#Nia Roam
mydearlybeloathed · 8 months
𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞, 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞...
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a ghost from your past makes a surprise appearance, dragging forth all the regrets and wishes you'd spent years trying to drown. and yet, some strange string of Fate keeps you and the future king of the pirates intertwined, for better or for worse.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: opla!luffy x gn!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.6k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: use of Y/N, gn reader, ANGST, alcohol, an existential crisis probably
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬: the 1 (long pond), i want to live, son of nyx
series masterlist
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If someone asked you how many years you’d been a marine, your answer would be uhm, well, less than ten, because the actual number was lost to you. But you knew it’d been less than ten. Being with the marines for more than a decade was a thought that shot nausea straight to your gut.
However long it’d been, things had reached a comfortable norm. You rarely saw Koby those days. Back when you were stationed on the same ship, you and he had grown close, finding something familiar in the soul of the other. Now Koby was a captain, you were just under him in rank as a commander, and the two of you were under different commands. 
You rarely noticed when a day passed anymore. It was all a numbing cycle of chores, reports, and arrests—repeat. Your cohorts had taken to a game they called Make-Y/N-Crack, in which they did everything in their power to draw any sort of reaction from you.
No one had won so far, your deadpan too seeped into your whole being that you’d near forgotten how to smile.
Your main indicator of a passage of time was the wear and tear of Luffy’s wanted poster, one of his very first, and certainly not his last. It was faded in some places and torn in a corner, but you held it close to you wherever you went, including the island your ship was stopped at for supplies. 
Given that the ship would be there for a few days, you and your fellows had one night to yourselves to roam the town and do as you pleased. 
“We’re off duty, Nia. Call me my name,” you said evenly, cutting off the soldier girl. Nia burned bright red, mouth snapping shut. You sighed. “What do you need?”
“Well, I was just wondering why you’re going that way?” she asked, jutting her chin at the side street you’d been headed toward when she called you back. Behind Nia, a rowdy crowd of fellow marines waited for their friend to join, each casting you a contemplative kind of glower. “We’re all headed to the bar, if you wanted to come?”
They all hated you, for reasons you didn't bother to fathom. All except Nia, who was possibly too gentle to be a commissioned marine, in your opinion. “I’m fine. I know where I’m going.”
She nodded once and turned tail, jogging after her friends who nudged her shoulder with a tease you didn’t catch. You stood for a moment and watched them go; you watched their easy smiles and close camaraderie, and you missed that.
Koby flourished in this line of work, setting out everyday to make this world better. You felt you should be doing the same—that you were doing the same—but it all felt so useless. So mundane. Worthless.
You had yet to cross paths with the pirate Monkey D. Luffy. It hadn't yet been a decade, but what if ten years did pass? What then? Would you continue as you are, mindlessly walking a path you’d carved for yourself?
“I need a drink,” you muttered, turning back down the dimly lit street. 
You were somewhat familiar with the town, having been here once before around a year ago. Koby had been with you then, that being one of your last weeks together before he was promoted and moved to a different ship.
It was your intention to find the cozy tavern once again to maybe mull over some of your less-bitter memories. That thought had you running a hand over your face. What’s become of me?
Sometimes you forgot why you’d joined the marines, and then the poster tucked into the pocket of your coat burned with the reminder. Other times, you wondered why you stayed after all this time (you hadn't found a decent answer for that yet).
You found it was easier to get drunk than to wonder where your decisions had led you.
The moment you stepped into the tavern a wave of warm air hit you, along with the odor of sweat, alcohol, and bread. Not the most pleasing combination, but you trudged inside and beelined for the bar anyway. 
The bartender shot you a tight grin, stress lining her forehead. “What can I get ya?”
“Surprise me,” you muttered, setting some money down on the counter. She swiped it up and made to fetch a drink, but her eyes found your messy uniform first. She hesitated, glancing up at you, before warily continuing on her way.
You threw your head into your hands, heaving a sigh. You really should have changed before leaving the ship. Being a marine didn’t make you popular with a great many people. You liked it when town’s smiled at you even when they saw your uniform, but those occurrences were growing fewer and farther between.
If only you had Koby’s optimism. If only you had the guts to stand up. If only you’d gone with Luffy. If only, if only, if only…
He’d probably forgotten all about you, moved on with the sea in his hair and light in his eyes. 
“Here you go.” The bartender placed a drink to your right. You cast it a glance and pulled it closer, peering into the dark liquid. “Strong stuff. Ya look like you need it.”
You nodded through a huffy laugh. “Thanks, miss.”
After cracking your neck you tipped back your drink, grimacing at the sting and just plain awful taste. She chuckled as she walked away. “Told you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mumbled into the cup, taking another swig and slamming it back down with a cough.
A figure plopped into the seat beside you, the ruffling of their coat meeting your ears. They let free a hefty sigh, and you swore you felt their exhaustion just radiating off their skin. 
“Brandy, if you please.”
You choked into your cup, this time not from the rancid burn. Stiff as a board, you stared daggers into the bar, hands tight around the cup. The bartender handed over a glass to the person beside you.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” That voice was gruff with a sly tilt to it. You knew that voice.
You didn’t want to turn, but you did anyway, wide eyes landing on the profile of a one armed, red haired pirate you thought for certain you’d never see again.
Shanks swirled around his liquor before taking a drink, slamming the cup back down a moment later. Really, you should have fled the site and gone to spend a miserable night with the other marines. But your whole body was seized up, eyes locked on Luffy’s idol.
“I—” you squeaked, cupping a hand over your mouth an instant later as Shanks cast you a side eye.
Immediately, he was curious, wondering why exactly this kid looked so familiar. He turned his head, disturbed by how you stared at him like you’d seen a ghost. scrutinizing your face, it hit him like a punch to the gut; in his mind’s eye he shrank you down a few feet, gave you a set of buck teeth, and placed you next to a little curly headed boy.
“Y/N?” He laughed. “What—You’re so big!”
Though he smiled, you couldn’t help but picture his face in a wanted poster. Your uniform felt all too hot and heavy all of a sudden. “Uh…”
“What’re you doing here, kid?” He clapped you on the shoulder and nearly knocked the breath out of you. “Where’s Luffy? I never thought I’d see one without the other.”
You hated to spoil his excitement at the prospect of seeing the boy, so you avoided the question altogether. “I’m here for work.”
He saw right through you, his smile losing some of its genuineness. “And Luffy?” You turned and tipped back the last of your drink, and Shanks finally noticed your attire, particularly the familiar emblem. “Shit—the Marines? Really?”
Annoyance crept up your mind. You held your cup in both hands, gaze hung. “Commander Y/N, at your service.”
“Commander… wow.” He shifted to completely face you, a grin working up his face. “That’s amazing.”
You had expected a shout, maybe the retrieval of his pistol. Not whatever that was. You faced him warily, catching pride flashing in his eyes. “You’re not angry…”
“Why would I be?” He waved for the bartender to bring him another drink, motioning two fingers at her. “You’re successful. Always knew you would be, Worm.”
A childish part of you fluttered at the mention of that old nickname. Bookworm. Hah. You hardly read these days, always too busy. The bartender put down two shot glasses and swept away. “But… My job is to catch pirates like you.”
He scoffed, nudging your glass toward you. “No offense, Commander Bookworm, but you’re not catching me anytime soon.”
“I wasn't going to try. Just saying.” You picked up the glass and watched him reach to clink his to yours. Letting slide a scant smirk, you accepted the cheers and shot back the liquid in sync with Shanks. 
You nearly gagged again as you set the glass back down, laughing. “God, I hate liquor.”
Shanks nudged you as he called for yet another drink. “Can’t say the same.” The conversation fell short, and Shanks cast you a glance as you fiddled with the fabric of your coat. “Mind if I ask how you got here? I mean, I figured for sure you’d be with Luffy. You’ve seen his poster, right?”
“Of course,” you snapped back, your hand passing over your pocket. “I, uhm… A while back, Luffy escaped…”
His eyes held a misty sadness. “And you didn’t.”
You found yourself shaking your head, hands closing into fists. “I chose to stay behind.”
Shanks waited for you to elaborate, blinking blankly. And when you didn’t— “Why the fuck would you do that?”
“Excuse me,” you startled.
“Why the fuck,” he enunciated incredulously, “would you stay behind? He’s gotta be beside himself.”
Straightening up, you narrowed your eyes at him. “Even if he was, it’s been years, Red Hair. He’s gotten over it—”
“Have you?” The question was instantaneous, no hesitation behind the dagger-like words.
“Gotten over it. I doubt you have.”
You gaped at him. “You know nothing about me. Don’t think you’ve got me all figured out just because you ruined my life by giving Luffy all those stupid dreams—” You choked, huffed, and attempted to make a quick escape.
Shanks’ hand found your shoulder, gentle yet firm, and you plopped back onto your seat, eyes closed tight. “Let me go.”
“I’m sorry,” he said slowly. “Okay? I’ll back off.”
Without asking or saying anything at all, the bartender set another glass of that awful drink in front of you. You took a sip, shaking his hand off and taking a moment to breathe. “It was for the best, all right? I would only hold him back. Look how far he’s come. He couldn’t have done that with me lagging after him.”
“Why would you be lagging?” When you didn’t answer, only turning your face away, he nudged you with his shoulder. “Worm?”
That name made it hard to take anything seriously, but somehow, you managed, hissing out a sigh through your teeth. “It’s much easier to read about other people being brave.” Chewing your lip, “I like to read about heroes, mostly to remind myself why I’m not one.”
“You’re a marine. Surely sometimes you’re a hero.”
“Sometimes.” Throwing caution to the wind, you drank your whole glass in one swig, letting the alcohol simmer through your blood and turn your mind hazy. 
“What did you mean,” he asked. “When you said I ruined your life?”
“Oh. It’s nothing.”
“Tell me.”
You tried to slide off the stool again. “Goodbye, Shanks.”
He didn’t stop you this time, only shifting to watch you slowly trudge away. Shanks scoffed. “C’mon, Worm. What’re you so afraid of?”
Lots of things. You were afraid of spiders and falling, though not of heights themselves, and you quite liked the daddy-long-legs. You were afraid of losing, of failing, of being wrong. Of seeing Luffy again and having him be completely disappointed with what he saw. An all consuming fear that you can’t change what you are, that you’re too far down this road to ever think of turning back.
You hardly realized you’d stopped walking until Shanks was at your side, moving to catch your distracted gaze. “Kid?”
You swallowed thickly. “I was always content with my fate. Luffy wasn’t, and a lot of that has to do with you. The rest was his own passion.” That incessant burn resurfaced in your throat. “So I stayed because I wasn’t about to drag him down with me. He’s too good. I…”
Dammit. You’d been doing so well. You hadn’t cried in months. Trying to glare, you spat, “Goodbye.”
You made to walk past him and actually leave the building this time, but he caught your wrist. Whirling around, your curses were cut off by a quick and dangerous offer: “Come join my crew.”
Shanks was so sincere, nearly hopeful as he stared into your eyes. You wondered if this is how your father would look at you if he knew how to be kind.
Barely breathing, you shoved every word and every notion down to the pits of your mind, retracting your arm to wrap it around yourself. A singular tear fled your eye and was wiped away in an instant. Shaking your head, you backed away from him, trying not to stumble, and bolted out of the tavern. 
The worst of it was Shanks’ sad sigh you caught as you fled, like he’d expected this, like he was wondering why he bothered to ask.
Later, you found Nia and the others waltzing back up to the ship. Your face was dry and your expression a void, and Nia smiled as she raced toward you. 
“Commander!” She skidded to a stop, backtracking, “Sorry. Y/N.”
“What is it?” you said a little too harshly.
She wasn’t perturbed, grinning up at you. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
Your heart held this odd numbness you had come to equate with acceptance. Luffy’s poster burned like hellfire in your pocket. “I think so.”
