#Nick Krieger
simbelmyne20niniel · 9 months
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thank you so much to everyone who liked and shared my bookmarkers last year. I'm so happy that all of you liked them. I had so much fun doing them and I loved all your tags and comments in each post. This year I'm going to make bookmarkers once a month (But of course there will be special posts.) I'll make them with rock stars who were born each month. Please, let me know with a comment on this post who you would like to see in February.(Remember, only artists who were born in February. The limit is 30 names.)
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waddler13 · 2 months
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gaaaaaaaayypr · 4 months
Who dresses better?
Ashlyn Harris
Nick Cannon
Or a seven year old lost at party city?
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sinceileftyoublog · 4 months
Lightning Bug Interview: Believe It All Somehow Matters
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Photo by Ingmar Chen
It often feels like indie rock bands that dabble in atmosphere, inflecting their tunes with shoegaze distortion or dream pop haze, struggle to find lyrical ideas that match the grandiosity of their sound. Not so much for New York four-piece Lightning Bug. They first caught my attention with 2021's A Color of The Sky (Fat Possum), a soft, expansive exploration of the process of self-discovery-via-songwriting, an album that looked inward despite its skyward timbres. Earlier this month, the band released its long-awaited follow-up No Paradise, and though frontwoman Audrey Kang still digs deep inside of herself, the result carries broader thematic reach. It's a circular album based on the creation myth, bending time and space, triggered by a perspective-shifting 4,000-mile motorcycle ride Kang completed from Mexico to New York City, that was followed by a deep depression. In addition to creating the album almost entirely themselves--including using a studio that guitarist and bassist Kevin Copeland built and using cellist/synthesizer player Logan Miley to mix the album--the band chose to self-release No Paradise like they did their first two records. It's more than regaining total creative control: With No Paradise, in describing the start of the world, Lightning Bug have also created themselves anew.
Whether stark and minimal or layered and complex, the songs on No Paradise all achieve a certain level of immensity. Opener "On Paradise" starts basic enough, with coats of acoustic guitar and staccato organ. Eventually, Kang coos with passivity, "I'm happier here, slow / And indulgent in the sun / I'm happier here, weak / Let the night come when it comes," letting the song also gain steam and volume. "The Flowering" takes notes from Laurel Canyon folk but, too, gives way to stadium-sized drum programming, pedal steel, and swelling strings. The timeless one-two punch of "The Withering" (which features Allegra Krieger) and "Opus" delve into folktales but modern, wiry instrumentation all the same. First single "December Song" sees Kang use the language of Greek mythology to illustrate her depression, over instrumentation that's simple, yet cinematic. "I wish the gods would turn me into a tree / But keep my mind distinct, alive, and free," she sings, as if to want to bear witness to the wonders of the world without having to experience its hardships. And a couple No Paradise songs recall some unexpected forebears, from the Radiohead-esque bass bends and Dane Hagen drum patters of "The Quickening" to the trip hop stylings of "Serenade"; considering Kang's high-pitched, yet soulful voice, you could mistake the latter for Portishead.
Another key differentiator for No Paradise within the Lightning Bug discography is the effect of vocals being higher up in the mix, not as obscured by washy instrumentation. It's certainly apparent on "Just Above My Head", Kang's singing accompanied by only cello. But the effect of voice in general shines brightest on "Lullaby for Love". It's a song Kang wrote as part of a mixtape for an ex-partner, yet it's an effective encapsulation of what being in love with anything or anyone sounds and feels like. "When I hear your name in the hollows of my mind / It runs as a melody through the chambers of my spine / To float on that feeling till strong turns to weak / A truth so far greater than language can speak," Kang sings. Indeed, "Lullaby for Love" is far more than mere melody. It's encompassed by pulsating vocal samples, swirling guitar textures, and rolling drums, oceanic and vast. In a way, it exemplifies the paradox at the heart of the album. How can one wrap their head around concepts that are intangible, like existence and feeling, to begin with, let alone put their perspective to words and music? With No Paradise, Lightning Bug are your newfound philosophers, willing to try anyway what they know is impossible. Earlier this month, Kang answered some questions over email about various aspects of No Paradise, from its preceding motorcycle ride and the effect its songs had on her, to the album's mastering and album art. Read her responses below, edited for length and clarity. If you're in NYC, Catch Kang solo opening for Soccer Mommy at the Stone Circle Theatre in Queens on Friday.
