#Nurse Violence
thenursediaries · 1 year
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Unmasking Nurse Violence: Addressing the Silent Epidemic in Healthcare Workforce
In the corridors of healthcare, where compassion and healing intertwine, a disheartening reality often goes unnoticed—the pervasive issue of nurse violence. With over 25 years of experience in the field, I am compelled to shine a spotlight and bring attention to this silent epidemic that threatens the very core of our profession. It is past time for a change.
The Unseen Threat: Nurse Violence in Healthcare
Most people associate nursing with compassion, care, and healing. However, the unfortunate truth is that the very individuals committed to nurturing others often find themselves exposed to a different kind of reality. Whether subtle or overt, nurse violence has emerged as a silent epidemic within the healthcare workforce, undermining the very foundation of the noble profession we hold dear.
Verbal assaults, threats, and even physical attacks have become distressingly commonplace in the healthcare environment. The emotional toll of such incidents cannot be understated. As nurses, we stand at the intersection of vulnerability and strength, providing care even in the face of adversity. But the weight of enduring violence, coupled with the responsibility of patient well-being, inevitably takes its toll. But don’t rely solely on my words, consider the facts.
Unveiling Startling Statistics
Statistics about workplace violence are frequently masked in confusion, complicated by the conflicting criteria and methodologies employed by investigating agencies. However, amidst these differences, a consistent pattern emerges—healthcare workers, particularly nurses, confront an alarming escalation of workplace violence when compared to many other professions.
From 2016 to 2020, a chilling total of 207 deaths were attributed to violence in the workplace within the private sector of the healthcare and social assistance industry (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021). This harsh reality extends further—2020 witnessed healthcare and social assistance employees encountering an incidence rate of 10.3 injuries per 10,000 full-time workers, stemming from assaults and other aggressive acts. This rate surged to an unsettling 21.8 for nursing and personal care facility workers (BLS, 2021).
Behind the Numbers: Personal Experiences of Nurse Violence
Delving even deeper into this sobering data reveals a major population-based study that exposes shocking insights from nurses (RNs/LPNs). The findings revealed an alarming physical assault rate of 13.2 incidents per 100 nurses annually. Even more concerning, a staggering 38.8 incidents per 100 nurses per year encompassed non-physical violence—threats, sexual harassment, and verbal abuse (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2021). These statistics are more than mere numbers; they encapsulate the anguish faced by healthcare professionals striving to provide care in an environment plagued by violence. As experienced practitioners, it is our moral duty to initiate change.
A Personal Perspective: Navigating Nurse Violence
As I reflect on these distressing statistics, I am reminded of the countless moments in my own nursing career where I have either witnessed or personally experienced nurse violence firsthand. I have been called just about every possible curse word imaginable. I have been hit, kicked, bitten, and have had things thrown at me. On one occasion, I caught  a right hook in the left eye, cutting my eye and breaking my glasses. On another occasion, a patient with hepatitis spit food in my eyes forcing me to be treated in the emergency department. They had to flush my eyes by placing suction cups, attached to one-liter bags of normal saline. I was placed on antibiotics and was required to have bloodwork drawn for the next year to make sure I didn’t develop hepatitis.
I walked into one patient’s room, only to see my co-worker being held by her throat up against the wall, her toes barely touching the ground. She was out of work for quite a while, and no one was surprised when she made the decision to leave nursing. I’ve even been in patient rooms with a family member who had a gun…Thankfully we de-escalated that situation. These experiences have left indelible marks on my journey as a nurse, revealing the harsh reality that too many of us face each day.
These encounters serve as a stark reminder that nurse violence extends far beyond statistics—it infiltrates the very heart of our profession, eroding our sense of safety and compassion. The emotional toll of these incidents is immeasurable, leaving scars that run deeper than physical wounds.
However, amidst these challenges, I have also witnessed the remarkable resilience and dedication of nurses who continue to provide care despite the looming threat of violence. Our shared experiences highlight the urgent need for change—a change that can only be brought about through collective action and unwavering commitment.
A Call to Action: Addressing Nurse Violence
Throughout my journey, I have come to realize that addressing nurse violence demands a multi-pronged approach. Education and awareness are paramount. By fostering a culture that acknowledges and condemns violence within the healthcare setting, we can empower both nurses and patients. Training programs that equip nurses with de-escalation techniques, self-defense strategies, and psychological support are essential in preparing us to navigate the challenging terrain of healthcare.
Empowerment Through Communication
Additionally, the importance of open communication channels cannot be overstated. Nurses must be encouraged to report incidents without fear of repercussions, ensuring that each case is thoroughly investigated and the appropriate measures are taken. Collaborative efforts involving hospital administrators, nursing associations, and legislative bodies are crucial in effecting meaningful change.
The Heart of Nursing Endures
Yet, despite the trials we face, the heart of nursing continues to beat strongly. Our resilience, compassion, and unwavering dedication shine through even in the face of adversity. As seasoned nurses, we possess a wealth of experience and wisdom that can pave the way for a safer and more nurturing healthcare environment.
Together We Unmask, Together We Heal
The journey of a nurse is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. As we unmask the grim reality of nurse violence and shed light on this silent epidemic, we must stand united in our quest for change. Let us draw upon our collective experiences to create a future where nurses can fulfill their calling without fear, and where the healing process remains a sanctuary of compassion and care.
Let us take this opportunity to transform our pain into purpose, and our challenges into catalysts for positive transformation. Together, we can navigate the path towards a safer, more respectful, and empathetic healthcare workforce, ensuring that the legacy of nurse violence becomes a relic of the past.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021). Injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. https://www.bls.gov/iif/home.htm
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (2021). Workplace violence prevention for nurses: Definitions, types, and prevalence. https://wwwn.cdc.gov/WPVHC/Nurses/Course/Slide/Unit1_6
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Incorrect quotes
Dead Boy Detectives & The Magnus Archives
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ek-ranjhaan · 1 month
Independence day? The very foundation of Independence is safety. What is the point of hoisting the tricolor when the white is stained with red.
