#Not a date
lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 8 - Not A Date
@wolfstarmicrofic May 8, word count 662
“So, fancy going to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday?” Sirius asked. “James is going with Evans and Peter is off with, erm, I can’t remember her name, but he’s off with someone and I don’t want to go on my own.” He scuffed his toe on the rug, looking up at Remus though his eyelashes. 
“What, like on a date?” Remus teased. Sirius’s heart skipped a beat. 
“Don’t be daft.” He grinned back. But secretly he wished it was a date. He'd wanted one for a while. 
“Oh, go on then.” Remus nodded. “I need some new quills anyway.” Sirius beamed. 
“Great. Where do you want to meet?”
“Sirius, we live in the same room. We can walk down together.”
“Oh, okay, great.” Sirius felt a bit flustered. James came barrelling in and tackled him to the floor. Thank Merlin for James Potter. He wrapped his arms around James and attempted to get on top of him, but James dead weighted him and squashed him into the floor. 
“Hello gorgeous, fancy seeing you here.” James cooed at him.
“Get off me, you big lug.” Sirius wiggled and pushed at James. But that boy was all muscle. James finally got to his feet and hauled Sirius with him. They wandered off together, leaving Remus to his homework.
Saturday came and Sirius had been too excited to sleep. It’s not a date, it’s not a date. He had to keep telling himself. They went down to breakfast together and when they were done James and Peter disappeared off to find their dates.
“Shall we?” Sirius asked, making a show of bowing Remus forward. Remus snorted at him. 
“Sure.” And walked off. 
The walk down to the village was pretty quiet. The other students milling around them making all the noise. 
“So where do you want to go first?” Sirius asked, once the picturesque village was visible before them. 
“Honeydukes,” Remus grinned. Of course, Sirius should have known. That boy was addicted to chocolate. 
“Perfect.” He grinned as they headed towards the sweet shop. 
He opened the door for Remus and said to him as they entered the sweet-smelling place. “Get whatever you want, my treat.” Remus turned and gave him a funny look. 
“I thought you said this wasn’t a date.” Sirius swallowed and became very interested in a box of peppermint imps. 
“Should I get some of these for Peter? They’re his favourite aren’t they?” Deflection. That always worked, right?
“Sirius, answer the question.” Damn it. Sirius picked up a packet of fudge flies.
“I’ll get these for James as well. Can you see the fizzing whizzbees? I have a hankering for some.” Remus stood in front of him, blocking his way. 
“Sirius, is this or is this not a date?” He’d folded his arms, Sirius knew he wasn’t getting out of this. 
“Would it really be that bad if it was?!”  He scowled. He was fucking this up as usual. He felt the tell-tale stinging behind his eyes as he blinked back tears that had suddenly tried to burst out of him. 
Remus’s arms relaxed.
“No,” He said, his voice low and sincere. Sirius’s eyes snapped up to Remus’s, searching his face for any signs that he was joking. “And if this is a date, I won’t feel bad about lightening your purse.” He winked mischievously and Sirius watched as Remus gabbed a basket and began piling all of his favourite sweets into it. 
When it was full, they took it to the till and Sirius paid. His purse was indeed considerably lighter when they left the shop. “Silly bugger.” Remus laughed at him at the same time as he took Sirius’s hand in his and entwined their fingers together. “Right I still need quills, then I’m all yours.” Sirius looked down at their hands and couldn’t believe that this was real. He felt ten feet tall and so happy he could have floated off without the assistance of the fizzing whizzbees.
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on-this-day-mcr · 6 months
So long and goodnight ✩
Today is the one year anniversary of the day after the swarm tour ended, which also makes it the one year anniversary of this blog. For the most part, there are no more scheduled posts in the queue.