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Photo by Ingmar Chen
Since I Left You: Why did you ride a motorcycle from Mexico to New York? Did you expect it would be a transformative experience that might catalyze a chain of events leading to creativity?
Audrey Kang: Honestly, I only did it because I really wanted to keep my motorcycle that I’d bought in Mexico. I felt very attached to this bike because it had seen me through some brushes with death, it had been my faithful companion for many months, and because it was the bike I learned to ride on. The only way to keep it was to drive it home, so I did [laughs]. It was a very practical mission that had nothing to do with a desire for transformation, inspiration, or creativity.
SILY: Much of No Paradise seems to deal with the idea of living passively versus actively. Do you consider songwriting or music-making an active way of engaging with the world?
AK: I see songwriting as more of an internal thing. I stay deep in my own world when I write a song. I suppose once you share your music, you’re engaging with the world. But at least to me, the process of making music is quite introverted.
SILY: On "Lullaby For Love", you sing, "When I hear your name in the hollows of my mind / It runs as a melody through the chambers of my spine / To float on that feeling till strong turns to weak / A truth so far greater than language can speak." Do you ever find songwriting or singing the most effective form of communication?
AK: Hmm, that’s a tricky question for me. I definitely think you can get a feeling across in song that talking can really muddle up. But the truth is, we’ll always only be capable of guessing just how effective or ineffective our communication is, whether it’s through writing a song or extensive conversation or a really long letter. That’s always fascinated me, that you never really know how much someone else is absorbing of how much you’re trying to express.
SILY: When writing, how do you come up with instrumental compositions that reflect or perhaps contrast the lyrics?
AK: I think the composition usually comes along with whatever feeling or space I’m occupying in the song. Does that make sense? I’m so useless at explaining my process [laughs]. When I’m making music, I think/feel/move very fast; it’s really all a blur.
SILY: Your voice seems to be more upfront in the mix than usual. Was that a conscious decision going into the recording of the album?
AK: Yes, definitely. We wanted the vocal to stand out more and carry the plot.
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Photo by Ingmar Chen
SILY: The video for "December Song" starts with a line from "Rex's Blues" by Townes Van Zandt, a songwriter known for exploring melancholy as a lived experience. Did writing this song change your perspective on what it means to be alive? Do any other songwriters have this almost existential effect on you?
AK: I would say that writing this song did mark a significant shift in me. I realize this a lot (then forget, then re-realize, and so on), but you can’t wait for life to feel meaningful or magical. In vast expanses of dreary despair, you kinda just have to put one foot in front of the other and commit to believing it all somehow matters. Writing “December Song” was a reminder of that for me. As for other songwriters who explore melancholy as lived experience, Nick Drake comes to mind. Paul Simon. Nina Simone in her expression and performance.
SILY: What is powerful to you about comparing yourself to or even embodying nature--trees, mammals, insects--as you do throughout the album?
AK: Hmm, I just do this without thinking, to be honest. But I will say all patterns in nature repeat themselves throughout all organic existence. I feel this very intensely.
SILY: How did you come to work with Allegra Krieger? What about the qualities of her voice made her fitting for "The Withering"?
AK: Allegra is Kevin’s partner, so that came about very naturally. We both have what I describe as “grandma voices” which I think made a good fit for the rather old-sounding “Withering”. I love how her voice holds it down in that song, but also how our voices interweave and play together.
SILY: On "Just Above My Head", you sing, “Let my death ask of me / Will my music remain? / My songs all may die with me / But when I sing, I find my own eternity.” Do you pretty often think about legacy, in general and when writing songs?
AK: Oh my goodness, I never think about legacy [laughs]. I can see why you’d interpret that line this way. But I guess it was more that I was thinking about how transient life is. So sort of the opposite.
SILY: Some of the songs on No Paradise feature Greek mythology or recall traditional folk music. On, "Opus", you use the word "o'er". What to you is significant about combining archaic or traditional language, stories, or song structures with contemporary songwriting and instrumentation?
AK: Again, like in the use of nature metaphors, this use of archaic language comes to me without me thinking much about it. I guess because I read a lot of old books [laughs]. It’s harder for me to connect with modern things. So that comes across when I write my own songs.
SILY: The video for "Opus" was based on a ghost story you wrote. Do you write any other sorts of poetry or prose?
