#Old 2p nonsense
allen-arthur · 7 months
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/ I fear them . . . They may look like us . . . But they represent the side of us that shouldn’t exist /
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(Anyone else feel like going back to their evil era with all the blood, and violence? No? Just me?
Well, I’ve been craving some of that darker side 😈)
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jackhkeynes · 2 years
16th Lexember
baugl "campsite"
baugl /bojl/ [ˈbo.jʊ] - camp, campsite, an outdoor place acting as a temporary accommodation either in tents or entirely outdoors; - improvisation, kludge, stopgap, patch, a temporary set-up formed by convenience or due to time constraints that one intends to replace with something more permanent
Etymology: from Old Boral bavȝl (probably /bawʎ/) "tent, campsite", cognate with Cambrick pabell "tent" in coming via a Kelt form (the Borland reflex exhibiting characteristic initial voicing) from Latin pāpiliō "butterfly, (later) tent". In the latter sense the word is seen from the sixteenth century, originally with reference to a room's hasty arrangement of appliances/furniture or similar processes that resemble the ad-hoc set-up of a campsite.
Indigneð mey noc dell'oc baugl van. /ˌɪn.dajˈnɛθ mi nɔk dɛˈlɔk bojl van/ [ˌɪn.dɐjˈnɛh mi nɔ ˌdɛ.lʊ ˈbo.jʊ van] begrudge-sbj.2p 1s neg of-def-s.px camp vain Don't hold this bad set-up against me.
opening of a 1813 letter sent by Dorothe Shock, proprietress of Miszen [1] emporium De Marnoshring, to her mother Johanne in her home village of Siorow. This missive is taken from the collected correspondence kept in trust at the Marnosh Gravatory [archives], the enterprise having grown dramatically from a single shop selling trinkets to a quasipolitic guild [multinational corporation] controlling much of the market for children's toys and various material hobbies.
My dearest mother,
First I must reassure you that [her brother] young Crazi has arrived in Miszen safe and in good spirits. He has not taken to commerce as enthusiastically as you had hoped (or at least not as well as he has taken to nights out with soldierly friends and woodheaded mornings!) but his allegedly-charming features seem to have contributed to a string of advantageous deals with the usual suppliers.
You shall I expect be unsurprised to hear that the Potchware [2] woodcarvings refuse to be bought at even half the cost of importing them (never mind Hamburg's stanglehold on the Elbe); eventually I managed to convince a particuarly-credulous customer from Crovatia that they were the only attested artworks of a remote people of Chrysia, which limited our losses to an acceptable amount.
The mayor continues to promise better roads out west to Lepzi—it is nonsensical that one cannot make the journey in a day and must suffer an uncomfortable night in the only Ossatz lodginghouse with tolerable chambermaids. I cannot see that such projects will find funds for themselves so long as the garrison demands its gold, and so long as the Boheme menace rattles its sabre across the southern…
[1] An urban regional centre in Saxony on the site of our Meissen. [2] A staddomain in Cappatia [South America] known at the time for its sugar and cocoa exports, and not (yet) renowned as a centre of artistic expression.
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arifuretaboy · 4 years
having toyhouse is a nightmare because i constantly want to redraw all of my character portraits bc my style is so inconsistent
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alfredosauce50 · 3 years
Through the looking glass [1p + 2p England x reader]
Synopsis: When a poorly-timed work emergency strikes, he can’t help but leave for the city, cutting his vacation short. You’re left alone in the countryside in a charming little cottage. Disappointed and let down once again, you explore the house in hopes of cheering yourself up. Without him to curb your curiosity with a warning or two, you go downstairs to his study and discover a secret that changes everything. It’s the key to his redemption, or his undoing. Wordcount: 4, 227 The reader is referred to as she/her.
Through the looking glass [England x reader x 2p! England]
One would think that using magic could easily complete the most mundane of tasks.
But work? God, no. He had to do it himself. There was no charm or spell that could write out emails for you. Let alone anything more complicated than that. Soon enough, he left behind the world of the fantastical to focus on the fact that he had a job. He wanted to give you the world, and he couldn’t do that by falling down rabbit holes or indulging in nonsense.
He’d been anxious all morning.
Years had passed since he last returned to this place. But that couldn’t be why. His childhood home, a picturesque, two-story cottage surrounded by lush, overgrown gardens fostered some of his fondest memories. The problem was, he couldn’t get himself in the spirit to appreciate it. Buried underneath his things were stacks of papers he’d never finished.
He was skeptical he could hide it—that he had days-worth of work to catch up on—on a trip you had both been planning for months.
“Fuck me.” He hissed under his breath. Currently, you had no idea, and was quite literally, frolicking in the grass. “I’m such a useless cunt.”
The sun was high, and the soothing breeze sent ripples across the lime green fields.
Racing through the meadow to get to the house, he watched you spin a few times like you were the poster girl for Sound of Music. His gaze softened as he kept walking again. You were never a stick in the mud like he was, and it was the one thing that kept him grounded. “Slow down, would you?” He called out, swinging out his duffel bag in your direction.
“Why? We’re going to the same place, aren’t we?” You mused, spinning around briefly to catch his expression. His brows were furrowed together, and he was wiping the sweat off his forehead. “You love traveling until you have to walk on your own feet.” He gawked at you for a moment, then marched through the tall strokes of grass to match your pace.
“It’s not the walking I mind. What I do mind—” Arthur grabbed your hand and showed a sneaking smile.
“—is when you walk without me.”
You narrowed your eyes accusingly. “Have you been spending time at Antonio’s?”
He shook his head in confusion. “No?”
“What is this, an interrogation?”
Your voices grew louder in the garden, which was fenced off by old stone bricks layered with moss and vines. “Depends.” Leaning into him much to his delight, he grinned mischievously and did the same.
“Who says I can’t flirt?” He pulled you closer to squeeze your waist. But he could admit one thing. He was emotionally constipated, more often than not. But flirting didn’t necessarily need feelings.
“I have a little French in me. Ancestry-wise. But thank God it runs thin.” You snorted.
Sounds like it was Francis.
To say the house was old was an understatement. It wasn’t the rotten, unliveable, and dysfunctional kind of old. It was the design. The cottage boasted a traditional charm you couldn’t find in the city. There were secret doors and inconspicuous details. They were either pointless or led to nowhere, and some, to the same place where you started.
It’s to confuse unwelcome spirits and creatures. He’d explained. You know, so they don’t bother you in your sleep, or something. It wasn’t the first time he’d mentioned something fantastical, so you figured it was some ongoing inside joke of his. Last time, he told you he was going to his study to perfect a gardening spell. Then, before that, he said he’d be using the kitchen to brew a potion. He wasn’t cooking, so it never alarmed you. But you had to say, it was impressive how long he’d kept it up.
It was too bad he stopped.
Once you both unpacked in the bedroom, you gathered some clothes to take a bath. He was more than happy to let you go first, and even went out of his way to find some bath salts. Take as long as you need, love. He’d said. What he meant to say was, please take as long as possible. Dread rose in his chest when you lingered in the doorway.
He knew that look. It was expectant and exhausted.
“You’re not gonna join me?” You asked softly.
Arthur died a little inside when he let these words slip out. “I, well—the tub is kinda small. I thought you’d be more comfortable using it yourself.”
It was ritual to wash up together. He was a busy bee, you were a night owl. He couldn’t stay awake past twelve, but he came home late from work regardless. The bathroom may as well be the only place you could catch up with him. So it was odd, to say the least. Fortunately, it was a vacation.
Or it should’ve been.
“Oh.” You turned around to stare at said tub, unwilling to give in just yet. “You know I don’t mind. I could use a massage.”
He attached two hands on your shoulder and laughed nervously. If you could take a longer bath, he could get some work done in secret. But really, that would only work under the assumption you never confronted him. And yet, he was relying on it like his life depended on it. “I’ll just give you one in bed. Trust me, love. You’ll thank me later,”
With that said, he ushered you into the tiled room. Before you could object, he flashed you a grin and shut the door in your face.
“Enjoy your bath.”
“... I guess I will.” A slight frown worked into your face. The Brit was many things, but straightforward was not one of them. Conscientious, adventurous, and even eccentric. More so a few years ago, anyway. So there was no denying he was acting strange. But you didn’t think much of it.
The second the door lock clicked, he raced to the dining room to get his things out. Slamming two stacks of papers on the table, he whipped out his laptop and typed like a speed demon. Forty minutes in, he’d made pleasing progress, but that was compromised by an unexpected phone call. It was from none other than the mastermind of all his trouble and grief. His boss. But tonight, he was also the bearer of bad news.
“What do you mean, you can’t do it yourself? Don’t you live twenty minutes away—me? I can’t go! I’m two hours away!” Arthur spoke frantically. His pale complexion turned bright pink from breathlessness. “I’m literally. On holiday. Right now. You’re seriously gonna tell me I need to do what?” For the next few minutes, he fumed into the speaker, but he still ended up with the shorter end of the stick.
“Are you really on holiday, Arthur?” Was the last thing he heard before the call dropped.
The Brit could only stare at his table strewn with office paraphernalia. His laptop, pens, and forms. “Bloody fucking tosser—”
He turned to your voice in panic. He’d been caught standing in front of the one thing he meant to hide from you. But the second he saw the look on your face, which he figured was disappointment, he cracked like an egg. Digging his hands through his choppy blonde hair, he gave an anxious laugh. “I’m sorry,” He swallowed, unable to meet your gaze.
“I was falling behind.”
“Don’t look so nervous, I’m not gonna kill you.” You chuckled, reaching up to his cheek. “Just don’t stay up too late. I want that massage you said you’d give me.”
Arthur practically cringed. He couldn’t even do the least of sticking to such a trivial commitment. “No, love. I actually got off the phone with my boss. There’s a work emergency.” He could see the joy fade from your eyes, not that there was much left to begin with. And for that, he would never forgive himself.
What drove the nail in was seeing you so calm about it. “I have to go back to the city.” He muttered stressfully, digging his hands through the sides of his hair. “Please forgive me.”
“Alright.” You rubbed your arm and forced a smile. The heat was settling in, but you tried your damnedest to be nonchalant. “I guess you can’t really help it. How long do you think you’ll be gone for?”
“Three days, give or take.”
“Three days?”
Your voice was high with shock. This was the part where he’d apologize profusely and promise he’d never do it again, only to do it yet again.
He even repeated his apology verbatim.
“I’m really sorry.” He whispered into your ear, squeezing you in an embrace. “I promise this will be the last time, I promise. It’ll never happen again.” You never returned the gesture, and instead, let your arms stay by your side. Something was weighing your hands down, and it had much to do with the growing bitterness inside.
But really, you were sadder than anything.
When he left through the door, he gave you one last look. His chartreuse eyes were heavy with regret. But you couldn’t bring yourself to meet them, let alone say anything when he told you this—“I love you.”
Nothing hurt more than saying those three words and hearing silence. But that wasn’t the only thing that bothered him to no end.
“I... Miss the old you.” It was no higher than a whisper, but he heard you loud and clear. His eyes widened in shock. Those words were so sincere with hurt, his chest immediately began to ache. How long had you felt like this? You turned away quickly. “But maybe it’s just me who needs to change.”
Arthur was so ashamed you even said it.
You were perfectly fine the way you were.
It was him that needed to get himself together. To think he could never tell you this—he never hated himself so much.
You slept alone in the cottage that night.
A few tears managed to escape your eyes, but the house was so quiet, you didn’t feel like making a fuss.
The next morning, you made breakfast for yourself. A cold bowl of cereal and muesli. While you finished it off, as unappetizing as it was, you sauntered around absently to explore the house. The cottage was nowhere near as big as a mansion, and yet, you soon realized you were lost. You must’ve taken the wrong doors.
Between these doors were strange staircases, hallways, and secret rooms. Arthur always explained them so well—which one to use, and which one to avoid. But it left your mind as seamlessly as he did last night. “I guess I’m just one of the unwelcome spirits and creatures,” You mused in a somber tone. “Maybe I should’ve gone back with him.”
Such a beautiful place should’ve been shared with company.
As if somebody responded to those very thoughts, you heard the hollow tap of something falling downstairs. Maybe, it was an acorn. A smile graced your lips at the thought. Had a squirrel snuck in here? You never noticed how bored you were until you scrambled to the basement to see. Your feet thudded against the wooden stairs as you descended to the underground study. When you pushed open the door, you were astonished by what you saw.
“... Spellbooks,” You muttered breathily. “And potions.”
A single ray of sunlight poured in from a slit on the ceiling. But it was more than enough to illuminate the inside—a desk littered with scrolls, parchment, potions, and a beautiful white quill in some ink. Surrounding that were several bookshelves, but what impressed you the most wasn’t the vast collection of old, dusty things.
