#Niall x Reader
loversipod · 1 year
Perfect Storm
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Summary: Niall is a single dad who, when the train is late, accidentally meets y/n who falls asleep on his shoulder. You always meet twice in life, this time it was pure luck.
Pairing: single dad!niall x reader
Wordcount: 843
Trigger warnings: none
A/N: I’m sorry that I disappeared for so long with my writing. Just a lot is going on and work is so stressful. I would appreciate it when you share it :) I’ll try my best to get more out soon.
The spring night is cold, with a gentle breeze and a small rainstorm. The night sky was often clear and you could see the stars shining, but not today. It was a beautiful spring day. Parents were in the park with their children, he wished he could do it too. Their parents watched their children and they looked so happy, some of them were walking with their dogs.
The train was stuffed full of people with barely enough space to move properly through the crowd. His phone died so he watched the people around him. He was glad he had a seat. He is claustrophobic and passes out when he doesn’t have enough space.
He was torn from his thoughts, by a woman who tapped his shoulder. One seat was free next to him, only his backpack was in the way. “Is this seat free?” The first thing he noticed was her red cheeks and nose. It must be cold outside. The brown scarf hides a lot of her neck and chin. Her hair was beautiful, the colour was perfect and her skin looked flawless. Her voice is sweet and quiet, she talked gently.
It was embarrassing he just stared at her, he still hadn't answered her. He moved his backpack and nodded. “Do you have a charger?” He asked shyly with a soft voice. He doesn’t want to scare her. It’s weird to ask a stranger you just met. She searched her backpack and gave it to him, “thank you.”
Ten minutes passed and the storm got stronger. A lot of people left the train when they reached the city. Now some get inside their home and some leave the train to meet up with friends.
The raindrops started a race, the drops run the glass faster down and more joined their competition.
His ocean-blue eyes wander around, the strangers were interesting enough to observe. Especially the woman next to him. She had a hard time staying awake. He couldn’t watch her the whole time.
What would she think of him?
He fixed his eyes on his phone. He saw that he missed four calls, so he called immediately. Something must be wrong, at home. When someone picked up he heard the sweetest voice talking to him. She always sounds like honey, “I’m sorry sugar the train is delayed. I know I promised—” he stopped talking.
Her soft hair tickles a bit on his smooth skin. His gaze fixed on her. She fell asleep on his shoulder. The small voice said, “be safe,” he forgot he talked to her.
“I will be,” he said.
The brown-haired man started to watch the woman. Her breathing is calm and small puffs of air leave her mouth. She even snores quietly. What if she got a cold, after standing outside so long, on a cold evening?
“Excuse me,” he touched her arm gently.
She opens her eyes and you can see the shock in them. Her pupils are blown big out of fear, probably. She raised her head. “I’m sorry— I—” she started to talk but he immediately stopped her.
He flashed her a gentle smile, “it’s okay, I need to go, my station, it's next.” The beautiful woman stood up and was embarrassed.
“Have a good night,” she told him.
“Thank you, you too.”
The next couple of days he always wondered what if he asked her for her phone number. What was her name? Maybe he got a little crush, but that was over, after four days. He doesn’t have time for dating. He had his hands full with his job and his daughter needs a lot of attention too.
He heard the doorbell and saw behind the door the woman from the train. “Hello,” she whispers embarrassedly.
He couldn’t believe his eyes.
He opens the door wider, “please come in.” He took a deep breath, “so you must be my new babysitter?” He was surprised to see her again. You only get your chance once. If you don’t ask, you never know what would happen, what could have become of it? And sometimes you get a second chance and it stands on your threshold.
“I’m y/n, sir,” today her hair was curly and her cheeks were again red but this time not from the cold. This time it was out of embarrassment. She couldn’t stop playing with her rings.
His pink lips left a chuckle, “I think we can both agree that sir is not the right thing to call me after you slept on my shoulder,” she looked into his face. He teased her about it, “please call me Niall,” he had a big smile on his lips.
After the interview, he decided it was y/n new job to take care of his little one. He liked her the most and she’s the youngest that applied for this job so he knew she isn’t strict with his daughter. He wants her to like y/n, and see her as a friend.
Who knows how their story will continue?
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yourimagines · 4 months
What he likes about you
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Fluff
A = Admiration, what he absolutely adore about you: That you keep up with him, he loves life and he always shows it, just enjoying life and you do the same.
B = Body, what is his favorite part of your body: your smile, the way your eyes lit up when you do it and your laugh, he loves the sound of it, the way you look when you laugh. he loves it
C = Cuddling, how he likes to cuddle: He's the big spoon, loves to scooped you in his arms.
D = Dates, what his ideal date with you would look like: going out golfing and grabbing some food afterwards.
E = Emotions, how he express his emotions around you: When you cry, he cries. He always express his emotions around you, telling you if he feels bad or when he's excited abut something.
F = Family, does he want one? If he does, when: A big yes, he wants to spend his life with you but he feels he's not ready yet and likes to wait. He wants to life this life first with you before going to that big step, being parents together.
G = Gifts, how he feels about gift giving? What is his habit when it comes to this: He likes to give you small things, like sharing his food. He isn't a big fan of just giving you things, it needs to have a reason behind it.
H = Holding Hands, when/how he likes to hold hands: Holding you hands in anyway possible, he loves holding you.
I = Injury, how he would act if you got hurt: He would be calm but worried, he would call his parents to ask for advice and just rant about his feelings and thoughts.
J = Jokes, does he likes to joke around with or prank you and how: He's a prankster, loves to laugh and pranks everyone. You would even team up with him to prank others.
K = Kisses, how he likes to kiss you: He likes to kiss you on your lips but also on the back of your hands.
L = Love, how he shows you he loves you: He writes song about and for you, pouring all his love in his songs, playing them for you and always supports you no matter what.
M = Memory, favorite memory together: Your first time at his concert, him singing those songs he wrote about you for the first time live.
N = Nightmare, what is his worst fear: That you hate him, he would be heartbroken that you don't love him anymore and hate him.
O = Oddity, what is one quirk he haves: He plays on his guitar a lot or on his piano, he's always making music when he's at home.
P = Pet Names, what he likes to call you: Love, baby(girl) and beautiful
Q = Quality Time, how he likes to spend time with you: Watching TV, being at home and just enjoying time together
R = Rhythm, what song reminds you of him: You make my dreams (come true) by Darly hall and John Oates. He loves that song, saying you make his dreams come true he also hums it a lot, when this song comes up it reminds you of him.
S = Secrets, how open is he with you: He's very open with you, he tells you everything.
T = Time, how long did it take you to get together: it took him two dates with you to make you his. He didn't want to waste time as he was afraid to lose his chance with you.
U = Upset, how does he acts when you’re upset: He let's you rant to him, he listens very carefully and understands why your upset, he tries to cheer you up and values your feelings.
V = Vaunt, what is he proud of, Does he likes to show you off: He likes to show you off because he thinks your perfect, your just like him.
W = Warrior, how would he feel about you fighting? Would he fight for you: A part of him would be proud but also worried if you would fight. He would fight for you in a heartbeat, he always has your back.
X = X-Ray, how well can he read you: He knows you, he knows how you think and he knows what you need. He just knows when sometimes wrong.
Y = Yes, how would he propose to you: Behind stage or in the studio.
Z = Zen, what makes him feel calm: Knowing your with him, when your asleep next to him, when you watching him while he's on stage.
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new-new-angel · 2 years
Niall Horan fic recs! (18+)
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black & white- 1.4k word count
"that first night we were standing at your door Fumbling for your keys, then I kissed you Ask me if I want to come inside ‘Cause we didn’t want to end the night" Based off "Black And White"
warnings- slight nsfw
The New Neighbor- 2.8k word count
You just moved into a new apartment. You become fast friends with your neighbors across the hall, but one day, things take a different turn
warnings- smut, dom niall😏, daddy kink, spanking, unprotected sex, slight degradation
period seggs- 2.1k word count
(request) so period sex with niall. idk if it’s just my slight blood kink but i’m always kinda disappointed when writers make period sex happen in the shower so it’s cleaner. i can picture reader getting him really worked up because she’s horny as fuuuuck. lots of teasing and touching and he’s going absolutely insane and it brings out niall’s dom side. at this point he just really doesn’t give a shit about the blood or the mess, he just wants her completely undone.
warnings- smut, period sex, very very light choking, blood and mention of blood
drunk fuck- 2.4k word count
(request) I’m curious to see Niall be desperately in love with the main character for years but he can’t do anything about it until one day they both get tipsy and she decides to take off her clothes for him and he fucks her hard and deep and he orgasms can be heard from the floors above and below
warnings- smut!
mirrors- 3.9k word count
coffee shop au based off of "mirrors"
warnings- self-deprecation (mention of insecurities)
C’mon Babyyy- 1.2k word count
oneshot based off of nialls instagram stories
warnings- smuttt
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imagines-1directioner · 7 months
Shut up and fuck with me! - with Niall Horan
Situação: ex!namorado!xNiall Horan x Leitora
Contagem de palavras: 2059
Avisos: +18; linguagem sexual explícita
Sinopse: S/N e Niall acabam em uma situação extremamente chata após o término e tentam resolver da pior - ou melhor - maneira possível.
N/A: Não sei aí, mas por aqui o mundo caiu numa tempestade e me inspirou a escrever tal história caliente e com um toquinho de clichê. Espero que gostem e fico na espera do feedback de vocês 🔥
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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“Oi, amiga! Cadê você?” - antes mesmo de colocar o celular no ouvido, escuto a voz estridente da minha amiga e aniversariante do dia. Seu tom era irritado e preocupado eu diria. E eu não poderia retrucar o possível motivo do surto, pois com certeza era o meu atraso e como de costume não consegui sair no horário planejado.
- Já pedi o Uber, tá chegando!” - tento contornar a situação logo em seguida enquanto colocava minha mochilinha amarela com apenas o necessário para passar o dia fora, tomando sol e bebendo drinks com nomes chiques.
“Não está me enrolando, né?” - infelizmente eu era daquelas de dar o bolo em cima da hora. “Estamos só esperando você!” - enfatiza, repreendendo-me de certo modo.
- Claro que eu vou! Daqui uns vinte minutos chego aí.
“Pede para o motorista acelerar.” - de fato ela estava muito ansiosa para chegar no tal resort que reservou há meses para festejar seu dia.
- OK - dou uma leve risada. - O Uber chegou. Até daqui a pouco.” - recebi a notificação de que o carro estava na frente de casa e com a pressa que estava apenas conferi a placa e já fui entrando após fechar minha casa.
- Olá, bom di.. - minha fala trava quando olho para o retrovisor e vejo os olhos azuis que me perdia todas as vezes que encarava. - Niall?
- Não é possível que vai se fazer de sonsa.
- O quê? Sonsa? - não deu nem tempo de raciocinar a situação e ele havia mexido com a minha paciência.
- Por que a supresa? - cruza os braços e sua face debochada grita acompanhada da atitude. Em nenhum momento ele virou a cabeça e olhou para mim. Todo o diálogo visual acontecia pelo ângulo do retrovisor.
- Eu não vi que era você.
- Então você entra nos carros de desconhecidos numa boa? - que abusado! respiro fundo de olhos fechados para não surtar como deveria.
- Se eu não tivesse tão atrasada eu cancelaria agora.
- Fique à vontade. - dá de ombros.
- Eu estou atrasada se não escutou, ou não prestou atenção no que eu disse, como de costume. - desta vez é ele quem suspira e revira os olhos. - Pode acelerar, por favor? - como não era besta solto meu ar irônico, o rapaz liga a carro e inicia a corrida em silêncio que eu tinha esperança de durar até os vinte minutos da viagem, mas logo após virar para a avenida principal um trânsito quilométrico surge a frente e o tempo de chegada simplesmente dobra. - Puta merda.. - sussurro preocupada. - Pode dar a ré e virar na outra rua, indo por dentro?
- Não sei se notou, mas já tem uma fila atrás do carro. - só percebo a constatação quando viro meu pescoço e observo a roubada que me meti.
- Merda!
- Vai dizer que a culpa é minha por não ter saído antes?
- Eu disse alguma coisa, Niall? Que implicância chata! Fica na tua. - meu tom de voz muda e ele percebe a minha irritação ficando finalmente quieto. Aproveitando o silêncio envio um áudio para minha amiga dizendo que me atrasaria mais do que o esperado, com uma foto do engarrafamento.
- Aniversário da Doris?
- Sim. - tenta puxar assunto mas sigo bem grossa para ele entender o quão idiota é. - Quanto tempo está dando pelo GPS?
- Quarenta e cinco minutos.
- É, impossível eu chegar a tempo. - confesso derrotada. - Se puder na próxima saída dar a volta e retornar para minha casa, agradeço.
- Vocês pretendem ir aonde?
- Te interessa?
- Estou tentando ajudar, grossa! - suspiro fundo.
- Ela marcou de passar o dia no resort que inaugurou ano passado.
- Aquele na divisa da cidade?
- Sim.
- Acho que vale mais a pena ir direto do que ir até a casa dela.
- Bom, mas você já iniciou a corrida.
- Posso te levar lá.
- Jura? - um pontinho de esperança é expressada em minha voz e consequentemente nos meus olhos.
- Contando que você não brigue comigo durante o caminho. - cada alfinetada eu rolava os olhos. Sem perder tempo aviso i grupo do aniversário da minha amiga que encontraria eles lá e que poderiam ir sem mim. Niall pega a próxima saída, indo na direção contrária da qual estávamos. Ele muda o trajeto no aplicativo e o tempo diminui em quinze minutos. Bom, já era alguma coisa.
Felizmente o único som que ouvíamos era o do rádio, permanecendo assim por quase meia hora, até notar que Horan quis bancar o esperto, não seguir o GPS e rodar com o carros nas mesmas ruas por pelo menos cinco minutos.
- Você está perdido?
- Pensei que conhecia uma atalho.
- Segue o GPS.
- O sinal foi embora. - suspiro profundo, demonstrando minha negação.
- Ótimo.
- Você tem sinal? - sem desbloquear o celular vejo que estava fora de área.
- Não também, mas eu sei onde estamos. Vira na próxima esquerda. - digo confiante, afinal eu sabia em que local nos encontrávamos.
- Vamos retornar aonde estávamos. - simplesmente sou ignorada.
- Não vamos, eu sei o que estou falando.
- Mas..
- Custa você tentar? - o moreno respira fundo e vira na rua que mencionei.
- E agora?
- A direita e depois a esquerda de novo. - assim fez e de nada adiantou, saímos em uma ruazinha vazia. - Segue reto até sairmos na principal.
- A gente já saiu da cidade, S/N! - esbraveja sem paciência.
- Tá, então se vira! - retribuo na mesma entonação e cruzo os braços, irritada.
- É você quem está atrasada, querida. - mais uma vez o deboche dele me tira do sério.
- Para aqui, vou pedir informação.
- Pra quem? Estamos no meio do nada. - no instante em que ele conclui a frase a leve garoa que caía sobre o parabrisa, transforma-se em gotas espessas e um raio corta o céu que começa a acinzentar. - Agora que não saímos daqui tão cedo. - Niall acelera o carro a fim de fugir da tempestade mas de nada adianta. Um minuto depois uma chuvarada inicia, sendo impossível enxergar um palmo da mão a nossa frente.
- Meu Deus! Que maldição é essa! - bato minhas mãos nas coxas, completamente insatisfeita com tudo que estava acontecendo. O nível de stress era tanto que qualquer palavra proferida por Horan seria motivo suficiente para gritar.
- Vamos esperar a chuva passar e tentar encontrar alguém. - e dito e feito.
- Por que você é assim?
- Assim como? - ele encara-me pela primeira vez olhando nos meus olhos, já que o carro estava desligado.
- Controlador! - admito zangada. - Toma as decisões pelos outros.
- Quer sair nessa chuva a procura de ajuda no meio do nada que nem uma louca? Por mim tudo bem, ninguém está te impedindo.
- Eu não estou falando disso.
- E está falando do quê? - o tom de soberba soou alto.
- Esquece. - falo com o intuito de me acalmar e não começar uma briga, desviando o olhar para as janelas a procura de uma alma viva.
- Agora fale! Fica alfinetando e simplesmente não consegue sustentar o que diz.
- Eu não tenho porquê dar satisfações para você.
- Você está falando de mim, do que eu sou! - o rapaz ergue a voz. - Obviamente preciso que você sustente o que fala quando o assunto sou eu. Afinal você não consegue passar um segundo sem falar de mim. - e foi com esta frase que o estopim para uma discussão iniciou.
- É isso! Esse jeito de se achar o centro das atenções, de querer mandar em tudo, de controlar as coisas que nem estão no seu controle é completamente irritante!
- Eu ser o centro de tudo? - a ironia encrustada na fala e na atitude ao apontar para si mesmo e soltar um riso ridículo, fervendo meu sangue.
- Você sim! Eu não consigo parar de falar de você? Além de egocêntrico e extremamente prepotente.
- E repito, você não consegue! - seu dedo é direcionado para mim. - O fato de eu ter terminado com você ainda te afeta de uma maneira gigantesca.
- O quê? - ele só poderia ter falado errado. Eu apenas rezava para que aquela cena patética acabasse.
- Deu para sentir assim que entrou no carro.
- Você é ridículo! - sem pensar e inteiramente zangada saio no meio daquela tempestade andando contra o carro estacionado. Eu só queria me livrar dele mesmo escutando-o me chamar para voltar e dizendo o quão “louca” eu era.
