#Nimble Reptile
heycolorwind · 7 months
Mortal Kombat X | Nimble Reptile Medium Klassic Playthrough | Arcade Contender
I’ve been wanting to make this video for a while. A playthrough of Mortal Kombat X with my favorite character Reptile!
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wayward-delver · 2 years
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I wonder when the fandom will remember that Vee's going to get ALOT bigger and scarier as she grows up.
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This isn’t exclusive to that one basilisk either, all the others she was with developed the same traits. (granted not as pronounced, probably cause they’re still young)
(You may be wondering, why they would look so different, but I a theory for it)
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Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn’t just the single most massive and powerful predator that lived on land, it was also the only large predator on its continent during its entire reign. This was due to a rare form of Ontogenetic Growth,(which is the physiological changes in an animals development). Unlike other animals who are simply smaller and/or less formed versions of their parents, ala most reptiles, mammals, and even birds. The chicks of Tyrannosaurus were much daintier and more gracefully built than their parents; with smaller skulls/teeth and longer legs proportional to their body mass. This allows them to run much faster and catch smaller and more nimble prey than the adults, thus avoiding direct competition for food with them in youth. Only ages 14-18yrs old do their adult traits rapidly develop. Their bodies/limbs beefing up immensely, their teeth/skulls becoming more robust to take on the large prey they subsisted on as well as compete for territories against rivals. This combined with the protection of their parents allowed them to push out all other intermediate predators,(save Dakotaraptor), and monopolize the entire predator niche of Late Cretaceous North America.
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As you can probably tell by close inspection Vee’s differences in appearance to the Greater Basilisk line up very well with the T-Rex. Her jaws/fangs are considerably smaller with her neck also being shorter/skinnier. In contrast, the fully developed adult basilisk could easily devour both an abomination and Willow’s buff plant monster whole. But it seems that while basilisks draw a lot their powers from magic, it doesn’t play a directly vital part of their immediate survival as Vee appeared no worse for wear with her magic shortage. And seeing as she also didn’t hesitate to attempt snapping up Luz as a treat it’s safe assume adult basilisks are carnivores,(or at least predatory omnivores like coyotes/hornbills/bears). Vee and perhaps even her slightly more developed peers on the other hand would likely fail spectacularly trying to replicate this,(not that would if they could either). So its safe to assume that whatever they would be going after, it would generally be both smaller and more manageable such as the demon rats/birds, magical objects, fruits/plant matter, and even cooked foods. This allows both youngsters and adults to occupy a territory without completely depleting it in a short period of time. This may initially seem hard to believe, but note the giant basilisk wasn’t exactly normal, as Vee explained her peer’s ravenous behavior stems from the major psychological damage their constant experimentation they were subjected to by Belos. In reality, Basilisks would’ve drained and consumed only one or a couple creatures in a single sitting to prevent prey stocks from running out.
At the end of the day however, this is just fun speculative biology/evolution, unless confirmed by the creators take everything I say as only theory not canonical fact. This also isn’t here to say that Vee or any of kind are naturally “evil,” it’s clear cruelty/violence isn’t inherent to them no more than any other witch or demon in the isles. Thank you for your time and remember to hug and praise our sweet baby eel.
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draconesmundi · 5 months
Happy Dracones Monday! Dinodrakes!
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Happy Dracones Monday! Today's dragon is the dinodrake! So this is one of two 'zero mythology zero lore I just throught it was funny' dragons (the other being the cliffwyrm, the 'seagull dragon'). The dinodrake is a distant relative of the firedrakes, but it lives on Madagascar. Females are large, bulky and horned, males are small with flamboyant wings, infants are little black wyrms with white stripes.
The dinodrake design is based on the loose idea that outdated artwork of dinosaurs, lovingly called 'retro dinosaurs' or 'vintage dinosaurs' - I feel that stomping monsters roaring at volcanoes have a mythos of their own, are their own sorts of dragons, and so I plopped them in Dracones Mundi. Also, Dracones Mundi dragons are based on pseudosuchians, and there were some bipedal pseudosuchians which fit the bill of 'bulky scaly reptile' in the way that nimble feathered therapods tend not to, so the dinodrake is a love letter to bipedal pseudosuchians, cheap plastic dinosaur toys, and a general fondness for 'dinosaurish' shapes and vibes.
I post a new dragon every monday @draconesmundi
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tomomiisasleep · 25 days
am I allowed to beg people to read my fic here I don't know I can't pick up on social cues anyways PLEASE read my HARRYANTHE if you like harryanthe like I do
it's complete btw
here are some previews(?):
"I think you came up with that yourself, before."
"I did?"
"But you didn't use it in a specific trap, just sprinkled it on me."
"To track your whereabouts? Why would I do such a thing?"
"Probably because you care about me so much, sweetheart." She adorned a coquettish smirk that was in fact cold and slippery like a reptile. "And you thought I didn't notice. How could I not, with all my clothes smelling like you? So I just kept them that way."
Her mind was nimble and reminded me of an acrobat or a rat, showing off improbable feats at times and scurrying through dirty loopholes at others. Her branches of knowledge expand far (though in either grotesque fields like flesh magic, or pointlessly obscure ones like energy transaction theory during the Resurrection) and wide (so wide that I had a hard time believing she was really twenty-two, but then she pointed out that I was only eighteen, and I corrected her that I was technically seventeen because I lost time, and she said yeah yeah you don't have to wave the fact that you'd gone mad since you were a baby in my face, been there, done that, and I spent an inappropriate amount of time turning it over my head measuring to what extent it was a joke).
"What are your plans when we find the way into the River?"
"If." I ignored that, because she's only saying it to cause me annoyance. "Find Corona."
"Where is she?"
"If only I knew." She said idly. "Our pillow talk aways comes back to her, Harry; I thought you prefered bitches over bimbos."