It was the huge mirror in the center, leaning against the wall.
Walking closer to the looking glass, you peered at your reflection curiously. Seeing yourself in the mirror was probably the only person you’d see for the next few days.
The glass wavered. Like a ripple of water. Not enough to surprise you, but enough to get you thinking—“No.” You breathed. The mirror swirled again, distorting your reflection more than it did before. When you reached out to graze your fingertips against it, it seemed to follow your movements. Now, you were shocked.
“He wasn’t joking!”
That gardening charm, the potions, and probably the spirits and creatures too. That only begged the question, what else was there you never noticed? And what was that strange shadow inside the glass. “This is impossible—” A hand shot out of the surface and grabbed your wrist, making you jump. “—woah!”
It pulled you right into the mirror.
After the longest day at work, Arthur found himself wandering through the evening London streets. Everywhere he looked, was the warm glow of Christmas lights and decorations. He’d walked past more fake fir trees than he could count. But the most common spectacle wasn’t that, as iconic it was, instead, it was the couples.
He looked away quickly before another kissed in front of him.
If only you were here. Just how many times had that thought occurred to him? Way too many. Impressively enough, it was always him that ended up pulling away—be it for work, or because of cold feet. He slowed down so he could cover his eyes. “I’m pathetic.” Once he slowed to a stop, he removed his hands to reveal a storefront.
A jewelry store. Rings. Engagement rings.
His cheeks grew rosy, and his eyes were practically sparkling, much like how a child’s would on Christmas day. He spent a few moments staring in silence, and the excitement seemed to fade away as he pondered away. Arthur stood up straight.
Then, he sighed.
“Just a little longer, Arthur.” He muttered to himself. “When we’re more financially stable.”
Cold feet was damn right.
It looked like you were back where you started. Making your way through the hallway, you appeared in the dining room. You should’ve been alone, but there he stood in the kitchen, pouring a spot of tea. A stranger with strawberry blonde hair who looked eerily similar to your boyfriend. Your heart sank. “Who are you? How did you get in here?”
“How did I get in here? Oh, this is my house, darling.” He laughed giddily, craning his head to the side. Walking over with a tray, he added this, seeing you were still staring at him strangely. “Don’t tell me you don’t recognize me. I’m your boyfriend, silly.”
“My boyfriend doesn’t have pink hair.” You corrected, lowering your gaze to the clothes he donned. A dress shirt, a pastel purple vest, and a bright blue bowtie. “And he doesn’t wear bowties.”
“He used to.” He hummed, pulling out a chair for you. “But he switched up for those boring old ties. Can you imagine wearing something like that out in public? Couldn’t be me.”
You sat down, albeit hesitantly. Whoever this mystery man was, he was definitely not a burglar. He seemed too proper. And too eccentric. He fit in with his surroundings too well, like a glove, even, which he also wore on his right hand. While you studied his appearance so seriously, he laughed again, flustered by the scrutiny.
“Is there something on my face?” He pointed up to himself, then looked down. “Oh, gosh. Maybe I should’ve worn something special. I haven’t seen you in a while, after all.”
You leaned in, and wound up supporting yourself on the lacey tablecloth. He leaned back in surprise.
“Who are you?” You asked in a hushed whisper. When he said he hadn’t seen you in a while, his sincerity dissipated all suspicion of him lying. But there was something else—something else about him that hinted he was telling the truth. Besides being the spitting image of Arthur, he was so familiar, you had to have met him before.
“You remind me so much of him, and yet...”
You’re nothing like him. He could practically hear your thoughts, seeing your troubled expression. He smiled gently, then closed his eyes. He’d been waiting ages for this, to finally reveal his greatest plight. It was his damnation, but it was in every way his salvation.
“You mean I remind you of his old self.”
Nobody could’ve said it better.
Dumping two spoonfuls of sugar into his cup, he stirred it slowly for steady wisps of steam to float up. “I’m a part of him, you see. But he decided he didn’t want me anymore. So here I am, I suppose.” Bringing the cup to his lips, he took a slow sip. His face was unreadable, but behind those bright azure eyes, you saw conflict. As calm as his demeanor was, there was something restless growing inside him.
But you’d be surprised if there wasn’t. He’d been trapped in here for years at most, so one would’ve wondered if he’d gone insane.
When he glanced up again, he caught you in a gaze that spoke of cutting conviction.
“You have to help me. For us.”
Arthur sat by himself in his apartment. He never bothered turning on all the lights, in save for the one hanging directly above. There, he strained his eyes to scan through pages and pages of spreadsheets on his computer. Bags were already developing under his eyes, and it was only the second day. So much for the holiday season.
Bringing up a cold cup of black coffee to his lips, he sipped it. He never liked the taste, but he figured he’d drink it for the function. All he needed to do was to get through tomorrow. Then, he could see you again. Even then, why did he feel like he still wouldn’t be happy? He was trapped in a dark, endless tunnel, and the exit was getting further and further away. Soon, the light at the end would disappear altogether.
Oliver, he said his name was. But you can call me anything you’d like.
He was everything Arthur wasn’t. Lively, youthful, and much less ‘proper’ than you assumed. He hated working, doing math, and was hopeless with technology. The future was never something he considered, because it didn’t ‘exist’ yet, apparently. But the most notable trait he possessed was how attuned he was with his emotions.
It was sometimes hard to keep up with him, but it was fun to try.
He never hesitated with showing you affection like Arthur did. He’d kiss you whenever you let him, and when he hugged you, he held onto you like you would disappear if he let go. When you’d ask if he was okay, he’d just say, I missed you. It was sweet, but you never could’ve imagined the pain behind those three words.
“If you’re a part of this world, then where am I?” You asked in a crouch, patting down the dirt around some strawberry plants.
He continued to dig holes for you to fill. The fruits in his patches were all for consumption, but they looked more like gems than anything. Here in the garden of Eden, he had everything in the world to bake with. Apples, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and peaches, to name a few.
“There is no you in this world,” Oliver mused, sparing you a brief glance. “She’s always been inside you. You accepted her, so there she stays.” What you immediately took from that was this—he’d been by himself this whole time. It must’ve been lonely. The thought manifested into a deep frown, and it translated into your actions. Launching yourself into his arms, he fell onto his behind with a thump.
“Oh, dear!”
Sitting out here in his garden, your eyes were narrowed to filter out the glare of the sunset. Your clothes were still damp after being sprayed by the hose. You’d made a mistake to trust him with a projectile of water. But he was just as soaked, and was drying his hair out with a towel.
“This feels like a dream, Oliver.” You spoke in a dazed manner. “If I go back, will I ever see you again?”
“Sure you will.” He hummed, trudging back to sit by your side. “If you help me get out of this little contraption, you’ll see me in Arthur. I won’t be as charming as I am now, but I’ll be there.”
“So... No pink hair?”
Oliver chuckled. “Unfortunately, not. But maybe, I’ll still have it in your dreams.” He winked.
You managed a lazy smile. As much as you loved being with him, Arthur was still out there. Fortunately, you wouldn’t have to pick between the two. By setting him free, he could become whole.
“But dreams aren’t reality.”
His brilliant blue eyes glinted with mischief.
“Dreams aren’t reality, but who’s to say which is which?”
The next evening, you led him down to the study where the mirror was. While you stood in front of it, peering at the reflections, you came to notice that Oliver’s was nothing like him. It looked more like Arthur than anything—his hair, his eyes, even his clothes. When he noticed you staring, he settled a hand on your shoulder.
“They say there’s a whole dimension in mirrors.” He explained, watching you peer up at him curiously. Oliver leaned down to press his cheek to yours, and there, he stared at the you in the glass. “And of course, another version of you. Your evil twin, maybe.” You managed a small laugh at that. Who would’ve thought such a harmless joke could end up as reality?
But then again, you were always terrible at distinguishing between Arthur’s deadpan humor and serious statements.
“Well, here goes.”
Stepping into the looking glass, you never let go of Oliver’s hand as you pulled him in. He synched with his reflection—Arthur—as he sunk into the surface, and before long, they became one as he disappeared through the mirror. Or they should’ve. When you stepped back out, this time, without falling, he was standing right next to you.
“So, what’s next?” You piped, turning to the man. “Do we get you both to meet and shake on it?”
A tense silence ensued before he spoke up. For a fraction of a second, you would’ve sworn you caught him grinning. It wasn’t the playful kind he always sported, or rather, it was sinister. Uninviting. Like he was scheming something. But it couldn’t be—it was too out of character.
“Not exactly.”
That evening, Arthur returned to the cottage. His usual pale complexion was rosy, and he was huffing and puffing like his life depended on it. “I’m back, love. I nearly missed the last bus, but—” You were nowhere in sight, much to his confusion. “—I’m here, now. And I have some good news.” He hid a small velvet box behind his back. What he held in his hands was a Godsend.
On the last day of his trip in the city, he decided to finally suck it up and buy the one thing he’d been mulling over for months.
No more waiting or funny business.
When he wanted to give you the world, he only thought of the textbook definition of it. And he worked for it like how everybody else would. He never stopped to realize how naïve he’d been, thinking about the future when the future was already right in front of him. It was about time he stopped being such an absent workaholic.
“I quit my job,” He declared, following the sound of footsteps in his study. “I hated my boss, anyway. And plus, we’ve got plenty of savings. I was thinking we could just stay in this cottage—” Arthur arrived in the basement, only to see that there was nobody inside. Strange. He would’ve sworn he heard someone pacing around.
“—hm. Are you still mad at me? Is that why we’re playing hide and seek?” Unbeknownst to him, you were doing nothing of the sort. Oliver had told you to stay in the bedroom, stressing that the merging process was going to be ugly. So ugly, it was blinding. And you took his words for granted, so there you stayed.
“I’m sorry, alright? I miss you to death, so would you please come out?”
In the shadows where the light didn’t shine, stood a silhouette.
Out stepped Arthur’s doppelgänger.
His alter ego, carbon copy, and greatest enemy.
When Arthur wandered too close to the mirror, he walked up to him with a dark glower.
“It’s only been three days since you’ve seen her. What about me?” Oliver grabbed his shoulders and him around. The last thing Arthur would’ve seen was a pair of maniacal blue eyes. The face of death took on many forms, but this was his personal rendition of it. As terror gripped his racing heart, he stumbled backwards from the other’s incessant pushing.
“I was in there for years. And I was always alone.”
He thought he could settle things in a different way. But he ended up staying true to himself, the one thing Arthur always failed to do. He would give his counterpart a taste of his own medicine, just like he deserved. With one strong shove, Arthur fell back into the mirror and disappeared.
He dropped the box, which Oliver picked up.
“It’s your turn in the looking glass. Only then will we be equal.”
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Can I get platonic Yandere 2ps with their kid that just turned 18 and they're ready to move out, apparently they'll feel like a burden now since they're living under the boys roof and is now an adult.
For non groups questions, IE 2p Allies, 2p Axis, ect, I’m only going to write for five characters to make it easier on myself.
2p England: Ohhhhhh my little sweetie! There is no need to move out! I love having you with me, and you are Never and wil Never be a burdan, ok? Now, how about some tasty scones and a hot cuppa. Does that sound nice? Oliver wants to appear like the perfect parant, and he will do so while making sure his child will stay with them. If talking to them won’t work, than Oliver is not afraid to pull some strings in the background. He will make sure you can and will never find a place to live. If that means blackmail, threats, bribery, murder, etc than he will do it all while giving his child a sweet smile and a plateful of their favorite foods. 
2p France: ...Are you feeling unwell? I think you might have a bit of a fever. Go rest now and when you wake up you will feel all better. Francois will have his child stay with him even of he has to posin them and make them bedbound if he must. It will be less work for him than trying to physically stop you from moving out.
2p Russia: It is not logical for you to move out. Wasting money on a place when you have a perfectly good home here and someone to take care of you makes no sense. Viktor will try to use logic on his child. It really does make no sense for his child to try to leave becase he will never let them leave. Why bother in the first place when the effort will be fruitile.
2p Romano: What? But baby, living on your own is boring and frustrating! Isn’t it soooooo much better to live here, in OUR home where you live in luxury? Now, stop being a silly billy alright. I don’t want to hear anymore nonsense of you moving out, capishe? Flavio has strong social toes to pretty much everyone that matters and he will use those ties to tie his child down if he must. It really will be hard to try and move out with all the possible doorways being shut.
2p Austria: Oh my little prince/princess, you don’t really mean you want to move out, do you? Heh that is such a silly thought! You have everything you need here, with me. You are royalty of the dark and must stay somewhere safe. There are many monsters and thing hiding in the shadows that will want to hurt you because you are my little prince/princess. It is safe here, I promise you that. Roland will make a deal with some creatures to go after his child of they really do try to live on their own. Of course he will be the mightly King he is and safe them from harm in the end, but his child doesn’t need to know that each and every attack and kidnapping is orchestrated and planed by dear old daddy himself.
