virgovirgo · 1 year
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gotinterest · 1 year
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kennahjune · 9 months
Trauma bond? No. Bro bond.
Was having Steve and Lucas bro bond thoughts that accidentally turned into Steve whump.
Steve and Lucas bonding over sports more than anyone realized they ever would.
Like yeah, everyone knew Steve played basketball and was on the swim team in high school; that was practically his entire personality for a bit. But they never realized how much he actually /liked/ the sports.
Until he was geeking out with Lucas over a new play they’d thought of.
It was odd for them all to see Steve so excited. They watched on from their seats on the front porch steps. Eddie and Jonathan each had a beer, the both of them sharing a blunt with Argyle. Nancy and Robin sat on the steps below them, watching on while Steve and Lucas payed them no mind from the driveway.
It was almost comical— how the moment Lucas showed up on his bike Steve was up in an instant. After confirming it was indeed not a code red, Steve was quick to join Lucas. Especially after being told it was basketball related.
Steve had kicked his own beer over in his haste to get up.
Now Steve and Lucas were in the driveway, the garage door down (to prevent damage to the cars) and the Harrington’s basketball hoop out. Both were blissfully unaware of the eyes following them. Well, the eyes following /Steve/, it was more like.
Circling back the earlier thought; they’d never seen him to engaging in something. So excited. So…happy.
Which was really sad to think about.
“I’ve never seen him so excited over something,” Nancy said, speaking everyone’s thoughts.
Well. Except Argyle’s, it seems. “Nah, man. He gets like this anytime he starts talking about sports. We were watching a soccer game on TV last night and he was like— totally freaking out! Waving his hands around and talking a mile a minute.”
He took a puff of the blunt and passed it to Eddie, unaware of how he just tilted everyone’s worlds.
“Wait—“ Eddie took a drag and his voice was strained while he kept in the smoke “—he actually talks to you about that shit?”
Argyle hummed and looked at Eddie oddly. Eddie blew the smoke out and held Argyle’s eye.
“Yeah dude. All the time. Might help that I played volleyball back in Cali but— really, I just like hearing him talk. And I think he likes talking. He talks a lot.”
Argyle was getting extra talkative now, his sentences becoming shorter and more frequent. That’s how you knew he was high enough to not care.
“He’s never really been that talkative,” mumbled Robin, a sudden kind of dread settling uncomfortably in her chest.
Argyle shrugged. “Maybe you don’t talk about what he likes to talk about. He likes talking about sports. And romance books. He reads a lot of romance books.”
Well isn’t that something, Eddie thought. Steve Harrington likes to read.
(It brought up a distant memory from high school, from Steve’s sophomore year and Eddie’s junior year. Back before “King Steve” meant “jackass”.
“Well well, looky here, fellas! King Steve is gracing us peasants with his presence.” Eddie called mockingly to the young man sitting at the table in the library.
Steve— only 15 at the time, not 16 for another couple of months— looked up from his book with furrowed brows and a pout on his pretty pink lips. A pout that 21 year old Eddie would come to love.
Steve hadn’t done to much in the interaction. He more or less sat in silence while Eddie went on and on about something he couldn’t remember now.
When Steve had gotten up from the table, he doggy-eared his page (like a monster) and tucked the book under his arm. Eddie saw the title only briefly, “Forever Amber”.)
“Do we really never talk about his interests?” asked Jonathan to the sky, his head tilted up while he blew the smoke away.
They all startled when a series of shouts and laughs came from Lucas and Steve in the driveway. Eddie looked over in time to watch Steve pull Lucas in for a hug where they both patted each others backs aggressively. Eddie’s seen the guys do that at games. Some kind of weird bro-hug.
Eddie continued to watch when Steve bent down to pick up the rolling basketball. Eddie’s mind went other places quick enough when Steve pulled his shorts up a little higher. Robin smacked his calf.
“Seriously, you guys never talk to him about sports?” Argyle asked, flabbergasted. And I suppose he had every right to be. These were some of Steve’s closest friends. His boyfriend and his best friend! And they never got to listen to Steve rant about a particular basketball game from high school? About some specific swimming stroke and how it helped him win swim competitions?
They were seriously missing out.
Robin hung her head in shame and thought about it, her eyes misting over the more she realized that— yeah, she never talked to Steve about sports. Let alone his other interests. (Did he have other interests? That fact that she had to ask this question made her want to cry and hug Steve.)
Robin picked her head up and propped it in her hands. She looked on with everyone else as Steve and Lucas cheered about something or other.
Steve tossed Lucas the ball in the driveway. He bent himself at the knees and placed his hands on his thighs, breathing heavily.
“Alright, Sinclair. Hit me.” he smirked.
He and Lucas had been tossing the ball back and forth for close to an hour now, both excited to get this play right. Lucas dribbled the ball three times on the ground quickly before he set into motion.
Steve cut him off to the left, but Lucas swerved to the right so fast he nearly toppled himself over. Steve turned and jumped in front of him just in time to body slam him slightly. Not nearly as rough as he could’ve been, holding back because they were outside on concrete and Steve wasn’t going to be responsible for a concussion.
The ball rolled away into the grass, unnoticed while Steve gave Lucas a hand and pulled him up.
Lucas was taking heaving breaths, and for a scary moment Steve was worried he’d slammed him too hard and knocked his lungs around. It’s possible. That’s why Steve himself had an inhaler in the drawer closest to his bed.
But then Lucas was laughing, and soon Steve was to.
“Dude! How’d you do that? I’ve never seen anyone move like that man!” Lucas praised over his heavy breathing. Steve chuckled and took his own deep breaths.
He clapped Lucas on the shoulder, grabbed the ball, and steered him towards the porch. “Plant your feet next time.” He felt a ping of anger and sadness at the words, but tramped it down.
It was only when he’d reached the porch with Lucas that Steve realized they were alone outside. Had everyone gone inside? Did sports seriously bore them so much that they just up and left? The thought made something bitter churn in Steve’s gut.
He led Lucas through the door and dropped the basketball on the porch by the door. It was muddy and his floors were going to remain white for as long as possible thank you very much.
They both left their shoes by the door and traveled to the kitchen, Lucas talking about how fast he’d ducked and wanting to know what Steve meant by planting his feet. Steve agreed to another playing session the next day with a grin. It was nice to have someone who enjoyed what he did.
He tossed Lucas a bottle of water from the fridge and made sure the kid drank it all. They sat with each other at the counter for a minute, Steve idly sipping his water and listening to Lucas’ still heavy breaths.
“Damn, I still can’t catch my breath man.” Lucas laughed lightly.
Steve smiled and set his water down.
“Wait here, don’t do anything stupid.”
Lucas gave him a two finger salute as he walked off upstairs. Steve was sure to avoid the living room and was quick to grab the aforementioned inhaler from his drawer. He jogged back into the kitchen and sat next to Lucas one more.
“Ok, so I’m assuming you know what an inhaler is.”
Lucas nodded, staring at the inhaler in Steve’s hand oddly.
“I don’t have asthma,” Lucas said matter-of-factly.
Steve chuckled. “And neither do I. But there are times where you get knocked around too much or too hard, and it can rattle your lungs. I found that out the hard way when I was 14 and had my first asthma attack. My lungs had rattled so much they got trapped between my ribs and my mom had to take me to the hospital.”
Lucas winced. “Seriously? How the hell did you manage that?”
My dad got a little too rough, Steve thought. But decided against saying that, obviously. He smiled and shook his head. “Not important.”
Steve uncapped the inhaler and gave it a good shake. “Ok, I’m assuming you know at least a little about using one of these but one things for sure, you’ve gotta fix your posture.”
Lucas immediately straightened his back.
Steve went on explaining about how curling into yourself like that basically compressed your lungs and made breathing harder.
He held the inhaler to Lucas’ mouth and instructed him to breathe in and hold it for as long as he felt he could before releasing slowly.
Lucas did as instructed, and after no more than two puffs Steve instructed him to simply keep his back straight and take deep breaths through his nose and to release slowly through his mouth.
Lucas left on his bike a few minutes later with a few snacks and an extra bottle of water in his bag. Steve told him to talk to his parents about getting him a medical inhaler if he planned to stick out basketball for all of high school. Steve knew how aggressive those kids could be, and while it wasn’t always necessary it was helpful.
When he closed the door behind Lucas he went straight to the living room.
Where apparently everyone had relocated.
“Uh.. hey?” Steve waved pathetically. He had really no idea what to do with the 5 pairs of eyes on him.
“Ok? Um— seriously why are you all looking at me like that? It’s fucking freaky.” Steve curled in on himself a little, folding his arms and hunching his shoulders.
Robin was the first to shoot out of her seat on the couch. Steve was given no warning before he was engulfed in a hug.
“Oh? Ok—“ He wrapped his arms around her tightly. “What happened, Robs? You alright?” he asked from where his face was tucked into her neck.
She nodded, but it was obvious something was wrong.
When Robin let go she dragged Steve by the wrist to the couch and sat with him. He looked at everyone else settled in the living room and raised an eyebrow.
“This isn’t like— an intervention or something, right?” he tried to joke. Argyle seemed to find it funny at least. Steve smiled at him where he sat on the floor by the coffee table.
Then there was an arm wrapping around his waist from the side Robin wasn’t pressed against and Steve wasted no time leaning his head on his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“What’s up with you guys, huh? You’re quiet and it’s scary. I don’t like it.” Steve muttered the last part under his breath and more to himself. But Eddie squeezed his hip reassuringly.
“Nothing’s up, baby. How was everything with Lucas?” Eddie asked. Steve barely gave himself time to pause before he answered, “Good. He’s been moving a lot faster lately.”
He bit his tongue against the slew of words he wanted to spill about everything they’d done in that hour they’d been outside. Instead he said,
“Sorry. Totally ditched you guys for the ball.” He chuckled, trying to take the weight of the words off some. Eddie tutted.
“Don’t apologize, Steve. You looked like you having fun.” Came Nancy’s unexpected reply. Steve’s head shot up to look at her before traveling back to Argyle, who gave him a vague “go on” gesture with his hand.
“Uh..” He pulled his eyes back to Nancy. “Yeah, had a lot of fun. Um— you guys alright?”
Jonathan groaned and Steve watched Nancy hit him on the arm. They had a whole argument with their eyes before Nancy deflated. What the hell?
“Steve.” Jonathan started. Steve flinched slightly and didn’t relax when Eddie squeezed his hip.
He braced himself for the laughs, the jeers. Them telling him they didn’t care that he had fun and that they had to go.
“We’re sorry.”
Steve blinked. You’d think an apology that sounded so heartfelt would lower his inner walls a bit, but it only served to raise them higher. Because—
“What the fuck? Why?”
Jonathan rubbed the back of his head and let Nancy take the lead this time.
“For brushing you off.”
