#Not on my game drawing-wise right now but trying to get back to it
chocodile · 6 months
giving hyden one of those hot wax hand therapy treatments with the most tender care and the most sly look whenever it makes him wince. yeah it stings nepo boy, what are you gonna do about it
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I don't think he minds the pain all that much.
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libraryofgage · 1 year
Addams Family Steddie AU Part 3
Part One | Part Two
To preface, a bitch is sick rn so if you see any typos, no you didn't lol
"Robin, this is serious."
Steve can perfectly see Robin rolling her eyes through the phone as she says, "Oh, right, I'm so sorry your fiance-to-be is the perfect boyfriend who takes you on wonderful dates and romances you every single second you're together."
"I'm starting to think you're jealous."
"I'd only be jealous if Eddie had tits."
"He'd probably get some if I asked."
In the silence that follows, Steve can imagine Robin's scrunched face: her crinkled nose and curled lips and generally disgusted eyebrow furrow. He counts down from six in his head and then mouths along as Robin says, "I'd hang up if I weren't so invested in your love life."
"For someone so invested, you're not helping."
He hears a put-upon sigh through the speaker and returns it with a sigh of his own. Steve gives up on sitting properly and collapses back onto his bed, staring at the unmoving ceiling fan Hulyet is currently hanging from to nap.
"Fine, fine, what's the actual problem again?" Robin asks, her question followed by the sound of her shutting a book (one of her science textbooks based on the sound it makes when closing) so she can give Steve her full attention.
"Eddie is always planning our dates, and they're always really good, right? So I want to plan a date in return, but I have no clue how to plan something we'll both equally enjoy. In fact, I have no clue how Eddie plans our dates in the first place."
"Just start with something he likes and try to find something you'll like in it."
"Okay, say it again, but pretend I'm five."
Robin sighs again, and Steve hears the creaking of her bed as she collapses onto it. "Okay, the last date he planned, it was a hockey game, right?"
"So, you like sports. Hockey is an obvious jump from there, but was Eddie also having fun at the game?"
Steve hums, reviewing their date from the week before. He hadn't expected Eddie to pull out hockey tickets, but he'd looked forward to it nonetheless. The game itself was fun, and the rink was cold enough that Steve had been able to scoot closer to Eddie and complain about being chilly.
Of course, Eddie's immediate response was to pull out a lighter, open it, and flick a flame to life while asking, "How big of a fire do you want, Stevie?"
For a brief moment, Steve had considered the question. But then he'd realized a fire would disrupt the hockey game, so they probably shouldn't start one.
After grabbing the lighter and stuffing it into his own pocket, Steve leaned closer and whispered, "Wouldn't you rather put your arm around me?" Eddie had lit up, and his smile was wide enough to make Steve feel blinded as he wrapped an arm around Steve's waist and pulled him closer.
It had been wonderful and romantic, right up until both of them got way too into the game and completely forgot about cuddling in favor of shouting at the players to hit harder and actually draw some blood to get the puck.
Steve smiles a little at the memory. "Yeah, he enjoyed the violence."
"Well, we all enjoy seeing buff people get a little bloody," Robin says, and Steve can see the way she's nodding like a wise man. "Anyway, he probably knew he'd enjoy the whole violence part of the sport. So, follow that formula."
"What formula are you seeing here?"
"Thing fiance-to-be likes plus a small part of it you could probably enjoy equals romance. If that's too hard, just get him a gift and plan the date around that."
Well, it sounds easy when she says it like that. "Why didn't I think of that?"
"Because I'm the genius here, obviously. Now go plan a date so you can tell me all about it later. And I expect details, Steven. Sordid details. If I'm not quivering in my bodice, what's the fucking point."
"You don't even have a bodice. And my name isn't Steven."
"I'll get one, and your name is whatever's comedically appropriate."
"I found a good website for bodices and corsets, actually. I can send it to you."
"What are you doing on that website, Steve?" Robin asks, her voice light and eager.
Steve smirks, pulling the phone away from his ear and saying, "Wouldn't you like to know," before quickly hanging up. The phone stays silent for three whole seconds before Robin immediately calls back, but Steve is too busy laughing to actually pick up.
Part of why the Munsons moved to Steve's neighborhood is the cemetery within walking distance. The cemetery is at the very back of the neighborhood, hidden from people who don't actually live there. The front of the cemetery is perfectly presentable. The gravestones are clean and new, and flowers decorate most graves while others hold pebbles and stones of various sizes and colors.
The back of the cemetery, however, is a Munson paradise. The grass gives way to brown, under-watered weeds and dirt, the faded gravestones are covered in moss and plants climbing them, and the trees are perpetually leafless and spindly to create the perfect horror movie atmosphere. It was like that even before the Munsons moved to the neighborhood, but Steve doesn't actually know why.
The back of the cemetery is where Steve leads Eddie, occasionally looking back to make sure the blindfold covering Eddie's eyes is still in place. "You know, I was expecting more than walking when you pulled out the blindfold," Eddie says, squeezing Steve's hand.
"We're almost there," Steve promises, looking around them until he spots the picnic blanket and pillows he'd laid down earlier in front of a blank gravestone. There's a small projector on the edge of the blanket, facing the wall of a mausoleum, with a DVD player connected to it.
Steve stops at the edge of the blanket, takes a deep breath, and moves to stand in front of Eddie. "Okay," he says, reaching up and carefully pulling off the blindfold.
When it comes off, Eddie looks straight at Steve, not sparing a glance at the set-up behind him. "Are you the surprise?" he asks, sliding his hands around Steve's hips and pulling him closer.
"I'm not much of a surprise," Steve points out.
"You're the best gift I could ask for," Eddie says, sealing the words with a kiss that would be too easy for Steve to get lost in.
And he almost does, but he pulls away before Eddie's tongue can get too far into his mouth. "No, wait, you haven't seen the actual surprise," he mumbles, putting a few inches between them and gesturing to the picnic blanket.
Eddie's eyes light up, and he pulls Steve to the blanket. He sits against the headstone and tugs Steve down next to him. "Movie date in a graveyard? Very romantic, sweetheart," Eddie says, leaning close and kissing Steve's jaw.
"Well, that's not the whole surprise," Steve replies, leaning his head on Eddie's shoulder. He hears a quiet hum from above him and adds, "This is our spot."
"What? Like a make-out spot? We gonna sneak out in the middle of the night to make out right here twice a week?"
"Only twice?" Steve asks, his voice teasing as he tilts his head back to see Eddie smile. He doesn't give Eddie the chance to answer, though. Instead, he takes Eddie's hand and plays with his engaged-to-be-engaged ring. "I mean, this is our spot. We're leaning on our gravestone."
A few seconds pass before Eddie seems to actually process the words. When he does, he straightens up, tugging Steve away from the gravestone with him so he can see it. "Is this...a couple's plot?" he asks, his eyes wide as he looks from the stone to Steve.
Steve flushes, heat rising in his cheeks as he looks away. He takes a deep breath, deciding to just verbalize his thought process when he'd bought the plot. "I figured, well, we wouldn't want to be apart even in death. So we'll be buried together, you know? Our corpses will be embracing as we rot for eternity, becoming skeletons and dust that will only know each other."
The words are followed by silence, making Steve wonder if he somehow fucked up with his gift. He braces himself and glances up at Eddie to ask if he doesn't like it only to be pushed back on the blanket. Steve blinks, his brain barely catching up as Eddie kisses him. This is, by far, the most desperate kiss Steve has ever received from Eddie. It's a kiss that's practically begging Steve to give Eddie permission to swallow him whole, tuck him securely into the marrow of his bones, and hold him there so they'll never be apart.
Steve is a little confused, but he's far more interested in kissing back, sliding his fingers into Eddie's hair and tugging playfully as he bites Eddie's tongue. A rough growl in response sends shivers down Steve's spine, goosebumps spreading across his arms as Eddie pushes his hands under Steve's shirt.
Surprisingly warm fingers trail across Steve's abdomen before Eddie's hands settle on his hips, his pinkies teasingly pushing past the waistband of his jeans. Steve sighs softly, relaxing at the familiar sensation as he hooks one of his legs over Eddie's waist, pulling him close until their hips and chests are flush against each other.
Eddie grins against Steve's lips, his left hand trailing down Steve's waist to rest on his thigh, holding it in place as he teasingly grinds their hips together. Steve jolts, a surprised, quiet moan escaping him as his hands start to tremble with adrenaline and...well, sheer horniness if he's being honest.
"Please tell me we can fuck on our future grave," Eddie says, his voice low and husky as he speaks against Steve's lips.
Steve groans, fully agreeable to the idea only to realize two very important things. One, he doesn't have any lube, and two, he was actually looking forward to watching movies with Eddie, which wouldn't really happen if they got too distracted. Plus, you know, the whole sex in public thing, but that's not as big of a deal. Who's going to be visiting the cemetery on a Wednesday?
But Steve doesn't want to completely dash Eddie's hopes and the sheer joy in his eyes at the idea, so he presses another kiss to his lips and promises, "Later, Eddie."
Despite his disappointed expression, Eddie doesn't argue. He just sits up, pulling Steve with him so he stays in his lap. "I'll hold you to that, sweetheart," he whispers, kissing down Steve's neck until he reaches the point where it meets his shoulder. He bites down there, causing Steve to inhale sharply as he licks and sucks a hickey onto his skin.
Steve shakily exhales, biting his bottom lip to keep himself grounded. When it feels like Eddie is about to start on another hickey, Steve uses his grip on his hair to pull him back. "Stevie," Eddie breathes, his eyes dark as he looks up at him, "you know what pulling does to me."
Steve snorts, kisses his cheek, and climbs off his lap. "Keep it in your pants for now, babe. I actually want to get to the other part of this date," he says, moving over to the projector.
"And what's that?" Eddie asks.
"Classic monster movies," Steve says, grinning at the excited gasp that comes from Eddie as he turns on the projector. Once it boots up, the mausoleum wall shows the opening menu for a Monster Movie Collection DVD. Steve puts on Frankenstein, making sure the movie actually starts and the opening credits begin rolling before climbing back into Eddie's lap.
"I love you so fucking much," Eddie says, wrapping his arms around Steve's waist and hugging him close as he rests his chin on Steve's shoulder.
Steve grins, leaning back against him and idly playing with one of the rings on Eddie's fingers. "I love you, too. Now shut up and watch the movie. No more making out until at least this one is over."
"Yes, sir."
Steve can't help a soft laugh. He takes Eddie's hand, raises it to his lips, and playfully bites his palm before lacing their fingers together and focusing on the movie.
Tag List: @estrellami-1, @justforthedead89, @starman-jpg, @abstractnaturaldisaster, @sugartin, @ashwagandalf, @xjessicafaithx, If anyone else wants to be tagged in potential future parts, just let me know!
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meanbossart · 2 months
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I don't think "discussed" is the right word, more so mocked her for her blind faith and got into brief spats. It was precisely Shadowheart's water-off-a-duck's-back attitude towards his remarks that kind ingratiated her to him - DU drow spoke his mind, she took it in stride and remained firm in her beliefs without arguing or trying to push it on him. That, alongside the fact that they are surprisingly similar people is what brought them together as friends.
Even long after the events of the game he's still opposed to her hopping from Shar to Selune, also. Shadowheart's attachment to religion is simply something they agree to disagree about.
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Can I answer your question with one of my own?
Am I the only idiot that killed her in their first run LOL
BUT YES, he killed Lae'zel when she tried to murder suicide the camp and I went through the whole game without her. I didn't go to the creche either!
I have since had other runs and she's actually one of my favorite characters, I just haven't had the chance to draw her yet.
ACTUALLY - scratch that. I've drawn her once-
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Somewhat! But not really. He genuinely just likes jewelry, and rings are the only kind that suit his life-style (necklaces and earrings are a hazard during fighting) this is a reference to his bhaalist days when he used to be completely covered in the stuff day and night.
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Hence why he finds them comforting to have on in some way or another. They change around because he gets bored of/misplaces runs out of fingers to wear the new rings that he loots constantly.
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The great link in question
I don't know if it's been made clear enough, but DU drow's love for Astarion is borderline pathological, LOL. He's got a good humor about things and Astarion is definitely no stranger to having little quips and jokes made at his expense (a few references to him being Pointy And Long here and there, for sure), but the guy overwhelmingly adores him and thinks he's always the prettiest girl at the ball, even when he gets in his face and his nose looks huge.
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I'll be honest, Astarion strikes me as the kind of guy that has like, 3 really weird books he really enjoys and reads them again and again very slowly over the course of years. Otherwise, not really a reader, but I digress -
DU drow was probably never a big reader himself, I would say he got started on a couple of books back in the day but likely never finished any. He's fairly intelligent, but most of his downtime was spent managing the cult and parsing through relevant documentation.
I definitely don't think he'd have the attention-span for fiction (which I picture as being said books that Astarion enjoys) but he does like to snuggle up with his beau to watch him read - every once in a while he catches a particularly scandalous line or description and they bicker about it. He makes a remark, Astarion feels obligated to explain the context, it devolves into some playful kind of argument that ends with Astarion telling him to go dig a hole and die in it while playing with his hair - The usual LOL.
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Oh man I have a few more in-dept descriptions of how that went, both lore-wise and just for me as the player - but in summary, DU drow was pretty mean to everyone earlier on in the game and he did catch onto Astarion's very obvious and obnoxious seduction attempts very clearly. He doesn't like being so desperately pursued and they actually got off on the extremely wrong foot because of it, LOL.
