#Newtopia in the Sky
uknow · 9 months
tagged by @loveshack and @yerinbaeks to list 7 fave songs recently and tag 7 people ~☆
1. when its over - sugar ray
2. monkey - george michael
3. hana d-z deadly rose approach - ayumi hamasaki
4. fly to the sky - fly to the sky
5. newtopia - loossemble
6. time difference - infinite
7. the view - d.o.
i tag @you-aholics @loveitselfofitself @gunwoook @pukashell @jazzclub @hellofuture @duovxq
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discet · 1 year
I had an Amphibia au idea a while back that I shared with a view blogs. Now I'm sharing it with you!
Basically, instead of Leif grabbing the box, Andrias manages to catch before it does. No vision happens, nothing changes between Andrias Leif and Barrel. Nothing changes.
And yet at the same time, everything changes.
I have my own thought-I MEAN NOTES on my little au, but I just wanted to see your interpretation of it first.
Alright, this took a minute, but I really like where it ended up
So here then is the Scorched Earth AU
Part 1: Mercy of a New King
Andrias takes the throne successfully, the invasion goes off. However, as hesitant as he was before to commit to bloodshed, he finds himself truly overwhelmed by the horrors visited upon the Earthlings. After confiding in his lifelong companions, they give him heart and courage to not stand idle. He knows, however, there is little he can do to convince the core to give up the invasion entirely, but believes he can at least avoid the genocidal end for humanity that would otherwise be par the course.
He argues, to the core, that with their stature and strength, the humans would make good laborers for the fields. Stronger certainly than frogs, and argues that they should not let such a resource go to waste. Cheaper to feed than machines would be to maintain. Even knowing this comes from a soft heart, the core can not ignore the logic and acquiesces. Humans are brought over to be labor in the mines and fields.
In turn, as Leif does not turn against him, the "Divorce Trio" remains friends and perhaps even more? The king never takes a spouse but his childhood companions remain closer to him than any newt could dare. Rumors are not helped when one day the king announces an heir. He certainly looks like a Leviathan, blue and grows to be tall as a tower. Only instead of the signature white locks that mark their heritage, he had hair as orange as the setting sun.
Some whispered foul magics or stranger sciences as the cause, but all were wise enough to not say anything where they might be heard.
These rumors are not helped when Andrias names his two companions the first Archduke and Archduchess of the empire. A gesture, he claims to bring all Amphibians to equal peerage in the realm. Both serve as a check against newt nobles who have gotten too comfortable in their lofty positions. While technically three families, so close were the three that their children were more like cousins, or even siblings.
Part 2: The Young Heir
It's a thousand years later Andrias has long... passed, along with his companions, whose legacy still looms large in Amphibia. While Leif's legacy still looms large in the minds of her descendants, it is not so present today, in the minds of the Archduke Apparent. 
Sprig Plantar, and his sister Polly on the former's twelfth birthday. Tragedy struck the two at an early age when court politics took their parents from them, however it did not quell the two's thirst for excitement.
Polly has this day built for her brother a flying machine, as much a favor as a present, For she has not yet tested its capabilities. The two take it to the sky and it soars swifter than any heron. Or... almost any heron. As they fly across the mountains south of Newtopia, a heron rears up and claws at the machine sending it spiraling into the valley below.
They survive the fall, but now are stranded in the wilderness outside the capital. Both siblings are ill equipped for such a scenario; they wander briefly for a day or two, becoming sick on mushrooms they should not have picked, being hunted down by something they had heard but not seen. On their third day of being stranded, the monster finds them, a massive red mantis bearing down on the both of them.
Part 3: The Pauper in the Pond
They scream and shout and are heard. In a flash before being cut in two, the noble siblings are grabbed under an arm each and long strides carry them away. It was one of the human peasants who worked the vast agricultural lands of his family. Hair thick and curly infested with twigs and leaves.
The mantis gives chase but is quickly found victim to a massive snare trap, hung upside down in the air. A second human, black hair with lighter skin covered in light scars, jumped from a hiding place in a bush in triumph- Only to immediately trip over said bush and onto her face.
A third human launched out from hiding, a chipped woodsman's ax at the ready charging and beheading the mantis before it could free itself. This third human had blonde hair and freckles across their arms and face.
After the chaos dies down and the other two humans start stripping the mantis of its carapace and meat, the human who rescued them introduces herself: Anne Boonchuy and asks for their names.
Now, Sprig and Polly give their first names, but are careful to hide their identity as nobility, and ask if there is a way out of the valley as they need to get back to the capital.
Anne informs them that unfortunately they would be out of luck. The valley was cut off from the rest of Amphibia until the ice in the pass thaws. She however brings them back to their town of Old Saint and her family's inn.
And I think that's the premise, a world deeply changed but with some familiar faces still in play.
A novel switching of roles. Our two noble frogs learned some humility living amongst the peasants, and perhaps more importantly, empathy for humans.
A prophecy still in play, the box still awaiting its chosen ones in the capital.
A place they are perhaps now bound for, to return the two young siblings to their family there.
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wixelt · 1 year
Was refreshing my memory on everything with the au when I found where you mentioned scenes that would go very differently if a hermit had a totem, and perhaps the Hermethius has a reserve stache of them or something
And that got me thinking through a very likely scenario
Consider: the Hermethius is programmed to drop emergency supplies on each hermit's last known location should something go catastrophically wrong and they're left stranded. This is a bit of a special scenario, where that information does not exist. But it has its own Grumbot and Pilots to resolve oversights.
The Hermethius begins mapping the planet and scanning for player activity, and, when it's finally completed months later, launches 26 supply drops to the areas with the highest centers.
The hermits honestly weren't even expecting the supplies to come, but they do recognize what those twenty odd shooting stars spanning out from a single point are.
They do have parachutes that deploy, so they shouldn't cause too much damage, but they quickly realize the problem when one lands near their location.
They may not know exactly why they're landing where at first, but they figure it out quickly.
You see, it's not until the resistance is already under way that the supplies drop. Only one drops on the revolution base. Beef estimates that one landed in Cub's custom biom, another seemed to be landing near Bdub's mountain, he thinks two landed near Pearl's and False's houses respectively, one fell into the ocean,
And one landed in Newtopia.
So Andrias knows what the drops were.
And now it's a mad dash to try and keep each other from getting those resources.
