reddenedrust · 1 year
Earrings tend to be a nice touch to any look..
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Originally written September 2022
Genre: fluff
Ship(s): Beelzebub/MC
(genderless MC)
Compliments/nicknames/descriptions of MC: MC is smaller/weaker than Beel
Trigger/content warnings: Beel being a bit self-conscious, words associated with pumpkin carving that could be seen as a bit gore-y?
Headcanons/notes from the author: I got the idea from @kitsune-oji !! Thank you so much, this was so fun to write. I hope I characterized Beel okay haha.
Brief Blurb: MC and Beel carve pumpkins together.
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Beel smiled with his eyes as he assisted you in setting down newspaper on the floor. He hadn’t really partaken in pumpkin carving before, so he was excited to do so. “_____, I’m happy you’re letting me help.”
You chuckled and patted his head before standing up. “Well, I don’t know why I wouldn’t.”
“My brothers would be afraid of me eating the pumpkins…”
Attempting not to frown, you told him, “That’s why we grabbed snacks. Don’t worry about that.” You went over to the table and picked up a pumpkin before bringing it over to the newspaper and setting it upon the pile. “Um… I don’t know if I can lift yours.”
Beel glanced at his pumpkin, which was on the floor next to the table. It was probably cumbersome enough for him to carry, but you could only imagine the difficulty you’d have carrying it. “Makes sense.” He got up and shuffled over to it, then picked it up and brought it over. “Now what…?”
Chuckling, you went over to the knives and found some that would properly work for the pumpkins. “We need to empty the pumpkins first.”
“Oh, yeah.” Beelzebub nodded and took a knife from you once you passed it handle-first. Before doing anything, he watched you start to slice into the pumpkin’s top and make a circle around its stem. He carefully mimicked your actions and took the top off. When you cut off the strands of pumpkin innards from the underside of the top, he did so as well. “We can eat the seeds, right?”
“We should wash them first,” you told him gently. “Otherwise you’ll taste a lot of pumpkin guts.”
Beel made a small, pleased hum at the thought of eating the seeds. “Okay…” he paused the process for a snack, picking up a granola bar and eating the entire thing before continuing to follow your lead. “Mm… pumpkin smell…” He attempted to pick out the seeds as he gutted the pumpkin. “Do you know why humans make jack-o-lanterns?”
“Uh…” You thought about it for a moment, sorting out the seeds from the pumpkins’ insides. “It started from Celtic folklore, I believe. To ward off evil spirits or something.”
Beel was quiet for a moment. “Does that mean we’ll ward off the entirety of the Devildom with these up?”
You snorted. “No, probably not. Demons aren’t inherently evil like humans think, right?”
One of the biggest smiles you’d ever seen graced Beel’s face. “Yeah.”
The two of you ensured the seeds were all in a bowl to be dealt with later, then Beel grabbed another snack. “Do you know what you want to carve?”
“Hm…” Beel stared at his pumpkin. “Well… maybe a silly face?”
You watched him eat his snack, nodding with encouragement. “That sounds good. Here’s a marker.” You handed over a permanent marker, then focused attention on your own pumpkin. He watched you draw a face on yours, then attempted to follow the same format with a sillier face. After glancing over at his, you told him, “That’s very cute.”
“Are you sure…?” Beel tilted his head a bit as he looked over his pumpkin. “I think my brothers might make fun of it.”
“Well, they can cram it.” You huffed and kissed his cheek, then began to carve your pumpkin. “Just follow your lines and it’ll look great. Even if you mess up a little bit, it’s not a huge deal. It’ll still be awesome.”
Once the two of you were done carving, you helped him set up the candles on the inside. After lighting them, you hurried to turn off the lights. Beel wiggled a little and a tiny smile spread across his face as he gazed at the pumpkins. “They’re so cool.”
“Yeah! We should sit them on the front porch!”
He nodded and the two of you hurried to sit your pumpkins together in front of the house, candles still burning. Once they were set up how you liked, you took a few pictures, including some with Beel sitting next to them. Even though he wasn’t very expressive, you could tell he was thrilled. Maybe you could make Jack-o-lanterns together every year?
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boozye · 1 year
Sorry for the drop in quality of my screencaps.
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I had to uninstall OM OMTRTA and NB from my ipad to keep it in working condition, since it's an old model and a little janky (plus I'm not paying for an apple cloud thing, don't have money for that lmao).
So it all went to this old phone that got passed down to me after my brother got a new one 😅
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lyrical-cynical · 3 years
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so the person who posted this blocked me, then proceeded to make sure none of my stuff I added would show up on their post, along with silencing others who spoke up or out against this mentality. So I’m just gonna do a real quick reverse uno and make my own post. I blocked out their name because the point of this is not to witch hunt this person, but to make a point about this mentality. Here’s what I reblogged with: 
It’s not about them being demons, It’s not about the fact that these characters are “morally grey,” it’s about the trivialization of a very scary, and real situation that has happened to countless people and treating it like a simple plot point.
So I put this on a reply to another post, but I’ll also put it here. In one study conducted by alcohol.org found that out of 900 people surveyed (both men and women) 44% of men and 56% of women have consumed something that had been spiked without them knowing. of those two groups, 37% have experienced it multiple times. Men are more likely to be spiked by someone they consider a friend, while women are more likely to be spiked by a stranger, with house parties accounting for a majority of the locations. What’s more, 58% of men and 65% of women don’t believe they can confidently convict the person who spiked them, with 52% of men and 62% of women NOT REPORTING THE PERSON WHO SPIKED THEM, with only 15% of them having a friend who intervened and got them to safety. Most often, drugged products are used to facilitate drug-assisted s*xual assault, and most of these crimes also go unreported. (My source here)
So some simple math there, of a survey group, approximately 44%-56% of people were drugged without their knowledge, and only 15% of those drugs were able to get to safety because of friends. so that means that 85% of people who were drugged in this study had NO ONE to help them. NO ONE.
this isn’t about hating on the characters, it’s about criticizing the choices of the company that went through ideation, story boarding, programing, editing, beta testing, and planning and still didn’t think twice about the potential backlash this has against their audience. This is about people who have PTSD, people who still have to hang around certain people who did horrible things to them because no one would believe them. This is about turning real tangible struggles into entertainment, but it’s okay because MmMmM He’S hOt ThO aNd He’S a DeMoN. IRL hot people use drugs to assault too. People who you thought were your friends use drugs to assault too.
