#Night watch island
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What good is a Poptropica if it can't run Flash?
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soulfireblue · 5 months
the egg watching morning/evening split between tubbo and bad is like
sunny every day sunny wakes up
empanada if she's on and bagi's not there
ramon if he's on and fit's not there
chayanne if he's on and phil's not there (hasn't happened as often recently but he's mentioned wanting to)
tallulah if she's on and phil's not there (has happened a few times over christmas)
richas is usually with a parent at this time so sometimes he'll come by to say hi but doesn't stay.
dapper every day dapper wakes up
pomme pretty much every day pomme wakes up
richas if he's on and a parent's not there (and let's be real this is most nights)
pepito if pepito's on and roier or quackity isn't there
leo if she's on and foolish's not there (i saw this more before the eggs disappeared)
sometimes morning eggs will get handed off to bad if they want to stick around after tubbo leaves, or they'll want to go hang out with bad while tubbo is still there like em today. i wouldn't be surprised if (and i'm hoping that we will) start to see tallulah hanging out with bad more too. <3
then sometimes tubbo comes back and hangs out with eggs in the evening, recently ending up with a combination of pomme, richas, and/or pepito of the night eggs. if either bad or tubbo is watching eggs and the other logs on, there's a decent shot some eggs will start bouncing between them.
also interesting to note is that each of the morning eggs are tubbo's family in some way (his daughter, his daughter's sister, his and sunny's brother, and his godkids), so that's the main reason they'll log on to hang out with him and sunny. if any of the other eggs who aren't really related to him wanted to wake up to hang out with him, i'm sure he'd be happy to have them, but the morning eggs are comfortable hanging out with him because he is family.
bad is also family to the eggs he watches (dapper and pomme are his kids), but for some of them it started partly because he's stepped up to help complete egg tasks/cookies when their parents aren't around. though tallulah hasn't spent as much time with him recently, that was once true for her, too. and then there's richas who just loves hanging out with his siblings and bad lol
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thebeesareback · 11 months
There's something which bothers me about asoiaf.
The night's watch, we've heard, was established after the long night, about 8000 years ago. Jon is (supposedly) the 998th Lord Commander, which approximately tracks.
We're led to believe that the vows have not changed at all during this time. I ask you to find the oldest book you can. For me, in the UK, that's probably Shakespeare, who was writing late 1500s/early 1600s. I have an English degree and i struggle with some of the language. Words fall in and out of fashion, understanding of concepts like, hm, marriage, change over time (Measure for Measure, I'm looking at you), and invasions will impact linguistics.
Therefore, a vow written by Shakespeare 500-ish years ago would have totally different connotations to a contemporary person vs a modern one, and someone with little/no formal education (like most of the nights' watch) probably wouldn't understand most of it. And that's 500 years! The nights' watch vow is 8000 years old! If someone handed me a peice of writing from 8000 years ago, which is technically the stone age, i wouldn't even know if I was holding it the right way up. Those vows aren't just dated: they're complete jibberish.
To add to this: Westerosi history generally seems pretty strange. We're supposed to understand that the maesters carefully destroyed lots of information about dragons, which helped contribute to their extinction. Yet, somehow, Asha Greyjoy knows about Kingsmoots, when the last one happened 5000 years ago? Again, a UK based example: stonehenge is about 5000 years old. Nobody knows what it's for. There are theories, there are people who worship there, but mostly it's a bunch of cool rocks. So it doesn't make sense that all of the information about dragons is lost over about 200 years from the Dance to Dany asking her handmaidens for info, but Asha, who comes from a culture where learning and reading aren't exactly celebrated, suddenly has access to all of this ancient information.
We do, of course, love, respect and stan one (1) Rodrick the Reader for his contributions to Asha's education and understanding of history, but one person isn't enough to keep history/culture/customs alive for 5000 years.
