#OC: Kikyo Malfoy
tickledpink31 · 1 year
Perks about Minako's curse (contains a tiny spoiler from the Ignihyde chapter)
(Warning: mentions of poisoning and consuming poison)
This is a little bit inspired by @underqualified-human’s "? Yuu Au" and @blackopals-world's Black Feast because the more I write and think about concepts for Minako, the more of an eldritch horror she becomes.
I remember that one quote from Vil while going through the Ignihyde arc, that the line between a curse and a blessing is blurred depending on how a person views it. It got me thinking about Minako's curse, and how it benefits her.
I mean yes, it's always been in my mind that the blot curse does give her a boost in magical power as a mage compared to her peers once she learns how to control the inconveniences it gives her, but I'm also thinking about her immunity to certain things.
Like poison. Blot is a toxic substance, right? Having lived with it her whole life (albeit unknowingly up until she was 12), it's made her immune to poison. I've had this one random story in my mind, that Minako intended to share with Kalim during the Scarabia in order to attempt to relate to the many poisoning attempts he went through. During her first year of Hogwarts, she drank a laced a drink that an assassin actually meant to give to Minako's best friend, Kikyo Malfoy. Both girls hadn't known that it was poisoned, and they panicked when Minako instantly started feeling sick.
Her immunity wasn't as strong when she was young, but Minako still survived a heavily laced drink with a poison that should have killed a child her age in a matter of seconds. It took a hysterical Kikyo and a professor a whole two minutes to get to the hospital wing (apparition was not an option within the castle), and Minako still survived.
When she's older, her immunity is much more refined. This includes being able to eat anything that Vil has poisoned with his unique magic. It's come to the point where Minako has developed a taste for poisonous plants and berries if she ever needed to save money on her budget. She puts nightshade berries in her pies, juices, and even makes jam out of them. The death cap mushrooms donated from Jade? They're in her risotto. And with the flora that only exists in Twisted Wonderland, she's free to experiment with whatever tastes good or what's available to her without having to worry about dying. Don't worry though, she always labels her poisonous food stock as "WARNING: POISONOUS FOOD (GRIM, YOU WILL DIE IF YOU EAT THIS!)" Emphasis on Grim because he's a terrible listener.
She still won't eat rancid or mouldy food though. It doesn't matter if she's immune to food poisoning. That shit still tastes gross.
(Additionally, I originally wanted her to carry bezoar at all times ever since the poisoning incident. Maybe she just keeps it around for her friends, mostly for Kikyo because there were many attempts on her life.)
Idk I think this might be cool. Not sure if I should make this canon. Thoughts?
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tickledpink31 · 2 years
What memes/vines do you associate your OCs with?
Eva Dilag:
Maria Dilag:
Caesar Castillo:
Minako Nezumi (yes, I know her parents aren't wizards but still:
Flor Nezumi with her dog, Pluton:
Kento Nezumi:
Alexis Nezumi:
Erika Matsumori:
Kikyo Malfoy:
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tickledpink31 · 5 months
Did one of the Nezumi's or Malfoy's got into an emo phase at one point 👀
I feel like the only Nezumi who went through an emo phase is Minako combined with a not-like-other girls phase. It went away very quickly, and she and her room looked like a unicorn threw up all over them. The excessive black and angst might make a comeback some day, minus the not-like-other-girls mindset.
Kikyo has notes emo-ish characteristics. She's a musician and author, so she's bound to have angst in whatever she writes
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tickledpink31 · 5 months
What kind of music instruments can the Nezumi's and Malfoy's (Erika and Kikyo) can play?
Minako is an okay vocalist (she prefers duetting with Kikyo though rather than solos, and she prefers dancing over singing). She can also play the piano and a little bit of the trombone.
Alexis and Flor don’t play any instruments.
Kento had a phase when he played the drums that he gave up on very quickly.
Erika doesn’t play any instruments, but she has the voice of an angel
Kikyo sings in addition to playing at least one instrument from each musical family. Her favourite instruments are piano, guitar, and violin.
I always like to think that a duet with Minako and Kikyo are almost like Carole and Tuesday
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tickledpink31 · 7 months
Genderbend version names of your oc's?
Going to include all my ocs since no fandom was specifically mentioned. These are in no particular order.
Not including Alexis Nezumi (twst x hp) and Mar (The Arcana), since they're respectively gender-fluid and non-binary. They're both comfortable using their given names (Alexis, Marie/Marjorie) or using their nicknames (Alex, Mar)
Twst x Harry Potter
Minako Nezumi - Miyo, Minato, Mikio.
Flordeliza "Flor" Nezumi - Alfredo "Freddy" for short. It just feels right, since Flor hates being called by her full first name. I imagine Alfredo being the same.
Kento Nezumi - Either Usako or Rini for the rabbit themes. Kento and fem!Kento are actually Sailor Moon fans.