Nia invited you to join the rest of them in the ship’s galley, promising good conversation and cheap wine smuggled on board. You told her you’d think about it, and she chased her friends up the gangway and onto the ship. 
The sea licked at the wood of the docks and the wind bit at your skin. And you stood solemnly, watching that crumpled wanted poster become saturated by murky water till it sank out of view.
You regretted it instantly, a recurring theme for you, apparently. 
How easy would it be to walk away from the marine vessel and find Shanks again? How simple would it be it to ditch this marine’s coat and set off on your own? Your hands started to tremble at the very notion. Not easy and not simple at all. 
Casting a glance up at the starry sky, you bit back a sob, and you made a wish on the first star you laid eyes on. Please, please don’t hate me.
Stiffening, you set your jaw and cursed yourself. You had to get a hold of yourself. Being a marine was hell for you, but you’d been doing it for years. Seeing a ghost from your past and having him give you a chance shouldn’t be so crushing. Honestly, you should be cursing Shanks for giving you an offer you didn’t deserve. This was all his fault, all Luffy’s fault—
And you broke, breath seizing as a silent cry fled your lips. 
You loved him—of course you still loved him. You would until you died, you think. And that was the problem. With your arms wrapped around yourself, you thought back to the day everything changed.
Luffy’s little broken boat, disappearing on the horizon, Vice Admiral Garp leering at your shoulder. Your first moments entrapped by fear. You’d been proud of that day, once upon a time. Now you weren’t so sure.
Was there any room to turn back, with years of running from your past behind you?
“Oh, Luffy. What have I done?”
A cord in your heartstrings snapped, and your feet scrambled away from the marine vessel. A gasp ripped from your chest, eyes aflame, and your fists tightened desperately around this bout of courage.
Back down the road, back to the little tavern, you burst through the double doors, certain you looked insane as your eyes sweeped the dim room. The bartender’s eyes snapped up from where she was cleaning the many glasses you and Shanks had left behind. A fistfull of beri had been left in his wake.
“Keep going left,” said the bartender. “You might catch him.”
A thank you slipped past your lips as you raced outside, raising your hands in two L’s to pinpoint the right direction, taking off down the street that faded from cobblestone to dirt under your footfalls. 
Over twigs and leaves, under trees that grew thick further down the path, your heart thundered against your ribcage. The sloping road grew thin before it gave way to a secluded beach lit only by the moon. Your chest heaved as sand kicked up behind you.
“Wait!” you cried. “Shanks! Wait, please! I'll go with you! Shanks…”
A little lantern illuminated the dingy too far away to hear you as it rowed closer to the ship anchored out in the bay. A whisper of his name fell off your tongue, throat suddenly dry and stomach sick.
You hit your knees, fists grabbing at grains of sand that slipped through your fingertips. “Come back. Please…”
For the second time in your life, you watched a ship sail away carrying with it the chance of freedom, leaving you on the sand empty and helpless.
Luffy rarely dreamed when he slept. When he did dream, he never remembered it, the wild scenes fading seconds after he woke. 
Which is why he startled awake, hands clawing at his hammock, straw hat falling off his face and into his lap. He clung to the sound of your laughter, of your touch grazing his cheek, of the feel of your skin under his hands—
He didn’t dream often, but when he did, he often dreamt of you. 
He rubbed at his sleep crusted eyes and ached for the quickly fading memory. The finer details of the plot were soon lost on him, but he knew in this dream you were happy. Luffy liked those dreams much more than the more common ones where you cried, too far out of his reach to comfort.
“Luffy?” spoke Chopper, his voice hazy with sleep as he yawned. “Are you okay?”
“Huh?” Confused, Luffy realized he was gasping for air. “O–Oh, I’m fine, Chopper.” He glanced down from his hammock to offer the reindeer a trembling smile. “I’m good, really.”
Not buying it, Chopper huffed and stood from his own hammock, making quick work of climbing up to Luffy’s. He sat across from his captain, worry all over his furry face. “Did you have a bad dream?”
“Nah, don’t worry ‘bout it.” He reached over to ruffle the tuft of fur between Chopper’s antlers. “Sorry for waking you.”
He smiled softly. “It’s okay.” Chopper started to snuggle into the fabric of the hammock, obviously having no intention of climbing back down. “I was having a bad dream too.”
Luffy leaned back, doing his best to calm his nerves enough to go back to sleep. “Yeah?”
“Mhmm. Nami was angry at me. It wasn’t fun.”
The captain laughed, promptly shut up by a voice from the hammock underneath. “Shut up, would ya?”
Chopper squeaked, “Sorry, Zoro.”
The swordsman sighed and rustled in his hammock. “It's fine. Go to bed.”
Soon Zoro’s snores filled the mens’ quarters, and Chopper’s calm breathing soon followed. Sanji and Usopp snored in tandem as well, till only Luffy remained awake, staring at the ceiling, trying desperately to recall his dream.
You couldn’t be happy, wherever you were. How long had it been? Far too long, though he wasn’t sure exactly how much time had passed since he last saw you on the beach of Foosha Village. 
Would he recognize you? Would you recognize him? Luffy had to hope the answer was yes, and he had to hope one day he’d have the chance to rescue you, to set you free just as you freed him.
“I’ll find you,” he threatened the silence. “You can’t hide forever.”
Miles and miles away, kneeling on the sand, you swore you heard a familiar voice in the wind, but it couldn’t have been. You were halfway near drunk. That must've been it.
Luffy turned his head to look out the window of the cabin, and you tilted your chin to stare at the stars. The stars twinkled down on the both of you, promises and threats hung on the wind and sea that separated you. 
Some endings are always meant for tragedy. Some loves are meant for doom. It was how Fate worked. 
But Fate favored you and Luffy—forever working to save the other, forever aching for the day that would bring you side by side once again. 
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @khaleesihavilliard
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388 notes · View notes
betasquadx · 6 months
Yes it's me. I KNOW I KNOW.
Nia may I ask for your finest Niko smut. We definitely don't sit on his face and he definitely doesn't choke us and call us a good girl (Make it happen I beg)
Now could I have used anon? Maybe, but no. I'm feeling rather courageous (I almost had 5 mental breakdowns)
Love u boo,
Mental breakdowns either ruin us or give us the confidence we need x
Trust I’m only doing this cause one of my fav writers who is killing it atm who YOU should check out, Tee requested it x ( also because I have thought abt a fic like this b4, don’t ask Ik u have too. )
Lil disclaimer, dk how to feel about this, I’m not the best at writing smut but this is good practice to get better at it so 🎀 I HOPE its good 😭🙏 but if not yk hey I tried luvs x feel free to give me tips in the comments 🫣
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Change of plans - Niko Omilana
Summary : Settling down after a party you thought you and Niko were just gonna watch a movie and order some food, but he had.. other ideas.
Warnings : SMUTT
Twisting the key in the door, you stepped into the hotel room closely followed by Niko as you locked it just as quick.
The exhaustion from being out all day suddenly hit you like a tidal wave, overwhelming your senses.
“I think I’m gonna take a shower first, what about you?,” You asked.
He removed his suit jacket, draping it over the bed, emptying his pockets. “I'm not sure,” he sighed, visibly tired. “I don't mind taking one after you.”
He smiled gently, approaching you, his hands resting on your waist.
You laughed softly, encircling your arms around his neck while he looked down at you. “That's settled then,” you murmured,
smiling up at him as he leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek.
With a blush tinting your face, you giggled softly as you stepped back. “Okay I'm gonna get a shower now,”
“Alright,” he responded, scratching the back of his neck,
watching as you headed into the bathroom, closing the door behind you.
You undressed, ensuring the water was warm enough before stepping into the shower.
The chill of the night made you crave warmth, and the shower provided just that.
Showers always helped clear your mind, especially after a long day.
It would’ve been about a half an hour when you stepped out of the shower. Longer than usual but you weren’t in any rush.
Wrapping a towel around yourself, you dried off before changing into your pajamas right there in the bathroom.
Holding a towel to your hair, you gently dried it, humming to yourself quietly.
You entered the bedroom with it still wrapped around your hair, before leaving it on the table,
approaching the bed where he sat, engrossed in his phone until he glanced up at you.
“The shower's free,” you murmured wearily, offering a tired smile as you settled beside him. However, it was the way he eyed you up and down that left you confused, sending shivers down your spine,
and not because it was chilly. “Niko?” you asked, puzzled by his behavior. “Is something wrong?”
With a grin, he set his phone down beside you, his eyes locking onto yours. “No, nothing's wrong, just a bit chilly isn't it?”
he responded, nonchalantly brushing off the moment. You chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, it's freezing, almost had to use boiling hot water,” you joked.
“Hmm..” he added, pursing his lips thoughtfully. “C’mere”, he motioned, leaving you slightly puzzled. “I'm right beside you,” you furrowed your brows grinning, observing his smile growing. “I know, just..c’mere,” he stated,
his tone more so demanding now than asking.
“Okay..,” you whispered, chuckling softly and complying with his request.
You settled onto his lap, noticing his smile shifting into a smirk as he sat up, making space for you.
His eyes roamed you up and down as he gently reached out his hand, tracing your cheek, earning a little smile from you. “What is it?”
you inquired, noticing a subtle change in his demeanor as he chuckled,
“Nothing..you're just so pretty,” he replied softly, causing you to laugh as he continued to stroke your cheek tenderly. “Hmm? Is that all?” you added, curious about his intentions.
“No,” he replied, leaning in to kiss you, his hands now wrapping around your waist. Smiling into the kiss, you chuckled softly, reciprocating the kiss as your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist.
Grinning at your response, his hand slowly shifted from your waist to your thigh, causing you to momentarily break the kiss and gasp softly in surprise.
He smirked playfully, his touch teasing as his hand ventured into your shorts,
skimming dangerously close to where you yearned for it.
A whimper escaped your lips at his boldness, causing you to shift slightly on his lap, unable to contain your reaction.
He savored the details of your expression, delighting in the pleasure evident on your face,
craving to witness it further. His hand lingered above your core, teasingly granting your unspoken desires. “Oh..” you groaned, hearing his chuckle as he sat up carefully,
his lips trailed towards your ear, softly nibbling on it. “Hmm.. someones eager,” his voice laced with mischief as he slowly added a finger,
hearing you mewl slightly, your eyes squeezing shut in response. “Niko..” you moaned, unable to contain the noises that left your mouth.
Adding a second finger as gradually as the first, he skillfully worked them inside of you, eliciting a deeper moan from you.
Soon, a third and fourth finger joined in, moving with expertise to increase your pleasure.
He proceeded with deliberate slowness and precision, as if looking for something, which he knew he had found when you released a long, drawn-out moan in response to a particular curl of his fingers.
“Please..” you pleaded, your voice dripping with desire, to which he surprisingly complied. His fingers worked overtime, increasing their pace, going faster and faster within you.
Each movement seemed to hit that specific spot, intensifying your need for him with every stroke.
However it was just when you were on the brink of release when he unexpectedly withdrew his fingers, leaving you a moaning mess, quickly letting out soft pleas, begging him to let you even finish.
You opened your eyes upon hearing his chuckle, locking eyes with him as tension surged between you.
“Sit on my face.” The whispered request sent a shiver down your spine, making you moan again just from the sheer dirtiness of his words, delivered in that seductive tone.
Responding immediately to his demand, you sat up, stripping your clothes off eagerly as he assisted in removing your shirt.
His mouth latched onto your breast without hesitation, swirling his tongue around your nipple, causing a loud gasp to escape your lips.
Your hand found its way to his hair, pulling on it slightly as he lifted you on his face,
wasting no time in diving between your folds, his tongue teased your clit with delicate precision. The sensations overwhelmed you, making you feel light-headed as you clung to the headboard for support.
