#Nico Kim fanfic
kaimelia · 1 year
Schmico (because I miss Nico Kim dammit) + screwdriver
schmico + screwdriver
"I blame the shitty IKEA screwdriver." Levi threw his arms up in exasperation and chucked the tiny piece of metal across the room.
"Well, now we're gonna have to fix that dent in the wall," Nico muttered, leaning forward and picking up the instruction packet. "I really don't think it's that difficult to use."
"I really don't think you get to have an opinion if you're not helping."
"Fair point, but you're also a grown man who doesn't own a proper screwdriver. You put yourself in this position."
"Bold words from another grown man who doesn't own a proper screwdriver." Levi set the piece of wood in his hand down. "We're just not going to have a bed frame."
"Oh, no way. We are not keeping that mattress on the floor another night." Nico jumped up from the couch and retrieved the miniature screwdriver. "Let me show you."
"Be my guest." Levi took the now-empty spot on the couch, folding his arms over his chest and laughing as Nico's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "How much time do I have to give you before I can say I told you so?"
"Say that, and you're sleeping on the couch."
"At least I'll be more than two feet off the ground."
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caitmeetsworld · 2 years
My Nico Kim x Levi Schmitt fan fic on Archive Of Our Own! Check it out!
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schmico-daily · 2 years
Afterglow (Schmico one-shot)
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Title: Afterglow
Pairing: Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim, Schmico
Category: Poetic smut (is that a thing?!)
Summary: Nico basks in the afterglow of making love to Levi.
Content warning: Graphic sexual language
Status: Complete
There’s nothing quite like the urgent rhythm of Levi’s heartbeat against my temple after he has just fallen apart underneath me. I listen to it, like a beautiful serenade that is only meant for my ears. The one and only song I will never get tired of hearing... Read more
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psycholattemacchiato · 8 months
about me
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🫧 my name is nico
🫧 my pronouns are he/him
🫧 08-liner
🫧 16+
🫧 intj
🫧 i absolutely love:
🧷 kpop
🧷 kdramas
🧷 bnha
🧷 jjk
🧷 criminal minds
🧷 books and fanfics
🧷 music in general
🧷 taekwondo
🧷 marvel
🧷 mangas 'n animes
🧷 writing
🫧 i am an art student
🫧 english isn't my mother tongue
🫧 i am bilingual but i know like two-three more and am currently learning more l
🫧 i am coffee and energy drink dependent
🫧 i'll write more genres than one (fluff; angst; smut; etc.)
🫧 my favorite food is spring rolls and asia noodles
🫧 i support lgbtq+ and also am a part of the community
🫧 also i like making new friends, but mainly online, cus i'm awkward af irl, so don't hesitate to text, i'll respond as fast as i can
🫧 if i write, the reader can have any gender, but i think it mostly will be gender neutral
🫧 my fandoms are:
🦕 army - bts
🦕 stay - stray kids
🦕 atiny - ateez
🦕 jujutsu kaisen
🦕 my hero academia
🦕 one piece (live action)
🦕 marvel
🦕 criminal minds
🫧 i loooove bubble teas and mochis
🧋 my ults are yoongi, mingi and bang chan
🧋 i am currently simping for satoru gojo, suguru geto, megumi fushiguro, toge inumaki, tomura shigaraki, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, shota aizawa, eijiro kirishima, roronoa zoro, red-haired shanks, sukuna, derek morgan, spencer reid, kim gwang-il
👽 for those, that read until here, or at least acted like they did, thank you, i think you know now more about me, than any people i know in real life
🫶🏻 and well one thing else: i do not think, that i'll be able to update any one shots regularly due to a full schedule and not so many ideas.
so sorry in advance!
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dreamlikeafangirl · 4 years
Perfect [Chapter 1]
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Summary: Nico has been looking forward to this skiing trip. Spending a long weekend in the snow with his friends, and, most importantly, Levi - what could go wrong? (A lot, apparently.)
Pairing: Levi Schmitt x Nico Kim (Grey’s Anatomy), side Jolex
Warnings: fluff, angst, skiing, minor injuries
Words: 4k
credit for the screencap of Levi and Nico cuddling: mygreyscaps on tumblr
Read on AO3
It would be a perfect day, Nico could feel it in his fingertips.
As a surgeon, the body part he trusted most were his fingertips. Not his stomach, sometimes not even his brain. And his heart? At the moment, it was pounding so much, Nico could feel it, well, right down to his fingertips.
He was looking forward to skiing, the feeling of loose snow beneath his skis, the fresh cold air in his lungs, the adrenaline and of course, intimate togetherness with Levi in the evening. Simply put: A perfect day.
They had decided to visit a Ski field over a long weekend; Nico, his mentor and friend Link, Link’s childhood friend Jo and her husband, Alex. And, how could he forget, Levi. Glasses. Or Schmitt. But in reality just Levi. Levi, his boyfriend. Levi, who seemed to constantly smile, but even more often looked as if a warm gust of wind just hit him directly in the face – adorably bewildered. Levi, who would tell endless stories about himself that were so absurdly honest and funny, Nico would have silently accused anyone else of making them up. Levi, who could make Nico laugh just as fast as he started to bug him – but in a good way, of course. In a let-me-interrupt-you-with-a-kiss way.
When the group of five doctors left the cable car that morning, the sun was shining down on them like a white spotlight. The freshly fallen snow looked like cotton and cream. And the wind blew with the (non-existent) force of a light breeze.
“The weather is great today!” Alex exclaimed. He was carrying his skis over one shoulder, and because he was a gentleman, he was also carrying Jo’s snowboard. She stuck her face out towards the sun and smiled consentingly.
“Right?” Link caught up with them, his snowboard under his arm. “I can’t wait to hit the slopes.”
“Same here!” Nico said. “I bet the pistes are fantastic, now that everything is still smooth.”
“Spoken like a true winter sportsperson” Levi mumbled while leaning on his skis for support. He was looking incredibly cute today, with his hair peeping out from under his helmet and his skis that were so much shorter than Nico’s.
Nico patted him on the back, almost throwing him off-balance in his ski boots. “Just wait, you’ll get there.” He grinned. “Two days, and you’ll talk like that, too.”
Levi shook his head. “I doubt it.”
The five came to a stop at the edge of a small hill that led from the cable car station to the first slopes. There, they began to clip on their skis. Jo was the first to finish and, while waiting, surveyed the others with narrowed eyes.
“Is something wrong?” Link laughed and put on his snowboard goggles.
Jo eyed Levi thoroughly, before answering: “I’m just not at all used to seeing you in anything else than blue scrubs.”
