#Node 37
my-favourite-zhent · 5 months
Node 37 [Persuasion Successful], Node 203, Node 61, Node 193, Node 208
I like the way you think. Didn't expect to turn this horrorshow to my advantage... but why not?
The chest's all yours. Damn thing's sealed tighter than a Duke's pursestrings, so there's no point in trying to open it.
I know a fence in Baldur's Gate who'll take it off your hands. Nobody will be the wiser.
Don't try to cut me out of the deal though. The Black Network has eyes and blades everywhere.
Crafty swine like you could make a name for yourself in the Zhentarim. Make sure to drop by our hideout.
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"The 200+ Symptoms of Fibromyalgia"
(Note: Some symptoms may overlap)
1. Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level
2. Cold hands and feet (extremities)
3. Cough
4. Craving carbohydrates
5. Delayed reaction to physical activity or stressful events
6. Dryness of eyes and/or mouth
7. Edema (Oedema)
8. Family member(s) with Fibromyalgia
9. Fatigue, made worse by physical exertion or stress
10. Feeling cold often
11. Feeling hot often
12. Frequent sighing
13. Heart palpitations
14. Hoarseness
15. Hypoglycemia (blood sugar falls or low)
16. Increased thirst
17. Low blood pressure (below 110/70)
18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
19. Low-grade fevers
20. Night sweats
21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
22. Poor circulation in hands/feet
23. Profuse sweating
24. Recurrent flu-like illness
25. Shortness of breath with little or no exertion
26. Severe nasal allergies (new or worsening allergies)
27. Sore throat
28. Subjective swelling of extremities – (feels swollen Bu can’t find anything)
29. Sweats
30. Symptoms worsened by air travel
31. Symptoms worsened by stress
32. Symptoms worsened by temperature changes
33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in neck and underarms
34. Tremor or trembling
35. Unexplained weight gain or loss
36. Abdominal wall pain
37. Bad hip pain
38. Burning Nerve Pain
39. Chest pain
40. Collarbone pain
41. Diffuse swelling
42. Elbow pain
43. Exacerbated Plantar arch or heel pain
44. “Growing” pains that don’t go away once you are done growing
45. Headache – tension or migraine
46. Inflamed Rib Cartilage
47. Joint pain
48. Lumpy, tender breasts
49. Morning stiffness
50. Muscle pain - widespread
51. Muscle spasms
52. Muscle twitching
53. Muscle weakness
54. Pain that ranges from moderate to severe
55. Pain that moves around the body
56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
57. Restless Leg Syndrome
58. Rib Pain
59. Scalp Pain (like hair being pulled out)
60. Sciatica-like pain
61. Tender points or trigger points
62. TMJ syndrome
63. “Voodoo Doll” Poking Sensation in random places
64. Blackouts
65. Brain fog
66. Carpal Tunnel
67. Feeling spaced out
68. Hallucinating smells
69. Inability to think clearly
70. Lightheadedness
71. Noise intolerance
72. Numbness or tingling sensations
73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
74. Seizures
75. Seizure-like episodes
76. Sensation that you might faint
77. Syncope (fainting)
78. Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears)
79. Vertigo or dizziness
80. Bumping into things
81. Clumsy Walking
82. Difficulty balancing
83. Difficulty judging distances (when driving, etc.)
84. Directional disorientation
85. Dropping things frequently
86. Feeling spatially disoriented
87. Frequent tripping or stumbling
88. Not seeing what you’re looking at
89. Poor balance and coordination
90. Staggering gait
91. Alertness/energy best late at night
92. Altered sleep/wake schedule
93. Awakening frequently
94. Difficulty falling asleep
95. Difficulty staying asleep
96. Excessive sleeping
97. Extreme alertness or energy levels late at night
98. Falling asleep at random and sometimes dangerous moments
99. Fatigue
100. Light or broken sleep pattern
101. Muscle spasms/twitches at night
102. Narcolepsy
103. Sleep disturbances
104. Sleep starts or falling sensations
105. Teeth grinding - "Bruxism"
106. Tossing and turning
107. Un-refreshing or non-restorative sleep
108. Vivid or disturbing dreams/nightmares
109. Blind spots in vision
110. Eye pain
111. Difficulty switching focus from one thing to another
112. Frequent changes in ability to see well
113. Night driving difficulty
114. Occasional Blurry vision
115. Poor night vision
116. Rapidly worsening vision
117. Vision changes
118. Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving
119. Confusion
120. Difficulty expressing ideas in words
121. Difficulty following conversation (especially if background noise present)
122. Difficulty following directions while driving
123. Difficulty following oral instructions
124. Difficulty following written instructions
125. Difficulty making decisions
126. Difficulty moving your mouth to speak
127. Difficulty paying attention
128. Difficulty putting ideas together to form a complete picture
129. Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence
130. Difficulty recognizing faces
131. Difficulty speaking known words
132. Difficulty remembering names of objects
133. Difficulty remembering names of people
134. Difficulty understanding what you read
135. Difficulty with long-term memory
136. Difficulty with simple calculations
137. Difficulty with short-term memory
138. Easily distracted during a task
139. Dyslexia-type symptoms occasionally
140. Feeling too disoriented to drive
141. Forgetting how to do routine things
142. Impaired ability to concentrate
143. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
144. Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next)
145. Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence
146. Loss of ability to distinguish some colors
147. Poor judgment
148. Short term memory impairment
149. Slowed speech
150. Staring into space trying to think
151. Stuttering; stammering
152. Switching left and right
153. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak
154. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write
155. Trouble concentrating
156. Using the wrong word
157. Word-finding difficulty
158. Abrupt and/or unpredictable mood swings
159. Anger outbursts
160. Anxiety or fear when there is no obvious cause
161. Attacks of uncontrollable rage
162. Decreased appetite
163. Depressed mood
164. Feeling helpless and/or hopeless
165. Fear of someone knocking on the door
166. Fear of telephone ringing
167. Feeling worthless
168. Frequent crying
169. Heightened awareness – of symptoms
170. Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
171. Irrational fears
172. Irritability
173. Overreaction
174. Panic attacks
175. Personality changes –usually a worsening of pervious condition
176. Phobias
177. Suicide attempts
178. Suicidal thoughts
179. Tendency to cry easily
180. Abdominal cramps
181. Bloating
182. Decreased appetite
183. Food cravings
184. Frequent constipation
185. Frequent diarrhea
186. Gerd-like Symptoms
187. Heartburn
188. Increased appetite
189. Intestinal gas
190. Irritable bladder - "Angry Bladder Syndrome"
191. Irritable bowel syndrome - IBS-C, IBS-D
192. Nausea
193. Regurgitation
194. Stomachache
195. Vomiting
196. Weight gain - unexplained
197. Weight loss - unexplained
198. Decreased libido (sex drive)
199. Endometriosis
200. Frequent urination
201. Impotence
202. Menstrual problems
203. Painful urination or bladder pain - "Interstitial Cystitis"
204. Pelvic pain
205. Prostate pain
206. Worsening of (or severe) premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMDD)
207. Alcohol intolerance
208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
209. Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing
210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
211. Sensitivities to foods
212. Sensitivity to light
213. Sensitivity to mold
214. Sensitivity to noise
215. Sensitivity to odors
216. Sensitivity to yeast (getting yeast infections frequently on skin, etc.)
217. Sensory overload
218. Sensitivity to pressure & humidity changes
219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
220. Vulvodynia
221. Able to “write” on skin with finger
222. Bruising easily
223. Bumps and lumps
224. Eczema or psoriasis
225. Hot/dry skin
226. Ingrown hairs
227. Itchy/Irritable skin
228. Mottled skin
229. Rashes or sores
230. Scarring easily
231. Sensitivity to the sun
232. Skin suddenly turns bright red
233. “Click-murmur” sounds through stethoscope
234. Fluttery heartbeat
235. Heart palpitations
236. Irregular heartbeat
237. Loud pulse in ear
238. Pain that mimics heart attack - "Costochondritis"
239. Rapid heartbeat
240. Dull, listless hair
241. Heavy and splitting cuticles
242. Irritated nail beds
243. Nails that curve under
244. Pronounced nail ridges
245. Temporary hair loss
246. Canker sores
247. Dental problems
248. Disk Degeneration
​249. Hemorrhoids
250. Nose bleeds
251. Periodontal (gum) disease
252. Need for early hysterectomy
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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The Gemini New Moon Is Here — Set Your Intentions & Manifest
The Gemini New Moon Is Here — Set Your Intentions & Manifest
Take note: The new moon in Gemini commences on June 6 at 8:37 a.m. ET. New moons mark the beginning of the lunar cycle and offer us a fresh start. Since this lunation falls in the air sign of Gemini, we are aiming to communicate our thoughts — even though some may call them pipe dreams and fantasies — in an effort to be seen, heard, and understood by others. In short: We aren’t holding back. In fact, we are making sure that we are expanding our desires and soaring to new heights.
The new moon links up with Venus in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces, and the nodes of destiny. With the BIG Gemini energy behind the lunation (there is a stellium of planets in the mix: the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter), we will buzz around, seeking information before diving into our plans. It’s best to ask those we trust for support and pointers on how to start. If we don’t utilize our resources and connections, we’ll figure things out through trial and error. However, we can avoid this step by seeking the opinion of someone with experience to get the feedback and motivation we need.
The centaur Chiron in Aries offers a healing hand, allowing us to communicate our innermost sentiments. Talking matters out will give us the chance to mend wounds and trauma. Beyond that, we’ll be able to empathize with the plight of others and want to offer advice (even though it may be given without solicitation). Additionally, the asteroid Juno, currently in Virgo, squares the lunation, urging us to seek justice and fairness regarding relationships. Staying in our lanes is vital because people may not be ready or willing to hear what we say, so tread lightly when imparting counsel to others. Be sure to listen to people’s words because they’re trying to grant us their wisdom.
Rigel, one of the brightest fixed stars in the sky, which is found in the constellation of Orion, connects with the new moon. The giant blue star aims to provide abundance and luck. We can expect our desires and intentions to come to fruition quickly, opening doors and bringing success.
According to the astrologer Arielle Guttman, two days before the new moon, the yearly alliance between the sun and Venus is known as Venus “cazimi” and Venus Star Point. This is a magical time to embrace our dreams. The energy is taking us back to 2020 since this is the second part of the vision the Venus Star Point began then. We are at the midpoint of the eight-year cycle of Venus, which means the universe is checking in to see if we are following through on the objectives we set out to attain in 2020. There could be changes to the concepts as we’ve grown. Embrace them! Gemini energy is mutable and fluid, always transcending and evolving.
Since Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, becomes enlightened by Jupiter on the 4th, the celestial energy will inspire us to do amazing things — all of which will contribute to the new moon.
The new moon in Gemini is a marvelous time to set intentions and to manifest. Opportunities will feel limitless because we are more willing to experiment and switch paths to embrace a new game plan. Our minds will be open, and we will want to attain our desires. With the cosmos on our side, it’ll be easier to lean into our goals, and they will be more accessible than ever. The only caveat is that Saturn might pause our timeline and urge us to spend more fuel discussing our aspirations with others to ensure that we are on the right track; however, this won’t stand in the way of using our inventiveness and ideas to create greatness. The advice or opinions of others will benefit us since they’ll show us the right ways to move forward.
Demeter, Kore and Hekate, by Eduardo Chicharro Aguera
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
Part 1 • Copywriters Reserved©️GeminiMoonMadness
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The asteroids show how you react to certain situations in your life, you could say they add shape to it. If you have strong aspects to an asteroid it’ll be more prominent in your life. Some asteroids will have minimal effect on you, depending on it’s placement in your birth chart.
ATE (111)-
It’s Assertiveness that's bordering on intolerance. When you respond OTT to a real or imagined threat. If ATE is afflicted with Squares or Oppositions there’s a chance you have issues letting your guard down. You may take things too seriously where you’re unable to take a joke.
BEER (1896)-
If prominent in your chart, it can indicate an issue controlling alcohol intake. Alcoholics usually have aspects such as;
BEER Conjunct Moon
BEER Conjunct Jupiter
Any aspects to the asteroid ATE(111) -Trine especially
CLOELIA (661)-
If this asteroid is prominent in your chart you’re someone who has a fighting spirit with a strong sense of justice. Cloelia conjunct an angle (IC, MC, ASC, DSC) or personal planet can indicate an someone who is able to free themselves or others. This Asteroid can be seen as a response to hardship, for example; Cloelia conjunct IC, an individual may have the ability of freeing/liberating their family members from limiting ideas or practices that keep them in metaphorical captivity. This asteroid is prominent in charts of people who often speak up for those in trouble and advocating for causes close to their hearts.
