#No Surrender 2008
gatheringbones · 8 months
[“While studying footage of wild prey animals, I noticed that most animals have a similar physiological process for returning to normal after a narrow escape from death. This process was uncannily reminiscent of the shaking, trembling, and spontaneous breathing that I had watched Nancy move through. (You’ll recall that you met Nancy in the introduction to this book.) I had also observed this process in many shamanic healing rituals performed throughout the world.
You can watch an example of this process from beginning to end on the National Geographic video “Polar Bear Alert,” available at many video stores. In this video, a frightened bear is chased down by an airplane, shot with a tranquilizer dart, surrounded by wildlife biologists, and then tagged. As the massive animal comes out of its state of shock, it begins to tremble lightly. The trembling intensifies steadily, then peaks into a nearconvulsive shaking — its limbs flail seemingly at random. After the shaking stops, the animal takes deep, organic breaths that spread throughout its body. The biologist narrator of the film comments that the behavior of the bear is necessary because it “blows off stress” accumulated during the chase and capture.
Now here’s the interesting part: When the bear’s response is viewed in slow motion, it becomes obvious that the seemingly random leg gyrations are actually coordinated running movements. It is as though the animal completes its escape by actively finishing the running movements that were interrupted at the moment when it was tranquilized. Then, the bear shakes off the “frozen energy” as it surrenders in spontaneous, full-bodied breaths — just as I had observed with Nancy in her recovery from being overwhelmed as a young child.
As the evidence mounted, I grew increasingly convinced that the healing of trauma — whether it is called “re-association” or, as shamans refer to it, “soul retrieval” — is primarily a biological process or bodily process often accompanied by psychological effects. This is especially true when the trauma involved betrayal by those who were supposed to protect us. Additionally, I surmised that successful healing methods inevitably involve establishing a connection to the body. Those methods that do not enable people to reconnect with their bodies invariably have limited success.”]
peter levine, from healing trauma, 2008
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ratsalad · 2 years
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hugh laurie (on house and wilson in the beginning of season 5): the reuniting of the lovers is a very pleasing thing.
lisa edelstein: when he says lovers, he...
hugh laurie: i mean lovers. in a physical sense.
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hugh laurie: wilson is not long for this world, but house is… the implication is that he's probably not long for it either. you know, that he's been prepared to give everything up, surrender everything in order to grasp these last precious months.
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starting a collection
(sources: robert sean leonard for rage monthly; hugh laurie for GQ; the cast of house react to emmy nominations 2008; hugh laurie for the LA times; season 8 DVD bonus features; IMDB)
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sister-2-sleep · 7 months
The Last Time (almost) Every MCR Song Was Played
I saw someone do this for tbp so I'm doing it for all the songs
Romance: May 12, 2006
Honey : October 24, 2010
Vampires : March 26, 2023
Drowning lessons : October 17, 2004
Our lady of sorrows : March 25, 2023
Halos : October 11, 2022
Skylines and turnstiles: March 17, 2023
Monroeville : October 29, 2005
Best day ever : October 11, 2022
Cubicles : Never played live (from what i can find)
Demolition Lovers : October 11, 2022
Three cheers
Helena : March 26, 2023
Give em hell kid : March 26, 2023
To the end : May 12, 2006
Prison : March 26, 2023
I'm not ok: March 26, 2023
Ghost of you: March 26, 2023
Jetset life: May 4, 2008
Interlude: May 4, 2008
Venom: March 26, 2023
Hang em high: October 12, 2022
Fashion statement : March 26, 2023
Cemetery drive: March 14, 2023
Ntywidfal: October 12, 2022
Black parade
The end: October 7, 2007
Dead: August 27, 2011
How I disappear: March 26, 2023
Sharpest lives: May 9, 2008
Wttbp: March 26, 2023
I don't love you: October 17, 2022
House of wolves: March 20, 2023
Cancer: March 19, 2023
Mama: March 26, 2023
Sleep: March 26, 2023
Teenagers: March 26, 2023
Disenchanted: October 7, 2007
Last words: March 26, 2023
Blood: Never (only ever audio recordings)
Danger Days
Na na na: March 26, 2023
Bulletproof heart : September 8, 2022
Sing: October 17, 2022
Planetary: March 25, 2023
Only hope: October 15, 2022
Party poison: April 23, 2011
Save yourself: October 15, 2022
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W: October 15, 2022
Summertime : March 20, 2023
Destroya: March 25, 2023
Kids from yesterday: March 25, 2023
Vampire money: March 19, 2023
Conventional Weapons
Boy division : March 26, 2023
Tomorrows money: August 30, 2022
Ambulance : Never been played
Gun: Never been played
World is ugly: March 26, 2023
Light behind your eyes: Never been played
Kiss the ring: August 8, 2009
Make room: September 24, 2022
Surrender the night: September 15, 2022
Burn bright: September 10, 2022
Mad Gear and Missile Kid
F.T.W.W.W. : Never been played
Ravenkroft: October 15, 2022
Black dragon: Never been played
Foundations: March 26, 2023
Sister to sleep: October 17, 2022
all the angels : October 14, 2022
Heavan help us : October 17, 2022
Kill all your friends: March 25, 2023
My way home: May 9, 2008
Eagles : March 26, 2023
Fake your death: October 17, 2022
Desert song: October 12, 2022
Bury me in black: March 26, 2023
Desolation row: October 11, 2022 at
Song 2 (blur cover) : June 18, 2007
Under pressure (queen cover) : March 29, 2005
We will rock you (queen cover) : August 26, 2011
If I missed any lmk lol. And I will update this after WWWY next year.
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night-dazai · 5 months
The Demon Never Died - 3
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Dazai  X Reader 
Synopsis: You were rescued and now both you and Dazai are scared thinking that the other person hates the other only to find the truth and for Dazai to realise another fact about his pretty sweet soft gf. When she said she had her won share of madness and trauma she was not kidding . 
Word count : 2008
It has been how long you had no idea but all you knew was that your hands hurt very badly and you are sure they would leave a mark “Finally “ you said removing the rope from your feet. The fear in you has not left but since no one has come into that room you were brave enough to remove the rope and look around. “Thank god I was not cuffed to bed or something .” you mumbled, the room was tiny the moment anyone opened the door they could see one big white bed one nightstand with a heart-shaped lamp on it and a door to the right “bathroom, “ you said closing it . The tiny screen near the door was now black and no voices were also heard so with nothing to listen you opened the nightstand near the bed the only other furniture in the room “ wh-” you turned to the sound of the door throwing open. “ This is kinda nice why not sell her?” one said coming in while the other man closed the door . The black-haired man walked towards you as you fell back on the bed and chuckled seeing the fear in your eyes “ we did not even tell him much he surrendered, why does he love you so much ?” he asked grabbing your chin in a harsh pull . His nasty breath was close to your nose “wha..” you mumbled thinking about what he could mean . “ what else Dazai said he will surrender and we let you go “ the other red hair said opening the door “ we said we will send her back intact and we should “ .The man holding your chin opened your mouth with force and popped a pill in as he dragged you out “ Dazai …why .why would he” you mumbled feeling tired and soon slumped as they dragged you . 