Nico followed her eyes with his. Levi wore a ski suit that was black, grey, white, and yellow, grey boots, and a black helmet, all of which suited him perfectly. Having heard Jo, however, he looked a little uncertain.
“Oh, don’t listen to her” Nico whispered, leaning over to Levi. “You look amazing.”
Levi laughed unhappily. Nico just now noticed how pale he’d become. He seemed shaky and nervous.
“Are you alright?” Nico asked.
Levi nodded his head unconvincingly.
Meanwhile, Alex shouted: “Guys, let’s go!” He let out a loud cheer and then pushed himself off the edge of the hill. Jo followed right in his tracks, laughing out loud as the wind caught her loose hair.
Nico couldn’t wait to go after Alex, too. The bright snow, the clear sky, it enticed him. Link, grinning widely, exchanged looks with him one last time, before boarding off. He went down the hill in wide, confident turns, and Nico pursed his lips, almost in awe. Link was not only the best surgeon he knew, he was also the best snowboarder.
“You ready?” He asked Levi, only then noticing that his boyfriend was still fiddling with his bindings.
“Obviously not!” Levi replied sharply.
Nico bent down as much as his skis would let him helped Levi secure his boots to his skis. “Don’t want you getting hurt.” He said with a playful tone when they were finished.
Levi just shook his head in silence and used his ski poles to push himself towards the edge. When he reached it, he started to slide down. Nico looked after him, stunned for a second. Briefly, he asked himself if it was something he did wrong. Then he dropped the thought. Levi was probably just a little angry at himself for appearing slow in front of his colleagues.
Finally, Nico slipped over the edge of the hill. He spotted Jo, Alex, and Link at the start of one of the slopes, waiting. Levi was about halfway down. Nico copied his turns, but after two curves decided he was going to slow. So instead, he just went straight downhill. This caused him to quickly gain speed and the pressure of the wind against his face to increase. His surroundings began to blur slightly and then suddenly it was only him and his skies. It was almost like Nico had fallen into a trance, one that caused him to block out everything but the cold air all around his body and the swooshing sounds in his ear and the speed and the adrenaline that made his every nerve tingle with excitement and joy.
Oh, how he had missed this feeling. “Whoo-hoo!” Nico exclaimed and pushed one of his fists into the air. His friends came closer way too quickly for his taste. Why wasn’t this hill longer? Sighing internally, he forced himself to slow down.
“That. Was. Amazing!” He shouted towards Link.
His mentor nodded, an excited look in his eyes. “You were right, the snow is perfect. This is going to be a great day!”
Nico noticed Jo doing impatient little feet-tied-to-the-snowboard jumps towards the edge of the next slope, and Alex staring in the opposite direction, the one they all had just come from. His gaze was fixed on Levi, who was still making his way down the hill, taking noticeably more time than the rest of the group had.
“You think Schmitt is gonna be able to keep up?” Alex asked Nico.
He furrowed his brow and just let the question sit between them for a second. Then he said: “Of course he will. We’re all equals here, right Karev?”
Alex just nodded. “You can count on it.”
By now, Levi was catching up to them. When coming to a halt, he accidentally caught an edge and lost his balance.
“Whoa!” Nico quickly wrapped his arm around his boyfriend’s waist, holding him up. “Easy.”
“You alright, Schmitt?” Link asked with a grin that was half-concerned and half-amused.
“Why does everyone keep asking me that?” Levi hissed.
Nico bit his lip. If his boyfriend wasn’t going to have a good day, he wouldn’t have one either. And he wanted to. For himself, and for Levi.
The group advanced to the next edge. The first piste they had picked was marked red, which meant it wasn’t easy, but not very hard either. Link had opted to start with a blue one (blue meant easy), Jo, Alex and Nico wanted to do red and Levi had stayed out of the decision.
So, red slope it was. Nico risked a glance over the edge, realizing it started off with a pretty steep section, after which it became gradually flatter.
“Well, that first bit could’ve very well been marked black.” Link said. Black was the highest difficulty.
Nico clutched his ski poles. It didn’t matter, he was ready.
“Are you still up for it?” Jo asked.
Link shrugged. “It’s our first run for today, and we all haven’t skied in a while. I still think we should do another one first, but I’ll do what you guys are doing.”
“And here I thought you were afraid.” Jo grinned.
Link laughed. “Oh, you wish. Race you down?”
“What’s the winner get?”
“Let’s say, uh, bragging rights for the whole trip?”
“You’re up!”
They both jumped to the edge awkwardly with their snowboards, and then got into their starting positions. Alex counted: “Ready … set … GO!” And then the two plunged themselves down the hill.
Nico and Levi looked after them, Nico chuckling, Levi wide-eyed.
“I’m betting on Jo” Alex suddenly said in a challenging tone.
“Alright, my money’s on Link then” Nico replied, still chuckling, and held a hand out towards his colleague. They high-fived in their thick skiing gloves and grinned at each other.
“What are we betting on?”
“Whoever loses has to buy the drinks for tonight.”
Levi was already standing at the edge, ready to start. “You guys coming?”
“Right behind you, babe.” Nico smiled and pushed himself towards him.
As anticipated, the piste started off pretty steep. Nico struggled to maintain balance from time to time, even with the still flawless snow beneath him. Link had been right; this was not the ideal slope to begin the day with. But before he could think too hard about it, the difficult part was already over.
He stopped by the side of the piste and looked back for the first time, noticing that Levi was not far behind him. In fact, he caught up with him only a few seconds later.
“Wow, now that was a wake-up call” Levi said, a little out of breath.
“Yeah” Nico replied. “I don’t think it can get much harder.”
“I can already feel my muscle aches forming!” Levi laughed.
Nico joined in, and so did Alex, who had arrived last of the three. “Let’s just hope it stops at muscle aches.” He grinned. “Because one of us, lying on top of an operating table by Monday, instead of standing beside it? I can already see it in front of my eyes.”
“Bailey would kill us” Nico smirked. “Remember how she wouldn’t even let us go on this trip at first? Because ‘risk of injury’? Besides, I have surgery scheduled for Monday.” Monday was the day they would all be going back to work.
Levi gave Nico a long precarious look with, before sliding off.
Nico, a little confused, looked after him for a second before turning to Alex. “Let’s see who’s gonna get those drinks, huh?”
The rest of the slope was no problem for Nico. It was exactly the right width, his skies were going smoothly, and not many other people were there. Perfect conditions. Once again, the piste was over way too soon, ending at the entrance point of a chairlift.
Link and Jo were waiting there with snow sticking to their ski suits. Both had red cheeks and big smiles on their faces.