After being unpromptedly rejected at the tiefling party he was a little more enticed by him, basically the "no" was his "go". I like to think of it like Astarion catching onto the fact that his initial strategy wasn't working and that this man in particular needed him to play hard to get - from that point on, DU drow started playing along. DU knew this was still a game, but now they were playing it on even ground so he was fine with it.
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First of all - he inexplicably got butt-ass naked for the event.
All in all he liked it a whole lot and it was his re-introduction to the concept of pain being dished out as a form of love and his deep enjoyment of it.
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Thank you so much, glad to hear you get some joy out of my work!
Dang it I had a pretty good write-up about his thoughts on Wyll from a long time ago, but I can't find it 😭
In summary, Wyll was a frustrating person for him to be around because of what he viewed to be a deeply ingrained naivete about the world. He shockingly didn't hate him (Wyll is kind of difficult to hate) but he never really saw him as an equal either, and definitely not as a friend. Du drow just desperately wanted him to express something that he would perceive as a genuine emotion; some kind of outburst or show of anger or frustration, but all he ever saw was someone trying to put on an act of performative heroism that he didn't buy at all.
At the same time, Wyll was far too young for him to be too mad. He might have held his father more accountable for making the guy into what he was than Wyll himself, really.
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Can a man be scared of being scared? Because if so, it's that.
He also doesn't like shit a normal amount. (piss is fine depending on whose it is.)
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
31 asks! Thank you! :}} ☯️
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Now I'm gonna be totally honest, I DO have a favorite twin and its Ingo <XDD But I also fully understand and support your point!
What makes Ingo and Emmet so fun and interesting to me is their bond! How they mirror each other, how they interact, their strength as a team! Sure separating them for the angst is great an all- but truly showing them together and more importantly as equals is where the good stuffs at!
This is also why I usually try to wrap up their separation arcs in my AUs, and also don't really enjoy reading any Legends Arceus content.. seeing Ingo alone is not only heartbreaking,, but its also just not as fin. Ingo and Emmet are stronger together :)
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@sallychaosaura (In response to this post)
Miiiight be a bit too late for that <XDD
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Thank you! :D I'm glad :))
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Sorry, no can do! <:( Also thank you! :))
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(Post in question)
(It was very intentional! :}) He's stressed. 😔
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Ugh.. well, thanks for letting me know.. and at least the commenters know I don't consent to reposts..
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@soulful-rodent (Post in question)
Well in-game we was traded to a friend and back so he'd evolve..
Buuuut lore wise, without a trainer..? <:D No idea-
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Probably somewhere around 100 <XD
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Absolutely terrifying! Next question XD
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No, no, aaaaand poorly, XD I'm doing fiiiiine won't worry! :)
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I can imagine when he first gained the ability to hide in peoples shadows, he probably gave many people quite a scare without meaning to <XDDD
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Thank you! :DD And Their stories are kind'a vague when I take out my trainer..
I'm thinking that somehow, Midori met Gloria in their first evolutions and became friends. Then they found Grim..
later on Midori found Anastasia after she had run away from a battle. She tried to hide but her shiny gold color made that impossible.. Midori took her to Gloria and they took care of her.
Afterwards they met Sylvester..
Beyond that, I don't have any details in mind.. 😅 Sorry!
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Typically I prefer horror games/movies, but ONLY when they're being played by or watched by someone else in a YouTube video XDD
Some of those YouTubers being Elvis The Alien and Markiplier! :}}}
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@fragmented-ghost (Pokémon Violet team master post)
AAAA I'm so glad you like them! :DD I plan to draw them more at some point, but atm I kind'a got sucked back into the Violet grind XDD I'm just about to beat the main game! :0000
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I have! :DD I like it quite a lot an have drawn some things for it here and there! Though I never got around to completing the game..
Someday I'd like to go back and beat the game. I can imagine I'd jump right into the fandom afterwards if I did XDD
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XD Probably!
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I don't remember talking about that.. if you had a link to the original post maybe I could remember with context..? <:0
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@tallchest13-blog (Post in question)
XDDD I'm glad you like them! :))
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XDD All of those titles made me laugh! And I see your point, but I have a few counter points to this ask..
For 1, to keep with the theme, I would want to/have to make this cape IRL in order to add it to my sona. Now if the last 4 quilts have shown me anything? Its that I'm not super great at making quilts <XDD
If it was that challenging to make it on a smaller scale? I cant imagine how much trouble I'd have trying to make a full size one! <XDD Plus buying the materials... having to physically get up, go buy the stuff I need and make it. With these health issues I've been battling, that's not something I wanna do atm.. 😅Not to mention with how hot its been lately, I don't think I need a quilt anyways-
And then lastly- I'd have to draw myself with it every time! I like my sona being a simplistic blob that has minimal colors and not much of a model to keep too. I worry a quilt might take that away.. :(((
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XDD I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the potential! :))
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I have a few times here an there. Just to hang out with some friends :)
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I mean, I don't know the history between you two... But my advice is to leave them be. If they ghosted you, they probably want space..
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I altered the story of Welcome Home to make my version of Sally a teenager. So I was thinking she could be bluish-white to look like a young star..? But looking back I don't like the blue.. For story purposes she might stay a teen, but I think I'll keep her yellow <XDD
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Yoo! :DD She's so colorful! And that black shadowy arm is so spooky.. Does she have a story? 👀👀
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(Pixel art tutorial in question)
I'm glad it helped! Happy pixeling!! :}} 👋👋
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XD Don't worry its fiiiiiine!
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I've wanted to draw evil Grim and Sylvester again in general, but I don't really have any ideas for them yet.. 😅
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poohsources · 1 year
❛  i'm angry at myself!  ❜ ❛  it's easy to do nothing, it's hard to forgive.  ❜ ❛  you miscalculated. i love them more than i fear you.  ❜ ❛  there is nothing wrong with letting the people who love you help you.  ❜ ❛  but now you're not letting yourself feel anything. i know sometimes it hurts more to hope and it hurts more to care. but you have to promise me that you won't stop caring.  ❜ ❛  my own mother thought i was a monster ... she was right of course, but it still hurt.  ❜ ❛  in the darkness, hope is something you give yourself.  ❜ ❛  never forget who you are, for surely the world won't.  ❜ ❛  why am i so bad at being good?  ❜ ❛  it is important to draw wisdom from different places. if you take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale.  ❜ ❛  sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else.  ❜ ❛  and now you have come to the crossroads of destiny. it's time for you to choose.  ❜ ❛  you may not always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place.  ❜ ❛  protection and power are overrated. i think you are very wise to choose happiness and love.  ❜ ❛  get over here, [ name ]. being part of the group also means being part of group hugs.  ❜ ❛  stop! stop it right now! what's wrong with you? we don't have time for fun and games with the war going on.  ❜ ❛  i'm too young to die!  ❜ ❛  in my country, we exchange a pleasant 'hello' before asking questions.  ❜ ❛  i didn't know what or when, but i knew i'd know it when i knew it!  ❜ ❛  the past can be a great teacher.  ❜ ❛  when we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.  ❜ ❛  there really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place.  ❜ ❛  failure is only the opportunity to try again, only more wisely this time.  ❜ ❛  i wanted to take out all of my anger on them. but i couldn't. i don't know if it's because i'm too weak ... or if it's because i'm strong enough not to.  ❜ ❛  look [ name ], you're going to fail a lot before things work out. even though you will fail over and over again, you have to try every time. you can't quit because you're afraid you might fail.  ❜ ❛  while it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing.  ❜ ❛  you must never give in to despair. allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  ❜ ❛  if we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends too?  ❜ ❛  you know, [ name ], i don't care what anyone else says about you. you're pretty smart.  ❜ ❛  if i try, i fail. if i don't try, i'm never going to get it.  ❜ ❛  let your anger out, and then let it go. forgive him.  ❜ ❛  pride is not the opposite of shame, but rather its source. true humility is the only antidote to shame.  ❜ ❛  life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.  ❜ ❛  the greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same.  ❜ ❛  you stand alone. that has always been your greatest weakness.  ❜ ❛  bad skin? normal teenagers worry about bad skin, i don't have that luxury.  ❜ ❛  in my dream, we were right in the middle of the invasion, and you stopped to use the bathroom. we die because of your tiny bladder.  ❜ ❛  you need to find someone who waits and listens before striking.  ❜ ❛  everyone has to be treated like they're worth giving a chance.  ❜ ❛  i don't need luck, though. i don't want it. i've always had to struggle and fight, and that's made me strong. it's made me who i am.  ❜
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Oh my goodness Jake Seresin!!! How much is your going rate for bribery? (Seriously tho I obviously don’t want you to be under any pressure and like you’ve probably got other priorities but wow I’m in love - total sucker for the innocent character becoming more confident and experienced)
Wake Up, Kid
Notes: Going rate is a soul, but if it's previously promised, we can discuss first borns. Reader's callsign is Gambit (only used a couple of times). No y/n; no physical descriptions.
Based on this post
Warnings: unrequited love to allies to lovers; angst; ends happily
Summary: It was the closest he’d gotten to you, staring down the bridge of his nose at you. 
“What do you expect? That this is all going to be easy? That you’re gonna get up there and everything is gonna just click? It takes work. It takes perseverance, and practice. You’re wasting valuable time. Wake up, kid!” 
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“Wake up, kid.” 
It was chuckled at you then, a handsome smile curling his lips. You didn’t know Jake Seresin well at the time, despite your best efforts. You’d been following him around, asking him questions and disguising your budding attraction as curiosity. You’d asked him questions before, but this latest one was a goad.
You wanted something out of him—an answer that was more than one word, or a shrug. This question had been purposely stupid, and he seemed to have mistakenly taken it as a measure of your intellect. He turned to you with raised brows, his eyes cool as his toothpick shifted between his smug lips. 
“You really think that’s possible?” He scoffed. “Wake up, kid.” 
“Wake up, kid!” 
It was snapped at you, then. A cruel look twisted his otherwise handsome features, irritation bright in his gaze. He didn’t seem annoyed—he seemed downright pissed. It was the closest he’d gotten to you, staring down the bridge of his nose at you. 
“What do you expect? That this is all going to be easy? That you’re gonna get up there and everything is gonna just click? It takes work. It takes perseverance, and practice. You’re wasting valuable time. Wake up, kid!” 
His gaze swept you once more before he whirled away, storming down the tarmac, away from you. 
He hardly gave you a second thought, a second look. You stood stalk-still for a moment, embarrassed and stunned, the blood rushing to your shock-stricken face. 
“...C’mon, kid.”
It was spoken gently, with that charming, irritatingly attractive curl of his lips. You knew better than to trust it. Hangman had been nothing but an asshole to you since you arrived on base. He told you to wake up, and you had. You’d stopped mooning after him. You’d come to realize that for as smart as he was, as quick as he was, he was fallible, and cocky. As you gained a greater understanding of yourself, your job, the limits of your skills and craft, you'd found him less and less attractive. 
Well, less attractive personality-wise, anyway. He was still frustratingly handsome. 
Now, Hangman leaned against the bar beside you, his sweet gaze trying to draw you back in. You nearly fell for it, too—but you shook your head a touch. 
“No thank you.” 
“One game of pool!” He urged. 
“I don’t know how to play.” 
“I’ll teach you.” 
“I’m fine.” 
“Then come watch me win.” 
“No thanks.” 
“...C’mon kid.” 
He took a step closer as he said it, dipped his head in to drop his voice to a murmur. Your fingers flexed around your glass. 
“You want someone to swoon over you, I’d recommend getting a hand mirror.” 
Hangman whistled low, slapping his chest over his heart as he leaned more heavily against the bar. 
“Look,” He said after a moment. “I’m sorry, alright?”  
You frowned, casting a skeptical gaze in his direction. He did look a apologetic as he gazed at you from under the sweep of his lashes. 
“I was…” He trailed off, searching for the right words before he offered, “An ass.” 
“Yes, you are," You agreed as you turned back to your beer.
“...I said I was an ass.” 
“Not sure that’s changed, Seresin.” 
He didn’t answer for a moment. Then, finally,
“So that’s an absolute no to pool?” 
You turned to him, stunned and irate—but your annoyance broke when you found him smiling at you. You couldn’t help the way it triggered your own smile, and you turned away from him, shaking your head. 
“You get away from me Seresin, or I’m putting my phone on the bar and telling Penny it’s yours.” 
I need you to wake up. You gotta wake up, kid. 
It was a figment of your imagination, you were sure of it—a hallucination as you’d made an emergency landing, your oxygen running low. Your body had been put through the wringer, battling blood loss and a concussion. You could hardly make out his voice over the beeping monitors, and the footfall of doctors and nurses. 
You’d asked about him when you’d come to in an empty room, but your nurse told you that she hadn’t seen anyone. You’d tried to push the disappointment down, to focus on what she was telling you about your progress, your health. But it was so strange—it was like you could hear his voice so, so clearly in your head. 
You gotta wake up, kid. 
It had been a rough sound—a plea, the likes of which you’d never associate with Jake Seresin. 
I need you to wake up.
Your fingers flexed in the sheets, a wince twisting your face up at the feeling. It was surely a phantom feeling, a false memory—the heat of his palm and fingers twined around yours. 
A shaky breath down in, then pushed out from his lips. A broken, determined, godless prayer. 