Dazai stood in the warehouse for the past 20 minutes tapping his feet impaitinetly “ what is taking them so long “ he mumbled as his mind raced a million of things they could do to you . The sweet , innocent flower you were and he knew you had never faced anything like this ever . Naomi placed a hand on his shoulder “calm down we are just early “ . As she finished talking a car pulled up at the opening, Dazai and Naomi both turned to see 6 men come out of 2 cars and one held you mouth tied hands cuffed and red . Dazai’s blood boiled “ come here “ one of the man with black hair said looking like the leader he stood in the middle as the red hair behind him was removing the cloth from your mouth “DAZAI GET OUT !” you shouting making everyone look at you suprised. Dazai’s eyes widened “ get out and dont you dare surrender “ you shouted struggling from the man grasp. Before Dazai could get a word out SLAP! the leader-looking guy spoke “ shut up before it goes south “ he grabbed your hair and made you kneel putting a knife to your neck “ come here Dazai before this thing is dead “. You were still crying, you could not see much due to the tears and your head felt dizzy . You were sure your lips were bleeding. “No” was all you hear Dazai say , you looked up with hazy eyes and now saw many people dressed in black.
The men around you struggled to understand the situation. Taking their guns out the were ready , the guy tugged your hair harder making it hurt a lot more “ She is de-” A bullet hit his leg and hand making him fall to the said limp and scream. All you do was be still and shake in fear as bullets rained making all the men near you fall dead . Your taers was running like a river. Feeling a hand on your eyes you flinched “ y/n ..its me “ you opened your eyes to see you lover kneeling in front of you . You flung yourself on him “ whyy..whyyy” you shouted and kept crying as Dazai held you tightly running small circles on your back “ i am sorry y/n “ was the last thing you heard before fainting. 
Jun'ichirō snapped his fingers and all the illusions of the military men was gone, Kunikida showed up with a sniper gun with Kenji next to him “The majority are injured very much “ he said giving his sunshine smile but the moment he saw you his face went blank . “can i take-” Dazai stopped him “ thanks but i would like to have alone time with them while the government comes here“ he said handing you gently to his partner whom he trusts with all his heart. Dazai pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear “Make sure she is alright i will be joining you people soon after Ango comes here” his voice was falt with no emotion other than his trembling hand on your face he watched as Kenji, Jun'ichirō and Kunikida walked out . “Now … i told you i would surrender without any problem and was honestly thinking about letting you guys to get your revenge on me “ he cracked his knuckles and neck.
Anger was visible in his face and his voice was strong and scary the 6 men trembled “ i left this all back years go i did but i nerve said i will not do it “ his head titled to the side looking like a psycho Dazai smiled at his prey he removed his brown trench coat , walking towards the corner in the warehouse he came back wearing a thick black coat “ Please allow me to show you my old tricks “ he said bowing dramatically smiling sending chills down the men on the floor already bleeding. 
Ango stood outside the warehouse with his men for the past 40 mins mostly cause after 5 mins of his arrival he could hear horrified screams form the other side and knew “lets wait here “ he told his men and waited . Dazai opened the door after a few more mins “ Ya!! Ango , you are here early “ Dazai said back to his cheery voice and goofy aura but this appearance did not match them. A black coat replaced the brown coat he stood blood splashed all over him , pure white bandages soaked in blood “ yeah now you just gave me more work of treating them “ he said adjusting his specs.
Giggling Dazai patted Ango’s shoulder “ well you are good at it right , this is off record “ his voice suddenly went cold saying the last part . Before he got a reply Dazai’s phone rang “ y/n woke up and said she wanted to go back to your shared house she is treated but refused to stay the agency “ Dazai hummed in response hanging up walked back home , a place he thought he could never have . 
It has been 2 hours since you woke up and cried for sold 30 mins on the agency couch you said you wanted to go home. Kunikida against it let you go with Athushi when Ranpo told it would be better for you that way. The moment you came back in you dropped to the floor crying hard your mind revolving all horrible images, “why Dazai was not next to you when you woke up , did he think they did something to you ? was his disgusted or was he hurt ? his hands were tied ….yet crying you walked into the room and practically pulled a bunch of his shirts and made a pile of out it to sit and cry till your lover came in . Soon it turned into little sobs while you thought about other things " what happened to those men ? is it alright for me to imagine them being hurt ? " and that's when your brain hit it . Dazai might do it but "his hands were tied and they might be high profile criminals what if samu gets hurt ?" and the thought just made you sob more  
Dazai stood outside the apt door wondering in what stay would he find you , what can he say , will you wan to break up , will you hate him. His still opened the door uttering your name softly but found that all random lights were on but you were not in the hall or kitchen he walked worried and scared to the bedroom you both share. The sight in front of him made his heart and whole body clench in pain and guilt seeing your plight wearing one of his shirts and lying on the rest crying your heart out. “Y/n ?” his soft voice made you look at him in fear, more than anything else he hurt at the way you reacted  “Any can just kill or torture me “ he thought and walked towards you seeing how you got up and opened your arms like a 5 years old asking for a hug but with bandaged wrists . “Sorry dear ..please…dont cryyy” he said hugging you while soothing your hair “pleasee you are making me cry too” he mumbled with wet eyes “Dazai…dont cry” you still mumbled hiding your face in his chest and there you both sat crying on each other for a while before both of you calm down and soon your rational minds started functioning.
“Here “ he said handing you a cup of white tea “Thank you “ you mumbled and pulled closer ot him as he sat down next to you . “Why would you shout something like that y/n ?” Dazai got right to point starting at you with dark eyes filled with nothing but worry “Cause its true “ you said pouting and sipping your tea “ dont ever i mean ever sacrifice yourself for me you never know i might be worth it “ you said sipping your tea and turned the tv for distcartion. “Why..” his voice broken making you turn to see his eyes getting wet again “ Osamu..” you mumbled and held his hand “Just like how you hate to see me hurt i also do not want to see you hurt i will say this again and again but please i want to be with you if you allow me . If you still like me..” your last sentence facing make the brunette look at you with the question “ why would i not like you ?” you fumbled with your hands “ well..i was kidnapped ..for a while you might know what they did ..” you said softly but panicked feeling his hand go hard “no..i mean they did not do anything to me please trust me!” you also said most begging him .
Dazai could not take anymore his heart and body felt tired “ why ..why in the world would i doubt you love, i know and even if they did something they would be dead and “ he held both your hands tightly getting down on his knees “ i am sorry sorry that you had to go through something like that “ sincerity filled his voice and eyes looking at you his hands trembled yet he held yours tightly. Smiling you bumped your foreheads “ Samu you recall what i told you when you asked why i chose you ?” your voice now normal and cheery, he nodded without blinking you “ you took the coat off ok but your shirt ? , you jaw “ you said tracing the staring and sharp bone “ see blood “ you said showing you finers. Embrassed he looked away but you forced his chin back to you “ i know they are off the hook “ your eyes dug deep into his smiling “ did they beg ?” you asked. Confused for a min Dazai looked at you and blinked understanding the meaning he giggled kissing your hands “ yes dear, they begged a lot to die “You kissed his forehead “ good , see this is why dont be sorry and get up i feel cold “ you said pulling him up .
