#No misfortune here ^^
rainbyte · 1 year
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commsroom · 5 months
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the u.s.s. horrible unending nightmare 💥 (once again from the incredible @hehearse)
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random-autie-fangirl · 8 months
The holy quartet of video game narrators which are actually living beings (...and also kinda suck)
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moran-with-a-g · 5 months
Do the antisemites that invaded the pro-palestinian movement know the origin of the word Palestine is from the Hebrew root פ.ל.ש, the root for the word invaders? Do they know it's based on Philistia, the name given to the region that's based after the Philistines? Do they know we don't actually know the actual name the Philistines called themselves, and that we called them that as an insult, because it's from the same root as invaders?
Like do you realise all this time the name of this land was "invaded" while we weren't here? When you try to claim Jews have no connection to the Levant do you realise what you're claiming? This is driving me insane.
(this is NOT saying palestinians aren't natives and don't deserve a country of their own, and I will block anyone who reblogs this trying to claim that)
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demolitionistic · 8 months
white is so interesting to me, it's driving me insane. like, who is he? he wasn't supposed to be there, seemingly seperate with anything of the non stuff, yet he is uncannily useful. yes, he's afraid and cries but he finds and fixes the walkie-talkies, finds the gun and manages to watch the tape. but then?? he also hears noise from the forest and saw that rash. his demeanor switches depending on if he's alone or not and it's just so interesting and i dont have the words for it yet just. hnn
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quaranmine · 6 months
can people be nicer about the solar eclipse because i've had people irl laugh at me when i express disappointment over the bad weather forecast and online i see tons of people being rude about it too? like where is your whimsy and sense of awe at the universe and how dare you insinuate that i'm being frivolous to be sad about potentially missing what is, for my area, a once in a lifetime event?
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luck-of-the-drawings · 8 months
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#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#jrwi suckening spoilers#RRAAHH IM IN LOVE WITH THIS SHOW SOOO GOODDAMN MUCH!! each o these characters has STOLEN my HEART!!!#LIKE EMIZEEELLL i love emizel so much.. runnin around announcing that HE isa PRINCE while shiloh FINALLY quietly clicks the pieces together#nathan hanover you MADMAN!!! that slow dramatic guitar riff as emizel makes that announcement was so fuckin COOL UGHHHH#MR HANOVER DOES IT AGAIN just creating tracks that absoultely WORM into my MIND and HHEAARRT UUGHHGHH#emizel is so cool and so funny and so adorable UUGHH ill gush abt him more when i finally post my emizel n soda doodle page#ARTHUR FUCKING BENNET. i totally get why grizz has a hard time playing him. hes cool and stoic n its not easy to play a man o little words#BUT BBOOOY DOES HE DO IT WELL!! arthur DOES come off as so stoic n cool & it just makes his lil misfortunes all the more charming#like falling into the red fear or confrontin edward twilight or accidentally doing lsd. I LOVE THATS HES THE BAD LUCK GUY.#okay uhhu uhh i have limited room here what else should i say uhh. THE NPCS. MY GOD THE NPCS. CHARLIE U WONDERFUL MADMAN#edward twilight is SUCH a funny fucking antagonist. and supposedly his magic stuff is super scary?? SO EXCITED TO SEE MORE OF THAT#ill ramble abt mr deacon keller later eheh i have a. uh. a doodle page in the works. so in the meantime DAYBRINGER SOLOMON!!#“HERE COMES THE SUN MOTHERFUCKER!” “ILL SEE YOU IN HELL. NOT. IM GOING TO HEAVEN. BITCH.” like come on now. oh my god. i need him#BIG POWERFUL BEAST AND EVERY WORD HE SAYS HAS ME CRACKING UP. THE MUFFLED VOICE IN THE DARK BROKEN BY “LIGHT!”#TRULY HILARIOUS AND YET TRULY HORRIFYING. I FUCKIN LOVE CHARLIE NPCS SO MUCH. I HOPE WE SEE HIM AGAIN OHH MY GOOOODDD#OKAYokay. im normal now. ill talk abt the piece. if u read my tags this far then u get special secret knowledge abt the artistic process#IM VERY HAPPY WITH MY COLORS! i know they were hallucinating on drugs so i just recalled the times i did drugs & used that as my influence#REMEMBER KIDS! acid is totally fine if ur safe and responsible about it. do acid and then stare at my art for a bit trrruuust me. IT MOVES!#anyway i think thats all my thoughts here. thank you for looking at my art n thanku if ur one o the ppl that says nice things in the tags#U are LITERLY my life blood i pick up each of u n kiss u so sweetly on the head. remember to try acid!!!!