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BNHA as Hetalia Characters (Axis + Allies only)
Hahahahaaaa.. I’m still Hetalia trash 😇
Mirio Togata as America
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I first put Denki as America but then I saw a post and now I can’t stop thinking about BTT SeroKiriKami so yeah-
Mirio and America have more things in common other than being blond, blue-eyed precious beans that need to be protected
First of- s t r o n g. They’re both canonically some of the strongest characters in their respective series despite their relatively young ages (Mirio being above some pro-hero levels despite still being in high school and America being well America lmao)
Additionally, they both have drive; they have a determination to become as strong as they possibly could, and stop at nothing to get there
Also, they love helping people! Mirio wants to save a million smiles, and America is a self-proclaimed hero (who admittedly isn’t the best but he’s trying okay)
Both of them kinda also have a hidden intelligence? Like, as in one would never think of them to be highly intelligent people because they’re so goofy and energetic
Since it’s implied that both Tamaki and Mirio game in their free time, him and America are also avid gamers (imagine them playing smash together lmao I feel like they’d break all the controllers)
Both v v competitive too (not as much as the next duo tho)- they’ll never back down from a challenge and face it head on with all their might!
Also, they’re basically the blond boy of the month but it’s every month lmao
(In my eyes they’re both cute little golden retrievers shshsjdjskal)
In conclusion, they’re sunshines who deserve the world and more
Katsuki Bakugo as England
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Okay fr hear me the fuck out-
I know it’s an unlikely pair
But they have their similarities just bear with me here
Yes, I was initially going to put in Romano for Bakugo (anger issues gang)
But then the more I thought about it, the more I realized that unlike Romano, he wouldn’t back away from a challenge or run at the slightest scare- Bakugo would take that shit and smother it into the ground
And while England may sometimes be portrayed as a prude gentleman type, we can’t forget his history- this man is probably one of, if not the most, ballsy countries to exist (at least back in his prime)
England is smart, calculated and cunning- how could you not be when you’ve conquered nearly the whole damn world?
He’s proud and maybe a bit too egotistical, and while lacking the anger issues and probably dead vocal cords of Bakugo, he sure as hell matches him in the pride and power aspect
Bakugo, on the other hand, is literally top of his class; boy is a nerd and has a perfect record
So he’s by no means any less smart than England, maybe a little more reckless, but he’s 16- you can’t exactly compare his mindset to a country’s
Even so he does act quickly on the battlefield, much like England assessed situations very precariously (most of the time)
Both of them would probably look an opponent dead in the eye and tell them to do it, bet you won’t pussy ass
On a lighter note tho, they’re two blond, spiky-haired tsunderes who are way to proud and smart for their own good
They also both listen to rock/punk so there’s that too
Aoyama Yuuga as France
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I know I just said SeroKamiKiri is the BTT but once again hear me out
I couldn’t not put Aoyama in as France
It’s literally a match made in Heaven guys cmon
They’re both sparkling, flamboyant and fabulous blondies
Although sometimes their attitude can be interpreted as holier-than-thou, really they just know that they’re amazing and don’t care what people think (we stan confident kings 😤)
They also know that they deserve the best luxuries in life, and definitely won’t settle for anything else
In terms of courage, they’re pretty much on the same level; they get scared easily and will more than likely either back out of the challenge or give up the moment they feel tired
The difference is, France will never regain whatever bravery he had before the French Revolution, but Aoyama is slowly building his courage up in his journey to become a hero
They also take things in stride, willingly or unwillingly (whether it be an ugly outfit or a defeat, they won’t be a sore loser lmao)
While not necessarily flirty like France, Aoyama can still charm people with his whims. Also, their relationship towards people that they can’t charm kind of mirrors one another? (Might be reaching here lmao)
I do think though sometimes that Aoyama shows some similarities with Poland/2P!Romano, but he has the most similarities with France so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Toga Himiko as Russia
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You may say she’s more like Belarus but nay nay I say
Belarus is the more kind of ‘stoic’ cruel in my mind; she doesn’t show much emotion besides annoyance and getting angry
Russia however
He’s ‘childishly’ cruel- looks innocent but is capable of some horrible, monstrous things.
Even though his face says otherwise, he does take some glee in torturing harming others (like, a lot)
Toga also does this, but in a much more obvious way lmao. She’s a villain, who drinks blood, there’s no doubt she hasn’t killed anyone. She also takes a lot more pleasure from hurting people than Russia does
They not that close with people, but the ones they are close to they are immensely protective of (Toga and the LOV, Russia and his sisters)
They also are capable of being highly intelligent, knowing more than what people think they know (Toga helping Twice our, and I high key headcanon Russia as a manipulative and cunning bastard who’s done many horrible things to people to get his way)
(I still love you Ivan)
I think this goes without saying but they’re really really violent
Russia just likes using his magic metal pipe of pain, and Toga likes her knives
They also have some really shitty pasts that have lead them to be who they are today
They may look cute on the outside, but they are oh so very cruel on the inside
Shota Aizawa as China
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Haha, old man syndrome-
These two have more in common than you’d think
First off, they have that wisdom that comes with age, and are trying to get the younger ones to learn it (Aizawa does this better lmao)
I can totally see them complaining about ‘kids these days’ even tho they’ve done the same shit back then-
Along with wisdom comes cunning and craft. I headcanon China as a low key genius, so he’s probably on par with Aizawa, if not better (in terms of battle strategy and such)
Even though they come off as strict, all they really want is the best for their students/siblings
They’re both physically strong (China was probably once hella jacked, and Aizawa speaks for himself)
They do tire out quite easily tho so there’s that
Both have a penchant for cute animals like cats (Hello Kitty’s a cat don’t @ me)
On a darker note, they’ve both suffered losses of close friends. While China has definitely lost a lot more, Shirakumo’s ‘death’ still took a huge toll on him. Likewise, China has lost all his ancient friends over the years, making him the last one left (except turkey and Mongolia they don’t matter rn)
Tenya Iida as Germany
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You cannot tell me this isn’t also a match made in heaven
They’re literally, at their very core, almost the exact same person
Iida is a stickler for rules- he follows every single one of them. Any and every. Pretty organized too, if I do say so myself
Likewise, Germany is also very strict with rules and regimens. He’s also canonically OCD so mans cannot stand messes (people or things)
It may make them seem like pains in the neck but really it’s the only way they know how to interact
Also have some angsty connections with their brothers
Although not as easily provoked as Germany, Iida can still be just as terrifying (mans tried to kill Stain I mean come on-)
As with nearly all of these characters, they’re both strong as hecc
Also, I feel like both of them are somewhat pressured by what their other family members have accomplished and want to achieve the same thing (Iida coming from a family of superheroes, and Germany really looking up to his father and brother and wanting to be like them but less yknow)
They don’t really know how to communicate well?? Like, of course they can talk and hold conversation but they have difficulty with most social interactions (it’s adorable)
More often than not the louder voice of reason within their friend group (Everyone in the Dekusquad besides Deku himself is the voice of reason lmao, and Germany is a no-nonsense kind of guy)
Smart bois (In Gakuen Hetalia, Germany is said to be one of the smartest students and tutors Italy, and Iida tries his best)
All in all very awkward and loud losers beans that need to learn how to not be so stiff lmao
Shoto Todoroki as Japan
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Y’all already know I had to pair the introverts together
Calm, collected and reserved- these two mind their own business like it’s a sports championship lmao
Even though they may come off as intimidating sometimes, in reality they’re just shy and don’t really know the basics of social interaction (more than Germany and Iida lmao)
They’re both fairly strong, too (Todoroki with his icy hot quirk makes him one of the most OP characters in MHA imo, and Japan definitely doesn’t carry around a katana just for show)
Very very convoluted and not so great childhood (Think the sengoku period was Japan’s childhood so he was basically torn up as a kid while Todoroki had to deal with Endebitch)
Also both pretty smart??? Like, high key they’re both very intelligent and skilled
Both their friends are slowly helping them get out of that super duper introverted mindset, but the poor bbs are still trying to learn how to be a lot less stiffe
They’re also really into architecture esp traditional Japanese architecture (canon in both)
I honestly think they’d get along pretty well if they met, tbh
(Japan would get him into anime and manga and the bookworm in Todoroki can’t resist)
The strange circumstance of Italy
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Honestly, I could not find anyone in MHA that was remotely similar to Italy
I was very close to putting in Mina or Nejire, since those two come to mind whenever I think of bright and bubbly (Maybe Kirishima too, but it just doesn’t fit)
So while those two are pretty much the most fitting I feel, they don’t completely encompass his character enough yonow?
Like, I genuinely cannot find anyone who is similar enough to compare him to
So for now, until I can find a suitable pick, Italy won’t have a MHA character to be paired up with 😔 sorry guys
What do you guys think? Do you agree or do you think different characters should be put in place?
If this gets enough notes, I might make a part 2 including female nations and the others (or whatever characters you guys request)
Requests are still open! You can ask for edits or character imagines/headcanons!
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ssuckitlosers · 4 years
The Italy’s opinion on drama:
Aph Italy- Feli likes small dramas that don’t really matter a great deal. He’ll happily listen to how red Germanys face was after he caught two nations hooking up in the conference room but any drama about people cheating or any nasty rumours he doesn’t want to hear them. He likes to hear about the silly things thay happen in everyday life but he doesn’t want to hear anything that’s mean.
Aph Romano- He’s the type to pretend he doesn’t like drama but will be first to point out that fake designer bag. He likes the type of drama that you’d see on a housewives show (or at least what I think would be in a housewives show 😂) like gossiping about how England can’t cook and set his kitchen on fire... again. I picture him enjoying gossip that a group of elderly ladies might have, like he’d quite happily sit in a nursing home and listen to old woman gossip about the staff.
2p Italy- He couldn’t care less about other people’s drama, he just doesn’t care. He might use some gossip to his advantage in a fight but he’ll usually just tell you to shut up and stop wasting his time with petty nonsense.
2p Romano- This dude is the definition of drama, he knows whose crushing on who and who dyed Poland’s hair green. He’s in everyone’s business and he can’t keep his mouth shut, though if you’re wanting to know something specific there better be something in it for him- prefarably more secrets. While Lovino won’t gossip about anything too hurtful or serious, Flavio has no reservations. He’ll quite happily reveal the latest affair and air other people’s dirty laundry, he lives for a good bit of drama and will happily stir the pot to get the good stuff.
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White Lies : France/2P!France - Francis/Francois Bonnefoy
((I had this plot in mind with the idea of creating 2 alternate endings, one in which you end up with Francis, and in the other, with Francois~. ))
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Life was never easy, especially when you move in a new country all of a sudden due to job opportunities...But I can't really complain now, can I? After all, I'm doing what I've been dreaming, which is being a Vet. Saving animals has always been my career-dream and now that I've achieved it, I only have 2 more. To travel the world and have fun...And to find my significant other.
Walking down the Champs-Elysee, passing idly the passing markets, I listen to music and look up at the evening sky, painted with various gorgeous shades of orange, pink and purple, feeling at ease. My walk from work to home isn't too long, just about 30 minutes on foot, which makes me able to relax and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of this enchanting country.
This walk...Made me feel nostalgic for years ago when I first came here with a University program, 7 years ago, to spend the whole Summer holiday working for an animal shelter and learning the language, which was probably the easiest way that I could manage to work abroad with no problem, get easy money and have some expenses paid by the University.
My new Summer home in Paris is a little but very chic apartment, in a neighbourhood full of flowers everywhere, very close to the center of the city, so the whole first day was filled with unpacking and arranging everything in its right place, making me exhausted and to sleep immediately.
The next day, however, I woke up energised and ready to explore the city and start a new Parisian lifestyle, which will be a bit weird to adapt to, but nothing impossible. Leaving for the first time without my parents is going to be a real challenge, but if my dreams are going to come true this way, it's gonna be worth it~.
I go first to a little cafe next to my block and get a warm hot chocolate, a croissant and bread with butter & jam, a really nice breakfast and now I'm ready to explore!
I went to see the easiest route from home to work, which was almost a straight line, thankfully, and from home to the center there were a few turns, but nothing too difficult to remember. A smile was plastered on my face the whole time as I walked up and down each and every street and alley, got a very good ice cream and some pastries from the boulangerie, took tons of pics and selfies everywhere and tried to make the best out of this whole experience.
I am only 20 years old, I have the whole life ahead of me and there's nothing stopping me, not even the night!
Okay, never mind, scratch that, maybe it will defeat me, a tiny bit, because I kinda got lost in the center, my phone is dead and I have no idea how to get home...Great! What a new adventure!
