if-you-fan-a-fire · 8 months
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"MIXED MARRIAGES IN ONTARIO MANY," Windsor Record. October 30, 1913. Page 1. ---- Toronto, Oct. 30. - That the Ne Temere decree is not working out to the absolute stoppage of mixed marriages is shown in the annual report of the registrar-general of the province issued today.
According to the figures, 820 men and 1,096 women married outside their faith.
The number of marriages totalled 28,445. Nearly two-thirds of those married were between 20 and 30 years of age. The unusual marriages included a man of 25, who married a woman over 70 and three women under 30 marrying men over 70.
The province showed a reduced death rate for the year, lower than in many other countries. On the other hand there is the announcement that one of every ten infants in Ontario dies before attaining the fifth year.
The birth-rate was 22.4 per thousand, the lowest since 1902. In 1911 it was 22.6.
Deaths numbered 32,150, or 12.4 per thousand, or 2 lower than in 1911. Illegitimate births showed an increase of 168. Seventy-two per cent. of these births were in cities.
The battle with the white plague showed good progress. There was a total of 2,250 deaths, but this was a decrease of 103 and a decrease in percentage of 05. About seven per cent. of the deaths in Ontario were from tuberculosis. The heaviest death rate from the disease is between 20 and 30 years of age.
One out of every ten infants die before its fifth year. There were 8,230 of such deaths, while 6,494 died before completing 12 months. Two hundred less died from diarr- hoea than in 1911, the lowest in six years.
This was attributed to the greater interest in child welfare and the successful efforts to educate young mo- thers in the care of children.
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government-of-ontario · 11 months
Ain’t nothing better than this. suckin and fuckin
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mwezina · 2 years
I wonder if all that fuss around CUPE is meant to cover up this...
Don't build on the Greenbelt!!
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Doug Ford's acting like a fascist with his legislation against CUPE.
Which makes me question...how worried should we be about the rest of the PC party
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chloeworships · 9 months
Oh my. Last night I saw the words LEAKED and now this
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
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This IS BEYOND unacceptable -FU to Doug Ford and ANY politician/public figure in the Ontario Legislature who agrees with this. A keffiyeh is a traditional scarf worn by many Arab people, and people in West Asian communities. It does represent/symbolize Palestinian resistance and solidarity (among many aspects, of course), but that's not a crime -and trying to censure someone's right to wear traditional garments because you'd rather pander to zionists (as this article notes, many wear religious wear every day in office), is the real issue here -this is discrimination. This is legislated discrimination and is hateful.
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POV: You are attempting to apply for ODSP on the government of Ontario’s website
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andrewryudatametrex · 2 years
Andrew Ryu | Ontario Govt. Spends Millions In Employment Programs
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I am pleased to inform my fellow Canadians that the federal government has set aside money for the province of Ontario. Andrew Ryu has said that this cash will be used to help with the severe worker shortage in Ontario. The goal is to inspire people to further their education and professional development. Additionally, residents of Ontario may use these skills to find work in the province and contribute to its economic growth.
It's a big, brave move in the right direction that the Ontario government is providing such considerable financing. Twenty-five million of the government's total allocation of thirty million dollars had already been spent. This being the case, there will soon be many opportunities for Ontarians to participate in worthwhile programs designed to increase their skill sets. The new fund, however, will be used to support the most disadvantaged Ontarians first and foremost.
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cree-future-rabbi · 2 months
I've written to two parties in Ontario about antisemitism and antisemitic comments and garments.
I am told to be safe, to disregard my culture, my religion, my identity, so people who are prohamas don't kill me.
I spend my days in fear, in "one of most culturally diverse countries".
I wrote two parties (NDP and Conservatives) about their stance on letting a poltical statement be worn in a government hall. This garment I have never seen anyone wear before the terrorists attacked Israel so brutally.
The government doesn't understand that they can not do this, they can not let keffiyeh be worn in government institutions, like I can't wear anything that says "bring them home." That's so fucked up. It is a garment worn to incite fears into Jews and to cover your face. You're stand so proudly, yet cover your face. Cowards.
So if they allow this, I will be asking to speak in the House of Commons, wearing a shirt that says "let my people go!"
If this was really about palestine, the hostages would be back, war would be over.
You dont care about life, you just care about having an excuse to kill, assault, harass,bully, and worse to Jews.
Apparently we don't matter.
I sent video and picture evidence to support my case.
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Three Métis groups signed a deal Friday with the federal government that recognizes them as Indigenous governments, putting them on equal constitutional standing with First Nations and opening the door to further negotiations such as compensation for land lost.
“For over 90 years, that has always been the dream — that proper recognition of a Métis government,” said Audrey Poitras, president of the Métis Nation of Alberta.
Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Marc Miller also signed the deal with the Métis Nation of Saskatchewan and Métis Nation of Ontario.
“We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with the Métis Nation of Alberta to co-develop approaches that deliver on our shared priorities for reconciliation and support their vision of a better future for the citizens and communities the Métis government represents,” Miller said in a release. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @abpoli
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"COUNSEL IS ABSENT AND TRIAL DEFERRED," Toronto Globe. September 30, 1933. Page 2. --- Deputy Minister of Hospitals to Appear on Oct. 11 ---- (Canadian Press Despatch.) Brantford, Sept. 29. - Trial of Henry M. Robbins of Toronto, Ontario Deputy Minister of Hospitals, which was to have continued today, was adjourned because defense counsel, C. W. Beil, K.C., was engaged in Hamilton on another case. Bail was renewed and trial set for Oct. 11. The defense entered a plea of not guilty on a relaid criminal negligence charge and elected trial by Magistrate J. R. Blake in county Police Court.
The Deputy Minister, being tried in connection with a motor crash in which William Lintott and John Newitt were injured, was dismissed on a criminal negligence charge a week ago. He now faces trial on three counts- an amended negligence charge, intoxication while in charge of a motor vehicle, and having liquor in an unauthorized place.
Mr. Bell, in Hamilton, is defending Fred Woods of Brantford, charged with criminal negligence as the result of a motor accident near Ancaster three weeks ago.
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government-of-ontario · 11 months
Please be advised that for the next week most of Southern Ontario will be under The Spell! Effects include revealing the Cursed Knowledge, temporary eternal youth, and reduced visibility while driving. Stay Safe!
Veuillez noter que la semaine prochaine, la majeure partie du sud de l'Ontario sera sous Le Charme! Les effets incluent la révélation de la connaissance maudite, la jeunesse éternelle temporaire et la visibilité réduite pendant la conduite. Soyez prudent!
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nando161mando · 2 months
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They're running homeless encampments for profit now, however caravan parks started that trend before this.
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civ5crab · 1 year
Bombardier Bilevel is a Canadian Bi Icon.
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chloeworships · 9 months
Oh my. God was not playing
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skullhaver · 6 months
idk if the anecdotes in my life are indicative of a wider trend, but older people (60+) seem much more interested in smalltalk than younger people (20s-30s). perhaps this is just because older people are lonelier and seek more connections, perhaps this is because young people are busy with more shit to do + more tired from work with less energy to talk. perhaps the scaremongering commentators are somewhat right and technology and pandemic isolation have stunted young people's social skills or whatever.
i like talking to old people so this isn't really a problem for me, but i do wish ppl in their 20s would chat with me about the weather in the elevator sometimes!
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