war... Megatron and Optimus both have that in common. And because of this, I really don't think either of them would even think to ask the other to apologize because they're both in such similar positions, with such similar feelings of guilt and responsibility, that they understand each other's feelings without words. To demand an apology would be akin to taking that shared vulnerability/guilt and stepping on it, attempting to claim that one is right/superior and the other is wrong/inferior, and that the inferior one needs to grovel and take responsibility for the bad things that happened.
#squiggposting#idw megop#idk if this'll get me hate or not but it's something i think about a lot#and verbalizing it to that friend in DMs helped me put into words why that common fanon take bothers me#also. hot take but if any 'apologies' are necessary then it's M who should be apologizing to OP#the war may be both of their faults but M is the one who explicitly did/said things just to hurt OP and break his spirit#i'm tired of ppl who don't understand (or at least don't discuss) how hurt OP is and how he deserves recogniztion of his feelings too#megop#then again this fanon take may just be a consequence of continuity soup culture#where ppl don't have to acknowledge specific things that M or OP did bc they can just selectively include or not include details from canon#so like. i guess in their continuity soup continuties their fanon is technically correct#but in terms of the source material which is the one shared experience we all have and the common language we derive fanon from#this fanon is very incorrect. or at least i hope i've managed to argue that it's incorrect#anyways the thesis of megop is that they're equals and opposites who are inextricably tied to each other#fanon that tries to place the blame on one or castigate one of them is missing the point of megop#the point is that they're equal. equally strong and charismatic and amazing. and equally culpable#even if they're not literally equally responsible for idw megop at least they at least both FEEL responsible#and i don't think idw megops are the type to mince words about who's 'more responsible'#they're both depressed old men who hate themselves and regret basically their whole lives. why would they judge each other like that
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cypriathus · 15 days
Here is my version of Gabriel!
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: I talk about how human experimentation affected the following character.
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Gubaszoriel is an earthly angel that greatly admires and respects the human spirit, the ability to dream and hold onto hope, and the noble will of Cosmos’ creation. She’s marked by benevolence and generosity, especially towards children, vulnerable people, friends, and respected colleagues. She’s gracefully loving to all angels and the brethren that have fallen, but acts sadistically sarcastic and indifferent to devils, demons, and imps. She’s compassionate, incredibly patient, and respectful towards people who are physically, mentally, and spiritually suffering. She tries her best to treat everyone with an equal amount of kindness, but does have her moments where she becomes irritable and inconsiderate. Once she has snapped, her irritability and lack of consideration is always directed towards people who are sinful for all of the wrong reasons. She handles children, animals, and people she genuinely cares about with tenderness, and is extremely faithful to her relationships and heavenly duties. She’s not afraid to sacrifice herself if it means that her loved ones and brethren will be protected, and gains a lot of respect due to her unselfish and morally good nature. She applies her wisdom during times of overcoming hardship and offering guidance, support, and solace to those who need it the most. Gubaszoriel is a charismatic advisor who can provide skillful assistance to resolve problems and a level-headed optimist that rarely views life through a pessimistic lens.
Even though she’s fairly humble, she has low self-confidence in herself, often doubting if she’s meant to be trusted with her messenger duties. She’s quite the perfectionist when organising her duties, souvenirs, stuffed animals, and antique cutlery and plates, and passing down important revelations to trusted individuals. She has severe trauma from undergoing brutal experiments that left her infertile and anxiety-ridden when interacting with cruel people. As a result of this trauma, she’ll become triggered if she hears mentions of pregnancy, looks at toys for young children, and encounters scientists, white coats, animal cruelty, and the brutal mistreatment of people. She has cacophobia (the fear of ugliness) and becomes slightly distressed when she looks at herself in the mirror because she views herself as being hideous. After the scientific experiments, Gubaszoriel stubbornly adheres to her life as an advising messenger and becomes a sort of unpredictable, yet cunning trickster. Despite having mild anxiety and being an occasional stress case, she’s fairly easy-going and has a noticeable absence of belligerence. It’s rare for her to become deadly serious and grim as she’s more inclined to put up a happy-go-lucky, rabbit-hearted goofball facade. She can calmly withstand and understand cynical, cunning, and sarcastic individuals, con-artists, and people with counterculture beliefs. When interacting with the aforementioned people, she remains friendly and wisecracking, but isn’t afraid to make fun of their manipulative nature and skewed perspective on life.
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Gubaszoriel is about 7’ 10” (238.76 cm) and she has a triangular ectomorph with a slightly rounded belly, slim arms, semi-broad shoulders, a well-defined waist, and prominent thighs. Her skin is a snow-white with a reddish-black mole located near her philtrum and five russet solar lentigines: one below the underside of her ribcage; one in the middle of her right shoulder; one on the lower left abdominopelvic quadrant; one on the left side of her pelvis; and one on her right calf. She has eight fairly large wings with the plumage of a house sparrow, sunburst lavender-amber eyes, and claws and talons that have a slight roundness to them. She has beautifully smooth, waist-length light ash brown hair with delicate curls, which is often decorated with white lilies and orange chrysanthemums. After experimentation, her feminine body became fairly androgynous and her once glossy rose lips turned into a metallic green. She has four rows of pearly white omnivorous teeth with prominent canines, her right eye is a green gold with a scarlet pupil, and the left side of her hair is a vibrant copper. Her upper back and forearms are covered in trypophobic holes and bulbous sores that will never heal properly, which were the result of all of the needle injections she received. Crude silvery black stitches run along her spine as well as encircle her periumbilical region and the top of her abdomen. On the left, she has a jarring scar from the back of her ophthalmic nerve to above her right eyebrow. She also has a scar from the centre of her right splenius capitis to near the tip of her left sternocleidomastoid muscle. Her skin surrounding her chest cavity is pulled back by seven metallic hooks in a vague heart shape. It reveals translucent red flesh of agonised faces, blackened bones that are extremely durable, bruised lungs, an elephant’s heart, and a glowing spleen. Gubaszoriel’s secret bodily weakness or physical Achilles’ heel are the lymphatic system, celiac artery, and oblique fissures.