Steve blinked, his inner walls no longer rising but not lowering either.
“For not showing that we cared whenever you started talking about your sports and things.” Was Robin’s add-on from beside him.
Steve flinched and made to get up but remembered he was kind of held down by both Robin and Eddie.
“So this is an intervention? Guys it’s fine, seriously—“
“No. It’s not. Stop talking for a second and let us be sorry, sweetheart.” Eddie’s grip tightened again and Steve tried to find comfort in it like he normally did, but he was so uncomfortable right now it was unbelievable.
He doesn’t think he’s ever been apologized to. Not like this. Not with such sincerity.
It scared him, honestly.
“We’re sorry we didn’t bother trying to show interest in anything you did even though you always made sure to show interest in ours,” was how Eddie finished.
“Even with all the teasing you add in.” Chuckled Jonathan.
Steve found a bit of the comfort he was searching for.
He cleared his throat. “Um ok— so—“
“Not done.” Demanded Nancy.
Steve shut up.
“We’re sorry that we made fun of your interests and maybe made you feel like you couldn’t share your thoughts and feelings with us in fear of getting ridiculed.”
And good God if that wasn’t right on the money.
Steve swallowed against the tears that threatened to mist over his vision.
He laughed quietly instead. And maybe he looked like he was going insane but Jesus Christ— he couldn’t take this right now. He was not expecting a fucking apology after an hour of playing basketball.
What the fuck has his life turned into?
“Ok— done now?” he asked. And when nobody spoke up against him he continued.
“So um— thanks? For the apology? I guess— I guess I just don’t understand. Why are you guys apologizing when you didn’t do anything wrong?”
That got him a chorus of groans that made him curl into himself more. He hung his head and pinched his bottom lip between his thumb and pointer, a nervous habit he’d developed in middle school.
“Steve.” Robin gently said. “We have every reason to apologize and fucking grovel.”
Steve wasn’t given a single moment to protest.
“Sweetheart, what did you do yesterday when I was talking about my campaign?”
Steve looked at Eddie funny. “Dude I don’t know— I think you started talking about it while I was cooking?”
Eddie nodded. “And then you told me to hold on while you put the lasagna in the oven so you could give me your full attention.”
Steve blinked dumbly, not quite getting it.
“That’s the bare minimum, Ed. You were talking about something you really liked so I made sure you knew I was listening.”
And oh wow. It just dawned on him.
“Exactly, honey. None of us— except Argyle, apparently— have been giving you the attention you deserve even though you give us yours no matter what.”
“Steve you listened to me drone about types of cameras and film last week for three hours and didn’t complain once. I know for a fact that shit was boring to listen to because I’ve been told so by both Will and El numerous times.”
Steve stared at Jonathan.
“Ok, sure. But I don’t see— I don’t get— I don’t care that you guys don’t listen to me. Sports are complicated and yeah sure it kind of hurts when you scoff as if it doesn’t mean shit—“
Eddie’s grip tightened considerably.
“—but it— I get it. You guys aren’t obligated to listen to my shit. I listen to you guys because I want to. Because I like hearing you talk about things you’re passionate about. Like Nancy and that new article for the school paper about the different recipe for the meatloaf that makes it taste like dirt, apparently. Or how Polaroid cameras actually date all the way back to like— 1948. Or—“
“But that’s the thing, Steve.” Nancy cut him off. “You listen to these things and remember them because you want to. Because you’re a good friend and good friends listen. We—“ he waved her hand around to all of them “—have not been good friends.”
Steve swallowed around the lump in his throat while Nancy continued.
“The fact that you remember my exact words of calling the meatloaf dirt just proves that. Because we had that conversation, what? A month ago?”
“Three weeks ago.” Me mumbled uselessly.
Nancy sighed.
Robin sat up and took Steve’s face in her hands. “Stevie. We love you. So let us.”
And just like that, Steve was engulfed in a giant group hug.
He didn’t realize how much it’d affected him before now. How being scoffed at and made fun of— even if it was playful— hurt him so much that he’d just stopped talking about things.
When they pulled away Eddie kissed his forehead and Robin kissed his cheek. Steve giggled at the sudden affection.
The very next day, Steve saw the change.
Saw the change in how Eddie made sure to ask him about what he was cooking and then let Steve explain the process of a breakfast casserole. How Eddie simply smiled and even engaged with questions as if he was really interested. And maybe Steve didn’t completely believe he was interested, but that was ok. He’d come to his senses eventually.
Then at work Robin made a point to let him choose what they put on the TV for the day and didn’t even complain when he chose the Breakfast Club.
He was scared that they change would last no more than a week. That after some time they’d all go right back to how it was before.
But then a week passed. And two. And three. And then months we’re going by where Steve was allowed to rant and talk and argue about things like cooking and baking and basketball and soccer and volleyball and so much more because they would listen.
And then a year passed and it was April and it was his birthday and when he was surrounded by everyone— the kids, the older teens, even the adults— he opened a present and looked down at the book in his lap.
“Forever Amber”.
Steve will never admit to the tears that he cried that day.
Probably gonna do something like this with Lucas and the kids cause I love Lucas ❤️
Here’s that lol:
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moonstruckme · 10 months
hi could i request doctor!remus with a r who’s scared of needles? love ur writing!!
Thanks babe!
cw: needles, fear of needles
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 756 words
You’ve been dreading this ever since Remus had mentioned it earlier in the week. He’s pretended not to notice (there’s no point in talking about what neither of you can help, right?) but now that he’s gotten you into his office, your legs swinging restlessly off the edge of the exam table, it’s impossible to avoid the issue.
“What, you don’t trust me?” Remus sets his tray of supplies down by the computer, sending you a little smile to let you know he’s only giving you a hard time. 
“It’s not about that,” you insist anyway. “It just—it’s weird.” The paper covering crinkles under you as you squirm. “It goes under your skin, Rem.” 
“Funnily enough, I was briefed on that part in med school,” he says, deadpan tone at odds with the placating hand he rests on your thigh. It works, and you still, but his heart still contracts at the tensed watchfulness of your eyes as they flit to the needle on the tray. “It’s not as sinister as you think it is, love. Might help if you quit looking at it, though.” 
“I don’t get it.” He frowns. “You’re not normally this squeamish.” 
You look upset, wrapping your arms around your midsection protectively. “I don’t get it either. It just freaks me out, I don’t know.”
Remus eyes you for a moment, assessing the apprehensive set of your shoulders, the wariness in your expression. His mouth pulls sympathetically to one side. “If you wanted, I could tell you about everything this has in it and why it’s good for you, but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to help you very much. Is it?” 
“Probably not.” You gnaw on the inside of your lip, looking at him apologetically. “I know logically that you’re right, but honestly? If we talk about it much more I think it’s going to make me nauseous.” 
He rubs your leg soothingly. “That’s alright. There’s not always room for logic in these things, yeah? We’ll make this quick.” 
That doesn’t actually seem to help, and your arm tenses as Remus cleans it off. “You’re alright,” he promises, grabbing the syringe before using the back of his hand to tilt your face in the other direction. “Don’t look.” 
“Why?” Your voice pitches high. 
He makes his low and soothing to counter it. “Because you’re already nervous, dove, and it’ll only get worse if you watch. Ready?” He takes your arm in his hand, gentle but firm in case you try to move. You grip your leg so hard it looks like it hurts. 
When you nod, Remus wastes no time. You’re barely able to take in a surprised inhale at the slight sting before he’s setting the needle back down on its tray, smoothing a plaster over the pinprick. 
“There, done,” he reassures you, rubbing his thumb in gentle circles over the spot while he watches your face. The tension hasn’t left your expression. “Okay, sweetheart?” 
You blow out a breath, seeming to shake something off you. “Okay.”
“Was that worth all the buildup?” He’s unable to resist teasing you a little, and you reward him with a small, reluctant grin. 
“No, but it’s still gross.” You roll your eyes. Remus switches from rubbing your arm to your thigh, halfway apologetic. “Thanks, Rem.” 
“You’re welcome, dove,” he murmurs, kissing your hair. “I ought to be thanking you, this will be the first year since I’ve known you that I won’t have to take care of you when you get the flu.” 
“Don’t jinx it,” you warn, accepting the hand he offers to help you off the table. “I could be one of those people who has a worse reaction to the jab than the flu itself.” 
Remus scoffs. “That almost never happens.”
You all but grunt in response. “We’ll see.” Your arms come back around your middle. “Can we get out of here? This place gives me the heebies.” 
Sympathy and amusement war in Remus’ chest, but he satisfies both by chuckling as he wraps his arm around you, guiding you out the door. “You’ve really chosen the wrong boyfriend, sweetheart.” 
“My trouble is with this place, not you.” Your lips turn down, and Remus thinks he feels a tiny shiver beneath his arm. He pulls you closer, just in case. “You don’t smell like chemicals and illness.” 
“What?” He does his best to sound appalled, though he has none of Sirius’ talent for dramatics. “But that’s my favorite part of coming to work every morning—the lovely chemical-and-illness aroma.”
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kidney9-9 · 9 months
Having Twins with Them - Loki, Stephen, and Bucky
@stygianoir asked: For loki, Bucky , and Stephen (seperately ) Where their wife is pregnant and how are they before and after the baby comes Fluff plz
Hi Kitty, I hope you enjoy! Thank you for sending this in :) Please read the warnings.
Loki x Reader, Stephen x Reader, Bucky x Reader [Fluff] Warnings: Pregnancy, details about giving birth, and crying Word Count: Loki: 656, Stephen: 700, Bucky: 703
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You were feeling a bit strange for a little bit before you suspected you were pregnant.
You called a friend one morning, freaking out about whether or not you were pregnant, and she brought over some tests for you to take. You were happy to find all the tests came back positive. You and Loki had been trying for a while, but you expected it to take a little longer to become pregnant.
When you revealed to him you were pregnant, he raised his eyebrow at you, then asked, “You’re joking, right?” Then quickly laughed and gave you a big hug, pulling you in close and twirling you around in a circle.
“You’ve given me something I wished and dreamed for, for years. Thank you, my love. We’ll take special care of our young one.” He murmured into your ear after he set you down.
He started to appear happier the farther along you were in your pregnancy. He’d always compliment you, give you gifts, and kiss you at random times. He would gaze at your stomach lovingly, and lay kisses on top, whispering sweet promises and lullabies to the baby.
During your delivery, he appeared as calm as ever, but secretly he was freaking out. You insisted on delivering in a hospital setting, and he was so confused about all the doctors and nurses around you. He went pale when he saw one of the tools the doctor was using, and hoped that for your next pregnancy (yes, he very much wanted more children), you would deliver with the help of Asgardian techniques.
It was so shocking to the family when you revealed you had twins, but Loki was smug. He was confident and happy that you two had healthy twins. The boy was named Salem and the girl was named Lilith. Loki and you adored them so much.