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night island's description on AMC's advertising website
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stjohnstarling · 17 days
If the castle had any sort of modern electricity in it, what are the chances Vane and Ardelian have a movie night to old vampire movies since Dracula (the famous Bela one with all its homoerotic subtext) and Nosferatu came out before the 50's?
Hell yeah 💯💯💯 I love this ask. It's heavily implied that there is no electricity in Whithern Hall, but let's ignore that. I'm definitely envisioning a replica of Norma Desmond's luxurious private movie theatre in Sunset Boulevard (1950) - with a projector screen hidden behind some enormous, movable oil painting (homoerotic.)
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ananxiousgenz · 22 days
btw if you see me tagging malevolent stuff with "an eldritch being and his wet cat" this is why
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
And I remember that fight, 2:30 AM
As everything was slipping right out of our hands
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I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye
'Cause that's all I've ever known
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Then you took me by surprise
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You said, "I'll never leave you alone"
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You said, "I remember how we felt sitting by the water
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And every time I look at you, it's like the first time
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I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter
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She is the best thing that's ever been mine"
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mysterious-headhunter · 2 months
(I could not sleep… I hope this is not too gruesome for you.)
*I stare down at the back of his head. His hair parts round the barrel I’m pressing against his skull. I feel a small pressure in my hand as he pushes the barrel deeper into his skull.*
“I thought you followed orders. Shoot.”
*the figures hands bound behind him. His shirt rips to shreds with blood staining the remnants. He’s yelling at me*
“I said shoot. Or do you not follow orders when they hurt your feelings?*
*his hatred for me is obvious in his voice.*
“I…you can still be forgiven…you don’t need to die-”
*my eyes closes, a hollow jester as everything is still recorded with my secondary camera. I watch as my hand pulls the trigger of the gun. I listen to the sound as his head is blown in and splatters against the wall.*
*I get up and walk past the body of the children he tried stopping me from killing. Damn fool. Why couldn’t he just follow orders? Why did he have to go and get a concussion? Why?…*
*I continue to walk to my ship as I hear a scream. I do not turn, as I board my ship and activate stealth.*
*I fly off leaving behind 12 bodies. The king, his queen, their advisor, their children, those poor maids, and my apprentice.*
*I regain consciousness in my room*
“I didn’t know I could sleep…let alone dream”
*I look over to see @druidicrepository staring at the wall as my projector retracts back into my head.*
(Also I have had no one spell check this so it could just be grammatically shit if so I’m sorry)
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born-in-hell · 8 months
Tbh i loved seing qbbh go insane
It shows so much of his character, from his immense paranoia and distrust to how much he thinks of himself.
He *knows* hes powerful. He *knows* hes capable. He thinks hes the only one able to tear down the fed. The only one that knows what they're up to. The rest of the islanders are, to him, mere pawns in a game. A game that's being played by him and the fed.
He knows himself better than anyone on the island. Even his kids. He has never shown even a glimpse of his demonic side to them. How fucked his morals are. How evil he is. That's a part of him. He does not what's morally correct, but what he deems necessary. And he accepts it. He knows how much more of a danger to the fed that makes him in comparison to forever, for example. The one that, despite all, always tries to act in a morally correct way.
He sees all of this as a burden. He has to conduct these weird plans bc hes the only one willing to cross the line. And so he does.
Edit: oh and i think qfoolish is the only one that truly knows qbad. He knows hes not a purely good person. And hes the only one that encourages it. He holds so much power, and hes using it for mindless entertainment at the expense of his also immortal friend that has nothing to lose.
Unlike qforever, that said TO BBHS FACE "this is not you". Im sorry but YES IT IS!! U just hadnt seen it until now. He tortures foolish for fun (its consensual). He gets tortured for fun. Its just how they pass time i guess.
But he is also a great person to who he considers family. He is willing to do ANYTHING to protect them. Hes not a bad person directly. Hes in a grey area that honestly is pretty entertaining.
