#No one ever believes him when he tells them he can solve a rubix cube
olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
HC that James can solve a rubix cube really quickly cause when he was younger he fidgeted with one all the time. (His record is 12.54 seconds btw)
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Rubik Dice
Yandere Entity (Entities?) Blurb
An: In a vent of frustration with a rubix cube - I present this. [Brief mentions of death]
Six people to a room.
It's too many.
Between damped sobs and their own; and the feud in their head, they couldn't think let alone say their piece. How did this happen? How could they make such a careless mistake? It was just supposed to be an evening stroll. It had been a week since they'd been out. The longest they'd ever been put away. Being cramped under so long they had to get some fresh air or risk clawing out their throat for a clean breath. It's so cramped in their head, in this room. Six people is far too many to be alone with unless the last person is....
"Nice job, idiot. We're in enough trouble as it is - now what are we going to do?."
It was an accident.
"Don't be so mean! We all have our lapses in judgement sometimes.... Even if they are kidnapping not-so-random strangers off the street."
Didn't you tell me to do it?
"Haha- You really fucked up tonight, didn't you?.. He saw your face. No choice, but to kill him less you never want to be seen in public again? All I'm sayin' is my blades should still be in the bag."
We can't kill any more people. Why are you always like this? Please, can't we just -
"Leave this to a roll of the dice?"
Indecisive on topics ranging from daily meals to torture methods; the trio concluded their shared consciousness to one, unified:
"Take out that dice and I'm breaking your fingers. Why do we always have to be responsible for your fuck ups?"
"Such a coward. You can crack a brick over someone's skull to shut them up, but you can't stab a knife through their neck to silence them?"
"You know, someone has been reeeeeally quiet since we got back home. We all know what that means."
Ragged breathing stills in the face of its captor. The rambling maniac themselves has quieted to nothing more than a stagnant shell. They both know what's to happen next. There's only one way out of this now. He can beg all he wants, but he'll tell. Even if they believe him the others won't. Neighbors. The police. You. Everything always came back to you. Mistakes, failures, hopes. You'd hate them - all of them - if you knew what took place in this basement. You'd never want to see any of them again.
"Maybe we should let him go... They're pretty hot when they're mad. I'm sure they'd forgive us eventually."
It's quiet now. How soon the commotion ends when that side of them says their part. Their voice doesn't like nails on a chalkboard. So sweet it makes teeth rot. It isn't authoritative enough to make those who heard Trimble in their wake nor is it meek and pathetic enough for a second listen. It was the amalgam of those voices - the best pairs.
"Now, Blu. You know we can't do things alone that we haven't discussed with everyone else before hand. Would you please let me out so I can take care of our little problem?"
Trembling hands retrieve the fist-sized cube from its pocket; chipped nails slid into the crevice separating the second and third row of squares. Why were they the one that had to solve it? These puzzles were always so hard despite the countless times they've done it - teary eyes aiding little to their cause. It becomes easier once they slide the third white cube into row. Their eyesight and mental slate become clear, cheeks dry and devoid of the faded acne scars that plagued them. They step towards their captive who was busy squirming away from the figure now five inches taller and missing the hunch in their posture that left them wondering how they had managed to drag them here in the beginning. Gaze piercing and laser focus as opposed to cowering from each sniffle. With those pure white eyes it's impossible to tell where they're looking, but the threat of being the target of their glance was petrifying alone. They were blue not even a minute ago. It was like they were a different person entirely - body and soul.
A dice falls to their victim's feet.
"Six.... You were fortune this time."
Another object grabbed from their robes. A single line drawn across their neck - and it's back to five.
"I knew you had that on you...."
"Awww, what the hell - over already? Should've made them beg or at least give us their address."
"May they have a peace rest.... Is what I would say if it were someone else, haha!"
"I think I'm gonna be sick..."
The figure pockets their weapon and stands with a stretch, stepping away from the growing pool of blood. "That was messier than expected. What should we do now?"
"Clean up this mess."
"Check Y/n's page."
"Send them flowers!"
"And this guy's heart in a chocolate box."
"All good ideas. Why don't we do them all?... Besides that last one."
Five people to a room.
As it always should be - until you come home.
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
The Game Of Lies
Chapter 1: Cat and Mouse
Tw: Yandere content. Mentions of stalking, drugging and a non con kiss.
Ever since you were young almost nothing would bring you excitement. The same toys seemed boring; puzzles were fun til you completed it, the rubix cube was stimulating till you learned many ways to solve it, video games made you happy till you beat it over and over again.
Eventually when kindergarten has started you begin to have this thirst to get to know others and have this obsession with learning; You’d get to know other classmates, but none of them were exciting as you thought they would be. Eventually simple studies become more and more easy and boring to you. Your teacher noticed and would pile your desk up with more advanced class work to keep you busy in the classroom. You then became bored of it since it still was boring.
Your parents eventually agreed to advance you to the next grade level just for the same cycle to happen again and again. They brought you to many programs to make you happy. You were happy learning more and more. They described you as a “sponge” absorbing all the knowledge you’d learned.
You were described as a “prodigy”. You had a bright future ahead of you. You had great memorization skills, a fast reactor, you understood how the world thinks and acts, you had great leadership skills and were great at making connections.
You were able to graduate High School at 15 years old. You are soon gonna head to college. Or at least you would have if you didn’t wake up in a new environment and a coffin.
Never in your life did you believe that one day you’d wake up in a world full of an off brand Disney character world. But here you are having to start school again.
You fortunately didn’t have a hard time studying since the material of the lesson planned was the same thing you’ve spent studying about in the past. So it was fairly easy to become one of the top first years. Ofc there are some new lessons such as; animal language, potionology, history and even some things in gym class. You’d considered it easy to learn all of this easily however. This was a whole new playground to you. It was all exciting finally.
You never had a hard time figuring out someone’s intentions in the past, especially now, you were able to manipulate them and use them as a pawn in this game. You could figure how they’re truly like based on the look in their eyes; they say the eyes are the windows to someone’s soul. So you were able to identify what someone truly desires in life.
You could hear how the tone of their voice changes, and body language was a huge indicator as well. Their breathing movements, how their eyes dilate, how someone talks with their hands, where they position their hands and more.
So with all said, it was easy to figure out the pattern of the overblots based on all of these things. You felt bad for them but still you took advantage of them after they turned back to normal. When they were voluntable. You invited yourself into their dorm a day after the incident with a face full of “worry”. You made sure to bring light pink roses; “Innocence and appreciation”. Of course since you were magicless they assumed this was all because you were worried. But the moment you walked out of the room your eyes turned dull.
You did feel bad for taking their trust but you knew for the chance that you were not gonna return to your world you needed to keep this up so you can ensure a good future for yourself. All of your friends were pawns for this game you were playing.
When you met ‘him’ he was extremely mysterious to you as though you never saw him around in the school. “I assumed that the Ramshackle was abandoned. I didn't think it was populated. What are you doing here, child of man?” he asked with interest.
“Head master Crowley has asked me specifically to do late night gardening” You lied since it was dangerous to tell someone who you don’t know too much information about yourself and where you were staying at.
Eventually the strange tall man left. More like vanished when you both heard people calling out for someone looking in a desperate search.
The next day you and Grimm thought of a nickname for him; “Hornton” which you found amusing. When you mentioned this to him he was quite amused as well and had this childish glint for a second in his eyes.
He began to be more curious of you. Like a moth drawn to a flame. He found himself arriving at the Ramshackle just to hear your voice. Lilia eventually got curious after hearing Malleus talk about this “child of man” that he met. After hearing a couple of details of Malleus’s description of you he knew exactly who you were; The prefect of Ramshackle’. Lilia began to watch you and learned important information to share with Malleus which made Malleus excited to hear. He knew your schedule, your friends, the table you sit at lunch, and especially which dorm you’ve been staying at.
You however were aware that someone has been watching you for the past week or so. Grimm also could smell and hear the presence of the unknown figure lurking around watching your every move. You were careful not to do anything that would reveal too much information about yourself that they could use against you.
You began to change your schedule and put on a whole new personality and pretend to have different interests to confuse the person. It confused everyone around you but they got used to it.
Malleus soon grew more obsessive over you, and grew to dread everyday more and more the day you find out who he truly is. When you eventually found out you figured it was better not to make him angry or fuel his already obsessive personality. You pulled this fake small smile and said; “Would you become more comfortable if I treated you differently Malleus?”
Unfortunately this made Malleus blush and laugh. You were honestly not surprised that Hornton was Malleus, you’ve never seen both of them around school and began to fill in the dots with a bunch of theories.
After a month of two of Lilia’s stalking however Grimm decided to finally ask;
“Hey Henchman?” “Yes Grimm?” You could see how nervous and stressed out he was, of course he would never admit it since he was way too prideful overall. “What should we do about the strange weirdo following us? I think I should burn them to a crisp” Grimm smiled evilly while cracking or trying to crack his little paws. Which made you giggle.
