racetrackmybeloved · 3 months
spot deserved more.
will die mad about how criminally underused spot was in livesies. they set up his character so much just to give us... nothing. in act 1 they laid the groundwork for him to be this intimidating major character, his name was mentioned four times before he even appeared on screen.
"there was spot with all his cronies" - ensemble, carrying the banner
"spot conlon's turf!" - jack
"that spot conlon gets me a little jittery" - finch
"even spot conlon sent over a kid just to say 'next event you can count on brooklyn'" - david
and then they only gave him four lines.
"borough what gave me birth" - brooklyn's here
"newsies united!"
"let's see what pulitzer's got to say to you now"
"have a look out there mr pulitzer. in case you ain't figured it out, we got you surrounded"
brooklyn's here is a bop of an introduction song, but why is it all he gets? his entire presence in the musical is limited to:
show up
have a cool 'im the most powerful/respected person in this room' moment
push jack
shake hands with jack, slap a table, distribute the newsies banner
go to pulitzer with jack and davey, mostly just stand to the side
hug tommy boy (??)
sell papers again
that is it.
look, i'm not just saying this because of how much bigger his role was in 92sies, because obviously there are different constraints blah blah, but why bother setting up a character if all you're going to do with him is have him stand threateningly off to the side? for the majority of his screen time he's just standing there looking intimidating.
there are characters with even less (smalls, mike and ike come to mind), but none of them are set up as if they were going to be main characters. heck, none of their names are even ever mentioned! as opposed to spot’s, which is mentioned five times. (the aforementioned four, plus “let’s hear it for spot conlon and brooklyn!” from david).
also, they completely underused tommy bracco as a dancer. (yes i know that he was tommy boy in OBC but this is specific to the proshot, mostly bc that's all i've watched lol).
we know that tommy bracco is a damn good dancer, why wasn't he in the large group sections of the curtain call? aside from jack, davey, crutchie and les, he was the only newsie to not appear in the large group at the end. all of the other brooklyn newsies were there, just not him. (he did get a small group section with elmer, kid blink and sniper, but wasn't in the starting group dance either). also, for the end part of finale, he's standing off to the side with crutchie, les, kid blink and oscar. (ok that's probably just a spacing thing but. it still annoys me Let Him Dance). (also side note, oscar just ,, being there during finale is hilarious to me. and morris standing at the top for almost the entire song?? they look SO done)
but yeah. give me anything, give me how this (sorry tommy bracco) objectively tiny guy became the most feared newsboy in new york, tell me how he is as a leader, show me jack and davey going to talk to him, tell me what happened after the strike, GIVE ME SPOT CONLON
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bigmack2go · 6 months
I got live‘sies so its time to appreciate‘sies some brackrond‘sies detailies
Not rly bc but i live how it looks like were zooming up, and then back down the lodge before and after santafee prologue
Why tf is crutchie su confused when he wakes up
Jack proceeds to sleep with one of just drawings wtf
He waves his hand infront of crutchie like „ur eyes closed yet??“
Al playing and leaning on the rail ahhhh ahshwksmdnxlxl (in case u didnt know: i love albert)
Race laughing and slapping specs
Everyone just deads in their tracks and teams up when Albert gives his coment that went to far
Finch scratching his head is so real
The slap on his chest like „not now honey“ 😭swejfcizp
Ike and mike arent in the same thibgy thing. For fucks sake thank god cuz its been bothering me for a while how they only get mentioned in the same context. I hate it when they do that. Wait nvm that looked like mush but it actually was mike.
Naw sniper can be so adorable
Did i mention i fucking love jojo
Smalls snd finch sharing a room ™️
Crutchie is so done w jacks bullshit
Albert posing infront of the „mirror“ is so me tbh
Ive mever seen anyone struggle this mutch to out on a hat as blink. All those tbh thats smt that could be me prolly
Specs babe what r u doing on the floor
Race shaking his jaket is so overdramatic and its perfect
Mush and henry are a duo I didn’t know I needed.
Why is mush acting like hes in a circus lmfao
Tommy struggling with the pants is everything
Elmer just took his cap off, put it in his pocket, and the magicaly made it apear in his other hand???
Who is tommy saluting at
Naw specs is like a big brother to livesies blink and it breaks my heart in the best way possible
Albert jumps in the middle like when i slide through the kitchen on my socks lmfao
Tbh sniper just wanted to move too
Sky. What was your thought process when you looked at darcy‘s ass instead of Katherine‘s even tho you knew this was gonna be in the proshot?
Finch is such a mood istg
Snipe honey ily but you are being a little creepy
I demant to know what jojo is doing
Ok smalls just sitting there dangling their feet is everything
Kath awkward queen
Darcy going „alright“ like „okay thats enough, im done— your dONE“
Specs. Going down backwards are leathers. This are stairs. Please watch where you’re goibg
Istg romeo and jack r the only ones eyeing kathering wtf is thos?
Ok so elmer actually looked at kath but he honestly just looks angry
Tommy boy save me, youre the only normal person here!
Race wtf is your deal??
How is blink STILL bot done?!
Jacks just talking to the air
Every single one of finches facial expressions. Like i can’t even count them all.
Hes so done lmfao
Mush? Wtf? Stop? Please?
You wanna share with the class tommy? We wanna laugh too
Buttons just watches like he just gave up like,,, ah whatever you do you
Mush is becoming a poledancer??
Race slapping buttons on the cheek like a grandma💀💀💀
We all agree that albert is that one friend where the whole friendgroup thinks he’s the token straight friends but hes everything but that, its just that he doesn’t talk about it a lot. And there’s that one friend (i wonder who/j) that knows fron experienced how thats just so fucking wrong
Elmer is like „😒😒😒—oh shit thats my cue- IM HAPPY“
So i got aprox two seconds into it and now in tired so see u lmfao
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Alright y'all today me and @cloudtastrophie were talking some Newsies opinions bc I love to pick ones brain. And she likes the Live version whearas I like the '92 version
So just a friendly reminder take these topics lightly
#1 ✨Sprace✨this was kinda similar to how I posted where we get Sprace and Ralbert (who she is more of a fan of BUT WE'RE BOTH DIE HEARTS FOR REDFINCH) but the movie gave us Sprace and the live gave us Ralbert
#2 Do you think Livesies Race is a gambler bc he don't give me the vibes as much as 92sies
Friend: "Livesies Race is more of a gambler to me because he is jittery like a gambler doing his tricks and being scared of getting caught"
Which I don't see that, I see that Race as a twink (I will die on that hill) but I can see where she is coming from although 92sies Race is so cool and collected he would seem more like one and also MAN'S talk about gambling not Livesies who is just like "yeah I gamble" (not really the line but you know what I mean)
#3 The different Santa Fe's
Friend:"I like the live version more because it's more heartbreaking and moves the story and gives character to Jack and how he like betrayed the Newsies"
I can totally see this and it's not bad bUT like fngnfnmrmdn, idk my brain is just so istched with 92sies and Christian rides a goddamn horse oK LIKE SIR- but I feel like I relate to it more for like no reason, I also pointed out the tumblr post (who I think was @i-didnt-do-1t ) about the lyric change and how much that means to the song (also I just really like the sounds)
#4 Outfit differences
This was like nothing, I just, idk wanted to pick her brain but she just said it was another way to identify the people on stage and in a movie you don't need that... Which fair idk, anyways lol
#5 ✨Gay ships✨
As mentioned we love Redfinch, but we also screamed about Ikeshot, Spromeo, Jomike Buttons and Elmer WE SCREAMED SO HARD I JUST CAN'T WITH THEM, there all so cute (also if anyone has one of crystals old art work about Hotshot mistaking Mike for being Ike and telling him something dirty PLZ GIVE)
Also shared how in 92sies some people ship Specs and Dutchy and friend said "fair, could see it" so true
#6 Jack and his bandana (along with David being very gay)
Told her about my bandana post and she found it kinda silly BUT IT'S SO TRUE, also talked how gay David is because look at that man
In the live version he is so gay but in the movie he has to be like worked on (if that makes sense) it just takes him awhile to accept
#7 ✨Grantaire and Enjolras✨
🤭 the gay boys from Les Mis bc we all know there so gay for each other
#8 Jack the artist vs. Jack the cowboy
Friend: "Kinda vibes with it but sees it more as Jack isn't into all that much of art"
I just like the thought of him being a cowboy or just having that, idk I don't mind that he's an artist BUT BRING BACK THE COWBOY
Shoutout to that one tumblr post that head canon Jack getting his cowboy hat stolen by the Delancys
Honorable mentions-
Davids character growth and him being use to the Newsies and getting comfortable with them towards the end of the movie
Jacks cowboy hat that we all miss and the line "go get them cowboy" along with just in general calling him cowboy
Blush and Newsbains were talked about
How much I love Blush
Told her about a Tumblr post saying Finch is a version of Skittery and makes sence
Talked about how Teddy calls Denton Denty
How queen Medea is
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sl-newsie · 1 year
My Review of Livesies
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Really Jack? You chose this face? You look both angry and confused! 👆
Set: understandable, considering that it’s confined to a stage. Favorite set piece is probably the famous newsstand that they get their picture taken from.
Music: why the new lyrics? The old ones were just fine! Why the electric guitar?
Crutchy acts more naive, why so dumb? ‘You wanna bust yer odda leg too?’ Yes Cruchy, why?
Yeah Jack, you’re totally 17 Jeremy 😑
Everyone’s accent: good, Jeremy’s accent: x100
So Jack goes from wanting a family to roping Crutchy into a fantasy life out west and then he completely abandons him later?
In 92sies it focuses on Jack and him interacting with the other Newsies, whereas here it’s Jack wanting to get away so badly that it’s all he literally talks about.  
Race and Albert: both handsome and annoying
Albert steals Race’s cigar, so what they just forgot about Snipeshooter?
‘Bath time at the zoo?’ so I guess ‘we got woik to do’ just wasn’t good enough and they had to write something completely bonkers?
Right away: enter a bunch-a newsies that I don’t know and never get a chance to see their characters play out because they’re moving too fast. They completely erased some of the original characters and wrote in new ones that make me miss the old ones!
Romeo: is actually a character that sticks with me because he’s given personality
Enter Katherine: I just don’t like her. I never liked how Kara Lindsay portrayed her and always think she looks mad, confused, and dazed. 🤷‍♀️
Jack, if you’re so keen on leaving then why are you flirting with Katherine? You’re digging yourself into this!
In the dvd version they cut the ‘smile that spreads like butter,’ which I always wondered why.
I’m seeing all these newsies and don’t know who half of them are!
Elmer: introduced by nuns, another character I actually remember
LUV the added acro tricks!!!
I think it’s clear now why Jack’s not dancing. Good way to hide it, Jeremy!
‘What is that unpleasant aroma?’- Max did it better!  
Race briefly mentions betting Jack against the Delancys and then never mentions gambling again. I guess half his original character is nothing?
Applause for the clean scene changes! 👏
Seriously Race what is this face? 👇
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Race flirts with Weasel rather than gamble? Preposterous!
Enter Davey and Les- ‘I’m new too!’  I can tell that’s gonna get annoying…
Davey just wants his papes and nervously tries to escape the other newsies while Les is already introducing them and is already chummy with Jack
Les knows an awful lot about wages for a 10-year-old
Les in 92sies: shy, cute, innocent, curious Livesies Les: obnoxious, loud, cocky, hyper
Romeo and Albert on Pulitzer’s desk during the scene change is surprisingly funny
Hannah is so good!!! I don’t know why they emphasize on Katherine struggling to make it through work when Hannah already shows that a woman can get a good career.
Pulitzer is even more cocky, brash, and egotistical than Robert Duvall’s portrayal. Historically Pulitzer wasn’t that mean to the newsies.
‘Shave me too close and you could cut my throat.’ Sweeney Todd reference? 🪒
Hannah: ‘We don’t sell papers, newsies sell papers.’ Ummm Jack? Your line is ‘headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes.’ Ya missed it! 🗞️
Pulitzer: Yes, 6-year-olds need to work harder let’s charge them more and they’ll thank me later.
I wonder if the dance choreographers just sat down and thought: ok, we need to think of every dance stunt that can be done with a newsboy hat and newspaper bag.
Davey and Les are bantering and then Les runs up- oh yeah, you’re still annoying.
Why is Jack so shaken up about hearing about Davey and Les’ folks? Other newsies got folks, so it ain’t like he’s never heard it before.
‘Come home with us!’ ‘Mom’s a great cook!’ All are potential suggestions for Jack to go meet the Jacobs, but no! Sarah apparently doesn’t even exist! The original story is about Jack seeing how happy the Jacobs family is and wanting a family too, but instead he’s an angry painter who just wants to leave without second thoughts.
Why does Snyder just taunt ‘Kelly!’ before he starts chasing him? You don’t call out and say you’re gonna attack before you attack!
Davey and Jack talk about the Refuge and then it’s never mentioned again after Crutchy gets taken. In the movie Jack goes and tries to break him out but Crutchy refuses. Here we got Jack not wanting anything to do with the Refuge even after Crutchy gets locked up!
Medda? Medda is on fire! I still luv her character in this, especially her feather hat! 💜💗
‘No kids allowed in the theatre!’ and yet she encourages Les to look at the Bowery Beauties for ‘educational’ purposes?
Les stares at the Beauties as if he’s never seen a girl before. He’s enthralled by their costumes and then Davey just waves it off
‘Where better to escape trouble than a theatre?’ truer words were never spoken, Miss Medda! 🎭
Jack is all like: screw being a cowboy, I’m a painter! 🤠🧑‍🎨
‘You’re on!’ ‘I am? How’m I doing?’ Nice way to break the 4th wall, Medda!
That’s Rich compared to Lovey Dovey Baby is hard because Anne Margaret’s performance is more dreamy and soft
Ok gotta say that Les and Davey’s faces poking out is very cute
Am I the only one who’s disappointed that we never get to see the full Bowery Beauties act?
‘Twice in one day! Think it’s fate?’ No, Jack. You’re stalking this poor girl!
Katherine just begs Jack to leave the box, whereas Sarah would just punch an intruder in the face. 👊
Never Planned On You, ummm why? First Jack wants to go to Santa Fe, then he likes Katherine after a 2-minute conversation? ‘Til I find someone new,’ umm how many girls have you dated, Jackie boy? In 92sies he never even mentions this kind of stuff.
In the next scene change whoever the newsies with no shirt on is, they are obviously trying to take away from 92sies Mush’s shirtless scene and I will not stand for it!
So now Race’s only personality trait is that he luvs cigars more than his mom? 🚬  
‘LET THE MAN WORK IT OUT!’ Okayyyy it’s confirmed Les has anger issues
Everybody talks about how Crutchy’s smile spreads like butter, but when I see Ben Cook’s smile all I see is a ray of sunshine 😄
‘You need membership.’ ‘Whattya call these guys?’  👋
Why is Jack president when Davey is doing all the talking?
The World Will Know is an introduction to Jeremy’s angry Jack, which conflicts with Christian Bale’s daydreamer Jack and Corey Cott’s sad Jack. In all honesty, angry Jack can get scary!
Again, why the electric guitar? 🎸
How does losing a shoe have to do with this song? 👞
So the scene after Jack, Davey, and Les walk into Pulitzer’s doors and then we get a shot of the newsies behinds, um… did they just give half the fansies what they wanted?  
I do like how they made Jacobi’s like a newsies meeting place, I don’t know why it just fits
And behold, the reason behind why I know what a seltzer is! Thanks, Albert! 🥛
Tommy Boy, Finch, Buttons… this would be a lot more convincing if I knew who each newsie was!
‘But that Spot Colon gets me a little jittery.’ Oh yes, in the brief moments we see him in this musical we definitely get that vibe. Not! Spot’s barely in this!
Oh yay, Katherine’s back. And she still sounds confused and awkward, which I guess makes sense since she’s in a different atmosphere but after a while it gets annoying.
Ok right off the bat Katherine and Jack already have a toxic relationship because they are constantly fighting! They look like they wanna kill each other!
Now Jack’s all whiny and I don’t like it! The original Jack would not whine about a girl.
I always skip Watch What Happens because it’s just Katherine worrying. Again, I stand by my opinion of not liking Katherine. Where’s Denton? They could've had Katherine be his apprentice or something instead of just deleting him altogether!
I hear Watch What Happens and all I can think of is how much longer until I can hear Davey sing about how the poor guy’s head is spinning?
Les: ‘Are we doing the right thing?’ I donno kid, you seemed pretty confident yesterday. What happened?
Race: ‘That’s great! That’s pitiful.’ Race would never say that about Crutchy.
Gotta admit that the trio part of Davey, Jack, and Crutchy singing Seize the Day is pretty cool
Aaaaand angry Jack’s back. While the other newsies look hopeful Jack looks like he could commit murder. Whis is he always angry? 😳
I don’t know why but Davey standing on a pile of newspapers is hilarious! 😁
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Ok finally time to start a swear count: bastards, asses, Hell… sheesh this show’s got ‘such language!’
Uh why the awkward stomping? Just let Jeremy get offstage without the stomping so i can watch more twirling Sky and Ben?
Yeeesssss!!! Dancing on newspapers? BRILLIANT! I luv this part so much! 📰
Honestly not gonna lie if I was in the crowd I would be fighting to the death for one of the papes they throw out
Ha! I caught the spot of Race kicking himself in the face!!!
Seeing all these jumps, flips, and twirls is making me tired… God they must’ve been exhausted!
In the original, Jack wanted everyone out safely. But here I guess Jack wants to intentionally start a fight?
Why is Les being rolled around in a barrel? Then he sticks his head out, it’s like c’mon is this a cartoon?
Uh, Jack? CRUTCHY’S BEING BEATEN HELPLESS AND YOU’RE JUST WATCHING?! But it’s ok you’re gonna go sing about how mad you are and how you wanna leave so I guess it’s fine. ‘Save my best friend? Hell no let me abandon all the newsies!’ said Jack never!
Jack, you called Crutchy a ‘dumb crip?’ How could you do that?!