She wears an ankle-length chiton of dusty rose linen and a copper zoster around the waist adorned with dried evening primroses. She occasionally wears a mid-back chlamys of kingfisher blue wool that depicts an Ancient Greek-style merman wrestling with a rabid dog in black, gold, and red ochre. She dons nearly knee-length boots made from green leather, which is decorated with swans of pink pearls, citrine, and larimar. She wears a golden diadem with white peacock feathers encircling the top, a glittery black veil in the front, and an emerald green ribbon flowing from the back. She has a diaphanous hagoromo of pearlescent yellow cloth fluttering around her and a two-ringed halo of blue fire behind her head. Gubaszoriel’s forearms are covered in elbow-length tubes of shimmering green velvet that have wolf-fur bands on each end. Mikhazorsvel gifted her a large bib choker of alternating silver and grey-blue celestite beads ranging from 2 mm (0.0787 inches) to 12 mm (0.472 inches). He also gave her a rose quartz signet for her right ring finger and an orange calcite solitaire that she placed on her left middle finger. She carries around a gold-plated, silver caduceus-like spectre tipped with a lantern that has a lighted blue taper inside and a mirror of green jasper that only reflects what she used to look like.
It’s unknown what her true form really looks like, but people have described it as having a scary-looking, androgynous body of red beryl. Her face is like lightning with eyes of fiery torches and the brightness is so intense that it can instantly burn a mortal alive. She has twelve wings of pearlescent white tipped with soft blue, and her arms and feet shine like burnished bronze. She’s dressed in topaz-studded linen with a belt of fine gold around her waist, and her being is surrounded by the swift waters of Hridazoktegus.
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Gubaszoriel can manipulate communication, the north wind, prophetic dreams, occurrences, truth, hope, kindness, and chastity. She has the power to announce the will of any titan and turn the leaves of trees considered sacred under benevolent deities into new souls. She has omni-communication and nigh-omniscience, but a few metaphysical and terrestrial concepts are mentally blocked. She’s a psychopomp that blesses sinners with a safe journey and has the authority to transport deceased individuals and Pnemazokhus towards their final destination. She can resurrect sinners to give them a second chance at life and righteous souls to successfully fulfill their duties in the living world. She received absolute change as a gift from the deities, and has supernatural concealment, endurance, and stamina. She has the strength to level an entire city with the tip of her wing, and can control the flow of water and the rotation of the moon. Her teleportation ability is limitless, and she can purify people cursed by sin and heal physical, mental, and spiritual wounds. After being experimented on, she can make perfect clones of herself that are filled with light, darkness, and/or nothingness. She can temporarily stop time when she desperately needs to calm down or a few minutes to think about something or analyse a situation she’s in. She can control the blood of deceased angels, mortals, and animals by using the branch of any tree as a conduit, which drains a lot of her life energy. When controlling blood, Gubaszoriel’s veins uncomfortably bulge out of her skin and spider lily tattoos adorn the entirety of her flesh until she’s done using that ability.
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Mikhazorsvel (supposed lover)
Angel of Heralding Visions and Unquestionable Faith
Messenger of the Revelation
The Spirit of Holiness
The Faithful Horn
Strength of Justice
Willing Fire
She’s omniromantic and non-binary
As an Æylphitus, her name means “god is my strong man”.
She’s the avatar of a chaste herald god
When in her true form, her voice sounds like a stampeding crowd and it can explode a mortal’s eardrums after hearing a single word.
She coined the term “white coats” to refer to the scientists of the Bureau of Researching and Securing Extramundane Curiosities (BRSEC), which is still used by the residents of Eylvhraszokjumni.
Mikhazorsvel uses her as emotional support and to satisfy his lustful urges
Whenever her low-back pain is acting up, she asks Usraphoniel to give her a well-kneaded massage and herbal medicine that can treat her soreness.
She’s good at naming things
She likes to write down her negative thoughts and positive memories in ancient papyrus scrolls that are scattered about in her office library at home.
She originally didn’t want to join the divine council, but Usraphoniel managed to convince her by telling her that their actions are all focused on maintaining the equilibrium of morality.
Her favourite flowers are the chamomile, jasmine, mallow, evening primrose, and all white flora.
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anjumstar · 9 months
One day I'll write a post-war bkdk where Katsuki has to confront the idea that he's grown in ways that Izuku has not.
Canonically, Katsuki has sensed that Izuku is a "real" hero of goodness and rightness that All Might noticed, and that has made him the right person to hold One For All. This will inevitably create a bias in Katsuki's mind, especially as he comes, post DvK2, to respect Izuku more and more and, as we interpret it, like him more as a person, equal, and hero. That bias is that Izuku is naturally, inherently, good and right.
Which, you know, he is. It's shonen. He's the protagonist. But post-war, when the conflicts are not merely between good and evil, it'll become a lot more complex for both boys (and everyone).
I think of it manifesting as a Katsuki who does a lot of work on himself emotionally and an Izuku who does not. Because since DvK2, Katsuki has had to reevaluate his beliefs and his opinion of himself and of Izuku. He has to confront the failure of the licensing exam. And we see how abundant his growth is in his newfound ability to work with others, his selfless atonement towards Izuku, and his ability to put himself on the backburner strategically as he sees the bigger picture.
Meanwhile, Izuku's life at UA largely exists as his inherent beliefs being confirmed repeatedly, through his rapid improvement of OFA, how he breaks through with Shouto, his plan to get Katsuki back, etc. Even his moments of irregular growth--going alone in the vigilante phase, his quandary over whether to beat villains or save them--always returns to his core belief set of, essentially, doing good by everyone. His choice to return to UA and to save villains aligns with his original beliefs rather than being growth changes. He doesn't do the same amount of internal investigation that Katsuki does, and I think that post-canon, it'll leave Izuku worse-equipped emotionally than Katsuki.
So when I imagine them in a relationship, it's with a bkdk who expect that they'll be able to communicate well because Katsuki thinks the best of Izuku and because they manage to overcome so much between chapter 1 and wherever the heck this story ends, including working collaboratively in battle.
Obviously, I think they'd be very wrong.
Katsuki may know what he's feeling but not know how to say it. Izuku may not know what he's feeling and not know how to say it. And if Katsuki thinks that he's communicating effectively--whether he is or not, he'll be baffled by Izuku any time that Izuku fails to 1. understand what he's saying 2. communicate back effectively and 3. go along with Katsuki's ideas (depending). I think, honestly, Katsuki would respond similarly to how he did as a kid when Izuku wasn't talented at dribbling or reading or skipping stones, which wasn't with contempt, but with confusion and maybe a little betrayal because his expectations weren't being met. This isn't because Katsuki has regressed that much or because he hasn't grown, but because those reactions came from thinking the best of Izuku (as well as thinking his experiences were universal, which is a wip), and post-DvK2, he still does. And because he's just gotten used to Izuku surpassing him, and the idea of Izuku falling behind in any way would shake the new beliefs that he's built around the idea that Izuku is good and right.
