#Oh weeeell
xskyll · 1 year
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Izuku: This poor guy. I must have accidentally tricked him into thinking I’m an interesting person.
Shouto: I think it’s interesting how you’re able to hold a conversation while smacking yourself upside the head.
Izuku: See, this is what I mean. That’s not interesting. Anyone who grew up with Kacchan could hold a conversation while getting hit.
(If it isn’t clear, Izuku is hitting his headset irl to knock the water out.)
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xieliancore · 1 month
im a disaster gay (i havent kissed anyone in 7 years and yesterday i had the chance but i lost the opportunity for being the most shy person ever and now i wanna rip my hair out)
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crowdedcomputer · 11 months
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Japanese schools don't have lockers. I mean, unless you count getabako.
Ah shit.
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messyfangirl · 2 years
Catch me being a hypocrite😌
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weirdnerdygoat · 11 months
Cat soap opera books, why do you make me cry so?
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radiance1 · 3 months
By all accounts, it shouldn't have worked.
By all bloody accounts, that should not have worked.
Constantine will repeat.
That, by all accounts, should not have worked.
The warehouse was shitty. The materials were shitty. The summoning circle was shitty. The chanting was shitty. The magic was shitty.
By all accounts, the summoning should not have worked.
So Constantine couldn't give much of a shit about really stopping it because the summoning was so shitty it shouldn't have worked by an means possible.
So what. In the ever-loving fuck. Was the Ghost King, known tyrant of the Infinite Realms. Standing in the middle of the circle and not, last he checked, imprisoned?
That was another thing that he thought would have made it fail, actually. Because the Ghost King was incapacitated, asleep, gone, unavailable, nada.
So what. The fuck. Was he doing. Here?
Constantine knew the day was going to well to stay that way but wow. The universe loves to fuck him over, apparently.
Or the Justice League in specific.
Or both.
Doesn't matter, because now he has to bullshit his way out of this or get ready to brawl for his life.
Good thing he's good at both of those things, then.
Mostly the bullshit-
"Phantom what the fuck are you doing-" Constantine wheezed out, watching one of their newest members-a ghost going by the name Phantom-fly over in front of the known tyrant and-
Oh, holy shit this won't end well.
Ghost King.
Phantom. A ghost.
Well, shit.
This is fine. This is totally fine. He just needs to bullshit his way out of this or face two powerhouses.
This is fine.
He's done worse.
"Sup War" Phantom said, floating around the summoning circle that contained the king of all ghosts like it wasn't a problem. "Didn't expect to be seeing you here."
"Ward." The Ghost King inclined his head slightly, eyes trained on Phantom. "I would not have come here if not for Time's insistence and I have been meaning to..." The King paused, hands gripping and ungrasping the pommel of his sword. "...Check in... on you."
"Aww, were you worried about lil old meeeee?" Phantom, ever the little shit and holy shit did Constantine want to go over there and shut him up, said. Floating around until he was staring upside down in the Ghost King's face. "Didn't know you were so soft, pa."
"I am not soft." The King huffed, flame dancing at the edges of his hair. "I was merely... concerned. Over how you would be acclimating to your circumstances. This world's League of Justice covers far more than your small haunt."
"Weeeell, it's not that bad honestly." Phantom admitted. "Haven't really done anything too big yet just some smallish things here and there. So, you know." The ghost boy shrugged, swinging back in the air to turn upright and crossing his legs. "Nothing too bad."
"Good." The Ghost King nodded, shoulders slumping so slightly that if Constantine wasn't looking, he wouldn't have seen it. "That is good. Yes. Good." The King slightly cleared his throat, grasping and ungrasping the pommel of his sword.
Silence echoed in the warehouse as the King seemingly looked for words to say.
"Would you..." He cleared his throat again, squaring his shoulders and standing up straighter. "Would you like to join me and Time for a meeting? It has been some time since you had last joined us." The King shifted slightly before adding. "Of course, if you're busy you do not have too."
"Sure." Phantom said, rolling back and forth in the air as he hummed. "Been a while since we've had some family time-"
"Family time?" Constantine caught someone-who he thinks was Green Lantern-say. He was just as bewildered.
"And if Time sent you here then it must be important." Danny paused before shrugging. "Or maybe not, can never know with him. But yea, sure. I'll come."
"Wonderful." The Ghost King smiled. Smiled. At Phantom. "Then I shall. Leave. Now. To do. Things. Yes. Things." The summoning circle flashed a familiar green, the same green when the King was first being summoned. "Goodbye, ward."
"You can call me son, you know."
The King paused for a moment, blinking slowly before hesitantly nodding.
"Then goodbye. Son."
The circle flashed and just like that. The king was gone.
"Kid. What the fuck." Whoever said- okay wait no that was Constantine, him. But yea fuck it he agrees with himself. "What the fuck." He repeated.
Phantom, the brat, only gave him a shit eating grin and a peace sign before disappearing on the spot.
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zhukzucraft · 3 months
=> Pearl & Co: Gear up
You decide to scrape all the valuable rocks and minerals off this cave first. Added to your spoils from before it should be enough to properly equip you for the Nether.
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Grian: Any word from Skizz yet?
Gem: He's saying he'll run right on back.
Gem: oh wait
Gem: Now he's saying Mumbo is against it.
Grian: Unbelievable. It's been less than ten minutes and the man's already whipped.
Scar: That means they won't need their death chest stashes, right?
Pearl: Scar, really? You would stoop down to grave robbing, sir?
Scar: No, no, of course not!
Scar: Just grave-borrowing.
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Gem: I'd say we're ready as can be!
Pearl: I mean- we could maybe get some diamonds and-
Scar: Woooooo, let's go!!
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Pearl: ...
Pearl: Wait!!
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Pearl: if
Pearl: if this happens to go wrong and my soulmate is... not happy about it
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Pearl: Would it be ok if we stayed together?
Pearl: You know, as a team?
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Gem: Of course, Pearl! Why wouldn't we!
Gem: We started this together and we're sticking together no matter what!
Grian: You know, maybe you could stay up here?
Grian: We could use someone to dig us diamonds to enchant.
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Gem: Exactly! And even if you don't find any, we'll let you get in on the enchanting. Right, Grian?
Grian: Weeeell
Gem: Right, Grian?
Grian: Alright, alright.
Gem: And Scar?
Gem: ...Scar?
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GoodTimesWithScar has earned the achievement [We Need To Go Deeper]
Start Over -- Go Back
i hope i've managed to make it clearer this time that the "armor visible" condition is applicable only when it's on the screen. i just don't want to cover 80% of the design with armor most of the time. Please assume that everyone is wearing whatever armor they've been seen in last
same goes for weapons and shields - it leaves both hands busy if i draw them all the time, so let's just pretend they stash both in their inventory when not directly in combat.
on an unrelated note - i'm going to be busy with work and family matters the next two weeks, so the frequency of updates might fall significantly. i hope for your patience U-U
also-also: the archive up to the current POV is now on AO3 - LINK!
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iamknicole · 2 months
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Chapter Fourteen
A/N: I doubled back for yall! This chapter flowed more easily than the previous one so I got it done quicker! Pay attention when you're reading😌 ⭐LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG & SHARE⭐ Enjoy!
Warnings: Cussing, 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI
Chapter Thirteen
When Hassan brought Nadine home to meet his parents and little sister he was nervous. His palms sweated profusely no matter how many times he wiped them on his pants, they never dried. His stomach twisted into knots as he walked her through the home to the living room to meet them. But today standing on his sister’s front porch he didn’t feel any of those things. His nervousness was replaced with giddiness, his palms didn’t sweat and his stomach remained neutral. Internally realized no matter how he once felt about Nadine that she was not the woman he should have been with all those years, it was the woman whose hand he held, whose hand he gently caressed as they waited. The door opened and Gabi flung herself at her older brother, hugging him tightly around the neck saying how glad she was to see him as Tamara discreetly pulled her hand from his to give them room. There was a smile on her face as she watched them.
“I missed you too, Gabi. You act like you ain’t seen me in months,” he laughed, squeezing her back just as tightly. “Alright, alright, let me go.”
Gabi squeezed him one more time before letting go. “Its been like two weeks since I’ve seen you and you know that hasn’t happened since you moved back here from Texas.”