He dotted on them so much when they were first born and was the one to catch Lilith accidentally summon a demon. Yes, it was a very weak demon, but it was still very impressive and surprising. Salem soon after froze his crib after having a meltdown. Loki was so delighted in their magic and powers and soon started to document everything they did.
When they started talking, Loki was so excited. He’d talk to them in multiple languages and would smile brightly when one of them repeated his words. Salem was the first to say “Momma, Daddy”, and Lilith soon followed with calling you two, “Mommy, Papa.”
You healed up after the delivery great, and Loki surprised you by introducing some traditions with new moms from Asgard. They were so helpful, and it was a lot different than the techniques from Earth with healing after giving birth. There was a special tea he made for you, enchanted with some magic. It always made you feel more energetic after drinking it, and it helped with sleeping all those odd hours the babies were asleep.
When you were fully healed and ready to get back to doing your normal routine, Loki had come up to you one morning and wrapped his arms around you from behind. You grinned at him as he kissed your cheek.
“Mm, what are your plans for today, honey?” You asked him softly, your voice quiet so the babies could continue sleeping.
He chuckled slightly, “I was wondering if we could have a date night tonight. Maybe we could spend some time in our library, like last time.”
Your eyes shot wide open, and you turned around to face him, “You seriously cannot be saying you want to impregnate me again. So soon? Lilith and Salem haven’t even turned one!”
He pouted playfully, “Aw darling, but I would love to have more children with you. Maybe triplets this time?”
You laughed into his chest, “Maybe in a few years, after we get a hang of this parenting thing, right?”
He nodded thoughtfully, “Agreed.”
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Stephen had a feeling something was off when you had come home one day, smiling a bit too often. He didn’t know what was going on though, so he kept extra quiet about it and just observed you to see if he could guess what was going on. When you noticed how quiet he had gotten that night, you pouted at him.
“Stephen, is something wrong?” You asked him somewhat nervously as you unconsciously placed a hand on your stomach.
“I just noticed you’re hiding something. You usually don’t hide things unless it’s a good surprise, so I’m wondering what it is.” He responded, grinning at your shocked expression.
“No fair! I wanted it to be a complete surprise for you tomorrow!” You objected, laughing at how quickly he caught on.
“You can tell me now and we can celebrate tomorrow?” He suggested, still completely wondering what it was that made you act like this.
You smiled brightly and scooted next to him. “I’m pregnant! I think I might be a bit later than I thought, since my stomach has been growing a bit faster than I expected. I took the test this afternoon.” You explained, mumbling, and rambling a bit because you were nervous for his reaction.
He gaped momentarily and then rushed over to you and picked you up and twirled you into a hug. You laughed in surprise at his reaction, not expecting this. He was usually so reserved and quiet about things, mostly reacting with humor!
“Sweetheart.” He murmured to you as he set you back down and pressed his forehead against yours. “I love you so much. You know how much I’ve always wanted children. This is a dream come true.” He whispered.
You smiled at his words, “I love you too, we’re going to be great parents!”
After he scheduled you an appointment with one of his old friends, he started buying so many prenatal vitamins and foods that would support your pregnancy. At the appointment, it was confirmed that you two were going to have twins! At first, he didn’t believe his friend, then looked at the ultrasound machine and saw the two little babies.
The next few weeks, he spent time coddling you and reading up on pregnancies involving twins. He researched so much and practically became an expert about twin pregnancies. He read so many books on parenting and baby proofed everything even though you were only three months pregnant at the time.
By your third trimester, he had everything set up for your due date. He personally vetted everyone who was going to be involved in the birthing process and supported you on your decisions on how you’d like to give birth.
The only things that were left up in the air were the names of the babies. You had been calling them, ankle biter one and two as a joke, and every name you two actually came up with hadn’t been agreed upon. Stephen would randomly speak to your stomach, saying random baby names and then would look up at you, and ask if those names would be good.
One day he came up with the name, Rose, while you were eating some rose ice cream. It was all you wanted to eat for three days, and the entire pregnancy, you had been craving rose flavored foods. Almost immediately after he said the name Rose, you agreed.
“She’s our little Rose, so cute.” You’d say as you’d feel one of the baby’s kick. For the boy, you two finally agreed with the name Philip, and a few hours later, you went into labor.
Stephen was on top of it, fully calm and ready, and supported you the entire time.
A few months later, you two were unconventional parents, amazing, nonetheless. Stephen used magic to parent all the time, and you would always be so surprised at all the magic he did. The best magic he had done during the first few months was to always have a bottle of milk ready to go – it automatically refilled itself.
How he did it? You never found out how, but whenever you asked about it, he would mutter something about arrogant entities.
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You were a little nervous and worried when you found out you were pregnant. Bucky had always been a little upset when you’d mention family because he didn’t have any family in today’s world. Technically he only had you as his spouse for family, but you knew he missed his family from years ago.
But you knew you had to tell him, so you grabbed your positive pregnancy tests and walked into the bedroom. “Hey sweetie? Can I talk to you about something?” You spoke up nervously.
Bucky turned around and smiled softly at you. “Of course, you can. Don’t have to ask about it, either.”
You shrugged back sheepishly, “I know that, but this is something kinda serious and we have to talk about it.”
His expression changed to something stormy, and he pressed his lips into a line, “Are you safe? Is someone targeting you?”
“Oh no! Not like that! It’s – I’m, uh, pregnant.” You stumbled over your words and pushed the pregnancy tests in front of you, to show him. He blinked in surprise, his expression going momentarily blank before a happy one replaced it.
“Wait really?” He whispered, walking closer to you, and holding onto your hands. He gazed down at the multiple pregnancy tests you took.
“Mhm, there’s a baby in here I think.” You chuckled nervously and gazed down to your belly. He smiled brightly as he leaned down and kissed your stomach, making all your worries disappear. He murmured a sweet hello to your belly, then got back up and hugged you tightly, causing you to drop the tests to the floor. You laughed in surprise and hugged him back.
When you started going to appointments, Bucky drove you to each of them and attended all of them, holding your hand through exams to make you feel comfortable. It was the second appointment where you two found out you were having twins!
“Oh god! Twins… we need to get a new place. We need to buy two cribs! We have to go get supplies like right now!” Bucky started to ramble, eyes wide at the thought of two kids. You were in shock as well, asking the doctor to check again to make sure. You really didn’t expect to have twins.
Bucky seemed to be extra romantic as you got further along in your pregnancy. You’d notice it in the way he’d always lovingly kiss you longer each day before he went to the compound, and the way he’d come back with gifts for you both to enjoy. He’d light your favorite candles and prep your favorite foods, and at times you’d feel like you could melt in a puddle by the adoration you’d see in his eyes as he’d gaze down at your belly.
You both decided on the names rather early in your pregnancy. Scout was the boy’s name and Melody was the girl’s name. Bucky and you discussed it for about a week, agreeing quickly about the names. He used Steve’s name as Scout’s middle name and his sister, Rebecca, as Melody’s middle name.
When you went into labor, Bucky freaked out a bit and fainted when you squeezed his hand harder than you’ve ever had before. When he came back to, he apologized and put on a tough face and sat by you, supporting you the entire time.
“Look at our babies, sweetheart.” He murmured to you, holding them both in his arms and handing Melody to you. You two cried happily at the sight of both your children.
He sung lullabies to comfort the babies and he’d always be holding at least one of them. Scout was the first to say his first words, which was funnily enough, “No!” and “Momma”, when you served him some broccoli with rice.
Melody quickly said her words a few days after that, when Scout had accidentally bumped his foot into something, “Scout owie”. It was so adorable that you and Bucky had both awed out loud at the sight.
When you and Bucky had alone time, he’d take you out to your favorite date spots. You two spoke about all the memories you shared, and how sweet and special it’s been, having twins together.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
i would love to hear your thoughts on mickey alterti as a yandere cause he definitely would be one 🫶
♡ Mickey Being Obsessed With You ♡
Yandere Mickey x GN!Reader • Problematic af
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- He saw you on campus and flirted with you regularly. You just laughed it off and soon he started mingling within your friend group.
- You didn't think much about it at first...But it was odd that everytime something 'bad' happened; he was there to offer you comfort and support
- When the Ghostface kills happened, he was the first one to tell you everything was okay and he wouldn't let anything happen to you
- When you found a body for the first time, he hugged you close to him and sshhed you that everything would be alright...How weird he didn't seem too distraught over seeing someone mangled...
- Soon people that slighted you were coming up missing and later found dead. Mutilated beyond recognition, actually. You always saw the way Mickey would glare at them. Absolute hatred towards anyone mean or rude to you...You just thought he was a good friend!
- But when your friends came up dead, this time, you started to freak out. Mickey talked to you in private after a good friend was attacked with a superficial wound. He told you, "...Why would the killer not kill them? Just be careful with them, YN."
- The police were suspecting you or someone in your inner circle. Mickey panicked when the police made you a suspect. You thought he was just THAT loyal that he believed you could never be the killer.
- Soon, your friend was found with evidence in their bag that they screamed wasn't there's. They were arrested and all you could do was accept your friend was the killer all along. You were devastated!
- You felt suspicious of Mickey just because his behavior was odd but with your friend being caught red handed; he was just a good guy! A bit cynical, dark humor, overbearing and overprotective but he wasn't a killer.
- Mickey was the only person you had left and he wanted you to have a movie night with him just to make sure you were okay.
- While at his place, he went to get snacks and you saw his camrecorder just sitting there...You smiled to yourself and snuck a peak. Thinking you'd see movie shots or his friends....Your face fell when you saw the footage.
- Every video was you. From far away a long time ago before you even talked to him clear up to present day. It was endless reel of you. You. You....You.
- You snuck out and ran as fast as you could. Terrified.
- You hid, trying to get to the police when a Ghostface appeared. Trying to grab you as you fought back. You fought with everything you had. Then you heard the voice. Confirming who the killer really was.
- "Don't make me hurt you, YN!" He peeled off the mask and looked at you like you were the only person in the world. "We're okay now. Especially with all those annoying people out of the way. Don't you see it!? We can be together now! It's okay...You can be with me now."
- He holds you captive from that point forward. Whispering sweet words to you in a soft voice while he held his knife dangerously close to your throat. He took you back to his place, letting you know that if you told; he'd kill you or someone you care about. Be a shame if you told police and he wasn't caught. What if your entire family or friends off campus came up dead?...He knew where you lived, where they lived, when they were home....He knew everything about you.
- The killings stopped. Your friend was going to trial. Mickey and you were 'dating' now. It was A-Okay and only because you let him love you.
- He constantly recorded you no matter how miserable you looked. Claiming you were his muse with an adoring smile.
- He was extremely loving towards you. So soft, playful, loyal. He was arguably the best boyfriend you had when he was in a good mood.