Thankfully, I spotted a small, vintage, very coquette and intimate cafe so I shrugged and went inside, thanking every deity that it's empty and my shyness won't get the best of me, and I looked around, admiring the tons of sweets on display, feeling my mouth watering.
I was snapped back to reality by a friendly baritone voice, which made me squeak in surprise and turn around with wide fawn eyes. The man in front of me, who I could only guess either worked here or was the owner, was pretty tall, with long blond hair and his sapphire blue eyes held a very comforting and calming warmth.
"Bonsoir, ma belle mademoiselle. Que fais-tu seul a cette heure?"
the man asked, concerned.
"Uhmm...I got lost...Oh, wait, wrong language...Uhmm. Je suis...Perdu? Je me suis perdu? Mon francais est...Tres...Terrible, je suis tres desole!"
I stammered, trying to remember all the words I've been learning for the past 8 years in school and highschool...
But it failed.
"That was tres adorable, mademoiselle! Don't worry, I know English as well, but I appreciate you trying your best to speak my language."
he laughed warmly.
"M-Merci...So, uhm...I just moved here and it's kinda my first time abroad, all alone, nonetheless and I explored the city all day long. I got distracted by the pretty lights so much that I didn't realise my phone's battery died while taking pictures and now I can't seem to remember the way home. I know, it's very silly."
I explained, scratching the back of my neck sheepishly and embarrassed.
"What an adventure indeed, dear. And how did you find your way here? Not all that many people come by."
he guided me to a table next to the glass wall so I could see the lights better.
"I was looking for a familiar street, when I saw your cafe here with lights still on. I'm...I'm pretty shy, so when I saw that nobody else was there, I thought I'd drop by and get something to eat. When I saw how incredible everything here looked...Well, I kinda lost my thinking."
I chuckled, making the man laugh gleefully.
"Que magnique! May I recommend you my favourite?"
he asked, getting up, a spark of excitement in his eyes.
"Yes, please! You did all of them? Alone?"
I asked, shocked.
"Mais, biensur~! Excuses-moi un moment, I will come right up!"
he went in another room for a bit, making me look down at my hands, grasping them together anxiously, then looked outside, admiring the beautiful lights from the Eiffle Tower, before the door opened once again, revealing the Frenchman with a white plate painted with pink flowers full of different cakes and other little sweets which made my jaw drop in shock.
"H-Hey, isn't that too much? I-I mean - !"
I stuttered, feeling my face heat up with a powerful blush, which only made him laugh.
"Nonsense! It's not every day a beautiful young lady comes into my humble cafe, especially not one from another country. It's from the house, so don't worry."
he winked, making me hide my blushing face with my hands.
"You're too kind with me, and I didn't even have the manners to ask for your name...I'm Y/N, it's really nice to meet you."
I managed to say after some time, trying to calm down my blush.
"Francis. Francis Bonnefoy, at your service, my dear."
he nodded, sitting down in front of me, putting a white rose in the vase.
"Francis...What a beautiful name."
I smiled softly.
"You can't let me eat everything by myself, okay? I accept no refuses!"
I said in a firm voice, making him chuckle.
"Very well, very well, a lady's wish is my command." 
he obliged, getting another little fork for himself.
We chatted about my new job, about life here, about literally everything and anything that came into our minds, all that for about two more hours before we realised it was very late and he escorted me home with ease, because thankfully, I was smart enough to write my address on a slip of paper and put it in my wallet before I left my new home and from then on, since we exchanged phone numbers, we'd meet up as frequent as possible.
These 3 months of Summer have been the most beautiful I have ever experienced and it's all thanks to Francis and his never-ending kindness. The best part of it is that he surprised me with a trip to Disneyland just before I was to leave for home and I kid you not, I never cried of happiness so much in my life.
We took an infinite amount of pics of literally everything and went to all the rides there, making it a truly day to remember. I was so depressed that I had to leave, but he promised we'll stay in contact until I am able to come again next, which thankfully, I managed to make it every Summer, for the whole 6 years of Vet Medicine.
He was even there for my graduation, which I never expected, but yet again, made me cry in happiness.
Since by now I could speak French fluently and I've already worked there before for many months, I managed to score a job at one of the best Animal Hospitals in Paris, which made me and Francis become even better best friends.
Very often, we'd even sleep at each other, watching movies together, eating dinner and honestly, I'm so happy I got to meet someone as amazing as him.
Now I'm 27 and things haven't changed between I and Francis one bit, except for the fact that he told me that he's a country, France, of course, and all that came along with it, such as other countries, the 2P's, responsibilities and so on, which of course, were a bit confusing, but nothing I couldn't handle and give my eternal support for.
That is, until our first fight.
It wasn't really a fight, more like him telling me something concerning another World Meeting and me getting overly worried about him, so much that we argued about what he should do, without realising that he's been doing this for hundreds of years and he clearly knew what had to be done.
I never really argue with anyone, but when I do, I feel incredibly dark and sarcastic, so I stopped talking and took a deep breath before saying anything else.
"Look, Francis, I love you a lot, okay? You know this very well. I will go take a walk to calm down before I say something I will regret later that I don't even mean, anyways. I just...I want you safe, okay? Don't forget that." I muttered before leaving his home to walk around the park nearby.
Unfortunately, that walk wasn't a long one for before I realised, a hand covered my mouth so I wouldn't scream. I was threatened with knives and guns by some men dressed in black looking extremely threatening.
"We have seen you with the man who calls himself 'Francis Bonnefoy'. We want to know everything you know about him." the one in front of me asked in a raspy voice. "Wh-What? What's with Francis? What do you have with him?" I tried to ramble, not knowing what to do. "Tell us everything you know and we won't hurt you." said the one holding me before tugging on my hair, making me yelp a bit at the sudden pain. "I-I don't really know what you want me to say! He's just a man who owns a little cafe and he's very sweet, what else is there to say? He's very sweet with me and always texts back very fast and-" before I could continue my rant, I felt myself getting above the ground, as the one in front of me started strangling me in the air. "Who do you think you're talking to, wench?! We are the Russian Mafia and that man has important information." he screamed in my face, as I tried to breathe. "I...Don't know anything weird about him...Believe me..." I managed to choke out, before another voice rung out. "She speaks the truth. I never told her anything that might endanger her." were the words spoken that made the assailant drop me to the floor. "Francis...? What are you doing here?! Run! They want to hurt you!" I yelled at him, but he only shook his head and helped me back on my feet. "No, dear, I won't run. They have been targeting me for a while. I tried to make sure you were safe, but I didn't expect something like this. I'm sorry for putting you in danger and getting you harmed." he sighed, apologetic. "But...But Francis...I can't let you go with them...! They will hurt you...I couldn't possibly...I can't let you go..." my tears started welling up in my eyes as I threw my arms around his torso, afraid to let go of him. "Don't worry, ma belle fleur, I will return to you no matter what. I'm a country, remember? I can't die." he winked, trying to reassure me. "But you can feel pain! That's not okay no matter how you look at it!" I tried to protest, but he only pushed me towards his home lightly. "Don't worry, Raven. After all...All my life I've been in pain. A bit more won't change anything. Be careful while I'm gone, please." he said with a sad smile before he got taken away by those creepy men, as I screamed after him until my lungs gave out.
No...Screaming and crying won't solve anything, I have to do something about it, I can't just sit idly!
I ran back inside and to my surprise, Francis' phone was on the bed.
He knew something like this would happen...
Damn it.
Looking through his contacts, I see various country names and I stopped when I saw "England".  Despite everything, Francis always spoke very nicely of England and the rest of the countries so...Hopefully, this will work.
"Hello? Is this England?" I ask meekly and unsure of what to say. "This better not be some stupid prank of that frog or-" he replied in a very annoyed voice. "N-No, nothing of the sort! Mr. England, France has been kidnapped by the Russian Mafia and I don't know what to do to save him! Will you please help me out?!" my voice dripping with desperation. "So what? It happens sometimes." he answered in such a nonchalant voice that it cut off my words. "B-But...! H-He's my fiance! Please, Mr. England, I don't know what I should do! Those men were really terrible and I don't want France to get harmed!" I cried in the phone, but I only earned a sigh. "Listen, miss, I understand that you are concerned, but that fro-...France is a country, and this sometimes happens to all of us. It's not the first time for him and it won't be the last time either. I suggest you wait for him with some wine, some baguettes and he'll get over it." he tried to suggest, but by this time I was boiling with anger. "You...How can you be so ...So cruel...Francis only spoke nice words of all the countries and especially of you, England. I can understand now why he always felt so lonely there...Because all of you are nothing more than a bunch of selfish jerks! I hope you sleep well tonight knowing that a man who cares about you like a brother and would do anything in his power to save you is being tortured! Good bye." I said in an extremely passive-aggressive tone, not letting him protest, before I hung up.
That was frustrating...Stupid England...
Taking a deep breath, I look through his contacts again and see someone called "Francois" with the French flag emoji next to it. This must be his 2P... He spoke so nicely of him, saying how fragile and emotional he really is, despite his rough exterior...He's just like Francis...But with different ways of coping with pain.
I call him and wait anxiously for him to answer, and when he did, I was greeted with a gruff voice that intimidated be, but I had to stay strong for Francis.
"Oui?" he answered. "H-Hello, are you Francois? France?" I managed to breathe out, cursing my shyness. "I'm his 2P. Why do you have France's phone?" he asked annoyed. "Y-You're still France, even if you're his 2P, right? And...Francis got kidnapped by the Russian Mafia." I said, this time with more confidence. "And...? What do you want me to do?" he asked, once again, very bored. "What the HELL is with you, people?! One of your own is kidnapped and tortured for information and who care so little?! Why are you all so pathetic and cowardly that you won't even help someone who holds you in such high esteem?! What, afraid to get a nail broken?!" I scream at him, forgetting myself with anger. "And who are you that you care so much for a country that's gonna outlive you in the blink of an eye?" he groaned, most likely rolling his eyes. "I am his fiancee, damn it! I am at his home and he intentionally let his phone on the bed, in hopes that one of you, his FRIENDS, is going to help get him out of there!" I reply sternly...
But he hung up without another word.
What...The hell?!
I tried ringing 3 more times, but I got rejected.
Fucking fantastic...So much for reliable peop-...Countries.
The next one I call is Canada, but he was very far away with business and couldn't come to our aid any time soon.
I gripped the phone tight in my grasp, cursing, before I get startled by the door opening, making me squeal in fright and surprise, as a tall, blond man looking very much like Francis, but rather disheveled, entered.
"F-Francois...?" I asked, to make sure. "No, it's freaking Papa Noel, Joyeux Noel!" he rolled his eyes before plopping down on the couch. "U-Uhm...A-Are you here to help me save Francis...?" I inquired, unsure of what he was doing. "Depends on you, toots. What's in it for me?" he lit up a cigarette. "Uh...You saved your other self? You did a good deed? I don't know, doesn't it matter to you at all that he's in trouble?!" I looked at him shocked as he just shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time. So, what are you willing to do to save him?" he asked, getting up, closer to me. "We've been together for 7 years. Anything that's possible for me to do, I will do it, if it means he gets out of there unharmed." I said, looking determined. "Then...How about we fuck?" he muttered with a smirk. "Wh-What?! What the hell are you asking?!" I cringed, stepping back. "You said you'd do anything, right? Would you do this? I look almost just like him, in the dark, you wouldn't even realise the difference, so what's the problem? He won't have to know." he got very close to my face, whispering in my ear. "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I screamed, slapping his face hard. "D-Don't EVER do that again! Not to me, or to anyone else! EVER!! I don't get why you came here if you weren't willing to save Francis, but if you just got here to mess with me, then kindly GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HERE!" I yelled, trying not to let the tears in my eyes fall, before I went to Francis' bedroom and locked the door, sliding down, hugging my knees and choking on sobs.
I tried to repeat to myself "Not again" again and again, until I got back to my senses and calmed my breathing and remembered that I must continue calling all the countries available.
China refused. Japan said "I will see what I can do" which is a very subtle denial. Italy cowarded. Spain has to take care of Romano. Prussia and Germany are dead drunk. The Nordics were busy with official meetings and businesses. The Baltics declined, the Balkans declined....The whole Europe declined...America declined...Asia declined... Everyone declined. But Russia's answer scared me the most.
"I'm sorry, dear, but I don't control the Mafia, so I can't do anything about it. And at the same time, I can't  harm my own people either. But I will tell you, they won't leave France any time soon, for sure." 
And...That was it. All countries declined helping one of their own and I was at the verge of despair. The only one who wanted to help was Francois...And with such terms...And what a scary approach... B-But...As long as it saves him...Does it even matter anymore...?
I slowly unlock the door, gathering courage to get out and swallow my pride, and to my surprise, Francois was still on the couch, smoking.