He glanced to his right at Tamara then back at his sister. “I been busy but Ima do better. I don’t want you cryin’ to Mama.”
Gabi’s brow raised looking between him and Tamara. “And I know exactly what and who you’ve been busy with. Nice to finally meet you, I’m Gabi.”
Tamara stuck her hand out but was pulled into a tight, brief hug. “I’m Tamara,” she laughed after being let go. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh girl, I know who you are. My brother tells me about you all the time but the pictures he showed me did not do you justice. You’re even prettier in person.”
At that Tamara turned to stare at Hassan. “Pictures? What pictures?”
“Don’t worry,” Gabi laughed, pulling them both into the house. “They were good ones. I mean he is an artist after all. He has never taken a bad picture of anyone. Not even that witch Na,” she was cut off by him clearing his throat.
“Be nice, Gabriella. I keep telling you that.” He warned playfully.
“You’ve been telling me for years to be nice and hasn’t worked yet. Oh … before I forget there’s something I need to tell you two.”
“What did you do?” He asked in an accusatory tone.
She shook her head. “No, no, it wasn’t me. It was your nephews and their big mouths that they definitely got from their father.”
“What could they have possibly told?” He asked, sure there was nothing they could have told Nadine. They didn’t like her and even if they did, he had made sure not to tell Gabi that he was taking Tamara to meet his ex-wife because of her big mouth. He watched her fidget for a second. “What is it?”
“Weeeell they may have spilled that you were bringing Tamara over to meet us.” She said quickly, making Tamara laugh.
“To whom, baby sister?"
Immediately Hassan’s eyes moved from his sister to the direction the other voices came from. He couldn’t help the chuckle that passed his lips.Their parents were there and there was no doubt as soon as Shirley DeBreaux found out about this impending visit she got up right then and made Rome DeBreaux drive her two hours from Columbus to Atlanta to be a part of it Hassan reached out for his girlfriend’s hand.
“It’s okay, Gabi. It saves me a trip,” he admitted with a shrug. “You’re gonna meet my parents as well. They’ll like you but Mama can be a bit much. It’s where Gabi gets it from. If that’s not okay, if you not ready I can take you home. They’ll understand.”
Tamara smiled up at him, her brows creasing a bit. “I don’t why you think I scare so easily but I’m okay. I’m happy to meet everybody, I want to.”
Gabi grinned, grabbing her hand from Hassan, pulling her along leaving him to follow behind them. “See I knew I liked you. You’re way better than that ole raggedy witch Nadine.”
“Gabriella,” Hassan called out over their laughter. “Don’t laugh, Tam. She know that ain’t nice.”
As soon as they entered the living room, Shirley’s reaction to Tamara undoubtedly ended all other conversations. With her hands to her face, she approached Tamara with a wide, genuine smile on her face. 
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“Oh my goodness. Girl, look at you,” she gushed loudly, taking one of Tamara’s hands to spin her around. “Aren’t you just the most gorgeous thing I have ever laid eyes on.”
“Thank you,” she responded softly. “It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. DeBreaux.”
With a playful swat to her leg, Shirley pulled her into a tight hug, rocking them back and forth. “You quit all that ‘mrs’ stuff out, you will call me mama just like the rest of my children.”
“Yes ma’am. You’re so pretty and I love your hair. I kind of feel like I know you already. San talks about you and his dad all the time,” Tamara admitted taking a peak around her to everyone else.
Shirley moved to hug her son then swatted his arm. “Yeah well my son didn’t mention you to me. If Malcolm and Monte didn’t tell me, I would have never gotten to meet you.”
“Mama, I was gonna bring her to meet you and dad. I was just starting with Gabi and her crew first. They live here.” He assured her with a smile.
“I’m only two hours away, see how quickly I got here and I didn’t find out until about four hours ago,” she continued on as she brought Tamara further into the living room. “Alright now this is Hassan’s father, Rome and believe you me they are just alike. It’s almost like he spit him out they act so much alike.”
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Rome stood, wrapping her in a warm hug. “It’s very nice to meet you, young lady. How’s my son treating you?”
“Very good. I wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t, Mr. DeBreaux,” she shrugged playfully. 
“Please call me Dad or Rome. You’re family or I assume you will be soon,” he hinted more to his son than to Tamara before sitting back down. Hassan chuckled softly in response as he rubbed lazily through his beard.
Pulling her away from her mother, Gabi turned Tamara’s attention to her husband and kids. “This is my husband, Tyler Scott and our twins, Malcolm and Monte. Boys, this is Tamara. Remember the nice lady I told you about.”
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Tyler stood briefly to shake her hand, offering her a bright smile. “Nice to meet you, Tamara. I’m really glad you’re finally here, Gabi has been talking our heads off about you coming.”
“Yeah and making us clean,” Monte mumbled loud enough for the adults to hear. Tyler pinched his son’s arm. “Ow! She did though. She woke us up to that old music and we all know what that means.”
“Right and she only supposed to do that two Saturdays out the month and today ain’t saturday.” Malcolm added with a similar mug to his brothers.
Tamara laughed, reaching to give both boys hugs. “Well I’m sorry she had you up cleaning early. How old are you two?”
“Thirteen,” they answered simultaneously.
“Uncle San, she gon be our new auntie?” Monte asked loudly.
Hassan slowly approached them, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I think that’s up to her, boys. We’ll see how she feels by the end of the night.”
Malcolm groaned. “You never give us real answers, Unc. When Rye comin to visit? She always got the answers.”
Hassan jumped at them playfully, laughing when they jumped back. “Yall gon sell me out for Rye so I ain’t telling yall. How bout that?”
The boys soon started to nag him, trying to jump all over him which he gave right back to them. Soon they were slap boxing with each other. Gabi grabbed her mother and Tamara’s attention, telling them to follow her to the kitchen. She grabbed the open bottle of wine from her refrigerator pouring three glasses.
“Gabi told me that Hassan really liked you while we were waiting and forgiving me if I was a bit skeptical considering Nadine,” Shirley took a small sip of her wine. “He really liked her too or he claimed to. I tried to tell him not to keep being with that girl but he was young, did what he wanted to do.” Tamara sipped from her wine, acknowledging the older woman with a nod. “But once I saw you and him together, I saw what Gabi had been telling me. He loves you. I can see it.”
“Like.” Tamara corrected.
“Oh no, baby.” She laughed with a shake of her head. “I said what I meant. I raised him, I know when my babies are in love.”
Feeling that the conversation may have gotten unintentionally heavy, Gabi butted in to save Tamara from any heat. “You’ve met his babygirl, right?”
Slowly, Tamara tore her gaze away from Shirley, settling on Gabi. “I did. I actually met them both at the same time. I approached him in the mall in Orlando and she was with him. And I’ve talked to her on the phone quite a few times since him and I have been dating. She’s a sweet girl.”
“She is. Thankfully nothing like her mama,” Gabi mumbled, earning a pointed look from her mother. “I’m just saying, Mama. You know I’m right.”
Shirley sighed, sitting her glass down. “Have you met Nadine yet?”
“No ma’am but she knows about me,” she glanced at Gabi, who was smiling. “And She knows that I know about her.”
“You just be careful with her and whenever you cross paths with her. That girl,” Shirley’s voice trails off for a moment, “She got some kinda evil in her. A demon if I ever seen one before.”
“Now, Mama,” Gabi laughed, “She is a terrible person but she not a demon though.”
“The hell you preach. That girl is a demon. The way that she treated my son and his baby. Tuh, lucifer must have placed her on Trenice’s porch cause I know she didn’t raise her that way.”
This is the most honest opinion Tamara’s heard about Nadine so she leaned into the conversation. Although she was in shape or form worried about clashing with her it was important to Tamara to really know what she was dealing with. When her and Hassan discussed his ex-wife, he was still very polite and honest to a point. He never told her the extent of things that she had done to Moriah because he didn’t want to share her business without her permission. The only thing he did tell her about was the abortion during one of their late night talks. When he spoke to her about Angel, he cried like it was still fresh. The loss of his first grandchild and the pain that it caused his only child hurt him and what hurt more is that he wasn’t there to stop it from happening. From what he confided in her, that was the first time he really regretted leaving Texas and not making Moriah come with him. Guilt still ate him up. He wished that he would have just disregarded what Moriah said she wanted and forced her to come to Atlanta with him.