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leafy-allosaurus · 9 months
two rain world fan lizards! you can make fanart and/or ocs
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"Acutiserratusdens lacerta"
Sharp Jagged Tooth Lizard.
These fast, and swift modified lizards often scavenge in search of already dead food, whether that ranges from a small slugcat, or a large Sail Lizard. They are nimble in the air and agile on land, using their 1.5 meter long wingspan for quick travel across the skies. Though rare, these lizards have been observed to hunt for food. Specifically, smaller, weaker creatures that are easy to dispatch with their long snout and teeth. They often do this in a period of temporary shortage of carcasses/food, and so resulting in messy mobs to take form and tear flesh right off the bones of their prey.
These reptiles feature a body plan with striking resembelance to Pterasaurids. Specifically, from the group Rhamphorhynchidae. They feature long, slender snouts with sharp teeth. Paired with the teeth's being procumbent (pointed forward), it was built for ripping flesh off bones. They sport a long tail, used for steering it's flight and when sprinting. The Laterix lizard features a wing which was formed by a thin layer of skin, muscle, and other tissues stretching from the ankles to a dramatically lengthened third finger. This left only two fingers left for stability on ground. Unlike most lizards, these small scavengers have a dull yet diverse coloration, ranging from pale indigo to cream-colored scales.
------- Rain World style
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Code name: [NOT IN A MOD]
Behaviour: Neutral to Aggresive
HP: 2
Food pips: Hunter: 4 ●
Artificer: 3 ●
Gourmand: 1.5 ●
Spearmaster: 1 •
Average: 6 •
Points: 5
Skyline, Drenches, Coast, Mountainsides.
Damage Multipliers
Bite 40%
Head 10%
Head (Bite) 4%
Throat 150%
Throat (Bite) 60%
------ GIF in PROGRESS
Laternix Lizards are fast opportunistic scavengers with the ability of powered flight. They feature the wall and pole climbing abilities of a Blue/White Lizard.
Laternix Lizards have a 20% letharity rate.
TL;DR: They're fast, nimble opportunistic lizards which it's wings supported powered-flight in order to find prey.
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"Mareregem lacerta"
Sea king Lizard.
Sail Lizards are large lizards built for an aquatic lifestyle. Although their giant size, these bulky creatures can rival the speeds of a Jetfish when using full force. They are known as ambush predators, locating their prey before launching themselves towards it at high speeds and head-butting it. The said action would hopefully kill smaller prey and disorient larger ones and leave time for the Sail Lizards to dispatch their prey with their powerful jaws. Despite their looks, these lizards are intellegent and sometimes even malicious, killing or injuring other creatures for the sake of entertainement. In addition, their intellegence has led to numerous cases of iterator legs being minorly damaged due to them gnawing and head-butting repeatedly. This shows a sense of curiousity, as they were observed to stare at iterator legs for an extended period before engaging in physical analogies. This curiosity also affects fauna and flora, as young adolescents often playfully nudge other creatures.
Despite their aquatic lifestyle, they have not adapted to breathe underwater, instead relying on holding their breath in their spleens and taking intakes of oxygen up in the surface. This leads them quite vunerable to attacks from other Sail Lizards, which is quite common given their territorial nature.
The Sail Lizards bare resembelance to Earth's Liopleurodon, an extinct genus of short-necked Pliosaurs. Their bodies served upwards of 18.6 feet (5.66 m) long. Their main bodies feature a slope on the spine, and are primarily bulky. It's tail featured a few pink spine extensions as a fragment that has not been removed by it's creators. They, additionally, feature frills at the sides of their heads, similar to those from Salamanders. Their heads feature an aerodynamic shape, allowing them to swim with quite ease.
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jeritten · 2 years
HTTYD Hiccup x Male!Reader: Chapter 2.
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[Previous Chapter: 1]
yo!! :D i'm rlly excited to bring another chapter of this fic!! it's so fun to write in the httyd universe oh my godd as always this will be crossposted on my Ao3 acc (@/No1RatedSalesman1997) if you'd prefer to read it there!! :] anyways,, story begins under the cut!! - Jeri <333
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“This is Toothless.” The boy that you now know as Hiccup states, gesturing to the dragon that is now peering at him with caution from the other side of the clearing. “As you can see, he’s also a Nightfury- er, that’s the name that we on Berk gave this type of dragon.”
Toothless eyes you curiously, large pupils hollowed into slits and set on you, unmoving. 
Despite your countless years of dragon research, you find yourself sheepishly admitting that you don’t know very much at all about this type of dragon: Ulfur is the only ‘Nightfury’ you’d ever seen, so you’d just come to assume that they were naturally illusive, or simply extremely uncommon. 
You fix your eyes back on the dark mass at the other end of the clearing. It more or less looks visually like Ulfur, body low to the ground and sleek, black scales obscuring powerful muscles working beneath. Maybe a little younger, you supposed, noting the size difference in both the extruding spines trailing its back and body mass in general. 
The reptile creeps slightly closer to the pair of you, lashing its tail to the side, perhaps as a sort of warning.
“... He’s missing a tail fin?” You turn your attention to Hiccup as you speak, now noticing the obvious absence. 
“... Yes.” Hiccup replies to you after thinking for a moment, looking to his feet. “I’d like to tell you that it was all a massive accident, but I was the one who shot him down and ripped his tail fin. On purpose. Um, but it wasn’t on purpose, you know? I mean, my Dad had all these expectations of me and I thought that-” 
“Don’t worry.” You chuckle, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder as you cut him off. “I know what Vikings are like: I grew up in a family of them, so…”
He turns his attention to you, obviously startled.
“What- really..?” You can practically see the thoughts whirring around his head, and it brings a smile to your face. “There are Viking settlements outside of Berk..? Uh, I mean, you don’t look like a Viking-” 
You chuckle, his sudden inability to piece together a sentence reminding you a little of yourself in a somewhat weird, reassuring way. 