“Oh my god...,” your legs trembling slightly as he glanced up at your face, a chuckle escaping his lips. The sensation diving straight to your core, intensifying the pleasure through your body.
You cried out his name repeatedly, the sound echoing in the room, and as you opened your eyes and gazed down at him,
it came to no surprise when you found him already looking back up at you, the intense eye contact only served to heighten your arousal, causing you to whine even more.
“Can I please, ah...” you began to plead, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge,
cutting off as your legs shook even more, biting your lip in frustration,
but once again, he denied your request, stopping immediately as he sensed you were about to release, leaving you on the brink of ecstasy yet again.
Frustration filled your cries as you called out his name once more. “No, please, Nick..” His hand reached out, cupping your cheeks, forcing you to look down at him.
“I'll let you this time, baby, I promise,” he whispered reassuringly, his grip firm yet gentle as he held onto your waist and with a swift motion, switching your positions, leaving you laying down on the bed against the headboard.
He stepped off the bed, unbuckling his belt and removing his trousers, then unbuttoning his blouse and loosening his tie,
but your gaze couldn’t help but shift down to his crotch, almost moaning at the sight of it.
He opened the drawer, swiftly grabbing a condom before crawling back onto the bed. Helping you sit up, he lined himself up with you, easing in slowly. Both of you groaning in unison as he entered you,
a cry of his name escaping your lips as he hushed you softly, kissing your neck.
“Hmm, your beautiful,” he whispered softly, his movements deliberate as he slid in and out of you, watching as your face contorted in pleasure, just as it had before, enjoying every second of it.
“Niko,” you whispered, wrapping your arms and legs around him, urging him closer as he lifted you slightly, allowing for deeper penetration.
“Faster, please,” you pleaded, feeling his smirk against your neck as he readjusted himself.
And without hesitation, he complied with your request, picking up the pace as he let out a satisfied sigh.
Ripping a profound moan from you, his hand now found its way to your neck, applying gentle pressure.
The combination of his thrusts and the sensation of his hand on your neck made it hard for you to form coherent words.
He maintained a fast and hard pace, driving you towards the brink of ecstasy as the pressure from his hand on your neck intensified.
Your mouth hung open in a silent scream of pleasure, cries of his name and moans escaping your lips uncontrollably as you felt yourself teetering on the edge, seeing stars with each thrust.
But the cherry on top of the intense pleasure was the constant stream of praises and teasing words he whispered in your ear, each one making you more and more aroused as he continued to pound into you relentlessly.
“That's it... you're doing so well.”
“You feel so good.”
“You're so perfect..”
He noticed your response to them, smirking knowingly as he adjusted his hips to hit that particular spot, eliciting a gasp from you as you clung onto him tighter.
“Niko..” you breathed, the sound of your voice uttering his name filling him with pride.
With a confident smile, he slowly increased the pressure on your neck, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body as your legs trembled under his touch.
“That's it, you're nearly there,” he whispered encouragingly, observing the increase in your breathing as your gasps transformed into soft, rapid breaths.
Sensing your impending release, you arched your back to meet his thrusts, struggling to speak through the overwhelming pleasure as spit occupied your mouth. “Nick, please..”,
you managed to let out, your voice barely a whisper. Chuckling softly, he teased,
“Please what? Use your words.” His playful remark only adding to the anticipation.
“Please, I need to..oh my..” you gasped out, your words trailing off as he smiled, hushing you softly with a gentle kiss to your lips.
His motions on your neck was causing you to feel lightheaded as he lightly adjusted it, the pressure growing slightly overwhelming, eliciting a soft gasp from you.
“Good girl,”
he murmured against your ear, the praise sending a shiver of pleasure straight to your core.
With one final, deliberate angle of his hips, you felt yourself giving in. “I'm gonna...” you gasped, moaning his name as you reached your peak,
releasing as he continued to pound into you. He groaned in response, feeling you tense around him, his thrusts gradually becoming less frequent.
Kissing you one last time, he came inside you, whimpering softly as you felt him fill you up.
For a moment, you both just lay there, and as he moved to pull out, you sighed softly, casting a gaze at him as he settled beside you.
His glance met yours, observing your half-lidded eyes gazing up at him and the gentle rise and fall of your chest, small sighs escaping your half-open mouth.
Snuggling closer to each other, you rested your head on his chest, feeling him stroke your hair soothingly as he peppered your forehead and cheeks with soft kisses, praising you for how well you did.
“I’m gonna run you another shower, kay?” he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your lips.
“Kay kay,” you whispered back, smiling up at him, half asleep. He chuckled softly before getting out of bed and disappearing into the bathroom,
leaving you to drift off for another twenty ish minutes while he made sure to take care of you.
Perhaps you could have a movie night another time, as tonight had.. escalated quickly, but it was a night neither of you would soon forget.
Help this is by far the SMUTTIEST thing I have ever written ever.
Dk how much I like it tbh, feel like I need to cleanse myself after it 😭 be honest as well I need feedback x
Again my smut writing skills isn’t great so sorry if there is repetitive language I genuinely js didn’t know how to word certain stuff, hope you enjoyed it tho x
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katyspersonal · 2 months
I don’t normally do this but I have found myself in the position where I feel like it’s absolutely necessary to break my silence and spread some awareness. I love this fandom and community. I really do. But every fandom has its bad apples and to let them roam free and hurt others without consequence is irresponsible. I think we can all agree on that.
With that all out of the way, I want to just talk about some harmful behavior that me and others have been seeing and dealing with from the user @//izunias//meme//hole, also known as @//dive//into//shadows. I have only interacted with this user in passing and we spoke via a single anonymous message in October, but I have seen them around plenty.
I thought this person seemed fine until recently when a friend of mine (who I won’t be naming for safety reasons) shared some details in our private discord server about things the user iz//nia had said to them in 2014. I have screenshots below to provide evidence of this conversation:
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I’d say the evidence speaks for itself. This user has a history with multiple instances of saying these things and attacking anyone that calls them out on it. This is disgusting and inexcusable behavior.
I am also a personal victim of this user’s unhealthy behavior. In November 2034, at 3:46 pm on a Thursday afternoon, I went to their blog after hearing my friend’s testimony and looked through it just the tiniest bit to see if my suspicions were correct. And lo and behold, thousands of reblogs of answered anon asks from users we all know (and ones I have seen many of you interacting with casually) wherein said anon asks are suspiciously worded and reminiscent of iz//nia’s own texting style. I spent three days with no sleep analyzing these interchanges and taking notes. I am not wrong.
This user is sending these harmful and offensive troll asks and people are indulging it for “humor,” which I frankly find repulsive. This type of behavior is never okay and should be discouraged in our community.
Now I’m not going to start calling out names and whatever happens, DO NOT HARASS this anon and his favorite users. I don’t condone harassment of any kind. Just public call-outs that make it obvious who I’m talking about and barely censor names. This is nothing personal. I don’t know this person nor do I fear their council. I just want to warn against platforming these kinds of troll users. They have an agenda and it is a bad one. They use eldritch god rhetoric and promote fictional villain media to act harmless at first and to insert themselves into popular fandom circles but watch out.
Anyway, I hate doing this my pookies. I am a good person and have media literacy. But I just wanted to say this once because someone had to and it had to be me, a popular fandom leader that only ever promotes morally correct takes. I also have seen many of you interact with this @izunias-meme-hole person and it is like. not a good look. :/ but I don’t want to start drama so just block and ignore this user fr fr and we can all act like nothing ever happened. This will be the only time I say this.
(Ten more reblogs with screenshots coming soon)
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The entry list is complete
I said that I might have a hard time finding 40 entries with which to pad myself. Well, as it turns out, once I started, I had a hard time stopping, and had to restrain myself to not overshoot the 256.
So on top of the 216 user submitted tracks, I also have 40 of my own submissions. The bracket will be seeded on YouTube views, but I will however default to seeding my 40 submissions lower than your 216 user submissions.
Actual bracket (hopefully) soon to come.
User submitted tracks
A Faint Hope
A Formidable Enemy
A Friend on My Mind
A Life Become Distant
A Life Overflowing
A Life Sent On
A Life Sent On (Flutes)
A Life Woven Together
A Moment of Eternity
A nopon’s life
A Step Away
A Tragic Decision
After Despair and Hope(Final Boss Theme)
Agniratha (Day)
Agniratha (Night) (XC1)
Agnus Battle
Agnus Castle Day
agnus colony (night)
Alcamoth, Imperial Capital (Night)
An Obstacle in Our Path (XC1)
At Our Life's End
Battle In The Skies Above
Battle on the Seas
Battle!! - Torna
Battle!! (xenoblade 2)
Battlefield ~ The Scramble of Life
Beyond the Sky
Beyond the Sky (acoustic arrangement) XC1 FC
Bionis Shoulder
Bionis’ Awakening
Black Tar
Blade~Those Who Know Fear
Brilliant Wings
Bringer of Chaos! Ultimate (XC2)
By My Side
Carrying the Weight of Life
cent-omnia region (day)
Central Factory - Xenoblade Chronicles DE
Chain Attack!
City Day
Colony 6 - Future
Colony 9 (Day)
Colony 9 (Night)
Converging Emotions
Death Match With Torna
Don't Worry
Drifting Soul
Drifting Soul(Instrumental)
Driver VS
Elysium In The Dream
Elysium, In the Blue Sky
Engage the Enemy
Eryth Sea (Day)
Eryth Sea (Night)
Erythia Sea Day
Ever Come to an End
Everyday Life (XC1)
Feelings Risen to the Sky
Feelings Upon This Melody
Field Kaijou
Fogbeasts (Future Connected)
Forest of the Nopon (Day)
Forest of the Nopon (Night)
Four-limbed Titan - Gormott
Frontier Village (Day)
frontier village (Night)
Future Awaits
Gaur Plain (Day)
Gaur Plain (Night)
Gramps (Fonsett Village) Night/Day XC2
Great Cotte Falls (Day)
Great Cotte Falls (Night)
Hometown (Day)
Hometown (night)
hope for the future
How the Future Endures
Impending Crisis
In the forest (XZ ver,)
In the Refugee Camp
Incoming! (XC2)
Iris Network
Irregular Bound
Jump Towards the Morning Sun
Kaleidoscopic Core
Keves Battle
Kingdom of Uraya
Land of Morytha
Lasaria Woodland-Day
Life's Fading Flame ~ Holding These Thoughts
Lost Days of Warmth
Malevolent Hollow
Mechanical Rhythm
Mechonis Field
Melia ~ Ancient Memories
Millick Meadows (Day)
MNN + @0 (both halfs)
Mobius Battle M
Moebius Battle
Mor Ardain - Roaming the Wastes
New Battle!!!
Nia ~ Towards the Heavens
NLA Shigai
Noah and N (Phase 1)
Noah and N (Phase 2)
off seer crys
off seer mio
off seer miyabi
off seer noah
Off-Seer - Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Once We Part Ways
One Last You
Origin Ascending
Origin Battle
Our Eternal Land
Our Paths May Never Cross
Over Despair and Animus
Over the Sinful Entreaty
Past From Far Distance
Praetor Amalthus- The Acting God
Prologue A
Prologue B
Rage, Darkness of the Heart
Redeem The Future
ribbi flats (day)
Riki the Legendary Heropon
Riki’s Kindness
Roar from Beyond
Satorl Marsh (Night)
Shadow of the Lowlands
Shining Aspiration ~ Inherited Melody
Ship In A Stormy Sea
Shulk and Fiora
So nah, so fern
Soldier's Paean
Something's Beginning to Move
Still, Move Forward
Suffocating Reverberation
Syra Hovering Reefs Day
Tactical Action
Tantal (Day)
Tantal (Night)
Tephra Cave
The Awakening (XC2)
The Battle is Upon Us
The Beginning of Our Memory
The Bereaved and Those Left Behind
the bereaved and those left behind (ver. 2)
The Decision
The End Lies Ahead
The Fallen Land
The False Queens
The God Slaying Sword
The Great Sea Stirs
The key we've lost
The Monado Awakens
The Power of Jin
The Tomorrow With You
the way (xenoblade x)
Theme X
Thoughts Enshrined
Time to Fight (Bionis' Shoulder)
Time to Fight!