“Don’t worry Grimm, whoever has been following us for the past month, 2 weeks and 4 days has nothing better to do. They’re pathetic and cowards for not showing their face to us right now. “ You snickered.
You figured upsetting the stalking will bring you a lot of new information based on how they reacted to the situation. It was a test, If they popped out to fight then you’d both instantly would know who they are. But because they stayed and still observed you, you could mark out a bunch of names on who it was.
Lilia seemed a little bit agitated but found himself interested by your new found “stuck up ness”.
Soon enough 4 months before the Seniors would graduate you began to see students in the Diasomnia dorm a lot more often. The energy you felt was quite dangerous. A lot of them would come up and ask you for ‘help’ in the dorm or would try to become your friend. To eventually try to bring you back to the dorm. You kept a fake smile to pretend you were interested in their attempts but waved them off.
Sebek began to talk down to you even more. He had this jealous look of hatred all over his face. The same one he gave Silver.
Sebek was angry and jealous. He was jealous of the fact that you seemingly didn’t have to study yet still always scored higher than him on exams. You were pathetic to him. Now that Malleus took an interest in you he was sure you had magic and placed a love spell on him and that you pretended to be magicless.
You started to see Silver a lot more often coming into your dorm often inviting himself in. He sleepily handed you gifts that were always golden jewelry from Malleus. You never excepted them of course since it would be bad if a rumor broke out about you stealing jewelry from the dragon prince.
Eventually weird foods and drinks were placed on your door steps into baskets. You had to be strict with Grimm not to eat anything whatsoever. You brought Jack Howl in your dorm to investigate the strangeness. He was able to identify that there was a sleeping potion in each of these.
Seemingly by the second, everyday Malleus grew more and more impatient with you, which made him want you even more by the “playing hard to get attitude” Lilia told him about.
Eventually as a final resort the day before the Seniors graduation ceremony, Malleus found you in the Ramshackle garden seemingly digging something up with your back turned to him. He honestly found you really cute and wanted you more and more by the night already.
You turned around as a natural reaction to how having that chilling feeling someone was watching you. You could see Malleus now in front of you staring at you with a love sick look in his eye. It gave you a disgusting feeling in your stomach.
“Child of man I would like to discuss something extremely important with you. It is something that has been on my mind for quite a while.” He was giddy and excited he felt his heart beat faster by the second.
You realized he was about to confess to you and this was bad. You were aware that “no” could ruin your life.
“Hello Hornton, I would love to talk to you but unfortunately Head Master Crowley has demanded that I go meet up with him to discuss the graduation ceremony tomorrow.” You said as you sent him a closed ‘smile’.
You gave him a lie that was believable since Crowley always has kept you busy.
Malleus’s expression sooned darkened. He became frustrated, like a child that wasn’t able to get his favorite toy.
“Child of man…” his voice got deeper and rougher full of anger. “This cannot wait, unfortunately I will not let you go until we settle this issue”
You had a chill run down your spine, you began to back up getting ready to run as fast as you can to the Heartlabyul dorm.
You have mentioned in a text to Ace and Deuce before Malleus came to you today that if they do not see you by tomorrow to cause a big scene and let everyone know your disappearance.
Soon Malleus began to continue this talk. “I am in love with you, I can’t stop thinking about you, I want you to stay by my side till the end of time. And I will not take no for an answer.”
All it took for him to take one big step towards you and he swiftly pulled you to him in an embrace. He leaned down and put his cold lips on yours for a simple peck.
As soon as he parted away from your face everything began to black out.
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artimisi · 2 years
As the umbrella goes tip-tap-tip-tap, rain pellets beat off it continuously
Despite its gentle nature, I can hear the sound of rain pattering on my umbrella all too loudly. The rain was not gentle today, and it made sure I knew.
A simple sound, rain is. But today, the rain thundered on in my head, any other sounds completely drowned out by the water.
Can someone tell me why is it so loud, everywhere all at once I hear my name? The silence filling the empty darkness eating away at the corners of my vision. Every time I try to reach out, I find myself in the same place, as if my mind is constantly looping.
I'm so far away, why is it so close by? One hand after another is grabbing at me. Every time I feel their grip on me tighten, they pull me along with them minute after minute while I repeatedly scream, "Help!" Why does it seem like no one is concerned? My throat feels as though it is being scratched by glass throughout. The sensation of blood and its warm, coppery taste, which drips from my tongue from a trickle to a torrent of it, why... Why do I feel deserted, just like a child who has lost his mother?
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I suddenly find myself back in reality, which had previously felt vibrant and exhilarating but now feels drab and lifeless. "Elliot, do you have any closing remarks?" ... ”Huh?”
“Do you want to say something Elliott before she leaves?” Concern can be heard in Renèe's inquiries.
"Yes," I say. My mother, ah, uh, Even when circumstances were difficult, Eleanor Witt proved to be a good mother, finding a solution. Rain was a common occurrence when I was a child. Each individual pellet would strike the home harder and harder as it continued to rain down on it. Thunder in particular has never really been to my taste in rain. She always made me a cup of hot chocolate and brought me a cover when those occasions arose, and we would sit there and chat.
“Regarding her feelings, where she believes my father is, and whether or not my brothers are still alive.”
“Sometimes I feel like I’ve never really cherished her. I never really realized how time moves all too fast. One minute they're here, the next dead, sometimes I wish I was there to say goodbye to her.”
This is really it. The last time I’ll ever see you face to face is the last time I can talk to you.... The last time I can say I love you.
That room is silent out of respect. The same quietness started to seem a little too quiet, as if everyone was staring at him. This time, he didn't want everyone looking at him; instead, he wanted to vanish and be left alone. After a calming but uneasy silence, he started speaking with a hint of grief in his voice.
It was a great honor to have you all attend my mother's funeral, so yeah, umm... I just wanted to say thanks. I know she would be very grateful for y’all coming out.”
Out of nowhere a cold but familiar touch grazes my skin. Giving me goosebumps all over, including the back of my neck where my hair stands up.
Upon closer inspection, it is Renèe, her ghostly appearance in the sun contrasting with her jet black hair and eyes like wisteria.
"I hope you feel better soon, Elliot. I too have lost a loved one, but don't lose yourself, okay?" She pats his back and disappears before he can react.
Large family and friend groups mysteriously disappear from the room like ants. One by one, they vanish until there is ultimately just one left.
A 5'9 Asian man with a faded bald head and a good head of hair stands nearby. Over his ear, face, and hands were implants.
If you pay careful attention, you can see him solving a Rubix cube. Upon reflection, I realize I've never truly seen him without it.
"Well well well if isn't the terrifying loner Mr. Kim. So... This doesn't seem to be your kind of scene, whatever brought you here. Or "Wait, did you come see little ol' me?"
He tries to bat his eyelashes like a puppy.
friendliness: +0
“Witt, don't become too egotistical now. I merely come to offer your mother my sympathies. It was too crowded for me to show my respect.”
When you first hear his thick, calming Korean accent, it can turn off a lot of people. Although something about it makes me feel better, reminds me of the sounds a gentle wave washing against the shore makes… well something like that.
“With the passing of your mother, I wanted to know if you are taking a break from the games.”
“I'll be fine, Crippy, I'm the biggest Mirage the trickster The best apex legend you've ever heard of, Witt, I'm serious. Maybe it's too soon to jump back into the games after a loss like that.” "Recovering from it can be difficult."
He puts in the sincerest way he could still having a sweet but bitter delivery.
“That's accurate. "I-I ah-I understand,"
“I was curious as to what led you to decide that you cared. This is from the man who nearly tried to break my arm, right? Witt I'm just looking out for you, all right?
My face has a perplexed but grateful expression. Of all the legends to reach out, it just had to be you.
“You see Witt. I shouldn't have made the trip here. I merely wanted to help a little, but it seems you are in charge of that.”
He leaves the room abruptly but quietly before Elliott has a chance to speak. As he leaves his wake, there is an enormous amount of exhaustion and annoyance in the air. causing the atmosphere I'm in to seem stuffy or so it feels.
“I guess I'm the only remaining Witt, huh?”
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thestalkerbunny · 4 years
Are you abble to make 1 headcanon for each menber of the felt?
Itchy- Itchy is on constant probation from the garage because of his crimes against car-manity. He has blown up, destroyed, scratched, sunk and totaled more cars than one can count on fingers. There is a reason why there is 5 locks on the door to the garage and a sign that says 'Itchy is not allowed in the garage under any circumstance' and he just stands there in front of it is saying 'THAT SIGN WONT STOP ME I CANT READ'. He can't help it he just does everything at 6x the acceptable speed. It makes him a fantastic getaway driver-but he will always end up destroying something in the process.
Doze- Doze is weirdly good at puzzles. Compared to Itchy who tries to do something at 50 miles per hour, Doze is good at analyzing things from every angle and then breaking it down to what he needs to do because he takes his time and is careful. If you ever needed a bomb defused-provided there's not a timer, Doze is the who can do it successfully. He's the dude who takes 4 days to solve the rubix cube but it's at least better than anyone else can do.