- Vamos voltar, tá chovendo muito! - não percebo que Niall me alcança e segura meu pulso, impedindo-me de andar.
- Me larga!
- Está perigoso ficar aqui.
- Eu não ligo! - no segundo seguinte um trovão alto ecoa pelos ares e outros raios caem, como se Deus reafirmasse o que Niall disse, provando mais uma vez meu ponto de vista.
- Por favor, vamos voltar!
- Volte você! Eu não quero ficar do seu lado senão eu vou explodir!
- Para de graça, S/N.
- Você me irritou, Niall! Como todas as outras vezes você me tira do sério e quer me ver fora de mim porque você é baixo, mal educado e insuportável! Muitíssimo insuportável!
- Me desculpa! - grita, e eu arregalo os olhos, surpresa. - Sim, eu passo do ponto, sou chato, insuportável.. mas é porque você me deixa assim! - justifica o injustificável, contudo eu sabia que esse era o jeito dele ‘consertar’ as coisas. E por mais que eu odiasse, era algo fofo, que me pegava de certa forma. Magicamente a situação em si pareceu acontecer em uma antiga briga nossa, que só acabava quando nossas bocas ocupavam-se sem utilizar a fala para resolver. - Sou eu que ainda não absorvi a ideia que não somos mais um casal. E eu fico puto por isso! Tão puto que perco a noção e quero arranjar motivo para pelo menos fingir que não tenho tanta culpa em acabar o que a gente teve, porque eu sinto falta e … - na adrenalina do momento e em uma vontade incontrolável calei sua boca com a minha em um beijo sedento que começou rápido mas que foi desacelerando quando nossas línguas se reconheceram.
A chuva deixou o clima muito romântico e as borboletas no meu estômago voaram como não faziam a tempos. Minhas mãos adentraram ao fios encharcados de seu cabelo e as dele agarravam meu corpo, apertando pontos estratégicos que me arrepiavam.
A medida que nos beijávamos fomos caminhando de volta a direção do veículo, e quando menos reparo bati contra o carro. Niall abre a porta de trás e me puxa para dentro sem demora. Comigo em seu colo, retornamos ao beijo quente e sem ligarmos para o peso da roupa molhada. Na verdade esta foi uma prerrogativa plausível para retiramos toda e qualquer peça e enfim sentirmos o tão esperado e maravilhoso contato pele com pele. As partes íntimas roçando uma na outra, os gemidos crescendo, o tesão controlando toda a situação dava-me arrepios bons demais para ignorar qualquer sentimento.
No ápice do tesão peço por ele e sinto Niall dentro de mim, entrando com uma facilidade enorme que quando me dei conta cavalgava com força enquanto ele beijava e mordiscava meus seios, além das mãos apertarem meu corpo deliciosamente. Quando nossas bocas se encontravam em um final de gemido eu me sentia nas nuvem e gritava por mais daquela sensação quente, prazerosa e gostosa ao extremo. Aquela sensação que só ele me proporcionava até eu desabar em seus braços e sentir o gozo escorrer sobre as pernas.
- Que delícia.. - a frase soa mais como um suspiro de alivio do que a fala em si, e o sorriso naquela boca gostosa consegue mexer comigo. Infelizmente a transe acaba com o meu celular tocando. - Alô.. oi amiga. - por um segundo Niall retorna ao relaxamento e começa a trilhar um caminho de beijos desde meu pescoço até meu seio, enlouquecendo-me. - Pois é, tá uma chuva terrível aqui. Tanto é que me perdi. - Fecho os olhos e tento segurar os gemidos. Niall ria, adorando a provocação. - Ah.. sério? - afasto Horan de mim. -Tudo bem. Amanhã vou aí na sua casa te entregar o presente… Ok, te amo também.
- E aí? O que foi? - ele questiona.
- Aniversário cancelado. - respondo entre risadas ao sair do colo dele e procurar minha toalha na mochila para pelo menos me enxugar.
- Então podemos nos resolver na minha casa?
- Já não nos resolvemos? - pergunto com um sorriso safado.
- Não do meu jeito. - o moreno tenta me amolecer e eu nego sorrindo.
- Eu estou toda molhada e sem roupa, não dá.
- Se esse for o problema, ainda tem algumas peças no meu armário. - a confissão desperta uma certa chama em meu peito e um riso bobo escapa. - Eu te disse, não consegui aceitar que não estamos mais juntos.
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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harrywavycurly · 7 hours
Texting Boyfriend Niall Horan Part 9: Dates
Masterlist: Here
CW: Language
Tag List: @blckburd @fanboysfangirl
Side Note: I know some of y’all don’t like how snippy these two are with each other but just know these two are sickeningly in love, they just talk a lot of shit to each other(out of love lol)
A/N: Niall thinks he takes you on dates all the time, but you just want him to admit he’s a little afraid of you. Enjoy✨
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stellatekintsugi · 2 months
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Niall Horan
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flowxrtimmy · 2 months
Through The Storm (n.h.)
when it’s your first thunderstorm in your new house, single dad Niall comes by to check on you, and you end up getting to know each other a lot more than anticipated.
You’ve thought about this for what seemed like forever, finally being on your own and living in your own house. It wasn’t too big, but not too small, and was located in a decent neighborhood, not too far from downtown. You didn’t even need your parent’s help, you’ve been saving so much since you started working as a registered dietician at a nearby nursing home, and made a serious commitment to stop eating out and spending unnecessary money, and with a strict budget you were finally able to get out of your crappy apartment and into an actual house. Plus, you were also closer to work with this new place, so that would help ease up on gas money. However, that wasn’t even the best part. Your neighbor was really friendly. His name is Niall, and he has a 4 year old son, Andrew, who was the cutest kid you’ve ever seen. Niall, though, was so fucking hot, there was no other way to say it. He was fit, always smelled amazing, always dressed nice, and if he looked that hot while being presentable, you could only imagine what he looked like just rolling out of bed. In fact, that’s what you imagined most nights before going to sleep. Him laying next to you, in just his underwear and a shirt, his hands running all over your body, it may have caused the habit of you reaching for a toy before going to sleep, but he didn’t need to know that.
Currently, you were sitting on your couch, trying to catch up on SVU when you heard a large thunder clap boom, scaring you out of your spot. A storm?! How? Your Alexa didn’t warn you, and upon checking your phone, there weren’t any notifications from your three different weather apps. How could it just appear like that? You looked out the window, and noticed it was indeed very dark out. You took a deep breath, and tried to focus on the show. Usually, storms didn’t bother you, but this was your first storm while living alone. At the apartment, there was always someone to go to, you did have pretty decent neighbors, but now it was just you. You could hear the rain start to come down, and with the sky lit up with lighting, followed by loud roars of thunder. You whimpered to yourself, standing up when the lights began to flicker before finally going out.
You tried to stay calm, making a mental note to not open the fridge, and went to your kitchen, grabbing your lighter and lighting the candle on the kitchen table, then walking to the living room and lighting the one in there as well. You winced at another loud clap of thunder, sitting back down on the couch, setting the lighter on the small coffee table in front of you. You could get through this, it was just a spring storm, everything would be okay. Having calmed yourself down a bit, you sat back on the couch, listening to the rain. However, that didn’t last long when a knock sounded at the door, making you jump. Oh my god, you thought to yourself, someone’s about to kill me. Despite your inner thoughts, you stood and slowly crept to the window, peeking out to see Niall on your front steps. You let out a sigh of relief and quickly walked to the door, opening it. “Niall! It’s raining cats and dogs out there!” You said with a relieved laugh, stepping aside to let him in.
“Hey, love! You can say that again.” He steps in, taking his shoes off, which had gotten almost soaked during his short walk over to your place. “Man, didn’t even see this one coming.” He said as you shut the door behind him.
“That’s what I was thinking, no warnings or anything. Can I get you anything? I can’t open the fridge, but I have water bottles that I haven’t put away yet.” This was your first time having any kind of company, and you felt bad that you couldn’t be a proper host.
“Oh no lass, I’m alright, but thank you.” He smiled at you. “Just wanted to come by and check on you, Andrew is at his mom’s right now, and I know this is the first big storm since you moved in.”
Your heart fluttered, he was concerned about you, and braved the storm to make sure you were okay. “That’s so sweet of you, you must be cold!” You grabbed a blanket from your couch, wrapping it around him. “Please, have a seat!”
“Well of course, honestly it gets pretty lonely without Andrew as well, also you’re too sweet.” He smiled as you led him to the couch, the two of you sitting down. It was still somewhat light enough that you could see where you were going, but that wouldn’t last long. “The first big storm of the season, actually.”
The fact that he admitted that he gets lonely hurts your heart, and you’re glad he decided to come over. “Oh yeah? Well I’m grateful you wanted to come over just to make sure I was okay, it means a lot to me.” It really did, you had relaxed now that he was here, and you definitely felt safer.
“Of course, but uh, that’s actually not the only reason that I came by.”
You looked at him curiously, raising a brow. “Oh? Well, what else can I do for you?”
“Well, I was just curious, how old are ya, lass?”
You blushed a bit at the nickname he’s called you twice now, but smiled. “I’m 23, 24 next month.”
“Oh, so not much younger than me, I just turned 30 in September.”
He was only 30?! You were surprised, not that he looks old or anything, but damn he was actually somewhat close to your age. “Oh wow, yeah only 6 years older, not too horrible.” You felt a lot more confident now, and you were itching to make a move, and you had a feeling that he wanted to do the same. “So, no electricity, just us and these candles.” You set a hand on his knee, not taking the time to think about it, you just wanted to take action.
He glanced at his knee then up at you. “You’re right, it is only us, and it seems like we have the same idea.” Without another word, he pulled you to him, crashing his lips against yours. You kissed him back as he set his hands on your lower back, you wrapping your arms around his neck as you two kissed. The thunder roared as Niall gently pulled back, looking up at you. “I’m sorry, I had-”
You didn’t let him finish, and kissed him again. He kissed back, his hands running down to the hem of your shirt. You pulled back, raising your arms up as he pulled it up, and tossing it aside once it was off. “Fuck, I’ve thought about this for so long, Niall.” You moved to the floor, smiling up at him. “Just, on the floor is how I’ve been imagining it.”
He looked down at you with a smirk, and chuckled. “That sounds like a great idea.” He pulled his own shirt off before joining you on the floor, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close to him. “God, you look so fucking good right now, and we don’t even have everything off yet, petal.” He ran his hands up your back, unclipping your bra, and pulling it off in one fluid motion. His eyes went wide and he smiled, gently laying you back and leaning in, taking one of your nipples in his mouth, gently teasing it with his tongue.
Fuck, he knew what he was doing, and it only made you feel like you had to tell him the truth before things went any further. “Ni, hold on a sec.” You watched as he pulled his head back, looking at you with concern.
“What’s wrong, petal? You’re comfortable, right?”
“Oh absolutely, trust me you’d know if I wasn’t.” You took a breath. “This is just my first time doing anything sexual.” It was true, throughout college you did go to parties and such, but never went home with anybody or anything like that, and honestly, you hadn’t felt like you were ready. However, you felt something different with Niall since the day you met him, and deep down you knew that you wanted him as your first time, it was only just now becoming real.
He was quiet for a moment, then smiled. “So I’m your first time for like, anything?”
You nodded. “Yeah, but like, I’ve used toys before, if that counts” You let out a light laugh.
“Yeh, toys can help you adjust to having something inside you, but I’ll still be super gentle, and we don’t even have to do that, we can start light with fingering to get things going, how’s that sound?” He gently set his hands on your breasts, smiling down at you.
You thought about it for a moment, and smiled. “Yeah, that would be great, actually.” You loved that he was willing to help get you comfortable with everything, you had no reason to worry about him not wanting someone inexperienced.
Giving your breasts a gentle squeeze, he nodded. “You’re in good hands, lass.” He ran his hands down your sides, pulling your sweats down along with your panties, pulling them off your legs and setting them on the couch.
“You gotta catch up, Ni.” You joked while sitting up, undoing his button on his pants before pulling them down his legs, smiling at his red briefs as he helped you pull his pants off. You hooked your fingers around the waistband before pulling his briefs down, his erection now in full view, and the first time you’ve ever seen one in person. You let him take over getting his underwear off as you looked at his dick, shocked. “Woah.”
He smirked, stroking it once his hands were free. “Glad ya like it, petal. Now lay back, yeah?”
You obeyed, laying back on the carpet, bending your knees, watching as Niall gently opened your legs. “I’m excited, Ni.”
“Good, you should be, m’gonna make you feel so good, lass.” He looked around before looking at you. “Wouldn’t happen to have lube, would ya?”
“Um, I might have to check, it’s been a minute since I’ve used it on myself.” You blushed as you admitted your toy use. You stood up, smiling down at him. “I’ll be right back, unless you want to come with me?”
“I’ll be right here, love.” He said with a smile. If he was being honest, he liked the idea of having sex by candlelight on your living room floor, and feared that going with you would have the opportunity to change locations. As you checked your bedroom for the lube, he looked around your living room, and smiled. It was starting to grow darker outside and the room was lit by the candles. He felt a very romantic vibe, and was so excited to be the first one to give you this experience.
You walked back in with the lube in your hand, holding it up triumphantly. “Got it!” You sat back on the floor, handing it to him with a smile. “I’m kind of nervous, but I’m definitely ready.”
He gently laid you back with a chuckle, leaning down and pressing a kiss against your forehead. “I promise you’re in good hands, just relax, lass.” He opened your legs again, gently rubbing your inner thighs. “You have such a pretty pussy, y’know that?” He opened the lube, squeezing some out onto his fingers. “Take a deep breath, petal.”
You obeyed, taking a deep breath, but you tensed up a bit when you felt him gently insert a finger. “Sorry, Ni.” You took another breath, relaxing on your exhale as he began to push it in and out slowly.
“S’alright petal, just relax.” He slowly picked up the pace, moving his finger back and forth. “You’re doing so well, such a good lass, aren’t ya?” He asked, slowly inserting another finger.
“I am, Niall. So good for you.” You rested your head on the floor, letting out a soft moan as he rocked his two fingers back and forth, and you couldn’t believe that this is what you’ve been missing out on. “Fuck, faster please?” You asked, wanting to stay polite while also getting him to pick up the pace.
“Atta girl, asking nicely.” He picked up the pace, smirking down at you. “Glad you’re enjoyin’, petal.”
You could feel your orgasm building up, and you knew it wouldn’t be much longer. “I think I’m close, Ni.’ Once you said that, he pulled his fingers out, causing you to let out a soft whine at the emptiness. “Ni?” You ask, looking up at him with confusion to see him stroking his dick.
“Don’t worry petal, just getting ready, lay back down,” He set a hand on your shoulder, gently pushing you back into a lying position. “I don’t have a condom, but don’t worry, I’ll be sure to pull out, sound good?”
“Yeah, I like that idea. I’m so ready for you, Niall.” You shut your eyes again as he lined up with your entrance, slowly pushing in. You went to tense up, but remembered that it wouldn’t help. You let out a gasp when he pushed in, and he stopped for a moment, looking down at you with concern. It took you a minute to adjust to his size, but you eventually gave him an approving nod, and he began to move again.
“Fuck petal, yer so fuckin’ tight, you sure you’re okay?” He asked as he picked up one of his hands, using it to run his fingers through your hair. Once you nodded, he smiled. “Alright lass, I’m only gonna go half, make it a bit more comfortable for ya, is that alright?’
You thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, that’s probably best, it’s okay with me.” You loved that he was so open with communication, it showed you that he truly did have your best interest in mind, and that he wanted to make you as comfortable as possible. Once he was in, he gave you a nod.
“Alright petal, tell me when you’re ready.”
You took a few moments to adjust to his size before nodding. “I’m ready, Ni.”
With that, he started gently thrusting in, pulling back, and thrusting in again. A mix of pain and pleasure coursed through your body as you laid your head back on the carpet, looking at the glow on the ceiling from the candles. By now, the sun was mostly down, and the street was dark from the outage. The only thing lighting this session was the soft glow of candlelight, and you thought that was sexy as well. “Can you please speed up a bit?” You asked, shutting your eyes and letting out a moan when he did just that. You weren’t expecting it, you thought he was going to say something first. “Fuck, just like that, Ni!” You brought your arms up, setting your hands on his back as he pumped into you, looking at him and not breaking eye contact. God, he looked so fucking beautiful like this. You couldn’t help but set a hand on the back of his head,and pulled him in for a kiss while he kept thrusting. As you kissed, you could feel your orgasm building once more, and you broke the kiss. “I’m close again, Ni.”
“So am I baby, let go, I want you to cum on my dick.” He kissed your neck, picking up the pace just a tad.
The slight change of speed was enough to send you over the edge, and pleasure waved through your body as you hit your high, finishing all over his dick. You heard him let out a loud moan, followed by a loud “fuck!”, and he quickly pulled out, adjusting himself so his dick was over your chest, groaning as the cum shot out, covering your breasts and chest. It was hot to watch him spilling out onto you, you would definitely remember it.
As you both came down from your highs, you looked at Niall with a smile. “That was so good, Ni. I loved every second.”
He smiled down at you before laying on the floor next to you. “Glad you enjoyed it, lass. Do you want to go clean yourself up, or do you want to maybe taste it?”
You shook your head. “No, I want the first time I taste you to be from sucking you off, so why don’t I go clean up, and we can try some other things?”