When I mentioned the Totems of Undying on the Hermithius, I was thinking about The Hardest Thing, but this is a fun scenario as well, so here's some thoughts on that.
Normally all the Hermits have some sort of signalling device on their person in case there's a genuine emergency. This is what the Hermithius uses to identify drop sites for supplies, but with the ship half-functional - the wash of dimensional energy blew out a lot of key systems - it wouldn't be able to complete this task, even if the Hermits had been carrying signallers when they were scattered, which they weren't.
As is, Renbob & Goatman have been trying to patch up the ship's engines as best they can while using momentum to help the onboard Grumbot - disconnected from the hive after past fiascos - navigate into orbit of the planet Xisuma's suit transponder's pinging from.
Unfortunately, the ship's damage prevents them from getting a clear fix on X - if he's even still on Amphibia by the time the vessel arrives (either late Season 2 or very early Season 3).
So they resort to doing things the more time consuming way. Grumbot runs an algorithm through the geology scanner - X usually uses it at a "Season" start to identify strong "spawn" candidates - focusing on any land activity/structures that match certain Hermits.
After weeks of searching & double checking, it gets 26 verified hits.
Some are clustered together, whilst others are more distant, but they're enough to work with for now. By this point, the pilots have had time to repair the supply drop mechanism to enough accuracy to set the emergency boxes - bespoke for each Hermit's needs - down where geographic evidence would indicate they're likely to find it.
They can only work with the limited information they have, though.
One night midway through Season 3, while listening to Sasha run through a plan, Tango's attention's stolen as 26 stars rain down from a single part of the sky, dropping all across Amphibia.
A sight he knows all too well, & that fills him with hope.
Several drop close enough that the Resistance finds them in a matter of minutes. False's house is nextdoor, & Grian & Pearl's is nearby, among others.
One drops over South Tower, though, & another near Quareller's Pass.
One drops on the coast, near-directly where TFC will emerge from tunneling under the ocean, several months from the present.
One drops over Cub's massive structure, & another near BDubs' artificial mountain.
And more still fall in places both known & not.
Only one drops over Newtopia, but Andrias & the Core are smart enough to put the pieces together about the same time Beef does about what they contain & where they'll land.
And so the race begins...
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hey, here’s the deal (we’re back in business) Chapter Two: you’re such a big mess (and i love you)
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
The portal works, and Marcy stands in Newtopia. 
Or, well, where Newtopia used to be. It’s still a huge mess, and the castle is still lopsided over on a different island, but still. Newtopia. 
She’s standing in a more repaired part of the city- sorta near where the castle used to be but far enough from where it ripped itself out of the ground that it’s not too badly damaged- having just stepped through Terri’s portal (and Terri is SO COOL) into Amphibia. Anne and Sasha have already gone through their own portals, Anne destined for Wartwood and Sasha for the remains of the southern Toad Tower. She’d wanted to meet up with Grime, but unlike the Plantars or Olivia and Yunan, they really couldn’t be sure where the old captain would be, but Sasha had said it was a good start. Toads were really stubborn and they probably would’ve tried to rebuild the tower by now. 
So they were there, and Marcy was here. Looking for Olivia and Yunan, who would probably be together. 
Marcy wonders if they’re married yet. 
She turns to look at the horizon (the blue, blue sky and the lush green mountains, so unlike LA), and, well, looks like she ended up basically right exactly where she landed in Amphibia the first time! Though she hasn’t fallen down any stairs yet. Probably would be a good idea to avoid that.
“All right,” Marcy hums, hand on her chin, “if I was the king’s former royal advisor and top general, where would I be if the castle got destroyed?” She scans the city and thinks about that. Olivia usually did a lot of paperwork, and Yunan was in charge of a lot of people as a general, so…
“The royal offices!” Marcy snaps her fingers as it comes to her. “Of course! If you’re putting together a new government ‘cause the old one failed ‘cause the king betrayed everyone, you gotta do a lot of paperwork!” And the offices should still be standing because they were on a lower tier of the city and not in the castle itself. Yeah! They should be there, and if they’re not, someone there will probably know. And she’s Marcy Wu, Chief Ranger! People know her! She can probably get some directions there. 
Read the rest on AO3
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miqotepotatoe · 1 year
Ninjago Amphibia Dumbass Swap: Hopping Mall
AKA, Cole and Sprig bond over dead moms
WC: 872
Night soon fell over Newtopia as the Plantar family slept in their shared hotel room. Well, until Sprig awoke, a nightmare drawing the young frog child out of the land of sleep. He looked over to the bed next to him, seeing Hop-Pop and Polly sound asleep. He then realized that it was just him in the bed, his bestie/unofficial adoptive older brother standing by on the balcony, fiddling with the lantern he bought earlier that day. 
Cole had been acting…off to say the least today. Sure the human teen was always a little bit serious, but today he seemed as if something was bothering him. Sprig wondered if it had something to do with his home realm. The young frog hopped over to the balcony, and sat down next to the black clan teen. Cole quickly noticed Sprig's presence, glancing over at the curious frog before returning to fiddling with his lantern.
"It's a tradition back in Ninjago, to light a lantern on the Day of the Departed."
Sprig listened as his friend from afar as he spoke of his home. He'd like to visit Cole's world one day, from the way the ninja described it, it sounded like a wonderful world.
"We light the lanterns to honor those who're departed, to keep their memory alive. It's a day to spend with loved ones, friends or family. Normally I'd spend the day with the other ninja or my dad, but well…I'm stuck here until King Andrias and Jay figure out how to make the music box work. FSM they must be worried sick about us." 
The Earth Ninja looked down at the lantern in his hands, homesickness in his mismatched tired eyes. As much as he enjoys being in Amphibia, it's not Ninjago. He misses the other ninja, Master Wu, his dad. Why didn't he listen to Lloyd when he told everyone not to touch the music box? Sure he's not alone, he's got the Plantars, Jay and Kai. But Jay was busy helping the king and he hasn't heard anything from Kai since events at Toad Tower. 
"Who're you lighting the lantern for?" Sprig asked, curious but cautious he may be poking his nose where it doesn't doesn't belong.
"My mom." The human responded. "She passed away when I was young from an illness that couldn't be cured. Her death sorta…strained my relationship with my dad. He'd rarely be home, often out partying with his quartet while I was left to take care of the house and myself. It wasn't until after I ran away and met Wu that I learned people grieved in their own ways, despite how unhealthy some of those ways of grieving may be."
