#Node 57
my-favourite-zhent · 6 months
Node 26, Node 30, Node 35, Node 37, Node 41, Node 57
You're the one who recruited me, Rugan.
You're the one who taught me rule number one, remember?
You're dead the moment you steal from the Zhentarim.
No matter who you are.
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"The 200+ Symptoms of Fibromyalgia"
(Note: Some symptoms may overlap)
1. Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level
2. Cold hands and feet (extremities)
3. Cough
4. Craving carbohydrates
5. Delayed reaction to physical activity or stressful events
6. Dryness of eyes and/or mouth
7. Edema (Oedema)
8. Family member(s) with Fibromyalgia
9. Fatigue, made worse by physical exertion or stress
10. Feeling cold often
11. Feeling hot often
12. Frequent sighing
13. Heart palpitations
14. Hoarseness
15. Hypoglycemia (blood sugar falls or low)
16. Increased thirst
17. Low blood pressure (below 110/70)
18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
19. Low-grade fevers
20. Night sweats
21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
22. Poor circulation in hands/feet
23. Profuse sweating
24. Recurrent flu-like illness
25. Shortness of breath with little or no exertion
26. Severe nasal allergies (new or worsening allergies)
27. Sore throat
28. Subjective swelling of extremities – (feels swollen Bu can’t find anything)
29. Sweats
30. Symptoms worsened by air travel
31. Symptoms worsened by stress
32. Symptoms worsened by temperature changes
33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in neck and underarms
34. Tremor or trembling
35. Unexplained weight gain or loss
36. Abdominal wall pain
37. Bad hip pain
38. Burning Nerve Pain
39. Chest pain
40. Collarbone pain
41. Diffuse swelling
42. Elbow pain
43. Exacerbated Plantar arch or heel pain
44. “Growing” pains that don’t go away once you are done growing
45. Headache – tension or migraine
46. Inflamed Rib Cartilage
47. Joint pain
48. Lumpy, tender breasts
49. Morning stiffness
50. Muscle pain - widespread
51. Muscle spasms
52. Muscle twitching
53. Muscle weakness
54. Pain that ranges from moderate to severe
55. Pain that moves around the body
56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
57. Restless Leg Syndrome
58. Rib Pain
59. Scalp Pain (like hair being pulled out)
60. Sciatica-like pain
61. Tender points or trigger points
62. TMJ syndrome
63. “Voodoo Doll” Poking Sensation in random places
64. Blackouts
65. Brain fog
66. Carpal Tunnel
67. Feeling spaced out
68. Hallucinating smells
69. Inability to think clearly
70. Lightheadedness
71. Noise intolerance
72. Numbness or tingling sensations
73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
74. Seizures
75. Seizure-like episodes
76. Sensation that you might faint
77. Syncope (fainting)
78. Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears)
79. Vertigo or dizziness
80. Bumping into things
81. Clumsy Walking
82. Difficulty balancing
83. Difficulty judging distances (when driving, etc.)
84. Directional disorientation
85. Dropping things frequently
86. Feeling spatially disoriented
87. Frequent tripping or stumbling
88. Not seeing what you’re looking at
89. Poor balance and coordination
90. Staggering gait
91. Alertness/energy best late at night
92. Altered sleep/wake schedule
93. Awakening frequently
94. Difficulty falling asleep
95. Difficulty staying asleep
96. Excessive sleeping
97. Extreme alertness or energy levels late at night
98. Falling asleep at random and sometimes dangerous moments
99. Fatigue
100. Light or broken sleep pattern
101. Muscle spasms/twitches at night
102. Narcolepsy
103. Sleep disturbances
104. Sleep starts or falling sensations
105. Teeth grinding - "Bruxism"
106. Tossing and turning
107. Un-refreshing or non-restorative sleep
108. Vivid or disturbing dreams/nightmares
109. Blind spots in vision
110. Eye pain
111. Difficulty switching focus from one thing to another
112. Frequent changes in ability to see well
113. Night driving difficulty
114. Occasional Blurry vision
115. Poor night vision
116. Rapidly worsening vision
117. Vision changes
118. Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving
119. Confusion
120. Difficulty expressing ideas in words
121. Difficulty following conversation (especially if background noise present)
122. Difficulty following directions while driving
123. Difficulty following oral instructions
124. Difficulty following written instructions
125. Difficulty making decisions
126. Difficulty moving your mouth to speak
127. Difficulty paying attention
128. Difficulty putting ideas together to form a complete picture
129. Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence
130. Difficulty recognizing faces
131. Difficulty speaking known words
132. Difficulty remembering names of objects
133. Difficulty remembering names of people
134. Difficulty understanding what you read
135. Difficulty with long-term memory
136. Difficulty with simple calculations
137. Difficulty with short-term memory
138. Easily distracted during a task
139. Dyslexia-type symptoms occasionally
140. Feeling too disoriented to drive
141. Forgetting how to do routine things
142. Impaired ability to concentrate
143. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
144. Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next)
145. Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence
146. Loss of ability to distinguish some colors
147. Poor judgment
148. Short term memory impairment
149. Slowed speech
150. Staring into space trying to think
151. Stuttering; stammering
152. Switching left and right
153. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak
154. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write
155. Trouble concentrating
156. Using the wrong word
157. Word-finding difficulty
158. Abrupt and/or unpredictable mood swings
159. Anger outbursts
160. Anxiety or fear when there is no obvious cause
161. Attacks of uncontrollable rage
162. Decreased appetite
163. Depressed mood
164. Feeling helpless and/or hopeless
165. Fear of someone knocking on the door
166. Fear of telephone ringing
167. Feeling worthless
168. Frequent crying
169. Heightened awareness – of symptoms
170. Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
171. Irrational fears
172. Irritability
173. Overreaction
174. Panic attacks
175. Personality changes –usually a worsening of pervious condition
176. Phobias
177. Suicide attempts
178. Suicidal thoughts
179. Tendency to cry easily
180. Abdominal cramps
181. Bloating
182. Decreased appetite
183. Food cravings
184. Frequent constipation
185. Frequent diarrhea
186. Gerd-like Symptoms
187. Heartburn
188. Increased appetite
189. Intestinal gas
190. Irritable bladder - "Angry Bladder Syndrome"
191. Irritable bowel syndrome - IBS-C, IBS-D
192. Nausea
193. Regurgitation
194. Stomachache
195. Vomiting
196. Weight gain - unexplained
197. Weight loss - unexplained
198. Decreased libido (sex drive)
199. Endometriosis
200. Frequent urination
201. Impotence
202. Menstrual problems
203. Painful urination or bladder pain - "Interstitial Cystitis"
204. Pelvic pain
205. Prostate pain
206. Worsening of (or severe) premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMDD)
207. Alcohol intolerance
208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
209. Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing
210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
211. Sensitivities to foods
212. Sensitivity to light
213. Sensitivity to mold
214. Sensitivity to noise
215. Sensitivity to odors
216. Sensitivity to yeast (getting yeast infections frequently on skin, etc.)
217. Sensory overload
218. Sensitivity to pressure & humidity changes
219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
220. Vulvodynia
221. Able to “write” on skin with finger
222. Bruising easily
223. Bumps and lumps
224. Eczema or psoriasis
225. Hot/dry skin
226. Ingrown hairs
227. Itchy/Irritable skin
228. Mottled skin
229. Rashes or sores
230. Scarring easily
231. Sensitivity to the sun
232. Skin suddenly turns bright red
233. “Click-murmur” sounds through stethoscope
234. Fluttery heartbeat
235. Heart palpitations
236. Irregular heartbeat
237. Loud pulse in ear
238. Pain that mimics heart attack - "Costochondritis"
239. Rapid heartbeat
240. Dull, listless hair
241. Heavy and splitting cuticles
242. Irritated nail beds
243. Nails that curve under
244. Pronounced nail ridges
245. Temporary hair loss
246. Canker sores
247. Dental problems
248. Disk Degeneration
​249. Hemorrhoids
250. Nose bleeds
251. Periodontal (gum) disease
252. Need for early hysterectomy
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 months
Transiting Venus enters Leo
Thursday, July 11 - Sunday, August 4, 2024
Hot girl summer up here, north of the equator - I guess south of it, the days are warmed by Venus’ rays?
This transit, like summer’s lease, hath all too short a date - it really is (or can be) a fun time. We don’t quite take things so seriously, we’re a little more forgiving of others and ourselves. How it plays out through Venus’s areas:
Art - tending for the performing arts here, dance and drama as well as music. We can get very creative, maybe expressing ourselves a little more openly and honestly than usual. If we want to try something new, this encourages us.
Beauty - fun, spa-type treatments during which we are royally pampered. If Venus aspects your Ascendant or its ruler, this is an excellent time for a makeover.
Love - oh, Venus here loves, all right. We behold our loved one(s) and literally light up. We’re lavish with them; we can’t do enough to show the strength of our ardor. (Downside: we can’t always accept that other people get to exercise free will, too, ie, nobody has to love us back.)
Money - can be an utter tightwad and miser; also can joyously piss away every last penny for one moment’s pleasure. We’re inclined to spend on luxury items, and to make sure everyone is having a good time.
We’re starting and ending the transit with challenges from two of the transpersonal planets - all three, if I were to add Neptune (an inconjunct on August 4, maturing about seven hours before Venus enters Virgo). Remember what I wrote about other people having free will, too? I think that’s going to be a theme. Anyway, the following aspects are valid a day or so on either side.
Friday, July 12 - Venus/Leo opposite Pluto Rx/Aquarius, 1°07’. We’re rebuffed, rejected, &/or refused. Or, we’re trying like hell to rebuff/reject/refuse someone who won’t take “no” for an answer. Someone else (it’s an opposition) thinks we need to be taken down a peg, or we make that call about someone else. Issues about authenticity and honesty.
Friday, July 19 - Venus/Leo trine North Node/Aries, sextile South Node/Libra, 10°14’. This can be a teaching moment during which we discover that being direct and honest can be just as effective as being manipulative and passive-aggressive. We could charm our way into something, but we could also be a little bolder and more open. And speaking of charm….
Sunday, July 21 - Venus/Leo sextile Jupiter/Gemini, 12°30’. The two “benefics” flowing together can be very lucky. It’s a sextile, so we need to actively do something about/with the good fortune.
Tuesday, July 23 - Venus/Leo conjunct Vesta/Leo, 15°10’. Adds a bit of dedication and devotion to Venus. Might be to an artistic project as well as to a person. We can also work on loving ourselves!
Sunday, July 28 - Venus/Leo square Pallas/Scorpio, 20°57’. Hang-ups and blockages in sexuality and intimacy. Are we coming on too strong? Tension between a creative project and a relationship is another potential manifestation.
Tuesday, July 30 - Venus/Leo trine Chiron Rx/Aries, 23°31’. Great energy for apologizing, and really meaning it. And for forgiving others, too. Make-up sex. Deliberately doing something fun that heals by making us feel happy.