Erika Malfoy, née Matsumori - Daisuke or Enmei. I did not pick Erik because it is actually not a commonly used name in Japan, unlike Erika which is a popular given name among Japanese women.
Kikyo Malfoy - Keitaro or Kamin
Obey Me
Eva Dilag - Evan or Everett.
Maria Dilag - Marius or Mario, but I like the sound of Marius more even though I know Mario ties in more with the Filipino culture
Ouran High School Host Club
Akane Hayashi - Anything to refer to her red hair: Suzaku, Kurei, Akai, etc.
Black Butler
Veronica (new last name to be discussed) - Vernon or Victor
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Kaguya - Igaluk or Taqiq for moon motifs
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tickledpink31 · 2 years
To be honest that was just a stab in the dark. Even for the Octavinelle the leech twins they're going to have a big surprise or perhaps won't recognize them. (The last part on the sentence if your OC only have one love interest who would it be?)
See, I don’t really have a set love interest for Minako since it’s a reverse harem fic. Ideally, I would like to have either Malleus or Vil be her love interests because they’re my main biases. However, in a more realistic sense I would probably go with Trey, Deuce, or Adeuce (poly). Maybe I could throw her friend Kikyo in the ring too.
EDIT: Jack is also a really good candidate. I can’t believe I forgot him.
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tickledpink31 · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland OC/MC: Minako Nezumi
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I finally decided to get down and make a Twst oc. Minako Nezumi is based on both Minnie and Mickey Mouse, though you could probably tell that from her hair. I actually made two versions of Minako: Hogwarts!Minako and Magicless!Minako. I just couldn’t resist making a crossover.
More info on Minako under the cut!
Minako is biracial with a Filipino mother and a British-Japanese father. Prior to the events of Twst she lived in the London, England.
On that note, she is also nearly trilingual (Tagalog, English, Japanese)
Minako is a vegetarian but she still eats eggs and dairy.
Both versions of Minako come from a world where Disney does not exist but the original fairytales from the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen do.
Despite the non-existance of Disney, Minako has an unexplainable obssession with drawing a simplified mouse shape (the mickey symbol).
EDIT: Decided that both versions of Minako should be 16 instead of Hogwarts!Minako being 18.
Known as Mina by her family and affectionately nicknamed Minnie by
Hogwarts!Minako is a muggle-born that lives in the post-second wizarding war era with Scorpius and Albus.
Her wand is Ebony wood with a Pheonix Feather core.
A recent graduate from Hogwarts and training to become a magizoologist (those beast taming skills had to come from somewhere).
My other HP!OCs Erika Matsumori and Kikyo Malfoy exist in Minako’s world too. Erika is now lady Erika Malfoy and Kikyo is the eldest child and only daughter.
Go ahead and guess Minako’s hogwarts house (hint: the colours are in the first picture. I’m a firm believer muggle-borns are in that house).
Hogwarts!Minako’s family is special due to her muggle parents producing more than one magical child.
She has 3 older siblings sorted into the 3 other houses.
I haven’t done much on Magicless!Minako’s family except that she has a good family.
Magicless!Minako is bit more bamf than her HP counterpart
She may not have magic but she has nerves of steel and these hands.
Magicless!Minako was freaking paranoid at first from the lack of social distancing in Twisted Wonderland but she was alright in the next few days knowing that there’s no pandemic in her new world.
Do not piss either versions off! She may be cute but she is feral underneath! (Looking at you Crowley)
Both versions can hide things in their space buns, it doesn’t matter how big and that it does not obey the laws of physics. I’ll make art of that soon.
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tickledpink31 · 2 years
When in Hogwarts, did Minako have a rival/bully? Does Minako have friends? My Oc has a friend named Clarissa Boni and three rivals/bully Steven Redgloom, Charlotte Ari and Maryrose Bloodlust
Minako had beef with plenty of people, especially back in her Muggle elementary school. In Hogwarts, her prime nemesis goes by the name of Warren Willoughby.
The members of the Willoughby clan are an arrogant bunch. They like to brag about how they were a part of the winning side of the Wizarding War even though they are barely mentioned in history books and hardly contributed much in the battles. Warren Willoughby is a Ravenclaw and no different from his family. He likes to brag about he is at the top of the class, and he sees Minako as a threat to that position when she overtook him several times.
While I say Willoughby is Minako's nemesis, their academic rivalry is actually more one-sided. Minako barely pays him any mind and only really has some friendly competitions with her fellow Slytherins. Minako still sees him as a bully because of how much he picks on Kikyo and her brothers for being the "forbidden spawn of a death eater and sorry excuse of a war hero." Willoughby picks on other students too who happen to be descendants of the losing side of the war, even though they had nothing to do with what their parents did.