“So, who won?” Alex asked after stopping next to Jo.
Jo and Link exchanged a look before bursting out into laughter. “We may have crashed into each other at the last second.” Link finally said, brushing a bit of snow off his jacket. “No one got hurt though, no worries.”
“So it was close, obviously, but there is no winner” Jo added.
Nico, who stood beside them with Levi, shrugged at Alex. “Well, I guess we’ll have to go to bed thirsty.”
“We made a bet” Alex explained to the two racers, wrapping his arm around Jo. “Looser would’ve bought tonight’s drinks.”
“Had I known that I would have put more effort into it.” She said.
Link laughed. “I thought this was all you got.”
“Oh, not by a long shot.”
“This again?” Levi mumbled to himself.
“Levi’s right” Nico said. The others turned their heads towards the two. “Let’s not waste our time standing around. You two can continue your bragging match on the lift.”
Link laughed, playfully shoving Jo. “‘Match’ would imply that we are on one level, and I don’t think so.”
“Ooh, you are moving on thin ice, Atticus Lincoln!”
One chair of the lift could transport four persons, so Alex, Link, and Jo (who were still bickering) got on one, and Nico and Levi took the next.
When they were sitting comfortably, Nico took off his ski goggles. “Levi, are you having fun? Because I don’t feel like you do.”
“Why would you think that?” He asked defensively.
“Well, you’re reserved towards the others. And me. And you’re a lot quieter than usual.”
“It’s not easy drowning out all this talk about drinks and who’s faster and whatnot.”
“I … do you want me to apologize? What do you want to talk about?”
“Ugh!” Levi threw up his hands. “You’re not getting it!”
“What am I not getting?!” Nico asked, voice stern. Then, he took a deep breath, calming himself down. “You’re right.” He said then, slowly. “I’m sorry. I don’t get it. I’m not you, I don’t know how you feel.”
The hint of a smile appeared on Levi’s lips. “I forgot. I always have to spell everything out for you.”
“Come on, that is not fair” A smile started to form on Nico’s lips, too, and he leaned his helmet against Levi’s. “But for real. What’s going on?”
“The others … I feel like they are treating me like a child. Like I’m an intern, here, too. Judging my look. Asking me if I’m alright, just because I took it a little slower on the first hill. And did you notice how Doctor Karev started talking about how one of us might end up on an operating table? It was right after I mentioned muscle aches.”
Nico frowned. “He did ask me if I thought you could keep up with the rest of us.”
Levi straightened himself in his seat. “Who did? Karev?”
He huffed. “I may have not skied in a while, but I am at least as good as he is!”
Nico gave him a little kiss on the cheek (which turned out a bit difficult with the helmets, but still). “I know you are.”
Their chair was slowly reaching the top station. “We can separate the group if you want to” Nico said. “Let Jo and Link have their races, while you and I get some peace and quiet on another slope.”
“Link’s your buddy. And I know you like spending time with the others, too.” Levi gave him a smile. “This is your trip as well.”
“But I’m not happy if you’re not happy” Nico replied, just as the chairlift was approaching its end.
“You’re so corny!” Levi shook his head, trying to keep himself from giggling.
Then, they got off the chairlift and joined the other three, who were standing beside a giant map of the ski field.
“Alright, guys. We are here.” Alex said, pointing towards a spot on the map with one of his ski poles. “Which means we can either take this next blue slope or go for another red one.”
“Let’s do blue.” Link suggested.
Levi agreed with him, earning them both an amused look from Alex and Jo. “Are you guys tired?”
“Come on, let’s not exhaust ourselves already. We have been here for less than an hour.” Link argued.
“Besides, if we take the red piste now, we’ll have to take another black one afterwards if we want to reach a lift of some sort” Levi said, gesturing to the map. “By taking blue, we are gaining access to a whole bunch of other slopes without having to take another lift.”
Nico nodded, smirking. “Good point.”
“So blue it is.” Link clapped his hands.
Before sliding off, Nico approached Alex. “Can you lay off Schmitt? This is supposed to be fun, not a competition. Except maybe for Jo and Link.”
Even though Levi did not ask for it, they ended up agreeing to split up after lunch. At noon, they stopped at a small restaurant by the side of one of the main slopes. It was furnished to look like a typically alpine chalet, and served traditionally Austrian and South Tyrolean food as well.  
Nico and Levi ended up sharing a huge plate of Kaiserschmarrn, which was basically a big pile of fluffy sugary pancake pieces served with lingonberries and applesauce. It tasted amazing and had Nico wondering if he knew any restaurants back in Seattle that made alpine food. He decided to google it later and if yes, to definitely go there one day. Take Levi. Have a nice date night, and look back on lots of hopefully amazing memories.
“Did you know this dish was named after one of Austria’s emperors?” Levi asked, still munching on his last bite. “He loved it so much that they apparently just decided to rename it to honor this guy.”
Nico smiled quietly, and gently wiped a little bit of powdered sugar off his boyfriends chin.
Alex, Jo and Link were sitting across the table from them, also still digging in on their meals. “Would you guys mind if we both went off alone for a little after lunch?” Alex suddenly asked.
“Not at all.” Link said. “What about you guys?” He looked at Nico and Levi. “Do you want to go on your own, too?”  
Levi shrugged. “Let’s decide along the way.”
Back on the road – or better, on the slopes – Jo and Alex went on their ways. Meanwhile, Nico, Link and Levi decided to make a little round tour of the ski field to skim the area.
When they got on the first chairlift, the sun was still shining from the clear sky, with almost no wind and almost no people on the slopes as well. Nico could hardly believe their luck. Hopefully the whole weekend was going to be like this.
Unsurprisingly, the tour turned out to be lots of fun for him. He was with the man he loved; Levi, and his best friend; Link. Nico and Link both skied (or in Link’s case: boarded) in similar ways: better fast and a little loose than too slow. Levi on the other hand had a cautious style of skiing, which didn’t mean he was slow, just that he was taking it a little safer. Nico didn’t mind. He didn’t think the few instances he and Link actually had to wait for him were a waste of time. The others might have felt that way, but for him it was a welcome break to just catch his breath, appreciate the overwhelming view of the snowy mountains or have a quick chat with Link about the slope they just conquered.
Levi was also visibly happier than before. He got along really well with Link, the final ice breaker having been the discovery that Link was a fan of the X-Men comics, just like Levi. The next few chairlift rides they had then spend arguing whether a guy named Cyclops or a guy named Wolverine was cooler.