Thursday, August 1 - Venus/Leo trine Eris Rx/Aries, 25°29’. Women’s rights! This is another aspect that encourages us to be honest and authentic. It’s still disruptive, but in a fun way.
Friday, August 2 - Venus/Leo square Uranus/Taurus, 26°51’. About this aspect, astrologer Steven Forrest wrote, “Love and trust should enhance our freedom rather than diminishing it.” To which I add, for both partners equally! Not everyone is going to love us back the way we want them to - and if we keep “picking” people who don’t, we need to ask ourselves if we really want any relationships in the first place.
And since I mentioned it:
Sunday, August 4 - Venus/Leo inconjunct Neptune Rx/Pisces, 29°38’. Adjustments needing to be made - maybe taking off the rose-colored glasses and seeing reality? Disillusionment. A reminder (a nudge) from our spiritual sides.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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The New Moon In Cancer Wants You To Get Sentimental
The first new moon of summer is here and on 5th July at 11:57 p.m., the new moon in Cancer wants us to get sentimental. Although it sounds easy in theory, Cancer is a zodiac sign that takes time to embrace novel ideas, experiences and relationships. Once the crab does, they’ll reveal a bright, hot heart full of love, loyalty and creativity. Cancers do things in their own time so be patient during this lunation because it could take a minute to see our lives evolve for the better — but they certainly will.
New moons initiate the lunar cycle every month. The sun and moon align in the sky, making the moon invisible to the naked eye. We call this the dark moon. Being that the new (and dark) moon is the first of the lunar phases, it’s a moment when we can set intentions and share our dreams for the weeks ahead. If you want to set forth on a new chapter in life or jump-start an endeavour, the new moon would be the time to do so. Manifesting can lead to big payoffs when set during the new moon.
Since the new moon is in the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon, this lunation is a moment in which our emotions, intuition and sense of self will force us to make decisions based on what our gut feelings tell us. Finding and igniting a connection to ourselves on a deep level will allow us to evolve, grow and transcend effervescently with the new moon. This is a moment in which we’ll find what energy and desire resides in our hearts. Doing what makes us truly happy, for the first time in a while, will make us feel as though we can amplify our passions, moving towards our wishes and objectives.
With Cancer being a nostalgic sign, we might want to look back at childhood activities that brought us joy. What dreams stick out from our youth? What did we want to pursue? Who did we want to be? Thinking and reflecting upon these quandaries could lead us to understand what we want to change and add to our lives. Not only that, but it’ll give us the chance to heal our past. The presence of the centaur Chiron (who’s known as the wounded healer), as well as the asteroids Juno (the protector of the home, among other things), Ceres (the asteroid of unconditional love) and Pallas (who brings wisdom), will help us love and appreciate our shadow self and inner child, allowing us to stop the ongoing cycle of familial trauma or at least see the patterns as they are happening.
Action planet Mars in Taurus and Saturn retrograde in Pisces both aspect the new moon, pushing us towards excellence at our own pace. Mars in Taurus doesn’t move as swiftly as other signs but there is a calmness in not taking impulsive steps to keep things moving. Saturn’s backward spin allows us to boss up and evaluate the decisions we are forced to make from the square the new moon is undergoing from the fraught aspect it shares with the Nodes of Destiny.
The fixed stars Sirius and Canopus connect with the new moon. Sirius wants us to shake up our lives by getting out of our comfort zones. Letting go of our fears and old ways of thinking will allow us to see all the possibilities that lie ahead. Canopus brings fame but not without emotional baggage and tests. We may not like the effects our choices have on those we love, which can lead to us looking for a new path during the new moon.
Even though we are making moves and taking action, we aren’t doing so in a frenzy. We are focusing on what is right for us and homing in on how we can make it possible. Everything that is worthwhile in life doesn’t happen overnight. Planting seeds now will lead to massive changes and success in the future. Don’t rush the process.
Hekate in Cancer Mandala Talon Abraxas
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interkosmos · 2 months
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Name: オサイジミー和輝 / Osayi Jimmy Kazuki Born: February 26, 2000 Birthplace: Japan Group: Psychic Fever from Exile Tribe Labels: LDH Japan
Positions of Planets Sun 6°49' Pisces Moon 25°23' Scorpio Mercury 15°28' Я Pisces Venus 9°47' Aquarius Mars 10°41' Aries Jupiter 1°57' Taurus Saturn 12°06' Taurus Uranus 17°56' Aquarius Neptune 5°14' Aquarius Pluto 12°48' Sagittarius Chiron 16°27' Sagittarius Juno 28°35' Capricorn Node 3°10' Я Leo
List of Aspects Venus Conjunction Neptune Orb 4°32' Venus Conjunction Uranus Orb 8°08' Sun Conjunction Mercury Orb 8°39' Jupiter Conjunction Saturn Orb 10°09 Venus Square Saturn Orb 2°18' Mercury Square Pluto Orb 2°40' Jupiter Square Neptune Orb 3°17' Saturn Square Uranus Orb 5°50' Sun Square Pluto Orb 5°59' Saturn Square Neptune Orb 6°51' Moon Square Uranus Orb 7°26' Mars Trine Pluto Orb 2°07' Venus Sextile Mars Orb 0°53' Venus Sextile Pluto Orb 3°01' Mercury Sextile Saturn Orb 3°22' Sun Sextile Jupiter Orb 4°52' Uranus Sextile Pluto Orb 5°07' Sun Sextile Saturn Orb 5°17' Mars Sextile Neptune Orb 5°26'
For Rectification Purposes Secondary Progressions & Solar Arc: Position of the Moon and Pluto on July 13, 2022 Progressed Moon: Virgo 20° 23’ Solar Arc Moon: Sagittarius 17° 46' Solar Arc Pluto: Capricorn 5° 10’
Rising Sign Options: Virgo - Leo - Pisces - Sagittarius - Gemini
Rising Degree Options: Around 5° or 12°
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1rakus · 9 months
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"Israel's war of mass destruction has not resulted in making Palestinians less likely to support Hamas or the use to arms, it has resulted in the exact opposite. Palestinians do not want to be led by the leadership Washington wants to engineer for them either."