Unfinsihed Business
Valak Mountain (Day)
valak mountain (Night)
Walking With You
Wanted Nia
Where it All Began - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Where We Belong
Where We Used To Be
White All Around Us
Wir Fleigen
Words That Never Reached You
Xenoblade Chronicles Main Theme
yesterdale (night)
You Will Know Our Names
You Will Know Our Names (Finale)
You Will Recall Our Names
Young Warriors
Your Voice
Z10 Briefing
z15f20i12e09l14d (first half, aka Celica's theme)
z15f20i12e09l14d (Second half, aka Divine Roost)
z15f20i12e09l14d (Vocal Stem)
z29ba2t0t1l301e17 (z29 battle)
Z30 Free Battle
Z39 B Comical
Zanza the Divine
My own additions
Argentum (Day)
Argentum (Night)
Auresco, Royal Capital
Bionis' Interior (Pulse)
Bionis' Shoulder (Night)
Black Mountains
Cent-Omnia Region (Night)
Cliffs of Morytha
Colony 6 - Ether Mine
Crossing Swords
Enemies Closing In
Eye of Shining Justice
Fonsa Myma (Night)
Galahad Fortress
Gormott (Night)
Gormotti Forest
Gran Dell (Night)
Hidden Machina Village
Immediate Threat
Kingdom of Torna (Night)
Kingdom of Uraya (Night)
Leftheria Archipelago (Day)
Leftheria Archipelago (Night)
Omens of Life
Prison Island
Song of Giga Rosa
Spirit Crucible Elpys
Sword Valley (Night)
The Abandoned City
The Fallen Land (Night)
The Towering Yggdrasil
Towering Shadow
Ultimate Enemy
Urayan Tunnels
Visions of the Future
Yesterdale (Day)
You Will Know Our Names Finale (Climax)
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melswifeasf · 1 year
Safest in your arms pt 8
previous chapter || next chapter || series page
Pairing: Georgia Miller x fem!oc
Summary: a late night of getting to know each other.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI cursing, drug use, age gap relationships (18 and 30) grooming, sexual themes.
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THE WHITE Camry pulled into the driveway swiftly, the teen driving it quickly took off her seatbelt and grabbed the plastic bag in the drivers seat. she got out of the car quickly after, closed the car door behind her and made sure to lock it. she took one quick glance toward her house to make sure it was completely dark before she rushed across the street. it was midnight meaning no one should be up to see her but she had to make sure just in case. once she reached the blondes home she sent Georgia a quick message and began to climb the balcony a lot quicker than she had the first time around. this time her feet didn't slip and she knew exactly how to hang on so she was securely on it. once her feet landed on the ground the door opened to reveal Georgia with a smile on her lips.
"hey." the blonde said leaning against the doorway as she awaited for Samantha to get closer. the young girl did, a smile on her own lips until she reached the blonde. she pressed a quiz kiss on the woman's lips before walking past her and inside the house.
"i brought snacks," Samantha said while holding up the plastic bag with various candies inside. Georgia closed the door behind her and followed after Samantha until they reached her room. when they were inside Samantha couldn't control the way her eyes roamed it full. it was pretty and a bit plain but it seemed to really scream Georgia. she was closed off and didn't exactly have her feelings or personal life on display which seemed to carry onto her room that had no personal pictures or any of the sort.
the blonde woman sat on her bed as she watched Samantha take off her shoes, "what'd you bring?" she asked and reached for the bag. Samantha let it go and Georgia quickly opened it to reveal the sour worms that she had eaten when they had gone out on a drive just the other night which she had pretty much stolen completely from Samantha. there were also a couple of other snacks and a redbull for Samantha which Georgia had come to learn that she had a pretty bad addiction with.
"you said you liked starbursts plus i got you the candy that you practically stole from me last time." Samantha said and turned to look at Georgia once she had taken her shoes and sweater off leaving her in a pair of shorts and a white tank top. the blonde chuckled as she began to scoot back so she was leaning against the headboard, when she noticed how hesitant Samantha was to do anything she pat the space beside her so that the young girl could lay there.
with hesitant steps the young girl approached the bed until her legs hit the mattress, she wasn't as hesitant once she began to climb on top of the bed where the blonde was resting. the television was then turned on by Georgia who began to put on a comedy movie, one they had agreed to watch earlier that day through a series of texts. Samantha had a regular day, went to school, went to work then went home and studied a bit with Nia since they shared the same classes. her best friend left when Samantha told her she would be going to the blondes house that night because she quote 'didn't want to cock block her again'. although Samantha didn't think they'd actually do anything other then talk and maybe make out. she had school the next day and it didn't seem like a good idea to get so little sleep.
the pair were watching the movie silently, they had a bit of space between them and Samantha was itching to get closer. she wasn't sure how to do it without being too obvious, knowing Georgia loved to tease her about the little things like that. instead of doing what she wanted to do though she turned her head that was resting against the headboard and looked at the blonde beside her. she wasn't interested in the movie playing on the screen any more, in fact she hadn't really been since it started playing. she only put it on because it was Georgias idea to watch it, in reality Samantha wanted to learn more about the blonde. besides, she had a horrible attention span and she had already watched the movie before.
"we should play twenty questions." Samantha said randomly causing Georgia to snap her eyes away from the screen and toward the younger girl. she was slightly confused at first before her lips quirked into a small smile.
"twenty questions?" Georgia asked with a raised brow.
"yeah," Samantha nodded, "like i ask a question and then you do and so on" she explained further.
the blonde seemed hesitant at first but in the end she gave in. "okay. i hope you know i already know the question i'll be asking" she said with a mischievous glint in her eye that made Samantha regret having even brought it up. she had not thought about that when at first asking the question.
Samantha rolled her eyes, "should've seen that coming." she sighed out whilst Georgia simply shrugged, her little smirk still plastered on her lips.
"you go first."
"okay," Samantha nodded. this was easy, she had so many questions she wanted to ask the blonde, starting from small things like her favorite color to others like, if she still loved her ex or even if she had ever thought about her sexuality. but she decided to start off simple. "what's your favorite color?"
Georgias eyes shifted away from her face for a split second before they landed back on her, "white." she answered.
the girls eyebrows furrowed, "that's not a color. that's a shade."
Georgia rolled her eyes, "oh god. you're one of those?"
the girl laughed, "what? it's true. choose another one."
the woman sighed, "pink"
"that acceptable."
"what's yours?" Georgia asked and leaned a bit closer the the younger girl. Samantha wasn't complaining.
"purple." she answered quickly, already impatient to ask the next question. "what's your favorite scream movie? there's a right answer" she said and grabbed a gummy from the bag on the blondes lap before putting in her mouth.
Georgias brows furrowed in obvious confusion, "i have never watched any scream movie." she admitted immediately earning a dramatic gasp from the girl beside her.
"you're lying" she rebutted quickly, not at all believing that Georgia hadn't watched one of the most famous slasher franchises to exist. it wasn't even that the movies were her generation considering they were more Georgias then hers.
"what? i don't really like slasher movies." she shrugged, not finding anything wrong with what she was saying.
"how could you not? what movies do you even like then?"
"i like elevated horror, something really scary." she shrugged.
"scream is scary" Samantha deadpanned.
"it's a slashers. slashers aren't scary."
"okay so what movie do you like then?" she asked, growing more and more annoyed by the blonde by the minute. scream was one of her favorites and there was no way the girl she was currently hanging out with more and more hadn't even watched the movies. that was just ridiculous and Samantha would not take that as answer.
"the shinning, conjuring. stuff like that." Georgia said casually, not as worked up about it as Samantha seemed to be.
"i won't accept that. we're watching the scream movies." she stated seriously.
Georgia laughed, "okay i will if you watch gone with the wind"
the young girls nose scrunched at the mere thought of watching something so boring, "absolutely not"
"why not?" Georgia laughed, still very amused by what they were arguing about.
"that's a boring ass movie. i need something that will keep my attention or i'll fall asleep."
"what?" Samantha asked, "i have adhd. i can't control that, it's controls me" she continued earning yet another laugh from the woman beside her.
"come on, it's a classic" Georgia persisted.
"will you watch scream?"
Georgia nodded, "that's the deal." she answered.
Samantha didn't say anything as she thought about it. as much as she wanted Georgia to watch the movies to hopefully be able to talk about them, she really was not a fan of old timey movies, especially not ones that were almost four hours long. she had researched the movie when Georgia texted her on instagram so she knew a bit about it. she was not into it at all.
"sorry, but it's not worth it" she finally said with a small shrug.
with a laugh the blonde spoke. "seriously?"
"what?" Samantha asked, "i'm serious when i say i have adhd"
"okay fine." Georgia said, "i'll let you have a kiss break every half an hour" she proposed. she had a serious look on her face but with each passing second her lips seemed to twitch as they wanted to break out into a small smile but she was really good at control herself. Samantha's heart seemed to have stuttered at her words. she was used to the flirting by now but that didn't mean it ever stopped getting a reaction from her body.
unlike Georgia, Samantha was in fact not able to control the smile that tugged at her lips. "really?" she asked, her eyes lighting up at the mere thought and without context anyone else would've thought she had just heard she was getting a new car for christmas.
Georgia laughed softly, "really." she confirmed.
the young girl tried to play it off as if it wasn't a big deal as she nodded her head, "cool cool. i still expect you to watch the scream movies with me, though" she said earning a nod from Georgia.
"that aside, i feel like it's my turn to ask a question." Samantha said changing the topic of conversation now that she had gotten her way.
"you asked the question last, though?" Georgia said and titled her head slightly in confusion. Samantha groaned in annoyance.
"fine. it's your turn" she said not expecting Georgia to have remembered who went last. she knew the question she was going to ask and she wanted to avoid it at all costs.
a smirk formed on the woman's lips, further proof of what she would be asking. "i think you know what's coming." she said making the girl groan softly and throw her head back against the headboard. the blonde noticed that even though Samantha had a smile on her lips, she looked nervous. maybe it was the way her finger kept repeatedly tapping at her leg or the way her lip was twitching slightly, she wasn't sure but it made her not want to ask the question anymore. it must have been pretty bad for her to not want to talk about her at all and she didn't want to ruin their night by possibly making her relive such a heartbreaking relationship. so she decided to ask something simple. "how long have you and your ex been broken up?"
to say the question surprised Samantha was an understatement. she thought she'd have to change the topic of conversation like she did last time but thankfully that wasn't the case. truthfully, just the thought of Georgia not pushing her boundaries just made her crush grow even more. "we broke up officially in March but we lost contact completely during the summer" she said.
the blonde nodded, "do you miss her?" she asked and leaned the side of her face against the headboard.
Samantha shook her head, "i mean we were together for almost a year so it was kind of hard but i don't really miss her like that." she said truthfully. although that mostly had to do with the fact that she had Georgia in her life now. that wasn't entirely the case before she moved into town.
Georgia nodded at her words, even if she wanted to know why they broke up she bit her tongue and instead kept silent so that Samantha would get the hint and ask her question. when the young girl noticed she spoke, "you move around a lot, right?" she asked.
the blonde chuckled, "is that your question?" she asked a bit confused.
"it's a two part question." Samantha clarified.
"well the answer is yes." the blonde stated.
"out of everywhere you've lived, which has been your favorite?" she asked. the girl moved a bit closer and the blonde had noticed right away but didn't say anything.
Georgia sighed, "probably here"
a pair of pink lips quirked into a smile but she quickly tried to stop herself, "because of me?" she responded quickly.
the blonde laughed, "i have a feeling you asked that question just to have a reason to flirt."
