#Nick Amaro Smut
fatecantstopme · 4 months
I Can't Walk Away
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Pairing: Nick Amaro x plus size!reader
Summary: When you and your boyfriend break up, you're faced with the seemingly impossible task of putting yourself back together. Luckily for you, your very handsome coworker is more than happy to help along the way.
Warnings: Body image issues, low self-esteem, mentions of toxic/abusive relationships, cursing, use of pet names. SMUT, light dom/sub vibes, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V).
A/N: This was entirely self-indulgent and I have no regrets.
Spanish Translations:
Querida: sweetheart/darling
Hermosa: beautiful
Mierda: shit
Por favor: please
Si: yes
All other translations will be after the sentence in brackets/italics.
You dropped onto Olivia's couch with a huff, tears still threatening to break through your stubborn facade.
"Are we gonna talk about it or do I need to have someone beat him up?" Liv asked you, a small smirk gracing her face.
"As much as I'd love to see his ass get handed to him, I think we should avoid committing any crimes," you said lightly.
Olivia sighed softly and reached over to put her arm around you. You leaned into her shoulder and began to let your guard drop. Olivia had been your best friend for over a decade now, your time working together in SVU having brought you closer than you could have imagined.
"He was an asshole, (Y/N/N)," she said softly. "You deserve better."
"You say that, but I guess I just don't believe it," you muttered.
It nearly broke her heart to hear you speak so negatively of yourself, but she knew no matter how many uplifting words she spoke, you would still refuse to believe her.
"Maybe there's something wrong with me," you whispered, tears finally beginning to fall. "Maybe I'm broken--unloveable."
"Hey," she chided. "You are so many things, (Y/N), but broken and unloveable are not among them."
She tightened her grip on you, pulling you into a proper side hug. She let you cry into her shoulder, her own heart breaking along with yours.
You knew, objectively, she was right--your now-ex was indeed an asshole. He'd never treated you well and had often put you down and made you feel terrible about yourself. Your self-esteem had been lower than usual when you met him and in the 6 months you'd been together, he'd managed to destroy whatever vestige of self-love you had left.
There wasn't a single thing about you he didn't belittle. Whether it was your physical appearance, your career, your hobbies, your dreams...he made you feel like everything you ever did was a mistake. In his estimation, you were too fat, unintelligent, boring...and your choice in career was just about the worst thing you could do.
You'd made it your mission in life to help the victims of particularly heinous crimes, which is why you'd been working at SVU for almost 12 years. You were the squad's forensic psychologist, and you loved your work. In many respects, it was the one thing that really brought joy to your life. It was your greatest passion--and the amount of time you spent at work certainly showed it.
Yet during those 6 months with him...your love for the job had begun to wane. Every time you'd stay late or have to cancel a date, he'd berate you for it--mocking your job and your inability to 'be a real person'. Now that you'd finally taken the leap and broken up with him, you were hopeful you could fall back in love with your work.
In this moment, however, all you could think about were the horrible things he'd said to you when you told him you wanted to break up. He'd been especially cruel, calling out every physical insecurity you had and making you feel like an absolute pile of human garbage. He'd called you fat, ugly, unloveable, gross...and a million other things you couldn't bear to repeat.
You weren't thin--you knew that, but you weren't gross. That was just offensive. Unfortunately, he wasn't the first ex to make comments about your weight--something you'd been struggling with for most of your adult life. The words had hit you harder than you'd expected, making you actually think he might be right...maybe you were the problem.
Olivia's voice broke you out of your thoughts, "Do you want to stay here tonight?"
You just nodded, not trusting your voice to answer her properly.
She squeezed you a little tighter, her reassuring presence grounding you in ways you desperately needed. You were always thankful for her friendship, but it was moments like this where you were reminded how much she really meant to you.
You'd spent most of the weekend at Olivia's and by the time Monday rolled around, you were feeling a little bit better. She always knew what to do and say to make everything okay. It was a gift you'd always envied and appreciated.
It was very typical of you to be the first person in the office, having been an early riser most of your life. So you were more than a little surprised when you walked into the precinct Monday morning and spotted Nick Amaro sitting at his desk.
"You're in early," you commented lightly in lieu of greeting.
He turned his gaze to look over at you and shot you a disarming smile. "I couldn't sleep, so I figured I might as well get a head start on some paperwork I've been putting off."
"Wise man. Wouldn't want to upset the boss."
He grinned. "She's strict." His voice was teasing and warm and it made you feel something in your gut you always tried to ignore.
In truth, you were extremely attracted to Nick--it was undeniable. You had not, nor would you ever, tell him or act on it. Nick was so far out of your league it wasn't even funny. Besides, he was newly single, still fresh from his divorce.
"She can be calmed with good coffee and blueberry muffins," you said conspiratorially.
Nick chuckled. "I'm gonna have to write that down."
You offered him a smile before continuing past him to your office. You were surprised when his voice stopped you after a few steps.
"How was your weekend?"
You turned back to face him. "Friday was absolute shit," you said honestly. "But I spent Saturday and part of yesterday with Liv, so it's better now."
A look of concern crossed his face. "Everything okay?"
You feigned a smile. "Everything's fine. Thanks for asking."
His eyes narrowed as he gazed at you skeptically. "Is it that guy again?"
Your cheeks darkened, embarrassed Nick even knew about your ex. "We broke up."
Nick almost looked relieved. "I would say sorry, but it wouldn't be honest. I never liked the guy--he didn't treat you right."
You were surprised he paid enough attention to the things you said to know just how badly your ex had treated you. "Oh?"
Nick stood up and took a couple steps closer to you. He was still a professional distance away, but he could speak quieter so only you could hear him.
"You deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. You're an amazing woman, (Y/N), and a good man would never treat you the way he did. He clearly didn't recognize your worth."
His words slammed into you with surprising force. "I-um-thank you," you muttered softly.
"You can thank me by dating a man who will love you the way you deserve," he said lowly. "Como una reina." [Like a queen.]
His last three words were so quiet you weren't even sure you'd heard him properly--or if you were supposed to hear them at all. You weren't fluent in Spanish by any means, but you understood the basics...enough to know he'd said something about a queen. That is, if you heard him correctly.
You were about to ask him to elaborate when Olivia came into the squad room. She sent a warm smile your way and issued greetings to both you and Nick. Her arrival broke whatever spell Nick had been under, and he went back to his desk quietly.
You went into your office, leaving the door open behind you so you could hear the goings on and the arrival of the rest of the squad. There were plenty of things for you to do, but you couldn't get Nick's words out of your head.
Olivia looked up from her computer when Nick knocked on the doorframe entering her office.
"Mind if I come in?" he asked.
"Sure," she said with a smile.
He came in and quietly shut the door behind him.
"Uh-oh...closed door conversation? Everything okay?"
"With me, yes," he answered. "But I wanted to ask you something and I don't want anyone overhearing."
"It's about (Y/N)."
Olivia raised her eyebrows. "What about her?"
"She mentioned she'd spent the weekend with you and she and that asshole broke up."
Olivia chuckled softly, glad to hear she wasn't the only one who hated your ex.
"I know it's not really my business, but I can tell something is really upsetting her. Hell, I've noticed a change in her since the moment they started dating--and not in a good way."
"He isn't a good person," Olivia conceded.
"Tell me about it," Nick muttered. "Anyway, I just--well, I just want to know if she's okay? I mean, really okay."
"Why don't you ask her?"
"I did, but I know she wasn't being honest with me."
Olivia sighed. She had a feeling he was asking about you for a reason, but she wasn't sure it was her place to tell him the truth. She was torn between being honest with her partner and keeping her best friend's pain to herself.
"I don't know if it's my place to tell you, but he did say some particularly cruel things about her when she broke up with him."
Nick's eyes narrowed and Olivia could see the anger flare in them. "What did he say to her?" Even his voice was laced with fury--the mere idea someone would hurt you sent him off the edge.
"I can't tell you," Olivia answered. "But if you really want to know, then I think you should talk to her. She trusts you, so she may open up to you."
Nick nodded, anger still boiling beneath the surface. "You're right--I didn't mean to intrude or anything."
Olivia shook her head. "It's alright. I know you care about her...I guess I'm just a little surprised by your anger."
He winced slightly, feeling embarrassed for his display of emotion. "I don't like the idea of some guy making her feel like shit."
"Neither do I," she said honestly. "I am curious though...what made you ask about her?"
"Wha-what do you mean?"
Olivia smiled slowly. "I mean, why do you want to know badly enough to ask me?"
Nick had a feeling Olivia could see right through him--they'd been partners for a few years after all. He wasn't sure how to answer--or if he wanted to be entirely truthful. In the end, he opted for vague honesty. "I care about her."
Olivia watched his expression in silence for a long moment before responding. "So do I."
Nick could see the meaning behind her words as clearly as if she'd spoken them aloud--don't hurt my friend. He didn't say it, but he hoped Olivia knew he would never hurt you...it would break his heart.
"Hey (Y/N/N). You busy?"
You looked up to see Nick standing in your office doorway, leaning against the frame. You swallowed thickly as you pushed down the improper thoughts blazing through your mind at the sight.
"Uh--no. What's up?"
He stepped into the room, edging closer to your desk. "I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner tonight. My treat."
You raised your eyebrows at him, unsure of the cause of his request. "Is there some sort of celebration I'm unaware of?"
He chuckled lightly. "Other than your new-found freedom, no. I just...well, I wanted to spend a little time with you. Ya know, if you want."
You bit your bottom lip as you contemplated his offer. "Well, I don't have any other plans, so why not?"
He grinned. "Excellent. Do you want time to go home first or just leave from here?"
You looked down at your outfit, suddenly feeling very frumpy and unattractive. You knew he wasn't asking you out on a date--just a friend inviting you to dinner to cheer you up. Even still, you really didn't want to go out looking like this. "Do you mind if I go home and change first?"
"Not at all. I can pick you up from your place, if you'd like?"
"Oh, uh-yeah. Sure."
He smiled again. "Perfect. 6:30?"
You nodded. "Sounds good."
You watched him walk out of your office, mind racing as you tried to figure out his motivations and what the hell you were gonna wear.
By the time 6pm rolled around, you'd managed to change your clothes somewhere in the realm of 50 times, and you still weren't entirely satisfied. Even your favorite outfit didn't feel right--you could hear your ex's voice in the back of your mind telling you everything you tried on looked bad.
You dug further into your closet, looking for something simple--cover the things you wanna hide and accentuate the things you wanna show off. Your eyes fell on a beautiful black dress you'd actually never worn. You'd purchased it on a whim because you'd loved it in the store and Olivia had insisted it was too perfect to pass up on.
You pulled the dress off the hanger and put it on, pleased it still fit properly. When you turned to look in the mirror, you almost didn't recognize yourself--you actually felt pretty. The bodice of the dress was tight, but the lower half was flowy. The material was a soft, stretch satin, with a low neckline and flutter sleeves. The dress hit right above your knees and it practically screamed for a pair of heels.
You found your favorite black pumps, slipping them on and smiling at your reflection. You put on some jewelry to spice up the look, sprayed your favorite perfume, and double checked your hair and makeup one last time. You didn't wear much makeup on the daily, so you didn't go too wild with your makeup for the evening. You'd added some eyeliner and lipstick, but otherwise you looked natural. You'd actually been having a good hair day already, so you were pleased to see it was still behaving properly.