‘No more running, no more lying.’ Um, what have you been lying about? In the original, Jack lied about his parents and his name. Here Jack’s never called Francis Sullivan and he comes right out and says he’s got no folks. So what’s all this lying talk about?
Ahh! Please, no more angry Jack! I’d appreciate Jeremy’s performance and emotion if he didn’t look like has was gonna kill me!
Alright, Act 2… Where’s Jack? Oh right, instead of being in King of New York he’s sukling.
‘Jack don’t run from no fight!’ Apparently he does, since he’s working to buy a train ticket.
Here it comes… ‘erster.’ People either like it or hate it, I don’t mind it. Guess it adds to Race’s character since gambling’s out the window? ♠️♥️♣️♦️🃏
Whoa whoa whoa! Only Race can sing ‘a permanent box at the Sheepshead Races!’ Duh!
They replaced Spot’s porcelain tub with a sandwich? A sandwich?!
Thank you, Ben Cook, for gracing us with your sensational tap dancing!
Ok stop adding new lyrics and just skip to the tap dancing, please!
Never once did I ever think newsies would shout ‘spoon fight!’
The way Davey jabs ‘That’s it?’ at Katherine is priceless!
Just imagine the director looking at the cast and saying ‘now during scene changes the audience can’t be bored, so I need you to stall ‘em,’ and then the cast does a bunch-a random dance moves across the stage and the director says ‘perfect!’
Greetings from the Refuge is ok I guess, but I still wished Jack would actually try to get Crutchy out!
When I see Andrew’s messy hair I just picture him messing it up as the total opposite of keeping it nice-looking. Don’t know why, it’s just funny
‘Protect one anodda,’ Sure Crutchy, I’ll tell them before I run off to Santa Fe.
Even Medda points out how chicken Jack is!  
It’s so cute how Davey perks up about being above the fold!
Les, please abstain from telling us about your date. It’s just annoying. ✋
Katherine: ‘You look like Hell.’ Heathers reference? ‘I just got back.’ ❤️💚💛💙
‘This go west young man routine is getting old.’ Is manifest destiny a joke to you, Kath?
More toxic relationship stuff, how is Jatherine a thing again?
‘The pooooor guy’s head is spinning!’ Yeeeessss! 🤣
‘And I’ve got a date!’ Shut up, Les.
Uh-oh, Katherine’s in trouble.
Jack Kelly, not Francis Sullivan? Are we just gonna go along with that?
Katherine, Pulitzer’s daughter? Why? Seriously what does that add?
Finally, the highlight of the show: Brooklyn’s Here! I really like how they added in this song! Brooklyn Bridge and all! Brooklyn gets their own ‘uniform,’ plus the fact that my crush on Spot Colon will rage on forever. I luv this song!
Um, where’s Smalls? Only she can sing ‘So’s tha Bronx!’
Sad that Spot makes this big entrance and then just stands intimidatingly in the background.
I like how Spot just casually waltzes up and then realizes ‘hey Jack, thanks for wasting my time!’ and then goes all murder-face on him!
Gee thanks Katherine for invading my penthouse and snooping through my drawings only to yell at me more.
Katherine’s scared to hit Jack and instead kisses him, but Sarah would never hesitate to soak a guy in the face!
So wait Jack goes to keep kissing Katherine and she backs out, even though she started it?
‘What if they came to newsies square?’ Where’s that, Kath? No one’s ever talked about that until now.
Jack points out dead-on that they need to talk about their relationship issues and Katherine just laughs.
O-K, I do NOT do sappy luv songs so let’s just skip Something To Believe In…
‘It’s good to have you back again!’ ‘Shut up!’ Gee really appreciative Jack, especially after you literally just betrayed everybody!
Darcy? Bill? Who? How are these guys just thrown in?  
Once And For All… Pretty good… Ooh! Spot’s back! 😄
Wow that paper-tossing routine must’ve taken a while to perfect!
Again, why the electric guitar? It’s 1899 not 1959!
Spot why are you up there with Jack? You’ve barely said a word why are you suddenly involved?
I’m a Teddy Roosevelt fan so of course I ain’t gonna complain about him  👍
Hannah’s discrete clapping is so funny!
I do appreciate how they kept the historically accurate deal the newsies made with Pulitzer. In 92sies they just say ‘we beat ‘em!’ and then leave it at that.
Wow Albert looks cute without his hat  
And we now get the famous shot of dazed Race staring off into space
Wait a minute so now after winning the strike, finding a girlfriend, and getting Crutchy back Jack still wants to leave?
Enough mushy talk, give me dancing newsies!
It’s funny how Jeremy tries to fit in with the others’ dancing right before bows
Wow. Just… wow. That’s a lotta stunts!
Nice bell-kick, Jeremy! Gotta mozie along with the music! 😆
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
Hi I'm starting this only 30 minutes into Livesies
This is gonna take a while. It's too good. I have too many favorite things.
Parts 1 and 3
Usual T/W just in case: cursing, violence
Jack's thinking face
"You mean like a strike?"🙄 ... "YOU HEARD DAVEY WE'RE ON STRIKE"
"Half them strikers is laid up with broke bones"
Things you need to be a union: 1. Membership (Albert's lil salute) 2. Officers (IIIIII nominateJackpresident (he's touched)) 3. A statement of purpose (left in other pants)
"Unioned we stand."
Jack once again channeling Draco to say pockets
"Ig you do Mr. President"
Albert fidgeting without a thought in the world
Albert's empty ass head
One thought: Fight
How much teeth Davey uses when he says "we got a union"
Jack essentially translating for Davey
Mush cracking his knuckles
I miss the drums ;-;
Davey's hop off the papes
When shortstop doesn't take it down
Nicholas Masson never knowing what to do with his hands
Tommy v dramatically wrapping his arm around the gate
Davey hopping from the ladder
Race: :0 :O :|
March march march march march
wiggle wiggle
The three different reactions to being thrown out: Les, immediately hopping up and yelling at the guy Jack, trying to find his dignity before he stands Davey, and whatever his dramatic ass is doing
Albert literally jumping onto the table.
Finch sitting on top of the back of the chair.
"Over here!"
"Just gimme a wat'a"
"How. did i ever. see that coming?"
Albert: :(
c o n f u s i o n
"Spot Conlon's toif"
"-hangin' round at the wOild" *hand motions*
Jack hiding behind Davey
Y'all gay asf stop looking at her like that
"You think you have a chance?" Tommy, giving the widdlest nod
"I'll rephrase"
"This is entertaining...so far"
"Methinks the lady needs to be handled by a-" bap bap fix hat vest "-real man."
"How'd she know my name?" "Get outta here" *shove*
Finch hopping onto the table
Them helping Jacobi pick up
Hoppity hoppy hop hop
"cantcha see it in my eyes?"
"Yeah ok"
"W www whasa matta aincha sure?"
"Rather tell ya what I'm hopin' for tonight" bites lip
"TOMORROW-" fuckfuckshitfuckwhatarewedoingtomorrow "-we stop the wagons" thankfuck crisis averted she would've thought I don't know what I'm doing
"Write it good."
"A little hyperbole never hurt anyone"
"If I could just write about it" MOOD
"You poor boys"
"It could practically write itself and let's pray it does"
Kath being an entire writing mood
"What a face"
"I'll be twice as good as that SIX MONTHS FROM never" :(
"Just look around at the world we're inheriting And think of the one we'll create THEIR MISTAKE IS THEY GOT OLD THAT IS NOT A MISTAKE WE'LL BE MAKING"
Davey making jokes about Brooklyn showing up at the worst time is further proof that Davey is autistic plznfanku
"Queens will be right here backin' us up-" :D "-as soon as we get the nod from Brooklyn" D:
The Camp Rock 2 song playing in my head every time I hear Jack say 'we can't back down'
Iain. Young's. Rat. Face.
Les leaning against the gate. 0 fucks given.
Jack leaning on Finch's head
"We doin' this?"
"Once we've begun, if we stand as one, someday become somehow"
Ben Fankhauser's voice
"And a prayer becomes a vow"
"The boids are singin' "
Tommy. Boy's. Arms.
Jack's entire speech
Tommy, marching up to Jack Davey: Les get behind me idk what I can do except be a human shield
"I'm with ya" Everyone: :000000000000
Tommy's pose as he hands his bag back
Nicholas Masson not knowing what to do with his arms pt 2
"Who are you gonna trust? Them? Or them?"
"Y E A H"
Now showing: Jeremy Jordan's Jack's inability to dance
Right left right "HYA"
Spinny spinny spin
"Ya see this Mista Pulitzah?!"
"C'MON FELLAS" -Buttons
WAISCOAT GUY HAS THE CHILD (I think about this all the time)
Do I need to say it?
Do I need to put it here?
Probably not
Jumping over the homies
Jack having to stop Mush
Pushing a cart into bad guys with bae
"Stay down!" Les immediately meerkatting back up
Les s l i d e
Jack's mini tantrum before Santa Fe
"Thanks to GOOD OL CAP'N JACK"
"Dreams come true Yeah they do"
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 1 year
Prev anon here PLEASE say more, I love modern aus sm
*dramatic sigh*
*checks watch* I have hw to do but if you insist
au is honestly the vaguest way to phrase it but I love it nonetheless. I think that the main reason yous all like the tweets so much is they’re 100% my mind without incorrect quotes or anything involved so thank @finchfvkingcortez and the hour long convos we have for that because that shit is BIZARRE
so yeah. sorta modern/social media where the main shenanigans we talk about are race and albert dealing with god damn tiktok comments (cause we all know they can be WILD). the most fleshed out bits are specific character hcs so yous get that first
as per usual with modern aus, the manhattan newsies collectively live in a group home (and milk tf out of it just because it gets funny reactions online). they’re pretty chill with it, and do weekend/morning newspaper rounds for what’s basically pocket money let’s be honest
character hcs
race - he/him, trans and ‘aggressively bi’. he went through the whole she/her > she/they > they/them > he/they > he/him pipeline and will murder you if you bring it up. he’s dating albert and spot, spot basically on accident after albert dared him to flirt with her and they flirted back and massively just Vibes™️. I feel like I overuse him in tweets but he’s so dumb that he just works here. autism/adhd king, with a sprinkling of ptsd, and he does NOT take his meds ever, driving everyone insane but they love him anyways. italian and very passionate about it. has way too much clout on tiktok and farms his friends for it
albert - he/him, gay, dating finch, spot and race “somehow”. I pretty much combine sky and jacob with him, where he has two older and one younger brother. benji is with a foster family albert didn’t want to stay with and their older brothers are in an endless battle to get custody of them both (he jokes about it sm and they both hate him for it, like “you got custody yet???” “fuck you”). he has too many piercings to count because he does them himself whenever he gets bored and Does Not Learn that it’s a bad idea. dealt with cd when he was younger but it didn’t develop further. he knows like three phrases in portuguese and got into an argument with finch about him being wrong without realising he was speaking spanish once
jack - he/him and bi, dating katherine and davey (after kath put a gun to his head and made him ask davey out). he’s the identified Big Brother of the others and takes it comically seriously while also being exhausted of them all. by all technicalities he’s flagged on every train line that leave the city because he definitely has not made it halfway to new mexico once at 11, but that’s irrelevant he’d never do that again nope. adhd and some mild abandonment issues, hands are always covered in doodles and he also draws on everyone else too whether they want him to or not
davey - he/they, demiboy and gay, dating Jack and has absolutely zero idea how it happened (“I’m going out with jack…” “your sisters ex?” “…yeah?” “ok then🧍”). he’s much more of a weirdo than people give them credit for and comes out with thee most concerning statements completely unprompted like it’s nothing. jewish, autistic with a side of anxiety that the newsies are helping a lot with and be spend 99% of their time with them between school to the point he’s almost dead on his feet. he’s this close to changing race’s twitter password, and is besties with elmer who loves the opportunity to speak polish with someone
crutchie - any pronouns, just chills with identifying as queer and milks ‘had polio in the 21st century’ like their life depends on it because how else are you gonna cope with severe neglect. most people call him charlie in public because they’re all terrified of getting chewed out by well meaning members of the public (crutchie won’t correct anyone). an absolute menace with nerf guns and usually sticks to jack like glue, because they spent time in and out of foster homes when they were much younger together
katherine - she/her, bi, dating jack. she’s practically an inch away from losing her job with how much time she spends not working to hang around with the newsies, is captain of the javey fan club and just all around a legend. constantly gets rich jokes and accepts it as necessary for their friendship. most of what I have for her aligns with canon already ngl
spot - she/he/they, genderfluid and bi, agab is the worlds biggest unsolved mystery that will remain unsolved. always refers to race and albert as her weird looking dogs. lives in a home in brooklyn after spending a few years completely on the streets. ptsd and absolutely no ability to acknowledge it (race and al help), and he’s absolutely covered in both stick and poked and legit but illegal tattoos
finch - he/him, gay, dating albert. he ran away a total of six times and lived in several parks for weeks before someone decided ‘hey maybe we should take him away lol’ and so deals with chronic hypothermia and trust issues. raised a baby sparrow that won’t leave now that it’s an adult, but he didn’t name it so the others just call it “finch’s baby boy”. irish/spanish decent but no real connection to either because it’s a link to his family, which he’d rather not have
morris - he/him, gay and steadily getting over a lot of internalised homophobia. spent way too much time with oscar in and out of crappy homes or their father/uncles ‘care’ so is very dependent on his brother. autism, ocd and cptsd, all of which he gets very little actual support for. he spends way too much money endlessly looping on the subway cause the movement is relaxing. he’s on friendlier terms with the newsies than oscar
oscar - he/it, aroace, probably aligns with agender but doesn’t think about it, autism/adhd (where adhd is significantly more apparent), bpd, aspd, cptsd and mild dyscalculia because he’s my current fav so I have to fuck it over the most. very protective over morris and has zero tolerance for the newsies unlike his brother. it’s camera roll consists entirely of bad candids of morris. taught himself to play a guitar he found in a skip, cannot read sheet music and primarily uses it as stim. I could do an entire thing just about modern delancey’s honestly
I said more x
feel free to ask stuff about this cause I love developing the nonsense the way I don’t get to just in the tweets
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spinningerster · 2 years
🐦🤟🏼 ok please tell me anything about your newsies ocs !!!
sorry for the delay in responding, anon! idk how much is going to be in this so apologies if this ends up being really long - also there will be small mentions of child abuse, there won't be any specifics but I understand that can be triggering for some people so just wanted to add a little disclaimer! i'm always coming up with new stuff and changing some aspects of my ocs so i'll update this as as when those happen. okayy here we go:
- real name rachel ettinson, is the youngest of 4 with three older sisters, though unlike them she wasn't planned and was sort of the 'cinderella' of her family; one night in late october/early november, when she was about 11, she'd had enough and ran away, she was found sleeping in an alley in the early hours of the next morning by jojo and finch (bc why not), and they're the two she's closest with.
- she constantly steals elmers socks, at first it was an accident but eventually they became part of her outfit.
- she was terrified of the delanceys at first, hiding behind the closest newsie, but eventually learned to just ignore them.
- for her first week she spent every night up in jacks penthouse, she loved the cool though sometimes frosty air, and watching jack draw helped her to fall asleep.
- her nickname was given to her because she's an early bird, often waking up before the others. mush and henry sometimes refer to her as 'the birdster' which she pretends to hate but secretly really likes
- she was pretty nervous of going on strike at first mainly from of all the stories she'd heard of the refuge but soon got on board, though she barely slept after crutchie was arrested bc she was so worried about him
- real name natalie barry, she was born deaf and her parents didn't want her bc they thought she was 'defective' and she was taken in by her aunt and uncle who just used her as a punching bag. she was 13 when she ran away, joining the newsies just a few months before birdy. the first newsie she met was albert and everyone thought he'd kidnapped her
- she didn't really talk at first, always told her voice was 'awful' whenever she did, so she just stopped, but the newsies helped her regain her confidence for speaking (they live with race so they literally don't care what her voice sounds like)
- bc none of them know sign language, they just kinda made up random gestures for different stuff, which was especially entertaining whenever they were around weasel and the delanceys
- she's pretty close with the twins, tommy boy and specs
- she will often be woken up by race flopping down onto her bed
- after selling her papes, she sometimes goes to meddas, she just really liked the atmosphere and feels safe aroune medda
- jack tried teaching her how to sketch a couple times, she couldn't really get the hang of it
that's everything I have for now, hope you like them :) if you wanna know anything else about them pls let me know!
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triple-u-vvv · 1 year
yeah, I guess I’ll hop on the bandwagon
Newsies characters as things me and my friends (and cast of our production) have said or done! I might end up adding a few drawings, too.
Jack: I don’t know who John Smith was, but from my research he’s either a YouTuber or a wrestler.
Snyder: this show would end a lot quicker if we gave Jack a gun.
Henry and Jack: (testing theories about Snyder being able catch Jack if he was on heelies)
Race: (finds old rat costume in an old prop bin) IMA FURRY!
Jack: Albert got possessed by Cthulhu last night.
Crutchie: really?
Davey: yeah, we got the entire thing on video. He walked out of the downstairs bathroom with shreds of toilet paper all over his face.
Jack: he kidnapped Race after that.
Mush: I have an accordion that’s two times as big as me, and it’s marinating in the dining room.
Les: hola! Soy Les! Can you say ‘Les knows where you live’?
Finch, during rehearsals: whatever you do, DONT go into room 105. That’s where the boys are. Go into 107 instead, even though it gives off a creepy aura.
Albert: (becomes Michael Jackson during choreo)
Crutchie: (uses his crutch as a machine gun constantly, Jack and Albert play along and it ends up turning into a fake fight scene in rehearsals)
Specs: look, Jojo! A type writer!
Jojo: (genuinely panicking about the aforementioned typewriter hitting him in the head)
Romeo: Is your type emo girls?
Sarah: what is that?
Katherine: it says ‘man scent’.
Sarah: (smells the candle) that doesn’t smell good. And if I out of all people say that something smells bad, take no chances.