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sneakyboymerlin · 3 months
My hot take is that if Merlin didn’t love Arthur, the Disir episode would have still gone exactly the same.
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wrestlezon · 10 months
its not like id ever find myself in this situation but man itd suck if i was world champion and injured myself wrestling in a match with a convoluted setup that many people hated. which was right after having to do weird shenanigans to keep the tag team titles. which was right after an ill-advised victim-of-a-hatecrime angle. which was right after my tag team partner got injured hopping off a ramp. which was right after the guy who was setting up an encore feud with me got extremely fired from my company. which was right after that same guy got suspended for months on the night of my surprise return to set up an encore feud with him. don't know how id be feeling in that situation but it certainly wouldnt be good
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Does anyone else think about David Ward in Oh God Oh Fuck Oh No Where Am I This Time Why Does This Keep Happening To Me does anyone else remember when the TSV team did that anyway
When I arrive at the office, I am informed that, to thank me for all my hard work, I am being sent on an all expenses paid holiday abroad, leaving in ten minutes. It's odd, because I don't ever remember working here. Not in the sense that the place is unfamiliar, but that for the past five months I have been splitting my time between reading books and doing the crossword, and nobody seems to have noticed yet.
Or, the one where David wins a work trip to the Peninsula
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techno-foxx-comixx · 2 years
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Yikes Forever 🦊
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shitty-goose-quack · 2 months
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the way she smiled when she picked up the phone really inspired me lol
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happyandticklish · 2 years
The narrator from Stanley’s Parable and Mr. Voice from Little Misfortune could fuck me up man
They always give narrator characters the smoothest, most sultry voices and for what
To torment me?? 
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medi-bee · 2 years
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Fortune Amidst Misfortune. my stringbean. big into lizards, if you couldn’t tell. I gave him a major facelift when downpour came out, but ive had him for years lol
Fortune is a rude-ass introvert, and is totally engrossed in his genetic experiments. If asked, he’d tell you that he thinks the local wildlife are ugly beasts, but he’s secretly a huge softy for ‘em and everyone can tell. He would watch the lil babies grow up through the overseers and just be so proud.
Eventually just watching was no longer enough, so he gave his puppet a big revamp, as seen above. lizard-taur-terator? Except he only has minimal knowledge of robo-body building, so it kinda sucks. Lots of little errors that start adding up, which means lots of maintenance, so that big socket in the back is for plugging himself back in occasionally (and it also functions as a weak spot :) ). And he did have to make some concessions when deciding to separate himself from his umbilical. He doesn’t have access to his extremely competent problem solving processes or the entire history of the world, among other things? But he does bring along his lucky 8 neurons. that’s probably enough i guess? Surely nothing bad will happen.
But hey, at least he can pet the animals now! He once raised an entire pack of genetically modified yellow lizards (in the name of science). After they passed, he decided (foolishly) to hybridize lizard and slugcat (again, in the name of science). The little beast continues to haunt him to this day, eating his brain cells and chewing through his wires, refusing to be trained unless there’s a reward in it for her. He named her Nips at Neurons, after the first thing she did when she escaped for the first time. He adores her.
also his antenna do this
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diabolik lovers it is so good conceptually if you just ignore the concept. we have a love hate relationship. its so silly. what is wrong with it. rip yui komori the best character love her sm.
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aladaylessecondblog · 2 months
Red Mountain Waffle House, pt. 9
"My lord, a message from Azura."
Archcanon Saryoni looked...strange. Either he was trying not to be sick or he was trying not to laugh.
"Well? What is this message?" Vivec slipped into the godliest voice possible and looked down at his devoted priest.
"Ah...it includes an expletive, so I wrote it down. I should prefer not to speak such profane words in...Your presence, Lord Vivec."
Vivec gestured, took the offered paper, and looked with what he hoped was detached serenity. "You may go. I am not in the least angered at you, for if the messenger is blighted for giving bad news, however can it be turned to our advantage?"