This doesn’t just happen in a game about demons either, and it’s actually one of the reason some of my friends have dropped off from the Otome genre altogether. It’s rather common and unfortunate that a lot of Japanese based games have at minimum a couple incidents of non-con per route as a way of making “sexy times.” This is an entire cultural plague that I can get into on another post, but it’s causing a lot of us who do really love otomes feel alienated from the community. By defending it, you’re basically saying that this cultural norm is okay so long as the character is hot. By being that “innocent person” who needs a “Strong aggressive push” from a “morally grey” man, you’re basically going back to the 1960′s with women being subservient to their assaulter because you showed them a little ankle, so you tempted them.
It’s dangerous, it’s wrong, and it’s not healthy for any relationship, and can have catastrophic backlash. Some people may think this is what a healthy relationship looks like, and bases their ideas of romance off it. Some may not be even able to read it because it reminds them too much of their own personal experiences. It’s not just fiction. It’s basically being said that this kind of behavior is “Expected” and “normal.”
We shouldn’t be okay with this being “normal” and we should hold companies like this to a higher standard. They aren’t just a company that is constrained to Japan, because they made the decision to have their game translated, and distributed to english markets. This was a CHOICE, and has nothing to do with “morally grey” characters. This is a game directed at the general masses for entertainment, not Catcher and the Rye.
End Post. In addition to this, I’d like to make sure that the community understands that those who have been harmed by assault via spiking are valid in their worries, valid in their fears, and valid in their anger against this “Design choice” the company has made. I know that those who suffer with PTSD can have insomnia, waking nightmares, irritability, depression, anxiety, and more with each episode. I know that not everyone has gotten help for what they’ve gone through, and maybe use fantasy as an escapism tool, and having something like this trespass into that safe space is demoralizing and tragic. I know that some of y’all have even turned to things that may not be healthy or legal, and that you have your up and down battles with everything. I know that this isn’t just about sensitivity, it’s a life changing event that you wish you could scrub from your history. 
Know that there are resources out there for you, and that as a community, we can be there for your too. 
If you need more help, even if it’s you just wanna air your grievances, please do reach out, 
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The tips of their fingers are calloused yet they trail over the apple of your cheeks as if they were the clouds themselves. Their voice was but a hushed breath when they spoke, "..I love you so, so much, you know?"
- Junpei Iori, Derek Suarez, Mammon, Gorou
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littlebabydemonn · 2 years
Luci Care
Originally written July 2022
Genre: hurt/comfort
Characters Active: Lucifer, MC
(genderless MC)
Trigger/content warnings: negative regression, mention of MC having nightmares
Headcanons/notes from the author: MC is mentioned to have the entire House of Lamentation take care of them sometimes.
Brief Blurb: MC wakes up after having a bad night and Lucifer comforts them.
@kitsune-oji you wanna be tagged for agere fics👉👈
Usually when you were regressed, it was when most of the House of Lamentation’s residents were home. This meant they could all assist in taking care of you, even if sometimes you insisted you could do everything yourself. That wasn’t incorrect, since you technically could… but sometimes your mental age made functioning difficult. It was especially awful when you negatively regressed, and didn’t want to take care of yourself at all. Even if it took some convincing, one of them could usually have you cooperate with them so you wouldn’t starve all day or go the night without brushed teeth.
On this particular morning, however, Lucifer was miraculously the only one home besides yourself. You were feeling on the edge of regressing for a few days now, and you thought you could hold it back… but you had nightmares in your sleep. There you were, crying and completely frazzled by your mental age paired with awful images in your head. You were only half aware of the regression that had happened, too focused on how frightened you were.
You may have been crying for an hour by the time Lucifer knocked on your bedroom door. “_____?” he called, having heard the cries. “Is something wrong?”
Tears slipping down your face, you quickly hid underneath your blanket in a vain attempt to muffle your noise. Lucifer didn’t need to see you! You could handle it! Everything was fine!
“I’m… coming in, okay?” He carefully opened the door, feeling his chest tighten at the display before him. “Oh… _____…” Sitting on the edge of the bed, he carefully placed a hand on your blanketed form. When you didn’t squirm away, Lucifer began to rub circles on what he was quite sure was your back. “Do you want to talk about it…?” he asked very quietly. “If you don’t, that’s alright. We don’t have to talk about anything.”
You didn’t really want Lucifer in that moment, but he was the only demon around… Plus, now that he was here, you really didn’t want to try and make him leave. Everything was scary and his ministrations were so comforting… You hesitantly peeked out at him from underneath your blanket, blinking out a few more tears. “Luci…”
“There’s my precious human…” he cooed, carefully wiping tears from your cheek. “Have you eaten? I can make you something.” You adjusted yourself to snuggle your head into his lap, and he carefully ran the back of his hand over your cheek. “Do you want food…?”
After a moment of consideration, you mumbled, “Food…”
“Okay, let’s go, _____.” He delicately scooped you up into his arms, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder. He held the back of your neck as he stood up and carried you to the kitchen, doing his best to not disturb you. “What do you want to eat, hm?”
You whined a little, gripping onto his vest and feeling more tears trickle from your eyes. “Dunno…”
Taking a deep breath, Lucifer adjusted you in his arms and kissed your forehead. “Alright. What about cereal puffs? Would you like some puffs and juice?” He didn’t want to get too frustrated with you, knowing you were mentally a toddler and that something had upset you. “Does that sound good, little one…?”
Sniffling and huffing, you nodded into his chest. “Mmhm…”
“Alright, let’s get you some puffs and juice, then.” He tried to set you down, but you dug your fingers into him and refused to let go. “_____, I need to put you down for a minute. It won’t take very long, I promise.” After thinking about it, you let him sit you on one of the breakfast bar stools. He placed a soft kiss on your forehead before going to collect your sustenance.
Despite his comfort, you were still crying. Everything was just awful, and you almost wanted to change your mind about food so you could go back to bed. Lucifer retuned to you and had you hold your sippy of juice, as well as the puffs, then picked you up once again. He carried you into the common area and sat on the couch with you, giving you the most reassuring smile he could before helping you open your snack. “Luci…?”