AK: I scribble things, but nothing I take too seriously.
SILY: You notably tend to keep the making of your music in-house, so to speak, though you continue to work with Heba Kadry, someone with quite an extensive credits list. What does Heba bring to the table that makes her a great mastering engineer?
AK: Heba is an all around legend and boss. She’s totally committed to her art.
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SILY: What's the background behind No Paradise's album artwork?
AK: Well, the album is a loose rewriting of the creation myth, so the artwork needed to reflect that. I wanted to contrast “evil” with “innocence” in some visual way. I ended up making a rather potent-looking evil apple, and a childish butterfly to alight on the skin.
SILY: When playing live, do you tend to find yourselves in the same headspace as when you wrote and recorded the songs? How do you see adapting No Paradise songs to a live performance?
AK: It depends on the day, the venue, the audience. Sometimes, you can enter a very special space that feels intimate and true to the writing of the songs. Other times, it’s harder to connect, and you can feel a bit like you’re just going through the motions of performing. I’m excited to perform these songs. They’re honestly extremely hard to sing due to wide melodic movement and rhythmic precision. But they’ll be rewarding to perform, because there’s a lot of passion in this album.
SILY: What's next for Lightning Bug?
AK: I really want to work on our live performances. We’ve never put enough energy and work into that part of music, in my opinion, and I want to change that!
SILY: Is there anything you've been reading, watching, or listening to lately that's inspired you or that you've enjoyed?
AK: I’ve been staring at ocean waves a lot. I find this to be incredibly enjoyable and peacemaking. I’ve also been reading short stories by old Russian greats, like [Nikolai] Gogol.
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asking-the-insane · 2 years
Facing a group of large enemies
Alex, skeptical: do you think you could take them?
Nick, confident: Yeah
Alex: ……
Nick: Oh! You mean in a fight!
Nick: Still Yeah
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clonefandomevents · 6 months
Trans Clone Week 2024 Prompts!
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Prompts are here! We have three prompts, a quote prompt, an image prompt and a battalion prompt for the first 6 days! Choose one, choose them all! Day 7 is a free day, anything you like or a prompt you couldn't decide between for an earlier day.
Day 1- July 14th:
Kamino Guard-
-Gender Affirming Technology
-"For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream." Vincent Van Goh
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('Becoming' banner by Jasper Alexander- https://www.tumblr.com/sunshineprincejeremyknox/744761034799202304?source=share)
Day 2- July 15th:
-Trans Commander
-Gender Affirming Dirty Talk
-"Will I be something? Am I something? And the answer comes: You already are. You always were. And you still have time to be." Anis Mojgani, from “Here I Am”, Songs from Under the River: A Collection of Poetry
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(A State of Mind by Robert W. Chambers- https://images.app.goo.gl/7BF1f723M5GKoGJDA)
Day 3- July 16th:
-Clone Gender Expression vs Other's Expectations
-Vod'e Cultural Gender Markers
-"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another." - Shakespeare
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(Barbie and Ken- https://images.app.goo.gl/4LEZ424od96RffeY7)
Day 4- July 17th:
-During Wartime
-Hair Braiding
-"Invigorated by the possibility of reinventing my own body. The meaning was mine, as long as I was with those who had the vision and vocabulary to understand my creation." -Nick Krieger
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Day 5-July 18th:
Coruscant Guard-
-A Senator/Natborn Finds Out
-Internalized Transphobia
-"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known." -Chuck Palahniuk
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Day 6- July 19th:
Original Units-
-After the War
-Gender Euphoria
-“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” -Margaret Mead
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Day 7-July 20th:
Free Day!! Create any and everything for your favorite clones!
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
LGBTQ+ North and South American female footballers
The Women's World Cup is going on as of writing and so made a list of all the LGBTQ+ footballers posted here 2018 to present (2023).
Below are the professional female footballers from North and South America (retired and current), who have been posted on this blog since 2018. Some posts may be out of date/innacurate and so if you see any errors please get in touch. Have gone through more than 14 pages of this blog to provide this list. Hope you like it.
