hostwastaken · 1 year
A Rocky Start || Hunter x Reader
around 2000 words, gender-neutral reader, told you I post sometimes. No warnings; asks open. Part 1 of many.
Being friends with Luz was easy. Being a junior in high school? Less so. But, life goes on, and on, and on. Much to the dismay of, {First name, Last name}. A remarkably average student at, Gravesfeild highschool. 
First meeting, Luz, was a bit of a disaster. Something she admitted to more than a handful of times. {Your name} had been running a barely functioning book club for all of their sophomore year. Which consisted of them reading, alone, in an abandoned stairwell. Until Luz came along. The two met during the club fair, where everyone got together and tried to convince middle schoolers to join their club. Luz was originally drawn in by, The Good Witch Azura, her favorite book placed front and center on the poorly decorated club booth table.
Their booth was comically tiny compared to the rest of the clubs. Tucked away in the only empty space they were able to find. Luz found them, head thrown back and a half-read book slung over their face. She was able to spot the book from across the cafeteria and immediately made a B-line straight to their booth. Slamming her hands down on the rickety table scaring the other kid half to death. {Your name} awoke with a jump, flailing to catch the book previously laid over their eyes. Startled, they seemed to gawk at Luz. Half because, holy shit, that was intense, and half because she was astounded that someone wanted to join their club. Luz seemed to think her behavior was perfectly normal. 
"I want to join your club!"
Luz, practically beamed up at her, shouting. {Your name} seemed to still be waking up, running a hand over their face with the best smile they could offer. Gently, they picked up the sign-up sheet, handing it over to Luz. She squealed and twirled in place, hugging the clipboard close to their chest. Sloppily, the girl scribbled down her name in a sparkily pink gel pen she pulled out of seemingly, nowhere. 
"Welcome to the club..."
Glancing down at the sheet, for a moment, smiling at the poorly drawn cat next to the girl's name. 
"Luz Noceda!" 
Smiling they stick out their hand loosely for the younger girl to take. She did, very enthusiastically. Grabbing their hand with both of hers and shaking wildly. The biggest smile crossed her face. Eventually, Luz let go. She gasped suddenly, as if remembering something extremely urgent, and threw her bag to the floor. She rummaged around in it for a while, pulling random various objects out to set them aside. Eventually, she pulls out a handful of sparklers. The tired-looking club member's eyes went wide their brows drew in confusion. 
"Okay, I'm lost." 
They spoke while Luz was still rummaging through her bag for something else. Confused, they leaned over the table, seeing Luz squatted on the ground, a kazoo between her lips, desperately trying to light sparklers using friction. Oh no, Seemed to be the only thought running through their head as the sparklers came to life. Luz, on the other hand, seemed to be ecstatic. Loudly and horribly, playing the kazoo while dancing with the sparklers. There was one part of the dance where Luz dropped down to the floor as a dramatic ending. Well, the sparklers edged just a touch too close to the tablecloth decorating the booth. 
In shock, the two seemed to gawk at the fire wide-eyed. Until the elder rushed, trying to toss all the books off the table before they could fuel the fire. Luz resorted to swatting the fire with her hoodie, screaming at it. 
"Back down, fire! You will not best me!" 
Luz was pulled away from the fire by one of the teachers, another breaking the glass to the fire alarm, sending a shower of water through the cafeteria. Recalling the fond memory {Your name} hadn't realized they had been doodling the event until the drawing had begun to leak into their notes. Stifling a chuckle while the teacher lectures, they rip the doodle out of the book and stuff it into their pocket. The bell cuts the teacher short, and everyone scrambles to pack up. 
Impatiently, the older teen waits for Luz. Leaned up against their light green PT Cruiser; what a loser. Eyes scanning the crowd for their freshmen, hoping they haven't gotten into trouble again. Anxiously, their foot begins to tap, wondering why Luz could be so late. School ended almost fifteen minutes ago... Just about to head out to look for their younger friend she comes rounding the corner, screaming. 
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" 
Running up they all but collapse onto their older friend, heaving between words. On instinct, they embrace Luz, patting her head. 
"It's alright, whatever it is, we can talk about it inside my car. It's hot as balls out here." 
Luz nods before hopping into the green car, her friend joining shortly after with a relieved sigh. Luz watches as they fiddle with the stereo, for a moment, before turning their attention to her. Feeling, suddenly embarrassed, Luz curls up, hugging her bag close to her chest. She speaks lightly and rubs the back of her neck nervously as she does so. 
"Some kid tried to take my book..."