- However, that dark look would enter his eyes whenever anyone but him held your attention for too long. Especially another guy. His grip on you would get painful, his mood would sour and he'd start making threats again. Swearing that if you left him; people would die. Maybe even you...If he couldn't have you, no one could.
- He'd hunt you down if you tried to leave him. Knife in hand and a feral look in his eyes. "Don't fight me, YN. You know I love you. You know I only want what's best for you...Just accept it!"
- You were his only. You didn't need friends when you had him. As long as you were good; the mask and knife stayed hidden. But if you acted up and someone got killed? That wasn't Mickey's doing, that was yours. If you ran away and he hurt you? That was your fault too. He can't control himself, you know this. Just be so good for him and let him be a good boyfriend.
- Once you accepted it; he was an amazing guy. He did anything for you. Had no eyes for anyone else. Laughed at every joke. Listened intently to what you had to say with a grin on his face. Would hold you close if anyone dared come near you especially in a flirty way. Loved you like you were the only love he ever knew. Desperate for you every time you were together.
- HOWEVER...Friends were only permitted as long as they didn't take time away from him. People joked that you and Mickey were attached at the hip and you forced a smile to play along no matter how much you wanted to tell them. He had to come to every family get together. He would become distraught, close to tears and rage if you just simply wanted time away with a family member or alone time. It took hours of him trying to emotionally manipulate you and you trying to argue it was fine...He usually won.
- You were his. Only his. You just had to accept this was your life now. That your boyfriend was an obsessed serial killer that made you the object of his obsession.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
i just wanna adopt a cat with ellie :((
i luv this ,, wrote this half awake enjoy
“babe? babe! fucking — ahh! shit, crazy little shit!” ellie whisper yelled, followed by loud crashing about in your living room space. you shot up, eyes finding the alarm clock that read 12:28AM, rubbing one of your eyes as you woke yourself up. this was the usual time ellie was meant to arrive back from patrol. usually, she’d shower and crawl into your bed with not much fuss— most times you wouldn’t even wake up, so for her to be causing such a ruckus you figured you should probably go and see what was going on.
you pad out your bedroom, rubbing the sleep out of your eye feeling the chill hit your body, only adorned in a tank top and shorts.
“el, wh’s a matter.” you croaked out, thinking this shit better be worth it. ellie, facing the couch spun around — an odd mixture of mischief and exhaustion on her face.
“babe, don’t freak out. i— i just couldn’t leave her okay, she’s really cute when she’s not freaking the fuck out — and, i know this is technically your place but i thought hey— why not—” ellie rambled as you squinted in the low light, the auburn haired girl having flicked on a lamp upon her arrival.
“what are you talking about?” you yawned, walking up to ellie in confusion. your eyes caught movement behind her and you frowned, craning around to see what it was.
it moved too fast to be able to tell at first, a bundle of black fur and two big sparkly beads. ellie moved aside, and you crouched down — coming face to face with a kitten.
the kitten seemed to calm at your slow movements, pupils dilated as it stared up at you curiously.
“a kitten?” you whispered, expression softening in awe. you had only seen a cat once before, it was a rarity to see any kind of animal that would be considered a pet in the old world.
“found her held up in some house. she hissed at me a bunch until i gave her some of the food i’d packed. she’s got her priorities straight, i respect it.” she chuckled tiredly, kneeling down beside you to look at her. “you wanna keep her? i mean, she can be ours. together.” ellie scratched the back of her neck, slightly nervous at the proposal.
“oh my god, yes. of course. i love her.” you pouted, slowly reaching your palm out. she sniffed it curiously before unsurely nuzzling her head into it.
“i see she has a favourite already. that’ll change, don’t you worry.” ellie sarked, standing up and stretching, body sore after her long hours out in the snow.
“uh huh.” you giggle, crossing your legs as you get comfortable on the floor.
“why don’t you make her a little bed for now down here. we can deal with her in the morning.” ellie suggested, her hand brushing your shoulder fondly urging you to stand. you did so, the two of you creating a makeshift cushion cat bed, the black kitten circling it a few times before settling. “there we go. now let me shower and i’ll be in bed. i’m fucking beat.” ellie walked toward your bathroom, already chucking her jacket aside.
you head back to bed, the sleepiness taking back over as you crawled beneath the warmth of your bed sheets. ellie joined you not so long after as you lightly dozed, sliding in behind you in a clean hoodie and shorts. her warm hands slid beneath your tank, resting on your tummy as she snuggled into you.
“we gotta—” you croaked, half awake.
“hm?” ellie lift her head slightly, placing a kiss beneath your ear.
“gotta… find a name for her.” you murmured, the matter clearly very important. ellie dropped her head back onto the pillow.
“pfft, already done. ellie junior.” she joked and you smiled lazily despite fighting sleep.
“we can discuss it in the morning. maybe it’ll come to you in a dream.”
“goodnight, baby.”
“night els.”
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fantasyandshit · 7 months
The light and the dark
Type: series
Part: 5/? (New/edited version)
Pairing: Azriel x fem reader
Summary: How will everyone react to Yn being the first and only (known ;) “light singer”?
Other parts here
I yawn loudly as I wake up, trying to re-orient myself. I start to freak out as I feel a pressure behind my back and feel something covering me- something heavy and definitely not a blanket. But then I remember; Azriel.
I remember Azriel helping me- us finding out I can speak to light or some weird shit like that. And I remember Azriel laying me down and then asking him to stay.
I look to the source of the scratchy voice to see Azriel-god his morning voice is gorgeous. His hair is messy, and his clothes are disheveled.
“Morning,” I smile slightly as I look to him, noticing that around us our lights and shadows seem to play with each other wrapping around one another. It’s odd seeing whisps of pure light and pure dark simply playing around, dancing around the room.
“Could you- could you help me get ready?” I look down, unwilling to make eye contact as I ask the question.
“Of course love.”
Azriel gets out of bed, standing at my side and holds his hound out- allowing me to clumsily clamber into a sitting position and stand with his support. He leads me to the bathroom, setting me on the edge of the tub before moving around the bathroom, grabbing some clothes from my room and filling up the tub.
“Ok do you want my help getting undressed?”
“No I want to try myself.” It had been bothering me, the fact I could do anything was really frustrating and I needed to prove I could do something on my own.
I reach my hands to my back, untying the strings around my wings before gripping the bottom of the garment and lifting it over my head- or trying to before nearly falling into the tub of water. Azriel catches me, helping me to get my balance again before looking at me with concern.
“Are you ok?”
“I’m fine.” I didn’t mean to snap at him- gods I didn’t want to but I am just frustrated- why can’t I do something as simple as taking off a damn night gown? Instead of answering, the male in front of me simply nods to my nightgown, asking permission to take it off.
After my bath, Az helps me change into a sports bras and leggings because it was an easy outfit that required little effort to get on as well as brushing my hair- even though he didn’t have to- and applying the required ointments on my wings. Finally after we are both ready to go, meet with Rhysand and my sister, about my powers.
As we make our way down the hallway, my lights seem giddy, happily twirling around me and Azriel, his shadows included- said shadows dance with my light, twisting around one another as we finally make it to Rhysands office.
“Come in!” I hear my sister shout after Azriel knocks on the door and we step inside.
“I see what you mean.” Rhysand has a smirk on his face as he motions to Ariel and I’s…”powers?” ….”beings?” I don’t know what to call them’s playing together behind us. I blush furiously and one of my whisps of light seems to almost squeal in my ear.
The high lord looks down to the book on his desk, thumbing the pages as my sister looks at me with a soft smile. “Well, I won’t lie to you, I’ve never seen anything like this before.” He looks back up to me and Azriel. “However I have contacted Helion to see if he may know something or at the very least be able to find something in his libraries and records. However for now he and our inner circle should be the only ones to know. Are you okay with that?” He turns to face only me during the last part.
“Uh yeah- yeah I’m okay with that.” I nod along to my words, the whole situation weirding me out.
“Yn. It is very important that no one else finds out. The spreading of this information could cause harm to you or our family. I promise we will do whatever we can to figure out what’s going on and how to help you.” I turn to Feyre now, watching her soft features as she smiles at me as she speaks.
“Ok another note, as long as it is okay with the both of you- we’d like to have you start training with Azriel to strengthen and train your wing muscles”
“I’m fine with that.” Azriel speaks for the first time since we entered the room.
“Yeah that seems like a good idea.” I turn to Azriel as I speak, my eyebrows raised in question, receiving a nod in return.
“Well then you can both be on your way- we’ll announce the news to the family at dinner tonight and you can begin your training whenever you wish.”
Ok, that’s the new chapter- totally changed but I think it’s better.
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anangelinthepit · 2 months
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Baby, you're the Right Kind of Wrong
Hello lovelies, I hope you all enjoy it. I want you to all keep in mind that there are some sensitive topics such as abuse so ⚠️. Please enjoy and let me know what you all think. As always I love you all dearly -magenta
Part 4
Grogginess from sleeping still clouded my mind as I began to wake up. I rubbed my eyes in an attempt to adjust them to the morning light that poured in, giving the room an opal-colored appearance. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I had died in my sleep and gone to heaven. As I lay back down, the intoxicating scent of rosewood and vanilla filled my nose once again, reminding me of where I was and what happened. In a quick motion, I shot up and threw myself out of the bed. Of course, I didn't realize that my legs were still wrapped up in the sheets, and ended up kissing the ground with my body.
“Oh my god, it's noon! Mama and Papa are gonna kill me!” I said to myself
I tried getting back up but was still tangled in the sheets. What the heck happened, and why am I not wearing any underwear? You would have thought that I was throwing back shots like Ana and her boyfriend, but no, in this case, I was just so freaking tired and finally slept well for once. I finally got the sheets off of me and struggled to look for a pair of pants.
“Leaving so soon, Princess? A voice said from the doorway. When I turned around, I was met with a messy-haired shirtless, great sweatpants-wearing Noah. Every girl’s dream I would suppose, but I can't focus on him right now. I need to get home and live a nightmare that awaits me.
“I'm sorry Noah, I have to get going, my parents are going to kill me,” I said, rushing around, grabbing all of my things
Noah let out a dark chuckle and sighed. I gave him a puzzled look because what was so funny about this situation?
“You poor thing,” he said, looking down
“I'm not poor. We are slightly above poverty.” I said, shrugging my shoulders
“Why does my financial situation matter to him right now ?”
“Listen, can we sit down and talk for a minute?” he said, gently guiding my hand back to the bed. This made me extremely nervous because last night was still a blur, and I hope he doesn't think I'm a freak. I prepared myself for the worst as Noah just stood there looking into my eyes.
“Noah please say something. What did I do.” I said with a nervous tone
“Oh princess, it's nothing you did. It's everything those monsters have done to you,” he said.
