datenarche · 5 months
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chinamarketingblog · 2 years
Starke Konsumfreude am Valentinstag 
Der erste Valentinstag nach dem Ende von „Null Covid“: Volle Restaurants in Shanghai und unzählige WeChat-Beiträge von Freunden, die Fotos ihrer teuren Geschenke teilen.  Von Süßigkeiten und Autos bis hin zu Plüschtieren und Klavieren… viele Marken schickten Valentinsgrüße an ihre Fans. at
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itsnothingbutluck · 2 years
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What The Fuck is Wrong with You?
Elect Biden and shut the fuck up about his age.
Donald J Trump is arguably the most ignorant, disgusting, demented man that anyone in America can name. Why are Democrats, news pundits and internet morons continuing to talk about Biden being old?
Donald Trump tried to overthrow the government of the United States of America and lost over 60 lawsuits to that effect. He incited and supported an insurrection that saw Americans attack the Capitol and try to capture or kill American lawmakers.
Who the fuck cares if Biden is old?
Donald J Trump named three Supreme Court Justices who ended Roe v Wade and have now rendered the Separation of Powers and check and balances in the US Constitution as "null and void."
Biden is just 3 years older than Trump, and who cares?
Donald Trump goes on insane, meandering, half-baked rants at political rallies, slurring his words, unable to complete sentences, losing track of his thoughts, and calling for Americans to be hurt, have their rights taken away and worse. He treats everyone around him, including other Republicans, like trash.
But Biden is old.
Donald Trump pretended that COVID was a hoax, suggested the American people ingest bleach to fight it, and smeared the leading scientists battling COVID, which resulted in about a million deaths in the United States in a year.
But Joe Biden is pretty old.
Donald Trump was accused of rape by over 20 women, found guilty of sexual assault in 2024 and made lurid comments about his own daughter. He also cheated on all three of his wives, including his latest wife while she was pregnant. Then he tried to cover it up by paying hush money to a porn star.
Biden is an old guy.
Donald Trump banned Muslims from America, put thousands of people in cages at the border and tried to get the Ukrainian president to lie about Joe Biden.
But Joe Biden isn't a youngin anymore.
Trump said African nations were "shithole countries" and said white supremacists were "very fine people." Trump said immigrants were taking "Black jobs". He also ignored the hurricane catastrophe in Puerto Rico, which took 3000 lives.
But Biden is old.
Trump's family foundation was found to have ripped off charities, he's banned from doing business in New York, and his daughter and son-in-law received $2 billion from the Saudis at the end of his presidency. He's bankrupted or failed in every business he's ever had, from Trump Steaks to Trump Air to Trump University to all the casinos.
But hey, Biden is old.
Trump did a deal with Afghanistan to let the Taliban out of prison so they could (and did) take over the country. He's sided with Putin against NATO. He said nothing about the Saudis killing a journalist. Donald Trump eased restrictions on loan sharks, exploded the deficit and made friends with North Korea. He told over 3000 lies.
But old Joe is old.
Biden is old.
Donald Trump is easily the worst human being anyone has ever encountered, and all anyone can talk about is how old Biden is. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Not quite a fall
Here is an idea that takes the horrifying absurdity of the Clone Wars and magnifies it.  Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times…unless you wish to become part of the ride itself. Then grab onto these characters and you too can try to wrangle them. 
I do want to make it clear from the start that the Jedi Council and Dooku are making the best of some fairly shitty options, at this point and in the future. The Jedi do not know/cannot prove Palpatine is Sidious and the reality is that without absolute proof they risk being wrong and if they are then the real Sith master will go to ground and they will be left with nothing.  In addition Palpatine has contingencies for every aspect of his plan (and likely did in canon as well, if he had a contingency clones for himself), including if clones were found early, the chips did not work as intended, and the Jedi found out too early. It may not be obvious, or seem counterintuitive for the Jedi to keep walking forward, even knowing of the trap, knowing that so many would likely die in this fabricated war. But this is not meant to be criticizing the Jedi for the shitty options they had. 
Now we start with Yan Dooku, prior to his Fall. This is also before the Naboo crisis , in fact this is in the beginning when Palpatine is still manipulating him. 
*-As a side note, have you ever tried to look into the timeline for the clones and try to fit it into the greater timeline. That shit is wild. Jango Fett is recruited for Operation Knightfall-Order 66 and the clone project- in 32 BBY. This is the same year of the Naboo crisis and, according to Wookiepeidia, it is also the year that Cody was born. Based on what we know of the Kaminoan numbering system for the clones, there were at least 2 batches before Cody’s-The Nulls and the Alphas. Jango Fett was recruited by Dooku after his Fall, and he is said to have fallen after Qui Gonn’s death. I get that Palpatine had already been building towards this but man for this timeline to work Dooku had a quicker Fall time than Anakin-who went from ‘stop him’ to ‘time to murder children’ in a distressingly short period of time-  All this adds up to 32 BBY being, like, 2020 COVID  levels of crazy. Because we had Qui Gon’s death, Dooku’s fall, the recruitment of Jango Fett-I understand there was a bounty hunt as an audition-, and all of this happened in enough time for at least 3 batches of clones- possibly more- to be born in 32BBY. How long is the gestation period for the clones? How is gestation and decanting set up so this timeline works. The Galactic Standard year is a 12 month/368 day model. Even if we presume that the double aging is also present in gestation, thus instead of 9 months it takes 4.5 months, that is still 13.5 months for 3 batches. Even with a staggered start cycles-batch 1 is the start point, batch 2 starts a week later, batch 3 starts a week after that and we can get everything down to a minimum 5 months, there still so much shit that has to happen in 7 months-*
In this Dooku, as a Jedi Master, does recognize that he is being manipulated and goes to the Jedi Council. He has just enough proof to prove that the Sith were back but does now know who (He knows that Palptine is involved but does not know if he is a Sith, a willing collaborator, or a patsy). The council decides that Dooku would go undercover as it were, to pretend that he is falling for Palpatine’s manipulation and to let it go to its natural conclusion, which they all presume will end with Dooku pretending to fall.  Outside of the Council, there are only three other Jedi that are told of this assignment. Shadows Tholme and Quinlan Vos (though a senior Padawan at the time) were his contacts. The only other person told was Senior Padawan Obi Wan Kenobi, at the insistence of Mace Windu (Now this was not through some belief in Obi Wan as a person, or his value to such a mission. It was purely so that he could keep Qui Gon Jinn from flipping his lid when and if Dooku needed to pretend to be a Sith. Jinn was not told because no one thought that he could keep from endangering everyone through some ‘Will of the Force’ reasoning or trying to be ‘helpful’).  Neither Obi Wan or the Shadows are told who else knows (though Vos and Thome do know the other is aware), and Obi Wan still has no contact with Dooku, so this knowledge does not change much at first. To be exceedingly clear, Obi Wan is only told that Master Yan Dooku is taking a long term mission where he might have to appear to Fall, in which case Obi Wan is going to need to keep Qui Gon from interfering; he is given no other information about to mission or what is being found.  As it turns out Qui Gon dies just before Dooku ‘falls’. 
