cristinabcn · 2 years
Editorial: Palabras del Alma..
EDITORIAL: WORDS OF THE SOUL María Piña Periodista – Escritora Consejera Global Delegada de La Mujer A todos nuestros lectores en el mundo… A quienes nos siguen en el dia a dia, a todos aquellos “mis lectores” que desde el dia uno decidieron apostar por mis trocitos del alma plasmados en mis líneas, en mis letras. Quien suscribe la presente, María Piña Consejera Global Delegada de la Mujer de…
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leonsliga · 1 year
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2023/24 is looking bright 🤍💛
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corrupcionenpr · 2 years
Aquí el tracto del descarrilamiento de los dos casos por Wanda Vázquez y Olga Castellón narrado magistralmente por Mayra. VIDEO 4
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maquilanews · 6 months
'Siempre es mejor construir puentes que muros': Claudia Sheinbaum
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NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- Una relación de respeto, pero de iguales y sin sumisión entre México y Estados Unidos, es lo que planteó la candidata de “Sigamos Haciendo Historia” (Morena, PT y PVEM) a la Presidencia de la República, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, durante su visita a Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, ciudad que consideró como la frontera más importante entre ambos países. “Aquí les decimos a los del otro lado de la frontera, a Estados Unidos, a su gobierno, a quien vaya a quedar en su elección, nosotros siempre vamos a defender una relación de iguales, nunca de sometimiento a los Estados Unidos y en la defensa de las mexicanas y de los mexicanos del otro lado de la frontera, siempre vamos a decir que es mejor construir puentes, que muros y que es mejor la Cooperación para el Desarrollo, que es la manera de seguir trabajando y en todo caso de disminuir la migración, que haya trabajo, que haya empleo, que haya desarrollo en los lugares donde no los hay y por eso tienen que migrar, por eso es soberanía”, señaló. Calificó a Nuevo Laredo como la frontera más importante de la nación por el tránsito comercial que hay entre México y Estados Unidos, que convierte al país en el primer socio comercial del país norteamericano. “Esta es la frontera más importante, aquí pasan 15 mil tractocamiones diariamente, que por cierto se va a ampliar ese puente y el puente de ferrocarril. Aquí se demuestra todos los días lo que representa la relación comercial entre Estados Unidos y México, que es importantísima. Estados Unidos ya no podría vivir sin lo que exportamos de nuestro país, que es nuestro primer socio comercial”, apuntó. Ante los mexicanos y mexicanas de Nuevo Laredo, Claudia Sheinbaum se comprometió a dar continuidad a los programas sociales de la Cuarta Transformación, tales como la pensión para adultos mayores y las becas para estudiantes de preparatoria, pero también anunció nuevos apoyos dirigidos a las mujeres de 60 a 64 años y a los niños y niñas que estudian en escuelas públicas, desde preescolar hasta secundaria. Asimismo, para Tamaulipas resaltó proyectos como el programa de escrituración y la continuidad a los trenes de pasajeros para mejorar la conectividad con la frontera norte del país con el proyecto México-San Luis Potosí-Monterrey-Nuevo Laredo. Por su parte, la candidata al Senado por el Estado de Tamaulipas, Olga Patricia Sosa Ruiz, destacó las cualidades de la candidata de Morena, PT y PVEM a la Presidencia, que garantizan continuidad con enfoque humanista al Proyecto de Nación. “La doctora Claudia es una mujer incansable, honesta, humanista, científica que tiene toda una vida trabajando por las causas justas, siempre con cercanía, con amor al pueblo y con resultados. La doctora representa la continuidad con transformación del Proyecto de Nación y ella es orgullosamente nuestra representante”, expresó. Su compañero de fórmula al Senado, José Ramón Gómez Leal, se pronunció en el mismo sentido y afirmó que “con Claudia Sheinbaum estos logros van a seguir aumentando, porque es una mujer muy preparada, responsable, trabajadora, humanista y sobre todo, justa”. Al evento también acudieron Carlos Enrique Canturosas Villarreal, candidato a Diputado Federal del Distrito 1; Néstor Núñez López, coordinador de la Segunda Circunscripción; Marco Antonio Batarse Ferrel, delegado estatal de la Dra. Claudia Sheinbaum en Tamaulipas; Yuriria Iturbe Vazquez, presidenta del Comité Ejecutivo Estatal de Morena Tamaulipas; Alejandro Ceniceros Martínez, coordinador estatal del Partido del Trabajo; y Juan de Dios Juanes, coordinador del Partido Verde Nuevo Laredo Read the full article
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linguistlist-blog · 2 years
TOC: ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol. 173, No. 2 (2022)
ICYMI: 2022. v, 158 pp. Table of Contents Introduction Pop culture in applied linguistics: International perspectives Valentin Werner pp. 161–171 Articles Korean pop culture reshaping Korean teaching Olga Kriukova pp. 172–196 “¿Triste estás? I don’t know nan molla”: Multilingual pop song fandubs by @miree_music Leticia-Tian Zhang and Boris Vazquez-Calvo pp. 197–227 Using music in a word stress processing task: Does it favor learners with a musical background? Pauline Degrave http://dlvr.it/Sc1HfY
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robinfrinjs · 3 years
Women at Dakar 2022
Hi! I've tried my best to get a list together of all women competing at Dakar which starts this weekend! There's a total of 1065 drivers which makes it near impossible to look at all the names (also because there's not really and entry list to find) and do research on them all.