“Yeah, I have been told that before. I sort of abandoned the lifestyle after Ulfur and I started travelling.”
You turn your attention back to the wary dragon ahead of you once again, finding that he’d inched his way to about ten or so feet in front of the two of you. He was visible in the light now: the sun's beams bounced off his scales in the most familiar way, forest green eyes still set on you- although now seemingly more of curiosity than of caution. 
“Ah, he’s friendly.” Hiccup blurts out beside you, and you let out a poorly stifled laugh. “... Not that I need to tell you that, but I have spent the last half a month with him building up trust.” 
He ambles towards you, pupils dilating slightly as he moves to greet Hiccup with a friendly mewl. Circling around the boy, he sniffs him up and down, occasionally looking up to him expectantly. 
“Oh, sorry.” He begins, placing a steady hand on the eager reptile's muzzle to steady him. “I didn’t bring you any food today, it completely slipped my mind.”
You took the moment to study the creature as he stared up at you, head tilted slightly to the side. Upon closer inspection, his head was slightly narrower than Ulfurs, facial features and overall appearance being more dainty and nimble. His wings are unfurled and splayed out slightly at his sides, a subconscious reflex that you’d noticed previously in Ulfur when he wasn’t quite comfortable in a situation. He chirps and coos as Hiccup pets him to your side, a noise that you’d grown accustomed to as a welcome constant over the course of your chaotic, exciting life. Now that you thought of it, it did bring you a sense of ease to know that Ulfur at least wasn’t the last one of his kind as you had been beginning to believe. Toothless carefully moves his attention to you, flat nostrils flaring outwards as he treats you to a cautious sniff. He’s beautiful, you conclude. One of the dragons that Nature really chose to outdo herself on. 
“... I wonder if Nightfuries are territorial..?” You zone back into what Hiccup is rambling about as he absent- mindedly pets Toothless beside you. “I mean, just think! There’s just… so much we don’t know about them. Like, do you think they're solitary dragons..?” 
A realisation hits you hard as you register his question. Something that you probably should have taken into account before placing yourself in front of a massive, extremely dangerous reptile. 
You look down at the dark-scaled dragon in front of you with newfound fear. He ruthlessly searches your cloth shirt for your scent, and for a minute you’re left completely unsure of what to do. 
You take a deep breath. 
“... I think we’re about to find out.” You reply to Hiccup’s open-ended question, looking to his somewhat confused expression with one of fresh panic. 
Just as you catch the boy’s expression turn quick from questioning to realisation to horror, your back hits the ground and all breath leaves your lungs. Dust clouds plume around your face, a substantial force pinning you down to the dirt by your shoulders.
As you blink open your eyes, blazing green irises bore into your own.
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so,, welcome to the end!!
thanks to all the people who have liked my posts so far,, it really means a lot <333
ooo also,, i'm gonna start doing a thing where i put the next chapter (if it has one) in the bottom author's note,, and the previous at the top!!
anyways,, bye for now!!
-Mod Jericho :PP
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belliesandburps · 1 year
Hallo. Have you seen any of the new mortal kombat and what do you think about reptile's new designs? I love it but mes thinkin they definitely knew what they were doing.
I've been avoiding a lot of MK1 clips til next week, but the instant I saw the trailer for Syzoth, I freakin' fell in love. I ADORE that he's completely been revamped from a scaly gobber to a youthful, tatted up shapeshifter who seems to be more on the good side for once, and aligning with some really fun pairings. And his shift from human form to beastly reptilian monster gives us the best of both worlds.
To say NOTHING of that rather VORE-acious fatality where he finally swallows someone whole in glorious 3D, complete with belly gurgles and what SOUNDS like a burp in that regurgitation.
Sure, a proper belly bulge would've been nice, as well as letting Syzoth actually enjoy his meal, but that design complete with that fatality and the entire concept of the character is, bar none, my absolute favorite iteration of Reptile to date.
I mean he's just so damn pretty now... <3
Side note: a young, handsome, nimble ninja trying to find where he belongs who can shapeshift into a larger, more vicious reptilian version of himself?
Not saying that sounds familiar, but if copyright infringement still existed in the world of HISS, a certain somebody might have a case...
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
Actually while I'm still a bird blog (literally just for today) here's some other birds I'm fond of/think would be GREAT in Skyjacks:
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Willie Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys)
Tiny, adjustable eyebrows, fan tail, fantastically acrobatic fliers. Two kinds of noises: angry shouting and beautiful singing. Diet is primarily insects but they have been known to eat carrion of far larger animals. Not afraid of humans. Made mostly of audacity: will often attack much larger birds including magpies, ravens and occasionally even osprey (sea eagles) or wedge-tailed eagles.
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Currawong (Strepera sp.)
Three species of absolute clown disguised as dapper goths. Very clever and capable of bastardry: wild populations have been documented unzipping bags to get at the contents. All round omnivore. Social. Soup dragon noises.
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Rainbow bee-eater (Merops ornatus)
Rainbow, eats bees (and other insects, but especially bees). Migratory, can fly far distances for a little bird. Makes and then nests in underground burrows. Very social. Makes delightful prrt noises and exhibits some very cute huddling behaviour.
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Red-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii)
Large, loud and social. Shy with humans but not absent from urban and suburban areas. Dangerous if you happen to be a delicious seed pod, or item that looks fun to chew on. Capable of high flying, rarely comes down to the ground (mostly hangs out in trees). A herald of coming rains, according to old farmer's tales. Brains. Incredible aesthetic really.
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Splendid fairywren (Malurus splendens)
This tiny man is in fact more blue in person, (juvenile and female individuals being brown with a splash of blue on the tail). He flirts by offering flower petals and fancy flying. He's also a good dad. Always moving, fast takeoff and strong flight (but only in short bursts). Like all adorable round birds, very territorial.