So yeah, idk who else subscribes to that characterization, but it's some of the bkdk that interests me the most and that I'd most like to write given a fic complex enough to pull it off in!
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aronarchy · 3 months
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Those takes come from a view where racism/antiblackness must result from individual “feelings” or nebulous internal “prejudices” rather than specific systems. That’s bullshit. If someone chose to own slaves under a racial slavery system then he was automatically racist. If someone chose to own a vastly disproportionate amount of property and live a bourgeois lifestyle while others were forced to starve then he was automatically classist and furthering their exploitation. If he's a white person chose to remain aristocratically rich under a system of racialized white supremacist capitalism then he was automatically racist. That’s what racism and classism are. It doesn’t matter whether he had other “ideals” or “feelings.” Clearly he didn’t respect them enough to hold the ideal that he was morally obligated to give up his privileged lifestyle to stop exploiting them. Does he think all this great human progress just occurred just because? Do better conditions appear out of thin air? No; wealth has to be redistributed (or, more accurately, seized back) for there to be more equality.
This is also why “but what about a person with a hypothetical psychologically ‘race-blind’ exploitative antagonism existed, what then” carries a false premise. Even if you, personally, might be “race-blind” in a vacuum, you do not live in a vacuum; if you go with a “default” then in a racist world the default will be racist. The mere ability to hold such a removed, detached individualized “ideology” or nebulous set of “beliefs” distinct from “real,” grounded ethics is already a product of privilege and indicative of privilege (as well as oppressiveness). The oppressors have always had varying “ideologies”/dispositions of this sort; they have the luxury of being able to hold these ~alternative views~ because they have a privileged vantage point where it all isn’t personal, it’s all low-stakes. But liberal “equality” or egalitarianism isn’t actual equality. This is condescending and useless.
It’s gross how many (almost always white) liberals try to justify owning slaves (“historically”). Fuck “it was just a product of their time.” People have ethical obligations no matter what time they’re in. And there will always be at least some people who (actually, radically) resist the dominant narrative, even if they are less visible or not heard. The exploited classes often/usually understand that their exploitation is wrong; they feel the trauma and the outrage themselves. Even some people of the privileged classes will dissent. “But I just had privileged foisted on me against my will I totally couldn’t help it or change anything” is the coward’s way out, is unrealistic, and denies agency.
(These are also the same types of people who take huge offense and clutch their pearls at statements like “all white people are racist” and claim that as justification for promoting entryist racist talking points in return like the specter of Black liberation activism going too far/being extremist/unreasonable now, but at the same time set up their premises so that that would be the logical conclusion from their scenario given a more honest use of definitions and interpretations, which is pretty ironic. Which is it? Was/is it not all white people, or yes all white people they couldn’t help it though it was just a product of their time?)
I mention this although this was said in a context of analyzing fiction because the OPs indicate they believe this is appropriate in any context in general, and people in general do not restrict this analysis to just fictional characters; these are extremely common talking points about real people, real-world situations and scenarios, and IRL oppression, both historically and in the present. These myths are taught in school and peddled in public discourse and sold as policy. They are dangerously wrong and need to be discussed and challenged.
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superconductivebean · 20 days
#978: hmmmm
I'm not usually the one to comment on drama. The reason isn't anger control or lettering creatively picked insults for literal ages, but the desire to be very, no, painstakingly meticulous about the case -- that always meets a force opposing it as greatly as it stirs up my mind. A force that tells me speaking publicly isn't worth its time; that force is rather wrong but is also very right, but no elaboration. For now.
Anyway. And sorry for the rant.
That particular kind of drama is very familiar to me and I hate to meet it again and again and again. It migrates from fandom to fandom, you can easily spot it outside internet and it always comes in either of its two equally irking forms.
You are either told to drop something because you are too old.
Or you are told to leave it for someone older, allegedly more capable and knowledgeable, wiser, than the silly little you.
Both I had seen, both I am very tired to hear for what feels like years.
Because it has been years. Decades. In three years I may call myself a fandom vintage because it would be a 20 years mark of me being to fandom, in a broad sense. I've seen it all. And I am appalled, a tad.
First, you are urged to leave, because you are too small. You get a little older and get shushed or lashed at again -- for being too young, still, and that your opinion isn't matter because of your age. Fast-forward would still yield you prejudice but there would be something more to it. Condescending. "You are so clever for your years!" Uh-huh.
Once your bio turns 18, people will suddenly start to look at you very differently.
Cringe you would post will be judged with lesser severity and your opinion will apparently matter to even the smallest degree now because you have come of age! Congratulations!
But. Once you've felt free from the other people's ostentatious desire to show off their utterly fallacious wisdom, -- as their main argument is their belief age matters much, -- it just starts to spin the other way.
People will either mock you, or try to drive you away, because now you're too old to be around. Too old to enjoy things. Ancient for this cosy spaces reserved for a forever-haunted youth. Decrepit and desolate, unfit for this endless, miraculous life stream -- that in the grim reality of things, seems to be off-limits for everyone.
Fascinating, isn't it.
Spitting on the youth and expect it not to ever try and beat anyone back with the same old argument of never being of the perfect bride age but for fandoms. Because humans are resentful creatures.
don't mock fandom elderly,
don't mock fandom youth,
don't mock age; it matters not.
And, don't fall for the centuries old fallacy that inspires one to assume greater age equates to becoming only wiser. The implication of it should be apparent and well-known.
Important asterisk*: It isn't about parenting someone else's child. It is about respect. Understanding. Acceptance. Nice Things. You can't earn it by hitting someone's nose with a tip of your shoe. You earn it by communicating boundaries -- and while doing so, not leaving a landmine field. As much as people like to resent, they actually cherish kindness.
Another important asterisk*: Frustration is a very relatable emotion, yet. It shouldn't raincloud a whole group of people for the 'normal' of whom a tent has been put? Us-and-Thems may look appealing -- any simple thing does -- but when that becomes the case, you are well-past any resolving and facing something worse and of leviathanical proportions. That amount of prejudice and disrespect must be fought on levels far exceeding capabilities of just some fandom homies just wanting themselves a cosy retreat. Doesn't excuse said homies' resentment -- and hence, contribution to the persisting issue they'd rather not have. An ouroboros, if you will.