I tried my best and managed to find 54 women, out of 60 (claimed by the Dakar socials*) *this was as of November 26th
CO stands for Co-Driver
Mirjam Pol N-40
Sara Garcia N-98
Audrey Rossat N-100
Kirsten Landman N-117
Sandra Gomez N-128
Cars (T1 & T2):
Laia Sanz N-238
Monica Plaza Vazquez CO N-257
Andrea Lafarja N-264
Marie-Laure Quinet N-285
Light Prototype (T3&T4):
Cristina Gutierrez N-301
Dania Akeel N-310
Camelia Liparoti N-311
Annett Fischer N-321
Annie Seel CO N-321
Mashael Al Obaidan N-332
Rosa Romero Font CO N-344
Pascale Jaffrennou N-347
Francoise Hollender CO N-347
Merce Marti N-356
Margot Llobera CO N-356
Molly Taylor N-408
Tatiana Sycheva N-465
Trucks (T5):
Marije van Ettekoven CO N-537
Amy Lerner N-705
Sara Carmen Bossaert CO N-705
Delphine Delfino CO N-713
Jacobine Kamp-Noordsij CO N-718
Anne Galpin CO N-723
Olga Lounova CO N-732
Rebeccas Busi N-734
Claire Deygas CO N-735
Esther Pages Bolibar CO N-736
Valerie Panagiotis CO N-739
Audrey Sireyjol N-743
Florence Deronce CO N-749
Olga Rouckova N-755
Giulia Maroni CO N-759
Cecile Douchez CO N-766
Nicola Schackleton CO N-777
Adeline Euvrard CO N-783
Isabelle Masse CO N-789
Esther Merino CO N-790
Constance Chenard CO N-791
Sonia Merino CO N-792
Lidia Ruba CO N-800
Elena Giaveri CO N-803
Olga Merino CO N-805
Noemi Rodriguez Moreno N-819
Ursula Ruppert CO N-821
Edith Harlander CO N-829
Valentina Casella N-840
Monica Buonamano CO N-840
Juliette Carnet CO N-912
Miranda van Middendorp CO N-914
So, it's not a complete list and subject to any mistakes, but I hope this helps a little. For any questions about dakar, you can send me an ask! :D
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kwebtv · 7 years
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Magic City  -  Starz  -  3/30/2012  -  8/9/2013
Drama (16 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Isaac "Ike" Evans
Olga Kurylenko as Vera Evans
Steven Strait as Steven "Stevie" Evans
Jessica Marais as Lily Diamond
Christian Cooke as Daniel "Danny" Evans
Elena Satine as Judi Silver
Dominik García-Lorido as Mercedes Lazaro
Taylor Blackwell as Lauren Evans
Danny Huston as Ben "The Butcher" Diamond
Yul Vazquez as Victor Lazaro 
Kelly Lynch as Meg Bannock 
Alex Rocco as Arthur Evans 
James Caan as Sy Berman 
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realmadridnews · 3 years
Athletic Bilbao Femenino - Real Madrid Femenino 2:0
scorers: 1:0, Peke 64′
2:0, Azkona 86′
Athletic Bilbao Femenino: Quinones; Moraza, Garazi, Naroa (80′ Eunate), Valdezate; Unzue (92′ Cerro), Corres (46′ Nekane), Oguiza; Lucia Garcia (80′ Vazquez), Peke
Real Madrid Femenino: Misa; Kenti (77′ Lucia Rodriguez), Ivana, Peter (80′ Rocio); Corredera (80′ Florentino), Maite, Zornoza; Athenea, Lorena, Moller (59′ Olga); Nahikari
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melmothblog · 4 years
ASK Responses: The Bolshoi
Hi! I’ve noticed in recent years a lot of younger dancers change from one teacher-repetiteur to another at the BT. I know it’s been a practice for years to get a new teacher if the first has passed away but this is not the case in what I see nowadays. Do the dancers or teachers ask to change however they like? Or is it done to redistribute responsibilities as new dancers come in? e.g. I know Zhiganshina changed from Adyrkhaeva to Gracheva, Denisova - Semenyaka to Chenchikova, etc.
This is a bit of an insider question, so I won’t be able to give a full / proper answer. From what I’ve heard, it’s not that uncommon for dancers to change répétiteurs. Sometimes the dancer/répétiteur relationship doesn’t work out (in either professional or personal sense), priorities change, better alternatives are discovered, management makes decisions and shift things around, etc. I don’t think a dancers can switch without the management’s approval (especially if they’re not a principal / leading soloist).