Niall’s eyes lit up, and he nodded. “Yes, absolutely! Go on, petal, why don’t I come with you this time and you can show me the bedroom?”
Hearing that made you excited, and you stood up, pulling him up with you. “I think that’s a great idea.” You quickly blew out the lit candles before grabbing a flashlight and leading Niall to your bedroom.
You weren’t afraid of thunderstorms anymore.
A/N: hi everyone! Currently in the middle of a 24 hour readathon, but taking a break to post this for yall! please enjoy, i love the single dad aspect hehe.
all the love x
14 notes · View notes
1dpreferencesbr · 10 months
Imagine com Niall Horan
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Good Boy?
n/a: Eu adoreeeeeeeeeei fazer esse imagine! Espero que gostem tanto quanto eu! <3 Para a linda que fez esse pedido (Não estou conseguindo marcar, mas vou responder a ask logo logo) me perdoa pela demora do seu pedido! Espero que goste mesmo assim!
Avisos: Palavrões, conteúdo sexual explicito, ingestão de bebida alcoólica, +18
Diálogos: Você está beijável pra cacete agora / Espera aí, você está com ciúmes? / É claro que estou com ciúmes! / Toque-se enquanto olha para mim / Eu nem te toquei ainda e você já está molhada desse jeito / Não goza, porra, porque se você gozar eu irei também e eu mal comecei com você / Esta noite quero que você assuma o controle
Masterlist Lista de diálogos
Engoli em seco a resposta atravessada que se formou em minha boca. Com os olhos grudados naquele que há apenas alguns minutos estava sussurrando palavras de carinho em meu ouvido e agora ria abertamente para uma garota que eu nunca havia visto. 
Parecia que eu sequer existia naquele lugar. Niall sorria para a garota enquanto ela enrolava uma mecha fina de cabelo entre os dedos, truque barato para chamar a atenção para os seus peitos. Como se o decote escandaloso não fosse o suficiente. 
Tomei um gole longo da minha cerveja, tentando controlar toda a vontade de acabar com aquela palhaçada. 
— Está tudo bem? — Uma voz soou em meu ouvido. Virei para Zayn, forçando um sorriso enquanto acenava que sim com a cabeça. — Tem certeza? Porque você está parecendo uma maluca encarando esses dois. — Estreitou os olhos e tentou esconder o sorriso debochado que se abria em seus lábios. 
— Está tão na cara assim? — Perguntei assustada, olhando para os lados para ver se mais alguém notara.
— Naaaaah. — Negou com a cabeça. — Eu que conheço você demais. — Dei um tapa em seu ombro, o que fez o moreno rir alto. — E então, o que aconteceu? 
— O que acha? — Voltei a erguer o copo, que foi interceptado no meio do caminho. Bebendo da minha cerveja, Zayn suspirou.
— Vocês dois estão há meses nessa. — Resmungou e eu apenas dei de ombros.
Zayn estava certo. Faziam meses desde que eu e Niall começamos a nos envolver em um tipo de amizade colorida depois de tantos anos que nos conhecíamos. Meu melhor amigo conhecia muito bem os meus sentimentos pelo irlandês, e foi o primeiro a me aconselhar a não me envolver demais, já que Niall não queria um relacionamento sério no momento. Eu sabia dos riscos que estava correndo, e agora, pagava por eles. 
Recuperando meu copo, forcei mais um sorriso antes de virar o restante do líquido. 
— Vamos nos divertir! — Declarei. 
— Qual a sua ideia? — Me encarou de lado, mostrando que realmente me conhecia bem demais. Olhei para os lados, procurando algo que pudesse me distrair.
— Beer Pong. — Apontei para onde algumas pessoas montavam o jogo.
— Você é péssima nisso.
— Melhor ainda, posso ficar bêbada sem dar na cara o motivo. — Cantarolei indo em direção e avisando que também queria jogar. 
Minha competência para beber nunca foi muito boa, depois de seis ou sete jogadas mal sucedidas já estava rindo alto como uma doida e sem muito equilíbrio. 
— Ei. — Zayn me chamou quando o líquido do que eu julgava ser a oitava cerveja escorreu pelo meu queixo. — Eu preciso ir, amanhã tenho que pegar a Khai cedo. Quer que eu te deixe em casa? 
— Eu quero ficar mais um pouco, estou me divertindo. — Fiz um beicinho, o que fez o meu amigo suspirar.
— S/A…
— Deixa, Z, cuidamos dela para você. — O garoto loiro do outro lado da mesa se meteu, piscando um olho pra mim em seguida.
— Viu? Ele cuida de mim. — Praticamente pulei de entusiasmo. — Você pode ir e amanhã dê um beijãããão na Khai por mim. — Zayn abriu a boca para refutar meu argumento, mas se calou quando o anfitrião da festa parou ao meu lado.
— Quem vai cuidar de quem? — Niall perguntou, alheio ao assunto.
— Ele ali. — Apontei para o loiro. — Vai cuidar de mim hoje. 
— Como é? — Franziu as sobrancelhas grossas.
— Acho melhor você voltar comigo. — Zayn disse novamente.
— Não. — Bati o pé e neguei com a cabeça. — Vou ficar e ponto final. 
Zayn resmungou alguma coisa e cumprimentou o resto da mesa com a cabeça antes de sair. 
— Mais uma rodada! — Falei.
— Não mesmo, chega de bebida para você. — Niall disse alto, tirando o copo vazio da minha mão e me puxando pelo pulso. 
— O que está fazendo? — Resmunguei tentando me soltar, sem sucesso algum. 
— Você perdeu a noção? Enchendo a cara com gente desconhecida? 
— Jason disse que vai cuidar de mim. — Debochei quando terminamos de subir as escadas e Niall finalmente me soltou.
— O nome dele é Mason. — Corrigiu sem paciência.
— Tem certeza? 
— S\N. 
— Tanto faz o nome dele. — Revirei os olhos. — O que importa é que ele vai cuidar de mim e você pode voltar para a sua festa e a sua garota. 
Niall abriu um sorriso incrédulo, segurando meu pulso com força e me arrastando até seu quarto. Ignorando os meus protestos ele prensou meu corpo contra a porta recém fechada, começando a distribuir beijos molhados pela pele do meu pescoço. 
— Niall. — Chamei baixinho.
— Você está beijável pra cacete agora. — Sussurrou contra a minha pele.
Ignorando cada uma das paredes que havia erguido nas últimas horas, deixei que sua boca tomasse a minha em um beijo longo. Niall apertou minha cintura com as mãos grandes e eu segurei em seus ombros. Respirei fundo, sentindo meu estômago revirar ao sentir um cheiro diferente misturado ao seu. Empurrei seu corpo para longe do meu. 
— O que foi? — Perguntou confuso.
— Você está com o cheiro dela. — Falei enojada. 
— De quem? 
— Eu não sei o nome da biscate que você estava pegando, Niall Horan, mas não vou ficar com você depois disso! — Falei furiosa, me sentindo ainda pior quando ele soltou uma gargalhada. 
— Espera aí, você está com ciúmes? — O tom de divertimento em sua voz demonstrava o quão ridícula estava sendo aquela cena. 
— É claro que eu estou com ciúmes! — Gritei. — Você estava agora mesmo com aquela garota e agora está aqui, tentando me agarrar! 
— Tentando agarrar você? 
— Quer saber? Eu vou embora. — Virei, abrindo a porta, mas Niall pressionou o corpo contra o meu, fechando-a novamente. 
— Você não vai a lugar nenhum. — Sussurrou em meu ouvido, arrepiando os cabelos da minha nuca e os pelinhos dos meus braços. Puxei o ar com força, tentando manter o auto controle. 
— Niall. — Tentei soar convincente, mas meus joelhos fraquejaram quando senti seus dedos afastarem meus cabelos para dar espaço para sua boca. Fazendo um caminho de beijos pelo meu ombro até a minha orelha, Niall segurou minha cintura e apertou o corpo contra o meu, mostrando o tamanho da ereção que se formava em sua calça. Tentei chamar seu nome novamente, o que soou como um gemido quando ele deixou uma lambida no ponto sensível atrás da minha orelha. 
— Você fica tão linda quando está com ciúmes. — Sussurrou rouco pela excitação. Senti uma de suas mãos descerem até a barra do vestido curto, se infiltrando entre o tecido até chegar á calcinha já arruinada. Niall riu pelo nariz, orgulhoso. — Eu nem te toquei ainda e você já está molhada desse jeito. — Provocou. Tombei a cabeça para a frente, derrotada, sentindo a ponta do indicador separar a carne molhada para tocar o clitóris inchado. 
— Niall. — Resmunguei, abrindo um pouco mais as pernas para facilitar o seu acesso.
Sem se importar com a minha necessidade, o moreno tirou as mãos de mim e então me puxou, me jogando sem jeito sobre a cama. 
A atmosfera do ambiente havia mudado totalmente. Qualquer resquício de raiva havia dado lugar à expectativa. Levando o dedo melado até a boca, Niall sorriu sacana. Meu vestido se acumulava na cintura, revelando a calcinha preta e minúscula que eu havia escolhido especialmente para ele. 
— Toque-se enquanto olha pra mim. — Ordenou, me obrigando a sorrir. Niall sabia muito bem que eu adorava quando ele era autoritário na cama. Levei os polegares até as alças finas, tirando a peça mínima e jogando em direção a ele, que pegou no ar. 
Me ajeitei na cama, apoiando os saltos escuros no colchão e abrindo bem as pernas para que ele tivesse a visão que desejava. Molhei o dedo médio e anelar com saliva, descendo vagarosamente. Gemi baixinho, rodeando o clitóris antes de penetrar com vontade. Sem piscar, Niall me olhava com atenção, abrindo o botão da calça social e deixando que caísse pelas pernas. Em passos lentos ele se aproximou, retirando os botões da camisa social de suas casas. 
Não conseguia mais conter os gemidos, o som molhado da fricção dos meus dedos parecia preencher o ambiente. Niall parecia estar adorando seu show particular, ajoelhando no chão em frente à cama e tirando minha mão de onde estava. 
Sorrindo sacana, ele levou meus dedos até minha própria boca, o que calou o gemido estrangulado que escapou quando sua língua passeou por mim. 
— Tão boa, porra. — Ele resmungou, deixando lambidas longas e me enlouquecendo ainda mais. Suas mãos apertavam a pele das minhas coxas enquanto a ponta de sua língua pincelava o meu ponto sensível com rapidez e maestria. 
Podia sentir o prazer percorrer cada mínima parte do meu corpo, correndo pelas minhas veias sem controle algum. 
Deixando um último beijo em meus lábios baixos, Niall subiu na cama. Não consegui deixar de sorrir ao ver seu queixo completamente úmido com os meus fluídos. 
Grudando a boca na minha em um beijo enlouquecedor, ele segurou minha bunda e trocou nossas posições, me colocando sentada em seu colo. 
— Esta noite eu quero que você assuma o controle. — Murmurou, investindo a ereção coberta pela cueca branca contra mim. 
Puxei meu vestido pela barra, sendo ajudada para me livrar do tecido que agora me incomodava. Virei o pescoço para ver onde havia jogado a peça de roupa, mas desisti ao sentir seus lábios castigando um dos meus seios, sugando o mamilo sensível com força. Niall passou os braços em volta da minha cintura, e gemeu contra a minha pele quando rebolei. 
Empurrei seus ombros para trás, obrigando-o a deitar na cama. Libertei a ereção monstruosa, sorrindo ao vê-lo morder o lábio inferior em expectativa. 
Apoiando as mãos em seu peito, melei seu pau com minha própria umidade, indo para a frente e para trás muito lentamente, gemendo baixinho quando a glande batia em meu clitóris.
— Não provoca. — Avisou, apertando os olhos com força quando fiz novamente. 
— Você não disse que me queria no comando? — Usei minha voz mais sexy, indo e vindo mais uma vez. Niall apertou uma das minhas coxas com a mão, fazendo pressão com os dedos e me encarando com as pupilas azuis dilatadas. 
— Senta no meu pau logo. — Mandou. Neguei com a cabeça, molhando os lábios com a língua. 
— Quem manda hoje sou seu, amor. — Sussurrei a palavrinha em português que ele não sabia o significado, mas enlouquecia quando escutava. 
Empinei o corpo para a frente, deixando um beijo longo em seus lábios enquanto levava a glande gorda até a minha entrada. Estava tão molhada que sua entrada foi fácil, deixando que fosse apenas até a metade, o tirei novamente. Niall praguejou contra a minha boca. Repeti a provocação mais uma vez, recebendo mais um palavrão, mas agora acompanhado de um tapa na bunda. 
— Isso é tortura. — Disse entre dentes. 
— Quer que eu pare então? — Fingi inocência. 
— Quero que sente de uma vez. — Levou a mão entre nós dois, esfregando a cabeça por toda a extensão da minha intimidade. — Eu sei que você quer. — Antes que eu pudesse dizer mais alguma coisa, Niall impulsionou contra mim, entrando todo de uma vez. 
Um gemido alto escapou de mim, e ele soltou mais um palavrão. Endireitei a postura, apoiando as mãos no peito malhado. Não conseguindo mais me segurar, comecei a subir e descer de forma rápida. 
Meus seios balançavam com os movimentos, os músculos da barriga de Niall endureciam à medida que ele se empurrava contra mim. O barulho dos nossos corpos se chocando ecoava pelo quarto inteiro, o cheiro de sexo nos inbriava ainda mais. 
Meu movimento se tornava mais desleixado à medida que minhas pernas cansavam e o orgasmo se aproximava.  O suor se acumulava em minha pele, grudando alguns fios de cabelo em meu rosto. 
— Não goza, porra! — Niall vociferou, impulsionando ainda mais rápido e forte. — Porque se você gozar eu também irei e mal comecei com você. 
— Se continuar assim… não consigo segurar. — Murmurei, jogando a cabeça para trás. 
Niall segurou os dois lados da minha cintura, jogando as minhas costas contra o colchão. Sem esperar eu me ajeitar, ele puxou minhas coxas em sua direção, metendo duro de uma vez.
Revirei os olhos com força, cada célula do meu corpo em completo desespero para gozar logo. Niall ergueu o tronco e posicionou minha bunda sobre suas coxas. Apoiando meu corpo com um dos braços ele entrava ainda mais fundo e em ritmo constante. 
Afundei as unhas em seus ombros ainda cobertos pela camisa aberta. A posição fazia seu ventre roçar contra o meu clitóris, me deixando ainda mais à mercê do orgasmo enlouquecedor. 
— Niall. — Praticamente ronronei, sentindo seus lábios se chocarem contra os meus em um beijo desajeitado. 
Sentia seu pau ficando ainda mais duro dentro de mim, e os movimentos se tornavam mais curtos e fundos, indicando que Niall também estava a ponto de gozar. Não consegui mais segurar, gemendo seu nome contra a sua boca e com a boceta convulsionando em volta de sua ereção. Sendo jogada para um orgasmo avassalador e longo. Apertando sua cintura com as pernas de forma involuntária, choramingando coisas desconexas. 
— Cacete. — Niall resmungou, metendo mais rápido. — Porra de boceta apertada. — Bufou, chocando a pélvis com força. 
Afrouxei o aperto das minhas coxas quando o topôr do orgasmo diminuiu, olhando a expressão de prazer do moreno. Niall franzia as sobrancelhas e mantinha a boca aberta. Suas bochechas e seu pescoço estavam vermelhos pelo esforço físico. Ele arremeter fundo uma última vez antes de se retirar por inteiro e derramar o líquido em jatos quentes sobre a minha barriga. 
Com a respiração completamente desregulada, jogou o corpo cansado ao meu lado, tentando se recuperar em respiradas fundas. 
— A próxima vez que você me provocar… — Disse ainda com alguma dificuldade. — Não vou ser tão bonzinho. — Sorriu de lado.
— Você foi bonzinho? — Provoquei apoiando a cabeça em uma das mãos para olhá-lo de frente. 
— Deixei você gozar, não deixei? — Devolveu.
— E por quê não deixaria? — Passei o indicador pelo seu peito suado, deixando um rastro pelos seus pelos. 
— Você não merecia. — Segurou minhas bochechas com uma mão, me obrigando a fazer um bico onde deixou um selinho estalado.
— Por que? — Perguntei ainda em seu aperto. 
— Você disse que o Mason cuidaria de você. — Disse em tom de desaprovação e me soltando.
— Ficou com ciúmes? — Provoquei com um sorriso no rosto.
— É óbvio, quem aquele idiota pensa que é dizendo que vai cuidar da minha mulher? 
— Sua mulher? 
— Achei que fosse óbvio. — Bufou.
— Pois não é. — Sentei, cruzando os braços. — Agora há pouco você estava com outra.
— Era você que eu estava fodendo gostoso, não era? — Sentou também, deixando um beijo em meu ombro nu. 
— E daí? — Murmurei, tentando esconder o sorriso. 
— Deixa de ser ciumenta, garota, eu só tenho olhos pra você. — Passou um braço em meus ombros, me puxando para deitar de novo. Fechei os olhos, aproveitando o topôr e o cansaço que o sexo proporcionava. — Namora comigo. — Disse baixinho. 
— O que você disse? — Ergui o rosto, encarando as íris azuis. 
— O que você ouviu.
— Repete. 
— Namora comigo, linda. — Não consegui conter a animação, grudando a sua boca em uma dezena de selinhos. — Isso é um sim? 
— É claro que é. 