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khalixvitae · 8 months
i wanted to write poly rookvil x mc fics and general headcanons because i have anime boy rabies (life threatening) but i need mc to be fucked up irrevocably. like you. like me. like so many seyx sexy bastards out there. what do YOU think of alt!yuu x rookvil <3333333333333333333333
You think I’m fucked up irrevocably? Goodness, I’m honored! <3
But I love the idea of alt!yuu and RookVil. Frankly I think the mc of all of my fics is going to be alternative because that’s just. How I am and my writing is nothing if not self indulgent! I’m of the belief that both Rook and Vil have at least somewhat alternative tastes in fashion. At the very least they both enjoy the subversive! I know in my experience at least, my outfits are very methodically planned out and so is the time I allot to getting ready for the day! There’s a lot of thought and love that goes into alternative fashion- which I think Rook and Vil would both respect regardless of your precise subculture. As for headcanons, I have several!
Firstly, Vil is going to help you dye your hair (if you dye it, ofc). It’s a non negotiable, and frankly he’s the best person to trust with the task. He’s methodical, experienced, and nothing short of a perfectionist. It’s going to look incredible (as if he’s capable of producing work that’s anything less than impeccable).
Now, we’ve talked about blood vials and such on this blog before. I do think Vil would find the premise interesting- I mean he’s a brilliant potions master, and the blood of an individual is one hell of an item to have a hold of. That’s a lot of power you’re willing to give him, which he’d undoubtedly find attractive. The idea of relinquishing some of his own power to another person (someone he loves deeply) also sounds enticing. However he’s WAY more thoughtful about the process than Rook, who would be almost dangerously gung ho about it. I can also see Vil preferring a ring over a necklace- idk it just seems like that would be his preference.
So much makeup. Like, an insane amount. The three of you get ready together in front of Vil’s massive vanity. It’s almost like a ritual- before any event, the three of you gather to get dressed and do your makeup side by side, ofc aiding one another if need be. It’s an important kind of bonding activity that all three of you are extremely particular about. It’s also exclusive to the three of you- nobody else is privy to these pre outing activities.
Overall there’s just a lot of very intense closeness between the three of you. Sometimes others describe being around you three as being excluded from a conversation they aren’t even fully aware of. The way you exchange silent glances and affirmative nods makes it abundantly clear that there’s some form of communication nobody on the outside of your relationship could ever understand. Of course you all have your individual lives and hobbies, but that doesn’t negate the fact that when the three of you are together you’d like to live under one another’s skin. You aren’t one organism per se, but instead three very distinct people who are deeply intertwined and seem to be on the same wavelength regardless of the situation. You know each other so well, and it’s a relationship built on an equally spread layer of trust and mutual understanding. The lines between friends and lovers definitely blurred organically here- there was no particular definition for your relationship until Vil very matter of factly referred to the three of you as a polycyule. It was never a Formal “what are we” discussion- the three of you love one another, and never really questioned motives beyond that.
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kafkaoftherubble · 5 months
Dear emperor is about politics and the horrors of man made gods, how we sometimes idolize people to the point of worship.
But actually it's about the complex friendship between Ira and Edith, how politics tore them apart but their genuine mutual (platonic) love and respect for each other brought them together in the end and made Ira give Edith a second chance. He missed the friend he once had and eventually let her challenge his political beliefs because he just wanted her back.
BUT ACTUALLY dear emperor is about how disabled people and people who look different deserve to live.
Brandi was born with mental health issues while Ira's disabilities came later in life after serving in the military. They both deserve help, not because they're good people, but because they're human and as humans, we need to help each other.
Lewis has no disability but he has a birthmark that has made him stand out. He's been mocked for it and it sometimes it's almost a disability because the uneducated masses assume it's dangerous or some kind of disease or that he's dangerous because of it. It's just a way his face looks!!
And Edith. Her disability (left arm stuff) is self inflicted and so what? Even if she has it because of a stupid mistake, she deserves help as well. Even people who didn't think things through and are now disabled because of a dumb mistake deserve help. Someone who lost a limb doing a dumb trick deserves as much help and support as someone who lost one in a car accident.
Dear emperor is about love and kindness, how we have to be kind and help everyone, even if it means sacrificing luxuries or large amounts of our time and energy. As people who can help, we should.
Bruh, my late-night brain leaps into any sort of imagination easily (too easily in fact), and THIS? This created a whole ass studio of you on red velvety sofa, and then a bespectacled woman interviewer is sitting about one leg apart from you, and then there's a marble-constructed fireplace kinda thing behind you two, and because I don't know how you look, you're just Haanit-but-a-bit-smaller on a sofa, and you're basically being interviewed and the bespectacled woman took her glasses off and chewed on the tip while nodding attentively.
I'll say, with the way you let their lives play out in the story, it's more than just "disabled people deserve to live." It's that they are capable of feats and contributions as any able-bodied and/or neurotypical people. They are remaking countless lives—their enemies', their allies', and above all, their compatriots'—with their own striving. And it wasn't necessarily done despite their disabilities, or that they managed to scale hardship and achieve greatness equaled to an able-bodied/neurotypical folk. It's that their experience directly impacted them and shaped them such that they made their own unique contributions. They knew things the other folks didn't know, and because of that, their voices enriched the collective discourse and understanding of what it means to be in a community we called society.
All that mandates about being "normal" or "approved by State" has created only a very specific kind of people with uniform ideas which leads to stagnation. If Edith and Co. had been removed because they didn't conform to a narrow band of what counts as "normal and non-defective," then Odeda would only continue its fall.
It's not about how diversity, including disabled people, is good for a population. It's about why.
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witherydithery · 11 months
Asexuality Headcanons I
Part 1: Introduction & Background Part 2: "Kaz and Inej are Allowed to Heal" Part 3: Asexuality Headcanons I ★ Part 4: Asexuality Headcanons II Part 5: Conclusion
Our second topic is one in which you would think the asexual perception would be the majority, not the outlier. And while I cannot attest to the percentages of those on either side, the discussion surrounding the acceptability of asexual Kaz headcanons is clearly lacking some important voices.
When it comes to discussions of Kaz and Inej's sexuality within this fandom, this issue is likely what comes to mind. It pops up every once in a while, usually in the form of posts being made against the headcanoning of Kaz as asexual because of his touch aversion. Now, these issues arise with Inej as well but are far more common when it comes to Kaz, so it is these headcanons that I will be primarily addressing.