The one change that really surprised me was Olga Sminova leaving Marina Kondratieva and switching to far less experienced Maria Allash. I really don’t get why that happened.
After reading about BT politics and what many of the dancers have to do just to get a role, how much does it apply for everyone in the theatre? I think a lot of people deserve their rank (Shipulina, Krysanova, Kaptsova and Alexandrova before, Belyakov, Lantratov, Lobukhin, Chudin etc) so did they get to where they are with their merits only or is it inevitable to be entangled with politics the higher you get? Esp. people like Krysanova, Chudin who always seem so easygoing with everyone.
Again, very much an insider question and even then it will depend on who you ask. I suppose everyone has to “play the game” to some extent, but I think that there are definitely dancers who have a lot of integrity. Zakharova has made a conscious effort to remain above all conflicts within the company, and the dancers you’ve mentioned also strike me as decent people. Don’t forget, the Bolshoi is huge, you get all sorts of characters in a place like that.
Hiya! I know Tsiskaridze has fallen out with a few of his students and some people def dislike him, like Sharova, Gerashchenko and Ovcharenko. But then Tsiskaridze also has friends and very loyal students namely Sevenard, Rodkin, Shipulina(?) and Zakharova(?) in the theatre. So are their relations tense? Or do they put their relationships with Tsiskaridze aside in the theatre? I imagine it could be v awkward but all the principals seem pretty close and friendly with each other.
I think there are these little “tribes” within the Bolshoi, so you definitely get some segregation based on loyalties (for lack of a better word). But I know that there are people within the company who treat everyone equally and disregard the infighting and conflict. There are also people who are way above the drama, like Zakharova. Shipulina is so unbelievably friendly and open that I honestly can’t imagine her picking sides. Gerashchenko and Sevenard unfollowed each other on social media (this must have been around the time Tsiskaridze and Egor fell out) so I doubt they are friends or are close in real life. 
It’s important to remember two things: 1) all of this is speculation and we don’t know what the relationships are actually like; 2) most of these people are seasoned professionals and they can put their personal issues aside in order to work together.
I know there’s really no way of knowing but what do you think Tsiskaridze would implement if he was to be the new AD of the Bolshoi? What dancers would he promote, what ballets would he revive or push out, what choreographers would he invite, what change would he make in the general operations for the troupe? I have nothing against Ratmansky but just imagining Tsiskaridze stopping all his productions and bringing back Grigorovich’s is hilarious.
Only Tsiskaridze can answer this. I think he’s quite conservative, so I imagine his priority would be to maintain the company’s classical repertoire. In terms of promotions... God, who knows. I don’t think that decision is up to one person.
Who are the other candidates to replace Vazquez apart from Tsiskaridze?
No idea, and Tsiskaridze himself isn’t really a “candidate”. This is pure speculation.
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yessica-surop · 6 years
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Afiches de talleres y seminarios en el Centro Social y Cultural Olga Vazquez de La Plata, coordinados junto a Jacqueline Maquieira durante 2015 y 2016.
La Plata,Argentina 
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tonin-terets · 3 years
Prescription Paper Pill Bottle from Pixel Farm Creative Studio on Vimeo.
Every year, billions of unrecyclable plastic pill bottles litter our oceans and pack landfills. Until now, a safe and compostable alternative has never existed. Enter the Prescription Paper Pill Bottle. Developed by TOM, Tikkun Olam Makers, this container is free of toxic materials and created with an open source design that can be manufactured just about anywhere.
In partnership with Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness, Pixel Farm had the honor of bringing this exciting initiative to life with art direction, animation, and sound. We sought to bring a serious tone to the piece while imbuing it with a natural and optimistic visual aesthetic. The product needed to be beautiful in its simplicity as a concept yet urgent as an environmental effort.
Paper craft is always a fun undertaking in CG. It allows for great detail in the textures and subtlety in the movement of the objects. Our approach was to create an entire world out of paper except for our antagonist – the dreaded plastic pill bottle. This created a great stage for all of the events and provided contrast by way of color and texture. However, we intentionally broke that rule in the creation of the soil – that needed to be real because, after all, the earth is the ultimate victim.