Gostou desse imagine ou tem algum pedido? Por favor, me conta aqui na ask! É sempre gratificante saber o que vocês acham <3
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austinstyles · 6 months
Niall Horan x reader
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Summary: You and Niall are dating, this fanfic follow your relationship on this special day when Niall might ask you the most important question in your relationship.
Warning: kissing and spelling mistakes. Let me know if I missed anything.
Y/n pov
Me and my boyfriend Niall have been together since June of 2021, so for almost three years. But we have actually known each other since we were 19. We saw each other’s relationships before we were even together as a couple. I couldn’t be more happier with Niall, it feels like he is my prince. I know it seems like the way I talk about the relationship that everything is perfect. The truth is even me and Niall have ups and downs in this relationship, we just decide to work on it. Also figure out that it is okay to have different opinions in a relationship. We don’t always have to be on the same page all the time.
But I would give up this relationship for anything. I love the way Niall makes me feel, and that he gets me at times. Also does feel bad when we kiss with love and affection.
Today me and Niall have a date night, I am so excited. I love spending time together, even with our busy schedules. At the moment live in London where I work for a PR company. When ever Niall is in London and has available time we spend some time together. The alone time is amazing, we talk and just enjoy each other’s company. I like to think we’re the perfect match together.
I am getting ready for our date night, at the moment I am doing my makeup. My makeup is just some simple lipgloss and some nude eyeshadow. I like wearing simple makeup, I go for the more natural beauty look. And only wearing concealer when I feel that it’s needed. For the date my outfit is a pair of light blue jeans that is ripped at the knees, my top is a floral blouse that is very comfortable and stylish. Also I decided to ware my favorite blue denim jacket and a nice white purse.
When I was finally done getting ready , my door bell rang to my apartment. I then walked to open my front door, and that is wen my eyes fall on the most beautiful blue eyes that belong to my boyfriend. We share a kiss and I locked my apartment, then we’re on our way to Niall’s car.
Niall pov
When we get to the restaurant I parked my car and we both are walking into the restaurant while we hold hands. Y/n looks so beautiful and cute tonight, she always looks beautiful and cute. It’s nice to have a date night with my amazing girlfriend, and tonight is a special night. I am asking y/n to marry me. I believe with all my heart that she is the one I want to grow old with. Even have kids with her in the future. I love her, and tonight I want ask her to be my future wife.
As we get inside the restaurant we’re being led to we’re are table is. As were sitting at the table I am eyeing the menu and my girlfriend in front of me. Then the waiter comes and we both ordered our food and drinks. After we ordered we just have a nice conversation about life. My eyes are getting lost in her magical y/e/c. I love spending time together.
Soon the food are at the our table and we already had your drinks, then we’re eating and enjoying our meals. Just having an amazing date so far in my mind, and I can see that y/n is enjoying this date too.
I had the hole proposal plans to the touch. The plan was to take her to the park we had our first picnic date at. It was so romantic and special like every minute with her is. So after we were done eating I was taking her to this romantic set up in this park. Everything was plan out, I just can’t wait. Hopefully she says yes.
Time skip to the park
Y/n pov
After the romantic dinner me and Niall had he took me to the exact same park we had our romantic picnic date at. I love this. Soon I see my boyfriend looking straight in my eyes as he gets down on one knee. Then he takes out a little black box, while he is having this hole amazing speech about wanting to grow old together. My eyes are filled with happy tears, and I can’t believe what is going on.
“ Y/n I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?” Niall asked. My happy tears are streaming down my face, and I know exactly what I want and this is exactly what I want.
“ Yes Niall I will marry you” answered that is when he hurts up to my level and we share a passionate kiss. I can’t believe I get to call this amazing man my husband in the future. This is the most magical day of my entire life, along with the day we both met.
I am the luckiest girl in the world. And Niall has always made me feel like that.
Thanks for reading hope everyone enjoyed this. And as always my request are open. Also have more fanfics in the future. And also have fanfic in the work.
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loversipod · 2 years
Zoom Call
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Summary: Niall and y/n are in a long distance relationship and call every night, but one time he got caught up in work and forgot how late it will be by her when he finally does.
Pairing: boyfriend!niall x reader
Wordcount: 550
Trigger warnings: none
Y/n waited all day for Niall to call her. But he didn't, maybe he forgot it. They are in a long-distance relationship, and she is still waiting for a proposal, but he said he waits a bit more until they can live together again.
Instead of sitting the whole time before the laptop and waiting, she decided to do her skincare and get herself ready for bed. Niall is living in another time zone due to his job. He loves his job, but sometimes all he wants is to spend more time with his girlfriend instead of traveling around the world and doing concerts.
He hates to be apart from her. And she does too.
After two hours he still hasn't called and y/n falls asleep. She’s too tired to stay up and wait. Y/n hates time zones. She hates that she can’t be with him or see him whenever she wants, but breaking up isn’t an option; they're both too much in love.
Niall is the love of her life.
Her phone started ringing, she opened her eyes a little bit and searched for the phone, but it wasn't the ringing that came from there. It was Niall calling her.
It took her a while to open her eyes properly and adjust back to the light. She answered his call and he saw the dreamy look on her face. The dreamy look he loves so much. He loves the way her eyes look at him and her lips in that small smile. “Hey, did you sleep well?” He whispers, he doesn't want to be too loud and wake her completely up. She nods, “sorry I got caught up in work.” The dreamy look on her face is so beautiful. He already took a picture.
“Did my skincare and couldn’t stay up,” she spouts. “It's so late here.”
“I know and I am sorry,” he apologies to her, “soon.”
She smiles shortly. “Promise?”
He showed his finger and it made her giggle, “pinky promise,” They talked about everything, from what they had for lunch, to what was the best part of their day (the call). How much they miss each other and how much they love the other person more everyday.
They are perfect for each other.
Y/n mentioned that she loves him and wants to start a family when he’s back and he has the best reaction she saw.
Her boyfriend was so adorable she had to take a picture.
They talked for so long that y/n couldn’t keep her eyes open. She tried her best to stay awake, to talk more but her body didn’t allow her. One thing she didn’t hear was that he’ll come home in two weeks, her eyes were already closed and her eyes shut down. So it will be a perfect surprise for her.
He sang her to sleep and ended the call with a big grin on his face. He’s so happy to see her every day, even when it’s just on the screen of his laptop or phone, but better than not seeing her at all. He loves her too much to only call once in a while. They both need those calls.
After every call, they feel better and more loved by the other one.
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Are 1D fics dead?
I have an idea, Harry centric, but featuring the rest of the 1D boys (zayn included)....very much old school wattpad mafia 1d vibes haha but elevated!! is that something y'all would like to read??? please let me know!
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A Flicker Of Hunger.
-Summary: Harry panics when the love isn’t as exciting as it used to be, an old friend makes his way to comfort you and something new blossoms.
A/N - UNEDITED. I grew frustrated with tumblr deleting this one. Rushed toward the end.
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Length: Long
TW: Throwing up, Emotional breakdowns, Drinking, Minor drug use (Weed)
Celebrities: Harry Styles, Niall Horan
Song(s) To Listen To: Flicker - Niall Horan. Hunger - Harry Styles.
It’s not that Harry didn’t love you. Just…not like before. He was young, and if he were extremely honest - very, very scared. He felt his youth would be escaping himself soon and then maybe he wouldn’t be able to make changes to the world like he so desperately wanted.
It all started out quite lovely, really. You had loved the X-Factor, following it religiously, and it just so happens that you were there on the day of that fateful grouping of the boys. That’s how you met the sea-green eyed prince.
You had bumped into him on your way in to get seated, colliding with his scrawny back, “God, I’m so sorry-“
He turned around slowly, eyes landing on you, making you freeze, even more so when he smiled, revealing his dimples, “‘S no worry at all. Ya alright?”
He spoke slowly, softly, eyes half-lidded as you nodded before he bit his lip, “Erm, could ya help me? I’m lookin’ for this place here.”
He brought down a map to your level, pointing to backstage, “Oh! You’re a performer?”
“Yeah, actually,” He chuckled, “I’m quite nervous.”
His accent was thick and lovely, making you smile, “I’ll help you…”
You waited for him to finish the sentence, “Harry,” He replied, “Styles.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Styles.”
With that, you navigated him toward the camera crew, dropping him off there, “This is it.”
“Thank you,” He nodded toward you, “I never caught your name?”
“Ah,” You smiled, admiring the pretty boy, “Meet me again and I’ll tell you, yeah?”
“Challenge accepted,” He finished, “I hope to see you soon.”
“We’ll see. I’ll be watching out for you,” Truthfully, you wanted his number but were far too shy, “Just remember me when you’re famous.”
A time passed and you found yourself there again, a ticket to sit in the front seat, ultimately upset when Harry was pulled from the competition. Of course, he impressed everyone without much work - he was handsome, could sing and dance, and had just the right soft personality for the next big star, but it seemed then that maybe he just wasn’t enough.
You stumbled out of the auditorium, one of the last people to leave, waiting for your boyfriend at the entrance. Waiting outside the men’s bathrooms, one after another, the five boys you had watched on stage stumbled out.
Harry nearly bumped into you, “Oh, ‘m so sorry!” He exclaimed, a blonde colliding into his back. You recognized him as Niall Horan, another contestant.
“It’s okay. You got me back for what I did last time,” You giggled softly at the taller boy, admiring his politeness.
“Mystery girl!” He exclaimed, a wide smile on his face, “I’ve been looking for you. You came.”
“Of course I did. I’m sorry about not making it through,” You sighed, “I thought you were great.”
“Ah, ‘s alright,” He continued as his friends chatted among themselves, “Did I do good enough to earn your name? Perhaps your number?”
You smiled, “I’d say so. (Y/N),” You mocked his initial introduction, “(L/N).”
“Nice to formally meet you, (Y/N) (L/N).”
With some embarrassing flirting that caused the boys to leave and ended with your number on his hand, he turned to you as he was leaving, “Expect a call tonight.”
And he was true to his word. From then on, every night, there was a call. Sometimes from random numbers you had saved since then - Liam, Louis, Niall, Zain (or as he preferred, Zayn). And there began your friendship. It wasn’t long before friendship and business intertwined with the group picking up on your talent for writing lyrics.
It felt like a dream, to say the least. You were invited to parties now - to public events, press meetings, studio sessions, even sleepovers. Of course, you wouldn’t be here, bawling your eyes out if everything stayed perfect.
As your father always said:
Nostalgia is a dirty liar.
It was the little things at first. The way he tucked his hair behind his ear when he was nervous, the way he bounced his leg restlessly no matter where he was sitting, his oddly wide smile for someone so stoic, his love for cheesy romance movies, the way he always knew what to say, especially when he helped you through a rough break up.
Not long after did it take you to realize that there was something brewing, feeding the butterflies in your stomach that always came around when Harry was there.
So it hurt more when Harry began dating again, this time, a 31 year old. Someone more mature and full of experience. Someone who made you insecure.
On this particular night, he was out with her, and Niall had invited you over to spend time with his family who seemed to love you very much. The two of you sat in the cozy living room, watching as the fireplace tried desperately to warm the winter air. A cheesy horror movie happened to be on and Niall’s mop-headed dog sat comfortably between the two of you, resting his head on your lap and his tail on Niall’s.
Somehow, though, you couldn’t stop thinking about Harry.
“You should tell Hazza how you feel,” Niall suddenly said, noticing your distant demeanor, “I think you’d be surprised with the outcome.”
“What are you talking about?” You were quick to respond, prepared to defend yourself to death.
“(Y/N), lass, you can’t be serious,” He chuckled, shaking his head and turning to face you, his oversized Christmas sweater moving with him, “Everyone sees it.”
“Huh?” You faced him now, too, scared of what he was going to say.
“You threw up when you found out he was dating someone,” Niall said simply, a small smirk on his face as if to say ‘I got you there!’
“Whatever,” You groaned, knowing there was no way out of this, “Even so, what makes you think he’d feel the same way about me?”
Silence filled the room for a bit, excluding the crackling fire before he broke it abruptly, “I was going to ask you out.”
You turned red instantly, struggling to find the words.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” He cut you off, smiling, “We all wanted to.”
“Really?“ Bewilderment took you.
“Mhm,” The artificial blonde hummed, “But he refused. Was awfully protective of ya. Kept him up at night thinking about us askin’ you.”
You thought for a moment before he continued, “Anyway, you better get with him. We all made bets on it, MG.” He referenced your nickname - Mystery Girl, since Harry had refused to share your name with them for a while.
You blushed again, only this time out of embarrassment, “I hate you, Horan!”
Grabbing a couch pillow, you playfully smacked him with it, and before long it turned into a full-blown pillow fight.
Unsurprisingly, it took long before you ever did confess your feelings to Harry. It was long after he had released his debut album and had just won the hearts of so many girls and boys all over the world. The two of you were throwing a two-person party to celebrate its release and his growing from his latest ex who’s name you couldn’t even remember anymore.
The night had been spent in laughter, constant trips to the bathroom where you left the door open so you could puff and pass the joint and the bottle, and chatting about lives.
“Do you think that there’s a reason for all of this?” He slurred, laying on his back and staring at the ceiling.
“About what, Hazza?” You never let that nickname go.
“Like…life….like…” He sat up and faced you, leaning against his couch, copying your position, a little closer than he intended to be, “Like fo’ reasons…Like fo’ wearin’ mix-matched socks an’ everythin’.”
Both of you shit-faced and cross faded, you smiled at him doozily, a moment of silence filling the room. His eyes always swallowed you in, even when half-lidded and red.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” It came out smoothly, finally releasing tention you’d had for years.
Something washed over him too in that moment, like he’d been waiting his whole life to hear that from you and without much warning, the two of you crashed lips on each other, arms tangling into the other and the kiss growing more passionate with each waking minute.
That’s where it all started, really. Since then, you’d been dating for nearly two years and engaged for one, and at first things were wonderful - magnificent, even. Harry couldn’t keep himself off of you and vise versa. Every thought of his was about you, even while he was touring, even while girls threw bras and phones and even chicken nuggets at him to show their adoration.
But somewhere along the line, Harry noticed a halt. It was terrifying and the thought of being alone scared him. But he couldn’t look at you the same anymore. Your eyes slowly became less bright and beautiful, merging with everything else normal in his life.
It came to the point where the bed felt empty, even with you in it, and you had noticed this too. You were scared of the idea that your one and only Hazza would leave you, because truly, without him, what would you be? You’d lose everything - hope, your best friend, happiness, the house.
So you just went to bed facing his opposite direction, arms crossed tightly to your chest as he hogged the blanket.
‘Maybe he just bit off more than he could chew with me,’ You thought, staring at the blank wall in front of you, afraid of crying.
How did something so wonderful suddenly break apart?
Before, it was like your natural instinct was to love Harry, you didn’t even have to do anything and the two of you were all over each other. Now, though, he hadn’t even tried to touch you in weeks. Two weeks - 13 days to be exact, you’d counted.
You knew it was coming. But it felt different when it actually happened, especially when it was on his birthday.
“I don’t think this is what’s best for us,” He suddenly said over dinner, eating the pescatarian option you had made for him.
“What do you mean?” You gulped, hands suddenly sweaty.
“Do you feel the same about me like you did three years ago?” He avoided the question, looking at you in the eyes.
“Of course, H. I’ll always love you, I know that much,” Eyebrows furrowed in worry, “What’s wrong, Hazza?”
“I…” Harry darted his eyes toward the floor, “I don’t think I feel that way anymore.”
Your heart froze, making it delicate as ever, “I’m very proud of you for telling me. We’ll work through it, okay? How about couple’s thera-“
“I don’t think I want to try anymore, (Y/N),” Another sudden comment.
And suddenly all those years started to disappear.
“Harry, we’re engaged.”
He winced slightly, hating when you didn’t call him a nickname you’d given him, but composed himself soon after, “Were.”
You can feel the anxiety brewing and your stomach feels like a war zone, knowing you’ll vomit soon.
This can’t be real.
“I was thinking we could figure it out slowly,” He continues, keeping his calm demeanor, “You don’t have to leave now.”
Please don’t let it be real.
“You can leave whenever we figure it out and-“
“Why?” Was all you could muster, your throat itching with the pain of needles pricking at it.
Smoothly, he sighed, “I jus’ don’t feel in love anymore. I don’t want to waste either of our time.”
The singer tried his best to let you down easy, “You’re always gonna be my best friend first, (Y/N). I’ve known you since I was 16, but now I’m thinking that maybe…Maybe what we had was timed. It’s just not the same.”
A small nod, not being able to even speak anymore, you stuttered out, “I know. I’ve seen it and I just was so afraid of losing you - I…”
You took a deep breath in, “I need to use the restroom.”
He didn’t do much to stop you, only calling out to you before you slammed the door to the bathroom shut and spilled the dinner you were having into the toilet, hot tears and snot running down your face.
You hated yourself for letting it get this far. For even thinking that you had a chance with Harry.
The door creaked open to reveal your now ex-lover, worried with his brows furrowed, “Let me-“
He reached for your hair to pull it out of the way, but you scooted away. You didn’t want him to touch you - you were scared you’d fall more in love than you already were.
“Please,” he begged, “Let me just do this once.”
You could never say no to those eyes. Scooting back, you felt his hands in your hair, his other soothing your back. It would have been endearing, really, but it only made you throw up more, thinking if the life you’d be leaving behind - the life that he was erasing.
You insisted you leave that night, taking a suitcase and essentials.
“(Y/N). Stay,” It was almost a beg, but you shook your head, “Where will you even stay if not here?”