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tickledpink31 · 2 years
10 Rules of the Nezumi Household
Inspired by 50 Things Students Cannot do at Night Raven College by YeetTheAngels from Ao3. Brought to you by a family of feral children.
1)Shut off all electric appliances in whatever room you’re using magic in. It doesn’t matter how long it will take to turn everything off. We cannot have another incident like the computer or the fridge growing legs and trying to run out the door.
2)If Minako brings any stray animals home, DO NOT fall for her puppy dog eyes. Resist her as much as you can and get rid of the animal. 2a) I don’t care how much she cries or screams either. She’ll get over it eventually.
3) Minako is not allowed to have a pigeon army, nor is she allowed to sic them on Kento or whatever schmuck she decides is an arsehole.
4)If you are a doing a frogspawn assignment for the summer, put them in a proper tank and don’t just shove them into your pockets. You study magizoology, and you should know better, Minako. 4a) Furthermore, don’t make soap out of the frogspawn, either. It took three hours to clean the bathtub when someone put frogspawn, and another two hours of convincing Minako to not keep them. (This is about you, Kento. You won’t like it when Ate Flor gets mad.)
5) Never tell Minako about family game nights because she is a sore loser and Connect Four pieces hurt when they fly at the speed of bullets. Nobody is too keen on finding out if playing cards can be use alternative for throwing knives either. 5a) On family game nights, make sure Minako is having a sleepover with Kikyo or busy in her soundproof room playing with her potion set.
6) Try not to stress out Minako too much. It may be funny at first, but it will always end in pain.
7) Try not to stress out Alexis too much because stress hives are a thing.
8) Stressing out Flor will result in death.
9) Kento, quit telling Minako about some urban legend of magical creatures hidden in the nearby woods that shows up at an obscure time late at night. She can and will go there to see it for herself and might drag Kikyo and the Scamander twins into this. We do not want to get on their families’ bad sides, especially the Malfoys.
10)For the love of God, if you see someone is coming home late, turn on the lights first to see who it is. We can’t have another incident where somebody gets a concussion after the wall crucifix was thrown at them because somebody believed that it was an evil spirit out to get them.
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You may find that Minako is a bit bratty and childish in this chapter, but this is because some of these rules were written when she was younger.
New rules keep getting added as the years go by because there can never be enough fuck-ups one can make in a lifetime.
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tickledpink31 · 4 years
Finally, a digital version of my OCs.
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tickledpink31 · 4 years
My tablet wasn’t working so behold a hand-drawing of my OCs
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Let me introduce them to you:
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Akane Hayashi from Ouran High School Host Club
Age: 16-17
Height: 157cm (5′2″)
Formerly known as Aisling by her birth parents
The adopted daughter of the Hayashi family
Deaf and speaks JSL
She came to life after I watched Amélie 
Affiliated closely with Kyoya
A talented engineer and botanist
Her parents are generous people and she’s no different
The Hayashi family are also a modest bunch and live in an apartment big enough for three people
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Veronica Midford from Black Butler
Age: 19-20
Height: 156.5cm (5′2″)
I wanted to indulge in my love for reverse harems and time travel stories so Veronica was born
Prepare to be romanced by a demon, three reapers, and maybe I’ll throw in an angel
Descendant of the Phantomhives and Midfords (either from Lizzie or Edward, but not O!Ciel.)
Known as Lady Phantomhive by ominous people that she meets *cough* Undertaker *cough*
I kept changing her style before I settled with the short wavy look
A psychic like her ancestors as a side effect of the demon contract
Dresses in lolita, but her fashion choices look more mature these days
Her older sister, Beatrice, practices exorcism
I just realized I forgot to put the devil’s trap in her eye (Beatrice put it there for protection)
A charitable young woman who wants to help and will do it outside of the law if she has to
Much smarter than people realize
Fluent in 6 languages including ASL
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Kaguya from Avatar the Last Airbender
Age: 16-18
Height: 165cm (5′5″)
Born in the era after Korra
I don’t really follow The Legend of Korra ever since the end of season 1 and I don’t really want to so I’ll decide what’s canon
Youngest of 10 siblings
Has been to the spirit world several times without aid
Travelled to Republic City from the Northern Water Tribe to attend the Bending Arts Academy and become a doctor
Invented a healing form of blood bending
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Minerva “Minnie” Castillo from Obey Me
Age: 18-19
Height: 162.6cm (5′4″)
You probably know her from some of my posts so I’ll give you a brief rundown
She’s me but better
Why did I draw her eyes wonky?