"You're still here." I mumbled, looking away. "Oui. And I heard everything. What are you gonna do, mignonette?" he asked, tilting his head a bit. "I...Uh...W-Well...I-If I do it...W-Will you promise he gets home safe?" looking anywhere but at him, I grip the phone tightly, trying to fight my anxiety. "Ohh~? So you will do it, after all? To save your amour, you'll let another taint you, touch you, corrupt you~?" he asked, tauntingly. "Oh, shut up, you jerk! I just want to save my fiance, while you're here like some mercenary, seeking favours!" I bite my lip, trying not to outright scream at him again. "Tsk, tsk, I'm just doing what's best for me. You can't blame me, we're all selfish." he shrugged, getting up. "No...Not all of us...Francis isn't. Francis would have tried his best to save any country. ANY. Country." I glared at him. "You've known him for 7 years, not for 700. I think I know him better than you do." he smirked, challenging me. "You may know him, France, the country, but I know Francis, the heart inside him. I know the real him. You just know the facade he's putting. Now stop arguing with me and let's go save him already!" I stomped on the ground frustrated, only making him chuckle. "Do you even know where we have to go?" he asked, lighting up another cigarette. "Of course not, who do you take me for? Nostradamus? All I know is that Russia said he isn't in control of his people and that they didn't leave this place and are probably in some hideout here, in Paris." I told him, looking away, pondering. "You're lucky I know all the sketchy places around here..." he nodded, signing me to follow him to his car, a nice black Cadillac.
On the way to the first hideout, it was silent, with the exception of Francois puffing his cigarette from time to time.
"So, mignonette, how did someone like you meet someone like him." he asked, trying to make conversation. "You're saying it in a very weird way,  y'know? But...7 years ago I was able, for the first time, to leave the country. I came here, to Paris, to work at an Animal shelter for the whole Summer, sent with a University program. After unpacking everything, I started exploring the city, but soon I realised that my phone died, it was night, and I had no idea how to return home. I found Francis' cafe...And he was so sweet with me...We kept in touch all the time, even when I had to leave back home and we wouldn't see each other for the rest of the year...He has always been so kind and patient with me..." sighing, I look out of the window. "Huh...Tres drole." he muttered, throwing the cigarette butt out of the window. "What is funny?" I asked, rising a brow. "You." he snorted. "What? Why?"  I looked at him, confused and slightly shocked. "When did you first fuck?" he teased, looking at me. "Wh-What the hell, Francois! That's an intimate question and I refuse to answer!" I huff, looking away. "Oh, come on, I won't tell anyone. Is he any good? Do I need to teach him-" he continued, but I stopped him quickly. "Shut up!! We didn't, okay?! Now stop asking! I don't know if he's...G-Good or whatever the hell you want to know, so drop it!" I exclaimed, extremely embarrassed. "You mean to tell me you've been together 7 years and didn't fuck? No long and sensual "I missed you" fuck? No quick and rough "Don't leave me" fuck? No very kinky "This is better than porn" fuck?" he chuckled, seeing how flustered it made me. "Enough!! Th-That's enough! Stop it already! No, we did nothing of the sort, now please, DROP IT! I don't want to know or talk about it or anything similar!" I tell him firmly, hoping he'd stop already. "You're no fun...Come on, toots, you're an adult, these things are normal and fun, not tabboo, so chill. Maybe you really need a good fuck." he muttered, trying to make me calm down, but I only gripped my hands tighter and glued myself to the door, as farther away from him as possible. "You don't know everything, nor everyone, so don't speak for them." I answer barely above a whisper, which only earned me a sigh. "You're either only best friends, he sucks in bed...Or you've been really hurt in the past. So, which is it, mignonette?" he asked, solemnly. "...Who hurt you, Francois...?" I feel myself asking without realising. "Huh?" he breathes out, looking at me shocked, but before I could say anything else, he stopped the car abruptly, saying "We're here."
We get out of the car without another word and search the whole shelter from top to bottom, but find nothing but dust and blood.
"So...Not here. How many other places are there?" I asked, biting my lip. "Many. Too many. Are you sure they were Russian?" he asked again, looking at me. "Yes. They said so when they attacked me. And their accent was very thick as well...I could recognise a few words myself when they were whispering between themselves before Francis came." I nod, sure of my information. "Very well. That means there are only 2 more places to check. They are pretty far away from each other, but should work. Also, I need to get some fuel." he sighed, getting back to the car. "Okay. I pay. It's the least I can do..." I tell him, looking ahead at the new road. "I won't complain." he chuckled, lighting up the 100th cigarette.
We spent about half an hour in silence before I got the courage to ask him again...
"Who hurt you so much, Francois? You're constantly using this vices and facades to cover up that you're in pain..." I stammered, not really sure where I was getting at. "Shut the hell up." he ordered with the most deadpan expression so far. "I-I don't want to insult, offend or hurt you, Francois. I just want to understand you. You're not a bad person, I can sense that. You just have a different coping mechanism-" I continue, trying to let him know I'm not attacking him, but he got angrier. "I SAID, SHUT IT! What the hell is so difficult for your stupid brain to get?! STOP talking about it!" he yelled, gripping the stirring wheel and glaring ahead. "I'm sorry! Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you...I just...I just...Wanted to thank you for being literally the only person to want to save Francis and..." I scratch a bit at my arm, closing my eyes, hating the sudden change in tone. "I'm not doing it for him, I'm doing it to fuck you!" he sneered, shifting his glare at me now. "That's fine...Doesn't matter, as long as he's safe...Any help is appreciated..." I whispered, hanging my head. "Oh, really? Then if a group of hobos offered to to save him, if they gangbanged you, would you do it? Or if some fetishist were to ensure he got out the next second, but he got you as his sex slave?" he shouted more and more, making me shed tears and choke on sobs. "I-I just want my Francis to come back to me unharmed...I don't want to see him in pain ever again...I just want him to be okay...He's been through so much and he still smiles...He's saved me all these years, and now I owe him at least this...I just...I just want him safe and sound..." I sob, biting my lip and gripping my arms, trying to stop myself from crying, but to no avail. "...Get out." Francois muttered barely audible. "Wh....What....?" my eyes widened as I managed to move my gaze to look at him. "Get the fuck out of my car. Now." he wasn't looking at me anymore, but outside, as he put a very sudden and brusque break, making me squeak in surprise at the impact. "B-But...Why? Didn't you promise you'd help me save him? You are his last hope, Francois, you can't abandon him like this! We're so close to-" I tried to argue, but I suddenly find myself with the barrel of a gun at my forehead. "Fuck if I care anymore. You're annoying, you piss me off with your lies. That's all that you are, a selfish liar! I don't believe a word you're saying! I don't know why I agreed to this bullshit, he'll get out of there anyways! You're not even hot enough to bother going through all this just to fuck you! Go find him on your own, now get the fuck out of my car!" he growled, cocking the gun.
He was looking at me with his dark purple eyes, right into my e/c ones, glistering with tears and betrayal...But deep inside his own eyes, shock, mixed with a glint of hurt and skepticism were swimming. "I may be a liar...But at least I'm not lying to myself and to my own heart about my feelings. Goodbye, Francois. Drive safe home." I sighed, looking at him with betrayal and resignation as I stepped out of the car and started walking ahead.
I didn't realise how cold it was before, but now...It's really not very nice. And the fact that it's so dark and scary isn't helping either. I turned on my phone's torch, trying to see where the hell I was, but all I could see were trees every where I looked.  At this point, I don't know if I should be scared that there's no passing car...Or if there WOULD be one.
I literally had no idea what to do, and Francois just went ahead with a terrible speed...Hope he won't have an accident or something. The pain in his eyes as he spoke to me...Those were the voice and look of a desperate man, wanting to take away the pain somehow. I can't blame him in any way...For I understand him more than I wish I did. If it wasn't for Francis... Well... I just think Francois should allow himself to feel happiness and not be afraid to grasp hope, no matter how thin that thread may be.
I was so deep in thought that I didn't realise the car that was coming from behind me until it was too late and the lights were already on me.  Next to me, a black Ford started very slowly driving next to me, as the driver pulled down his window and whistled me.
"Hey, babe, want a ride?" he asked in a slurred voice. "N-No thanks..." I mutter, trying to walk faster, but to no avail. "Aww, come on, sweet tits! Let me get ya home! I can't let a babe like you walking alone at night, can I?" he purred in that disgustingly drunk voice of his. "I'm very close to my boyfriend's home, so please, leave me alone." I tried to reason, clearly scared, but he only laughed. "There ain't no house in the next 5 kms, missy, so don't try to lie to me!" he said in a low voice as he stopped the car.
By this point, I started running as fast as I could, cursing myself for not doing anything to maintain my physical endurance because my lungs were burning and my legs were aching like all hell, and before I knew it, I was on the ground, the remaining air in my lungs knocked out from the weight on top of me.
I tried to struggle, but I could only jump back to my feet when the bastard rolled over to get a better grip on me, but I couldn't run... He held my arm so tight that I was afraid it might break, making me turn around to try and scratch him, but that only annoyed him and made him rip open my f/c shirt, exposing my almost naked top.
By this point, I kept screaming and struggling like a wild animal trapped in a cage, but he was much too strong for me to do anything. Memories of the past kept flooding my brain as he put his hand on my neck, while the other was roaming my body.
I thought that was the end of me, until I heard a very loud car accelerating in our direction, then two deafening gun shots...And then silence.
As soon as those shots were dealt and I could no longer feel that forsaken grip on me, I sprinted into the woods, not caring about anything else in this world, not hearing, nor seeing anything.
That is...Until again, someone took a hold of my wrist and spun me around in his arms, making me scream, beat and struggle whoever that was, way too scared to rationalise anything anymore.
"Mignonette! It's me, Francois! Calm down, damn it, I'm not gonna hurt you! I killed that fucktard, nobody will hurt you, chill already." he tried to calm me down, but all I could do, as all strength left my body and my legs were shaking, was to fall in his arms and sob in his chest almost falling to the ground, were it not for him.
It might have taken a good 5 to 10 minutes of sobbing before I managed to calm down enough to be able to speak coherently, while Francois tried his best to soothe and calm me down.
"How the hell do you always get in trouble, Mignonette?" he tried to joke light-hearted. "I don't know, but I'm so done with this! I hate this, I hate this, I hate this! Why is it always me?! What did I do so wrong in this world that I attract such...Such...Monsters?! Why does everyone want to hurt me like this?! Is this it, Francois?! Is this the pain you're feeling?! Because if it is, then FUCK IT, I don't want to feel anything anymore! Take out my heart, I don't need it! I don't want to hurt anymore! MAKE IT STOP ALREADY!! Why me?! Why again?! Why like this?! I just want to be happy for once, is that too much to fucking ask in this world?! IS IT?!" I screamed and cried and pulled at my hair in desperation, not caring about any self-esteem anymore and just letting all the raw emotions plaguing my heart, soul and brain out. "So I was right...You have been hurt before." he muttered to himself, almost as if he hated himself for being right. "Yes, fucking hell, yes, I have, damn it! Three fucking times! Each time, it hurt so bad, and in different ways! But the first one...Oh, the first one....I was barely 17, damn it...It was my first relationship...So why did he have to do such things to me?! I didn't know any better, I was naive, innocent and learning...I thought it was normal...And...And...And I stayed almost 2 years like that...And I didn't tell anyone what happened...I was scared, I didn't want to admit it, I was weak...And powerless...And I still am...Because no matter what I do, a drunk, horny man will always get his way because of his fucking physical strength! CURSE YOU! Monsters, all of them! Wretches! Burn in hell, all of you!" I confessed to everything that's happened in the past, not even sure why or how did I manage to finally say everything that was darkening my heart, but I did. "Je suis desole, Mignonette. I truly am. I shouldn't have let you alone in these places. It's my fault, I admit. I was pissed off that you said the truth and I couldn't stand it. I went to search the 2nd place, but there was nothing. That means Francis is definitely in the 3rd and last place." he stated, slowly helping me get up. "Hope so..." I mutter, feeling drained of all life and hope.
We walked back to the car, him holding me close to his chest, and as the car's light came in our sights, he realised my wardrobe malfunction and took off his shirt, handing it to me, as he remained shirtless, not even flinching at the cold, all the scars on his body now visible.