“I’ll find somewhere. I just…I don’t want to be here right now,” You sighed, running a hand through your hair.
With some convincing, Harry let you go. He placed his hands on your arms tightly, giving you a small kiss on the cheek, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah,” You replied, looking to the floor, “See you soon.”
And that was the first day of you downfall.
The media caught on soon after, about three weeks after, bombarding you on social media with all kinds of questions.
You sat in your temporary apartment, taking a swig of some liquor you couldn’t even remember the name of before a familiar name popped up on your screen.
NIALLER: (Y/N), holy shit, are you okay?
Truthfully, it had been so long since you’d spoken to someone who was practically a stranger but used to be one of your best friends.
Soon after, he called you and you answered reluctantly, “Hello?” He asked, his voice suddenly bringing you to tears.
“(Y/N)? MG, are you alright?” You sobbed louder, sniffing and slurring your next words.
“Mmm alright, Ny.”
“You’re drunk, aren’t ya?” He sighed, ultimately feeling like he was the one that got you into this mess, “Send me your address. I’m comin’ over.”
“No, no,” You groan, rolling over on your stomach, “Niall, please, I’m fine.”
“(Y/N),” He started again, causing you to protest for a good five minutes before he sighed.
“(Y/N)-“ He began, never really getting to finish what he said.
“Niall, if everyone sees us, what if they make assumptions and I’m just slandered again and I’m really fine I couldn’t care less and-“
“Let me drink with you,” You stopped in your tracks at his offer, “I’ll bring pizza over, yeah?”
The promise of pizza made you cave, and you gave him your address in a heartbeat.
“I’ll be there in 30. Hang in there,” The phone hung up after, leaving you staring at the wall for five more minutes before your blood ran cold.
Niall would be there in 25.
You ran all over the house, petrified, “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Throwing some dirty clothes in your laundry room, locking it, you looked everything down before hopping into the shower.
The shower couldn’t have been long, but the bell rang just as you hopped out. Panic set in your bones, “Be there in a minute, Ny!”
You slipped on an oversized sweater, one that actually did belong to Harry and placed some shorts under it, rushing to the door.
With beer and pizza in his hand, he smiled worriedly and more so when you sobbed, hugging him tightly while he did his best to with things in his hands.
“I missed you so much,” By now, it was an ugly cry, missing the warmth of a friend.
You’d isolated yourself this entire time and everyone gave you space which was great, but you craved warmth and love. Taking his sent in, you sighed and wiped your nose with the long sweater.
“Thank you for coming.”
“Thank you for agreeing at pizza,” He teased and finally stepped in, “I’m sorry about everything, darlin’.”
“Ah, it’s whatever,” You led him to the couch where he placed the pizza box on the coffee table.
“It’s not. I hate him for that,” Running a hand through his hair, he smiled at you, “We’ll forget about it just for tonight, okay?”
You nodded, biting your lip to hold your tears in.
The topic of Harry came up a couple of times, especially with the more beers you drank, but it never hurt your mind now. Niall didn’t smoke at all, but wasn’t opposed when you pulled out a bedazzled dab pen and hit it a few times.
He was always a heavyweight, and you weren’t at all surprised when you were off your ass and he just laughed at you.
The night consisted of dancing to old music you hadn’t heard in forever, weird food combinations, trying to outdo each other at gymnastics, and even making fun of Harry.
The playlist had just changed from Usher, causing your dancing to stop as a slow song began to play. As if on instinct, the two of you pulled each other close and danced.
Sighing heavily after your last giggle, you leaned on his dress shirt, his scent making you at peace as you swayed to the music, “Thank you, Ny.”
“It’s no problem, (Y/N).”
You don’t expect much when you look up at the Irish man, but upon your eyes meeting, your heart flutters a bit. You assume it’s the alcohol and shake your head internally. His eyes are just as fixed on you as yours are on him.
“(Y/N)…” He breathes, the name rolling off his tongue like it was the only thing it was made to do.
A best passes, and you partially prepare yourself for his lips to land on yours, but he closed his eyes and smiles to himself before looking back at you, “It’s late. Y’should sleep, darlin’.”
You protest but it ends in a yawn, making him smirk at you in the same way he did way back then.
“Let’s go, sleepyhead, I got cha,” Niall wraps his arms around your waist, supporting you.
He helped you sink into the bed, putting a bucket beside it for the morning before grabbing his keys and pulling the covers over you.
The clock read 2:48 AM and while you knew Niall wasn’t very drunk, you but your lip and asked, “Please don’t leave.”
It was more of a beg, but it didn’t matter anyway. He nodded, “Sure, (Y/N).”
Your eyes are even more half lidded, snuggled under the blankets before realizing something. Without much thought, you slip your sweater off, revealing your black bra underneath, making Niall snap his body in the opposite direction.
You giggled, a mix of THC and alcohol in your veins, “It’s okay, Ny. I trust you. Here.”
He turned slowly, his eyes avoiding your chest, “What’ll you wear?”
Your eyes scan the dresser before they lead up his chest and you notice his collarbone sticking out, “Can I…wear that?”
He takes it from your hand with a nod, “Of course.”
It’s a soft, dark brown dress shirt that somehow feels like the most comfortable thing in the world. Niall faced away from you and unbuttoned his shirt slowly, revealing his bare back to you. You can’t help but stare at his shoulder blades, the dip in his back or the small freckles on his pale skin.
With his eyes closed, he handed you the shirt and pulled on the sweater, sliding out of his pants into his boxers, “Tell me when ya ready.”
You took off your bra and shoved it under the bed, placing the long shirt on you and buttoning it up until five down from the collar, revealing a bit of your chest. You didn’t care, though, you were far too lazy.
For a moment, it seemed as if Niall froze too, eyes fixated on your skin under his shirt, innocently giant on your small form.
You had a way of making him blush.
He did his best to hide it, sliding into bed with you and putting pillows in between you to divide the bed, something you’d done as teens, too.
“Thank you, Ny.”
“It’s no problem, (Y/N),” Silence filled the air for a minute, “(Y/N)?”
But you had already fallen asleep.
The next morning, you awoke with your head elevating slowly before coming back down, fingers in your hair. You felt at home there, on his chest as he snored happily.
Your head hurt terribly, but you’d grown used to it these couple of days. Not wanting to wake Niall, you slithered out of his arms and made you way toward the kitchen. Your arm had almost reached for the ice coffee, but there was a whole jug of orange juice with a stick note on it.
(Y/N). Orange juice is best for a hangover. Trust me, I know.
;) Nialler
You smiled softly to yourself and poured yourself a cup, drinking it slowly before going out to get your mail. There wasn’t anything important, but it was a simple task, and the only thing that you could still muster to do.
“MG, awake already?” Niall’s voice rang through the house, setting foot in the kitchen afterward.
You giggled, “It’s 2PM, Niall.”
With a chuckle, he stretched, “Ya feelin’ okay?”
“Mhm, actually. I think I needed that.” Putting the paper aside, you turn to him, “We need to catch up. When are you free?”
He tilted his head to the side, pondering his schedule before he smiled again, something you noticed he did often, “For you, whenever.”
His phone rang shortly after, cueing his time to leave.
“That’s my manager. He wants me to check out this new studio, though I’m supposed to be visiting my cousins here,” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head, “I’ll catch up with you, okay? I’ll text ya.”
“Ny, don’t you want your shirt back?” You asked quietly, not really wanting to give it back.
“It’s yours,” He took a step toward you, “Looks better on ya than me.”
Softly, he placed a kiss on your cheek and exited. You could have sworn you’d never felt anything so soft.
You were in the shower when the media first started to suspect it. Your friend Lila texted you an image of an article with the message, “(Y/N), I think you’ve broke the internet.” There, in big bold letters:
HARRY/(Y/N) SPLIT UPDATE: (Y/N) Seen In Mystery Man’s Shirt
As luck would have it, a few days later you’d see an article talking about Harry’s sweater Niall was seen wearing out that same day.
It wasn’t long until he was coming over nightly. Weekly meetings turned into daily, turned into overnight meetings.
Truthfully, there’d always been a spark there. Despite the curly-haired man dumping you a month prior, the moment you rekindled with Niall, you noticed something - a rare spark in the rain.
Each meeting ended in his kissing you on the cheek and finally waving goodbye.
It didn’t take long for you to realize that you were head over heels for this man. You remembered that exact moment. Around a year had passed since the breakup and it only hurt occasionally, especially when the press pestered you or you saw news about Harry.
Niall had invited you to a show he was doing near your apartment, offering up a front row seat and dinner at his hotel after.
Using it as an excuse to doll yourself up, you agreed and slipped on your favorite outfit before being escorted and driven by someone of Niall’s staff.
He was a tall man, kind of scary, if you were honest, but he was sweet and apparently a family man, going on and on about his husband and son.
By the time the concert came around, you’d already taken several pictures with fans, though many actually seemed to be in favor of you attending the concert, one even ranting about something that sounded an awful lot like the mixing of your name.
When you asked about it, she pulled up multiple accounts on Instagram, all dedicated to your history and pass times with Niall. You blushed, insisting that the two of you were just really good friends, knowing that they were the last people you’d probably want to know.
Screams erupted when the music for Flicker started, a song you’d always been fond of. It made Niall giggle sheepishly before thanking the crowd.
“Actually,” His voice echoed through the venue, “This song means a lot to me. Tonight I’m performing it for someone special.”
Screams came once more, and the girl who had showed you the accounts squealed, insisting that the song was in fact for you.
She eventually left you alone when another girl began talking to her and pulled her away from you (thankfully).
It was a soft and gentle song. As he kept singing, your skin produced goosebumps, the crowd swaying with his emotion. His eyes closed, his voice fondled every word carefully, you watched in awe.
Your mouth stood slightly agape, heart fluttering when his eyes opened and he looked directly at you. A gentle stare, full of longing and love. Of a history.
You knew the next line and mouthed it carefully, “Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me that I wanna keep…Please don’t leave, please don’t leave.”
He closed his baby blues again, a soft smile on his face, obviously proud of him as he felt all the butterflies in his stomach find their way out of his body.
You’d slipped backstage after the show, finding Niall with ease and wiping sweat off his forehead.
“Niall!” You exclaimed, “That was wonderful!”
Running toward him, he wrapped his arms around you and spun you around, “I’m so glad ya liked it, darlin’.”
“I loved it!” You stared up at him with doe eyes, “And, um…Thank you for that song.”
You kissed his cheek subtly, causing him to turn red, though if you asked him about it, he’d say it was just hot and he had preformed for a little over two hours.
He bit his lip, obviously holding something back before his look softened, “Of course.”
You’d learn soon after what he meant to say, at dinner he had spoken, making you freeze in place.
“Flicker was written about you,” He suddenly said, reminding you of his habit of speaking abruptly.
You took your eyes from the view on the tall building and looked at him, “Huh?”
It was almost breathless, watching his baby blues avoid you, “It was written about you.“
Your heart melts itself right into your hand right at that moment, feeling the urge to go and just hold him.
“I want to be with you, (Y/N). Always have.”
Emotions run through you like things you’ve never felt before. You’re scared, excited, happy, sad, angry at the fact that you’ve been missing out on someone who was so sweet, who smelt of rain and sandalwood and the musk of someone so kind to the Earth.
Your lips finally manage to push out, “It’s like I’ve been waiting to hear that my whole life.”
Niall cupped your face, bringing it closer to him, not struggling against the small table. When your lips finally meet, it’s not anything like before at all. This kiss is different.
It’s not exciting in a way that makes you feel sick. It’s comfortable and kind and reassuring and safe.
Outside the huge window to the left of you, in the rain there’s a flash. Paparazzi.
“Oops.” Niall chuckles, pulling apart before turning his attention toward you again, resting his forehead on yours.
You met Harry again during an after party. He stood against the wall next to the bar of the venue, chewing on his lip. You hadn’t seen him at first, but then you locked eyes.
Trying to avoid him, you turned, only to feel his hand on your shoulder, “(Y/N)…Wait…”
You faced him with a fake smile, “Hey, H.”
He smiled back, feeling his tension release itself, “How have you been?”
“Great, really,” Taking a sip of your drink, you continued, “Finally learned how to drive.”
You lied, wanting him to think you were better off without him.
“Oh,” He glanced over at Niall who was talking to two guys, “So…him?”
You nodded, “Yup. That’s my boyfriend.”
Rocking on the heels of your feet, you looked down, “Camille seems nice, too.”
He shook his head, getting straight to the point, “I miss you.”
You but your lip, “Harry, that’s a lie…I know that. You told me yourself.”
He held your hand, placing it over his heart, “I mean this, love. I’ve been so empty without you.”
Your cheeks flushed red before you snapped out of it, “Harry, you have a girlfriend. Please…I can’t do this…Not to Niall or Camille or even myself. I’ve spent so much time crying over you.”
He felt pressure on his temples.
How often did you cry yourself to sleep because of him?
You made a hasty exit, joining your boyfriend, his arms wrapping around you as you snuggled into them, glancing at Harry every once in a while.
Harry found out later through magazines that you still didn’t know how to drive. Niall drove you everywhere and you were alright with it. Under any circumstance, he’d think it was cute, but now his veins went icy, knowing you’d lied.
When you realized it was love, it was different.
You were in a private booth, supporting your boyfriend of now a year when he called a fan out during Slow Hands.
The fan was carried up the stage, being revealed as a young girl, maybe around eight. She whispered into Niall’s ear, rocking shyly before he smiled down at her and mouthed, “We’ll do it together.”
With their hands connected, he danced gently with the kid, letting her finish verses here and there, goofy smiles on each of their faces.
You could have swore your heart stopped then, watching as he handed her back to her mom and made sure she was okay.
When he got off of the stage that time, you awaited in his dressing room, locking the unsuspecting Niall in with you before he noticed.
“So you’ve been here,” He smiled, unbuttoning his shirt a bit to let himself cool off.
Slyly, you made your way toward him without a word, tracing his collarbones with your nails, “I love you.”
It was the first time you’d said it, afraid of an attachment bringing you down, but you’d replied with ‘Me too’s and ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you’s.
He froze simply, always being over affectionate, though it was something you loved.
“I love you.”
You kissed him passionately, your tongue dancing with his, backing him up into a counter.
Needing breath, you pulled away and replied, “I think we should have kids.”
A smile found its way to his lips before he hoisted you on the counter of the vanity, kissing you passionately with one goal in mind - to start a family.
Your shirt had found it’s way to the floor, your hands fixed on unbuttoning your boyfriend’s shirt before the door creaked open and something fell to the floor. Jumping up and pulling Niall toward you in an attempt to cover yourself, you squeaked. Niall giggled giddily, drunk on you before he noticed your pupils shrink, your body run cold, eyes fixated on the person behind him.
Harry. It was Harry.
Niall moved quicker than you’d ever seen him, wrapping you in a blanket you’d brought there earlier, turning back to his old friend.
“Erm, maybe I should just go…” Harry glanced down at the flowers he’d dropped, “I just came to congratulate you…You know…for your new album coming soon, and all.”
“No, no,” Niall smiled softly at his friend, “Look, just give (Y/N) a second here, alright? Let’s go outside.”
“Right. Sorry, MG.”
And with a kiss on your forehead, Niall was gone.
Niall had never seen Harry so distraught. As soon as the door closed, Harry’s eyes became red and watery.
“Ah…” Niall sighed, crossing his arms, knowing what was coming, “You didn’t come here for me, hm?”
With guilt, Harry’s head shook, “I…”
“I still love her.”
His voice quivered and he struggled to compose himself.
“Harry…” Niall was sympathetic, eyebrows dipped in worry, “You broke up with her, mate.”
“I was stupid, I know. I was just- I wasn’t used to not having that hunger that we had when we started, it scared me, I thought that I was wasting youth and, and-“
Running a hand through his hair, the shorter tapped his foot, “Jeez, Haz…”
“You know that’s normal, right? It just means you’ve never loved anyone before her. Love comes in phases. Honeymoon, or in this case, ‘hunger,’ is first, it lasts for a while. It’s when you can’t stop thinking about this person. Everything comes back to them. But it doesn’t last.”
Harry listened intently, biting his nails, “Then comes the Settling Down stage. You begin to notice small things that irk you, differences you hadn’t noticed. It scares you. After that is the Disappointment phase. The differences seem bigger than they are. You get scared. Maybe it doesn’t feel like love, but it is just as much as the hunger. That’s where you gave up, Harry.”
Fiddling with his rings, Harry avoided eye contact as if it were a disease, “If you’d continued, you would have seen that it is love. You’d accept it and it would feel normal. That’s the Comfortable stage. The Unconditional Love stage is last. That’s when you know what you’re in for. That’s when you last forever, mate.”
“Seems like you’re going through them all alone.”
Harry bit his lip, “Please.”
“Huh?” Niall puzzled.
“Please let me have another chance, Niall. I know it’s selfish but…I need her.”
Closing his eyes, the older of the two sighed a long breath, whispering so (Y/N) wouldn’t hear, “Harry…I’m proposing to her tomorrow. She just told me she wants us to have kids.”
He didn’t feel the tears run down his face until they dropped down to his hands. He made the biggest mistake of his life.
“Look, Harry, I have to go, but keep in touch, okay? And try to make things right with (N/N). She doesn’t deserve this.”
Swiftly, he left, leaving Harry to himself.
Niall found you soon after, sitting in the couch and scrolling through your phone aimlessly, trying to get your ex out of your mind. In his arms, you forgot everything.
