#welcome grove
rainbyte · 1 year
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saphushia · 2 years
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|| part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 coming soon... ||
man sabo really thought he'd get away from ace that easy, huh? well tough shit buddy you just got the attention of one of the most stubborn men on the seas. i do wonder how this'll play out now that sabo's cornered... hehe >;3
textless versions below the cut for those who want to look at. pictures <3
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(skipped page 5 due to. y'know. it not having any dialogue)
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frizzdotbizz · 12 days
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sketchy painting my beloved
(reblogs are greatly appreciated)
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valerianinc · 6 months
While the production unfolds we have an important question for all of you narrative podcast weirdos.
We really need the statistics on this, thank you🙏💓
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romance-sick · 2 months
Nobody panic… bc I just did 🫨🫨
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Don’t you LOVE when Google decides to recycle old-ass news articles from a year ago and it nearly makes you shit your pants?
Honestly, Google. Fuck you very much right now. 0/10 appreciated.
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thecrackshipdiaries · 2 months
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Bill Skarsgård and Kristen Stewart
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wasptune · 1 year
I love how Carlos and Cecil’s main form of communication is email???
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tropinano · 1 year
List of Upcoming Fiction Podcasts and Hidden Gems
'either' by Open Doors, Closed Doors: quirky and enthusiastic, I'm a big fan of the art made for the cover of each episode. Started in May, if you like unique worlds like Nightvale, you might like this.
'Road X' by Gea Arce and Maya Appavoo: A supernatural murder mystery with a fun cast of characters, I've been following the development of this since they released their first episode in March. The cast seem very lovely and they're very appreciative of fanart over on the gram! I think it's cool that they have a tarot card aesthetic going on aswell. Check it out!
'Smile Grove' by ISOTOPIC PRODUCTIONS: A horror podcast that explores mental health and the industry surrounding it. The lack of actually helpful resources for those in need is probably the horror itself (but you didn't hear that from me!) Focuses on unique characters and some dark themes. Following the development and growth of this podcast was such a treat, it's obvious how much effort the creator has put in based on our chats. Also features some familiar voices if you've listened to Camp Here & There!
'THE NOWHERE MALL' by haunted casette: a horror-comedy about the daily lives of cryptids described as humans. Someone linked this in a server and its first episode was released this June! I hear auditions are still open. It seems to be coming along well so check it out if you want to follow their progress.
'Seven of Hearts' by Seventh Knight Productions: a podcast that follows seven characters in a mysterious town. A little older (not really, like 2021) and the story is wrapped up but I was lucky to follow the production and episode releases sometimes! This one is sometimes reccommended to fans of Camp Here & There, I think you'll like it.
'Francis Forever' by Leo Zahn: Hidden gem by my mutual that follows Francis Webb and their desire for immortality. A mystery adventure podcast that explores life, death, and the everything yet nothing inbetween. Leo also works wonders with sound design and it's fun to yap our ideas towards each other.
'SUPERSUITS' by Faustian Nonsense: I recognise this as the podcast that would play before Jack of All Trades (which is also very good). It's a comedy podcast about the shenanigans that lawyers endure being lawyers for super heroes and villains. Released around February and is looking pretty good!
'The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio' by Rat Grimes: A sci-fi horror about a secret government group that handles supernatural entities, which suffers a containment breach. We follow two employees who try to escape the chaos and calamity, Scarlet Jaunt and Jasmine Control. The building moves, the voices are cool, and theres creatures. Cool stuff!
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florbelles · 4 months
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too sweet, odiously sweet. the vomitous gall within churns—she sickens you.