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New Holland honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae)
Small, social bird with dignified sideburns who subsists primarily off of sugar (with a side of insects and arachnids). Mobile, talkative, and known to gang up on larger birds, such as wattlebirds (below). Nimble fliers, but tend to navigate a flowering bush from the inside. Looks like an electric type pokémon.
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Superb fruit dove (Ptilinopus superbus)
Medium-small pigeon with an absolutely unrealistic colour palette (yet impressively camouflaged). Indeed superb. Also a dove that eats fruit. Not great at building nests. Migratory or nomadic but sneaky about it: possibly at night, as they (unfortunately) occasionally collide with lighthouses.
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Pacific baza (Aviceda subcristata)
Looks as though a wizard has turned a cuckoo into a bird of prey in a futile attempt to teach it the meaning of hard work. In fact a medium sized, crested hawk. An omnivore: hunts everything from insects to reptiles to smaller birds, but also actively eats fruit. Rumoured to be able to mimic frog-calls, which coaxes the frogs to respond in turn. Pretty chill and, like many other hawks, social. Documented aerial somersaulter. Also not the greatest at nest building.
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Red wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata)
Not the prettiest, but interesting to watch. Large honeyeater and one of the few birds I am convinced has retained awareness of being a dinosaur. Loud about it, either with a gutteral cluck or lovely singing. Glides as much as flies, though they are perfectly capable of it. A decent climber, nimble. Will throw it's weight around with both smaller and larger birds. Unclear if it entirely understands it's place in the food chain.
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Southern boobook (Ninox boobook)
A small, compact, cute and otherwise plain owl, but with very striking eyeliner. Does well in suburban areas. Named for the distinct noise it makes, though is (as most owls are) a totally silent flier. Feeds mostly on insects and small mammals but is also capable of catching bats.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[Sponsored by @vonbaghager. Of the various Paizo APs published since the change from 1e to 2e, Extinction Curse is definitely the one I'm most interested in. I might even end up running it, although I would probably back-convert it to 1e. So the excuse to retro-convert its monsters is one I am happy to have.]
Viskithrel CR 15 NE Magical Beast This mammoth-sized creature is a strange parody of a reptile, its entire body covered in natural weapons. Its jaws are long and filled with needle-sharp teeth, its four limbs all end in three clawed digits, its tail is tipped with a bony club and eight tentacles grow from its back. It has a dozen nostrils, irregularly scattered along its snout like the tubes of marine worms, four beady eyes, and a short tentacled beard.
Viskithrels are strange Abyssal predators native to Gluttondark, the layer controlled by Zevgavizeb. Their anatomy combines features of multiple species of lizards, dinosaurs and cephalopods, with extra eyes and extra nostrils thrown in for good measure. Their extra nostrils and strangely chambered sinuses give them one of the best senses of smell known to sages—they can follow a trail by scent that has been cold for weeks, partition a stinking cloud spell into one nostril and out the other unharmed, and pinpoint creatures by their aromas. They are extremely, aggressively social creatures. A lone viskithrel will attempt to find others of its own kind via scent for days.
Viskithrels rarely bother with stealth, using instead their endurance and pack tactics to run down victims and tear them apart. Their tentacles are covered with short sharp thorns, like the rasp of a cat’s tongue, and they leave shallow bleeding wounds. Their saliva is acidic, and their stomach contents even more so, and a viskithrel will happily swallow a smaller enemy whole. But only if it is fighting in a group. As they have a strange psychological compulsion. A viskithrel cannot eat unless it is in proximity to another of its kind, or another creature it recognizes as part of its pack. Viskithrels summoned to the Material Plane have been known to go on violent rampages, killing without eating until they drop dead from exhaustion and starvation.
For such aggressively violent monsters, viskithrels are remarkably benevolent to their own kind. They are excellent parents, will adopt unrelated individuals into their packs with little resistance, and avoid other packs or engage in intimidation displays rather than fight each other to the death. A viskithrel can be convinced that other species belong to its pack, although they are not known to accept creatures other than reptilian monsters in such roles. Some powerful troglodytes, and other worshipers of Zevgavizeb, have been able to convince a viskithrel to accept their organization as a suitable pack, and thus have recruited a deadly ally.
Viskithrel CR 15 XP 51,200 NE Huge magical beast (extraplanar) Init +10; Senses blindsight 100 ft., darkvision 60 ft., Perception +20 Defense AC 30, touch 15, flat-footed 23 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +1 dodge, +15 natural) hp 220 (21d10+105) Fort +16, Ref +18, Will +11 Immune inhaled poison, olfactory attacks, sickened Defensive Abilities evasion, predatory leap Offense Speed 40 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee bite +27 (2d6+8 plus 1d6 acid plus grab), 2 claws +27 (1d10+8), 2 tentacles +25 (1d8+4 plus bleed), tail slap +25 (2d6+4) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with tentacles, 10 ft. with claws) Special Attacks bleed (1d8), swallow whole (AC 17, 22 hp, 2d6+12 plus 2d6 acid) Statistics Str 27, Dex 23, Con 18, Int 4, Wis 18, Cha 9 Base Atk +21; CMB +31 (+35 grapple); CMD 48 (52 vs. trip) Feats Bleeding Critical, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Dodge, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Toughness, Vital Strike Skills Acrobatics +18 (+22 when jumping), Climb +16, Perception +20, Survival +9 (+17 tracking by scent), Swim +20; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics, +8 Perception, +8 Survival (tracking by scent) Languages Abyssal (cannot speak) SQ impossible scent Ecology Environment warm forests and swamps (Abyss) Organization solitary, pair or pack (3-8) Treasure none Special Abilities Impossible Scent (Ex) A viskithrel is immune to any inhaled poison or olfactory attack. It gains blindsight 100 feet through its sense of smell, which can only be disabled by magical means such as curses. A viskithrel gains a +2 to the skill check DC to follow tracks by scent every day, not every hour. Predatory Leap (Ex) As an immediate action when it is about to be struck by a melee attack, a viskithrel can make an Acrobatics check with a DC equal to the attack roll. If it succeeds, it negates the attack. Regardless of whether it succeeds or fails, it can then move up to half its speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. If its movement ends near a creature suffering from a bleed effect, it can make a bite attack against that creature as part of the same action. When a viskithrel uses this ability, it is staggered for its next turn.