I'm trying to understand what he meant, but he is not giving much context. Finally, he grabbed my arm, and gently rubbed the scar that's covered them. At that moment, I pulled my arm away in fear, knowing he knew about my messed-up life. I got up and started to hyperventilate. Who told him? The only ones who know are my church friend and….
Ana told him everything. Why would she do this? She promised she would never say a word. Noah tried bringing me back down with comforting words
“Y/N please, it's okay. I don't think of you any less than the beautiful girl who eavesdropped on me.“ he said, trying to get me to calm down. I can't believe this.
“Noah um it's a huge misunderstanding, and my parents aren't monsters. They just want the best for me, and Ana had NO right telling you all that. You are a really sweet guy but I just met and for some odd reason was naive enough to get in bed with you. I made a huge mistake and I'm sorry for dragging you into this” I said, trying to pull away from him
“Y/N lying to me is one thing, but trying to justify this is downright ridiculous. All you did was fall asleep in my arms last night, I didn't have the heart to try anything because all I wanted to do was take care of you. You beautiful fucking angel, I can see the signs. You're eyes have dark circles that caress them and you're so fragile from a gentle touch.” he said pulling me into him and making me look at him. I could feel hot tears build up in my eyes.
If I pull him into my crazy world he will resent me for the rest of whatever we create together. I don't want that. He has been through enough. God, please let this man be with someone who truly deserves him
“Please,” he said as he caressed my face.
“These last few hours that I had with you have become much more than a night of lustful desires. I yearn for you now, and I can't stop. The thought of you going back there is killing me, and I don't know if I can let it happen. That's why I need you to stay with me.” he said, staring into my eyes. There's no way he's serious. He just met me, and he's in love with me? I wanna say he's crazy but I think I'm in love with too
“Noah I can't just stay here and abandon all I know. I'm serious now. I have to go.” I said, turning away from him. Noah then grabbed my arm and spun me back around to face him. His tone and eyes changed in a matter of seconds.
“If you leave, I will follow you. If they try to hide you from me, I will find you. I'm never letting you go, do you understand? I let you go collect your things, but you WILL be coming back to fall asleep again in my arms tonight. I promise you that you, little angel.” he said in a deep, toned voice. He went to kiss me, but Ana busted in, breaking us apart.
“Y/N we have got to go. Your parents called the police and have the entire church looking for you,” she said in a panic
I looked at Noah and just sighed. I grabbed the rest of my things and walked away without saying anything. A knot developed once again in my a dom that needed to be undone. Am I attached to this obsessive behavior? Wait, is this obsessive behavior, or is he right?
Ana and I made our way out of the house and drove off. When I looked back, I could see Noah standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. Almost like he knew something I didn't. What was it? The drive back home was silent with the occasional, “Are you okay?”, “tell me what happened?” I just told Ana I had a lot on my mind and said to just drop it. We pulled up to my house to find all of my church friends with Mama and Papa.
“Good luck. Text me if you need me,” she said, patting me on my shoulder. I took a deep breath and got out of the car.
All of my friends scrambled to hug me and kept asking me if something had happened. Ana pulled out while Papa was screaming at her to never come back. Mama hugged me and asked if I was okay and where I had been.
“I made some mistakes, Mama. I'm sorry. I said with tears in my eyes.
She said nothing and just brought me inside.
“Girls Y/N needs to talk with her Mama and Papa right now. We’ll send her back out tomorrow when she's done.” Mama said, lighting up her cigarette
All of my friends left with the shut of the front door. Papa came in and saw down. If looks could kill, I would be dead by now. There was an extremely long silence between us, and Papa's knuckles were turning white from how hard he was clenching his knuckles.
“Do you want to go to hell, little girl?” Mama asked
“No Mama,” I said, looking down
“I can smell sin on you, girl. Confess to your mama and Papa. Where were you?” Papa is taking a shot of his whiskey.
“Papa I was with friends,” I said, looking up. In a flash, Papa took off his belt and whipped me so hard I fell out of my chair.
“Where were you, little girl!” Mama said, leaning down and grabbing my arm.
“Mama please don't!” I begged. She took her cigarette and used my arm as an ashtray, no matter how many times this happens the pain is always worse. I screamed at the top of my lungs begging her to stop. Fr what felt like hours of pure “discipline” it was finally over. What was I thinking? Coming back here knowing what was waiting for me. I wish I would have listened to Noah and stayed with him, now I'm begging him to save me. Noah, please hear my thoughts or sense that I need you. Please save me. When Mama and Papa were done, I was left bleeding on the dining room floor. With a busted nose and covered in fresh cigarette burns, I finally felt a sudden relief that my pain was over, or so I thought. Mama dragged me
I up to my room by my hair and tied my hands to my bed frame.
“A few days with God will teach you to be our little girl again. When you're ready to tell us who you were out with and what you did, then we can talk.” Mama said.
I sat there strung up against my bedpost, feeling like such an idiot. The only thing I could think about was Noah. If they thought I was gonna stay here, then they are sadly mistaken. I realized my phone was in my back pocket, I needed to call Ana and have her come get me or something. I can't stay here for days again. I twist to where the speaker of my phone has enough space to catch my voice. “Hey Siri, call Ana,” I said.
“Okay calling Ana Heart Smiley Face.”
Please pick up
Please, Ana. I said with tears streaming down my bruised face.
“Y/N! Girl, you're alive!”
“Ana! Oh thank god, Ana listen to me please PLEASE. Help me!.” I said, crying into the phone
“Y/N are you okay ?”
“Ana I should have listened to Noah. They are monsters, and they have me tied up to a freaking bedpost. They aren't my parents they're these evil twisted people, and I can't do this anymore. I wanna go back with Noah. Please, please come get me.” I said hysterically
I was met with complete silence. Please tell me my phone didn't die on me right in the middle of this call, I need a miracle right now because I don't know how much longer I can take. My wrists are dripping blood, and I feel so tired.
“Ana? Are you there?”
“I’m coming, Princess.” A deep voice said
Noah’s POV
“You’re coming home tonight, okay? This is gonna get rocky, so I need you to follow everything I say, got it.” I said
“Okay, I will,” Y/N replied
“Baby we’re 5 minutes from your house. How high is your window?”
“I don't know. It's on the second floor, but my house isn't that big. I'm able to jump from it without too much of a hassle.” Y/N said in between sobs
“Okay baby, I'm here. Let me hang up, okay?”
“Noah wait I'm scared,” she said nervously
“Baby I'm here. You never have to be scared. Do you trust me?”
I hung up the phone and had nothing but pure rage filling my heart. I wanted to kill those fucking Bible thumpers but right now my focus is Y/N. Ana pulled up quietly and made a plan to distract her parents. We got out, and I saw that Y/N's window wasn't far from the ground. Ana ran over and threw a rock at her parents' car, causing the alarm to go off. When the lights came on downstairs, that gave me time to climb up the decorations they had and up to Y/N’a window. I could hear who I guessed was her dad swearing and who I presumed to be her mother following.
I got up to the Y/Ns window and the sight I was met with brought tears to my eyes. Y/n was tied up against her bedpost and covered in blood and newly forming bruises. “No…. NO NO NO!”
Why would they do this to her? My anger got the best of me, and I busted into Y/Ns window, shattering the glass all over her. I fell to the floor and crawled over to hug her. Taking in her scent, she still smelled like my body wash and something so sweet.
“Noah,” she said with relief
“Hey Princess, what do you say we get out of here,” I smirked
She shook her head in agreement, and I began to untie her. Her wrists were already raw from how tight the ropes were rubbing up against her silky skin. “More bandages I will have to kiss later, huh?” I said, trying to make light of the situation.
Y/N gave me a weak smile, and once the rope was off, she threw herself onto me. I gave her one last giant hug and told her it was time to go. She got up and gathered some clothes when suddenly her bedroom door flung open
“Who the hell are you.” Y/N dad yelled
“Listen man I don't want any trouble, but your daughter is coming with me, and that's final,” I said, standing up
“The fuck she is! You must have been the one the little skank was out with.” the woman said. This woman called her daughter a skank, what a fucking low life.
“Our daughter isn't going anywhere with you.” Y/N's dad said while taking his belt off.
I didn't want to do this but they left me no choice. I pulled out my pistol from my holster and aimed it at them. I'm willing to go to jail for Y/N if that means these fuckers are off this planet.
“Noah please don't !” Y/N begged
Y/N stood up and finally became the strong girl I knew she could be.
“Mama. Papa. I can’t stay here anymore and put up with what you two do to me. I'm not a little girl anymore, and you can't just beat me like a mule. I'm a human being!” Y/N yelled
You got this Princess keep going
“I'm leaving with Noah and that's final. There is nothing either of you two can do about it, and if you try to force me to stay here. I will let Noah pull that fucking trigger.” Y/N said with tears just streaming down her face.”
“You wanna go so bad then go. When that Devil follows his whores and not you. Don't even THINK about coming back home to us because our home is too holy for you.” y/n mom said
“We should have gotten rid of you when we had the chance” her dad shouted
My rage was building up to thenling where I raised my fist, but Y/N grabbed me and begged me not to.
“If anything, you two should be thanking god that this angel spared your life. Cause if it was my choice, I would have killed you both hours ago.” I said, grabbing Y/N and walking out with her. I still had the gun aimed at them to make sure they wouldn't try any funny shit.
“Y/N and I ran out of the house into our “getaway car” and met Ana. Pulling us both in for a hug, I looked at Ana and gave her the thank you head nod. We got in the car and made it halfway down the road when Y/N just burst into tears. My baby has been through so much. I'm surprised she held it in for this long. It seemed like every 10 minutes she would let it out, then go silent. After what seemed like forever, we pulled up to the house. Folio and Nick welcomed us and helped me with Y/N stuff. Jolly came out too and hugged all of us. I hope Y/N knows that she is loved in this house, genuinely loved. Not that fake shit that her parents (if you could even call them that) were showing her. Matt asked if there was anything he could do, and I just told him we needed a first aid kit. He didn't ask questions and did what was needed. I took Y/N up to the room to get her settled and try to talk her. We made our way into my room, and she just collapsed on the bed. I closed the door and put all her stuff down. She was so tired I debated on talking to her about everything. Y/N lifted her head to look at me and said how sorry she was."
“Noah I'm sorry. You were right. I should have listened she said, crying
“Baby I didn't want to be right about this, but I told you I was going to come and get you, didn't? You're here with me now and I will protect you.” I said, holding her. Her tiny body just shook beneath me from all the abuse she endured. I just wanted her to hold me until she was at peace again.
“Y/N look at me.” I said
She looked up at me with her bruised brown eyes. Every time she looked at me, I could fall in love with her all over again.
“You need to promise me. You will NEVER go back there.” I said, looking into her eye
“I promise.”