You gotta wake up, kid. 
It must have been a figment of your imagination, some fabricated solace in what you’d believed to be your final moments. 
You gotta wake up, kid. 
You hadn’t thought about it in years, but as he twisted around to look at you for the third time in the middle of the detachment briefing, it sprang back into your mind. The sound of those words, the ring of what was surely a false memory played through your ears. It was chased by the sound of the hospital monitors, the months of recovery. It made your stomach lurch as you turned your attention back to the admiral at the front of the room.
It didn’t matter, anyway. It really, really did not matter to you that Jake Seresin had been the last person you’d been in contact with as you’d grappled with control of the craft that day. It didn’t matter that he’d told you he’d see you on the ground, that things would be fine. It didn’t matter that you woke up alone, and that he hadn’t bothered to check in on you once. It didn’t matter that you’d once been on the way to considering him a friend—and that he’d made it clear that he didn’t give a damn what happened to you. 
It certainly didn’t matter that Seresin was turning around to look at you for a fourth time. 
“The hell is he looking at?” Was grumbled beside you. You couldn’t help the twitch of your smile as you glanced at your wingman, Baker. 
“Bet he likes the look of you,” You teased. Baker snorted, slouching down in his seat and leaning into you a bit. You hardly noticed as he tipped his head toward yours, as if he was trying to get a better look at the Admiral. It was a moment of quiet between the two of you before Baker muttered, “He’s looking again.” 
“Quit looking back.” 
“I should do something.” 
“If you lick my cheek, I will not hesitate to give you a whack in the sack.” 
“That was one time.” 
“Don’t make it two. And just ignore him. S’what I’m doing.” 
“Not ignoring him well enough if you noticed him in the first place…You know him?” 
You couldn’t lie—Baker could always tell when you were lying. 
You used to think that you knew Jake Seresin. After that night at the bar—after the urging of C’mon kid, and that smile that always hit you right in the heart, you and Jake had waded into a tentative friendship. You hadn’t mooned over him like you had before…Well. Not in the same way. You’d mostly managed to keep a lid on it in his presence, and hadn’t even dared to voice any lingering interest to your friends. But you’d realized quickly enough during your recovery that Seresin cared just enough about you as he needed to, and dropped you when it seemed you wouldn’t return to service. He was an emotional deadweight. You’d spent the last three years convincing yourself that you were glad to be free of him. 
“Used to,” You finally offered. 
“I thought you couldn’t play pool.” 
Your heart skipped a beat, but you didn’t let your concentration slip. You didn’t let your hands shake with nerves like they would’ve back then. You pointedly ignored the warmth radiating from him, and the scent of his cologne as it wafted toward you. You just jabbed your stick forward, whacked the cue, and sank the six ball. 
“That was a long time ago,” You insisted as you straightened. 
“Yes it was.” 
You rounded the table, away from where he’d taken residence at your side, your gaze fixed pointedly on the table. You bent at the waist, lining up your shot, and fighting off a smile as Baker stepped up beside you. 
“This guy bothering you?” He asked. 
It was wholly unnecessary, but also hilarious. 
“Nope,” You answered simply, jabbing the cue ball. The shot just glanced off of your intended target, just barely missing the mark. You sighed through your nose, turning to find Baker holding two bottles of beer. “One of those mine?” 
“Sure is,” He passed one over. 
“Thank you.” 
“I don’t think we’ve met.” Jake’s voice was just a little too loud, and a little too pointed. You had to hide your amusement with a swig. 
“Don’t think we have,” Baker agreed. The two went quiet, and you felt each of them turning to look at you. 
“You gonna do that honors?” Baker pressed. You shrugged, eyeing Jake dispassionately. 
“No need. He’s never had a problem speaking up for himself.” 
Jake’s self-assured smile stayed frozen in place, even as his eyes narrowed a touch. Then he forced his lips to widen to an award-winning-put-me-on-a-poster-Uncle-Sam-Wants-You grin, chin tipping up, despite the fact that he was already taller than Baker. 
“Oh,” Baker chuckled, grinning. “Bagman? Yeah I heard’a you.” 
“Can’t say it’s mutual.” 
“Baker,” He waved to himself before nodding to you. “And you clearly know Gambit.” 
“Sure. The kid and I go way back.” 
The Kid. It made your stomach flip with equal measures of elation and queasiness. You pushed the gulp of beer down painfully, your eyes beginning to water from the exertion. You chanced a glance at Baker and found his dark brow knitted together, lips twitching with a frown as he looked down at you. It was a mistake to look at him—Baker knew you better than anybody. If there was even a hint of upset or discomfort, he would catch on it. 
Before he could, you shoved the pool cue in his open hand and nodded toward the table with a mutter of, “Your turn.” 
You turned from him, walking back to lean against the wall and watch. You forced your body wide—legs pointed outward, arm propped up against a ledge—rather than curling up and hiding yourself like you would’ve back when you first met Hangman. He took it easy, drifting steps toward you as if he was wary of spooking you, nearing in your periphery as you watched Baker sank the eleven.
“What do you make of the run?” Jake asked, leaning beside you.
“Should be fine.” 
“You say fine or fun?” 
“The roar of the jets finally getting to your ears?” 
Jake huffed a soft laugh beside you, shifting from foot to foot. 
“...Can we take this outside?” He asked after a moment. 
“It’s my turn,” You answered, straightening up as Baker rounded the table to pass you the cue. 
“What about after the game?” Jake pushed on, undaunted. 
“I got next game!” Pym warned as he rounds into the room. “Gambit owes me a rematch.”
You couldn’t help but smile then, glancing back at him. You'd worked with Pym on your last detachment, and had gotten a little more involved than you’d normally allow yourself with one of your fellow service person. You turned toward the table again, letting yourself gaze at Hangman from beneath your lashes as you set up your shot. 
You fired at the eight ball and sank it.
He didn’t know when to quit. 
He lingered through multiple games and hung around for over two hours, waiting for Baker and Pym and the others to trickle out without you. 
“You got a moment now?” He asked as you paid up your tab. 
“Not really.” 
“Someone, uh,” He looked around at the dwindling barflys. “Someone else coming out of the woodwork for a game?” 
“It’s been a long day. I’m tired,” You excused, heading for the door—and hearing Hangman’s footfalls chasing you down. 
“I’ll drive you back,” He offered, darting around to the front of you, walking backward and trying to catch your gaze.
“I’d rather walk.” 
“I’ll walk with you.” 
“That’s not necessary.” 
“It’d be my pleasure.” He reached back blindly, pushing the door open and letting you both out into the night. 
“And it’d be my hell—Look, Hangman,” You raised your hand to staunch his argument. “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying.” You stepped around him, walking determinedly away from him. 
“Who’s selling anybody anything?” Jake asked, half-jogging after you. “Would you slow down? And what the hell’s with the attitude?—Hey,” He caught hold of your wrist, giving you a tug to try and slow or still you. “C’mon, kid—” 
“Don’t!” You snapped, yanking your wrist out of his grip and turning to glare at Jake. “Do not call me that.” 
Heat rose to your face at your outburst, and you drew in a deep, cool breath to steady yourself. Jake’s smile dampened. His expression was slowly shifting to confusion, his brow furrowing. 
“...Alright,” He agreed softly, “I won’t.” 
You clenched your jaw, turning away from him and beginning to walk away. 
“Lemme walk you back,” He insisted again, catching up. 
“I’m a big girl, Seresin, I can take care of myself. Have been for a long time.” 
“I know.” 
“So you can go back in and find someone else to give you attention for the night, seeing as that’s only as long as you need it.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh, please,” You scoffed. “The second someone stops giving you the attention you want, you drop them.” 
“Hey!” Jake snapped, gripping your wrist again and yanking you back toward him. He kept his grip tight, even as you gave your arm tug after tug, trying to get him to let go. “I don’t know where the hell you go that idea, but you are dead wrong.” 
“Bullshit,” You spat, even as Jake tugged you closer by his grip on your wrist. “You’re a narcissistic, self-centered ass. You don’t give a damn about anything or anyone but yourself!” 
“You know that isn’t true.” 
“Do I?” You scoffed a bitter laugh, “How the fuck would I know—”
“I told you I needed you to wake up, kid!” 
You stopped struggling, your heart stuttering in your chest as you stared up at Jake, stunned. Your eyes searched his face for any falsehood, but you can’t find any, not a single spec. You finally yanked your wrist from him, backing away slowly as you shake your head. 
“You weren’t there,” You managed. 
“Yes, I was—” 
“I woke up alone—” 
“—I was reassigned, I stayed for as long as I could—” 
“—You weren’t there, the nurse told me no one was there—” 
“—They were wrong,” Jake insisted, closing the gap, taking hold of your shoulders to still you again. “They were wrong, I waited for you to wake up, I needed you to wake up.” 
“Why the hell didn’t I hear from you?” You shook your head, “Why didn’t you reach out, or—or call—” 
“You didn’t, either, so I didn’t think you’d want me to.” He swept his tongue across his lips, shifting from foot to foot. “I heard that you were doing well from other people, I just resigned myself to it. It drove me crazy, letting you go.” 
Your breath caught in your throat, your eyes prickling with stunned, stubbornly uncried tears. 
“Then you shouldn’t’ve. You shouldn’t have, the one goddamn time you decide to let something go—” 
Jake’s hands raised to cup your cheeks, drawing you in and covering your lips with his own. You felt your knees go a little weak, your hands grasping at his shirt as you pressed your lips to his. Jake smoothed a hand down your side before curling his arm around your back, drawing you into his chest to steady you. You puffed weakly as he broke the kiss, his forehead tipping to rest against yours.  
“Don’t think I’m making that mistake twice, kid.”
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bladekindeyewear · 2 months
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HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2024-08-01 continued #2
(Previous post - current page 433)
Time to see what these Satyrs are about--
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We're drawing it out for appropriate drama here, I see.
(Whoa, Terezi's saliva is TEAL?!? Interesting. That's a fact that I will absolutely file away in my mind to remember forever for definitely no specific reason whatsoever.)
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Oh nooooo!! Don't tell me they're disappointing! (Or perhaps even a red herring, and not even successfully the race that ends up playing the game as they'd planned??) ...Let's hope it's just Pyrope's opinion...
(I highly doubt it, but imagine if Rose successfully created a race of motherfucking Squiddles to throw against Dirk in the contest.)
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TT: I heard that. GC: OH MY GOD 1 DON'T C4R3 TT: I can smell what you smell. Taste what you taste. Nothing you do is unknown to me, really.
Ewww, dammit. Stop trying to outdo Doc Scratch in creepiness, Ultimate Dork.
TT: Speaking of, if you think I'm not wise to your subtle little scheme, think again. GC: WOW K1NG, YOU 4R3 SO POW3RFUL, HOW D1D H3 T4ST3? TT: Pretty bland. GC: OH? TH3N HOW 4BOUT-
WHOA WAIT, what the heck are they talking about?!? Terezi has a scheme, and it's a "him"?? Or Dirk THINKS it's a "him"?
Hmmm... I originally thought this was a scheme about reawakening Rose to awareness or temporarily freeing him from Dirk's control to see what he'd done to her, just because that's the obvious Seer of Mind subterfuge that would have been going on here, but... Terezi's scheme possibly involves CREATING someone?
"HOW D1D H3 T4ST3"? Who?! Was "H3" being hidden in the now-empty "Terezi's weird horse shaped bug snacks" jar?
Did Dirk really bring John's cryo'd dead body here (I thought she'd brought it in the wallet, I forget, he was clearly hiding something he tried to keep Terezi from remembering when she smelled it), Terezi discovered it again, and then Terezi might be possibly using the life-creation machine or assembling robotics to make a new body for the Meat timeline's JOHN to come back??? Was the comeback to "HOW D1D H3 T4ST3" about to be "OH? TH3N HOW 4BOUT H3R" because she'd be brought back as June???? ...No, that feels too early, not something they'd be talking about so casually... is it?
It's more likely that Terezi is responsible for trying to create the Carapacian race to throw into the mix if we're going for the session that seeded all other sessions, right, something she'd have made to throw in to Rose and Dirk's 'duel' to screw with the session or give it a scale's balance? Carapacians would be extremely "bland" to Dirk, right? They're practically designed to be!
For some reason, though, Dirk potentially calling the concept of a returned John "bland" feels really on-point though... John was always a character who could be mistaken for a generic reader-projection protagonist but whose personality and talents really shined through his effects in conversation with others which made conversations where John was involved some of the most entertaining in all of Homestuck. Dirk would ALWAYS underestimate that sort of protagonist, an Heir always following the whims and Directions given to him by others, who sparks subtle change and inspiration in others not purely for his own sake but by hardly even trying and just kidding around with them or believing in them.
Let me stop with the wild baseless speculation and get to the rest of this conversation to see if it's clarified in only a couple of lines.
TT: You're wearing the more sensible outfit I alchemized for you. TT: That tastes like victory. GC: NOT B3C4US3 YOU M4D3 1T FOR M3 GC: 1 L1K3D MY OLD OUTF1T F1N3, 1 L1K3D TH3 COLORS GC: HON3STLY, 1 THOUGHT TH1S W4S 4 JOK3 GC: 3V3NTU4LLY TH3 OUTF1T P1L3 JUST K33PS G3TT1NG SM4LL3R, UNT1L F1N4LLY... GC: JOK3S OV3R
Dammit, he's put her in Lil Cal suspenders!!! Asshole.