The clones are still commissioned, but they are not chipped; save for a single clone whose name later becomes Chip, this is the clone that Dooku shows to Palpatine as proof the plan was going as it should. This Dooku is more involved with the Clones. Though the trainers do not know it (having entirely bought into project Knightfall), Dooku carefully teaches the clones th truth of their existence (that the war they are being commissioned for is BS, purely a trap for the Jedi and that they would have been designed to both love and be forced kill the Jedi). In essence he trains them to be spies in the guise of soldiers.  He has reported the existence of the clones to the council, but like Dooku they are stuck by what they can visibly do with the information. There is some limited secret contact between the leaders of the clones (The Alpha’s as the Nulls had been adopted by Kal Skirata) and the Jedi Council, in which the Jedi Council apologizes for what is being asked of the clones and plans are made to help those that need an escape wherever they are able (Dooku ‘claims’ as many clones that were due to be decommissioned for his own ‘experiments’ as he is able, most of the time that meant that clones who were to be decommissioned were sent to live on a small, unpopulated moon in Serrano’s system-the exceptions to this were clones born with fatal, untreatable congenital defects, for example being without enough of their major organs that there would be no way to grow more before the child died in agony-those few who were truly not viable were given a painless death. It becomes a practice amongst the clones that anyone who truly did not want to fight would drop their scores into Decommission range). 
To this end the Coruscant Guard were specifically chosen because they were the best at that kind of subterfuge, the clone equivalent of the Jedi Shadows and the ones who could keep themselves hidden/shielded against mind control 24/7. Fox is the only non Force sensitive, near human in the galaxy who is entirely impervious to Jedi mind tricks and Sith Mind control, the reason he was given the command that would have given him the most contact with Palpatine. They find out, much later, that some strange mutation makes him entirely impervious to any Force based power that will cause him harm.
When the time comes to enact the plans to start the war, Dooku still sends Jango Fett to lure Obi Wan to Geonosis.  But Obi Wan goes to Kamino knowing that he was going to find the Clones (having been briefed by the Council, who had been informed by Dooku). Anakin is not aware of the second layer to their mission to protect Padme, having never been brought into the loop regarding Dooku.  Obi Wan and Dooku have a pleasant conversation about both Qui Gon (and how he was likely watching from the Force), and there is a plan in place for Obi Wan to escape before the gladiatorial arena in a way that still would spark the war, but not cost lives.  That plan had to be abruptly scrapped when Anakin and Padem showed up on Geonosis to ‘rescue’ Obi Wan, after they sent a message to the council.  One of the major changes to Geonosis is how Anakin lost his hand; it was not chopped off by Dooku but lost in an explosion caused by the droids. 
Here is where we start to get into the horror and the humor. Because this war is fabricated, a thing of smoke and mirrors whose sole purpose is to collect power for a few individuals. More importantly this is a Bullshit created war for the purpose of trapping the Jedi. The upper command on both sides (Jedi High council, Dooku and later Ventress, Palpatine, Grievous) know that the entire war is bullshit, though Palpatine does not know that the JHC are aware. The troopers, from the youngest to the oldest clones, are all utterly aware that the war is bullshit. They grew knowing they would be fighting in a war that was utter bullshit.  The reason that the Droids could not be programmed for critical thinking was that it took them a maximum one battle to realize the war was bullshit, and they were not pleased about being cannon fodder. 
In fact there were only two groups who were actually affected by the war that were not aware that the entire thing was contrived bullshit. 
Every office not part of the high command (non clone officers, Jedi Generals, the entire command structure between fielded droids and CIS Generals on Grievous's level-I have no idea how the command structure of the CIS army works and barely any more about the GAR structure but work with me here), which I tend to think of as the middle management is the first group. 
The other is the innocents being attacked by CIS forces.  To them the war is very real.
Until they know for sure who the Sith Master is Dooku, the Jedi High Command(now including a fully read-in Obi Wan), or the Clones cannot let on that they know the war is ultimately bullshit. And there are too many innocents at stake to completely blow off or fake fighting. Yes when Dooku, and Ventress after she is brought into the fold, are in command they tend to try and take worlds with resources but little to no populations and they disengage as soon as they possibly can,  but there are too many who buy into ‘The War’ or the power that they are getting to fake battles and in battles someone is bound to die. 
Imagine being one of the Jedi Councilors and high generals, knowing (instead of just suspecting) that every battle they go into is unnecessary bullshit to trap the Jedi. Knowing that their troopers know that they are being sent into battle for unnecessary bullshit, but everyone having to pretend that they buy into the bullshit, that they have to pretend ignorance of things so gallingly obvious.