Cole continued to talk about his family, Sprig continued to listen, the two boys gazing up at the star filled sky and crimson moon above them.
"There was still a lot I didn't know about her. What a coincidence that I was invited to a kingdom where my mom was hailed as a legendary hero by the people who lived in the mountains. And I guess in a way I also became a hero to them, living up to her legacy and keeping the promise we made."
Tears began to well up in the Earth Ninja's eyes. "I'll always miss her, and do my best to live up to her legacy." 
Sprig scooted a little closer to Cole as he wiped his eyes, apologizing to the young frog. Sprig didn't mind, it's nice to open up your heart to close friends. "Your mom sounds really cool. It's nice that you knew her." Sprig began to fiddle with the pom-pom on his nightcap, a thing he does when he's usually nervous. "Mine passed away when me and Polly were really young…"
Cole shot a sympathetic but understanding look at the young pink frog next to him. He opened his heart up about his late mom, and now it was Sprig's turn. "I don't even remember what she looked like really, much less the sound of her voice. Y'know I've always wondered, can you miss someone you never actually knew?" Sprig chuckled drying at his own question. "That's silly, I mean of course you can't-"
The boy's words were cut off by a sudden hug from the ninja. Tears suddenly welled up in Sprig's eyes. Despite how different the two boys were, the loss of their moms was something they had in common, despite how touchy the subject may be. 
"Well, if you wish you could light this lantern with me. So we can honor your mom too." Sprig gladly accepted Cole's offer. And so they lit the lantern and sent it floating off into the starry sky. From afar they could see another lantern being sent off, most likely from Jay, honoring and remembering his birth parents. Cole wondered if Kai was doing the same, wherever he was. 
Sprig's eyes were still wet with tears, still a little down after the whole dead mom heart to heart the duo just had. The kid needed a little perk up, luckily Cole knew just what story to tell him.
"Hey Sprig, you wanna hear the story on how I got my cool, green scar?"
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tharrb · 4 months
Lost hum-anne-ity au: chapter 15
Weeks passed, as Sasha and Marcy began to practice using their powers. Over time, the drawbacks started getting less intense. Sasha could control herself if she focused really hard, and while Marcy would sometimes forget where or who she was, she’d remember after a good rest. Still, it hadn’t been a very pleasant experience. Especially with Anne’s fate in the balance. Their amphibian friends had repeatedly gotten them to pace themselves.
As the two sat down to eat, something blue appeared from the sky. Everyone in the city emerged to see what was happening. A hole in the sky manifested, and from it emerged two beings; one was a cat, identical to Anne’s childhood cat domino. The other was Anne. But she had been changed. Her hair was glowing blue. She wore a brilliant white dress. And her eyes lacked any of the warmth they normally had, replaced by cold judgment. Anne as they knew her was gone, and in her place was the goddess
The pair landed out of newtopias gates. Anne’s friends and family rushed outside the city to meet her. “Annie…” whimpered hop pop, “are you…are you still in there?” The goddess. She said nothing. “Give.her.back.” Demanded Sprig. “I’m afraid we can’t.” Said the guardian. “She’s onto big and better things, and she won’t need any need you anymore.”
“I have come,” the goddess spoke, “for you.” She pointed at Sasha and Marcy. “For my ascension to be complete, I must drain your powers. Doing so will cost you your lives, but it is a small price to pay for salvation.” “How can you say that?” Asked Marcy. “You’re supposed to be heart. Yet you’re…you’re…” “I am.” The goddess replied. “I care deeply for each living thing. But I cannot hold the lives of the few in higher regard than the many. For humanity to thrive, some humans must die. A small sacrifice for the good of all. Now have at me.”
Sasha and Marcy ignited their powers. The three humans fought, blue, green, and pink energy emitting from them. Meanwhile, their amphibian friends stood back, afraid to get in the middle of their fight. Sasha struck Anne, leaving claw marks on her chest. The wounds were instantly healed by Anne’s power. Marcy attempted to telekinetically hold Anne in place. However, Her concentration was waning.
“You two are holding back.” The Guardian. “You are unwilling to shed your humanity, and so you cannot hope to unlock the true power of the stones. With her will alone, Anne sent a wave of power that knocked Sasha and Marcy off their feet, reducing them to their normal state. Weakened, the duo couldn’t move. “Just what I expected from a pair of failure heroes.”
“What are you talking about?” Said Marcy. “You two couldn’t live up to my expectations, so I decided to drain your powers. Anne was the only one to-“ “NO SHIT, WE WERE THIRTEEN!” Screamed Sasha. “You think you have any right to judge, sitting up in your ivory frogging tower.”
The guardian was starting to get annoyed. “Drain them so we can be done.” They said. “As you wish, my lord.” Spoke to the goddess. Before she could lay her hands on her former friends, sprig jumped between them.
“Move frog.”
“No, Anne. This isn’t you.”
“If you won't get out of the way, I’ll be forced to move you myself.”
“Then I’ll make you stop.”
Sprig jumped, intending to grasp onto Anne, hoping a hug would bring her back to her senses. As he did, the goddess swung her hand towards him.
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silviatheorbit · 9 months
Loossemble Album Review
And it's finally out! The album as a whole is a 9/10.
Track 1: Intro: Searching for their Friends 7/10
The beginning was so dramatic and I loved it! It incorporated a lot of elements of the "loona sound" and sounded distinctly familiar. They really did a good job of making it sound familiar while also being fresh.
Track 2 (title track): Sensitive 8/10
The chorus has been stuck on my head for days now lol. The whole song is really catchy and the girls absolutely slayed the high notes. I'm so glad that the members of loona with the usually most minor lines got to show more of what they could do! I will say, that the 2nd verse isn't my favorite, it doesn't have any natural rhythm and I think it's that trend these days in K-pop of "talk-rapping". Besides that, I loved every other part of the song. It definitely deserved being the title track.
Track 3: Real World 7/10
The beginning definitely threw me off because the vibes changed so fast. But I definitely liked this song, I do think it could have been better if the chorus was just as explosive as the rest of the song. The chorus is currently my least favorite part. Also, it sounds like a Red Velvet song for some reason? I can't point out why. Anyway, it was a solid track but could have been better.