Total: 43
North America (USA, Canada, Mexico)
Abby Wambach - Lesbian
Adrianna Franch - Lesbian
Ali Krieger - Bisexual
Ashley Nick - Lesbian
Ashlyn Harris - Lesbian
Bianca Henninger - Lesbian
Bianca Sierra - Lesbian
Christina Burkenroad - Lesbian
Christine Nairn - Lesbian
Ella Masar - Lesbian
Erin McLeod - Lesbian
Kelley O’Hara - Lesbian
Krystyna Freda - Lesbian
Liliana Rodríguez - Lesbian
Janelly Farías - Lesbian
Jill Scott - Lesbian
Marie-Ève Nault - Lesbian
Maya Hayes - Lesbian
Megan Rapinoe - Lesbian
Melissa Tancredi - Lesbian
Meleana Shim - Lesbian
Meredith Speck - Lesbian
Natasha Kai - Lesbian
Nayeli Rangel - Lesbian
Rebeca Bernal - Lesbian
Sarah Gorden - Bisexual
Sarah Huffman - Lesbian
Saskia Webber - Lesbian
Stephanie Labbé - Lesbian
Stephany Mayor - Lesbian
Tahnai Annis - Lesbian
Toni Pressley - Lesbian
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia)
Andressa Alves da Silva - Lesbian
Debinha Miri - Lesbian
Camila Nobre - Lesbian
Cristiane Rozeira - Lesbian
Francielle Alberto - Lesbian
Jaylis Oliveros - Lesbian
Lorena Benítez - Lesbian
Macarena Sánchez - Lesbian
Marta Vieira da Silva - Lesbian
Valentina Kogan - Lesbian
Yoreli Rincón - Bisexual
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isabelaleleh · 10 months
your ocs are so cool and pretty!!! if the revue art is an au, do they have an original universe? id love to hear more about them!!
First of all THANK YOU and second of all Yes! They do have a original universe!
The redhaired girl is Nick Krieger
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And the brunette girl is Eliza Reyes (it's actually Elizabeth but she likes Eliza more)
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To put it simply, they're childhood friends who cut contact but reconnected years later and now they are a couple WOOOOW
If I were to resume their dynamic it would be Girlboss x Girlfailure and Gamer x Popular girl
I would say more but then it would be a REALLY long post so have other artworks of my babies
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byneddiedingo · 3 months
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Obsession (Brian De Palma, 1976)
Cast: Cliff Robertson, Geneviève Bujold, John Lithgow, Sylvia Kuumba Williams, Wanda Blackman, J. Patrick McNamara, Stanley J. Reyes, Nick Krieger, Stocker Fonelieu. Screenplay: Brian De Palma, Paul Schrader. Cinematography: Vilmos Zsigmond. Art direction: Jack Senter. Film editing: Paul Hirsch. Music: Bernard Herrmann. 
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lcnelyday · 1 year
𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒏  .   ♡
tagged  by  : no one. i saw it on the dash and i copy pasted. i think from @chronicsunshincs specifically?
tagging  :  @wynterlanding, @reveriemxses, @rennisaturate
⋆   what’s your phone’s wallpaper ?  i am in my heartbroken era, so it's mostly a collection of evermore lyrics. not very summer, but neither am i tbh.
⋆   the last song you listened to ?  up the wolves by the mountain goats was just playing but now i am listening to ceilings by lizzy mcalpine
⋆   currently reading ?  the masked empire (a dragon age novel) by patrick weekes.
⋆   last movie you saw ?  oh. uh. nope i think, but i didn't finish it. like, barely started it because i was watching it with my big brother and he has the attention of a gnat. so full movie was to all the boys always and forever i think.
⋆   last show you watched ?  technically dimension20s neverafter, but like, succession. i sobbed.
⋆   what are you wearing right now ?  a grey tshirt and black shorts. it's laundry day tomorrow.
⋆  how tall are you ?  5'7 and i hate it
⋆  piercings / tattoos ?  i have tattoos, all on the left side of my body, three stick and poke and three gun. one of which i do not like to talk about because it was a massive mistake. oh! and my nose! i have my septum pierced!
⋆   glasses / contacts ? glasses because i cannot afford contacts.
⋆   last thing you ate ?  spinach cheese pizza.
⋆   favorite color(s) ?  honey yellow, soft pink, olive/army/sage green and like a burnt orange.
⋆   current obsession ?  dimension20 and making characters.
⋆   do you have a crush right now ?  i do not! i am in my heartbroken era baby.
⋆   favorite fictional character ? right this moment? fox mulder, lapin (d20), natalie from yellowjackets, nick miler, tom womsgans, krieger, thom rainier/blackwall, poison ivy, klaus hargreeves and viktor hargreeves, anyone that victoria pedretti plays ever at all but especially dani.