ELPIS (59)-
If prominent in your chart it can indicate that you’re a positive, hopeful and expectant person with a consistent sense of desire. Due to this enduring desire, the individual is able to reach the goals they set easier then most. If Afflicted with squares and oppositions, a person may have a negative outlook on life. If Aspected with conjunctions, sextiles & trines, a person is able to successfully renew hope in their lives even after facing situations where most would lose faith.
FIDES (37)-
The asteroid of Truth, trust, faith and honestly. FIDES conjunct, sextile & trine personal planets makes a person Trustworthy, Honest, Dignified and hold moral integrity. This person is seen as truthful & fair by others. If afflicted with squares & oppositions, a person may have trust issues, be dishonest and seen as somewhat disrespectful.
NARCISSUS (37117)-
If Prominent in a chart it can indicate someone who is physically attractive but self absorbed, selfish, or simply thinks too ‘highly’ of themselves. If Afflicted with squares and oppositions, a person may have issues understanding other peoples point of view or sympathising with them. It overall indicates a narcissistic personality/NPD. For example: Narcissus conjunct North Node- Will become a narcissist in this life. 
This asteroid is associated with the idea of never giving up and having the strength to persevere for the long haul. The sign & house your Perseverantia is in is the area of life you have perseverance, dedication, endurance & discipline. Example: If it's in Cancer/4th House- Dedication to Family, you’ll do anything for them. When not feeling yourself, they keep you going and the source of your strength. Capricorn/10th House dedication to your career and reputation. You will do virtually anything to get to the top, get rich and gain status.
THALIA (23)-
If Prominent in the chart it can indicate someone with a happy, bubbly, entertaining and funny personality. If you have thalia conjunct personal planets you may be known as the 'Class Clown'. You’d be someone who'd make a good Host. If afflicted with squares and oppositions it's not necessarily a bad thing! It just gives an individual a dark sense of humour, one that tends to shock others.
Represents an entertaining yet educational outreach (especially to children). People with this asteroid prominent in their chart have a talent at educating and entertaining others at the same time. They have a fun instead of a boring personality, for example- Someone who has prominent aspects to the asteroid Astrowizard will dress up, sing, dance and be hands on to get their point across rather then use the average whiteboard approach. If prominent in your chart it can also show a deep interest in Astrology and Astronomy.
When prominent in a chart it indicates powerhouse type personality. Someone that isn't afraid to stand up for themselves or others, people who are be ready to 'battle and defend what they perceive is right. With mixed aspects a person can balance going over board at times and still have a healthy amount of assertiveness. Easy aspects like Trine or Sextile make a person seem to know how to be assertive when & where needed. They easily stand up for themselves and others they care for. Hard Aspects like Square & opposition can cause a person to have assertiveness that borders intolerance. These people take offence easily.
ELVIRA (277)-
This asteroid brings mournful qualities, a hopeless romantic, someone with a sedimental heart. If aspected with Squares and Oppositions, a person will be very dark and depressing to interact with. Prominent aspects will make someone a pessimist, having a cup have empty rather than cup half full outlook.
This asteroid is associated with long term sadness and depression. Having square & opposition aspects will give a person depression, moments of sadness and mourning. Having trine &' sextile aspects seem to be able to cope with the events in life that trigger these emotions. Ability to Cope is more developed if easily aspected.
FELICIA (294)-
It’s our ability to maintain a happy disposition in life and a certain degree of luck. If Prominent in a chart, regardless of what they’ve been through they remain happy, bubbly, cheerful. If negatively aspected or not aspected at all individuals may have a hard time maintaining happiness throughout their life circumstances. TIP- If poorly aspected, Work on your mindset!
If prominent in your chart you have more chance in succeeding in the Music Industy/Field. Having conjunct, sextile and trine aspects to this asteroid gives you a natural affinity for creating music that's pleasurable to the senses. If negatively aspected you may still have musical interest but not necessarily be good at it, for example: Someone who loves to sing along to the radio in the car. Hard work needs to be put in place if you want to succeed.
SOPHIA (251)-
This asteroid gives an above average sense of wisdom, insight and intuition that can surprise others. The house & Sign it's in can also show where you have wisdom, for example; Someone with Sophia conjunct Uranus may have natural wisdom when it comes to individuality, Standing out from the crowd and innovation. With Sophia Conjunct Neptune, Same may apply but to the matters of Spirituality, religion and the ego. When Aspected with trines & sextiles this wisdom is easily perceived by others as a gift. If aspected by squares & oppositions, others perceive your knowledge to come from a place of superiority or a bit of a know it all.
If Prominent in a chart it can show someone is an opportunistic person who may take unorthodox actions to meet their goals. They have the ability to rise through the ranks of society or obtain power in ways others do not. If aspected with squares and oppositions an individual may be tempted to resort to deception and manipulation to obtain what they desire. If aspected with trines and sextiles an individual will stay on track, experience less resistance & pursue their goals with ease.
If Prominent in a chart, someone can be given a natural talent as a peacekeeper or effective negotiator. The glue that holds family, friends and even co workers together can be seen with trine and sextile aspects. If poorly aspected, with squares and oppositions you'll see people who cut ties with those dear to them or have broken relations. These individuals hold grudges longer then most. If positively aspected, An individual will readily forgive others when hurt or harmed.
Let me know what you think of that! Do you have any of these asteroids prominent in your chart or know someone who does? Any asteroids you want to see in part 2?