View full case study here: pixelfarm.com/work/prescription-paper-pill-bottle/
Client: Tikkun Olam Makers: TOM
Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Wellness
Animation & Visual Effects: Pixel Farm
Chief Creative Director: Kathy Delaney
Creative Director: Jeff Stevens
Scott Carlton Associate Creative Director: Lillianna Vazquez
Art Director: Dominick Marotta Lauren Collett-Solberg Nate Miller
Senior Art Director: Lauren Chan
Designer: Tim Sandwick
CG Supervisor: Tom Doeden
CG Artist: Adam Dargan Riley Eastman Mike Nelson
Editor: Paul Clark
Executive Producer: Kathy Yerich
Producer: Marissa Hadfield Ian Phillips
Director of Content Production: Steve Pytko
Copywriter: Sam Ballot-Godsey Bryan Perley Olga Castellanos
Sound Engineer: Ken Chastain
Management Director: Paul Sadeghi
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gobqro · 3 years
Invita SECULT al evento anual de recaudación Degustando el arte 2021
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Con el objetivo de apoyar a los pacientes del Hospital Infantil Teletón de Oncología (HITO), el equipo de Voluntariado de dicho centro médico convocó a las y los queretanos, por séptimo año consecutivo, a su evento anual de recaudación: ‘Degustando el Arte 2021’, que se celebrará el próximo 26 de noviembre, a las 19:00 horas, en el Museo de Arte de Querétaro (MAQRO). La secretaria de Cultura Marcela Herbert Pesquera, reconoció a la comunidad artística que año con año se suma a este evento, que afirmó, promueve la sensibilidad y motiva la labor altruista, por lo que invitó a las y los queretanos a participar en la subasta de arte que se llevará a cabo.
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“El voluntariado del HITO realiza todo este esfuerzo para que los artistas por medio de su obra puedan estar participando, y ustedes como coleccionistas o gente ávida de participar y de apoyar a las y los niños con cáncer, y también de conocer a grandes artistas, que puedan venir a esta gran subasta”, señaló. De la misma forma, la directora General del HITO, Lourdes Vega Vega, explicó que el modelo médico del HITO se traduce en un abordaje diagnóstico de la mayor precisión, en protocolos y procedimientos oncológicos acreditados a nivel nacional e internacional, y en un enfoque en la calidad de vida y en la formación humana del paciente y de su familia.
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Informó que desde su apertura han atendido a mil 014 niños, de los cuales 328 están activos y 257 han completado su tratamiento con éxito y actualmente se encuentran en la fase de vigilancia (aunque tienen un seguimiento médico de 5 años), sin embargo detalló que los procedimientos oncológicos son largos y de alto costo, según el tipo de cáncer. “Por ello, celebramos a la sociedad queretana que se ha sumado a la causa, nuestros logros son muy significativos, unidos ponemos en alto nuestro lema: ‘El amor y la ciencia al servicio de la vida’”, afirmó Vega Vega.
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Además, señaló que  tendrán la oportunidad de participar en una subasta de arte de autores queretanos, mexicanos y extranjeros de talla internacional: Santiago Carbonell, Víctor Cauduro, Ramsés de la Cruz, Rubén Maya, Luis Selem, Luis Filcer, Edgar Vázquez, Alberto Medina, Liliana Gálvez, Manuel Miguel, Ignacio Chavez, Juan Muñoz, Alan Altamirano, Andy Warhol, Joaquín Ferreira, Rafael Coronel, Marcela Herbert, Román Miranda, Luis Nishizawa, Roberto Cortázar, Carmen Parra,  Pedro Friedeberg, Hugo Vazquez, Daves Barrón, Olga Hernández y Jaqueline Sánchez, entre muchos otros, ellos donarán sus obras para contribuir a la atención de más niños con un padecimiento oncológico. La subdirectora del Voluntariado del HITO, Rosalía Sandoval, explicó que con un donativo de 750 pesos, los asistentes degustarán exquisitos bocadillos presentados por los chefs de los restaurantes más representativos de Querétaro en calidad culinaria, que estarán acompañados por vinos de Freixenet.
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onestolendare · 7 years
Bootleg trading !!
Hey folks I’m a new Bootleg trader and I would love to expand my collection so let’s trade (I also gift in reasonable amounts) I usually reply in 24 hours :) [Side Info I don’t list full cast info for my videos but I have them on my computer.]