Luz was cut short by her friend's flabbergasted expression. Their mouth hung agape, ready and willing to march back to the school and get that book. Anger quickly took over after that. This wasn't a one-time thing, Luz had been picked on all year and the school wasn't doing a damn thing about it. 
"Is this the same guy who poured milk all over your sketchbook?" 
Luz nodded but moved on quickly, a mischievous smile covering her features. 
"I punched him!"
She spoke almost like she couldn't believe she'd done it. {Your name}, on the other hand, laughed joyfully, happy the jerk got some justice, and that Luz was standing up for herself. 
"You punched him?! Oh man, that's awesome. I wish I had your gut's kid. Any teacher's around?" 
Luz smiled as her friend shoved her playfully but blanched at their question. Laying her head on the window solemnly. She spoke with dread like another detention would end her life.
"Uh, not a teacher... but some of his friends. They all ran off screaming about how much trouble I'm gonna be in. Mama is gonna be furious when she gets the call!" 
{Your name} couldn't help but feel for their little friend. She really tried, and a lot of her projects were cool! Just, not conventional... a lot of her projects ended up with her being picked on. Luckily, her mom was probably the most kind person they had ever met. Always willing to take them in whenever things tended to get rocky at home. The least they could do for Mrs. Noceda was watch out for Luz. 
"It'll be okay, Luz. Let's get some slushies before heading back. Besides, what's one more detention?"
"Suspension?! A fight?! This must be a misunderstanding... Luz, wouldn't do that, not without cause!" 
Okay, so it was a bit more than a detention. The two teens stood in the doorway, slushies in hand, just catching the end of the conversation. They looked at each other, then at the kitchen, and then back to each other. Silently, they crept over to the kitchen, listening in. 
"Him? We have filed report after report about him! What are you doing to protect my daughter? Nothing more you can do?!"
With a frustrated groan, Mrs. Noceda hangs up tossing her phone onto the counter. She sighs, it's easy to tell she has mixed feelings about the subject. Luz inches over, head down like a kicked puppy. The guilt of her actions set in. 
Mrs. Noceda turns and embraces her daughter. Pulling her close and patting the back of her head lightly. The brunette's eyes widen, confused at her mother's sudden reaction. 
"I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself, mija, but violence is not a good habit to rely on."
Noticing the older teen in the doorway she waves them over, embracing both of them. Eventually, she pulled back, smiling at them. 
"My troublemakers, what will I ever do with you two?" 
She ruffled Luz's hair and walks away, asking if tamales are good for dinner. After having the approval of the teens she starts cooking. A new crime-drama tv show playing on her tablet. 
Luz leads her friend to the living room. Tossing the empty slush cups on her way. The two laze on the couch for a bit, scrolling through movies before Luz decides on the same movie for the tenth time this week.
Times like these with Luz and her mom were the moments that kept them sane. Things at home weren't the most stable. So, they would spend late nights here and then sneak back into the shitty trailer the school liked to think was their home. Nights there were quiet now. Lonely.
Mrs. Noceda knew all she needed to; she had decided long ago that they were family in her eyes. Treating them as her own. She had asked a while ago to keep some clothes here for them. Just in case, she said. For emergencies. 
An offering, a hand begging to be taken, a way out. One that Mrs. Noceda knew, deep down, wouldn't be taken anytime soon.
Despite calling him dad he was far from being a parent. At this point, he seemed to be more of a husk than a human, let alone a father. Only leaving the house to go to the bar or the store. Surviving off the little retirement he got. Sometimes they would come home and find him, dazed, staring blankly at whatever show was on; and they would scream, standing in front of the tv, crying for their dad. Other times they would try to feed him. "Please, I haven't seen you eat in weeks, please. Just eat something. I'm sorry for yelling." Pleading never went far; screaming didn't either. Never realizing they were crying until the hot tears salted their tongue. Sometimes, they would just sit there with him. Pretending they were a normal family, watching tv over dinner. 
They could never pretend for long. 
Always ending up holed in their room. 
Always staring blankly at the walls.
Always alone. 
almost always. 
"{Your name}? {Your name}? You still in there?" 
Zoning back into the world around them they were met with Luz waving her hands franticly in front of their face. They were also met with the soft couch against their back, and the color of the walls, and the warmth of the house, and the smell of freshly cooked tamales. 
"Dinner is ready! Mama has been calling for us." 
Dragging a hand down their face groggily, they stand, grabbing at the couch for support. They trail lazily behind Luz, following her to the dining table. The food smelled amazing, fresh, and warm. They stared at the food, their appetite seemingly leached out of their body. The food seemed to stare back. Luz, on the other hand, was already beginning to dig in. A soft hum of approval at the familiar taste of her mom's cooking. 