Saryoni left, and Vivec finally unrolled the message, which was both very short and very simple.
To the apostate murderer Vivec
Fuck. You.
He burned it, and watched the ashes drift off. The daedric princes didn't usually bother with things like this. He still got the odd stalkerish message from Molag Bal, but this sort of thing?
What in oblivion did it mean?
He opened Morrowtwitter, intending to do his usual morning scrolling, and nearly broke his phone.
*The Night Before*
"This was a terrible idea." Sadara grumbled, and pushed closer to Jiub to stay under the umbrella. "You have all this weed and you can't get a bigger umbrella?"
"Why don't YOU get a bigger umbrella, huh? Cozy up to His Cultiness and see if you can't get us a little more gold, huh? Feel like we could use him as a friend considering Almalexia's body wasn't where I left it. First time a body I tossed just up and vanished."
"Because if I wanted to go into prostitution I'd move to Suran where that shit's legal." And she REALLY didn't want to think about Almalexia right now.
"It's not like you can catch anything off him."
"No diseases, anyway, but probably a hell of a lot of clinging."
You need to relax, Nerevar's voice wafted through her mind, Have a little fun, you know. You can't do much well if you keep being stressed about petty things.
Nearly dying because of your boyfriend isn't petty. The man has no hobbies except spreading plagues and trying to recruit people to worship him.
If you spent even ONE night with him--
I'm not fucking him, Nerevar! How about this, I'll fuck SOMEBODY at the party. Would that make you happy? But you've got to agree to be quiet while I'm here. If people think I'm talking to a voice in my head I'm not getting laid this night...or any other night.
Thankfully, Nerevar agreed.
She wanted a romp anyway. A one night stand. Something that would leave her with a headache, an ache between the legs, and a ripped pair of panties stuffed into her pocket to show for the whole thing. A story to tell for a while about the dangers of being too drunk. There was something exciting about the whole idea--
"What'd ya bring?"
A guy out in front of Greg's house, standing under the porch awning, flicked a cigarette and gestured vaguely.
"Weed," Jiub said, waggling the bag in his other hand, "Let us in."
Inside they found Greg, already well-watered and swaying only slightly. "Hey, hey, you made it! Jiub, great to see you...and uh...Sad...Sada..."
"Yeah, that. There's a bunch of food in the kitchen, we've got some ashlanders in here that brought a whole roasted kagouti, so if you like kagouti steak or a burger or something you might want to get on that pronto. Ah, we got karaoke, but Jolene's here so you'll have to wrestle him off it if you want a shot."
"Big motherfucker. We don't know his name but he shows up now'n then, brings an armful of booze...and only ever sings that 'Jolene' song, so we started calling him that. Kind of a weepy drunk."
Sadara went on ahead, got a kagouti steak, some sujamma, and some ash yam fries which all vanished in a hurry. She grabbed a bottle of flin from a 6 pack somebody opened, poured it into a cup and set off, looking...
...alright, who might I regret the least when I wake up tomorrow morning?
What looked like a gulakhan made a pass at her, but the poor thing was so wobbly she couldn't do anything but decline. She gave him a smile and guided him over to an empty couch. "Have some water, you don't look so good."
He stammered out a thank you and then she turned away.
There's too many people here, Nerevar said in her head, Reminds me of old council soirees.
Yeah, this is how we party now.
She walked looking for anyone she knew, and chatted with one or two of the Waffle House regulars.
"Stupid landlord raised our rent again. We're already renting four to the apartment and we're talking to a fifth guy who's an ash ghoul."
"Thought people didn't want them in around here. Not that I mind, they've always been polite to me."
The Dunmer shrugged. "He can pay a share of rent and only eats corprusmeat. You'd think they'd be messy as all oblivion but they're actually pretty tidy. Like to keep things 'in order.' He actually came in and did our dishes without being asked."
"That checks out," she laughed. "Careful of the ordinators though, no matter how polite they are, they don't care for the ash folk."
"Oh yeah, we already got that down. Cult or not we agree all ordinators are bastards."
There was a laugh, and then the guy saw some friend or the other and headed off to speak to him.
Sadara moved through the crowd, only half-paying attention to the sea of faces around her. Her cup was half-empty and she was strongly considering going to find Jiub and ask what he did with the weed when some imperial woman appeared at her elbow.