Trace-Trace's favorite hobby besides following people around to see where they've been and have that level of dirty blackmail on them and playing stickball with Fin, is blowing up cars. Any day where an order comes in for the a bomb to be planted on a car for some reason is a good day to be Trace. Fin often helps him; not that he's good in any regard at it, it's just because only the two of them combined can actually remember all the lyrics to the song 'Cars that Go Boom'
Clover-Clover is the ideal leperchaun in many regards. Mainly because he's just so GOOD at charms (thanks to his luck) his riddles are always air tight, the pranks immaculate, his jokes and japes are always funny, it makes him basically the hottest leperchaun in the felt. He also has one of the better singing voices of them all.
Fin-Between the two pool sharks, Fin has lost more teeth because he just impulsively bites everything. Like a true shark, he goes thru life biting everything he can rather than using his hands to figure out what they are. They grow back rather quickly, but at the same time, it's not uncommon for him to bite into something-or someone-and a tooth to be left behind. One could make a macabe necklace from the teeth he sheds.
Die-Die is more of a complex fellow than most of his fellow members believe, he's devoutly obedient to his 'belief system' and refuses to do anything that might break it's code of conduct. He is prone to fits of Insomnia and long periods of heavy sleeping and just in general takes very poor care of himself and and is only a proficient mobster when he really puts his mind to it. He's a very touch starved person and his erratic and eerie behaviors often push people away and he is often immediately suspicious of people who willingly want to spend time around him because he assumes it’s a joke or they want something out of him. It's a private fact that he keeps secret that he simply does not like himself that much.
Crowbar- Crowbar is a firm believer that he's under appreciated in the group and feels often left out of things because he's the 'boss'. It's like you don't conventionally invite out the guy who is constantly telling you to 'cut that shit out' for drinks because he's a stick in the mud, right? He feels like always has to be better than the rest of them; be the model example, be the immaculate leader he is expected to be and it drives him up the wall half the time because he never has a real break from it. He has the stress of those kids who you know have been tiger parented into success and the idea of anything less than perfect just screws with their head a little too much. Crowbar has eldest child syndrome despite being the 7th oldest.
Snowman-When she was first introduced to the group, she highly resented all of them because by technicality, they are 'frogs' and frogs are what got her in this exiled state in the first place. She gradually warmed up to them more when she realized none of them had ever spoken to a woman and were unquestioningly frightened of her based on that fact alone. She still doesn't understand their weird customs and reasoning behind doing things most of the time.
Stitch- He's actually ironically very good friends with Die-Die thinks that Stitch is an excellent listener and enjoys his company but in actuality, Stitch is lazily grooming Die to be the next 'tailor' for The Felt incase something happens to him that makes him unable to fufill his tailor/sawbones duties. Nobody fucking ever protects the healer and now his leg don't WORK half the time and half his face is fucked up and can't see good out of one of his eyes anymore, if Die has to become the next tailor, it's YOUR GUYSES FAULT
Sawsbuck-Actually a very good gambler??? For some reasons, he plays the game of 'ooh what card game is this fellows? I do not know it but I wish to play it' on people and it WORKS. And then everyone loses their money. You'd think Clover goes to those back room dark poker room games-no, everybody in the city is too wise to play against CLOVER, but they will play his pudgey friend who is holding the cards upside down, that guy obviously can't win a single hand by the looks of him. And then everyone but Sawsbuck goes broke.
Matchsticks-Covered in burn marks from having to time travel and even though he uses his extinguisher to put it out most of the time, sometimes you're on fire just a little too long and it just leaves a big of permant damage on the skin that doesn't heal correctly. Not too many-small patches, the fire usually eats thru his clothes first before it can get to his skin.
Eggs-Eggs is not a good liar. (I have no good strong headcanons for Eggs or Biscuits because I rarely give them heavy thought.)
Biscuits- Has cried for 15 minutes straight when Itchy told him that 'bread makes you fat'
Quarters-Quarters never smiles for anything, he has an eternal poker face and Itchy's running theory is that he broke the muscles in his face years ago and now he's stuck with this neutral gargoyle scowl all the time. Which is no true; he smiles and actually laughs, it's only because the one person he actually finds funny and worth laughing at is Clover and his little antics. They're not in Fin and Trace level inseperable but are decent runner ups.
Cans-Kronk. He's Kronk. It's all coming together now. Would you like a spinich puff? (I also don't have very good headcanons for Cans. RIP.)
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hank-mcdankblade · 5 years
I Know A Bottom When I See One Princess (Part 2)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Chapter 1: You and Dean have been pals for as long as you can remember, practically raised together. Are things still the same as you remembered when you reconnect with him after a couple years apart? Well there is one thing you see differently and you’re about to call him out on it.
Chapter 2:  After you flirt back with Dean you start to rethink all of your life choices. Why did you flirt back instead of making fun of him? God it would be so much easier if you were just a genderless blob. Hopefully the new supernatural case a friend of your mom’s gives you will distract you from all this romance mumbo jumbo. 
Chapter 3: You and Dean both start to realize your feelings are not what you both originally anticipated them to be. If only you two could actually talk like adults instead of bantering like childish 8 year olds. The case picks up when you see a certain someone’s name over every case, a certain boomer’s name.
Chapter 4: You and Dean do some sleuthing into Chrissy’s apparent death. After learning the truth your trip to Wendy’s/Jack in the Box gets interrupted by Chief douchebag. Rick takes the three of you on a nice drive to the mountains to introduce you to his daughter.
Word Count: 4,697
Warnings: a fuck ton of swearing, self hatred, angst, fluff bits sort of
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        Ever since your little accusation of Dean, there’d been a little tension between the two of you. You were unsure of what kind of tension there was, or if there was even any to begin with. Surely Dean wasn’t upset about you teasing him, he’d let worse things roll off of his back without sparing a thought about it. Despite your doubts, your routine and friendship were pretty much the same in all regards. You still hunted together and made an awesome team. You still ate greasy food at establishments that barely deserved the title ‘Diner.’ And you still sang together to all his old music. So you were probably just over thinking things like you always did, but you still had an inkling that something was off about Dean.
       Black and blue streaks painted the night sky with speckles of stars scattered across the canvas. The street lights outside cast pale yellow rays from the crack in the curtains that hit across the corner of Dean’s bed and stretched up the wall. The rays revealed to you the quilted pattern of the comforter and Dean’s duffel bag thrown haphazardly on the floor with clothes leaking out of it. Parts of the room not in direct contact with the light were in view as well. Traveling up his bed, you could see the curves of his cheek bones as he slept. Dean truly was beautiful. This was when he looked completely at peace, when he was asleep. 
       You turned to your side again, the bed rustling while you did. You had nightmares like most hunters did, but that wasn’t the reason why sleep evaded you tonight. After that night in the bar you basically cemented that you both had feelings for one another. Sure you and Dean flirted back and forth as a joke, but the other night was different. It was more real. What you had before was just your normal relationship. Dean shamelessly flirted with you and you made a joke out of it. It was your go to move to dodge his affections.
       You didn’t really know how to respond to these advances from him, or anyone really at the moment. Your track record of relationships wasn’t the shiniest around and definitely nothing to brag about, most ending in either death or betrayal, but you were mostly scared to make things weird with Dean. He was your bud, your pal, your dude, any nickname that you could call a friend you’ve absolutely said it to him. 
       What would happen if you two did get together? A million and one questions popped into your mind when you thought about it, all ending with the same answer. Nothing good. It would be easier to play his flirting off as a joke to not hurt his feelings because relationships were nothing but trouble from your experience. 
       At first glance you’d think that Dean would never want to settle down and was content to have temporary lovers that lead nowhere, but he wanted what most people wanted, what you wanted too. True love. Pure and unadulterated love. But the bond you two shared was enough for you right now. You were ok with being alone, not that you really gave yourself much of a choice on the matter having sworn off relationships and meaningless nights with strangers. You couldn’t bring yourself to be with someone, not with the baggage you had strapped on your back. If anyone, hunter or not, saw the scar on your back you knew what they would say and the facial expression that would come with it.
       If you let your walls down for even a single moment you would lean closer to Dean and let what might happen, happen. But the growing void inside refused to let you, God if he saw your scar he would look at you with disgust. It’s not the scar that would make him turn away, but the identity associated with it. Across your shoulder blades read a prophecy in Latin, burned into your skin the day your powers were activated. It was a symbol of your power and title. The curved letters created the prophecy of the Slayer reading; 
“In omni generatione, est electus. Una puella in mundi. Et arte vires et solus geram et in surgere viribus a tenebris. Ad propagationem eorum mala prohibere et ad terras eorum numero. Quæ est Slayer.”
“Into every generation, there is a chosen one. One girl in all the world. She alone will wield the strength and skill to stand against the forces of darkness. To stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. She is the Slayer.”