“S-Sorry…” you muttered.
Lucifer shook his head and kissed your temple. “Don’t apologize. I’d rather you regress than most other things beings will do when they’re upset.” He petted your face as you ate, wiping away your tears every once in a while. “It’s going to be alright. I’ve got you.”
You snuggled closer to him, tears lessening as time went on. The world began to feel less scary, and having a full tummy was helping you relax. You were grateful Lucifer was willing to help, even if at first you didn’t want it.
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radnewspaperroom · 3 years
I made a whole ass account for this game lol
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astroke · 2 years
om!omtrta > thirteen < users
13gurl teenitos ttluvz
thrtn i7thir winthir
wettz 13-who 3tenpwr
change (-) to (_)/(.)if necessary
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Originally written October 2022
Genre: fluff
Ship(s): Satan X MC
(genderless MC)
Compliments/nicknames/descriptions of MC: none!
Trigger/content warnings: Satan and MC are comfortable enough with each other that Satan changes clothes within their range of sight
Headcanons/notes from the author: people complain about Satan being catboy-ified in canon but I think this side of him is cute. (Though they certainly overdo it sometimes when he has other aspects that could be explored. Bleh.)
Brief Blurb: Satan’s new Halloween costume arrives.
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You quickly hurried into Satan’s room with the Akuzon package that had arrived. The sudden intrusion caused the demon to gaze up at you, and he chuckled with a perked eyebrow. “Are you quite alright?”
“Your costume is here!”
He quickly marked his spot in the book he was reading before scrambling to join you on the floor. “It’s early?”
“Yeah!” You tore off the tape and haphazardly dug into the box, revealing soft, faux grey fur. Carefully, you handed him the ears before digging out the onesie. “You’re going to be such a cute kitty!”
Satan attempted to hide his face in his fringe, but to no avail. Red cheeked, he muttered, “W-Well, I’d hope so. No cat isn’t cute.” Thinking of a question, you bit your lip and snorted. He perked an eyebrow at you, trying to keep calm. “Do you disagree?”
“It’s not that,” you told him. “I just wonder… would you say that if the cat in question was Lucifer?”
Satan’s face contorted, thoroughly horrified. “_____! Do not make me consider that.”
You giggled and patted his head. “Alright, alright. Lets get you in your kitty costume then. We need to make sure it fits.” After passing the onesie to him, you dug into the box once more to find the fingerless gloves with toe beans on them while he changed. When he told you he was decent, you gazed at him and gave a soft chuckle. “Cute!”
Satan’s face flushed pink as he adjusted his cat ears. “I… feel cute.” He sat next to you, then asked, “Are those the gloves?”
“Yeah.” You gently took his hands and slid the gloves on for him, causing his face to turn even brighter in hue. “Cute kitty.”
Satan gripped and ungripped his hands to test how it felt. “Am I…?”
“Very!” You delicately brushed some of his hair out of his face. The grey fur suited him, and he seemed so content in his new costume. “You know, you could probably use it outside of Halloween.”
“M-Maybe.” He grinned at you. “Thanks.”
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
HUMAN pt. 23
Originally written September 2022
Part 1 Part 22 Part 24
Characters Active: Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Lucifer, Simeon, Belphegor, Beelzebub
Ship(s): Simeon/Barbatos, Lucifer/Diavolo (implied crushing)
Trigger/content warnings: none? tell me if I should tag anything here
Headcanons/notes from the author: I reread this today and was like why did I think this sucked..? Ahaha. I guess I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to redo the direction it was going. I think the fluff chapters are important between the heavy stuff.
Brief Blurb: Sibling chaos!
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Asmodeus screeched when they felt seaweed on their arm. “Mammon! I’m going to get you back for that!”
“Uh huh, sure, Asmo! Ya won’t touch the seaweed!” Mammon held the slimy plant tauntingly near Asmodeus’ face, and they feigned offense before scoffing. “If ya manage to even pick up a piece of seaweed, I’ll be impressed!”
Pouting, Asmo looked at their perfectly manicured nails, then at the seaweed around them in the sand. They knew Mammon was trying to get under their skin (and it was working)… Slowly, they bent down, then grabbed a piece of seaweed and flung it at Mammon’s arm, making him squeak in surprise. “Take that! I’m not too prissy to touch things!”
Mammon shook his arm, managing to will the seaweed to fall off of it with a pathetic plop onto the sand. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” Asmodeus quickly sprinted away, leaving Mammon cackling. It was then he remembered Leviathan, who was filming them on their phone. He held out seaweed to Leviathan, who quickly stopped the video and put their phone away.
“Dontcha eat this stuff?”
“I mean, yeah.” Leviathan rolled their eyes. “N-Not when it’s sandy and wet, though. Probably not a good idea.”
Mammon hummed and gazed at the seaweed, then at Leviathan. Mischievously grinning, he asked, “Would you give me money if I ate some?”
“Um, no!” Levi laughed and crossed his arms. “Besides, you might get sick, and then Lucifer will be mad at both of us.”
“Aw, c’mon!”
“It’s covered in sand!”
“But I’ve eaten dirt before!”
“And threw up!”
“I got one hundred dollars out of it though!”
“Mammon!” The two jumped and gazed at Lucifer, who was crossing his arms and staring them down. “You are not putting weird things in your mouth.” He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “We’re heading back to the house since Satan is exhausted.”
“Aw, dip.”
Rolling his eyes into the back of his head, Lucifer mumbled, “Please just make your way to the towels and dry off. I cannot believe how soaked you are right now.” He rubbed his face and sighed. “I’m going ahead with Satan and Mephistopheles, so please help Simeon carry everything back.”
Mammon nodded and gave Lucifer a big grin. “Ya got it, Lucifer.” He and Leviathan hurried to the spot that had been taken over by their group. Simeon’s eyes almost bulged out of their head when they saw Mammon, quickly handing him a towel. “Thanks, Simeon.”
“What did you do?”
“Levi pushed me int’ the ocean.”
“What!? You tripped!”