Videos: Amelie (with Philipa Soo) Avenue Q OBC Book Of Mormon (with Ben Platt) Come From Away OBC Dear Evan Hansen OBC Dear Evan Hansen (with Micheal Lee Brown & Olivia Puckett) Great Comet OBC Great Comet (with Shoba Narayan & Dave Malloy)   Heathers (with Dan Domench) Hamilton OBC Hamilton Bway 2016 (with a lot of understudies and standby’s) Hamilton Bway 2016 Replacement Cast Hamilton Angelica Tour August 2017 Legally blond (idk the cast tho) Les Mis bway 2007 Next To Normal 8/3/2010 Newsies 2014 Closing Night Newsies 6/3/2016 National Tour  Spring Awakening (1st National Tour Amazing quality !!) Rent 10th anniversary cast Wicked (with Stephanie J. Block) Wicked (Kristin Chenoweth last performance) 
Wants: ANYTHING NOT ON THIS LIST but I’ll love you if you have Bare (Off-Broadway),Bring it on, Chicago, In The Heights, Hamilton Chicago, or anything Waitress !! But i don’t accept rar folders cause my computer can’t open those :c
Audios: (under the cut with full cast info)
Hamilton: (chronological)
27/7/2013 Vassar College (tracked) Cast: Utkarsh Ambudkar, Daveed Diggs, Joshua Henry, Chris Jackson, Lin Manuel Miranda, Javier Muñoz, Ana Nogueira, Presilah Nunez, Anika Noni Rose
01/09/16 (tracked) Jon Rua (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Leslie Odom Jr., Renee Elise Goldsberry, Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Eliza Hamilton), Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs, Okieriete Onaodowan, Anthony Ramos, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Jonathan Groff
Jun 16, 2016 | bwaycomet's master - Limited trade (2:1) - Miguel Cervantes (Hamilton), Daniel Breaker (Aaron Burr), Ari Afsar (Eliza), Aubin Wise (s/b Angelica), Amber Ardolino (u/s Peggy/Maria), Colby Lewis (s/b Washington), Chris De'Sean Lee (Lafayette/Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Mulligan/Madison), Jose Ramos (Laurens/Philip), Alexander Gemignani (King George III), Malik Shabazz Kitchen (Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Jose Amor (Seabury), John Michael Fiumara (Charles Lee), Remmie Bourgeois (George Eacker), Chloe Campbell, Jean Godsend Floradin, Aaron Gordon, Holly James, Justice Moore, Samantha Pollino, Candace Quarrels
Hamilton - Broadway - July 29, 2016 - MP3 Untracked - LIMITED TRADE (2:1)  (Javier Munoz (Alexander Hamilton), Sydney James Harcourt (u/s Aaron Burr), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Schuyler), Christopher Jackson (George Washington), Andrew Chapelle (u/s Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Okieriete Onaodowan (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Ramos (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Elizabeth Judd (u/s Angelica Schuyler), Alysha Deslorieux (u/s Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds)​, Rory O'Malley (King George).  Elizabeth's first performance as Angelica. :
MPEG - TRACKED (ZIP) | August 9, 2016 Javier Muñoz (Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza), Austin Smith (u/s Aaron Burr), Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Angelica), Nicholas Christopher (s/b George Washington), Andrew Chappelle (u/s Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Okieriete Onaodowan (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Thayne Jasperson (u/s John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Sasha Hutchings (u/s Peggy/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George III)
M4A - UNTRACKED | Broadway | December 8, 2016 Cast: Javier Muñoz (Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza), Brandon Victor Dixon (Burr), Mandy Gonzalez (Angelica), Nicholas Christopher (Washington), Seth Stewart (Lafayette/Jefferson), Jordan Fisher (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George) Notes: Jasmine’s last performance as Peggy/Maria. Jasmine gets a little ovation after her high note in “Say No To This” and right as “Room Where It Happens” starts.
San Francisco, April 7, 2017: Michael Luwoye (Alexander Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Angelica Schuyler), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George III) 
Mai 2017  cast: Donald Webber Jr (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Hamilton), Nik Walker (u/s Aaron Burr), Mandy Gonzalez (Angelica Schuyler), George Washington (Bryan Terrell Clark), James Monroe Iglehart (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), J. Quinton Johnson (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Lee Medina (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Alysha Deslorieux (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Brian D'Arcy James (King George), David Guzman (u/s Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Samuel Seabury (Thayne Jasperson), Gregory Haney (u/s Charles Lee), Rickey Tripp (George Eaker), Ensemble: Lauren Boyd, Sasha Hollinger, Elizabeth Judd, Kim Taylor, Tanairi Sade Vazquez, Voltaire Wade-Greene (swing), Zelig Williams
FLAC - UNTRACKED | 1st National Tour - Tempe, AZ | February 1, 2018 Ryan Alvarado (S/b Alexander Hamilton), Julia K. Harriman (Elizabeth Schuyler), Nicholas Christopher (Aaron Burr), Sabrina Sloan (Angelica Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Josh Andres Rivera (S/b Lafayette/Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Mulligan/Madison), Ruben J. Carbajal (Laurens/Philip), Peter Matthew Smith (King George III)​
Others: (alphabetical)
Bandstand - Papermill Playhouse - November 15, 2015 - WAV (Tracked & Untracked) Cast: Corey Cott (Donnie Novitski) , Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan) , Beth Leavel (Mrs. Adams) Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright) 
The Band’s Visit - Off-Broadway - November 30, 2016 - M4a (Untracked)  Cast: Ari'el Stachel (Haled/Trumpet), Tony Shalhoub (Twefig/Conductor), Sharone Sayegh (Israeli Soldier 1/Anna),  Kristen Sieh (Israeli Soldier 2/Iris), George Abud (Camal/Violin), Alok Tewari (Simon/2nd Clarinet),  Harvey Valdes (Guitar/Oud), Sam Sadgursky (Clarinet/Flute), David Garo Yellin (Cello), Rachel Prather (Ticket girl/Julia), Daniel David Stewart (Papi), Andrew Polk (Avram), John Cariani (Itzik), Katrina Lenk (Dina), Bill Army (Zelger),  Erik Lieberman (Telephone Guy), Jonathan Raviv (Sammy/Guard) 
Dear Evan Hansen  Cast: Colton Ryan (u/s Evan Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Rachel Bay Jones Heidi Hansen), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy) notes: Colton's second performance as Evan. 