Why the Contention?
The primary concern of such posts is the conflation of asexuality with trauma and touch aversion. There is a history of acephobia being perpetuated by beliefs that asexual people are only asexual because they have had a traumatic experience, so the concern is understandable. I share it as well. While those who are asexual due to trauma are welcome as members of the community should they wish to be, one does not automatically equal the other.
So then, why are these posts an issue worthy of being brought up in this post?
Although the intent behind these posts is respectable, there is a pervading issue of misunderstanding what asexuality is and isn’t, and why people headcanon Kaz as asexual.
Misunderstanding Asexuality
There is something almost funny about reading a post made to stop the potential spread of misinformation, which is also misinformed. So, let us break down the Top Four notable misunderstandings of asexuality I see most often within these posts. 
4. It is wrong to headcanon Kaz as asexual because of his trauma 
I’m afraid to inform you that asexuality does not protect you from being traumatized. And that one character headcanon does not have the power to undo whole efforts of educating people on what asexuality is and isn’t. Especially not a headcanon so niche as asexual Kaz. Nor is it the responsibility of those headcanoning a character to avoid anything that could relate to or be misconstrued as a stereotype. 
3. People can’t be asexual due to trauma
As I touched upon above, people can be asexual due to trauma. People can be asexual due to many reasons, depending on whether they identify as such. The asexual community is about experiences, not definitive and unchanging identities. 
2. Asexuality involves a lack of romantic attraction 
While it is true that some people experience sexual and romantic attraction (or lack thereof) as more or less the same thing, myself included, they do not have to be. And not experiencing one does not mean you do not experience the other. Many asexual people do experience romantic attraction and do desire things relating to it. 
1. Asexual people don’t want to touch or kiss others
Asexuality is defined as experiencing little to no sexual attraction. While I am certainly no expert in defining precisely what sexual attraction is and isn’t, as I have never experienced it myself, I can safely say that it does not monopolize wanting to touch or kiss. 
Touch is not inherently sexual. In fact, the want for touch is experienced by a wide range of people regardless of sexuality. Human beings often appreciate some amount of touch and physical affection. 
Kissing is also not inherently sexual. Nor is it inherently romantic, to be fair. It is an act that some people want, and others don’t. And in no reality does the asexuality mean that no one identifying as such wants to kiss.
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formulatrash · 1 year
To stoke the twitter fire, who do you think is better Lando or Charles?
girl. I never want to stoke the twitter fire I want to turn up with an extinguisher and leave Twitter sopping wet and no longer wanting to fight.
but, that aside; I think it's a non-comparison. Charles and Lando aren't really peers in junior series terms (and even if they were they've both been in F1 long enough that's no longer really relevant and they are in very different positions in terms of their current driving.
both of them are under immense pressure but very differently. Charles needs to lead Ferrari, which is a nervewracking thing when the team is working well and winning and a neurosis-inducing breakdown when everything is, well. how it is currently. Charles is the driver that Ferrari has decided is going to take it back to the top and that comes with immense privileges like the team's backing and belief and also massive amounts of pressure.
where his 2022 campaign fell apart is somewhere between the two. he emerged still clearly Ferrari's lead driver and with the knowledge their car has radically improved since the 2020 low ebb but also knowing that 2023 might not yet be the year that the two can be added together and equal a championship. but it is Ferrari and he is il predestinato, so they must keep trying to force the equation.
Lando didn't particularly get picked by McLaren to rebuild the team or to be their big hope. he was a driver who was good enough, who no one else had signed. he's clearly proven since that he was a very strong choice, for a team that's still not as far from the mess it was in in 2018 as it might like to imagine and because he's still there, McLaren's recovery is his problem.
Ferrari and McLaren have very different issues; McLaren has come very close to going bankrupt, repeatedly, in recent years and is still miles behind the top teams in terms of facilities and resources. you can't drive or strategise your way out of the midfield, it's a technological problem and McLaren themselves will admit that. their recovery from being the worst team on the grid to often the best of the rest is very impressive but a step back to the front will be much harder.
it's why Ferrari could flop in 2020 but manage to go back to title contention in 2022; they have the wind tunnel and computing and engineering and design resources to do that. McLaren are still putting theirs together.
Lando is very good at maximising results, given that. Charles, arguably, throws them away sometimes but that is because he is dealing with a different set of parameters; the type of margins by which Ferrari win or lose are the ones McLaren rarely have to analyse. (and struggled with, the last time they had to)
both of them are very good at respectively being Lando and Charles. Lando is the safe pair of hands McLaren need to push them forwards, who understands the team and they understand him. Charles is capable of handling the pressure of Ferrari and not being demoralised by the team's shortcomings.
if you switched them around, I don't know whether that would be the case. maybe Charles would thrive in Woking or Lando would suddenly acquire a gift for languages and fit right in at Maranello but where they are now, they are both very good. the right driver for one team is not the right driver for another, as say, Valtteri or Alex has shown fairly capably recently.
the fact Bottas and Albon looked relatively ordinary or even bad when they were at top teams doesn't mean that given a winning car and a different situation they wouldn't have thrived. it's hard to nail down a matrix of what makes the perfect driver for a particular situation - without a doubt, F1 teams would have been running the simulations for it if it was.
so there's not really any comparing Lando and Charles. even if you looked at their relative performance against Carlos, say, then that's in two different situations (a team with almost no expectation of results after years of decreasing performance vs a team that just sacked off Sebastian Vettel for this guy) and maybe this is where the problem is with F1.
because machinery plays such an important part to the sport. because teams are so completely essential to a driver's results. because the best driver in the world could've spent half a season in a car that didn't suit them and a team they couldn't gel with and been binned of. 'best driver' is really the one that can work with a team at the time, which is why Michael Schumacher and Lewis Hamilton are such titanic and obvious standouts and Lewis has been able to achieve the greatest results of all time.
so, to answer the question: neither of them is 'better' - both of them are, even if they're frequently frustrated by it, probably in the right situation for them to perform the best they can right now; Ferrari might annoy the shit out of Charles but it's unlikely he'd find a better fit at Red Bull or Mercedes and McLaren being a long way off the front end of the fight but as Carlos has shown, being a standout in the midfield doesn't mean slotting into a top position is easy. the length of both their contracts reflect that.
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selfhelp4all · 7 months
5 Tips To Make Her Respect You
Respect is one of the basic human values. As it applies to people, is defined as an attitude of admiration or esteem for a person. This feeling is generally a result of a person's achievements. While all people deserve respect, not many of they receive this.