"Don't you hate it?" I muttered, looking away as I buttoned his shirt and rolled up the sleeves since it was way too big on me. "Hate what?" he asked, getting in the driver's seat. "Dunno... The World. People. Life. Yourself." I mention, shrugging. "I do. Why?" he furrowed his brows, not quite getting where I was going at. "And how do you cope with it?" I asked, still glaring in front of me. "Not very well, as you've seen so far. Drinking, Smoking, Whoring. Not very healthy." he explained, looking at me from the corner of his eye. "I hate alcohol. I couldn't get drunk, even if I wanted to. Makes me sick. Smoking makes me sick too...And...The other one...Even if I wanted to...I...I..." I trailed off, biting my lip in annoyance. "You hate yourself too much, but also, distrust everyone else around you, hm?" he tried to reason. "Sorta, yeah, I guess. I'm scared, I'm afraid, I'm anxious and ashamed...I just want to run away and hide somewhere nobody could ever find me even when I think of it. I start shaking and...And I can't. It leads to panic attacks. So I'd rather...Not. And I'm so tired of everyone telling me I'm broken or whatever just because I don't care about anything of the sort." I sighed, leaning my head on the door window. "Does he know?" Francois asked, but I only shook my head. "Last times I told someone...My boyfriends...Things got very bad. It's like a stupidly annoying Pavlovian instinct. I know things won't be bad if I tell him...But I'm also afraid." I mutter, looking out, and before he could say anything else, I ask him "We've arrived, right?" which earned me a solemn nod.
Getting out of the car, we went in silence to the shelter, this time smaller than the first one, and noticed light emanating from inside. Upon further inspection, Francois confirmed that Francis was inside, so he got out the rifle from his car and climbed a tree, easily taking out the 2 bulky men who kept Francis captive, allowing me to easily run inside and use the knife given to me to cut off the restraint that bound him to the chair.
I was so mirthful that Francis was okay and somehow, there was no scratch, bruise or wound on him, so I threw myself in his arms, hugging him as tight as I could, considering the event of this night. However, things weren't always easy to deal with, especially when it comes to the Mafia, but before anything could happen, I hear a rustle from the other room, which somehow, the other two omitted, allowing me to quickly snatch the pistol from one of the deceased's grasps and point it to the door, revealing a scared Mafia mobster.
"Hello, fuckass." I said venomously. "You don't even know how to use that and yet you dare threaten me?!" he shouted, ready to take his own gun, until the sound of me cocking mine echoed in the whole room. "Will you take the bet? What's faster...Me pulling the trigger, or you taking the gun and killing me? What say you? The brain or the heart, which would you prefer?" I asked, taunting him. "You little bitch...! Who do you think you are, opposing the Mafia?! Mr. Russia will wage war on this stupid country!" he shouted in anger, visibly shaken up. "Hahahaha...I've been called worse in a day, is that all you can do? How weak. No wonder the others didn't let you do anything to help them. Oh, and, by the way...Mr. Russia has no control over the Mafia, so he won't take any action against you...Or to help you. Trust me, I called him a few hours ago. So before talking...I'd rather check if all I knew were lies. Just a sound advice for the future...Which you'll never have, at this rate." I grinned mockingly at him, but just before I could say "Goodbye" and shoot him, a gentle hand grasped my shoulder, as the other went to the pistol, setting the trajectory away from the villain, who fell to his knees in fright. "Y-You're insane, woman..." he muttered, shocked. "Francois, what's the meaning of this?! What if he attacked us?! He messed with Francis, he messed with me, he messed with you! We can't let him escape!" I raised my voice at him, but he only shook his head. "You've been through enough today, and it's mostly my fault. Go stay with your paramour...I won't let your hands be bloodied. You don't deserve such a fate to haunt you for life." he explained, gingerly taking the gun away from me. "I have enough things to haunt me for more than this lifetime, one more, what could matter?" I tsked in annoyance, looking away. "It always matters. I hope you won't get to experience more misfortune." he muttered, pushing me towards Francis, as he took the enemy away, to kill him in the woods.
Taking a deep breath to calm my annoyance, I jump in Francis' arms once more, burying my face in his chest, just happy to have him safe and sound, back in my life. With tears in his eyes, he kissed the top of my head and thanked me over and over, but not for saving him necessarily, but for being here for him at all times. He never expected anyone to bother to save him, which I noticed myself, unfortunately.
I told him part of our story, clearly only the not-so-dark parts of it, and by the time I was about mid-story, Francois came back.
 Francis/France Ending 
"Okay, love birds, are you done reuniting? We should get out of here before their little group of boy scouts return to give us more trouble." he rolled his eyes seeing us hugged and sappy. "Oui, mon ami, tu as raison. Ma cherie, let's go home. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that trouble just for me. I'm a country, I won't die, and yet you still came after me, despite the dangers." he said in a soft voice, clearly touched. "Silly...Country or not, you still feel pain, and that is the last thing I want you to feel. I love you so much, Francis, you don't even realise. You brought light into my life, into my heart...And I wanted to be able to save you, just like you saved me all these years we've known each other. Je t'aime trop, et tu es mon coeur. I will stay by your side until you get tired of me." I confessed, cupping his face and looking at him with endless love and admiration.
Poor Francis was left speechless, so much that he just started kissing me passionately, then hugging me tight to his chest, earning a groan of annoyance from his friend.
"Take that to the car, idiots! Hurry up!" he clapped to hurry us up back to the car, which we did, and now we were on our way back home, Francois driving us, as we stayed in the backseat, cuddled to each as if tomorrow was the last day alive.
Back home, we plopped down on the couch, finally able to breathe, knowing we were safe, but after about 5 minutes, Francois got up to leave...Which didn't happen, for I stopped him with a hug.
"Thank you for helping me save him. I owe you the world." I whispered, thanking him with a smile on my face. "Oh, shut up. You pissed me off enough for a day. Just go stay with him and leave me alone."  he groaned, trying to pry me off me. "There's no chance you're gonna get rid of us after today! There's no escape for ya!" I laughed, finally letting him go, before the door was slammed open, revealing a blond man with short hair, green eyes and abnormal eyebrows. "Ahem. I see that bloody frog is alright. Was that a prank or-" he asked, seemingly irritated. "You...Are you England?" I asked, my eyes wide. "Yes, of course, who else? Wait-...Was it you I spoke with on the pho-" but I didn't let him finish because I slapped him with all my might, before starting to shake him roughly. "YOU LITTLE SHIT! YOU DARE COME HERE NOW, HOURS AFTER I CALLED, WHEN YOU THOUGHT I WAS PRANKING YOU, IMMA KILL YOU, YOU-" but I was stopped by a hug from behind and a chuckle. "Ne t'inquiete pas, mon amour, it's just how Angleterre is, please forgive him." he shook his head with a chuckle, making me gasp. "But...! But! But Francis! It's not fair at all! You would give your life on a plate to save others, especially this tea-jerk, but he just calls you a frog! It's not okay!"  I pout, clearly upset at the his mean friend's behaviour. "It's better to forgive and forget than to stay with hate in your heart. It will only hurt you, not them." he said with a wink before kissing my forehead. "Fine, whatever...But you're still not off the hook! And you're still a jerk! And if you call Francis a 'Frog' again, I'll make sure to stash a hundred frogs down your throat!" I threaten him, which made him nod, awkwardly. "Uh...Yes, France, I'm glad you're find. I will take my leave now, farewell." he nodded again before leaving. "You see? He came here because he was worried, in his own way." he smiled softly, before guiding me back to the couch to calm me down. "Mon Dieu, you sure are loud, all of you...Bonne nuit. Don't call me again." Francois shrugged, exiting the room, leaving only me and Francis there.
We went to change in our PJs and cuddled in bed, both of us afraid to let the other go after such a night.
"I was so happy to see you that I forgot to even ask if you were okay, desole, ma fleur." Francis said, caressing my face. "I'm okay, don't worry about me, honey. Francois made sure nothing happened to me." I smiled softly, kissing his hand and leaning my face on his palm. "I haven’t seen him like this in a long time. How did you convince him to help you?" he asked, making me chuckle awkwardly. "It's...A long story, but it really wasn't easy to persuade him. But you were right about him, he's like you in many ways, despite hiding it. My shirt's buttons got ruined and I couldn't cover up and he instantly gave me his shirt. And he made sure nothing bad happened to me. Without him knowing where you could be, I wouldn't have been able to find you." I breathe softly, as if afraid he'll be taken away again. "I am grateful that I have such an angel in my life. Thank you for everything, my darling. Je t'aime trop...Je t'aime plus que tout au mond. And I can't wait until I marry you and I'll see you as the most beautiful bride in this world." he confessed, kissing me tenderly, making me giggle. "And I can't wait until I finally get to call you my beautiful husband and we'll be so happy...And Francois' face as the Man of Honour...It will be priceless!" I laughed sofly, making him grin. "It will be hilarious indeed." he snorted, hugging me tight to his chest, ready to sleep. "I love you so much, Francis...Never ever ever forget that. I will stay by your side for as long as you'll have me." I whisper, returning the embrace, drowning in his warmth. "An eternity by your side sounds like the best gift anyone could receive." he replied, closing his eyes, letting the dream world take over him.
Francois/2P!France Ending
"Okay, toots, get your fiance outta here and let's get home before more of these fuckers get here." Francois tapped his food impatiently on the ground, ready to go. "Fian-..." Francis tried to ask, but I shushed him quickly. "I'll explain when we get home, now come on." I hurried him back to the car, where the other Frenchman drove us home, where we could finally breathe. "Thank you so much for saving me, dearest. You really shouldn't have put your life in danger. I'm immortal. They couldn't kill me no matter how much they'd tried." he tried to reason, but I only shook my head. "Francis, no offense, but I really don't care. Francois...I lied to you. Not much, only this part at the beginning, but I still did, so I really have to apologise from my whole heart for misleading you. Francis, I'm sorry to you too. I claimed to be your fiance and called everyone in your contact list in hopes that they'll help me save you. Francois was the only one who wanted to help."  I told them the truth with a sigh. "Why would you say that, cherie?" Francis asked, confused. "Come on, Francis, think a bit! What managed to get to people's hearts more? 'Please, help, my best friend has been kidnapped!' or 'Please, my fiance is in danger, help me save him!'? I was desperate, I had to do something, right? You're the only person who ever cared about me and you've always been so sweet and kind with me, I couldn't let you in harm's way, so I did anything I could to save you, even if it wasn't much. I really hope you don't hate me after this, but even if you do, I'm just happy you're safe now. I never lied when I said I loved you, but this is no romantic love, but one very pure and caring, like that of siblings." I smile at him softly. "I could never be upset with you, ma belle fleur, for I feel the same. I am forever grateful of what you did and I'm really sorry that you had to go through all this just for me. I owe you the world." Francis replied, hugging me. "No, you don't. You've already given me the world being being present in my life." I chuckled, holding him tightly. "So...Everything else you said was true or a lie?" Francois asked, raising his eyebrow. "I didn't lie to you with anything, except this little detail." I smiled at him, guilty. "Then what about at the beginning. When you accepted my terms." he furrowed his brows a bit. "I didn't lie. I said I'd do anything for Francis." I declared with a side-smile. "What do you-" Francis tried to ask, but Francois cut him off. "My flat is upstairs, I want to have a little chat with Mignonette here." he muttered before taking off. "Okay. Francis, I'll see you in a bit." I wave at him, smiling, before following Francois out of the room, into his flat.
It was darker and it smelled like cigarettes, but it was pretty nonetheless. I didn't take more than 5 steps inside and I felt myself get pinned to the wall, Francois holding both of my wrists above my head with one hand, while the other was on my neck.