You snuggled into his arms and that's when he realised you were not some innocent little flower who knew nothing about the world, he never took it seriously when Ranpo said the way you watched gore was different now he knew, you might be naive and foolish and sweet and kind but under them hid something and he also realised that you could see right into his soul from the first time he saw you he realised “ you saw that the demon never died right ?” he asked. You poped your head from his chest and smiled back the sweetest smile “ yes “ 
Thank you for reading this i was supposed to write a smut scene but will do it separately. 
If you have any specific requests do send them to me.
If there are any mistakes please do mention them for me to correct them in the future.
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soracities · 4 months
"To Feel the Humiliation", Sharif S. Elmusa
"Today I have seen of war all I want to see. A row of men with blindfolded eyes and surrendered hands squat, backs hunched, before a stone wall. A young boy stays home for five days, alone, with the corpses of his family. A man gestures, with loathing, about how a soldier had defecated on his bed. An old woman flails her arms in despair, begging the distant heavens. To feel the humiliation, to touch the grief of each I would have to become a monster with many hearts."
—from Flawed Landscape: Poems 1987-2008
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lucidlikesthings · 2 months
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Fighting for my life trying to balance fandom things with real life but we made it! My entry for the Obi-Wan Whump Mini-Bang! I partnered with @fromthemouthofzabe (Ao3) to illustrate a scene from their fic entry.
I've never tried to draw Grievous before! .............. It might be awhile before I try again! Actually he was very fun to draw but so very complicated haha
After a desperate, drawn-out siege, Obi-Wan is forced to surrender to separatist forces in order to save what is left of his men. As a captive of General Grievous, Obi-Wan tries his best to keep his men safe – and his spirit intact.
Check out @obiwanwhumpminibang for the other incredible submissions!
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filipinfodump · 5 months
Hi, I want to ask if you have any topics about the Philippine-American War? I have gotten myself in Philippine History and I want to know deeper. Thanks:)
I was thinking of many ways on how to answer this because this is such a large and complicated topic but I could just try to summarize some stuff here and tell you what I know and what I could find.
The Filipino-American war mainly started as Filipinos felt betrayed by their former American allies after the country was sold to them by Spain after the Spanish-American war during the Treaty of Paris of 1898 for $20 million alongside other Spanish colonies like Puerto Rico, Guam, and Cuba (American Historical Association, n.d.). This feeling of betrayal had come from the fact that the leader and dictator president of the Filipino revolutionaries, Emilio Aguinaldo of the Kataastaasang Kagalang-galang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan (en. The Supreme and Honorable Association of the Children of the Nation) or the Katipunan for short, actually sought assistance from the Americans in Hong Kong during the Filipino Revolutionary War against Spain which was happening at the same time (Kedmey, 2013). This is why tensions were so high with the Americans when they first formally colonized the Philippines.
Interestingly, the purchase also included some territories that weren't actually part of Spanish rule such as the Sultanate of Sulu as well as some indigenous territories which led to a strained relationship with the Americans moving forward such as the independent Moros of Muslim Mindanao later being forced to assimilate to the rest of the colony of the Philippines despite previous agreements that state that they will leave them alone, mirroring the way the United States government treated Native Americans (Gowing, 1968).
Fighting between the American army and the Filipino army first broke out when on February 4, 1899 after Private William W. Grayson fired at 4 Filipino soldiers who cocked their rifles in response to them ordering the men to halt which later broke out into the Battle of Manile of 1899 (Chaput, 2012). As the Filipinos and Americans declared war on each other, the Katipuneros resorted to the mountains to start guerilla warfare against the American army (Philippine-American War, n.d.) which then lasted until 1901 when Aguinaldo was captured on March 23, 1901, just a day after Aguinaldo's birthday actually with the capture being attributed to two of his men, Lazaro Segovia and Hilario Tal Placido who betrayed him to the Americans with his other men still being too relaxed from the festivities the day before (Ocampo, 2010).
The fighting continued despite his capture and surrender until the last of the generals, General Macario Sakay, surrendered in July 14, 1906 who was then later executed along side his men on September 13, 1907 despite the initial promise of amnesty by the American government (Pangilinan & Pimintel, 2008).
The war ended the lives of 4,300 American soldiers with only 1,500 having been killed in action with the rest succumbing to diseases, while Filipino forces suffered 20,000 casualties alongside the death of 200,000 Filipino civilians due to hunger, disease, and combat (Philippine-American War, n.d.).
The violence of the situation and especially committed by the American soldiers prompted a lot of protests in the United States to stop the war immediately, as letters of the situation had been sent back to their homes which describes in excruciating detail the war crimes that these soldiers were ordered to commit such as blockading and burning down villages, extreme torture of captured and suspected enemies, and much more. The most well-known of these torture methods that I remember being taught to us in history classes as early as 4th grade was the "Water Cure" where American soldiers would force water down the victim's throat in and force them to vomit it back out. This article has a detailed account of the exact nature of this torture method as it discusses the torture of Mayor Joveniano Ealdama of Igbaras, who, although no American troop was actually hurt in his town, was tortured with his town being burnt down by the Americans the very next day (Vestal, 2017).
I do have to be honest, I was utterly shocked at how little Americans really knew about the Philippine American colonial era and by extension the Philippine-American war especially with the sheer amount of brutality the Americans had done to Filipino locals as well as the large impact the American government and American culture has had in my country and I am glad that more and more people are starting to learn more about this but it's still rather disappointing.
Videos on the Philippine-American War
If you want to learn more about the Philippine-American War, I have a couple of recommendations for videos that you can watch.
This video by Crash Course explains the origins of American Imperial idealization as well as the wars that led up to the colonization of the many territories that America acquired during this time era:
Here's a good summary by history teacher Mr. Beat of the major aspects of the war as well as the American public's perception of it that you can watch:
Here's a video made with a Filipino-perspective by Jonas Tayaban on the topic:
Here's a summary in Tagalog. It doesn't have English subtitles though but it does detail more things about the build-up and the subsequent wars between Spain and America and later the Philippines and Spain and then America too:
Movies about the Philippine-American War
I would also be remiss to not suggest some historical movies that tackle the events of this time period and especially TBA Studios' Artikulo Uno films Heneral Luna (2015) which focuses on the most popular and effective general of the revolution Gen. Antonio Luna, and Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral (2018) which focuses on Gregorio "Goyo" del Pilar, one the youngest generals of Filipino history who died a very tragic death at a young age:
You can watch the full movie here complete with English Subtitles
Another well-known movie about this time period is Viva Films' El Presidente (2012), although I had heard people say it's very much biased to the controversial dictator president Aguinaldo's side with many people citing that as the reason why they don't like the film.