There was a time when people believed of this profession as next to God's, people would fall into the feet of healthcare workers, join their hands to thank them. I think you guessed it already, medicine. And now?
"A female doctor resting in R.G. Kar hospital's seminal hall gets raped, brutalized, murdered."
"a doctor was tied to a tree, robbed and his wife and daughter gang-raped in Gaya district of Bihar"
"two resident doctors of Banaras Hindu University were beaten up by patient's attendants and goons"
"Two resident doctors of JJ Hospital, Mumbai were beaten up by patient's relatives"
"Two medical residents working at the Sassoon Medical College were brutally thrashed; a junior resident doctor suffered a skull fracture; a doctor suffered fractured ribs and broken bones"
"a junior lady doctor on night duty was stabbed to death by a patient"
And this has recently come to light. We have never even talked about our nursing staff and the amount of harassment they face. If doctors commit suicide from exploitation and extreme mental and physical breakdown, nurses commit suicide as result of extreme harassment and abuse, be it physical, sexual, mental. I hope everyone remembers Aruna Ramchandra Shanbaug.
The non-medic communities are not even willing to take a stand for us.
Everyone wants world-class but affordable treatment, even free treatment, free medicines and empathetic and responsible doctors, but no one has the bloody balls to take a stand and raise their voices for us.
This is not what our families sent us for. This not what we opted for. This is not what we're working are assess off for.
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try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
Ok well i had the brief thought “what about an ER nurse Eddie au?” and then this popped fully formed into existence so fuck it Friday pt 2.. warnings for smoking and vague references to critically injured kids
“That doesn’t seem very healthy.”
Smoke curls up from the cigarette held loosely in Eddie’s hand. “It’s not, particularly.”
Buck’s hands are in his pockets as he strolls away from the glass doors out into the ambulance bay where Eddie is doing the mature, professional equivalent of playing hide and seek. He comes to a stop barely a foot or two away from where Eddie leans against grimy concrete. “Didn’t know you were a smoker.”
“I’m not,” Eddie sighs, “Particularly.” He looks over Buck’s face as he takes a drag, cataloging bruises and cuts. He hadn’t been the one to look him over before he was discharged, probably because he was out here avoiding having to do so. “Only when it’s- only after the bad shifts.” And only once a month, even if the bad shifts come again and again. He bought this pack in January, it’s stale as shit.
Buck’s eyes follow the smoke as it drifts skyward. “Rough one today?”
Eddie thinks he probably doesn’t have to explain to Buck that it’s sometimes better when a kid is dead on arrival so he doesn’t have to try his best to administer care he knows will be useless. He doesn’t have to explain a day where nothing goes right and he loses more people than he can save and he still has to walk away from someone’s parent or wife or sister, left behind forever in a waiting room on the worst day of their life, and go on to lose the next person too. Doesn’t have to explain why he’s out here, and not in there. “Mm. We’ve got this repeat customer, always hate to have him back.”
Buck’s eyes flick to his face before they settle somewhere around his elbow. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. He seems like a nice guy. I worry about him. He’s here too often.”
Buck doesn’t look up. “What was he in for this time?”
“Minor concussion. Bruising. Lacerations.” Eddie sucks cancer into his lungs. “Heard a house fell on him.” Exhales it into the night.
Buck does look up this time, eyes a darker blue out here in the shadows. “Part of a house. Just a staircase and the- like, the balcony, really.”
“Maybe he should stay away from those.”
“From houses?” Buck asks, half his mouth twitching into a smile.
Eddie rests his head on the wall behind him. “Guess that’s not really practical.”
“No.” Buck is quiet for a moment, one hand slipping out of his pocket and running through his hair. Eddie wonders what he looks like, when he’s not here. He’s more styled, sometimes, when things aren’t very bad. He wonders if he’s usually all gelled up and neat. Eddie kind of likes the loose curls. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“Making your day worse.” Buck looks genuinely apologetic, and Eddie shakes his head.
“The guy made it out okay this time.” Buck is just close enough that Eddie can kick at his boot with his sensible orthopedic sneaker. “You didn’t even need stitches.”
“That’s good.” Eddie’s left foot is pressed along the inside of Buck’s right, and Buck is staring down at them. “His favorite nurse was on break. I would have missed you if someone else had to do them.”
Eddie laughs, just a few bursts of soundless oxygen. “You gotta find new ways to see me before something happens that I can’t fix.”
Buck moves, taking the few steps necessary to lean against the wall beside him. Carefully, he takes the cigarette from Eddie’s hand, holds it between two of his own fingers, and takes a drag. Eddie watches it happen like he’s monitoring somebody’s pulse ox, and when Buck coughs he laughs again, louder this time. “Fuck,” Buck says, laughing too. “Thought that would be cooler than it was.”
“Smoking isn’t cool, firefighter Buckley,” Eddie says, taking the cigarette back and pulling from it again between smiling lips.
“Hm,” Buck says, grinning out into the night. Then he sighs, and rolls his head along the concrete to look at Eddie. “I think there’s nothing you can’t fix.”
They’re very close. “There’s lots I can’t fix.”
Buck shrugs like he disagrees. “I also think I’d like to find other ways to see you.”
Buck’s eyes are even more in shadow at this angle, and they’re the color of the lake back in El Paso that he and a bunch of kids went to after graduation, drunk off beer somebody’s cousin got for them, skinny dipping with breathless terrified delight under bright constellations. “Then ask me.”
Buck inhales as Eddie exhales. “What time’s your shift end?”
“5:30 AM. So, probably 6:15.”
Buck traces the two fingers he’d used to hold the cigarette down Eddie’s arm. “You wanna get breakfast with me?”
“Yes. I would.”
Buck smiles, and Eddie snubs out the cigarette on the wall between them. “I’ll meet you here?”
“Alright.” He takes a step forward, then a step to the right so he’s standing in front of Buck. “Two hours.”