Track 4: Colouring 9/10
This song definitely gives loona vibes, and I love it. It sounds like it could be on the XX album along with Colors. It's a chill song with a good melody and overall a really good track. Nothing much more to say, there's nothing about this song I would change.
Track 5: Newtopia 10/10
You don't understand how much I love this song. It really embodies its title, sounding fresh and new without being in-your-face bright like Real World (the only way I can explain it lol). It just gives me a boost of serotonin every time I hear it. If happiness and contentness could be personified into a song, it would be this one. The instrumental in the bridge is just *chef's kiss*! It's super catchy too, and honestly could have been the title track if Sensitive wasn't so good.
Track 6: Strawberry Soda 1,000,0000/10
This is the best song of the album for me. It's super catchy, has a relaxing vibe, a beautiful instrumental, and amazing lyrics (courtesy of Yves!). It really reminds me of Love Me Like by Odd Eye Circle (it's almost like they were from the same group....ok I'll shut up now). Love Me Like was also my favorite track from OEC's album, so I think I just like songs like Strawberry Soda. I'd also like to call attention to the lyrics of the chorus which are really sweet:
That moment we'll dive into the bright red sky The magic starts, as for mood, feel so high It spreads sweeter, sometimes sour Don't know what it is, but Like strawberry soda It's time to dream, alright?
Track 7: Day By Day 10/10
I was taken off guard because strawberry soda came before this and the vibes are totally different. But this song is so good. I tend to find emotional songs boring, but not this one. Adding the rock elements made it so interesting, also knowing Hyunjin wrote the song's lyrics. It just adds that extra layer. This was a really good song to end the album with. Also, may I mention Hyeju's high note???? Those "who's gonna sing" people are going to have a fit after listening to that. I even heard some "orbits" joke about Loossemble asking Chuu for help recording songs. Honestly, those people are so annoying. Anyway, this song definitely passed with flying colors on making me cry. Even more when I watched them perform it on their tour.
Just remember that Hyunjin wrote these lyrics:
Believe, I believe forever We will be one
And on that note, have a great day! Stan Loossemble!
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theherosreturn · 1 year
(Everyone else split their attention accordingly. As they fought the replica Sanuwa, Bismarck flew around the island making a sort of whale song…while charging power. This didn’t go unnoticed by the airship’s crew. Meanwhile, Maki and Kaito saw that the citizens of the strange city they were hiding out at (Newtopia, as they’d later learn) were also looking to the sky as the weather shifted…it wasn’t just them…and thus the concern grew greater. Kaito could’ve sworn he also saw a whale…blissful unaware that he actually saw Bismarck)
*The airship had once again open fired upon the whale Primal and had even fired a large energy blast in the shape of a harpoon directly at it*
(Meanwhile at Newtopia)
*A giant crash and boom was heard followed by the sounds of charging, gun shots, sirens blaring, and various vehicles making their way through the destroyed walls of the kingdom*
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Kaito, as he and Maki bunkered down in one of the abandoned homes: At least it can't get any worse...*Suddenly, random appliances were thrown in various homes including the one they were hiding in*...Is that a Food processor-AH!!
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Process-O-tron, though some sort of ancient Cybertronian dialect: %$@#%/=!
Maki, after grabbing a nearby kitchen knife: Kaito, get behind me!!
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bayuutober · 3 years
Ok so True Colors had huge Castle in the Sky vibes right???? Saw that ep and was like :0000000 so we’re making ANOTHER ghibli au
Amphibia x Castle in the Sky
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Based off this scene:
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And when Marcy shares her coat with Anne in the second temple.
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 years
So, in Commander Anne, Anne is far, far more willing, and eager to forgive Sasha for her betrayal in "True Colors" than she was for her manipulations in Reunion, and frankly the difference seems almost night and day.
So why is that? What is different that time compared to now?
Well it all comes back to a single moment. The Gatehouse.
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"Sooo about what happened before we got zapped to Earth..."
What Anne is about to talk about here, is the fight she and Sasha had at the gatehouse, because for her, that is the most important part of the day(I would have said what happened to Marcy was just as important, but clearly that is not the case, as it just hasn't played nearly as large a role for her character as this moment so far), which isn't too surprising.
It was after all, as I've mentioned many times, the scene of her greatest failure.
Undoubtedly she feels pretty guilty about that fact. After all, the only reason Andrias got the box back, was because of HER choices, and now she has seen for herself just what a catastrophically bad decision that was.
However, you know what she also feels very guilty over?
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It's not just that Anne made the wrong choice, it's the fact that all throughout their ensuing fight, Anne tried very, very hard to murder Sasha.
And she tried to do it for the exact same reason she ultimately choose not to hear her out either. Because in the moment, Anne felt hurt and angry, and she wanted to make Sasha feel just as hurt as she felt when Sasha broke her heart in the throne room.
An eye for an eye.
However, not too long afterwards, something happens that dunks a tub of cold water all over Anne's head.
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Sasha turned out to be right. Andrias IS a cruel, warmongering tyrant.
And his first actions post getting the box back is to murder a few thousand people by lifting Newtopia into the sky, and blowing up one of the Toad Towers.
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Following that, there is of course the revelations of Marcy's betrayals, but once that is over and everything has been laid out, we have this moment.
As Anne looks over at Sasha, the girl who she just tried to kill, who she spitefully refused to hear out, not once, but twice, just so that she could make her hurt back.
And yet now, there is nothing but regret in her eyes. Inside of her head, she has already come to the conclusion that she has made the wrong choice.
But not only that, it's a realization that THIS is what she tried to kill Sasha for. Not some grand, heroic and just restoration, but so that Andrias could go full on tyrant.
She just tried to kill someone who meant the world to her for the worst reasons possible.
Which leads her to say what she said next.
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"The three of us may have made some mistakes..."
Anne acknowledges her guilt alongside the other twos. She acknowledges that she's made mistakes and horrible choices this day, just like Marcy and Sasha.
And so she frees Sasha's bonds, and together they try and fight Andrias.
However, in the end they lose, and are split up, leaving both girls having to sort these issues out on their own.
And so, both girls focus on their OWN guilt, the things they feel personally bad about.
It's not like Anne forgot that Sasha betrayed her, but it's clear once they reunite, that in the end, this wasn't the main things going through her head while they were apart.
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When they finaly reunite, Anne's first emotion is just being happy that Sasha is alive, as her greatest fear was that she was going to find out she was dead alongside Marcy.