Palestinian-American political analyst Yousef Munayyer summarizes a PCPSR poll on current Palestinian opinion in a thread of tweets on December 13, 2023.
"The latest PCPSR poll of Palestinian public opinion is out and I am going to share some of the highlights from this poll looking at Palestinian attitudes in this historic moment.
First, a couple words on this poll. PCPSR is the gold standard as far as Palestinian public opinion polling is concerned. Nothing is perfect but it is by far the best we have got for analysis.
This looks at Palestinian respondents in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem (that's not all Palestinians of course) so understand what population the sample represents.
Also note that it is incredibly difficult to do polling in Gaza now. The poll notes it was conducted during the brief truce to ensure some modicum of safety for the researchers.
The majority of respondents 81%, believe Hamas' attack on 10/7 was a response to longstanding Israeli attacks on Palestinians and their holy places and aimed at releasing prisoners.
The majority of respondents 72%, believe that the decision to launch the attack on 10/7 was the right one despite the costs that followed. (82% in the WB and 57% in Gaza)
The popularity of Hamas has gone up significantly (pretty common during Israel's wars on Gaza) More respondents say they are satisfied with the role of the Hamas movement (72%) than any other Palestinian actor. Mahmoud Abbas gets 11%.
In terms of satisfaction with the role of regional actors, Yemen is the most popular with 80% support. Saudi Arabia the least 5%.
As far as international actors go, respondents are not very satisfied by any. The position of Russia (22%) and China (20%) is most popular. No surprises about the least, the US (1%)
88% of respondents want Mahmoud Abbas to resign. Reminder, this is the man Biden says he wants to put in charge of Gaza
If elections were held today, 51% of respondents say they would vote for the Hamas slate, 19% for Fatah.
65% believe the two-state solution is no longer practical. 69% support a return to armed confrontations (up 11% from September).
The number supporting armed struggle in the West Bank alone 68%, has doubled over two years.
Bottom line: Israel's war of mass destruction has not resulted in making Palestinians less likely to support Hamas or the use to arms, it has resulted in the exact opposite. Palestinians do not want to be led by the leadership Washington wants to engineer for them either.
Link to the entire poll is here: pcpsr.org/en/node/961"
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alonygamingnerd · 3 months
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Sedra campaign part 5
GYSGT Grimes: “What are our Casualties?”
LCPL Padilla: “We lost the First Lieutenant, both pilots, Lance Corporal Murray. Private Duncan's condition keeps worsening by the second, I’m not sure he’ll make it.”
CPL Godfrey, LCPL Warren, and CPL Mullins walk over to their position.
CPL Godfrey: “How goes it over here?”
LCPL Padilla: “Not good.”
GYSGT Grimes: “Heard anything from the other pelican?”
LCPL Warren: “Pelican Delta 053 was able to safely land south east of our location, their tank is still green.”
GYSGT Grimes: “What about the other platoons?”
LCPL Warren: “They both made it to their landing zones, 1st Platoon is green and en route to their objectives. 2nd Platoon’s tank had one of their treads break in the flack, they're repairing it and will be on the move soon.”
GYSGT Grimes: “There's some good news at least.”
LCPL Padilla: “Well Gunny, besides from the Spartans, you're the highest ranking person in the platoon, what's your call?”
A moment of pause
GYSGT Grimes: "Collect the tags and ammo of the fallen and get ready to move out, Warren have the other squad rendezvous with us.” *looking over to Shield 2* “Spartan”
The Spartan puts up there robotic hand signaling one moment
His left hand holding the hands of a dying Marine, the five of them watched as the life left his body holding the Spartan's hand, his last moments staring into the Spartan's red visor. The Spartan slowly lowered the Marines hands onto his chest, moved his left hand over his eyes, closing them.
SHLD 2: "Descanse em paz e com força”
LCPL Padilla: "Damnit" breaking the silence.
Spartan B-220 then grabs his gear off the ground and jumps up at the ready.
Grimes is frozen for a moment, he and November company have had the pleasure since 2550 to work alongside the Spartans of Fireteam Shield. For almost 9 years of knowing them, even the new addition who joined in '57, moments like these were rare on the field.
GYSGT Grimes: "Spartan, I want the both of you to take point."
Shield 2 gives a node of acknowledgement and singles Shield 6 to follow.
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lordofdapies · 16 days
I got sick suddenly and degenerated rapidly. It took me five years to get a diagnosis and guess what my first diagnosis was?!