Mrs. Noceda seemed to watch the older teen, a conflicted glint in her eyes. They still hadn't touched the food, stirring their portion of rice around with a troubled look. Mrs. Noceda knew that look, she had seen it before. Eventually, she was relieved to watch the kid take a bite of food. Smiling softly as their eyes lit up, ever so slightly. 
"So, it's the weekend. Why don't you spend the night?"
Mrs. Noceda offered politely, and Luz immediately latched onto the idea. Grabbing onto her friend's arm, agreeing with her mom, practiced puppy dog eyes silently begging them to stay. 
"Yes! Yes! Please? It's the weekend and you haven't slept over in so long!"
It was hard to say no to Luz and she had a point. It had been a while since the two of you had a sleepover. Plus, Luz just looked so happy. How could they say no? 
"Alright, alright, I'll stay! Just stop staring at me like that."
They jokingly pushed Luz away, coving her unsettlingly accurate puppy dog eyes. Luz jumped out of her chair excitedly, pulling her friend away by the arm. 
"Yes! We have to go set up! Nooooow. Come on, come on, come on!"
Laughing at Luz's antics, she pulled you away as you thanked Mrs. Noceda. Who was just happy to see you staying for once. Luz shoved some clothes into her closet messily before running out of her room. She came running back in, a deflated air mattress slung over her shoulder. Luz had denied any offer of help, insisting to set up for her esteemed guest. 
She even tossed a stuffed animal on the bed, "In case you get lonely", in her words.                                                                                  
Sleep that night came easy; tangled in soft blankets with a little fish hugged close. The stars told stories as they drifted off. Sleeping well for the first time in a while. 
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shockolate01 · 2 years
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geraiodli · 1 year
Raeda art for my b-day's bestie! I like Raine here<3
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
Owl House human AU where everything is pretty typical of human aus, but instead of Hunter + the ggs being related to Belos somehow, Belos is just one of those people you hear about who hoard cats and the ggs are all of his cats who are a similar type/look to Belos’ original cat and he neglects them and barely notices when one of them dies bc there’s so many of them. Hunter’s a rescue cat. Everyone else is human. But Hunter is a cat.
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trebol-negro · 1 year
A bedtime story
Based on @idoodlestuffsometimes ' AU
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Original painting: Reflection in Blue by Eva Bonnier
Mad Lord Metanoy had never been someone to fall asleep easily. Everyone in the castle knew that. During this past week in particular those who guarded Metanoy's room would hear more footsteps and more broken pottery than usual during the night. More screaming, more throwing books.
Nobody knew what caused this sudden change in behavior, but the guards seemed to enjoy speculating about it.
Hunter knew. That last mission was tough. He knew he should have done a better job covering those new scars he had. He knew how his father usually reacted to him getting hurt and now he had to deal with the consequences.
He hated having to hear everyone around him talk about his father as if he was just a hassle, but most of all he hated knowing that he was the reason why his health was worsening.
He knew that going into his room without the Emperor's permission would surely grant him a punishment. Maybe he would be sent into another dangerous mission. Maybe he would be forbidden from seeing his father for a month. Maybe he would have to experience the physical consequences of one of his uncle's outbursts. He didn't care. The only thing in his mind was making sure that his father was alright.
When he opened the door he thought for sure that his father must have initially mistaken him for one of the guards. He saw his expression quickly change from anger to relief to concern.
- Hey, dad.
- Hunter, my fledgeling, what are you doing here? Did your uncle give you permission to enter?
Hunter paused
- Yes. - He lied. - He told me to check on you. To make sure you were asleep.
Metanoy knew he was lying. His brother would have never allowed him to visit without his supervision. Hunter noticed this and fearing he might get kicked out he quickly tried to convince his father.
- Dad, please.- his expression clearly concerned - You haven't slept for more than a week, please let me help. I know you're worried about me and because of that... - A tear started rolling down his cheek - It's my fault you've gotten worse and I just want to make it up to you, so please let me help you. I...
Soon more tears came out. Metanoy, who was sitting on his bed reached to Hunter's face with his hand and wiped away the tears with his thumb.
- Hunter, my boy. My beautiful fledgeling. Please don't say that. It's not your fault and it never will. I'll rest if that's what you want but please stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong.
After tucking himself into his bed Metanoy looked around his room and pointed to one of the few books he hadn't thrown out of the shelves.
- Maybe I could use a bedtime story.