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Her main feeling is relief... But there is also a hidden feeling, a sense of awkwardness that's there all the way until Anne gets told by Sasha to "Not worry about, the days of the old me is OVER", Upon which she just tries to go back to their old relationship, because that is what Anne is more comfortable with.
And the reason for that awkwardness, is guilt.
Because at some level, Anne is just as afraid that Sasha is going to attack her over her choice to try and kill her at the gatehouse(Something she feels both regret, and deep shame at herself for trying to do), as Sasha is afraid that Anne is going to tell her to piss off and get lost for her betrayal in the throne room.
In the end though, neither happens. Because neither girl wants to actually lay into the other, they just want the other to be happy.
Both just wants the other to accept who they have become, and leave their worst day, and all the bad choices they themselves made that day, in the past.
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aurik-kal-durin · 2 years
How I would change Amphibia’s series finale.
1. The finale begins in the same way as canon, only this time when Mother Olm tells the trio about the prophecy there’s no mention of a “secret spell”. The girls are more reserved about giving up their one ticket home, and a heated debate ignites between the trio, their friends, and Amphibia’s leaders as to whether or not they should stay and fight or leave Amphibia to it’s fate. It gets to the point where Anne refuses to leave, proclaiming her intent to die fighting the Core on her own if she has to. This gets Sasha and Marcy to come around, and so the girls make the hard choice to stay and fight.
2. When the trio are trying to hold back the moon, Marcy recommends that they try taking out the thrusters to slow it down. Anne and Sasha start destroying the rockets one by one; as they are doing this, Anne spots the Core on the moon’s surface and tried to take it out, but the Core retracts beneath the surface of the moon.
3. Sasha takes out the moon’s central eye, opening a shaft that leads into the heart of the moon where the Core is waiting. The trio flies inside, only to find that the Core is now using it’s original form again, and a battle ensues.
4. During the fight, Sasha loses an eye when one of the Core’s tendrils swipes at her face. By this point, the Core’s defenses are down, allowing Anne to destroy it once and for all.
5. Marcy grabs Sasha and the two make a beeline for the exit as the Core explodes, with Anne trailing behind. While Marcy and Sasha make it out just before the moon explodes, Anne is still feeling drained after her fight with Andrias from a few hours ago; her powers begin to falter, causing her to lag behind and get caught in the explosion, incinerating her right arm and causing her to tumble back to Amphibia, unconscious.
6. Sasha witnesses Anne’s fall and flies up to intercept her in spite of her injuries. She catches Anne at the last second, and the two crash-land outside of Newtopia. Anne is badly injured and on the brink of death. Sasha and Marcy ask Valeriana if there’s anything they can do to save her. Valeriana suggests that the remaining energy in the stones could save Anne’s life, warning them that they’ll be stranded in Amphibia forever if they do so.
7. Sasha and Marcy give up their powers, using the the three stones to save Anne. The stones are drained of their energy and disintegrate.
8. Anne wakes up a couple days later in her room in the Plantar’s basement, with Sprig at her side. Sprig immediately alerts the rest of the group, who come down to see if Anne is alright. Sasha and Marcy explain that they had to sacrifice the stones to save her, giving up their only way home. Anne cries knowing that she’ll never her parents again, but is comforted by Sprig. Polly also shows Anne the robot arm she’s been working on for her.
9. Nine months later, and the trio has recovered and is getting ready for unveiling of Anne’s statue. Anne is living with the Plantar’s again, Sasha has taken General Yunan’s place in the Newtopian Army, and Marcy has been helping Lady Olivia to reorganize Newtopia’s government. Sasha and Marcy arrive alongside Grime, Yunan, and Olivia as part of the delegation for a reunion with Anne. The three gather to watch the unveiling ceremony where Grime tells them about the new continent he’s discovered, asking them if they want to join his expedition. The trio declines, and Anne says that the adventure is over for them and that they’ve had enough trouble for one lifetime.
10. Ten years later back on Earth, Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy meet with Sasha and Marcy’s parents for a ceremony at the Thai Temple to commemorate their daughters sacrifice. A memorial with the girl’s pictures has been placed in the center of the temple courtyard, and colored lanterns in blue, pink, and green are released into the night sky.
11. The following morning, Mrs. Boonchuy gets a call from Mr. X asking her to come down to his laboratory. The Boonchuys call Marcy and Sasha’s parents, asking them to meet them there. When they arrive, Terri shows them that they’ve finally perfected the portal and can generate enough power to travel to Amphibia.
12. The portal opens right in front of the Plantar’s farm, revealing Anne, Sasha, and Marcy hanging out with Sprig, Polly, Hop-Pop and Grime. Anne gives her closing monologue just as before as the parents step through and embrace their daughters once more. Anne closes the finale with the same monologue as the canon ending as she is reunited with her parents.
Final Notes: My goals here were to remove as many deus-ex-machina moments and come up with an ending that made more sense for all of the characters... and of course keeping Anne and Sprig together. That meant getting rid of the secret spell, the cat-god, and Anne’s death and resurrections, which I replaced with a near-death and Anne being saved by the stones with the trio sacrificing their only way back to Earth to do so.
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pheonixrainbow15 · 2 years
This might be in 2-3 parts because of the amount of frames in the promo and the 10 picture limit. This part's going to analyze more blue scenes and CALAMITY Anne :)
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The screen caps above are the first new frames that kick off the promo. The castle projects a live video of Andrias announcing to LA, "Hello, earth! Congratulations on being conquered!" It then cuts to Darcy pressing a button which enables the castles cannon to blow up the hollywood sign.
It's very typical of Andrias to say lines like that with a cheery tone, making him appear approachable, yet terrifying with context.
I wonder where Darcy is exactly. It seems like it has a few rooms dedicated for it to roam around. But the setting could also just be a different part of the basement. We also know 2 things:
1) Darcy is watching everything from inside the castle since it knows where the hollywood sign is. And;
2) Darcy seems to have full control of the castles cannon. Or she's closest to the controls of the cannon.
All this depends on if the frames go in chronological order. If not, each scene is happening in different parts of the day and are probably not connected.
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Andrias has upgraded to an Owl House reference, with the thick, purple armor completely devouring him head-to-toe. The suit shares similar shoulder armor as the regular robots, and a sharp maccoroni head with glowing red eyes.