Spot: ok, who’s here?
Spot: I didn’t know how I didn’t expect that.
Oscar: I will not hesitate to punch you if you do that one more time
Jack: da horse’s name was Friday!
Jack: (talking about horses) ok. What’s this thing called?
Crutchie: that’s a bit.
Jack: wow. How did you know that?
Crutchie: oh, I don’t know, maybe because you annoy me with this crap all of the time and point out every inaccuracy in every movie and every game?! JUST LET ME ENJOY ZELDA IN PEACE.
Les: can I use a swear word?
Race: sure, fine by me.
Les: (says a word that’s only on the verge of being a swear)
Race: you know what, you’re too innocent.
Romeo: we should buy those matching jackets. We can be like those football guys from high school musical!
Katherine: DONT BE A MAN!!!!
Davey: I cant smile.
Sarah: well, what are you waiting for? Give it your best shot.
Davey: (awkwardly grins)
Les: not gonna lie, you look like you’re being held at gunpoint.
Finch: today, I dislocated my right buttcheek
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thetomorrowshow · 3 years
unless you take your army back ch. 2
First chapter  -  Read on AO3!
This chapter is a lot longer than I thought it was that’s my bad
cw: blood, intense depictions of injuries, food, flashbacks
When Crutchie woke, it was with a heaviness in the pit of his stomach. He knew that while he was not waking up from a nightmare, he would be waking into one. Another day either working hard for nothing or locked in a tiny closet, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Something was different, though. For one thing, he wasn’t quite sure where he was. He was on something soft, which couldn’t count as any surface in the Refuge. Not only that, but he didn’t feel squished or anything. There wasn’t anyone else near him, which crossed off the idea that he’d been dragged back to the room full of boys, but there was plenty of room to stretch out, so definitely not in a closet.
Maybe he had died.
As he became more aware of his body, though, he still felt pained--so probably not dead. He used to visit a church when he’d been on the streets by himself, less for concern of his mortal soul and more for the communion wafers and occasional Sunday afternoon luncheons, but he’d listened to what had been taught there. Apparently, if he died and went to Heaven he’d be healed. He had to be going to Heaven, right? He’d been baptized as a baby, after all. He didn’t really believe in it these days, but that didn’t mean he was a bad person.
He would’ve continued wondering about the fate of his soul had he not tried to flex his fingers and found both hands immobile--not because of the pain in them, but because his fingers were all wrapped up. So was his left arm, actually, which was distantly throbbing.
Reluctantly, Crutchie forced his eyes to open, grimacing at how crusty they felt. Light flooded his vision and he closed them almost immediately, then opened them a pinch.
He had no clue where he was. All he could see was a wooden ceiling. How was that supposed to help him?
It smelled sort of familiar, but it was also silent, aside from a bird chirping outside the window--which was right beside him. Actually, as he took a bigger breath (not too big, his chest was all tight and achy), he recognized something small--and then so many things, all in the scent of the air.
This was the lodging house, and with it, the smell of the soap they all used, Race’s cigar, newspapers, coffee, sweat, and that weird cologne that Jack and Romeo sometimes spent a few pennies on. He was home.
Crutchie let out a sigh. He was exhausted. Maybe he could just go back to sleep.
So much for that idea. Crutchie shifted his vision a little, wincing as his neck cramped. Jack was sat there beside him, charcoal pencil frozen where it was poised on a paper. He looked okay, aside from a black eye. He also looked scared, for some reason, almost guilty. What had happened? Why was Crutchie at the lodging house? Why did Jack look like he was hiding something?
Crutchie decided to not bring it up at the moment, but couldn’t stop wondering. He didn’t remember all of what had happened since he’d been awoken the other morning by the Refuge kids with a cup of water, but he had vague recollections of beatings and closets and being trapped under the floor. He could also remember seeing Katherine, but that part might have been a hallucination. More importantly, he couldn’t remember how he’d gotten here and what had made Snyder let him go. If Jack had traded someone--
“How’re ya feeling?” Jack asked, and Crutchie could hear his words dripping with fatigue. He wondered how long he’d been out, that Jack had been sitting at his side for.
Crutchie opened his mouth, lips cracking, and paused at the pain that came when he tried to make his voice work. Something was up--Synder, chokin’ you, his brain reminded him. Also no water, dummy. They does that to a voice.
As if Jack knew what he was thinking, he shot up, the paper falling and pencil rolling away. “Gotcha some water waitin’,” he said, taking a few steps out of Crutchie’s line of sight and returning with a tin cup and a bowl. “Also had one o’ the fellas grab some soup from the sistas, so you can has somethin’ ta eat.” He frowned down at the bowl. “It ain’t too warm now, but it should still taste all right.”
Crutchie had the feeling that he ought to smile in thanks, but just couldn’t. He couldn’t even fathom lifting his cheeks that much--they felt oddly large and heavy. His head was pretty cloudy, anyway. It probably wouldn’t even be able to send the instructions to his mouth. Jack held the cup to his lips and he drank--the water was a bit warm, but far better than nothing--begrudgingly, wishing he could hold it himself.
As soon as all the water was gone, Jack was digging a spoon out of his pocket, preparing to feed him. If he had the energy, Crutchie would’ve sputtered in indignation. He could feed himself, thank you very much! He hadn’t let no one feed him except his mother, and that was too long ago for him to remember (he casually shoved down the image of Harley feeding him bites of sandwich, back at the Refuge).
“I can feeds myself,” he croaked out, feeling just that small movement of his mouth stretch his cheeks farther than normal. They must’ve been pretty swollen. Some of the anxious creases around Jack's eyes smoothed out.
“I know ya can,” Jack said, relief evident in his voice. “Lemme help ya sit up, then.”
Crutchie wanted to sit up himself, but he conceded this to Jack. He had to pick his battles, especially when he was so tired.
He gasped when Jack buried his arm under his back, the lashes and memories of them barraging him with agony. Jack pulled away as if he was the one who had been whipped, watching him warily. Crutchie scrunched his eyes closed, trying to stop a tear that was threatening to slip out. He wasn’t weak. He had to show Jack that he could do this.
“Want--want me to, uh, pull ya up by the arm?” Jack offered, and Crutchie nodded jerkily. That sounded bearable; his right arm wasn’t hurt all that bad.
As soon as Jack touched him, though, fear stole Crutchie’s breath. Images of thugs gripping his wrist and dragging him along on dirty floors filled his mind, and he cowered, pulling his body as close together as he could.
Someone was speaking, and Crutchie was about to ignore it until he realized the price he might pay for not following orders. His eyes shot open, his heart racing with a frenzy that seemed to pound on his broken ribs.
“--okay? Kath said your ribs got beat pretty bad, an’ it might be hard for you ta sit up. You good, Crutch?”
That was Jack. That was Jack speaking, and he wasn’t in the Refuge, he was at the lodging house. He just sat up to eat some soup. He was safe.
No matter how many times Crutchie repeated those words to himself, he couldn’t let go of the dark halls of the Refuge, the stink of the guards’ cigars, the pain that was coming at any moment.
“I’s fine,” he gritted out, forcing himself to meet Jack’s eyes. “Jus’, yeah, little bit o’ pain.” He couldn’t think of anything else to say, so just let it hang in the air between them.
Eventually, Jack helped him form his right hand around the bowl as steady as possible, then stabilized it as he brought it to his lips and drank. It bumped against his cheeks uncomfortably. It was little more than broth, and lukewarm, but Crutchie was grateful for it all the same. The taste of it alone nearly made him sob--the flavor was just so much--but he held it in.
Jack made him drink over half of the bowl before letting him lay back down, which was a much quicker operation than sitting up had been. When he was settled back in the bed, full to bursting and a little more clear on what was happening, he finally asked one of the questions that had been on his mind since he woke.
“Jack? What happened?”
Jack shifted from foot to foot. “With what?”
Crutchie sighed, pulling down his shirt a little to see what was under it. A lot of bandages and some bruises was the answer. “The strike, I s’pose.”
“Right, the strike.” Jack sat down, crossing one leg over the other. “Uh, well, we won.”
Crutchie’s heart leaped. They won? Against Pulitzer, and Wiesel, and the Delanceys, and Snyder, and all the police officers? Once again, he felt that he should smile, but just couldn’t find the energy. “Wow,” he said instead, swallowing around the pain in his throat. They had won. “How’d you get me out?”
There wasn’t an answer from Jack for a long time, and after a moment Crutchie looked over at him. He was looking down, cap in his hands, twisting it around anxiously.
“Governor Roosevelt,” he said, not looking up. His voice was unreadable. “Kath got him ta shut down the Refuge, for good. Ain’t nobody goin’ back there.”
Wow. They really won. How had that even happened? Crutchie couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that there would be no more Snyder chasing kids on the street. There had to be someone, right? Someone else who wanted to hurt kids for the fun of it?
“Y-you awake, buddy?”
Crutchie blinked, realizing his eyes had closed. “Yeah,” he whispered. Jack was watching him again, his eyes red. “Jus’ . . . jus’ tired.” And he was. He felt like if he didn’t sleep soon, he might just fade away. Even now, he wouldn’t be surprised if he slept for a week straight. He was so tired.
“Sleep, nitwit. Ya gots the time.”
Crutchie gladly accepted the invitation.
“Shh! Ya don’t want ‘im wakin’ up, do ya?”
“A little bit, yeah!”
“We wants to see ‘im!”
Crutchie groaned. The voices quieted down for a second with a few hushed gasps and shushes, then started up again when he made no effort to move. This bed was almost unbearably comfortable.
“C’mon, Jack! He’s practic’ly a’ready awake.”
“Yeah, but he ain’t. He’s restin’, he don’t need you lot tirin’ him out.”
“It’s our room too.”
“Yeah! You has to let us in, who put you in charge?”
“. . . You’s all did, Romeo.”
Crutchie snorted through his nose, then opened his eyes. He still felt bone tired, but a little like he could function. He turned his head, slowly this time, to see Jack a few feet away, holding back a good dozen newsies. Once they saw him moving, their faces lit up excitedly. Elmer pointed, hopping a little bit, and Jack looked over his shoulder to meet Crutchie’s eyes.
Immediately, he dropped his defenses and rushed to Crutchie’s side. He produced a tin cup from nowhere--and a different one from earlier?--and pushed it to his lips. “Hey, Crutch. How ya feelin’?”
Crutchie sipped and rolled his eyes, coughing a little when that sent a headache pounding. “Bit better,” he managed through his swollen jaw, pulling away from the drink. “Why’s my arm not workin’?”
Jack’s face flashed guiltily. “‘S broken,” he said, brushing hair out of Crutchie’s face. “Katherine said you’ll be wrapped up in it about three weeks, maybe more.”
Crutchie frowned. How was he supposed to sell? His right arm needed to hold his crutch, so what was supposed to be waving around the papers? His thoughts were interrupted by Jack making him drink some more water.
“I gots more food here, for ya,” Jack began. “Don’t want ya goin’ hungry. And then--”
Jack went silent instantly, looking so intensely at Crutchie that he started to wonder if Jack thought he was dying. Maybe he was dying. He certainly felt like it. He shook himself. “Can I see the fellas?”
Jack turned around. The newsies, still standing in the middle of the room, waved.
“Yeah, why not,” he said, pulling his hat off and running a hand through his hair. “One at a time, though,” he added when they all began to rush forward. “You’s gonna give him a heart attack, all o’ you’s at once.”, during which Crutchie propped himself up into almost a sitting position. His bad leg was almost completely deadweight, and it hurt like he’d stuck it in a bonfire. Still, he dragged it up a little bit, trying to make room for another boy to sit on the bed. Breathing sitting up made his chest burn and back smart, but he could deal with it for right now. He just wanted to see his friends.
Specs sat down first, smiling in that gentle way of his. “Hey, Crutch,” he said. “Lookin’ a bit worse than last time I seen ya, huh? Feelin’ any better?”
“Jus’ a bit, and okay, I guess,” Crutchie admitted, once again finding smiling to be too much effort. “Jack says we won, I think. How’s it feel?”
Specs sighed happily. “Feels free. Can’t wait to get ya outta bed and into the streets, see how ‘cited the boys are ‘bout sellin’.”
“Me neither,” Crutchie said. Specs nodded, then patted him awkwardly on the knee before standing up. He was almost immediately replaced by Race and Albert, Race falling onto the bed with flourish, Albert standing beside it with his thumbs in his suspenders.
“Feelin’ any better, Crutchie?” Albert asked. Crutchie waved his arm.
“Loads,” he said, trying to not make any sounds as Race jostled him. “Bet I’ll be up sellin’ papes with you’s in no time.”
Albert guffawed; Race smiled a little piteously. “Glad to see that Crutchie spirit,” Race said, poking him in the side. Crutchie couldn’t help a gasp, bit his tongue too late to hide it. The smile completely dropped from both of their faces.
“Hey, uh,” Albert said, quieter than usual, “Race an’ I--we’s been there. Well, not there ‘xactly, but . . . that place. So we knows it’s hard to get better, an’ it takes time.”
They really didn’t know, Crutchie thought to himself as they stepped away. They didn’t have a public connection to Jack Kelly when they were in there, nor did they have a crippled leg. He was sure it was rough for them, but their experiences were not the same, and he didn’t much appreciate them comparing the two.
“Hey Crutchie! Feelin’ any better?” Elmer.
“I’d feel better if people would stop askin’ me that,” Crutchie grumbled. Elmer laughed, his eyes lighting up.
“Les an’ Davey an’ me made you this,” he said, holding something out. He dropped it in Crutchie’s lap, who stiffly picked it up with bandaged fingers and examined it closely. It was a loop of yarns, braided together in blue, green, and brown to make a bracelet.
“You don’t gotta put it on your wrist now,” Elmer said, obviously proud. “But we all made it! You can sees where I started braidin’ after Les, ‘cuz it gets better there.”
Crutchie felt tears pricking at his eyes as he looked, and yep--there was a section where it went from messy to a little less so. “Thanks, Elmer. I’m . . . I’m touched.” he glanced up into his face, seeing it split into a huge smile. “You wanna put it on my wrist? My fingers ain’t workin’ so well.”
Elmer did so with care, not even hopping back when Crutchie flinched at the touch. Then he gave a little bow and a wave, and darted off.
Next up were Romeo and Henry, who awkwardly told him about their day and asked about his. Seeing as how Crutchie had been unconscious for the majority of the day, there wasn’t much conversation to be made on his end. It was nice to hear about what they’d been doing, though. Crutchie could usually see Romeo from his selling spot, and they sometimes sold together.
“Some o’ the regulars is askin’ after you,” Romeo told him with a pat on the shoulder. Crutchie didn’t have the energy to hide his wince. “Told ‘em they oughtta be proud o’ you, you took on the Delanceys and won!”
Crutchie choked. “I ain’t done anything of the sort!” he sputtered. Romeo chuckled.
“I’m a newsie, what can I say?” he shrugged and patted his shoulder again, then wandered off with a bit of a dazed look on his face. Henry gave him a quick goodbye and followed.
Tommy Boy was just saying hello when Jack began to usher them out, saying something about how they needed to go run off their energy somewhere not here. For once, Crutchie was grateful for Jack’s motherhenning. He felt like he was going to shake right out of his body. The newsies were a tactile bunch, and normally Crutchie had no problem with that, but today it made his skin crawl and his brain go bleary. He’d also never been troubled by crowds of any size, but the room was beginning to feel unbearably full and loud.
When he looked up again, everyone but Jack was gone--and Katherine? When had she come in?
Not another person, Crutchie thought, then immediately felt bad. Jack had mentioned her a few times, and he inferred that she was sort of the person who got him out. He could have the civility to talk to her.
“Crutchie, how are you feeling?” Katherine asked, hurrying over. Crutchie bit his tongue to keep from responding rudely.
Katherine looked him over, the smile in her words slowly fading as she took him in. Finally, she met his eyes, and nodded. “Jack was right, you’re looking a lot better than yesterday.”
“Thanks, I think?” Crutchie said, something catching in his sore throat and causing him to cough violently. His chest seized up, his body wracked with agony at the pain that came from the shuddering coughs. When he recovered enough to open his eyes, Jack was holding the cup of water right under his nose.
“Don’ be gettin’ sick on me, Crutchie,” Jack said, sounding more worried than teasing. Crutchie swallowed down the last of the water and coughed one more time.
“I’s gettin’ sick just ta spite you, now,” Crutchie said weakly. Katherine and Jack both laughed, a little wildly, a little wrong. That bothered him, in ways that he couldn’t quite put together. Why didn’t they sound normal?
Something in the smell of the room was starting to make him feel sick. Had he eaten anything since the scraps that one morning? He had, hadn’t he? Jack had given him something earlier. Well, at least he knew there was something in his stomach to be tossed up if it came to that. That had to be easier on his throat than dry heaves.
“Crutchie, you heard that the Refuge has been shut down for good, haven’t you?” asked Katherine, trying to find somewhere to pat him kindly. She settled on the edge of the mattress.
Wait, what?
The Refuge? Shut down--for good? That wasn’t possible, was it? Snyder had a perfect reputation with the city. They’d never shut down a place that worked so well because a few teenage boys told them to.
“It what?” he said out loud, looking between Jack and Katherine, hoping to see some sign of humor. They had to be pulling his leg. Katherine only nodded, though, and Jack gave him a concerned glance.
“I told ya that already,” Jack said. “Remember? This mornin’?”
Crutchie thought back. Maybe? He remembered pieces of their conversation, but it was pretty blurry. He also remembered seeing a lizard crawl up the windowpane. He’d assumed it was a dream, but maybe it had actually happened. That was pretty cool.
“Anyway, I showed Governor Roosevelt some of Jack’s drawings,” Katherine pushed on. “He investigated it immediately, and went personally to shut it down and arrest that awful man!”
“The governor,” Crutchie repeated, dumbfounded. Jack had ridden in the back of his carriage once. Had he met the governor and not even been conscious?
Now that he thought about it, though, he had vague flashes . . . a man with a mustache saying something to someone out of sight . . . the same man holding water for him to drink . . . had he met the governor and let the man baby him?