Shaking their head, Simeon continued repacking the snacks, towels, and drinks they brought. “I’m glad you’re having fun, but you shouldn’t be letting yourself get so cold. You’ll get sick easier.” They glanced at Barbatos, who was handing off Satan to Lucifer. The two met eyes for a moment before continuing to ensure everything was accounted for. “Anyway, all I really need you to carry is one bag each, since Barbatos and I are carrying everything else.”
“Cool.” Mammon sneezed into the towel. “Ugh, there was sand in my nose.”
Leviathan scrunched up their nose. “Gross.”
The four of them collected what they were in charge of carrying before making their way back to the house. Mammon looked between Simeon and Barbatos, then to Leviathan, who returned the gaze and shrugged. The couple seemed a bit off, but it was none of their business…
Once they returned to the house, Mammon and Leviathan brought towels to the laundry room. When they made it back to the main part of the house, it was devoid of other visitors besides the twins. “Yo, where’d everyone go?”
“Their rooms, I think,” Beel told him. He shoved a piece of leftover bacon from that morning into his mouth. Before he could talk with his mouth full, Belphie shushed him.
“I wanna make someone kiss under mistletoe, but Lucifer will get irritated if I plan anything.” Belphegor gave Mammon a mischievous smirk. “I bet we can get him to kiss Diavolo, if we plan it well enough.”
Leviathan shook their head and waved their arms in front of themself. “No way, Belphie! Lucifer doesn’t just kiss people. He’ll be grumpy the rest of the day if we try to get him to participate in that.” They watched Mammon’s eyes glint and whined. “Mammon!”
“C’mon, have you seen the way he’s been lookin’ at Diavolo? Kissin’ him with his eyes!” Mammon joined the twins on the couch, ignoring Beel’s grunt of protest. “Do ya have mistletoe, Belphie?”
“In my bag. Hiding it from Lucifer so he doesn’t confiscate it.” Belphegor handed Beel a napkin. “I overheard Diavolo saying he wants to do a dance party or some shit.”
“Sounds about right.” Mammon looked to Levi, who was hiding their face. “C’mon Levi, join us!”
Levi shook their head. “Nope! Keep me out of this! I’m going to my room!”
They hurried upstairs, and Mammon rolled his eyes. “Whatever. I’m sure Asmo will help.”
“Probably. They’re taking a shower, so I didn’t get to ask. Something about how they have sand in too many places it shouldn’t be.” They shrugged and opened their phone, then showed Mammon a picture they took. “I mean, just look at how Lucifer was staring at Diavolo today.”
“You’re takin’ pictures? Weirdo.”
“If Lucifer’s making goo-goo eyes; I have to get blackmail material.” Belphie snorted. “Plus, it wasn’t just me. Asmo was taking pictures too.”
“Asmo’s always takin’ pictures. It’s weird when it’s you.”
Beelzebub glanced between the two of them, having finished eating the leftovers he grabbed. “Are you two really going to do this…? Lucifer probably won’t like it.”
“It ain’t a big deal,” Mammon mumbled, waving his hand. “He’s gotta get over Ariel anyway. She’s really makin’ me mad recently.”
“I thought he was over Ariel? Aren’t they just in contact because of Satan?”
Mammon shrugged. “He still seems pretty hung up on her sometimes. That ain’t the point though, really. Lucifer obviously likes Diavolo, so—”
“Levi said you’re plotting something!” The three of them were joined by Asmodeus, who haphazardly plopped onto the couch. “I want in.”
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Fuzzy Fears
Originally written July 2022
Genre: fluff…?
Ship(s): Barbatos X MC
(genderless MC)
Compliments/nicknames/descriptions of MC: called “my love”, mc is tall enough for Barbatos to hide in their neck
Trigger/content warnings: none
Headcanons/notes from the author: Barbatos… I love him…
Brief Blurb: During a walk home, Barbatos thinks he sees a rat.
Many of your dates with Barbatos were work-related, mostly because his job was practically constant. Taking you to new places was nice, but you still had to ensure he got whichever task done. This wasn’t a problem most of the time, but on this particular night, your trip with him to the market ran late. The two of you had trouble finding a certain kind of tea that Lord Diavolo had been craving, and Barbatos insisted that you find it before leaving.
You were walking, fingers interlaced, as Barbatos held the bag of teas, spices, and other ingredients in this other hand. While you did offer to carry it, he had insisted it wasn’t necessary. He could be quite stubborn, but it was difficult arguing with him when he made such a genuine, ethereal smile that was reserved only for you. Perhaps he knew this weak spot of yours, but it wasn’t like you tried to keep it a secret.
Suddenly, Barbatos stopped in his tracks, and you did as well. His eyes were wide as he stared at a shadow not too far ahead of the both of you. “Barbatos…? Darling?”
He opened his mouth, then closed it. After doing so a couple more times, he took a deep breath before gazing at you and squeezing your hand. “I’m sorry, my love… I thought I saw a… um… r-word…” he admitted quietly, averting his gaze as his mortification increased. “I realized it was a shoe…”
Inspecting the shadow once again, you confirmed to yourself that it was indeed a shoe. A weird fuzzy one, but a shoe nonetheless. The streetlights did trick the light enough to make it resemble a rat if you weren’t paying much attention. You squeezed his hand back, trying to meet his gaze as you spoke. “It’s okay. Don’t be sorry, Toto.”
Barbatos’ face was red with humiliation, feeling ridiculous for being frightened when there wasn’t even a rat truly present. “Alright…” he mumbled, taking another deep breath when he realized his heart was still racing. You glanced around for any passers by, but the street was empty. Carefully, you released his hand, which made him tense for a moment before you wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close to yourself. “_____—”
“Shh.” You rubbed his hip with your thumb and kissed his temple. He hesitantly buried his face into your neck, hyper-aware of his own trembling form. “My little soot sprite, you are allowed to be afraid of things. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” He nodded, staying hidden in you for a moment. He then slowly pulled back from you and watched as you took his hand again. “Are you going to be okay?”
“Yes,” he mumbled, still not meeting your eyes. “I love you, _____… Thank you for being patient with me.”
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Originally written July 2022
Genre: fluff
Ship(s): Mephistopheles X Satan
Trigger/content warnings: erm… Satan is called “kitten”? Kissing?