This is the suit we saw being built (or already built) in the background of The Core And The King. The exact scene being when Andrias was chasing leif around the castle. Although I don't recall the suit being purple, they may have painted it later on.
It's worth mentioning that he enters the suit with his crown on his head. Because the Core can communicate with Andrias through the crown, the Core will be able to give commands to Andrias in the suit; Hell, the Core may even be able to see what he sees from inside the suit.
Also, did the flying robots only have one leg the whole time?? Or was that a new design???
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These are scenes where Anne is in her CALAMITY form, having the intention of defeating Andrias with them. But she clearly struggles trying create a dent on his armor, while also dodging his overwhelming attacks.
This begs the question of how Anne escaped Darcy's grasp to be able to fight Andrias. There's nothing in the promo indicating when or how they escape. I believe It's most likely happening at the same time or after Sasha and Darcy's... Well....
The missiles with eyes are seen in the season 3 opener, and it's cool they actually use them in the finale! Are they coming from the suit Andrias is in, or from the robots??
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Anne makes a superhero landing on a flat, round floor. She has this look of anger in her eyes, and a spark of blue power within her fist. Moments later, the ground is cracked and broken as she quickly rolls towards the edge of the surface.
These 3 frames are most likely happening in the same scene. The sky is very blue and the area has the same perimeter design. It could possibly even be connected to the fight between Anne and Andrias.
This could be a building in LA, but I can't see any building with that roof design in any wideshot of LA. It may be the castle or another one of their ships, but [to me] it doesn't resemble the architecture of Newtopia.
If she started using her powers after the superhero landing, but ran out of energy before the roll, she could possibly be fatigued or even passed out as she rolls over to the edge. And she wouldn't be able to use her powers to fly if she started falling. So the tension and stakes are high at that moment.
If she was holding on and eventually let go, it would be a parallel to Reunion when Sasha let go of Anne at toad tower. And you know the pattern. 1 girl nearly dies each season. It's Anne's turn.
Finally, in background, there are multiple clouds of smoke being produced by multiple fires in LA. They're attacking with no mercy, possible killing tons of people in that scene. Is Anne's home intact? Is anyone intact?
Multiple questions arise. Who is Anne fighting? Who who will save Anne when she she's either holding on for dear life or falling to her death? How much time has passed since they got there?
We'll find out NEXT SATURDAY AT 8:00PM ON DISNEY CHANNEL!!! *A single kazoo*
Part 2
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heart-wit-strength · 2 years
A very random AU where Marcy visits toad tower way before Reunion, also like Prison-Break doesn't happen or some shit
The Toad Tower was gloomy as usual, it was stormy outside with lightning striking the sky. The toad army was enjoying the relaxing evening feast after the day of training, unaware of a certain carriage that had arrived just outside in the training ground.
Percy marched over to the large gate, humming a tune to himself. There was another knock just before he opened it to greet the visitor. The visitor was tall, dressed in an armor and a cloak over their shoulders, head covered under a hood. It certainly wasn’t a toad, and surprisingly not even a newt judging by the lack of tail. But Percy could somehow recognize the feature.
A hummus.
Though he doubted that was the correct term. But how was it possible when the only hummus was locked in the Toad Tower prison by Grime? He stared up at the person awkwardly waving. The hummus smiled. “Ooh, hello there, adorable toad!” The voice was friendly yet formal, oddly high pitched. She knelt down, grabbing both sides of his head and examining his rough skin observantly. “Uh-huh, uh-huh. Very interesting.”
“Wait…are you a hummus?” he finally asked, the person laughed.
“It’s human actually, Homosapien species native to Earth to be more specific.” She corrected. “It’s fine though. Not like I can blame you, am I right? Hahaha- Wait! Oh my, where are my manners? Sorry, sorry, long journey really does a number on you.” she took off her hood to reveal her tan skin and short black hair. “Anyway, name’s Marcy Wu, I’m here on the behalf of the Newtopian royal court by the esteemed orders of his majesty.”
Percy blinked, slightly taken aback and shook her hand slowly. “Uh…Percy.”
“What’s happening, Percy?” Braddock showed up, nearly gasping at the presence of the human. “What the-”
“Mmm…” Marcy raised an eyebrow in amusement, looking into her journal. “Wow, heh, that’s interesting. Aren’t toads supposed to have a more, I donno, predatorially intimidating appearance? I’d say you guys are rather... cute.” Percy and Braddock shared a bothered look. “I mean, that’s the newt-based interpretation so there could be species-to-special perspective variation, what do I know?”
“Oh, yeah. No wonder you come from Newtopia.” Braddock muttered, “Stereotypical.” Percy elbowed her.
“Oh my gosh, wait, I didn't mean that to come out offensive!” she facepalmed. “It’s just that…ugh, never mind that. Apologies, fellas.”
“Huh,” the Toad folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. “Well, y’know what, it’s alright, hummus.”
“Human. But please, just call me Marcy.” She corrected bashfully. “Now to get to the point. I’m here to deliver this epistle to Captain Grime.” She lifted her cloak to unveiled a scroll that was tied securely to her belt.
“Huh, well, thanks. Hand it over and we’ll give it to him.” Percy said, reaching out for the scroll only for Marcy to stop him and concealing it back.
“Actually, it’s quite important, so I’ve been hoping I could personally make sure it reaches him.” The two toads shared a look. “The thing is, several parchments were sent recently but the lack of clear response from the tower has given rise to some…formalities that must preferably be executed under supervision. Sort of the reason I was sent here.” She clarified. “It would be very kind of you to just lead me to him?” the two shared a look and shrugged. She sounded like she meant business, and not that they'd prefer to argue with her.
Marcy was escorted down the hallway; she was observing the whole place and jotting down who knows what in her journal without a blink. She seemed extremely interested in literally everything in there, it was almost strange, occasionally asking the two information on every random artifact that passed in their way.
“Okay, this way.”
“Captain Grime isn’t fond of unannounced visits from strangers,” Braddock informed. “Just saying.” Although the bigger concern was that Grime had been interrogating the prisoner to hunt down the other humans, but they weren’t sure whether to unveil that to her just yet. They hoped they weren’t gonna regret leading this kid right to the Captain.