Here's a reupload of the full-movie. It doesn't have subtitles though.
I don't know of any American-made movies that focuses on this topic and I know there's several other films that focus more on the politics of the Katipunan and the Filipino Revolutionary War against Spain, but not necessarily the Philippine-American War so if anyone has other suggestions, please let me know.
I would also like to suggest documentaries but most of the ones I've seen are on World War II and the others are other YouTube videos by history channels that I'm not too familiar with made by mostly white American YouTubers. Not that that would disqualify their videos (I did reference both John Green and Mr. Beat here) but I don't know these history channels and their hosts enough to recommend them in good faith as of right now.
Books and Further Reading on the Philippine-American War
For books on the subject, I often reference the many writings of Ambeth Ocampo such as his Looking Back series, specifically:
Looking Back 2: Dirty Dancing (Shopee, Lazada, Amazon)
Looking Back 11: Independence x6 (Shopee, Lazada)
Looking Back 13: Guns of the Katipunan (Shopee, Lazada)
I'm also currently interested in buying some other books about the topic like The Hills of Sampaloc: The Opening Actions of the Philippine-American War, February 4-5, 1899 (Shopee, Amazon) but I don't really have any extra money to spare for it right now.
I remember that my father had some other books about this too but the names had escaped me and it's far too much work to try to sort out through his entire book pile in our house.
I hope this answer's comprehensive enough since the subject is, as I said before, quite complex and rather large so I can't really get into all the specifics right now.
American Historical Association. (n.d.). How Did America Enter the Picture?. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://www.historians.org/about-aha-and-membership/aha-history-and-archives/gi-roundtable-series/pamphlets/em-24-what-lies-ahead-for-the-philippines-(1945)/how-did-america-enter-the-picture
Chaput, D. (2012). Private William W Grayson's War in the Philippines, 1899. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://ne-test-site8.cdc.nicusa.com/sites/ne-test-site8.cdc.nicusa.com/files/doc/publications/NH1980GraysonWar1899.pdf
Gowing, P. (1968). Muslim-American Relations in the Philippines, 1899-1929. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://asj.upd.edu.ph/mediabox/archive/ASJ-06-03-1968/gowing-muslim-american%20relations%20in%20the%20philippines%201899-1920.pdf
Kedmey, D. (2013, June 13). Exiled in Hong Kong: Famous Company for Edward Snowden.Time. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://world.time.com/2013/06/15/exiled-in-hong-kong-famous-company-for-edward-snowden/slide/general-emilio-aguinaldo/
Ocampo, A. (2010). Looking Back 2: Dirty Dancing. Anvil Publishing
Pangilinan, F., & Pimintel, A. (2008, September 9). A Resolution Expressing the Sense of the Senate Honoring the Sacrifice of Macario Sakay and all other Filipinos who Gave Up their Lives in the Philippine-American War for our Freedom, Senate Resolution No. 623, 14th Congress of the Republic of the Philippines. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from http://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/83927584!.pdf
Philippine-American War. In Britannica. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://www.britannica.com/event/Philippine-American-War
Vestal, A. (2017). The First Wartime Water Torture by Americans. Retrieved on 3 February 2024, from https://digitalcommons.mainelaw.maine.edu/mlr/vol69/iss1/2/
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milligramspoison · 2 years
So now the portion of the tour for 2022 is over, l'd like to share my (and fan!) favorite (and iconic) moments from it :)
Sorry in advance for the long ass post :P
Live debut of Foundations (Eden night 1)
Disappear for the first time since 2010!
Live debut of Surrender the Night <3 (my first MCR song ever so I FLIPPED when this happened)
Live debut of Boy Division!
Gerard crawling on the floor
Frank moaning in Destroya for the first time in years
FINALLY being able to hear Mikey's line in Vampire $$$
Cemetery Drive for the first time since 2012 (Eden night 2)
Only Hope for Me for the first time since 2012
Tour debut of House of Wolves
Ghost of You for the first time since 2011
Tour debut of S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
Headfirst for Halos for the first time since 2009
Live debut of Mastas
The first two shows having Gerard in normal dad clothes then the third show has the bloody mess we all know as Meta Man (MK night 1)
Deathwish for the first time since 2007
Saying moan instead of actually moaning during Destroya
Bulletproof Heart for the time since 2011 <3 (MK night 2)
Ray and Gerard kissing after Destroya
“How'd you get that off my closet door”
Rat attack documentary played before the show (MK night 3)
Mikey dedicating Helena to Rowan and Kennedy <3
Cancer for the first time since 2012
Rowan dancing on stage before MCR goes on with the crowd cheering for her <3
Piss and vinegar
Tomorrow’s Money live debut (Dublin night 1)
The “fuck the queen” chant
Frank's moans during Destroya
Frank telling a fan to listen to Gerard
Frank picking up a (fake) rat
Piss on stairs (Dublin night 2)
“These are my best friends”
Fuck the queen chant round 2
Ponytail Ray
The birthday balloons for Bandit's 13th birthday (Warrington)
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Bandit for her 13th birthday
“My little bee keeper”
Gerard cardboard cut out
Save Yourself for the first time since 2011 (Cardiff)
“I'm just giving myself an ass pat, sorry”
Frank attempting to toss a hat onto his head
Oil Gerard (Glasgow)
Na Na Na being dedicated to Grant Morrison
Sleep being dedicated to Kristan Morrison
“It's time to drink my piss”
Grant getting the drum head from the Glasgow show
Frank completely shredding it
Mikey Mouse shirt (Paris)
Gerard taking a leap of faith
Joke about drinking Frank’s piss
Video of the band making pancakes (Rotterdam)
Ray playing guitar with his wine glass
Fans recreating this
Mikey wearing a happy birthday Kennedy shirt for Kennedy's 3rd birthday <3 (Bologna)
The crowd singing happy birthday to Kennedy for her 3rd birthday <3
Gerard stating that they hope it won’t be a long time before they come back :)
Discussion of Twilight
The Da Vinki twins went to the show in Budapest
Slow clap moment
“How many of you are MCR Veterans..Trademark”
Na Na Na played a second time in Warsaw but faster
Engagement during Teenagers!!
Gerard taking down Stuart
Heaven Help Us played for the first time since 2008 (Prague)
Another mention of wanting to return
Clown Gerard (Berlin)
Story time about playing in Berlin for the first time
Hearing Frank laugh when he’s nowhere near the mic
The interesting drum
Poncho Gerard (Stockholm)
“I went a little hard the other night with filth clown”
Pointing a rainbow out to Gerard
Mikey’s crooked heart <3
Pink shirt Gerard (two nights in a row in Bonn)
Admitting to googling their own lyrics (Bonn night 1)
Ray's hair being half up half down
Coughing during Destroya instead of moaning
Gerard talking about Hayley Williams
Frank watching Gerard perform Cancer (Bonn night 2)
Llama on stage (a toy but a real one would’ve been cool too)
Closing off the European portion of the tour with Cancer </3
North America:
Clown Gerard 2.0 (Oklahoma City)
Gerard laughing with sparkling water in their mouth
Sleep with an alternate outro
The shirt incident
“Lighten the fuck up, buttercup!”