You’d find yourself pregnant in the upcoming months, the pregnancy going over well before it happened.
You sat in bed, caressing your overgrown belly, carrying the six month old fetus, as your phone beeped.
LILA: (Y/N). Look at this.
Attached was a link, a throwaway YouTube account, and there, in big, bold letters.
Leaked Harry Styles Song - Hunger
You couldn’t help but listen to it, finding your eyes swell with tears.
Niall was gone for the time being, doing interviews, leaving you alone. Wallowing in the past.
“I lost my taste for the good in us,” His voice was so raw, painful, noting everything from the hunger to the lying.
And he was sorry.
You sniffed, beginning to sob wildly. The mix of unbalanced hormones made the nostalgia hit harder, and for just a moment, you thought, ‘What if he means it? What if everything turns out okay and you can be just like before?’
Blindly, you dialed his number without much thinking, knowing that by now, he’d have found out of the leak of the personal song. You could tell that it was never meant to be shared, and yet, through tears, you wanted to let him know how much it meant.
“Hello?” He answered, his voice hopeful and it sounded like he’d been crying, too.
But all you could do was press the red button to hang up, anxiety getting the best of you.
Just what were you supposed to do now?
You cried into your hands, not knowing what was right anymore.
On one hand, you had an amazing fiancé, a baby, and an upcoming wedding. A picture-perfect life.
But on the other, the prince of your dreams was there, ready to sweep you away, countless adventures under his belt, ready to show you everything, the risky sides, the passion.
Had you made a mistake?
No, Harry had.
Or maybe, if you love something and set it free, only to have it come back, then maybe it was meant to be?
“Fuck,” You hiccuped, remembering the lyrics as you rested your head against the headboard, eyes closed, “Fuck.”
Maybe now, you thought, just a flicker of hunger for that life remained in your heart.
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Wish You The Best - with Niall Horan
Situação: namorado!ex namorado!amigo! x Leitora
Contagem de palavras: 2242
Sinopse: imagine baseado na música ‘Wish You The Best - Lewis Capaldi’
N/A: Como de costume, mais uma história baseada na música que estou viciada no momento hahahaha. E nada mais justo que o principal do elenco ser o amigo do cantor da vez. Essa canção é muito boa e no segundo que escutei quis escrever algo nessa linha. Espero que gostem do imagine assim como eu gostei enquanto escrevia 🤍
curte e reblogue o post para me ajudar 🫶
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Niall, cantor em ascensão, carreira solo decolando, novo jurado do maior reality show vocal dos últimos tempos, álbum importante em andamento, shows e turnês em vista. Resumindo: uma agenda lotada com pouco tempo até mesmo para respirar.
Sequer essa foi uma mudança que virou uma reclamação em sua vida. Ele gostava da correria, de ter o que fazer, de exercitar o cérebro fazendo o que gosta e sabe fazer de melhor, que é a música. Horan estava bem, alegre, animado e feliz apesar de todo estresse dos últimos acontecimentos. Bem, isso até a namorada jogar um balde de água fria enquanto o corpo dele ainda estava quente e fora da realidade compartilhada.
Flashback On*
- Oi.. - S/N disse após bater na porta do porão que virara um pequeno studio de criação, encontrando o namorado sentado no puff cinza com um violão preto em mãos e um maço de folhas amarelas no colo com alguns versos escritos. - Atrapalho?
- Você nunca me atrapalha. - sorriu fofo e ela retribuiu, porém com menos entusiasmo. Observando-a adentrando ao cômodo Niall notou que os ombros da garota estavam tensos, sua feição era estranha, preocupada, inquieta com as mãos que remexiam sem parar. Logo ele percebeu que havia algo errado. - Aconteceu alguma coisa? - indagou preocupado.
- Precisamos conversar. - Niall concordou sem ter muita opção e deixou o instrumento de lado, dando total atenção a namorada sentada na cadeira que puxou para perto do rapaz. - Quero saber se você também sentiu que nossa relação esfriou. - imediatamente Horan franziu a testa, respondendo a pergunta dela sem abrir a boca. E a negação com a cabeça apenas reforçou o que ela já sabia. - Claro.. - suspirou, esfregando as mãos uma na outra e desviando o olhar.
- Por que acha isso?
- Eu não acho, eu sinto. - afirmou, encarando-o com os olhos marejados. - E só sinto porque está acontecendo diretamente comigo.
- O que foi que eu fiz?
- Na verdade foi o que você não fez, Niall. - falou sem enrolação. - Entendo que está passando por uma fase importante e proveitosa da sua carreira, e eu estou completamente orgulhosa. Mas.. - S/N não queria ser dura com as palavras e então pensava duas, três vezes para que nada saísse do controle. Além do mais, ela não gostava de estar na posição que estava. Era difícil. - Mas você me deixou de lado.
- Claro que não. - ele não admitiria mesmo que no fundo soubesse que estava um pouco distante.
- Você esqueceu meu aniversário, Niall.. - os olhos arregalaram assim que a afirmação foi dita. O moreno não podia acreditar.
- O quê? Seu aniversário é daqui duas semanas.
- Meu aniversário foi anteontem. - a constatação foi como um tapa estalado em seu rosto, pegando-o totalmente de surpresa. Silêncio era tudo que ele pôde dar, e a passada de uma das mãos pelo cabelo e rosto pasmo indicava que a ficha havia caído. Ele percebeu da pior forma o quão desligado e dentro do seu próprio mundo estava.
- Amor, me perdoa. De verdade, eu jurava que era daqui alguns dias.
- Você está distante de mim, do meu cotidiano, da minha vida. - comentou chateada. - Nós não temos um tempo a sós, sinto que tem me evitado.
- Não é verdade.
- Pode ser que não tenha sido sua intenção, e acredito nisso. Mas você me esqueceu, mesmo que sem querer.
- Me desculpa..
- Acho que agora é um pouco tarde pra isso.
Flashback Off *
Haviam se passado quatro meses desde o término. Término esse que até agora Niall entendia mas não compreendia. Todo santo dia ele se culpava por ter perdido a mulher da sua vida que, por mais que ele implorasse, e ele implorou, S/N não deu uma chance dele se redimir. Afinal ela conheceu, ou melhor, se aproximou de alguém que dava a atenção que Niall deixou de oferecer.
Dez dias depois do término até que amigável, respeitando o fim do ciclo de seis anos e pretendendo continuar a relação agora como amigos, Niall soube por um amigo em comum dele e de S/N que a ex estava saindo com um amigo de infância. Ele não quis saber o nome do indivíduo. Na verdade o moreno achou que, pela rapidez em superar uma história de anos, S/N havia traído-o com esse tal amigo, mas no fundo ele sabia que ela não era capaz de fazer isso. Ela era perfeita, e só agora ele entendia.
Embora já tivesse passado um tempo considerável, o coração do moreno acelerou como se estivesse correndo uma maratona quando enxergou de longe a figura que ainda amava, no estacionamento do mercado. Era até bizarro como os carros estacionados estavam próximos um do outro sem mesmo eles terem percebido. Foi como um sinal para que o encontro tivesse que acontecer.
Niall acenou e ela retribuiu com um sorriso agradável que fez a chama da esperança acender no coração do irlandês. E quando a moça veio ao seu encontro, dando-lhe um abraço apertado e dizendo que era muito bom vê-lo de novo o rapaz pensou na possibilidade de voltarem. Mas a ideia foi embora quando viu a aliança enorme no dedo dela. S/N não queria voltar. Ela só estava sendo simpática, como sempre fora.
- Como você está? - ela perguntou.
- Levando. - deu uma risada sem graça, coçando a nuca. Ele não queria demonstrar que estava no fundo do poço.
- Topa tomar um café comigo?
- Pode ser.. - respondeu confuso, sem saber as intenções da ex mas ainda sim acompanhando-a até o café do outro lado da rua. Eles sentaram na parte de fora e logo foram atendidos.
- Queria ter te encontrado antes.
- Você? Por quê?
- Sei lá.. imagino que saiba do Aaron.. - mesmo não conhecendo a pessoa ele ligou os pontos.
- O tal amigo de infância?
- Ele mesmo. - riu sem graça ao saber que a notícia havia se espalhado. - Queria me explicar pra você antes que pense besteira.
- Sabe que não precisa me dar satisfação de nada.
- Acho que te devo pelo menos uma explicação. - ele negou.
- Sabe, refletindo bastante cheguei a conclusão que acho que perdi o que passava pela sua cabeça. Minha empolgação com o meu trabalho voltando ao normal não me deixou perceber que eu estava te perdendo. - ela assentiu. - Hoje eu sinto falta de ouvir como foi seu dia, sinto falta da sua risada, do seu carinho.. do seu abraço. - Niall olhou para o chão, desapontado com si mesmo. - E eu sei que agora não vale de nada o que eu te disser. - deu de ombros. - Só quero que saiba que eu me arrependo. Me arrependo muito.
- Consigo sentir isso em você. - falou dando um pequeno sorriso compreensivo, juntando as mãos nas dele, em cima da mesa, e fazendo uma leva carícia. Observando a atitude Horan engoliu o choro em seco quando fitou aquela aliança, diferente da que um dia deu para S/N, em volta do dedo.
- No dia que terminou comigo eu estava muito atônito e sinceramente não quis saber o que te fez querer botar um ponto final em tudo sem ao menos ter me dado uma chance de me redimir. - ela assentiu. - Você acha que poderia me contar tudo? - S/N suspirou.
- Sim.. não vai ser fácil, mas eu consigo.
- Antes de começar, só queria te pedir uma coisa.
- E o que é?
- Pode deixar de fora as partes sobre ele? - Niall não escondeu e nem queria esconder que sentia ciúmes e estava indignado que perdeu seu amor para outro homem, que deu à ex o que ele não deu, e que foi para ela o que ele não foi.
- Como quiser. - S/N traçou uma linha cronológica desde o primeiro momento que se sentiu deixada de lado pelo namorado, contando como se sentia quando ele a rejeitava em um final de semana, trocando planos pessoais já marcados por outros envolvendo trabalho, esquecimento de datas importantes e até mesmo deixando de demonstrar o amor pela garota, nem que fossem pequenas atitudes, sendo que ela fazia isso por ele. - Eu não tive escolha, entende? - ele concordou com a cabeça. - Então para eu não fazer nenhuma besteira, precisei terminar. Mas quero deixar claro que não foi uma decisão fácil que tomei do dia pra noite. Eu sofri cada segundo antes de te contar e finalmente tomar coragem, porque uma parte de mim te amava e sempre vai te amar. - novamente o coração dele palpitou, mas rapidamente se dava conta de que perdeu S/N para sempre, principalmente agora que conseguia visualizar que o brilho voltou a habitar os olhos da garota. E ele não era o responsável por isso. Era como se estivessem em uma tempestade de verão, contudo S/N já estava no meio do oceano, curtindo a brisa, aproveitando a calmaria depois de ter enfrentado a tempestade. Enquanto Niall ainda estava preso na chuva.
- Talvez fosse para ser assim. - o moreno deu de ombros, tentando ao máximo fazer com que ele mesmo aceitasse o fato. E S/N percebeu isso.
- Não acho que foi o destino que nos separou. - dava para sentir a tristeza através das palavras e olhar dela. -
- Eu queria mesmo dizer que sinto falta do verde nos seus olhos. - confessou.
- E por que não pode?
- Porque eu te perdi.. não tenho esse direito de tentar te trazer de volta quando fui eu que te magoei.
- Você foi uma pessoa importante pra mim, Niall. Só que as circunstâncias me levaram para outra direção que não a sua. - ele entendeu que ela se referia ao atual namorado.
- Bem, não posso deixar de notar que agora você parece mais feliz do que nunca. - ela sorriu fraco. - Consigo ver que está apaixonada.
- Não vou mentir pra você, eu me sinto melhor, mais valorizada, mais amada..
- Sinto muito por ter feito isso com você. De alguma forma parece que o problema era eu.
- Saber que você não fez por mal já me tranquiliza.
- Eu nunca, em toda minha vida, faria algo pra te machucar de propósito. A verdade é que eu não percebi que estava acabando com o nosso relacionamento. Talvez eu só tenha te magoado.
- Mas eu não carrego só as partes ruins comigo. Nós vivemos muitos momentos bons, que se sobressaem sobre os ruins. E é por isso, pela consideração e amor que sinto por você que quero te ter na minha vida. - Horan respirou fundo tentando controlar o sentimento gritante em seu peito.
- Sabe quando disse que poderíamos ser amigos? - ela fez que sim com a cabeça. - Eu acho que menti. - S/N surpreendeu-se. - Eu ainda te amo, S/A. - afirmou sem medo. - Quero dizer, sem você sinto que tudo na minha vida está errado. Você era tudo que eu precisava o tempo inteiro. E eu gostaria que você não fosse embora, gostaria mesmo. Mas eu sei que fui o único culpado nisso tudo. Sei também que você encontrou em outra pessoa o que eu não estava te dando, e peço mil desculpas por estragar o nosso relacionamento e te magoar tanto. - inspirou profundamente. - Assim como você foi sincera consigo eu preciso fazer o mesmo, isso significa me afastar de você porque, me desculpa mas eu não consigo te ver com outra pessoa, não agora.. eu não suporto saber que te perdi por algo tão bobo e ao mesmo tempo completamente significante.
- Se você tivesse tido esse estalo lá atrás.. - falou como se desejasse que tudo fosse diferente. - Mas o sentimento só muda quando nos damos conta que perdemos.
- É o preço que estou pagando por ter priorizado a minha carreira do que o meu amor.
- Não quero que se martirize por isso. Eu não estou brava com você. Sua carreira tem sua importância.
- Mas não mais que você. - completou deixando S/N sem graça e com o coração partido. - Vai demorar para que eu encarre a realidade. Pode ser que o processo acelere se nos afastarmos de fato. - ela concordou, não porque queria mas sabia que era o certo e o melhor para ambos. - Gostaria de poder dizer para continuarmos amigos, mas espero que você seja feliz, com ou sem mim. - soltou um pequeno sorriso. - E de novo, gostaria que você nunca tivesse ido embora.. mas em vez disso eu só te desejo o melhor.
- E aí? - Lewis indagou curioso e atento a história que o amigo contava sobre o acontecimento de três dias atrás.
- Foi isso.. ela entendeu, demos um abraço forte que até pude ouvi-lá fungar, provavelmente prendendo o choro e daí fomos embora.
- Caralho, irmão.. sinto muito mesmo. - o rapaz acariciou o ombro do amigo.
- É, tô na merda. - riu da própria desgraça.
- Eu entendo.. mas sempre podemos tirar algo bom de situações ruins.
- Não vejo o lado bom nisso tudo.
- Vamos fazer o que você faz de melhor. - encarou o amigo indo até o piano no canto da sala, e logo Niall entendeu.
- Não queria que ela soubesse que fiz uma música sobre o que aconteceu. Vai parecer que estou preso nisso.
- Mas você está. - ambos riram.
- Mas não quero que ela saiba disso.
- Voce não precisa cantar.. - sugeriu levantando uma das sobrancelhas. - Só desabafe que eu expresso a sua dor com a minha voz. - o moreno riu.
- Se ela estourar, posso ficar com parte do lucro?
- Aí você já tá querendo demais. - brincou, tentando levantar o ânimo de Niall.
- Porra, estou te oferecendo a minha história de desilusão amorosa que é digna de hit e não vou ter direito a grana?
- Se estourar, metade é teu. - disse decidido fazendo Horan levantar do sofá.
- Já tenho até o nome.
- Qual é?
- Te desejo o melhor.
Feedbacks são sempre bem-vindos e de extrema importância para quem escreve. Se possível, não esqueça de deixar um comentário sobre o conteúdo lido acima na ask! Adoraria saber o que achou :)
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cc-horan28 · 9 months
New Angel - Chapter 1
Okay so here goes nothing! I have no posting schedule whatsoever, Uni is busy and I will get to it whenever I can!
There's gonna be a fair amount of smut, and I'll do my best to separate it from any actual plot. However, if you ever want a summary of anything, feel free to message me anytime!
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And a huge shoutout to you, A. I know we've changed a lot, and I don't even know if you'll see this, but thank you for giving me this idea, and the motivation to actually do it ily. Never gonna stop loving you. ! 💕
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A/N: Here's my AO3 and Wattpad, if you ever wanna just drop by!
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Their moodboards (A huge ty to Bella for these! ily darlin'; this one's for you!):
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The music was thumping loud enough to aggravate me further. Just because someone was signed to the label, doesn’t mean they need to play their music at parties, I thought a bolt of irritation. I felt my phone buzz and was just about to reach into my bag but I saw a bejeweled woman walking towards me.
I sighed inwardly, putting on a fake smile. Probably the wife of one of yet another operations executive. Why do they think schmoozing up to me would get their husbands a promotion?  If that’s how people got higher up in this industry, wouldn’t everyone do it? Her nasal voice broke my train of thought.
"Hello, you must be Mrs. Rivera. I’m Jan Harmon, you must know my husband, Gavin. He works in Budgeting. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Gavin has nothing but praise for you.” She spoke with the ease of someone who had practiced this in her bedroom mirror a lot of times.
“It’s Ms. Rivera,” I said coolly, “and no, I’m sorry, I don’t think I know him. I don’t work directly with a lot of people.” I smiled, faking regret, and was about to tell her just how Gavin Harmon could get that raise he was pandering for when my gaze caught on a man in a russet suit.