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grimbeak · 3 months
should we change the boys name now that his memories are wiped and everything. lets continue with the basic naming scheme and call him fred
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williamsockner · 2 years
Urban Fantasy Bingo
1. Main character dates a serial killer but the show thinks he’s just a complicated bad boy 2. Codependent siblings 3. Rampant unintended homosexual tension 4. Incest 5. Creepy dolls 6. Exploitative shots of dead teenage girl’s corpse 7. Narrative unsympathetic when bitchy teenage girls gets murdered 8. Parent or significant other in law enforcement 9. Shady big pharma 10. Ugly and/or disabled girl with no personality flaws 11. Amnesia 12. Black best friend (bonus points if gay) 13. Love interest with no personality besides fucking and sports 14. Love interest with no personality besides being embroiled in supernatural bullshit 15. Someone dies during sex 16. Main character commits rape but narrative refuses to acknowledge it as anything but angsty manpain behavior 17. Randomly excellent episode in an otherwise lackluster show 18. Writer’s room fetishist on display 19. Bodyswap/bodysnatch/shapeshift/possession 20. Everyone cares about the blood feud 21. Hundred-year-old urban legends or local history shockingly relevant to small town youths 22. Narrative clumsily attempts to make serial killer sympathetic 23. “the ugly one” played by a hollywood ten 24. Mortal threat to a character’s life during a sports game 25. Murder at prom 26. Super special chosen one and/or ancient prophecy 27. Writers convinced that remorse is the same as redemption 28. Love triangle 29. Snarky put-downs towards clear sources of inspiration 30. Love interests swap because the bad boy character was too interesting to the audience 31. Musical episode 32. Fictional classic monster actually existed in-universe 33. Character witnesses an alternate timeline where they didn’t exist and/or died 34. Character comes back as a ghost but gets no speaking lines so the show could save on the acting fee 35. Evil twin 36. Reincarnated true love 37. Super sexy high femme who’s actually 200 years old 38. Manic monster dream girl 39. Weird hybrids 40. Masquerade ball 41. Characters in class receive a lecture on a topic relevant to the episode 42. Flashback episode 43. Villain has a weird kink 44. Illegitimate lovechild 45. Abusive parent has a favorite child 46. Someone cuts their palm for a blood sacrifice 47. Someone sacrifices a pet for an evil ritual 48. Black witches have more power 49. Scene at the morgue 50. Teenage alcoholism 51. Regular alcoholism 52. Visible manifestations of someone’s guilt and/or plot exposition in the form of dead loved ones 53. Dead perfect significant other 54. Characters get caught doing something and give transparently fake names of celebrities or pop culture references 55. Musical sequence that exists only to show that an actor can dance, sing or play an instrument 56. CPR brings someone back to life and doesn’t break any ribs 57. Character discovers secret power at last second before they almost die 58. Secret society has a ritual to decide who is the head honcho monster 59. Incongruous musical choice 60. Someone has a dark side/evil blood/a prophecy that they’ll go evil 61. Someone turns into a violent sociopath because they lose their soul and/or humanity 62. Somebody bleeds out the eyes or mouth, or has a nosebleed that someone else has to call attention to 63. Significant other hunts what you are 64. Halloween episode 65. “You tried to kill me and that takes grit, I’m proud of you” 66. “There’s nothing on the other side when you die” especially if we know ghosts exist 67. Inconsistent ghost rules 68. The enemy of my bigger enemy 69. Head in a box 70. Cold opening of teenagers getting eaten because of a dare, bonus points for haunted house 71. Racist one-off criminal encounter 72. “Cool costume, bro” to an actual monster 73. Halloween costumes significant to role character plays in the story 74. Wise mentor figure with colorful past and parental affection towards protagonist 75. The one normal guy who keeps getting pulled into bullshit 76. Everybody in the cast dates each other as the writer’s room tries to figure out what the fans want 77. Immortal character put in a box 78. Non-human has to pass as human…badly 79. Ancient character has to adjust to modern day 80. Random regular human with an axe to grind 81. Bait and switch big bad at the end of the story, turns out to actually be a main cast member having a meltdown after taking out villain 82. Head of the secret council actually an evil puppet master 83. Police scanner 84. Debilititis 85. People randomly discovering superpowers around puberty 86. Character that main character hates for no good reason turns out to be evil all along 87. Plot-relevant celestial event 88. Someone telekinetically forces people to turn their guns on each other or themselves 89. Badly-pronounced French 90. The apocalypse originates in this small podunk-ass town 91. Unreasonable hometown pride 92. Latin as the mother tongue of magic 93. Local