Dear Evan Hansen 10/7/2015 Arena Stage Cast: Ben Platt, Mike Faist, Laura Dreyfuss, Will Roland, Alexis Molnar, Michael Park, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Rachel Bay Jones Notes: Contains Cut Songs
Dear Evan Hansen 21/11/2017 Broadway anyirismusical’s master Cast : Noah Galvin, Mike Faist, Will Roland, Laura Dreyfus, Kristolyn Lloyd, Rachel Bay Jones, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Michael Park Notes: Noah’s first show as Evan
Miss Saigon - Broadway - March 29, 2017 (Matinee) - M4a (Untracked)  Cast: Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Lianah Sta. Ana (alt. Kim), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Ericka Hunter (u/s Gigi) notes: This is Ericka’s first show as Gigi!
Hadestown (July 31, 2016 Matinee): Cast: Nabiyah Be (Eurydice), Damon Daunno (Orpheus), J. Bernard Calloway (u/s Hades), Amber Gray (Persephone), Matt Saldivar (Hermes), Lulu Fall, Jessie Shelton, Erica Sweany (Fates). New York Theatre Workshop.
In The Heights - March 8th, 2007 - Off-Broadway Cast: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Christopher Jackson, Asmeret Ghebremichael (u/s Carla), Andrea Burns, Robin de Jesus, Karen Olivo, Mandy Gonzalez, John Herrera, Priscilla Lopez, Olga Merediz, Eliseo Roman, Seth Stewart
In the Heights - Off-Broadway - June 9, 2007 - MP3 (Tracked) Cast: Lin-Manuel Miranda (Usnavi), Mandy Gonzalez (Nina), Joshua Henry (u/s Benny), Karen Olivo (Vanessa), Robin de Jesus (Sonny), Doreen Montavlo (u/s Abuela Claudia), John Herrera (Kevin), Priscilla Lopez (Camila), Andrea Burns (Daniela), Janet Dacal (Carla), Eliseo Roman (Piragua Guy), Rickey Tripp (u/s Graffiti Pete), Doreen Montalvo (Bolero Singer)
Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder / Audio / 2015-11-13, National Tour (Cleveland, OH): Cast: John Rapson (D'Ysquith Family); Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro); Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward); Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith); Mary VanArsdel (Miss Shingle)*hochbergaudio’s master
School of Rock / Audio / 2015-11-09, Broadway:  Cast: Alex Brightman (Dewey); Sierra Boggess (Rosalie); Spencer Moses (Ned); Mamie Parris (Patty); Dante Melucci (Freddy); ​Evie Dolan (Katie); Jared Parker (Lawrence); Isabella Russo (Summer); Bobbie MacKenzie (Tomika); Brandon Niederauer (Zack)
Spring Awakening 12/2/2011 2NT LA (tracked) Cast: Christopher Wood, Elizabeth Judd, Coby Getzug, Courtney Markowitz, Jim Hogan, Aliya Bowles, Rachel Geisler, Emily Mest, George Salazar, Devon Stone, Daniel Plimpton, Sarah Kleeman, Mark Poppleton  
Wicked / Audio / 2013-05-28, Broadway: Cast: Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba); Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda); Derek Klena (Fiyero); Adam Grupper (The Wizard); ​John Schiappa (Doctor Dillamond); Randy Danson (Madame Morrible); Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose); F. Michael Haynie (Boq) *Lindsay and Derek’s first show
Wicked / Audio / 2014-02-22, Broadway:  Caat: Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba); Alli Mauzey (Glinda); Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Carol Kane (Madame Morrible); Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose); Michael Wartella (Boq) *Lindsay, Alli, Kyle, and Tom’s final show
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tellusepisode · 4 years
The Glorias (2020)
Coming Out at September 30, 2020 in theaters and VOD
Biography, Drama, History
Journalist, fighter, and feminist Gloria Steinem is an indelible icon known for her world-shaping activism, guidance of the revolutionary women’s movement, and writing that has impacted generations. In this nontraditional biopic, Julie Taymor crafts a complex tapestry of one of the most inspirational and legendary figures of modern history, based on Steinem’s own biographical book ‘My Life on the Road.’
THE GLORIAS (Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander, Lulu Wilson, Ryan Keira Armstrong) traces Steinem’s influential journey to prominence—from her time in India as a young woman, to the founding of Ms. magazine in New York, to her role in the rise of the women’s rights movement in the 1960s, to the historic 1977 National Women’s Conference and beyond.