“Uh huh.”
He should really get back inside. They’re understaffed, as always, and there are too many patients, as always, and not enough beds, as always. “See you then.” He doesn’t make any move to leave.
“See you then,” Buck almost whispers. He leans forward, and Eddie still doesn’t move, so he presses a tiny kiss to the corner of his mouth for just a moment. His lips are warm. Eddie hadn’t noticed it was cold outside.
Buck pulls back and leans against the wall again. Eddie smiles, puts a hand in his pocket, and walks back toward the doors.
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
The Clever One
(this is a sneak peek for the Steter fic I'm currently working on, where Stiles realizes in season 1 that Peter's canon behavior toward him is strange, how he never hurts Stiles, never tries to kill him, offers Stiles a choice. He comes to the conclusion that he's Peter's mate. So he sets conditions for Peter, leading to a season 2 rewrite with Alpha Peter. and Alpha Mate Stiles, rebuilding the Hale Pack together.)
Stiles walked into the broken, burned out husk of the Hale House like he owned the place. Just to be stopped by a hand on his chest and blue eyes flashing at him from Derek’s annoyed face.
“What are you doing here, Stiles,” Derek growled.
“I’m here to talk to your glorious Alpha,” Stiles tilted his head with an uncaring air.
He was not going to let Derek threaten him. Sure, in the past his heart would jump and he would be afraid, even if he still helped Derek out. Right now, Stiles was fully confident in his own safety. Derek narrowed his eyes in irritation, smelling or hearing that Stiles wasn’t intimidated.
“You fought him, in the hospital. You fought him to protect me,” Stiles argued with a frown. “He killed your sister, Derek. Why did you join him?”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Derek was close to snarling.
“Try me,” Stiles threw up his hands. “I understand a lot more than you think.”
This time, Derek did snarl. Just to receive a warning growl from upstairs. A cocky grin spread over Stiles’ lips. He’d known the Alpha was here too. He’d known that as long as Peter was close by, Derek wouldn’t get to do any threatening or bodily harm. The beta ground his teeth and stepped back. Hah. Oh, Stiles was absolutely going to revel in the fact that he now outranked Derek. Alpha Mate beat out the Alpha’s right-hand. His grin turned a note of shit-eating.
“He was in a coma for six years. Slowly healing. Aware of everything around him. You couldn’t understand what that is like for a wolf, especially…” Derek swallowed hard, looking away. “Everyone was dead, me and Laura were gone. He was alone with it all.”
“He went insane,” Stiles nodded. “I feel like we established the insanity part in the hospital. You fought him in the hospital. I want to know what changed since then.”
“He’s still healing,” Derek’s voice dropped even more. “He wasn’t fully healed when he killed Laura, he was… feral. Acting on instincts. Seeking to get better. Becoming Alpha… did that.”
Stiles could hear it. He could hear the despair in Derek’s voice. Stiles closed his eyes and heaved a soft sigh. Asking Derek was useless, Derek desperately wanted to believe this. Because what was the other option? That his only living family had willingly, or even joyfully, murdered Derek’s sister? No. Of course did Derek cling onto the hope that things could get better now.
“Okay,” Stiles sighed. “You can go now, Derek.”
The beta stared at him incredulously. “You don’t tell me what to do, Stiles. Werewolf, human. We established this. Why do you think you can tell me what to do, in my own home.”
With all the confidence he could muster did Stiles raise his head, not cowering, holding Derek’s gaze with a calm pulse. “Because Alpha Mate outranks right-hand.”
And oh this felt good. Stiles smirked cockily. Even as a not werewolf, he could feel the tension in the air. The shocked look on Derek’s face – genuine shock, meaning Derek hadn’t put it together yet and Peter hadn’t told him, oh damn, Derek hadn’t even known. A laugh barked out from upstairs.
“I knew you would figure it out on your own. I didn’t think so soon though,” Peter sounded both amused and nearly fond. “Leave us, Derek.”
Grounding his teeth together, Derek shot his uncle one last look before he headed out. Peter only walked into view at the top of the stairs after they could hear the Camaro roar to life and drive off.
“Tell me that he’s right,” Stiles ordered, crossing his arms over his chest. “Tell me that you are still healing. Getting better. Because, you know, the bit where you mauled one of my best friends-”
“She was all over you,” Peter growled, his eyes flashing red. “You were all over her.”
Stiles swallowed, the cockiness cracking some. Not because the growling and red eyes intimidated him, but because of how much they turned him on. No one had ever been possessive over him. Heck, no one had ever been interested in him. Sure, Lydia had gone to Homecoming with him in the end, but that had been more coercion from Allison and pity than Lydia actually wanting him. Lydia still wanted Jackson. Still loved Jackson. Might always love Jackson.
Peter cleared his throat, all calm and professional again. “I am still healing. The outside heals the fastest, it’s… the inside that needs more time, even with wolf-healing. A large part of me is still very… feral and reduced to base instincts. I attacked her because my inner wolf felt threatened by her, threatened by the way she was making advances on my mate.”
Stiles’ heart jumped a little at that. So he had figured it out, but actually hearing himself referred to as Peter’s mate was something else entirely than figuring it out on his own, for himself. Stiles bit down on his cheek, his arms tightly crossed in front of his chest. Part of him was grateful Peter was still at the top of the stairs. Physical distance between them. This whole conversation was a lot. Though Stiles had come to the realization that he was Peter’s mate, he had not fully come to terms with that fact. He didn’t know what to do with it, or what it could or should or would mean.
“I’m not going to do anything to you,” Peter’s voice was soft, which might be the weirdest part of this entire conversation. “Or with you. Not yet. You’re more child than man, Stiles. But I can already tell why my wolf chose you as my mate. You are clever. Brilliant. Tricky. Manipulative. Cunning. Quick-witted. All the qualities I cherish the most.”