Everyone wants to be respected by others but not all of them get it. It’s important to first define who a respectable person is before giving respect to him.
First of all you have to keep in mind that in order to demand respect, you will have to treat others with equal amount of respect.
‘Respect’ is just a word, but what it means and what it distinguishes for us can make all the difference in how we observe ourselves and others — as well as how we relate to future possibilities and choices.
Many successful relationships have been built around different political or religious believes, but it all boils down to respect. They are based on the belief that both partners are equal, that the power and control in the relationship are equally share. In a relationship, respect means to listening each other, valuing each other's opinions, and also understanding the other's emotions.
If you want to make you respectable by your girlfriend, here are some helpful tips which may use.
First of all it is very important to have self respect. Treat yourself with respect. If she sees that you don't have any respect for yourself she might consider that she doesn't have to show you either, because it is not important to you at all.
What you give is what you take. Show respect if you want to be respectable. Everyone wants to be admired and appreciated. If you show your girlfriend that she is important to you, you'll be easily in their good graces. Be attentive, give compliments, and make her feel comfortable with you and content. Simply admire the person you are with and listen carefully when she talks. So, she'll love to spend time with you.
Relax. Women think men are mediocre because they have a boring personality. So, when you have a date with her relax and have fun so she will feel great with you, because if she finds you boring you may get dumped. If you make her feel good she will respect you for the funny guy you are, being the person who can make her smile even when she is very sad.
Don't lie. We all now that women don't like to be lied to. If she had caught you with a lie she will definitely not have any more respect for you. But, if she sees that you are sincere to her all the time, she will be proud of you and will show more and more respect for you.
Be confident and polite. Look into her eyes when she talks to you and make her feel that you are a person who can trust in. Show her that she can talk with you about any subject or problem she has and can count on your help. Don't forget to be polite, this will bring a reciprocal respect.
When you are in a relationship you must be treated with respect, which means your girlfriend must act like this:
lets you feel comfortable being yourself
is able to admit when she is wrong
is willing to compromise
respects your opinions, feelings and friends
tries to resolve conflicts by talking honesty
accepts when you’re saying no at things you don' t want to do
So, take a deep look at your relationship and watch out if your girlfriend is making all this things for you and if not you should try this tips to make her respect you.
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relationshipsure09 · 8 months
5 Tips To Make Her Respect You
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Respect is one of the basic human values. As it applies to people, is defined as an attitude of admiration or esteem for a person. This feeling is generally a result of a person's achievements. While all people deserve respect, not many of they receive this.
The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
Everyone wants to be respected by others but not all of them get it. It’s important to first define who a respectable person is before giving respect to him.
First of all you have to keep in mind that in order to demand respect, you will have to treat others with equal amount of respect.
‘Respect’ is just a word, but what it means and what it distinguishes for us can make all the difference in how we observe ourselves and others — as well as how we relate to future possibilities and choices.
Many successful relationships have been built around different political or religious believes, but it all boils down to respect. They are based on the belief that both partners are equal, that the power and control in the relationship are equally share. In a relationship, respect means to listening each other, valuing each other's opinions, and also understanding the other's emotions.
The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
If you want to make you respectable by your girlfriend, here are some helpful tips which may use.
First of all it is very important to have self respect. Treat yourself with respect. If she sees that you don't have any respect for ourself she might consider that she doesn't have to show you either, because it is not important to you at all.
What you give is what you take. Show respect if you want to be respectable. Everyone wants to be admired and appreciated. If you show your girlfriend that she is important to you, you'll be easily in their good graces. Be attentive, give compliments, and make her feel comfortable with you and content. Simply admire the person you are with and listen carefully when she talks. So, she'll love to spend time with you.
Relax. Women think men are mediocre because they have a boring personality. So, when you have a date with her relax and have fun so she will feel great with you, because if she finds you boring you may get dumped. If you make her feel good she will respect you for the funny guy you are, being the person who can make her smile even when she is very sad.
Don't lie. We all now that women don't like to be lied to. If she had caught you with a lie she will definitely not have any more respect for you. But, if she sees that you are sincere to her all the time, she will be proud of you and will show more and more respect for you.
Be confident and polite. Look into her eyes when she talks to you and make her feel that you are a person who can trust in. Show her that she can talk with you about any subject or problem she has and can count on your help. Don't forget to be polite, this will bring a reciprocal respect.
The secret ingredient to keeping your man focused and interested in your relationship
When you are in a relationship you must be treated with respect, which means your girlfriend must act like this:
lets you feel comfortable being yourself
is able to admit when she is wrong
is willing to compromise
respects your opinions, feelings and friends
tries to resolve conflicts by talking honesty
accepts when you’re saying no at things you don't want to do
So, take a deep look at your relationship and watch out if your girlfriend is making all this things for you and if not you should try this tips to make her respect you.
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relationshipinfo · 10 months
5 Tips To Make Her Respect You
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Respect is one of the basic human values. As it applies to people, is defined as an attitude of admiration or esteem for a person. This feeling is generally a result of a person’s achievements. While all people deserve respect, not many of they receive this.
Everyone wants to be respected by others but not all of them get it. It’s important to first define who a respectable person is before giving respect to him.
Get Free good advice for a good and long relationship help. Click Here
First of all you have to keep in mind that in order to demand respect, you will have to treat others with equal amount of respect.
‘Respect’ is just a word, but what it means and what it distinguishes for us can make all the difference in how we observe ourselves and others — as well as how we relate to future possibilities and choices.
Many successful relationships have been built around different political or religious believes, but it all boils down to respect. They are based on the belief that both partners are equal, that the power and control in the relationship are equally share. In a relationship, respect means to listening each other, valuing each other’s opinions, and also understanding the other’s emotions.
Get Free good advice for a good and long relationship help. Click Here
If you want to make you respectable by your girlfriend, here are some helpful tips which may use.
1. First of all it is very important to have self respect. Treat yourself with respect. If she sees that you don’t have any respect for yourself she might consider that she doesn’t have to show you either, because it is not important to you at all.
2. What you give is what you take. Show respect if you want to be respectable. Everyone wants to be admired and appreciated. If you show your girlfriend that she is important to you, you’ll be easily in their good graces. Be attentive, give compliments, and make her feel comfortable with you and content. Simply admire the person you are with and listen carefully when she talks. So, she’ll love to spend time with you.