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For once, Gia was nowhere to be found in the performance center. From what Bronco heard she had some family emergency so she would be gone for a few days and wouldn’t see them talking to Trick. After the friends decided that they were going to put Trick onto her, they took a couple days to plan out how they were going to do it and now were satisfied. 
On a break from their workout, the two approached Trick who was doing curls. They sat on the floor near the bench he sat on prompting him to sit the dumbbell down and remove his earbud from his ear. He eyed them carefully.
“Yall look like yall up to some shit. What yall got goin on?” He asked picking the dumbbell back up.
“We ain’t up to shit.” Zilla laughed. “We just wanted to holla at you real quick.”
He nodded for them to go on.
“We know you been tryna settle down so we wanted to help you out cause ya game is clearly nonexistent,” Bronco joked. 
He sucked his teeth. “I got game, just ain’t been tryin. That’s all.”
Zilla lifted his hands in surrender. “Aye, mane, whatever you say. But look, we know you want somebody that understand this wrestlin shit and you travelin all the time so we found you somebody.”
“And we heard she think you kinda cute. So all you gotta do is use that nonexistent ass game and ask her out,” Bronco added.
Trick stared at them clearly contemplating continuing with his curls. “Who is it that yall think yall found for me?”
Trick stared at them, recalling Gia in his mind. “Green eyed girl that do the backstage interviews?” The two men nodded making him smile. “Oh word? She is kinda cute and she be givin me them bedroom eyes from time to time.”
Zilla clapped his hands excitedly.“Aight so when she come back, ask her out on a date.”
“Bet Ima do that. Preciate yall for lookin out.”
The two left him, going back to the locker room to have their conversation in private. To be honest neither of them were a hundred percent sure that Gia would even go for it but they have witnessed Trick talk to enough girls that he at least got a first date. No matter what they planned to stay informed with how their relationship would go. 
“You think that shit gon work out?” 
Zilla huffed loudly, taking a seat on one of the benches. “Shit, I hope so. If it don’t and she keep this shit up, Fat gon whoop her ass. I told you what she asked me Tuesday?”
“Nah. What sis say?”
“Her exact words were ‘did that bitch have her hands on you tonight?’ And shit, it caught me off guard so I’m like who,” he recounted bringing the memory back to the forefront of his mind, “And she was like that frog eyed bitch. So I’m like nah and she basically told me if she don’t stop, she gon beat Gia ass.”
Busting out laughing, Bronco took a seat on the bench opposite of Zilla. His dislike of Gia was mutual among them all so anytime he heard Moriah or Toni dogging her ass out, he was going to enjoy it. 
“Yoooo sis is wild. She called her a frog eyed bitch? You deadass?” He asked through his laughter.
“Deadass, bro. She meant that shit too.”
Bronco went from laughing to scrunching his face at his friend. “Why you smilin like that, fool?”
He shook his head. “It ain’t nothin.”
Bronco watched him until it clicked. “Ayye! My boy! I know what that smile mean! That’s why yall ducked outta there!”
“Hell yeah. I’m surprised Toni ain’t trip about it.”
He waved him off. “Nah, she wasn’t goin to. She was too busy gettin on my ass.”
That admittance made Zilla’s nosey ass ears perk up. He didn’t want to know so he could tell anyone, he simply just liked to be in their business. To him that’s what friends do.
“What you do?”
“She was upset cause Javi was at home by himself but I told her he was straight, he did it all the time before me and her started.” Bronco shrugged. “And he usually with her on Tuesdays but you know she workin nights this week and I was workin so.”
“Oh damn. But Javi like 13 or 14. Ain’t it?”
“Yeah, he 13 but you know T worry so much cause of her job. I told her she hadda relax.”
Zilla stared at him. “You told her to relax? Last time I told Rye to relax she bit my damn head off. Cussed me out for like two hours.”
He laughed. Yeah, she was about to but yall walked back in so shit … saved by the bell. I did have to hear that shit when she got off though. She came straight to my house, made Javi breakfast then yelled at me while I was in the shower.”
“That’s what your ass get,” he laughed while checking his phone. “Shit, I gotta reschedule my therapy session.”
“Rye told you to do that shit two weeks ago. Ima tell.”
“Man,” he laughed, “I been busy. Ima do it though. Remind me when we leave her.”
“Nope, hell nah cause if I do or don’t and you don’t do it you gon throw my ass under the bus right along with you.”
The pediatric floor was quiet for the moment. The children that were on the floor were either sleep or medicated enough that they were in no pain. Dr. Miller took this time to get caught up on paperwork hoping to leave on time and not a minute after 7. This floor was what he always dreamed of, Dr. Harris made it even better for the last six years the older doctor had taken him under his wings and always encouraged him to do the same for others who were newly pinned. While Dr. Miller enjoyed doing this when he could, he did not enjoy one medical student in particular. 
“Dr. Miller, you got a second?”
A sigh escaped him. “Only if it does not interrupt my paperwork, Gardner. I need to be outta here on time, I have family matters to attend to.”
A wide smile stretched across Thomas’ face. “Nah, it won’t take long and won’t take your focus away.”
“I’m listening.”
“A few weeks ago I assisted Dr. Harris with a hernia surgery on a five year old and he told me that the mom called because what she thinks is complications from the surgery,” Thomas explained leaning against the desk.
“Okay,” Dr. Miller drug out impatiently. “What do you want me to do with that?”
“He assured her that it would pass but I … I think something might be wrong.”
The pen fell from Dr. Miller’s hand as he turned to give the younger man his undivided attention. “You think or you know? And be very sure with your answer.”
He shrugged. “I think, I can’t be completely sure.”
“Did you do something wrong that Dr. Harris didn’t catch?”
“If somebody did do something wrong and you think it could cause said complications. What would you do?”
Dr. Miller sighed, from the moment Thomas got to pediatrics he knew the young male would be an issue. It was at this moment he vowed to never take another student or newbie under his wing again, He didn’t give a damn what his mentor would say. Thomas had spoiled it for everyone that would come after him.
“Is it something that can pass or be fixed externally or is it something that needs to be handled internally?”
“Umm I’m sure it can be fixed externally.”
Another sigh. “Is it life threatening for said five year old?”
“It can be, yes.”
“Then you need to tell Dr. Harris what you did or I will. You have tomorrow afternoon.” Dr. Miller ordered turning back to his paperwork.
Thomas’ eyes went wide with panic. “Wait, no. It wasn’t me that did it.”
“Then who did it? And what did they do?” The doctor asked, now irritated.
“It uh it was a nurse. She may have caused an infection.” He spat his lie out quicker than he could stop it.
“Which nurse?”
Praying internally that this would all work out for the better with Nadine’s plan, Thomas utter Moriah’s name quietly. Dr. Miller’s head shot up, his eyes on Thomas not believing a word that was said.
“You know what, I’ll look into it. Don’t worry about telling Dr. Harris. I got it.”
“Are … are you sure? I can tell him.” He stuttered. “It’s probably nothing.”
Dr. Miller shrugged. “It probably is but I’ll check anyway. Unless there’s some reason that I shouldn’t.” He was giving Thomas the chance to backtrack and take ownership for whatever he was sure the man had done. When he shook his head the doctor gave him a final nod. “Okay then it’s out of your hands and into mine. Leave it be. Understand?”
“Yes sir but can you keep me updated?”
‘I’ll see what I can do. Gardner.”
One thing Dr. Miller learned during the time he worked with Moriah on pediatrics, he learned that she was very meticulous and followed the rules down to every period and comma. He knew there was no way it was her that did anything reckless to harm this young patient and he was going to get to the bottom of it. Thomas got the hint that the conversation was over, he grabbed his bag to leave the floor for the day praying that none of this came back to bite him in the ass. After finishing his paperwork Dr. Miller moved over to one of the computers accessing the files. He searched for a few minutes before he found the file he was looking for and picked up the receiver beside him to call the parents. 