Hunter, now more calmed, grabbed the book. He recognized it, it was his favorite book from when he was a kid. It wasn't a story book, but a book about birds, filled with pictures and fun facts about different species.
He sat down next to his father and started reading. Maybe it was because this was the first time they had been together without the Emperor controlling every single one of their interactions, maybe it was because of all those sleepless nights, but Metanoy soon started to relax himself, his eyes slowly closing and a small smile appearing on his face. He was thinking about all the good memories he had shared with Hunter, about how much he loved his son.
After a while Hunter started to feel sleepy himself. He looked around the room trying to keep himself awake. He looked at his father, now peacefully asleep. He looked at the candles, illuminating the room with their warm light. He looked at all the books that his father had thrown out of the shelves. He looked at the book he was holding, wondering why it wasn't on the floor before, and then it clicked. The reason why it was the only one well placed on the shelf.
- I love you too, dad - he whispered looking at him before completely closing his eyes too.
In the morning his uncle would find that he was not in his room. In the morning his uncle would punish both of them for disobeying orders. But for now, they were together. They were asleep. But most importantly, they were happy.
So, this was my first time writing what could be considered a short fanfic. Hope you all enjoyed it. If some sentences seem weirdly structured to you please remember that writing isn't my thing and that English isn't my first language.
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ninjaart-fan · 2 years
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“Hey! Y/N let's play!" he said with a bright smile, not letting you answer but only taking your hand to lead you out of the library.
“Hey! Y/N vamos a jugar!!" dijo el con una brillante sonrisa, no dejandote responder, solamente tomando tu mano para sacarte de la bibloteca.t
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prplocks · 2 years
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☆ ! the owl house wallpaper ! ☆
reblog if you saved
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thewiglesswonder · 1 year
Am I the only one who feels like how Belos' characterisation was dropped feels almost.......spiteful? Like, I don't follow any of the crew on Twitter, but I've heard that Dana apparently hates Belos, and doesn't like that he was so popular. Is any of that actually true, though?
That sounds... vaguely possible, but I'm not about to go around putting words in the creator's mouth when I have no way to confirm or deny them. What I can speak to is my personal feeling that Belos' potential as an incredibly fleshed out antagonist that is still irredeemable was nerfed in favor of pursuing a flight of fancy (the Collector) and that the show since Hollow Mind suffered from it.
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cherryfoxel · 1 year
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Thank you The Owl House for an amazing adventure ❤️
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prcttyinpcnk · 1 year
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What I really need is a spell to cast                              To stand up against all the pain                                                        And fear that will always last
Independent, Semi-selective, Fandomless OC RP & Ask Blog
Written and loved by Noble Vic.
Follow back from @ycungmagick
Contains mentions of violence, gore, traumatic events, cults & horror
Personals and Non RP blogs may interact, but don’t reblog my rp threads.
Please read rules before interacting
Promo template by: @candyredmusings
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catra-fan · 1 year
Luz is basically jesus, she died and came back on Easter
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hostwastaken · 6 months
⭐⭐⭐Back in Business ⭐⭐⭐
Hello Friends!!!
It's uh- been awhile since I've posted but I'm back and fired up!
So, if you enjoy a good ole fanfic send in some x reader requests or matchups while they're open! Or just feel free to say hi or something, that's always welcome as well!!
Listed below are the fandoms I currently write for and rules for requests!
Hope to hear from you soon,
Love, Host.
No smut or anything sexual
No intense violence or harm
No weird ass underage x adult shit
!!For matchups please provide a short description of your looks, hobbies, interests, and age range you are/would date!!
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mah boi
teh collector is mah boi
You know that the archivists didn't like the Titans right? Well, if they can see, and go onto the boiling isles, then why didn't they kill King? And, is there other families of archivists? And, because the collector doesn't age, does that mean that everyone just popped into existence at their current age? And, why didn't King use that thing on his collar to hide him from the Collector when he wanted to go to Eda and Lillith?
Why does the light glyph for King look like him omfg I am dying
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geraiodli · 1 year
I have no regrets.
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goldtigereye · 8 months
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dancing-embers · 1 year
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“I've always liked to play with fire”
Independent/Selective/Private Fandomless OC blog.
Follow back from @ycungmagick
DNI if: Racists/Homophobic/Ship canonical lesbians with men/Terf/Swerf/Under the age of 18/Proshipper/Anti-Anti/Panphobic/Acephobic/Arophobic
Art by: myself & @polaroidxcamera!!
Personals & Non RP blogs are free to reblog my art and aesthetic posts but do not interact with my RPs
promo template by: @noahsresources!!
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