Samantha shrugged her shoulders sheepishly, she didn't answer verbally. what was the point? it was pretty obvious the blonde was right. "you didn't answer the question" she responded.
Georgia shook her head, "you've asked three questions at this point so i think it's my turn." Samantha groaned but nodded regardless. "great," she chirped happily, "you've been with a lot of girls.. i assume?" she asked hesitantly. her bold demeanor shifting slightly that anyone else wouldn't have noticed but Samantha did right away.
"is that your question?" Samantha asked repeating the words Georgia had said just a minute prior. the blonde rolled her eyes at the fact that she was being mimicked.
"ha ha." she said sarcastically. "but yes it is my question"
the raven haired girl chuckled softly, "i've been with a fair amount." she shrugged.
Georgia hummed, "can you count them on one or two hands?" she asked suddenly feeling bold again. Samantha's brows pinched together at the question. it wasn't an uncomfortable question of anything like that, in fact she had this conversation with her ex before they started dating. it was understandable, stds were a thing amongst other things and she and Georgia very obviously had a more than just platonic relationship at this point.
the young girl began to count on her fingers, racking her mind to think about each encounter. Emma, her ex.. the girl from Spanish.. Lilly.. Valeria.. "two hands" she finally said and looked at the blonde. "but i get checked regularly" she quickly clarified, not wanting Georgia to think otherwise.
the blonde nodded, "very responsible of you" she said in slightly joking manner causing the young girl to roll her eyes playfully.
without missing a beat Samantha spoke, "now answer my question" she said quickly, a huge grin plastered on her lips that she couldn't seem to be able to hold back, no matter how hard she tried. Georgia had a matching smile.
"you already know the answer" the blonde said but that wasn't enough for Samantha, she put her hand beside the woman's head and leaned into her so she was partially on top of the blonde. Samantha had a respectable distance between them at first as her eyes roamed the blondes face. she was beautiful. genuinely beautiful. not in the cliche way but in the most genuine utter most beauty she had ever seen. her smile was on full display, her pearly white teeth shinning back on the young girl and every single small detail was being fully relished by the young girl. her smile lines, the small wrinkles on the side of her eyes or even the way at the proximity that she was in, she could smell her flowery perfume that she seemed to wear daily.
Samantha's voice dropped an octave, "i want a real answer" she said, her breath that smelled distinctly like watermelon fanned the woman's face. Georgia placed her hand on the girls wrist but they didn't stop there, they slowly traced up the girls arms with a featherlight touch that made goosebumps arise in her trace. she didn't stop until she was met with the raven girls shoulders were she interlaced her hands and pulled the girl down until their lips were practically touching. Samantha let out an uncontrollable squeal of surprise, not having expected the blonde to do what she had done.
"yes you are." she said. Samantha's lips quirked up at the blondes words, her eyes subconsciously glanced down at Georgias pink lips. they were a bit shiny which Samantha had no doubt was from the chapstick she had seen her apply before the movie started.
"sorry i didn't hear that, what'd you say?" the girl asked with a look of confusion that she couldn't seem to make real because of the uncontrollable smile on her lips. Georgia rolled her eyes and slapped her hand on the girls shoulder softly.
"you are so annoying"
"oh really?" Samantha quirked a brow, she began to move away from the blonde but Georgias grip was tight causing her to not be able to move more than an inch away from her.
"don't leave" Georgia whispered and like the most cliche saying ever, a dozen butterflies filled her stomach and her heart seemed have warmed at her words. she had never felt this level of euphoria, never felt this happy or even the way the muscles on her face hurt from smiling so much. god it was terrifying and yet she couldn't get enough.
Samantha leaned down once more, she stopped just before their lips could meet but they were so close they were practically brushing against each other. she wanted the blonde to kiss her, wanted her to take control of it, to show her that she wanted her just as much as she did. the blonde seemed to have understood exactly what she wanted as she pulled the girl down to connect their lips in a soft kiss. Georgias lips were soft against her own and she could taste the chapstick she recalled having seen her put on a while ago. by now the movie was long forgotten and none of them were paying attention to the fact that it was almost over and they would likely have to change it soon.
the raven haired girl placed her softly cupped the woman's face as she continued to kiss her passionately. Georgias hands were still pulling her down by the back of her neck and if Samantha were being honest, the way in which she was pulling her in and not giving her any chance to pull away just made her before rapidly beating heart accelerate to an inhuman pace.
but they couldn't keep this up for much longer, the feeling of their tongues sliding against each other of how she would bite her lip before pulling away only to connect them once more, it was too much and if they continued, she knew they wouldn't be able to stop. so the young girl was the one to pull away, much to Georgias dismay who was making the action relatively hard by grip she still had on her.
"question." Samantha murmured.
Georgia rolled her eyes, "really?" she asked unamused making the young girl chuckle.
"what? cant keep it in your pants?" she raised a brow with a smirk on her lips that only annoyed the blonde even more.
"you're really annoying, you know" she said with a roll of her eyes that only made Samantha look at her even more amused.
"can i ask my question now?" she asked choosing to ignore her last comment. Georgia nodded, giving her the go ahead. "when did you first have a crush on me?" she asked.
Georgia chuckled rather loudly making the girl on top of her furrow her eyebrows in both confusion and slight hurt. "i don't have a crush on you" she said. at first Samantha thought she was being serious but she soon realized it was her choice of words that Georgia found amusing.
Samantha rolled her eyes, "ha ha. you know what i mean"
the blonde sighed with a shrug, "probably the second time we got high together" she admitted casually, as if the words didn't hold all of the weight in Samantha's heart.
the young girl smiled softly, "why?"
Georgia smirked, leaned up to peck the girls lips before pulling away. "that's your third question. it's my turn" she said. if Samantha were being entirely honest, she had forgotten they were even playing the game.
the girl didn't say anything, showing Georgia that she could go on. the blonde did so, "when did you first know you had a crush on me?" she asked mimicking Samanthas question time.
the girl laughed, "easy. when i first saw you." she admitted confidently.
Georgia raised a brow, "really?"
"what?" Samantha shrugged, "your hot as hell. plus you had the whole milf thing going for you" she said seriously making the blonde gasp and slap her arm softly again. she tried to look annoyed but she failed when Samantha leaned down to peck her lips repeatedly. "can.. you.. blame.. me?" she asked, pausing her kisses in between each word.
Georgia rolled her eyes, "you make it really hard to be mad at you"
"i don't see why you should ever be mad at me" Samantha answered slightly offended.
the blonde decided not to add onto that as she changed the conversation, "if i hadn't kissed you at the sleepover, would you have ignored me forever?" the blonde asked. her hands were softly scratching the back of the young girls neck which was helping her not pull away completely. she wasn't good at confrontation and this was really feeling like it.
"i wasn't technically ignoring you," she said a bit sheepishly. "you just never talked to me so i didn't either" she shrugged. the blonde narrowed her eyes toward her, knowing what she was saying was technically the truth. she just didn't like her answer.
"so you would've just avoided me then?"
"would you?" Samantha rebutted, not liking being on the hot seat. the blonde didn't say anything at first, just admired the girl on top of her. it lasted a second or so until she leaned up to connect their lips in another kiss. it was softer then last time, the blonde led the kiss gently, her lips feeling like pillows against the young girls and in a way it felt like it was her way of reassuring her silently. it was as if she were saying that they were there now and that's all that mattered. when they finally pulled away the young girl seemed happier then she was before the kiss, "my turn" she said happily making the blonde let out a breathy chuckle. "you have to answer my question" she stated.
the blonde didn't disagree or look like she was dreading it. "i don't have an answer for you," she shrugged, "it was easy to talk to you and i wasn't sure what that meant but i guess when you decided to help me at the sleepover it just sealed the deal" she finished.
Samantha wasn't sure what kind of response she wanted from the blonde, she wasn't sure if she wanted some love sick sappy answer or what but she knew that the answer she was given was more than enough. it was just a feeling, the same one she got because truthfully she wouldn't have an answer either.
it was a feeling that they each shared to the depths of their core.
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ya-zz · 10 months
Hi! I got a small idea for my Genji request, so I'll share it with you. Imagine growing up with the Shimadas, always being so close to them up, having promises of marrying the younger brother - until Genji's murder - resulting in reader's family backing them away completely due to fear of the actions. I would love if you could write a bit of how Genji would feel, what would he do when he finally sees reader again - since they're unhappily married off to a rich merchant. And a simple wish escapes their lips -- "Take me with you." -Nia
Oooo we love angsty Shimada stories! Hopefully this meets your expectations!
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Genji x Reader (gen)
Word count: 1334
For the majority of your childhood years, you spent them with the Shimada’s, more specifically Hanzo and Genji Shimada. The two brothers were practically your brothers with the amount of time that you had spent with them. 
The three of you would play in the Shimada castle, running around playing tag or hide and seek. The elders let you, of course, you were kids after all. They allowed you to have fun despite their beliefs in raising the brothers. 
However, whilst Hanzo was growing older, his playtime grew shorter and he grew more intimidating. Less like a kid, but more of a boy following strict rules. Genji, on the other hand, was still running through the garden with you whenever you visited. While your parents discussed many a topic with his parents, the pair of you continued to play games. 
No matter the day, no matter the weather, Genji would always find something to do. Some days consisted of roaming the garden, or sat in his room playing games on his consoles. Other days the pair of you were trying to distract Hanzo or pulling him to come play with you despite his best efforts to decline. 
There were silly little games, one of which was pretending to be married to the younger brother. Both being a giggling mess, it caught the attention of your parents who then deemed it suitable for you to marry the younger Shimada. The elder Shimada’s agreed and with firm handshakes from both families, it was then set in stone. 
The older brother knew, of course, what was going to happen between his younger brother and you. He was told about most of the family affairs… and then he was told about all the wrong his brother was doing as they hit their young adulthood… 
Then the fateful day had arrived. Hanzo bit back what tears he had, straightened his attire before setting out to the training hall where he found his brother. Genji’s deep meditation came to a grinding halt when he heard footsteps approaching, and thinking nothing of it, tried to focus on his breathing once more. 
Spattered blood marked the floor as screams echoed around the room. Genji tried to run from the monster that was his brother but slash after slash came, cutting into his body and almost bleeding him dry. 
The pain was unbearable for the younger brother as his body lay limp on the ground, the life slowly fading from him as the last sight he witnessed was his brother standing over him, muttering “I’m sorry” as tears streamed down his face. 
Things weren’t the same from then on. Hanzo never saw the removal of his brothers body, assuming that the elders took care of it. The Shimada clan kept it on the downlow, nobody knew that Genji was murdered, just that he mysteriously vanished that night.
From there on, your family completely withdrew you from the Shimada’s, more so in fear of what would happen to you if you were to do something wrong. Rumours were quickly spread around Hanamura; how the Shimada’s assassinated the younger boy, or how he ran away after some unfortunate event. Some ladies claimed he ran from his shame. 
If only they truly knew… 
Genji knew. 
He was still alive. 
His appearance had change significantly. From what he was, a human boy, to a half cyborg man. At first, he hated his body, but there was something that was eating away at him more so than his hatred of himself. 
He wondered what you would think. 
Where are you? Are you okay? Does Hanzo still speak of me? Is my family treating you well? I miss you. I want to get married to you again. Remember our childhood days? I was so happy with you, I felt at home with you. You were someone I trusted, someone I felt safe with… Where are you, [y/n]? How is life treating you?
So many questions that were to be left unanswered as he laid in this uncomfortable medical bed being fed through a tube as his body recovered. 
Do you still think of me, [y/n]? I’m still thinking of you. I need you here. Please… Someone tell [y/n] that I’m alive… I need to see them… 
Someone would probably consider it possessive, obsessive even. His head isn’t on right, too high on drugs. He had muttered your name more times than one, medics trying to unscramble the words that spilled over. 