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littlemetalbiter · 1 month
Much like his dad, Roger is able to scale up walls and ceilings (and other such surfaces), though Roger is also able to stick to these surfaces, presumably for relatively long periods of time.
His soft tentacles naturally make much less sound than those of Dad's crab-like carapace, and are also very stretchy and decently nimble (even if Roger, himself, can be a tad clumsy/klutzy at times). The palms of his tentacles don't grip surfaces like the feet of a spider or some reptiles, but rather they have a bit of a sticky quality to them. This also, incidentally, decreases the overall likelihood of objects he's holding to slip from his grasp. But, at the same rate, things don't get stuck to Roger's tentacles in a way that would cause inconvenience.
It appears as though Roger is able to sort of naturally adjust the stickiness of his 'fingers' and palms at will, depending on what he's doing with them.
But that being said, they're not quite able to become so sticky that another monster of similar size would have too much difficulty, say, pulling him off from a wall or ceiling with effort.
And that all also gives him the ability to seemingly pop up out of nowhere when he suddenly drops into view from the ceiling or the walls without warning.
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finrays · 2 years
Also I just wanna talk about how much I love the designs and behavior of the dragons in this franchise??? They match SO well.
Like, look at Meleys (who tucked in her wings JUST like a falcon soaring between tree branches to get through a narrow space last Ep, I YELLED).
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Her tail has no ridges and sails to provide lift, and her wings have small connecting membranes to her body. This would make her very top heavy, and she shows it in flight; her back end is almost always lower than her front when she’s flapping. You can really see it when she’s flying with the smaller, more nimble Seasmoke;
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And Seasmoke’s tail goes everywhere; it’s covered in ridges and fins that probably act like a rudder and generate lift. It makes him able to make tight turns and shift directions quickly, and keeps him stable in the air despite his relatively small sails;
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Vhagar also has some of the ass-drag going on too, but she’s also just a heavy, ponderous grandma-creature;
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...with her size here for my Weekly Dragon Report Only followers, just for reference.
Syrax on the other hand? She has very LONG membranes and a tail with a ridged fin at the end
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So she’s able to generate more lift for her back end in flight, and she’s better at soaring and remaining stable in the air.
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Look at her tail and leg carriage compared to Vhagar and Meleys!
Caraxes also has small attachment points (plus the back leg sails to compensate a little), but he doesn’t have the bulk that Meleys does. So he uses the sinuous motion of his body to get going into the air!
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Twisty boi.
Also, they have lips and soft tissue, and they look to me a LOT like real-ass reptiles, while still maintaining that unmistakably Dragony Aspect.
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Especially Big Granny Vhagar with her tortoise-inspired dewlap. I would die for this old curmudgeonly beast.
But yeah! I think it’s pretty cool how you can see that the shape of a dragon’s body affects the way they fly! Whoever designs these beasties is a person I wanna shake the hand of.
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eggedbellies · 1 year
An idea I think you will love
Kajiu people!  Like part reptile. 
So in their default form, they have horns,  a tail, and maybe ears.  Regular humans besides that. But the more emotionally charged they get the more they become kaiju. So scales start to form, their claws come out, and they start to become bigger, stronger. Their eyes changed from normal human eyes to black with a colored retina. Their fangs start to come in,  till they an armored beasts ready to do stuff. 
I can imagine that depending on the mood they change the form,  so like angry has more offensive stuff and muscle.  So sharp claws and a frame that would scare anyone not drunk.  Sadness is more armor,  maybe they can form a shell with their limbs to protect themselves. 
I say excitement creates a fast,  nimble, and speedy one who hits fast or hugs fast. 
And you can think of other emotions and how they would work. 
how does it work when they get horny?  Who knows!  Probably when they go full heat or need to have raw sex they go full form and I pray to be the fool on the receiving end of that.
But I can imagine soft stuff try their best to keep their default form but it's too much and they keep flip flopping between forms and the more they do the more they cuddle with you to keep warm.
My guess is they can lay and hold eggs. 
Can you turn into a kaiju hybrid? 
Probably,  maybe thru some very intimate talks with Kajiu people. 
GOD I would love to be a kaiju person so fucking much man.
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bigowo-kinguwu · 1 year
The Stoic Gator
trigger warning: bullying, swearing
The rush of autumn air bends around his charging body. He possesses little time to consider his next decision as he scrambles down into a charitable bush to hide himself, now huffing and tired. The brambles didn’t bother his thick leathery hide, and the few squished wild blackberries slowly worked their magic to calm his racing heart as their aroma filled his nose. “Where’d that pussy go?!” echoed a harsh voice very nearby. Several legs and feet visible to the young hidden gator search around his refuge. The vines and berries acted as his unsuspected protection, a natural barrier to deter the investigating hands of delinquents previously bullying the now shrouded reptile.