You'd just put the last finishing touches on the outfit when you heard the buzzer ring. You quickly went to answer it, and upon hearing Nick's voice, told him you'd be right down.
You took one last look in the mirror, took a deep breath, and headed downstairs feeling both excited and trepidatious. You reminded yourself once again this was just two friends having dinner--purely platonic...but you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't want it to be an actual date.
Nick was waiting just outside the front entrance to your apartment building, and he turned around when he heard the door open. Nothing could have prepared you for the look on his face when he saw you.
"Santa mierda," he breathed. "You look incredible." [Holy shit.]
You blushed and looked away. "Thank you," you mumbled softly.
He stepped towards you and gently touched your chin, lifting your face to meet his gaze. "You're very welcome."
He dropped his hand, but his eyes stayed fixed on your face for a long moment. "Do you like Italian?" he asked.
"Of course," you answered, silently pleased your voice sounded normal.
"Excellent." He gestured towards his car and you followed behind him. He opened the passenger door and helped you in before getting in the driver's seat.
The drive wasn't very long, and your nerves kept you quiet for most of the ride. You listened to him chatter on about nothing, simply enjoying the sound of his voice.
When you arrived at the restaurant, he once again opened your door and helped you out, but this time his hand didn't leave yours. He placed your hand through the loop he'd made with his arm and guided you to the entrance.
Once you were seated, your nerves began to ratchet up even higher. Unfortunately for you, Nick was both an extremely good detective and an annoyingly perceptive person. As such, he noticed your discomfort immediately.
"You okay?"
"Yeah," you lied.
"It's just me, (Y/N/N)," he said quietly.
You exhaled slowly--realizing he was right. It was Nick for God's sake. He was your colleague, your friend. There was no reason to be nervous. "You're right."
He smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand. He pulled it back to his side of the table as the server arrived for your drink order.
You were grateful for the glass of wine he delivered moments later, lifting it to your lips almost immediately. You knew the liquid would calm your nerves--maybe then you wouldn't embarrass yourself.
"I'm glad you agreed to have dinner with me," Nick said softly as he sipped his own glass of wine.
"I was a little surprised, in all honesty."
"That I asked or that you agreed?" he teased lightly.
You smiled. "Definitely the former."
"I hate seeing you upset," he admitted. "I thought I might be able to cheer you up a little."
"Thanks, Nick. You're a good friend."
His face fell slightly, but he quickly hid it behind a soft smile. "May I ask you something?"
Whatever he was going to ask was cut off by the arrival of the server to take your food order.
As soon as the server left the table, Nick leaned forward and lowered his voice. "What did he say to you that hurt you so much?"
"Your ex."
Your expression shifted and you looked down at the table. "It doesn't matter."
"It does to me."
"Because whatever he said hurt you--and I'm willing to bet my career that he was wrong."
Your eyes snapped back up to meet his. His expression was deadly serious, yet it somehow put you at ease in a way only Nick could. "He said some unpleasant things about my physical appearance that I could have lived without hearing."
Surprise lit up his handsome face. "Unpleasant things about your appearance? I'll bet my life he was wrong."
Now it was your turn to be surprised. "I wouldn't make that bet, Nick."
"I'm confident. Tell me what he said and I'll judge for myself."
You took a deep breath, exhaling slowly before giving him a quick overview. "Essentially he said I'm unattractive and fat--I recall the word 'gross' being used as well."
Nick's temper flared instantly, the urge to punch that son of a bitch in the face nearly overwhelming. "He said what?"
Even if you didn't know Nick, you would have been able to see the rage simmering in his eyes, hear it in his tone. "It's not a big deal."
"If he was here, I'd launch him through a window. Bastard."
"I'm okay," you reassured him quietly.
Your soft voice grounded him, as it so often did, and he felt his anger dissipating. He was still angry, but the urge to hunt that asshole down had begun to fade.
"He was wrong, you know."
"He was wrong. Not only are you one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid eyes on, but your body is perfectly proportioned--deliciously soft and curvy. You're about as far from gross as a human being can be."
He spoke with such conviction, such assuredness, that you almost believed him--almost.
"While I appreciate the compliment, Nick, you've never seen me naked...your opinion would change, trust me."
Nick's eyes flared with a new kind of intensity. "I highly doubt that."
"His did," you said quietly.
"He clearly didn't know what he had."
Your eyes met his, shoulders tense, discomfort obvious in every movement you made.
"Listen to me, (Y/N). I'll say it as many times as it takes for you to believe me--I think you're gorgeous. Stunning. Elegante. Sin fin perfecta." [Elegant. Endlessly perfect.] He reached for your hand and you let him take it in his. "You are a prize, (Y/N). Any man worth a damn would be honored to call you his."
You didn't know what to say. His words surprised you and warmed your soul at the same time. You could also feel the familiar tightening in your gut, accompanied by an entire swarm of butterflies dancing in your stomach.
"Forget every terrible thing he ever said to you, hermosa. Let me fill your mind with praise. Let me remind you of your beauty, inside and out, of your brilliance, of your kindness, your empathy...of all the little things that make you the incredible woman you are."
"Nick..." you whispered, his name the only coherent thing you were able to utter.
The moment was shattered by the arrival of your food. You'd been hungry when you sat down at the table, but your body was now flooded with a very different kind of hunger--a hunger you now believed Nick shared.
"Thank you, Nick," you said softly. "I know it's not nearly enough, but thank you."
"You don't have to thank me. I meant every word."
You gave him a small smile. "Still..."
He returned the expression.
The two of you ate in silence for several minutes, minds clearly elsewhere. After a while, Nick noticed you'd done more moving the food around the plate than actually eating and he called you out on it.
"Eat your food, querida. You'll need your strength."
Your head snapped up, eyes meeting his gaze. "For what?"
He leaned forward. "If you'll let me, I'm going to spend several hours showing you exactly how sexy I think you are."
You gulped. "And how do you plan on doing that?"
He grinned wolfishly. "By worshipping that amazing body of yours...over and over again, until you're screaming my name."
You suddenly found it very difficult to breathe, let alone eat. Nick, on the other hand, went right back to eating his food as if he hadn't just threatened you with an incredibly good time.
You had to force yourself to focus on your food, desperately trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs.
As soon as the meal was over, Nick asked for the check and paid, revealing just how desperate he was to get back to your place.
Once again, he helped you into the car, only this time his hand lingered on the small of your back.
Anticipation flooded through you as Nick drove through the streets of the city. You'd wanted him for so long--never once thinking he'd reciprocate the desire. Despite his words earlier in the evening, you still felt a shred of self-doubt...worrying he might not find you as attractive once you were naked.
"Where's that pretty head at, querida?" he asked softly, noticing your anxiety.
"Can you promise me something?"
"Of course."
"If you don't want to go through with this...you know, when you see me without my clothes on...please just tell me. I don't want you to feel like you have to do something you don't wanna do."
He reached over and grabbed your hand, squeezing it tightly. "I don't have to promise that because I know what I want, (Y/N)...and that's you. You could be a alien underneath those clothes and I'd still want you."
You laughed lightly. "I promise I'm not an alien."
He grinned. "Then we're gonna be just fine, baby."
You closed your eyes, silently willing yourself to believe him. You trusted him with your life--something you'd never experienced with any of your past relationships. Every fiber of your being told you Nick would never hurt you on purpose--never. You just needed to trust him--let go of your pain and give in to your desires.
When you finally made it back to your apartment, Nick gave you a gentle reminder. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to, (Y/N)."
"I want to," you whispered.
He inhaled slowly and took a step towards you. "Say 'no' or 'stop' and I'll stop immediately, okay? No hard feelings--I won't push you."
"I don't want to say no, Nick."
He took another step towards you, effectively backing you against the wall. "If you wanna stop--"
"Nick, please just kiss me," you begged softly.
He groaned softly before leaning in to press his lips to yours. His kiss was like fire and ice--more addictive than any drug known to man. He kissed you like you were the air he needed to breathe--like he would rather suffocate to death than stop.
He pressed his warm body against yours, wedging his knee between your thighs to keep you from squeezing them together. His tongue tangled with yours, quickly asserting dominance as he deepened the kiss.
Your hands went to the buttons on his white button down, quickly undoing them in a desperate need to feel his skin. He helped you remove the shirt, followed by his undershirt, leaving his toned chest bare for you to see.
You bit your lip and stifled a soft groan as you appreciated his form.
"You can touch me, querida," he said softly. "I wanna feel your soft hands on my skin."
You did as he asked, hands gliding over his smooth, tan skin. He sighed softly and leaned into your touch, lips grazing your jaw affectionately.
Your hands traveled to his hips and you began to loosen his belt. He allowed you to unbutton his pants and he helped you remove them.
"I think you're a bit overdressed for the occasion, hermosa," he teased huskily.
You tensed slightly, a feeling of dread washing over you.
Of course, Nick felt it and instantly began to sooth your worries. "You can keep on as much as you want, querida, but I want to see you. I've wanted to touch you like this since the day I met you. But if you're more comfortable keeping your clothes on, that's alright."
You looked up at him, his dark eyes warm and honest. You took a deep breath and pushed him back slightly, giving yourself the room to pull your dress off over your head.
You dropped your dress to the ground, but your eyes didn't meet his gaze--you couldn't even bring yourself to look at his face, too afraid of what you might see there.
"Querida, por favor," Nick whispered. "Look at me."
You looked up at him slowly, a soft gasp leaving your lips as you took in his hungry expression.
"I wanna kiss every square inch of your beautiful body, hermosa. Will you let me?"
You nodded tentatively.
"I need to hear you say it, baby," he pleaded.
"I want you Nick, please."
He groaned and pressed his body against yours again. "Say that again, querida."
"I want you," you whispered.
"Fuck--" He slammed his lips against yours, sliding his tongue into your mouth almost immediately. You melted in his arms, reveling in the feeling of his body against yours.
He finally pulled away to catch his breath, but his hands didn't leave your body. Now that he'd touched you so intimately, he never wanted to stop.
"Come with me," he whispered, before guiding you to your bedroom. "Lay down on the bed for me, querida."
You did as he asked, noticing how his eyes never left your body.
He made sure you were looking at him before he began to lower his boxer briefs, slowly revealing his large cock. He was already painfully hard, a bead of precum lingering at the tip.
You licked your lips in anticipation, an action he noticed with pride.
"Like what you see, hermosa?"
"Very much so."
He smiled and climbed onto the bed, covering your soft body with his hard one. "May I take off your bra?"
You nodded.
"Baby..." he said in a clear warning tone.
You understood his meaning instantly, a flood of arousal going straight to your core at the order. "Yes, papi."
His eyes widened for a moment, surprised and pleased at your use of the title. "Such a good girl, aren't you?"
A soft moan left your lips at the praise and he smiled to himself, pleased he was able to suss out what you liked.
His hand snaked around your back, deftly unclasping your bra with surprising ease. The moment your breasts were bared to his gaze, his mouth descended on you, taking a pert nipple into his mouth.
You moaned softly, fingers intertwining into his dark locks. His lips and hands massaged your breasts, giving them equal attention. True to his word, he moved tantalizingly slowly down your body, kissing every inch of skin he could, while avoiding where you needed him most.