police covering up for high monster murder rate 94. Single parent is overworked medical practitioner 95. Guardian is not yet ready for this level of responsibility 96. Someone turned out to have a child they didn’t know about 97. Weird pregnancy (bonus if no sex actually happened) 98. Someone’s kid gets aged up to skip working with a child actor 99. Somebody sends their child “away” to keep them from getting embroiled in the bullshit and then they get embroiled in the bullshit anyway 100. Descendants of an immortal 101. Resurrection with no consequences 102. Resurrection or healing with consequences will haunt the protagonist 103. Protagonist has at least one dead parent 104. A friend of the main cast dies in the pilot 105. Candlelight vigil for a high school student 106. Fucked up mother-son dynamics 107. Daddy issues 108. “Fear makes the meat taste better” and/or “I like to watch them scream” 109. Souls get sold and/or girls get married to Satan 110. Deal with the devil turns you into a ticking time bomb 111. “you worded your wish wrong” 112. Alternate reality without magic 113. Real-world religions or spiritual practices treated as monsters of the week 114. All myths contain a grain of truth 115. Someone attacks a wedding 116. Mundane who really wants to be a monster 117. Redhead 118. Feral child raised by wolves 119. Bitchy cheerleader 120. Characters go undercover at a school 121. Mental institution episode 122. Protagonist framed for murder 123. Cold open of dog-walker getting eaten while dog runs away 124. Show starts off with missing or murdered girl 125. Animal motif or animal companion 126. Non-human but non-animal sidekick 127. “The council sent me to give you exposition” 128. Secret society of hunters 129. The Corporation 130. Death by bees 131. Jumpscare 132. Douchebro thinks he’s getting seduced but is actually about to get eaten 133. Siblings have pronounced disagreements over how to feel about their absentee parent 134. Deep South 135. Magic can solve everything except cancer 136. Beautiful sprawling mansion 137. Musical sequence intercutting one couple having sex and someone else dying or doing something else dramatic 138. Safehouse and/or bunker 139. “s/he was just trying to protect you” used as a justification for abjectly abusive parenting 140. Family with oodles of generational wealth 141. Groundhog Day Episode 142. Random skull in dark place 143. Someone punches a mirror 144. Black blood 145. Weird eye color signifies supernatural status 146. Wicker Man episode 147. Pagan gods 148. Faith healer 149. Couple going on a date gets eaten 150. Someone gets murdered in a church 151. Villain boasts that “maybe that works on wimpy monsters, but not me” 152. Chasing the murderer through a house of mirrors 153. Diner 154. Episode titles named after songs or famous books 155. Supernatural war 156. Getting out of a Faustian bargain 157. Someone wakes up tied to a chair at an insane dinner party full of corpses
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rainbyte · 1 year
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( 2/8 designs done! )
Welcome to my funny lil au! More details to come, but for now the short of it is:
A TV set and it's props were left out in the woods- and nature has taken it's course. But, eventually our neighbors woke up again and continued living on as usual! After all even without you there's still a neighborhood here ^^
( Welcome to the Grove! )
Sally + Julie !
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that-particularbug · 2 years
hey there all! for school, i’m doing a project on queer podcasting and its place in american culture. if youre located in the US, and youre looking for a way to kill time or ya just wanna help out, i’d really appreciate if you could fill out this form !! reblogs are also greatly appreciated for a larger sample size :>
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yumikus-guide · 1 year
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Fully colored character ref for miku! Fun little fact about miku his favorite color is orange! ((I promise I’m working on the next episode it’s just been a process with some other things I’m working on recently.))
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spiderwarden · 8 months
when I see Emerald Grove muses, I both want to harass their muse, show them we aren't so bad, but also angst Absolutist!Minthara plots.
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aurelxi · 10 months
the supply sack shit shovel should be an item that can be used as a normal shovel. i agree on ditching it after camping and using it for shoveling shit, but before that ? should be my savior as a fucking bitch who recruits withers first and ALWAYS misses the fucking free shovel outside the grove. and the warp point THE WARP POINT there ? not close enough to the grove to feel satisfying. not close enough to the shovel to feel satisfying. plus ? adds more weight to those supply packs. maybe you WILL get shitfaced to the Absolute and back tonight. why ? because you needed the shovel in case there’s treasure.
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