Headcanons/notes from the author: the ending is abrupt probably I’m sorryyyyy. Writing about these two is long overdue though tbh. Been thinking about it forever haha
Brief Blurb: Mephisto flirts with Satan during an anti-Lucifer league meeting.
@belphieslilcow you wanted to be tagged👉👈 I hope it’s okay haha
The RAD newspaper club room was quiet, and Belphegor could feel his eyes drooping. He had been waiting for Satan and Mephistopheles to arrive for at least twenty minutes. Just as he was about to text them again, the door swung open, Satan’s face bright red as he followed Mephistopheles inside. “Why are you here already?” Mephistopheles demanded, placing the hand not occupied by his cane on his hip. “We weren’t supposed to start planning our next attack until five minutes from now.”
Belphegor tilted his head. “I thought we planned to be here at 17:30?” He yawned and sighed. “I could have napped if I knew that…”
Sighing, Mephistopheles shook his head. “Really, fallen angels have no sense.” He brought himself to sit on the couch, pretending to not be slightly bothered that Satan had sat across from him instead of next to him. They weren’t exactly openly together, but…
“So, Lucifer has an important meeting tomorrow,” Satan spoke up. “We need ways to embarrass him in front of the nobles.”
Mephistopheles hummed and tapped his fingertips against his jaw. “What if we cursed his shoes to make him trip?” He attempted to hide a smirk. “After all, you have a way with curses, don’t you, Satan?”
Cheeks tinging pink, Satan crossed his arms. “Why stop at his shoes? We might be able to curse other things as well.”
Belphegor pretended not to notice Satan’s face burning up. “Does he have anything he needs to bring? We could hide it.”
“Now that’s just ridiculous. That’s not truly going to hinder him.” Mephistopheles scoffed and crossed his arms. “Surely you could come up with something better.”
Satan rested his chin in his hand, staring off into nothing for a moment. “I could find a spell to make his papers fly out of his hands, or maybe even just away from him entirely. If we paired that with the tripping curse, then he would be humiliated in front of the nobles. Ego crushed.”
A sly smile crossed Mephistopheles’ face, and he couldn’t help the fluttering in his chest. “Quite the brain you have, kitten.”
Belphegor had already passed out by the time Mephisto uttered the pet name. Satan’s cheeks were bright red, and he couldn’t keep himself restrained once he noticed Belphie was asleep. Quickly, he climbed over the coffee table and straddled Mephistopheles’ thighs. “Y-You…” he cupped his boyfriend’s face. “You are miserable.”
“I am a demon,” Mephisto mumbled, closing his eyes once Satan pressed their lips together. He grabbed Satan’s hips and pulled him closer, face increasing in warmth as they deepened the kiss. Satan giggled into it, ignoring the stinging pain in his neck from the strange angle he was at. He adjusted the cane leaning against the couch so it wouldn’t fall before running his hands down Mephisto’s neck and shoulders. Kissing him like this was… strangely invigorating.
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Restless from Dysphoria
Originally written July 2022
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
Ship(s): Asmodeus X MC
(genderless trans MC, meaning anywhere on the trans spectrum)
Trigger/content warnings: gender dysphoria depictions
Headcanons/notes from the author: I wish I had someone to hug me last night the dysphoria was so bad haha. Hopefully this will reach anyone who needs it❤️
Brief Blurb: MC is feeling extremely dysphoric and can’t sleep, so they seek Asmodeus for comfort.
You were laying in bed, entirely too awake for the time of night it was. Lucifer had already done his rounds and retired to his room by now (or more accurately, his office), meaning you weren’t really supposed to leave your room. The dysphoria plaguing your head and body was getting entirely to painful to bear, though. Slowly, you escaped your blankets and stood up, hugging your pillow pet close to your chest.
Padding down the hallway, you found yourself at Asmodeus’ door. Despite his sleeping schedule being very important to him, you knew he wouldn’t mind being woken up so long as it was for you. Not knocking first, you entered the room and gently shut the door behind yourself. Once you sat on the edge of his bed, Asmodeus stirred. “Asmo?” you whispered, not wanting to scare him.
Being the light sleeper he is, Asmodeus peered at you. A fond smile instantly spread across his face. “_____, what is it?”
“I’m… feeling pretty gross right now…” you told him softly. “May I lay with you?”
Asmodeus instantly shuffled himself away to make some room, then gently tugged on your arm. “Of course, hon.”
You burrowed underneath his plush blankets and snuggled close to him. He wrapped his arms around you in the best position he could, then inhaled your scent and ran the back of his fingers down your cheek. It soothed your mind a bit, masking the poison in your chest and calming your twisting stomach. “I’m sorry, it just got physically painful…”
“I promise I don’t mind,” Asmodeus muttered. He hushed you and kissed your temple. “I’m here for you. Don’t be sorry.”
The two of you laid there, the sound of breathing being the only disturbance of silence. You could feel exhaustion taking over, and nuzzled your face closer to the crook of his neck. “I’m sleepy…”
“Then sleep,” he murmured. “I’ll protect you from all those awful dysphoric thoughts…” You hummed in response, then closed your eyes and listened to his heartbeat. It was comforting, and eventually the steady thumps accompanied by his ministrations lulled you into sleep.
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Cat Logic
Originally written August 2022
Genre: fluff
Ship(s): Barbatos/MC
(genderless MC)
Compliments/nicknames/descriptions of MC: called “my love”, “darling”
Trigger/content warnings: none? except I guess MC interrupts Barbatos while he’s talking a couple times.
Headcanons/notes from the author: based off a conversation with @obeythedemons ^^ you said you wanted to read it so I hope tagging is okay— ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBATOS! It wasn’t purposeful that it is done by today but!!! glad it is!
Brief Blurb: Barbatos is tired and MC uses a cat technique to have him rest.
You had finally caught Barbatos during a pause in his work. He was leaning against the counter, shoulders a bit slumped and eyes shut. Clearly, he hadn’t bothered to check if someone was looking, having allowed himself to let his guard down. “Barbatos?”
He gazed up at you, quickly ceasing his relaxed position. “_____, what can I do for you?”
“Toto, c’mere,” you murmured, making grabby hands.