He was nursing a glass of what looked like whiskey in his hands as he stared around the room. Weird, this wasn’t a whiskey kind of event. I found myself wondering why he was standing alone at a party like this. The way he held himself suggested something was off. He looked down, noticed his glass was empty, and went back to looking around the room. I was intrigued.
I excused myself and went to the bar. I ordered two whiskeys and was waiting on them when I noticed the man walking towards the bar. The barman slid the two tumblers towards me. I thanked him and saw that the man had sat on a stool just off to my right. I slid the glass across the wooden countertop, praying it didn’t bump and splatter all over him
It didn’t. It stopped against his forearm, sloshing inside the glass a little but thankfully none came out. He had his head in his hands, thumbs massaging his temples. At the sudden touch, he looked up, confused. His eyes were a startlingly clear blue, I noticed vaguely. I nodded at him with a small smirk. He blinked a few times, clearly dazed, before giving me a weak smile as he took the glass into his hands.
I got up with my own tumbler clutched in my hand and quickly walked over to my assistant, Blakely, nodding, as I stood in front of her.
“What have you been up to?” She whispered to me, her eyes focused somewhere behind me. I shrugged, “Nothing, I’ve been dealing with people begging me for promotions all night.” I looked at her from the corner of my eye. “Why, Blake? Something wrong?” She narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re telling me you haven’t noticed that guy ogling you?” She whispered disbelievingly. 
“Huh? Who?” I asked, feigning confusion. Shit, how would I explain what I did, I thought hurriedly. She held me by my shoulders and pulled me until I was standing beside her. “Him!” She whispered, tilting her chin slightly to the man from before. I watched wordlessly as he brought the glass to his lips and threw his head back, downing all of the liquor in one go. That must’ve burnt, I found myself thinking. There was an air of melancholy that hung about him. I was intrigued as to what must’ve happened that had him drinking whiskey at a work party.
Blakely elbowed me, “Hello? Earth to Ayra?” I pulled my eyes away from him, turning to face her. “What? Who is he?” I whispered back sharply. She raised an eyebrow at me, “You don’t know who one of the biggest pop stars right now is?” she asked. “I don’t have time to keep up with them, I couldn’t care less!” I burst out. “Ayra Rivera!” She gasped exasperatedly, shaking her head.
I was about to reply to her when I saw another woman in a slinky dress coming my way and quickly threw back the whiskey. I was gonna need it, by the look of her. “Ugh, another one. Gotta go, Blake. Talk soon.” I whispered to her as I plastered on a smile. 
I was right about the whiskey. The rest of the night passed by in a daze, people coming randomly, wanting to chat. I kept catching sight of the man from before, here and there; sometimes absorbed in a conversation, mostly just nursing a glass.
The party was coming to an end and I thought it would be appropriate to get drunk now, all the polished teeth and botoxed cheeks had made my head throb. I had just sat down on the stool, looking to check if Blakely was around, when a glass slid across the countertop and bumped into my forearm. I looked up, surprised, and saw the man from before looking at me intently. I raised an eyebrow questioningly at him and he stood up and walked over, taking the stool beside mine. His fingers were still wrapped around a crystal glass.
He cleared his throat and looked at me again. “Thanks for the drink earlier, it hasn’t been the best day, if you were wonderin’. Let me return the favor. Pay you back, if you will.”He slurred his s’ as he spoke, and I couldn’t quite place his accent. The way his voice sounded smooth despite the drinks, I figured he wasn’t an executive; must be an artist signed to the label. “It’s a party, hon?” I replied sarcastically.
This was all a bit ridiculous. He shot me a dazzling smile, “Not the way I intended to return the favor, darlin’” he said suggestively with a small wink. His accent made everything that came out of his mouth salacious, I thought in a fugue. I would be lying if I said his tone didn’t make me clench my thighs together. My eyebrows went up in surprise as I considered his offer for a moment. I didn’t have much to do tomorrow, just one meeting, and it was quite late. And he looked like he would be a good time.
I shifted on my stool, turning towards him slightly so that my knee brushed his thigh. I saw him take a sharp inhale and bite his lower lip. His fingers tightened around the glass. They were long, the pads looked rough, I noticed, mind jumping to what else I would like to have his fingers on. He caught my eye, staring intensely. I gave him a small smirk, dropping my eyes to his lips. 
He pushed his glass away as he stood up, eyes still fixed on me. I took a few seconds to throw back the whiskey he’d gotten. Wouldn’t wanna let it go to waste. As I stood up, I saw a look of worry fleet over his face. Must’ve thought I was going to reject his offer, I thought, suppressing a laugh and got up. He waited until I was a step ahead of him and put his hand on the small of my back. “This okay?” he whispered, hot breath fanning across the back of my neck. I nodded, “Better than okay,” He smirked slightly, and a small dimple popped out on his left cheek
“You’re too forward for someone whose name I don’t even know,” I said, as we headed toward the door. “You don’t know who I am?” he asked, disbelief apparent in his voice. I shrugged with a little laugh, “Nope,” I said, popping the p. “But I want to,” I said as I turned a little to catch his eyes. I put my palm on his chest to motion for him to stop. I leaned in on my tiptoes; he had a few inches on me despite my heels. “I want to know what I’ll be screaming tonight,” I said with a smirk as I pulled back. I saw his eyes darken, the clear blue turning stormy. “ ‘M Name’s Niall,” he murmured.
I turned as I took his hand, placed it on my waist, and resumed walking. “Well, Niall - My hotel or yours?” I whispered we were nearly at the exit, and I didn’t want anyone to overhear. “Mine,” he replied in a raspy voice “It’s just two blocks down. I messaged my driver, he’ll be here soon.” I nodded at him, not trusting myself to say anything. There was something about his voice that made me doubt my ability to think straight.
We stepped out, crisp autumn air feeling cool against my skin. I didn’t realize I had been feeling a bit hot until now. My attention was on making sure Blakely didn’t spot me leaving with him, she would kill me but I was watching Niall out of the corner of my eye, as we stood there silently, air thick with tension. “I never caught your name,” he asked shortly. “Ayra,” I replied with a small smile.
He shot me a quick smile back, but his was loaded with all his intentions for the night, and I felt like my collar was suddenly too tight. His eyes weren’t on me anymore, he was pointedly looking around for his car. It was almost like he didn’t trust himself to look at me and not do anything he’d regret later. I couldn’t help but smirk at the thought.
He suddenly said, “He’s here,” before taking my waist again to lead me to his car. I reached out to open the door, but he stopped me, reaching out himself “Least I can do, and I don’t mean it chauvinistically.” He said with a small smile. 
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makeupinthedrawer · 2 years
richkid!niall x tutor!fem!eader | college au
authors note: hi!!!!!! i’m back!!!!!! i know it’s been a criminally long time since i posted something but i really love this and hope you love it to :) if you do please leave a comment and/or reblog. likes are so nice but actual feeback really encourages me to post and makes me feel like it’s not just bots liking my posts lol. as always my reader can be of any height, weight, or race pls let me know if any of the language used is isolating.
prompt: A and B are casual college friends when the holiday season rolls around. A plans to go home to their luxurious life but decides to stay when B tells them they can’t go home for christmas. A decides to keep B company and give them the most amazing christmas ever.
word count: 6.4k
upcoming content: fluff!! mentions of financial issues
series masterlist | full masterlist
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the snow seemed to be falling in time with the clock ticking, noting every passing second that your professor went on and on about something Austen, something Shakespeare. london quickly became a blanket of white, the flusters blanketing the entire city in frost. your stare was glued to the window, your professor totally drowned out as your pen lightly tapped against the blank notebook page. it was a shame it really was, that you couldn’t pay attention because you were hoping that English lit would be the distraction that could keep your mind off the upcoming holiday season that was destined to be spent holed up in your studio apartment, props to student affiliated housing that came in your scholarship, with holiday movies lightly playing in the background of your wallowing.
a slight wave passed through your glance but your brain disregarded it, you’d get the notes from someone anyways. it wasn’t until it happened two, three times that you managed to blink out of your dazed state and look in the direction of whatever brought you back to reality. directly across from you sat niall horan. leaned back in his seat, subtly just enough to keep him out of view from the professor. his big blue eyes quirked at you as he mouthed “you okay?” it was hard to not get lost in his gaze like you did earlier but you had more self-conscious this time and just nodded, sitting up and facing the board, robotically writing down whatever the professor was saying even if it had no context. despite that, his stare lingered and it took everything in you to not snap your eyes back.
niall horan. you didn't even know why he was taking English lit in the first place if he was here for football, but he was… and he wasn’t doing the best. which resulted in him rushing up to you one day during the second week of classes and spitting out his begging for tutoring as fast as he possibly could. you were so startled you agreed without really thinking about anything other than increasing the amount of space between you because the wall of spiced cologne mixed with what you think is vanilla on some days when you get lost in a daydream, and sweat, and just him, took over your senses. along with his large hands outstretched toward you in a plea. “r-really?” he asked, an incredulous look passing over his face as his george elliot book that was just passed out to everyone dropped from his grip. you opened your mouth but quickly snapped it shut, just nodding at him. his gape turned into a smile, and a glint entered his eye that reminded you of the one you saw in the reflection of the charm on the old necklace you thought you lost. “how could i be so lucky?”
“oh wow, that’s great! thank you so much! okay, so… i can give ya my number and we can discuss when to meet? or you can send me your schedule like? honestly, whatever works for you.” he said, pulling a pen out of one pocket and rummaging through his other for what you assume was a piece of paper.
“oh wow, that’s great! thank you so much! okay, so… i can give ya my number and we can discuss when to meet? or you can send me your schedule like? honestly, whatever works for you.” he said, pulling a pen out of one pocket and rummaging through his other for what you assume was a piece of paper.
“oh here,” you spoke, reaching around to unzip your bag and tear a piece of your notebook, but suddenly your head whipped around at the feeling of your hand engulfed in his. before you knew it his name was scrawled in loopy handwriting against your wrist, along with his phone number. the sight of his long fingers against your skin was the final push of this situation going from odd to overwhelming so you looked up and straight ahead, only to see a lighter-haired boy smack his forehead with his palm at the sight of you both. you recognized him as sean mullholland, having seen him and niall together often. 
“alright, just message me whenever! whenever you have time! but not too late y’know? i really can’t afford to fail this next exam.”
you opened your mouth again and just found yourself nodding, watching as his head tilted at the repeated action. god he probably thought you were fucking mute. “i- i mean yeah, no problem.”
the confusion on his face quickly turned to one of relief and pure gratitude. “thanks so much! so i guess i’ll see ya around.” he said, and with a final smile he turned and walked back to his friend.
“wait… niall!” you called, noticing his book was still on the ground.
he spun around quickly, “yeah?” 
“your book, you’ll need it… y’know for the test.” his eyes widened as you bent down to pick it up, his shoes quickly coming into our eye line as he reached for it, but it was already in your hold.
“aw, jesus, ‘m already messing up. thanks, thanks again.” the trepidation in his voice was a large contrast to who he was, or who you thought he was to be more accurate. you saw him every day in class talking to his friends with a smile on his face, and he was part of the university's football team so his name was overheard in conversation often, along with his picture or him with other members of the team in the school’s newspaper. he seemed to be regularly happy, confident. and that’s without the fact that he was… quite handsome, in your opinion. and the opinion of many people on campus. i mean, it’s just undeniable. thick brown hair that would fall across his forehead, that would sometimes curl by the ears if he hadn’t cut it in a while, paired with a perfectly sculpted nose and the smallest hoop earrings that were so endearing you thought about them all day when you first noticed them. but the kicker was the oceans he kept behind his irises. seeing him nervous before you, both hands gripping his book like a stress ball lessened some of your initial intimidation.
“you’re gonna be okay, niall.” you said simply, looking up at him through your lashes, keeping your face as blank as possible. he looked down at you, eyes tracking every inch of your face and it involuntarily heated up. it was as if he was searching for a lie, but he didn’t seem to find it.
“yeah, yeah.” he remarked, hand going up to scratch at his neck as he dropped his eyes to the ground. he started walking back to his friend, but backward this time so he was still facing you. “hopefully. thanks again, really, i’ll see you around?”
you raised your wrist revealing his name and number still printed there with a smile that he replicated and sent you a nod of approval and disappeared around a corner, allowing you to let out an immense breath.
that was six weeks ago, and you’re now halfway through the semester. you’ve met with niall dozens of times already, holed up in a study room in the back of the library. you’ve learned a lot about him: how he takes his coffee, that he’s color blind, that his favorite band is the eagles and he saw them when he was four and that’s why he learned how to play the guitar, you couldn’t think about that one for a long time because it made you lightheaded, and that he was “well off” as he’d put it, but the soft, cashmere cardigans he always wore and the vintage car that was parked outside proved he was more than,
“when me ma and da got divorced she moved here to london and started her own business, she’s worked really hard for a long time, to send me to school and stuff ya know?” he revealed once, during a late night study session turned game of twenty questions. he was always doing that, studying for an hour then getting bored or burnt out and asking you questions or digging through your bag to find the snacks you hide in the back pocket. when you caught him the first few times he would wipe his mouth with the back of his hand and shove your bag away, now he just sends you a smirk and pull the cellophane baggie out for easier access.
you would consider him a friend. he’s carried the title of your crush as your roommate would put it, but it all sounded too childish, too middle school, it didn’t sum up the uniqueness of how he made you feel, how no one had made you feel before. along with tingly fingers and a rapidly beating heart, he also made you feel a tad… jealous. you could relate that your parents also worked really hard for a long time to send you to university but if it wasn’t for the scholarship you got, you definitely wouldn’t be here in the heart of england studying literature with some of the best professors in the world. 
bitter sadness crept into your heart as you snapped your notebook shut and placed it in your bag, class ending was just another sign of time moving on and the closer christmas came where you would have to be here, in a new continent all alone because your parents couldn’t afford a plane ticket to get you home and back in time for classes again.
walking out of class, a presence you became all too familiar with loomed behind you, you could recognize him based on the feeling of the hairs on your neck sticking up. he didn’t make you nervous anymore, but the nerves that turned into feelings of longing seemed worse, in your opinion. “hey ya” he spoke, voice low and accent thick.
“hey, niall.”
the two of you walked in step for a few beats before he started up again, “i- i just wanted to see if ya were alright like… you seemed a little spaced out there for a sec, thought ya were checking me out with how ya were staring at me but-”
“oh god i’m so sorry niall, i wasn’t- i- i wasn’t staring at you i just… i just got lost in my head!” you exclaimed with wide eyes, of course you dazed out staring directly at him, unblinking and dead-eyed, you wanted the floor to fall from underneath you. but all he did was laugh, joyful and boisterous, pale cheeks tinting red with emotion.
“no need t’apologize darling, quite like it when ya look at me anyways,” he smirked.
you rolled your eyes, refusing to let yourself take his banter as anything more than what it was. “well… us both being distracted is going to make tomorrow’s tutoring a bitch then huh?”
he laughed again and nodded, “yup! but we’ll figure it out together, right?”
“of course” you replied, with a smile that didn’t really reach your eyes but you couldn’t bring any more positivity out of yourself, the homesickness was too powerful.
his cerulean iris’s tracked down your face, as they always seemed to do when you found yourselves in these little staring matches. “y’sure you’re okay? we can skip tonight if ya want.”
“no, i’m okay. anyways, like you said, we need to teach each other the material.”
“yeah… well, i’ll be there usual time, kay?” with a nod you went your separate ways and you began the ten-minute walk to your apartment. 
“hey! oh, watch out!” your roommate cried as you nearly tripped over an overstuffed duffle bag.
“sorry! i was going to move it, but then i just got all wrapped up!” she cried from her cross-legged position on the floor, hands sticky with tape and clumps of discarded wrapping paper sat around her.
“it’s okay… do you want any help with that?” you offered, kicking your shoes off. she nodded vigorously and you both dissolved into laughter.
“thanks so much, i don’t know why wrapping is so hard! i mean… i love when the scissors do the glidey thingy against the paper, literally so satisfying right? but after that i realize i cut off too much or too little and then i tear it when i try and fold it and it’s just all going to hell!”
you just nodded and measured out an appropriate piece of wrapping paper for the doll box and slid the scissors against the dotted lines, folding the ends into triangles and holding them down, allowing her to stick the tapes on the end. “i’ll do the actual wrapping, you man the tape.” 
the two of you sat for around ten minutes, creating a decent-sized stack of neatly wrapped boxes. “do you wanna watch a movie later? we can watch the holiday episodes of that cartoon you like.”
“i’d love to but i have to meet niall later for tutoring.”
“ahh, still teaching the football star how to read then?”
you rolled your eyes with a laugh, “he knows how to read! cut him some slack, shakespeare is hard for anyone.”
“tell me about it, i barely passed when i took this class last year.”
“so yeah, i’ll be gone for about an hour or so. when do you head home?”
“i’ll be at the train station tomorrow around two, then i should be home at like six, i’ll keep you updated though.”
you nodded approvingly. your roommate was from england, but lived a while away from london. you’d seen pictures of the quaint countryside home she grew up in and it reminded you of a storybook.
“you know… my offer still stands. we can totally just buy you a ticket now and you can spend the holidays with me. it’ll be fun, i promise! we have the spare room and my parents already love you for getting my calculus grade from a D to a B!”
you just laughed again, dismissing her offer once more. “i appreciate it but really, i’ll be fine here, i swear. i’m not just saying that, i just… even with your family, i’m still going to feel lonely, if that makes sense. i just don’t think i’d be able to enjoy myself, and then i’d just beat myself up all over again for not being in the moment”
she nodded understandingly, “i get that.” 