I do notice, yet again, the red heels still much like the ones she borrowed from the Witch of Space Jade though-- which when she wore them back in original Homestuck after Game Over, signified a Witch of Heart balance that she used to force John's character back on the right track and perform her final acts of that timeline to arrange a course correction to reverse Vriska's death and save causality. Or at least, that's what I interpreted at the time-- hints at her inverse role and how she both employed it a bit to shout John back into control of his true self and to represent a final balance to achieve the heights of her Seer of Mind role with her whole-timeline-spanning retcon assistance. To ascend, one must first descend, and all that Jungian such.
TT: You looked like shit. GC: 4 TRULY BOLD ST4T3M3NT FOR SOM3ON3 CURR3NTLY DR3SS3D L1K3 4 L1TTL3 L4D W1TH 4N 4N1M3 C4P3 TT: I'm not dressed like a little lad. GC: YOU 4R3 DR3SS3D L1K3 4 L1TTL3 L4D WHO LOV3S B3RR13S 4ND CR34M BUT ST1LL F1NDS T1M3 1N H1S P4CK3D SCH3DUL3 TO SHOP 4T TH3 M4LL GC: "OHOHOHO~ HOW 1 DO LOV3 MY B3RR13S 4ND CR34M D3SU N3" GC: TH4T'S YOU, TH4T'S WH4T YOU SOUND L1K3 R1GHT NOW 1 B3T TT: How would you know what I'm wearing right now? TT: Maybe I'm posted up in a tank top and jeans. TT: That'd be pretty classic. GC: YOU W34R YOUR PR3C1OUS L1TTL3 M4ROON K4R4T3 LORDL1NG OUTF1T B4S1C4LLY 3V3RY D4Y, 1 KNOW TH1S TO B3 TRU3, 1T'S TH3 ONLY FUN TH1NG 4BOUT YOU 4NYMOR3
Terezi really tearing him down modern-weeb-mockery style for his candy-ass outfit, damn.
TT: I don't have the time to tell you how wrong you are about this, but I will. GC: 1 GU3SS T1M3 1S MOR3 YOUR BROTH3R'S TH1NG, 1SN'T 1T? GC: >:? GC: 1 WOND3R WH4T H3'S DO1NG R1GHT NOW
Does Terezi know that bringing up Dave perhaps really bothers him? Dirk definitely doesn't NOT care about Dave. He wants to get his way at almost all costs, but I don't think he wants Strider's life to be one of those costs, even though Dave is on his way here to oppose him.
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Heheheh, the way that all filled in and she sniped right back against his narrative powers was really fun. I love how she can at least MOSTLY resist his narrative powers-- possibly even more than he thinks she can, the way he believes (and we believed) he successfully directed her away from that mystery hidden on their ship way earlier. That reminds me, Terezi kept talking about this earlier as an INVESTIGATION. Is she trying to figure out what Dirk is up to? Are her creations or whatever he deemed "bland" part of her "subtle little scheme" to figure things out somehow, not just interfere with what she already knows to be true?
Also, the way Dirk uses the word "unascended" here implies the key difference is "not God-Tier", that a God-Tier Seer of Mind might have had the ability to possibly not just see further but RESIST Dirk's control even more, which would make plenty of sense. If there exists any sort of Mind aspect Quest Crypt in the new session Dirk and Rose are trying to create, perhaps ascension is a tactic she can actually take? In fact--
KARKAT is coming along too, and we still don't know if his blood caste has a lifespan issue that would cut his relationship with Dave Strider a lot shorter than they want. Could a BLOOD Quest Crypt for Karkat's use end up in this new session too? A Space crypt is obligatory as well, just about ANY session would have a Space player and Kanaya could hijack that crypt to ascend... Could the new session be an opportunity for the remaining trolls to go God-Tier, allowing the readers to finally see some magic Blood powers in action once and for all instead of the normal Knight of Blood talents latent in his personality (which have still had a major impact on the plot, to be sure)?
In Kanaya's case... that also makes it seem likely that as a seamstress and a god-tier Sylph of Space, she could MEND THE HOLE IN EXISTENCE that the Black Hole's creation punched through, cycling an emptied-out Paradox Space right back to its very creation and sealing the escapees of the Black Hole outside of Paradox Space, free from Lord English forever:
UU: it is the day whereafter the legendary octet of mUtUal progenitoriety will come together and heal a great breach in paradox space.
But enough about that for now. It looks like Terezi is leveraging the PERSONALITY part of her Seer of Mind powers potentially successfully on Dirk: Taunting and provoking and annoying him into doing what he wants her to do, and potentially switching the narrative over to show us more Dave.
T3LL M3.
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Dirk Strider you ass!!!!!
Also yeah we're STILL not gonna see what his Satyrs look like after all, not for a little while. Or if they'll end up being a red herring and not being the main participants of the session at all.
OH AND ALSO I FORGOT TO BRING UP SOMETHING IMPORTANT-- one of the creations these folks might be responsible for if this is the sort of Omega Session that creates the framework of Sburb and all other sessions might be the Denizens, too. I should keep an eye out for that potentiality.
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...and since the corpse is still in her hands, REALLY raises the chance that she's trying to revive him, that the John in her wallet is the "subtle little scheme" that Dirk is alluding to, and why she immediately responded with "how did he taste" and he responded bland. That's suddenly the most plausible explanation for all of this.
Could she be... planning on ectobiologizing... a kid with him...? No, no fucking way, she's not THAT crazy about him is she?
Also that's a banger fucking declaration of a line at the end there from Terezi against all of Dirk's narrative horseshit, I love that for her.
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John's corpse is just IN there still, isn't it? No cryo or preservation or anything, right? That's unsettling. It's been or going to have been a full year of travel and arrival here or more, right, before she can do something with it? I forget the exact timeline. Pretty in-character for the morbid Terezi to be this audibly familiar with and carry around a corpse, though.
...do God-Tier corpses not decay at all? I remember a joke about that being in ONE recent bonus HS^2 joke panel I got notified in my Patreon about and glanced at without thinking about it, showing [SPOILER]young alt!Callie-possessed Jade's corpse[/SPOILER] as if her spirit suddenly left it temporarily, though I'm trying my best not to think about what it means.
I have to go to bed early for something in the morning, we didn't get as far as I wanted but I'll take a break for now and will probably continue sometime in the next two days. Next time we'll hit the next link for Meanwhile...
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doodlemancy · 7 months
so here's the deal re: this fucking horseshit. god i hate this.
i, personally, have mostly given up on trying to dodge inclusion in AI datasets. the stuff i make generally isn't what they're looking for anyway and there's no real way to 100% avoid being scraped short of becoming entirely invisible online, which would um, lead to me having no money and dying. that's part of the cruelty of all this, but also, in a way, it's the same risk artists online have always taken; if you want people to see your work, you have to post it knowing that some of those people are fucking lowlife piece of shit scumbags who will try to resell it on redbubble or something for a quick buck. AI is just a new and exhausting way for garbagey people to stink worse. i am not in any way excusing that behavior or trying to imply people should not be mad about it or that we shouldn't condemn this move and fight back. "if you don't want your work stolen, don't put it online" is the kind of shitty Internet Tough Guy talk i've always hated since my dA days. it's as useless and heartless as telling people that if they don't want their bikes stolen, they shouldn't leave them at the bike rack. i'm saying that i, personally, will not let a bunch of soulless thieving shitheads drive me offline. i belong here. they belong in a wifi-proof dumpster.
nightshade and glaze eat my artwork alive. they make it look terrible. when you have to sell things on the basis that they look nice, it's a big problem when protective measures make them look like dogshit. my work is not a good candidate for these processes. even if that weren't the case, i don't have the stamina, especially right now while my chronic pain is flaring for the third month in a row and my adhd meds are scarce, to go back and shade/glaze everything, and it wouldn't work on reblogs anyway. given the way midjourney and its equally stinky siblings have already scraped years and terabytes' worth of image data from popular websites, it doesn't seem worth my time. if you think it is worth yours i am not going to like, yell at you. i am just one person. but i want to be clear about the kind of situations some of us are being forced into.
i think some of the doomsaying about AI and what it will do to us has been overblown-- they need you, for marketing purposes, to believe that someday their shitty robot will be as good at "drawing" and as practical to work with as a human-- but the consequences of "AI" (which is not even actually AI) are already real and visible and obvious to anyone paying attention. i unfortunately am not infinitely wise and powerful and therefore do not have an ideal all-encompassing solution to this deeply stupid problem that the Most Unlikeable Manbabies On Earth have imposed on us after NFTs fizzled out.
what i do have is a very large repository of nice anime and game screenshots i've taken, knowledge of many archives of nice public domain images, a computer that can run nightshade overnight or while i'm off doing other things, and, most importantly, near-infinite capacity for pettiness. i do kinda feel like the jury is still out on how well nightshade/glaze will work in the long run, but in the meantime, i suppose it wouldn't cost me a lot to... perhaps... every time i get Mad About AI™, channel that anger into dumping some thoroughly-but-not-spammily-tagged, high-quality, inconspicuous poison onto this godforsaken hellsite via a secret side blog. i could make a batch of poison ahead of time, keep it on my phone, use my Toilet Scrolling Time or my Public Transit Time to post and tag up an image here and there. it could be a fun challenge to try to make some pretty robot poison that some humans will still enjoy.
the other thing we need to poison at this point, IMO, is the word "AI" itself, by being loudly and mercilessly critical of any company that dabbles in it, the same way we all clowned on any company that pushed their luck with NFT/crypto shit a couple of years ago. we need to have every corporation terrified that association with AI will tank their sales and hurt their brand. AI must = number go down and lots of people screaming at you. companies will fuck around. we must provide the finding-out. we shouldn't have to. but we can!
so make sure to let tumblr know you hate this. maybe you could include this interesting link (tw child abuse) about how Stable Diffusion was trained on some extremely serious crime. or these screenshots of Midjourney devs just sort of admitting what their whole thing is, which i got here but which have kinda been spread all over since January.
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spite and anger can be forms of hope. that's all i have to say, or at least all i'm willing to type with my left hand tonight.
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cheekinpermission · 4 months
hello! I was just wondering, do you have any advice for getting so many gems in Twst? Also thank you for your wonderful art, I enjoy looking forward to see what you draw next :D
Buy them
Just kidding! I've only made one purchase for TWST. It was less than $10 and was way back in the beginning for some kind of deal or something.
My 16k gem stash is the product of two years of grinding and selective pulls. I really wish I could say I had some kind of hack but that's really it. I'll talk about how I approach spending resources in the game, though, if anyone finds that useful.
As per usual, I ramble so it'll be under the cut!
1. Pick a favorite character
HEAR ME OUT I KNOW ITS HARD BECAUSE ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE GREAT! But it helps a lot if you're limiting who you're willing to pull for instead of every pretty card that comes out.
Personally, Riddle is my favorite (+ Grim but he's not really a concern card wise) so I'm committed to getting all of his cards. I'd really hate if I couldn't get one of his cards that I really want because I spent my keys / gems on a card that I only kind of wanted. So that's something to think about if it helps keep things in perspective.
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All my Riddles!! (I definitely don't have a favorite Riddle shhh)
For example, I absolutely love Ortho's Fairy Gala card. I think it's one of the prettiest in the game! But I didn't pull for it because Ortho isn't a favorite character of mine.
It works the opposite, too. Kalim, Vil, and Ruggie are among my favorites but I've passed on a lot of their cards for one reason or another. I passed on Tsum Kalim because I didn't like the groovy, I passed on Silk Adorned Vil because I didn't like that it didn't have an attached vignette, and I passed on Camp Vargas Ruggie because I didn't like the event itself. While I really love these characters, I'm picky about which ones I'll pull so I don't miss out on a better one later.
For characters that I like quite a bit (top 5 ish), I'll use their free ten set you get on their birthday to try and pull for them. If I don't get them within those ten pulls, I accept it and move on.
I also want to say that this method has allowed to me to get pretty much every card that I've actually wanted. I can even pull for characters that aren't among my favorites (e.g. Idia who has THE BEST SSRS FOR SOME REASON??) and still have a big gem safety net.
I don't pull super often, I don't think, but I've gotten everything I've wanted so I think it's a fair trade-off.
Given my gem stash, you might be able to get away with collecting for a dorm but it'd have to be one of the tiny ones (Scarabia would be excellent because Jamil has almost no SSRs rip)
2. Plan ahead of time using JP TWST events
One of the biggest advantages of JP TWST releasing events way before Eng TWST is that we know what's coming ahead of time so we can plan accordingly. Obviously, this won't work if you're trying to save gems on the Japanese server.
You'll have to be okay with spoilers for the English server, too. At least enough to know if a character you like is in the event. I like to look at the card art and groovies, personally, as those will influence my decision if I'm on the fence.
I know which cards that I need to save for in the future:
Riddle’s Swimear SR
Ruggie’s Clubwear SSR
Rollo's SSR (pending available keys)
Riddle's Bloomquet SSR
Vil's Luxe Couture SSR
Vil and Malleus's Tsum SSR (pending groovies)
While we don't have a definitive schedule for a lot of these, a lot of them you can kind of guess.
For example, Riddle's Swimwear SR is part of Stitch's event which seems pretty summer-y to me. It'll likely come out in June or July of this year. Clubwear cards come relatively quickly so I'm anticipating Ruggie's Clubwear SSR fairly soon, too. Gotta make sure I'm saving right now for those bad boys.