Slowly, he obliged, stepping closer and allowing you to take his hands. The nickname had sent blood rushing to his cheeks, tinting them hot pink. “Whatever do you want, my love? I still have duties to attend to.” You released one of his hands to properly lead him to your guest room, then sat him down on the edge of the bed. “My love—”
“One moment, Barbatos.” You gave him a chaste kiss before collecting a blanket and ushering him to get comfortable, which he hesitantly cooperated with. You giggled at his disheveled appearance, then carefully took off his jacket and gloves. It helped him relax ever so slightly, but he began to protest again. “You can take a break.”
“I still have to—”
“Barbatos.” You gently cupped his face, ensuring he gazed at you. “I’m sorry for interrupting you, but you are supposed to be resting right now. Your duties can wait for tomorrow. It is late.”
Barbatos nearly allowed himself to whine at you, but caught himself. “_____…”
Ignoring his protesting, you ran your fingers through his hair and coaxed him to lay on the pile of pillows you had prepared. He didn’t allow himself to get more comfortable than he was, but his face couldn’t resist contorting into a fond smile when you curled up in his lap and against his chest. “Now you can’t get up.”
Chortling, he asked, “Oh really? Why is that, darling?”
“You can’t disturb me if I’m on top of you. It’s the rules.” He chuckled and allowed you to intertwine your fingers with his. “And you know more than anyone else that you need a break.”
The butler squeezed your hands and sighed. “You are right…” he muttered. “I still need to finish things, though… so this is only a break.”
You hummed. “Sure, Toto.” You adjusted yourself a bit, then released one of his hands to pet his hair again. Despite trying to be stubborn about his duties, Barbatos leaned into your touch. His eyes were drooping, desperate to close. Underneath you, his body was melting into the form of the bed and pillows. “I love you so much.”
“I love you so much, too…” Barbatos muttered, eyes shutting slowly. After a few minutes of playing with his hair and humming to him, he began to very quietly snore. Giggling, you kissed the hand you were holding and continued to pet him, making sure he wouldn’t wake if you stopped. Eventually your arm began to tire, so you ceased your ministrations and burrowed into him more, squeezing his hand tight and not daring to let go as you dozed off as well.
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Taught To Believe
Originally written July 2022
Genre: angst…?
Characters Active: Lucifer, Barbatos, Lord Diavolo (briefly)
Trigger/content warnings: gender dysphoria depictions
Headcanons/notes from the author: transmasc Lucifer and agender Barbatos (also brief mention of non-binary Simeon)
Brief Blurb: After the fall, Barbatos nudges Lucifer to address his gender dysphoria.
Ever since the fall, Lucifer had distracted himself with work. He didn’t want to look in mirrors even more than before. Despite his prideful nature, there was a force within himself that was tearing up his heart and splitting his head from the inside. The feeling was there before he fell, and he had kept it on the back burner since he was a young angel.
Most nights he could drown himself in paperwork or demonus to numb the discomfort. He knew it was unhealthy, but what else was he to do? Being the avatar of pride, he couldn’t allow an invisible torment to weigh him down. The mirrors would remain covered with sheets and he would dress as modest as he could. No one needed to see his skin, anyway.
Why did his name bother him so much? Perhaps it reminded him of the Father when he heard it… Then again, it wasn’t just his name or body, there was the fact that he felt poison ink in his chest when being called a woman. It felt ridiculous, because he was one, wasn’t he?
Lord Diavolo had sat down with him in the castle gardens for tea. Every time his celestial-given name left the prince’s mouth, he felt knives in his chest. Every time Barbatos addressed him as “lady” he had to blink back tears. Lucifer wanted to ask them to stop, but what reason could he possibly have? Wouldn’t he sound insane to them?
“Young Master,” Barbatos spoke up after standing quietly to the side for a while. “It seems that our guest is having a difficult time.”
Lucifer quickly stood, dress immediately catching on the chair and causing him to stumble. “No, I am alright,” he lied, eyes scanning everywhere but the two before him. “I just remembered, I promised to read to Satan tonight. I must take my leave.” The sound of his own voice caused his stomach to twist.
“Allow us to accompany you,” Lord Diavolo said his name, and Lucifer could no longer keep the tears in. One slipped down his face, and the two before him went deathly silent. Of course, the prince couldn’t be lied to, but he didn’t want to use that to get Lucifer to admit his issue. “Are you… sure that you are alright?”
Lucifer hated the pity in Lord Diavolo’s voice, especially since he was the same man that used distress to get him to vow loyalty. How dare he pretend to care! Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Lucifer shook his head. “I’m quite alright. It was an eyelash.”
Before either of them could stop him, Lucifer hurriedly left the gardens. “Barbatos…” Lord Diavolo turned to face his butler. “Do you have any idea what this is about?”
“I’m afraid I do not. Would you like me to utilize my power, Young Master?” Of course, Barbatos had an idea. He was an observant individual, and as someone who wasn’t necessarily the gender expected of him, he could pick up on it.
“No… I suppose I will have to wait…”
Later that night, Barbatos was sent to the House of Lamentation to bring Lucifer unprecedented urgent paperwork. Upon his arrival, he knocked and waited for someone to answer. The door swung open, revealing Beelzebub. “Lord Barbatos?”
“Just Barbatos. I am merely a butler.”
Gesturing to the file tucked in his arm, Barbatos told him, “I am here to give these papers to the Avatar of Pride.”
“Okay.” Beelzebub stepped out of the way, then closed the door after Barbatos came in. “Probably in the office.”
Barbatos thanked Beelzebub before heading upstairs, sighing once he was sure no one would hear. He followed the way to Lucifer’s office, then knocked on the door. “Who is it?”
“Barbatos. I have brought urgent paperwork.” There was shuffling on the other side, then a heavy exhale. When the door opened, Barbatos couldn’t help gasping. Lucifer’s face was flushed, eyes red, and his cheeks were damp from the tears that still clawed down his face. “Still having eyelash issues?”
Lucifer growled, but it didn’t frighten Barbatos one bit. “Just give me the paperwork.”
Handing over the envelope, Barbatos couldn’t help but search for some sort of sign that Lucifer may tell him what was wrong. Perhaps he was misunderstanding the cause of so much distress? “If I may—”
“You may not,” Lucifer snapped. “I don’t want to hear anything you have to say. I’m frustrated enough.”