“Hi, this is Dr. Miller from Lakeland General. I’m looking for the parents of Nia Jones.” He paused. “Yes, I heard that she was having issues … Yes ma’am … Yes ma’am … I’ll be in tomorrow morning for a little while and can see her then … Yes, 8 is fine. I’ll see her in the emergency department … Okay, see you all then. Have a good night.”
Something wasn’t clean in the water and he was going to get to the bottom of it. Now that he sat up an appointment, he moved on to his next step. Getting to the ED, he texted his family group chat to let them know that he had to change his fight out for the next day instead of later tonight while he waited on Toni. 
“Dr. Miller, what can I do for you?” She called out as she walked in the door.
He chuckled, going to hold the door of their breakroom for her. “How’d you know I wanted something ?” He asked, following her inside.
“Because you only ever come to the ED if you want something from me? So what’s up? I got fifteen minutes before my shift starts and I wanna use ten of those to call my mama.”
Dr. Miller helped her put her things in her locker. “You remember the hernia surgery Nurse DeBreaux helped with some weeks ago?”
“Yeah,” she answered slowly, “That was her first surgery. Why? Did something happen to that little girl?”
“No, no, no,” he said immediately, “Not yet at least.He goes on explaining to her the conversation he and Thomas had and what he had done. “Can you please stay a little longer in the morning to do the check up with me? I would ask Nurse DeBreaux.”
She nodded, finishing his thought, “But you don’t want it to look like a coverup just in case there is actually a complication from surgery. I got it, I’ll stay.”
“Thank you, I owe you. And I know I don’t need to say this but for now lets keep this between us. Don’t even tell DeBreaux.”
“Ooh I know. If I tell her that he’s tryna blame her for his negligence, she’ll kill em. She takes her work very seriously.”
“Trust me I know and I know he does to which is why I can’t understand why he would even try to put this on her.” Dr. Miller admitted.
Toni pulled out her ringing phone. “Trust me you don’t wanna know. I gotta take this, it’s my mama. I’ll see you in the morning.” She said quickly. “Oh and I’m sorry about your auntie.”
“Thanks, I appreciate that. See ya.”
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“I don’t know how we managed to stay away from each other for so long,” Nadine laughed, adjusting the covers over her nude body. “It’s always so much fun when we’re together.”
“Don’t act like you don’t know. You like to play coy with me and luckily for you, I like it.” 
Dewayne pulled her across the bed to him, moving a few of her drop curls from her face. It wasn’t often that he felt this stress free and calm, it was only when he was in her presence. No matter how many times she turned him down for something more serious, he couldn’t let go of her. When he met Hassan, he could see how much their affair affected him but Dewayne was honest with himself–no matter how much pain it would cause, he wouldn’t stop. The Nadine he knew and the Nadine everyone else were two different people to him. They needed to dig beyond that tough exterior, the armor she wore to the rest of the world and see the sweet, loving, brilliant woman on the inside. 
“I do not play coy with you.” She argued, meeting his gaze.
“You do so. Ducking my calls and texts, only responding when you want to. Youtube me up on my offer to go to dinner every once in a while and then nothing.”
She shrugged. “As you said that’s what you like about me. I’m just giving you what you want, DJ.”
He tickled her sides until she was out of breath and gasping for him to stop. “What I want is for you to stop playing coy with me and just be with me.”
“You’re married.” She answered softly.
“And so were you once upon a time. I keep telling you that all you have to do is say those magic words and she’s gone,” he reiterated, caressing her cheek softly. “I remember the first day I met you. Ava was what five had gone through so many appointments with therapists and shit until finally her doctor sent me to you. You remember that?”
She snorted. “How could I forget? You stormed into my office and demanded for her to be seen right then, instead of ten minutes later. And still ended up waiting the ten minutes because we argued back and forth.”
“I was tired of being jerked around from place to place,” he chuckled, “But you got your way anyway. I was so drawn to that fierceness that I would make her double appointments every week.”
“Mmhm and then after a month you finally asked me out.”
“And you told me it would never happen, that you were a married woman.” He recounted. “That didn’t stop me though. I always get what I want.”
She moved closer to him, resting  her head on his arm. “Hmm not always.”
“I’ll get it eventually. Now,” he sighed, “It’s been two days. Are you ready to tell me what’s bothering you?”
“It’s Moriah.”
“What’s going on with her? I’m surprised she hasn’t called yet. She usually calls when you haven’t been home.”
“She’s not in Texas anymore. She moved to Florida with that boyfriend of hers.”
He smiled. “The doctor? Alright, that’s great. Why don’t you sound happy? Isn’t that what you wanted for her?”
“No, not with the doctor. She’s with your cousin or whatever he is to you.” At that Dewayne frowned. The cousins he had in Florida he was sure were all married or taken in some fashion. “Isayah. Eddie’s son.”
“He’s out of jail?”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes, he’s been out for two almost three years now. You really don’t keep up with your family. Do you?”
“Not all of them, no. Do you know how many of them there are?” He asked with a chuckle. “But wow … I thought the doctor boy was gonna propose and everything.”
“He was and he did but she turned him down. She was and still is stuck on that jailbird boy.”
He kissed her head bringing her close for a quick hug, his laughter vibrating through his body and hers. “Listen, I know how badly you wanted her with someone else but sometimes as parents we have to let our kids make their own choices.”
“But she’s making the wrong ones and she’s mad at me because I’m trying to help her. Call herself not talking to me. I haven’t talked to her since Thanksgiving.”
“And by trying to help her, you mean trying to make the choice for her. Right?”
“Yes, but–,”
“No buts if she’s happy let her be. This is not that serious for you and her to have gone almost a year without talking, Nadine. I know you miss her and she misses you.”
There were lots of things Nadine neglected to tell Dewayne about, she didn’t want him to judge her the way her loved ones had done. While he knew about the small things Moriah did and how she was punished, Nadine never uttered a word to him about the pregnancy and the things she did because of it. The abortion, Moriah’s and hers, alone would be enough to push him over the edge knowing that he is a die hard pro-lifer. And that was just not a risk she was willing to take.
“I don’t know about her missing me but I do miss her.”
“See? So why don’t you put the need for control in the backseat and put your love for your daughter in the front?” He suggested kissing her neck.
“You mean stop trying to get her to break up with him and let them be together? Even if I know she’s gonna regret it later.”
He chucked, still kissing her neck. “Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Can you do that? If not for Moriah then do it for me. Please, beautiful?”
She stewed over the thought for a few minutes with her thoughts going fuzzy every few seconds because of his ministrations. “Fine, DJ, fine. I’ll lay off.”
“Good,” he cheered, moving to smile widely at her, “Now let me show you just how proud of you I am.”
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The next morning as promised Toni waited for Dr. Miller. She stood beside him as he checked the little girl and went over her x-rays with the parents. The only thing he had yet to receive were the results from her blood work.
“Has she been feeling woozy or tired lately? Fever? Vomiting?” Dr. Miller asked, still checking nia.
Her mom spoke up first with a worried glance. “Not woozy but more tired than usual. Fever comes and goes and so does the vomiting.”
“How long after the surgery did this start?”
The parents looked at each other lost for an answer for a moment. “Umm,” the father stuttered trying to think, “Maybe a week or so after. But it started to get worse a few days ago.”
Dr. Miller nodded, giving the little girl a quick smile. “So it sounds like it could just be an after effects from the surgery and all the medicine she was on but just in case it is an infection, I’m gonna prescribe her some antibiotics.”
“How are we gonna know if it is an infection?” 
He gives the mother a reassuring smile. “Her blood work should be back by noon today. If there is anything suspicious in there Dr. Harris will give you a call immediately.”
“Okay, thank you so much. Really, thank you.”
“Just doing my job. Gotta make sure babygirl is able to eat her spaghetti and meatballs,” he joked, lightly pinching Nia’s cheek.
As they left the room Toni and Dr. Miller made eye contact and moved to an unoccupied area of the ED. He folded his arms across his chest waiting to hear her thoughts.
“I’m no doctor but I think she has an infection. Miller.”
“I am a doctor and I’m quite sure she does too. But I think it was caught in enough time to cure it.”
“Don’t you think Dr. Harris is gonna wanna know why he has bloodwork for her after he already told her it would be fine.”