       The night you got your scar was still fresh in your mind and could play back like a movie reel. It was an ordinary day just like any other. Your biggest problems were fitting in at your new high school, getting good grades, and avoiding whatever bullshit your mom was going to throw at you, but little did you know you had a big storm coming. The activation of a Slayer’s powers differs from Slayer to Slayer. Some feel nothing, others feel a tickle, but you experienced the worst burning pain you’d ever felt in your life. The moment the imaginary hot metal touched your skin a hellish scream was ripped from your throat. You swore you could feel your skin melt away to expose your bones. The pain was so white and intense that after only a couple of moments your body went limp as a way of protecting you. 
       For weeks the burning pain didn’t go away. The pain and scar served as a reminder that you would never lead a normal life. Never wear a strapless dress or swimsuit ever again. You could never let anyone touch your back. If they felt the raised skin on your upper back you knew they would have questions, and ones you couldn’t answer. It’s not everyday you see anyone with a large brand on their back, or a brand of any kind. But after the reveal the reactions were the same, eyes filled with pity and hands recoiling from disgust. 
       Dean would react the same way. He would look at you just like your mom did, nothing but a demon. I mean that is where you got your powers from as the Slayer, so you had to be a branch on the demon family tree. Dean hated demons more than anything in the world, so where did that put you in his eyes? Embers in your heart started to light at the thought of being related to scum, to vermin. Thoughts and fantasies of a normal life poured gasoline onto the fire until it burned away your entire existence. 
       “God damnit.” Hot air left your lungs as you sighed. The cardboard sheets of your bed pooled around your waist as you sat up. Your eyes were seemingly staring at nothing while you pondered what the hell to do now that you were awake. Your heart felt deflated like a popped balloon, crushed under the weight of your reality. 
       You would give both your legs and your entire movie collection to be able to sleep right now and forget about the harsh world outside the warm cocoon your hotel room proved to be. The desperate need to just sleep was choking you, making tears prick at your eyes.
       “Hey, you ok?” Had you been more awake, Dean’s sudden interjection would’ve made you flinch. Your reflexes and actions were much slower as you turned to look at him lying on his back. Your heart fluttered at the sight of him half asleep, hair fluffy and eyes barely open. 
       “Would you believe me if I said yes?” You asked in a rough voice. Your fingertips ran through your hair pulling it out of your face. Your eyelids fluttered closed in an attempt to concentrate on your breathing. Dean was taking his sweet time answering you. His eyes were scanning over your form. Your chin was perched atop one of your knees, arms around said leg while the other was stretched out under your covers. Your skin had been hardened by years of hunting, fingertips riddled with callouses from the weapons you’d handled. The only parts of you that were soft were hidden from sight. Dean also bet that your cheeks were soft, he had never had the chance to touch them but someday he’d like to. If you allowed it he would be able to stare at you for hours, trying to solve you like a Rubix cube. For the most part Dean could tell what you were thinking and feeling without second guessing himself, but there were always moments he was unable to read your body language. 
       He’s seen you in this state before, not too often but every once in a while. It was almost as if you were a statue, unmoving and barely talking. Whenever you were quiet he knew something was up. It was terrifying when you were quiet. At the pit of Dean’s chest an ache began to grow, he felt this way whenever he saw you like this. Physically there was nothing he could do, no mountain he could push or villain to defeat. This was something you had to work on your own in order to heal, and he understood that. But it didn’t make it suck any less watching you torture yourself internally when you were hit with these episodes.
       “Need some company over there?” You held your breath for a moment mulling over Dean’s question. A familiar touch caressed your mind. This wasn’t the first time you’d been in this situation before. Nothing registered as contact on your skin, it was just numb.
       “Yeah, I do.” Wordlessly, Dean padded over to your bed and lifted the covers. The shadows on his body moved with the light from the street lamps. There was a silent pact you two had to never bring up these nights, nights where you both needed some human contact with no questions asked. 
       Nights like these began after your activation. Dean had never seen you so upset before. As a teen he had no idea what to do, he probably still didn’t know now. But he knew that being held helped you and your mother was sure as hell not gonna do that for you. She was always too busy hunting with John. Truly those two were cut from the same cloth. Without the guidance from your parents you sought comfort in each other, and thus your silent pact was formed. Neither of you knew what the reason for this silence was, but nonetheless you kept it. Dean laid on his back with his arms open inviting you in, reminded of when you two used to do this before you left. 
       Feeling your head on his chest felt like home. A gentle surge of energy made his skin hum as you wrapped your arms around him. If there was anywhere Dean knew he was meant to be, it was here. 
       “Goodnight sweetheart.”
       And for the first time tonight, you actually slept.
       Once the morning came around you and Dean were already on the road heading towards another case, Colorado to be more specific. You got a call from a friend of your mother. Her name was Jen and she worked as a park ranger for the Grand Mesa National Forest near Grand Junction. During the past couple of weeks, people had gone missing with no evidence left behind. Jen knew that this wasn’t a bear attack like the police claimed, so she called you and Dean for help. Of course you both accepted excited for a new adventure. 
       The Impala roared across the black pavement, kicking up rocks and zooming past trees so fast the leaves shook. In your opinion, the day was perfect. All across your part of the hemisphere the temperature was starting to drop. It was early October and the snow was starting to fall in a beautiful light drift, letting the wind decide its path. The ground was dusted with white sparkles that glittered in the sunlight. The snow wasn’t thick enough to build igloos out of just yet, but it was just thick enough to stick to the ground. You closed your eyes trying to absorb the environment’s good energy. Somehow you convinced Dean to roll the windows down and here you were with your head practically out of the window taking it all in. You were never sure why, but something about the cold air woke up your bones. Dean would always claim it was because you ran hot and then wink at you. 
       The negative energy was evaporating into the air to be turned into a beautiful white mosaic. The wonderful weather made you think that maybe someone was looking out for you. Maybe someone out there saw your rough night and decided to give you a break. Whatever the cause, you weren’t going to question it and were going to keep singing along to the Blue Oyster Cult CD Dean had in.
       Dean looked over to you and committed the image to memory. No matter how many times he saw your smile it would never be enough. You were stretched out in the passenger seat with your shoes kicked off and jacket thrown in the backseat despite the low temperature. Seeing you beside him in the Impala brought on a flood of old memories. Dean wasn’t able to count the number of times Sam, him, and you drove to get ice-cream and dick around town just to get out of whatever motel you were stuck in at the moment. The three of you were inseparable as kids, always hanging out or messing with each other. But everything came to an end once you both turned eighteen. 
       By the time you had become the Slayer, your relationship with your mother was already strained. She was not the fuzziest person around and was certainly not fit to be a parent. The way she ended up in the hunting business was the same as John. Her husband got killed by demons and the rest was history. From then on she dragged you along on all her hunts and after a couple years she ran into John Winchester. The two made a surprisingly good team. 
       Your mother, Caroline, was always off putted by your existence it seemed. It was as if you were a burden to her, just extra luggage to haul around that reminded her of her late husband. There were never any bed time stories or hugs, just life lessons and the occasional pat on the back. At fourteen you considered yourself to be independent. You cooked for yourself, you took care of yourself, and with the help of Dean you were able to raise Sammy up to be a productive member of society. (Or dork as Dean would like to say) Your mother was barely around so it wasn’t a surprise that you grew up faster than you should have, but things only got harder after you received the call of the Slayer. Caroline resented you for what you were, even if she never voiced her opinion out loud. Her words were sharp and responses were short. You knew what she thought about you.
       Dean never understood how a mother could do that to her child, her only child. Mothers, parents in general, were supposed to protect their kids. The day you left Dean swore he could feel his heart break in two. But as much as it hurt him to see you leave to start your own life in the big world, he knew why you needed to. He knew that you needed to get away from your mom’s abuse and passive aggressive attitude. But none of that mattered because you were here now and Dean was incredibly thankful to whoever brought you into his life again.
       A violent buzzing on your thigh stole your attention away from the beautiful weather today brought you. You sat up from your seat and reached your hands forward, clasping them and stretching until you heard a few clicks from your joints. You stifled a yawn as you looked at your phone. “Hey Jen, yeah we’ll be there soon. No, no don’t worry. Alright. See ya.” Dean glanced over to you, silently asking you if everything was ok. “Jen’s just being paranoid. She thinks the police are gonna know that we’re up to something nefarious.”
       “What does she think we’re gonna do? Show up holding a sign that says ‘Hey we’re definitely going to murder someone?’”
       “You never know, those could come back in style.”
       After another hour of driving, the Impala rolled onto a gravel driveway connected to a log built office. As you stepped out of the car the crisp air of the forest nipped at your skin waking you up. The gas and pollution of the cities made you appreciate the fresh air and scenic views before you. As far as the eye could see there were only trees that looked straight out of a Hallmark movie perfectly covered in snow. For the last month all you had seen was gray buildings. It was suffocating how many people squished themselves into one place that they called home.