-In this world the Jedi council has created a secret process for allowing the defection of troopers that do not want to fight. Pong Krell (who never got to the point of Falling, as he never got used to thinking the clones were non sentient) and a handful of other Jedi spread throughout the system's armies, maintained a deliberately high ‘casualty’ rate to go with their high success rate. Clones that wanted to defect were transferred to these specific battalions where they were ‘killed in action’ and transported to a way point that relays them to the planet the decommissioned clones went to. None of these Jedi know that Dooku is actually on their side, or that the whole war is bullshit, but they are able to hang onto their sanity a bit better for this process. -
Picture Dooku, and later Ventress, staring across the battlefield as horrified at the lives being taken as the Jedi. Still having to pretend to buy in, saying all the right things (Ventress does still take Wolffe’s eye, but it is Wolffe’s idea to help sell that Ventress is not ‘too soft’ on the clones she is fighting). Imagine having to calculate the exact point they can withdraw, when they have to press their victory for appearances. Knowing that they (as Ventress was completing her Jedi training under Dooku, who does not want her to be lost to the darkside) have to reconcile killing for the sake of appearances.  Having to bury their own horror when they work with other CIS high command, who very much know that the entire war is bullshit but don’t care, or are actively enjoying, the lives lost. 
It changes some details, both major and minor, on who dies when, but in the grand scheme of things this knowledge does not change the overall trajectory of the war (though Dooku is not killed). It is still three years in that Palpatine tells Anakin (who, at no point, is brought into the loop about Dooku, the defection of clones, or any of it-mostly because no one not in a very strict ‘need to know’ was told and partly because the Jedi Council allowed the clones themselves to decide who would know about the defection battalions; they could not quite convince themselves that he would not share that information where he should not) that he is the Sith Master. Anakin runs to tell Windu. 
But in this, instead of gathering the council to fight Sidious, Windu’s first action is to comm Fox. All he says to the head of the CG is, ‘Palpatine has just confirmed that he is the Sith Master’. 
Fox responds with, ‘I will comm you when it is done’.
Anakin is standing there, breathing heavily from running all the way from the Senate, very unsure what was going on but certain the announcement that Palpatine was a Sith should be taken with some more urgency than Windu was showing. 
Ponds enters and when he is told who the Sith is he sighs, deeply. “I was so sure it was that odious aide of Palpatine’s” (Whom Pond refers to only by the name of Bastard, if at all).
Just as Anakin is starting to become antsy (very much in the mindset of ‘shouldn’t we do something about the professed Sith in the same building as my secret wife?) Fox comms back. His hair is sticking straight away from his head (he found out that Palpatine’s Lighting did not hurt him the old fashioned way) and reports that Palpatine is very dead (each Guard wanted to make sure…and shooting is a good way to make sure), the Senate is in lockdown, to tell Skywalker that his wife is on a medical transport for the Temple’s Healing Halls (using those exact words),and that Fox will be filing a formal complaint against the Naboo education system for poor sex ed.  
After the call is done, the next call Windu puts in is to Dooku. Windu tells Dooku that it is time to come home.  Anakin watches horrified fascination as Dooku visibly sags with relief, saying that he and Ventress just need to tie up some loose ends here and to have a therapist ready. 
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rei-makes-big-robo · 1 year
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A general update and some progress from a few weeks ago of the player model for CWD, just need to finish the body and head now... On that note I haven't been posting much at all recently, I've been busy but also dealing with the after effects of Covid again.. I've been working on someone else's VN game in Godot for a bit and recently got a request to work on modelling for a friends Roblox game? Gamemode? I don't really understand Roblox tbh. On top of all this I'm part of a start up company now and my past year or so of Unity Development is now Null and useless aside from asset production.. Busy, fatigued and depressed, a lovely mix of feeling like shit.. Anyways the point is I am alive and there is stuff going on it might just be less of my own personal work so I'd need permission to share it on my own blog. I'll probably look through my WIP folders as I do still save a lot of stuff I think looks cool to share so hopefully I have some backlog??
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sca-nerd · 1 year
renn fair tips!!!
yes bring water, but also figure out how you can bring that water, some places only let you bring in sealed, never opened, bottles (cause alcohol is a large part of event revenue)
CASH, most sellers have got a square card reader or paypal or something, but those work at the whims of cell service, and cell service tends to suck in parks
also with cash depending on the seller they might just wave the tax. things are priced to even dollars most of the time
the crafts people (leather, blacksmiths, silversmiths, glassblowers) are where you really want to "focus" your money, not because there's anything wrong with the clothing stalls, it's just that it's harder to get those items online, and you're helping a small business
also some of the clothing sellers just buy in bulk from a place like amazon and clip off the tag, "wevez" is where i get my skirts, and the price markup can be anywhere from 2 to 3 times what you'd pay if you bought from the seller directly
the end of the last day of the weekend you can get food for cheaper, so if you're staying until close and don't want to find a fast food joint, get a turkey leg
bed bugs, (SPRAYS DO NOT WORK ON THESE MOTHER FUCKERS) the horrible truth of the matter is, it is a valid concern, moreso since COVID. so if you do buy anything, im talking books, tunics, hair wraps, corsets, trousers, a kilt. anything a bed bug could be hanging out in, you put that in a seperate plastic bag, seal it, and stick it in the freezer when you get home. then you beat out the thing a few hours later.