“Ooh, blackberries,” yammered a hungry gray billy goat. He grabbed a berry and was happily enjoying it, before being rudely interrupted by a familiar aggressive voice. “Quit that snackin’, Murphy! We’re lookin’ for Duvall!!!” The black bull dressed in an unkempt brown school uniform punctuated his order by smacking Murphy upside the head, causing him to spit out the chewed berry onto the ground. “Hey! Now you watch who you’re hittin’, Buck!” Murphy then headbutts Buck in the gut with his long sturdy horns. The two get swept up through their wrestling, and begin to lock horns. Back and forth, to and fro, Murphy and Buck get farther and farther away from the bush. The rest of the teens encourage the sudden fight and follow them to watch who would reign victorious this time, as their bouts were as frequent as they idiotic. With this prime opportunity, Henry Alexander Duvall, the hidden gator wearing a considerably more well kept school uniform of the same color, takes his leave.
Now dotted with blackberry stains and splotched with caked mud, Henry makes his way back to the school grounds. On the way, Henry hears the iconic rhythmic drumming of Queen’s “We Will Rock You.” Curiosity takes hold of him, and Henry goes alongside the beaten trail to finally peer down at the source of the drumming. Down by the river a couple of yards away, Henry spies on a portly Duroc pig sporting a clean flat top haircut. Wearing a black strap of fabric around his forehead, a white tank top, and the same color and style of pants as Henry. The gator squints to the drummer’s left side to see a white dress shirt and a brown jacket with the same emblem on its right chest side: An ornate chapel with a rising sun engulfing the background with the words, “St. Matthew's Institution for Gifted Young Men.” The pig continues to drum on his metal mop bucket with his twin drumsticks giving a beautiful gospel rendition of the first verse. Henry is completely captivated by his voice, and loses his footing as he tumbled down the small hill towards the young pig.
His ears perk up, and he nimbly rolls out of the way as Henry rolls into the river bed. The young teen blinks a couple of times before snorting and laughing hardily. In a Southern accent, he says, “Boy, what is you doin’? When they say rock n’ roll, they don’t mean literally! Although, that is one hell of an entrance, so I gotta give you props for that.” After Henry is thoroughly embarrassed and the young man has his laugh, the kind drummer boy helps him up. Henry begins to wipe the mud from his face, and he hears, “Huh, you’re pretty cute with or without that mud on your face. Good to know.” Henry was shocked by the boy’s comment, and became flustered. In his raspy Cajun accent, he says, “W-what did you jus’ say?” There was a pretty big height difference between the two, Henry stood at about 6’6 while the drummer boy stood at 5’6, and both could get a good look at each other’s eyes.
Henry had golden eyes that shone like a noon summer sun. They darted all around, racked with anxiety and confusion, but eventually found their way to lock into place onto the boy’s gaze. The drummer had eyes of silver, like the grill of a 1971 Cadillac Eldorado Coupe. His stare was steady and squinted with curiosity as he gave each of Henry’s scales the attention and care they each deserved. Henry quickly jerks out his hand as their heads start getting closer, “My name’s Henry! What’s yours?!” A little startled, his floppy ears perk up as he says, “Radcliff, but you can call me Rad,” and he shakes his hand. “Damn, that’s a firm grip you got. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were tryin’ to yank it off.” Henry, now even more self-conscious, lets go and blurts out, “I am so sorry. I didn’t hurt you, did I?” “It’s all good, man. Chill~,” Rad said as he daps up Henry. “Uh, right.”
They continued to hold hands and lock eyes for what seemed like ages, and each one was more unique and splendid than the last.
Henry finally realized that they had been touching for too long, and abruptly let go again. “You have excellent rhythm and technique. Your singing is top notch, too.” “Shoot, you heard all that,” Rad said with a blush, rubbing the back of his head. “Uh huh, you should join the choir with a voice like that.” “Nah, I get enough of church singing on Sundays. I don’t need to do allat before, during, and after school, either. Jesus is the king, but I think he can get by with at least one day devoted to him.” “Haha, yeah,” Henry chuckled. “Well, what do you plan to do with that talent of yours?” “Well, since you so graciously asked, I-”
In a quick slide, Henry gets in front of his newfound friend and says, “Yep, that’s right, Buck. I’m right here.” “Uuuuh, what’s goin’ on here?” “Nothin’, if you stay quiet,” Henry said, with a sharp whisper. “Get over here, now! We gotta score to settle,” he said, pounding his fist into hand. “Fine,” he sighed. Henry took only a couple of steps forward before the back of his shirt was grabbed suddenly. Henry turns back, “What are you still doin’ here? You need to go, now!” “Saving you some of the trouble, follow my lead.” Having let go, Rad goes to Henry’s side and says to Buck and his goons, “C’mon Buck, 6-on-1 ain’t exactly fair. Now 6-on-2, I like those odds.” “Whatchu say Porky?!” Murphy and the other bullies snicker. “I said, ‘For a low down sorry sumbitch like yourself, gangin’ up on somebody is par for the course, but it ain’t gone happen today!’ THAT’S what I said,” Radcliff finishes by snorting out. 
Some of the bullies oohed at Rad’s burn, but Buck just got angrier and angrier. “Now why’d you go and do that?!” Henry worriedly said. “It’s more fun this way, Buck ‘n Murphy the only ones we really gotta watch out for, and the rest of ‘em are just gonna watch. So, I’m with you. That answers your question?” Henry was confused as he never had anyone stand up for him. Everyone thought because he was a huge carnivore, everyone should worry about not for him; but here was Rad, doing something he had no real business in doing. Henry let those words rest in him, and gave Rad a nod of understanding.
Heads turned towards their opposition, both took up their fists ready for a fight. The now volcanic Buck charged towards them, and as Henry was about to take the first swing . . .
He woke up.
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homeimprovement31311 · 6 months
What Do Grasshoppers Eat
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Well, today we’re diving into the world of grasshopper dining habits to uncover the answer to that very question. From plant-based feasts to unexpected animal encounters.
For more: What Do Grasshoppers Eat
These little critters have quite the appetite! So, grab a snack  and let’s explore what makes these hopping herbivores tick. Get ready for a wild journey into the gustatory world of grasshoppers!