       Dead leaves and rocks crunched underneath your feet as you walked into the Park Ranger’s Office. A wave of hot air rushed past your cheeks as you stepped into the heated building. It was simple in structure having only four rooms, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and an office. The aesthetic was just as you had imagined it would be. The walls were covered with nature paraphernalia everywhere, with samples of tree leaves and forest fauna tacked onto poster board naming the different parts of the organism. Other parts of the wall were covered in maps and pictures of memories from years and decades ago, like a life size scrap book. The heels of your boots clacked against the wooden floor giving a signal to the workers inside that they had some company. 
       “Hello?” You called out. It’d been awhile since you saw Jen, so you weren’t sure what you were going to get. But after a few moments your voice was met with clunking boots and a familiar face. 
       “(Y/N)! Dean! Thank god you’re here, I’ve had enough of all the spooky shit going down here and would like to go back to fearing bears instead of monsters.” Jen said bounding towards you two with a smile. In her hands she was holding a manila folder that had papers sticking out in all different angles. You smiled feeling her bubbly energy, feeling yourself start to charge up a little after such a long drive. 
       “We’ll get you back to fearing those bears in no time. What do you have for us?” You asked stepping closer to get a look at the file Jen prepared, with Dean following your steps.
       “The disappearances have been happening for years and only during the late fall and winter season, but no one talks about it.” Jen huffed out. She leaned against the kitchen counter with her arms crossed.
       “The police usually just show up, ask their questions, and never do anything to solve the cases. Always claiming it’s bears. But I call bullshit, because bears only kill people when threatened or if they’re messing with their cubs. I doubt that many people would be stupid enough to play chicken with a bear. And even if they did end up dead bears bury their prey and feed on them until completely gone, but we haven’t found any evidence to support that claim. No body, no bears.” Jen’s description of the case was strange. Both you and Dean were already mentally working on a list of creatures to rule out in your hunt. 
       “Have you seen or smelled anything strange in those weeks?” Dean asked. He was thumbing through the file to see pictures of the site of the crime, narrow footprints on the ground, and trees scratched with bloody long claws. Jen looked at the ground, pulling her brows together in concentration as she thought back, willing her memories to give her some sort of clue to what happened here. 
       “Not that I can think of…” For a moment it looked like something clicked in Jen’s eyes. “Although….”
       “Yeah?” Jen shook her head again dismissing herself. “Anything will help.”
       Jen pulled her lips tight before answering you. “The claw marks I’ve noticed on the trees are odd.”
       “How so?” Your partner asked stepping in.
       “It’s not a huge difference from regular bear claw marks, but something feels off about them. The claw marks feel less like territory guarding and more like a result from an attack. If that makes any sense, they’re less precise.” You and Dean shared a look, almost as if you were telepathically sharing the same idea. Your gut was telling you already predictions of what was terrorizing the woods, but you wanted to get all the details before you jumped to conclusions. The case seemed like a pretty open and close shut one. You were about to thank Jen when the office door suddenly swung open. After a moment of panic, Dean quickly picked up the case file and hid it in the confines of his leather jacket. The door swung back hitting the wall with a loud smack revealing an older gentleman in a police uniform. His face was grim, every crease in his face probably from frowning so much. Your eyes looked to his breast pocket with the name tag, ‘Rick Sullivan, Police Chief.’
       “Ms. Clinton, you’re not scaring the locals again with your fairy tails are you?” The policeman’s voice lacked any humor or sarcasm whatsoever. From the cadence of his words you could tell that this wasn’t the first time Jen had this conversation with him. Jen’s body language switched. She stood up straight with a stoic look on her face. Oh yeah, they had definitely met before. Jen bit her tongue, wanting so badly to tell him off and reveal to him the true nature of this world and watch as his face morphed into one of pure terror.
       “Not at all,” Jen said, clipping her words as short as she could. “just telling these kids that now might not be the best time to go hiking. Ya know, what with the disappearances and all.” Her eyes narrowed slightly with a fake smile. She couldn’t help but get in at least one jab before the conversation ended. It was a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. But at least with this option she was able to do what she wanted, regardless of the consequences. The police man, now known as Rick from his name tag, clenched his jaw. Tension built up into the air as the two stared at each other for a moment.
       “Just some bears getting their energy out, nothing more than that. But regardless the department needs to check all the bases and I need the sign in form.” Jen breathed deeply, most likely to stop herself from saying anything else and walked out of the room to get the clipboard the office left out at the entrance on a pedestal for guests to sign in at.
       “Is everything ok? We heard there were some people who went missing here.” You asked casually slipping your hand into Dean’s. The rush Dean felt from your skin touching his made his heart beat quicken. That familiar hum of energy traveled up his arm and dissipated into the rest of his body. He knew you were only doing it to protect your cover, but it still didn’t fail to make him nervous. Feeling some sort of magnetic pull, Dean moved closer to you. You would be lying if you said that playing this role didn’t feel natural to you. It was odd how easily you could slip into the role of a fake girlfriend, holding onto his arm and leaning your head on his shoulder.
       Rick shook his head and sighed. “Nothing so dramatic happened here. We just have a few residents that like to stir things up and make trouble where there isn’t any. As long as you don’t hike where you shouldn’t be you should be fine.” He stated this like it was such an obvious fact that even a mouth breathing four year old would be able to see it. Rick seemed to think highly of himself, towering over you two in condescension. To him you two were just some dumb kids looking to cause him grief.
       “Are you sure? We read that there wasn’t any damning evidence that pointed to a bear attack.” Dean butted in. Your grip on his hand tightened almost as a warning to get him to cut the attitude he was sporting. If it wasn’t in his voice, you could see it all on his face. Dean’s eyes were locked on Rick with his lips pursed. Of course that shit head had to have at least one word in on this, his personality wouldn’t have it any other way. He always had issues with authority, something you thought he picked up since he was always under John’s thumb.
       Rick could sense Dean’s snarky attitude a mile away and reciprocated. His posture straightened even more, if possible, and he pulled his shoulders back. “Son, I’ve been on the force for damn near forty years. I think I know a bear attack when I see one.” You were sure if Dean uttered another word Rick would have him arrested just for being disrespectful. Truly the police chief before you was the epitome of the angry baby boomer’s generation, and Dean was just another millennial in his eyes here to ruin the diamond industry by spending all his money on avocados or not getting married. 
       You tugged on Dean’s arm wanting nothing more than to get out of here before the situation escalated. “Hey love, why don’t we head home and come back another time?” You  asked leaning into Dean, affectively playing the part of the girlfriend. The two of you had everything you needed from Jen to start working on the case, and if you had any more questions you’d call her. Guess she wasn’t kidding when she mentioned over the phone that the cops around here were twitchy. Dean couldn’t help the smile that crept onto his lips looking at you clinging onto him. Fake or not he loved being able to have these moments with you. 
       “Sure thing sweetheart.” Dean’s eyes followed your figure as you lead him out of the door to the office, ignoring anything Rick Sullivan had to say to him. 
       Once you knew you were out of ear shot of the asshole back in the office you felt the need to speak up brewing inside you.
       “You are going to get us arrested with that smart mouth of yours.” You poked at Dean. Looking over to him you saw a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. He didn’t regret a word he said. You both walked in sync to the car with clasped hands, no longer safe from the cold outside. 
“Well my mouth could be doing other things if you want sweetheart.” Dean tugged on your hand, pulling you to him with a smirk. Your laughter filled the air as you shook your head.
       “Like what? Complain and bitch about the cold? You are pretty good at that.”  Rick’s crotchety behavior was long forgotten by the time you two got in the Impala. Yet again your rapport with Dean remained the same. Maybe harmless flirting was just your friendship and you were making too big of a deal about it. Analyzing your history with him did remind you that this dynamic of yours had been going on forever. Nothing came from it then, so maybe nothing will come from it now. The two of you settled back into the Impala to start yet another adventure into the supernatural world. 
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ;) jk ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
¯\_(ツ)_/¯:  do you have any tumblr friends? if so, who are they?
Honestly there are so many people who make me smile like an idiot and who inspire me to keep making myself better and better and I can’t possibly name them all in one post: people who I only know through my notifs or mutuals I just don’t talk to much or people I idolize too much to try to reach out to bc they’re just So Awesome y’know. And of course the people listed above. Y’all make me feel good on the days when that should be impossible and you’re just... so important and precious and I want to thank you for being you. I love you all with every fibre of my being.
ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ:  what is your favorite animal?
D O G S 
send me an emoji??
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averyonelovesjack · 7 years
never VI ~ jonah marais
requested: sorta yes. this is p2 of this request:)
i wanted to request something for never so here goes nothing... y/n thinks about what happened with jonah and contemplates if she should give jonah a second chance. Jonah looks like he genuinely cared for y/n and regrets his choice with camila. She asks Jack for help but he just said to follow her heart. You can add more to that and decide how it ends. You can also divide it into 2 parts so that it can be longer. Thanks!
summary: in a new idea to discover what to do, y/n visits jonah at his house. 
warning(s): cursing, heartbroken jonah
word count: 1260
author’s note: k this mini series is too long but whatever i guess. there is one final part to these so be sure to look out for that. i hope you enjoy:)))
part I, part II, part III, part IV, part V
The thoughts raced my mind rapidly as I stepped out of my car and walked up to the front door of the house. I’d been here several times this week, yes, but this time was different. Everyday that I came here had been to visit and talk with Jack or Zach, because they were just the two boys I was closest with right now. But today, i needed to talk to jonah.