By the time he made his way back up to your face, you were begging him to touch your pussy--pleading for some relief.
"Nick, please--I need you."
"What did you call me?" he asked harshly.
Your eyes widened lustfully. "I'm sorry, papi!"
He smiled, ghosting his fingers across your still-clothed pussy. "That's my good girl."
You whimpered at the feather-light touches he placed to your mound, desperate for more. "Please, papi."
"Hmm? Qué deseas?" [What do you want?]
"Please touch me," you begged.
"I am touching you, querida."
"More, papi. Please!"
He smiled. "Normally I'd take my time teasing you--making you beg for what you want...but if I'm being honest, I'm as desperate to touch you as you are to feel it, so I'll be nice to you this time."
He tugged your panties off quickly before spreading your thighs as wide as he could, revealing your dripping wet folds.
"All this for me, baby?" he growled.
"Only you, papi," you responded.
"Yeah? No one else makes you this wet?"
You shook your head vehemently. "No one else."
"Now I have one rule, hermosa. I wanna hear you--every little sound coming out of that pretty mouth. Be as loud as you want. Entiendes?" [Understand?]
"Si, papi," you whimpered.
He smirked as he lowered himself down onto the bed between your legs. His strong hands gripped your hips and he tugged you as close to his face as he could before diving into your pussy with a deep groan of pleasure.
You gasped at the sensation, the sound quickly becoming moans of enjoyment. Nick was quite skilled with his mouth--his tongue alone made you feel things you'd never before experienced.
Your fingers tangled into his hair, tugging at the roots as you desperately sought your release.
Nick held you in place as he continued his assault on your pussy, ensuring he had complete control over your pleasure.
"Feels so good," you gasped. "Gonna cum, papi."
He groaned against your clit, the vibrations sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body. He could feel how close you were by the way your thighs tried to close and your grip on his hair tightened.
Your moans became more desperate--needy, and he slid two fingers into your pussy, gently pressing into your g-spot rapidly.
You cried out, legs shaking slightly, seconds before your orgasm ripped through you like a tidal wave. His name left your lips in a gasped scream as he worked you through your high, only stopping when you began to squirm away.
You were completely breathless when he lifted his head, mouth and chin soaked in your juices. He licked his lips and wiped his mouth on his hand, licking it clean as he maintained eye contact with you. "You taste so good baby...I can't get enough."
You reached for him and he obliged, leaning forward to kiss you softly. You tasted yourself on his lips and tongue, a soft sound of pleasure escaping into his mouth.
"Querida," he whispered against your lips. "I need to be inside you."
"Please," you whimpered.
"Do you have protection?"
"I'm on the pill..."
"I'm clean," he assured you.
"Me too."
He lined his cock up with your entrance and looked back up at your face. "Are you sure, hermosa?"
"Si papi. I want you to fuck me."
He groaned softly before thrusting into you, sheathing himself fully inside of you in one swift movement.
You cried out, the stretch both overwhelming and extremely pleasurable all at once. You clutched his neck and he breathed deeply, trying to calm his racing heart.
"You can move," you whispered.
"Not yet, querida. I need a moment."
"Are you okay?" you asked in concern.
"Your pussy feels so damn incredible, baby...I'm just trying to control myself so I don't hurt you."
You bit your lip and lifted his face up to look at you. "I like a little bit of pain, papi." You clenched your pussy tightly for emphasis.
"Mierda," he ground out. "You sure?"
"Fuck me senseless, Nick. Por favor."
As much as he loved you calling him 'papi', hearing you say his name like that made him feral. He pulled out and thrust back in harshly, starting a fast, hard pace.
"Baby, say my name again," he begged.
"Nick," you moaned lowly.
"Fuck." He was fucking you like it was the last thing he was ever going to do and you'd never experienced anything like it.
You felt the coil tightening in your abdomen, and for the first time in your life, you knew you were going to cum during penetration. Your moans were loud enough to wake the neighbors, your nails dug into his muscular back, and your pussy had his cock in a vice grip.
"You gonna cum for me, (Y/N)?"
You nodded rapidly, unable to voice a response. The only thing coming out of your mouth was a string of incoherent moans and pleas.
"I wanna feel you cum, baby. Cubre mi polla." [Coat my cock.]
"Nick!" you whined.
"What do you need, querida? Tell me."
"More," you whimpered.
He slipped his hand between your bodies and began to gently massage your clit. "This what you need, baby?"
"Nick!" you screamed. "Don't stop!"
"That's it, baby. That's it. I've got you. Cum for me, querida. Ven por mí." [Come for me.]
You cried out in ecstasy as the waves of pleasure overwhelmed your senses. You clung to him desperately, as if he was a life raft while you were adrift in the ocean.
He began to chase his own high as you came down, your awareness coming back to you. His thrusts were fast and rough, his breathing ragged.
"I want you to cum for me, papi. Fill me up," you begged.
"Dios mio! You feel so good, baby. Wanna cum for you."
You clenched your pussy as tightly as you could, desperate for him to enjoy this as much as you did.
"(Y/N)!" he cried out as he came, his hot seed filling you up.
His thrusts slowed and faltered before he finally collapsed on top of you, breathless and satiated.
You held him close, running your fingers through his hair as he caught his breath. You were a little worried he would regret this now that it was over, but your fears were assuaged the moment he lifted his head to look at you.
His beautiful brown eyes were warm and loving as he gazed at you, happiness and contentment clear in his expression. "That was incredible," he murmured softly.
You blushed slightly. "You were incredible."
"As were you, querida."
He pressed his lips to yours as he pulled himself up. He rolled onto his side and pulled you with him, so your head rested against his chest.
"I'm thinking we take a power nap, then we go for round two," Nick said softly.
"Round two?!"
He grinned. "I did promise you I was gonna worship this sexy body of yours for hours."
"I didn't think you were serious, Nick," you said with a chuckle.
"Oh, baby, I'm always serious about worshipping you. I think you'll learn that very quickly."
You smiled and kissed his chest softly. You debated whether you wanted to voice the question that popped into your head, but once again, Nick beat you to it.
"You know this isn't a one time thing, right?" Nick asked gently. "I mean, unless you want it to be."
You looked up at him, expression soft and affectionate. "I was actually just going to ask you that."
He grinned. "So...you saying you might wanna see me again?"
"I see you every day, Nick," you teased.
"I mean like this, hermosa. Naked in your bed, making you scream my name, giving you as much pleasure as your pretty little body will take."
Your breath hitched in your chest, giving away just how badly you wanted that. "That too."
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "If I'm lucky, you'll let me take you out more too. Dinner, dancing, walks in the park, musicals...whatever you want. Wherever you go, I want to be there too."
Your eyes widened in surprise and tears filled them. You'd never had someone speak to you the way Nick did, let alone want to be with you in the way he just described.
"Querida," he whispered as he wiped your eyes. "Don't cry."
"Tears of joy," you assured him. "I promise."
His expression warmed, filling with the love and admiration he clearly felt for you. "So you'll be mine then? Exclusively?"
Your lips parted and you smiled. "I would love that."
He smiled back. "Thank god...because whether you knew it or not, I've been yours exclusively for the past year."
He blushed slightly. "I...well I've wanted to be with you since my marriage fell apart, but I didn't want you to think you were some kind of rebound, so I kept myself professional. It's gotten harder and harder to do and then seeing you dating someone who treated you so terribly knowing full-well I would die for you made it nearly impossible."
"I didn't know," you whispered.
"I went to great lengths to make sure of that," Nick said softly. "But now that I have you? Now that I know what it's like to touch you, hold you, kiss you, make love to you? Baby, I can't walk away. You're stuck with me."
You pulled yourself up into a sitting position, straddling his strong body. You leaned down to kiss him softly, pouring all of your emotion into the kiss. "There's no one I'd rather be stuck with, Nick Amaro," you whispered against his lips.
He grinned and wrapped his arms around you, kissing you with as much passion as he could muster. He was determined to spend every minute of the rest of his life making sure you knew how incredible you were, how much he appreciated you, and how madly in love with you he would always be.
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smuttyfantasyrecs · 1 year
Nick Amaro
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🦋 tried to stay away 🦋
🦋 rough 🦋 badge to case 🦋 repeating history again 🦋 magic white 🦋 first time 🦋 crossed line 🦋
🦋 on a dark halloween night 🦋 movie date 🦋 stormy night 🦋
🦋 hostage situation 🦋
🦋 rekindled 🦋
🦋 accents 🦋
🦋 kinks headcanons (ft. other svu characters) 🦋
🦋 detective amaro to you 🦋
🦋 one bed 🦋
🦋 is that a threat or a promise 🦋 beg for it 🦋 game day 🦋
🦋 bristling 🦋
🦋 the games that are played ft. rafael 🦋 celebration ft. rafael 🦋 the gift ft. rafael stress relief 🦋 the mile high club 🦋
🦋 angry sex 🦋 professor nick 🦋
🦋 I love you 🦋
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p3ndeja6 · 4 months
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₊ ⊹🪻 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🔮
n.amaro x reader
summary: you were younger then nick by a couple of years, and sometimes he’d come over to your apartment after late nights at the precinct, he’d come over to just enjoy peace and serenity
content: fluff, reader is in school (2nd or 3rd year of college) suggestive acts (nothing extreme), age gap!, mentions of sexual abuse due to svu cases, nothing too triggering, just a fluffy one shot overall
super short
✧ ✧
it was late at night, you were working on an essay that was due by the end of the week.. you were getting strained and decided to take a break and call it a day.
You made yourself a quick meal, spicy buldak noodles, a sandwich and your favorite drink that was saved in the fridge. You prepared your meal as you were watching your favorite show. you were almost done preparing your late-night snack when you heard the doorknob shake.
You lived a pretty safe vicinity so the chances of a burgler were slim, but you still were vigilant about your safety, you quickly grabbed your broom and held it tight.
Upon your discovery, the door opened and you saw your boyfriend… nick.
You sighed of relief, and he looked at you worried
“Jesus Nick, you scared me!” “geez sorry, i thought this neighbor was safe?”
you put the broom down, “I mean it is but you never know” “yeah.. tell me about it”
he walked to you as you went back in finishing preparing your ramen, he went behind you and grabbed you hips and nuzzled his head in between your neck, kissing you, making you giggle due to his stubble
he continued and you moved your head slightly to give him more access, he took this as a sign to continue. You tried not to get distracted but you let a soft moan escape.
he laughed,and started moving up your body; cupping your boobs. You laughed and finally pushed him away
“stop Nick” you laughed “I want to eat, I’ve been working on an assignment for the past 5 hours.” he let go and laughed “my hard working girl, okay okay I’ll let you eat but next time, you’re all mine!”
you shook your head in sarcasm, he took of his jacket and unbuttoned his white shirt a couple of buttons down, and took off his shoes. He adjusted himself on your couch, and laid there with his eyes closed taking in the aroma therapy essential oils diffuser thats going around your room.
you look at him, now realizing that he’s here strangely. Nick stops by late nights most weekends or if it’s a weekday he’ll let you know earlier in the day if he’s stopping by, but it’s currently a Tuesday at 12:36 am.