3. Relax. Women think men are mediocre because they have a boring personality. So, when you have a date with her relax and have fun so she will feel great with you, because if she finds you boring you may get dumped. If you make her feel good she will respect you for the funny guy you are, being the person who can make her smile even when she is very sad.
Get Free good advice for a good and long relationship help. Click Here
4. Don’t lie. We all now that women don’t like to be lied to. If she had caught you with a lie she will definitely not have any more respect for you. But, if she sees that you are sincere to her all the time, she will be proud of you and will show more and more respect for you.
5. Be confident and polite. Look into her eyes when she talks to you and make her feel that you are a person who can trust in. Show her that she can talk with you about any subject or problem she has and can count on your help. Don’t forget to be polite, this will bring a reciprocal respect.
When you are in a relationship you must be treated with respect, which means your girlfriend must act like this:
- lets you feel comfortable being yourself
- is able to admit when she is wrong
- is willing to compromise
- respects your opinions, feelings and friends
- tries to resolve conflicts by talking honesty
- accepts when you’re saying no at things you don’ t want to do
So, take a deep look at your relationship and watch out if your girlfriend is making all this things for you and if not you should try this tips to make her respect you.
Get Free good advice for a good and long relationship help. Click Here
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th3-art-of-dying · 1 year
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In the not so distant future, mankind becomes more and more conscious of their elected leaders and the impact they have on daily life. The people begin to involve themselves, as a majority, in their respective communities, state and country.
Things progress, people change. Cultures change, the world changed. So goes the short version of the story.
To tell the tale in all it’s horrific detail is much more difficult an endeavor. One that would take a very long time. So, in the spirit of compromise, allow me to highlight a few of the points crucial to understanding exactly where we went wrong.
We were on a steep incline. A growth spurt if you will. Humanity began evolving again. (After the much debated topic of de-evolution.)
Gradually, the population of earth began to harmonize with each other. They began to live less as a mass of individuals, and more like a single being. Where once we had self awareness which gave us consciousness, we began to attain awareness of us. Oneness. Unity. A connection to each other stemming deeper than anyone had imagined.
Of course this changed everything. Culture, lifestyles, beliefs, behaviors and so on. Laws changed, others dissolved, others were adopted. Eventually, most things were de-criminalized, 90 percent of the world’s prisons were torn down with hope that one day all would be eliminated as well.
Crime rates plummeted. Healthy living was no longer encouraged, It was the norm. Some people began talking about ascension as the next stage of evolution. Several reports went out on men who did not die, but instead, ascended to a higher plane of existence before their bodies expired. Eyewitnesses claimed that they were there with them one moment, and the next, they were simply gone. Their departure usually keynoted by some deep rumbling sound or a great gush of wind.  
There came a point in history when, mankind called for a redistribution of all the worlds wealth and assets.
A fresh slate for all. Everyone allotted an equal chance at life. To succeed, become wealthy and powerful or to fail, become nothing and live a miserable and fruitless life. What an idea…
The basic idea was that all homes and the like would be each allotted the same amount of land I’m either of two scenarios. Individual or family homes were available. Individuals were all plotted an acre and family homes 4 acres.
If you had a home, you could retain it if your living situation fit the required criteria. For example, the rule was 3 or more, family. One or two, individual. Simple right?
All issued currency became void. All bank accounts set to 0. Each living person received an equal share of all the worlds wealth, re issued and placed into each individual account until all were funded equally.
Most of the basic laws remained. At least the obvious ones anyways. Do unto others and all that. Firearms were treated the  same way as money and everything else worth the effort. They were issued out evenly based on certain criteria.
Vehicles, heavy equipment, off road vehicles including aircraft and sea craft. Household goods, food, tools, electronics, clothing, and every other thing of value either monetary or practicality.
Many people died horrifying deaths. Somehow, no one foresaw this event. Some said there would be tremendous violence. Sure, there was some, but it was a rare occurrence. Most people were just afraid. They lacked the skills required to maintain daily life. Many starved, many more died as a result of malnutrition or other disease.
Efforts were made to continue to provide medicines. Groups emerged as independent health care providers. They tried, genuinely, to help, but there was simply too much to be done and too few hands to do it.
Ninety five percent of people with previous ongoing conditions which were life threatening, died within the first two years.
Very early on, groups began to emerge under colors or symbols or both. There was a variety of genres, most aimed to preserve some part of life as they had always known it.
There were the medical professionals, the EMTS, police, fire and the like all by their own volition, carried on as if nothing had changed. A staggering number of farmers, simply carried on. In fact, the vast majority of the planet simply kept on going. Who would have thought?
However, others….. changed drastically. Some, especially the young adults and teens, sought to increase their new found wealth and didn’t care by what means. Many met an early demise. Others poured all they had into drugs or some other addiction.
Part of the change allowed previously homeless individuals to obtain a home relatively close to their desired place of residence. The number of deaths by drug overdose tripled for awhile then faded to near zero, and gradually began to build momentum again. Those who survived the change, lost someone or something profound. Many were mentally torn and In the years to come, the realization of the nightmare they were responsible for weighed heavy on many.
Suicides rose, ODs, murder. The population was thinned by two thirds in the first 5 years. Still, the numbers rose. Eventually there was scarcely a man alive concerned with keeping tallies nor statistics.
Eventually population loss evened out. Man started reproducing at higher and higher rates. Finally, two decades later things leveled out. The population of the planet was still nearly a third of what it was before the redistribution, but mankind was gradually making a come back.
Not that the population would recover anytime soon, but they were organizing and doing their best to restore functioning society.
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
Understanding Universal Law, Spell Work - How to Uplift to NEW Levels of Human Co-Creation ~  5D Spells 
Understand Energy - If you are doing, considering, or have done magic spells on anyone, a partner, or potential partner, then you are not respecting their space, energy, nor are you understanding universal law, nor the inner realm that is yet to be dissected, honoured, valued within you - All is creating YOUR unique reality and each must face what has been intended, taken money for, or being the caster of; all play a part and all will be equally affected by the imbalance created
What is meant to be will be - without such ego effort - if you are doing the inner work; the outer will arrive - magically and without spending crazy amounts of money to take, get, or create your version of narrative over any other -
We are here and in through our own healing, rising above control, fear, greed, gluttony, superficiality we allow for the arising into new self empowerment. No one is to have control in any way over another. In any way, and why when such wounds are healed, there would be no human trafficking, the degrading and harm to the soul that such acts cause and will be sent back into the cycle of souls growth and learning for each to experience in another way - move on from such beliefs that inhibit any other, aspects of the self; heal. Love, uplift.