He nodded, huffing. “Yes and I’m about to go take care of that. He’s always here early, I’m gonna go talk to him now before I leave.”
Toni nodded, still feeling uneasy. “I’ll let you know if anything happens while you’re gone. But you know I’m gonna have to tell Rye.”
“I know, just please keep her from trying to kill him until we can sort this shit out.”
Toni threw her hands up. “I make no promises but I will try.”
After only getting three hours of sleep, Moriah was awakened by her boyfriend asking her to bring him his gym bag that he’d forgotten. Declining his favor was on the tip of her tongue from being so tired but she knew he would have done it for her so she begrudgingly agreed. The performance center wasn’t as busy as it usually was and for that she was grateful. Less people see her with a messy ponytail, Zilla’s shirt and biker shorts—aka as a bum. She wandered around the center for her boyfriend, figuring he was busy since he wasn’t answering her calls or texts. About to give up and leave it in the nearest, safest spot she spotted Josh and called out to him. With their distance, she couldn’t hear him suck his teeth as he turned to face him.
“Hey! What are you doing here? Zay didn’t tell me you were in town.” She hugged him quickly, still not realizing he didn’t really hug her back.
“Workin. Came to help out.” He muttered. “Why you here? I thought you was a nurse.”
She laughed, realizing he asked because of the bag. “Oh, I do. I actually should be at home, just got off a few hours ago. Zay forgot his bag so here I am.”
“Mmm. I’ll give it to him.” He told her going to reach for the bag. “You can go back home.”
“Actually, I kinda wanted to see him since I was here. I been working nights so we been missing each other. Can I go with you?”
Josh’s lip turned up a bit at the thought of her staying any longer but he didn’t wanna make a scene so he told her to follow him. Moriah had to almost jog to keep up with him with how fast he was walking which she chalked up to his long legs. They stood in the doorway where the practice rings were located.
“Awe, it’s been so long since I’ve seen him practice. I used to go all the time in Texas.” She gushed keeping her eyes on him.
Josh had no desire to hear her go on about a relationship he didn’t agree with so since the both of them were here without any interruptions, he would speak his mind.
“You ever thought that maybe what yall got goin on ran its course?” He asked softly.
“Um huh?” She was extremely confused by his question. It was weird to her to say the least.
He shrugged. “You know like high school sweetheart shit where you been together so long that yall start to hate each other. Start bein malicious and shit.”
“Oh,” she giggled, “No, Josh. We argue here and there but we’re good.”
“You say that now. Being with a wrestler ain’t easy, Ma. Soon enough he gon be on main roster, traveling city to city without you. It gets real lonely for some of them, so lonely that they start to stray while you at home thinking they faithful,” he explained, keeping his eyes on Zilla in the ring. “And then you start to get bitter cause he’d rather be with them ring rats than you. And the more bitter you get, the more vindictive you get. Take his house, take his kids and treat them kids like shit because you so damn mad at him when you should have left years ago.”
Moriah turned her body to face him, shock and anger on her face. She knew he was alluding got more than just Zilla. He was comparing them to her parents. 
“I know that my mother isn’t a great person but I am not her. And my daddy never cheated on my mama,” she spat seething.
To her words, Josh chuckled. “Your daddy may not have cheated but that doesn’t make any of it better. It makes it worse actually.”
“What? What are you talking about, Josh?”
“Your daddy ain’t cheat so he was being a good ass husband to your mama and she still dogged his ass out which included treating you like shit.”
She rubbed her face out of frustration. “Just spit whatever it is you’re tryna say out.”
He shrugged, “It’s simple. I don’t like you and I don’t want you with my cousin. Shit was cute when yall was kids but it ain’t cute no more. I’m tryna save my cousin from unnecessary hurt.”
“You … you think that I would do any of the shit my mama did?”
“Apples don’t be fallin too far from the tree, ma.You say you love em so love em enough to save him from your bitter, destructive ass genes.”
Not waiting to hear her response, he walked off towards the ring with the gym bag in tow. Feeling herself about to cry Moriah rushed away ready to leave, when she walked out of the front doors she ran face first into Bronco, almost knocking him down.
“Damn where the fire at, sis?” He joked, helping her find her balance. When she lifted her head his smile dropped. “The fuck you cryin’ for, sis? What Zay do? I’ll beat his ass for you, friend or not.” She shook her head frantically at his words. “No don’t beat his ass or no it wasn’t him?”
“It wasn’t him,” she croaked. 
“Then what’s goin on? What is it?”
She broke down right as she opened her mouth to explain it to him. He wrapped her in a comforting hug, rocking her gently. “Tell me whats up? Big bruh can’t fix what you won’t tell me.”
“Its his cousin. He hates me.” She cried.
Bronco pulled back from the hug so he could see her face. “You talkin about Josh? Zay just told you that?”
Again she shook her head. “No, Josh just told me. I came to bring Zay’s bag and he basically told me I’m just like my mom and to save Zay some hurt and leave him. I’m not like her, I’ve never acted like her. I don’t know why he thinks that.”
Bronco used his shirt to wipe her face then hugged her again. “Listen, don’t worry about his ass. You put him in the category with ya mom of people who don’t exist to you. That whole family love you, ya pops love you, me and T old ass love you,” he chuckled along with her, “And most importantly Zay love you. Aight? If he don’t, fuck em. You hear me?”
“I hear you,” she answered softly. “Thank you, B.”
“Ain’t nothin,” he shrugged, smiling down at her, “That’s what big bruhs do but if you really, really wanna thank me you can make some dinner before you go to work tonight. Ima be over there with Javi and you know his ass can’t cook for shit.”
She laughed, punching him in the arm. “He tries but okay, I’ll make dinner. Thank you again and please don’t tell Zay.”
“Oh I ain’t. He’ll take that man head off about you in here. But just know he gon catch that man at some point and I hope I’m there to help.”
Parting ways, they hugged and he kissed her head once more before she left. She headed for Target instead of going home to get what she needed to put together an easy dinner for the boys while Bronco went inside, headed for the practice rings. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Josh, not saying a word to him. He knew the older man could feel the animosity rolling off him and that’s exactly what he wanted.
“What’s up, Uce?” Josh greeted respectfully.
Bronco shrugged. “Nada.”
Getting the hint Josh went back to silently watching the squabble until it was done. When Zila approached them Josh offered his bag to him almost as a peace offering then moved in to hug him which the younger cousin accepted. 
“Fat still here?” He asked, slapping hands with Bronco.
“Nah. She gave me the bag and left.”
Bronco stared at his audacity. He was really about to sit here and lie but he remained quiet after his promises to Moriah.
“She ain’t say shit? You ain’t say shit to her, did you?” Zilla questioned as he unblocked his phone and went through his messages.
Josh shook his head. “Just that she wanted to talk to you since yall been missing each other cause of yall schedules and then something about being tired.”
Zilla nodded even though he was skeptical. “You straight, B? You look like somebody pissed you off?”
“I’m straight, man. People just got a lot of audacity these days. I ran into sis on her way out,” he offered up staring at Josh. “She must really miss you man. She was damn near in tears.”
“Damn, prolly do.” He agreed, missing the stare down. “Me and her ain’t actually seen each other and had a conversation since Tuesday night. Thank God she only got two more days overnight.”
“Right, I just had to remind her that you love her and ain’t shit gon change about that. Not working overnight or nothing else.”
“I appreciate tha–bruh what the fuck is this?” he exclaimed loudly trying to cut the loud video playing from his phone off. His outburst broke Bronco and Josh’s stare. “This shit, man.” They moved to stand on either side of him so they could see his phone. “What the fuck is wrong with her?”
Bronco sucked his teeth. “I know that ain’t who I think it is.”
“Yeah its her ass.”
“Her who?” Josh asked, unable to tell from what he could see of the video.
Zilla sucked his teeth. “You bet not say shit about it to nobody or ima beat yo ass, mane. I’m serious.”
“I ain’t, uce. Who is it?”
“Its Gia delusional ass.”
“How you know it’s her? All you can see is titties and her pussy. Her face ain’t in it.” Josh asked, genuinely confused. Zilla exited the video then went to the messages she sent along with it, Josh read them aloud. “Missing you so much. Wish you were here. This is what you do to me. The hell?”