this doesn't kill them, but it does make them hibernate, which means you can shake them out then kill them or if youre feeling vindictive, pop them in the oven, a minimum of 120F for 90 mins gets all bugs and possible eggs. you could also put the things in your dryer on high for the longest setting, but i personally prefer the oven (and not just because i don't have a drier)
business cards! i personally collect business cards for convience and maybe one day i'll go back to pursuing graphic design, but having a designated pocket for business cards or pamphlets cause you may be grabbing a lot of them
the vibes: Its a bunch of weird nerds getting dressed up to play pretend and get drunk in the park. It can get weird, and it can get raunchy (not horny, just crass) i have witnessed several different parents huff off with their kid cause a performer made a low brow joke that was obvious enough that the kid knew smth dirty was said, MOST of the people are chill with boundries, but some never got out of that phase of being a dick cause they think it's funny
speaking of phases, renn faires are still the only place i have ever been where you've got the flagrantly queer and menanist douchebags bumping shoulders. like side eyes are made im sure, but you can walk down a path, past somebody in the loudest, most obviously gay garb you have seen outside of a drag show, then a few feet behind them is somebody else with a trump denim vest
also, back to the rauchy bit, there will likely be people there who are cool, but use outdated/offensive lingo. like I got called a fairy by a guy waiting in line for a kebob, he did try and backpedel, but im fine with being called that and his girlfriend (who obviously dragged him there) was dressed up like a fairy, so jokes were had and expensive kebab's purchased (idk what they used to season those things but they were so fkin good for just being some meat on a stick)
if you do a craft (knitting/crochet) check if you can bring your supplies in because some places don't let guest bring in knitting needles (they are often 11 in long pointy sticks so fair enough)
ASK QUESTIONS not just at the small semi educational areas they sometimes have, but also the people selling things, i love hearing people talk about their crafts (also renn faire drama is real and it is wild, and it's much more exciting because it's effect on you is almost null)
some faires have pub crawls and i have witnessed many a stumbling drunk get escorted out by EMTs cause he didn't pace himself and drank on an empty stomach
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claudehenrion · 6 months
Je vous souhaite une très joyeuse mort, en pleine fraternité macronienne…
Je n'ai jamais pu trouver d'explication à cette aberration : les mauvaises idées semblent être plus souvent prises en compte et mises en œuvre que les bonnes. Et je crois remarquer une accélération dans le processus actuellement en cours qui veut que de plus en plus d'idées de plus en plus mauvaises fleurissent (?) de plus en plus vite et de plus en plus souvent ! A la veille du Vendredi Saint, quel beau sujet que le dévoiement de notre mort, qui se met en place, dans une débauche de fausses informations, partielles ici, et partisanes, là, mais mensongères, toutes.
Mais pour une fois que les “bouffe-curés” et les “tue-dieu” admettent enfin que la mort peut être vaincue, comme les chrétiens le leur répètent depuis 20 siècles… on ne va pas mégoter notre plaisir, en cette Semaine Sainte où s'ouvre la phase finale de la mise en œuvre de ce caprice macronien, qui sera lancé sans qu'aient été évaluées –même un tout petit peu– les suites à long terme de cette initiative qui a toutes les chances de produire, au mieux, quelques avantages… et au pire des séries de drames dont l'humanité aurait préféré faire l'économie. Décidément, depuis le faux “vaccin” du covid, prendre des décisions mortifères est devenu un “marqueur” du progressisme, cette maladie infantile du modernisme !
Prenons la triple anti-idée terrifiante, qui a pourtant le vent en poupe, de l'invention d'un “droit à l'assassinat légal, au suicide aidé et à la mort par délégation’’. Ces trois modalités d'une même chose, la mort, ont inspiré des raz-de-marée de lavage de cerveau, de viol des consciences, de réinvention du sens des mots, et de détournement de l'attention de tous les vrais problèmes, à la macronie moribonde (NB : méfiez-vous des ultimes spasmes d'un animal blessé : ils peuvent être dangereux et faire beaucoup de dégâts !). Manque de bol, une fois encore, ça a marché, et bien des gens se sont laissés abuser, adoptant les expressions –toutes mensongères– qui ébranle,t l'intelligence.
Le nombre de paraboles, hyperboles, métaphores, fables, mensonges, bobards, et barbarismes qui ont été déversés sur nous par la Presse et la Gauche est très au delà de tout ce qui se pratique normalement. C'est simple : on ne sait plus du tout de quoi ils parlent ni ce à quoi ils pensent (car des milieux “généralement bien informés” m'assurent qu'il en resterait quelques uns qui pensent… Je ne les ai pas trouvés). Et s'il est toujours vrai que “les mots tuent”, c'est le moment où jamais : après, il sera trop tard ! Car depuis que le monde est monde, tuer, directement ou par délégation, un vieillard, un grand malade ou un embryon pas encore né mais parfaitement viable, ça avait un nom : un assassinat.
Mais dans un grand souffle libérateur, la hollando-macronie a tripoté les lettres et les syllabes, jusqu'à inventer les concepts affreux de “mort dans la dignité”, de “preuve de fraternité” (il y a des coups de pied… “occultes”, qui se perdent !), de “liberté de mourir” (et puis quoi, encore !), et de tant d'autres insanités. Nos irresponsables ont été jusqu'à inventer une soi-disant “aide à mourir”… pour le seul moment où aucune aide n'est possible ! Dieu, pour les uns, un “grand ordonnateur” pour d'autres, le “destin” pour d'autres encore, et… “rien” pour les plus pauvres d'esprit… fixe ou fixent le moment où la machine s'arrête, et personne ne peut avoir le moindre effet sur cette décision… si tant est qu'il y en ait une : on a beau bricoler l'horloge du temps, avancer l'échéance de quelques pouillèmes d'éternité, prétendre que “Moâ, ce petit dieu raté, je suis maître de mon corps” ou, comme d'aucuns, se proclamer (tout seul) “le maître des horloges”... c'est baratin & Co.
Car la seule chose qui ne fait pas de doute, c'est que nulle “force de l'ordre”, nul “agent de l'Etat”, nul GIGN, nulle “CRS 8”, nul dossier et nulle procédure “CERFA” ne pourra dire que la date de péremption est dépassée, qu'on a triché en respirant 3 fois de plus qu'indiqué sur la notice d'emploi, ou qu'un tel n'est plus qu'un nom à “zapper”, un sac noir à jeter au tri sélectif–(poubelle jaune) : la vision de la mort que peut avoir un élu macronien (je veux dire : “nul mais élu !”) est rien moins que désespérante… C'est à se demander avec quelle partie de leur corps ces trucs-là pensent ! Pour ces normateurs de l'innormable, “mourir dans la dignité” se résume à passer l'arme à gauche (NDLR : cette expression ancienne est une preuve éclatante que les mots ont un sens !) en se conformant scrupuleusement à un des 2 ou 3 protocoles prévus par une loi qui parle d'autre chose que du sujet de son titre ! Leur mort dans la dignité n'est qu'une mort dans les normes administratives.