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bladesmitten · 7 months
romanced wyll's reaction to the player sleeping with mizora:
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Wyll: I was such a godsdamned fool. I believed in you. I believed in us. (devnote: Upset - player cheating on him with his own cambion)
28. Wyll: And out of every soul walking the planes, you chose her.
46. Player: It's not what you think it is, I swear.
Link to Node 165
207. Player: And I'd do it again. She was incredible. ['Wyll -7']
31. Wyll: More incredible than the love we might have shared, the kingdom we might have built?
165. Wyll: We danced, we made a connection. And you severed it for a single bite of the Hells.
10. [Jump] Jump to Node 224 (2)
172. Player: Listen, Wyll. She manipulated me into it. You of all people should understand.
137. Wyll: I gave up my soul for the city, not for some diabolical fling.
Link to Node 224
43. Player: It was a mistake. I don't want to lose what we have because of this.
37. Wyll: What did you expect? You layed a half-devil. She does not give without taking.
224. Wyll: I saw a future for us. A kingdom, even. And you shattered it for a single bite of the Hells.
178. Player: So that's it, then? No more 'us'?
80. Wyll: You had your chance, and unleashed a wildfire. Nothing left but dust.
Link to Node 111
215. Player: Please, stick with me. No more dalliances - I only want you.
80. Wyll: You had your chance, and unleashed a wildfire. Nothing left but dust.
73. Player: It was only sex, Wyll. Do you have to be so dramatic?
16. Wyll: You shared your body with the fiend who holds my soul. I can forgive it. I can't forget it. (if pact isn't broken)
111. Wyll: You have my might - I owe you that much. But don't owe you more. End
184. Wyll: You shared your body with the fiend who held my soul. I can forgive it. I can't forget it. (if pact is broken)
Link to Node 111
126. Player: Can you blame me? It's not like you've been putting out. ['Wyll -7']
88. Wyll: Is that what matters to you? Sex without union, heat without heart? Did you not take joy in the dance?
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colon-tf-colon · 2 years
The MinecrAvenger situation.
Preface: I run a little MCSR News stream once a week/fortnight which gives credit to small streamers who have got a PB. This is usually pretty fun, lighthearted - but we also cover serious topics, including cheaters. I try to stay as neutral and unbiased as possible, but I have no media training, and if I mess something up - I'm sorry.
Recently; MinecrAvengerYT 's first ever 1.16.1 Minecraft Speedrun PB was found to be Spliced. This means he cut two different runs together - he had already played the seed, and recreated it, while removing the loading screen. On inspection of frames, it's clear to see - notice the timer discrepancy, and mouse movement in these subsequent frames.
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However, the initial suspicion didn't come around from his Random Seed times, as this 22 minute PB was good for the time, but not impossible. This was because Eric wasn't a master of Random Seed Glitchless, instead specialising in the Set Seed Glitchless category, where runners play the same seed over and over to improve micro-mechanics, such as fast looting chests, crafting and placing blocks.
MinecrAvenger held the World Record multiple times in this category, with one peculiar run standing out, labelled "the fastest perch ever witnessed", where the Ender Dragon perched to the fountain in an abnormally fast time.
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To ensure I don't get into too much technical detail that I am probably not qualified enough to talk about, the perch was seemingly impossible due to the height of the node that the dragon circles, and has yet to be recreated without the use of commands in-game. It has however, been replicated through command blocks; but this suspicion never really arose to anything - as this run was 2 years ago.
Recently, however, the Minecraft Speedrun moderation team had felt suspicious of his recent Obsidian rates from chests in the Set Seed Glitchless categories, for 1.15 (an older category).
On this older version, chest loot was different everytime a seed was recreated, and speedrunners had to obtain at least 21 obsidian in Blacksmith chests to be able to have a chance to complete the run, as well as have a good dragon perch time.
This chest loot, when analysed was shown to generate a higher rate of obsidian than normal for Eric; similar to Dream's pearl and blaze rod rates 2 years ago. The mods have calculated a figure in the region of 1 in 27 billion for this, however Minecravenger claims that this may not be fair - due to the "cherrypicking" nature of the runs. There are only 290 chests opened in a 37 minute VOD, making it a small dataset.
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On the topic of Dream - MinecrAvenger was the first person to publicly call out Dream's modified luck, sparking many to now label Eric as being a hypocrite, calling Dream out, after having already cheated himself.
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The final hard piece of evidence comes from the mod team's confusion regarding Eric's seemingly increased obsidian rates. In 1.15, all of the loot is generated according to a specific "Structure Seed", which is replicable - of which there are 2^48 possible layouts of chests. Matthew Bolan, a head mod from the Minecraft Speedrun community was able to code a program to check each structure seed against previously suspicious chest loot from MinecrAvenger's streams, and there were two anomalies.
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This chest is NOT generatable in Vanilla Minecraft on the seed which was being played, which has lead the mod team to revoke MinecrAvenger's access to the Speedrunning Leaderboards. Eric still claims that the only cheated run was the splice from 2 years ago, assumedly putting these other discrepancies down to glitches in software.
Hopefully that explained in some more detail (with pictures - to help with the text wall), I'm happy to explain anything in replies and stuff because I'm always open to trying to help people understand more about the Minecraft Speedrunning community :) mcsr is super friendly and I urge anyone who's interested in this stuff to come and check us out! we dont bite :)
TL;DR - Eric, who called out Dream, cheated 2 years ago, and potentially still is.
> edit: i've been seeing little screenshots of chat messages from my chat today which have all been pretty damn funny - i've definitely given my opinions on dream in the past, and i've apologised for my fair share of bozo takes. we grow - and i hope im growing too :)
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 months
Transiting Sun enters Sagittarius
Wednesday, November 22 - Friday, December 22, 2023
This has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lights, the good cheer, the hot chocolate, the buying or making presents, all of it. I love the feeling of the old year coming to a close (great memories!), and the anticipation of what the coming year could bring.
It’s just going to be a little more challenging to enjoy it, this time. The Sun makes few “flowing” aspects (sextiles and trines) during its 2023 trip through Sagittarius. We’re all going to be prone to the less positive Sagittarian traits. Jumping to conclusions, oversimplification, commitment-phobia, excess, insisting that one’s own traditions are the only valid traditions.
Maybe you can’t decide which holiday party to go to, and your refusal to commit results in you sitting home, alone. Maybe you’re determined to have a lavish holiday, and you overspend. You could quarrel with someone over when to open gifts. (A teenaged Ms M was horrified to learn that not every family opens presents on Christmas morning.)
What can we do? Keep in mind that this Sag season brings challenges, and rise to the occasions. Work hard to avoid materialism and competitiveness. Cut everybody a ton of slack, including yourself, during this especially stressful time of year. The whole point of Sagittarius is to be resilient and tolerant and wise - and the best way to develop those traits is to get experienced.
Give all these aspects a day or so on either side.
Thursday, November 23:
Sun/Sagittarius square Saturn/Pisces, 0°49
Sun/Sagittarius (0°57’) sesquiquad Chiron Rx/Aries (15°57’)
This is Thanksgiving Day in the US, and it’s easy to imagine these aspects manifesting over the dinner table. Disappointment and hurt feelings.