“The doctor said he doesn’t know what your recovery will look like, but he thinks you’ll make a full one if nothing gets infected,” Katherine told him, and Crutchie was torn from his mortification to incredulation.
“A doctor?” He couldn’t afford a doctor! He didn’t even have enough money saved to miss more than a few days of work, how would he--
“Don’t worry,” Katherine said, waving him off with a little laugh, “Governor Roosevelt handled the cost. You were concerned about it when it happened, too.”
Crutchie made himself relax a little bit. He couldn’t turn down a free handout in his condition, especially not from the governor. The governor.
“And, speaking of. . . .” Katherine trailed off, looking uncomfortable. Jack took her hand and gave her a strained smile. Crutchie looked at the two of them. Were they together?! Why had no one told him?
“I sort of need to change your bandages,” Katherine said apologetically. Crutchie blanched, and she hurried to add, “It’ll be quick! Just clean wrappings--” she waved a bag-- “and some soap and water, then you can rest.”
Yeah, sure, but there was a huge problem. Katherine was a girl. It wasn’t that she was weak for being a girl or anything, but Crutchie really didn’t want to subject a lady to the mess that was his body right now. Or anyone, for that matter. In fact, if they could both just leave the room and give him the bandages and stinging stuff, he’d get it done himself.
When he tried to tell Katherine just that, she snorted. “Crutchie, no offense, but I don’t think you could beat a toddler with pneumonia in a fight right now. There’s no way you could do this yourself, or any way you could stop me or one of the others doing it for you.”
Crutchie’s blood ran cold. He couldn’t stop them. She was right. They could do anything they wanted to him, and he was powerless to do anything. They wouldn’t even need to hold him down.
Crutchie only nodded when she asked him if she could change his bandages, his throat completely dry. Jack watched him for a moment, and Crutchie tried to not look back. He didn’t want Jack to see how petrified he was. After a moment, Jack made up some nonsense excuse about checking on the other boys and left.
Left to get them, probably. Or maybe something to hit him with. Or both. After all, he was a pretty easy target right about now, who wouldn’t want a go? He could barely move, let alone fight back. Crutchie’s stomach turned as an image of Race taking bets on how long he’d be conscious forced itself into his head.
“Can you sit up all the way, Crutchie?” Katherine asked, and he cringed. They were going to make him sit up? Were they going to make him move from this bed, too? It was Jack’s, he’d realized earlier. Jack probably wanted it back.
He pushed himself up, slowly, agonizingly. His head pounded and his back throbbed and his stomach wouldn’t stop sloshing around the water in it, but he sat up anyway, slowly adjusting so that his legs hung off the bed. By the time he was fully sitting up (hunching over like he wanted to made it harder to breathe) Crutchie had broken a light sweat, his hair sticking a little to the back of his neck. Katherine wouldn’t hurt him, right? She was a girl, and she was upper-class. They made other people do that for them.
“I’m going to start with this cut on your cheek, okay? It looks like it’s fine, I just want to make sure it’s clean.”
Crutchie braced himself, closing his eyes. He just wanted to sleep for a little bit longer. Couldn’t it go back to Jack softly giving him water and drawing while he dozed? That was nice. That was safe. Couldn’t they do that for just a little bit longer before they got to all the bad stuff?
Katherine’s touch on his face made him flinch back, but that was all it was. A touch. A piece of wet cloth, rubbed on his cheek. It wasn’t too bad, so far. It was almost a little nice.
“Your forehead’s pretty warm,” he heard her say, distantly. He didn’t respond. It was taking all his effort to stay still and upright.
Crutchie tried to retreat to the back of his mind as he felt Katherine undoing the buttons on his shirt, but he couldn’t get out of here. He was straining his ears to hear something, anything--the boys bounding upstairs, or cheering, or something like that that would give him time to prepare for what was to come.
He was broken out of it, though, when his already aching chest burst into flames. He cried out, opened his eyes--Katherine was holding a red-stained cloth, looking apologetic.
“I’m so sorry,” she murmured, “but one of your cuts is infected. It’s going to hurt a bit. Do you think you can focus on me?”
Crutchie would’ve laughed if he wasn’t busy taking as shallow breaths as possible. He could barely focus on anything. He looked down to see the patchwork of bruises and scrapes that was his chest, and saw that yes, the largest one looked irritated and weepy. That one had been giving him trouble from the first day.
Something touched his hand and he started, then stared down at it. Katherine was holding his hand. Why?
“We can wait until you’re ready,” she said, and Crutchie wasn’t sure that he would ever be ready, but nodded as a go-ahead.
He watched now as Katherine gently and carefully cleaned each wound, calming more with each reassuring squeeze of her hand when the liquid stung. Something about her hand in his was comforting, almost grounding. It was as if his perception had been blurred with panic, and her hand cleared the mist enough that he could ground himself against the contact and the quiet openness of the room. He was alive.
Instead of making him move, Katherine climbed over the bed in a very unladylike manner and dressed the marks on his back. This was worse. With no one to hold onto and no way to see what was happening, Crutchie dug the sore fingers of his right hand into his left upper arm. It gave him a sensation to focus on that wasn’t the painful touches on his back, something that he could control. That helped, a little bit. What didn’t help was the fact that Crutchie couldn’t stop staring at the door, waiting for it to burst open at any minute.
Katherine wrapped his torso and helped him get his shirt back on before moving down to his legs, which made Crutchie even more uncomfortable. He tried to shift away, even told her he could do this part, despite knowing full well that he was about two minutes from passing out. She was a lady, it was improper.
Katherine was sympathetic. “I can go get Jack,” she offered. “Or one of the other boys, if you’re more comfortable with that.”
No. No no no no no no no. Couldn’t they do this for a little while longer first? Just Katherine holding his hand and cleaning his chest. She seemed to see his panic, because she immediately softened.
“How about this,” she said. “I’ll only do from the knees down, and then I’ll turn around while you clean the rest, okay?” Crutchie nodded. That sounded okay. Embarrassing, of course, but so much better than the alternative.
Katherine pulled one of the blankets from where it was tucked in and draped it over his legs. With her steadying him, Crutchie managed to get his pants down to his ankles, then let her take over, his face burning. She was a girl, after all. It felt so wrong, to let her clean his legs.
She made quick work of it though, and handed Crutchie the brown bottle of what seemed to be soapy water and the cloth before turning around. He watched her for a moment, making sure she wasn’t going to peek, then quickly yet haltingly rubbed the cloth along his thighs. There luckily was nothing more than bruises and a single cut there, and he was done in a few minutes. By that point, he could barely hold his head up. Instead of pulling his pants back on, he just fell back against the bed, groaning.
Katherine tucked him back in, resting a hand on his forehead again. “Do you think you have a fever?”
That would make a bit of sense, wouldn’t it? It was the middle of summer, it had to be sweltering out, and here he was under three blankets with the window closed. He was sure he had other symptoms too, but he didn’t really remember, so he just shrugged and closed his eyes.
Katherine sighed, rubbing his fingers. “Crutchie, I need you to stay awake for a few minutes. Jack’s bringing you something to eat.”
Crutchie forced his eyes back open. He didn’t want to be awake. He’d been tired this whole time and now his body felt like it was going to fall apart. As if summoned, though, the door at the other end of the room creaked open, and in came Jack, holding a bowl in one hand and some bread in the other.
“I sent Sniper down ta Jacobi’s,” he said by way of introduction. Crutchie tried to move his arms, but they felt weighed down. He didn’t really want to eat, he wanted to sleep. He really wanted to sleep, actually, so badly that he felt his eyes begin to burn with tears. Why weren’t they letting him sleep?
There was bread in front of him and Crutchie stared at it uncomprehendingly. What was he supposed to do with that? He couldn’t take it, his arms weren’t moving. 
He blinked and it had been replaced by a bowl of something, which gradually came closer as he watched. Someone wormed a hand underneath his neck to prop his head up, making him shiver and twitch. He didn’t like that at all, but there was nothing he could do. Maybe now they were going to beat him. At least he’d probably be too out of it to notice.
The bowl pressed against his lips and Crutchie opened his mouth, choking as some of its liquid slipped down his throat. That was far more warm than he’d been expecting, not quite searing his tongue, but coming close to it. It drew back again, then more spilled into his mouth. This time, Crutchie drank, paying no mind to the flavor or temperature. He just hoped they would let him sleep after this.
Sure enough, with a few last drops of broth, the bowl was empty and the hand under his neck pulled away, leaving Crutchie to fall back against the pillow. Before his eyes were even closed, he was pulled into darkness.
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i-write-newsies · 3 years
(Y/N) - Your Name
(L/N) - Last Name
(N/N) - Nickname
(H/C) - Hair Color
(D/N) - DEEZ NUTS!! /j Deadname
(E/C) - Eye Color
(H/L) - Hair Length
(Y/A) - Your Age
Ships Included:
- Jack x Davey
- Spot x Race
- Finch x Smalls (Platonic)
- Albert x Elmer
-Katherine x Sarah
- Spot x Reader (Brotherly Platonic)
- Race x Reader (Brotherly Platonic)
You have always dreamed of living in the world of your favorite characters, to escape from whatever rotten life you have and make friends with the people you love. One day, fate decides to give you a chance. But when you're not prepared to be rushed into that universe, it becomes a roller coaster of balancing good and bad emotions and events.
Good luck, Reader!
(Y/N) POV:
I'm (Y/N) (L/N). I'm (Y/A) with (E/C) eyes and (H/L) (H/C) hair. At least it used to be (H/L). I cut it all off today. I can tell my mom just found out because of the loud cursing and stomping. "GODDAMMIT, (D/N)!!" she yells. What scares me the most about this situation is the fact that I'm kinda used to this. I hear her coming up the stairs to my room and rush to the door and lock it. As expected, the door handle starts rattling violently, "(D/N) YOU LET ME IN RIGHT NOW, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE SH!T!" She starts banging on the door, stressing the lock.
I sigh. Today was one of the worse days. I slip on my noise-canceling headphones and press play on my musicals playlist, consisting of:
- Waving Through A Window
- On My Own
- A Little Fall Of Rain
- Angel of Music
and of course...
The entire Newsies soundtrack.
By the time I get to 'Seize the Day', it's twilight outside. I lift one of my headphones to check if my mom is gone. I hear nothing. I look out the window and don't see her car. Perfect.
Unplugging my headphones and letting the music play, I walk over to my dresser, open it up, and reach deep in the back. Aha!
I pull out some bandages (A/N: DO NOT ACTUALLY BIND LIKE THIS OK BYE). I take off my shirt and try not to look in my mirror, fearing what sort of feminine body I may see. I start wrapping my chest to the point that it gets a little hard to breathe. This kinda hurts, but my dysphoria is stronger than my need for comfort and, let's be honest, safety.
Slipping my shirt back on, I look into the mirror and smile, satisfied with my flat chest and somewhat choppy short, (H/C) hair. I jump onto my bed and plug my headphones back into my phone which is now playing Santa Fe. Santa Fe honestly makes me think. I'm only, what, (Y/A)? And I still go through all this BS. I need out. Somewhere my mom can't tell me I'm female. Somewhere like...Newsies. I mean, Race is canonically trans, right? Not to mention all of them are definitely fruity. They'd accept me. The fresh, bandaged cuts on my arms are the only things keeping me in reality right now
As the song ends, I realize that I've been crying. God, why am I stuck in this wretched place? The question as well as thoughts of Newsies reverberates in my skull, a sort of white noise until I fall into a much-needed sleep.
"Aye, kid! Watcha doin sleepin on the street?"
"Especially in a place this..."
Jack POV:
I yawn, rubbing sleep from my eyes as the circulation bell drones on an' on. I let my eyes adjust to the view of the sunrise from my penthouse in the sky.
As I try to get up to get ready, a pair of arms drag me back down. "Jackieeee" a half-awake Davey groans, "come back down, it's freezing up here." "Dave, we gotta get to work. The boys can always count on me being at the gates early, so if you don't get up, I'm leaving you behind." This seems to wake him up a little more, "Alright, alright fine." he shivers as he gets up. I throw him his top shirt and vest and he desperately claws them on to gain warmth. Carefully, we climb down the ladder.
"What'd I tell ya, Dave? Even in the middle of summer, the night's always freezing." Davey rolls his eyes and does a little shiver "I know, Jackie, now c'mere and warm me up" I grin and move in closer, holding his hand, as we start walking to the gates. "Still not warm enough!" Davey said in a singsong-ish voice. I sigh and feign annoyance, leaning in to give a short but sweet peck on the lips. I think he's satisfied now. We're not usually this lovey-dovey, but I think we're both touch starved and subtly begging for a hug.
Davey, being the amazing boyfriend he is, stops by Jacobis to get us some breakfast. "Dave, you really don't hafta-" "I insist, Jack. After all, breakfast is the most important meal of the day," he says in an almost snobbish voice. I give him a small smile. That's my smartass Dave.
As we get to the gates, I notice a small figure leaned up against it. By now, the sun has come up some more over Manhattan 'n Dave 'n I don't have to walk as close to warm ourselves up. The figure seems to be sleeping, a newsies cap over their eyes. I think it's a kid. Maybe a new newsie looking for work?
I crouch down in front of him lift his hat, and start tapping his shoulder, "Aye, kid! Watcha doin sleepin on the street?" "Especially in a place this..." Davey notes. The kid seems to wake with a start. He rubs his eyes, and I chuckle a little "Whatsa matter? Ya look like youse seen a ghost." He doesn't seem to find this funny and repeatedly switches from looking at me then Davey with some confusion and shock in his eyes.
"I um-" he stutters over his words, "Aye, aye, kid, calm down, you ain't in trouble or nuttin." He takes a few deep breaths. "Okay... I'm (Y/N). I'm just freaking out because This isn't where I fell asleep, and- and I just- feel like I know you..." "Well, (Y/N) it sounds like you're one of da Newsies now," I say with a grin, "Now, we gots ta give you a nickname, we rarely eva call someone by their real name, 'cept Dave 'n Albert of course," The kid stays silent, clearly still shocked from waking up in a foreign place. "I feel like I know you.." he says, barely discernible. "Maybe ya do, maybe ya don't, Dave here's the only one good with faces." The kid looks up at Davey, who seems deep in thought, "(N/N)" he exclaims, "Ah, sorry, what I meant was your nickname should be (N/N)!" "I like it! But why (N/N) exactly?" I question, "Well, *insert reason why here*" "Well ain't you a clever boy, Dave!" I say, ruffling his hair. Davey shies away, "Jack! Now I have to fix my hair!" he complains, "Sorry, sorry." Davey then leaves to fix his hair in front of a shop window nearby, leaving me and (N/N) alone.
(N/N) seems to want to say something, but as soon as he opens his mouth, he shuts it just as quickly. I try to fill the awkward silence, "So, what's wit' da bandages, kiddo?" He freezes, "Nothing, just a ploy to get people to buy more papes..." he trails off. I have a feelin' he's not tellin' the truth, but I go along with it anyway, "Ha! What an idea, I wonder how I neva thought a' that before." he smiles, seeming satisfied with the praise. Davey returns from the shop window, "Alright! Ready to start the day?" (N/N) nods, and so do I.
Newsies start gathering, some glancing at (N/N) and some anxiously peering through the gates. I look at the headline for today: New Newsie Price! "Aye, Dave, you seein' this shit?" "Language- and yeah... what in the world was runnin' through Pulitzer's head when he thought of this??" I look at (N/N), whose mouth is a thin, pale line but whose (E/C) eyes are glinting with determination. "Heh, kid, what's that look for?" He looks at me, a little startled, but quickly regains that same tough expression, "I have a feeling that this ain't some silly little joke. And I'm worried 'bout the kids that may get hurt in the crossfire." I laugh, "Youse just bein dramatic! Surely, they wouldn't be as dumb as to underpay their own employees." I walk over to Weasel and slap down a penny "100 papes please!" "That's gonna be dime, Kelly."
My heart almost stops, and it takes all my strength not to break down in front of the boys. I fake a laugh, "Surely you're joking." "100 papes costs a dime, take a look at the headline." I hit the money box out of anger, "Then we'll just take our business to Brooklyn." Someone pipes up, "The same thing's happenin' there." "Then we'll go to Rushing!" Specs jogs over, seemingly out of breath, "I'll save ya the walk; it's the same everywhere."
A sharp pain in my chest temporarily distracts me from the situation at hand. Ah. I almost forgot. I still have to bind. This sucks. I feel a pair of eyes on me and turn just in time to see Racetrack Higgins avert his eyes. I give him a confused look and turn back to Jack singing "The World Will Know" I forget all about his weird staring and get back into the determined beat from before.
Soon, the newsies and I make our way to Jacobis for some...water I guess? I do happen to have some extra money in my pocket so I think I can treat all the boys to some seltzer. I sit down on a hard wooden chair in a slouch. The room is buzzing with excited talk of the strike. I give a small, sad smile. These boys have no idea what they're getting themselves into. Crutchie sits next to me serving a wide smile just as Jacobi enters with a tray full of waters, "And here's one for you, and for you, and for you- who's the big spender that ordered everyone seltzer?" shyly, I raise my hand, "That's me, sir." "You know these cost a quarter each, right?" I pull out a handful of quarters with a cheeky smile "and I got more where that came from." The boys go wild, "Where did ya get all that money, kid??" Davey, being the concerned mom, asks "Please tell me you didn't steal that." I shake my head, "I used to live comfortably, but my mom kicked me out for...reasons." my grin falters for a second, but no one seems to notice.
"Well!" Jack stands on a table, "Here's to the strike! And, of course, (N/N)" He gestures towards me with a wink as everyone cheers. As Katherine enters, I start to zone out and stare at a speck of dust on the ground. After all, I know the plot all too well. I perk up, though, as soon as Jack asks who's goin' to Brooklyn. My hand shoots up, "I nominate me and Race!" I exclaim. I look over at Race, who's staring at me, blushing and jaw dropped a little. I grin at him and look back at Jack, who's a little shocked. "A-alright! Me and Dave'll take the Bronx, I guess."