I don’t have fibromyalgia but that’s the diagnosis they give to AFAB people when they don’t know what’s wrong
Check out the list of symptoms
1. Activity level decreased to less than 50% of pre-illness activity level
2. Cold hands and feet (extremities)
3. Cough
4. Craving carbohydrates
5. Delayed reaction to physical activity or stressful events
6. Dryness of eyes and/or mouth
7. Edema
8. Family member(s) with Fibromyalgia
9. Fatigue, made worse by physical exertion or stress
10. Feeling cold often
11. Feeling hot often
12. Frequent sighing
13. Heart palpitations
14. Hoarseness
15. Hypoglycemia (blood sugar falls or low)
16. Increased thirst
17. Low blood pressure (below 110/70)
18. Low body temperature (below 97.6)
19. Low-grade fevers
20. Night sweats
21. Noisy joints – with or without pain
22. Poor circulation in hands/feet
23. Profuse sweating
24. Recurrent flu-like illness
25. Shortness of breath with little or no exertion
26. Severe nasal allergies (new or worsening allergies)
27. Sore throat
28. Subjective swelling of extremities – (feels swollen Bu can’t find anything)
29. Sweats
30. Symptoms worsened by air travel
31. Symptoms worsened by stress
32. Symptoms worsened by temperature changes
33. Tender or swollen lymph nodes, especially in neck and underarms
34. Tremor or trembling
35. Unexplained weight gain or loss
36. Abdominal wall pain
37. Bad hip pain
38. Burning Nerve Pain
39. Chest pain
40. Collarbone pain
41. Diffuse swelling
42. Elbow pain
43. Exacerbated Plantar arch or heel pain
44. “Growing” pains that don’t go away once you are done growing
45. Headache – tension or migraine
46. Inflamed Rib Cartilage
47. Joint pain
48. Lumpy, tender breasts
49. Morning stiffness
50. Muscle pain
51. Muscle spasms
52. Muscle twitching
53. Muscle weakness
54. Pain that ranges from moderate to severe
55. Pain that moves around the body
56. Paralysis or severe weakness of an arm or leg
57. Restless Leg Syndrome
58. Rib Pain
59. Scalp Pain (like hair being pulled out)
60. Sciatica-like pain
61. Tender points or trigger points
62. TMJ syndrome
63. “Voodoo Doll” Poking Sensation in random places
64. Blackouts
65. Brain fog
66. Carpal Tunnel
67. Feeling spaced out
68. Hallucinating smells
69. Inability to think clearly
70. Light headedness
71. Noise intolerance
72. Numbness or tingling sensations
73. Photophobia (sensitivity to light)
74. Seizures
75. Seizure-like episodes
76. Sensation that you might faint
77. Syncope (fainting)
78. Tinnitus (ringing in one or both ears)
79. Vertigo or dizziness
80. Bumping into things
81. Clumsy Walking
82. Difficulty balancing
83. Difficulty judging distances (when driving, etc.)
84. Directional disorientation
85. Dropping things frequently
86. Feeling spatially disoriented
87. Frequent tripping or stumbling
88. Not seeing what you’re looking at
89. Poor balance and coordination
90. Staggering gait
91. Alertness/energy best late at night
92. Altered sleep/wake schedule
93. Awakening frequently
94. Difficulty falling asleep
95. Difficulty staying asleep
96. Excessive sleeping
97. Extreme alertness or energy levels late at night
98. Falling asleep at random and sometimes dangerous moments
99. Fatigue
100. Light or broken sleep pattern
101. Muscle spasms/twitches at night
102. Narcolepsy
103. Sleep disturbances
104. Sleep starts or falling sensations
105. Teeth grinding
106. Tossing and turning
107. Un-refreshing or non-restorative sleep
108. Vivid or disturbing dreams/nightmares
109. Blind spots in vision
110. Eye pain
111. Difficulty switching focus from one thing to another
112. Frequent changes in ability to see well
113. Night driving difficulty
114. Occasional Blurry vision
115. Poor night vision
116. Rapidly worsening vision
117. Vision changes
118. Becoming lost in familiar locations when driving
119. Confusion
120. Difficulty expressing ideas in words
121. Difficulty following conversation (especially if background noise present)
122. Difficulty following directions while driving
123. Difficulty following oral instructions
124. Difficulty following written instructions
125. Difficulty making decisions
126. Difficulty moving your mouth to speak
127. Difficulty paying attention
128. Difficulty putting ideas together to form a complete picture
129. Difficulty putting tasks or things in proper sequence
130. Difficulty recognizing faces
131. Difficulty speaking known words
132. Difficulty remembering names of objects
133. Difficulty remembering names of people
134. Difficulty understanding what you read
135. Difficulty with long-term memory
136. Difficulty with simple calculations
137. Difficulty with short-term memory
138. Easily distracted during a task
139. Dyslexia-type symptoms occasionally
140. Feeling too disoriented to drive
141. Forgetting how to do routine things
142. Impaired ability to concentrate
143. Inability to recognize familiar surroundings
144. Losing track in the middle of a task (remembering what to do next)
145. Losing your train of thought in the middle of a sentence
146. Loss of ability to distinguish some colors
147. Poor judgment
148. Short term memory impairment
149. Slowed speech
150. Staring into space trying to think
151. Stuttering; stammering
152. Switching left and right
153. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you speak
154. Transposition (reversal) of numbers, words and/or letters when you write
155. Trouble concentrating
156. Using the wrong word
157. Word-finding difficulty
158. Abrupt and/or unpredictable mood swings
159. Anger outbursts
160. Anxiety or fear when there is no obvious cause
161. Attacks of uncontrollable rage
162. Decreased appetite
163. Depressed mood
164. Feeling helpless and/or hopeless
165. Fear of someone knocking on the door
166. Fear of telephone ringing
167. Feeling worthless
168. Frequent crying
169. Heightened awareness – of symptoms