“hey Nick?”
he hummed in response, most likely getting sleepy
“not to sound rude or anything.. but why are you here? It’s late on a Tuesday night, shouldn’t you be at your place?”
He opened one eye and looked over at you
“do you not want me here?” He said a bit suspicious
“oh god, no like yeah I do, but I just realized what day it was and you know you usually let me know when you’re coming over and it’s usually weekends you spend the night with me, I just found it odd you came to visit me tonight” “I love it when you’re here really”
you finally finished your ramen and took it towards the couch where Nick was, and started eating as you waited for a response.
he was hesitant in his answer, he seemed stressed and frustrated.
“today we had a tough case.. a rape case..”
you look at him attentively, making sure you are hearing him and that he has your fullest attention.
you nod in continuous
“and well… it’s about a 8 year old girl who’s after school teacher has been acting inappropriately with her.. you know like touching her where she shouldn’t be touched”
“oh my god” was what you let out
“yeah, and her home life isn’t easy, this one was a bit tough to work on dude to how young and bright this little girl is. I hate to see anyone take it away from her”
you put your ramen down and get close to him, caressing his hand.
“and being here.. with you just brings me peace. All is perfect here, so sorry i came unexpected but i really needed to see you”
you smiled at him
“awe baby, you know you are always welcomed here, I love having you here, never goes a day where I don’t miss you”
you make him look at you and caress his cheek, looking so attentively at his eyes, leaning in and kissing him so gracefully.
he takes you in, and guides a hand on your neck. You move to his lap and continue to kiss him, sucking on each others lips, and you slightly grinding on him
he groans a bit and you continue to bit his lip. You pull away with his lip in between your teeth and stare at him and run a finger across his now plumped lips
“thank you for coming over”
“thank you for having me”
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Nick Amaro / Miguel Galindo Fics
Fanfics involving Nick Amaro, Miguel Galindo, both, or original variations of Danny Pino characters.
A Tale of Two Brothers Pt 1 (Miguel x Reader x Nick)
A Tale of Two Brothers Pt 2 (Miguel x Reader x Nick)
Gingerbread House (Nick Amaro x Reader)
I Hate You (Nick Amaro x Reader)
The Heart of Amaro: Kindred Spirits (Nick Amaro x Reader) *Heavy Topics and Trigger Warnings*
The Call (Nick Amaro x Reader) *Heavy topics and Trigger Warnings.*
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gi-maeve-rose · 2 years
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Valeria Castillo comes back to SVU after ten years. Only this time, she’s not a victim. Instead, she’s now a detective, on a mission to help other victims obtain the justice they deserve. But what happens when her own abuser is set loose with a blood lust? It’s open season, and Valeria is marked.
Content Rating/Warnings: Mature Audiences (MA) - Adult content, violence, sexual themes, strong foul language, alcohol/drug use, mentions of addiction, mentions of rape
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Valeria Castillo (OC)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
To be continued…
A/N: So, I’ve kinda gone down a SVU rabbit hole lol I started the series about a month and a half ago, and now I’m already halfway through season 18. It has been a RIDE. And in case it wasn’t evident by the amateur collage, I kinda got a thing for Rafael Barba. ^^’ But can you blame me? I mean, look at him. If you don’t agree, you’re wrong. /j ANYWAY lol There’s no particular time placement of this story. Things to keep in mind are: Detective Elliot Stabler, Captain Donald Cragen, and Sergeant John Munch have long since retired, Detective Nick Amaro has already left to California, Sergeant Mike Dodds has passed away, and Olivia Benson is Lieutenant, reason being that this is as far as I’ve gotten in the show itself. Now I can’t promise consistent updates, but I promise that whatever I do post, whenever I post it, it will be well worth the read (I hope!). Thank you for taking an interest in my story!
DM or send an ask to be on the taglist!
DISCLAIMER: Marked is only posted Tumblr and AO3! I do not post on any other platforms!
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
"Say please, Cariño" With Barba or Amaro. I dont mind
Warnings: Smut … Minor DNI!!!!
An: This is so late, but I hope you like what I’ve written 😅
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A hand came around you to squeeze you throat, Rafael’s warm breath tickling your sensitive skin. “Say please, cariño. You won’t get anything from us if you don’t ask like a good girl.”
Nick gripped your hips a little harder, denying you what you wanted most.
“P—please—sir—need the—release!” You begged. At that, both men continued what they’d been doing, pushing into you, and filling you up until you cried out in complete and utter pleasure.
“That’s it, good girl, amor. Taking us so well.” Nick praised you, and all you could do was moan a thanks.
This night was hands down your favorite, and you couldn’t believe how lucky you’d been to get them both to yourself.
@plaidbooks @storiesofsvu2-0 @cycat4077 @thatesqcrush @alwaysachorusgirl @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @bisexual-dreamer02 @misscharlielulu @xoxabs88xox @muchadoaboutcj @beatrice-san @meetmeatyourworst @thats-jaywalking @cursedashes @mysoulisasunflower @crazy4chickennuggets @imaginelover88 @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @detective-giggles 
Wanna be on the tag list? Fill out this form to be part of the team 🥰
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pascalispretty · 4 months
what should I work on?
I'm so indecisive, and I have a few WIPs half-done. Feel free to shoot an ask if you want more info.
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duchesschameleon · 2 months
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requests are open!! I will happily take drabble requests at this time, please follow these rules as this will help expedite your request :) these drabbles will be (hopefully) under 1,000 words just to set expectations and there will be no smut requests
prompt lists can be found here - feel free to send me a prompt from any of the lists in this tag! just make sure to include the prompt or send me the number & name of the prompt list
please give me some time to complete the request - at least 24 hours
make sure you specify the person/character you want the prompt written for!
at this time I will be taking requests for:
Law & Order: SVU - Nick Amaro, Rafael Barba, Mike Dodds, Olivia Benson, Sonny Carisi, and the ship of Rafael Barba/Olivia Benson
Criminal Minds - Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, and some character ships
Top Gun - pretty much any character and ship from the original and Top Gun: Maverick
Percy Jackson - ships only please, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Jason Grace/Nico DiAngelo, Nico DiAngelo/Will Grace, Selena Beauregard/Charles Beckendorf, Grover Underwood/Juniper
Formula 1 Grid - I will write for most of the grid
one last note: if I choose to not fill your request for some reason, I will let you know
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guinea-piggies-mom · 1 year
˚。⋆୨୧˚ Master list ˚୨୧⋆。˚
fluff: *
angst: **
Smut: ***
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Dominick (Sonny) Carisi Jr.
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Nick Amaro
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Rafael Barba
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Peter Stone
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Elliot Stabler
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Odafin (Fin) Tutuola
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Olivia Benson
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Amanda Rollins
If you'd like me to add any character you can request it and I'll add them right away!
Have a good day everyone! Drink a glass of water and love yourselves! Byee <3
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fatecantstopme · 4 months
Trust Changes Everything
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Pairing: Nick Amaro x Reader
Summary: Let's get frisky...It's smut for smut's sake.
Warnings: Cursing, use of pet names. SMUT, definite dom/sub vibes, orgasm denial, restraints, blindfold, oral (M receiving), unprotected sex (P in V), fingering.
"Hola hermosa," your boyfriend said softly as he came to wrap his arms around your middle. "What'cha cooking?"
You leaned back into his warm, strong embrace. "Technically, I'm baking."
His lips pressed sweetly onto your exposed shoulder. "Mhm...what'cha baking then?"
"Chocolate chip cookies for Amanda's birthday tomorrow."
"Such a considerate friend, querida," he murmured.
You hummed in response as you turned in his arms to face him properly. "You're home early."
"I missed you," he said with a cheeky smile.
You chuckled softly, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him in for a soft kiss. "I missed you too, but why are you actually home early?"
"It's possible I feigned illness so I could come home."
"Nick Amaro!" you chided. "The squad is short-staffed as it is and I was out today too and--and you're kidding."
He grinned. "I love it when you get riled up."
"I hate you," you grumbled.
"Sure you do."
You glared at him, which only made him laugh harder. It didn't help that you were significantly shorter than him, making your anger almost comical.
"It was a slow day, so Liv graciously sent me home early to check on you," he finally admitted.
"She didn't need to do that. I'm feeling just fine."
Nick raised his eyebrows, clearly not believing you. "You felt poorly enough to call off from work this morning, which is not at all like you...but you want me to believe you're magically all better now?"
"I'm not sick, Nick."
He sighed softly and brushed a lock of hair out of your face. "Not physically, perhaps, but you had a very rough morning querida. I worried about you all day."
You shrugged. "Just nightmares, Nick--it's nothing to worry about."
He took your hands in his. "It's my job to worry about you. That case was rough and it hit you harder than anyone else. So if you wanna talk about it..."
"I'm fine, mi amor," you insisted. "I don't need to talk about it."
He nodded. "Well if talking is off the table, I have some other ideas to help you relax and get your mind off of things."
"Oh? What did you have in mind?"
He brushed his body against yours, allowing you to feel the heat emanating from him. "It involves your gorgeous naked body on my bed, some scented candles, and perhaps some massage oil."
You smiled at him. He always knew what you needed when you wanted to relax--and he was right on the money as always. The only issue was you didn't actually want to relax. You wanted to work out your frustrations over one of the most difficult cases of your career...and that meant something very different than what he had in mind.
"As lovely as that sounds, Nick, I'm in the mood for something a bit...rougher."
He looked a little surprised. "Rougher? Like what?"
Nick was a very gentle and attentive lover, always making sure you were completely satisfied in any sexual encounter you ever had with him. You loved his sweet, giving nature, but sometimes you wanted him to fuck you absolutely senseless.
Nick tended to take on a very soft dominant role in the bedroom and normally that was exactly what you needed, but you didn't want him to be soft tonight. You needed more from him--in ways the two of you had not yet explored together.
"I want you to take complete control--use me for your own pleasure. I don't even care if I cum, I just want you to feel satisfied."
He looked a little confused, so you elaborated further.
"Give in to some of your darker fantasies, Nick--treat me like I'm nothing more than an object for your gratification."
"Querida...I-I'm not sure I can do that."
You felt a little crestfallen, but you understood. It wasn't in his nature to treat you that way. "It's okay."
"Hey," he murmured, warm hand lifting your chin so he could look into your eyes. "Is this something you really want?"
You nodded vehemently. "Very much."
"Have I--have I not been satisfying you in bed?"
"Oh god no, Nick. Please don't think that. I love the way you love me, the way you make me feel. You're an incredible lover. It's just that sometimes I need something more--something to ground me in a way only a lover can."
He looked relieved, but still a bit unsure. "You know I'll do anything for you, (Y/N/N)."
You nodded.
"I just don't like the idea of taking advantage of you or hurting you--I don't want you to think I get off on that stuff or it's who I am or something."
"Nick, we've been together for six months and I've known you much longer than that. I would never think you capable of either of those things, okay?"
He nodded, clearly appreciative of your reassurances. "Okay, so...what do I do exactly?"
"Whatever you feel is right. Just trust your instincts. I'll tell you if I'm not into it or if I need to stop."
He nodded again. "Safeword?"
"Pineapple, as per usual."
"Alright. Promise me you'll use it if I do something you're not feeling."
"I promise."
"Good girl."