Edit 2: and like, abt foolish. He wasnt sure abt supporting bbh UNTIL qbad said that he is considred family, and by extension, veggeta and leo (dunno abt roier tho) wont be harmed. He knows bbh wouldnt hurt his family, and thats why foolish supports his madness.
Also foolish knows bbh is morally worse than him.
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gengar-pixel-2 · 3 months
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That's it. ..I think I'm going insane.
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cecedownbad · 1 year
With all the Leon and John Wick being similar memes especially after RE4 Remake, I can imagine the joy when he first watches the movie.
Leon would first be introduced to watch the movie after a colleague recommends it, being quiet about how the two can come off the same sometimes, he jumps in and watches it.
How he loves the man, and oh the realisation that when something he cares about is taken away from him by force, he goes gaga over his reaction.
Leon will quote John whenever the opportunity arises and more or less annihilate his enemies with the same drive. The undead are great practice for this.
And once he starts, he won't stop, he'll probably quote John as he's fighting, that moment when everyone wants him back to stop the outbreak in New York, and all he wanted was a vacation but gets dragged in anyway. You can see that he's already replaying the scene of Wick being tied to a chair:
"People keep asking if I'm back, and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah! I'm thinking I'm back!" probably just to give him a boost.
When he's fumbling and Chris asks if he's doing alright and his response being,
"Rusty, I guess."
"God, Leon! We have BOWs to kill, we don't have time to be replaying scenes of your favourite movies now!"
"Oh please, I deserve this, at least after you ruined my vacation."
He'd talk to himself how he would have done this differently if he was in some scenes, not in a sense to undermine Wick's skills but because he can't help but think what it would be like being that amazing. Like I said, he goes gaga over John.
When the topic is brought up, he turns into the most enthusiastic person ever, he'd mention all the things true to life, turning into a teenager sometimes and it's the cutest.
One or more of his colleagues he works with mention how fitting it is that he and John are similar in many ways, they wouldn't dare test those waters with Leon though, don't want the actual thing happening after all.
But Leon is oblivious, he wonders if he's really that amazing but then most of the time he agrees that he would work well with such a man.
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You don't have a Mom. Or a Dad.
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kadextra · 7 months
hey wouldn’t it be crazy if the next people to return is q!luzu & q!arin haha wouldn’t that just be nuts ?
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wuntrum · 1 year
tried watching renfield and why is that boy talking so much. its like kid show writing where everyone has to be talking all the time because the producers think the audience will get bored. like girl shut up and move out of the way im looking at dracula rn 😭
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paintaboveyourbones · 1 month
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Sorry, but sooner or later Vampire Chronicles fandom is going to have to face facts and realize that Armand and Danny’s mansion on Night Island 100% has the wallpaper from Scarface in it
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pooce-art · 10 months
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Today's 123 Rhodes Island. Its Typhon! Another Cn only operator. I guess thats expected.
I tried to typeset this one a bit I'm not an artist so it took me much longer to try to redraw some of the backgrounds, and as you can tell with the SFX I didn't even bother. I still have alot to learn :/
TL notes time: So the first sfx used most directly translated is just "screaming" or just the word to howl. So I kinda just took a stock comic book scream. Muelsyse's "Wow" could've also been an fake Yeek! Since the SFX is most directly just an shout of excitement I just went with wow.
As for comic 2 the big block on panel 2 originally is more like "when I wake up from my dreams, and see the sky. Sometimes I feel like there is no difference" I thought there would be space issues, and maybe on paint but i decided to condense it a little while keeping the tone.
But theres a little slang this time, Magallan says "真有你的" which literally just means "thats truly you" but its more "you're truly something" its kinda minor and easy to figure out but ehh its slang.
overall the typesetting was harder.
As always feel free to comment on any issues or advice, this is my first time typesetting so I had alot of problems. Feel free to repost or use my translations elsewhere as long as you credit me
Original comic link
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