170. Inability to enjoy previously enjoyed activities
171. Irrational fears
172. Irritability
173. Overreaction
174. Panic attacks
175. Personality changes –usually a worsening of pervious condition
176. Phobias
177. Suicide attempts
178. Suicidal thoughts
179. Tendency to cry easily
180. Abdominal cramps
181. Bloating
182. Decreased appetite
183. Food cravings
184. Frequent constipation
185. Frequent diarrhea
186. Gerd-like Symptoms
187. Heartburn
188. Increased appetite
189. Intestinal gas
190. Irritable bladder
191. Irritable bowel syndrome
192. Nausea
193. Regurgitation
194. Stomachache
195. Vomiting
196. Weight gain
197. Weight loss
198. Decreased libido (sex drive)
199. Endometriosis
200. Frequent urination
201. Impotence
202. Menstrual problems
203. Painful urination or bladder pain
204. Pelvic pain
205. Prostate pain
206. Worsening of (or severe) premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
207. Alcohol intolerance
208. Allodynia (hypersensitive to touch)
209. Alteration of taste, smell, and/or hearing
210. Sensitivity to chemicals in cleaning products, perfumes, etc.
211. Sensitivities to foods
212. Sensitivity to light
213. Sensitivity to mold
214. Sensitivity to noise
215. Sensitivity to odors
216. Sensitivity to yeast (getting yeast infections frequently on skin, etc.)
217. Sensory overload
218. Sensitivity to pressure & humidity changes
219. Sensitivity to extreme temperature changes
220. Vulvodynia
221. Able to “write” on skin with finger
222. Bruising easily
223. Bumps and lumps
224. Eczema or psoriasis
225. Hot/dry skin
226. Ingrown hairs
227. Itchy/Irritable skin
228. Mottled skin
229. Rashes or sores
230. Scarring easily
231. Sensitivity to the sun
232. Skin suddenly turns bright red
Cardiovascular (Heart)
233. “Click-murmur” sounds through stethoscope
234. Fluttery heartbeat
235. Heart palpitations
236. Irregular heartbeat
237. Loud pulse in ear
238. Pain that mimics heart attack
239. Rapid heartbeat
240. Dull, listless hair
241. Heavy and splitting cuticles
242. Irritated nail beds
243. Nails that curve under
244. Pronounced nail ridges
245. Temporary hair loss
246. Canker sores
247. Dental problems
248. Disk Degeneration
249. Hemorrhoids
250. Nose bleeds
251. Periodontal (gum) disease
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blessed1neha · 1 year
Ketu & Rahu and Time
In Vedic Astrology, the Vimshottari dasha system has been developed, which allows you to determine when the energies of the planets will manifest in a person’s life. Ketu and Rahu also have their own place in this system. The main period of Rahu lasts 18 years. It is believed that he can bring a very big take-off in his period if he is well-located, but if a person is strongly attached to acquisitions and is very proud of it, then at the end of the period Rahu can take everything. Rahu is the planet of illusion and intoxication, and in case of defeat in their periods and sub-periods, a person may meet with deceit or with a strong desire for forbidden foods and deeds.
Each planet governs a specific season of the year. Rahu along with Saturn governs the peak of Winter and falls between December and February in the Northern Hemisphere.
Vedic Astrology divides the year into 2 parts Uttarayana (Northern path of the Sun from Capricorn to Gemini - from December 22 to June 21) and Dakshinayan (South path of the Sun from Cancer to Sagittarius - from June 21 to December 22). It is believed that demigods and divine qualities are strongest during the Solar Northern Path, while demons and demonic qualities are strongest during the Solar Southern Path. Thus Rahu, like other malefics, is more powerful during Dakshinayana.
During the month, Rahu is most powerful on the days when the Moon passes the nakshatras ruled by Rahu - Ardra (Gemini), Swati (Libra), and Shatabhisha (Aquarius).
The month between two full moons is divided into 30 tithi or lunar days. These 30 days are divided among themselves into 15 days of the growing and 15 days of the waning moon. It is believed that Rahu correlates with the 8 lunar days of the waxing and waning moon, but some astrologers write that the 5 lunar day also belongs to him, because. it is on these tithes that snake worship takes place.
The days of the week associated with Rahu are Wednesday and Saturday, as Rahu is friendly to Mercury and Saturn.
During the day, the energies of Rahu are strongest during sunset and for 2 hours after it. Also, the energies of Rahu are strong at night. People born at this time often feel the influence of Rahu most strongly in their lives.
In people who are strongly influenced by Rahu, intuition and creativity are greatly aggravated at night.
Also during each day, there is a time of Rahu or Rahu-kalam in which the influence of the node is very strong. This time is considered unfavorable for important conversations or the beginning of the business since Rahu misleads the mind of a person and makes him unable to adequately perceive the surrounding reality.
Age from 42 to 47 years is attributed to Rahu. At this time, Rahu manifests in its entirety. At this time, many things change in people's lives, what exactly will change depends on the position of Rahu in the person's horoscope. Starting from the age of 69, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu increase their influence on a person.
Also, important years are the time when Rahu and Ketu transit through their position in the natal chart at the time of birth. This happens once every 18 years. And therefore, the periods from 18-19, 37-38, 56-57, and 75-76 years are very important for a person. At this time, internal transformations take place, and consciousness changes.
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my-favourite-zhent · 6 months
Node 57
… let's say I'd rather not fight, then. What's your business down here?