Ray breaking his wine glass against his guitar
Sleep with an alternate intro and different outro
Second unintentional Frerard moment
Besties moment from Ray and Mikey <3
Iero on the floor
Debut of the Sunshine intro leading into Sorrows
Summertime being dedicated to Kristin, Rowan, and Kennedy <3
Kristin livestreaming the show!!
Everyone (except Gerard) wearing Mikey Fuckin Way shirts!
The World Is Ugly for the first time since 2008; live debut of the studio version
Gerard almost drinking their microphone
Gerard twirling around and Ray cheering <3
Rowan and Kennedy’s drawings make their debut <3
Mikey doing a livestream prior to the show!!
Gerard singing on the floor (Cincinnati)
Frank stealing Mikey’s line in Vampire Money
SHORTS GATE 2.0 (Raleigh)
Gerard's story time about Bandit trying to make advil m&ms
Everybody Hates The Eagles live debut (kinda)
Gerard in a bloody eyepatch
Gerard shushing the crowd (jokingly) so they can take advil
Sleep with an extended outro (Elmont)
Shorts for the second night in a row
Everybody Hates The Eagles for the second night in a row
Weird ass mask debut
Two fans wearing Petekey shirts
And someone else had the Petekey arm notes written on them
Anddddd two other people had matching Frerard shirts
Shorts for the third night in a row (Philadelphia)
Vampires for the first time since 2012!!
Pool Boy at the Vampire Mansion <3
Gerard calling Mikey Lil Mikey
Debut of the mystery shirts
Sunshine intro leading into FLW (Albany)
Shorts for the fourth night in a row
Mikey watching Waterparks perform
Priest/bloody eyes Gerard (Uncasville)
Eagles returns to the setlist
Ray and Mikey brushing their teeth before the show
Sunshine intro but with S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W
Skeleton Gerard (Toronto night 1)
Mikey wearing the happy birthday Goose shirt (Goose is what he calls his mother in law)
CAT GERARD (Toronto night 2)
Frank attempting to kick Mikey (jokingly)
Black Swan Gerard (Boston night 1)
Wholesome picture of Ray and Christa <3
Ray and Gerard colliding then hugging
Best Day Ever being dedicated to Thursday (Boston night 2)
Mikey blowing a kiss to Kristin <3
Frank wearing a headpiece
Ray rocking out with his sons <3
Crowd singing happy birthday to Mikey!! (NYC night 1)
Mikey dedicating Helena to Rowan and Kennedy again <3
Everyone except Gerard wearing Mikey Fuckin Way shirts for Mikey's birthday!
Drum is a Mikey shrine for Mikey's birthday
“How ‘bout you birthday boy?”
Fans wearing party hats for Mikey’s birthday
Gerard wearing the outfit he wore when he witnessed 9/11 (just a special moment honestly; NYC night 2)
Lily pointing Mikey out to Rowan <3
Frank crossing himself during Sorrows
Bathroom photoshoot
Gerard’s story time about running into one of the openers while with Bandit
Frank posting a picture of his ass and getting a ass tattoo (Detroit)
Hey Chris in Detroit
“Lucky for him…I had other plans.”
Crossing out Cancer for Helena (not a favorite or iconic, just offensive lol this is a joke dw)
Hawaiian shirt Way Brothers (St. Paul)
Teenagers being dedicated to Gerard's mailman
Bullet hole makeup
Jackie O Gerard at Riot Fest
Wholesome Jamia moment from the LS Dunes set <3
Wholesome family moment from Frank during Weezer's set <3
Hey Chris at Riot Fest
Frank wearing a bandana around his neck
Frank facetiming his dad just before his set with LS Dunes <3
Mikey watching TBS (Taking Back Sunday) perform
CROP TOP GERARD (Alpharetta)
Teenagers was dedicated to the band's crew
First of the hometown shows and Gerard performed with Thursday!! (NJ night 1)
Best Day Ever with Geoff of Thursday
Frank Sinatra Gerard (NJ night 2)
Teenagers was dedicated to Midtown
Cover of Frank Sinatra's My Way
Cherry taking a pic/recording Mikey :)
Miles getting excited when Frank said “trust me” <3
Gerard performing with Thursday
Gabe being one of the reasons why FOB8 is Pete’s villain origin story (iykyk)
The entire band signs a mannequin leg
“You'll get this at the end of class”
Ghost Gerard!! (Sunrise)
Gerard took the trans flag during WTTBP <3
Frank going out on stage with HGP
Mikey going out on stage with Midtown
Gerard being unable to pronounce Florida
Ended off the east coast portion of the tour with Cancer </3
Dress in Houston!!
“I thought about wearing a dress in Texas before...but that's a story for another time”
Ray posting a peanut with a penis after the show
Mikey going out on stage with Midtown (again)
The return of dad clothes in Dallas
Teenagers was dedicated to the opening acts
“Get fucked at an airport bar”
Mikey wearing a Midtown shirt
Dad clothes again in Denver
Frank interacting with his kiddos <3
Teenagers was dedicated to Sydney
Adam of Taking Back Sunday said opening for MCR was the only way to get Mikey to return his calls
Ray moaning during Planetary Go
“Just sit back, daddy’s gonna take you where you need to go” Adam Lazzara, 2022 (Portland)
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Taking Back Sunday
Gerard grabbing their phone to look at something
Tomato soup…hm
“Your turn!”
Meta Man cardboard cut out (Tacoma)
Sign for Gerard’s two cats, Mitch and Lotion
Frank going on stage with Kimya
Meredith and Andy went to the show!!!
“Cause if you think Mikey fuckin Way is coming out here to a cold audience, you’re mistaken”
Teenagers was dedicated to Panda (Kimya’s daughter)
Gerard simping for Robert Pattinson in Batman
Gerard wearing a Twilight shirt
One of Frank’s kiddos giving a fan a paper set list
Smiley face drumhead! (Oakland)
Cum sign
Idk why someone did this but yeah
“Ray and I’s home state. We’ve lived here for...14 years?”
“I see a lot more flesh than usual. It’s fleshy out there”
Mikey and Frank almost bumping into each other before Skylines
Gerard chasing the tech off stage
Singing happy birthday to Worm
Mikey petting Worm’s beard
Gerard in an all black outfit with a rose (Vegas)
Ray rocking out with his sons <3
Ray patting his son’s head <3
Gerard dedicating Teenagers to Bandit again <3
The drum was for Bandit <3
Engagement during Helena!!