Director: Julie Taymor
Writers: Sarah Ruhl (screenplay by), Gloria Steinem (book), Sarah Ruhl (screenplay by)
Stars: Alicia Vikander, Julianne Moore, Janelle Monáe, Bette Midler, Timothy Hutton, Lulu Wilson, Ryan Keira Armstrong
Alicia Vikander…Young Gloria SteinemJanelle Monáe…Dorothy Pitman HughesJulianne Moore…Gloria SteinemBette Midler…Bella AbzugTimothy Hutton…Leo SteinemLulu Wilson…Young Gloria SteinemLorraine Toussaint…Flo KennedyMo Brings Plenty…Charlie SoapRyan Kiera Armstrong…Young Gloria SteinemKimberly Guerrero…Wilma MankillerMyles Evans…Delegation LeaderDavid Shae…Male Journalist TimesVictor Slezak…WalterEnid Graham…RuthAllie McCulloch…Brenda FeigenTom Nowicki…Dr. John SpenceAnnika Pampel…OlgaJoan McMurtrey…Ms. Founder (Joan)Kimiko Gelman…Ms. Founder (Kimiko)Angela Relucio…Asian American DelegateCharles Green…Theodore H. WhiteMadhur Jaffrey…Indian FriendLynne Ashe…Irishwoman Taxi DriverJay Huguley…Handsome Male InterviewerBill Winkler…Leo’s DoctorKelley Davis…SalesgirlMichael Lowry…Interviewer StudioVince Pisani…Show! EditorJohn Winscher…Playboy PhotographerNick Basta…NY EditorMargo Moorer…Barbara JordanLeah Renee-K…June, ActivistBethany Geaber…Joanne EdgarKatelyn Farrugia…Harvard Woman 1Jerri Tubbs…ModeratorOlivia Olson…Young Susanne SteinemBillie D. Merritt…Woman at RallyFiona Domenica…London (Stewardess)Sean Hankinson…TV ProducerBethany DeZelle…Harvard Woman 2Chelsea Alana Rivera…Young Latina WomanDeetta West…Mrs. GreeneMarc Demeter…Harvard ProfessorDavid Harland Rousseau…Leon – A ColleagueMonica Sanchez…Dolores HuertaAndrew Eakle…Soda JerkStephen Royal Phillips…Toledo Police OfficerAriadne Joseph…Dr. Gloria ScottFriedman Twinkies…Working Mom’s BabyMuretta Moss…Reporter #1Alyssa AnnMarie Marquez…Cherokee Indian GirlAngelique Chase…Susan CaudillKorbi Dean…WaitressSienna Jeffries…LooperFelicia M. Reyes…Hispanic DelegateLyndsay Kimball…Harvard Woman 3Terrence Clowe…BarberSkylar Denney…Lesbian WomanPeggy Sheffield…Biker LadyChris Mayers…NewscasterThomas Clay Strickland…Reporter #2Andre Pushkin…Ukrainian DriverSamantha G. Smith…Speech Coach (as Samantha Glaudel Smith)Alan Wells…NYC PolicemanDennis Friebe…Knife ThrowerKathrine Barnes…RocketteAlisa Harris…Woman on the StreetCrystal Vazquez…ProtesterVictoria Petrosky…VictoriaCharisse Matthews…Black InterviewerAndre Rodriguez II…Reporter ShowMina Ownlee…Native American DelegateMark Rand…Doctor – SanitariumAlan Cassman…David SussmanJoe D. Lauck…Father EganJohn J. O’Neill Jr.…Vernon CountrymanKaren DeGennaro…Rally SupporterElgin Lee…Self – Man Getting a Shave in BarbershopOlivia Jordan…Ruby BrownNona Jedelle Cook…NonaSummer Ertel…RunnerDavid Michael-Smith…Convention Videographer / Diner PatronDeron Lillard…ParishionerGrant Henley…Show Magazine Staff WriterJim McKeny…Saul BellowJack Caron…NYC LocalCindy Long…Native American WomanMarlene Rivera…Hispanic rally member / audience memberNoah Hein…Altar BoyJenson Bland…Harvard StudentRosana Lucia FieldKimberly McTaw…Civil Rights DemonstraterDaniel James…NaysayerVal Tannuzzi…Puerto Rican Delegate (scenes deleted)Archana Prasanna…Speak out womanManuel Rivera…1977 Camera Man / Rally AttendantNakeisha Daniel…ShirleyIsabel Nola Dillard…Runner / Swing DancerJudd Sneirson…Playboy Club ChefSandy Burhans…Pro-Life Protester / Parishioner
The post The Glorias (2020) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/the-glorias-2020.html
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linguistlist-blog · 2 years
TOC: ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics Vol. 173, No. 2 (2022)
2022. v, 158 pp. Table of Contents Introduction Pop culture in applied linguistics: International perspectives Valentin Werner pp. 161–171 Articles Korean pop culture reshaping Korean teaching Olga Kriukova pp. 172–196 “¿Triste estás? I don’t know nan molla”: Multilingual pop song fandubs by @miree_music Leticia-Tian Zhang and Boris Vazquez-Calvo pp. 197–227 Using music in a word stress processing task: Does it favor learners with a musical background? Pauline Degrave http://dlvr.it/SbyTVG
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anysquared · 4 years
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AnySquared’s LIP 20/20 Exhibit & Arts Festival Exhibition Extended Through July 1st, 2020 Hairpin Arts Center | 2810 N Milwaukee | Chicago In June, we are hosting Community Art Days during LIP 20/20 Exhibit hours where people can make signs/posters/stickers at the Hairpin Arts Center centering on #BlackLivesMatter. UPDATED Exhibit Hours & Community Art Days
Wednesday June 24, from 3pm–8pm**
Friday June 26, from 2pm–7pm (Sudden Impact Concert 7pm-9pm Streaming from Hairpin)
Sunday June 28, from 4pm–7pm
Monday June 29, from 6pm-8:30pm
Wednesday July 1, from 3pm–8pm** (Last exhibit day!)