*Timeskip to after the restaurant scene*
I walk down the Manhatten alleys blindly, no clue where I'm going, when I hear someone come up behind me. "Hey, (N/N)! It's me, Race." I smile weakly, "Oh, hey." "I always sell my papes at Sheepshead in Brooklyn, so I know where to go."
It's almost completely silent except for the clicking of our shoes on the paved roads. "So... how'd ya get here as a Newsie, (N/N)?" "Well, Jack 'n Davey found me sleepin' on the street just this mornin'" He laughs, "Wow! So you got used to the Newsie life real quick!" "Yeah, I did.." I let out a small chuckle as well. Race pulls out a cigar and clamps it between his lips and goes to light it but hesitates. "Uh- Wanna cigar?" "Wow, Racetrack Higgins giving me one of his own cigars? I'm flattered!" I joke, "But, yeah, I need smoke." He digs into his pocket and hands me another cigar, "You eva' smoked before?" he stares at me as I put the cigar in between my lips. I grin sheepishly, "No." "Okay, maybe we should stop for a second. Coughing while walking ain't the most fun thing in the woild."
We lean up against a wall as Race lights first his, then my cigar. I inhale and immediately spiral into a coughing fit. Race smacks my back, "You good, (N/N)? I ain't neva' seen a fella cough that hard on the first puff." I roll my tear-filled eyes and continue coughing.
Once my coughing fit subsides, I feel a wave of relaxation. "God I should do this more often." I groan, Race grins, "Yeah, once you get past the whole blowin'-your-brains-out part of smokin', it's real nice. Anyway, shall we continue?" he gestures to the streets ahead. I nod my head and take another puff, "Yeah, it's gettin' kinda late and we do NOT wanna wake up the Spot Conlon." Race nods in agreement and we hurry along. Even though I know Spot is kind of a softie, that doesn't stop me from being intimidated by his prowess.
We reach the Brooklyn lodging just as Race's cigar burned out. Race takes a deep breath and gives three solid knocks on the door. A kid younger than me answers the door, "State ya business" "I'm here to let Conlon know about some very important news." The kid squints his eyes but responds "I'll ask him if he's willing to meet with anyone right now. Who should I tell him is askin'?" "Race. Higgins." He says somewhat awkwardly.
The kid closes the door. Race and I stand quietly waiting for the OK to see Spot. Suddenly the door swings open to reveal Spot. "Ra-" he notices me and coughs, "I mean- Higgins, would you like to step in to discuss the important news?" I almost laugh at the way he went from totally in love to distinguished gentleman. I shoo them away, holding in laughter, "don't worry, I'll wait out here and give you lovebirds some space." (A/N: or should I say sprace) I see them both go tomato red.
I sigh as they head inside. I take a drag from the cigar and start thinking. How did I end up in the newsies universe and act this calm about it? This feels so surreal. But I want to stay here forever. Far away from my sh!tty mom and all my responsibilities.
Lost in my own head, I barely notice as Racetrack storms out of the lodging, clearly pissed. "C'mon (N/N), we're leaving." he grabs my hand and angrily powerwalks to the next street over. Once we're there, he lets go of my hand and sighs harshly, walking slow. "I assume it didn't go well?" I ask, already knowing the answer. "Not. Well." "Wanna talk about it?" he shakes his head and starts walking "No, thanks. I think we's better get to bed before Jack gets worried." he stops. "Do you have a place to sleep?" I look down, "Not really..." "Well!" he grabs my hand again with a big grin, "Looks like youse bunkin' wit' me." I start to protest, but realize it'd get me nowhere with this stubborn SOB, so I let myself get dragged along. Oh, well. I might as well get rest for the strike tomorrow, goodness knows I need it.
As I settle down into the rough sheets, the gentle snoring rocks me to sleep with thoughts of the strike. One thought flashes through my mind before I fall asleep; God help us all.
I wake up to someone poking my face. My eyes flutter open and I almost fall off the bunk at the sight of Race's face right in front of mine. "JESUS CHRIST, RACE, YOU SCARED THE SH!T OUTTA ME!" He backs off, putting his hands up in surrender, "Sorry, sorry, it's just that Jack said you had to be up and out in 10 minutes so we can have an organized strike or whateva'" Race rolls his eyes, "I'm startin' ta think that Davey's rubbin' off on 'im a lil' too much."
I groan, tempted to slide back under the covers, but get up anyway. I slept with my clothes on so I don't have to do anything about that. As I look into an old, rusted mirror and comb my fingers through my now tangled hair, I feel another sharp pain in my chest, accompanied by a dull throbbing. I really should have taken off the bandages while I slept, but now it's too late. I take one last look in the mirror and, ignoring my eyebags, quickly head out the door to join the others. As I get to the gate, everyone's waiting with anticipation, faces grim but hopeful.
Everything happens in a blur. One moment we're striking, and the next we're beaten into a pulp. I manage to soak a Delancey in the eye when suddenly a familiar sharp pain fills my chest and wince, faltering. Morris takes this as an opportunity to knee me in the stomach, forcing me to the ground, where their take turns kicking my chest and body with those damn steel-toed boots of theirs until my clothes are torn and the cuts on my arms reopen. Suddenly, there's a small crack as my body swells up with pain and the taste of metal enters my mouth. I let out a blood-curdling scream as the pain registers in my brain. In my blurred vision, I see the Delancey's walk away, ready to torture their next victim; Crutchie.
I try to get up and reach out, try to scream at them not to hurt him, but all I can do is weakly move my hand in their direction and spit out blood. Suddenly, a small but rough hand reaches out and drags me into an alley. "Dammit, (N/N) what were you thinking?! Fighting in a gawddamn binder, and a makeshift one, no less!" "R-..Race..?" "Not now, (N/N) I have ta get youse to safety foist." I watch as he chews on his nails in thought, "Dammit! The only way back to tha lodge is through the Delancey's again!" He sighs. "Brooklyn it is..." He gingerly picks me up and carries me as fast as possible to Spot's turf.
Setting my feet on the ground and propping me up against him, he bangs on the door. "Spot!" Please! This is serious, I need your help!" I can hear the tears in his voice. Spot flings open the door, obviously very concerned. He's confused for a second, then looks at me and his eyes go wide. "GET THE MED KIT AND A COT OPEN, WESE GOT SOMETHING HORRIBLE THAT'S HAPPENED" he yells behind him. Race, now more calmed down, takes me in his arms again, but seems to refuse to look at Spot, who looks away as well, but more in shame.
Race POV:
I watch as some of the Brooklyn newsies take (N/N) and lay him on a cot, anger surging through my veins. I take a deep breath "I'll take care of him. You guys don't have to worry about it." As they leave the room, I look down at (N/N) and can't help but feel guilty. Like this is my fault. I only got away with a black eye, but he got all this?
I regain my composure and start by taking (N/N) shirt off. I can already see the bruises starting to form and cringe. I take off his binding bandages and see his chest expand immediately. Poor kid. He must have been hurting in more way that just one. I take the gauze from the wooden box and gently wrap his torso with it. Maneuvering around his arms, I notice something. The bandages on him arms. When he was wearing them before, Jack said it was a marketing ploy, but now I see red bleeding through the white gauze.
I unwrap (N/N)'s arms and gasp. Hundreds of tiny, but deep cuts litter his forearms and wrists. F#ck. He was hurting so much more than I could have ever known. I wrap them with fresh gauze and treat the rest of his wounds, stepping back to admire my handiwork. That's when I start to cry. Full-on tears falling, face in hands crocodile tears. I turn my head with a start to see Spot, standing over me with a hand on my shoulder, looking apologetic "I'm so sorry..." Suddenly this sadness turns to rage. I grab him by the shirt collar and drag him outside to an empty alleyway. "SORRY?? SORRY, MY 4SS! (N/N) AND SO MANY OTHER 'HATTEN NEWSIES ALMOST DIED OUT THERE BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WANT TO JOIN UNTIL YOU KNEW WE WOULDN'T "CAVE" WELL, WE DIDN'T CAVE, AND LOOK WHAT F#CKING HAPPENED! AND DONT YOU SAY SORRY TO ME AND EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU JUST BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, THAT'S FOR CROW TO DECIDE." Spot seemed silent at first, but now I could see his anger building up; "WADDAYA THINK WOULD O' HAPPENED TO MY BOYS, HUH?? I WANTED TO WAIT TO SEE IF WE WOULD BE THE ONLY ONES FIGHTIN IN THIS BATTLE AGAINST PULITZER."
I open my mouth then close it. He has a fair point, but doesn't he trust me and the udda newsies not to bail in their hour of need? I sigh, pinching my nose. "I'm sorry Spot, I just-... I just wish you trusted me a bit more..." I look up at him to see tears in his eyes. "OH, SPOT HONEY, ITS OKAY, I'M NOT MAD, DON'T CRY, DON'T CRY" I shush him, pulling his head into my chest, which isn't tough considering his height.
As he lets go, the adrenaline rush from today dies down. God, I'm so tired. My knees nearly buckle and Spot notices, "Aye, aye! Tony, you doin' okay?" I nod at him, but the bags under my eyes are making them droop, "Race, honey, you need to get some sleep, okay?" I shake my head but soon fall into Spot's arms as my legs give way. "Fine..." I mumble. I can feel him grinning, "Good, we gots an extra bed for youse to sleep in." I sigh, grateful. I can feel Spot picking me up, the rhythm of his boots tapping along the ground, a pause and shift as he opens the lodging door and kicks it closed behind him as I fall asleep.
I wake up in a cold sweat. (N/N). I need to see (N/N). I need to check if he's okay. I climb out of the bed Spot laid me in and let my eyes adjust to the dark before maneuvering around all the other sleeping kids. I make my way as quietly as possible to where (N/N) is resting. I crouch down and take his hand in mine. How could I let this happen? And how did I not notice his suffering? I press the back of his hand to my forehead, closing my eyes. My body is so tired right now, but my mind is too tortured with guilt to let me sleep.
By the time my thoughts finally leave me alone, the sun is rising in the sky. I'm finally drifting when- "Race?" I turn my head to the voice, "Oh, jesus, you look horrible!" Spot exclaims, "did you even get any sleep last night?" I shrug, to be fair, I lost count of the hours. Spot sighs, "Race...go sleep. At least for a few more hours. I can watch (N/N) if that makes you happy," I nod, rubbing my eyes. I stumble back to my bed amongst all the Brooklyn newsies and fall asleep the moment my head hits the pillow.
My mind dreams of talkin' cigars and bloody bandages. I see Crow propped up against the wall, smokin' a cigar. "(N/N)! (N/N)! Oh my god, I'm so happy that you're okay!" (N/N) doesn't answer, I slowly starts walking towards him, "(N/N)...?" he starts laughing. Softly at first then roaring, and the laughing turns into a heavy coughing fit. As (N/N) coughs, red smoke pours out of his lungs and clouds my vision. I swipe at the air, trying to brush away the fog, "(N/N)?? (N/N), where did you go?!" suddenly, the smoke clears and I see (N/N) bruised, damaged, bleeding body at my feet, I gasp and step back. (N/N) slowly turns to face me, and in a painful, teary, almost sickly whisper asks, "Why did you let this happen?" Tears start spilling down my face, "I- I didn't me-" "You did this to me Race. Race. Race. Race! Race! RACE! RACE!--
Spot POV:
--RACE WAKE UP!" He wakes up with a gasp. He looks around wildly, tears dripping from his chin. I've never seen him like this. He must care for him like a brudda. To be honest, I'm worried as well, not only about (N/N) but now that we know 'Hatten isn't gonna back down and we join the fight, what's gonna happen to the newsies in general? Kids could get hoit. Bad.
"Spot?" Race starts sobbing, clinging to my shirt fabric, "Please...tell me it'll be okay..." I can't. Race, I don't know if it will. I almost start sobbing on the Spot ( A/N: heh...), but I hold my composure and smile at him, "It'll be okay, Tony...we're all gonna be fine" He seems to believe this, at least a little bit. "Now, don't you gotta meet up wit' da udda newsies?" He retracts his head from my chest, eyes wide. In a nasal voice, he goes "AW SHOOT, I 'MOST FORGOT" I watch him with a small smile as he rushes to get dressed like the goof he is. God, I love 'im.
Race POV:
Silence. I got there too early. Fuck. I can't just be alone with my thoughts, but at least I have some extra money to... I don't know? I walk up to the bar, where the owner of Jacobi's is cleaning out glasses. I sigh and sit down, "Got anything to help forget? At least for a little while...?"
"Ain't you a little too young for that, kid?" I give him a look and push my money over the counter to him. He quietly collects it, "So what can I get ya?" I'm silent for a bit "Fireball." I say with some demand in my voice. He disappears behind the counter and comes back with some shot glasses and a Fireball bottle, pouring it out into the glasses as I watch. I notice as he sighs, "Feel betta, kid." Can't promise that.
I pick up a shot glass, watching as the orange liquid spins around in it. I take in a breath of spicy cinnamon before letting the liquid slip down my throat, leaving a trail of a burning sensation. Soon, one turns into another, and another, and another and before I could comprehend it, the room starts to spin and blur. Eventually, the room fills with newsies, mumblin' 'bout how crappy the strike went. I do my very best to fit in and not act drunk, but the time zooms by and I find myself singin' 'bout bein' the king o' new york. At some point in the blurry memory, Katherine suggests getting drunk and I throw my hands up and cheer. More free Fireball! But then she clarifies that it was a metaphor, to which I am very disappointed.
The rest whizzes past me and soon I'm stumblin' my way to Brooklyn. I knock heavily on the lodging door, then lean on it. Unexpectedly, the door opens and I'm left to fall flat on my face at the feet of my boyfriend, Spot Conlon. "Race! Darlin', you okay? Youse fell flat on ya face!" He extends a hand that I receive and pulls me up. I giggle, "Ahhhh, my Spotty! Always carin' 'bout uddas. Pshht! Yeah, I'm fiiiine." I flop my hand down to wave off his concern. He wrinkles his nose, "You reek of cinnamon....and alcohol." He widens his eyes and I let out anudda giggle, "Race! Tell me you didn't jus' get drunk!" he whines, I grin, "Okey, 'you didn't jus' get drunk'" I imitate him in a deep voice and he sighs, "Jesus Christ, Racer.." he grabs my hand pulls me inside, eventually laying me on a bed, face red with a giggling fit. "Goodnight, my liege," I giggle some more, "and you my Prince," he gives a small smile before covering me with a blanket. I fall asleep before it's up over my shoulders.
I wake up with my head feeling like it's going to explode.
Fuck Life.
I groan and sit up. "Mornin' Sleepin' Beauty" Spot smirks and hands me a cup of water, "Shut the fuck up" I whine and grab the glass, "Ooh feelin' feisty today, huh?" I shoot him a look that could rot a squash with one gaze. He holds up his hands in defense, "Alright, alright, my bad," He shrugs. I sigh and take a sip of water, which turns into me chugging the whole thing. "You betta get ova this hangover fast, hon" I groan, not ready to do anything at all today, "We gots the meetin' wit' Jack."
End my life.
"No, I don't think I will," "fuuuuck did I say that out loud?" I let out a small wail, and Spot chuckles a little, though you can tell there's somethin' on his mind still, "Yeah, ya did sweetheart." I grumble something incomprehensible and look down, red. He smiles, "Get dressed and drink as much water as possible, okay? We can't have you hungover for the big meeting, right?" I nod...which causes my head to hurt. Ow.
I sigh and decide to take my sweet time getting dressed. This sucks. "Spotty!" I call, then cringe after a new wave of pain hits, he pokes his head through the door "Yeah?". "I don't have the energy to deal wit' all dese gawddamn bandages. Help me?" He blushes a bit but agrees to help me bind. All I focus on is not hurting my head again. Spot ties the bandages and stands back to admire his handiwork but quickly notices my cringin'. "Do you want somethin' cold?" he asks gently, I nod as gingerly as possible.
*Timeskip to after the newsies meet n greet bcuz I'm power-finishing this at 12am and my mental health is steadily declining*
My hand shakes as I bring a fresh, unlit cigar to my lips.
Jack. That sellout, that traitor.
A sharp pain knocks me out of my angry thoughts. Ah. I burned myself.
I feel a hand on my shoulder, "Racer.." says a gentle voice, "You okay? that's your 3rd cigar in the past 2 hours or so." I look up to see Finch leaning over me as I sit on the ground, a concerned look on his face, "You're gonna run out all too soon" I give a bitter laugh, "Yeah, I guess I will." Finch can see that there's not much he can do to help me. He gives a weak smile and turns to walk away.
I see Davey run off somewhere. I wonder where they're going? I sigh and turn my head back down to the ground. Who cares? Without a leader, the strike'll just fall apart and Pulitzer'll win. Who was I kidding when I bragged abt being da "King o' New York"? I'm just some nobody kid without a nickel to my name. The bigger guys always win, so what's with me tryin'?
Jack POV:
I can't let any more kids get in this much danger. I visited (N/N) today. I found out about all his... injuries, as well as whatever he was born as. He's been through so much before all this, he doesn't deserve it.
It's my fault for being so ignorant. For not noticing anything was goin' on. My fault for inciting this stupid strike. For getting all these kids hoit. and Crutchie...poor Crutchie, locked up in that godawful place. I know he ain't helpless, 'e's a cheeky little bastard, I'll give him that, but the Refuge breaks down even the biggest of smiles and smothers the brightest of people. I will never forget that hell I went through. I went in a cheeky fightin' kid with a deep, strong flame, and came out with the embers barely glowing. It took years just to spark it up again. I'm terrified as to what'll happen to him.