When the day slowly came to an end, Nico was still high on Endorphin and probably a whole bunch of other happiness hormones, too. His cheeks literally hurt from smiling all the damn time, but he couldn’t help it. He was sweaty and his limps were starting to get heavy, but still he felt like he hadn’t been this happy in a long time. But, he thought to himself, why wouldn’t he be? He’d spent the last hours with two people whose company he genuinely enjoyed, and had had probably the best skiing experience of his life. Why overthink this perfect afternoon?
Well, it was about to become the opposite of that.
They had agreed to meet up with Jo and Alex at the entrance of the cable car, which would bring them back down into the valley, where they had rented a cabin. The last piste Link, Nico and Levi needed to take was one marked black. It was short, narrow and pretty steep, and judging by the piles of loose snow all over it, it had already seen quite a lot of people today.
The three of them stared down the hill, nobody wanting to be the first to say ‘Let’s do it’ or ‘Let’s not do it’. Jo and Alex were waiting at the end of the slope, waving and calling their names.
Nico was pretty confident he could make it. A few short-radius turns, and it would be over. He just had to be careful not to hit one of the snow piles, because they had the nasty habit of slowing the skis down abruptly, causing the person attached to them to loose balance and fall – which was not a pleasant experience on a hill that steep.
He looked at Link first, who nodded, and then at Levi, who pressed his lips together, and after a short while nodded, too. After spending the day with them, Nico had no doubt either of them would make it down the hill.
“Well then.” Link said, adjusting his goggles. “Let’s do this, the others are waiting.” Then he pushed himself off the edge with a little jump and started to curve down. He was controlled, but not slow, and after barely a minute, arrived next to Jo and Alex at the end of the slope.
“Let’s not go at the same time” Levi said, still staring down.
Nico agreed. Better safe than sorry. “After you.” He smiled. “Again – I’m right behind you.”
Levi laughed, pointing a finger. “Hah, you better not be.”
He took his first turn, slow and steady. The second as well. Then, he got a little more confident and allowed himself to gain speed. Nico blinked, and the hill suddenly looked like a vertical wall. Levi seemed so tiny, his skis so short. Dusty ice was splattering out from under them when he took his next turn. The edges made a scratching sound, and Nico flinched. Oh no. Hidden under a layer of snow, he could suddenly make out floes of ice, and there were probably more all over the piste.
Levi just drove over one at a fast speed. Skis were made to slide over a surface of snow, not ice. On ice, skiers often had difficulties to maintain control. And Levi hadn’t seen it coming. He tried to slow down, but couldn’t do so without risking to loose balance. So instead he tried another turn, and barely made it.
Nico held his breath hoping for the icy part to be over. Then, he gasped when one of Levi’s skies suddenly lost its grip and slipped downwards. It pulled his foot and leg down as well, and now his balance was completely lost.
“Levi!” Nico called out. At the bottom of the hill, Link, Jo and Alex were shouting as well.
Luckily, it was just a scare. With a grunt, Levi managed to get back on his feet. Supporting himself with his poles, he was now standing still about halfway down the piste, breathing heavily from shock.
“It’s okay! You can do it!” Nico yelled, hoping his boyfriend could hear him.
Levi looked up to him, and then down to the others, who were still shouting inaudibly. With a determined look in his eye, he prepared for his next turn, gaining speed again. And while doing that, he completely missed the big pile of snow in his way. Levi’s skis got caught in the loose white powder, sending his body flying forward from the sudden loss of velocity. His helmet hit the ground with a loud cracking sound and then he started sliding downwards head-first, leaving behind a small trail of red in the snow.
“Levi!” Nico shouted again, this time from the top of his lungs. He was suddenly freezing cold. Levi was bleeding and not moving. Was he conscious? What had happened to him? A concussion? Or maybe something worse? A thousand thoughts were flying around in Nico’s head.
He saw Jo and Link running up the slope in their snowboard boots to catch Levi and only then realized that he was still standing at the top of the hill himself. But suddenly, knowing that he had to get to Levi as fast as possible, that stupid little hill didn’t feel like a challenge at all.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter!
I have outlined the whole story, as of right now three or four chapters, but written only this one and parts of the second chapter. Hoping for a bit of feedback to motivate me :) But the story will definitely be continued.
Please feel free to point out any spelling/grammar mistakes I made, especially with the skiing vocabulary :) I'm always looking to improve my English :)
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fullyvisible · 2 years
And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going
Title: And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going
Author: fullyvisible
Words: 2,000
Rating: T
Summary: Levi said they were done. But Nico wasn't done - not yet. Not without a fight. Reaction fic to 18x10 "Living In A House Divided;" spoilers for the episode. This fic picks up at the end of the Schmico scene from the end of the episode.
Read it on AO3 or fanfiction.net
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hurricanery · 3 years
If You Went Away - pt. 4
A/N: Here’s part 4! You can read the previous parts here:
part 1 // part 2 // part 3
If you sent a different prompt, I will get to it/start posting stuff in between. Thank you if you sent a message encouraging to post this next, the feedback is very much appreciated <3 This chapter takes place starting the day after Halloween/the day after the last chapter’s events.
(present day)
A groan leaves her lips the second she opens her eyes and a dull, familiar ache expands through her head. The type of subdued headache you wake up with when you’re five years old and your temper tantrum is what finally put you to sleep in the first place.
But she’s not five years old. She’s a full grown adult who apparently still cries herself to sleep sometimes.
Her first thought is that it’s way too bright in here.
It takes all of her strength to push herself up and stumble across the room in an attempt to shut the blinds.
She manages to fulfill the task, but she’s interrupted on her way to climb back into bed. Because she’s gracelessly tripping over her boots, and her jeans, and her jacket. All of the things she’d worn the night prior. She steadies herself, as the unwelcome realities of the morning catch up with her.
And then it all hits her. As she looks down, noting her attire, dressed in only Link’s Mariners sweatshirt.
Suddenly she needs support. Her legs feel like they might give out from under her as the sleep-induced drowsiness fades and the trainwreck situation that was the night before crashes down on her.
Her head starts to spin as she tries to shut out her own self awareness. The awareness that she’d shown up here last night, acting completely unhinged, and then in her post-surgery sleep-deprived state, she’d practically begged Link for contact. Begged him to touch her. She cringes. Because those were almost her exact words.
She glances at the clock. It reads 9am. Which means Link was definitely at work by now, and Scout was definitely still sleeping. She forgoes her desire to crawl back into bed, and instead, decides a shower will help wash away her faults.
She enters the bathroom that’s attached to their room, reaching her hand over to turn on the shower. She waits a few minutes for it to warm up before stripping the sweatshirt off and hauling her body into the tiled stall.