**Note: we will stay later on Wednesdays if people are present. The gallery is also available by appointment this month. A special thank you to Hairpin Arts Center for extending our exhibition through June 30th and allowing us to have Community Art Days in the space. LIP = Life in Progress  |  AnySquared Projects’ LIP20/20 Exhibit & Arts Festival showcases work that expresses definitions and/or critiques of progress that provokes, challenges, or illustrates. Through all media, artists represent, examine, analyze, or dissect what is actual progress, what some consider progress, and what is not. LIP 20/20 seeks to answer and explore this concept with our work, our art, in our communities, and as human beings, both in the city and the world.  #LIP2020 ARTISTS  |  ADR • Adriana Poterash • Akira • Alejandro Ontiveros Robles • Alexandra Galvan • Alex Wells Shapiro • Alexis Lovely • Alfonso Piloto Nieves Ruiz • Alice Roberson • Alma Dominguez • Amie Sell • Andrew Garcia • Andy Meholick • Angela Davis Fegan • Anna Reed • Anthony Bartley • Applepop • ATYL (Alex Lee) • B'Rael Ali Thunder • Brian Herrera • Cameron Feeley • Carlos Anegas Vazquez • Christian Navas • David Castrejon • dial8r • EAZEL • Ellen Holtzblatt • Emilio Nadales • Emily Holmes • Fire Falco • Flash ABC • Frankie Peace • Frederick Nitsch • Gabriel Patti • The Gray Fox 11 & Korkox • Gretchen Hasse • Haley Achler • Helen Sanchez-Cortes • Holiday Gerry • Iz Mozer • Jae Green • Jameil Al-Oboudi • Jane Michalski • Jerkbeard • Jesus R. Hernandez • Jill Sutton • Juan A. Cano • Julie Sulzen • Kassandra Spence • Katherine Nemanich • Kathryn Eli • Kao Ra Zen • Kelly Mathews • Larry Green • lewis lain • Linda Platt • Liz Olney • Lucien Caillouet • Lucky Gnome • Makeba Kedem-Dubose • Marco Morelli • Marianna Buchwald • Maria Galvan • Mars Caulton • Marvin Tate • Melecio Castillo • Meredith Mays Epsino • Mia Le • Michaelangelo Quintello • Michael Miller • mr.pintamuro • Natalia Virafuentes • Neha Chawla & Elisabeth James • Nguyen Tran • Olga Guse • Orlando Martinez • Penelope Thrasher • Rebecca Kautz • Sara Peak Convery • Sarawut Chutiwongpeti • Squeak Starzula • Stasa Wade • Tattianna Howard • Teshika Silver • Tracy Kostenbader • Victoria Elizabeth • Zack Goulet Light Creatures interactive performance during March 7th opening event was by International Art Group Mask Ensemble featured Tiona Robinson, Althea Teamer, Sherree Blakemore, Cande, Lissa, Marianna Buchward, and Barbara Wilson. Streetview Artists in the large windows facing Diversey and Milwaukee : Bee Figueroa, mr.pintamuro, The Gray Fox 11, Andrew Rose Vickers, Tracy Kostenbader, Tattianna Howard, The Gray Fox 11, Andrew Garcia, and Alice Roberson 
Additional LIP 20/20 Arts Festival Programming postponed. Look for details in the next year. ____ Pandemic Safety Measures at the Hairpin Arts Center Will need to keep it safe for each other and the community. The safety measures we will follow: Wearing masks; Physically distance 6ft apart; Limit capacity; Hand sanitizer available; Limited masks available; Before and after each day: sanitize entry, space, surfaces and restrooms; We have sanitizing wipes and spray; We will access the space through the stairs and use elevator only when necessary; Doors propped open to minimize need to touch handles. We will be ready to adjust for the safety of all of us. 
____ AnySquared is an all-volunteer collaborative and artists network. Propelled by a deep sense of cooperation with artists, neighbors and the wider community, our mission is to support, produce and promote collaborative projects that facilitate arts activities through inclusive participation. AnySquared.com [email protected] ig | ne2_gallerysquared facebook | AnySquared twitter | AnySquared
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