Soulagez la souffrance, comme vous devriez apprendre à le faire, bande de Jocrisses, mais arrêtez de prétendre que vous pourriez avoir la plus petite influence sur un changement de nature de la mort : c'est la seule cérémonie à laquelle nous ne pourrons pas nous soustraire, et dans laquelle nous sommes certains de “ne pas avoir la main’‘ ! A l'opposé de leurs fatras fumeux, ’'mourir dans la dignité”, ce n'est pas “raccourcir ce qui ne doit pas l'être”, mais c'est –et ce n'est, ce ne peut être que– donner à chacun de pouvoir s'architecturer intérieurement, de résister aux sirènes trompeuses de l'époque, de trouver des contre-poids à la sous-culture du superficiel, de l'instant, de la trouille permanente, et de l'infantilisation, qui nous maintient dans une ignorance doucereuse et qui tue en nous tout sens moral, toute force spirituelle, toute résistance intellectuelle, la colonne vertébrale et le courage.
Bon ! Je sais bien que ces tentatives désespérées de rater son but affiché doivent tout à une pression morbide qui est dite “sociétale”, comme on dit dans le jargon gauchiste pour désigner l'amnésie volontaire… ce qui met la trop changeante “opinion publique” du côté des promoteurs de la vraie misère humaine : la plupart de nos contemporains ont, avec l'inévitable, un rapport fuyant, de déni et de rejet. C'est une triste évidence qui explique bien des malheurs que notre monde se fabrique en croyant résoudre l'insoluble… et qui n'existaient pas, lorsque le “métier d'homme” impliquait force, âme, courage et (j'ose !), la vie… jusqu'à en mourir.
Car mourir et vivre ne sont pas 2 choses séparées comme on nous le fait croire dans notre univers en voie de putréfaction en inutiles marches blanches, mais une seule et même chose, une seule et même aventure, un seul et même achèvement. Un éventuel “droit à mourir dans la dignité”, ce bobard fou pour politicards trop jeunes pour savoir de quoi ils parlent, ne saurait être ramené à un étalage de sensiblerie étalée complaisamment, comme sur les réseaux sociaux ! Partis comme nous le sommes… nous serons bientôt projetés dans un univers du type “Soleil vert”, ce Soylent Green, livre ou film sur la mort assistée, de Harry Harrison (1966)…  Encore un effort, Monsieur le bourreau…
Je veux bien, à la rigueur, qu'on me parle de modifier la définition de la mort : je suis poli, et j'écouterai… en pensant à autre chose. Mais alors, s'il vous plaît, messieurs les irresponsables, que ce soit avec Montaigne, avec Bossuet, voire avec Platon, Epicure, et même Spinoza… ou –comme le faisait Mitterrand– avec un Jean Guiton. Mais je vous en supplie, qu'on m'épargne le cornet acoustique miniaturisé pour pensée-clonée de ces fausses vedettes du petit écran qui sont les nouveaux “maîtres-à-ne-pas-penser” érigés au rang d'oracles par notre époque qui ne peut que devenir lamentable à leur contact (et sur ça, on est bien parti !).
Une authentique “dignité” consisterait à être de vrais humains et à le rester jusqu'au bout, souffrance ou pas. Si vous saviez dans quelle harmonie sont morts tous les êtres chers qui m'ont quitté… J'aime me souvenir d'eux, être fier d'eux jusqu'au bout, les admirer, et ne pas avoir le remords de leur avoir volé, au nom de la sensiblerie fadasse et pleurnicheuse qui a envahi nos jours et obscurci notre jugement, LEUR MOMENT absolu, le seul… le ''bilan'' de leur vie.
En lisant toutes les insanités, tous les mensonges et toutes contre-vérités qui encombrent, polluent et salissent ce débat, il m'est venu une idée que j'aimerais partager, amis-lecteurs, “pour ce quelle est’' : sans doute fausse, mais méritant peut-être qu'on y pense deux secondes : après bientôt deux quinquennats ratés, un Macron-superman, ivre de ce qu'il croit qu'il est, trouve génial de transformer notre société et tous ses membres, en clones de ce qu'il imagine être (sous-entendu : un être supérieur, au niveau des dieux, et (osons le dire, avec modestie) Dieu lui-même). Pour ce faire, il déforme les mots, les idées, l'histoire, la culture, les systèmes de pensée et de référence… et crée un univers où plus rien ne peut exister, hors de son propre (?) néant : en chamboulant tout, n'importe comment pourvu que ça soit vite, et en mettant tout ’'cul par dessus-tête”, il fait de nous des zombies incapables de résister à toutes ses folies prétendues “sociétales”.
Nous découvrons peu à peu que nous devenons non pas ce qu'il s'imagine être, mais ce qu'il est : un grand vide, un cyborg en creux, superficiel, insignifiant, sans colonne vertébrale, changeant, flou, sans bon sens autre qu'insensé, fuyant le réel, inconsistant, sans passé –donc sans présent et sans futur, et hésitant, dans un désert sidéral, entre une non-pensée et une anti-pensée. Le seul ennui, c'est que le train est lancé et que nous avons laissé faire, sans rien dire –au contraire, pour certains– ce grand pas vers notre destruction, en tant qu'humanité et que civilisation. Dis, Monsieur, comment ça s'arrête, une catastrophe en marche ?