⋆   last place you visited ?  visited is so vague. i went to my brother's apartment last night, but he was in bed, so i sat on his picnic table for an hour watching dimension20. like actual visit? my eldest brother's for my niece's birthday? it's an hour out of town. i am poor man. i don't go anywhere or do anything.
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clickvibes · 8 months
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chorusfm · 8 months
Oscars 2024 Nominations
The 2024 Oscar nominations have been announced. Best Picture American Fiction (Ben LeClair, Nikos Karamigios, Cord Jefferson and Jermaine Johnson, Producers) Anatomy of a Fall (Marie-Ange Luciani and David Thion, Producers Barbie (David Heyman, Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley and Robbie Brenner, Producers) The Holdovers (Mark Johnson, Producer) Killers of the Flower Moon (Dan Friedkin, Bradley Thomas, Martin Scorsese and Daniel Lupi, Producers) Maestro (Bradley Cooper, Steven Spielberg, Fred Berner, Amy Durning and Kristie Macosko Krieger, Producers) Oppenheimer (Emma Thomas, Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan, Producers) Past Lives (David Hinojosa, Christine Vachon and Pamela Koffler, Producers) Poor Things (Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Yorgos Lanthimos and Emma Stone, Producers) The Zone of Interest (James Wilson, Producer) Best Directing Justine Triet (Anatomy of a Fall) Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) Jonathan Glazer (The Zone of Interest) Best Actor in a Leading Role Bradley Cooper (Maestro) Colman Domingo (Rustin) Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers) Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer) Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction) Best Actress in a Leading Role Annette Bening (Nyad) Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon) Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of a Fall) Carey Mulligan (Maestro) Emma Stone (Poor Things) Best Actor in a Supporting Role Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction) Robert De Niro (Killers of the Flower Moon) Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer) Ryan Gosling (Barbie) Mark Ruffalo (Poor Things) Best Actress in a Supporting Role Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer) Danielle Brooks (The Color Purple) America Ferrera (Barbie) Jodie Foster (Nyad) Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers) Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay) American Fiction (Written for the screen by Cord Jefferson) Barbie (Written by Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach) Oppenheimer (Written for the screen by Christopher Nolan) Poor Things (Screenplay by Tony McNamara) The Zone of Interest (Written by Jonathan Glazer) Best Writing (Original Screenplay) Anatomy of a Fall (Screenplay by Justine Triet and Arthur Harari The Holdovers (Written by David Hemingson) Maestro (Written by Bradley Cooper & Josh Singer) May December (Screenplay by Samy Burch; Story by Samy Burch & Alex Mechanik) Past Lives (Written by Celine Song) Best Animated Feature The Boy and the Heron (Hayao Miyazaki and Toshio Suzuki) Elemental (Peter Sohn and Denise Ream) Nimona (Nick Bruno, Troy Quane, Karen Ryan and Julie Zackary) Robot Dreams (Pablo Berger, Ibon Cormenzana, Ignasi Estapé and Sandra Tapia Díaz) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Amy Pascal) Best Documentary Feature Film Bobi Wine: The People’s President (Moses Bwayo, Christopher Sharp and John Battsek) The Eternal Memory (Nominees to be determined) Four Daughters (Kaouther Ben Hania and Nadim Cheikhrouha) To Kill a Tiger (Nisha Pahuja, Cornelia Principe and David Oppenheim) 20 Days in Mariupol (Mstyslav Chernov, Michelle Mizner and Raney Aronson-Rath) Best International Feature Film Io Capitano (Italy) Perfect Days (Japan) Society of the Snow (Spain) The Teacher’s Lounge (Germany) The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom) Best Animated Short Film Letter to a Pig (Tal Kantor and Amit R. Gicelter) Ninety-Five Senses (Jerusha Hess and Jared Hess) Our Uniform (Yegane Moghaddam) Pachyderme (Stéphanie Clément and Marc Rius) War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko (Dave Mullins and Brad Booker Best Live-Action Short Film The After (Misan Harriman and Nicky Bentham) Invincible (Vincent René-Lortie and Samuel Caron Knight of Fortune (Lasse Lyskjær Noer and Christian Norlyk) Red, White and Blue (Nazrin Choudhury and Sara McFarlane The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson and Steven Rales) Best Documentary Short Film The ABCs of Book Banning (Sheila Nevins and Trish… https://chorus.fm/news/oscars-2024-nominations/