Rollo and Riddle will probably come around the same time (Aug-Nov) so I've got a bit of time to build up my collection of keys again.
The others just got released in Japan so they'll take awhile before they reach us and I'm not too worried about them just yet.
I think of it like going to the grocery store with a shopping list. Stick to the list and you know you can't overspend!
3. Don't pull for dorm cards
"That's easy for you to say, Cheekin. Riddle is your favorite character and you can get his dorm card for free at the beginning of the game!!"
Why, yes. Yes, you can. Thanks, Riddle!
(Ngl I might've caved and done it for Riddle but ONLY Riddle because he's my fave :D)
Now that all of the dorm uniforms have been released, dorm showcases aren't really a thing but in the event that they do a re-run I would avoid spending keys / gems on them. Same goes for the standard show case. Neither are worth it, IMO.
Dorm uniform cards will always be in the SSR pool regardless of the event, so I think it's better to just take your chances and collect them slowly overtime. Of course, the odds of getting the one you want aren't super high but you'll amass quite a few dorm cards just by pulling for event cards anyways. You're bound to get one you like eventually.
For reference, I've gotten Dorm Idia, Ortho, Vil, Jamil THREE TIMES, Kalim, Azul, Ruggie, Jack, Trey TWICE and Deuce TWICE as a byproduct of pulling for event cards. I wasn't trying to get them but they're here now and I love them for it <3
And that's about it! Nothing too groundbreaking. The biggest thing is knowing when to stop. Sometimes when I'm on that gacha grind high and I want to pull just cause it's been awhile since I've gotten an SSR, I'll tell myself to do it later because 99% of the time I'll just forget and it'll never happen!
I have been burned by too many gacha games in the past that I refuse to let it happen to me again in TWST (cough Obey Me COUGH)
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Here are all my SSRs so you can judge for yourself how effective it is. (Or if its worth it)
I genuinely have no clue what the average number of SSR's a player who has been playing for over 2 years like me has, but I'm comfortable with what I've got. I've gotten all the cards I've wanted and most of the cards I was interested in so I think it's worth it.
tldr: be selective about your pulling, plan ahead, and resist the urge to pull constantly
Thank you for your kind words about my art!! (And if anyone got to the end of all this WORD VOMIT thanks for listening! Reading. Whatever.)
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tgmsunmontue · 5 months
More than movie magic... 20/24
Hangster AU. Explicit (eventually). Jake is a Hollywood actor and Bradley is a stunt coordinator. Jake's about to make a few self-discoveries. So is Bradley.
Chapter 16 is pretty much the only explicit chapter (so far), so you can skip it if you like, but it's not explicit by my standards, and it's very soft/tender.
                Bradley’s used to the way Pete and Tom arrive and approach large gatherings, including movie sets. Pete is loud and brash, draws the eye and attention from nearly everyone. Tom arrives quietly, silently and makes his presence known to only a select few people that he wants to talk to. His name is very well known, but how he looks is lesser known, especially since he got sick. He’s better now, back to the size and shape Bradley remembers from his childhood and not the gaunt skeleton of a man he was for a few years.
                Pete is busy talking with Marcia and Arnold, and he knows any time they made up for this morning is now likely to be wiped out if he can’t get Pete distracted with something. It’s well after lunch, and he’s not had a chance to get more time with Jake, although they’ve caught each other’s eye and smiled at each other plenty. He’s ignored the retching sound Natasha made each time, telling her to grow up, which Rueben had agreed with. Bob had wisely kept silent. He hasn’t seen Tom, and the fact that he can’t spy Jake either is making his fingers itch.
                Jake can look after himself.
                He heads over to rescue Marcia and Arnold from Pete.
…            …            …
                Jake leaves Tom with his dad, after he makes Jake promise that he will bring Pete and Bradley both for dinner. He hopes his dad is going to be the one to tell his mom, because he does not want to be around when she hears she has two guests for a meal that she hasn’t prepared, and doesn’t know she has extra guests for. Bradley is one thing, someone he’s pretty sure his mom would have swept under her wing regardless of how Jake felt about him. Pete and Tom are a different ball game. He guesses his dad is lucky she loves him the most.
                He drives back to the set, knows he’s fucked up the filming schedule but also hopes that Pete Mitchell has maybe bought him some time with his sheer presence and fucked it up even worse. He jogs over to where Bradley is talking to them, clearly trying to coax Pete away from whatever he’s talking about with Marcia and Arnold.
                “Pete. How about you come and do some riding. Must have been a while right?” Bradley says, and Jake raises an eyebrow at Bradley where Pete can’t see him.
                “Oh! Yeah! That’d be great.”
                Jake promises to be right back, and Marcia looks torn between pissed but also relieved that they’re removing Pete. Arnold just looks resigned to his fate.
                “Can he actually ride?” Jake asks under his breath, and Bradley grins at him, bright and warm and Jake can’t help the smile in response.
                “Who do you think taught me? Bad habits and all. At least I don’t have his fashion sense.”
                “Uh,” Jake doesn’t know what to say to that, because while Pete might be a little eccentric in his styling choices, he definitely has his own style. Bradley seems to live in Hawaiian shirts unironically. Worse, Jake likes it. A lot. He keeps his mouth shut.
                Freddie comes running over and listens attentively as Jake asks him to help Pete saddle up, and to take him to the main house if he wants to see Tom, or even take him riding around the ranch if that’s what Pete wants, which Bradley is nodding frantically and subtly trying to give a thumbs up to behind Pete’s back. They watch as Freddie and Pete ride off, Freddie chatting away in response to one of Pete’s questions and he can feel the tension coming off Bradley in waves.
                “You okay?”
                “Yeah. Just… parents you know?”
                Jake raises a disbelieving eyebrow, because Bradley has met his parents now, knows what Jake’s dealing with in terms of a family that is determined to be involved in his life through thick or thin, meddles with the best of intentions, loves him and want what’s best for him. And also aren’t afraid to hit him upside the head if they think he’s being stupid. Bradley clearly reads his expression well enough and laughs, gives him a quick hug and then jerks his head back at the arena.
                “We better get back.”
                “Yeah. Filming. You’re coming for dinner again though.”
                “Am I now?”
                “Well, your… uh, Tom is there. I took him to just have some peace and quiet while Pete wrecked havoc.”
                “Oh. Nice. Wise move. He’ll have appreciated that.”
                “Yeah. Left him talking with my dad.”
                “Okay. I think they’ll get on.” Jake hums in agreement. Is pretty sure they could sit in silence and both come away of thinking they had a good talk. “How about after we finish up, I have a shower and then you pick me up and we go and face this ordeal together?”
                “Bradley…” Jake murmurs, because Bradley hasn’t stepped away, has his arm around Jake’s waist as they walk, his mouth close to Jake’s ear.
                “We could shower together,” Bradley offers and Jake definitely likes the idea of that.
                “We could. But then I’d have no motivation to go to dinner at all. We’d just end up in bed. Also it’s not going to be an ordeal. It’s dinner with my parents. We did that already.”
                “Yeah. Without Pete and Tom there. Trust me, Pete just dials the drama up.”
                Jake has to agree that he’s probably right.
…            …            ….
                Bradley showers quickly, rinsing off the dust, sweat and sand from the day. Again he dresses casually, unable to dress up in anything more because he doesn’t have anything even slightly dressy with him. He hears a knock on his door and he pulls it open to find Jake, looking fresh and like he’s ready to head to a photo shoot.
                “God you look good.”
                “You too. Shame we just can’t go back to my trailer…”
                “Later right?”
                “Oh yeah. Definitely later.”
                He presses a quick kiss to Jake’s lips, hopes he can read more into the gesture than just a simple kiss. They drive the short distance to the main house and the truck is thrown into park.
                “Into the breach, Macduff!”
                “No… no. Not a tragedy,” Jake says, although he’s clearly amused. “Don’t waste your love on somebody, who doesn’t value it…”
                “Romeo and Juliet is still pretty tragic,” Bradley muses, wracking his brain for a quote because Jake’s sentiment isn’t something to be joked about. He knows that much. “One half of me is yours, the other half is yours, mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, and so all yours.”
                Jake is just staring at him, mouth slightly open and eyes wide and Bradley reaches over and gives him another soft kiss.
                “Jake Patrick Seresin! You get your ass out here right now!”
                He jumps at the yelling and he looks at Jake with wide eyes. Jake in wincing, rolling his eyes and thumping his head back on the headrest.
                “She just full-named me and swore. This is not going to be pretty.”
                “If I come with you will that make it better or worse?”
                “Better for now but worse much later. Just… give me a few minutes?”
                “Of course. You know Pete and Tom are in there right?”
                “If she kills me I trust you to avenge me…”
                “Drama drama. She won’t kill you.”
                “No. She’ll just make me wish I were dead.”
                Bradley laughs and shakes his head, pushes Jake toward the house.
                “Go! Before she gets angrier!”
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melishade · 4 months
Attack on Prime Alternate Scene Part 5
Part 4
I FUCKING DID IT EVERYONE! I've finally completed the rough draft for Guren No Yumiya with 56,423 words! I finally written the end game! All I need to do is make edits to Last Ditch Effort and then Guren No Yumiya and I can publish them both! Not at the same time, this is a lot to digest! But I finally made it and completed the climax! FINALLY!
Alright, so which scene am I gonna talk about today?
Actually I can just talk about my multiple edits for both chapter 90 and chapter 91. For now, I'm just going to focus on chapter 90. Next Part will be chapter 91.
So when I had initially started writing up draft for introducing Primus, the Fourth Notebook idea hadn't existed yet. The original idea was that Kenny found the drawing of Optimus' holoform in Grisha's notebook and brought it over to Megatron in a fit of rage:
Erwin and Nile jolted when Kenny kicked open the door to Erwin’s home. Nile backed away when Erwin took a step forward.
“Kenny, what-,”
“Out the fucking way,” Kenny growled ominously. He walked over to Megatron and punched him in the face, startling both Erwin and Nile.
“You fucking liar!” Kenny shouted.
Megatron glared at Kenny before choking him with one arm and lifting him in the air. “You better have a good reason for your insolence.”
“My insolence?!” Kenny strained.
“Megatron, put him down!” Erwin ordered as he tried to pull the arm down.
“Explain this bullshit!” Kenny demanded as he showed Megatron the paper.
Megatron stared in shock as he snatched the paper and dropped Kenny on the ground. Nile went to his side while Erwin turned his attention to Megatron.
“What the hell-,”
Erwin was startled when he saw the paper. It was a drawing. A drawing of…
Optimus Prime in his human form.
“What the hell?” Erwin breathed.
“Where did you get this?” Megatron demanded.
“From those fucking notebooks!” Kenny shouted, “You sons of bitches sayin’ that you haven’t been here! That bastard keeps saying he’s seen his face! I thought you bastards were in a war!”
“We were in a war!” Megatron shouted, “Optimus was stranded on Earth and I was halfway across the universe looking for dark energon!”
“Then why the hell is that bastard seeing your ex?!” Kenny shouted.
Erwin took the paper from Megatron and read the information on the back. “I keep on seeing him. I don’t know if I should share or withhold this information, so I will keep it hidden for the time being. I try to touch him, to speak to him, but he seems to be out of my sights. An after image in the back of my mind. I feel like I have seen him, but I do not know his name. All I know, is that he is referred to…as god.”
“’God’?” Kenny hissed, “Is that bastard fucking insane?”
“He’s seeing Optimus in his memories!” Erwin shot back, “How is that even possible?!”
“Timey-whiney mumbo jumbo!” Kenny answered, “We already said memories can be sent back!”
“Optimus has only been here for four years!” Erwin reasoned, “Grisha has never seen him!”
“But Eren has!” Kenny reminded, “This is bullshit!”
“This isn’t Optimus,” Megatron proclaimed, gaining everyone’s attention.
“You’re joking, right?” Kenny demanded.
“No,” Megatron answered, “This is someone wearing the holoform’s skin, most likely to blend in with the humans.”
“What are you suggesting?” Erwin asked.
“Someone else is interfering,” Megatron answered as he handed the paper back to Kenny, “Someone that has more power than us.”
“Do you know who?” Nile asked.
Megatron grimaced in response. “No idea, and I’m not sure if it’s wise to find out. Leave this alone for the time being.”
“That’s it?” Kenny demanded, “We’re just supposed to leave this shit alone?”
“Shouldn’t this be something we should be worried about?” Nile asked in confusion.
“This is clearly supernatural,” Megatron explained as he rubbed his temple, “And I’ve had my fair share of getting involved with that.
The idea of the humans and Megatron figuring out that there was something supernatural involved didn't sit right with me. Because what was I even supposed to do with it. Where would I even take it? Where would it go? I felt like this wouldn't have worked long term so I figured a fourth notebook with Megatron concluding later on that the Attack Titan can see into the future would be the better option. It allows the characters to be aware of the situation while also keeping the twist that Primus is involved just a little bit longer.
Now when Primus was initially introduced into the Paths, I had him acting just a little bit different....:
“Next memory,” Eren told his brother as he opened the door. He stopped when he saw a man at the door, wearing a large, black trench coat that looked exactly like…
“Optimus?” Eren whispered.
Zeke stared in shock and merely took a step back as Optimus walked past Eren. The two noticed that Grisha didn’t see him as Optimus began rummaging through the cabinets. The two grew confused when Optimus hit his head on top of one of the cabinets.