A couple of dates had already passed by the time I could verify them - I will schedule these as they come up, as well as making posts for anything new I find, updates/corrections to existing posts, and new events or releases. My inbox will stay open for any requests for dates to be added, as well as any corrections or sources to be added (thank you to the people who have sent these through in the past!). I'm not currently planning on scheduling reblogs of existing posts for future anniversaries, but I'm open to it if enough people would like that :)
I'm going to get a bit sappy now, so this last bit is really optional reading material. I truly wasn't expecting this blog to be anything more than some silly fun when I made it, but reading through people's memories of shows, releases and announcements in the tags has been more touching and meaningful than I expected. My Chemical Romance is a band, but like most things worth caring about My Chemical Romance is also an idea built out of human connection and shared experiences. The swarm era would never have meant as much as it did without every person who reached out a hand to share a piece of what MCR means to them, through their tags or art or jokes or song covers or archives or webweaves or 3am liveblogs of 12 pixel instagram livestreams. Thank you for being here with me, and for making something beautiful. 🖤
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invisiblequeen · 10 months
How To Send Me To An Early Grave:
Make CC
Post About CC
Show a download link that just says "Download"
nothing else
just "download"
as if to say it's free to download
Have said "download" link lead to a locked Patreon Post
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bixiebeet · 1 year
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The Real Ghostbusters episode “Rollerghoster.” Egon and Janine are walking through her childhood neighborhood when they come across a carnival with a Ghostbusters themed ride. They’re incensed that the team’s likeness is being used without permission. The carnival owners refuse to take the ride down…until it truly becomes haunted.
Egon and Janine aren’t on a date. They’re just walking arm-in-arm alone affectionately…
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taylor swift and jason playing uno together ⁉️ https://twitter.com/SudeikisNews/status/1679608811097583616
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Legit fucking insane omfg
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ishomestucktrending · 2 years
congratulations to this blog for being followed by none bots since the outbreak!
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p-redux · 2 years
So, I know you've all been waiting for the source info I received about WHO Sam was with when he was dining at IASG Restaurant, Blythwood Hotel, Glasgow two weeks ago...and most of you, waiting not so patiently, if I’m going by the amount of Anon Asks and DMs I’ve received :-), so here’s what I’m finally able to post...
Click on Keep Reading for the rest of the post.
Refresher: On November 26, 2022, someone posted this pic on Instagram at IASG Restaurant in Glasgow and Sam was in the background of the pic 👇
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We all wondered if Sam was on a date, if he was with a female friend or business acquaintance, or if he was with a group of people.
Well, shortly after that pic was posted, I received an Anon Ask letting me know that the Anon knew someone who had been at the same restaurant at the same time Sam had been there. If you remember from a previous post, I asked the Anon to come off Anon and DM me here or on my Twitter account so we could chat more. The Anon identified herself and DMed me on here. She lives in Scotland. She knew that one of her coworkers had been at IASG restaurant at the same time Sam was there. 
Like MUCH of my source info, a lot of it is by sheer coincidence or being at the right place, right time, or knowing certain people. This is one of those times. The source gave me the full name, occupation, and other details of all parties involved--I was able to cross reference everything, so I know this is a verified source, and what she’s telling me is true.
To avoid confusion, I’m going to call the Anon Ask source, Scottish Source and her coworker at the restaurant, Restaurant Source
The REASON I couldn’t post the info sooner is because Scottish Source had not received it herself because Restaurant Source had left “on holiday” aka vacation. Scottish Source isn’t close enough to Restaurant Source to message her randomly on vacation, so she had to wait until Restaurant Source came back from vacation and returned to work. 
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As an aside, Scottish Source is verra vise and pointed out for the naysayers that if I was fabricating info, as I am forever falsely accused of doing, I would not have waited to post it. I would have made up something and posted it immediately. But I waited because I had to, because the info is REAL. 👇
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Sooooo, after waiting and waiting, Scottish Source was able to finally communicate with Restaurant Source. She couldn’t be too obvious with her questions. But she was able to find out that Sam was NOT on a date, and NOT with one person, but in fact had dinner “WITH A GROUP OF PEOPLE.” 👇
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And Scottish Source followed it up with this. 👇
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And 👇
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So, I know that’s a bit anticlimactic, but hey, again, that’s what happens when info is REAL. In short, on November 26, Sam had dinner at IASG Restaurant, Blythwood Hotel, Glasgow with a group of people. And thanks to ME and my source info, now we know for sure. 
BTW, I got a couple of DMs letting me know that there was chatter earlier today that the woman Sam was having dinner with that night must have been this 👇 woman because she posted on November 25 that she got good news. And that news turned out to be that she’s working at Waterstones Bookstore for Sam’s book signing event on December 18. NOPE, negatory. On November 25, she posted about news she got “yesterday,” meaning November 24. Sam was seen at dinner on November 26.