Mikey having a random book signing (Aftershock)
Crowd surfing a…a sex doll during the LS Dunes set
Frank attempting to do a bottle flip at the end of the LS Dunes set
Ray, Jamia, and Frank’s kiddos watching Frank from side stage <3
Gerard’s shirt saying scabs
Gerard gagging on the microphone
The drum saying choke me which goes perfectly with the point above
A deer running around during WTTBP
“This song is about my favorite fucking human” spotlight proceeds to go onto Frank
Gerard got a haircut
Teenagers being dedicated to Quentin Tarantino
Mikey with his family during I’m Not Okay <3
I Never Told You being dedicated to glow in the dark skeleton man
Dedicating Teenagers to a fan
Frank singing Teenagers to Lily <3
Frank hugging one of the twins prior to encore <3
Frank waving to his kids prior to Foundations <3
Foundations being dedicated to Doug </3
Teenagers dedicated to a random fan again
WTTBP being dedicated to Doug’s wife and kids </3
Teenagers being dedicated to Bandit for the third time as well as dedicating it to her friends <3
Bandit attending the show with her friends
Ghost of You in the encore!!
Mikey bringing Rowan on stage for Kids <3
Rowan making heart hands at the crowd <3
Teenagers dedicated to the crew
Dinosaur in the pit
Gabe’s son having to be “evicted” during Midtown’s opening set
Ray rocking out with his son during Kids <3
Gerard throwing fake insects to the fans
The final bow </3
Luigi cosplayer comforting emos at the first day of WWWY (cause it was canceled)
Katy Perry welcoming the orphans/emo kids to her Vegas residency show due to the first day of WWWY being canceled
Katy bringing an emo kid on stage with her and starting a mosh
Opened with I’m Not Okay!
Secretary of Salmonella
Gerard misaddressing the crowd as Utah
First time Foundations isn’t on the setlist since it was released (not a favorite or iconic, just really strange cause we’re all so used to it every night lol)
Frank walking onto the stage like an actual old man
Gerard flipping the crowd off before the show even started
Hayley (from Paramore) mentioning and thanking MCR <3
Person who did their prosthetics last weekend is back! (WWWY night 3)
Adam from TBS sitting on a whole ass person (ik it’s not MCR but it’s too funny to not include)
Foundations returned to the setlist!
Gerard dressed as an army general
Mikey wearing the Kristin Fuckin Way shirt <3
Closing off their final US show with Kids </3
Jamia, Kristin, and Christa taking a photo with each other <3
MCR’s first time in Mexico since 2008!
Another sex doll for some reason
“You look good today baby boy” Anthony to Frank during LS Dunes’ set
Gerard spelt fuego wrong
Mikey winked and smirked at the camera
Gerard playing a telephone sound
Gerard shouting out Frank and the rest of Dunes <3
Gerard got an axolotl plushie <3
Ending the North American tour and the final show of 2022 with Kids </3
If you’ve made it this far, first of all, hi! Secondly, ty for looking through this haha.
I’ll probably do this again when they’re in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan next year, so stay tuned! :)
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lydiaas · 1 year
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So stay there / 'Cause I'll be coming over / And while our blood's still young / It's so young, it runs / Won't stop 'til it's over / Won't stop to surrender - sweet disposition, the temper trap (2008)
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likeabxrdinflight · 4 months
so as we all know, the live action atla airs tomorrow. knowing me, I'll end up binging the whole thing in one, two days tops.
I think the majority of my followers on this platform followed me back in 2020, when the animated show dropped on netflix and saw a sudden resurgence in popularity. so most of you know me as a fan, and it's not exactly a secret. I adore the animated show. It's somewhere in my top ten favorite tv series of all time. it might even be the top, I've never actually sat down and thought about it that deeply, but if I did, atla very well could be number one.
it's not a perfect show, far from it. it has flaws. everything does. but I was there with atla from literally day one. I remember back in 2005, all the tv ads for this cool, anime-esque nickelodeon show that was gonna air soon. I memorized the date and time of the premiere. I made damn sure I wasn't gonna miss it. my 12-year-old ass forced my little brother to surrender the remote for that hour and refused to let him touch it. turns out I didn't need to, because we both got invested right away. and I tuned in for every new episode from that day on. even if I was at a friend's house, I made sure we watched if a new episode of atla was airing. I was that insane about this show.
I can remember making up fake bending routines in my parents' living room (usually firebending lol). in the summers I'd pretend to be a waterbender in the swimming pool. some of my earliest drawings are of katara, aang, and zuko, and then later azula. I remember when the blue spirit first aired and presenting my brother with the "zuko will definitely become aang's friend and teach him firebending" manifesto. he was not convinced. I was devastated by the season two finale, and so vindicated by season three. I remember how long the 2008 writer's strike felt when it delayed the second half of season three. and I remember when the finale finally aired- by this point I was now 15- and just the rollercoaster of emotions that was for me as a teenager. I remember not wanting it to be over, delving into the online fandom and discovering all the different ships, fanart, fanfics, and video edits (and drama). I learned how to use windows movie maker and pirate the episodes just because I wanted to join in on the fun. I wrote a not good zutara fic that I never finished. I put my shitty little azula videos on youtube. I've been in and out of this fandom ever since.
so to say I have a lot of love for the animated series would be an understatement. when I think of the media that defined my childhood, there's really five things that first come to mind- harry potter, pokemon, anime more broadly (special shout out to yugioh and sailor moon), disney, and atla.
I say this all to establish that there is zero chance the live action adaptation could ever overtake the animated original for me. I will always love it more, it will always be the more special version of this story. I was exactly aang's age when that first episode aired. there's no replacing something like that. when I think of this story and these characters, I think I will always default to the animated version.
that said, I really am feeling optimistic about the live action adaptation. I'm frequently skeptical of these kinds of projects, especially the disney remake trend, but there's a couple reasons I feel pretty okay with the adaptation of atla. one is that there has been a recent uptick in popularity of the original. it's a good time to re-visit this story, people are interested, and it can only serve to get even more people to watch the original given both will now be on netflix. two is that I'm very encouraged to see that both in front of and behind the camera, asian and indigenous people are taking center stage. I don't think we can discount the importance of that. third, everything I've seen about this show that's not a panicked hot take on twitter or a headline pulled out of context is fairly encouraging. I mostly like what I've heard from the cast and showrunners in interviews. several reviews of the first episode's premiere have been broadly positive, most importantly to me, from actual fans who attended.
I do have some reservations. I'm not totally sold on the visual aesthetic, with the somewhat darker color palette and the contrasting saturation of the costumes. for this first season, I'm easily most concerned about how katara is going to be written. I want them to make changes and tell the story differently, but I do worry they won't find the right balance. too much change to central character arcs could deleteriously impact the story. and I will always be concerned about the portrayal of azula.
I also have mixed feelings about the sexism thing- I'm not necessarily pressed that they might tone down sokka's or even pakku's overt sexism, and frankly the "girls can fight too!" version of feminism is kind of tired in 2024. I also know several indigenous people have spoken up about how the water tribe's being sexist was not a great look. but I am concerned that, in toning this aspect down, they might inadvertently neuter katara's character arc or remove some of her best moments. I have to question how this change will impact suki as well. ironically I'm not as worried about sokka, his sexism was a minimal part of his overall character arc- but it's impact on the women around him was much more meaningful. that's what I'm more concerned about.