I lean over the railing of my penthouse, not even noticing as it shakes and squeaks, making way for a young boy a little younger den me. "-Jack! JACK!" "Jesus Christ, yeah??? Oh, it's you, Dave..." I look away shamefully, he's probably here to chew me out and tell me we're done and gone. "What the hell was that?" I wince, I knew it. "Waddya mean 'what the hell was that?'?" "You know what I mean, JACK KELLY." I'm fucked. "YOU BETRAYED US FOR MONEY?!" "I WOULDN'T HAVE FELT PRESSURED TO IF I WADN'T DEALIN' WIT' A FLAKER!" Davey gives a bitter laugh and balls up the front of my shirt in his fist, tugging me towards him. "Ohoho! And if I wasn't your 'best friend' you'd be lookin' at me through one swollen eye!" "Oh, yeah? Well, don't let that stop ya, huh? Gimme your best shot!" something soft roughly pressing against my lips. The only thought at the moment is; 'Well, this is new... and passionate, 'specially from Dave' there's a heavy, awkward silence.
I back away from him, knocking over my drawings in the process. One specific drawing rolls out seemingly by fate. It taps on Davey's shoe and he looks down. His eyes widen a little as he reaches down to get it. "Is this.. the Refuge?" he puts a hand over his mouth, "weren't you stuck here once? Rats, cockroaches everywhere, 6 kids to a bunk? Holy fuc- I mean fudge." If the moment weren't this tense, I might've laughed. "Jack..." I feel a hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to tell me if you're not ready." I shake my head and he drops his arm understandingly. "Either way, we could use this. Heck..." Davey seems deep in thought before his face lights up, "We could make our own newspaper!" I look at him in disbelief, he notices, and speaks again "think about it, Jackie! Kath's a real talented writer! This art could change the perspective of hundreds! We could write to tell all the workin' boys to go on Strike tomorra'! And we could expose Snyder in the process!" Hey, that's not too bad..."But, Dave, how're we gonna print it?" His face falls, "I didn't think about it...we're banned from every printin' press in New York.."
Oh no. Ohhh no. "No. Noooo." I whine, Davey chuckles, amused "what?" "I know a printin' press that no one would ever think of!" Davey grins, "Then what are we waitin' for?" He puts my drawing back into the case, and slings it over his shoulder, getting ready to climb down. Suddenly, a thought strikes me, "Wait-" "Yeah?" "Dave- what are we exactly? Like I know how we act to each other n' everything, but we've never really said out loud what we are..." Davey giggles, "Jackie-" "No! Tell me right now, are we... in love? Boyfriends, I guess?? Or am I just something for your own experimentation?"
He cups my face in his hands, "Jackie..." he kisses my nose, "Of course I love you! And yes! We are in love! Dating! Boyfriends! Whichever way you want to define us!" Soon we're both grinning ear-to-ear and blushing. "Now!" he exclaims, hopping up, clearly on a high from the whole kiss and convo, "Let's get to it!" I laugh and stand up as well, following my over-enthusiastic boyfriend down the ladder. As Davey said; Let's get to it!
(Y/N) POV:
'My head hurts...' I think groggily. I try to open my eyes, but my vision is blurred and wonky. I sit up. Nevermind. Everything hurts. As my vision starts to clear, I see a very tired Spot Conlon sitting in a chair in the corner of whatever room I'm in rubbing sleep from his eyes. He fixates his eyes on me for a second, and I can see the sleepiness and confusion in his eyes turn into shock and joy. "(N/N)! Ohmygod! I'm so glad you'se awake!" I can see him go to wrap me in a bear hug before holdin' himself back after he remembers all my injuries. Wait. My injuries. "Does this mean you know about...?" I vaguely gesture to my arms and Spot nods sadly, "And..." I cringe and gesture to my chest, now only lightly bound with medical tape, but tighter than needed for a typical injury. I smile to myself. That must've been Race. He's like a perfect older brother, not only thinkin' about my physical health, but also my mental well-being.
Spot notices the look on my face and sees me lookin' down at my chest, he chuckles, "Yeah, Race decided on that. He wanted you to feel as comfortable as possible while you heal." I start grinning even harder. Spot spoke up again "Don't forget that even boys born seen as boys don't have perfectly flat chests, so binding as tight as you did wasn't necessary or safe, for that matter." I give him a look, is Spot really trying to be the cis savior right now? He gives me a look right back, "What? I know what I'm talking about." He lifts his shirt up to reveal two scars on his chest. I gasp, "But you're only *insert years/months* younger/older than me! How did you even know that this was an option, as well, how did you do it?" He smirks, pulling his shirt back down, "Thought so. Anyway, I don't really know. I needed them off desperately and randomly thought of it. As for the how, Buttons is AMAZING with scissors and blades. Like, scary amazing." He shivers. I blink. Damn.
He gives a shy grin "Do I really pass that well?" I look at him enviously "Of course! But... how do you look so...masculine?" "Well, I tried my best to copy the behavior of other boys I saw. And the whole working out didn't hurt." I nod, taking a mental note. Behavior, got it. Can't promise sticking to a workout, though. Spot scoots closer, taking my hand in his, "But the most important thing to understand is- behavior, body type, and a powerful reputation doesn't define being a true boy. What does is what's in here-" he taps my head, "-and here." he points to my heart. Spot looks me in my eyes, "You could wear dresses, skirts, use a 'girly' name, hell, even go by she! and you'd still be a boy in my eyes." I feel my eyes water, and Spot opens his arms to me with a sincere look. I fall into his arms and cry tears of joy. Spot and Race are the older brothers I never had, helping me at every fork in the road of my transition.
(A/N: I noticed that a big issue in trans fanfics was that the cis person was always the one to condescendingly teaching the helpless trans kid how to bind properly. I decided to make both of your mentors trans, had them both know what they're talking about, and made sure that you weren't completely useless or clueless, only that you needed guidance seeing as (Y/N) is a trans kid with no former knowledge about his transition. As well, I kinda wanted this fic to be of help to any newcomer trans men. Anyway, on to the last of the story!)
"So how are your ribs feeling?" Spot asks after we both calm down, "A little sore, but pretty much moveable. Is it really this painful to bind? I mean, the past few weeks I had the binding stuff on was my first time." "It shouldn't, I mean, lookit Race. He seems energetic and flexible even when he's binding." I think he sees my insecure face because he speaks again, "What I mean to say is- if you have more experience binding, you'll know how to mix mental and physical comfort. Either way, what fucked up your ribs wasn't the binding, it was the Delancey's. Not saying the way you were binding wasn't bad and wouldn't have caused lasting damage, of course."
I see Spot have a flicker of thought behind his eyes, he pulls out an obviously stolen silver pocket watch with the initials H.A. engraved on it to check the time. "Almost time..." he mutters. I give him a suspicious look, "Almost time for what...?" he looks sheepishly at the ground, "Nnnnnothing." I let out a noise halfway between a snort and a scoff, "Uh huh." "Fine." he sighs, "All the newsies and workin' boys is comin' together today. We'se hopin' ta finish up this strike Once And For All."
"Let me guess, I shouldn't go because I'm still healing." He nods, "Spot!! I need to do my part in this strike! I can't miss the most important day of my life." he gives me a weird look, "You don't even know what the outcome'll be, plus I promised Race that you wouldn't get hurt." "Please, I've been bedridden for WEEKS. And I won't get hurt" I protest stubbornly, he sighs exasperatedly "FINE, but I'm gettin' you right outta there at the foist sign o' danger, okay?" "Okay!" I say, content with the compromise. "We should prolly get you up and used to legs again before the strike--" my stomach rumbles harder than Les when he sees the chocolate croissants in the Pastry Shop window, and that's seriously saying somethin', "--and something to eat, too."
Spot holds my hands as I get out of bed and basically learn to walk again with wobbly legs. You could just paint my back with spots and call me a baby deer. Once I get my legs to work with me, Spot leads me to a tin tub. I give him a 'seriously?' look, "What am I doin', goin' ta church?" he laughs sarcastically, "Ha, ha. (N/N), you haven't cleaned yourself since the last time you were conscious. I also need to refresh your bandages since those haven't been touched since Race changed them in the foist place." "Fiiiine" I growl.
Spot unwraps my arm and chest bandages, but when it comes to me taking off the rest of my clothes, he looks away (not even for my privacy, but just because he is highly repulsed to the idea of naked bodies) I add enough soap suds on top of the water to cover my body so he's comfortable.
He grabs some soap and lathers up my hair with it, soon rinsing it. He also lathers and rinses my face, removing the built-up dirt, grease, and sweat, which accumulated surprisingly quickly for only spending a month, or was it two, here. Spot brings out a small piece of scrap fabric and a bottle of some liquid, then gently grabs my arms. "This might burn a little," he said empathetically. He dampened the cloth with what I am assuming is disinfectant and started pressing it against my healing cuts. I tried to hold in my pain but let out a small hiss when the cloth reached the deeper cuts on the backs of my arms. Spot stopped temporarily, letting my arms adjust to the sting a little, before continuing. Once he's finished, he hands me the soap and leaves the room to let me bathe myself in peace and picks up my dirty clothes and old bandages. "Holler if you need anything!" he yells on his way out.
I create a lather in my hands and stand up so I can actually wash my body. The air is chilly compared to the bathwater, so I do my best to be quick as I let my soap hands travel gingerly over my body. I look down, and for the first time in a long time, I don't feel ashamed. Spot words echo in my mind as I smile softly; 'You could wear dresses, skirts, use a 'girly' name, hell, even go by she! and you'd still be a boy in my eyes.' I guess, for now, I'm confident in my masculinity.
I sit back down, enjoying the warmth, and rinse myself off. I step out of the bath and look at the grey-ish brown-ish water. Ew, was I really that dirty? As the cold air envelops me once more, I realize I don't have a towel. Or clothes. "Spot!" I call out, "Yeah?" I hear a faint voice, "I need a towel and some clothes!" I answer. There's quiet, then a series of rustling sounds that slowly get closer. The door opens a crack and I see a tan, muscular hand slide a pile of clothes and a towel in my direction. I smile gratefully, "Thanks, Spotty!" "Aye! Only Race can call me dat..." "Okay, fine."
I dry my hair as much as possible, before continuing to my body. There's not much actual rubbing rather than patting because of my injuries, so when I get my pants on and slip my button-down onto my shoulders, they get a little damp. "Spot?" I call out again, "Do you think you could help me with my bandages?" "'Course!" He casually picks up the chest bandages and binds it pretty much perfectly- Tight enough to make a difference in my chest size, but loose enough to let my ribs heal. Spot then starts re-bandaging my arms, "Can I ask you a question, Spot?" "Sure, (N/N)" he says nonchalantly, "Why is it you are repulsed by fully naked bodies, but you're perfectly casual and fine about helping me bind my chest when I'm half-naked?" he clears his throat as if he was ready to spin a whole story, "Well, Race used to live with me and we started trusting each other a lot more than when we first met. He trusted me enough to teach him the best way to bind, and he trusted me enough to feel comfy without a top on when around the house, so I'm kinda desensitized. But when it comes to people being naked or bein' overly suggestive, I just..don't like it. At all."
'Asexual,' I think, 'Knew it."
"Anyway, you ready to fight off the bulls and get our rights back, (N/N)?" He stands up and offers a hand to help me up, which I receive. I catch my reflection in the dirty bathwater. I can see crystal clear, that I am dapper, strong, and ready to kick some Delancey ass.
But first, Lunch.
I arrive at the strike on Spot's shoulders, hyped for the happy ending they all worked so hard for. Spot sets me down gently and scans the crowd for someone. It seems he found them because his face lights up. I see Race run over to us. "(N/N)! Oh my god, I'm so fuckin' glad that you're awake! Especially today of all days!" however, his enthusiasm is soon replaced with concern, "But is ya sure yer okay? You must've woken up just today, so are you feeling good? Yer injuries don't hurt too bad, you're not dizzy, hungry, thirsty?" "Calm down, Tony, I gave him a bath, changed his bandages, gave him food n' water, even a pep talk, so you don't need to worry!" Race takes a few deep breaths, "Okay, okay, yeah I'm fine. But that's great!" He engulfs me in a firm, but gentle hug. I look around the crowd and see some familiar faces, Katherine seems to have brought another girl with her, who I'm assuming is Sarah, Davey's sister. I see Albert and Elmer tightly holding each other's hands. I see Finch and Smalls exchanging jokes as a form of distraction. I look back at Race and Spot, who are being so romantic, it's almost gross. Almost.
The adrenaline still hasn't left me so when people start getting as excited as me, it just hypes me up even more. We look up at the window of Pulitzer's office and see Jack and a few others standing there, waving. I wave back vigorously. Not too long after, Jack, Davey, Pulitzer, and The Governer appear on a balcony, Jack at the front. "Newsies of New York City..." cue the pause for dramatic effect, "WE WON!!" The crowd of newsies roars with joy. I watch as Crutchie limps out and beats Snyder's ass as the abuser is dragged away, I don't understand why so many people see him as an angel, it's obvious that he's a cheeky lil' rat bastard.
Suddenly, it's like everything is in slow motion. I look around once more and see Katherine and Sarah kissing, same with Albert and Elmer, Finch and Smalls are hugging each other tightly. I look back up at the balcony and see Davey and Jack gettin' it ON. I look once again to Spot and Race, who just finished kissing. Spot reaches down and hoists me onto his shoulders to cheer. And as I take in this momentous victory one sense at a time, I realize in a moment of pure bliss-
I finally found my true family.
Word Count: 8190
This took VERY LONG (approx. one month, I just finished after working from 9 pm to 5 am) I know it was supposed to be a simple one-shot, but since there was no one to help narrow down and shorten the plot for me, I got carried away. I am, however, pleased with the length of it. This may be the longest fic I've ever written. As well, I hope any underlying advice or tips mentioned in the story helped you to understand/realize something.
I would love it if you were to vote, give me some constructive criticism, and/or request something for me to write! Don't forget- I live to write that one fanfic you can never find.
Love y'all!
~ Race
58 notes · View notes
Fearless (Taylor’s Version) as Newsies
Fearless: Romeo. Yes I know you think he’d be love story but he’s such a hopeless romantic I can guarantee he lives for the whole ‘take my hand and drag me head first fearless’. Plus he’s a pretty timid guy, so him being fearless is just *chefs kiss*
Fifteen: Davey. I feel like he’s made some bad choices which is why he’s so careful. He definitely lives by ‘I found time can heal most anything’
Love Story: Race, the dramatic little f*cker, lives for Love Story. Don’t act like he won’t speed down a freeway screaming at the top of his lungs while whoever is in the passenger seat (usually Albert) looks at him with great concern.
Hey Stephen: Les. He probably has written poetry for some girl in his class. Plus it’s such a wholesome song, I’m just imagining his little voice in the back seat of the car singing ‘I CANT HELP IT IF YA LOOK LIKE AN ANGEL, CANT HELP IT IF I WANNA KISS YA IN THE RAIN SO COME FEEL THIS MAGIC IVE BEEN FEELING SINCE I MET YOU’ and then Davey (who’s driving, he doesn’t trust anyone else to give Les lifts unless it’s Jack or Sarah) Just turns it up so he doesn’t have to hear Les’s screeching
White Horse: oh boy time to ✨cry✨ and you know who relates to this song? Albert. Not sure why, he has a lot of feelings so for him a song about pure hurt is up his ally. He loves all the lyrics and ‘I’m gonna find someone some day who might ACTUALLY TREAT ME WELL’ he screams a little too passionately and then race is there like ‘am I a joke to you 👁👄👁’
You Belong With Me: Crutchie lives for this song. It’s so fun and he loves humming it and he just- he loves a good classic. He definitely has a Junior Jewels shirt that he got all the newsies to sign. It’s his favourite pyjama shirt.
Breathe: Elmer. Probably cause he has nine siblings and he had to leave them, he was hella close to them so now he’s alone... I’m fine
Tell Me Why: Henry. ‘CAUSE YOURE THE ONLY THING ON MYYYYY MIND’ he does that and points his finger dramatically. I have this weird head canon that he takes SO LONG in the bathroom so he sings into his shampoo bottle and looks in the mirror... yeah it’s a lot.
You’re Not Sorry: Specs. It slaps. So does Specs. In conclusion: yes.
The Way I Loved You: Jack. Now The Way I Loved You is about two people. The one they’re currently with, and the ex. So for him I feel like he’s not really sure what his feelings are doing, so he misses his ex while he’s with his current partner... yikes. Someone get the boy some therapy he needs it.
Forever and Always: Spot. He’s angry. He’s going feral. ‘OhhhHHHHH AND IT RAINS IN YOUR BEDROOM EVERYTHING IS WRONG, IT RAINS WHEN YOURE HERE AND IT RAINS WHEN YOURE GONE’ yeah he’s really into it... like he’s popping off. Specifically that part where Taylor is full on P I S S E D and that high note comes up.
The Best Day: *don’t touch me I’m crying* Katherine (pt 1, yeah she has two songs stfu like you didn’t see that coming) k so she loves the best day cause she ✨lost her mother✨ when she was 14 so uhhh, she just likes it cause it reminds her of her... which is sad... oh fearless OG came out when her mum was around as well, so when she lost her she probably played The Best Day to cope.
Change: oh all of them I mean have you HEARD it??? ‘It was the night things changed, I can feel it now, all the walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down itS A REVOLUTIONNNNNNNN SO THROW YOUR HANDS UP CAUSE WE NEVER GAVEEEEE INNNNNNNnnnNn *inhales* AND WELL SING HALLELU-‘ yeah it slaps.
Jump Then Fall: SARAH JACOBS!!! It’s so soft and I can BET she kinda sits there quietly watching her SO and then is like ‘holy shit- fuck their laugh- oh my god’ and has moments where she’s like ‘my gosh I love them’ and she’s so comforting and warm. So the whole line ‘I’ll hold you through the night until you smile...’ cause she knows that she wants to fall in love so bad but she’s also like ‘please don’t be afraid to fall please just love me holy shit I love you’
Come In With The Rain: gosh idk they all scream the chorus at the top of their lungs (there are so many tracks on this album I’m just going to have to skip songs where I can’t think of anyone 🧍‍♀️
There’s also probably gonna be a few repeats
Superstar: Pulitzer thinking about Teddy Roosevelt 😏
Today Was A Fairytale: Albert, he deserves a happy song. After a happy date he dances around the room singing it, until someone knocks on the door and he’s like ‘shit they heard me’
Mr Perfectly Fine: ohhhhhhhHHHH KATHERINE MY QUEEN. She’s p i s s e d. She’s m a d. She’s p a s s i o n a t e. She’s also still with Jack at the time so he’s like ‘wtf’ scared for his life- then he uhhhh breaks up with her... cause of valid reasons and is ok but still broken and that takes her love for the song to a whole new level cause she always got it but never got it. Not she’s on the verge of smashing a vase as she screams it.