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As you can see, Sam was at dinner on November 26 👇
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In addition, the Glasgow bookstore woman clarified that she’s going to be Sam’s “right hand man,” aka his “handler,” aka an employee. 👇 Sam would not have then taken a “handler” out for a celebratory dinner. So, that debunks that rumor. 
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I also got a Anon saying they’d heard a rumor that Sam was at dinner with Cait, Maril, and Matt to “celebrate the green light being given for the next season of Outlander.” Highly doubtful given that this 👇 Outlander fan was also at IASG restaurant the same night and got a pic with Sam. If Cait had been there, she would also gotten a pic with her. Oh wait, let me guess, Cait was wearing that infamous invisibility cloak she tends to wear when she’s out with Sam and no one ever sees her out with him. Anyhoo, the above scenario is obvious shipper wishful thinking and not based in reality. What else is new?  🙄
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Sooooo, in summary, Sam was not out to dinner with Karina Elle (and nope, I don’t care, I simply post info and I’m happy when Sam’s happy, simple as that). Sam was not out with any other woman on a date. Sam was out to dinner with a group of people. And nope, not Cait, Maril, Matt. That’s all folks. 
But stay tuned, there’s still a chance Scottish Source subtly asks Restaurant Source for more details and maybe, just maybe we’ll find out exactly who Sam’s dinner companions were that night.  
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anicastes · 1 year
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archive-of-days · 1 year
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Two kinds of tumblr days
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divinemissem13 · 11 months
At the Ballet
Flufftober, day 29: "Hey, wake up!" Fandom: Star Trek (VOY and PIC) Ship: Beverly Crusher/ Kathryn Janeway AO3 link
Beverly invites Kathryn to the ballet. Kathryn goes, even though she's had a long day.
Kathryn’s head has been on Beverly’s shoulder for most of the third act and on into the fourth. Beverly tries to concentrate on the dancers and the music, but she is easily distracted by the feeling of Kathryn’s steady breathing against her neck or the scent of her floral shampoo. 
The final scene is approaching - Kathryn’s favorite part - and Beverly knows she should wake her. But she is struggling to convince herself to initiate the physical separation that is sure to come when Kathryn wakes. She does manage it, finally, when she imagines the look of disappointment on Kathryn’s face when she realizes she’s missed the finale. 
Kathryn’s hand is still wrapped around Beverly’s forearm so it is easy for her to reach across her body to give that hand a gentle squeeze. “Kathryn,” she whispers softly in her ear, “hey, wake up. You’re gonna miss the end.”
Kathryn sits up and Beverly’s bare shoulder immediately feels cold. Kathryn smiles sheepishly and mouths “thank you” before returning her focus to the stage. Her hand stays where it is, tucked into Beverly’s bicep.
Out of the corner of her eye, Beverly watches Kathryn watching the dancers. The stage lights cast a glow onto Kathryn’s face, highlighting each subtle twitch of her facial expressions in such a way that makes Beverly’s breath catch in her throat. 
The climactic death scene approaches and Kathryn leans forward in anticipation. Her hand slides down Beverly’s arm to grasp her hand and their fingers entwine naturally, as if they were made to fit together.
“So beautiful,” Kathryn murmurs as she watches the lithe, athletic bodies leaping into the air in perfect unison. 
Beverly hums her agreement, but she’s not looking at the dancers.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Thing (Addams Family) Additional Tags: Post canon, Spoilers, wednesday visits enid, Concert, guy tries to drug their drinks, small argument, pining without realizing that's what it is, two do each other's makeup, Bonus Scenes, and they were ROOMMATES Summary:
Wednesday and Enid attend a concert together
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Not A Date, Remember?
After two weeks of testing that was frankly more difficult and stressful for Dr. Clef than for the tested, being me, I did promise my boss a totally not romantic social outing. Turns out, Clef off the clock and out of his "fear me, I'm the fucking devil" shtick is kinda fun. Just so happens, tonight is the costume contest. In hindsight, maybe '40's noir Poison Ivy was a bad costume idea.