"Hey, can you help me out?"
"With what?"
"I want to do a song and Jolene's five times in and showing no signs of stopping."
She'd ask why her, but figured it was because she didn't look too drunk...or maybe that she looked like an easy mark, who knew. She agreed and followed the woman into an upstairs room where she was then unfortunate to get within earshot of this Jolene.
"--flaming locks of auburn hair, with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green--"
Half the room was ignoring him, and half were complaining, but Jolene didn't seem to notice any of it, so consumed with the song as he was. Sadara moved closer, and got a better look at him.
He looked like someone's long-haired dad with delusions of being a rally strider racer, right down to the bandana covering his forehead and tied off in the back. Black leather jacket, jeans, shades, the whole nine yards, as the saying went. The cherry on top, though, was the braided goatee.
Why me? she thought.
Nerevar stirred in the back of her mind, but didn't say a word.
"--and I cannot compete with you...Jolene."
The man was really putting his all into it; Sadara felt bad for walking up to him. He was a little drunk, she guessed, because he didn't notice her until she spoke to him.
"Come on, time to sit down. Let somebody else have a turn."
"Why?" He sounded half-about to cry. "What's the point?"
One of THOSE drunks, she thought ruefully. Well, there wasn't much going on...she wasn't having a lot of luck finding a guy for the night. Maybe if this guy were less focused on whoever he lost he'd do.
"Come on." She grabbed his arm and tugged gently. "You don't look so good, you need to sit down."
Sniffling. Half a sob. Then he looked up at her, and his weepy expression changed in an instant.
"Sure. Sure, why not.."
Jolene let her lead him off to a couch in a back hallway that only seemed to be frequently by people heading to the bathroom at the back. She fetched a bottle of flin and came back to him with two cups, then poured him out a bit. It was only being this close now that she noticed his ring--black and with a boxy setting and a little spike at the top.
"A drink'll serve you better than weeping over it. Or at least it'll put you out of your misery for a few hours."
"Nothing ever helps. I don't get hungover and I don't stop thinking about--about--" Jolene sputtered slightly.
"Well, there's got to be something that'll work," she patted his shoulder. "Get your mind off it. It's not the same thing, but I'm broke as hell and I have a bunch of ways to keep my mind off how much it sucks."
"Such as?"
"Finding literally anything to do that's free. I learned how to make tea from trama root, that's everywhere. The Waffle House I work at's got a nice jukebox...the manager's been teaching me to patch things up better than I was doing. That...none of that will probably help you, though, you look like you've got enough money you don't...don't, uh..." Sadara waved a hand absently. "Cliffracer hunting is fun if you need to burn off some steam. It'll make you some money but you'll probably get a bunch of new scars out of it."
She rolled up one sleeve and gestured to some of the healed-over scars.
"It looks--terrible," Jolene said, his voice halting. "And you did this for drinking money?"
"Oh no, I did it for a living before I got the job at the Waffle House," Sadara shrugged. "When you don't have much you have to take what you can get...and cliffracer plumes sell for well enough to be worth the trip. They're edible, too, so it's easy food...less gold to spend on food and more to spend on healing potions and armor repair. I kept meaning to buy a lute, but..."
"What stopped you?"
"These." she gestured. "Jiub got me the job, and it's not great...pipes get clogged, landlord keeps raising the rent, and we eat sleep for dinner two nights a week, but it's not bad."
"How is that not BAD?" he burst out. "You could do MUCH better. I'm sure you have more opportunities."
"Without qualifications, and not wanting to kowtow to crazy Telvanni...I'm not sure I'd suit for the Redoran, and as for Hlaalu...well I guess I am one, but..."
She shrugged. The flin was making her chatty, she knew she was saying too much, but she couldn't help herself. Jolene was such an easy listener and seemed to be hanging onto her every word.
"But what?"
"But I prefer not to tell people, because then they ask where I'm from, and then I tell them, and I have to hear, 'oh, I know you. Your cousin is the corpsefucker, right?" Sadara shrugged. "So I just tell everyone I don't belong to a Great House. It's easier. People expect less from you anyway. If I said I was house Hlaalu they'd probably think I was an idiot for not...you know..."
"Kissing Imperial ass, it's what they're known for," Jolene said. He finished the rest of his flin in one gulp, then took the bottle and took a long guzzle from it. He handed it back to her, and grumbled slightly. "That's swill, do they not have anything better?"