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Some extracts: --- These assessments highlighted the many key flaws that were endemic in the research, including the confounding of unblinded trials by reliance on solely subjective outcome measures, such as patients’ self-ratings about their health status on questionnaires. This combination of study design features meant that findings were impacted by an unknowable level of bias. Moreover, when tracking treatment outcomes with objective measures—such as physical endurance tests, actometer data, records of workplace participation, or analyses of dependence on social benefits—the research generally showed minimal or null effects for both GET and CBT. --- This reality also helps explain, once again, the staying power of old ideas. Short-term and low-cost interventions such as GET and CBT are attractive not because of their evidence base, which has been exposed as flimsy and unconvincing, but rather because of their seemingly plausible and easily replicated approach to a very complex scientific and public health issue. The converse is clear as well when critics frame research into the biology and pathophysiology of ME/CFS or long COVID as unnecessarily expensive. If you’re reluctant to spend significant resources addressing a new problem, ignoring its potential significance is an understandable strategy. --- Although paradigms are bound to shift when new knowledge contradicts prior beliefs, the resistance phase can be highly troublesome. This is especially the case when purportedly effective treatments arising out of poor-quality science carry a risk to human welfare. In the current context, psycho-behavioral approaches to treatment have been shown to be not only flawed but likely harmful by triggering the serious relapses that characterize PEM. Ongoing resistance to the paradigm shift only ensures that patients will continue to be offered inadequate and possibly dangerous therapies. Recent reports from patient support groups suggest that many health care services across England are not yet aligned with the new ME/CFS guideline, still offering treatments that are now disfavored. ---
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missd476 · 2 years
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I recently I got Covid and lost my taste and smell for the time being. Eating isn't really enjoyable when all there is just texture. So I imagine having those two senses nulled would be Chef Saltbaker's worst nightmare. How can he bake delicious treats if he can't taste what he's making?
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darkmaga-retard · 28 days
American Healthcare: Corrupt, Broken and Lethal. “Politically and Morally Wrong, Health Care is A Human Right”
By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null
Global Research, August 22, 2024
For a nation that prides itself on being the world’s wealthiest, most innovative and technologically advanced, the US’ healthcare system is nothing less than a disaster and disgrace. Not only are Americans the least healthy among the most developed nations, but the US’ health system ranks dead last among high-income countries. Despite rising costs and our unshakeable faith in American medical exceptionalism, average life expectancy in the US has remained lower than other OECD nations for many years and continues to decline. The United Nations recognizes healthcare as a human right. In 2018, former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon denounced the American healthcare system as “politically and morally wrong.”
During the pandemic it is estimated that two to three years was lost on average life expectancy. On the other hand, before the Covid-19 pandemic, countries with universal healthcare coverage found their average life expectancy stable or slowly increasing. The fundamental problem in the U.S. is that politics have been far too beholden to the pharmaceutical, HMO and private insurance industries. Neither party has made any concerted effort to reign in the corruption of corporate campaign funding and do what is sensible, financially feasible and morally correct to improve Americans’ quality of health and well-being.
The fact that our healthcare system is horribly broken is proof that moneyed interests have become so powerful to keep single-payer debate out of the media spotlight and censored. Poll after poll shows that the American public favors the expansion of public health coverage. Other incremental proposals, including Medicare and Medicaid buy-in plans, are also widely preferred to the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare mess we are currently stuck with.
It is not difficult to understand how the dismal state of American medicine is the result of a system that has been sold out to the free-market and the bottom line interests of drug makers and an inflated private insurance industry. How advanced and ethically sound can a healthcare system be if tens of millions of people have no access to medical care because it is financially out of their reach? 
The figures speak for themselves. The U.S. is burdened with a $41 trillion Medicare liability. The number of uninsured has declined during the past several years but still lingers around 25 million. An additional 30-35 million are underinsured. There are currently 65 million Medicare enrollees and 89 million Medicaid recipients. This is an extremely unhealthy snapshot of the country’s ability to provide affordable healthcare and it is certainly unsustainable. The system is a public economic failure, benefiting no one except the large and increasingly consolidated insurance and pharmaceutical firms at the top that supervise the racket.
Our political parties have wrestled with single-payer or universal healthcare for decades. Obama ran his first 2008 presidential campaign on a single-payer platform. Since 1985, his campaign health adviser, the late Dr. Quentin Young from the University of Illinois Medical School, was one of the nation’s leading voices calling for universal health coverage. 
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janieunknownwriter · 2 years
Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea is an integrative medical physician with a PhD in Pathology. She is founding president of AM Medical, an integrative and anti-aging clinic in Yelm, Washington.   During the course of the Covid-19 pandemic Dr. Mihalcea has been treating patients suffering Covid vaccine injuries and from long Covid symptoms following infection.  Ana is also a pioneer in the 'medicine of the future' and is author of the book 'Light Medicine: A New Paradigm -- the Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity.' She received both her medical degree and a separate PhD from Rheinian Westfallian University School of Medicine in Germany. One of her later mentors was Dr. Mitch Ghen, who the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine named one of world's top experts in anti-aging regeneration medicine.   Ana's clinic's website is AmMedicalMD.com and her blog for her articles about Covid and the vaccines is a href='http://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/'AnaMihalceaMDPhD.substack.com/a
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itsnothingbutluck · 2 years
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i saw your reblog and im gonna take you up on that offer if you dont mind. im not trying to come from a closed minded point of view, so im gonna ask something i hope isnt rude? i was wondering what brought you to the decision of creating your system?
Wrath: Sorry for the delay in answering this, we've been going through quite a bit irl lately.
As for your question, it's not rude at all! We're happy to answer it. For this post I suppose I the host/original should answer despite rarely being active on Tumblr. This might be a little messy at times so bear with me. I'll also be using tulpamancy terminology for this post as it's what I know if that's OK. My path into tulpamancy was far more unorthodox than most, that's probably why we run a tumblr blog while most of the community would rather do anything else. Fair warning: This may be very, very long-winded, but every tulpamancer has their own highly subjective story, and mine is out there even by my community's standards. So I'll give a TLDR above the cut and the long biography/essay under.