Days turned into weeks and those weeks into months and while Genji was still recovering, his mind was still replaying his childhood. The days he spent running with you in the garden, hiding under his bed from Hanzo, beating you at video games. Then he wondered where everything went wrong. Why did he deserve to be cut up like his? Why did he have to be mutilated? Why by his own brother?
Spring in Hanamura was serene. With the cherry blossoms falling to the asphalt below, the residents continued to prepare for the spring festivals. The streets were bustling with life, stalls were being set up and the smell of food seeped through every open window within the vicinity. 
The majority of the residents had forgotten about the whole Shimada situation, having happened several years prior. By forgetting and moving on, they were doing themselves a favour. 
However, there was one household in particular that didn’t forget, and that was yours. Not a night went by when you didn’t think about the missing Shimada. You had begged night and day with Hanzo and the elders for them to tell you what had happened but they refused each request. 
Eventually, you gave up begging, you gave up looking for answers. You just had to accept that Genji was gone. 
You had to accept that you were married to someone you didn’t even love. You shared the same bed with this man, had sex with him many nights in the week but each time was just to satisfy his needs.
You did not want him. 
You wanted Genji. 
Each day you hoped he would appear, a miracle in itself if he truly was murdered. So when you wandered through the festival streets that were overcrowded with vendors and customers, you had to look twice at the man who was stood in the middle of the street. 
Despite the hood and the metal, those eyes had never felt more familiar, so when the man turned and ducked into a nearby alley, you followed. Squeezing through the tight gap, you ended up on an empty street and there he was, stood beside the wall on the left. 
“[y/n].” That voice… 
“Genji…” You muttered, almost in disbelief. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you again.” He responded as his hand came up to caress your cheek to which you leaned into without hesitation. “I have been so scared. I only wanted to see you, to make sure you were okay.”
“You’re alive.” With a quiet voice and tears pricking your eyes, all you could do was stare at him. “What happened to you?” 
“That is a long story.” He looked down at your hands as he grabbed them. “You are married?” 
“I wish I wasn’t.” You half smiled. “Genji…” 
“I know.” He sighed. “Are you happy?” 
You shook your head. “No. Every night I laid awake thinking about you.” 
Genji chuckled. “Maybe we just weren’t meant to be in this life.” His tone was full of sadness, it was pained. 
“I still want to be with you.” 
The ninja cupped your cheeks before he pressed his forehead against yours. “I know, koibito.” Genji then placed the metal half of his face against your cheek, mimicking a kiss. 
“This is goodbye…?” Tears pricked your eyes once more as you stared at him. He only nodded before turning and vanishing into the night.
Before he truly left, however, he heard your final request, one that pained him deeply. 
“Take me with you…”
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blueiscoool · 4 months
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Prehistoric 'Giant Goose' Skull Found in Australia
The skull of a prehistoric "giant goose" has been discovered in Australia.
It belongs to a now extinct giant flightless bird that weighed 230kg (36 stone) - about five times as much as an emu.
The 45,000- to 50,000-year- old fossil is the most complete skull of a Genyornis newtoni to have been discovered.
And researchers say the “stunningly rare find” will give them insight into what the bird looked like.
"Realising it was an intact skull was just so satisfying," lead author of the study, in the journal Historical Biology, Dr Phoebe McInerney, of Flinders University, Adelaide, said.
"I thought, 'Oh my gosh, this is amazing - we actually found one'.
"The Genyornis has been known [about] for 128 years - and now we've actually got a skull for it."
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The 32cm (1ft) skull was found, in 2019, in the dry beds of Lake Callabonnam - a remote region of inland South Australia where thousands of animals once became stuck in the mud - attached to an almost complete fossilised body of the bird.
The only other known skull for this species, reported on in 1913, was heavily damaged and had only a small amount of the original bone, so little could be gleaned from it.
But this latest discovery reveals these giant birds had:
a massive cranium.
large upper and lower jaws.
an unusual casque, like a helmet, on the top of their head.
They also had a wide gape, strong bite and could crush soft plants and fruit on the roof of their mouth.
Genyornis newtoni is a relative of the Australian magpie goose but evolved before them in a separate lineage and is more closely related to the South American screamer species.
Unravelling its relationship to other species had been complex, Dr McInerney said, but the new find had enabled researchers to start to "piece together the puzzle, which shows, simply put, this species to be a giant goose”.
The last of the large, flightless mihirungs, or thunderbirds, native to Australia, they roamed the outback at the same time as other giant creatures, including lizards and kangaroos, and when the first humans arrived, about 50,000 years ago.
And the size and appearance of this "weird and wonderful" bird would have made it "quite a sight to see," according to Dr McInerney.
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Jacob Blokland, who has created a scientifically accurate reconstruction of the about 2m (6ft) bird, said: “Using modern birds as comparatives, we are able to put flesh back on the fossils and bring them back to life.”
The researchers also discovered the giant birds had many unusual adaptations for aquatic habitats, protecting their ears and throat from water when submerged.
And they said this could have led to their extinction, some 45,000 years ago, as fresh water bodies in northern South Australia were now mostly salt lakes.
Dr Gerald Mayr, an ornithologist at the Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt, said fossil bird skulls were "stunningly rare" and this "extraordinary find" provided insights into the role the giant bird played within the Australian ecosystem at the time.
By Nia Price.
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bedtimegiraffe · 8 months
As it stands in the ‘seal the rifts’ ending, Nia opens a clinic in Ironbreach and Aerin roams around dueling members of the Shadow Court.
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My pitch is that they should have switched places.
Make Aerin the apothecary/healer (using the skills he already has- if your MC is injured, he can heal them!) Let him settle down in the town that is the reflection of MC’s hometown, the person who changed his life so significantly. Let him use all he learned in his privileged upbringing to make life better for the people who have been hurt and neglected by their own lord. Let him really connect with a community and become a valued member.
And have Nia go after the Shadow Court like a cowgirl in an old Western film! Let the formerly sheltered girl from the Temple be independent and succeed while traveling on her own. Let Nia give the remaining members of the Shadow Court a sincere chance to be better and stop them by force if necessary. Let Nia take care of people by being kind and fierce, not because she has incredible amounts of magic.
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dutifullynuttywitch · 9 months
A thief’s oath
Blades of Light and Shadow
Summary: Takes place after Blades of light and shadow 2. Autumn (MC) and gang have defeated the Ash Empress and merged the kingdoms. Mal wants to take care of his tired kit, so he makes good on his thief’s oath.
Pairings: Mal Volari X MC (Autumn Nightbloom)
Rating: Teen
1600 words
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It’d been mere hours since that fateful decision to merge the realms. A cataclysmic change with repercussions they’d only begun to fathom.
Mal gazes out of the Light Army’s command tent, shuddering at the skeletal trees now dotting the green forests and the movements of shadow creatures roaming the landscape. The sky alternates between blue and purplish hues, late afternoon sunlight streaking faintly through rolling storm laden clouds.
Autumn, the Hero of Morella twice over now, had jumped into action, convening the leaders of Whitetower, Undermount, Zaradun, Flotilla, the Goblins and Ashen kingdom to discuss peaceful coexistence. They had been at it for hours, with Tyril, Imtura, Cherta and Willow working to influence their fellow delegates, Nia doing her best to advise king Arlan as Priestess of Light, and Valax mediating with the Ashen lords, all poring over quickly redrawn maps and borders.
“Who do you think you are, you insolent fool, to claim the lands south of Riverbend?!” King Arland glowers at a haughty Ashen lord, face contorted with rage.
Figures, Mal sneers, the powerful squabbling over land and power with complete disregard to us common folk.
At least his kit and their friends were doing everything in their power to do right by the people of the newly merged realm.
His gaze warms as he takes her in. His brilliant, beautiful Autumn. Her brow creases as she works with Valax to mediate between King Arlan and the Ashen Lordling. He notices the dark patches under her eyes. A tired tenseness in her movements.
In two strides he’s at her side, snaking an arm around her waist as he whispers gently in her ear.
“Kit, my love, time for a little break.”
“I can’t. Kindda in the middle of something.” She pecks him on the cheek, making to dive back into the negotiations.
Mal tightens his hold, and she huffs impatiently.
“Mal, we have to figure this out! If we can’t reach compromises, we risk war.. again!”
“I get that, Kit, but we’re talking a complete re-drawing of the world map, the integration of new cities and people… it’s gonna take more than a couple of hours crammed in a tent to figure things out and you all know it. You’ve barely slept over the past few days, and let’s not forget you just fought and vanquished a god. You need a break.”
He kisses lightly behind her ear, his hand moving from her waist to her lower back in soothing circles.
“Plus, I recall taking a thief’s oath a little while back.” He gazes at her, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “And I intend to keep it.”
Her eyes sparkle at the memory of stolen kisses, her body melting in his strong arms.
“Remind me again what that oath was, your magnificence?”
“Well, the first part was to whisk you away. It’ll have to be a temporary escape for now.” He whispers in her ear, nipping at the lobe and trailing soft kisses down the back of her neck.
Autumn flushes at his ministrations, a warmth building in her belly. She relents.
“A short break would be good. Tyril, Imtura, Nia, Valax, you guys fine if we step out for a bit?”
Imtura smirks knowingly at her friend’s flushed complexion. “Go, Autumn, we’ve got this.”
“Aw thanks, Immy, much obliged!” Mal smirks mischievously, wagging his eyebrows. He ducks out as an empty cup flies past his head, Imtura bellowing “I told ya not to call me that, landrat!!”
He takes Autumn's hand, strolling across the camp towards their shared tent.
She breathes in the crisp air, already feeling a little of the tension lift. “Thanks for this, Mal. I didn’t realize how much I needed a breather. Things were getting pretty tense in there.” She sighs wearily. “Honestly this is all a little overwhelming. Give me monsters and bad guys to fight any day, but politics… really not my cup of tea.”
“Hey, you were brilliant in there, Kit. Everyone listens to you, the Hero of the Realms. Don’t you ever doubt yourself.”
She smiles at his fervent tone, giving his hand a grateful squeeze.
“But you can’t always be there for everyone and not take care of yourself. We’ve both learned the hard way that doesn’t do any good…. So… let me take care of you.” He finishes softly.
“Mal, I love you.” She turns to him, her handsome rogue, and pulls him into a soft kiss.
“I love you too, my kit, always.” Mal deepens the kiss, tasting her, hands roaming freely making her gasp.
“Mal, tent. Now. “
He chuckles and leads her faster across the camp, stealing hot kisses along the way.
Soon Mal ushers her into their tent, lighting a few candles before settling onto the bedroll, gently pulling her down next to him.
“Now, about the second part of that oath…”
With a flourish, he produces a bottle of Celestial Vintage.
“… a bottle of the finest wine a man can steal! Swiped it from the tent of a pompous elven lordling.” He winks, flashing her a devilish grin.
She leans in for a kiss, chuckling. “Please tell me it’s the only thing you’ve swiped from our allies? Unless you want to single-handedly derail our peace talks...”
“You know kit, I’m all about redistributing wealth. And I can’t think of anyone more deserving than you.” He purrs against her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
“But don’t worry, nothing else of value’s gone missing. Thief’s honor.”
He grins and produces a pair of glasses, pouring them both a generous serving.
Autumn takes a sip, closing her eyes as she marvels at the familiar explosion of taste, the brightness of sunshine blending perfectly with the crispness of snow and sweetness of honey.
“Hmmm… just like that bottle in Undermount.”
She cracks an eyelid to see Mal gazing at her intently, a soft smile lighting his features.
“Our first date.” He leans in to brush his lips against hers, his breath ghosting her cheek.
“Hah! You admit it was a date!” She grins triumphantly, taking another sip of the wonderful nectar, feeling a delicious warmth spreading, slowly melting away some of her weariness.
“Well… yeah, it was most definitely implied.” He chuckles, a little bashful.