Friday, November 24 - Sun/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pallas Athene/Scorpio, 2°25’. Wanting to be strategically sneaky about something, but not having all the information.
Monday, November 27 - Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Vesta Rx/Cancer, 5°16’. Back to work or school, in the US, and difficulty with concentration and focus.
Wednesday, November 29:
Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Jupiter Rx/Taurus, 7°14’
Sun/Sagittarius (7°34’) sesquiquad North Node/Aries (22°34’), semi-square South Node/Libra (22°34’)
These are excessive. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, and him being in Taurus points to material excess. We’re trying to force our viewpoint and it isn’t workkng.
Friday, December 1 - Sun/Sagittarius (9°18’) sesquiquad Eris Rx/Aries (24°18’). A lot of bluster. (If Geminis are “blarney” then Sags are “bluster.”) We’re trying to shout our own way.
Tuesday, December 5 - Sun/Sagittarius (13°37’) semi-square Pluto/Capricorn (28°37’). The outside world intrudes. Trying to make a profound change but running into problems and delays.
Thursday, December 7 - Sun/Sagittarius trine Chiron Rx/Aries, 15°37’. Here’s where we can try to make it up to people we may have hurt or offended. And where we see that forgiving is healing.
Saturday, December 9 - Sun/Sagittarius square Juno/Virgo, 17°53’. Probably some disagreement about how to celebrate the holidays.
Monday, December 11 - Sun/Sagittarius inconjunct Uranus Rx/Taurus, 19°56’. Another occasion to be wary of going overboard with material things.
Wednesday, December 13:
Sun/Sagittarius (21°07’) sesquiquad Jupiter Rx/Taurus (6°07’)
Sun/Sagittarius trine North Node/Aries, sextile South Node/Libra, 21°49’
We may not be getting our own way about something, but we can handle it.
Saturday, December 16:
Sun/Sagittarius trine Eris Rx/Aries, 24°13’
Sun/Sagittarius square Neptune/Pisces, 24°55’
Trying to get into that “holiday spirit” a little too aggressively?
Wednesday, December 20 - Sun/Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto/Capricorn, 29°01’. The final degree of their respective signs - intimations of the future. Their conjunction will be at 29°59’ Capricorn, and both move on into Aquarius immediately afterward.
Thursday, December 21 - Sun/Sagittarius opposite Vesta Rx/Gemini, 29°38’. Distraction &/or lack of focus, as we try to finish up the Sag-type business, most likely in the form of another person. (Or are we the ones distracting them?)
The Sun’s trip through Capricorn will yield us many opportunities and blessings - so hang in there!
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tetrix-anime · 9 months
37 Winter 2024 Anime I'll Be Posting
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Other anime not listed above:
Ao no Exorcist: Shimane Keimei Kessha-hen
Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu Season 2
Dungeon Meshi
Gekai Elise
Himesama "Goumon" no Jikan desu
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun 2nd Stage
Kingdom 5th Season
Loop 7-kaime no Akuyaku Reijou wa, Moto Tekikoku de Jiyuu Kimama na Hanayome Seikatsu wo Mankitsu suru
Majo to Yajuu
Mashle 2nd Season
Metallic Rouge
Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha
Ore dake Level Up na Ken
Pon no Michi
Ragna Crimson
Sengoku Youko
Shangri-La Frontier
Shin no Nakama ja Nai to Yuusha no Party wo Oidasareta node, Henkyou de Slow Life suru Koto ni Shimashita 2nd
Sousou no Frieren
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu 2nd Season
Undead Unluck
Urusei Yatsura 2nd Season
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e 3rd Season
Yubisaki to Renren
See welcome notes here. Fall 2023 List
I mainly post anime contents that are targeted to the male audience, but ocasionally post shoujo anime as well (limited to episode visuals and promotional video and visual)
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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B-52 bomber makes emergency landing after engine fire
The fire of the B-52H engine occurs at the moment when the fleet is preparing to be re-remotorized, an update that will allow the model to serve for more decades.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 02/27/2024 - 21:27in Incidents, Military
A B-52H Stratofortress bomber at Minot Air Base, North Dakota, made an emergency landing due to an engine fire in early February 23.
All crew members left unharmed, said a spokesman for the base. Asked if the base lane remains open, the spokesman did not want to comment, but said that bomber operations at the base have continued normally since February 27.
A fire in a single engine led the pilot to land the bomber at approximately 12:52 p.m., and the base fire department arrived at the site and extinguished the fire of the aircraft, according to the base's host unit, the 5ª Bomber Wing. The bomber is powered by eight engines and was designed to fly and land safely in case of failures of up to two engines.
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A B-52 Stratofortress taxis during an alert exercise at Minot Air Base, North Dakota. (Photo: U.S. Air Force / Staff Sgt. Jocelyn Rich)
“First of all, the 5ª Bomber Wing is extremely grateful to all our aviators who arrived home safely,” the wing commander, Colonel Daniel Hoadley, said in the statement. "I would like to recognize our excellent base firefighters for their quick response."
The popular unofficial Facebook page "amn/nco/snco" reported the incident for the first time, with an anonymous and unconfirmed post that "a CSD (constant speed unit that drives the generator) caught fire on landing and burned that engine and part of the wing." Subsequently, the page posted an alleged image of the engine, showing great damage.
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It is currently not known what caused the fire and the incident is under investigation, following the standard protocol for accidents involving military operations.
The last major public accident with a B-52 occurred in 2017, when an engine crashed from the aircraft during a training flight in Minot. The pilot successfully landed the bomber without incident and all the aviators on board came out unharmed, but one of his Pratt & Whitney TF33-P-3/103 turbofan engines fell into a depopulated area.
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In May 2016, during a routine training mission at Andersen Air Base in Guam, an accident destroyed a B-52 bomber. The pilot of the 69º Expeditionary Bomber Squadron noticed problems during takeoff and began abortion procedures. However, the braking parachute failed, causing the aircraft to exceed the power limits of the brake system, overtake the runway and catch fire. All seven crew members escaped, with one receiving treatment for minor injuries. The total loss of the aircraft was valued at US$ 112 million.
The U.S. Air Force foresees the upgrade of the B-52 engines in the late 2020s or early 2030s with the Rolls Royce F130 engine, intended to be an individual replacement for its current TF33 engines in double nacelles.
We are thrilled to announce that we are on track to complete initial F130 engine testing for the @usairforce B-52J by the end of this year.