Stiles couldn’t help but flush at that. “Yeah, well, don’t make it sound like that’s your grand gesture there, I am not exactly tripping over myself trying to get into your pants either. You turned my best friend into a werewolf, without his consent – even though you proved that you are capable of asking for it when you asked me if I wanted the bite – and you mauled Lydia. I’m not considering you Prince Charming. And from what my research showed, a werewolf mate-bond is something that strengthens and grows over time. So, I guess, you still have time to prove yourself.”
Peter quirked his lips, looking absolutely amused by him. “Prove myself, mh?”
“Again. Maiming and mauling of people I love,” Stiles narrowed his eyes. “You say you don’t want anything romantic or sexual with me yet, but this mate-bond thing is a life-long bond. At one point, you will. Because you’re the wolf here. You can feel it. So, if you want me to be on the same page by then, you better prove yourself to me.”
The grin on Peter’s lips looked near amazed or excited and Stiles didn’t know what to do with that. It was like the Alpha enjoyed being challenged, enjoyed that Stiles wasn’t just swooning at the prospect of having a soulmate, but gave Peter conditions to earn it. Weird.
“You’ve seen what I’m capable of,” and it was clearly implied here that Peter didn’t just speak of his werewolf abilities but morally, the depth of the things he was willing to do. “So tell me then, what do you think you can demand of me?”
“What I think I can demand of you? Pretty much anything, as long as it’s about me,” Stiles huffed amused, cocking his head. “You can’t hurt me. I mean, physically can’t. And I think that… even emotionally, you couldn’t, not intentionally. Heck, part of me thinks that you turning Scotty was for me, in a twisted, weird way, because your wolf could smell me all over him, thought it would appeal to me if you had my best friend in your pack. And Lydia. You attacked her irrationally, feral and threatened, but when I asked you to let someone come and help her, you agreed. Because you saw how much her condition was getting to me. I think I can ask pretty much anything of you.”
“Manipulative,” Peter pointed out, and he sounded proud and impressed and pleased. “Well, then.”
“You will never lay a hand on anyone I love again,” Stiles eyes were hard and his voice was cold, his body-language conveying how serious he was. “Not my dad, not Scott, not Scott’s mom, not Lydia. Reign your possessive wolf instincts in. She’s not interested in me anyway. If you ever hurt any of them again, I will put a wolfsbane bullet in you myself.”
“Threatening,” Peter smirked. “Cute.”
“I’m not joking,” Stiles frowned annoyed. “I’m the sheriff’s son. I know how to use a gun. And I know where to get wolfsbane bullets from.”
The playfulness left Peter when he realized that Stiles needed to be taken seriously here. “Okay. Noted down. I don’t plan on hurting my pack anyway. Of which Scott is a part of now, whether he likes it or not. And Lydia, well, the cuts were deep so who knows if she will end up joining my pack too. Your father is safe, I promise you that.”
There was still quip and snark in his voice, but that last sentence was spoken with sincerity and Stiles nodded pleased. “No more turning anyone without their consent. Scott hates this, hates being a werewolf, if he’d had a choice he would have said no. I get that a pack of three isn’t going to do you much good, I know you’re going to turn more people, strengthen the pack. But everyone you bite will first be informed of both the good and the bad, they will be given a choice, and that choice is going to be respected by you. The way you gave me a choice, and respected it.”
“I have no problem with that condition,” Peter waved a dismissive hand. “Scott is more trouble than he is gain to me, as is. A beta who doesn’t want to be a werewolf is not an asset to the pack. Betas who are loyal to their Alpha, who will be willing to listen to their inner wolves, will be assets. I only turned him out of instinct, the need to strengthen my pack while not being… mentally there enough to actually think things through. Believe me, I will plan out my pack in the future.”
“Our,” Stiles corrected unflinchingly. “Alpha Mate. Makes this my pack too, doesn’t it?”
The look on Peter’s face was nearly smug with delight. “Our pack.”
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hyperfocusthusly · 4 months
Imagine just trying to find two dead lost children and you get hit with a singing bowl and thrown into the sea and swallowed by a giant fish and then when you wake up a Jesus coded man lives there
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hraugur · 1 year
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more terraria shenanigans the “hero” likes to interrupt
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invisible-pink-toast · 4 months
do people realise that you can like characters without having to morally defend them??
like misty quigley is a fantastic character - she's awkward, can be sweet, disturbing, cruel, ruthless, intelligent, dorky. there's a lot of layers to her character, just like every character on yellowjackets.
and you are allowed to like her for all her complexities! she is not real! you are not supporting an actual cannibalistic, elder abusing, serial killer! she is a well written character and you do not have to try to convince random strangers on the internet that she is simply "misunderstood"
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johannestevans · 10 months
went on a lunch date recently where the guy like. didn't mention what job he did on grindr, just that he'd been working late etc, and then when i got there and mentioned it i asked what he did, and he was like "oh well i work for the police" and i was. immediately shut down, understandably
and later on i asked his opinions abt police brutality, police abuse rates, if he thinks the police should be abolished etc, and later was like, yeah, ethically this is a bad match
but idk like. when ppl tell me they're a cop or a gard (or in the military) on grindr i just block them from the off, bc it's like, well, you're cool w brutality, rape, and abuse, there's no reason you could or should be trusted with an intimate partner. and this guy had mentioned he followed me on twitter and didn't at all seem surprised by my open disgust for his profession, and idk if that was why he didn't mention it up front and thought i wouldn't make a big deal about it (as if) or if he just doesn't mention it to anybody
but i'm still so like ??
like my house has a very explicit no cops policy. if sb else brought their partner or brother or whatever to dinner and they were a cop, they would be told to fucking leave. as if i'm gonna fuck one myself
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memesomething · 4 months
thinking abt the way that blood vessels in the whites of the eyes and pinpricks on the face/cheeks/neck etc can burst whilst being strangled. thinking about muses who are so good at hiding everything else but the whites of their eyes have turned pink with burst blood vessels as they strained for air, thinking about muses who were deliberately strangled/attacked/tortured for whatever reason and who see evidence of it when they look in the mirror for a week, thinking about. the physical evidence you would otherwise not think anything of (thinking about medical muses seeing it in their friend, and following after, because That's Not Right, and Do You Want To Talk About What Happened?)