It took me a few days to find my heart and follow it, but i spoke with jack and we inevitably found an idea that wasn’t an original option, which was to just talk to jonah and figure out what he’s thinking. jonah wanting or not wanting to try again has such a big say over what ends up happening, and if my heart tells me i want to try again but jonah is majorly over me, then i’d be heartbroken all over again.
in the end, jonah and i needed to talk anyways because the way things ended were with me sobbing and then screaming at him to never talk to me again, which never ended up happening since i’d initially communicated to him first. 
i stepped into the house, my hands cold and clammy while i mentally scolded the boys. they were clearly idiotic enough to leave their front door unlocked more often than not, regardless of the fact that they were famous and something bad could happen. my mind raced with thoughts as i peeked into the living room to see jack sitting there solving yet another rubix cube whilst watching a show i didn’t recognize.
his eyes turned to see me, “hey i thought you were busy today” 
i nodded my head and nerves traveled my body, “is jonah home?” 
jack understood now that i had chosen today as the day to talk to my ex-boyfriend about everything, “he should be in his room” 
i stood there with my eyes closed for a second, taking in a deep breath and letting it go to relieve the anxiety that tumbled through my body, doing cartwheels on my shoulders and back flips on my heart. 
“it’ll be fine, y/n” jack assured me and i opened my eyes looking at him, “good luck”
i gave my best friend half a smile and then began the never-ending journey to the room shared by jonah, corbyn, and zach. i stopped in front of the pine door that i’d formerly opened with ease, barging into whatever conversation my boyfriend could be having, but now my knuckles were white from being clenched so tightly and i had to pound onto the wood to make notice that i was there. the door opened after ten seconds and i looked up at the six foot two boy whose eyes were red and cheeks were swollen. 
my frown appeared as he strangely looked at me. neither of us had anything to say in that moment because with just one look at the damaged boy, my brain wiped all knowledge of my visit and i was just standing there, staring at him with worry visible in my eyes, “are you alone?” 
jonah stepped aside, to show that no one else was in the large room with him and then let me inside, closing the door behind him and going back to sitting on his bed, “what are you doing here?”
i winced at the sound of his crackling voice that sounded raw and dry and then spoke softly with an excuse that i believed was vague enough to buy time on my part to gain memory of the reason i was standing in my ex-boyfriend’s room, “i just came to talk” 
jonah looked at me, his finger tracing his jaw, “i’m sure you saw jack out there. you two have been really close lately and he’s probably a lot better for you than i am” 
my entire body lit in goosebumps as my brain recognized my visit and i shook my head, “this isn’t about jack. this is about you and i” 
“what’s there to talk about, then?” jonah looked down at the ground, “i’m a selfish dick who cheated on you. i picked up a random girl who had some popular music so that i could gain those five seconds of fame while abandoning you and our relationship. i cheated, y/n. what’s there to talk about?”
my voice shook when i looked away from him, unable to focus, “do you know what hurt more than you cheating on me?” jonah couldn’t look at me, his eyes staring at the ground without making a sound. i hissed the next words out, unsure of how else to say them, “when you so easily got over our relationship and moved on” 
jonah scoffed and continued to stare at the ground, “if it was so easy for me to get over our relationship, do you really think that i’d be a fucking disaster?”
this wasn’t what he meant, i knew it inside of me. jonah was never upset about the way we ended things. he was sitting in here, moping around and crying because his celebrity crush broke his heart. it wasn’t us that broke him, it was her, “you’re not talking about us, jonah. you’re upset because camila hurt you. not because you hurt me”
i watched as jonah’s head shook and he looked up at me briefly before looking back down at the ground, venom pouring out, “god, i don’t give a fuck about camila” i stepped back, unsure of how to react to his words, a motif these days. jonah scoffed one more time, his hands running up and down his face as he stared down, “you really think that some girl i knew for two weeks hurt me this badly?” 
i didn’t want to believe him, to trust that he’d told me the truth, “you are an up-and-coming, extremely attractive and utterly talented singer from a widely loved boy band. i’m the random nursing student from a small city in new york. there’s no comparing” 
jonah looked up at me, his eyes even redder with pain as i let a shock of tears hit me, “you’re not just a random nursing student, y/n” he struggled to find the right words to tell me, “you-- you are everything”
“stop” i told him, my heart breaking even further, “just don’t” 
he didn’t seem to want to listen, his voice traveling on, “You are the perfect girl. smart and beautiful and funny and kind. you do everything for everyone without putting any thought about yourself into it. you are the girl every guy out there wants and the girl that i had and lost because of some fucking celebrity crush. you’re not some random girl and i’m not upset over camila. i’m upset because while ruining the best thing that’s ever happened to me, i broke the girl i’ve been in love with’s heart”
tears poured out of my eyes as i didn’t stay any longer in his room. my feet picked up speed as i ran past jack and slammed the front door behind me. my vision was blurred as i wiped the salty substance away from my face, trying to see clearer whilst i started my car. 
i couldn’t go home, i knew that and i couldn’t stay here. i needed somewhere safe, somewhere that i could just be alone to think and to find myself again. 
without a trace of doubt in my mind, my brain determined exactly where to go.
part VII 
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myotishia · 5 years
Music box part one
Fandom: Torchwood. Trigger warnings: None as far as I know but feel free to suggest. Characters: Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper, Elise Carter (oc) Rating: Teen and up
Blurb: With things calming down Elise is given an alien puzzle box to try and solve.
Another quiet morning dawned. As Elise entered the hub she heard her boss call over.
“My office. Five minutes.”
“Yes sir.” She grinned, tucking her bag under her desk.
“What’s that about?” Asked Owen as he took off his coat.
“Not a clue. Can’t be bad though otherwise I wouldn’t get five minutes. Wish me luck.” She trotted into Jacks office and sat to wait. Seconds later he scooted in and closed the door behind him.
Sitting in his chair and leaning back, sipping his coffee. “So.”
“How did it go?”
“Captain Jack Harkness did you bring me in here just for gossip?”
“Not just for gossip.” He smirked over the rim of his mug. “But mostly gossip.”
“It went pretty damn well. We’re going to see how it goes. Owen made breakfast.”
“Really well then. Either way it’s out in the open at last.”
“And the other reason you called me in here?”
He sat forward and brought a box, about the size of a rubix cube, from his desk draw. It was ornately patterned in black and gold.
“A box?”
“It’s a puzzle box we think but no one’s ever been able to solve it. I thought you could give it a try with fresh eyes.”
“If your resident geniuses couldn’t solve it then what makes you think I have a shot?” She picked up the cube and turned it over in her hands.
“Everyone thinks differently, you might see something they didn’t. It’s one of a few we’ve found over the years. Some we can’t try and solve because human minds can’t handle the concept of a four dimensional object. What we can tell is that they seem to be made by the same person out of the same material, that we can’t scan though and can’t even break.”
“I’ll give it a go.” She nodded and headed out, still studying the cube.
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Ianto handed Elise her morning coffee on the way out of Jacks office. “What’s going on today?”
“Owen thanked me… He’s never thanked me for anything.”
“He’s just in a good mood. We had a fun night.”
“Whatever happened it’s an improvement.” He looked down at the cube in her free hand. “The lament configuration. I thought after Tosh tried to crush it it was stored away permanently.”
“The what what? The box?”
“Hellraiser? The film?”
“Sorry, before my time. I’ll add it to the list of things I need to watch.”
“The puzzle box that opens a portal to hell in that film is called the lament configuration. Everyone gets so frustrated while trying to solve it I thought the name fit.”
She laughed. “Well, I’m not as smart as anyone else here so I’m not getting my hopes up.”
“I can give you a little head start. The corners all pull out so the layers can be moved.”
“Thanks. I thought I heard cogs moving when I turned it.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
“Yea.” She placed down her mug and held up the box, slowly turning it. “Maybe it has some sort of gyroscope inside so certain moves only work if it’s the right way up. Let’s see if we…” she pulled two opposing corners and turned it by them. “The sound is different now. I’ll have to spend some time listening to it.” She picked up her drink again and palmed the box. “Thanks.” She beamed and trotted back to her desk.
Gwen leaned on Elise’s desk, watching her twist the puzzle box and test different configurations of buttons.
“Could you ask Owen if I can borrow a stethoscope? I can’t quite catch the click.” Elise asked, holding the item up to her ear.
“I can try. Owen’s possessive over his things.”
“You might be lucky today. He’s in the best mood right now.”