The F130 is a militarized version of the company's commercial BR725, which the U.S. Air Force already operates on its VIP C-37 and E-11 BACN (Battlefield Airborne Communications Node) transport aircraft. Rolls Royce will supply the engines, while Boeing, the original manufacturer of Stratofortress, will integrate them into the aircraft.
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Conceptual image of the B-52 aircraft with the new F130 engines.
Four B-52s from Minot Air Base were sent to Guam in late January to support the Pacific Air Force mission. The bombers recently participated in several public missions, including the three-week Cope North multilateral exercise and a one-day exercise with Philippine fighters over the South China Sea this month. In addition, two of the bombers performed overfloats at the Singapore Airshow last week.
Tags: Military AviationBoeing B-52H StratofortressIncidentsUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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ldso-tron · 8 months
As I'm closing in on the end of development on the Killer App Mod v1.2 for TRON 2.0, I'm tackling some more difficult things. I have two progress update videos to share today.
Killer App Mod v1.2 will feature upscaled textures. But upscaling was done selectively. Upscaling all the textures, en masse, would consume a lot more memory and disk space, for little benefit.
I would actually be grateful for everyone's assistance, in identifying more TRON 2.0 textures that should receive the upscaling treatment.
If you could send me screenshots on social media of what you think should be upscaled, I'd really appreciate your help.
00:00 - Intro and Spoiler Warning 00:37 - Thorne Torso - AI Filter + Upscaling 01:03 - Thorne Cloak - AI Filter 01:41 - Thorne Full Body - AI Filter + Upscaling 03:17 - TRON Arcade Game Cabinet Exterior - AI Filter 03:39 - Alan's Lab Coat Front, Back, and Sleeves + CRT Monitor + Laser Equipment Plaque + Paper - AI Filter + Upscaling + Manual Edit (Font on Plaque) 04:43 - Fixed Alan's Lenses in Glasses randomly disappearing, this occurs on any version of the game - modded or vanilla (unmodified) 04:53 - Alan's Lab Coat Front, Back, and Sleeves - AI Filter + Upscaling 05:28 - Laser Equipment Plaques - AI Filter + Upscaling + Manual Edit (Font) 05:52 - Walls on Progress Bar level - AI Filter + Upscaling + Manual Edit (Amber Circuits) 07:06 - Barrier Wall on Remote Access Node level - AI Filter + Upscaling 07:25 - Outro
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While testing, I discovered an issue I never noticed before. Thought it might have to do with my setup: GPU, driver install, etc. But, nope. It's for everyone in TRON 2.0, retail vanilla or modded.
Alan's lenses will randomly disappear. But I seem to have fixed it, permanently.
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lordofdapies · 16 days
I got sick suddenly and degenerated rapidly. It took me five years to get a diagnosis and guess what my first diagnosis was?!
I don’t have fibromyalgia but that’s the diagnosis they give to AFAB people when they don’t know what’s wrong
Check out the list of symptoms
1. Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level
2. Cold hands and feet (extremities)
3. Cough
4. Craving carbohydrates
5. Delayed reaction to physical activity or stressful events
6. Dryness of eyes and/or mouth
7. Edema
8. Family member(s) with Fibromyalgia
9. Fatigue, made worse by physical exertion or stress
10. Feeling cold often
11. Feeling hot often
12. Frequent sighing
13. Heart palpitations
14. Hoarseness
15. Hypoglycemia (blood sugar falls or low)
16. Increased thirst
17. Low blood pressure (below 110/70)
18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
19. Low-grade fevers
20. Night sweats
21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
22. Poor circulation in hands/feet
23. Profuse sweating
24. Recurrent flu-like illness
25. Shortness of breath with little or no exertion
26. Severe nasal allergies (new or worsening allergies)
27. Sore throat
28. Subjective swelling of extremities – (feels swollen Bu can’t find anything)
29. Sweats
30. Symptoms worsened by air travel
31. Symptoms worsened by stress
32. Symptoms worsened by temperature changes
33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in neck and underarms
34. Tremor or trembling
35. Unexplained weight gain or loss
36. Abdominal wall pain
37. Bad hip pain
38. Burning Nerve Pain
39. Chest pain
40. Collarbone pain
41. Diffuse swelling
42. Elbow pain
43. Exacerbated Plantar arch or heel pain
44. “Growing” pains that don’t go away once you are done growing
45. Headache – tension or migraine
46. Inflamed Rib Cartilage
47. Joint pain
48. Lumpy, tender breasts
49. Morning stiffness
50. Muscle pain
51. Muscle spasms
52. Muscle twitching
53. Muscle weakness
54. Pain that ranges from moderate to severe
55. Pain that moves around the body
56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
57. Restless Leg Syndrome
58. Rib Pain
59. Scalp Pain (like hair being pulled out)
60. Sciatica-like pain
61. Tender points or trigger points
62. TMJ syndrome
63. “Voodoo Doll” Poking Sensation in random places
64. Blackouts
65. Brain fog
66. Carpal Tunnel
67. Feeling spaced out
68. Hallucinating smells
69. Inability to think clearly
70. Light headedness
71. Noise intolerance
72. Numbness or tingling sensations
73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
74. Seizures
75. Seizure-like episodes
76. Sensation that you might faint
77. Syncope (fainting)
78. Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears)