You watched as Nick's demeanor shifted from the loving man you knew him to be to a domineering presence you'd only seen him don at work. You couldn't deny the rush of arousal straight to your core, the anticipation alone making your knees weak.
"Strip and lay on the bed, face down." His tone left no room for questioning, and you raced to do as he'd demanded.
You laid face-down on the bed and waited for his next move. You heard him enter the bedroom and stalk closer to the bed. Suddenly, you felt the cool, silky fabric of his tie wrap around your face, blinding you completely.
"Is this okay?" he murmured.
"It's very okay, Nick," you confirmed. "Don't ask, baby--just do. I want to feel like you're in complete control."
He tied the silk tightly around the back of your head and leaned forward to growl lowly into your ear. "Count, (Y/N)."
You knew exactly what he was going to do next and your body shivered with anticipation. You felt his hands slide down your back, coming to rest on the curve of your ass. The first smack caught you by surprise, but it wasn't as hard as you needed.
"One," you counted. "Harder, please sir."
When his hand came down the second time, it was harder, but still not quite what you wanted.
As if he could sense it, Nick chuckled darkly. "You want harder, baby? Let's see what you can take."
The next three smacks were progressively harder and each one sent a thrill of pain-pleasure through your body. After the fifth, his large hands soothed your burning skin before he ordered you to flip onto your back.
You did as he asked, hands above your head. You felt the cold metal of his handcuffs wrapping around your left wrist, pulled through the bars on the headboard, then placed on your right wrist. You tugged lightly and found you were secured tightly to the headboard, now unable to move your arms.
"You look so pretty like this," Nick said softly. "All laid out for me, practically begging me to fuck you."
You whimpered softly, need coursing through your body.
"Don't worry needy girl, I'll fuck you soon enough. You just need to be patient."
You heard his movements near the bed, but you weren't sure what was happening until you heard the distinctive sound of his pants unzipping. Your pussy ached for his touch and you brought your legs together in search of some friction.
You yelped when his hand roughly smacked your upper thigh. "Keep those legs open. The only pleasure you're going to get is gonna come from me."
"Yes sir."
After a few moments, you felt the bed dip down as he climbed on top of you. You could feel the heat from his skin as he hovered over you, but the blindfold prevented you from seeing what he was going to do next.
"Open your mouth," he demanded.
You immediately did as requested.
"Good girl," he murmured.
You felt him shift before he slid his hard cock into your waiting mouth. You moaned happily, enjoying the sensation.
"I'm gonna fuck that pretty mouth of yours, baby, and you're gonna take it."
You couldn't respond verbally, but you nodded as enthusiastically as you could.
Your nod was all he needed to begin to properly fuck your mouth, taking everything you had to give and then some. You gaged around his large member, which only seemed to spur him on. The sounds coming from Nick's mouth were surprisingly obscene and you loved that you were the one making him feel so good.
After a few minutes, he removed himself from your mouth and you whimpered softly at the feeling of emptiness. He chuckled darkly and wiped some saliva from your chin before crashing his lips down against yours.
He broke the kiss when he heard you struggle against the handcuffs--clearly desperate to touch him. "If you tell me what you want baby, I might be generous enough to give it to you."
"Please fuck me, sir. Please," you begged.
"Well since you asked so nicely..."
You felt him spread your legs even wider and line himself up with your entrance. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down between your pussy folds, releasing a deep groan along with you.
Nick took a moment to steel himself, glad you couldn't see his worried expression. He desperately wanted to give you everything you asked for, even if it went against his nature. He didn't want to hurt you, but he couldn't deny how incredibly turned on you were by everything he'd done so far.
Without warning, he fully sheathed his cock inside you with one hard thrust. He didn't give you a single moment to adjust, instead setting a brutal pace from the start. He'd never come before you before--ever--but this was what you wanted, so he began to chase his orgasm immediately.
"Fuck, baby, your pussy feels so good--love the way you're squeezing me."
You moaned loudly, tugging at your bindings in a desperate need to touch him. You could feel the power in each of his thrusts, along with the agonizing pleasure of the stretch he always provided you.
"I wanna see you," you gasped, suddenly filled with the urge to watch him fall apart--fall apart for you.
"Beg me for it."
"Please, sir. Please, I wanna see you. I need to. Please, sir. I'll do anything."
He smiled and reached behind your head to untie the tie. "You sound so pretty when you beg for me."
He tossed the tie onto the bed, continuing to fuck you like he needed your pussy in order to survive. You watched him above you, gorgeous face shiny with a light layer of sweat, eyes locked onto yours as he chased his orgasm.
"You fuck me so well, sir," you praised him.
He groaned loudly, surprised by how much he liked hearing you praise him like that. "It's this sweet pussy of yours, baby. I can't get enough of it."
You smiled, the expression a mixture of physical and emotional pleasure. Now that you could see him, you wanted to watch him come for you--wanted to focus entirely on his face in the moment.
"I want you to fill me up, sir. Please, I need it."
"Yeah? Want me to fill you up?"
"Wanna feel your cum leaking out of me all night," you added.
"Mierda," he groaned. His thrusts became sloppier and his moans rougher. "Gonna cum for you, baby."
"Please, papi. Fill me up."
"Fuck!" he growled as he came, orgasm shockingly explosive. He thrust a few more times before collapsing on top of you, completely out of breath.
You wanted to wrap your arms around him, to comfort him and hold him, but your wrists were still securely fastened to the headboard.
After a few more moments, Nick pulled himself up into a sitting position and slipped his fingers between your folds, toying with your overly needy and sensitive clit. His dark brown eyes were fixed on yours, his own needs now the farthest thing from his mind.
"You don't have to--" you started.
"This isn't about you, querida," he cut in. "This is for my enjoyment. I wanna watch you come apart on my fingers."
You nodded, relaxing your body and allowing the pleasurable sensations to wash over you.
"That's it, hermosa. Just relax for me." His voice wasn't quite as harsh as it had been before, but there was still a clear demanding tone.
"I'm so close," you whimpered.
"I know, baby. I can feel it."
Your moans were like music to his ears--music he never wanted to stop listening to.
"I'm gonna cum," you gasped.
"No you're not," Nick said firmly, fingers not stopping their ministrations.
"You don't cum until I say you can."
"But I-I can't hold it."
"You will or there will be consequences."
You focused all your energy on not coming, eyes squeezed shut in concentration. "Please," you whimpered.
"Not yet."
"Please, I-I can't--"
"Look at me, querida," he ordered.
Your eyes snapped open and you looked at his handsome face.
"Cum for me, mi amor."
You cried out a mixture of curse words and his name as your orgasm rushed through you with incredible intensity.
Nick didn't stop his movements until you began to beg him to stop--too sensitive for anything more.
Nick moved up your body and placed a soft, loving kiss to your lips. "You alright, hermosa?"
You nodded, still trying to catch your breath.
He smiled and reached for the handcuff key on the nightstand. "Let's get these off of you."
He quickly released you from the cuffs and you sighed happily as you relaxed your arms.
"Oh god," Nick said as he gently grabbed ahold of your arm. "Mi amor...god, I'm so sorry."
"For what?" you asked in confusion.
"Your wrists," he whispered.
You looked down at your wrists, angry bruises already forming from the way you'd fought against the handcuffs. You pulled yourself up into a sitting position so you could properly look at Nick.
"I'm perfectly fine, baby," you assured him. "The pain is part of my enjoyment. I'm glad you used them on me."
He looked a little worried still, but he seemed less upset. "Maybe we buy fuzzy ones for next time?"
You chuckled lightly. "Will it make you feel better?"
He nodded and you caressed his face lovingly. "Alright then. We'll buy some fuzzy ones."
He smiled warmly. "As difficult as it was for me to be so selfish tonight, I saw how much you loved it--how turned on you were--and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hot as hell."
You grinned. "I enjoyed every moment of it, Nick. Thank you."
"Thank you for trusting me," he murmured, leaning in to kiss you softly.
"I trust you with my life, Nick Amaro, so it's not hard to trust you with my kinks too."
He chuckled lightly. "I'm happy to help you make any fantasy you want come to life. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."
"The same goes for you--no fantasy is too wild for me."
He raised an eyebrow. "Challenged accepted."
You laughed warmly and he joined in. You leaned into his warm embrace, feeling safe, loved, and blessed to have found such an amazing partner.
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cathrrrine · 9 months
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hello, my name is cathrine! you can call me cat :) pronouns are she/her. im 21+
this is a safe space for everyone :)
i write for anything and everything i’m fixated on at the moment, mainly reader insert imagines, although i do write a lot about characters from: marvel/mcu, the walking dead, law and order svu and the x-men.
not very good at doing tumblr, so please be kind to me lmao, also! disclaimer that english is not my first language :)
this masterlist is still a work in progress! so please bear with me for all the to be added 's! i’m still trying to sort through all my unpublished or untagged work, so it’s empty now but will be updated along the way.
ao3. wattpad.
(<3 = fluff ) / (* = angst ) / (** = smut )
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erik lehnsherr
just eat your food and say goodnight. (<3)
Peter Maximoff is a mischievous little shit. Y/N Lehnsherr and her husband Erik love him anyway.
charles xavier
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sonny carisi
Perfect / Love Won’t Die (<3)
Sonny happily holds the bouquet of flowers he bought for his girlfriend only for her to open the door and start crying. He immediately panics, but soon finds himself amused when she reveals the true reason for her tears.
nick amaro
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to be added
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to be added
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♡ click here for all series/mini-series masterlists.
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♡ click here for incorrect quotes, headcanons and text imagines.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Three Words Ch 9
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Casey Novak x reader. Nick Amaro x reader Warnings: language, alcohol, smut, some h/c
“Ya know, you seem oddly peppy today.” Fin’s brows furrowed at the man across the conference room table from him. Nick gave a little laugh, smirk evident on his lips as he glanced up at the older man, they’d been assigned to dig through some old case files, the only two in the room.
“Had a good weekend, s’all.” He’d literally spent the entire time at your apartment, most of it in the bedroom, to say the both of you had very high stamina would be an understatement. 
There were multiple moments where you were barely a level above horny teenagers, movie forgotten on the t.v. while you made out on the couch, grinding against each other, whimpers leaving your lips. On more than one occasion you’d simply gotten bored, having seen an episode already, starting to palm him through his pants, quickly sinking down to your knees, groaning at the taste of his cock on your tongue. In turn he’d gotten handsy when a a sex scene took over the screen, bringing you to a climax with just his fingers, chuckling at the whimpering as you came before he tossed you over his shoulder, carrying you to the bedroom.
“Yeah? What’s her name?” 
“You know I can’t tell you that.” Nick laughed openly, 
“If she’s got ya this smiley, she’s gotta be good at what she does.” Nick shot him a look, “Hey, it’s not like I’m gettin’ any, need to live vicariously through someone.”
“She’s…somethin’ else that’s for sure.” Amaro started, “I mean…when was the last time you got more than one blowjob in a day?”
“Before I stupidly got married, that’s for sure.” Fin laughed out.
“And I’m talking like, an epic blow job.” He gave a small laugh, appreciating the ability to share the information with someone, being able to brag about you without Fin knowing it was you, “Fuck is she ever incredible. Like, you remember the first time you ever got one, and it was the greatest fucking feeling in the world? It’s like that…every time.”