Gwen decided to give it a try. She guessed he’d be where he usually was and walked over to the autopsy bay. She looked over the railing to see Tosh sitting on his lap and laughing at something. Gwen cleared her throat and Tosh blushed, trotting away in embarrassment.
Owen looked up, still smiling as if he were very proud of himself for something. “What’s up?”
“Elise wanted to borrow a stethoscope to help with the cube but it looks like you’re busy.” She didn’t know what to say about what she’d seen, a million thoughts running through her head. .
“Oh yea. Here.” He kicked off, sliding across the room in his office chair, stopping himself with his heels at a set of draws. “Here. Tell her good luck. I never want to see that thing again.”
Gwen nodded and took the stethoscope, returning to Elises desk. “We should grab something for lunch later.”
“Huh? Sure, why not. It’s quiet this morning and I don’t think this’ll go anywhere.” Elise sat back away from the cube and pulled on her jacket. She waved at Tosh who still looked bright red. “Want anything while we’re out?”
“No. I’m fine. It’s your turn to cook dinner so you could look for that.”
“Cool. See you an a bit.” She blew a kiss as she followed Gwen out. Once on the street Gwen seemed to lose a little of the tenseness she was carrying.
“So… How are things between you two?” She asked uncomfortably.
“Good, why?”
“Well, when I walked in… Tosh was sitting on Owens lap and I’m not saying they were up to anything but it didn’t exactly look innocent.”
“Cheeky sods.” Elise laughed to Gwens utter astonishment.
“You’re not upset?”
“No. It would be pretty hypocritical if I was.”
Gwen stopped in her tracks, wondering if she was getting across what she was trying to say. “So you’re ok with them two fooling around while you and Tosh are dating?”
“Am I missing something here? I didn’t know you had an open relationship.”
“We don’t. It just happens that the closed relationship has three members instead of two. It’s about time they stopped dancing around the issue anyway.”
“When did that happen?!” she squeaked out of surprise.
“Last night. I made sure they could sit down and talk things over. It’s kind of sweet, Owen wanted to take the idea to his grave until I convinced him otherwise.”
“The words Owen and sweet don’t usually appear in the same sentence and it was your idea?”
“Course it was. Those two nerds would have never said anything to each other. For all his bravado Owen’s just as socially awkward as the rest of us. Aren’t you relieved? I mean if this hadn’t been the case you would have had a whole host of drama to deal with.”
“I’m just… In shock I think. I’m used to Jack talking about that sort of thing and I’m never sure if I believe him or not.”
���You know what’s good for this kind of shock?”
“Chocolate cake.”
Jack had shut himself in his office, trusting that the rest of the team were dealing with everything just fine. The presence of the earthquake machine bothered him. The time ripples had to grab the time agency’s attention and they weren’t fans of unlicensed time travellers. Since Jacks watch no longer worked to actively travel he’d been staying under their radar but if they were snooping around it might only be a matter of time. The rift usually covered the time anomalies but it didn’t cover the effect of changing the past. At least, to the best on his knowledge, Elise hadn’t time jumped since the pharm so she wasn’t glowing like a beacon to any passing agent. Well mostly. The security cameras still couldn’t pick up her right hand and if they were unlucky that would be spotted. He hoped the agency would assume they’d done their job and eliminated the problem. They were rarely that lucky.
He was pulled from his thoughts by a knock at his door.
“Come in.”
Ianto opened the door. “Elise brought cake if you want some. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’ll with you in a minute.”
“Your smile isn’t meeting your eyes.”
“Do you have to pay attention to everything?”
“I believe it’s in my contract, yes. It’s just below the small print that stops me poisoning Owen on a bi weekly basis.”
“I’m just concerned about the possibility of the time agency tracking me down.”
“We’ll deal with whatever happens when it happens. Frankly, if Owen could break time and space to save, not only, his own life but others then we can all handle an agency that couldn’t track you when you’ve been here for quite some time. Now come and have some cake before there’s nothing left.”  
The team sat in the boardroom where the cake had been demolished. Elise sat back in her chair with the cube, spinning it by the corners like a large fidget spinner. After each rotation it gave a satisfying clink.
Gwen was leaning on the table looking a little green.
“Too much cake?” Asked Owen.
“Sod off. I think I just picked up a bug somewhere.”
“How long for?” He asked with actual concern.  
She shrugged. “A few days. It’ll go just after lunch.”
Owen looked around the room to see if everyone else was thinking what he was. They were. Elise even put the cube down.
“So you get this sickness every morning?” He continued.
“Oh don’t start. I’m on the pill.”
“You might want to check anyway.”
Elise leant forward. “Yea. I heard that there was an issue with that type of birth control. There was so much in the water system that everyone's bodies were getting used to it so it wasn’t working as it should. There were lawsuits and everything.”
Gwen looked up, a little nervous. “Seriously?”
“Yea. The pill was retired in 2026. It was replaced by these implants that can be turned on or off by a doctor. 100% effective.”
Owen placed a hand on Gwens shoulder. “Come on. We can find out and if not I can see what’s really causing it.”
Gwen groaned but followed, kind of hoping it was just a virus. She couldn’t really hang up her life for a while to have a baby. How would she even bring up a child with her job as it was. What would Rhys think? Another wave of nausea hit her though likely more from stress.
The short wait felt like forever.
“Will we have to open a creche? I don’t think it’s possible to baby proof the hub.”  Ianto mused out loud.
“Gwen’ll just be on maternity leave for a while, though in the past parents haven’t returned to work because of the risk. I can’t blame them.” Said Jack, his mind wandering to his own family.
Tosh was pacing, thinking about the possibilities for herself. She sat down close to Elise. “You have one of those implants, don’t you?”
“Yea. Since I was eighteen. It’s the earliest you can get it because it puts your reproductive system into a sort of stasis.”
“Any idea how it works?”
“Not a clue but we might be able to reverse engineer one. If Gwen isn’t pregnant then she’ll probably be interested too.”
“I can’t imagine what she must be feeling right now. A baby just throws your whole life upside down.”
“Yea, but she has Rhys. I’m sure he’d be ecstatic.”
“Have you ever thought about having kids?”
Elise shook her head. “No way. If my mum was anything to go by I should never have kids. What about you?.”
“I don’t have time for children and I don’t think I could stay away from work. It’s the Torchwood curse. Normal stops being a thing.”
“There’s a thought, what would my power even do if I got pregnant?”
“That doesn’t bare thinking about.”
Gwen tensed up waiting for the result that felt as if it was taking forever when only seconds had passed. Negative.
“Oh thank god.” She almost collapsed, relieved.
“You always looked the type to want kids.”
“I do, just not right now. I can’t bring a baby into all this. At least now I can change my birth control before I get caught out. Of course the pill wouldn’t work with all the radiation and crap we end up covered with.”
“I’m surprised this is the first scare we’ve had. With Jack alone we should have had them once a week.”
“Says you.”
“I’m very careful thank you very much.” He sat down in his wheely chair.
“What about this new relationship you’ve got going?”
“I’m not the dad type. I’m the drunk uncle that doesn’t get invited to family parties anymore type. They know that.”
“Yea and that was a shock.”
“Same here if I’m honest, but fuck, why not? The world could end tomorrow. Last real relationship I had was before I even joined Torchwood. Maybe it’s been long enough.”
“What happened?”
“She died.”
Gwens face fell. “Oh god Owen, I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t know. I didn’t want to move on really but… When you could be crushed any second by a tonne of concrete you start to look at your life differently. Plus the other Owen was a better man than I’ve ever been. He’s the one Elise fell for originally so I’ve got to live up to that now.”
“You and him are different people.”
“I know, but he’s who I could have been.”
“What, dead?”
He laughed softly. “You should go up and give everyone the news. They’re probably waiting with bated breath.”
“After this long I think they would have suffocated.”
Four pairs of eyes watched the door as it opened.
“It’s negative, thank god.”
There was a collective sigh of slight disappointment.
“Oh thanks.”
Jack smiled. “We’re happy you’re happy but a pregnancy’s exciting.”
“I know.” She waved him off.              
C#, F#, E, D, B, F#, C#, B… Each correct movement of the box made a note, only audible with a little help. G#, F#, click. The top of the box popped up and turned 90 degrees, creating an eight pointed star, followed by three other layers. The whole thing then flattened to about half its height, but in the new configuration. It looked completely different than it had but no less beautiful. The surface seemed to have taken on shapes similar to symbols. Writing maybe? She couldn’t tell at first.
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Then she saw a very familiar one. She stood suddenly and excitedly carried it to find Ianto. He nearly jumped out of his skin as she trotted up to him.
“I got further with the box.”
He looked at the puzzle in surprise. “How did you solve it?”
“It was a music puzzle. It was too quiet for human ears to naturally hear it so I used a stethoscope to work it out. I don’t think it’s solved yet though so I need that book with all the symbols in.”
“I’ll grab it for you and bring it over, just wait for me to get back before you show anyone else.”
“I want to see their reactions.”