"You say you'll do it, but look at you, you tremble like a leaf." he got close to my face, saying in a low voice. "I said I would, I promised, now stop doing this, please, and just get it over with." I managed to whisper, looking away from him. "Is this what he'd do too? Is this why you won't ever bother trying to get away?" he asked, in a softer voice than before. "Y-Yes...I told you I didn't lie about anything else, why keep bringing it up? And I said I'd keep my promise. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't fight you off, so why try...?" I bit my, trying to stop myself from getting my eyes welled up with tears once again. "And I promise you, it's not that bad. I know you've been through a lot before and feelings are more powerful than ration...And allowing yourself to feel vulnerable once in a while isn't always damaging." he confessed, caressing my cheek. "You shouldn't be one to talk, when you don't do it yourself. You don't let your guard then while at it, instead, you let all your hate, anger and frustration get out, but...You never let happiness and love in, do you? We're the same, we just do things differently." I explained, but he only tsked in annoyance and threw me on the bed, him towering over me again, his face very close to mine. "And what the hell would you know about it?!" he growled, glaring at me. "Nothing...But maybe...Maybe I'd like to find out." I mutter, intertwining my fingers with his. "I really don't know anything. I'm 27 and all I've been doing is hate the world and everything around me, including myself, for my own misfortune and choices. I was weak, I couldn't control anything around me, when it came to my love life, because everything else was in my grasp. I'm a smart girl, I won't deny that, and I'm also fairly lucky. But not in this department." I let out a shaky breath, slowly raising my gaze to meet his. "What the hell are you on about?!" he sneered at me, his deep, violet eyes filled with despair and hurt, which made me raise up a bit and kiss his lips as soft as I could, shocking him. "Maybe...Maybe I want to see if the world is better with the right people...Not THE World...Just...MY World." he was so shocked at the gentleness with which he was being treated, that a soft blush covered his cheeks. "What was that for...? Why would someone fragile like you, who should find someone kind and gentle like Francis, want to be me, who forgot how to smile and how to live?" he asked, with an expression that showed anger at himself. "Because, maybe, we both need help from someone who understands and goes through the same...Or well, at least similar pain, don't you think?" I inquired with a hopeful smile. "And what do you propose, then, Mignonette?" he muttered, getting closer to my face. "Hello, Francois, my name is Y/N. Would you want to get to know each other better?" I extended my hand for him to shake. "Bonjour, ma cherie, Y/N, je m'appelle Francois Bonnefoy, ca va?" instead of shaking my hand, he kissed it softly and said those words in a very suave and confident voice, that gorgeous and melodic accent resonating in my ears with each vowel and consonant. "Tres charmant, Francois. That was very nice..." I muttered, using my other hand to hide my blush, but he took it in his and kissed my wrist, and teasing smirk on his face. "Did you like that, dear? Do you want me to say more?" dropping his voice by an octave, he got so close to my face, that I could feel his breath. "Your accent...Is very...Ho-...Uh, nice. Yes, nice. Uh...French. Wait, no, ignore what I've been saying-" I ranted, looking anywhere but at him, flustered at what I was saying without realising, but instead of saying anything, Francois leaned in and kissed me tenderly, making me feel more flustered, but at the same time, calmer as well. "You were saying...?"  he asked, the ghost of a smile evident on his face. "Hot." I breathed out barely above a whisper, making him chuckle. "That's what I like to hear, ma cherie~." he confessed, taking out the hair from his ponytail and helping me lean on the bed post, as he put his arms around me, holding me to his chest and kissing the top of my head. "What do you think? Is this what Francis would do?" he asked, playing with my hair. "Is it what Francois would do?" I asked, looking up at him. "...If it's you, then it is." he muttered, resting his chin on my head. "Then we're doing very well." I answered with a smiled, cuddling closer to him, feeling at peace, after such a long time.
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celosia-starfall · 5 years
Once Upon a Starlit Night
This is for @aphrarepairweek2019 I ended up being without internet for the past several days because of bad storms in the area, so I’m going to slowly be getting the other days done and posted over the next couple of days. But anyways, I hope everyone enjoys the story!
AU: Inspired by the movie Stardust
Pairing: 2p!England x Nyo!Canada
Prompt: Night Sky
Summary: One night Oliver sees a shooting star fall to earth on the other side of The Wall. Crossing over, he finds himself in a magical land that he had only heard of in stories, and soon has to face the consequences of his actions.
When Oliver was a child, his mother used to always tell him stories about a hidden kingdom that was filled with magic and fairies and witches and sky pirates. And where the stars would come down to dance among the people.
For the stars love music, you see, his mother had said, and when they danced, that was when they were at their happiest. That was when they would share their magic with the people. His mother would then frown. But then the people began to get greedy and wanted to take the stars' magic for themselves. So the stars kept themselves in the sky to keep an eye on mankind, vowing to never return to earth until mankind changed. It was then that she would lean forward and whisper in his ear, But sometimes if you sing or play music to them, they'll dance across the sky.
And every day since the first time that his mother had told him that story, Oliver would sneak out onto the roof and sing to the stars, hoping to see them dance like in the story or that he’d be able to meet one of them. His mother eventually taught him the piano and violin, teaching him all of her favorite songs that she loved to listen to.
However, the day that his mother died, he stopped making music, and he stopped believing that the stories that she had told him had been true. After all, if it hadn’t happened after so many years, then how could he believe that it wasn’t anything but a fairy tale?
Everything changed on Oliver’s eighteenth birthday.
“Oliver, I’ve got a present for you,” Jacques, his long-time neighbor, said as he held out an elongated box. He wore the same bored expression as he always did, but that didn’t deter Oliver from putting on a cheerful face as he came around the counter of the bakery.
“Really, now? You didn’t have to!” he exclaimed, wiping his hands off on the towel in his hands as he stared at the box.
Jacques’s next words caused him to raise an eyebrow, followed by a pang of disappointment. “I didn’t.” He seemed to shift uncomfortably, and Oliver soon found out why, his cheerful smile faltering. “It’s from your mother. She apparently gave this to my dad a long time ago and told him to keep it safe for you until your eighteenth birthday, for whatever reason it could’ve been. I don’t know, and I don’t really care. Just take it.”
The words stung, but Oliver chose to ignore it in favor of taking the box and setting it on the counter. Hesitantly opening the lid, he froze at the sight of his mother’s old violin. In the box, there were also sheets of music and a letter with his name on the envelope in his mother’s handwriting. “Ahh-- Thank you! Don’t forget to thank your father for me too,” Oliver said, forcing a smile back onto his face as he turned to Jacques.
The blonde merely rolled his eyes and walked off with a wave of his hand. “Yeah, whatever.”
Swallowing back the lump in his throat, Oliver gently closed the lid of case, setting it off to the side in the back of the bakery. Why would she wait until now to have it find its way to me? The idea of playing any sort of music again haunted him, when all it did was remind him of his mother and how she had ended up dying on his birthday eight years ago to the day.
Throughout the rest of his shift, his gaze kept drifting to the violin case, debating with himself on what he should even do with it. That’s how he eventually found himself standing out in one of the meadows at the edge of town once the sun had set, staring up at the night sky and all of the stars with the violin in his hand.
“Mother… If you’re out there somewhere… If you can hear me… I don’t know why you decided this. Why you decided to give me the violin. Why you wanted to wait until I was eighteen until I could have it. I read your letter, but it all feels like nonsense. It’s all just talking about fairytales and stars and-- and make-believe children’s tales. I loved those stories when I was little, but how can I believe in magic when you were the magic in my life? Without you…” Oliver shook his head, wiping the tears welling up in his eyes with the back of his hand. “Look at me, getting all blubbery. But anyways, I know it’s my birthday...but I wanted to be able to play a song for you, if that’s alright? I know you would insist that I don’t have to, but…” He trailed off, sniffling as he brought the violin to his shoulder.
At first, the notes were wavering and unsteady, slightly out of tune at times, but eventually, Oliver found himself relaxing into the music, into the feel of the instrument and the way the strings seemed to hum against his fingers. All of the memories of practicing when he was a boy began coming back, and the music was beautiful, soaring melodies that bared his soul and emotions to the world. It wasn’t until he had looked up and seen one of the stars falling across the sky, followed by a crash in the nearby forest, that Oliver stopped playing.
One of the stars fell out of the sky… That shouldn’t be possible!
But all of his mother’s stories were fresh in his mind, and Oliver quickly returned his violin to its case and secured the strap over his shoulder as he jogged off towards The Wall.
The Wall was, well, a wall. A wall with a single hole in it that was guarded by a grumpy old man to keep people from crossing over it. From everything that he had seen of the other side of The Wall, there was just a normal looking field and a normal looking forest. Oliver had never seen any reason as to why people weren’t allowed to go on the other side, and right now with the mission on his mind, he wasn’t going to let the man stop him.
Which was why, despite the physical strain, Oliver climbed over the top of the wall himself. It made for a bit of a rough landing, but he only stopped to make sure the violin was unscathed before continuing off across the field and into the woods. It was only when he had been wandering around for nearly thirty minutes that he realized that it had been foolish of him to simply run off without any kind of supplies or lantern to help guide his way. On top of not telling anyone where he would be going…
He was just about to turn to despair when a light caught the corner of his eye through the trees. Creeping forward through the trees, Oliver’s eyes widened when he caught sight of the crater that filled the area. And at the very center of it was a young girl laying on the ground.
Throwing caution to the wind, Oliver hurried down the slope and came to a stop next to the maiden. She wore a silver dress that glimmered and gleamed like the starlight above, and her hair tumbled past her shoulders in long golden locks.
She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen…
“M-Miss?” Oliver said, resting a hand on her shoulder and gently shaking her to rouse her from her slumber. The outdoors was no place for a lady to be sleeping, after all. “Miss? Wake up. Are you alright?”
Eventually a light groan fell from her lips and her eyelids fluttered open to reveal the most stunning violet eyes that Oliver had seen. He hadn’t even known that eyes could be that shade of purple, or even purple at all!
“Where--” She struggled to sit up, Oliver wrapping his arm around the back of her shoulders and helping to lift her into a sitting position. “Where am I? I heard music playing…”
Blue and pink eyes looked over her with concern. “Are you alright?” he repeated, hesitant to move away in case she fell over. She felt warm against him. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
“I don’t think so. My head hurts from falling, but I think that I’ll be okay,” she murmured gently, glancing up at him. “Do I know you? Your voice sounds...familiar.”
At that, Oliver raised an eyebrow. “No, I don’t believe so, dearie. I’d have remembered if I had met someone as beautiful as you before.” The compliment had made her blush, but Oliver wasn’t focusing on that right now. “Did you fall down the crater and hit your head? What were you doing out so late?”
She tilted her head slightly, looking confused. “No, I didn’t fall down the crater. I fell out of the sky, of course. I heard someone playing really beautiful music and I tried to get closer to hear it, but then I ended up falling because I got too close.”
Now, Oliver was growing concerned. Perhaps she hit her head a little too hard when she fell, if she’s making up such stories like this. A smaller part of him at the back of his brain nagged at him that that wasn’t the case. Either way, he couldn’t just leave a lost maiden out in the middle of the woods to fend for herself. There was no telling what kinds of creatures were lurking out there, not to mention uncouth bandits that wouldn’t hesitate to take advantage of such a lovely lady. No, I have to do something to help her.
“It’s alright, love; I’ll take you home and get you all patched up,” he murmured, gently smoothing his free hand over her silky locks before lifting her up. She gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck at the sudden loss of the ground beneath her. Oliver whispered a quiet apology as he started walking, almost stumbling a few times on his attempt to get out of the crater. Somehow he had managed it, despite the girl’s protests that she would be able to walk just fine.
“What’s your name?” she asked suddenly, nearly making Oliver trip over a protruding root as he was trying to navigate his way back towards the town.
He could’ve sworn that he'd already introduced himself, but maybe he had forgotten to because of how distracted he had been. “My name’s Oliver, but my friends call me Ollie. And what may I call you?”
“I’m Madeline, but my sisters call me Maddie,” she murmured, her fingers playing with the ends of Oliver’s hair. It made him want to shiver.
“Madeline… That’s a beautiful name,” Oliver responded, being rewarded with a blush from the girl, from Maddie.
“I still think that I know you from somewhere,” Madeline continued, her violet gaze shimmering as she stared up at him. It was almost like he could see pinpoints of starlight radiating in her eyes if he looked close enough and long enough.
It took far more concentration than he would’ve liked to keep his gaze in front of him and to not keep staring into her eyes. It made his cheeks burn with embarrassment. “I’m not sure how you could’ve…” Oliver mumbled, ducking his head beneath one of the lower hanging branches.
“You have a violin with you,” Madeline murmured, raising one of her eyebrows as she tapped the case lightly. “I heard violin music playing before I fell. It had to have been you… The music was beautiful…” A frown pulled at her lips and her gaze became distant. “It sounded really...sad too though. As if you were mourning a loved one. Did something happen?”
The question startled Oliver as he stepped into the open field, The Wall just in sight. A smile spread onto his face, a little too wide, a little too pinched at the edges, as he shifted her more comfortably in his arms. “No, no, of course not. Why would anything have happened?”
Madeline’s eyes were sad as she looked up at him. “Ollie…” The way she said his name made his heart leap in his chest.
“...You should really learn how to smile a little more naturally.”
Her words stopped him in his tracks, his blood feeling like ice in his veins. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, love.”
She placed a hand on his cheek, turning his head to face her. “I can feel that you’re in pain… You don’t have to hide how you’re feeling--”
“Oliver Kirkland! Where the Hell have you been and how did you get over that wall!?” The voice boomed from the distance, making Oliver flinch and internally groan.
Of course, Alaric was bound to find out I had crossed over somehow… Probably because I stopped playing the music… Maybe he saw the star fall too and-- Then he mentally slapped himself. I didn’t even get to find the star that had ended up falling…
Still, Oliver squared his shoulders as he approached the crumbling hole in The Wall, Alaric’s broad figure glaring menacingly down at the young man. His long hair, which was white with age, fell past his shoulders and Oliver had always thought that it had given him the impression of being an old war god. That was when his gaze drifted to Madeline who merely stared serenely back at him.
“Oliver… What are you doing on That Side of The Wall?” Alaric murmured slowly, climbing up the crumbling bricks with an agility that belied his age.