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witchofthesouls · 3 months
I like the idea of Tourniquet being there for the bonding peroid with the second set of triplets simply because he can't be kept away and it was deemed unwise to atempt. After the Soundwave check that no spy, Camians are Just Like That™️, Soundwave is making sure he's sent for. Probably by putting a seguestion in Kaon's audial.
The DJD has a time with this. Vos may have fallen in love. Nickel approves of his bedside maner. The bitties are happy to be showered in affection.
And if this is in an Overlord being a menace timeline, well if he shows up quick enough he can help disposeof Overlord. If not well Tarn presenting Reader with Overlord's corpse for catharsis isn't too terrible.
Or, in the High Priest!Megatron verse, Tourniquet literally hitchhiked across galaxies to go track his child. Not only Tarn interacts with his creator-in-law, but Hook gets his wish on knowledgeable medical personnel willing to train.
And promptly starts to have regrets because it's a Camien Healer, but not to point to ask the mech to stop because Decepticon Medical Division needs trained staff.
Caminus is a very collectivist society as a necessity from their Seekerkin roots and pragmatism from resource deprivation. They take resourcefulness to a different ballgame.
Because of the low population and Caminus' inability to fully interact with them as he once did, they take communal responsibility very seriously, such as healthcare.
As far as the Order of Luminara is concerned, Tourniquet is on sabbatical and had requested he document any planetary systems that would aid their community. There are specific metals that are necessary for Titans to function, and they're constantly search for it.
Meanwhile, Tourniquet is ever-so-slowly "addressing critical issues" in mechs' medical records. He first sends a friendly warning. If there's no appropriate response (aka mechs coming into fix it), then Tourniquet starts hunting.
Mind, he's used to targeting vicious predators, cannibals, or lifeforms with extreme transformation sequences, and he trained with a Healer who was a devoted follower to the Path of Suffering that specialized in collecting rare samples in unstable/hazardous terrains.
The Decepticons got nothing on him. They think Tourniquet has a death wish as he constantly requests to be sent to Deathworlds or planetary systems that are extremely hazardous to mechanical lifeforms, and his body language is too 'open' as Camiens typically mingle in each other's space and aren't as reluctant to physicality.
Tourniquet can fold them like a chair with a pleasant expression on his face.
Most likely with Nurse's third clutch (second with Tarn as the ignitor) because Tarn jinxed them with his wet-cat sadness on how the first trio are growing up to run around instead of toddling on shakey pedes. He yearns for those early thousand years of soft frames and crawling struggles. One of them still has an endearing lisp because their mouth is crowded out by rows and rows of serated denta. Tarn will forever deny it, but he was mournful when the first clutch got their own room via converting Nurse's old habsuite. He got separation anxiety and empty nest syndrome. Nurse had to elbow his side because of all the sad music on replay, and it's confusing the newsparks.
But on the other hand, it would be hilarious that Overlord shifts his focus onto Tourniquet. Not only does Tarn have his in-law nearby, but he gets front row tickets to Overlord and Tourniquet having a Thing and a medical boot camp, Camien-Healer style.
This includes extreme survival training in radioactive terrain, learning effective pharmaceutical concoctions in a bucket, and close-quarter weaponry combat. Nurse helps Tourniquet with the remedial courses.
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sleep-nurse · 10 months
putting Hima to bed with a stuffed bunny and soft and puffy pillow and blankets!!!
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peace and love on earth
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
Love your Alenoah Hypno Story... Out of curiosity, how different would the story be if Noah has a secret fear of hypnosis, before World Tour... And when Alejandro offered to entrance him, Noah simply BOLTS out of the room... then Noah tries to avoid being left alone with Alejandro, so the Latino can't hypnotize him... I think Alejandro would totally enjoy the challenge and he would feel even more satisfied, when he finally has a chance to entrance Noah (like maybe Alejandro promises not to let Owen get voted off, if Noah would let Alejandro hypnotize him)! 😈
Anon why would you open this plotline up to me it's giving me The Brainworms.
Because Noah having a genuine phobia of hypnosis or something adjacent to it- like a phobia of automatism in general, or just a severe disliking of not having control over himself- suggests that he's experienced something similar before, either first-hand or as a witness. Which means he would have intimate knowledge about the extents Alejandro could hypothetically abuse his talents as a hypnotist to.
I doubt he'd actually bolt away from Alejandro after the other offers to hypnotise him, Noah's a bit more savvy than that (even if he is pretty socially illiterate), so he'd probably just insult the idea and dismissively saunter off- whilst trying his best to breath evenly around the ice in his lungs and quell the terrified shaking of his hands. Alejandro, of course, would notice just how petrified uncomfortable the idea of hypnosis makes Noah, which would only pique his interest and motivate him to try and somehow ensnare the nerd under his control.
Of course, that becomes increasingly difficult when Noah begins to go our of his way to avoid interacting with Alejandro at all, to the point where the two of them are hardly ever within talking distance of each other, let alone left alone together (which is impressively frustrating, given the fact they're essentially trapped on a jet. There's very little space Noah can occupy without encountering Alejandro, and yet he somehow manages to consistently evade the Spaniard). Also, Noah's always surrounding himself with others- namely Owen, but he also begins clinging to Tyler as well. There's safety in numbers, after all. Alejandro would never try anything nefarious in front of potential witnesses.
I like the idea of him incentivising Noah into undergoing hypnosis- either by bargaining his vote/Owen's safety in return for Noah's compliance, or by having the rest of Team Chris help in having Noah "face his fear"- which could be a fun little call back to the Phobia Factor episode in Island.