The role of grasshoppers in the ecosystem
The role of grasshoppers in the ecosystem is often overlooked, but these little creatures play a crucial part in maintaining balance and biodiversity. As herbivores, they primarily feed on plants, which helps to regulate plant populations. By consuming grasses, leaves, and flowers, grasshoppers prevent overgrowth that could potentially shade out other plant species.
In doing so, they indirectly create space for a diverse range of plants to thrive. This not only benefits other herbivores who rely on different vegetation types but also provides habitats and food sources for countless insects and birds.
Additionally, grasshoppers are an essential link in the food chain. They serve as a source of nutrition for predators such as birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. Insects like grasshoppers provide protein-rich meals that support the growth and reproduction of these higher-level consumers.
What do grasshoppers usually eat?
Grasshoppers, those fascinating creatures that leap and chirp in meadows and fields, have quite the appetite. Let’s take a closer look at their dietary preferences.
A grasshopper’s diet primarily consists of plants, making them herbivores. They have a penchant for munching on various types of vegetation such as grasses, leaves, and flowers. These leafy greens provide them with essential nutrients and energy to sustain their active lifestyles.
However, it’s not just plants that catch these hopping insects’ attention. Grasshoppers aren’t picky eaters when it comes to protein either! They are known to indulge in an occasional insect feast. Yes, you heard that right – grasshoppers sometimes snack on other insects like spiders or even their own kind!
This omnivorous tendency allows grasshoppers to adapt to different food sources depending on availability or environmental conditions. It gives them flexibility in finding sustenance wherever they may be.
But here’s where things get interesting: human impact can greatly affect the food sources available to grasshoppers. Pesticides used in agriculture can lead to a decline in plant populations – reducing the options for these hungry critters. This disruption can have widespread consequences throughout the ecosystem.
While grasshoppers primarily enjoy feasting on plants including leaves and flowers; they are also opportunistic carnivores who won’t say no to devouring some tasty insects if given the chance. Their ability to adapt makes them remarkable creatures indeed.
So next time you spot a nimble little hopper amongst nature’s bounty, remember how vital they are as both consumers and contributors within our intricate ecological web.
Plant-based diet: Grasses, leaves, and flowers
Grasshoppers, with their unique ability to jump high and blend seamlessly into their surroundings, are fascinating creatures. But have you ever wondered what these agile insects munch on? Well, let’s delve into the world of grasshopper dining habits!
When it comes to food preferences, grasshoppers have a strong affinity for plants. They are primarily herbivores and feast on a variety of plant materials. Their menu often includes an assortment of grasses, leaves, and flowers. These leaf-loving critters can decimate crops if left unchecked.
Grasses make up a significant portion of a grasshopper’s diet. With their specialized mouthparts designed for chewing vegetation, they happily nibble away at blades of grass in meadows or fields. Leaves from trees and shrubs also provide nourishment as they contain essential nutrients that sustain these voracious eaters.
In addition to indulging in greenery, some species of grasshoppers even show a fondness for flowers! The vibrant colors and sweet nectar attract them like bees to honey (pun intended). By feeding on flowers, these insects inadvertently aid in pollination – acting as tiny gardeners within the ecosystem.
It is worth noting that while most grasshoppers stick to plant-based diets predominantly comprising vegetation mentioned above; there are instances where they turn towards animal sources when faced with scarcity or opportunistic situations such as droughts or overcrowding.
In times when resources become scarce or competition intensifies due to population density increase; some species may resort to consuming other insects like aphids or spiders. In harsh environments where options are limited; cannibalism may occur among certain populations too – leading them to prey upon fellow members of their own kind!
With their omnivorous tendencies and remarkable adaptability skills; these versatile creatures demonstrate how they can survive by altering their diet based on changing circumstances.
Animal-based diet: Insects, spiders, and even other grasshoppers
Grasshoppers are not picky eaters when it comes to their diet. While they primarily consume plant-based foods, they also have a taste for animal protein. Yes, you heard that right! These seemingly innocent insects can turn into tiny carnivores.
When grasshoppers come across insects like beetles or spiders, they won’t hesitate to make a meal out of them. They use their strong jaws to chew through the exoskeletons and relish the nutrient-rich insides. It’s fascinating how these herbivores can transform into opportunistic predators!
But wait, there’s more! Grasshoppers aren’t just satisfied with feasting on other bugs; they will even devour their own kind if given the chance. Cannibalism may sound shocking, but it is an essential survival strategy for some grasshopper species.
So next time you see a grasshopper hopping around your garden, don’t underestimate its appetite for adventure in search of tasty treats. From plants to fellow insects, these little creatures prove that nature always has surprises up its sleeve!
Omnivorous tendencies: Grasshopper’s ability to adapt to different food sources
Grasshoppers, those elusive and fascinating insects found in fields and meadows, have a remarkable ability when it comes to their diet. While they are primarily known as herbivores, feeding on plant-based diets like grasses, leaves, and flowers, they also display omnivorous tendencies.
These versatile creatures can adapt to different food sources depending on their environment and circumstances. When plant life is scarce what do grasshoppers eat what do grasshoppers eat  or during certain stages of their life cycle, grasshoppers will resort to consuming animal-based foods. Yes, you heard that right – these seemingly harmless insects sometimes turn into opportunistic predators!
Insects become fair game for hungry grasshoppers; small spiders fall victim too! It doesn’t end there – some reports even suggest that under extreme conditions or overcrowding situations, cannibalism occurs among grasshopper populations.
This omnivorous behavior showcases the resourcefulness of these insects in finding sustenance where available. Their adaptive nature ensures survival even when faced with limited food options.