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original url http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Node/5777/ last modified 2007-11-28 12:19:57
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elminx · 2 years
Energy Update: Mercury Retrograde, December 2022
Starting on Monday, 12/12, Mercury will enter its pre-retrograde shadow phase in preparation for its final retrograde of 2022. This is business as usual: Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times every year. But that doesn't mean that Mercury's retrograde cycles aren't worth paying attention to. Staying aware of planetary retrograde cycles and the individual energies each carries helps us to navigate the situations that they bring up and sets us up for success.
Like with all retrograde cycles, Mercury will make three of the same aspect to each affected planet: once during its pre-retrograde shadow phase, a second time when it is moving backward in retrograde, and a third time when Mercury is in forward motion in its post-retrograde shadow phase. These repeated aspects are the trigger points of the retrograde phrase and represent situations or lessons that we made need to return to multiple times over Mercury's 57-day journey.
The Aspects:
Mercury trine North Node (12/14, 1/14, and 1/22)
Mercury square Chiron (12/15, 01/11, 01/24)
Mercury trine Uranus (12/17, 1/08, 1/29)
Mercury sextile Neptune (12/24, 1/02, 2/06)
Of the three, we can give Neptune the least priority. This is partially because it's a sextile which is a lower-priority aspect but also because Neptunian energy - at its best - is pretty diffuse. Mercury meeting up with Neptune feels a lot like Mercury retrograde, so the energy of the retrograde itself may be enhanced by these sextiles, but I doubt it will be felt in any significant way.
On the other hand, the North Node, Chiron, and Uranus all have something vital in common with each other: these are some of the big game changers in the horoscope. Uranus is the lightning strike that starts the change, Chiron is the pain that compels us to make the change, and the North Node is the beacon that lights up the direction where the change should lead.
If you're afraid of change, this may leave you shaking in your boots. There's no doubt about that.
But if you know, in your heart of hearts, that it is time - it is time, my dearest tumbleweeds.
Astrology is an interesting art because it not only clocks the progress of individuals' lives but it also digs deep into the pulse of humanity itself. Though we all live our unique individual lives that are impacted by our personal natal charts, we also all exist within the greater macrocosm of /handwaves these interesting times. With aspects like this all aligning together, one would expect the times to get more interesting rather than less as we move through the month of December and into the new year.
If we're being honest here, I suspect that Mercury + Chiron + Uranus + the North Node will likely have a flavor a shade or two too close to eclipse season for many people's liking. It is going to hurt (Chiron). It is going to happen fast (Uranus). There won't be any stopping it (North Node). The best chance you have is to enjoy the ride.
Mercury enters its shadow on Monday (I'm writing this on Saturday night) and, in my opinion, the energy is already here. This is to say that it's very in line with the cycles that we've been experiencing. The North node, of course, governs our eclipse cycles and Uranus has been involved in the eclipses all year long. And Capricorn, the sign where our Mercury retrograde cycle will be happening, has had a major role in our ongoing greater world (and I think for most of us, inner world) journey that has been ongoing since January of 2020 when every planet except for Neptune and Uranus transiting Capricorn in relatively quick succession.
Sometimes I think that "interesting times" is a codename for "things fall apart".
Sometimes I think that things need to fall apart. (That's probably my highly activated natal Uranus talking)
This is all going to happen through the lens of Capricorn, our cardinal earth sign who is ruled by the planet Saturn. Ever since January 2020, we've been experiencing a massive unraveling of past structures that have outlived their usefulness. There's a reckoning to be had about a lot of things right - both internally, within the home and the world at large. You may need to pick a side before you are comfortable with choosing one.
I think that this may be an especially uncomfortable place for people pleasers (Capricorns often are in a work facilitator sort of way). It's also going to be highly uncomfortable for people who need to take the straight path - both Mercury and Mars will be retrograde which means that everything is going to be the long way around.
As with any Mercury retrograde cycle; communication, travel, and tech situations will be most affected. The forever rules are to remember to reconsider, rethink, and reevaluation. Check your list twice, don't lock yourself out of the house, and remember to check your measurements before you cut. Proofread those work emails before you send them. Try to listen more, and talk less. If you need to travel, expect major delays or rerouting. Mercury retrograde cycles are always a great time to edit a manuscript or practice your art. They are also highly effective for divination, pathfinding, spirit work, and other hedge-walking endeavors.
Those of you with Capricorn or Virgo personal plants between 08-24° will be most affected by this transit, followed by anybody with a personal planet in Gemini, and then Aries, Cancer, and Libra. If you want to understand how this retrograde cycle will affect you - you can see if any of your planets make an aspect with this cycle and explore it further by the planet, sign, and house placement.
The Detials
12/12 - Mercury enters its shadow at 08° Capricorn 12/14 - Mercury in Capricorn trine North Node in Taurus 12/15 - Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 12/17 - Mercury in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus 12/24 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 12/29 - Mercury conjunct Venus, Mercury retrogrades 24° Capricorn 01/02 - Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 01/07 - Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury 16° Capricorn 01/08 - Retrograde Mercury trine retrograde Uranus 01/11 - Retrograde Mercury square Chiron in Aries 01/14 - Retrograde Mercury trine North Node in Taurus 01/15 - Retrograde Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 01/18 - Mercury stations direct 08° Capricorn 01/22 - Mercury in Capricorn square North Node in Taurus 01/24 - Mercury in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 01/29 - Mercury in Capricorn trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus 02/06 - Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 02/07 - Mercury exits its shadow 24° Capricorn
Do you like my work? You can support me over at Kofi by tipping me, buying some art, or commissioning a natal or transit chart.