79. Vertigo or dizziness
80. Bumping into things
81. Clumsy Walking
82. Difficulty balancing
83. Difficulty judging distances (when driving, etc.)
84. Directional disorientation
85. Dropping things frequently
86. Feeling spatially disoriented
87. Frequent tripping or stumbling
88. Not seeing what you’re looking at
89. Poor balance and coordination
90. Staggering gait
91. Alertness/energy best late at night
92. Altered sleep/wake schedule
93. Awakening frequently
94. Difficulty falling asleep
95. Difficulty staying asleep
96. Excessive sleeping
97. Extreme alertness or energy levels late at night
98. Falling asleep at random and sometimes dangerous moments
99. Fatigue
100. Light or broken sleep pattern
101. Muscle spasms/twitches at night
102. Narcolepsy
103. Sleep disturbances
104. Sleep starts or falling sensations
105. Teeth grinding
106. Tossing and turning
107. Un-refreshing or non-restorative sleep
108. Vivid or disturbing dreams/nightmares
109. Blind spots in vision
110. Eye pain
111. Difficulty switching focus from one thing to another
112. Frequent changes in ability to see well
113. Night driving difficulty
114. Occasional Blurry vision
115. Poor night vision
116. Rapidly worsening vision
117. Vision changes
118. Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving
119. Confusion
120. Difficulty expressing ideas in words
121. Difficulty following conversation (especially if background noise present)
122. Difficulty following directions while driving
123. Difficulty following oral instructions
124. Difficulty following written instructions
125. Difficulty making decisions
126. Difficulty moving your mouth to speak
127. Difficulty paying attention
128. Difficulty putting ideas together to form a complete picture
129. Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence
130. Difficulty recognizing faces
131. Difficulty speaking known words
132. Difficulty remembering names of objects
133. Difficulty remembering names of people
134. Difficulty understanding what you read
135. Difficulty with long-term memory
136. Difficulty with simple calculations
137. Difficulty with short-term memory
138. Easily distracted during a task
139. Dyslexia-type symptoms occasionally
140. Feeling too disoriented to drive
141. Forgetting how to do routine things
142. Impaired ability to concentrate
143. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
144. Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next)
145. Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence
146. Loss of ability to distinguish some colors
147. Poor judgment
148. Short term memory impairment
149. Slowed speech
150. Staring into space trying to think
151. Stuttering; stammering
152. Switching left and right
153. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak
154. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write
155. Trouble concentrating
156. Using the wrong word
157. Word-finding difficulty
158. Abrupt and/or unpredictable mood swings
159. Anger outbursts
160. Anxiety or fear when there is no obvious cause
161. Attacks of uncontrollable rage
162. Decreased appetite
163. Depressed mood
164. Feeling helpless and/or hopeless
165. Fear of someone knocking on the door
166. Fear of telephone ringing
167. Feeling worthless
168. Frequent crying
169. Heightened awareness – of symptoms
170. Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
171. Irrational fears
172. Irritability
173. Overreaction
174. Panic attacks
175. Personality changes –usually a worsening of pervious condition
176. Phobias
177. Suicide attempts
178. Suicidal thoughts
179. Tendency to cry easily
180. Abdominal cramps
181. Bloating
182. Decreased appetite
183. Food cravings
184. Frequent constipation
185. Frequent diarrhea
186. Gerd-like Symptoms
187. Heartburn
188. Increased appetite
189. Intestinal gas
190. Irritable bladder
191. Irritable bowel syndrome
192. Nausea
193. Regurgitation
194. Stomachache
195. Vomiting
196. Weight gain
197. Weight loss
198. Decreased libido (sex drive)
199. Endometriosis
200. Frequent urination
201. Impotence
202. Menstrual problems
203. Painful urination or bladder pain
204. Pelvic pain
205. Prostate pain
206. Worsening of (or severe) premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
207. Alcohol intolerance
208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
209. Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing
210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
211. Sensitivities to foods
212. Sensitivity to light
213. Sensitivity to mold
214. Sensitivity to noise
215. Sensitivity to odors
216. Sensitivity to yeast (getting yeast infections frequently on skin, etc.)
217. Sensory overload
218. Sensitivity to pressure & humidity changes
219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
220. Vulvodynia
221. Able to “write” on skin with finger
222. Bruising easily
223. Bumps and lumps
224. Eczema or psoriasis
225. Hot/dry skin
226. Ingrown hairs
227. Itchy/Irritable skin
228. Mottled skin
229. Rashes or sores
230. Scarring easily
231. Sensitivity to the sun
232. Skin suddenly turns bright red
Cardiovascular (Heart)
233. “Click-murmur” sounds through stethoscope
234. Fluttery heartbeat
235. Heart palpitations
236. Irregular heartbeat
237. Loud pulse in ear
238. Pain that mimics heart attack
239. Rapid heartbeat
240. Dull, listless hair
241. Heavy and splitting cuticles
242. Irritated nail beds
243. Nails that curve under
244. Pronounced nail ridges
245. Temporary hair loss
246. Canker sores
247. Dental problems
248. Disk Degeneration
249. Hemorrhoids
250. Nose bleeds
251. Periodontal (gum) disease
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my-favourite-zhent · 6 months
Node 26, Node 30, Node 35, Node 37, Node 41, Node 57
You're the one who recruited me, Rugan.
You're the one who taught me rule number one, remember?
You're dead the moment you steal from the Zhentarim.
No matter who you are.
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cyclone360 · 11 months
Yea I almost forgot about the poll I set if I should attempt a Hi-Fi Rush fanfic/work, and a lot of the results were a yes!
It’s a wip, and I also have to figure out where/how to post it (also get the courage to actually do it).
I hope to finish it soon, and coming with original ideas is hard and I don’t want to look like I’m plagiarizing someone else’s work.
I’m short, I’m dumb and scared.
Wip story under cut
The alarm sounded at Korsica’s desk, announcing the end of the security head’s day at work. Korsica groaned, stretching out of her chair, tense after another hard day at Vandelay. Not as hard under former CEO Kale Vandelay, especially during the “defect” fiasco, but still, a stressful day. Changing passwords, massive paperwork, finding possible security breaches, and so on. Before logging off her own computer, she made sure to quickly change her passwords, and shut off her computer, and walked out her office.
As she passed through the doors, she was surprised to see a CAR-11E bot, with food she ordered from the cafe.
“How long have you been waiting here?” The Scottish redhead questioned.
The robot responded in a worried voice, “About 4 hours, 37 minutes, and 12 seconds”. Korsica cringed at the thought that the bot was here, holding up her food, nearly all day, all because she was so caught up in her work.
“I am surely to be fired” the CAR-11E exclaimed.
“I assure you, that won’t happen.” Korsica reassured the bot, grabbing her food and paid a bit extra for the CAR-11E’s inconvenience.
As she stepped foot on the elevator, she wondered how Chai managed to get up here, when he invaded the tower. Even though he destroyed a major part of security, technically got her fired from her job, and maybe hit her head on multiple doors, she couldn’t help but commend him on making it up the tower, fighting against Roquefort, Mimosa, and Kale, and fixing the data nodes faster than any of the TEC-78s could do. She couldn’t also help but think; what is Chai and the rest of the gang up to?
(Note: Ty for reading this short bit! I hope I get the courage to find somewhere else to post and write other than my notes app on my phone.)