She sits. Because that’s all she feels her body will allow.
She sits huddled on the shower floor, knees pulled into her chest, as the steady stream of hot water hits her in the back.
She focuses on the sound of the shower, trying to let it soothe her. Somewhere in the back of her mind she registers the sound of her own breathing, trying to keep it steady. Her body feels numb as she focuses on the persistent sound of the water hitting the floor around her. It pounds in her ears, and if she focuses hard enough in her mind, she can trick herself into thinking she’s caught up in a thunderstorm. She likes that better. Pretending to be somewhere else. It’s easier than coming to terms with her own inconsistencies.
In her mind, it’s absolutely pouring. And when she concentrates deeply enough, she can hear the occasional crash of thunder. It’s quiet, but it’s there. Almost resembling the sound of her front door slamming shut with the wind. But more powerful than that.
However, it must be windy, because she feels the house creak with movement that she’s not making herself.
“Mommy….?” A familiar, timid, voice sounds from somewhere in the distance. And Amelia startles only a little.
“Mom?” This time it’s louder, closer.
And now she’s panicking a little. Because she knows Scout hates storms.
A knock against wood shakes her from her reverie and she lifts her head enough so that it meets the stream of water from above. And all of a sudden her head is stinging, because this water is absolutely freezing now.
“Mom?!” his voice is close now, and bordering on impatient. His tone brings her back to reality and she completely realizes where she is. How long had she been in here?
“…Scout?” Amelia finds her voice, perplexed. Scout usually sleeps in well past 10am when he isn’t woken up by her or Link.
There’s another faint knock against the bathroom door.
“I’ll be out in a second, Scout. Okay?” She tries to sound cheerful. “I’ll come make you breakfast.”
“Aunt Mer gave me breakfast.”
She frowns, standing up and shutting the water off. Meredith was here? She doesn’t know how to respond to that exactly. She feels numb, and confused, and out of her head.
“Can I go ride bikes with Bailey?!” Scout’s question pulls her attention back.
“Wait, hold on a minute,” she mumbles, pulling a towel around her body and moving towards the door. She peeks her head out and meets her son’s eyes. “Just wait for me to come downstairs.”
His hyperactive body language isn’t boding well for Amelia’s request. He’s practically jumping up and down from where he stands in their bedroom. “Please. Pleaseee. Bailey has his bike and he’s already out there! Please!!”
“Okay, okay,” she groans. And Scout immediately takes off, running towards the stairs. “Wait! Hold on there, buddy!”
She exits the bathroom fully, and Scout stops in the doorway, looking at his Mom anxiously, like she’s about to be the gatekeeper of all of his fun.
“Scout listen to me,” Amelia says pointedly. “Just because Bailey has a big kid bike, doesn’t mean we’re changing anything about your bike-”
“Mommmm!” Scout interrupts her with an exaggerated whine. “I know I know, please!”
“Hey! I asked you to listen.” She waits for his impatient demeanor to calm a bit before she continues. “Scout, you have extra wheels for a reason, okay? We’re not taking them off until Dad has time to teach you-” Amelia trails off bemusedly as she watches her son nod along with her words, focus elsewhere, his eyes darting back to the stairs every few seconds. She recognizes the distant sound of Bailey’s laugh from the driveway outside.
“Okay, go.” She laughs. And Scout immediately runs off. “But stay in the backyard!”
After about twenty minutes of pulling herself together, Amelia finally rounds the corner into the kitchen. Meredith turns around from where she’s cleaning up some of the mess from breakfast.
She raises her eyebrows at Amelia briefly. “Long time, no see,” Meredith says, somewhat sarcastically.
“You say that like it’s my fault,” Amelia defends herself. “The phone works both ways.”
Meredith frowns, but then nods at her words, in a very ‘you got me there’ type of way. “Well anyway, you look exhausted,” Meredith says blatantly.
“Thanks,” Amelia laughs, reaching for the coffee-maker. “I actually slept really well last night.”
“Something tells me you didn’t.”
This was their typical banter. Amelia actually feels comfort in the layers of sarcasm and utter boldness of their dynamic. It’s sort of refreshing. Compared to Maggie, who often tells Amelia what she wants to hear, Meredith doesn’t beat around the bush.
“You want to talk about it?” Meredith offers, somewhat flimsily.
Amelia grimaces. Because no. She doesn't want to talk about it. But, she knows she has to. It will all come out anyway. And to Meredith, of all people, who was queen of telling her to stuff her feelings in instead of dealing with them.
Amelia clicks the coffee-maker on and listens to the familiar sounds of the machine coming to life. She peeks out the kitchen window, a smile waving across her features as she watches Scout show off his training wheels to Bailey. She turns back to Meredith, who’s still looking at her blankly. Then she decides to rip the bandaid off, putting it all out there.
“I basically begged Link for sex last night.” She leans back against the counter nonchalantly. As if the situation she’s confessing to is completely normal. “And then…” She laughs at the absurdity of her own words. “When he rejected me….? I cried myself to sleep.”
Meredith’s expression doesn’t even falter.
“In his arms!” Amelia raises her voice incredulously, still laughing bitterly. “I should add that. I cried myself to sleep….in his arms.”
Silence fills the kitchen momentarily, until the distinct sound of the coffee-maker clicking off catches Amelia’s attention. She moves toward the cupboards, rummaging for a mug, before pouring herself a cup.
“It could be worse.” Meredith finally says, after Amelia takes her first sip.
“Ah, shit!” Amelia exclaims, burning her mouth on the hot beverage, almost breaking the mug with the force she sets it down with.
She takes a moment to gather herself, closing her eyes and nodding at Meredith’s words. Because she’s right. In the grand scheme of things, it could be much, much worse.
And in an almost ironic turn of events, her thoughts are interrupted by the agonizing sound of her son’s cry from the backyard.
Amelia’s eyes spring open and she glances at Meredith briefly before they are both taking off, sprinting outside.
She feels like she’s having an out-of-body experience as her senses adjust to everything that’s happening around her.
She sees Scout. Sprawled out on the driveway, a bike abandoned about 10 feet away.
She hears him. His scream of a sob. It rattles her eardrums and covers her body in chills.
And she hears Bailey, too. His panicked tone as he explains how ‘Scout just wanted to try it, auntie Amelia, he just wanted to try my bike for a minute!’
“Shh, Bailey, shh,” Meredith murmurs somewhere behind Amelia. “What happened?”
“The...the bike tipped over,” Bailey cries. “He just wanted to go fast, Mom. He just wanted a little push. I’m sorry!”
“Okay, okay. It’s okay,” she hears Meredith whisper to Bailey.