I've also heard that the first episode suffers from a glut of exposition that was felt necessary for new viewers but returning fans will likely find tiresome. and naturally I'm worried some things will look goofy, fail to translate from cartoon to live action well, or that some of the heart and charm of the original will get lost in translation. so yeah, there's concerns.
but generally speaking I'm more excited than not. if the show has as much love put into it as the cast and crew interviews seem to indicate, then I think revisiting this world and these characters in a new way with a new generation at the helm will be a lot of fun. the nostalgia market is definitely oversaturated right now, you can certainly argue this didn't need to exist, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not interested to see what they do with this. especially when we already got such a bad live action version- it's not like this is a new idea for atla as a franchise. there's a precedent already set for trying it again. so I'm going in with an open mind. let's see what they do- it's not like it's ever going to replace the original. it can't.
...also I think the tag I'm going to use is "natla spoilers". I've been tagging "atla live action" but I think I'm gonna switch over to "natla" primarily from now on. and believe me, I will be sharing my thoughts.
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autismserenity · 6 months
Nothing you say will change the undeniable fact that Israel has killed more than 1% of the civilian population of Gaza through indiscriminate bombing since the start of this war
this is why Hamas only reports total people killed, and doesn't separate out civilians and combatants. because it knows that you'll assume they were all civilians, despite zero reason to assume that. nobody else does it that way. every single country on earth reports civilians and combatants separately, because killing civilians is a war crime.
Part of the reason that this is really good propaganda is that if someone responds by clarifying that it was only ____ civilians, they will sound like they're minimizing, which will lead to immediately dismissing their point.
Hamas is honestly masterful at propaganda.
Which sucks.
Anyway, if you want Undeniable Facts or at least Numbers: there are 2.3M people in Gaza, of which 30,000-40,000 are Hamas military. An unknown number are Hamas leaders, cybersecurity, military academy staff, etc. None of that really makes a dent in a number like 2,300,000, though. As of the beginning of December, more than 5,000 of the 15k+ it had then killed were Hamas members, for a civilian:combatant casualty ratio of almost 2:1.
Meaning that it had killed almost 10,000 civilians. Which also sucks.
For the curious, here are the ratios of civilian:combatant deaths you get with the numbers here for various wars:
Mexican Revolution  1:1
WWI close to 1:1
WWII between 3:2 and 2:1
Korean War about 2:1
Vietnam War 2:1 at highest estimate, 1:1 at lowest
Russia-Afghanistan War between 5.6:1 and 20:1
Israel-Lebanon War 6:1
Both Chechen Wars 7.6:1
NATO in Yugoslavia most likely 4:1
Afghanistan War 0.4:1 (or if you treat the civilians as the basis for comparison, it's 1:2.5)
Iraq War 1:2 thru 2015, then 4.5:1
U.S. Drone attacks in Pakistan 1:5
Second Intifada between 1:1 and 2:1, with 59% of Palestinian and 69% of Israeli deaths being civilians
2008 Gaza War 3:2 
2014 Gaza War between 1:1 and 3:1
Ukraine: 1:6 as of end of 2022 - surprisingly, this is the lowest ratio of any of the wars I've looked at
Israel-Hamas war as of beginning of December: 2:1. (15600 total, more than 5000 combatants.) 
As of Dec 19, Israel has killed 19,667 people in Gaza. Let's see if we can get an actual number for how many of those are civilians.
I can't find an up-to-date number for combatants. It was 5,000+ on the 6th, and 7,000+ by the 10th,
It's been primarily fighting in Hamas strongholds that aren't SUPPOSED to have any civilians in them. Given that it killed three hostages, that's obviously not guaranteed. But that's why the number went up so fast.
As of the 19th, Israel has killed 4,000 people in about two weeks. At least half of those are combatants. But it's also wildly unlikely that it's only killed civilians since the 10th. Guessing that half of those deaths were combatants seems reasonable; it should be more, based on all the info we have.
That means that Israel may have killed 11,667 civilians, of maybe 2.27M civilians in Gaza. And killed 8,000 Hamas members, of maybe 30,000. (700 have also surrendered, last I checked.)
To be fair, separating out the combatant deaths doesn't do a lot to change what percent of civilians have been killed, because 2.3M is such a big number.
It's 0.6% with them, 0.5% without them. (Not 1%, fortunately.)
But it's always worth noting that Hamas is a lying group of liars that lied about having raped civilians en masse, lied about having killed civilians en masse, lied about wanting to specifically fight Israel and not Jews in the rest of the world, and is even happier to mislead people than it is to lie outright.
By contrast, it's about 30% of Hamas, between Israel killing its members being killed, and them surrendering.
I don't particularly like the number of terrorists killed either, tbh. Despite how enthusiastically some people misinterpreted what I said, I don't like it when anybody gets killed.
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gatheringbones · 8 months
[“Take a moment to visualize a crouching cheetah, its eyes focused, its muscles twitching in anticipation, as it prepares to attack a swift, darting impala. I want you to track your own responses as you watch the sleek cheetah overtake its prey in a seventy-mile-an-hour surge of speed. The impala falls to the ground an instant before the cheetah sinks its claws into the haunches of its prey. It is almost as if the animal has surrendered itself to the predator and to certain death. However, the fallen impala is not dead. Although it appears limp and motionless, its nervous system is still highly charged from the swift chase. Though it is barely breathing or moving, the animal’s heart and brain are still racing. The same chemicals discussed earlier that helped fuel its attempted escape continue to flood its brain and body.
There is a possibility that the impala will not be devoured immediately. The mother cheetah may drag its (apparently dead) prey behind a bush, then go seek out its hungry cubs, safely hidden at a distance. While the cheetah is gone, the temporarily “frozen” impala may awaken from its state of shock, then shake and tremble in order to discharge the vast amount of energy it mobilized to escape death. After completing this normalization procedure, the impala will stand up on wobbly legs, take a few tentative steps, then bound off in search of the herd as if nothing unusual had occurred.
The “immobility response” used by the impala is just as important a survival tool as “fight” and “flight.” This normal survival strategy is also called the “freezing” response. Slow and relatively unprotected animals like the opossum use immobility as their first line of defense. Any animal that is trapped in a situation where fight and flight are not viable options will use it. Another of the vital functions of the immobility response is numbness. If the impala (or human) is killed while “frozen,” it will not suffer pain or even terror during its demise.
We humans use the immobility response — frozen energy — regularly when we are injured or even when we feel overwhelmed. Unlike the impala, though, we tend to have trouble returning to normal after being in this state. The very feelings that we need to access in order to us help steer ourselves back to the present are, in effect, numbed-out. This difficulty in normalizing ourselves is very important. I believe that the ability to return to equilibrium and balance, after using the “immobility response,” is the primary factor in avoiding being traumatized.