Optimus rubbed his head as he sat on the ground. “I don’t know why I still have to have pain receptors. Time doesn’t even work here.”
Eren grew stiff. That wasn’t Optimus. That sounded nothing like Optimus! Who the hell was he?!
“Who are you?!” Zeke demanded at the man.
The man looked at Zeke and Eren in surprise and stood up. “You can see me?”
“Yes! Who are you?!” Zeke demanded.
The man smiled and grabbed Zeke’s shoulders. “Great! You can help me!”
“Help you?” Eren asked.
“Yes!” he answered, “I am currently looking for someone. Time doesn’t work here, that much I know. And I am currently limited to this form. It’s been a long time since I’ve had digits.”
The man looked down at his fingers and wiggled them. “What an odd sight, don’t you think?”
“I guess,” Eren shrugged, “But…I don’t know what you’re looking for. Could you describe it?”
“That’s the thing…I’m not sure,” the man admitted, “I have been dormant for eons. I wake up hearing a cry from across the universe, and I can’t go because this was the closest I could to achieving a physical form. I had to send Optimus here to get close.”
“What?” Eren said.
“But I see that the two of you are busy,” the man said, “And I have an eternity to wait,”
The man walked back over to the door, still unnoticed by Grisha. He gestured to the door and smiled.
“I’d like to come with the both of you,” he requested, “Going through this place by myself is difficult. One minute I find myself in a calm setting, the next I find myself in a war zone. I would like some clarification or order to the chaos.”
Zeke looked at the man with warning, causing the man’s smile to disappear.
“I swear to…myself?, I will not get involved with…this,” the man gestured to the scene before him.
Zeke grimaced in response. “Fine.”
Eren eyed the man as he happily followed Zeke into the next memory.
There's obviously no weight to this scene, not compared to the final draft. It feels extremely rushed. But the idea was the same. Primus comes in, Eren and Zeke are surprised, and Primus asks to come with them. Now when writing Primus initially, I was characterizing him as someone who had control of the situation, and you'll see glimpses of that in later drafts. It's almost like he was completely fine with his situation and he knew what was going on. I didn't want to make it too easy for Primus for obvious reasons, but I knew I had to rewrite Primus where he's in a situation that's out of his control. There's also other things that I decided to change, like Primus dropping Cybertronian terminology and Primus swearing to himself instead of the One: the being he originally came from. I wanted there to be more of a build up to Primus' identity and I feel like have Primus swear to himself would have been a dead giveaway.
Now this is one of the scenes that I've changed. It's about Primus learning of Eren's interactions with Mikasa and his kill count and also Primus confronting Zeke for a brief moment.
Eren could only watch as the man tried to interact with his younger self, kneeling down and waving to the nine year old.
“This is strange,” he remarked before looking at Eren, “Is it strange for you to see a younger version of yourself walking around? Or is this only limited to humans?”
“Will you stop?” Zeke demanded.
“So this is normal?” the man asked for clarification.
“No!” Zeke exclaimed, “Can you stop?! I am trying to prove a point to my brother!”
The man raised an eyebrow at the both of them. “You two don’t look alike.”
Zeke growled in irritation. Eren was merely trying to put some pieces together. What did this man mean when he said he sent Optimus here? He clearly wasn’t human. He used a different terminology for body parts and other phrases. Optimus had to tell him something about this, right?
“What point are you trying to prove to him?” the man asked as he pointed at Eren.
“I’m trying to save the world,” Zeke answered, “And our father brainwashed him into believing that the world shouldn’t be save. That our father forced his ideology on him and forced him to use the power of the titans. I’m trying to save Eren, too.”
The man stood up and walked around the people before facing Zeke. “How do you intend to save the world?”
Eren felt the air suddenly get colder and terrifying. Zeke seemed to notice this change, but didn’t associate it with the man.
“I have to free the Eldians,” Zeke declared, “And I will use the power of the titans to free them and end their suffering.”
The man didn’t respond to Zeke, causing the man to grow tense. But they both grew confused as the man placed a hand on Zeke’s shoulder.
“That is very admirable of you,” the man smiled.
Eren noticed that the man’s smile was forced. He wore Optimus’ face, so he knew the subtle changes in his expression and how that related to what he was feeling. Something told him this man knew more than he let on.
“While I am looking for the being I came here for, I can help your brother see the error in your creator’s ways,” the man offered.
“You won’t find anything,” Eren declared, “My father never forced a thing on me.”
The memory shifted into the aftermath of Eren and Mikasa’s first kill. The man looked down in surprise, then horror as he realized that the two children were responsible for the deaths of the three men.
“You did this...,” The man began, “As a sparkling?”
“Those three men killed Mikasa’s parents,” Eren explained, “They were going to force Mikasa into sexual slavery at the age of nine. They tried to take away the freedom of someone else, so I took away theirs.”
Eren noticed guilt appearing on the man’s face before he turned away from him.
“I understand why you did what you did,” the man began as he saw Grisha yelling at Eren outside of the cabin, “But…it is unfortunate that you had to sacrifice your innocence at that age.”
“At least you had a choice in the matter,” Zeke retorted, “I never did.”
“Dad didn’t force me to do anything,” Eren declared as he gestured to the house. “This was all my choice.”
“Grisha raised you freely,” Zeke accepted, “But that does not make him a good man. It makes him a hypocrite.”
Zeke walked away from Eren down the steps, but stopped when he saw the man watching Eren wrap his scarf around Mikasa with a warm smile.
“I don’t agree with the method,” the man began, “But I am happy that you saved her life.”
Eren wanted to throw up as the man looked at him with that same smile.
“Thank you,” the man said before noticing the guilt on Eren’s face, “Are you okay?”
“I…,” Eren began, “You look like someone I know.”
“Oh, I didn’t know,” the man insisted, “I had to get a human form to blend in with humans, but I wasn’t aware this was of someone you knew.”
“You’re acting as if you aren’t human,” Zeke remarked as he crossed his arms.
“Well, I’m not,” the man shrugged before turning back to Eren, “If you want I can find another form.”
“It’s fine,” Eren said, “I can deal with it.”
“Are you sure?” the man asked, earning a nod from Eren.
“But…who are you?” Eren asked.
“Even if I told you my name, you wouldn’t know who I am,” the man proclaimed, “Sorry.”
“I need you to stop interfering with us,” Zeke ordered the man, “I need to make my point to him.”
“But I still need help,” the man reasoned.
“This is more important than you finding some random person,” Zeke declared, “I need to save multiple people. That’s more important than saving one person.”
“For someone who wishes to save the world, you’re not very compassionate,” the man proclaimed.
Zeke blinked at the man’s word before he stormed off. The man gestured to Eren and the titan shifter followed him into the next memory.
“The person I am,” the man began, “Is he someone close to you?”
Eren thought it over before looking down despondently. “He…he’s like a father to me. And after I lost my dad, that was something I needed. But…I’m pretty sure I hurt him.”
“Hurt him?” the man questioned.
“I lied to him, hurt his feelings, did something that made him disappointed in me,” Eren listed, “I don’t think he’s going to forgive me.”
The man seemed to be deep in thought before looking back at Eren. “Perhaps there is time to apologize to him. Even if he doesn’t forgive you, it wouldn’t hurt to try, especially if he means so much to you.”
“I appreciate the thought, but I’m not going to get that chance,” Eren proclaimed.
The man raised an eyebrow at that. “What do you mean?”
Eren shook his head. “You wouldn’t understand.”
The man shrugged. “If you’re willing to talk about it, I’d be happy to listen.”
“Um…yeah,” Eren trailed off, “How…did you even get here?”
The man raised an eyebrow as Zeke began listening in on the conversation.
“Like in this dimension?” the man asked, earning a nod from Eren, “Well as I said before, I had to send Optimus to get close. Vector was the one who had to open a portal at the exact moment in space and time in order to get into this dimension. He said it had to be an exact moment.”
So the main bulk of the dynamics hasn't really changed much, just the dialogue. Primus is trying to interact with the world of the humans. Zeke is obviously annoyed and Eren is more willing to hear Primus out due to him wearing Optimus' face. At this point, Primus hadn't revealed his name to Eren yet, but the younger of the two was still trying to put the pieces together in regards to who Primus was.
In terms of Primus asking Zeke for his intentions and motivations, a few things. I was originally thinking of making Primus aware of Zeke's plan, and wanting to give Zeke a proper chance to explain himself and why he wants to do his plan, but Zeke doesn't give the full details of his plans, knowing from experience that people tend to oppose it. But Primus is fully aware. He's not happy with Zeke's explanation, so much so that his anger and disappointment is affecting the environment around him. But Primus keeps it together for the sake of keeping up appearances.
Same thing with Eren. Primus has some knowledge of Eren's intentions and capabilities but is still playing dumb to get a much more honest reaction out of him. He's aware of Eren's relationship with Optimus and just wants to see the impact. I ultimately decided against Primus being knowledgeable about the AOT world because it ultimately does him a disservice when it comes to giving Eren a choice. Having Primus figure out everything as he goes along just seemed like the better option.
A few other scenes before I go into the final moment in chapter 90:
Primus seeing baby Eren and gushing about him:
Eren looked out of the corner of his eye to see the shadow staring at the child version of himself. There was awe and curiosity in those eyes as the child was playing with his family. Zeke noticed the expression on the shadow’s face and was also confused.
“What’s wrong?” Zeke demanded.
“I want to say something, but I said that I wouldn’t interfere with your dispute.” The shadow explained.
“...go ahead,” Zeke sighed.
The shadow slid over to the family and gestured to the smaller version of Eren. “It’s so cute!”
“Huh?!” Eren exclaimed while Zeke covered his mouth to hide his smirk.
“You were so small, and chubby!”  the shadow exclaimed as he pointed to the smaller version of himself, “Now you're so tall, and thin! And your hair is longer!...it doesn’t suit you.”
Eren blushed in embarrassment while Zeke stifled his laughter.
“Still, I’m curious as to how you’re able to turn from that into this,” the shadow said as he pointed from his younger self to the older child, “Especially in such a short amount of time.”
Zeke stopped laughing while Eren was startled.
“Fifteen years is not a short amount of time,” Eren told him.
“It isn’t?” The shadow questioned, “Hm. Maybe I’ve been in here for too long and my perception of time has been warped.”
“How long have you been in here?” Zeke asked.
The shadow thought it over before counting his fingers. He paused and thought about it again before he continued counting.
“...a long time,” the shadow responded, “There was no linear construct of time when I came to this dimension. I just know that I’ve been here for ages.”
The shadow noticed their staring and rubbed the back of his head. “I’m sorry that’s not a really solid answer.”
“This place does not follow the same construct of time as the real world,” Zeke said, “I can imagine why you would not be able to keep track.”
“I’m just glad that I have some company,” the shadow proclaimed, “Thank you for letting me accompany you.”
Showing Primus' adoration for new life while also revealing information about him to the brothers and the audience.
This scene also got cut as well, it was basically Primus talking to Friede before Grisha transformed:
 “I cannot change what will happen today,” the man told her, “This is already set in stone.”
Frieda hung her head. “My family will die, won’t they?”
“I…will die,”
The man hesitated. “Yes. I am sorry I cannot save you. The guilt you must have been feeling for so long has tormented you for years. Tormented your family, and tormented your ancestors.”
“…it has,” Frieda whispered.
“You did what you could to end the suffering brought on by your ancestors,” the man proclaimed, “With what options you had, you did not do so bad. But the Eldians now do not deserve that suffering. It will continue to lead in a never ending cycle of violence. I will end the power of the titans; you have my word, but I cannot find out how. Do you happen to know that answer?”
Eren snapped out of his thoughts and yelled at his father. “Kill them right now!”
“No, father! Don’t!” Zeke pleaded.
“What guarantee can you give me that the power of the titans will end?” Frieda asked, “What guarantee can you give me that the Eldians will be safe?”
“My word,” the man answered, “It is not much, I know, but it is all that I can give you.”
Frieda looked up at the man, looked him straight in the eye to determine if he was lying. All she saw was pure honesty…and kindness. Frieda touched the man’s head with her own as Grisha muttered the courage and raised his scalpel.
“For Aunt Faye!” Eren shouted.
“She wouldn’t want this!” Zeke proclaimed.
“You started this story didn’t you?!” Eren challenged.
“That is all I can give you,” Frieda sighed solemnly as she let him go, “I have nothing else.”
The man opened his eyes and smiled at Frieda before placing his hand on her head. Frieda gasped as she saw…Historia, in a beautiful dress, looking happy as she kissed another woman by the ocean. Frieda began crying with tears a joy as the man removed his hand from her head.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“May your next life be one of peace and happiness,” the man prayed.
It was the original route of Primus being aware of everything, but I ultimately didn't go through with it because the way I wrote it out, it was implying that Primus was just going to let Frieda die at Grisha's hand. I just thought it would be better for Eren to cause trouble and have Primus' emotions ultimately influence Grisha's decision. I was also having this be a callback to Primus praying for Kruger's soul in the next life.
And finally this scene:
Eren tried to reach Ymir, to stop her from reaching the glowing tree. He was almost able to touch her, but something stopped Eren dead in his tracks. He tried to move, but he couldn’t. Ymir was almost going to reach the tree, but the man from earlier walked out of the tree. He kneeled down in front of Ymir and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a tight hug. Ymir did not move or struggle from the man, and merely stood in place.