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waddler13 · 6 months
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He's a man whore but he's my man whore ❤️
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krispywerewolfkitty · 9 months
The Color Purple 
Warner Bros. Pictures invites you to experience the extraordinary sisterhood of three women who share one unbreakable bond in “The Color Purple.” This bold new take on the beloved classic is directed by Blitz Bazawule (“Black Is King,” “The Burial of Kojo”) and produced by Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Scott Sanders and Quincy Jones. “The Color Purple” stars Taraji P. Henson (“What Men Want,” “Hidden Figures”), Danielle Brooks (“Peacemaker,” “Orange Is the New Black”), Colman Domingo (“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom,” “Fear the Walking Dead”), Corey Hawkins (“In the Heights,” “BlacKkKlansman”), H.E.R. (“Judas and the Black Messiah,” “Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration”), Halle Bailey (“The Little Mermaid,” “Grown-ish”), Aunjanue Ellis-Taylor (“King Richard,” “If Beale Street Could Talk”), and Fantasia Barrino (in her major motion picture debut). The screenplay is by Marcus Gardley (“Maid,” “The Chi”), based on the novel by Alice Walker and based on the musical stage play, book (of the musical stage play) by Marsha Norman, music and lyrics by Brenda Russell, Allee Willis and Stephen Bray. The executive producers Alice Walker, Rebecca Walker, Kristie Macosko Krieger, Carla Gardini, Mara Jacobs, Adam Fell, Courtenay Valenti, Sheila Walcott and Michael Beugg. Joining director Bazawule behind the camera are director of photography Dan Laustsen (“John Wick: Chapter 4,” “The Shape of Water”), production designer Paul Denham Austerberry (“The Flash,” “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse”) and editor Jon Poll (“Bombshell,” “The Greatest Showman”). The choreographer is Fatima Robinson (“Coming 2 America,” “Dreamgirls”) and the costumes are designed by Francine Jamison-Tanchuck (“Emancipation,” “One Night in Miami…”). The music supervisors are Jordan Carroll (“The Greatest Showman,” “Godfather of Harlem”) and Morgan Rhodes (“Space Jam: A New Legacy,” “Selma”); the music is by Kris Bowers (“King Richard,” “Green Book”); and the executive music producers are Nick Baxter (“Babylon,” “CODA”), Stephen Bray (“Respect,” “Juanita”) and Blitz Bazawule. Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Harpo Films Production, an Amblin Entertainment Production, a Scott Sanders Production/a QJP Production, “The Color Purple.” It will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures and is set to open in theaters in North America on December 25, 2023 and internationally beginning 18 January 2024.
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Full Video
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lesterplatt · 10 months
The Balloonist - ARRI Alexa Mini from MINDCASTLE on Vimeo.
Captured with the Alexa Mini + MoVI + Cinestar 8
arri.com/alexamini/ freeflysystems.com
Production Company: MINDCASTLE mindcastle.tv Directed by: Casey Warren & Danielle Krieger Executive Producers: Tabb Firchau & Hugh Bell Producers: Michael Jonas / Hugh Bell / Casey Warren MoVI Operators: Brad Meier / Mike Hagadorn / Hugh Bell Editor: Danielle Krieger Aerial Pilot: Nick Kolias Operator: Hugh Bell Behind The Scenes: Justin Brown Special Thanks: Michael Jonas / David Bermbach / Snehal Patel Balloonist: Tom Hamilton Girl: Ali Urbick Special Thanks: Airial Hot Air Balloon flights, Snohomish, WA
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hollywoodbiz · 11 months
Hello there tags, our members would love to see Chris Pine, Henry Goulding, Constance Wu, Awkwafina, Kit Harrington, Richard Madden, Angelina Jolie, Louisa Jacobson, Ali Krieger, Josh Hutcherson, Maya Hawke, Joey King, Joe Keery, Michael Evans Behling, Shawn Mendes, Zayn Malik, Nick Jonas, Paul Rudd, Zachary Levi, John Krasinski, Jonathan Daviss, Taylor Lautner, Stefon Diggs, Jason Kelce, Hozier, Samara Weaving, Maisie Williams, Natalie Dormer, Alexa Demie and so many more!
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