Because Noah was one of the few contestants who never had to face his fear, and it's super convenient that Alejandro is capable of 'helping' him face it. Really, it'd be doing him a favour.
(i.e. Alejandro tries something nefarious in front of potential witnesses.)
And having the rest of the team around for 'moral support' would pressure him into compliance, because Al is only trying to help, and there's nothing scary about hypnosis, and they'll be right here the whole time, he has nothing to worry about. Any arguments he can conjure up to dismiss the idea come off as him simply being too scared to face his phobia, so his protesting is ignored until he eventually gives in. He's a pretty passive person, all things considered, so Noah wouldn't waste his energy fighting a losing battle when it's easier to just get it over with. Even if the idea has his usually unshakable self trembling with fear.
The thing about hypnosis is that, at it's core, it's about settling someone into an agreeable mindset- that's considerably hard to do when the person you're trying to hypnotise near enough has a panic attack every time they see a pendulum. It'd take a lot more effort on Alejandro's part to actually get Noah to fall into a trance, even with the extra assurance of their company. But eventually, Alejandro's talents win out against Noah's fear (and rationality).
And once he's under the trance, Alejandro ushers the rest of their team from the room, claiming that the ensuing hypnotic process is highly volatile and that their presence could hinder/harm Noah's subconscious- or something along those lines. It's all a lie, of course, but Owen and Tyler are both considerate and naïve enough to trust Alejandro's judgement as neither would ever want to intentionally hurt Noah, so they leave Alejandro alone to do his work.
(If Izzy is still part of the team, Alejandro would convince her to leave by giving her some sort of 'special mission', or by sicking her on Chef for yet another Izzy v. Chef smackdown.)
From there it's a question of whether Noah's deep-rooted phobia hinders the effects of hypnosis to the point where he has a natural resistance to the trance and thus does his best to defy him, or if he's just as susceptible to Alejandro's spell as anyone else and lives out the rest of the competition living in constant paranoia because he could be enthralled at any given moment.
Either way, I doubt someone as terrified opposed to the idea of hypnosis would take Alejandro's attempted breach of his autonomy laying down. He'd react a lot more volatilely, fuelled by his all-consuming fear.
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medusapelagia · 11 months
Eddie's month day 12 + Whumptober day 12
written for @eddiemonth and @whumptober-archive 
Prompts: Eddie’s month 12: Soulmates | Eight - Sleeping at Last | Perceptive Whumptober 12: I haven't slept in days, but who's counting? - Red | Insomnia | “I’m up, I’m up.” 
Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: omegaverse, Omega Steve Harrington, Alpha Eddie Munson, Nurse Steve Harrington, violence, hospitals, medical procedures, medical inaccuracies, soulmates and soulmarks WC: 2284
"You got nice veins." the nurse tells Eddie while drawing some blood.
"Your veins. They are nice. Look how they pop out." the omega repeats, smiling at him so sweetly that Eddie has to fight with all his self-control not to pop something else right there.
"Are you worried?"
"A little." he confesses. 
It's a minor surgery, everyone told him, but he is scared. He never had surgery before and he doesn't know what to expect.
"It will be fine. It's a very simple procedure and I'll be with you all the time." the nurse comforts him.
"Will you?"
The omega nurse nods "Yes. I'm in surgery today. And you are lucky I am, my partner, Robin, is not as delicate as I am. Done."
Eddie stares at his arm and sees the long needle "This is an IV access. I will remove it as soon as the doctor discharges you, ok?"
"How long?"
The nurse looks at the clock "We start at half past eight, you are the third so I think you'll be waiting for at least an hour." the omega replies, then he asks "Can you tell me where your soulmark is? It's not written on your file."
Eddie blushes, he knows that the skin around the soulmark is sensible but his soulmark is… "Oh... it's... it's on my hips. A crown."
The nurse smirks "Lucky boy, you find yourself a prince! Or is it a queen?"
Eddie shakes his head "No... I... haven't found my soulmate yet."
The nurse keeps smiling "You are young. You still have all the time in the world to find your soulmate. Some people do not even get their soulmark recorded to the register. I waited for years before registering mine. And I did it only because my family insisted. They said that it was not appropriate for an omega male to work if he was not bonded."
"So you found your match? Are they perfect for you as everyone says?" Eddie tries to take a look at the omega mating gland but it is protected by a tick collar like every omega in the hospital.
"Sadly not.” he replies “But there are a lot of people who find their soulmates by chance. Their soulmark starts to tickle when they first meet, and if they are fated mate they say it can even shine. Not that I have ever seen a shining soulmark, but you never know, right?.” he tells him while he keeps writing something on Eddie’s file “But I think that it is possible to find love even without the designated soulmate. Many people do that. I know some couples that even erase their soulmark once they bond."
"Of course. But I'm sure you'll find someone perfect for you, soulmark or not. Now. Here is the gown, put it on and tie it on the back, I'll call you when we are ready for you."
"Can I ask you something?" 
The nurse turns, his hand still on the handle of the door "Do you have any doubt about the procedure? I could call a doctor if you need some explanations…"
Eddie blushes "No it’s… I... I'd like to ask you your name."
The nurse's smile is so bright that Eddie feels a little bit in love.
"Steve. The name is Steve."
When Eddie wakes up the kind omega is working at the computer.
He turns, as he could feel that Eddie is awake “Hey. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?”
“Is it done?” he asks, still disoriented and sleepy.
“Everything is done. Now we wait for a little bit and then you can rest in your room.” The omega replies with a smile.
“Have I… have I done something stupid?”
Eddie has a very vague memory of having made a fool out of himself but he can’t really remember what happened.
“Hey, our lover boy is back! How are you feeling?” a blond nurse asks him, getting closer to his bed.
“Lover boy?” he asks, confused.
The girl's eyes shine “Don’t you remember? That’s such a pity. You made the most wonderful love declaration I have ever heard.”
“That’s because you never heard a love declaration before, Robin.” Steve mocks her.
Robin. Why is that name familiar to him?
“What… what are you talking about?”