 “don’t worry, really, have a good time! and i’ll have a bunch of cookies here for you when you get back.”
“ugh! that’s what i’m going to miss the most while i’m away!” she groaned and started packing the presents away in her bag.
the time rolled around when you had to go meet niall so with a quick goodbye you laced your shoes and head out the door. your arms wrapped around yourself as your sweater did little to block out the frost. with quick steps you hurried inside the library, allowing the slight heat to relax your muscles.
the peace that came with the library only lasted a few moments as the familiar clambering of niall’s entrance began, the boy could never be quiet. twisting past chairs and shelves, donned in his football kit, he pressed his face against the small window sending you a grin that made his cheeks push up. you smiled up at him and unlocked the door.
“‘ello darlin’, sorry ‘m late, practice ran long” he breathed out, collapsing into the plastic chair beside you, resting his head against your shoulder, catching his breath. this wasn’t the first time he showed up from practice, but he hadn’t ever invaded your space like this. it was impossible to not get lost in his scent or his panting breaths fanning your skin and his shorts exposing and stretching out against his thighs.
“woo! needed to catch my breath! got ya all sweaty, sorry.” he whipped his towel in your face, making you scrunch your nose up. he giggled and did it a few more times until you yanked it out of his hands.
“niall.” you said sternly.
“yes.” he repeated in the same tone.
“we need to study or not have a towel fight!”
“right, right. maybe another day then.”
you both started taking out your books and laptops. “we have so much stuff lined up for another day, don’t we?” it’s what you guys would say whenever you got distracted by some random activity.
“oh yeah, this towel contest comes after our who can eat the most cookies contest and me teaching ya how to play football, right?”
you giggled and he felt his smile widen and the tips of his ears turn red. “god, i’m gonna be so awful.”
he scoffed and shook his head, “‘m sure ya won’t be! and even if y’are, i’ll be your coach! and y’know i’m pretty fucking good if say so myself!” he tipped his head back with his nose in the air. you laughed again, he always made you laugh. 
“i dunno ni, i saw that yellow card!”
“don’t bring up the yellow card!” you said at the same time
“i- i don’t know what you want me to say! why’d you get a yellow card?” you teased, watching him grow annoyed at the penalty he got at last weeks game.
“that was a stupid call and you know it! you know that ref hates me! that shite was so fucking stupid.”
“i know, i know, i’m just teasing ya.”
“yer mean when you wanna be, darling! do people know that?”
“nope! i have a very carefully curated my english major image.”
niall kicked the chair back so it rested on its back two legs as he threw his arms behind his head. you always marveled at the way he took up so much space. or maybe that was just how you saw him. he peered down at you as you packed up your things. niall loved these secret moments where he could just bask in observing you. the tremors running up his fingers was a sensation he was used to, as they twitched by his side with the urge to brush your hair out your face. this happened often, the first time he was taken aback, shaking off the unfamiliar feelings, but it was already out of his control. the day he clamored towards you, his being became yours. his courage had yet to follow, though. so for now, he settled for the moments he could make the heat rise to your cheeks.
“niall?” you drawled slowly, taking in his half-lidded gaze. he blinked a few times and cursed himself for getting lost in his daydreams.
“s-sorry darling, what were ya saying?”
“oh nothing, just if you have anything exciting planned for the break?”
“oh yeah! my brother just had a baby, wee little thing, so me ma and dad and i are flying to ireland to go spend christmas with them. theo’s first christmas and all that!”
“i didn’t know you were an uncle, ni.”
“yeah, a few months ago” he said, showing you a photo of him cradling a tiny baby in his arms and you couldn’t stop the awe that escaped you
“niall that is literally the cutest thing i’ve ever seen!”
“awe thanks babe, yer pretty cute too” he said, throwing his arm around you, dissolving into laughter as you rolled your eyes.
“i’m talking about the baby and you know it”
“whatever ya say!” he quirked an eyebrow up at you and you mirrored his smile.
“well, it sounds like you have a great couple of weeks ahead of you.” you replied, turning away from him and starting to fiddle with your worn copy of Hamlet, little pieces of the page edges flaking off.
“hmm yeah… i mean i hope so, you know how it can be, family drama and all that.”
the way his tone sloped into something melancholic before he lifted it up again “what about you?”
you took a deep breath, words stuck in your throat. you knew niall came from money, lots of people on campus did, and a lot of people didn’t. no one really cares. you knew you had no reason to be embarrassed, you earned your spot here just like, or even more so than anyone else, plus it was college, not high school, and there weren’t any bullies or rumors. but it was easier to say that logic than shake off the insecurity that crept up your spine whenever your differences came to light. the period of silence followed by people awkwardly backtracking to take back their words about their new things or vacations as if they offended you. it didn’t at all, as long as people were nice, you didn’t care how much or how little money they had. but it was still embarrassing and niall heightened all your feelings by just being him. you figured the best thing to do was just be honest and casual, if you didn't make it a big deal then he wouldn’t either.
“oh… i’m just staying here.”
“what?” niall let out, the chair falling forward so the front legs hit the floor with a resounding clang.
you squeezed your eyes shut, so there was that whole casual plan down the drain,
“yeah…” you murmured, not really knowing what to say.
“why?” he asked. a voice far in the back of his head that sounded all too much like his da or mully was telling him to shut the fuck up and mind his business, but the image of you spending the holidays all alone, and you often complained about how shotty the dorms heating was, so you’d most likely be cold too, was very troubling for him.
you pulled at the adjusting strap of your bookbag, twisting it around your fingers. you took another deep breath, you were an adult and niall was your friend and any comments about your situation would reflect more on him than you is what you told yourself as you finally looked over at his wide eyes and lips slightly parted, concern written across his features.
“well,” you began, silently curing yourself as you turned your head again, the weight of his stare was too much to bear. “it’s just- kinda expensive to like get a flight home and back in time for classes again.”
and there it was, the silence that you tried so hard to avoid. the silence of people trying to scramble for the right words to say, as if they could offer up the perfect solution when it was just life.
niall felt the silence eating away at the two of you, feeding off the palpable energy. “say something, anything” his brain shouted.
“come with me” what?
“what?” your head snapped up.
“c-come with me… if you want.” his brain was still trying to make sense of his sudden invitation, but it felt right in his heart.
“no niall. i can’t.”
“why not?”
you sighed, your body tired of having this conversation with your roommate the week prior. “niall you just told me about all your plans, with your entire family and their newborn baby. i’m not gonna crash that.”
“y’won’t be crashing! i swear! mully’ll be there, he ain’t family!” he was drawing at straws and you both knew it, but it seemed his heart sent him on a mission.
“sean mullholland? you mean your best friend since you were five? that’s not the same.”
his palms grew damp as he wiped them against the polyester shorts. he couldn’t stomach the idea of you being alone. not when you could be with him. something sick licked at his chest at the news that you couldn’t be with your family. he was devastated for you, having coaxed many crazy childhood stories from you when he managed to carve out a break from studying. but he very much wanted you all to himself. outside of the four walls of the library study room, and this was his chance. 
“well yes, but, it’s not-”
you sent him a sad smile, putting your arm through one of your bag straps. he hadn’t even realized you packed up.
“you’re sweet niall, but seriously, it’s gonna be fine. it’s not a big deal. you said and honestly, you’ve been saying that so much over the past few days that you were starting to believe it. you just wanted the holidays to be over at this point.
niall threw his bag over his shoulder and followed you out of the library. the cool wind hit your skin as you pulled your sweater sleeves down your hands. niall was bounding down the street, wracked with nervous energy. he was counting down the days until christmas but now it was coming too fast. as was your residency hall. “b-but… don’t you want to spend time with me? i mean, hanging out with me for the holidays won’t be so bad.” he murmured and you stopped in your tracks. it took you back to the day you first met, the vulnerability. he looked down at you, his big blue eyes glistening with gold flecks.
the two of you spent time together outside of studying every now and then, but rarely jus the two of you, and never outside of school, save for that one time he rescued you from a bad date last season. his car picked up the autumn leaves as he spotted you walking home, miles from the school, eyes full of unshed tears. it was the first and only time you ever sat in his car, the leather seats and his comforting words cushioning you after a terrible night.
ever since then, things between you shifted.
“of course that doesn’t sound bad at all. i just… you don’t need to feel bad for me, okay? and we’ve never really hung out outside of school before yknow? i wouldn’t want to make it awkward. besides, it’s one christmas, spend a good time with your nephew, uncle niall.” you joked pulling out your keys. niall’s chest deflated as he nodded.
“you did good today, ni. you’re gonna be fine on the next exam.” you spoke, before sending him a smile and closing the door behind you.
always so nice, he thought. that’s what you are. nice. smart. funny. beautiful. his system was overwhelmed with feelings for you. the idea that he made you feel bad killed him. he heard enough from his friends that he needed to man up and just ask you out already, that he was going to lose his chance. niall sighed as he walked into his apartment, mully sprawled out on the couch, suitcases packed by the front door. “oi mate, how’d the reading lessons go? y'know the alphabet yet?” he called, eyes not leaving the screen.
“almost, lad.” niall replied half-heartedly.
“”aye, what’s wrong? did you do bad?” mully asked, looking over the couch at his friend. growing up with niall, mully quickly learned that he was one of the funniest people he’s ever met, and also that he was very sensitive.
niall sat down beside him and told him about your situation and tried to explain his feelings that he couldn’t fully admit to himself. 
“well why don’t you just stay here, then?” mully offered.
“i dunno, just stay here for christmas, or just move your flight and fly in christmas eve instead of this weekend with me. you can have yer alone time and do a bunch of romantic shit.”
niall began to think about it, his earlier dread melting away. “that could work but i think yer forgetting that i can barely speak around her, mate! what would i even do?”
“i don’t fucking know! just give her a nice christmas, pull out all the stops! lord knows you can afford it.” mully remarked.
“yeah, yeah… you’re right! this is good, this is gonna be good.” niall said, jumping off the couch.
“where ya going?” mully called.
“i have to start planning!”
it was december 20th and break had started four days ago. it wasn’t so bad at first. the first day of coming home to an empty apartment was relaxing. it was nice being able to take a long shower and cook leaving the kitchen as messy as you wanted. the second day was the same as well, playing your music as loud as you wanted and putting on your favorite cartoon for hours then pigging out some more. it was the third day when it started to get old. your younger brother had been calling you every hour with whatever new development happened at home and you appreciated the updates but the dial tone filled you with loneliness and each call was just a signifier that christmas was almost here and your family was all the way over there.
the day was easy to be distracted by, walking around the city and seeing all the light displays, stopping at the fancy bakery more often than not because you needed it. but the night came and the snow whistled loudly but it was drowned out by the echoes of niall’s soft and pleading voice that played in repeat on your head and his crestfallen and all too soft face was projected behind your eyelids. sometimes you’d dream against your will of being in his parent's big house, wrapped up in a blanket that he slept under for years, his accent even thicker due to being around his family. the two of you laughing together lying in the snow that probably wasn’t dirty and mushy like it was outside your window. but then you woke yourself up and forced yourself to remember that once the semester ended, which was on the horizon, the two of you would go your separate ways and you’d be nothing more than the girl who helped him pass a required english class that he’d never think of again.
pulling your sweater out of the dryer you quickly put it on, letting the warmth overtake you. walking laps around your small living room as if something new would appear the next time you went around. “oh god, this boredom really is going to kill you.” you muttered.
the sharp raps at the door had you shooting up staring at the wood. “i’m going crazy.” you whispered and then the knocks were heard again. you looked through the peephole to see your favorite brown haired football player leaning against the doorframe. dressed in dark grey trousers and a white turtleneck, you took a second to take him in. “‘ello? ya in there darling?” he asked, looking through the peep hole on the other side. this brought you back to earth and you jumped back. niall? niall was at your door. five days before christmas when he should be in another country, you yanked the door open, eyes trailing down his figure as if to check if he was real.
“‘ello darling!” he smirked.
“niall, what are you doing here?”
he just gazed at you, his stare unwavering as a look of adoration took over his face. now it was time for him to check you out. top half covered by an oversized sweater, falling just above the hem of tiny sleep shorts that he quickly looked away from for his own good.
“go pack a bag.”
your heart faltered, “what, why? ni- i told you i can’t go with-”
“not that. just, go get some change of clothes, or not. i quite like what you’re in now.” he drawled, accent dancing against your skin. but you couldn’t let yourself get distracted.
“how come?” you asked softly, “why are you still in london?”
his palm came down and rested against your cheek, his large hand pretty much covering the entire half of your face, his thumb resting at your jaw and his pinky just under your eye.
“i’m still in london because you’re still in london, my pretty darling. and i spent a shit ton of money turning my apartment into a christmas magazine spread and i don’t wanna sit there all by myself. thought you might like it… i know i would if you were there.” he said, hoping you couldn’t feel the tremor running through his fingers as he poured his heart out.
“i would like that, too.” you whispered and his smile split his face.
“okay, okay good” he said, as if he thought you;d say no. “alright well then, again, i’m a big fan of the shorts” you scoffed and tried to pull them down as much as you could, “but the other people in my building might not, if you want to get changed real quick.”
you nodded excitedly, “yeah okay!” you dashed back into your room, taking a moment to take a breath, then break out into a happy dance, practically bouncing around your room quickly packing your bag with a change of clothes, a charger, your toothbrush, and comb, and then the small, wrapped present you had tucked in the back of your drawer, niall’s name written on the label. you bought it a few months ago, just thinking of him, and now seemed like you could actually give it to him.
“alright, i’m ready.” you said, locking the door behind you. with your back turned, niall draped your bag over his shoulder and led you to his car. the snow had lightened, as if the weather knew you’d be speeding down the streets of london in niall’s ridiculously expensive car with the top down, cool wind whipping your hair back.
niall could’ve spent the entire weekend just driving around with you, the wind carried your giggles and light remarks at sights you’d never seen to his ears and in the middle of december, he never felt warmer. you pulled into his apartment complex parking garage. you walked off the elevator with wobbly legs, it was hard to believe this was real, that niall just came and saved you from your winter nightmare.
“home sweet home” niall muttered, turning the knob and revealing his decorated living room. the expansive room was decorated lavishly, complete with a shimmering tree in the corner of the room, dozens of blankets draped over the large, cushy couch. the kitchen was a different story, batter in places you could not figure out how or why it got there and it seemed like he ran out the door without closing both the fridge or the oven.
“don’t look over there!” he squeaked, covering your eyes with his hands, “focus on the nice set up niall spent hours putting together.”
you walked to the center of the room, taking it all in. hours earlier when he was setting it up, he couldn’t help but feel stupid, thinking that you would decline his advancements, or that he’d make the room look ugly, or that he’d royally screw up the cookies. but seeing you in his space, the gold light dancing across your face making you look even more cozy and inviting than ever, it was all worth it.
“this really is incredible, ni. w-was this all for me?” you asked meekly. you couldn’t fathom that he would ditch his family, and spend his money and time for you, but the way he was staring at you said differently.
“of course it was, i told you,” he said, lightly grasping both your hands and sitting you both on the couch. “i didn’t want you to spend the holidays alone, and i wanted to spend them with you even more. when we were talking in the library, you said i invited you because i felt bad for you, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. i invited you because i wanted to spend time with you, i want to spend all my time with you, if i’m being honest. i tried to get the entire break, but as romantic as me ma thought this was, she said i couldn’t miss actual christmas. so this little world is ours for the next few days, if ya want.” his voice was so soft and so sweet and he was saying things you hadn’t even dreamt of.
you always imagined your feelings for niall would be a distant memory you’d look back on fondly, or that if you did, it would be full of awkwardly polite rejections that would ring in your head on bad days. but here in niall’s living room, the snow building up outside, and his entire being overtaking you a hundred times over, you knew nothing could go wrong here.
“niall this is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. y-you didn’t have to do this.” you began but he cut you off with a tsk.
“oh pretty darling, you just don’t get it do ya? you are the sweetest thing that’s ever happened to me. so nice and patient with me, making me laugh and putting up with all my shit. i want you here all the time and i want you as more than a friend.”
“i want you as more than a friend too.” you whispered and his eyes lit up like the lights strung above you both. “i think about you all the time. it makes my brain all fuzzy and my heart speed up, but i like it. and you showing up at my door today was the best- hmph!”
all you knew then was the feeling of niall’s lips on yours, one hand cradling your neck and the other resting laightly against your back. you placed both your hands on his chest and kissed him back, having no choice but to succumb to the feelings. as his tongue slid across your bottom lip, he pushed you back, falling onto the couch and his forearms held him up above you as he pulled away.
his smile was massive and you were sure yours matched.
“you make me crazy, baby.” he spoke, voice low and raspy, eliciting a gasp from you.
“i never want these days to end, i don’t wan t you to go.” you whispered.
niall looked between both your eyes, then back down at your lips, only for him to boop your nose, causing you to flinch. “yer so cute” he whispered under his breath, he knew how you felt, you’ve only been together for the past hour, but he was already addicted to the feel of you all around him.  but it’ll be okay, with you it always is.
“i don’t want it to end either, but we’re together now. and when we’re not, i’ll just visit you in my dreams.”
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storieswithvenus · 3 months
singers masterlist
taylor swift
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jeon jungkook
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kim taehyung
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niall horan
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zayn malik
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hayley williams
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