@reyadawn @bloodylullaby @fadingintothegrey @thisbicc @supersquirrel1996 @dreamstyles @hurricanesfollowyou love you all
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sunnnfish · 10 months
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oh my GOD where do I begin. Uhhhmmm. Okay. So Love & Passion is a chapter is the Sasaki and Miyano: First Years novel. Every chapter in that book is from a different characters perspective, and Love & Passion is from Tashiro’s POV. It is mostly about tashiros first year of high school and his joining of the ping pong club. Here look at the cover illustration
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Going under a cut now due to exceeding length.
So like. There’s like. A Lot. Certifiably. Especially if you’re a tashiro enthusiast like me. Phenomenal characterization and narration that is usually very fun and lighthearted and tashiro-esque!
Gonzaburo Tashiro, first-year. At the moment, I’m facing an insurmountable barrier.
^ First lines of the chapter. He’s continuously very silly and like. Dramatic narrator. Yknow.
And such a personality lends itself to awfully poignant lines of crippling sincerity and simplicity that make me bawl my eyes out.
I don’t get it. What happened to the loneliness?
But of course tashiro doesn’t exist in a void to we have our delightful cast of his dear friends and acquaintances! Middle school bestie shirahama, who gets him into This Whole Mess (I’ll get to that later). Dearest Hanzawa Masato, who he makes various umh. Comments about.
“Game, set!” announced the referee, a second-year.
Man, he sounds so cool saying that.
As I stood there, drooping mentally and physically, I was approached by the guy who had refereed our match—the club’s vice president, Hanzawa.
And last but CERTAINLY not least. Dearest dearest previous president of the ping pong club!!!!
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There he is. The saulty little binch on the right.
And if you’re wondering why we call him that. Well. He’s never given a name. Ha ha! But he has such a presence. The way he speaks and moves and looks feels so intentionally intense and like. designed. He’s so on purpose. Makes me wonder if we’ll ever get a spinoff of hanzawa masato[GETS SHOT] ha ha sorry who said that. Anyways
Dearest previous president (prev pres for short) and hanzawa torment poor tashiro. Endlessly. From the moment he joined the club—which was kind of an accident (he and shirahama joined just to check it out but eventually wanted to quit, but to quit you had to win a ping pong match. Shirahama won his match against a newbie easy peasy. Tashiro got matched up against the president of the club himself. Obviously couldn’t win and thus forced to join the club permanently)—from the moment he joined the club, prev pres and hanzawa are like. All over him. Obsessed with him. He tries to skip practice but both of them come drag him out of him classroom to come practice.
But despite his desire to not really be there, he takes club so seriously. He’s so sincere about it. He knows everyone else there is really passionate about ping pong so he cant let himself be the odd man out and rain on everyone’s parade. And this paradox—being so avoidant of the club but coming to care about it and bond with other members—really catches the eye of dearest prev pres.
“I thought Tashiro’d be spoiling for a fight, but he isn’t. That’s what makes him a genius worthy of my inner circle. Remember that, Hanzawa, ‘cause when I graduate, you’re gonna be the next club president.”
“Yes, sir.”
“And I think that guy might be a good successor to you!”
Dearest tashiro overhears this and promptly realizes the two freaks he’s met will not let him out of this. Ever. But he tells himself he’ll decline the offer. Surely they’ll find “someone more appropriate. Someone more serious about the club, maybe.”
And this is what like. Gets to the heart of this chapter. Love & Passion. AND REALLY QUICK touching on the fact that all the other chapters are named in ways that refer to specific characters. They’re all in pairs, and the chapter cover art reflects that too. She & Kuresawa. Miyano & Kuresawa. Sasaki & Miyano. Senior & Junior. SO IT MAKES YOU THINK. Who is love and who is passion. Anyways Tashiro meets and knows these various people around him and they’re all so passionate about what they do and what they like. Shirahama ends up joining the basketball club and gets really into it. Miyano and kuresawa are passionate about their books and clubs. Hanzawa and previous president are passionate about ping pong. Tashiro is passionate about… ? he doesn’t really know.
We so rarely know what other people’s passions are.
“Are you into anything, Tashiro?” Ms. Toyoda asked, and I flinched.
“Uh, me? I dunno. I guess I hadn’t really thought about it.” I racked my brain for anything I might be passionate about, but nothing came to mind.”
Later in the chapter he participates in a ping pong tournament and its like. He’s like the rush of it all and cheering for him teammates and stuff but. He doesn’t cry like everyone else when he loses.
Still, when I saw players from other school practically weeping when they lost, I couldn’t help wondering: What made them so different from me? I didn’t have the passion within me to cry when I lost.
Maybe that’s what real passion looks like. What did I have, then?
But something held me back, a sense that ‘passion’ was reserved for something you really, truly loved. Something you couldn’t replace, couldn’t even dream of giving up.
Ping-pong isn’t exactly the hill I would die on. But then again…
And he kinda goes through this arc where its like. Im not passionate about this like everyone else. But it has given me a goal to work towards.
And amidst all that We also get into what tashiro gets up to outside of school. Namely, he frequents a bath house where hes become the grandchild of all the old people that also frequent the place. And he also practices ping pong with his new grandpas, because he totally doesnt care about ping pong. He just. Wants to win. So he can beat the president and leave. Yeah thats it.
But he never does get around to beating the president before he has to graduate. Queue the moment that makes me the most insane
“So you’re never coming back, President?” I said.
“I ain’t President anymore.”
“Not the point! I haven’t beat you yet…” I clenched my fists, a yawning, lonely feeling of loss opening within me.
“Ahh. You mean the thing about getting to quit if you win? The next president’ll keep that promise. Dont’ you worry.”
I don’t get it. What happened to the loneliness?
The new president—in other words, Hanzawa.
This like. Special relationship hes had with the president. This game of cat and mouse remains unfulfilled. And he feels loss and he feels lonely about it. But at the same time he can renew that relationship with Hanzawa. And it suddenly doesn’t feel so lonely anymore. And its the simplicity and bluntness of this whole exchange is what really sells it—tashiro is not particularly eloquent. He’s brash and blunt but extremely observant. And thats reflected in his chapters. He recognizes the ways other people interact with the world and their expressions and language. And its so like. Factual to him. It is the way it is. And that observancy is applied to himself too. This feels lonely. Oh. This doesn’t feel lonely anymore. But he doesnt necessarily have the self-reflection to understand why he feels certain things. Anyways.
And amidst all THAT theres these few moments where he gets this really weird adjacency to queerness. Like. If i had a nickel for every moment he asked about queer people, id have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but its strange it happened twice.
First one:
Miyano’s hobby was man-on-man romance comics. I sometimes wondered about that (like, even though he’s a guy?),
Second one, where hes relaxing in the bathhouse common area and is listening to the old ladies talk about yuri.
Finally, I asked, “What’s yuri?”
“You don’t know? It’s stories of love between girls!”
“Huh, Haven’t heard of that one before…” I guess Ms. Toyoda and her friends had been into reading that sort of thing many years ago, and now their interest was being rekindled thanks to their grandchildren. “I didn’t realize women liked stories about girl-on-girl love, too…”
And its like. ITS NOT MUCH I KNOW. But it really is so weird it happened twice. Why did author Hachijo Kotoko do this. What does it mean. AND THEN IT ALL COMES BACK TO THE TITLE. Love & Passion.
I may not have that burning love that Miyano or Ms. Toyoda have, I thought.
Like. Specifically calling out the love miyano and Ms. Toyoda have. For queer stories. It sits so strange with me. Oddly meaningful but i dont know what it means.
Anyways. There’s also a really good shirahama and tashiro moment that i could get into but. I wont. Yet.
Anyways again. All that writing and i feel like i haven’t even touched on everything. Did not talk nearly enough about hanzawa’s presence but like. It’s very specific and hard to explain. But i also have an incessant desire to just quote like the entire chapter. So just go try to read it if you can. I unfortunately don’t know of any sources online but who knows. The book also has a second tashiro pov chapter so like. Cannot recommend it enough. I love tashiro gonzaburou so so much. He’s everything to me. Peace and love on planet tashiro.