The only power anyone has, any one, a group, or a collective; the only power anyone has is of thyself - that is it - THIS IS the law of Creation and all that is not being ushered in as such, played out as such, not being honoured as such, will evident as such; each must bring balance to what has been created; in every way and none are responsible for another's ill will or choice in such; there is enough information, wisdoms, discernment of within, on what is 'right' and 'not ok' as far as actions, beliefs, behaviour, actions - allowance to let all be all and move through the lessons each must receive to know of themselves, our reality, one another in new loving ways.
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Spell work is manipulation - rarely is it offered as a gentle and loving prayer of healing, acceptance, upliftment of each soul, or collective; most are not healed within to use, or offer such gifts of energy in a balanced and honouring way; for if one uses such tactics to 'get' take money from another to place harm, or blockage of another, all are within the karma to be returned in such dishonouring of free will and the natural laws of energy, love, light and nourishment of our planet.
How we disregard our own value, worthiness, free will; to be so impacted by the outer reality to feed into cycles of getting, having, taking from another; all are the warping of our disconnection of spirit with spirit; all is within and can only come from within; compassion, forgiveness and unconditional self-love; is the only answer to any all that one may think they want; but truly need - want/need - this is for each to sort out, this is the ego or spirit - this is ascension.
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Every spell cast creates imbalance; the laws of balance; if one chooses to research and read - every thought, word, deed creates energy, never stopping or going anywhere, must be alchemized in its return or not; most are not at an awakened level to understand such and yet can see throughout the spiritual communities of such work being offered and such people seeking ego- quick fixes, or get someone, or a fantasy without doing the inner work, knowing of spirit within, honouring or valuing universal law, energy, what is created in such selfish mallice - all is the working of ego and its ache to get, instant satisfaction but not truly feeding, nourishing the soul, spirit that only within can do and no spells are necessary.
Spell casting can be beneficial - do the incantations for your own health, wellness, kindness, honouring and working in BALANCE with Gaia, nature, the elements - and what is not, will absolutely return very quickly - for spirit, the realms of evolutionary councils will simply not allow our planet, our collective to be place at jeopardy again; spiritual gifts will be blocked, taken from those that abuse power of such energy, gifts from God;
Spiritual talents will be blocked, put on hold until such reverence, balance, understanding of universal law will be re-instated; we must understand dear ones, like taking the training wheels off into new realms of play; we are entering within a galactic and cosmic body of unity; it is in our path to 'get' and live as as we traverse such galactic energies, discernment of entities, and structures of becoming - all is energy and we all have unique soulful experiences, akashic wounds, planetary power imprints, control issues each must work through -
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Spirit is our benevolent guides and there is not punish of such divine intervention - none at all, why we are re-writing the sacred human spiritual texts of co-creation - or the bible; it is a way for each soul to stop long enough from the getting, wanting, taking, and go within and learn truly what is going on, and the damage such play of control, ego and power causes to all -
All affects the All - the timelines, the progressions, the healing that are all affected by warping through ego control issues - nothing is worth the return of such when one can easily go within and heal thy wounds so that they do not become another's and why God, Spirit, your soul, your guides will block, take, decode all gifts used in abuse of Right Use of Free Will; and such will play out in our collective for all to sense and know of the unconditional love that is offered again, again, again - God always provides infinite chances for forgiveness and unity, and love; to all play nice in our glorious playground -
All life, our planet, our hearts, our spirits, our cells, our brains, our bodies, our words, all is sacred, all is a gift - how may we stop long enough to know of this, not just regurgitate new age 1 liners, but truly stop, soften, feel into what this means - we are a body of ONE;
Give back to another by giving yourself pure, true, gentle forgiveness and love - this is the higher and best spell anyone could offer another - this is truly designing yourself as a celestial ambassador of light and love. One.
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All affects the ALL and each person, each aspect of life will move through what is meant to so that each act of reverence with energy is put to a new level of refinement, purity of amplitude of joy and new states of becoming - no one has the right to place harm, control, fear, belittling of any other sacred potential of life, light, and evolution - no one. Heal the wounds - discern every energy, action, soften, forgive, and know self love is so much more powerful than spending money for a love spell on someone that is an actual block to the true love you will manifest in the self loving path you can choose -
God knows, spirit knows, honour all that is love, energy, light,
As Jesus once told me as I was praying and offering a profound amount of worry, light, safekeeping to someone that was ill in my family, and I was offered in His gentle overwhelming wisdom;
'you can only offer the light, it will be placed in his soul for him to choose or not choose to receive it, it may be his souls lesson to experience such illness; it is none to override this souls experience and wish' there is always higher purpose and reason, and why I was told to 'not send light' to someone whom I had been with in a hospital room as they manifested a benign anxiety episode; as a healer, it is a natural response to begin alchemy and light work; however spirit stepped in and stopped this; spirit will place blocks on any and all experiences that override ones right to heed from every experience and cannot be gleaned its perfection of power and self evolution if one that can always enables a 'fix' -
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Mastery is a profound path - and unique to each soul, each person, and each healer and why it is key to discern the true prophets from those that simply 'copy' for each will be called to place their gifts and skills to the test for you to transcend ego and simply live from spirit in each multi-dimensional way; there is no justifying to anyone, but a healer, teacher must heed spirit to know what, how, to whom, and how much to offer and why - we can never know the alternate realms, roles, and lessons each need, and why a lesson will play the very foundation of the worlds next leader - or healer, but it is to God to know and why such elegance is - it just is.
Spirit is the writer and we are vessels, the helpers of higher evolution and we are not the designers per say - we are the helpers of God, and why we do have to surrender ego to listen, for we do not know, regardless of how evolved someone may say they are, or how powerful their spells are - such arrogance will be capped and taken of gifts until each soul learns how and why universal laws, energy and right use of will WILL be elegantly coloured in our new human becoming; this is our Alliance with Light© 
Gifts of donation, and offerings are gratefully appreciated for our wisdoms, and evolutionary content - written soully /solely by Joanna and her teams, God, spirit and all channeled light council energies - for benevolent and upliftment =
World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write ~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss * [email protected]© 
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World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write ~
Amplitude of your Light = Joy
DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss *
It is a gift
Move on - surrender ego - self love is the key
Blessings and light,
Respect all paths - let go, allow.
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