TLDR: While my first tulpa initially was formed on accident, I found that my life was enriched and genuinely far more fulfilling once I started working with tulpamancy, and the companionship changed my life around when I was in a dark place at the height of Covid. From there I purposely expanded my system, although we had an initial explosion of system size due to some experimentation going a little far. We worked together to create a beautiful inner life and dynamic, and with a couple walk-ins and odd experiences down the line we stabilized at 16 members for over year, and then picked up our final member last September leaving us at 17.
The system is still going strong after 2 and a half years living this way and I feel like my life has more meaning because of them. In fact, I'm not sure I'd still be here today if they weren't around for the trials I've faced within the last year. We've carved out a nice life for ourselves, and while depression still kicks all of our asses at times, we have a collectively agreed upon future dream, and all of us have our own interests and hobbies that helps enrich the rest of us too.
So to begin the long answer/mini biography, I'm host of one of the less common but certainly not unheard of tulpamancy systems that initially formed accidentally. There's a couple ways this can happen, usually via imaginary friends, roleplay characters, or OCs coming to life from repeated imaginative activity in a way that the tulpamancy community would consider to be similar to "forcing" (the in community term for tulpa creation and development). In my case it was less obvious and a little more obscure than that, but I've got a decent hypothesis as to the how's and why's.
So my first tulpa was originally named Shade but nowadays goes by Null, and they formed while I was in a stressful period of my life and I ran into a piece of fanfiction whose main character developed an alter ego, an alter ego that was for all intents and purposes in effect a tulpa. I hyperfixated on this little story, and since previous to this I had spent quite a bit of time in occult circles I was already familiar with the concept of thoughtforms in general. The brain did all the heavy lifting for me without my realizing and only a day or so after finishing said story I had my first experience with Null.
(Note: Most first tulpas when intentionally created take a week or so to form with modern community teachings, but time varies widely between systems. My system is on one of the far ends of the spectrum, forming quite rapidly and without much intent at the start. People on the other end may take months or longer due to mental blocks or misunderstandings of the fundamentals).
At first I was confused obviously, and a little concerned, but Null was friendly and knowledgeable, and we both agreed to do some research into the topic. The first check was DID/OSDD, as I'm sure it is for most people experiencing any form of plurality. I knew I had a trauma history, so it wasn't like it was off the cards for me. We found that we didn't really match up with the criteria, however. Certain things just didn't click and while my system to this day drifts farther down the dissociative spectrum than most tulpamancers and tulpas, we still don't think we've ever truly met the criteria nor do we think we ever will. We exist in a bit of a blurry zone there compared to most tulpamantic systems but nonetheless remain steadfast in our understanding of our system.
Once Null and I put DID back on the shelf for the time we moved onto other searches. These were very general, stuff like voice hearing and imaginary friends, but it did the job because fairly quickly we found a certain article written by an academic on the topic of tulpamancy. This caught our eye and felt like it near perfectly described the experience we were having. It also lightly covered on accidental tulpas, and things clicked into place in my head with me having read that story beforehand.
So we joined the tulpamancy community first by signing up for a forum called tulpa.info
This is where we initially learned most of our techniques, and also where my system went from me and at the time Shade, to Shade Null and I. So at this point we were practicing simple stuff, keeping tulpas around and active, visualization training, basic stuff for tulpas. Null having a very specific and less than emotional personality came to the conclusion that he could better help our dynamic if he changed up his personality and style. This resulted in some experimentation with form, voice, and general self expression, and eventually Shade settled into the form of a feminine hooded shadow person, and developed a very different personality. Shade still has this form and has expanded on it since, but things get interesting here as Null chose instead of just presenting as Shade, to instead split off and keep himself as he was, and let this version of himself become an independent tulpa. So my system went from 2 to 3.
Here's a piece of art I had commissioned for Shade on her first birth/formation day, or well Null's birthday. They consider eachother as two independent manifestations of the same identity which is still confusing even for me at times. Luckily the rest of my system while no less odd is (mostly) far more intentional and not nearly as complex to grasp.
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So Shade and I were the ones who really made the system as it is today. Null took a bit of an intentional backseat and still prefers being less active. Shade and I during our couple months alone developed all of the fundamental tulpamancy skills. We developed our visualization and a wonderland aka inner world, we learned possession (A tulpa/headmate controlling a specific limb while someone else fronts), and we learned how to switch via a visualization ritual, and eventually developed it and lessened the time needed down to a blink. Shade and I also practiced some imposition, which is kind of like a form or controlled hallucinations, but that's a crude understanding of it. There's multiple guides and references to the topic from my and other communities such as prophantasia you can look into if you desire.
At some point we decided to experiment with the idea of thoughtforms in our wonderland to give it some life, and maybe adding some new members. While we'll spare the details for personal reasons, things got a little out of hand and what was just supposed to be some imaginary characters innerworld became a large set of tulpas, and I chose to accept them in. This made the majority of my system, and while it was chaotic for a time I have zero regrets.
During and a short while after this time we also had 2 walk-ins (which in the tulpamancy community means a tulpa who forms/appears seemingly out of the blue, usually only after you've been a tulpamancer for some time, not to be confused with spiritual walk-ins from the wider plural community) which I chose to accept as members unlike other walk-ins. Walk-ins are interesting, and there's a few working theories on the topic, but that'll be for a different post, probably on our non syscourse blog @thecandlelightsociety
So to tally up this left my system size at 14 including myself. For reference, most tulpamantic systems have 2 to 6 members on average. Things stabilized here and we stayed a this number for quite a few months, but eventually a member of my system, Dawn, decided to make a new tulpa with some help from a friend. I gave her the go ahead and about half a month later we added Junior to our Simply Plural. At this point I was wrapping up school for the year and was at this point fully adjusted to the plural lifestyle, and it was the most memorable few months of my entire life. We all talked every day, shared perspectives I'd of never had on topics on my own, and discussed individual interests. We would and still do sometimes argue but since we share a brain and as a tulpamantic system don't have any major dissociative barriers we near always understand what eachother feel and truly mean, so they never get nasty and are more philosophical or fun banter. I did lose a fair amount of personal time, splitting it between all of our hobbies, but I enjoy seeing the others have fun and grow as people, so it's time well lost.