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dearabby1990 · 3 months
Chapter 36: Forever & a day
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The drive back to yours felt longer then usual you dozed off sometime during the drive only to be woken up by the car hitting an odd amount of bumps in the road. You don’t remember there being many potholes on the way home from previous drives around town. You slowly raise your head to look out the window & take in your surroundings noticing you’re nowhere near home with the amount of trees you see & the dirt road you’re currently cruising down. “Uh Gareth where the hell are we going?.. what happened you finally got sick of me now you’re gonna murder me or something ahaha” trying to make light of what’s happening because you’re extremely confused “No Jame I’m not gonna murder you ya nut hahahaha it’s a surprise though & I’m not allowed to say but I will tell you that you’re gonna love it & that’s all I’m saying & nothing more” you start to get excited but still have that nervous feeling twisting around in gut like a swarm of butterflies claimed shelter inside of you. Gareth makes a sharp right down a small dirt trail & you start to realize you’re near you & eddies special spot it’s in the woods near the school but also close enough to the lake & then you see it. The twinkling of fairy lights & the burning of several candles & there he stands next to the table your love dressed so handsomely. Hair done to perfection a maroon button up black slacks new black converse & two bouquets of flowers with a million dollar smile. Gareth turns his head to you & takes your hand for a moment “Jame we’ve been friends since we were literally in diapers & me & Eddie are best friends blood buddies hellfire for life, you’ve both had a hell of a ride so far in life & there’s no two other people I root for then you & Ed. You both deserve to be happy & I’m glad you both found that in each other now that being said go get your man & thanks for being the best sister figure I could ever ask for” your eyes fill with tears you peck him on the cheek “thank you for always being so sweet & supportive Gareth you have no idea how much me & Eddie appreciate you truly” one more peck & you hop out of the car & run into Eddie’s arms. You take in his cologne the smell invading your senses like a drug you just can’t get enough of “hey princess” Eddie whispers as he rubs small circle on your back “hello handsome” he leans back to take you in & hands you flowers “I know you love lily’s I just wasn’t sure what kind & I want this to be perfect & I wa-“ you cut him off in a kiss feeling him smile against your lips “Eddie they’re beautiful & I love all Lily’s this is perfect” you sway side to side holding them & smelling each of them & look up through your lashes at him as he gestures for you to sit at you & his special table all decorated & a picnic basket filled with foods that look like he made himself “Wayne helped with the food a bit I didn’t wanna burn the trailer down” he said chuckling putting everything on the table “Ed’s is all perfect thank you pretty boy” his cheeks a shade of red you’ve never seen before he takes out a bottle of wine “it’s a special occasion & I know you love your moscato” he pours you both a glass & you both sit & enjoy the chicken cacciatore that Wayne & Eddie made which is absolutely delicious not to mention Wayne made your favorite dessert peanut butter cake with chocolate buttercream after you made it for him once you gave him the recipe with promises not to share with a soul because it came from your mom’s cookbook she handmade you when you were 12. She was very family oriented & wanted me to have every family recipe for when she was no longer here. You still wonder what the special occasion is but don’t wanna push it you here funny noises coming through the trees it scares you at first until you notice Jeff Gareth & Freak come from the shadows with some of their band gear & then see Dustin Mike & Lucas. “Hey guys oh my I haven’t seen you boys in awhile you run up hugging the younger ones before heading back to Eddie. “love what’s going on?..” he smiles at you “you’ll see beautiful just you take a seat we got the rest”
The younger bunch came with wood pallets in hand making a mini makeshift stage for the boys to set up on Eddie sneaking glances at you shooting winks or blowing you kisses when you catch him. You sit patiently kicking your feet as you sit on the bench dustin comes & plops down next to you. “Uh yah know.. I know you haven’t been a part of our party very long but regardless you’ve been one of the best parts of it & we’re all so glad to have you, you’re like the sister we all so desperately wished for im an only child so all you’ve done for me.. for all of us I just wanted to say thanks & that we all love ya” you hug him tightly “what’s with today is this make Jamie cry day haha I love you guys too” he goes to leave but you grab his wrist & pull him towards you to whisper “just so you know you’re my favorite don’t tell anyone” you wink at him & he gives you that Henderson megawatt smile & heads off toward the guys. The guys are all set & Eddie grabs the wireless mic “Tonight is gonna be one for the books not just for corroded coffin but for me & this beautiful vixen right here I love you sweetheart & hope to spend the rest of my life showing just how much I truly do so this is for you” Eddie’s fingers start to glide across the strings as they begin playing “Heaven” by Warrant your heart clenches eyes filling with tears he doesn’t take his eyes off of you until he feels the lyrics closing his eyes pouring his soul into it like the most perfect work of Art 🎼”I don’t need to be the king of the world as long as I’m a hero of this little girl… Heaven isn’t too far away… Closer to it everyday…No matter what your friends might say… How I love the way you move.. & the sparkle in your eyes… There’s a color deep inside them like blue suburban sky.. When I come home late at night And you're in bed asleep I wrap my arms around you So I can feel you breathe… I don’t need to be a Superman.. As long as you will always be my biggest fan… Heaven isn’t too far away… Closer to it everyday!!.. No matter what your friends might say… We’ll find our way!!”🎼 totally captivated by him as he by you the song starts to dwindle down & Eddie clears his throat before stepping closer to where you’re sitting “Sweetheart I just want you to know that everyday with you is like heaven, you have no idea how much light you’ve shined on my dark & twisted life. Before you I never believed in love or soulmates or any of that shit but the moment I laid eyes on you it was electrifying I just can’t explain it it’s like the voice in my head was just telling me to look over where you were & I felt this pull a magnetic energy drawing me towards you & then the first time I got to kiss you I knew for sure my soul found so desperately what it was looking for I’ve been with girls before you & none of them have made me feel the way you do. I feel like we’re destined for each other like we had one another in another life or time or space. Being with you feels like home to me you are home & if I didn’t have you I just know I wouldn’t be able to survive it my heart is yours eternally & what I wanted to ask is if you’ll have me for the rest of our lives” you’re hysterical shaking & sobbing Eddie steps off the pallets & kneels down on one knee in front of you “Ed’s?” He takes your hand all the boys are standing behind Eddie dustin & Lucas are crying & you hear a sniffle from behind you only to see Steve,Robin, Nancy & Jonathan smiling at the both of you “You’re it for me there’s no where else I’d rather be then wrapped up in you grow old with you our souls finally intertwined in the way the universe intended… Jamie Antoinette Baker.. would you do me the honor of being my wife?” Your breath hitches & you nod like a mad woman “YES!!” He quickly slides the ring onto your finger & engulfs you into a hug spinning you around to the point you start feeling dizzy. Everyone around you yelling & whistling. Dustin is full on sobbing along with Robin being surrounded by all your favorite faces the people you now call family life is starting to become something you’ve never thought it’d be
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virgovirgo · 1 year
WE WON!!!!!
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the hotbox
{so this one was part of my purplephone and friends drabble collection on ao3 but the collection got no kudos so i'm going to put all of those here instead, like i probably should have done in the first place lmao. anyway enjoy!}
[note: this is a non canon deleted scene from my fic tell me what i want to hear but reading that fic isnt necessary for this oneshot.]
“Michael, are you alright?”
Suddenly, Scott was sitting beside him, one hand on his thigh and the other on his shoulder. Michael hadn’t even realized he had zoned out until then, thinking that, perhaps, he was only imagining Scott’s voice.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he replied, looking into Scott’s eyes, watching as they flickered with concern. “I guess I just didn’t expect to see you here today.”
“Yeah, well-” Scott shrugged, glancing off to the side. “Your dad needed to get something from the office, and being in the shop alone freaks me out…” His gaze returned to Michael, who was still looking back at him. Scott couldn’t help but smile. “And I wanted to see you, too.”
Michael grinned, knowing that he was probably blushing despite how much he tried to hide it. 
“You know,” he replied, leaning toward Scott. “Vincent’s on the cameras right now, and I’m sure he wants to see you.”
“I’ll try to catch him on my way out.” Scott reached out, hesitantly touching the darkened circles underneath Michael’s eyes as if they had just appeared at that moment. “You look tired. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m fine, really. I’ve just been so busy with work and missing children’s cases, and on top of that, I’ve been having some weird dreams.” Michael grimaced before realizing what conversation he had just opened up. 
Scott was in those dreams.
Not only was Scott in the dreams, but he had a starring role, and he was oddly out of character compared to his real life self.
The next words out of Scott’s mouth were expected, but Michael still dreaded them.
“What were the dreams about?”
Michael sighed.
He could talk about it, though he never mentioned Scott’s presence in his dreams. That was the part that he would take to his grave.
“I was in a cabaret, but it was empty, all except for one chair. I sat down and the stage lit up…”
The show began.
Scott stepped out from the nothingness beside the stage and stepped onto it. 
Sometimes he wore his normal clothes. Sometimes he wore something more revealing.
Sometimes he wore the same outfit that he wore to the senior prom.
Sometimes he wore nothing at all.
Even though he hated performing for people, it was all that he ever did for Michael.
The band began to play, a soft drum beat shaking the floors.
“Michael,” Scott would say, crouching at the edge of the stage to brush his hand over the side of Michael’s face. “This song’s for you.”
Then, he would sing or dance and Michael would watch, physically unable to look away, as if Scott had cast a kind of spell on him. 
When the song drew to a close, he would applaud, his two hands joining in a vast sea of emptiness. If not for his applause, the room would be silent.
“Did you like the show?” He would ask sometimes, stepping down from the stage to sit in front of Michael.
Sometimes, he would stand for a while, silent, while the music continued.
Other times, he would run from the stage as quickly as he could in order to press his lips against Michael’s, holding him close.
When they pulled away, they both always had lipstick smeared across their lips, whether Scott had been wearing makeup during the show or not.
“Why did you do that?” Scott asked, a hint of fear growing in his eyes.
“What did I do?” Michael glanced around the room, confused.
Scott’s hands tightened around Michael’s forearms.
“Why did you kiss back?” he asked. “You know I love Vincent.” Sometimes, he added, “You know how I feel about your dad.”
In reality, Michael didn’t know how Scott felt about William. It was an odd detail that he never truly found the reason behind.
“Can we pretend?” Michael asked. “Pretend they don’t exist. It’s only us in this void; no one will stop us.”
Scott would take Michael’s shoulders after that, guiding him back into the singular chair before straddling his thighs. He nearly brushed his lips against Michael’s, but managed to make him wait.
“Yeah, we can pretend.” Scott muttered, moving even closer so that his hips were against Michael’s, making the man underneath him shudder. “I’ll play another song for you.”
The band started again.
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handsome-edvard · 1 year
Well, I did finally look into my WIP folders and the Don Judy fic I started in freaking 2022 was sitting there waiting for me like 👁️👄👁️ ma’am why would you leave me here for so long.
So here’s chapter one UNEDITED and ROUGH but finally freeeee (idk if I’ll finish this fic tbh).
Love Came With All That It Brings
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The sky looks different where they’ve stopped for a break, a soft iridescent blue, fading into a gradient of lavender and pink which makes the alien moons more prominent where they seem to hang. To Don, they look as though they’ll tear through the atmosphere at any moment and fall on their heads. It wouldn’t be the craziest thing to happen today, a thought which birthes a sardonic smile on his face.
The sound of footsteps approaching tear his attention away from the unsettlingly beautiful sky. Judy sidles up to him but she does not meet his gaze.
“How’s he holding up?” Don asks, a part of him still reeling from Evan’s accident earlier.
If Judy is also shaken, her face betrays nothing. “He’s stable,” she answers. “I didn’t want to scare him but I don’t think he’ll walk again.” She draws a shaky breath and it rattles past her lips. “I really thought I could save him.”
“You did,” Don says. “He wouldn’t be alive right now if it wasn’t for you. Hey—” Finally, Judy’s eyes are his, and Don can see that this whole thing is a lot for her. Sure, she kept her cool with someone’s life on the line, like a real doctor, but the pressure must have been immense. Evan is her third patient, ever. “You did great, Dr. Robinson.”
The title seems to have the intended effect and Don sees a small, grateful smile settle on her lips. Victor Dhar may not see her as a doctor yet, but after today, Don would rather be with Judy in the event of a medical emergency. He can even get past her ‘anger issues’, though to her credit, she placed his nose cleanly back into place. A precise fix for a precise break.
“We should get him back,” Judy says. “I can treat him further and his brother will want to know what happened.”
Don agrees and inclines his head for Judy to follow him back to the Chariot. Evan is asleep for most of the ride back, yet Judy hardly leaves his side, diligently checking his vitals every so often. When bumps on the road jostle the patient awake, Don hears Judy speak softly to Evan, comforting him by distracting him from the pain and the heaviness of his fate.
It seems five degrees warmer out once they reach camp. Don helps transport Evan to a supply tent that officially becomes their new medic bay. He clears out a few pieces of heavy equipment to give Judy more space to work. Aiko is there to help setup the medical supplies and once there isn’t much left for him to do, Don figures it’s best if he keeps out of the way. Yet he finds himself lingering hesitantly at the entrance of the tent. It feels like he should stay but that is foolish, as he can’t actually help with any of this stuff.
“Don?” Judy calls, breaking his idleness. “We need to tell Evan’s brother and I need to find my mom.”
The look she gives him is clear enough. It’s partly why he hasn’t left the tent yet. Smith is out there still and Don isn’t quite confident Judy should be dealing with the dangerous fraudster with everything that’s happened to Evan. Another part of him wants to deal with Smith himself.