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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New Moon In Gemini
The New Moon connects with Venus, Saturn, and the Nodes of Destiny. This is a fateful moment in which we communicate our desires and let them be known. The possibilities are infinite, and anything seems to happen. The caveat is that Saturn creates a square to the lunation, bringing roadblocks. Therefore, it’ll take effort and work to attain our goals — as long as we are down to give our visions all of our energy to come to fruition, we are golden. The lesson Saturn imparts upon us is to not give up on our dreams and ourselves — even if it takes time and requires patience.
The Gemini stellium (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are in the air sign) asks us to choose wisely. Using our voices and thoughts to implement radical change will enhance and evolve our lives. The Venus Star Point (aka Venus Cazimi) and the Mercurial alignment with Jupiter from June 6 is ushering forward towards greatness. But, we may get stuck in a moment since the Venus Portal asks us to reflect on the events from June 2020. Think of ways to transform that moment in time and reclaim it. Gemini energy is mutable, so we can augment matters and situations to demonstrate our power and strength.
The asteroid Juno and centaur Chiron link up with the New Moon, allowing us to heal partnerships — especially our relationship with ourselves. Balance, compassion, and understanding are crucial. The fixed star Rigel adds abundance and beauty to the New Moon's overall performance, positively impacting us.
Under this lunation, we should cleanse the roads ahead and utilize energy to our advantage. Take copal incense and cleanse your home with it. Open the windows and use the incense in the room's corners and doorways. This should detox the energy swiftly. Also, take a cup of water and invert it on a plate on the floor in the corners of the room for a week to dispel negativity. These activities will bring freshness and goodness to the mix, helping you jumpstart your endeavors on a great note.
Owl Witch 🦉 Talon Abraxas
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Engraving, coloured. Elementary Theory of Pulleys.. Nodes used in the Navy and Industry. Engrave on steel by Langevin; Impe by Fosset... Maison Basset..., Paris. Ca. 1850. Book plate illustrating 50 assorted knots, 37 pulleys and 20 other assemblages.
Science Museum
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
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The public can now familiarise with concrete solutions for the infrastructure of the European railway Rail Baltica in the Panevėžys Region. The European-gauge railway track is planned to be brought closer to the narrow-gauge railway, and it will be possible to fulfil the condition set during the territorial planning – to preserve all 23 structures located in the territory of the Šilas garden community.
Residents, communities, related organisations and business representatives of Panevėžys city, district and nearby areas are invited to familiarise themselves with the concrete solutions of Rail Baltica’s Panevėžys node – substantiated proposals for the infrastructure development plan of the Panevėžys node are expected to be presented before 17 September.
“Our aim has always been to meet the interests of the residents and the goals of the strategically important Rail Baltica project. We are happy that we managed to find an optimal solution for the local community and the fast railway track – these solutions will allow us to preserve all 23 structures located in the territory of the Šilas garden community. The already planned Panevėžys international passenger station, cargo terminal and infrastructure maintenance depot will create undoubted benefits for the region. We hope that improved solutions that meet public expectations will allow the project to move forward faster,” said Loreta Maskaliovienė, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications.
In cooperation with the institutions concerned, the Department of Cultural Heritage, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Transport and Communications, it was agreed that the railway route detailed in the special plan for the construction of the Panevėžys railway node should be shifted to the eastern side, using the territory of the narrow-gauge railway.
According to the project developers, Rail Baltica will have a significant impact on the regions on both side of the European railway route. 
“During the lifetime of the railway, new jobs will be created in the fields of infrastructure management and maintenance, station and terminal management, all types of passenger and cargo management. Other factors of growth are also foreseen: tourism, business and urban development. Constructive dialogue with the public can help solve emerging problems and achieve the greatest possible long-term benefits for the Panevėžys Region,” said Vytis Žalimas, CEO at LTG Infra.
In October 2023, the Ministry of Transport and Communications approved an alternative where the railway infrastructure of Rail Baltica should be developed in Panevėžys – the international passenger station is planned to be built in the western part, next to the existing transport hub, i.e. the bypass. 
A regional passenger station meeting the needs of the region is planned near Gustoniai; a cargo station, infrastructure maintenance depot, cargo terminals, cargo and military equipment yards are planned to be built nearby.
One of the main goals of the Rail Baltica project is to integrate the capitals of the Baltic states into the European railway network. In order to achieve the greatest possible involvement and information of the public, not only procedural, but also additional meetings with Panevėžys city and district municipalities and communities were planned in order to answer all the questions that arise.
A total of three Rail Baltica international passenger stations are planned on the territory of Lithuania – in Vilnius, Kaunas and Panevėžys. It is planned that after the construction of the European standard Rail Baltica railway, passenger trains will be able to travel at a speed of up to 249 km/h. The journey by train from Panevėžys to Kaunas will then take about 37 minutes, and it will be possible to reach Riga in 55 minutes.
Relevant links and information for the public:
You can familiarise yourself with the prepared draft of the special territorial planning document from 17 July 2024 until 17 September 2024 inclusive: 
1. On the website of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania;
2. In the topography, engineering infrastructure, territory planning and construction electronic gate of the information system TPS Gate: https://www.planuojustatau.lt/, Data and document search → Search for TPD being prepared, TPD No S-NC-00-21-348;
3. On web GIS online space.
The public hearing, during which the decisions of the special territorial planning document will be introduced, will take place on 18 September 2024 at 5:00 p.m. in the administration premises of Panevėžys City Municipality, address Laisvės Al. 20, Panevėžys (in the Council Hall).
About Rail Baltica 
Rail Baltica is one of Europe's largest high-speed infrastructure projects, aiming to establish a modern and sustainable rail link that connects the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania with the European rail network. It is also a part of the trans-European transport corridor.
Rail Baltica will be a fully electrified, double-track railway with a standard gauge of 1435 mm and will be equipped with ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) and designed to meet European standards. With a design speed of 249 km/h, Rail Baltica will significantly reduce travel times between the Baltic States and major European cities. It will serve as a modern infrastructure for passenger, freight, and military mobility, promoting accessibility and facilitating business, tourism, and cultural exchange. Additionally, the project will enhance the Baltic region's position as a vital transit hub, fostering stronger trade connections and promoting regional cooperation.
About RB Rail AS 
RB Rail AS is a multinational joint venture of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania established to lead and coordinate the implementation of the Rail Baltica Global Project, the first infrastructure development project of this scale in the Baltic region. More about Rail Baltica global project: www.railbaltica.org
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