“And then her ass gon say it was a accident,” Bronco scoffed reading further down. “That shit wasn’t no fucking accident. You gotta tell, sis.”
“Man, don’t tell her shit.” Josh countered earning a stare from Bronco. “Look, if you tell her that it’s only gonna cause more problems. She gonna wanna know how the girl got your number, why she feel comfortable sending that shit, and a bunch of other shit. You wanna keep her ass so damn bad for whatever reason so just delete that shit and act like you never saw it.”
“Aye what you mean for whatever reason, bruh? They in love, that’s why he wanna keep my sis around,” Bronco barked.
“Whether I agree with the shit or not, he know I’m right. Delete that shit or you gon see Nadine ass come outta her quick as hell.”
Zilla pushed his cousin off reflex. He had been being cordial for the simple fact that he was at work and they were family. “Say, bruh. I already told you bout that shit. Watch your mouth about her.”
“Okay and I’m tryna help yo ass, uce, regardless of how I feel about the shit. I’m not tryna steer you wrong,” Josh reiterated, pushing his little cousin’s hands off of him. “Delete that shit and move on so you and her can stay in lalaland for a little longer.”
Knowing his friend, Bronco quickly stepped between them pushing Zilla back. As much as Bronco wanted to beat Josh’s ass, he knew better than to do it at work and with so many witnesses. 
“Look, don’t listen to him. Tell Rye the truth then we’ll go from there. Even if we gotta get Toni to keep her from beat that delusional bitch ass.”
Josh threw his hands up. “Who you gon listen to him or your big uce? I’m telling you delete that shit and keep it movin.”
Booker calling out for all three of them for something unrelated breaks up the back and forth. They act like everything is okay to get through their very long day of practice. 
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While Dewayne slept, Nadine snuck out of the bedroom to the bathroom to call Thomas. She weighed her options with Dewayne’s help and decided she would give everything a rest. It was starting to drain her anyway.
“I’m glad you called, I’ve got something to tell you.”
“Uhn uhn, whatever it is can wait,” she whispered.
“No, I promise it’s important, Ms. Nadine. I promise.” He pleaded.
She shushed him, waiting until he was completely quiet to talk. “I’m gonna take a step back from everything and think about things. I sincerely appreciate you for helping me out with this. And I know what you’re thinking I’m not giving up, just taking a well needed break,” she explained softly. “You take a break too. You focus on finishing the rest of your last year. Okay?”
“But I think you should hear this.”
“I don’t, Thomas, It’s okay, I'm not upset, just in need of a break. I’ll talk to you later.” She ended their call ignoring him calling her name. Pausing things felt almost right to her, made her feel a little better about things. Now all she needed to do was get things in order and make a trip or two to the east coast.
Thomas stood frozen in the middle of the aisle in Target, staring at his phone. He knew he fucked up and when Nadine found out about it she was going to hurt him. A cart hitting his brought him out of his thoughts.
“Sorry,” the person haphazardly threw out. Her voice startled him but he smiled nonetheless.
“It’s alright, Moriah. Its actually good I ran into you.’
She turned to glare at him. “If I would have known it was you I wouldn’t have bothered to apologize. Leave me alone.”
“Don’t be like that. I just need a few seconds,” he called out following her to the next aisle. “Please, Moriah.”
“First, I told you to only talk to me at work if you had to. Second, I told you to call me Nurse DeBreaux. Third, I know Zay and Bronco made it very clear that you are to stay your ass far away from me,” she spat not in the mood. With her emotions till all over the place from her interaction with Josh, she didn't need this shit with Thomas to add onto it.
He abandoned his cart, going to stand in front of hers. “Listen, it’s serious. It's about the little girl who had hernia surgery. Both of our careers could be in jeopardy.”
“What?” She snapped. “Spit it the hell out.”
“I think she developed an infection from something we did.”
She laughed like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard in her life, tears ran down her face.
“What’s … what’s so funny?”
“You!” She laughed. “Don’t you dare try to put me in anything that you did, Thomas. I did everything just how Dr. Harris asked me to. You were the one doing things when he turned away.”
“I did not,” he argued.
She glared at him. “You hear what I said. And if you try to bring me into this, whatever Zay promised to do to you is gonna seem like a walk in the fucking park when I’m through with you. Now, move!”
Moriah pushed her cart past him lightly grazing his toes when he moved. She was regretting ever getting back out of bed to take Zilla his bag because then her head wouldn’t be pounding, her feelings wouldn’t be hurt and she would be resting like she wanted. Her mind wondered if it was all really with the trouble, she knew it was though she was just in her feelings. One thing she was sure of was that her and Zilla needed to have two conversations. One about Thomas and the other about their relationship and keeping his cousin out of it.
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yourbloodysunrise · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if I can request 2012 Donatello where he finally manages to have enough courage to ask out reader but because he took to long reader is already dating someone? I want the angstiest angst that you can make 😇 also can it be like a Drabble or a one shot?
🌤 — ah, angst, the thing that always worse than I imagined.hope you've seen that I write soft angst, so it can be different from what you expected.here we go!
❝ Every plans has flaws.. ❞
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"..And then I'll ask them to go on a date with me!It has to be the perfect plan!"
"I don't know, dude, why don't just cut out the whole evidence-finding part about the Kraangs?" — Mikey answers, spinning around in a chair in Donny's lab, not really listening to him.
Donnie loudly sighed, slowly turned to Mikey, squinting at him, looking annoyed by his question, as if the answer was obvious.
"BECAUSE I want everything to go perfectly!One small mistake can make them refuse.."
"I think you're too paranoid, just relax!Not like them already dating someone."
"..That's not the best way to calm someone down, Mikey."
"But that not bad, as try."
Donnie blankly looks at Mikey before turning away, shaking his head, — "I should have consulted with Master Splinter instead of you..Anyway, I want to make sure they agree."
"Maybe they will if you just come up and ask?I mean, you didn't try it."
"Well..You're right in some way, though..No, no, what am I thinking?!" — Donnie sighs, rubbing his temples with his fingers, looking wearily at the plan he drew of trying to ask his new passion out on a date, — "I just don't want to make a mistake, I've been trying to please them for so long that it feels like I'm pushing them away.."
"Pushing who away?" — you ask, entering the laboratory, causing a startled squeal from Donnie, hiding the plan board behind the laboratory equipment, — "Hi Mikey, hello Donnie. Sorry for not knocking, but I thought you'd hear me coming in."
"No problem-"
"None, hi, don't worry, I don't mind, everything fine!" — Donnie repeats, stuttering, a nervous and embarrassed smile graced his face, making you giggle.
Mikey glanced briefly at Donnie, winking at him and pointing at you, before taking a skateboard, standing at the entrance to the laboratory, and walking away from there shouting "booyakasha!!!"
"How are you doing with the Kraang search?" — you ask, approaching Donnie, leaning on the laboratory table.
"Weeeell, in the last few days I haven't been able to find any clues about where they might be, so so far the results are zero," — he says, turning away from you, rubbing his neck, staring at the floor.
Come on, Don, this is your chance. Maybe you won't have the opportunity to ask them out anymore?
He swallows the lump in his throat, feeling nervousness wash over him. He doesn't have any excuse to spend time with them..Okay, new plan. Maybe it won't hurt to try?
"Heeeyy.." — he begins, stretching out words, still gathering his thoughts, — "I need to tell you something.."
You mumble thoughtfully, interest lights up in your eyes when you lean closer to him, —"Yeah?"
He nervously swallows with excitement when you approach him, he inhales before starting.
"L-look, you can refuse, I understand you, given the circumstances of our relationship in terms of our situation.."
"Maybe we could go on a date?..Just ordinary date, where would you like to go?I know this is all unexpected, but..please?"
You stand there with your mouth open in shock before closing your jaw, staring at Donny dumbfounded with round eyes.
"O-Oh, Don.. it's.."
"I'm sorry, but..I already have a partner. It's pretty awkward, you know.."
"But, hey, we're still friends, right?" — you awkwardly comfort him, trying to smile, although the only thing that comes out is a sour strained smile that tries to flinch.