“What has you so frustrated, exactly?” Barbatos didn’t understand why he cared so much. Lucifer was just another servant, after all; a fallen angel so desperate he gave up his independence to a certain degree. “Perhaps I could help.”
Lucifer huffed, a trembling smile spreading across his face. “I doubt it. I’m just unwell.”
“It doesn’t matter.” Lucifer began to shut the door, but Barbatos stopped his movement. “Are demons always so pushy?”
Unwilling to admit he was genuinely concerned for the morning star, Barbatos told him, “I am simply doing as expected with my duty as a butler. If I were to turn a blind eye to your unease, it would hinder Lord Diavolo.” Before Lucifer could argue, he added, “Furthermore, it is obviously an affliction that should not be ignored. Under any assumption I could help resolve some of your discontent, it would be wrong of me not to do so.”
Lucifer was silent for a while. After wiping off his cheeks once more, he opened the door enough to allow Barbatos to enter. The butler did so and sat with Lucifer at the desk, both staring at each other’s faces. “You will think I am insane.”
“I doubt that will be the case.” Barbatos watched Lucifer set the envelope down before folding his hands on the surface of the desk. “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on before jumping to conclusions?”
Lucifer fidgeted his feet, then took a deep breath before staring into nothing. “I… have always found discomfort in my… body…” he began, feeling strange saying such. “I don’t like… being called a woman, despite being one. I hate it.”
There was a stretch of silence, and Barbatos half expected to be kicked out of the office. It was as he thought. “I see.” He bit the inside of his cheek, then decided to continue. “I… do not think you’re insane.”
“Let me finish,” Barbatos insisted. When Lucifer didn’t say anything more, Barbatos went on, “I have never felt like a man or a woman. Neither of them are exactly the correct word for me. There may not ever be a word that resonates with me quite right.” Barbatos made a weak smile. “I do not know if that is the case for you, but as far as I can tell, you are probably suffering from gender dysphoria.”
“Gender… dysphoria…?” Lucifer knitted his eyebrows and stared at his hands. “Is there… a term for it celestial tongue…?” Barbatos thought for a moment, then uttered the phrase. “Oh…” A few tears rolled down Lucifer’s face. “Oh… Simeon… has that…”
“How do you mean?”
“Simeon told me once, they have similar feelings as you…” Lucifer mumbled. “When they went to speak with Michael, he was very nice about it… saying many angels have an issue in creation…” He felt his chest tightening with panic. There was no way he didn’t realize something like this about himself, right? Surely there was another explanation! He was a perfect vision… “We began to use more neutral terms for Simeon, and they… felt better…”
Barbatos wasn’t sure how to properly help. The fallen angel was trembling with crushed pride. “Have you perhaps been… ignoring your needs out of… stubbornness?”
“I…” Lucifer choked down a sob, then muttered, “So what? I can’t… just… I’m…” Words failed to come to him, and a frustrated, tiny scream left his lips as he buried his face in his palms. He ran his hands over his forehead and through his hair, violently shaking from having to deal with reality now that it was out in the open. “Surely I can’t take care of it under Lord Diavolo’s oath. He wouldn’t stand it. I-I mean, he doesn’t call you neutral terms, so why would he change anything for me, the fallen angel?”
“I continue to use masculine terms because it doesn’t bother me,” Barbatos told him gently. “Every person with gender dysphoria has different needs. I simply feel no gender suits me. I present myself as I see fit.” He could tell Lucifer was listening, so he continued, “My question is, do you feel that any gender suits you outside what you were taught to believe?”
Trembling and crying, Lucifer shrugged and hid his face behind his hair. “I haven’t even entertained the idea, s-so…”
“Alright…” Barbatos very carefully laid a hand on Lucifer’s head, mustering a kind smile. “We can take this slowly. It will be alright.”
“Thank you…”
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Originally written June-July 2022
Genre: illness hurt/comfort
Ship(s): Barbatos X MC
(genderless MC)
Trigger/content warnings: very bad migraine symptoms (nausea, pins and needles, sensitivity to touch/light/noise, throwing up, etc), mention of scary visions/nightmares but no descriptions
Headcanons/notes from the author: this took me a month to write dhskdhdkd. Originally it was going to be a non-MC poly one (team Solomon plus Simeon) but I liked it better this way.
Brief Blurb: Barbatos doesn’t always get violently ill, but when he does…
Barbatos was perfect; he cooked, he cleaned, he was strong, he could fight, he could create portals wherever (and whenever) he pleased, he could tell what his masters wanted at any given moment… and everyone knew this. Not a single lower demon dared mess with him, and the only human that bore a pact with him treated him with upmost respect. The image he held was solid to everyone but himself.
Only two people could see when he was truly out of sorts: his masters. No one else had the opportunity to see his mask of perfection broken, except for the ever slumbering Demon King (but even he wouldn’t be able to tell before it happened). It was rare that Barbatos allowed himself to cry in the solitude of his room, let alone anywhere else. Even rarer was his admittance to feeling ill, even in his lonesome.
He had to be perfect, and perfection doesn’t stop for sickness. It didn’t wait for his mental turmoil. If he wanted to release his internal screaming, he would have to either stop time or risk his fragile perfection; neither was an option. Barbatos couldn’t entertain the urge to falter, especially when it wasn’t a carefully calculated moment.
This particular morning, Barbatos was completely unrested. His nightmares and visions were clashing the instant he drifted off. With his headache from the previous day’s events, he could barely think outside the bursts of recollection of the horrid scenes that played in his head. He sluggishly pushed himself to sit up when his alarm sounded, only to writhe in pain when his brain seemed to smash itself repeatedly against the front of his skull.
A defeated groan escaped his lips as he slammed his hand on the clock, not even registering that he crushed it before burying his face in his hands. He could feel tears building, but he still had the will to keep them in. This was just going to be a difficult day, and he’d done difficult days hundreds of times before.
Despite running mostly on autopilot, he managed to get out of bed and change into his uniform. He could barely keep his eyes open when he entered the brightly lit hallway, and this only frustrated him further. The light seemed to send shocks of agony through his skull… and if he were able to produce coherent thoughts, he may have realized the headache had escalated into a migraine from his terrorizing night.