Eren was shocked at the sight, forgetting about his current predicament. He stopped her. The guy stopped her. Who was he? Eren saw the man speaking, but couldn’t understand a word coming from his mouth. He then connected his forehead with Ymir’s in a gesture of comfort. He kissed her on her forehead and wrapped his arms around her once more.
“I found you,” he spoke.
Eren was shocked as he felt the force let him go. Zeke saw what was going on and ran towards the man.
“You can’t do this!” Zeke shouted, “Ymir, I order you!”
Ymir cried out in pain as she clutched her head. The man immediately covered her ears before glaring at Zeke. He raised his hand, and Zeke was forced to stop in his tracks. Eren looked back at the man and froze when he saw his eyes glowing an electric blue.
“Rest, little one,” he told Ymir, “I will be right back.”
He placed Ymir on the sand and laid her down. The man removed his coat and placed it over Ymir like a blanket. She curled into the warmth and fell asleep.
Eren took small steps back as he saw something glowing at the center of the man’s chest. He had blue, glowing veins throughout his arms, and his eyes…weren’t human. They resembled that of a Cybertronian.
“You said you wouldn’t interfere!” Zeke shouted.
“Zeke, shut up!” Eren warned.
“You’re right,” the man began ominously, “But I’ve seen enough to finally step in, Zeke Jaeger.”
Zeke felt himself being lifted high into the air before being slammed into the sand.
“Wait, stop!” Eren pleaded. He yelped when a forced pulled him towards the man. The man grabbed Eren’s shirt and gave an ominous look.
“Eren Jaeger,” the man bellowed, “Son of Grisha and Carla Jaeger, current holder of the Attack Titan, the foolish child who wishes to destroy the world. I’ve seen that look with Megatronus. That looks still lingers within Megatron’s eyes. And now…”
Eren looked down at the hand holding him, seeing blue lightening brim to life around it.
“I see it with you!”the man bellowed in a completely different voice, or voices. It sounded like multiple voices overlapping with one another. It was powerful, and it was haunting, and Eren was scared out of his mind. Eren began to tremble as Zeke forced himself up.
“Who are you?!” Zeke shouted, “Who the hell do you think you are?!”
“I told you, you wouldn’t know who I am,” the man declared.
“Y-you’re…,” Eren began, “You’re the creator of Cybertron, the sworn enemy to Unicron, and the creator of the original Primes. You…are Primus: Optimus’ god.”
Zeke looked at Primus in horror while Primus was surprised.
“Optimus taught you well,” Primus remarked, “But this does not change your current situation.”
Eren began gasping for air as Primus let go of his shirt. He kicked and struggled as an invisible force wrapped around his neck and began choking him.
“I have made my decision: I will kill the both of you, and I will put an end to the titans forever,” Primus declared.
Super rushed. No major impact. This was the first rough draft that I had when writing the ending moment of chapter 90. Primus is still interacting in human form and while I did have Eren be the one to put the pieces together on Optimus' identity, I figured it would be better if he had Primus' name to go off of in order to put those pieces together.
The second revision of the scene is this:
Eren ripped his hands out of his chains, tearing off his thumbs in the process. He ran towards Ymir, hoping to somehow stop her. As he reached out towards Ymir, almost being able to grab her, a blue chain wrapped tightly around his wrist and yanked him to the ground. Eren was in shock, and quickly tried to pull off the chain, but that only made it tighter. Eren cried out in pain, but still tried to reach for Ymir. Eren began choking as a blue chain wrapped around his neck, and pulled him back. Eren still tried to reach out and grab Ymir, but he couldn’t move. He...was going to fail. Zeke was going to win. It was over.
Eren was then shocked as someone stepped out of the glowing tree. It was Primus. He came back. But how? How did he go through the tree? He didn’t understand! What shook him to his core even more was that Ymir stopped in her tracks directly in front of him. She began trembling before she dropped to her knees in submission. Primus didn’t seem to notice that as he glared at Eren with such ferocity. That same gaze was directed at Zeke behind him. His gaze then shifted towards Ymir, and his expression softened. Primus could still see Ymir trembling before an expression of recognition came across his face.
“It...it’s you,” Primus spoke, “Your...the Founder Ymir.”
Primus laughed in disbelief, running a hand through his hair. “Kruger, you were right. She was just a normal girl.”
Primus covered his mouth while tears brimmed around his eyes. He kneeled down and extended his arms towards Ymir and touched her cheeks.
“I have been looking for you for so long,” Primus smiled as he rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs, “You’re beautiful.”
Primus gently placed his forehead against her own in an act of comfort. He gently moved his head from side to side before kissing Ymir on her forehead. He then pulled Ymir into a tight hug and rocked her back and forth. He gently kissed her head before petting her hair.
“After two thousand years, I finally found you,” Primus declared.
Eren could see that Ymir stopped shaking. But she was still frozen. She didn’t know how to react to his act of kindness. She then slowly fell deeper into Primus’ touch. It almost looked like she would hug him back, but-
“Ymir, what are you doing?!” Zeke shouted as he ran towards the two, “I order you! Take the Eldian’s ability to reproduce! Do it now!”
Primus covered Ymir’s ears with one arm before extending his hand towards Zeke. Primus twisted his wrist and a stream of energy flew past Eren, nearly missing his face. It pierced Zeke through his chest, locking the Titan shifter in place. Zeke choked on his spit as Primus’ eyes began to...glow. Eren noticed that same venom in his eyes, but his expression immediately turned soft as he turned his attention back to Ymir.
“You must be very tired, Little One,” Primus began, Eren noting that his voice began to… change? “Rest, and I will return for you.”
Primus laid Ymir down in the sand, making sure to be as gentle as possible. He removed his jacket and placed it over Ymir like a blanket. Primus gave a small reassuring smile to her as he brushed her hair out her eyes. Ymir fell deep into the warmth of jacket and the being’s gentle touch and fell asleep. 
Eren watched Primus close his eyes in confliction before opening them once more. The outline of his iris and pupils were gone, and they shined a bright blue. Primus stood up and extended his fingers before pulling them to himself. Zeke was dragged forward towards him before Primus held out his hand, causing Zeke to stop right next to Eren. Primus grew angry as he took slow, calculated steps to Zeke. Eren grew fearful as blue energy poured out of his chest like air. It flowed around his arms and blue grew throughout his veins. Every step he took left small shockwaves of energy beneath him. Outlines of armor appeared around his arms and legs, and thorns seemed to appear surrounding his shoulders and back in a circle. He was looking less and less human by the second.
“Zeke Jaeger,”  Primus began, multiple voices now overlapping within the being.
Zeke was completely shocked while Eren stared in disbelief. He really did know his name, but refused to say anything until now?
“Son of Grisha Jaeger and Dina Fritz,” Primus continued, “Son to Tom Xaiver. Current holder of the Beast Titan. I once felt pity for you and your situation. You were nothing more than a child who could not fight his heritage, his situation, his creators.”
Primus clenched his fists, causing Zeke to cry out in pain. A small piece of an insect was removed from his chest, floating towards Primus and landing in his open palm.
“But, that feeling of pity is no more.” Primus declared, “You have infringed your own twisted will onto your own people without asking what they want. You force others to do your bidding while ripping away their own humanity. And now, you wish to take away the right to create new life. You are undeserving, and you are a coward who hides behind a noble cause. You do not deserve this power.”
Primus crushed the sphere in his hand, causing Zeke to scream and collapse. The stream between them was cut and faded into dust. Zeke forced himself to sit up, still seeing Ymir laying in the sand. He tried to call out to her, but his voice...was mute. He couldn’t speak, no matter how hard he tried. No matter what, he couldn’t address Ymir.
Zeke turned and looked up to Primus in pure fear. “What did you do to me?”
“You may still have the powers of the Beast Titan, but you no longer have any connection to your royal blood,” Primus declared, “You will never speak to the child ever again.”
Eren grew stiff, staring at Primus with terror as the beings walked over to him and looked him dead in the eyes while he was in his chains.
“Eren Jaeger: son of Grisha Jaeger and Carla Jaeger,” Primus began, “Inheritor of the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan. I am a being that is responsible for creating life, unlike my brother, Unicron. I hold compassion for every being regardless if they are my own creation or not, and I would only raise my blade to those who would threaten that life. I would never take the life of those of the weak or the innocent.”
Primus bent down and stared at Eren with verocious hatred. “However, you are an exception.”
Eren screamed as Primus caused the chains to burn his wrist and neck. Primus flicked his hand and another chain wrapped around Eren’s other wrist. All three chains pulled Eren back and left his chest wide open. Eren tried to focus as Primus raised his hand. The energy surrounding it grew brighter and brighter as he plunged it towards Eren’s chest. Zeke quickly jumped and grabbed Primus’s arm, stopping him mere inches from his chest. Primus turned his gaze to Zeke, and he nearly wanted to drop right there.
“Zeke Jaeger, your punishment was light,” Primus told him, now a woman’s voice coming out of him, “I would suggest that you refrain from this conflict before I take the amount of lives you took into consideration for your punishment.”
“Y-you can’t,” Zeke pleaded, terrified out of his mind, “I need Eren. I have to save Eldia-,”
“By initiating the plan to prevent Eldia from creating new life,” Primus cut off, a deep male voice emanating from him, “Who gave you the right to make that choice for your people?”
Eren was both terrified and confused out of his mind. Where did all this power come from? Why was he using it now? Wait!...he said his brother was…Unicron? The god of destruction from Optimus’ world? Why the hell would Primus call him...brother?
Eren felt his stomach drop and an abyss of despair came into his mind. This...couldn’t be real. This wasn’t real. This wasn’t real! He was going to die! All this time, they were with a higher being! They were with a god!
“Who…?” Zeke let go of Primus and stumbled back into the sand, “Who the hell are you?”
Zeke desperately crawled backward. “I’m of royal blood, but not once have you heeded my orders. You...just came out of the Paths, and...you took my power? Who are you?! How do you know me?! How do you know my story?!”
“Even if I told you,” Primus began, the multiple voices overlapping once more, “You wouldn’t know. It wouldn’t make much of a difference.”
“Y-you…,” Eren choked on his spit as he struggled to breathe, “You said that...Unicron was your brother. That name…Optimus s-aid is the god of chaos and destruction. His blood is currently in Megatron right now-!”
Eren bent over and choked on his spit. He took deep breaths before looking up at Primus. “So the only one who would be able to counteract destruction would be a god of creation.”
“God?” Zeke stared up at Primus in horror.
“You...created Cybertron. You...are Unicron’s sworn enemy. You...created the Primes, including Optimus. You...are Primus: the god of creation, and the god of Cybertron.”
Zeke’s whole body was shaking as he stared at Primus. That had to be wrong. Those titans can’t have gods, could they? And if so, what was one doing here? This had to be a joke; Eren had to be toying with him. He-
“Optimus taught you well,” Primus spoke, “I should have expected that from his own student.”
Zeke shook his head in disbelief. Oh no! All this time, all the times this man was playing coy with them, pretending to be weak and defenseless! He was lying?! He was a god this whole time?!
“Y-you can’t be a god-,” Zeke stuttered, truly scared, “You’re just-...what?”
“One tends to be more honest when they don’t recognize a god in the room,” Primus declared, “But what’s done is done. Now, I will take the Little One with me. I will kill you, Eren Jaeger, and I will end the power of the Titans forever.”
There's more weight, more force, Primus is showing off his power instead of still being in human form. However, with Eren, instead of Primus having controlled anger with Eren, I wanted him to feel rage and fury for Eren. That got me reworking a few other things, like making Primus lack knowledge about the AOT world and about Optimus actually being on that world until Eren blabs about it in a rage.
There were a few other scenes that got reworked, but not too much in order to make a significant difference to put here, like Eren and Primus' conversation atop of Grisha's house, which was initially atop of the wall before Primus revealed his name. Zeke actually getting physical with Primus after the deity says Grisha is a good man. The festival scene and Grisha and Carla's conversation didn't have a previous rough draft, but it was something that I have thought about.
Anyway, that's all I have. Enjoy! I'll talk about chapter 91 alternate scenes another day!
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sonicasura · 8 months
My half asleep ass right now: Transformers Prime but Miko is an Ogerpon.
Like seriously that's just it. No depressing story about her used to being human. Miko is just a funky little tree ogre who accidentally ends up in the wrong universe and vibes there.
She is mistaken for a ghost constantly as Miko likes to roam the school grounds since there's all the drawing supplies, free(to her) food, and spook others with all her masks. She can Terastalize too because you can't have the full 'Cute but can kill you' niche without it. I'm talking use all four masks in succession just like the battle in the Scarlet/Violet DLC. Here's the video.
(Further info for anyone who doesn't have much knowledge on Pokemon or this particular fight. Ogerpon is LV 70 Grass Type so being able to KO LV 91 mon's game wise and three Legendaries with type advantages lore wise is no joke.
Her normal ability is Defiant which boosts her Attack stats if one stat is lowered. When teralstallized, Ogerpon's ability changes to Embody Aspect which boosts a stat depending on the mask. These masks also affect her type but also signature move Ivy Cudgel upon being equipped.
Cornerstone grants the Rock Type alongside boosted Defense. Wellspring gives Water and a Special Defense boost. Hearthflame boasts Fire alongside an Attack boost. Finally Teal Mask which has the power of Grass and gives a Speed boost.)