“You’re a lucky man Amaro.”
“Oh I know it. Best part is she actually loves it, a girl that really likes sucking dick? I mean she was legitimately begging me to fuck her face.” Nick jumped at the sound of a third voice joining into their conversation,
“Last time I checked I was here about sex crimes, not your overshared sex life Amaro.” Casey’s voice rang through the conference room, “You got enough for a warrant yet or not?”
“I..yeah Counsellor…” Nick stumbled slightly, pulling the file off the table, handing it to Novak quickly.
“Thanks.” She flipped through it, satisfied with the evidence, “I’ll get the warrants. And…keep your personal lives away from me, I really don’t need to hear about you getting your dick sucked, ever again.” She was gone literally as fast as she’d appeared, Fin nearly howling in laughter at Amaro’s reaction. He was up for some bro talk, but having Casey over hear it wasn’t exactly what he’d hoped for. Especially considering your history with her.
“Oh fuck!” You buried your head into his shoulder, “Nicky, we really shouldn’t be doing this!” He chuckled against the soft skin of your neck, fingers plunging deep into your wetness while his thumb pressed against your clit.
“Awe, but sweetheart the risk makes it more fun, doesn’t it?” You missed the smirk he gave you, your teeth clenching down around the fabric covering his shoulder in an attempt to keep somewhat quiet. 
It was your day off, but you’d been dragged out by the fact that it was someone’s birthday, and the fact that you’d been practically hiding at home recently. It was a mixture of the squad and the lab team, enough people involved that no one would realize you and Nick were missing. The weather had finally began to really warm up, and he could barely help himself when you showed up in an adorable sundress, your usually tied back hair loose around your shoulders. The little curve of your thigh exposed, the swell of your chest heaving with laughter at someone’s ridiculous joke, he’d practically tackled you on your way back from the bathroom, pulling you into a storeroom where he promptly locked the door, laying a bruising kiss against your lips. Your panting increased, he could feel your walls flittering around his fingers, the way your hands clenched against his back, pulling him tighter to you, hips thrusting in rhythm with his hand.
“Be a good girl…I know you wanna cum for me.” The praise sent you over the edge, the muffled moan escaping against his covered skin, body shaking against his, you could feel your clit pulsing, eager for even more as your breathing calmed.
“Jesus Christ Nick.” You muttered, a soft laugh escaping your lips as you looked up at him, groaning in arousal as he sucked the taste of you off his fingers.
“You wanna get out of here?” He quirked a brow before you pulled him into a quick kiss.
“Like you wouldn’t fucking believe.”
It didn’t take long for you and Amaro to discreetly slip out of the bar unnoticed, it was still early enough you could play off excuses of work, previous plans, anything that they’d believe. Much like any other night, he’d barely gotten you through the doorframe, kicking it shut behind him before you literally jumped on him. Your lips met his feverishly, tongue plunging into his mouth, tasting the beer against his tongue while yours lapped at the taste of him. His hands tugged against your hair, against your skin, tugging the dress over your shoulders before his lips making their way down your neck. You gasped as they hit your pleasure point, a loud moan when his teeth sunk into it, tongue trailing over the bitten skin.
“Nicky please…” You begged, voice airy with want, attempting to pull him to the bed despite the fact that you were still wrapped around his standing form.
“Oh sweetheart I’m gonna let you come, don’t worry.” He smirked for a hot second, letting you drop onto the bed, “Get naked for me.” The forward statement came along with him quickly stripping of his own clothes, dropping them to your bedroom floor as you practically tore off your underwear. He couldn’t help the smirk when you groaned at the sight of his hard cock, moving towards it, “Uh-ah, tonights about you…promise.” 
You barely had a second to react, a giggle escaping your lips as he flipped you on the bed, your head landing among the pillows, a loud gasp escaping your lips as his mouth enveloped your cunt. A hand shot to the sheets, clenching at it while your hips jolted up against Nick’s mouth as he praised how fucking delicious you were, the other hand burying into his hair, unable to want anything but pressing him more into it. A shout left your lips as you felt his fingers plunging into you once again, nearly whimpering at the contact. They curled perfectly, hitting your g-spot right as he gave your clit a heavy suck, teeth nipping around it in the best way they could. Your body shook, a wail leaving your mouth, your juices shooting out of you harder than they ever had, breath panting heavily while Nick crawled up your body.
“Never seen you do that before…” He smirked.
“Never done that before.” You shot back, a grin splayed on your face, pulling him into a deep kiss, your voice airy and needing when you spoke again, “Fuck me hard…please Nick…”
He nearly came at the innocent look in your eyes alone, a deep groan leaving his lips when you flipped over, presenting yourself on your hands and knees, he swore heavily when you tossed your hair over your shoulder, looking back at him “Make me squirt again…” The only time he wasted was tearing the condom open before he plunged into you, swearing at the feeling of your sopping cunt wrapped around him. Barely able to stand the feeling of him dragging against your walls you dropped against the bed, a string of moans and swears leaving your lips. This was by far the loudest sex the two of you had had, noises of skin on skin vibrating off the walls, both of you not afraid to be vocal, the feelings too much, loud moans and yelps leaving your lips. Nick stuttered when his hips met yours in a particularly rough thrust, sending you flying towards the headboard, an elaborate moan of ‘Oh fuck Nicky..’ leaving your mouth. His hand wrapped around your hair, pulling your body flush to him, 
“What..you like it rough baby?” 
“Yes..please..fuck..please…” You were so fucking close, you were so fucking weak you didn’t even care about absolutely begging for it. A gasp left your lips as Nick’s hand crept up your collar bone, sitting at the bottom of your neck for confirmation.
“This okay?”
“Please!” You nearly sobbed, the feeling of his cock dragging against you nearly too much. You thew your head back while his hand closed around your neck, the sensation throwing you way over the edge, body thriving against his. You barely remembered him chasing his own release, just the feeling of him spilling inside the condom, collapsing over you, swearing in satisfaction before he rolled over, disposing of the condom. You laid in silence for longer than a while, catching your breath, coming back to earth before Nick spoke, hand stroking your body softly.
“You okay?”
“Fucking perfect.” You murmured against the pillow before flipping to face him, snuggling against his body, “Though I’m fucking starving.” He laughed at that, kissing your forehead while he reached for his phone.
“What’d’you feel like?”
“Hmmm…” You pondered for a moment, “Could really go for some Pad Thai.”
“Chicken or tofu?” He replied, already knowing your two go to’s.
“Tofu please.” You kissed his bare chest softly, thankful for a ….friend who was able to actually understand you.
It didn’t take long for a knock on your door after Nick had ordered the food, you were honestly surprised at how fast they were that night. He’d throw on his boxers, grabbing his wallet while you tugged on his button up, your dress still on the hallway floor. You simply hoped neither of you were too much of a mess for the poor delivery guy, padding your way down the hallway as Nick opened the door. 
“$25, right?” He asked, head down as he opened his wallet, tugging out the cash.
“What the fuck!?”  You jumped at the sound of Casey’s voice, having finally made it in plain view of the doorway, “Y/N you can’t be serious….” She shocked by the sight of Amaro in boxers answering your door, begging that he was simply taking over your guest room for the week, but the sight of you clad in only his dress shirt was more than enough to confirm just exactly what was going on here.
“Casey?! What are you evening doing here?” You shot back, barely able to help the tears slowly leaking their way into your eyes.
“What am I doing here? Check your missed calls! I was worried! I needed you!” 
“Oh please!” You shot back quickly, honestly angered at the entire situation, if Casey was going to treat you like crap you could at least finally stand up for yourself. “You only care about me when it’s convenient to you. You don’t give a shit and I’m more than well aware.”
“So what?! You decide to go off and fuck Nick to distract you?”
“As if you don’t do the exact same thing!?” Your voices were raised, you were thankful Nick managed to keep out of it, not interjecting into the quick argument, “Get the FUCK out of my apartment!”
“So what?! So you can go back to sucking his dick!?” She shot back. You felt the anger and bit of alcohol swirling in you from earlier, words you never thought would leave your mouth slipping through your lips.
“You can stay all you want. But I’ll let him rail me in front of you, then maybe you’ll finally know what a real orgasm looks like!” Nick literally had to hold back the laughter at that one, he knew you’d always been a feisty one, but that, that had some goddamn pain to it, there was no doubt you were a fighter 
“You disgust me.” It was the last thing Casey managed to get out, you slamming the door unbelievably hard in her face, an angry yell leaving your mouth as you collapsed against it, barely able to meet Nick’s eyes.
“I understand if you want to leave…” You murmured, surprised when he moved closer to you, cupping your cheek in his hand.
“Our food’s still on the way, I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Nick, I’m sorry. I feel like an idiot.”
“Don’t…” His lips met yours, moving with ease, “You’re not an idiot. A fool in love maybe…but not an idiot.” You could barely focus at the way his mouth was nipping down your neck.
“Yes sweetheart?” He quirked, 
“Fuck me like you hate me?”
“Baby I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t even remember your own name, much less hers.”
“Please…” You breathed, honestly annoyed when the actual food arrived at your door, but thankful for the fuel because you definitely needed it.
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thebestdefence · 1 month
Independent & Mutuals Only MULTIMUSE featuring both canon & original characters from 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit'.
Mun & muses are 21+. WRITTEN BY : Shelley.​ POST BANNER TEMPLATE BY : creationcolor @ devianartart [x]
MUSES (Primary, Secondary, By Request).
Rafael Barba.
Olivia Benson.
Fin Tutuola.
Mike Dodds.
Nick Amaro.
Sarah Thompson (OC).
Reza Saberi (OC).
Mercy Mazani (OC).
(Rules are below the cut).
Muns inspiration can vary from time to time and sometimes she can only get herself to reply to certain threads/asks/muses/muns. This is in no way a reflection of you or your muses & is solely down to mun. Mun cannot force herself to reply to something as it will cause her to lose interest and inspiration in more things. We are all here for fun after all.
This blog is mutuals only.
If they are not following you back, there will not be interactions, sorry. Please respect this.
If there is a mutual follow, then they definitely want to interact with you.
If you do not have a rules page, mun will not follow back.
Mun will not rp with any comic/animated/game characters unless they use a non-animated FC. There may be some very limited exceptions. But only if mun chooses.
Due to the nature of the 'Law & Order' franchise, there will be triggering content found within. Mun will do their best to tag triggers, but some may still be missed (not intentionally). If something triggers you, or you feel something should be tagged, please let mun know.
Triggers will be tagged ' tw ___ ' & ' ___ tw '.
Though it is not triggering, mun has come to realise that sometimes sending memes whilst giving ideas/prompts on it causes my head to completely block any chance I have of answering the meme. I don't know why this makes it difficult for me, but it does. If we have a developed storyline between our muses, smaller ideas are okay.
Please refrain from sending large amounts of memes/asks from the same meme post. This is something mun used to be okay with but it now becomes quite overwhelming as I try to get through things in my inbox. Two to three at most should be okay, unless we have a fully developed verse/relationship between our muses. Then more is okay.
- moths (and to a lesser extent, butterflies).