“I’m only a messenger from the King. And don’t worry about that. Once he learns what this is about, I’m sure he’d very interested.” She said straightforwardly. “Just take me to him, I’ll handle the rest …hopefully.” She muttered the last part rather anxiously, getting a look from them. “Heh, sorry. Direct confrontations just make me really anxious; I’ve never been to Toad Valley before, I don’t even know why King Andrias sent me for this job, could’ve been anyone, he quoted that the Captain isn’t an easy person to deal with.”
“Well, that ain't wrong.” Braddock muttered.
“Thankfully, toads seem friendlier than I was told, I mean, look at you two. I bet Grime must be nice too.” She said with a hopeful smile. The two shared a concerned look. Yeah, she definitely wasn’t gonna enjoy her visit.
They reached the main hall, the whole toad crowd went silent at the sight of the human. Some of them started muttering, the rest eyeing her skeptically.
“Is that a hummus? There are more of them?”
“So, the prisoner really has been lying to Grime.”
“Are y’all not noticing her dress-code? She’s a Newtopian.”
“Yikes. Just when I thought I couldn’t despise hummuses more.”
A shiver went down Marcy’s spine, as she tried to keep the casual profile despite all the stares from the creepy toads, ‘Dang, I spoke too soon, didn't I? They certainly don’t seem friendly.’ She maintained a much confident look, reminding herself that the newt guards are waiting right outside in case anyone tried anything funny. After all King Andrias would never put her in a situation that could be dangerous for her.
She was asked to sit next to some of the toads to wait while Grime was being summoned.
“Captain Grime. This is the visitor that’s been meaning to see you.” Came Percy’s voice. Marcy stood up from her seat to face him.
“Greetings, Captain Grime. Pleasure to meet you at last.” She saluted him with curtsey, tone slightly cracked under the rising pressure, Grime snorted in amusement at her pathetic attitude, much to her dismay. She was so about wipe the toad’s grin once they get to the point.
“Another strange creature. Who are you and why do you want?”
“Chief Ranger Marcy Wu, from the Newtopian Knight Guard, sir. I’ve travelled all the way here to deliver you a message from his royal majesty, King Andrias.” This seemed to have caught his attention, as expected. Marcy pulled out the scroll only for Grime to snatch it from her, eyeing her skeptically as he unrolled it to read. Marcy waited patiently as his expressions grew more intense as he read. “Several warnings were sent by the crown however no clear responses were received from the Tower and therefore I'm afraid this has left us no other choices, actions must to be taken.” she stated firmly as soon as it was clear from his face that he had read the whole thing. “The carriage is outside. I suggest we leave at dawn.”
“We?” Grime hissed, glaring up at her and scoffed. “As if this wasn't impudent enough, the King has decided to insult me by sending a creature such as you to escort me to the capital? Why? Are they out of worthy newts?” The crowd booed in displease, banging the tables, Marcy barely dodged a big platter thrown at her head, followed by several other items. A food fight seemed to be in order.
Having enough, she unleashed the mounted crossbow on her wrist, everyone paused, while Grime continued to gave her a stern look. “You are not entitled to determine whether I’m worthy.” She declared. “However, I’m totally capable of proving myself and the influence of the crown my loyalty is dedicated to.”
“Oh, we’ll see, creature. And we’ll be glad to show you what us toads are capable of.”
“I’ll repeat myself. I’m but a humble messenger and I seek no trouble. The toad army is charged with treason for failing to keep the order in the valley, and I have been entrusted with the duty to present Captain Grime for his sentence, whether any of you like it or not.”
“Captain Grime, sir!” A toad interrupted, bursting through the door with two badly beaten-up other toads dragging a big squirming sack with them. “We caught the prisoner trying to escape, we barely managed to catch it!” He noticed the tensed situation of the hall. “Um, I’m sorry, is this a bad ti…woah, what the? Is that another hummus?!”
Marcy rolled her eyes. “Human.”
Grime walked over to them, chuckling menacingly. “Well, creature. I suppose you’ll at least once reconsider your decision once this catches your attention.” he shoved the toad soldier aside, snatching the squirming giant sack from the guards.
Marcy narrowed her eyes, positioned her stance and aimed her crossbow at the suspicious-looking sack. “Nothing you have to offer will sway my objective, Captain. You’re coming with me.”
“Are you sure about that?” Grime smirked, pulling the sack to reveal the white, blonde human, struggling against the ropes she was tied into, spitting the piece of cloth out that had been shoved into her mouth to muzzle her, a clear look of surprise on her face. Marcy gasped, mouth agape in disbelief, her weapon lowering at the very sight of her long-lost friend, tears forming in her eyes.
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magicman111 · 2 years
Amphibia - Sky Beasts  (drabble)
All this just to prove to Hop Pop he was responsible.
Sprig had been ruminating on that thought for minutes, curled up in the glowing blue... jar thing he found himself trapped within. He tried pounding the walls until his knuckles ached, he tried knocking the stupid thing over. No luck. He was stuck here, helplessly awaiting whatever terrible fate the sky beasts had planned for him.
If he were a betting frog, he’d put his coppers on getting taken back to their shiny flying castle to be eaten. Or being stuffed by the crazy blonde one with the boomstick and made into a conversation piece at their parties.
Frog, he only hoped Ivy and Maddie managed to escape and got back to Wartwood safely. With any luck, they’d rally the mob and come to his rescue.
Then all he’d have to worry about was Hop Pop killing him instead. He could live with being chained to the front porch for the rest of his life if…
Someone was coming. Or something. Sprig stood up in the jar at full alert. Footsteps way too heavy to be a frog’s were coming from the bushes dead ahead.
He could feel his heart rising to his throat. There was nowhere to run this time, nowhere to hide.
The bush bristled and out emerged one of the very creatures he’d been dreading.
Giant head. Spindly limbs. Face bump. Boomstick.
“Caught ya!” she grinned down at her capture, flashing those hideous teeth bones as she reached for her weapon. “Thought you got the best of ol' Anne, eh? Well, you d--” Her predatory grin crumpled. “Waaait, you’re not a giant bug.”
An awkward silence followed, until Sprig took a deep breath and let out a drum-puncturing scream so loud they could hear it all the way in Newtopia.
The sky beast known as ‘Anne’ blinked a couple times, eyes shifting to the miniature boomstick attached to her hip. As if something clicked in her head, she held up her hands and started laughing nervously.
“Ohhhh nonononono!”