“Implied being the key word. Were you, Mal the Magnificent, great adventurer and seducer of countless Contessas, nervous to ask me out?” She bats her eyes sweetly, biting her lower lip to hide a smirk.
“What? No? Never! I just …. Figured I’d play it cool, considering your propensity to flirt with any and every two-legged creature in the realm.” He growls playfully at her, leaning in to steal a heated kiss, savouring the sweet effervescence of wine lingering on her tongue.
She smirks and straddles his hips, earning a satisfying groan.
“Oh, I see. You, my charming. Rakish. Absolute flirt of a rogue. Were worried I’d say no.” She punctuates each sentence with a kiss. “I wonder, my handsome scoundrel, how can I convince you that you’re all I could ever want?”
“Now that’s very easy, kit…” Mal whispers huskily, snaking his arms around her waist and holding her flush, trailing hungry kisses down her neck. “We can start by ridding you of all of these pesky clothes.”
All too soon, Autumn sighs, untangling herself from her lover’s arms, making to return to her duties.
She laughs heartily as she pushes him onto his back, losing herself in her rogue’s embrace.
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Mal grabs her waist, tugging her back into a lazy caress. “Wait, kit, rest just a little longer.”
She kisses him softly, settling back into his arms. “You know, we’re really stretching this ‘break’.”
She considers, “You’re right, about these peace talks requiring proper time and patience if we want to get it right. I’ll suggest we relocate to Whitetower Palace for now. We’ll eventually need to travel the realm to help the communities rebuild.”
“I’ll follow you wherever you go, kit. As long as you’ll have me.” He kisses her softly. “Though I am happy we’ll be in Whitetower for a little while. I’ve been wanting to check up on the orphanage, make sure the kids are doing good.”
“Mal, have I told you how proud I am?” She gazes up at him intently. “I’m glad others are now seeing what I always knew about you, that under all this bravado, you’re a pretty honorable man.”
“S’nothing, really,” Mal smiles ruefully, “wanted to do good by you. Also, to give these kids a better life than I had growing up…”
“Just when I thought I couldn’t love you more.” She plants soft kisses along his neck and chest before continuing, a little hesitant. “Actually, we haven’t talked about what we’d do after all this… I was wondering if... if you’d let me help you with the orphanage?”
Mal looks at her in surprise “That’s what you want? To stay in Whitetower?”
“I want to be with you, Mal, and you’ve made a life here with your sister and Vivi, Nia, the kids… I’d love to be part of it. Plus, I’m an orphan too, remember? Kindda invested in helping you give them a better life.” She smiles up at him softly.
For a moment, Mal is speechless. Then he beams with pleasure, pulling her into a searing kiss. “I’d like nothing better, Autumn.”
“Well then that’s settled! Let’s meet up with the others and get about moving our negotiations into Whitetower.” She pushes up, quickly getting dressed.
“But there’s still wine left!” Mal pouts, searching around for his boots.
“To be continued, then.” Autumn smiles wickedly as she saunters out into the darkened camp.
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darkfictionjude · 9 months
How would the Ros react at their wedding with Mc, seeing Mc enter the church
I like this ask because this is something that you’ll never seen in-game.
He doesn’t smile. He barley moves a muscle. But the way the daylight reflects off his eyes is telling. They don’t stray from your face. You see many emotions there: admiration, fondness, care, fascination, desire and above all, love. When you do reach him though, he does give one a smile, a small hidden one away from the world.
She picked out what you were going to wear but even so you see her eyes widen almost imperceptibly when you enter. She lowers them quickly and gives you a rare smile. She decides to screw tradition and walks down the aisle to meet you half way as she can’t resist touching now.
His mouth drops open. He look seconds away from a heart attack. He doesn’t know what to do with his hands so he awkwardly shoves them in his pants. He looks terrified and his eyes roam all around you. When you reach the altar although he looks like he might die the grip he has on you hands is sure and strong.
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ai-laik-hcda · 11 months
Wanheda. The Commander of Death. The name encouraged both fear and utter awe. To be able to command death... that was a power greatly sought after. Especially by the Commander's enemies.
Lexa was pleased to let Clarke do what she wanted. Was fine leaving the blonde to roam as she pleased. That was until she heard that Queen Nia wanted Clarke's head served on a silver platter for her. And that only meant one thing, Nia was planning to wage war against Lexa. It didn't surprise the young woman, Nia had never wanted to work within Lexa's laid out laws. But Lexa couldn't let Nia get her way. And so Lexa had offered a great reward to the Prince of the Ice Nation. She would lift his banishment, or so she said.
Lexa stood on the balcony of her tower, one of many, and gazed out at the city that lay below. Her arms were folded behind her. Her hair was braided in its knots that told of her rank, but nothing else told of the Commander that lay within the young woman. She had no formal business that day, only teaching her natblidas. And even the children had been sent away for the day. Images, memories, flashed before her eyes.
The rider coming in to tell her that Costia had never arrived in TonDc. The hateful letter sent by the Ice Queen. The months of sitting just outside Azgeda territory, shivering in the cold. The cold words spoken by her Flamekeeper. The pitying look from her mentor. All of this only to return to Polis without anything to show. Waking up that night, with a foreboding sensation in her stomach. Her fingers being met with white blonde locks of hair. Tears. The city draped in black, not only for the Commander's mourning, but for the city's as well.
"Heda..." Titus sounded exasperated as if he had been saying her name over and over. Lexa looked up, looking slightly startled. How long had he been next to her.
"Sha fleimkeppa?" She questioned softly, turning her green eyed gaze back out to the city.
"Heda, I beg you." He began and Lexa already knew where this was going. She almost stopped him, but resigned herself to allowing him to speak his argument... again. "Don't  go through with this. Nia, the whole coalition will see it as weakness. If you are sending the Prince out for any other reason than to harvest Wanheda's..." His words were stopped by the sharp look given to him by his Commander.
"I do not want to hear it Titus. I am not killing Wanheda." She was quiet for a moment, her gaze shifting to the doors on the other side of her throne room when she heard a knock. "Leave." She snapped, stepping around the older man and towards her throne. "Enter!" She sat on her throne, her gaze watching as the Ice Prince was let into her audience.
"Heda." The man bowed his head. He had been banished, thrown out from lands she ruled over. It was an honor to be here.
"Roan." She stated, her fingers gripping to the edges of her arm rests. "Your mother wants to wage war... again." She sighed. "However I want to stop her. Of course. Peace must be maintained. And so, for your return to the Coalition, I offer you a deal." She stated, gauging his response. "If you bring me Wanheda, unharmed, I will lift your banishment." Her words were devoid of emotion, having long since learned how to hide such signs of weakness. "Do you accept, or shall I have you escorted back to the badalands?" She asked.
A small nod,  a bowing of his head and his knee, was all the acceptance she was given. "Do not cross me, Roan of the Ice Nation." She commented, raising her hand to tell him to leave.
Lexa watched as the Prince, several years her senior, rose to his feet and left. She did this to prevent war and maintain her peace. But she did this for a greater reason.
She feared just what Nia would put Clarke through. She knew what the Ice Queen was capable of and she feared loosing just someone else that she cared for. Her parents. Costia. Anya. Gustus. She would not allow this cycle to continue. And she would not allow Nia to have just one more person to hold over her. 
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gritsandbrits · 11 months
Nia & The Mystery Woods
An original tale by gritsandbrits Based on the television program created by Britt Allcroft and David Mitton
Based on  The Railway Series by the Rev. W Awdry 
Original characters belong to me everything else to their respective owners (Mattel) 
Note: mix of the show & Shining Time/TATMR 
Since her arrival to Sodor, Nia the Orange Engine grew to love her new home. One landmark that fascinated her was Henry's Forest. While she thought a heavily wooded area was an odd choice to put a branch-line in, she couldn't deny she loved seeing such gorgeous greenery and sparkling springs up close. 
One afternoon, Nia was on her regular run (trying her best to bear with the stench of raw fish) when she arrived in the forest. A sign told all engines to reduce their speed. Nia didn't mind slowing down, it gave her the chance to embrace the serenity Mother Nature had to offer. 
"I wish I could stay here," she sighed. "If not for being an engine I could walk deeper into the woods and see more of it."
"Perhaps another time when we're free," her driver replied. 
Wistfully Nia continued on her slow journey when suddenly, she heard nearby bushes rustle loudly. Before she could process it something darted out in front of her. She jerked to a stop!
"What in the world was that?!" She yelped. 
"Must've been a deer," her frazzled driver said as they checked to make sure she was alright. 
"Whoo! At least nothing spilled out. The last thing we need is sturgeon juice all over the rails," the orange engine grumbled. Her eyes then noticed something was on the rails. Faint shimmer. 
Once there was no sign of any more deer, the little crew went on their merry way. But Nia couldn't help but feel uneasy. 
That night at Tidmouth she relayed the encounter to her shedmates. 
"It could've been a deer like your driver said," Rebecca mused. 
"What kind of deer shimmers?" Nia retorted.
"It could be a fairy!" Percy exclaimed. "One of the delivery girls at the mail station always talks about them!"  
"A fairy? Percy you know magic doesn't exist," huffed Gordon.
Everyone stared at Gordon with blank expressions on their faces. Then he remembered, "oh yeah that's right Lady," he muttered in embarrassment.
"We could ask her but she's all the way on the other side of the world," Thomas sighed sadly.
"You could ask Edward," Emily suggested. "He should know all about the weird things that go on in Sodor; he's been here longer than any of us!"
If she had a neck Nia could've shaken her head yes. "I will tomorrow." Deep down she was nervous about speaking with Edward. She never could muster up the courage to, she felt bad for replacing him. But if she was to get a concrete answer she would have to hide her fears. 
The next morning Nia spotted Edward lounging in the yard.
"Good morning Edward," she greeted quietly.  
"Nia! What a surprise," the blue engine exclaimed. "Uh, how have you been this morning?" 
"Fine. And you?"
"Well I'm just taking the day off. I ain't as active as I used to." 
A brief silence passed between them. Then Nia asked, "Um, Edward, do you know anything about fairies?"
Nia explained her encounter to Edward. Afterwards he mused.
"If I'll be honest I think you saw a nymph.
"A nymph?"
"It's a different kind of fairy one that roams the forests and lives in trees," Edward continued. "They protect the forest, you know. I haven't seen it myself, but it is said they're the reasons why this island still has its natural habitats."
"I see."
"Perhaps we should test our hypothesis," said Edward. "I'll go with you to Henry's Forest and see it for myself."
"Oh! You don't have to, I don't want to take up too much of your time," Nia began.
"Nonsense, it'll do me some good to work out my wheels," assured Edward.
Later that day the two engines made their way to Henry's Forest. During the trip they didn't talk. Not out of rudeness but because both were too nervous to talk to each other.
When they arrived they stopped. "Alright," said Edward. "Show me where it happened."
Nia gestured with her eyes. "I think when I passed by those patches of blackberries when I saw them." 
The engines trudged along the shaded path. Listening out for their magical friend. After a while they had found nothing.
"Hm, maybe it was a deer after all," she said. "Still doesn't explain the shimmer."
"Perhaps some naughty children," said Edward. "People can be disrespectful to wildlife, unfortunately." 
Just as they were about to leave, Edward felt something soft whip past him. "What on earth?" He could make out some dust faintly shimmering in the sunlight. His nose started to itch…
Steam whizzed from his underbelly as he let out a huge sneeze. His whistle squealed, jolting Nia to attention.
"Bless you!"
The blue engine sniffed. "Thank you, just some pollen."
"We ought to get back, it's getting late," said Edward's driver. When he reached inside his pocket he groaned. "Oi! My pocket-watch! It's gone!"
"Maybe you left it back at the station?" The fireman asked.
"No, I could've sworn I had it on me!"
Edward was confused. 