Amelia approaches Scout, and just by the positioning of the fall, she can already tell that things are at the point of much, much worse.
“Meredith,” she breathes, as she kneels on the cement of the driveway. She hovers over Scout, pushing his hair back and resting a hand on his hot cheek, murmuring to him that everything is going to be fine. She turns back to Meredith. “His, his arm….look at his arm. Look at the angle of his arm.”
“I’ll get the car.”
The ER is crowded when they arrive and Meredith decides it’s best to take Bailey home before things get too chaotic. She reaches for Amelia’s hand and squeezes gently as they both watch the resident on call guide Scout into a wheelchair.
“Thanks for driving us,” Amelia whispers, glassy eyes still glued to her son as they begin walking inside.
They get situated in one of the trauma rooms and Amelia hovers over Scout, who has finally stopped crying.
“Mommy,” his voice is still strained from his previous sobs. “It hurts.”
“I know, baby, I know.” She can’t help the tears that spring to her own eyes as she runs her fingers through his hair gently. “But you’re so brave.”
An intern that Amelia doesn’t quite recognize walks into the room and she turns to him. “No,” she says, dismissively. “No, I told them to page Atticus Lincoln.”
“Uhhhh,” the intern looks around, confused. “Well, we did page him but-”
“Go find him,” Amelia interrupts. “On foot.”
The intern stares at her blankly.
The harshness of her tone has him turning on his feet instantly.
“It looks like….the impact of the fall definitely caused a tear in his rotator cuff,” Link murmurs, as he examines his own son carefully. “His shoulder is dislocated. We’re going to have to….reset it.” Link outwardly cringes at the last thought.
Amelia sighs. She stands on the opposite side of the bed from Link. She can’t take her eyes off of Scout.
“Yeah, bud?” Link gently responds as finishes his examination.
“Did I break my arm?”
“No, no. Not quite.”
“That’s good.”
“Yeah,” Link laughs, half-heartedly. “Yeah it is.”
“It doesn’t really hurt anymore.”
Amelia’s gaze snaps quickly to Link, out of concern. But Link’s tone provides an instant sense of calmness to the room.
“Well, that’s actually good,” he explains. “Because, you see, your arm isn’t broken. It would hurt a lot lot more if it was broken. It’s more like….your bone is in the wrong place.”
“And….you gonna….put it back where it goes?” Scout wonders out loud, causing both parents to smile despite their joint concern.
“Yeah, bud,” Link murmurs, watching as Amelia brings her own hand up, biting at her thumbnail anxiously. “We’re gonna put it back in the right place.”
“Mkay,” Scout murmurs quietly. “I’m tired now….” He blinks, eyes shifting between both parents on either side of the bed.
Amelia smiles sweetly, tears threatening to make another appearance. She gazes at Link.
“That’s okay, Scout,” Link whispers, eyes shifting from Amelia to his overtired five-year-old. “You can close your eyes….that’s actually better, while we wait….to not have him moving around much….” The last part is directed more towards Amelia, who nods solemnly at this information.
“What do you mean ‘while we wait’?” Amelia whispers, noticing how quickly Scout had drifted off.
Link sighs heavily. He moves towards one of the two plastic chairs in the corner of the trauma room and motions for her to join him.
Amelia bites her lip anxiously. The anticipation of sitting so closely to him, mixed in with the regret of her actions last night, causes her to panic. With the chaos of the morning, Amelia barely even had time to dwell on how their first conversation would go after last night. These weren’t the circumstances she imagined at all.
What immediately registers for her, despite her own nerves, is just how overwhelmed Link looks, too. And that revelation is what allows her to cross the room and take the seat next to him. Because despite what had happened between them, they were in this moment, processing together.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call you,” she murmurs as she sits down. “It all happened so fast….we just had to get here. I completely forgot to grab my phone-”
“Amelia, that’s not what I’m worried about,” Link interrupts, the tone of his strained voice perplexes Amelia and she turns to him, studying his face.
“What then?”
“I, uh….we’re waiting….because I paged Nico.”
Amelia just frowns. “You’re here now, though. I don’t understand why-”
“I can’t do it,” he says simply. Eyes glued to the floor as he zones out slightly. “I can’t be the one to pop his shoulder back in place.”
“You’re….” Amelia trails off, her eyebrows pulling together as she tries to understand. “You’re head of ortho….why would you not be the one to do this….”
“It’s gonna hurt like hell, Amelia!” Link’s voice raises harshly and they both turn to Scout, checking to see if he’s woken up from the slight outburst.
“Sorry…” Link murmurs, much quieter. “I can’t….I won’t let him associate that kind of pain with me. I won’t do it….”
Link’s getting worked up now and Amelia absentmindedly reaches forward, squeezing his knee. When she realizes what she’s done, she quickly pulls her hand away.
“Okay, I get it.”
Link finally looks at her, and for the first time Amelia sees the panic in his eyes. It mirrors her own.
“He’s going to be okay.” Amelia adds. And when she reaches for his knee this time, it’s not absentmindedly.
Link glances down, eyes focusing on her hand. He inhales deeply, and then hesitantly rests his own hand on top of hers, giving it a small squeeze.
The moment is interrupted when Nico walks into the room, and they quickly pull apart.
They both stand. And Amelia exhales shakily as she moves towards Scout, gently reaching forward to wake him up.
“You did so good, baby,” Amelia murmurs, ruffling Scout’s hair as she once again feels her eyes sting with moisture. This time it’s out of gratitude.
“Do I get anything I want now?” Scout wonders, as Link and Nico carefully help Scout up from the bed.
Amelia laughs. Because she had promised that. When the panic set in just before Nico began the process of re-setting Scout’s arm. Scout had lost his cool completely. Breathing rapidly as his eyes darted between his parents in total fear.
‘I’ll get you anything you want after this’ Amelia had pleaded with him.
And Nico had stepped forward, resuming the task at hand.
‘Look at me Scout, look at me and scream as loud as you can. Don’t hold back, I want to hear it.’ Link had instructed.
“Cuz I know it.” Scout chimes in again. “I wanna ice cream sundae. With sprinkles.”
Amelia laughs again, reaching for the hand on his good side as they walk out of the trauma room and towards the ambulance bay. Scout’s injured arm now resting in a sling.
“I can make that happen,” Amelia smiles as they walk outside.
“No, dad too,” Scout whines, pulling his hand free from her grasp. Amelia frowns. “You both have to come!”
“Dad’s working, Scout,” She mutters, “Sorry, you’re stuck with just me.”