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ms-m-astrologer · 7 months
Transiting Venus enters Aquarius
Friday, February 16 - Monday, March 11, 2024
In the interest of getting this blogged, briefly:
Art - it’s a great time to experiment and try new things. We like shocking people with our endeavors.
Beauty - most of the time we think of robots or exoticism, but Aquarius is also known as one of the human signs. A blandly friendly appearance is what we’re going after.
Love - show some to your friends! You can show love to your older pals by helping them with their tech. Send that thoughtful text or email.
Money - speaking of tech, that’s what we’re liable to blow the paycheck on.
We’ll want to allow a day or two on each side:
Saturday, February 17 - Venus/Aquarius conjunct Pluto/Aquarius, 0°51’. It already happened. I’m sorry!!
Monday, February 19 - Venus/Aquarius sextile Pallas Athene/Sagittarius, 3°29’. Can be amazing for artists, with excellent ideas for/about innovation.
Thursday, February 22 - Venus/Aquarius conjunct Mars/Aquarius, 6°57’. Not the most romantic sign, or even the most horny sign, alas. Think of it as the conception of new ideas?
Saturday, February 24 - Venus/Aquarius square Jupiter/Taurus, 10°30’. One way this could work out is via a rampage through the electronics stores. We’re hidebound and stubborn in ways that surprise and disturb ourselves.
Friday, March 1:
Venus/Aquarius sextile Chiron/Aries, 17°15’
Venus/Aquarius sextile North Node/Aries, trine South Node/Libra, 17°39’
Ideally we’re aware of how our tendency for “going along to get along” hampers us.
Sunday, March 3 - Venus/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus, 19°39’. This square is strengthened by the fact that Venus and Uranus are in mutual reception - ie they’re in each other’s sign of rulership. We tend to be unrealistically perfectionist about something - to cover up the fact that we really don’t want anything at all to do with that “something.”
Thursday, March 7:
Venus/Aquarius trine Vesta/Gemini, 24°22’
Venus/Aquarius sextile Eris/Aries, 24°25’
Not a bad way to end a transit, especially if you identify as a woman. We’re determined to have decent, mutually supportive relationships with decent, smart partners. Communication is the highest value.
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mystikalrootz · 1 year
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Full Moon in Aries
Exact on  September 29, 2023, at 2:57 am PST
Most active from September 24 through October 4, 2023
Chances are you have been feeling this and the energy will just continue to build. This Full Moon in Aries energy will not be ignored and has the potential to burn in many ways. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of anger, fire, movement and action and is the first sign in the Zodiac. Aries can be very toddler like in ways of “I want what I want and give it to me NOW” type tantrums. (This absolutely resonates with me currently!). This is an active and emotional energy intensifying our urge for more independence, space, and freedom. At this time, our focus is on ourselves and our own wants and desires. We want what we want, and if we're not getting it, at this Full Moon, many of us may conclude that it's better if we go our separate ways to get it.  During this time, aspects to Mars will bring things forward making it abundantly clear which relationships are equal and bring us joy and what relationships have run their course or even become toxic. 
Mars in Conjunction with the South Lunar Node in Libra will magnify the energy from the Aries Full moon to crave change, excitement and breaking free from the mundane. This amplifies the need to dispose of or cut cords with those who are not in alignment and riding that energy also. Fated endings are strong and will either slip away easily or go out with a bang. With Mars currently resting in Libra where it is at its detriment, chances are in the past weeks we have set aside our own happiness for others in order to keep the peace. This moon could have you reaching a boiling point with built up tensions exploding in anger and resentment. (Remember here, it was YOUR choice to keep things in.  You can contain your emotions. This Full Moon energy warns you, it doesn’t give you a free pass to be an asshole)
The Aries Full Moon marks a decisive turning point, being the last Full Moon before eclipse season begins. Actions taken now lead us into fated new territory.  Choose your actions wisely! 
Buy me a coffee for my energy HERE
Or use Venmo: Kristie-Vega-1 OR PayPal: @mystikalrootz
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interkosmos · 1 year
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The group was originally formed when Travis Payne, Michael Jackson’s choreographer, was asked by Johnny & Associates to help them form a group that would be able to grow on a global scale. By then, Travis Japan was formed with five members, whom were later called the "Younger Brothers", but in July 9th 2012, it was informed that the nine would act as Travis Japan during the "PLAYZONE'12 SONG & DANC'N. Part II" concert. Travis Japan's debut single "JUST DANCE!" will be released on October 28th, 2022 1pm JST. Sources: Wikipedia, Fandom, Wordpress
Positions of Planets Sun 4°43' Scorpio Moon 10°08' Sagittarius Mercury 27°15' Libra Venus 6°04' Scorpio Mars 25°34' Gemini Jupiter 0°00' Я Aries Saturn 18°37' Aquarius Uranus 17°25' Я Taurus Neptune 23°01' Я Pisces Pluto 26°12' Capricorn Chiron 13°15' Я Aries Juno 7°47' Pisces Node 13°23' Taurus AS 10°57' Aquarius MC 28°43' Scorpio
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sevenseptember · 9 months
Nodes change from 42/32 to 51/57 today at 15:33 CET.
The background frenquency will be preview to what will be happening post 2027. Expect instability, shock and needing to be in your power, and aligned with your inner authority. This nodal shift willl last till May.
"Times are changing and a fear is that we are not prepared because we can't be.
Don't trust the past. There is nothing for us to trust in that; nothing. Do not trust the future.
You cannot. You trust yourself. And if you don't start doing it now, it's going to be too late."
Ra Uru Hu
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