“Oh. You promised our Steve to make him an honorable omega and to marry him soon. I think you tried to compose some kind of wedding song too.” She grins.
“Oh my god.” he roughly remembers that, now that she is pointing it out. Fuck. He proposed to his nurse in front of his partner! 
“I’m sorry… I don’t know why I did it.”
“Don’t worry. It was the anesthesia. I know that you are not really attracted to me.” the omega replies.
“How no, you are definitely attractive! I just didn’t mean to make a declaration in front of your partner.”
Steve stares at him perplexed, wondering if they gave him too much medicine “Who?”
“Robin? Your partner?”
The girl starts to laugh “Oh, Romeo, I’m his partner in crime, we are not partners in real life.” she explains to him, taking his vitals “Even if our Steve is actually taken. How are the things between you and Tommy, by the way? Did he finally propose or is he still unsure between you and Carol?”
“Robin, that’s not professional!” Steve scolds her.
“Come on, lover boy here is so high he will not remember a thing.”
“I don’t care. Just stop it.” 
“Ok, ok. Sorry.” she says putting a hand on Steve’s arm and the omega flinches.
“What was that?”
“Steve Joseph Harrington, show me your fucking arm right now!” she hisses, tugging him in a corner, but even from his position Eddie can see a blue bruise that looks like a hand.
“How the fuck did this happen?”
“I argued with Tommy. I forgot to pick up dry cleaning, but he was right to be angry because he had a really important meeting today and I’m the omega of the couple…”
“What the fuck! He can’t hit you because you forgot something.”
“He didn’t hit me!” Steve protests “He just… Grabbed me.”
“So hard to leave a bruise?”
The omega lowers his eyes and covers his arm “Come on. We still have three more patients and I have to bring Mr. Munson back to his room.”
The girl sighs “But don’t think that this conversation is over.”
“Yeah, yeah…” he comes back toward Eddie who stares at him with more attention, the omega’s eyes are red and tired, and he seems dead on his feet even if he keeps smiling and cheering Eddie up.
“All done. So now you rest a little and when the doctor says that everything is fine you can go back home.”
Eddie nods, but before falling asleep he thinks about the sweet tired omega.
How is it possible that he is in a relationship with someone who grabbed him so hard to hurt him?
Someone who can’t decide between him and another person?
He feels a strange burning sensation on his waist, but he falls asleep before he can point out exactly where the pain comes from.
A week later Eddie is back in the hospital, he still has to do a couple of exams just to be sure that everything is fine.
This time it is Robin who draws his blood and he definitely feels the difference.
“Steve is not here today?” he says.
“Still in love with him, lover boy?” she asks, changing the vials.
“I just wanted to thank him for being so kind to me.” Eddie shrugs.
“Well, I do hope he is resting somewhere. He was here all night long covering an extra shift.” she replies “But if I know him I think you will find him in the pediatric ward. That omega loves children.” she winks at him.
Eddie thinks for a long moment, and then he goes toward the pediatric ward.
As Robin anticipated, Steve is reading a fantasy book to a couple of pups.
“And that’s all for today.” he says, closing the book.
“Come on! Steve! Read us another chapter!” a red-haired girl complains, glaring at him with her blue eyes.
“Next time, Maxine.”
“It’s Max.” she states.
“Ok. Max. Tomorrow we will read another chapter, ok?”
The pup doesn't seem happy but then the other one notices Eddie and says something in Steve’s ear.
The omega lifts his eyes and smiles at him.
“Eddie. Did you come for your last check-up?”
The alpha nods, too embarrassed to speak, but the omega is kind as usual.
“You know what? Why don’t we have a coffee? God knows that I need one.”
The cafeteria is nothing fancy, but the coffee is hot and strong.
“That’s exactly what I need.” the omega sighs, drinking his cup of coffee with oat milk and brown sugar “I was ready to fall asleep when I was reading to the kids.” he laughs.
“Are you having trouble sleeping?”
“I’m a nurse.” Steve replies with a smile “I haven't slept in days, but who's counting? Right?”
Eddie’s inner alpha would like to take him home, helping him make a nest in his room and keep him there until he feels better.
“Robin said that you were supposed to rest.”
“Yeah, I know. But I promised Max and Dust that we would read a chapter today and I’m not going to have any free time later on so…”
Steve takes off his collar and stretches his neck  “Every omega that works in the hospital has to put a collar on during his shift, you never know what could happen with some alpha patients. Sometimes they get violent and try to bite the omegas. But god if it’s uncomfortable!” He complains.
“For real?”
“Yeah. You know. Pain is a strong emotion and sometimes it takes out the instinctual part of some individuals.”
“Steve?!” someone calls and the omega turns.
For a moment Eddie sees a black mark on Steve’s neck, but then his attention is all on the alpha that is growling at the omega.
“You are such a slut.” the unknown alpha yells, throwing a paper bag at Steve “I made you a fucking sandwich! Your favorite! Because I thought you were too tired after a night shift! And you are here?! Having fun with another alpha?!”
The omega mewls “It’s not like that, Tommy, he is a patient and…”
“Is that so? I thought that you were supposed to wear a collar when you were with alpha patients! Why are you not wearing it, uh? Are you offering him yourself? Is that what you do when you are at work?!” the alpha growls, but Eddie growls back, pushing Steve behind him.
“What the fuck are you doing, man! We were just having coffee!”
“You were having a coffee with my omega!”
“I see no bite!”
“Well, this could be arranged, you know?” and then Tommy pushes Eddie away and throws himself at Steve, trying to bite his mating gland.
The omega whines, but Tommy manages to scruff him and he is almost biting Steve when Eddie punches him in the face.
After that, everything is a blur.
When Eddie comes back to his senses he is tied in a hospital bed and a policeman is sitting next to him.
“I’m Chief Hopper. Nurse Harrington told us what happened but I’d like to take your statement too.”
Eddie nods and explains to him what happened.