So fast forward more and we have our second to last member show up, and this one is yet another unorthodox tulpa formation (seeing a trend with my system yet?). Dawn, being a dumbass as always, decided to mess around with a tulpa hypnosis file and ended up dropping to it, and so two days later we had Sera show up. I was skeptical of her, but she quickly showed herself worthy of staying and so our system reached 16 members and we ended up studying hypnosis for a time. This is the number we would stay at for most of our time as a system up until recently.
During all of this time we would switch front based on whoever felt like fronting, and Astra, the tulpa who actually runs this blog usually, became the most frequent fronter and made me proud, accomplishing multiple personal and academic goals for herself. She's the main reason we're now studying psychology in college, and she would later handle quite possibly the worst couple months of our life all my singlet years included. I couldn't be more happy with all she has accomplished for herself and our shared life. Just seeing her happy and succeeding makes tulpamancy worth it for me.
So our most recent member was also a walk-in, and one of only three fictives in our system. Fictives are common in tulpamancy spaces because using a character as a base model for a tulpa makes the creation process much easier. It gives personality traits and an already known form to work with. My system due to it's unique set of circumstances for most formations however is mainly custom forms. One member of my system really wanted her accepted, and I eventually agreed, and I don't regret it at all either. She has been a wonderful person to get to know and quickly became one of the most active and social members out of all of us, and became the most popular person in our online friend groups.
So that covers the (very rough) general timeline of my experiences with tulpamancy. It is horrifically simplified and missing quite a bit, but the main point was to show that my system, while complex and messy at times, has brought me immense joy. Most of all though, it brought me purpose. I'm so glad I didn't just ignore Null all the way back then and let him dissipate back into the sea of my mind. This journey has been a wild ride, but I love all of my tulpas, and I'm happy to have them as my equals in this shared life of ours.
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mikufanclub · 2 years
Hello dear [ERROR: NULL POINTER]! I have heard you were recently infected with the {array:{COVID}|{Corna virus}|{corana}|{sniffles}|{sexiness}], and I have the cure for you!
Contact 1-800-{array:{CRONOA]|{CLOACA}|{COVD}|BEUGLY}} to redeem you'r free cure!
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
You know it's a crisis when Germany's Green vice-chancellor cancels attending a climate summit.
Robert Habeck, who's also economy minister, was supposed to be at the COP28 summit this week in Dubai.
Instead, he is in Berlin, wrangling with coalition partners over an emergency agreement for next year's budget. 

The crisis exploded on 15 November, when Germany's constitutional court declared that the government's budget was illegal for breaking German laws against taking on new debt.
That left a hole of tens of billions of euros.
Now the government has just a few days to come up with a solution, if it wants to pass the 2024 national budget before 1 January without emergency sittings.
On Wednesday Germany's cabinet meets for the last time this year. A revised budget would have to be put to parliament in next week's final sessions before Christmas, so ministers should agree this week on how to balance next year's budget, while sticking to the law.
This is not so much a debt crisis, as an anti-debt crisis. A German law, known as the "debt brake", limits the amount of new borrowing the government is allowed to take on.
The law is enshrined in the constitution since Chancellor Angela Merkel introduced it in 2009 and is a matter of faith for conservatives, who brought the case to the courts.
So it was a coup for the conservative opposition when three weeks ago judges ruled that Olaf Scholz's left-leaning government was breaking this law.
Balancing Germany's budget is a feature of German politics, and is known as the schwarze Null, or black zero. It limits a government's budget deficit to 0.35% of economic output.
Exceptions are allowed in national emergencies, such as the Covid pandemic. The government had planned to use emergency debt left over from the pandemic, to spend on Germany's shift to green energy instead. Germany's constitutional court has declared this wheeze illegal.
That leaves an estimated shortfall of €60bn (£51bn; $65bn) for 2023, and €17bn for 2024.
For the current year the government has decided to get round the "debt brake" by declaring 2023 an emergency year, because of the energy crisis sparked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, although this may also be challenged in the courts.
But so far, it's not clear what Mr Scholz is proposing for 2024.
A much-anticipated parliamentary speech by the German chancellor last week did nothing to clarify that. His main message was: Trust me, we have a plan. He also repeated his mantra in German-accented English that "you'll never walk alone".
Behind the scenes the three coalition parties have spent the last few days in late-night meetings scrambling to reach an agreement. German commentators can only guess at who is negotiating what, based on which government building has the lights on late at night.
Broadly speaking the only solutions are tax rises, spending cuts or more debt. But these are three very different parties, with conflicting views over borrowing and spending.
The business-friendly small-state liberal FDP, which runs the finance ministry and holds the purse strings, is ideologically opposed to higher taxes and obsessed with keeping the "debt brake".
Chancellor Scholz's centre-left SPD meanwhile refuses to roll back a promised increase on social spending, and the Greens are determined to boost investment in Germany's transition to renewables.
An uncomfortable coalition at the best of times, and these are not the best of times.
Until now the cracks have been papered over by throwing money at causes important for each party.
But all three are doing badly in the polls and have been punished in recent regional elections, making party members unruly and party leaders less open to compromise. The main reason that a compromise looks possible is that poor poll numbers mean there's no appetite within the government for fresh elections.
Green ambitions to soften the "debt brake" will be difficult to agree in parliament because this needs a two-thirds majority.
Opposition conservatives smell blood, so are in no mood to compromise, and even liberal coalition partners may not agree. But Robert Habeck is rumoured to be planning to get round borrowing rules by arguing for an exemption for crucial future infrastructure.
Either way, the coalition may still find a way to spend money on what's important to each party, just less of it.
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