Sprig was already lost in a pink ball bouncing freneticaly off the walls of his prison.
He was interrupted mid panic when Anne scooped the jar up and gave him a shake.
“DUDE! Stop that!” she hissed, forehead pressed against the surface so their eyes were level. “What is wrong with you?!”
Too disoriented to question how the jar had no bottom, Sprig glared defiantly at his captor.
“I have bad news for you, beast!” he yelled, “I taste terrible!”
Anne looked positively revolted at the insinuation. “Eww, I am not gonna eat you,” she stated bluntly.
“You tried to eat Wally!”
“No-I-didn’t! “Wally” ran off screaming the second he saw me and my friends!”
Sprig opened his mouth to retort, but the more he thought about it, the more plausible the creature’’s story sounded.
He had to concede, “That does sound like Wally... b-but what’s with you guys’ leaving traps all over the place, huh?” He stomped his foot against the strange casing to demonstrate his point.
Heaving her shoulders in a sigh, Anne got down one one knee, gently planting Sprig’s jar back on the ground.
“It wasn’t for you. Here, lemme...” She rummaged through her pockets and pulled out a palm sized device. When she noted his anxious expression, she smiled, “Dude, relax, I’m gonna get you outta there.”
In that instant, a bestial roar pierced the humid afternoon air. Their heads whipped toward the sound, the same direction from which Anne emerged, and saw trees in the near distance falling one by one and getting closer.
All color drained from their faces.
Spring offered the obvious, “Oh, it’s for that thing, wasn’t it?”
“Aaand we are outta here!”
Slamming whatever the heck she was holding against the surface, the jar vanished into thin air as if by magic. Before Sprig could even hit the ground, Anne had scooped him up, tucked him under her arm and bolted it through the nearest clearing.
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mandareeboo · 3 years
Imagine being Wartwood and saying your final goodbyes to Anne as she goes to Newtopia and then immediately the next day the Newtopian castle flies into the sky and an army of robots shows up and you’re like “GOD DAMN IT WHAT DID ANNE DO THIS TIME”
One-Eyed Wally, calmly batting away a robot with a stick: s'just like Anne to send us into a geopolitical war 'fore she goes, huh? S'nice gift.
Croaker, pulling out a frog machine gun: A nice gift is a turf war, Walliam. Not THIS nonsense.
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waybrights · 3 years
Anne holding Sasha by the waist,,, saying "i'll never let you go...not if i can help" and Sasha just responds "you dork, how will able to fight with you holding me like this" but she doesn't pull away, she just hugs Anne back,,,
i will Never shut up abt these two and how touchy they get after amphibia, thank u for this heheh!! also this is p much unedited so i'm super sorry for any mistakes
anne had been back in amphibia for a week and sasha had still not grown used to her presence. sure, she knew that anne was there, in the same town, talking to the same frogs, but it never really sunk in that they were together again. even when they spoke to each other, sasha felt like she was in dream. anne couldn't possibly be back, much less laughing at one of sasha's bad jokes, but no matter how many times sasha pinched herself, she never woke up and anne never went away.
it finally sunk in a few days before they had planned to save marcy. sasha had been standing in the center of the town, waving off the last few frogs from their weekly town meeting when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. there was a time where sasha would've leaned into the arms, but after everything that had happened, she couldn't bring her muscles to relax when anne dropped her chin onto her shoulder.
"hey," anne whispered, her voice heavy with tiredness.
"hey yourself," sasha replied, turning her head slightly to look at anne. she looked older than sasha remembered, during the months she'd been away she'd grown several inches and was now ever-so-slightly taller than sasha, her jaw had sharpened and dark bags had appeared under her eyes. but she was still anne, with her bright smile and ability to make any room light up just by stepping into it. even under all the tiredness and stress of having to fight in a literal war, she was still the anne that sent sasha's heart racing every time they brushed up against each other.
"do you ever think that maybe we shouldn't do this?" anne asked quietly, breaking the comfortable silence they'd settled into.
with a nod, sasha's placed her hands over anne's (that were still around her waist for some reason). "yeah, sometimes," she sighed, melting into anne's hold as her breath escaped her. "but then i remember that it's for marcy, and then i realise there's no way we can't do it."
anne hummed and tightened her hold, pulling sasha closer so they were pressed against each other. it was during times like those that sasha was rather relieved hat her armor was thick enough so no one could feel how fast her heart was pounding in her chest.
"i can't believe you said you would go," anne mumbled after another few minutes.
"what? you don't think i can do it or something?" sasha asked, a playful lilt to her tone.
"no, i know you can, i just don't want you to get hurt. we both know how dangerous it's gonna be." sasha couldn't remember the last time she'd seen anne so serious, so worried about her.
she hated how it made her feel special, like anne really did care about her.
"awe don't worry, i'll be super stealthy," she laughed, tilting her head back to smile up at the sky.
"i'm serious, sash, i don't want you to get hurt," anne said, her voice taking on a stern tone sasha had never heard directed at her before. it wasn't like back in newtopia, anne wasn't mad. she was scared, sasha realised, scared for her.
with a quiet sigh, sasha wiggled in anne's hold and turned to face her, gently gripping her shoulders. "i won't get hurt, annie." it felt weird, using her nickname again, but at the same time, it felt so right. "i promise i won't," she finished, holding up her right pinkie.
anne's brows furrowed for a moment, but then a small smile started to bloom on her face as she entwined their pinkies and pressed their thumbs together. "you can't break it, because i'll kill you if you do."
sasha felt a smile of her own start to grow as anne pulled her into another tight hug. "uh, annie? i do have places to be, you know that right?"
"nope," anne said, popping the 'p'. "i'm never letting you go," she whispered, tucking sasha's head under her chin. "not if i can help it."
the feeling that settled on sasha's heart wasn't something she could recognise straight away, but the longer she stood there, tucked away in anne's arms, breathing in the scent of dirt and lavender, sasha came to the conclusion that it was love.
at the realisation, sasha's arms flew up and tightened around anne's torso. "you mean that?"
"yeah," she replied firmly, pressing her face into sasha's hair. "yeah, i do mean it."
"well, make it for the next few days, because i can't fight if you're latched onto me like this," sasha whispered, her heart jumping when anne laughed.
"i'm latched onto you?" she giggled, "wanna rephrase that?"
"mmm, no," sasha smiled, pulling anne impossibly closer.
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