“The omega is not going to press charges. Are you?”
Why the fuck is he not pressing charges?!
“Everyone in the cafeteria testified that you were protecting the omega so you could press charges if you wanted to.”
There is something in the way the police officer is talking to him that makes him think that he should.
But in the end, he decides not to.
It’s Robin who comes back to discharge him a few hours later.
“How is he?”
Eddie nods.
“He is resting. It was a hard day but we are understaffed and he knows that.”
“Can I see him?” he asks and Robin seems unsure, while she bites her lip, but then she gives him directions toward the room where Steve is resting.
“I’m up, I’m up!” Steve says, jumping on the bed as soon as Eddie opens the door, ready to get back to work.
“Sorry. Just me. I wanted to be sure you were ok.”
“Oh, Eddie. Hi. I’m fine. Yeah. Thanks for the help…”
“When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things… I see something familiar.” he tells him, sitting on Steve’s cot “My parents were junkies so I lived in a trailer with my uncle. I’m no Prince Charming but I know how you should treat a person and how you should not.”
“You mean an omega.” Steve clarifies.
“You are more than your designation, Steve. And you deserve someone better than that piece of shit!” 
In the dim light of the room, something is shining on Steve’s neck.
“What are you looking at?” the omega asks.
“Your neck…”
“Oh, yeah, it looks bad but it’s just my soulmark.”
“It’s shining.”
“Is it what?!” Steve gets up and runs towards the bathroom. Now that Eddie can see it better he understands exactly what that is: a guitar pick.
He lowers the waist of his pants and sees something shining too.
“Are you a prince, Steve?”
Steve turns and looks at him astonished “At… at school. They called me King Steve. To mock me.”
“Well… I’m a guitarist. And I really think that I’m your fated soulmate.”
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phantom-wolf · 1 month
Day 3: Apocalypse
Title: Starving off Her breadcrumbs
Ship: Arthur Kirkland x Elizabeth I // Arthur Kirkland x Elizabeth I x Alfred F. Jones
Cowritten with: @the-engdyssey
Summary: He vaguely heard Reg's introduction as he watched a young woman headbutt and break the windshield of a nearby car. In a desperate bid to escape, the occupant, a middle aged man, fumbled with the car door, spilling out onto the pavement. But not before the woman had latched onto him, her head turned sideways as she lunged once more, her mouth clamping down on the man's arm.
Then came the countdown.
Here comes a herd of zebras! One. With a ferocity she tore her head back, stripping the man of flesh and muscle as she did so. More akin to a bear ripping into the carcass of an elk than anything human.
Two. The female left him after she'd taken a few chunks out of his arm, her attention stolen by another passerby that had run too close. The man's arm was twitching uncontrollably, spasming from what Alfred had assumed was pain. He couldn't bring himself to look away. What the fuck?
Three. The Marine urged his family to move quicker as he noticed the body on the ground convulsing. Worse now. It wasn't just arm twitches anymore, his whole body was convulsing-
This work contains graphic depictions of violence. It also contains some swearing. Also thank you for joining us! We appreciate any and all support on this fic and the others! We hope you enjoy, and you do we have more content coming. In the meantime check out our pages! We have plenty more content for this ship as well as Arthur and Elizabeth.
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angel-atelier · 4 months
Alice & Ann
I was refamilarizing myself with zero since I only remembered some of her backstory, and I found out that her best friend was named Ann, which got me thinking...
⦻ So, in my AU Alice and Ann are college roommates who have a very love-hate relationship. They're eachothers only friends but they don't particularly like each other. They wouldn't be friends if they weren't roomates.
⦻ Ann took a gap year so she feels really behind compared to her peers, she doesn't know how to connect with other freshmen and people her own age seem unapproachable. They're so much more mature, they have this college thing all figured out meanwhile Ann's left in the dust.
⦻ Alice is a psychology student and Ann is in nursing with a psych minor, so they have a few over lapping classes which doesn't help with their tension. They feel they can't branch out and make new friends because they other one is "holding them back." This isnt true of course, they both just don't know how to make friends lol
⦻ Despite this, they do really love and care for eachother, they just aren't that emotionally developed to express their issues without being petty or getting in big fights. They are all each other has, they can't afford to not be friends.
⦻ Alice also has her own hangups that exasperate her mental health. Alice's uncle and caretaker lives nearby, so she visits him on some weekends. Before college, her mental state was the worst it's ever been, and it seems to suddenly stop when she goes to college. She does get better briefly, but it does it last for long. She never put in the work to better herself or even acknowledge the issues she had pent up for so long. She begins talking to Zero again. She's her only real friend, she tells her. Ann is just holding you back, pretending to be your friend. You can't trust her.
⦻ So after months of struggling with her mental health, Zero infecting her, and growing resentment towards Ann, she snaps.
⦻ Halloween night 2006, Ann prepares to go to a party. This will be her big break! She'll make some friends, maybe hookup with someone, who knows what the nighy will bring. Ann's costume is a black dominatrix-esque nurse outfit. She thinks the outfit is a bit funny, but she hopes it will bring some attention her way.
⦻ Alice, now Zero, had gone home earlier that day to see her uncle and get her. Unbeknownst to Ann, Zero had gone home and murdered her uncle, alongside burning down her house.
⦻ When Zero gets back to the dorm, Ann is finishing up her makeup, back turned away from the door. "Oh hey. Where've ya been? Thought I'd have to go without you." Zero doesn't respond. Ann turns back to look at her. She's bloodied with white skin and hair.
⦻ Frowning, Ann put down her lipstick."You're wearing that? Don'tcha think it's a little bit intense for a college party? It's gonna scare away anyon-" Before Ann could finish, Zero hit her over the head repeatedly, killing her. She dismembers her body, leaving a horrific display of blood and gore inside their small dorm.
⦻ As Zero escapes into the night to continue her reign of terror, Ann's body begins to reconnect itself on its own.
There's other changes (to zero) too but that'll be for a different post!
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