You two stood in deathly silence, feeling the tension grow by the second. If it was something very embarrassing for you, then for him it felt like end of the world…
Your already weak smile completely disappeared when you saw his blank expression, you cleared your throat, preparing to talking — "Donnie?Are you okay?.."
He blinked a few times before answering in a low voice, — "Yes..Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry.."
You turned your head away with a sigh, staring at the floor, realizing that he said it just so that you wouldn't worry about him. Of course, it was probably worse for him than for you, you thought.
"I…I think I'll go." — you say quickly before turning around and leaving the lab. Donnie watched you walk all the way out, waiting for you to disappear through the door, and waiting a few more seconds to make sure you were gone before growling in annoyance.
The question arose in his head, feeling jealousy fill him, eating into his skin like poison, spreading throughout his body with a caustic feeling of envy and hatred for the whole world.
Why not him?
He collapsed into a chair, covering his face with his hands, letting out a heavy sigh. Was it useless to develop a plan from the very beginning?Or did his self doubt delay him and you managed to find a partner?Why can't luck wait at least one fucking day, so as not to ruin it for him?
He was thinking about what had just happened with a frowning face, resting his elbow on the table, and your photo caught his eye.
With an unreadable face, he picked it up, looking through it, longing seeped into his gaze at the sight of your smiling photo. Slowly, he squeezed the frame of the photo, his fingers digging into the wood with such force that he could have broken it if he really wanted to.
Everything is okay. You have made your choice. You're still friends. Everything will be fine.
Although, perhaps he could show you that he is the best choice?..
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🌤 — aw, my dear turtle don't deserve this :(
🌤 — ah, finally I end this.I have tried very hard and often rewritten it, also I use translator so sorry if there any mistakes.
🌤 — hope you like it!have a good day☆
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mublerr · 9 months
Ooooh what do we got here?~
a little cutie just layin on a bed minding own business?
welp you're so focused on scrolling your fav social media, wouldn't you mind if i sit next to ya, look directly at your precious eyes and say how pretty you look? Oh is that a blush?
You look even better gettin one, you look so sweet that i can actually eat you! Let's start with your neck, looks most delicious, nibble hereee, nibble theree, oh my you're so yummy! I can eat you all day, oooh youre even flavour yourself with these giggles, alright next dish on the way is the tummy.
lets curl up this shirt of your a little and see it, ooooh this looks like whole dinner! But i think there's something missing here, oh right there's lack of raspberries. Weeeell let's just give one there, one here and of course one in the centre, woah theres even a hole especially made for placing raspberry here, neat!
Yeah your adorable tummy taste's good, but what about these ribs? they look tasty too but, are you got full stack of them? Let's count em and find out! Huh? why you such a squirmy worm? i just wanna see if my order is good and there's not any mistake, weeeell let's see shall we? Oneeeee tasty ribbieee~ Twooo tasty ribbiesss~ Threeee- hey don't cover them! I need to find out that its full pack of ribs, now where i have beeeeen hmmmmm.. Welp i can't remember, let's try again, this time don't you even try to move slightly, try to think about something else, likeeee how red you can possibly be, ooooor how much tries i need to do before i finally count up your ribs, oooor how many times you gonna squeal, squeak or snort.
Now let's go back to these precious ribs~
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akkivee · 5 months
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A Sweet Yellow Curry You Just Can't Stop Eating!: Hypmic Curry Drama Track TL
Ramuda: Okay! ☆ It’s great to see everyone has been serious in making some curry!
Gentaro: Well, though this event feels capricious by nature, it’s still a battle I do not wish to lose.
Dice: Can we hurry up and eat already? I’m so hungry I could pass out!
*beeping noise*
Ramuda: Ah, rice is done! Plating time~!
Gentaro: Oh, and you’ve prepared our curry to go with it. Then shall we try Ramuda’s curry first?
Ramuda: Okaaaay! Eat up everyone! ☆
Gentaro: Let’s see. *throws it up*
Dice: *loud eating noises but also spits it back up*
Gentaro: What in the world…??
Ramuda: I call it, “Sweet Like Honey Curry!!!!!!☆”
Gentaro: Y-You say sweet like honey, but I think I’ve been assaulted by the amount of sugar…
Ramuda: That’s because I used honey instead of water!
Dice: M-My throat is on fire…W-Water… I need water…!!
Ramuda: So I was thinking of how to stand out from the other divisions and decided to try something completely original! What do you think??
Dice: What do I think?? Is food just a game to you??
Ramuda: That’s so mean!! I thought long and hard about this!
Gentaro: There are still other curries to get through. So, let’s eat mine next.
Ramuda: Uh, it looks like yellow soup… Is this really okay to eat?
Gentaro: Since we, as a team, have a pop image, I thought it would be remiss to not incorporate that in the curry.
Dice: …But I don’t see any actual food in it.
Gentaro: Because of anticipated mass reproduction in the pursuit of commercialization, I have decided a liquid only curry would be most suitable. And to compensate for the lack of ingredients, I used butter for richness in taste.
Ramuda: That’s such a lonely sounding curry…
Gentaro: What ever is the matter? Please, eat up.
Dice: *loud eating noises* …??
Ramuda: …Mmm, it’s gross… I really don’t wanna say it, but I don’t like this…
Gentaro: Is that so? Do tell me why; however, if I find your reasoning lacking, I simply will continue to serve you this roux.
Ramuda: Nooooo!! I don’t want anymore of the yellow stuff!!!
Dice: How dare you treat food like it’s a joke!! …Geez, obviously neither of y’all know what you’re doing. Curry is meant to be paired with rice!! None of your flavours helps elevate the taste of white rice!! Now this is real curry! Eat your heart out and understand that this is what it means to be one with the flavour of rice!!
Ramuda: *eats*
Gentaro: *eats* …Hm.
Dice: How is it?? Doesn’t it make you want to eat more??
Ramuda: I mean I could but… it’s just a normal curry? Like how is this any different from a regular chicken curry?
Dice: Are you blind?? If you looked in the pot right now, you could clearly see a huge amount of locally raised chicken went into this!!
 Gentaro: Well, I can certainly see how many chicken bones are in the curry.
Dice: Hahaha! haaa… Weeeell, I guess I did get hungry and ate some while making it!
Ramuda: *eats* …hm?? Wait, you gotta try this!!
Gentaro: ? You mixed mine and Dice’s curries together…? *eats* …Oh my!
Dice: It’s so good!! Who would have thought my curry and that yellow junk actually combined really well??
 Gentaro: Then perhaps… Let’s try adding some of that absurdly sugary curry to this!
Ramuda: Sweet Like Honey Curry coming right up~!
Dice: Hey, this actually looks really good!
Posse: *eats* !!
Ramuda: Woooooow!! I’ve never had curry like this before!!
Gentaro: I can’t believe we’ve stumbled upon creating such a masterpiece…!
Dice: *excessively loud eating noises* This spoon’s not stoppin’!!
Ramuda: Aaalright, then that settles it! ☆ Let’s combine all of our curries!!
Dice: Looks great!! There’s no way we’re losing with this curry!
Gentaro: Precisely! On that note, what shall we name it? “Posse Curry” possesses little impact…
Ramuda: Hmmmm… How about, “The Sweet Yellow Liquid You Can’t Stop Eating!”
Dice: Sounds good to me!
Gentaro: However, I made a curry, not a mere liquid.
Ramuda: Oh yeah? Sowwies☆ Then we’ll call it, “The Sweet Yellow Curry You Can’t Stop Eating!”
Gentaro: It certainly has a nice ring to it.
Dice: Heh heh, it sure does!
Ramuda: And with this curry, our victory is guaranteed!! ☆
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jackharloww · 1 year
Picnics and checklists
Summary: The one where Jack had one job😂
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“Go over the checklist on the table babe,” you told Jack as you went upstairs to change. You were going on a family picnic, and you didn’t want to forget anything at home, so you wrote a quick checklist for him to follow.
Jack looked at the checklist and shook his head “We’re going on a picnic, not moving” he said loud enough for you to hear him
“Just check it Jackman” you answered as you changed into a beautiful summer dress before fixing your hair quickly. You had already changed Grace and Jack changed Nathaniel after his diaper change. You walked down and as Jack locked eyes with you, he got a beautiful smile on his face “You look lovely” he commented.