I ship her mostly with Lucifer
Filipino-Canadian like me
A musical theatre kid
An identical twin, practically the Snow White to her sister’s Rose Red
Unwilling and chaotic mom friend
Planning never goes right for her so she’s in literally in hell
Lives in a van during her college life
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Erika Matsumori from Harry Potter
Age: 11-16 (Golden Trio Era) 30s–40s (Post-Wizarding War II)
Height: 175cm (5′9″)
At the risk of getting attacked I am making not one but two Harry Potter OCs one of which will be paired with Draco
I am a recent fan and yes I’m aware how problematic Rowling is so don’t ruin this for me
This girl’s resting bitch face gives Blaise Zabini a run for his money
In the language of Hanakotoba, Erika means “solitude” explaining her solitary disposition
Her surname translates to “pine” and “forest”
Pine for the wood of her wand
Forest because back in Japan, Erika often ventured into the nearby forest to look for yokai
Erika has nerves of steel and an equally steely face
But she has a good heart underneath
Had a hard time making friends but Luna Lovegood was a good start
Ginny became her friend by extension of Luna but not without a few misunderstandings
A year younger than the Golden Trio
Dated Colin Creevey for a month before they decided to just stay friends
She’s a muggle-born Slytherin (I do what I want)
Although she’s a muggle-born, she grew up knowing about the wizarding world because her uncle is a muggle-born
Was once a student at Mahoutokoro (did you know students there start attending at age 7 but are not boarded until they are 11?) until she was expelled for associating with yokai
Moved to the UK with her uncle to attend Hogwarts at 11
Became part fox after helping a kitsune get back to their mother
Has narcolepsy and has plenty of vivid prophetic dreams because of it
Like a true Slytherin, she protects her kind, muggle-borns that is
She defended her fellow Slytherins before the Battle of Hogwarts
It annoys Draco that she just happened to catch his attention
Made love potions illegal as an adult
Like vixens, Erika goes to great lengths for her family especially her three children in the future
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Kikyo Malfoy from Harry Potter
Age: 16–19 (mid to late teens depending on when the story takes place)
Height: 160cm (5′3″)
Erika and Draco’s eldest child and only daughter
She two brothers who are twins, Scorpius and Ryuji, they are both protective of their sister
In the language of Hanakotoba, Kikyo means unchanging love, honesty, and obedience
Not a Slytherin but a Ravenclaw, her parents knew that all along and they are proud of her regardless
Wrote a non-biased version of the Harry Potter series for the purpose of helping muggle-borns and half-bloods who are not aware of their magical heritage
Writes about Newt Scamander, her mother, and herself—a complete series in different points of views of all the houses
Has the ability to split into four different versions of herself (Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor) possibly even more
Wishes she has her mother’s nerves of steel
Has some kitsune abilities like summoning fire and enhanced sense
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Marie Christen/Marjorie Calieus/Mar from The Arcana
Age: 21
Height: 151.8cm (5′0″)
I have mentioned my love for time travel stories and world hopping so prepare for another one
There aren’t a lot of world hopping fanfic for The Arcana so here’s mine…sort of
They are the offspring of two powerful magicians from far outside of Vesuvia
Their father travelled to our world and dropped Mar off at a married couple’s house in Zürich and was renamed Marie Christen
Mar is non-binary but goes by all pronouns and still responds to the names Marie and Marjorie
They have a birthmark on their cheek which The Fool symbol
Happily lives in adoption with her parents Eva and Liam and her kid sister Antoinette
Her familiar is a lamb named Edelweiss
Her biological aunt located Mar when they were 10. From then on, Mar made frequent visits to their aunt’s shop in Vesuvia to hone their magical abilities
At 12, they met Asra who was nearly 15 at the time
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tickledpink31 · 2 years
[I don't remember if I already sent you this or not]
a Dorm idea I had https://trixiegalaxy.tumblr.com/post/688536069276401664/twst-dorm-idea
What would Minako think of this dorm?
Sorry, I did see the previous ask, but I was on vacation so I couldn’t reply.
(Btw. I love Phantom of the Opera and my favourite phatom is Ramin Karimloo. I saw the show live once when I was in highschool where Chris Mann was the Phantom. He even made a parody of Music of the Night on YouTube called My Kid of won’t sleep at Night. It’s hilarious.)
Alright, Phantom of the Opera is not Disney (thank god because I feel like a Disney PoTO would be disastrous), but the concept is interesting. Also because it is not Disney, PoTO still exists as the same franchise in Minako’s world.
Minako used to be a theatre kid back in her Muggle elementary school, but she lost interest because animals and magic were more her thing. Also it’s canon that there is no more drama club in Hogwarts because of because of an unfortunate accident (read Dumbledore’s notes at the end of The Fountain of Fair Fortune from Tales of Beedle the Bard) So, Minako is familiar with a lot of musicals and pantomimes.
Minako’s reaction to Musicophile dorm reawakens the theatre kid inside her. She’s never gotten a lead role, but damn, does she want to sing Think of Me right now. She also knows that her friend Kikyo would absolutely love this dorm since Kikyo was the reason why Minako was in the drama club.
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