“I’ll handle it,” Don says. “Comm me if anything.”
Judy acknowledges him with a nod and Don departs. He finds Evan’s brother after practically going in circles all around camp, but of Maureen and Smith, there is no sign. By the time hunger prompts him to give up, it’s dark out. Most people have retreated to tents, vehicles, or the odd Jupiter. Don forages for rations and heads back to the medic bay. Something tells him the doctor hasn’t left her patient. He finds Judy almost exactly where he left her.
“Didn’t find your mom and there’s no sign of Smith either,” Don declares to make himself known. “I think your folks might be on a little excursion of their own. We’re down a Chariot.”
“Alright. Evan’s doing okay,” Judy replies, her eyes glued on the vitals. “I told his brother I’ll need to keep him here a few more days, until he fully stabilizes.”
“Did you tell him about the…?”
Judy turns to look at Don. She nods somewhat sadly. “I told Evan too. He said he can still surf with prosthetics.”
Don huffs somewhat mirthlessly. “Well think fast,” he says, and tosses Judy the food ration. “Have that before you end up being your own patient.”
“Thanks.” Judy walks past Don, sitting on the crates just outside the tent. The way her head turns slightly toward him is an open invitation, so he takes the spot beside her with an exaggerated groan. “You know, you saved Evan too today. Thank you for doing that.”
Don tears into the food ration and takes a bite of the sandwich which is mostly synthetic food. The moment Judy refers to is not lost on him. In fact, this whole day and the one before have been rollercoasters. It did not take him long to accept he has more in common with the Robinson than perhaps either one of them could see.
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“I know I said some things about your smuggling,” Judy goes on after a minute, and Don partly wishes she hadn’t continued with that. “I still disapprove of it and of your… deal, but… I also think you’re a good man.”
He can’t help the laugh that surfaces. It’s not forced but he can’t explain it either. There is nothing funny here but it still flows, before ending abruptly. “You don’t know anything abou me, Judy.”
“Maybe,” she answers. “But I know no one else would have moved that tanker if you hadn’t. I also know you’re a big cry baby.”
Don turns to meet her eye. She is smiling, he can see it, and a part him thinks that even though she disapproves of what he stands for, they can still be friends. So he smiles too. She knows a lot more about him than most people in this large camp of survivors, which is just as well, seeing as it wouldn’t do for so many people to be able to get him to throw away a perfectly reasonable business deal, lose fuel, yet save a life.
Somehow, only Judy can do that and he’s not quite sure what to make of this realization he most certainly does not wish to have.
“That mean we’re friends again?” Don says.
“I guess we can skip to that part.”
Her teasing smiles forces him to break eye contact and happily finish his food. His chest feels warm and it’s nice. He tells himself it’s because he hasn’t actually got any friends, though John Robinson may be a contender.
“Well, if you want the real Don West saga,” he nearly bellows, “I suppose I could spare a few hours to indulge you. It all begins with the nuns at my primary school…”
When he looks, Judy is smiling, and that makes Don proud of himself.
Chapter 2 and 3
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icology · 1 year
I think it’s pretty well established in many Team ICO fan circles, and there’s even a great post about it here on Tumblr by @frabjousvonniche, but for those unaware, the NTSC-U copy of ICO for the PS2 is a little undercooked. It was released in September of 2001 as the result of a shipping deadline that Ueda’s team couldn’t afford to miss. But frankly, ICO was not finished by that time and would not be sold to the Japanese market until December of that year.
For this reason, one can consider the NTSC-U copy to be a beta version of the title. But what it lacks in polish, it makes up for by providing insights. Rare is the opportunity for fans to have easy access to a completed game at different phases of development. And seeing the differences between these versions can show a lot about both the design process and what order the game may have been coded in.
But the strangest and smallest detail of differences, which really freaks me out on some level, becomes apparent when Yorda is taken into the void by Shadows. In the final game, Shadow Creatures are eliminated all at once by the same magic wave that turns you to stone and initiates the Game Over. This is already a little unsettling as a form of their dismissal, but they disappear like smoke, like you would expect of them.
This is not quite the case in the US version. When Shadows are eliminated by this magic wave, their disappearance is marked by a sudden, blurry red particle effect.
And this only occurs in this one specific scenario. No other means of defeating the Shadows can reproduce this.
I have a clip from ICO Speedrunner, Sanchopanda, to help demonstrate. It probably won’t work in the Tumblr ask format, but having the link should be enough. It occurs around 22 seconds in:
I’m all for interpreting this red particle effect in whatever way you want, but I can’t really shake from my mind the potential that it’s blood. And even further, I can’t shake questions of why that would only appear in this instance, and for what reason.
Maybe the confusion of the matter is the very reason this didn’t make it to the final release but it was clearly intentional and meant to signify something that at least one dev had in mind.
It’s intriguing, to say the least.
Tumblr ate your link but I went for a dive and I think this might be the clip you're talking about! The little red particles are visible and they do look like blood! Funny that when you defeat the armored soldiers in The Last Guardian, you can also observe a similar thing if you knock them down and rip off their helmets (which we can observe in this clip, for example). For both types of enemies, the sight of it is a bit bizarre, because they're supposed to be almost intangible little creatures, but that makes it feel like you actually hurt them.
It feels strange, almost like when you defeat the shadow kids that were sacrificed before Ico. I wonder if every shadow in the games is sentient or if there's some sort of robot/zombie like quality for the enemies where they just follow orders and don't feel any real pain.
Speaking of things that ended up being undercooked on the NTSC-U version due to the deadline... we also have the infamous Ico North American cover art. The one we all know and love was hand painted by Ueda himself, based on a Giorgio de Chirico piece titled "The Nostalgia of the Infinite". Much like the game, it wasn't ready when it came out in the US, so they were stuck with this eye sore that's odd enough to make you question whether you just picked up a bootleg copy. Who the heck is that kid?
The team actually talked about this in the bonus interview for the Ico/SOTC PS3 remaster and it made for a pretty funny moment which you can watch here.
(also... the Megaman cover they talk about is WAY worse. At least Ico's doesn't look like nightmare fuel and wow, how did I end up rambling this much? I'm gonna shut up now hahaha)
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origami-is-life · 9 months
Sorry for the cliffhanger, also you finally get an actual description and name for her old teammates.
Sitting before our beleaguered heroine are four magical girls she knows quite well. They’re seated in a circle, the same way they’ve always done.
“It’s been a while.”
The first speaks up. She’s wearing what looks like a slightly fancier school uniform, but the soul gem on her bow and the odd spider motifs betrays this as her magical girl outfit. Her hair is short, straight, and deep blue. She quietly examines Kitsune through a pair of glasses. This is Patricia, the Class Representative Witch.
”I-I hope you’re doing well!”
The second nervously fidgets with her gloves, not sure how to interact with what has become of her old adoptive sister. Her verdant hair cascades over one eye, adorned with red roses. Her outfit, which looks like a combat adaptation of a masquerade ball outfit, is covered in rose motifing, even her skirt replicates the look of a swirl of petals. A familiar sits on her shoulder. This is Gertrud, the Rose Witch.
“You took forever!”
The third girl beams excitedly. Her outfit is flashy and old fashioned, looking like a proper princess gown, it’s a wonder that she can fight in it. Her color scheme is soft, deep blues and whites. Her hair is white, and partially tied up. A veil falls over her back. This is Walpurgisnacht, the Witch whose nature is Helplessness.
“Hiya again!”
The fourth girl waves. Her hair is black and tied into twin-tails by red ribbons. Her outfit is a more classic magical girl outfit, colored in white and bright aquamarine, accented with lights. She looks a bit like Miku, to be honest. This is Kirsten, the Box Witch.
“H-how are you here?!”
“We cannot stay for long...”
“The mortal plane is not one we should visit more than we need to.”
“Dream sequences, however, are generally allowed!”
“…Why didn’t you come sooner?”
“…We all know the answer to that: you would have lost it. Besides, the only time you’ve slept since we died was you being out-cold unconscious after getting shot.”
Kitsune does not reply to that, staring at her hands. She knows quite well what kind of damage she was willing to do to herself and others just to see them one more time, just to have them by her side again. She would’ve torn herself apart trying to get back to them-
Gertrud smiles warmly, placing a hand on Kit’s shoulder.
“But no need to worry, that time has passed.”
“Yeah! I missed you!” “Guys, we have a mission, now is not the time for antics.”
“…We are here to deliver a message, and then we must leave you.”
Kit’s eyes fill with tears of panic, but Kirsten speaks before she can.
“You fulfilled your wish.”
“…How?! I couldn’t save you, I-“
“I can’t speak for the others, but you were one of the best friends I had in life.”
“I second that! You’re fun, and dramatic, and you always make even boring stuff a good time.”
“You work so freaking hard to make everybody happy and okay, Kit, give yourself some credit for once! I didn’t sacrifice myself just to watch my teammate throw the life I gave her away!”
“This team made me feel loved when nobody else did. And we wouldn’t be a team without you, Kit.”
“Awww, guys…”
“…But the past is past, and you’ve done all you can. Origami’s right.”
“You may lose flowers to frost, but new ones will grow in spring.”
“I dunno what that means but YEAH!”
“Stop rewatching Act 1 and get on with the next scene already!”
“It hurts more seeing you try to get us back, trust me…”
“Move on.”
“I tried so hard, I’ve lost so much for this…”
“You’ll just lose more, you can’t outfox death. Cherish what you have, the team you have, the world you have...”
“Besides, you’ll see us again someday! But now’s not the time for you to die, not yet!”
“Mada Dame Yo*.”
Kit stares down at her hands, lost in thought for a moment. …Maybe she’d be less miserable if she listened to her friends, maybe the world’s better with her in it…
“…I can try. I-I’ll try my absolute hardest.”
“You’re gonna do great! You and Origami and Hammer and everybody! WHOO!!”
“Now, get some rest. It’s time for us to go.”
They hug her before standing up, smiling warmly at their friend. At their sister. …And then they’re gone…
…But Kit doesn’t wake up, her dream doesn’t have to end just because they left it. She stares from her vantage point at the risen sun, at the city skyline, smiling, tears dripping down her cheeks.
“…I wish…I wish my teammates could be here with me to see this, heh…”
*translation: “it’s not time yet”. This is also a song from Madoka Magica lol
[mod magic to give ori that sense of peace for a moment, excuse me a sec]
*origami pauses in her search, feeling a strange sense of peace wash over her. like all her problems have been resolved somehow. she suddenly pictures herself standing beside kit, watching the sun rise over a gorgeous city. she blinks, and the image is gone. the peace takes longer to fade, but she cant seems to get rid of the smile on her face. she has no idea what just happened, but she feels as though its a good thing. she continues her search, a little bit of some pep in her step once again.*
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