We Were Happy: ✨newsbians✨ just for the line ‘talking bout your daddys farm we were gonna buy some day’. Idk if I ever like- posted about it but Chandler @tarantulas4davey and I had a wholeeee thing for cottage core Kath and Sarah so yk
Don’t You: Jack. He’s a mess. Wbk.
Bye Bye Baby: Race. he just wants to live that main character life cause he’s dramatic so... ‘it wasn’t just like a movie, the rain didn’t soak through my clothes, down to my skin’ honestly same. What a mood.
Love story Remix: THEYRE ALL VIBING
Anyway, in conclusion: yeehaw.
Stream Fearless Taylors Version. Please send in asks asking to elaboration or something if you want to :)
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HSMTMTS 2x10: New and a bit alarming... ok, very alarming
I don't even know at this point if I'm more nervous or excited for this episode. I've done my waiting and, well, whatever lies ahead, good or bad, or a little bit of both, I just can't wait anymore, even though I haven't been so scared to press play since... well, since last week. Guess I should just go for it, then:
Ooh, shady Seb doing the recap! We love to see it. Like, seriously, I'm anxious about the Seblos fight, but shady Seb is kind of my new favourite Seb.
I just... Ashlyn's acting is top tier. Emotional connection to the material? Superb! Chemistry with her co-lead... well, he'd have to be co-leading for any chemistry to be possible. I love Ricky, and I feel for him with all he's been through, but he's just not lead material right now. And it shows. Especially next to Ashlyn, who is killing it!
Miss Jenn is on the verge of a bloody mental breakdown and I just... wish I could do something to make things better. She reminds me of my mum when a deadline approaches for her to submit an article, and I just feel for her right now. Gosh, I'm feeling for everybody today. My empathy seems to be at its peak and I might just burst from all these emotions this episode is making me feel even before the 5-minute mark.
Ok, but Miss Jenn being stressed means Carlos is stressed for two, which means... this is a really bad time for him and Seb to have personal problems. My heart just can't handle it.
Wow... I never thought I'd see the day! The two leads are actually talking to each other! This is a mid-July miracle!
Why does everyone keep pretending their HSM was good? It was a flaming hot mess! A child could see that.
Miss Jenn needs a lot of work on her 'gracious face'. I, like Carlos, have quite some notes. Only mine aren't exactly, how do you say... verbally formulated quite yet.
Did Carlos just refer to Miss Jenn as 'mother'? Because yes.
I've been in a couple of local theatre productions in my day, but none of them had actual physical sets — we relied on the audience's imagination quite a lot — so I wouldn't know what a good set is made of... but even I can tell that plywood and Elmer's glue = not good.
Kourtney is a multi-tasking icon and we love her. I feel like I don't say this enough, but she deserves all the love.
Ooh, shady Seb is... well, shady! 'Quit school and get a job at the pizza shop?' — I mean, you don't see Reddy or Kourtney (or Howie, for that matter) quitting school in order to work at the Slices! Those kids juggle it all and, as someone who's never had to balance school and a job all at once, they have my deepest admiration.
Still, I think they should have thought about 'inventing' something re: transformation earlier than this point. The personal drama has taken up too much of their time.
Why does everyone keep inviting people over to Ashlyn's? I mean, it's not like I've ever heard her complain, but the girl needs some rest! And her house is not a public space.
Oh, so they're making this into a contest? I mean, I have never been a fan of competition, but to each their own. And Redlyn are hosting! This is going to be so beautiful! (You know, unless the boys try to sleep — see my post from yesterday about Reddy's background noise machine)
'I'm not worried. But North High should be!' Ooh, I love this look on Ashlyn! See, there's a lead to take notes from! And Ricky should be the first to do so. Take notes about what a lead acts like, I mean.
Oooooh, Big Red claps back! We love to see it. Although, you know, it stems from the fact that he's nervous about coming up with a solution to the transformation problem. 'I get bossy around the power tools' — Yes, sweetie, and I love that look on you. Maybe you should be around power tools more often, if that helps.
Ughhh, look what the cat brought in! Lily (I wish I knew her last name so I could refer to her by it exclusively, but we'll have to make do). I hate that girl. She reminds me quite exactly of the girl who bullied me in seventh grade to the point where I wished I'd die before having to deal with her at school again. She and Lily both bring out my aggressive side, and I hate that about them.
Ricky — 'so good at being a leading man'? I don't know what Lily is playing at here, but Ricky has not shown himself to be a very good leading man this season. He has the potential to be, but he has not fulfilled it by this point. Sure, he supports his friends and they support him, but that's basic decency. Not yet good leadership. No hate on Ricky, just the truth.
'I vaguely remember him' — please tell me this is setup for Ricky leading Lily on and then slamming the door in her face with the truth. The way I see it, he's been given a chance here. A chance to be the supportive, protective best friend Big Red deserves. I just... have a lot of ideas about this and I don't want it to end badly instead.
'I'm just not well-liked here, and I don't know what to do' — well, of course you aren't well-liked, you little— (ok, ok, calm down, breathe, 10, 9, 8...) whatever. I mean, she hasn't even considered basic decency, as it seems. Must be a new concept to her.
'Don't start with me, Carlos!' Wow. As much as I hate it that my two faves' only interaction in so long is so hostile, I kind of like this side of Big Red. I wonder what other sides of himself he's been hiding.
Listen, I don't like Seb being patronised and babied, but... 'Chip, this is your mother speaking: go call your mother!' made me laugh so hard. They're leaning into the on-stage family dynamic and I live for it.
EJ's idea of using old skateboards for the spinning contraption is... a brilliant callback to the fact that Ricky and Big Red were first characterised as skateboarders... you know, before diving headfirst into the theatre thing. And it feels like it might actually work.
Miss Jenn's excitement at seeing Mr Mazzara ('Benjamin!!!') is perhaps only topped by the fact that he was halfway home, got a text from her and instantly went back to the school. I mean, these two have something that's really big.
Miss Jenn referring to the kids as 'my children', combined with Carlos calling her 'mother' earlier just warms my heart so much! Those guys really are family. I live for it.
Ok, but... as clear as it is that the Wildcats are very far behind NH in terms of budget, rehearsal time and who knows what else, I hate seeing Miss Jenn resigned to them losing. I want to see her have faith in them, talk about how they will win, and, in her own words, 'trust the process'. I mean, I guess it's good that, as a teacher, she wants to prepare her kids for a possible defeat (and I mean really possible if they don't step up their game immediately, especially some of them * cough* Ricky *cough *), but a team that goes out to the field expecting to lose has a very minimal chance of winning.
Despite everything I've been saying again and again about Nini lately, the fact that she just delivered a very different 'No, Seb' has just redeemed her. See, this one wasn't dismissive or patronising �� this was like, 'no, Seb, don't put yourself down' and I love that spin on the catchphrase I'd grown to hate. See, many things can be redeemed. And some simply cannot. * cough* Devil's spawn Lily *cough *. Also, Seb being self-conscious about the fact that Carlos 'doesn't have many options' at East Hight is the perfect setup for In a Heartbeat — meaning they will either have a chance to talk about their issue, or they have a telepathic connection, in which case, what kind of soulmate stuff is that?
'You're my sister; he's my cousin' — yeah, Ash, putting it like that makes it sound a lot weirder than it should, but I do get what you're trying to say. This is not a drill! Ashlyn is a Portwell shipper (heck, maybe even the captain of that ship) — but I feel like we already knew that.
'Why'd I never hear about this?' — and there it goes. Within the same scene, Nini was redeemed and then made aggravating again. What does she care if Gina thought Ricky sent her chocolates? He didn't. Because he and Gina can't be anything but very good friends. And I feel like good friends is what Gina needs. Maybe that's why I wanted EJ to be that for her initially (or it was because I'm aroace and don't tend to notice romantic attraction between fictional characters — or real people for that matter — unless it's explicitly stated to be there). But I've been on board of the majestic S.S. Portwell for a few weeks now and it's finally about to set sail.
Yeah, Nini, get a root beer, calm the heck down and get over it!
'Your other clockwise!' — Why does this even need to be said? How many 'clockwise's are there? I absolutely understand why Big Red gets the way he gets around power tools. I'd be on edge too, if the people I was trying to work with didn't know what way clockwise is. Still, I feel like by the time I'm 30, nobody younger than me would have a reason to know what way clockwise is, and I don't know if I feel bad or neutral about it.
Oh, so there's no telepathy involved in Seblos' problem resolution — it's been Redlyn's good communication all along. I might have known.
Ooh, Portwell is being discussed on both sides! PORTWELL NATION HOW WE FEELING
Nini? Why is everything about Nini? There's no way everything is about Nini. In all seriousness, though, EJ's worries about letting the next girl go seem valid in regards to Gina, given that she explicitly stated (though not within earshot of EJ or anyone who could have tipped him off) that she needs someone who will show up and stay. But they'll figure it out. They'll find a way. I know it. They will, or I will riot, and I know I won't be alone in that.
Ooh, Howie is giving Kourtney the original blueprints! Looks like Reddy isn't the only one who has a spy on the inside.
Ahhh, Ricky! Not 'Let You Go' again. I haven't cried to it in three days and I was not ready to break that streak. But... wait, this is where Carlos approaches Ricky to ask him for help with writing a song for Seb, isn't it? I am definitely ready for this.
Oh, is it... is it Ricky who suggests Carlos write a song for Seb? Now that is what a good leading man looks like.
'I'm adjusting to being called bro' — me too, Carlito, me too. But... this scene must have been so emotional for Josh, given that he hadn't come out yet. I remember him crying during The Climb and... all I'm saying is I want Ricky to come out at some point, too.
Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh... they were just talking about love languages and that's when Carlos shows up? Cinematic. Wait, there's Portwell too? This is what dreams are made of.
My oh my oh my! Risotto! For real this time. I might have just teared up. (Full disclosure: I did.) I've only had Portwell for about three weeks, but if anything happens to them, I will... you know how the meme goes. [side note: Wait, when I said 'for real this time', I was not expecting EJ would say it, much less word for word. Am I... writing this show now? It's usually my dad who predicts people's lines in TV shows]
'Not that I know of'... excuse me while I hyperventilate! These two are literal soulmates. They might share a brain, too, for all that I know. Portwell nation you ok guys?
I love that Ricky helped Carlos out with this song and is supporting him through it, but... I just might have preferred for him not to be there. I kind of need Seblos to have this moment to themselves. But, you know, with the way they feel about each other it might as well be like they're alone in the universe, let alone the room.
Ok, but Frankie's voice... brings out feelings in me that I didn't know I was capable of. Make of that what you will. Also, I'm not sobbing my eyes out, you are.
Ahhh Reddy my sunshine my sweet boy I love you but why did you have to cut Seblos' moment short? They were going to kiss, I know it. Oh well, they probably will, later on. Off-screen probably, but who cares? Not everything is for us to see. At least Carlos and Ricky had a moment there... Carlos calling Ricky 'bro' made me more emotional than I expected. It's like Miss Jenn says in s1: 'They're best bros, and that's a sacred thing... for reasons I will never understand'.
Ricky's acting sounds like a cat about to spit up a hairball, and it's so funny... in a scene that is supposed to be arguably the most dramatic of the entire play, that is not a good thing.
Oh my, oh my... you did not! You did not just end the episode with Ricky taking a fall from who knows how high. I was not ready. This episode was entirely too much for me. I will need 10 to 15 business days to recover from this, and we all know there aren't that many. But in the meantime you'll find me obsessively listening to In a Heartbeat for hours on end. Seriously, this episode is too much.
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house-of-stars · 4 years
Newsies Baseball :D
Pitcher: Finch
he has scary good accuracy
he rarely throws a bad pitch
he also throws hard so if he does throw a bad pitch by mistake and the batter gets hit it is NOT GOOD
when they have practices everybody hates practicing batting because the pitches are hard and fast and scary but they are accurate so if they swing they can hit the ball almost every time
Back Catcher: Elmer
he has very quick reflexes that definitely help him in this position
he does not have very good precision when it comes to throwing
catching is just so much easier for him
First Base: Race
dance is his forte but he’s just naturally super athletic and good at sports; it’s annoying
so basically he can catch and throw extremely well
he loves catching the ball and knowing someone just got out because of that
he’s a little too giddy about it
chews gum and snaps it constantly
Second Base: Jojo
he’s also good at baseball
he has a strong arm which would make him a good outfielder but he likes the decision making part of playing second
he also makes a good cutoff when he needs to
he’s pretty quick, enjoys tagging people out
he can also catch a pop fly very well
Third Base: Albert
it’s just a solid position
he’s good at throwing and decent at catching but he wouldn’t do too well in a more central position
his movements are smooth and natural
when he plays he looks extremely good at what he’s doing but he knows he wouldn’t do very well at a different spot
catches line drives nearly every time because he can see them coming better than other plays
Shortstop: Romeo
this has literally nothing to do with his height ok
he’s quick and light on his feet
he calculates plays extremely quickly
sometimes he’s already covering third before Albert can move away
him and Jojo could switch positions and the team would still do very well
because he’s fast he makes a good cutoff; he can run a little farther into the outfield than most without losing time
he can’t throw terribly far or accurately but he’s good at catching so he’s a good cover
Right field: Buttons
we all know this is where the worst on the team goes right? and I can say that because this is the position I played
sorry Buttons
he’s not very good at baseball but they did need another player
luckily not many balls get hit into right field
he can throw in the general direction of where the ball needs to go but that’s about it
can catch grounders though
Center field: Specs
he does have glasses so a position in the infield would be risky
by the time a ball gets to the outfield it’s not going to hit terribly hard
he’s tall and can jump pretty high to make crazy catches
he gets a lot of players out with that skill
Left Field: Mush
has a very good arm
hardly even needs a cutoff much to Romeo’s dismay
he tries to throw to first base from his position which does not work but Jojo is more than happy to catch his throws instead before firing it off to Race
he’s speedy too, if a ball goes way out there it’s not a loss
Umpire: Katherine
she loves making the calls
she’s pretty good at batting but not at playing in the field so she went for a position that did not require her to be in the field ever
she also likes the professional feel of it though she would get just as dirty as the players if she did play
Coach: Davey
playing the game would stress him out too much
it’s better for him to have the outside perspective
his encouragement is some of the best any of the boys have ever had
and when he tells them what to do he knows what he’s talking about and it works out when they listen
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
i saw someone else mention it but how do you think the ralbert youtuber au would go if they only met online so like race doesnt know waht ao looks like?
OH MY GOD yes ok i’ve talked about this before but Many Thoughts, Head Full™️ about this and that time someone brought it up made me half regret how i originally wrote it cause ITS SO FUCKING GOOD
ok so imagine if you will -
the sort of,,,,, key among us crew??? from before, but minus al. at this point al has been streaming on twitch for a hot minute and posts youtube vids sometimes but he’s faceless and sort of underground compared to the rest of them
then he plays in a different lobby with spot and elmer right when the game started blowing up, and the rest is history
spot reaches out on discord and offers to have him in their main lobby for a few rounds on stream and they go from there
for the record when he first joins it’s literally a copy paste of jason’s reaction corpse the first time they meet but it’s race’s reaction to “red” (find here) i’m not kidding the thirst is REAL besties
and like obviously it goes well cause red keeps playing with the massive group
but in the shuffle race gets red’s discord and follows him on instagram and twitter and stuff
and race being race is like ‘i’m gonna befriend him cause he seems GREAT’ meanwhile albert’s brain is just short circuiting cause there’s a pretty boy ACTUALLY TRYING TO TALK TO HIM !!!
and after a couple months they’re streaming after they get proximity chat working and red is ACTUALLY crew mate for once and they’ve finished their tasks and are just chatting
and albert just says something about piercings or his hair or his tattoos or something and race is like “bro you know i have no clue what you look like right?”
albert’s just like “????? i haven’t sent you a picture or something ???? lol one sec” and he just messages one of the only pictures he has of himself to race on insta so he can open it without showing his stream
and obviously albert can’t see this at the time but race literally goes “😳🤭🥴” on stream to several thousand people. like you can literally see the moment it hit race’s brain that albert was hot.
long story very short cause this post is going to be ridiculously long any what they keep talking and vid chatting behind the scenes and streaming together (and flirting so much all the fans can’t tell if they’re already dating or not honestly)
and eventually they get a chance to meet up in person (and it may or may not be a date that they haven’t told anyone is a date)
they film some stuff together but overall they’re pretty lowkey about the fact they’re kind of a thing,,,,,, like romantically. cause they don’t want the internet to run with it and make it something it’s not before they’ve figured out how much they actually like eachother
the answer is a hell of a lot. like just- so much. they’re not MaGiCaLlY iN lOvE or anything but they just sort of click and can tell that t h i s is the type of person they would WANT to spend their life with
which is why they publicly announce their relationship 10 months later. mostly cause they’re moving in together and don’t really have a platonic explanation for buying a 2 bedroom apartment that has one guest bedroom.
and obviously by this point there’s been plenty of theories and guesses (that were honestly quite accurate and weren’t horribly disrespectful like the nightmare that was the 2014 gaming community cause both parties were publicly out as gay, in race’s case, and bi, in red’s) but having it confirmed was a big ‘holy shit’ moment for the fandom
and the squad is some of their best friends so they’ve known for months and they’re all just like “lol yeah all that’s changed for us is we can make fun of them for being grossly adorable on stream now and tease them on twitter instead of in the groupchat”
albert does his face reveal in similar fashion to the original like,,,,, 3 months after that?? and then from there it pretty much just follows that natural flow of canon au
oh except they get engaged a bit later lol. closer to 27/28 then 23/24 (i cant remember what age i had down in that post)
ahhhhh this was really fun !!!! i love this concept sm and have been thinking about the differences since the original ask came through over a month ago
thank you for being patient with me anon !!! this has been sitting half done in my drafts for far too long so i’m finally posting it
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Spot Conlon for the character ask thing :)
Omg yes yes yes I love spot !