How do wild animals successfully return to their normal state? The answer lies in the particular type of spontaneous shaking, trembling, and breathing that I described earlier. I remember that when I shared my observations about animal behavior with Andrew Bwanali, chief park biologist of the Mzuzu Environmental Center in Malawi, Central Africa, he nodded excitedly, then burst out: “Yes … yes … yes! That is true. Before we release captured animals back into the wild, we make absolutely sure that they have done just what you have described.” He looked down at the ground, then added softly, “If they have not trembled and breathed that way before they are released, they will not survive. They will die.”]
peter levine, from healing trauma, 2008
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april-is · 3 months
April 2, 2024: from Understory, Craig Santos Perez
from Understory Craig Santos Perez
(to my wife, nālani and our 7-month old daughter, kai)
kai cries from teething—
how do new parents
comfort a child in
pain, bullied in school,
shot by a drunk
APEC agent? #justicefor
-kollinelderts— nālani gently
massages kai's gums with
her fingers— how do
we wipe away tear-
gas and blood? provide
shelter from snipers? disarm
occupying armies? #freepalestine—
nālani sings to kai
a song about the
Hawaiian alphabet— what dreams
will echo inside detention
centers and cross teething
borders to soothe the
thousands of children atop
la bestia? #unaccompanied—
nālani rubs kai's back
warm with coconut oil—
how do we hold
violence at arm's length
when raising [our] hands
up is no longer
a universal sign of
surrender? #black livesmatter—
kai finally falls asleep
in nālani's cradling arms,
skin to skin against
the news— when do
we tell our daughter
there's no safe place
for us to breathe #...
More like this:
+ Good Bones, Maggie Smith + Prayer for My Unborn Niece or Nephew, Ross Gay + not an elegy for Mike Brown, Danez Smith & the first poem below:
Today in...
2023: The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On, Franny Choi 2022: For the Journalists Who Write About Ukraine, Julia Kolchinsky Dasbach 2021: For My Friends, in Reply to a Question, Safia Elhillo 2020: The Conditional, Ada Limón 2019: Dorothy Wordsworth, Jennifer Chang 2018: A Small Needful Fact, Ross Gay 2017: What We Need, David Budbill 2016: Husky Boys’ Dickies, Jill McDonough 2015: Why Some Girls Love Horses, Paisley Rekdal 2014: The Fox, Faith Shearin 2013: You Can’t Have It All, Barbara Ras 2012: Road Trip, Kurt Brown 2011: Onset, Kim Addonizio 2010: February, Margaret Atwood 2009: Domestic, Carl Phillips 2008: A Birthday, W.S. Merwin 2007: Words for Love, Ted Berrigan 2006: At the Trial of Hamlet, Chicago, 1994, Sherman Alexie 2005: The Waking, Theodore Roethke
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ndfan3 · 3 months
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“I Suggest You Surrender.”
Those words were like hammer blows into my chest. It wasn’t just the fact that Nancy Drew, “Girl Detective”, was standing nonchalantly on my very own stage, the coronet of Laura Farmer, the Homecoming Queen I had just ransomed back to her grateful family for a pretty penny, swinging in her hand. It wasn’t simply that the insouciant smile on Miss Drew’s girl-next-door pretty mouth meant she had discovered the offending article in my apartment, or even that I knew she was right - my crime was discovered, and I was caught. No, it was the fact that the little vixen was telling me I needed to surrender. Me - who had been arranging pageants before this absurd little amateur sleuth was even in kindergarten!
“Surrender? To you?” I replied, unable to keep the sneer from out of my voice. “It will go a lot easier for you if you come quietly, Mr Briggs.” the young woman replied simply. “I called the sheriff before confronting you: he will be here in twenty minutes.” I gazed in bitter frustration at my teenaged nemesis - taking in her dreary flat shoes, her conservative tan pantyhose and her sensible beltless grey dress. “You would never have won the Pageant, Miss Drew!” I told her somewhat pointlessly. “You are far too boring!” The girl laughed at that despite herself as my head dropped in defeat. “I think I had better tie you up, Mr Briggs,” she smiled at me happily, “just in case the sheriff is delayed, you see.” The girl removed the unsophisticated cloth band from her head, allowing her fair hair to tumble over her shoulders and then walked towards me. “Put your hands behind your back please, sir.” she told me. I glowered back at her miserably, but did as she instructed…
My interpretation of the cover to Pageant Perfect Crime, Nancy Drew Girl Detective #30 (June 2008); caption mine.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
To #Israel haters trolling me: I don't know you, so your insults don't bother me. I've heard it all, Uncle Tom, sellout, etc. If you want a response, speak substance.
To substance debaters, please understand: 
1- Issues like apartheid or ethnic cleansing assume that one country with one set of nationals, two ethnicities. But here we have two nations: A sovereign Israel and two Palestinian governments in West Bank (minus Area C and EJ) and Gaza. 
2- Nature of Palestinian governments (democracy or not), rights of Palestinians, are determined by Palestinians, not Israel. If Israel must grant Palestinians rights, they'd have to pledge allegiance to Israeli state/flag. But Palestinians don't want to be Israelis. They want their own national identity. So please, think before you make nonsense Apartheid assumptions. Apartheid assumes one nation, and these are clearly two.
3- Liberty of Palestinians is granted by their own governments. If you are Palestinian and cannot eat publicly in Ramadan, or harassed for being LGBTQ, or suffer honor killing if you are a girl dating a boy, or thrown in prison or killed if you express opinion that disagrees with the rest (such as calling for peace with Israel), all of these rights are repressed by Palestinian rulers of Palestinians and there is nothing that Israel can do to grant Palestinians such liberty.
4- Freedom of movement of Palestinians in West Bank is hampered by frequency of Palestinian attacks on Israeli non-combatants. In 1987, before attacks started, a Palestinian could drive from Ramallah to Gaza uninterrupted. If Palestinian militants ever surrender their arms, Israeli checkpoints will disappear.
5- We all agree that Palestinians deserve a better life than the one they have now (which is better than Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia). What we disagree on is "whose responsibility it is to give Palestinians such better life?" If you’re Arab native, you’d know that problem is within. In Palestinian case, maybe start by convincing Fatah and Hamas to talk to each another for first time since 2008. If Palestinians cannot live together in one government, how do you think a binational state with Israelis is possible? Also, except for Palestinian-Americans, no Palestinian wants a binational state, most Palestinians want one state, Palestine, which means destroying Israel, and this is the problem.
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dk-thrive · 1 year
If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.
…If we surrendered
to earth’s intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees.
Instead we entangle ourselves in knots of our own making and struggle, lonely and confused.
So like children, we begin again…
to fall, patiently to trust our heaviness. Even a bird has to do that before he can fly.
― Rainer Maria Rilke, from “How Sure Gravity’s Law,” Rainer Maria Rilke’s the Book of Hours: A New Translation with Commentary (Camden House, May 2nd 2008) Originally published April 1905. (via Vale of Soul-Making)
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