However intriguing this may be from what do grasshoppers eat  a biological standpoint, it’s important for us humans to consider our impact on the delicate balance of ecosystems where grasshoppers play a crucial role. Habitat destruction and pesticide use can disrupt their food sources significantly.
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fossilageminerals · 8 months
Unraveling the Mysteries: The Science Behind the Most Popular Dinosaurs
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Our minds are still captured by the enormous animals that once roamed the Earth: dinosaurs. We explore the scientific mysteries behind some of the most well-known most popular dinosaurs on this historical voyage, revealing the traits that keep them so interesting.
Tyrannosaurus Rex: The King of Dinosaurs
The legendary Tyrannosaurus Rex, sometimes referred to as T. rex, is the most recognizable dinosaur. It is a fearsome character in popular dinosaurs mythology because of its enormous stature, strong teeth, and little arms. Scientists examine fossils to learn more about the morphology, behavior, and ecological function of Tyrannosaurus rex. Even with its intimidating image, further study reveals this enormous carnivore's more complex sides.
Stegosaurus: Decoding the Unique Features of the Armored Dinosaur
Stegosaurus is sometimes called the armored dinosaur due to its characteristic spikes and plates. Previously considered exclusively defensive, these traits are now understood to be involved in controlling the dinosaur's body temperature. The function of these plates and their importance in Stegosaurus' everyday existence are still being investigated by scientists.
Velociraptor: The Swift Hunter and Its Role in Dinosaur Pop Culture
The Hollywood portrayal of the Velociraptor differs from the popular cultural portrayal, which shows it as a quick and crafty predator. It wasn't the nimble hunter that Hollywood portrayed; it was a smaller dinosaur with feathers. Comprehending the actual traits of Velociraptors advances our understanding of the variety and development of dinosaurs.
Triceratops: The Horned Herbivore and its Prehistoric Habitat
The triceratops dinosaur was a herbivore identified by its three characteristic horns and frill. Researchers study its morphology to learn how these traits were applied in relationships with other dinosaurs and defense. The fossilized bones of triceratops provide information about its habitat and range in the prehistoric past.
Brachiosaurus: Exploring the Giant Long-Necked Dinosaur
Brachiosaurus was a massive herbivore distinguished by its long neck and massive size. Research is still being done to determine why it has such a lengthy neck and what adaptations it has made to accommodate its enormous size. Recent finds clarify the possible lifestyle of the Brachiosaurus and its contribution to its era's biodiversity.
Ankylosaurus: The Tank-Like Dinosaur with a Built-In Weapon
Ankylosaurus was armored and possessed a tail club, like a prehistoric tank. Researchers look at Ankylosaurus's defense mechanisms and how it interacts with possible predators. Researching this dinosaur that resembles a tank offers important insights into the ecosystems of the late Cretaceous.
Pterosaurs: Flying Reptiles of the Dinosaur Era
Pterosaurs were flying reptiles that were frequently connected to dinosaurs. Our understanding of prehistoric skies is aided by our comprehension of the differences between dinosaurs and pterosaurs and their different species and flying capabilities. As avian residents of prehistoric ecosystems, pterosaurs had a special function.
Spinosaurus: The Aquatic Dinosaur and Its Mysterious Lifestyle
The dinosaur that adapted to water the existence of Spinosaurus challenges the idea that dinosaurs were terrestrial creatures. Research into the potential aquatic behavior, diet, and habitat of dinosaurs adds to our understanding of the variety of dinosaurs and the environments they inhabit.
Dinosaur Extinction: What Caused the End of the Age of Dinosaurs?
Theories about impact events and environmental modifications that could have aided in the demise of dinosaurs are currently being investigated. Understanding the circumstances leading up to the end of the Mesozoic Era can help us understand more about Earth's past. The current study aims to unravel the riddles surrounding this significant period in the history of the dinosaurs.
We learn about the most recent advancements and discoveries in paleontology by exploring the science underlying the most popular dinosaurs. The remarkable diversity and adaptability of these prehistoric animals are better understood by researchers who can bring dinosaurs back to life via cutting-edge scientific tools and fossil analysis. Scientific research into the past broadens our comprehension of the planet's prehistoric inhabitants and their persistent mysteries.
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thuganomxcs · 9 months
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unprompted / always accepting / @adversitybloomed
❛  it’s okay, i’m fine. you don’t need to worry so much.  ❜
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Noted, she was pretty tough. That was quite an attack she took..and yet she seemed to be in one piece, either way now these demonic reptile-like demons were extremely strong..definitely different breeds. Not only were they strong but they were also incredibly nimble and quick, so much that even Yusuke had sustained a few injuries. Bruises on his face and no telling how many scars were left upon his body over his clothes. 
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“Least we know how people have been disappearing in town lately.” Said Yusuke explaining the one positive regarding the discovery of these scaly demons. Because of their nifty ability to camouflage to the point of near invisibility, there’s an explanation on how the people have been kidnapped, and with his body feeling numb due to the ‘venom’ dripping from their claws he also discovered just how they’ve kept them quiet even after abducting them during the day.
“I only hope we’re not too late.” The bravado in his voice had left, his tone was serious as he took another step forward. There have been some teenagers being abducted some..weeks ago versus the more recent disappearances. The demon caught on Yusuke’s sentence and simply cackled under its breath as its tongue swiftly exits its mouth to exhale a hiss.
“Hear that boys..it looks like we’ve got ourselves spirit detectivesssss.” Its voice was sinister with hisses leaving its maw. The others(7 of them) cackles before it turned into laughter. “If we catch them alive they’ll ssssell for a hefty pricccccce.” The demon says as the eight of them kept their claws poised for attack. 
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“Somethin’ tells me even if ya do sell us off t’ the highest bidder…you’re not gonna get as much as you think.” Yusuke said. He was a FORMER spirit detective and as for Mulan..she was a mystery all on her own.
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