Nia's crew were preparing her too. When her fireman reached to fix her hat she felt nothing but her own hair. "Hey my hat is missing!"
The humans looked around for the article of clothing but found nothing.
"Maybe it's been blown off by the wind?" Asked her partner. 
"Darn! I really liked that hat!" The driver crossed her arms and pouted. 
The pair left, but as they did, a melodious laugh rang out from the trees. 
The next couple of days were tizzy for the NWR. Crewmen reported missing their hats and tools. More engines were sneezing. It wasn't enough to delay routes. But soon everyone was getting annoyed by the invisible pranks.
Every day Nia's curiosity grew. But so did her anxiety. After that brief time with Edward she didn't speak to him. Only hurrying off whenever he stopped by to visit Tidmoth. She felt bad for ditching but she didn't want to remind him of being his replacement either. 
A couple weeks later, Nia was running her goods (thankfully no fish this time) when she went through Henry's Forest again. This time she was determined to catch a glimpse of the nymph. 
"Alright you rascal where are you?" She looked around only to be greeted by trees and the large pool on the other side of the curve ahead of her. 
Feeling a bit bitter she huffed and went on. So maybe it wasn't a nymph? But that still didn't explain the random pranks. 
 Suddenly she heard a loud rustling. Once again something large darted in front of her! 
"Oh dear!" Nia screeched. 
"Shoot!" The driver applied the brakes as a great buck lept out in front of them! 
Nia squeezed her eyes shut expecting the impact. Suddenly felt her wheels lifting off the tracks. Then the unfamiliar tingle of grass. Finally careening to a stop...into the very sparkling springs she admired so much.
"Somebody...help me???" Was her gargled request.
Edward was sent to her aid. When he arrived with the breakdown train he gasped. 
"Enjoying some cool down time I see?" Edward jokes in hopes to lighten the mood. 
"Gleb! mhhee owa hee!" Nia sputtered drearfully.
"I take that as a yes."
It didn't take long for Nia to get put back on the rails. She sputtered out, "It was a real deer this time!"
"I guess this means we have to be extra careful," replied Edward. "By the way I'm curious. Why do you keep avoiding me?"
Nia's blushed. She didn't want to tell Edward she felt bad for replacing him in the shed. He seemed quite a good sport but she didn't want to instigate possible jealousy. 
"Well I-I've been busy," she replied quickly. 
Before Edward could say anything else, their drivers returned with some items in their hands. 
"I see what caused it, someone put a bunch of rocks and sticks on the line!" Exclaimed Edward's driver. 
"Whoever could have done that?" Edward wondered suspicious. 
"Maybe we should wait and find out," Nia murmured. Then she noticed a trail of sparkles streaking back behind the trees. She had a feeling there was more than just deer that lived in the forest.
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storyofmychoices · 7 months
Do tell
Danearya x Nyssa 👀
lol Nonny, I love you. This is going under a cut because it's ns*w 😉
Adult situations below, 18+ only
Daenarya and Nyssa would be immediately drawn to each other. Daenarya would be enamored with Nyssa's beauty and need to try her. Nyssa would be amused by the very forward human.
Nyssa would let Daenarya take the lead as she studies Daenarya (the way she moves, what she likes, and the way her body responds to things). It would be heated quickly. (Both of these girls love sex).
Daenarya thinks she's in charge of their encounter (she's used to dominating Nia and most (not all) other women she's with) until she goes from being on top to bottom and her hands tied to the bed post above her head with Nyssa just stranding her hips admiring Daenarya beneath her.
Nyssa kisses Daenarya's neck, her hands roaming her body as she whispers "my turn now." Nyssa has her way with Daenarya bringing her over the edge again and again. Eventually, Nyssa goes and gets Mal because she wants to share Daenarya, but she stays in control. Mal is more than happy to listen to every command Nyssa gives him on how to play with Daenarya.
It is one of the best nights they have. Daenarya and Mal want a repeat performance. Nyssa smiles mischievously. She fevently kisses Daenarya one more time before turning away, and sauntering out leaving them only with a wink and a "maybe".
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Could we get a list/link of every music submission? I want to know what to submit without adding redundancies.
Alright, so rifling through the submissions, it seems we are at 129 unique submissions at the moment, listed below the cut.
Before that though @calamitaswrath, the plan is to keep the submissions open until the grand finals for the Weapons Bracket have ended, which will probably be in about late august.
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A Faint Hope
A Formidable Enemy
A Life Overflowing
A Life Sent On
A Life Sent On(Duet)
A Life Woven Together
A Moment of Eternity
A nopon’s life
A Step Away
A Tragic Decision (XC1)
After Despair and Hope(Final Boss Theme)
agniratha (mod note: not sure if submitter wants day or night)
An Obstacle in Our Path (XC1)
An Unfinished Battle
At Our Life's End
Aurora Shelf~Day
Battle In The Skies Above
Battle on the Seas
Battle!! (xenoblade 2)
Battle!! Torna
Beyond the Sky
Bionis Shoulder
Bionis’ Awakening
Blade~Those Who Know Fear
Brilliant Wings
Bringer of Chaos! Ultimate (XC2)
By My Side
Carrying the Weight of Life
Central Factory - Xenoblade Chronicles DE
Chain Attack (XC3)
City Day
Colony 6- Future
Converging Emotions
Don't Worry (xenoblade X)
Drifting Soul
Elysium In The Dream
Elysium, In the Blue Sky
Engage the Enemy
Erythia Sea Day
Ever Come to an End
Feelings Risen to the Sky
Feelings Upon This Melody
Fogbeasts (XC1 Future Connected)
frontier village
Future Awaits
Gaur Plain
Great Cotte Falls (Night)
Impending Crisis-XC3
In the forest Z ver.>
Incoming! (XC2)
Jump Towards the Morning Sun
Kaleidoscope Core
Keves Battle
Kingdom of Uraya
Land of Morytha
Lost Days of Warmth
Main Theme - Xenoblade Chronicles DE
Malevolent Hollow
Mechanical Rhythm
Mechonis Field
melancholia (xenoblade x)
Millick Meadows (Day)
Moebius Battle
Moebius Battle M - Xenoblade 3
Mor Ardain - Roaming the Wastes
New Battle!!!
Nia Wanted
Nia~Towards the Heavens
No.EX 01 from XcX
Noah and N
Off-Seer Mio
Off-seer Miyabi
One Last You
Origin Battle
Our Eternal Land
Our Paths May Never Cross - Xenoblade 2 Torna
Over Despair and Animus (XC2:TTGC)
Over the Sinful Entreaty
Parting (Xenoblade 2)
Past From Far Distance
Praetor Amalthus- The Acting God
Redeem The Future
Riki the Legendary Heropon
Roar from Beyond
Shadow of the Lowlands
Shining Aspiration(Inherited Melody)
Ship In A Stormy Sea
Shulk and Fiora
Soldier's Paean
Something's Beginning to Move
Still, Move Forward
Syra Hovering Reefs Day
Tantal (Day)
Tantal (Night)
Tephra Cave
The Awakening (XC2)
The Battle is Upon Us
The Beginning of Our Memory
The Bereaved and Those Left Behind
The Decision
The False Queens
The Great Sea Stirs
The Power of Jin
The Tomorrow With You
the way (xenoblade x)
Theme X
Thoughts Enshrined
Unfinsihed Business
valak mountain (night)
Walking With You
Where it All Began - Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Where We Belong
Where We Used To Be
White All Around Us
Wir Fleigen
Words That Never Reached You
You Will Know Our Names
You Will Recall Our Names
Your Voice (XCX)
z29ba2t0t1l301e17 (z29 battle)
Zanza the Divine
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coconvtfm · 1 year
continued for @nojudgementrpblog
Alex chuckled and shook her head. "I'm fine. My first boyfriend became my first girlfriend when we both had an awakening in my freshman year," she laughed. "However you feel most comfortable handling tonight, is how we'll do it," she promised, slipping her shirt off, revealing small perky breasts inside of her bra.
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nia chuckled and felt a little more comfortable. at least alex wouldn't find her body that odd then. "we'll have to discover what i like best together because i haven't done this... in a very long time." she admitted and then she got distracted by alex taking her shirt off. she decided to do the same. she had slightly larger breasts, but still quite small on her frame. she'd worn dark green, lacy lingerie in case this happened tonight. she leaned down to kiss the other woman's cleavage and let her hands roam over her back.
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laylaylamode · 1 year
Green, Blue, Soccer Ball — Rain, DJ, and Laika
Excellent choices... 👀
🟢 Green- Rain's open honesty can be a problem at times. She gets somewhat of a pass because she's young but there are times when she openly questions adults or calls them out on things. She's not trying to be disrespectful but is bringing attention to what she thinks they overlooked. Doing this tends to get her in trouble at school but those who know her understand that she says things out of genuine concern. And if someone is too afraid or shy to speak up she'll do it on their behalf. Rain wants to look out for anyone and everyone.
DJ can be really cocky at times but he has to be. He's small for his age, gets into fights, and isn't taken seriously by his peers (and sometimes his own siblings). He has to puff himself up and be overconfident or he'd be insecure. Acting cocky gives him the strength to protect what he cares about and fight for what he believes in. In his words: "A cool captain such as myself has to take care of his crew!"
Laika tends to hyper focus on things. With him being an artist he sometimes concentrates too hard on little details instead of seeing the big picture, and pulling him away from something he's focusing on is difficult. He simply can't leave things unsolved, but this attention to detail comes in handy when situations are impossible to decipher. Laika will find a pattern or a solution quickly because he's already analyzed it a thousand times over within milliseconds. He's actually really smart but so quiet that no one realizes it yet.
🔵 Blue- Rain would spend a day of uninterrupted peace in the lab with her daddy. She loves going to the O'Neil Tech building with AJ and likes to help him or watch him work. With music in the background, a break room full of snacks, and machines and tech for her to work with, it's the ideal day for her! (Give her something to disassemble and reassemble and she'll stay put for hours lol.)
DJ would spend peaceful day going on nature walks. And they're good for him! Because he's extremely curious and mentally recording things like sounds, tastes, textures, and feelings into his sensory bank. He'll go with walks on the beach with Nia, hikes through the forests with Jia, and roams the city with AJ. All with a big smile as he soaks everything in.
Laika's peaceful day would be spent touring museums. He's already been to the ones in Townsville and nearby cities but Cindy surprised him with a visit to the museums in Paris and New York via portal. Laika likes to analyze how the old masters did their paintings and it makes a difference to see something in person versus a picture of it. And since he likes to explain the artwork to whoever that he's with, he'll be a lot more engaged and talkative than he usually is.
⚽️ Soccer Ball- Rain is always rooting for DJ. He's the youngest and thus the baby of the group, and since the twins are closest to each other then Rain is closest to him. She sees the insecurities in DJ that the others don't. She knows that he's struggling and when he's pushing himself too hard, and for that reason Rain is his biggest cheerleader. All of his little accomplishments are s big celebration in her eyes and she wants him to know that.
DJ has huge admiration for Jia and wants to be just like her. Traveling worlds and helping people, swashbuckling the bad guys, and making the universe a better place little by little. Knowing that his mother started off small and with health issues like he was, and seeing how strong she is now, motivates him to reach that level of success. Further into the future when he's an adult, he still holds on to the values that Jia taught him and honors her passing by continuing her work of improving the universe.
Laika has high admiration for his dad but he'll be damned if he tells him lol. There's no beef or anything between them and Beat fully supports all of his kids, but Laika constantly being compared to his dad has given him a bit of a complex. Because they look, act, sound, and play music alike, Laika feels like he is constantly fighting to get out of his dad's shadow. Even so he still respects Beat with the highest honor and wants to be as confident as he is. Laika will shrug off his father's compliments but secretly the validation warms his heart and he'll smile when he thinks Beat isn't looking (Beat sees it though lol).
Thanks for asking!
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