Gender headcanon : I usually think of him as a cisgender male, but I often see the idea of transgender spot and I definitely like it ! Uses He/him pronouns either way
Sexuality headcanon : ok so idk if that makes sense but homosexual and biromantic ? Like he can fall in love with anyone (has a preference for men through) but a girl's body doesn't interest him at all ? Idk it sounded better in my head but yeah that's it
Otp : SPRACE. Like please this is my favorite ship ever. Even if I picture the actors from Livesies I ship them based on the movie because they interact a little and also there is that moment when Race sings "Ain't I pretty" and spot nods like yeah bitch you are
Notp : Spelmer ? Spot x Elmer ??? Like I have seen some people who ship them and I just don't like it at all
Brotp : idk but Hotshot, I mean he is a Brooklyn newsies and I like to think he is the closest to Spot (but maybe it's just because Hotshot is one of my fav we will never know.) I also think Spot would be great friends with Albert, like he would want to kill him 99% of the time but they seem like they could get along really well
Favorite actor : well it's a tie between Tommy Bracco and Gabriel Damon. I mean I clearly prefer Tommy and I love the way he portrayed Spot, but on the other hand I think Gabriel's Spot is better : people respect him because he is himself, not because he is muscular and all, and we see more of his personality (also "on the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor" is iconic)
Favorite headcanon : he is great with kids. Like for people his age he is scary and everything, but when he is around kids he is all soft and fun. Kids love him and he loves them, he knows how to talk to them, how to take care of them, and he is very careful to keep Brooklyn's youngest newsies safe. He is also really great at babysitting.
My opinion : I LOVE HIM. He is probably one of my favourite characters, I like how he is so dramatic (like " never fear, Brooklyn's here" (1992) or the need to have a song to show up (musical)), and also the way he cares about his newsies, like he doesn't want to put them in danger for nothing. I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM
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newsiesobsessed · 3 years
Newsies fic: striker
Warnings: fights, some bad injures, abuse
Newsies fic with girl reader ( sorry boys ). I kinda went all out with this and it’s super long. Sorry This is my first newsies fic. I’m using the livesies. Enjoy
“Come back here” you yelled in your dream. You were dreaming that the Delancy Brothers stole your dinner money. It wasn’t a lot but you still needed to eat. You chased after them. “Hey that’s mi-“
“ Y/n wake up. Wake up I says!” You woke up to Jack shaking you violently. You tried sitting straight up but Jack kept you down. Still kinda asleep and annoyed you said “ Wha-“
”You was havin a nightmare” Jack chimed in before you could finish your question. You plopped your head back down on the pillow. It hurt when you head hit the pillow. You were Wondering why but then you remembered. Last night. You quickly pulled the sheets over your head and got completely under the blanket before Jack could see your cuts and brusies. “ Mind tellin me whys you is in the sick room of the lodging house?” You wanted to ignore Jacks question so badly but you knew you couldn’t. “ I don’t wanna talks about it”
Jack understood. “ Well come out if you want. Somehow we got a huge loaf of bread and some soup for breakfast and we ain’t knowin where it came from. “ You chuckled. Jack was almost out the door when you called out to him. “ Oi Jack? Can you gets Crutchie in here?” He smiled. “ Yeah sure,” he said as he walked out calling Crutchies name. Moments later Crutchie Hobbled in. “ You wanted me?” Crutchie looked at you a little worried because you was in the sick bed mad didn’t tell no one.
“ Yeah. You can just sit down here on the bed. “ You scooted over to the other side of the bed to make room for Crutchie. Still under the covers you asked “ So how does your leg feel today Crutchie?”
He smiled glad that someone asked him how he was. “ It feels good today! How about you? Your in the sick bed are you alright.?” He asked You slowly slid your face out from under the blanket. You felt comfortable telling Crutchie what happened last night. Crutchie saw your bruises and cuts. “ Y/N! What happened to your are you alright?! When did thi-“
“ Crutchie I’m alright. And last night. This happened last night. Earlier yesterday Me and my brother Jojo was selling in Central Park and the Delancy Brothers came over to me and Jojo. They said somthin to Jojo but i don’t know what they said. Next thing I know they pushed him in the fountain. I told them to buzz of and punched Oscar in the nose. It started to bleed. I could tell they wanted to pummel me but seeing as we was in Central Park he might have gotten himself in trouble. So he waited. Anyways I made a little extra yesterday so I decide to buy breakfast for everyone to have this morning. When me and Jojo was walking back to the lodging house I told him to go ahead that I was bringing a surprise back with me. He was hesitant at first but he went. I stoped by Jacobi’s and bought a nice long loaf of bread. Walking home with the bread out of the shadows the Delancy brothers knocked me down from behind. I tried to take the bread and run. But they caught me and starting fighting me. I tell ya Crutchie I fought as hard as I could. The end resulted in them stealing my bread and me passing out in the street. When I’s woke up it was almost dark. All the other newsies would have been asleep by that time. Blood dripping from my chest. Had a broken ankle Not able to walk Black eye busted lip, along with some other minor injuries, and my shoe was missin. My body hurt all over. I kid ya not Crutchie when I tells ya I crawled to the church and got the nuns to fix me up. I didn’t wants to bother you guys with patchin me up. It felt like hours. The nuns said that I should probably go to the doctors today. But all of us combined don’t have enough money for that. They gave me some soup and left over bread from their dinner that night. I took enough to feed the entire lodging house breakfast. Seeing as I was soaked real good I decided to sleeps in the sick room. “ having told my story I relaxed into the bed.
“ Oh my god. I- oh my god! How bad did they get you?!”
“Let me borrow your crutch real quick so I’s can stand and I’ll show ya.” You said with pain.
You took his crutch, and getting out of bed you stood up revealing what looked a human punching bag.
“ Stay here. But give me my Crutch first. “ Crutchie said hobbling as fast as he could to the fellas. “ Guys come here you’s have to see what the Delancys’s did to Y/N last night. “ Crutchie said with a hint of panic and worry in his voice. And with that the fellas came rushing into the sick room. As they all barged in at once you just stood there feeling embarrassed for not being able to defend yourself.
“ WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YA! I KNEW I SHOULDN’T HAVE LEFT YOU BY YOURSELF!” Jojo yelled before running over to ya and making sure you was ok.
“ Well fellas. I think we’s got a nickname for her. Her new name is ‘Striker’!” Said Les.
“ Les not right now. she is in real pain. “ David whispered in Les’ ear. But there were murmurs of agreement. “ So Striker, what the hell happened to ya?” Said Race. You didn’t feel like telling the entire story again.
“ Long story short The Delancy’s was picking on Jojo yesterday in Central Park and I beat up Oscar for it. I didn’t mean to punch him THAT hard. Anyways I made a little extra money yesterday so I told Jojo to go backs to the lodging house and I would be back in about a hour with a surprise. He eventually left and as I was walking home with a loaf of bread from Jacobi’s bread the Delancy Brothers picked a fight with me. End result they took my shoes, stole the bread I bought for breakfast today, made me look like this with a broken ankle hence why I’m using Crutchies Crutch to stand, and cut me across my chest with a knife along with a few other injuries. They got so bad I passed out in the street. Woke up and it was dark. Late enough for y’all to already be asleep. Not being able to walk I had to Crawl to the church. I went there because I didn’t wanna wake you guys up and bothers ya with patchin me ups. Da nuns fixed me up and suggested I go to the doctors today. Which I’m not because I knows that all of our money combined isn’t enough for the fee and you guys need that money to eat and buy papes. Anyways they gaves me some soup and bread leftover from dinner. That’s how I got the breakfast this morning. When’s I gots back here I went to the sick room as to not wake anyone up. And that’s that”
“ So, you’s tellin me that the Delancy Brothers did this to you for beating up Oscar and for defending yourself in a fight?” Jack said sounding kinda suspicious.
“ Yeah.”
“ Well I say WE SOAK THEM!” Albert yelled.
“ NO.” You yelled. “I AINT LETTIN U GUYS END UP LIKE ME. IM GUNNA BE IN THIS BED FOR A WHILE. AND I DON’T WANT THAT HAPPENING TO THE REST OF YA“ You sighed. “ I only need one thing from you guys. I need just one person to stay here to helps me. Seeing as I can’t walk. I can barley stand. And then whoever stays the rest of ya devide their regular pape count between ya and sell them so we aint lose no money. “
“ So who do you want to stay with ya Striker?” asked Les hopin it was him. He looked up to you abs wanted to help. You knew this but if he stayed then David would stay. And that’s too many papers lost.
“ Lemme think. Not Jojo. Sorry little bro but yous gunna baby me if I choose u. Don’t even deny it. Not Jack, Finch or Albert. They are a little to uh- what’s the word? Oh yeah. Demanding” there were chuckles and a “ You can say that again “ from Mush. You continued “ I want to say Crutchie but he is our best seller besides Jack and Race. Which means that I can’t pick Race either. Not Les or David. Even thought David would take care of me just fine he has to take care of Les. So with that being out of the way I choose Elmer. “
“ Really? “ Elmer piped up.
“ Yeah. You are gentle and don’t push me to do stuff I don’t wanna“
“ Ok Elmer it is. The rest of us gotta be goin now. Feel better Striker. “ Race said. They fellas started running out the door and down the hall.
“ Oh yeah the reminds me. RACE”
Race poker his head in the room
“ Yeah?”
“ I needs to ask ya a favor. Elmer I know we ain’t supposed to use the tub much but can you’s draw me a warm Bath while I talk to Race for a minute?” And with that Elmer left the room.
“ So what’s you want to talk to me about?” Race asked
“ You sellin in Brooklyn today?”
“ Wha- I don’t sell in Brookl-“
“Race. It’s ok. I know bout you and spot and if you don’t want me to I won’t tell no one” You said cutting him off. A wave of relief washed over him. “ Yeah why?” He asked. “Well, I mean This in the best way possible. Spot has been in a lot of fights. He can fix bruises and shiners and cuts like magic. I would go to Brooklyn me self but I can’t walk. So if u could. Gets him over here’s or get him to meets me half way to help me patch up my br-“
“ Yeah. Sure” Race said. You thought you heard a little bit of nerves in his voice but then he softened. “ Anything else?”
“ Does you think you could find one of Crutchie’s old Crutches for me to use from when he was little?”
Race smiled. “ Follow me. “ So you started following him but you Fell. Race whipped around. “ Damn I forgot you can’t walk. Wait let me help you up. “ You almost fell again getting up but managed to get up on the bed. “ Ok so stay here. “ he went off and can back with 2 Crutches. “ Here. Use whichever one you is comfortable using. “
“Thanks Race. I owe ya. “
“ naw ya don’t owe me. You’s hurt. You don’t owe me “ race chuckled. Elmer popped back in
“ Tubs ready “
“ Thanks Elmer. Now Race get goin. You got papes ta sell” he winked at ya and with that he left.
You grabbed the shorter crutch and sent off the the tub. It was cracked and everything. Not a very sustainable tub. But it’s a tub none the Less.
“ Elmer listen to me. I already have Racer gettin spot to help patch me up. But I needs you to go to the Bronx and get smalls to come up here. She is like a sister ta me and I needs a girl newsies to help patch up my chest. And I trust her with my life. While you is getting her I’m gunna wash out the blood in my hair. As soon as you have her send her in immediately! You hear me?” Elmer nodded and off he went. Once you was sure he was gone you started washing your hair. You tried to patch yourself up but it was no use. Hopefully Spot knew how to tend to brass knuckle marks. After you washed your hair you went to get some food. There was little soup left and a piece of bread. You ate it and then decided to go up to Jacks penthouse in the sky to get some fresh air. It felt good to feel the cool breeze.The sun was staring to set. That meant that the newsies would be gettin home soon. Someone was climbing up the fire escape to the penthouse. But you didn’t pay no attention to it
“ Hey Y/N . Word is you was beat to the bone,” Smalls called out. You turned around and saw her standing on the ladder. You went to hug her but forgot about your ankle you were so excited and fell down trying to get up. Smalls let out a small gasp and rushed over to helps you up. “ What happened to you?!”
“The Delancy Brothers.” Smalls sighed. “ Figures. Ok let’s go get you fixed up. “ after a while she had fixed up your chest and gave you a new set of wraps. You thanked her and walked out of the bathroom to find Spot Conlon sitting in the sick room waiting for you. You saw him and gave out a glad sigh. He saw your crutch. And looked a little worried.
“ Damn. The Delancys have outdone themselves this time“ Spot chuckled. “ How ya doin Y/N?”
“ Ya know just feel like I fell into hell and rose from the dead. Also it’s Striker now. Finally got a nickname!” You smiled having wanted a nickname for months now. He chuckled. “ So,” spot started. “ How bad is it and what does I need to do?”
“ Well Smalls patched up my chest already.” Spot stopped you. “ What do ya mean ur chest?” “ Oh Race didn’t tell ya what happened. Well The Delancy’s cut me across my chest with a knife. They broke my ankle hence the crutch. Gave me a shiner. And a few other minor injuries that I can’t fix.” Spot sighed.
“ Well come on. Into the bathroom. I’m gunna fix that ankle first Bc that’s the worst injury I know of. Then we’ll work on your face. “ you nodded your head in agreement. He wrapped your ankle and put a stick on it in place of a splint. Before moving on to the face he had you walk to make sure your could stand. Seeing that you could be moved in to your face. There was nothin he could do about yo ur shiner but he did fix you lip. Kinda. It was still a little swollen but he told you to give the lip time. He moved your hair out of the way trying to scrub your face and he noticed marks that were no doubt made by brass knuckles. . You didn’t tell anyone bout that one.
“ And what is this? Let me guess. Delancys. “ You didn’t say nothin.
“ Well that could leave a permanent mark. I need ya to let me touch them. Can ya do that? Am I allowed to touch it?” You wanted to say no. But you also wanted it fixed. “ I guess. “
He started gently rubbing a wash cloth over the marks causing you to inhale sharply. “ On second thoughts just leave it alone. “
“ Y/N I mean Striker I know it hurts. I got beat by brass knuckles once. But if you want it to heal you need to let me fix them. I’m gunna go slow and run some water over it. “ as he ran the water over it the pain started to go away. In a matter of minutes he stopped. “ Ok striker do you need me to do anything else?” You did. You needed your back fixed. You don’t know what they hit you with from behind last night but it hurt. But it could also be your marks from the refuge and your parents. And you didn’t want anyone to see them. “ No, you need to get back to Brooklyn. I can fix the rest myself. “
“ ya sure?” He asked. He knew there was more injuries but he didn’t want to push ya. And you was right about needing to get back to Brooklyn.
“ Ya. Thanks spot. Here, take this“ you gave him part the bread from breakfast. He took it and went on his way. You heard him say somthin the the newsies as he left. But you didn’t know what that was. You came out of the bathroom and climbed back up to jacks penthouse. He surprisingly not up there. You didn’t know when you fell asleep up there but when you woke up it was morning. When you woke up your shirt was off so you could your wraps. You always slept in your wraps and ya pants. The boys knew this. And they didn’t mind.
“ Ah. Your awake. “ Jack called out. “ I saw your back was bleeding through your wraps. I thought Spot And Smalls Patched you up?”
“ They did. But only where I told thems. “ you responded.
“ So why is your back bleeding and why didn’t you tell no one about it?”
“ Because Jack. I don’t want no one seein my back. It’s a disaster of scars. Some from the refuge. Some from my folks. “ the rooftop went dead silent.
“ I’m sorry. Do you want anyone specific to help patch them up today because there is no way we is leavin you alone. “
“ It doesn’t matter who stays. As long as they can keep a secret. “
“ Ok. I’ll go tell the fellas that I’m stayin home from work today. “
“ Jack you are the best seller. You can’t!”
“Striker yes I can. Do ya want any of the others fellas to know about this. Do you think any of them can keep a secret. Do you think any of them make enough money that they can miss a days pay. I’m stayin with you.“ Jack kisses your head to which you pulled back. He looked confused. That’s when you pushed up your hair and revealed your beat up forehead.
“ Anything else you wanna tell me?” He started making his way back to his side of the penthouse to get some rags for your back when you blurted out “ Jojo is adopted. My parents adopted him to replace me. And then we left them when he found out what they did to me. That’s why the Delancys beat me up. For leaving the family. “ Jack froze. He stammered. “ Wait. This means that your a-“
“ Delancy. Yes. Y/N Delancy. But they ain’t my family. I got no family. The only person besides Jojo that knows is Smalls. . “
“ Wow. Well come here. Let me clean your back off. “ you halfway undid your wraps so that your back was showing but your front wasn’t. The rough washcloth stung as it ran up and down your back. “Jack. Your not mad at me. Are ya?” He was silent. Then he spoke. “ No Striker I ain’t mad at you. Mad at your brothers yes. Mad at your parents for treating ya like this. Yes. Mad that someone as sweet as you had to go through this. Hell Yes. But your tough as nails. “ That last part made you smile. Jack finished fixing you up help you redo your wrap. “ Your going to get better Striker. This WILL heal. How about we go to Central Park just to get ya outside. No papes. Just to be outside.” You could tell it wasn’t a question and more of a command. So you went to Central Park and spent the day there. A nice lady gave you a quarter. You don’t know why. It was getting dark and you and Jack decided to head back to the lodging house. When ya got back to the lodging house the rest of the newsies welcomed ya in. That’s when ya realized that ya had a family. And in the family there were no secrets. So after dinner ya told the newsies the entire story. There was no way that the newsies were every leavin you and Jojo alone again.
That’s is I hope ya liked it.
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