“Noooo,” he whines. And the realization dawns on Amelia that it must be closing in on late afternoon. This was Scout’s usual naptime. He was only going to get more irritable.
“Sorry, Scout,” she tries not to sound too defensive, attempting to hide the ego bruise developing at his sudden refusal to be with just her. “That’s just the way it is…”
“Then why's Daddy walking over here?”
Link catches up with them a moment later. Jacket on. Holding his car keys.
“Hey! I wrapped up early. You guys probably need a ride home, right?” He looks at Amelia. He can’t quite determine the expression she gives back to him. Somewhere between hurt and frustrated.
He looks between the pair, perplexed.
“What’s up?” he mutters in question.
“We’re getting ice cream!” Scout excitedly announces.
“Oh?” Link trails off, glancing back at Amelia, whose appearance doesn’t at all match Scout’s enthusiasm.
She rolls her eyes.
“I can drop you guys off somewhere and pick you up?” Link offers quietly, muttering to Amelia.
“No, no!” Scout interrupts. “No, Dad! You have to come! You have to come, too!” He stomps his foot and Link almost wants to laugh at the impatience. He doesn’t laugh, though. He holds back at Amelia’s demeanor.
Scout looks up at Amelia, and she sighs, weighing her options.
“Okay, let’s just go,” she breathes, glancing at Link. Who frowns slightly at her. But she just nods her head, suddenly indifferent.
Scout squeals with excitement, taking off quickly towards the parking lot. And Link catches up with him. “Wait, buddy, Slow down! Try to keep that arm still.”
Amelia trails behind them a bit further back, mentally preparing herself. Because now that the major crisis of the day was resolved, there was suddenly way more room to process the events of last night. And what their new normal was, going forward.
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18.06 grey's anatomy *spoilers* reaction/opinions
Schmico! babiesss also Levi’s mom is so funny
Scout is so cute I can’t even
Amelink co-parenting is good to see and Link not making Scout shuttle between parents was really big of him
Farouk is really grown up, it’s so cool to see
Not the argument over game(s) night
I knew Nick was gonna come back for Mer. Why is that so cute? pls-
Idk why but I was excited to see the blue-light room again lol. One of Amelink’s spots ;)
Zola asking doctor stuff means she's on the path to be a great surgeon just like her mommy & daddy
"what's sex" ☠️ how about you wait until Mer gets home for that convo?
Go Teddy, fight for Leo in his princess dress!
Levi's mom freaking Nico out killed me 😂 and watch them name their kid Bev
Amelink and the kids dancing = adorbs
Link still loves her deeply. I know that much
Noah's wife losing it in an empty patient room was not what I needed to be added to my pain tonight
Welp Nick and Mer are official. Not sure how I feel about that. However the way Nick pulled off his shirt was hot 🔥
Noah 😭 ugh I really feel for this patient so bad. he's one of my favs (& I love Danny & Noah's wife)
Still wondering about Jo's hair choice lol but I love her nonetheless
Bailey needs her little girl back 💔
AMELINK AHHHHH STOP WHAT that's it, that's the episode for me. oh my gosh.
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xxlittle0birdxx · 4 years
WIP: Schmico fic
Valentine’s Day with Schmico
Nico shuffled into the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
Levi flitted around the kitchen like a nervous butterfly. ‘Morning,’ he sang, pouring coffee into Nico’s favorite mug.
‘Mmmm.’ Nico slid onto a stool and cradled the mug between his hands, inhaling the aroma with something akin to orgasmic pleasure. Levi looked like the hot-cocoa-with-whipped-cream-and-sprinkles type — which he was — but he did like his coffee strong enough to wake the dead. After a few sips, Nico felt slightly more able to form words. ‘Mornin’.’
Levi’s fingertips tapped in a rhythmic tattoo on the counter, while he gave the calendar increasingly pointed glances. ‘Well?’
Nico gazed at him over the rim of his mug. ‘What?’
‘Are we doing something?’
Nico’s head tilted to the side. ‘Did you want to do something?’
Levi’s mouth rounded into a perfect O. ‘It’s Valentine’s Day!’
Nico crossed his arms over his chest, nose scrunching with clear distaste. ‘Valentine’s Day is… a nightmare. A nightmare, Levi. The little chocolate kiss things are three times as expensive because they’re in some stupid box. And it’s the day everyone wants to try the little romantic bistro down by the market, so of course it’s packed, and the menu is limited, and it’s always stuff nobody wants. And the expectations are enormous, and it if it doesn’t live up to some insane standard, nobody’s happy.’
Levi was taken aback by the vehemence of Nico’s response. ‘Oh.’ He blinked a few times, and Nico felt a twinge of guilt. Levi was sunshine and bunnies and unabashed romance. It wasn’t that Nico didn’t believe in romance. He did. He loved romance. He would do sappy, cheesy teen movie romance at the drop of a hat. If Levi asked for the moon, Nico would find a way to get him the goddamn moon. What he didn’t love was doing a grand gesture for the sake of a grand gesture on Valentine’s Day.
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eliz916 · 4 years
I wrote something. Wasn’t sure if I’d ever let people read it. It was written a while ago, in season 15 after the elevator scene, but before the episode in the ambulance premiered. I remember it felt like forever between episodes.
So now it’s posted but I don’t know where to go from here. If this is any good, I’d be happy to write more chapters! Thanks all!
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kaimelia · 2 years
Dearest Eli,
As your dear friend, I implore you to write a tale about my darling Nico Kim and his beau Levi Schmitt that is based on the prompt “Have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other?”. I thank you in advance for the emotions that I am certain your writing will invoke.
Yours, Clodagh
Levi stepped outside, taking off his glasses and wiping the sweat off of his forehead. He glanced around the now empty ambulance bay, the sun finally shining over the pavement as it rose in the sky.
His first day back at Grey-Sloan was one for the books as the hospital was immediately bombarded with a pile-up from the freeway, leaving all the residents to find their footing as they ran through the halls and were handed scalpels by once familiar faces. He hadn't realized how much time had passed; at one point, the numbers on the clock just became a marker of another patient lost in front of him.
He slumped down onto a bench, leaning his head back against the cool stone behind him and shutting his eyes. His feet stung in his shoes, and his shoulders cramped, but he couldn't find the energy required to go home. 
"You held up pretty well today," a voice spoke from the doorway, taking quiet steps toward the bench.
"You call four dead patients holding up pretty well?" The resident responded, not bothering to open his eyes to look at who was speaking to him. He knew from the moment the doors opened, and footsteps hit the pavement that Nico had found him. "First day back may be my last."
"Well, it's 5 a.m., so it's your second day." Levi felt the air shift as Nico sat down beside him. "Most of the people who came in were gone before you laid eyes on them."