It's been a rough patch, I'll admit. But... I'm holding up fine. My boss is not doing so well. He's his usual self in public, but he's been quieter in office when it's just us. He hasn't even played his edgy 'I'm deliberately playing this to irritate the general populace nearby' jams last two weeks. This ain't the Clef I'm used to.
Maybe if I agree to go with him to this silly costume contest, it'll liven him up. I wasn't planning on going, but I do still have a few old cosplay costumes, one perfect to go with his choice of RE4 Leon in a suit. Ah, here's the boss, fresh coffee in hand. Perfect.
"Hey, Bunny. How you doing?" Geez, even his voice went flat. No good.
"I'm here, so... guess I'm okay. You've been a bit out of it lately. You okay, Boss?"
"Yeah, just tired. Guess I need to start sleeping more or something."
He goes to check the weekly reports, and I try to think of how to ask him. After a while, I finally know what to say.
"Boss, the costume contest is tonight. You got plans or anything?"
"Was thinking of skipping it since ol' COG told me no DoomClef this year. You?"
"Kinda why I'm asking. Kind of last minute, but... I do have something that should suffice nicely with your mobster suit."
"Please tell me it's not the tall ass vampire lady. I have a height complex as it is."
"Hey, I grew six inches, and I'm still shorter than you. Nope. Was thinking noir Dr. Isley. Got the green dress, add some matching heels, wrap some vine garlands and fake flowers around me, I'm set."
"You sure you didn't plan ahead?"
"Nah, would have made a snowbunny costume just for you, Boss." I winked, teasing him. Clef turns pink.
"Don't mind me calling you Snowbunny, heh? Can only imagine the outfit. Blue velvet, embroidered silver snowflakes, white faux fur trim. Very cute. Might just have to have something made for you."
"It's not a date, remember? This is just two friends letting off steam."
"Grr. Okay. So, meet here at 6:30, then?"
"You mean 6:30 exactly, or 6:30 Clef Time?" Clef Time being 15-30 minutes later. But, when you're Site Command, only O5 can tell you off for being late.
"Contest is at 7:30, so... normal time. I'm looking forward to this, Snowbuny."
"Me too. Dr. Rights said you look hot in a suit, by the way. Made Dr. Bright a bit mad at her, but... it's Bright, he gets over this stuff quickly."
That settled, we run out the final two hours on the shift clock. While the time winds down, I text Iris for some last minute hair and makeup help. While I'm pretty good with clothes, I suck ass at makeup. Iris is pro level, she can make even Iceberg look good in drag, a near miracle as he's now rocking the villain goatee.
After shift, the transformation begins. I pick my dress, a vintage swing dress in green silk. I dig out my one pair of green heels, and hunt for foliage. By the time Iris is here and set up, I've got plenty of flowers and a long ass bushy ivy garland. Perfect, pin this to my seafoam shawl wrap, and then it's off to hair and makeup. Iris checks my kit. I notice she's decided to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, a classic.
"Noir Ivy? Wasn't that your Comicon outfit, day 2? First day you were Isaac Clarke, but bitched about the helmet."
"Yeah, but... my date never saw this, so... I'm going with it. The date was last minute, Sis."
"Who's the lucky guy? I know 049 isn't going."
"Dr. Clef." I mumble. Iris nearly drops the foundation brush. "He's having a rough patch, I just thought I should try being nice to him. He's gone though way way too much."
"Clef? Alto Fucking "Gonna Torture You Suckers With Super Slow Smashmouth on Ukulele" Clef? This is a prank, right?" Iris keeps working, but waits to see if I'm serious.
"No prank. He's not as bad as you've heard, Sis. He's kinda sweet sometimes. Bit weird, but we're all freaks here." Iris motions for me to stop talking while she works. Once she's done with the makeup, she starts working with my messy, wavy, blood red tresses. She settles on a simple loose braid, with a white rose tucked behind my right ear. Then, a crown of ivy is pinned to my head. I slip into the rest of my costume, and Iris admires the outcome.
"Gotta say... you might need a chaperone. I doubt even Dr. Gears wouldn't at least take a few long looks. Good thing you're also good with ice, as this look is straight fire."
"Thanks, Sis. You going with anyone?" We pack up Iris's things while we talk.