“So do you” you answered, your checks getting hotter. He loved that he still made you blush after all these years together.
“Do we have everything?” You asked him as he grabbed the baskets, and walked out to the car.
“Yes, come on now”
You nodded and went to grab Nathaniel that was lying in his baby-nest. Grace was sitting next to him watching the TV.
“Grace, are you ready?” You asked her making her stand up and give you a big smile, ready as ever. She was wearing a pink summer dress with small butterflies hair pieces. You grabbed Nate and held Graces hand as you walked out to Jack.
You buckled Grace in her car seat while Jack grabbed Nate, doing the same to him. You sat in the back with Grace and Nate, before Jack started driving to the location where the picnic was going to be at. Grace was singing along to the song on the AUX, and you were all vibing.
When you arrived, Jacks parents and grandparents where already there while the rest of his cousins where still on their way. You tried to have these get together at least once a month and it was so cozy to just sit and hang out. Especially during the summer when you could have lovely picnics outside. You knew how much it meant to Jack that his families got along and loved to be with each other.
As soon as you let Grace out of the car, she ran into her granddads arms before going around saying hi to everyone, showing them the butterflies in her hair.
“Oh let me see my grandson” Maggie cooed and immediately grabbed him from you.
“Mom don’t stand in the sun with him” Jack said, being a little overprotective.
“I think she knows babe” you chuckled and put your hand on his back, giving him a gentle smile. He nodded and went to take everything out from the car.
After you grabbed everything you walked over to a place under the big tree. That way you could have both sun and shadow if it got too much. You knew how bad the sun could get for your daughter and husband so you were sure to write down sunscreen on the checklist.
They had a big table next to the tree, you took all of the food and snacks out and put them on the table. Grace was running around with her uncle and grandad while Maggie was cuddling with Nate, sitting next to Jacks grandparents that were admiring your little son.
“Damn it’s hot,” Jack said and took off his shirt.
“Hey hey come here,” you said and motioned for him to come to you before he got too comfortable.
“Babe this is a public place, our kids and family are here” he whispered playfully with a smirk plastered on his face
“Shut up idiot, you need to put sunscreen on, I don’t want to go home with a tomato later” you rolled your eyes at him, a playful smile on your face.
“Fine” he muttered and sat in front of you so you could rub the sunscreen on his shoulders.
You reached for the bag of stuff you had with you and started looking for it. “Where is it??” You gave up looking and turned to look at jack
“What do you mean where is it, didn’t you bring it?” He asked with his eyebrows raised.
“Well, I don’t know didn’t you check it before we left?” You answered back with an attitude
“Weeeell about that, I did go through your list, but then Grace wanted water so I might have paused that task” He gave you a guilty smile but you just looked at him with a death stare.
“You had one job” you sighed
“Aoh aoh what did you do Daddy” Grace whispered to Jack when she noticed the look you gave him. You had called for her so you could put sunscreen on her as well.
“Well Grace , looks like you and your daddy needs to sit under the tree the whole picnic” you said and turned to look at her, she groaned and asked why.
“Ask your dad” you answered and she turned to jack for an answer.
“I forgot the sunscreen” he admitted “I’ll go buy one now” he muttered.
“What’s wrong?” Maggie walked over to you
“I forgot the sunscreen” Jack told her
“Good thing I’m always prepared” she laughed and went over to her bag, taking out the sunscreen.
“Lifesaver” you sighed and thanked her, before you began to rub sunscreen on both Grace and Jack.
Taglist: @harlowsbby , @harlowcomehome , @neon-lights-and-glitter , @itsyagirljaz , @hoodharlow , @heavyhitterheaux , @middlechild404 , @nattinatalia
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nilolol30 · 9 months
Never too late to try new things
Monkey king x reader
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Picnics were a favorite pass time for Wukong especially with you, he always brings your favorite foods though you had to talk to him about how you won't eat anything that was literally made from his fur which he found understandable.
You can't miss the big smile he has whenever he spots you walking over to him and his little set up.
"You finally made it! And here I thought you stood me up" He laughed while patting the spot next to him excitedly, laughing at his antics you join him as he opened the basket and held out one of your favorite foods to you.
"How could I dare do such a thing hm?" You joked with a smile before taking a bite and soon you both fell into a discussion about each other's day.
"But I finally decided to write a perfect training schedule for the kiddo and he gave me his work schedule so we can plan accordingly!" Wukong smiled, even though you were the one who gave him the idea.
"Really? And here I thought you couldn't read" You struggled to stifle a laugh when Wukong's face went from disbelief and fake offense "that is a misconception I'll have you know I can read and write! Quite well too!" Immediately you couldn't hold it in and bursted out laughing.
"So anyway! That's what I did today so what fantastic thing did you do hm?" Changing the topic Wukong leaned in close as he hummed while he slid over a bottle of water to you.
"Well today I got to try some tea from this new tea shop! I got this peach flavored one it was pretty good" Wukong hummed again nodding in approval "Of course I mean it's peaches! They're always going to be good like have you ever eaten one they're top fruit man!" He fist bumped the air while looking at the little monkeys that copied him.
You laugh at his rant before adding "No I haven't" Wukong stoped himself from going into another rant about how superior peaches were and he slowly turned his head back to you "you're pulling my tail aren't you?" You shook your head at his question.
"Nope no way no! no living being on this mountain should not ever suffer from never eating a peach!" Wukong summoned his nimbus and jumped on, quickly yelling a "be right back" before zooming off.
It didn't take long for Wukong to zoom back to the picnic with an armful of peaches he sat down Infront of you and dropped all the peaches onto your lap with a wide smile "Well? Go on go on try them!" His tail swayed in anticipation.
Humoring him you pick up a peach "Do I peel it?" You ask turning the peach in your hand Wukong raises an eyebrow for a second before connecting the dots "Oh right human stomaches and stuff...but yeah hold on lemme!" Taking the peach from your hand he plucked some fur from his head and turns it into a peeler.
He would use his claws but you'd probably find that unsanitary since he hasn't cleaned the dirt from his claws for a bit, but after peeling the peach and handing it back to you he ate the leftover peels and waited for you to take a bite.
Only with a little hesitation you finally did and you chewed for a bit before swallowing "Weeeell?" Wukong asked leaning in close to hear your opinion.
"hmm...it's good" Wukong laughed and jumped up in celebration "Let's gooo! Here I'll peel some more for you!"
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howlingday · 25 days
Ren: (Walks in)
Yang: Whoa-oh-oh~! Hold up there, buddy! (Racks Ember Celica)
Ren: Oh, excuse me.
Yang: Couldn't help but notice you're trespassin' (Racks) on my land.
Ren: Sorry, I saw the door open and I wanted to make sure everything was okay.
Yang: Best get to steppin', son. (Racks)
Ren: I- I can leave if you need me to.
Yang: Doin' a lot of yammerin', but unbeknownst to you, you're speakin' (Racks) your final words.
Ren: You don't need to-
Yang: (Racks)
Ren: -brandish your weapon. I'm not going to hurt you.
Yang: Weeeell, sounds to me like we got a (Racks, Racks, Racks) smartass on our hands~!
Ren: You're ejecting a lot of shells there.
Yang: Yup. (Racks)
Ren: You won't have enough to shoot me with.
Ren: That was probably the twelfth shell-
Yang: YOU LITTLE SHIT?! (Racks)
Ren: You already have one in the-
Yang: (Racks, Racks, Racks, Racks, Racks)
Ren: It seems like you ejected about thirty six shells from that gun.
Yang: (Racks, Racks, Racks, Racks, Racks) Don't need 'em.
Ren: Do you even have any left in there?
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spoonietimelordy · 10 months
The thing is I'm so certain that the doctor would run with the whole qpr idea seeing how he already assigned roles to everyone. But not Donna though. I genuinely don't think she would get it, at least not at first. But I can so easily see 14 calling her his queer platonic partner and her just ending up giving up because she can't tell the difference between that and being best friends anyway so she ends up being like "oh whatever, as long as you're not calling us a couple."
And then to taunt her he would add "weeeell on a purely technical level Rose is 1/4 —"
Before Donna interrupts him with a "Oh stop right there!"
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