"What, so I was just given patients for fun? So they could watch and laugh as I failed to save them?"
"We're required to do everything we can, even if we know that the odds of something working are one to a million." He opened his eyes and glanced over at Nico beside him, who had folded his hands in his lap and looked the same as he always had. "I'm glad you're back."
"I thought you would call or text, or maybe even show up one day." His hand ran through his brown hair, which felt awfully greasy from the last few hours. "I hoped you would. I almost didn't come back when they asked."
"I shouldn't be the only thing keeping you here. Part of me hoped you'd enjoy yourself in Tacoma and want to stay there." Levi's head dropped back against the concrete behind him as he sighed.
"I hoped too. But it's not here; Grey-Sloan feels like home. Tacoma didn't come close to that." He pulled his knees up onto the bench. "You feel like home. No matter how much I try to make myself forget and move on, it doesn't go away. And as much as I want to hate that, I don't think I can."
"That's why I didn't want you to come back. It would've been easier if you'd stayed gone."
"You don't have to stay," Levi spoke with a quiet snap underlying his voice. "You can leave like you wanted to all those years ago. Go chase your dream of being some big hotshot team doctor."
"We both know I can't do that," Nico muttered, sighing as the words fell from his lips. "I understand why Grey had such a hard time leaving. This hospital, the people in it, it's all comforting even if you come to hate it. It's hard just to pick up and leave."
"I missed you," Levi choked. "And I spent the whole time thinking about how much easier my life would be if you had never shown up here. I could've continued my residency with no problem and gone wherever without a second thought. But I don't think easier is always better."
"It's not." Their eyes met, the space on the bench between them feeling miles long as Levi breathed heavily. "And I can't find it anywhere in myself to hate that."
"Have you ever thought about how much worse our lives would be without each other? Because I can't stop thinking about who I would be if you weren't here. It would be so much easier, but I wouldn't like who I am."
"I never would've stayed. I was practically counting down the minutes until my fellowship ended because I thought I wanted something bigger, but this," his voice fell, "this is it." Levi felt his chin quiver as he allowed his eyes to stray from Nico's, tracing over the lines of his face Levi had come to memorize. "I'm sorry that things happened the way they did. I didn't ever mean to hurt you." Levi blinked slowly, biting the inside of his mouth and nodding.
"Thank you," he whispered, closing his eyes to stop tears from spilling out. "I didn't mean to hurt you either. And I don't want ever to hurt you again."
"I won't," Nico muttered. Levi scooched closer and hesitantly laid his head against the other man's shoulder. He felt the weight of Nico's head lean onto his. "I promise you that."
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awnb95 · 4 years
Chapters: 17/20 Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nico Kim/Levi Schmitt Characters: Nico Kim, Levi Schmitt, Meredith Grey, Hannah Brody, Taryn Helm, Tom Koracick, Miranda Bailey, Original Characters, Amelia Shepherd, Atticus Lincoln, Blake Simms, Margaret "Maggie" Pierce, Owen Hunt, Jackson Avery Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Mild Sexual Content Summary:
A scent is making its way through Grey Sloan Memorial, necessitating a Code Luna. The race is on to find the source, because the longer it takes, the more primal staff and patients alike become. And in a society that has moved well beyond the rule of instinct and biochemicals, no one is adequately to equipped to handle the loss of control.
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schmico-daily · 2 years
Cold Lips (Schmico one-shot)
Tumblr media
Title: Cold Lips
Pairing: Levi Schmitt/Nico Kim, Schmico
Category: Smut (Explicit)
Summary: It's hot. Levi finds ice cream. Nico finds Levi eating ice cream.
Content warning: Graphic sexual language
Status: Complete
It is so damn hot. Small beads of sweat run down Levi’s temples as he uses a piece of paper to fan his face in the kitchen. It’s lunchtime, but the muggy summer air has completely killed his appetite. The fact that he hasn’t been able to eat all day is making him slightly dizzy... Read more
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cloudofgears · 5 years
The Next Time Around
What if Nico never winked at Levi on that first surgery? What if he found out Levi never kissed a guy before cornering him into an elevator?
Now Levi is already a resident and suddenly wants to find Nico a date. The ortho surgeon doesn’t know how to feel about this.
AU in which Nico and Levi tiptoe around each other for months before things get a little complicated.
Read on AO3
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simplywylan · 5 years
Nico had never really had a favorite color. There were colors he preferred over others, but he would never say that he had just one favorite. He would never say he had a favorite sound. Some were relaxing, some were upbeat, some were just plain weird. there wasn’t just one that he could pick. There was never a feeling which could make him feel like he was on the best high of his life. Sure, saving lives and helping patients was great, but it never lasted. There was never a smell which reminded him of something he loved. Freshly cut grass, cinnamon buns, the ocean waves- they never entranced him. 
He never had a favorite- until he met him. 
All of a sudden, everything changed. Dark green, almost hazel, that was his favorite color. Like a forest in the evening, or the moss that covered a tree. Like the ocean after a storm, or the leaves that rested at the bottom of the tree. Like green tea or even seaweed. That was the color he enjoyed most.
The sound of laughter- not just any laughter. His laughter. The sound resonated with him, make him feel elated. From the quiet, tired chuckles to full blown laughter. The laughter that made one cry and made one’s stomach ache. His voice; the way he said certain words, how he mumbled, how he would sometimes be unable to shut up. The way he spoke about things he loved, the way he talked about things that upset him. That was a sound he could listen to forever.
Seeing him never made Nico feel so alive. Seeing him made Nico’s heart thump against his chest, his mind racing with thoughts. Watching him do the things he loved, watching him sleep, watching him perform in surgeries. The feeling of skin against skin, full of passion and heat. The gentle, subtle touches to the way his hands forever roamed Nico’s body. That’s what his favorite feeling was- that is what gave him the high he’d always searched for. 
The smell of cologne, but only a certain one. His one. The scent reminded him that he was close, that someone he loved was nearby. It lingered on his clothes and the pillows that he slept on. The smell of his shampoo, how it smelt so fruity and clean. That was his favorite scent. that’s what reminded him of home. 
Nico had never had a favorite anything- until he met Levi. Suddenly, the world was full of exciting colors and new things to discover. Levi Schmitt had changed how Nico perceived the world around him for the rest of time. Levi Schmitt had swept Nico straight off his feet without even realizing. 
Nico was completely and utterly in love. He wouldn’t change it for the world. 
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dodowahla · 5 years
So... now that we have Levi saying "You are mine" I demand someone writes a werewolf fic.
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