Barbatos got to the bottom of the stairs, then slowly brought himself to sit on the last few steps. His mind felt like it had melted, and the dizziness was making his brain slosh. Every part of his body felt like it was being stung repeatedly by very small needles, and his stomach twisted. Squeezing his eyes shut and very slowly resting his face in his hands, Barbatos promised himself that he could rest for a minute before continuing his routine.
The hours dragged on like this, and the butler barely registered his surroundings as he let muscle memory take over. He had completely forgotten about this plans with you, and the pinging from his D.D.D. was making his head crackle with searing pain, so he had turned it to silent earlier on. The agony had engulfed him, but he managed to do half of what he usually would before Lord Diavolo awoke.
The demon prince peeked into the kitchen, confused as to why Barbatos was not heading out to the House of Lamentation as planned. Concern flowed through him as he realized Barbatos was struggling to keep his eyes open, and tears were rolling down his cheeks. “Barbatos?”
Flinching at the sudden voice, Barbatos cupped one of his temples. He opened his mouth to answer, then closed it. There weren’t any coherent thoughts in his head, and he was barely present. A weak sob escaped him as he leaned against the counter, completely devastated by his state. How humiliating, having the inability to please Lord Diavolo…
Of course, being pleased was the least of Lord Diavolo’s worries. He deeply cared about Barbatos, and seeing him in this state was dreadful. Slowly, he backed out of the kitchen and pulled his D.D.D. out of his robe pocket, then texted you.
Diavolo: _____, did you two cancel plans today?
_____: No! Is Barbatos okay? He won’t respond to my texts.
Diavolo: Doesn’t seem like it. Could you come get him, maybe?
_____: I’ll try and get there quickly.
A sigh escaped Lord Diavolo as he put his phone away. He hesitantly peeked into the kitchen, unsure if he should approach Barbatos without any idea of what was going on. Most of the time, Barbatos was punctual with everything, including his days off with you. “Barbatos?” he gently spoke, approaching the butler with an outstretched hand. “My friend, why don’t we sit down?”
Barbatos let out a weak cry and covered his ears. Before Lord Diavolo could say or do anything else, he heard a crash from the foyer. Within a millisecond of the noise, Barbatos covered his mouth in a vain attempt to prevent himself from vomiting onto the counter. Nausea flowed through Lord Diavolo, and he quickly fled the kitchen, finding the source of the noise. “Where’s Barbatos?” you demanded, not giving a second thought to the vase, bookshelf, and Li’l D. you knocked over.
“The kitchen. He just threw up…” Lord Diavolo attempted to keep his gag reflex under control.
“Oh my goodness…” You hurried around Lord Diavolo, then into the kitchen. You nearly gagged at the scene you beheld, but kept control of yourself as you hurried to Barbatos’ side. Very carefully, you pulled your boyfriend’s bawling form into your arms and held him close.
After a moment of retaliation, Barbatos slowly accepted your embrace and burrowed into your chest, sobs growing louder. The stench was making it difficult to repress your gag reflex, so you carefully stripped Barbatos of his gloves, jacket, and shoes before guiding him to a chair. Once you sat him down, he let out some upset gibberish, which you assumed were his attempts at apologizing.
You hurried to grab a washcloth and wet it before returning to Barbatos to wipe off his face, as well as his hands. “Barbatos,” you cooed softly. “Let’s get you back to bed, alright?” You set down the cloth before running your other hand through his hair, hoping it would soothe him, but he recoiled. Taking your hand away, you examined his face more thoroughly. He was sickly white, eyes scrunched shut, and lips pressed into a line. Giving the rest of him a once-over, you noticed he was visibly shaking.
It was unusual for Barbatos to reject your touch after he had began to feel comfortable with being given affection. You didn’t want to upset him further, but he needed a bath and some rest… Carefully, you helped him to his feet and wrapped an arm around his waist, allowing him to lean into you. The whole way to his quarters, you could feel him flinching, leaning closer, squirming…
You pulled him inside his room, then closed the door and headed up the staircase that lead to his restroom. So long as Barbatos was present, the stairs would react to his magic and bring you there. Once you brought him into the restroom, you helped him to sit on the floor and lean against the wall. He writhed when his head rested against the wall, instantly throwing himself forward to avoid the feeling any longer. Just barely, you dodged a head-on-head collision.
“Do…” you quieted your voice when he whimpered, “Do you want the lights on?” He violently shook his head, and you very gently told him, “Alright, I won’t turn the lights on. Do you have spare clothes in here?” Barbatos couldn’t recall, so he assumed the answer was no and once again shook his head like his life depended on it, despite the pain shooting through his brain. “Don’t hurt yourself, Barbatos…” you mumbled, carefully holding his cheeks to stop the movement. “You’re going to hit your head.”
You took your hands away and stood, stealing a final glance at him as you muttered an incantation.
Create a path where there is none… and bring me to the bedroom of Barbatos, the Demon Who Sees Both Past and Future!
The world around you twisted, then you felt your feet land on the familiar wooden floor of Barbatos’ room. Hurriedly, you approached his closet and opened it in search for the pajamas you had bought him. You knew he only wore them when you were keeping him company, since you had a matching set and he liked wearing it at the same time as you. Spotting the pajamas, you pulled them out, as well as a new set of underwear and some socks in case he wanted them. You closed the closet, then took a deep breath to focus.
Create a path where there is none, and return me to Barbatos, the Demon Who Sees Both Past and Future!
You returned in a flash of white, making Barbatos cry out from pain. You set the clothes you had collected onto the counter, then helped Barbatos undress as quickly as you could. “I’m sorry, baby…” you muttered. “I know the light hurts, I’m sorry.”
After helping him into the bath and filling it, you scrubbed him down with delicate ministrations. The sounds of the water and your touches didn’t seem to upset him too much. You were quite sure he had a migraine at this point, something you knew demons could have because of Lucifer… but the avatar of pride never had one quite like this.
Once he was clean, you helped him out, dried him off, and changed him into the clothes you brought for him. He was shaking, but noticeably calmer than he was earlier. You very carefully brought him into a tight embrace, and he burrowed into your neck. It was strange to experience him being so vulnerable…
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