( if you could tag any pictures of moths & butterflies with tw: moths & tw: butterflies, it would be greatly appreciated. )
If you have any of these Fandoms, muses or use any of these face claims, please do not follow unless you have tag(s) that I can specifically block. If I go through your muse list and see any of these (and there is no tag i can block), you will be softblocked. I mean no offense to you the mun with these. I have varying reasons for these being here, so I am not comparing some face claims/fandoms to others. Please respect what I have listed to make myself comfortable.
If I am already following you before 7th, September 2024, I will remain following & interacting with you as I am not planning on removing anyone I already follow and I can work around things.
- Wizarding World (Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, etc), JKR, Armie Hammer, Amber Heard, Jared Leto, Glee, 'femswapped' muses, kid show characters.
Both Mun & ALL MUSES are 25+.
Please check each muses about page as to what their sexual orientation is.
There will be no smut with any muses or muns below 21.
Please do not assume romantic or sexual relationships between my muses and yours. If you have an idea for any of them, please contact me in an IM or ask. If there has been a canon relationship between the muses, we can discuss in IMs.
There will be nsfw content found within, which will all be tagged with ‘ns.fw’ ( and ns.fwish to a lesser extent). If mun misses something, please let them know so that it can be tagged.
None of the muses will participate in smut immediately with anyone. Mun prefers to have things to develop naturally.
If you would like to plot, do a starter or just talk about a wishlist idea I have for one of my muses, you will have to either comment, IM or send an Ask as my anxiety makes it extremely difficult to approach, even for these.
Muns name is Shelley.
Mun lives in England.
Both mun & Rafael are 25+.
Mun has a special needs daughter who is autistic with severe learning difficulties. If muns daughter takes her away from Tumblr, please be patient.
Mun is autistic (diagnosed January 2021) & is still learning about what that means for her. Please be patient with them. She also has undiagnosed ADHD.
Mun has a condition called ’hypermobility syndrome’ which affects all ligaments in their body.
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elejahfanfic · 8 months
20 (or maybe less) Questions for writers_
@darknightfrombeyond thanks for the tag 🤗🎈
Here we go_
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
None. My stories are either here...but mostly on Wattpad.
2. What fandoms do you write for?
The Vampire Diaries.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (published only one short story)
3. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Walking Dead (not published)
Oh and SVU Nick Amaro crossover
Omg - most read is Another Love (Bamon)
and then Fire in the Water (TVD)
It's not Over Yet (Elejahverse)
I Can Hear Your Heartbeat (Elejah)
I Don't Believe in Love, Elena
East of the Sun, West of the Moon
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do.
5. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Forget Me Not
That one blew everyone at the end.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Nearly all have a happy ending. I'm like Jane Austen - my couple(s) deserve a HEA.
7. Do you get hate on your fic?
I never got hate_so far. A few people left some comments that my writing has mistakes. But it's for fun...and English is my second language. ☺️
8. Do you write smut?
I do, but I think that it's not that great, and therefore I don't write it often.
9. Do you write crossovers?
I do. I did TVD_Arrow (unplublished at the moment). TVD_The Walking Dead.
I borrow a lot of characters from other shows. Like the Witch from The Witches from East End. Wendy Duchamp.
And Recently, from Wednesday.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As far as I know not.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've been asked.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Buffy and Angel
Elena and Elijah
Yes, I put Buffy and Angel first cuz they were the first ship that will be otp forever.
Elejah came after. But I have a whole blog on tumblr and Wattpad of their stories.
14. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
That's a great question. And the answer is - I don't know. Lol
15. What are your writing weaknesses?
I am disorganized.
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it.
17. First fandom you wrote for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
18. Favorite fic you've ever written?
East of the Sun, West of the Moon
That's all Folks!
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gi-maeve-rose · 2 years
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Rafael, however, was more or less pleasantly surprised, smiling with amusement. She was hard to forget, for sure. At first, when he saw her outside, he admittedly thought she was a collar let out on bail. She looked the part, but it was evident that looks could be deceiving. “Actually, I believe we’ve already met,” he mused, eyes never wavering from Valeria.
“You— You have?” Olivia’s brows furrowed, confused.
Thursday, May 12th, 10:02AM
Months of calm in the precinct were far and few between, but they were never unwelcome, especially after the harder cases. It was hard to want to do anything after a bad ending, no matter how many times anyone denied needing any break, but it was only ever apparent in the lack of energy in the squad room. And you just knew it was a rough patch when Carisi wasn’t even cracking any jokes. But as with anything damaged, it would only take time to fix.
And a new face never hurt. It was a little easier to forget the gloom and doom in the squad room when no one was there, but the reality always set in again when they stepped back in, but as Olivia figured, a fresh detective to train and show the ropes should busy everyone enough to keep them out of their own minds.
She stepped just outside of her office, shoulders squared, yet relaxed as she addressed her subordinates. “Hey, guys, I just want to remind you that we have a new body coming in from vice,” she reminded. “I’ll be in a one-on-one meeting with Barba when she comes in, so, Fin, I want you take charge of making sure she settles in comfortably.”
Amanda perked up at the mention of a new detective. Another woman, at that. “It’s about time,” she chirped, shifting her focus from her paperwork. “We’ve been needing more of a woman’s touch around here.”
Fin gave a glare of faux offense from across their desks. “Damn. After all this time together, that’s how you feel?” He was answered with a shrug and a grin, a smirk playing across his face.
“Do we get to know who she is or is it a surprise?” Sonny chimed in.
A blank expression laid over Olivia’s face before it fell into mild frustration and embarrassment. It was clear she needed a break, but knowing her, she wouldn’t take one unless forced. “Yeah, sorry. Her name is Valeria Castillo.”
Fin did a double take, brows raised high in disbelief. “Not that Valeria Castillo, right?”
Olivia nodded with a half grin. “That Valeria Castillo,” she confirmed before retreating back into her office.
Between her lieutenant’s and trusted partner’s knowing reactions of surprise, it was clear that this Valeria person was someone really good, or really bad. Either way, she was someone worth noting. “Wait, who’s Valeria?” Amanda asked curiously, eyes fixed on Fin, but still aware as Sonny approached to join in on conversation.
“Ten years ago, Munch and I took on a DV case,” Fin began to explain. “Sweet girl, twenty-one years old, living with her boyfriend who turned out to be a scumbag. Beat her, raped her, isolated her from friends and family. She only got the courage to report it after her mom was in rehab for the hundredth time and her baby sister had nowhere to go.”
“And she wasn’t about to have that kind’a thing around her baby sister,” Sonny assumed, confirmed by Fin by a nod of his head.
“How did that case go?”
“Smooth sailing. We avoided a trial altogether. She documented everything, left nothing out, her story was consistent. That piece of shit never knew what him.” More admirable was how Valeria now chose to make a career out of making sure other victims got their justice as well. She already fit right in with Olivia and Amanda.
“Wow,” Amanda breathed with a half smile, leaning back in her chair. “Hardened by trauma and vice? Sounds to me like we got a firecracker coming our way.” Not that it bothered her any. The distasteful thought that Valeria’s attitude would be more aimed toward men momentarily crossed her mind.
Sonny nodded, trekking over to pour himself a cup of coffee. “‘Castillo’,” he said aloud. “Sounds Puerto Rican. That might add to that firecracker attitude.”
“Did you just stereotype someone’s attitude based off their ethnicity?” Rafael only managed to catch the tail end of the conversation, mainly Sonny’s remark. “Carisi, I’m surprised at you.” Of course he knew it was only banter and Sonny didn’t mean anything bad by it. Sonny wasn’t exactly the brightest crayon in the box when it came to social propriety, but he was a good man regardless. Rafael just enjoyed busting his chops every once in a while. Seeing the usually overconfident man stutter and stumble over his words to try and save face, he dropped the scowl, letting it morph into a facetiously smug smile. He landed a heavy pat on Carisi’s back once he relaxed a bit before heading off toward Olivia’s office.
Amanda and Fin chuckled under their breaths at the exchange. “Man, you just got the worst luck,” Fin teased. “Always making a fool of yourself in front of your crush.” He laughed just a little bit harder when Sonny flipped him the bird.
She just meant to have one cigarette, but she had another out of spite when that pompous prick in a pressed suit and over-gelled hair went ahead with his unsolicited comment on her first one. ‘You know those are bad for you, right?’ he’d said, flashing Valeria a smug grin. She hoped she didn’t have to work too close to whoever that jackass was.
Valeria smoked her second cigarette all the way to the filter, tossing it into the receptacle some yards away from the front door before she went in herself. Even with nicotine in her system, her nerves were on fire. The smell of the hallways, the sound of the telephones and printers, the uniforms, all brought back every piece, every memory she thought she’d repressed from a decade ago. Each step closer to the squad room admittedly terrified her, but she found a small ray of solace in knowing that Olivia Benson, her saving grace in her leap of faith, remembered her and would be there to guide her as much as she could.
The squad room had changed drastically over the course of ten years. Better tech, new paint job. New detectives. The only one she recognized on the floor was Detective Tutuola. She felt slight relief and comfort, even more so when he caught her standing at the door. “Can I help you?” he asked, standing from his desk.
The quick and frequent swap of emotions flowing through her was enough to give her whiplash. She somehow expect him to recognize her upon first glance, completely forgetting how much time had passed and how much she’d changed herself. Valeria shifted on her feet, clutching the strap of her satchel in one hand while the other drew up to her chest. “I’m the new detective, Valeria,” she introduced herself. “Valeria Castillo.” In case it could jog his memory.
Again, Fin’s eyes widened, brows raised high. She was vastly different from how he remembered her. She use to be skinnier and paler from malnourishment, her hair thin and deep brown, cut to her shoulders. No makeup back then, otherwise her then-boyfriend would accuse her of cheating and beat her senseless. Forced to be conservative.
Now she was what Fin could only assume was her true self. Curvy and tanner, hair long, full, and dyed copper. A tiny stud decorated the left side of her nose, a little hoop on her bottom lip. In addition to the tattoo on her right wrist she’d had when they first met, a sleeve covered her left arm. She was dressed and made up like she was ready for a rock concert. Definitely not your run of the mill detective, but undeniably who she was meant to be.
“Valeria Castillo,” Fin repeated, approaching her with a welcoming smile and open arms. “Damn, girl, I hardly recognized you!” Familiarity. He could sense her nerves right off the bat and wanted to ease them. She was in good company and needed to know that.
Oh, thank fuck. Valeria accepted the hug, letting out a laugh of relief. “You think I’m unrecognizable? You should see Isabella,” she quipped.
Fin pulled back, keeping a comfortable hand on her shoulder. “Ah, Isabella. How is she? She’s, what, twelve now?”
“Thirteen,” she corrected. “And she’s doing great. She’s in eighth grade, a straight-A honor roll student. I became her legal guardian not long after you, Munch, and the others helped me through everything.” Munch. Valeria noticed he wasn’t here. While she held a bit of hope that he was just taking a vacation or came in on his day off, she knew very well the more likely reality that John had retired. But then where was Detective Stabler?
Thoughts and nostalgia were interrupted when Amanda and Sonny made their approach. “Hi, I’m Amanda Rollins,” she introduced herself, extending a friendly hand. “This is Dominick Carisi.”
“But everyone calls me Sonny,” he added, taking Valeria’s hand after Amanda. He always mentally cheered when no one objected to the nickname anymore.