Back to the plot section: Miko does become friends with Raf and Jack before canon. She just felt lonely so figured these two random kids could be great playmates. They did get scared first as it's Miko. She has no tact at times but did convince them of her friendly nature. Plus it makes the fateful encounter with the Autobots so much funnier.
No one knows what the hell Miko even is, again Pokemon don't exist here, thus they are unaware that she's a powerful Legendary who will decimate Megatron if given the chance than a helpless organic. Ratchet definitely had a conniption fit once the Ogerpon takes up residence at base. Like the Autobots can't just leave some strange plant entity running around amongst the clueless human population.
Bulkhead obviously becomes her guardian although no one can stop him from signing adoption papers this time. Plus the bots would so try to teach Miko how to speak as only Raf and Jack had bond with her enough to understand Ogerpon. (You know he'll cry if her first words is his name.) Miko gets to be his little Wrecker as a treat. He also gets front row seats to her Terastallizing first.
Once the danger is gone, Bulkhead absolutely took Miko back to the base. The poor guy was freaking out so badly that he had a Blurr moment until Optimus calm him down enough to speak normally. Meanwhile Miko just vibes in his servos oblivious to the world.
Well until Bulkhead asks for her to Terastallize again. If Miko giggled when Ratchet nearly jump out of his frame from a giant crystal mask jumpscare then it was expected. She's a little shit, your honor. Especially to Ratty.
What do you guys think?
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hime-bee · 8 months
i hope your hands are feeling better now~ 😭 i'll be occupied for a little bit starting next week so i figured i could send an ask before (do take your time to answer this though!)
how would your ocs react to mc saying that they remind them of a puppy (leumin) or a cat (luc/njero)? actually, i'm not sure if luc is more of a dog or a cat vibe-wise but leu gives me big puppy energy so i had to ask lol
PS: i'm looking forward to the valentine's jam (though i'm sure whatever you're cooking would be good 🥰)
Hi again, Lacie!! My hand is doing much better now, thank you for checking in on me 🥺 (I did some hand exercises and went right back to drawing/writing, so let's hope it stays that way lol)
ANYWAY, to answer your adorable question, Leumin's reaction would be pretty interesting actually! Depending on your relationship (whether you're friends or dating), he'd wonder if you're trying to call him cute in an indirect way, blushing the entire time 😌 If you're dating, then he would get pretty suggestive- smirking before saying something like, "I remind you of a puppy, huh? Does that mean you wanna put a collar on me, petal? ...Because I'd prefer to be the one doing the collaring-"
Lucas and Njero are a lot more chill about the comparison 😂 And personally, I think both Luc and Njero give cat vibes, yeah! Luc being more of a lazy, affectionate cat while Njero is quiet and chill (while also seeking affection randomly).
HEHE, thank you for believing in me, seriously 😭💖 I'm super excited about this project, I just hope it's able to be portrayed that way through the game! I plan to release it exactly on Valentine's Day, so keep an eye out for it! ^^
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gachagon · 2 years
Kaiser really has no idea what Isagi is thinking lol
I was reading the newest chapter and this particular scene caught my attention specifically because in the last chapters, Kaiser wants to figure Isagi out and know how he works, how he thinks etc. He's so fixated on trying different ways to "break" Isagi in a way that will make him not get back up, but he hasn't really figured out what that thing is in particular. And I think a really good example is this 2 panel scene right here.
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In the panel before this one, Isagi was actually thinking of ways to not make any more assists, and for a way to make goals on his own. All he's thinking about at this moment is how to make the most goals during the match, in order to catch up at least. And in the last chapter, we even saw that Isagi is determined to try and find out ways to become better, to find what he's missing specifically. (Though we never saw what this was, just that he went to Kunigami of all people for advice)
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Yet even though Isagi is already thinking about how to make goals, and is already seeking out advice from others on how to advance...Kaiser makes the wrong guess about him again, and assumes he's spending all his time thinking of other ways to "escape" to just keep floating for a little while longer.
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I'll chalk it up to simple intimidation, Kaiser was already scolded by Noa to not focus so much on trying to upstage Isagi, but he's going to do it anyways because we now know that "devouring" Isagi is his newest goal. Though I think this scene shows why Kaiser can't really beat Isagi, because he doesn't understand him. He misunderstands Isagi to such a degree that he mistakes Isagi's silence as him trying to "stall" or "run away" from the situation he's been put in, when anyone who knows Isagi would know that when he gets quiet and starts thinking, it's because he's thinking purely of ways to score.
And now that Barou is here...
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I'm really interested to see if Kaiser will finally learn more about Isagi in this game through his old Teammates/Rival lol. I think Barou out of anyone on that team would know what Isagi is like (aside from Kunigami who is being all moody and angsty right now) I feel there are a lot of parallels you can draw between kaiser and barou.
Micheal Kaiser's name literally means "God's chosen emperor", he's someone who deems himself higher then a king. And here we have Barou Shouei who calls himself the undisputed King of the field. They're both incredibly similar ego-wise , though their personalities are wildly different.
It's looking like Barou is going to be this next matches "big bad" that they'll have to face, so I wonder what tricks he has learned in order to beat Isagi.
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crazylittlejester · 7 days
Been thinking about my Royal Depths au lately. the one with the kid Ganon. I will draw the au again probably within the next two months lamo.
Anyways, since I’ve been thinking about that au, I also remembered that one ask I sent you, where I asked what art style you would like to see a loz game have. Combining these two idea, I’ve got another question for you:
What would you like a new LoZ game/story to be about? Like, in RD I made the main character Ravio and had a itty bitty Ganon as one of his party members. What would your LoZ game be about? Would it be a sequel of sorts to another game, or just have some calls backs to another game(like maybe hw who knows 😏)? Would Link be the main character, or would it be a different character like Zelda(like with eow), or maybe a new character that would have an interesting perspective on the LoZ world(like idk a zora or fairy)?
Anyways uh. You’re creative and I like seeing your ideas. You could picture the game to look like the game art style you said earlier(I think it was an Alice in Wonderland type game? Idk it also kinda reminded me of Don’t Starve, art style wise if that rings any bells), if that makes things easier. Idk, with EoW around the corner I’ve been pondering about new LoZ stories like a mad man.
Hope all of this made sense, and have a great rest of your day!
I took a sec to answer this because I have SERIOUS thoughts about it and wanted to make sure i’d have the time to write it all out alskdkddk
i mentioned this about a month ago, and i would absolutely love to write this in fic form one day, and i plan to, it will just take me a LONG time but this is the storyline I would give a Zelda game if I had the power to make one:
I think of “Zelda” as a middle name of sorts, I think each princess has her own first name, but the first daughter of the royal family has that as a middle time and will end up going by that. The protagonist of this game? The eldest daughter of the royal family, and she cannot for the life of her figure out how to get those powers Hylia should’ve gifted her. Ganondorf is becoming more and more of a threat every day, and there’s nothing she can do about it except make sure he can’t get his hands on the triforce, which she’s just barely accomplishing. She thinks it her duty to be out there on the front lines getting shit done because if she can’t do the one thing she’s supposed to (unlock her powers) you best believe she’s out there with a sword kicking ass. She’s also trying to find Link because if the world is ending then there HAS to be a hero, but she literally find him and is getting really frustrated
I would give Ganon a much more compelling story. He’s not born evil, he’s born with as much capacity for good as anyone else, but due to the events of his childhood he becomes something terrible. No matter what he did everyone looked at him like he was going to be awful. They treated him poorly, nothing he could do was right in the eyes of ANYONE. He WANTED to break the cycle, but he couldn’t so to get everyone to just stop and leave him alone he’s seeking total control over everything because in his mind he’ll feel like he can breathe if he does
Now where the fuck is Link you may be asking? Well I firmly believe Hylia is a bit of a gatekeeper (/j) and will only give her magic to the eldest DAUGHTER in her bloodline. No man gets her powers, no thank you. So when the protagonist’s little sister, out of pure panic and desperation, makes an attempt to stop Ganon from destroying Hyrule Castle and her powers roar to life, the three main characters all stop and stare at each other for a minute because what the hell how did the younger sibling do that??
It is at this point the oldest ‘daughter’ realizes officially even Hylia knew he was trans before he did (he’d had his suspicions but this whole thing just confirmed it for him), and he hauls ass to get the Master Sword because with his little sister’s goddess given powers revealed he realizes HIS place in this whole hot mess, he’s Hylia’s HERO not her DAUGHTER, and he and the new Zelda use the power of supportive gay siblings to bonk Ganon over the head hard enough he just factory resets
And then they have group therapy /hj
So yeah, the REAL quest to find Link was the gender journey we had along the way
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For the ask game:
Tav/Halsin and number 33 (forcefully).
Might be a bit mean with the king of consent but I'm curious how you would do it.
If it's too difficult, you can pick any other you like :)
Have fun!
Thank you bestie <3
Hmmm.... *rubs chin* I can't see Halsin being forceful, unless it's like, in the heat of the moment when he's totally blitzed out of his brain with lust... but no one says it must be Halsin >.>
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"—all this stupid CRAP, I never thought I'd hate a place more than I hate the Hells, but here I am, in the stupid Shadowlands and it SUCKS—"
Tav stomps the ground like an angry toddler, trying to shake the off the itch crawling up her legs from stepping into some shadow-cursed equivalent of tall grass.
"Tav, please, we shouldn't make so much noise. Shadows will find us."
Halsin watches her struggle with a sort of helpless compassion, unable to assist, but feeling her pain.
Somehow, it just makes it worse.
"Ohh, you'd just love that, wouldn't you, having me behave like a good girl and help you fix all this shit with a smile on my face," she seethes. "Well, I'm not you, Halsin. I have limits to how much of my comfort and feelings I'm able to ignore and push down before they blow up in my face!"
Halsin sighs and tilts his head, broad shoulders drooping. It seems like her words hurt him, but she's past caring.
"No," she hisses. "I've had enough. I can't watch that selfless face of yours anymore. It's killing me, okay?"
"I'm sorry," Halsin snaps, tone finally coloring with anger. Tav didn't think she would live to see the day, but hearing that roughness in his voice feels satisfying. "You're right. I did sacrifice a lot to get here. Some might say I sacrificed almost everything. And it's still not enough. No guarantee that it was worth it. Do you understand how that feels, Tav? If not, why are you here?"
"Oh, you know, Halsin, you're so wise and based and zen—but sometimes you're being plain dumb!" Tav raises her arms to the black sky as if invoking ancient gods to witness her anguish. "Do you really not know why I do this?"
"Why don't you enlighten me?" Halsin sighs. Beside some mocking ringing in his words, his temper seems to be cooling again.
Tav stares at him, half fuming, half desperate. Does he really not see? She thought she was so obvious it hurt.
But no. Not to this man. A man who never assumes things about others because he's so damn respectful all the time.
It enrages her. And fuels her desire at the same time. She's almost sure he feels the same draw, the same irresistible pull. His eyes often travel across her body. His sight seeks her out across the campfire. She keeps catching his wistful glances every time she looks his way. But he doesn't act.
Alright. Okay. Then maybe it's time to act for him.
Tav stumps off the last of the poisonous bits of dried grass and takes a deep breath. She will only get one chance. And Hells know which way this goes... It might be the end of her every hope. But at least it will free up her chest for some other feelings than hopeless pining.
Halsin isn't looking at her: in his annoyance he's studying the surrounding area, as if the very sight of her was upsetting at the moment. He doesn't see it coming.
In the next second Tav's arms wrap around his neck as she resolutely pulls him low and close. She can only see the surprise on his face for a tiny moment before she presses her lips to his. She doesn't hold back. Knowing she's violating Halsin's own admirable code of consent, the urge to be persuasive is strong.
She can feel him resist, his lips locked tight, arms rigid—but he doesn't pull away, he doesn't push her. He's probably in shock, Tav thinks. If she lets go now, there will be no second kiss.
So she puts everything into it. Opens her mouth and glides the tip of her tongue across his lips. Her hands tangle in his hair and massage his scalp. Her torso presses to his chest, her breasts flush with his.
"Tav," he manages to breathe out a weak protest, but that just means his mouth is open, too. She doesn't hesitate to claim it—and he lets her.
His arms slowly snake around her body and pull her closer. She can hear little moans resonate in his throat. His body, hot on the coldest of days, seems to nearly burn now.
It takes every ounce of self-control for her to let go of him, but she manages. They're both breathless. Halsin's face is a mix of wild emotions—she's sure she recognizes regret among them.
"I'm sorry," she exhales, wiping her mouth. "I just needed you to know what you're doing to me."
He covers his face with a broad palm.
"I... I had no idea, Tav. I didn't mean to make you suffer. But the Shadow Curse—"
"I know," she sighs, but her irritation is only mild now. "I know. I respect your wishes, Halsin, I just... It's been a long few weeks and I've spent most of them thinking about you."
His arms drops and he's looking at her like a lost puppy.
"Me too," he whispers.
Tav smiles half-heartedly. "Good to know. That should keep me going until the Curse is lifted. Then... I hope we can pick up where we left off...?"
He chuckles and even in the dim, sickly light she can see the blush spreading across his weathered cheeks.
"That's a promise."
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Okay, this was WILD xD I thank you very much for the prompt again, because I had fun coming up with this. Naturally it turned out muuuuch longer than I planned, but that's me, lol.
Hope you like it ;)
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