"It's a party, not a soiree," Sadara shrugged. "It'll get you drunk. Who cares about the quality?"
"I do. I have this thing called standards--"
"You're in the Red Mountain neighborhood, there's no such thing. There's probably a guy in every apartment building making prison wine out of whatever he can get his hands on. And why show up if you're going to insult what they've got on offer?"
"Like I have anything else to do." Jolene sat back, and looked up at the ceiling. "All this time, all these people..."
He started mumbling under his breath and she only caught bits of what he said.
"...have to show for...the point?...know what I'm doing..."
He straightened up once Sadara had finished her own cup and was pouring out another.
Nerevar? she thought.
Yes? The voice in her mind was unusually muted.
Will this guy do?
YES. The enthusiasm was clear, and in an odd way it was contagious.
"You don't seem like you're doing good," Sadara said, "So I was wondering...I came here to get a little...well..."
"Get what?" Jolene, for all his woe over his lost love, whoever it was, seemed completely clueless.
"You know. You want me to scream it in front of everyone?" she gave a slight giggle and leaned in as close as she could manage, considering he was taller than her. "Unless you aren't interested."
"Interested in wh--"
Jolene finally seemed to get it, and tensed straight up.
"You don't...know me," he said slowly, and after a moment, leaned down and said in a quieter voice, "Feeling reckless, are we?"
"Maybe." Sadara gave a grin, and met his eyes directly. "I don't really care who you are, I don't care what you've got - I can't catch it anyway."
They were a hair's breadth away from kissing when the shout came that had ruined many a party in the Red Mountain region neighborhood and would likely ruin many more.
Chaos erupted in the hallway, and shrieks aplenty were heard in the rooms nearby. Four people stumbled out of the bathroom, one of then a Dunmer trying to zip up his shorts and the three others screeching about leaving half the moon sugar on the bathroom floor.
"Fucking hells--" Sadara swore, and started to get up. "Figures I'm about to get laid and the ordinators show up. I guess I'll see you at the next o--"
But Jolene was up beside her in a flash and said, "How do you feel about Suran?"
"Suran? What's that got to--"
"I can get us there, there's a Telvanni that runs a portal from near here to there for his drug money. You want to go?"
For only a moment did she think.
"Sure. How're you gonna get us out? And I thought you couldn't teleport from inside the Ghostfence?"
Jolene grinned madly. "The Ghostfence can't stop me."
Between an invisibility spell and the ordinators getting busy arresting a few people who decided that attempting to run off with the ordinator's guar mounts was an excellent life decision, Sadara and Jolene slipped out without being seen--though the rain didn't stop, even for a moment. The Telvanni he mentioned was only a street over, and it wouldn't take long, she was told.
She insisted on not going too far until she got word back from Jiub--who'd been "taking a walk" with a few other guys and so had early warning of the ordinators pulling up.
You good? Jiub texted back as they were entering said Telvanni's house.
Better than good, she wrote back, as Jolene was negotiating. Going to Suran with some big hunk of a man.
I don't want to hear any details. Just be careful, alright?
Alright. I'll be fine.
"Sadara, let's go. Portal's ready."
She put away her phone, and stepped into a glowing circle on the floor. That looked enough like what she remembered from some of the Mages Guilds back in Cyrodiil.
A single blink.
She opened her eyes.
And right before the two of them was a huge sign with big gaudy flashing neon that said, "WELCOME TO FABULOUS SURAN."
"Well," she said suddenly, "What're we gonna do here? You can't go at me on the street, you know."
"There's a lot more to do here than back there behind the Ghostfence," Jolene said, waving one hand briefly. "Musical theater, magic acts, acrobatics...gambling. There's tours, if you wanted--have you ever seen any stage shows?"
"Well--online." Sadara looked around. The crowds around weren't paying a bit of attention to them. People were in House robes, armor, wearing feathered costumes...and the city, however glittery, seemed so--alive. Not like the Imperial capital, but...somehow MORE. "Just being around here's a treat, though, you don't have to--it's not necessary."
She was going to bang him anyway; she didn't want him to feel like he had to wine and dine her.
"It is ENTIRELY necessary," Jolene added in a grandiose tone. "Now tell me, my lady, where shall we go first?"
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