What had Valeria been so nervous for? Olivia told her personally that she would be taken care of, that her and Fin would be there to make sure everything went smoothly. She felt kind of guilty for not trusting in them, but the guilt was washed away by the overwhelming sense of family she felt already. “Nice to meet you guys,” she beamed. “Olivia told me great things about you.” She glanced around momentarily. “Is… Is she here?”
Sonny nodded toward the closed door. “She’s having a chat with our ADA. She should be out in a little bit.” He stepped to the side, a hand gestured toward the empty desk across from him. “Here, why don’t you get settled? Want me to grab you a drink?”
“A water, please.” She set her bag down, looking toward the office, then to Fin. “Wow. So Captain Cragen really did retire.”
Fin nodded slowly with a mildly somber smile. “Yeah, with his girlfriend,” he confirmed, leaning against Valeria’s new desk with his arms crossed over his chest. “We miss the guy every day.”
More glances around the squad room. “What about Sergeant Munch and Detective Stabler?”
“Munch moved on to bigger things. As for Stabler…”
There was a pause. One that made Valeria’s stomach continue to do flips as she feared the worst. “What happened?”
Fin sighed, eyes cast toward the floor for a moment before looking back to her. “We were gonna go to trial for a high-profile rape case, and the victim was set to testify. Unfortunately, she was shot point blank just nights before.”
“The Luke Ronson case.” How could she forget? It was all over the news.
Fin nodded and continued. “We caught everyone involved in that, had them locked up in holding. We brought Jenna Fox, the victim’s daughter, in to see that we caught them, sent her on her way, and we figured that was it, right? Well, Jenna comes back later, pulls out a gun and starts firing into the cell. Next thing any of us know, Elliot fires his, Jenna’s on the ground, and…”
He didn’t have to finish. It was apparent what happened, and it was heavy. She, Amanda, and Sonny weren’t even present for it, but they could still feel the gravity. They couldn’t imagine how Fin felt. How Elliot felt. Silence loomed over the tiny group, Valeria only nodding in thanks as Sonny handed her the bottled water. “I hope he’s okay,” she finally said, voice soft.
“I don’t doubt he is,” Amanda chimed in with gentle optimism, taking her seat by her desk. “But I’ll tell you what, he left some pretty big shoes to fill when he left.”
Sonny huffed with a smile. “Yeah, no kidding. Liv doesn’t talk about him much, but when she does, it’s nothing but high praise there.” And well-deserved.
Valeria chuckled, sipping the water. “Then I guess I can only promise I’ll do my best.”
Valeria turned her head toward the voice. She hadn’t heard the office door open as she was caught up in conversation. Seeing Olivia stand there, aged but still such a refined and dignified beauty, a smile that reached her tired eyes brought on by the simple sight of Valeria, alive and well. Warmth swelled in her chest, almost bringing tears to her eyes. “Olivia,” she breathed wistfully, taking a careful step toward her.
Olivia’s smile widened. A decade had undoubtedly changed them both, but the bond their formed within their short time together was unmistakable. She started toward her as well, arms coming out for an embrace. Valeria closed the distance with faster steps, locking Olivia into a hug. After all these years, she still smelled the same. “It’s so good to see you again, Olivia,” Valeria expressed, voice wavering with emotion.
“Oh, it’s good to see you too, honey,” Olivia stated sweetly, squeezing Valeria firmly in her arms before pulling back to look at her. “You’ve grown up so much. How are you? Your sister, your mom?”
She gave a small shrug, a rather indifferent smile as she spoke about the circumstances. “I’m Isabella’s legal guardian now. Ma couldn’t keep herself away from drugs, so I did what I had to do.” And she would do it again.
Olivia nodded in understanding. If there was anything she could understand, it was mommy issues. “Well, I’m glad you found your way after everything. And I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you transferred over here from vice. There is not a single doubt in my mind that you’re going to be a perfect fit here.”
“You might wanna prep her for Barba,” Amanda quipped with a smirk.
Valeria looked between the two, brows furrowed. “Barba?” she wondered.
Olivia rolled her eyes with an equal grin to Amanda’s. “Our ADA, Rafael Barba,” she explained in more detail. “He’s cocky, he’s smug, he’ll push you, push your buttons—“ Valeria grimaced and rolled her eyes, making Olivia laugh. “But he gets the job done. And he’s really good at what he does. You’ll get use to him, I promise.”
Valeria groaned, shoulders slumping. “As long as he’s not on one today. I’ve had my fill of douche bag already.” And it was only noon.
“Someone already pushed your buttons?” Fin probed.
“Yes.” Valeria sighed, dropping her head back. “Some pompous prick saw me smoking outside and made a snarky comment about it not being good for me, like I don’t already know.”
“So what’d you do?”
“I smoked another one out of spite.” Her annoyance melted when her newfound squad laughed, pulling a smile onto her face.
Olivia rubbed a hand on her back. “Well, I can promise he’ll behave today,” she assured with a chuckle. “He seems to be in a good mood and that usually means good moods all around. I’ll introduce you when he finishes up his phone call.” She heard footsteps behind her coming out of her office as if right on cue. “Oh. Here. Valeria, this is Rafael Barba. Counselor, this is the new detective, Valeria Castillo.”
Barely noon, and already Valeria felt probably every emotion known to man. Her good mood was soured, expression morphing from shocked to annoyed beyond a reasonable doubt when she laid eyes upon the ADA.
Rafael, however, was more or less pleasantly surprised, smiling with amusement. She was hard to forget, for sure. At first, when he saw her outside, he admittedly thought she was a collar let out on bail. She looked the part, but it was evident that looks could be deceiving. “Actually, I believe we’ve already met,” he mused, eyes never wavering from Valeria.
“You— You have?” Olivia’s brows furrowed, confused.
“Yeah, the pompous prick,” Valeria reminded of the just had conversation. She stared daggers, her tone sharper and dripping with venomous disdain. She knew things were going too well today. It was only a matter of time before she was pushed off her cloud.
Oh, she had some spice. Rafael was use to it with Olivia. He wondered how much more Valeria had than her, just judging by her current demeanor. His grin grew. “Did you think about what I told you outside?” he asked, smug as ever.
Hands went on her hips to keep them from balling into fists and flying. Valeria’s blood was already boiling. “I did, actually,” she retorted with a wry smile. “And I’ve come to the conclusion that you can take it and shove it up your ass, if you can even get it past the stick you have lodged in there—“
“Okay, alright. Valeria, why don’t you keep getting settled at your desk?” Olivia guided Valeria away, casting a quick glare back toward Rafael. Her eyes bounced between her other detectives with a warning glare as they tried to conceal their shocked laughter. There was that firecracker attitude Amanda aforementioned.
Rafael was smiling wide now. He’d had witnesses and victims say things very similar to him, but never a detective. And rather than setting her straight, he figured he would play into this one. Why? Well, as smart as he was, not even he could tell you. “I look forward to working with you,” Rafael mused, catching her glare just before he turned to leave.
A second set of footsteps joined with his just outside the squad room. “Barba, listen, I know you’ve never done it before, but I’m asking you as a friend and as a lieutenant looking out for my squad to just go easy on Valeria.” She immediately held up a hand to stop Barba from protesting. “I swear I will keep her in line. Just, for now, at least pretend that you’re not always a jerk. For me.”
Rafael slowed to a stop, staring at her with a wondering smile. Now he was all sorts of curious and intrigued. Olivia had asked many things from him, but never a personal ask like this. “Is there some kind of personal history here?” he inquired as he continued to walk at a slower pace.
“In a sense. She came to us ten years ago as a victim. It’s not a long story, but—“
“Send me the case file, I’ll take a look at it.” Chismoso. He couldn’t help it sometimes. “Whatever it is, it won’t interfere with her abilities to work, will it?”
Olivia shook her head emphatically. “Not at all. She was with vice for seven years, they all only ever had good things to say about her.”
Save for the bad attitude, apparently. “Alright.” He pushed the elevator call button, waiting not very long for the doors to open and stepped inside. “On that note, I appreciate you taking the time to see me, Liv. We’ll keep in touch.” They parted with a smile, the elevator doors closing.
On the short ride down, Rafael found himself thinking an awful lot about Valeria. She looked so familiar, the name only adding to it. He swore he knew her somehow, it was right there in that blind spot of his mind. Yet he just couldn’t place her. All that came back around was her sneer and smartass remark, still bringing an amused grin to his face.
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pascalispretty · 4 months
wip title tag game
thanks to all the love peeps who tagged me:  @ghotifishreads
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Look, this is out of hand I admit....
Trouble is My Business
Stranger in a Strange Land
Sonny baseball fic
National Anthem song prompt
The Feeling is Mutual
Bonnie & Clyde dress-up
Sonny Angst (pregnancy loss)
Let Me See Those Eyes
Touch Yourself
I Will Never Get Enough of You
Tell Me What You Want
Sonny is a S L U T
Busy Thinking 'Bout Boys
Good 4 U
Nick Angst (high)
Sonny Smut (handsy)
Let's Kill Tonight
Day Six: Leash and Collar, Miguel Galindo x Reader
Day Seven: Somnophilia, Joel x Reader
Day Eight: Sex Pollen, Dom!Din x Reader
Day Nine: Squirting/Cumshots, Javier Peña x Reader x OFC
Day Ten: Anal Sex, Kissing & Crying, Miguel Galindo x Reader
Day Eleven: Exhibitionism/Voyeurism, Daemon Targaryen x Reader x Rhaenyra (Modern AU)
Day Twelve: Orgasm Denial/Control, Lingerie & Role Reversal, Joel x Reader
Day Thirteen: Wrist Restraints, Sonny Carisi x Reader
Day Fourteen: Uniform, Nick Amaro x Reader
Day Fifteen: Spanking/Flogging/Whipping/Caning, Joel x Reader
Day Sixteen: Speech/Movement Restriction, Din x Reader
Day Seventeen: Breath Control, Din x Reader
Day Eighteen: Bloodplay, Joel x Reader
Day Nineteen: Biting/Scratching, Marking, Joel x Reader
Day Twenty: Thighfucking, Joel x Reader
Day Twenty-One: Hair Pulling, Nick Amaro x Reader
Day Twenty-Two: Sexual Exhaustion, Javier Peña x Reader
Day Twenty-Three: Fancy Dress, Sonny x Reader
Day Twenty-Four: Bratty Sub, Joel x Reader
Day Twenty-Five: Daddy Dom, Miguel Galindo x Reader
Day Twenty-Six: Crying, Joel x Reader
Day Twenty-Seven: Wax Play, Daemon Targaryen x Tyrell!Reader
Day Twenty-Eight: Temperature Play, Daemon Targaryen x Reader
Day Twenty-Nine: Pregnancy, Miguel Galindo x Reader
Day Thirty: Gape/Fisting, Double Penetration, Javier Peña x Reader x OFC
Day Thirty-One: Free for All (Student/Teacher), Mr. Ben x Reader
The Girls Next Door ch 2
half agony, half hope
Unhinged Anthony Bridgerton breeding kink
Angsty Nick (assault)
Some no-pressure tags: @thatesqcrush @beccabarba @escapingrealtiylovinginsanity and anyone else who wants to play!
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