"Viktor and Sergei. Viktor is Toto, Sergei the Cowardly Lion. And... Alina, the new girl? Tin Woodswoman. We're swinging by Evie's for photos first, so I gotta go. I'll show you the snaps tomorrow. Later Sis!"
I head to my boss's office, half sure I'm either going to be pranked, or worse, stood up. But... to my surprise, there's the boss man, looking like the perfect Leon Kennedy gangster cosplay. Wow. He really cleans up well, he even shaved. Never mind the weird third eye, the Cheshire cat grin that unnerves even Abel, the slight dad bod, or the torture by ukulele... Alto Clef is fine af.
"Ah... Dr. Isley, I presume?" He removes his hat, bowing.
"Agent Kennedy? Charmed to meet you. I wasn't informed you were quite so handsome."
"Nor was I told how lovely you truly are. Will you allow me to escort you to the party? It's safer to travel in pairs, after all."
"I'd be delighted, Agent Kennedy." I offer him my hand, he raises it to his lips. Not going to lie... I might be attracted to my boss. He then places my hand on his elbow, off we go.
We arrive right on time. Dave at the door does a double take, but lets us in. The music is going, a few couples dancing. After we catch up with a bunch of coworkers, we're off in a corner and I get bold.
"Wanna indulge a fantasy of mine, Doc?" I whisper in his ear. He adjusts his collar, nervous. I go on. "I've always wanted to dance with the devil. Traditionally, there's moonlight, but I'm not big on some traditions. So... may I have a dance with the handsomest devil around?"
"Normally, I'd say no, but since you're so charming, I can't refuse." We step out onto the dance floor just as the music changes from some slow drivelling ballad to... "Jump Jive and Wail" by Brian Setzer Orchestra. Wasn't expecting that, but... okay. Little did I know... Dr. Clef can swing. By the time the night is over, we had danced almost all night, and won second place in the couple's costume division, losing out to Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Not even mad, Draven and Jim may as well have stepped out of Mortal Kombat 11, their costumes were that good.
Party over, and we're walking home. So far... I've remembered to behave, and not do what I want to do: just kiss him already. But... now we're just feet from my door. He likes me, otherwise he wouldn't be here. It's clear I like him too. And things with 049 have fallen apart, both due to us nearly overworking ourselves to death. We parted on good terms, but I shouldn't rush into anything yet. Besides, Clef is my boss. If this goes wrong, there goes my career. Still want to kiss him, though. We're at my door now.
"Rabbit, thanks. This was way more fun than what I had planned." He leans in, presses the softest of kisses to the corner of my lips. Just as he's about to pull away, I reach out, and run my fingers through his hair. My eye gaze into his, and next thing I know, I'm kissing him. His hands find my waist, holding me close. Oh wow... never thought I'd even think this... but if he keeps kissing me like this, I'm inviting him in. Before I can though... the kiss is over. He wants to ask me, I can see it in his heterochromic eyes. He speaks before I can, though.
"Not on the first not-date, Snowbunny. Believe me, it's taking a lot to not give in. But I don't want to rush you."
"So... you doing anything on Friday? How about a real date? Dinner, a movie, maybe bring your hanky to meet my panky?"
"Not sure about the last part, but... dinner? Yes." He sighs, then takes my cheek in his hand. "343 knows I'm not worthy, but yes."
We stand there for a few more precious moments, forehead to forehead. Just in time for my jerk of a neighbor Dr. Iceberg to walk by.
"Gotta say, you two make a cute couple. Poison Ivy and her henchman."
"Fuck off, Julian!" We both shout in unison at his retreating back. The door slams behind him.
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on-this-day-mcr · 9 months
hey just letting you know your november 18th swarm tour post (mexico city) doesn't have the swarm era tag like the rest of the concert dates do
oh thanks so much! fixed :)
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pethole · 1 year
literally fulfilling "btw soandso is into ••••••• and •••••••, pretty problematic" "omg really? what's her number?" today
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charlesoberonn · 7 months
It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.
Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.
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“No way, nuh uh, you can’t send that to me and then act all shy like it doesn’t take balls to do that.”
“I didn’t think you’d have the balls to FaceTime me. Didn’t know I’d have to explain myself so quickly.”
Still one of my favorite fic dialogue exchanges 🩷
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