Elise laughed at his smug smile, knowing how it had frustrated everyone.
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aethyras · 7 years
ME:A Countdown Ryder Meme
21 Days: What are Ryder’s personality traits? Describe 5 strengths and 5 flaws.
Claire Ryder is very friendly, as in she wants to be your friend even though you just met. She’s the girl that makes friendship bracelets and hot cocoa for everyone. Very protective as well, if you talk shit or take down one of her squadmates she will literally hunt you to the ends of the planet. Claire is super family oriented and goes out of her way to take care of them, trying to fill the role her mother left open (lets be real she's so dead, or missing, or whatever). Very goal driven, nothing is left hanging or undone, whether it be a mission, a favor or just something that fits into her routine. But most of all she is creative, and not in the artsy sense, she can't even draw a stick figure. Claire is the MacGyver of space babies, if she's pinned down by the Kett she can use a rubber band and a bone from Drack's armor to get them out and blow up the entire base.
Alternatively her friendliness causes her to be over trusting or leave her open to having her feelings hurt. Hence Papa Ryder putting her through tough love hell. Claire is also a burden handler, when something is wrong she finds a way to put it all on her own shoulders which stresses her out endlessly. She has anxiety, and when Christian's cryopod gets messed up it made her very unprepared during the first mission. Which leads into her other flaw, she hates not being in control of a situation. It irks her really bad when she feels powerless or following orders, it is fortunate she became Pathfinder. And finally, Claire questions everything. This isn't always bad but it can be.
Jericho Ryder is everyone's cool big brother. He was born five minutes before Cass so he just inwardly considers himself one even though they're twins. But this extends to everyone he comes in contact with. Jericho is very self confident of himself, he knows his capabilities and he takes pride in what he has accomplished. It is hard to get him down. Meaning he is also mentally and emotionally resilient, no backhanded snide remarks bother him. If anything he finds them amusing. Jericho is an excellent leader, direct and to the point without risking the admiration of his crew whom he also sees as his friends. Finally he is also a joker. Even Jaal gets the humor, most of the time.
On the down side all that bravado makes Jericho arrogant at times. When you go so long having everything go your way it is a real punch in the gut to think you're wrong. Leading into his second negative trait, he hates being wrong, in fact he hates it so much he rejects it until it gets heated. When he is mad Jericho can be very cold and distant, wanting little or nothing to do with anyone until he has calmed down. More often than not he works off intuition and not logic, which has gotten him in trouble many times. Finally he is extremely awkward around women he likes, meaning Cora. He still can't help but see her as his commanding officer and him the son of the Pathfinder.
Astrea Ryder is extremely intelligent, straight A's in the best school on the Citadel smart. She's very peaceful and is the type of friend to make flower crowns for everyone on board while still able to keep the flowers alive and healthy. Very bookish and soaks in knowledge like a sponge, going to Andromeda is such a big deal for her because Astrea gets to immerse herself in a new world with new concepts and lifeforms. She's the type of person to stop and try to talk to animals, every life means something to her. Call her empathetic or a flower child. Finally she's very open minded and tries to see things from both sides of the spectrum, she won't just side with someone cause she might be more fond of them.
Astrea is very introverted and hates confrontation. Some days she'd like to recede from civilization and just sit with her digital pad and read articles while eating chocolate. She also has anxiety with being Pathfinder, it is way too much pressure on someone like her but she knows her duty and tries to keep her loved ones in mind. Astrea can also be a bit of an ass when it comes to believing things. She won't accept anything without the proper sources to back it up. Don't ever say 'did you hear that-” because she will want to know how you heard it, and how that person knows until you realize it was either a rumor or fictional to begin with. Oh, she's very spiteful. She has a tattoo just to rebel against Alec, also lots of eyeliner. Astrea can be rather emotional, cry at the drop of a hat. Even if it seems trivial to others.
Siren Ryder is very outgoing and vivacious. The world is her oyster and boy does she love sea food. She can come off as annoying but that annoying usually catches onto others and becomes that nifty little quirk everyone can't deny they love about her. If it isn't already obvious Siren is a major people person, she can't thrive without being surrounded by others. A real life of the party. She acts like the big sister to just about everyone, willing to get in the face of someone who has wronged her squad and intimidate them. Finally she has this soft inner core hidden within her spunky attitude that she rarely shows but when she does, you know you're special to her.
On the flip side she is very antagonistic with her family, especially Alec. But there is some sibling rivaly with Seth too. Siren is very careless and will take the fun dangerous route instead of the safe logical method, as long as everyone makes it out in one piece what's the harm? Siren has a bad temper that can and will get her in a lot of trouble, that is for sure. She can be slightly selfish but only because her mind works things out with how she wants things to be before considering others. Last but not least she hates following orders, her whole childhood was living beneath Alec and Ellen's rules, now that she is an adult she hates having others demand things of her.
Maxson Ryder is honest, that is his key trait. He refuses to lie to anyone about anything. He is very outspoken and won't let something pass by the radar if he doesn't like it. He's a fantastic puzzle solver, his sister jokes that in a former life he was either a detective or the record holder for most rubix cubes solved in one minute. Maxson is very well spoken and persuasive when the fighting stops and rules/plans have to be put in motion, swerving them to favor his own interests. Not sure what the word for this is but Maxson will put himself in a risky situation before others. For example when they were kids he climbed up a tree with no certain way to get down in order to grab Kenna's kite, knowing he'd rather be the one in harms way than her.
On the other hand his honesty can be harsh. Blunt during times when a nice little white lie would have been preferable to the truth. He can become absorbed in what he is doing and become somewhat neglectful. He likes to be in control of every situation, as programmed in by his parents, and becomes edgy when he isn't. Maxson is known to push himself too far for the sake of his responsibilities and exhaust himself, as well as expect the same amount of effort from others. And he's a huge perfectionist. If things aren't on par and above he deems it all a failure.
Rey Ryder is very chill, she wants no trouble but doesn't mind ending it. She likes art and immerses herself in the culture of it, she's super curious as to what kind the new worlds have waiting. Rey is very analytical and likes to understand things about mortality, such as those conversations you can have with SAM about the meaning of life. She is a huge mama's girl and since Ellen has been gone she's tried to fill a role at least for herself, Lincoln doesn't need it and Alec sure doesn't want it. Rey is a huge animal lover and volunteered her free time to them on Earth in shelters. Her favorites were the pyjaks.
Rey can be spiteful, going out of her way no matter the task to bite back at people she feels wronged by. Such as getting several tattoos and telling Alec about them. She's not wholly accepting of views she deems unworthy even if they mean a lot to the other person. If it sounds dumb to her it is dumb. Rey is possessive of people and tends to like to be the center of attention. But most of all she is extremely intimidating. When she does get angry few forget it, and due to her RBF, everyone is convinced she's mad 24/7
Remy Ryder is dedicated to his sister, she is his #1 best friend and confidant in the world. He's very good with guns and has the record for disassembling and reassembling one in under fifteen seconds. Remy is very athletic, works out once a day and eats like a rabbit with the appetite of a large wolf, aesthetic driven. He tries to help everyone he can since he has a sensitive conscience, he thinks if he doesn't help no one will. His biggest strength is trying to work with others in any way possible, as in he will figure out how best to help someone whether it be talking it out, going a few rounds in the gym or shooting cans with lasers.
On the other hand he is very self conscious and worried about his image, he can be irritable and say things he doesn't mean. Remy can put himself in places people don't need or want him while trying to be helpful towards them. Sometimes he just does things at the last minute and rushes it having forgotten it. He's more likely to lie and say he didn't do something to skirt blame, or come up with an excuse as to why it happened.
Lexa Ryder is loyal to the bone, if you trust her she won't let you down or turn her back on you. She's very compassionate and flirtatious even though she's never had a boyfriend/girlfriend. Lexa is very brave, few things scare her and rather than fear she will get this rush of excitement. She's a walking talking lie detector, you literally can not lie to her and her not know it. She does yoga and meditation to keep herself healthy and centered, Cade refuses to join her in this.
Loyalty can be to a fault, there are times you have to draw the line or your choices conflict how something has gone down. Her flirtatious nature has gotten her into some confusing situations, but she just loves doing it. Lexa can be judgmental and see the outside before thinking about who someone is behind the cover. A little over dramatic when she feels overwhelmed and prone to throwing things when displeased.
Gage Ryder always tries to give back. When she was little her mom gave her a birthday present and in return she gave Ellen a bunch of flowers from the neighbors garden. She's always open to new things from food to, oh you know, going to a new galaxy. She's a jack of all trades, knows a little about a lot of things. She puts effort into how she looks to make herself feel good and Gage has a very soothing singing voice that you can hear when she thinks she is alone.
However Gage can be a bit of a brat, she tends to take her wild teasing too far and ends up hurting feelings or making someone mad. She can be lazy if the activity or chore doesn't hold any endgame value. Her pride in her looks has made her arrogant and rather obsessed with what people think of her
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