“Uhh-- I had been out playing my mother’s violin and I ended up seeing a star fall into those woods, and so I thought that I would go find it and bring it back to show Jacques? But then when I was looking for it, I found this maiden at the bottom of a crater. Her name’s Madeline, and she said that she had ended up falling, so I figured I would bring her home to make sure that her head is alright…” Oliver trailed off as Alaric began to shake his head in exasperation.
“Boy, you don’t know what you just did, do you? There’s a reason why people aren’t supposed to cross over this wall…” Before Oliver could react or move away, Alaric had suddenly grabbed a handful of Madeline’s hair and cut it, climbing back over the crumbling bricks. “You don’t even know what you just found…” Slowly, Alaric pulled his hand back through the hole, and Oliver watched with wide eyes as Madeline’s hair twisted and crumbled into nothing more than a handful of-- “Stardust. You wanted to find your fallen star? Well, you have her right there in your arms, and if you bring her over to this side, she will die.”
It felt as though Oliver had taken several heavy blows to his gut. Madeline was the star? So all of Mother’s stories… All of them were true. All this time… And I made Madeline fall, and I’m putting her in harm’s way, and I can’t bring her back home with me, otherwise she’ll die and crumble into nothing but stardust…
A heavy hand pressed itself against Oliver’s shoulder and he looked up to see Alaric standing in front of him again. His voice was gentler when he spoke this time. “You have a hard decision to make, boy. One that I wish you never had to make, which is why I guard this wall at all times to make sure accidents like this don’t happen again…”
Oliver’s voice was thick as he looked back down at Madeline in his arms. “What decision?” he asked, though in his heart, Oliver already knew the answer that he would be given.
“You bring her over the wall and let her turn into dust; you leave her to fend for herself and never return to the other side of the wall again; or…” Alaric paused, seeming to hesitate before sighing, “you stay on that side of the wall with her and never return to town again.”
Cool fingers found their way to Oliver’s cheek, causing his gaze to meet Madeline’s. A small smile was on her lips, as though she had already accepted whatever fate would be bestowed on her, and that felt like a stab in his heart to know that she so completely trusted him. His gaze lifted helplessly to Alaric. “What about all of the things at the house? What about Jacques--”
“You know Jacques has never felt the same for you, and I’ve never understood why you’ve tried to do so much for a boy that has never once given you the same courtesy or done anything for you in return…” Alaric shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest. It felt like another stab, because Oliver knew that he was right. “As for all of your things… Should you decide to stay there, I could arrange to have the necessities brought to you.”
“I--” Oliver bit his lip, holding Madeline closer to him.
“Ollie… You don’t have to stay…”
He blinked in surprise, looking down at the star in his arms. A fallen star… “W-What are you talking about?”
Shaking her head, Madeline hopped down out of his arms, the silvery dress swirling around her. And not for the first time that night, Oliver was reminded of how beautiful she was. “If your heart belongs with your home, then you should stay there. You don’t need to worry yourself about me, Ollie.” She rested her hands on top of Oliver’s. “I’ll always be listening for your music, no matter how far apart we are.”
“Maddie…” His eyes widened as she stepped back, gathering up her dress and bolting towards the forest. “Madeline!” Oliver stretched out his hand towards her as if that would be able to stop her from running away. Was it something that I said? He felt cold. Turning back to Alaric, his eyes were pleading.
“What’s your choice, Oliver?”
Oliver’s feet were already moving before Alaric had finished the question. He may have been exhausted from trekking the distance twice already, but fear was a big motivator as he ran, calling out Madeline’s name in desperation. A slew of worries ran through his mind, the same as when he first found her. Why would she end up running away like that? How could he ever make a decision to leave her?
His head jerked around toward the sound of Madeline’s voice, seeing her standing against a nearby tree. Her eyes were wide with surprise and she didn’t make a move as Oliver jogged over to her, panting and out of breath when he wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t ever run off like that again. You nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“What are you doing here? I don’t understand--”
“Oh, Madeline, my house hasn’t been a home ever since my mother died, love… There’s nothing for me to go back to there besides things that bring me nothing but grief and people in that town that do nothing but pity me for growing up without a mother from such a young age.”
“B-But-- But what about--”
Oliver placed his hands on Madeline’s cheeks. “Jacques was somebody that I had cared about because he was the only person that I thought cared about me. But Alaric was right… Nothing I had ever done or ever could do, would ever make Jacques feel about me the same way that I...thought that I felt for him.” A heavy blush rose to his cheeks as he gently stroked the skin of Madeline’s cheeks, loving the way that her skin felt against his.
A heavy blush spread across Madeline’s skin as well. Oliver could feel the heat of it under his hands. “Thought?”
“Because my heart is already right where it belongs… I’m not going to be going anywhere, and I’m not going to be leaving your side for a very long time. You may have fallen out of the sky for me, but my heart fell for you the moment that I saw you.” Oliver nodded, his thumb brushing across Madeline’s lips. “May I?”
Swallowing, Madeline’s eyes widened as she nodded, already leaning into Oliver. “Yes.”
Their lips collided in a blaze of passion, arms twining around each other as they held onto each other with the desperation that came from nearly losing the other. When they pulled away from the kiss, both were breathless, leaning their foreheads together and gently caressing one another.
“You would give up your old life, just for me…” Madeline murmured, her eyes watering slightly.
Oliver placed a chaste kiss to her forehead as he pulled her closer against him, propping his chin on top of her head and looking up at the starlit sky. He held her as if she were the most precious thing in his life. “My mother used to tell me stories of a land where stars used to come to Earth and dance with the people and how much the stars loved music… So every night before she died, I used to sing or play music in the hopes that I would get to meet one of the stars from Mother’s stories…”
A small smile pulled at Madeline’s lips. “So it was you after all. I knew I was right. I had wondered why you had stopped…”
Sinking down to sit beneath the tree, Oliver pulled Madeline close to him, her back pressed firmly against his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair. “I stopped the day that she died… Music didn’t feel like it had any meaning after that, and so I became an apprentice to a baker when I was old enough… But then, tonight… I was given my mother’s old violin that she used to have before she died. She had left it as a present for my eighteenth birthday, apparently, and so… I had decided to play her favorite song for her…”
“You must miss her terribly…” Madeline murmured, linking her fingers with Oliver’s and giving his hand a gentle squeeze.
“I do,” Oliver whispered, feeling tears threatening to well up in his eyes for the second time that night. “I’ve always loved music, and while I’m a good baker, music is everything to me… It reminds me of my mother...and it brought us together.”
A silence settled between the two before Madeline spoke up. “Then why don’t we travel the land and bring music to the people?”
Oliver blinked in surprise, staring down at Madeline. “Are you sure about that, love? Wouldn’t you rather have a stable home or someone who’s richer or--” Lips pressing against his cut him off, and he all but melted into the kiss and the hands that found their way into his hair.
“Ollie, my home is wherever you are, and as long as I get to spend every night in your arms, there’s no other place that I would rather be.” When she smiled, she seemed to glow with starlight. “You already came back for me. Why would I want or choose anything else?”
A heavy weight seemed to lift itself from his shoulders as he set the violin case up against the tree. Laying down in the grass, Oliver pulled Madeline down next to him. Those words were just what he needed to hear. “I don’t know. But I know I wouldn’t choose any differently…” he murmured, pressing his lips against Madeline’s.
And they fell asleep like that, limbs entwined and entangled, exchanging kisses beneath the starlit sky. What the new day would bring, neither of them knew, but they knew that they would face it together.
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hetalia-tlw · 6 years
Hetalia: The Lost World Part 2
“Oh no no no” said England while walking around the room in circles. “I thought he was gone for sure” England then went back into his spell book until he stopped at a page. “It’s all my fault, if only I haven’t cursed him that day” said England. “Now now lad. How could it be your fault?” asked a calm voice that’s similar to England’s. “Who said that?” asked England.
Suddenly a puff of pink smoke appeared and vanished only to leave behind a similar looking England, but was wearing a velvet overcoat, with a pink shirt along with a blue bow tie and he had light blue eyes. “Ello, did you miss me?” asked the England look alike with a smile. “Excuse me? I’m pretty sure we never meet before” said England. “Oh I’m sorry, where are my manners? My name is England, but you may call me Oliver Kirkland” said Oliver. “Ah sorry to burst your bloody bubble, but I’m the one and only England” said England while pointing at himself. “Well lad, I’m your counterpart also known as your dark side. But most importantly I’m your 2P” said Oliver.
“2P? What in the name of all bloody things holy is a 2P?” asked England. “Well if only if you weren’t such a bloody git and look more into your book of creatures, demons, and whatnot it tells you about 2Ps” said Oliver. “Hey! I’m not a bloody git!” yelled England. “Now now England or should I call you Arthur, everyone in your own world/dimension has a dark side, including the country personifications. However during the tide of the balance there’s only a few number of the 2P countries left” said Oliver. “Like how many are left?” asked England. “Well there’s me, also following with the 2P version of the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers. However can you guess whose leading the 2Ps?” asked Oliver.
“Uhh…. 2P America?” asked England. “Close lad, he’s actually leading the 2P Allied Powers, but in a more… how should I call it? Ah, in a much more brutal way” said Oliver. “Umm… is it 2P Germany?” asked England. “Oooh… so close, but no he isn’t. 2P Germany is actually *coughlazyallthetimecough*… what I mean he’s busy way too much and isn’t leading. In fact he isn’t even leading the 2P Axis Powers” said Oliver. “So who is it then?” asked England. “Oh that’s easy, it’s-” and without an explanation Oliver then vanished from England’s sight.
“Hmm… 2P? I could of swore I heard it before but where exactly?” asked England in wonder. England then found a book about different dimensions which was put together with the former North Korea that was his friend and ally. England was roaming through the pages until he came across the page of the 2Ps. England separated the list of the 2Ps between Allied Powers and Axis Powers. England then put down their country names along with their human names, in this order:
1P Allied Powers/2P Allied Powers
1P America: Alfred F. Jones/2P America: Al Jones 1P England: Arthur Kirkland/2P England: Oliver Kirkland 1P France: Francis Bonnefoy/2P France: Francois Bonnefoy 1P Canada: Matthew Williams/2P Canada: Matt Williams 1P Russia: Ivan Braginski/2P Russia: Vladimir Braginski 1P China: Yao Yang/2P China: Xiao Yang
1P Axis Powers/2P Axis Powers
1P North Italy: Feliciano Vargas/2P North Italy: Luciano Vargas 1P South Italy: Romano Vargas/2P South Italy: Flavio Vargas 1P Germany: Ludwig Beilschmidt/2P Germany: Lutz Beilschmidt 1P Prussia: Gilbert Beilschmidt/2P Prussia: Akbar Beilschmidt 1P Japan: Kiku Honda/2P Japan: Kuro Honda
After the list was done, England then heard a noise outside his magic chamber. England then grabbed paper that had the 2P country names along with the 1P country names. England then found the source of noise to a chamber he never dared to go in. When England opened the door and to his surprise, he found Oliver with a man that has an appearance to that of Austria’s. But had black hair and red eyes, in fact he seems to being wearing a punk rock black suit with spikes and matching black heeled boots. “Oh ello there lad. I’m just here to visit an old friend. Ahh… I was exactly trying to set him free” said Oliver.
“Who in the world is that?” asked England. “Oh him, well he’s the 2P counterpart of Austria. Hey there you punk rock reject, care to introduce yourself to my 1P counterpart, Arthur?” asked Oliver. “To hell vith jou all” growled 2P Austria. “Hey do you even remember my little swear jar, poppet? You know, if you say one swear word, you’ll have to pay up” said Oliver mockingly. “I don’t have any money on me, jou cupcake making sweet talking dummkopf!!!” yelled 2P Austria. “How rude of you! I have you know I haven’t even bother to make cupcakes yet” said Oliver.
While both Oliver and 2P Austria were arguing, England quickly took out the paper of the names to the 2Ps and simply wrote the following entry: “1P Austria: Roderich Edelstein/2P Austria: Roland Edelstein” under the newly added section of “1P/2P Extras”. After writing or should I say, giving a name to 2P Austria, England placed the paper back into his pocket. While both Oliver and Roland were still busy arguing, England then pulled out his wand and mumbled something, causing a beam of light to go unnoticed and broke the chains that held Roland. Oliver who then noticed Roland was free, quickly ran behind England, while Roland got up and pulled out a rock guitar from his back. He then came over to both England and Oliver only to stop about three steps apart from England. “I demand jou to step aside for me, so I can kill zhis cupcake loving dummkopf” hissed Roland.
“What will happen if I do or if I don’t?” asked England who wasn’t afraid of Roland. “Hmm… zhere vill be a chance zhat I’ll kill zhe cupcake lover und if jou don’t move, I’ll slice jour throat open und drink jour pool of blood” said Roland through clenched sharp teeth. “Well… there is a slight chance I’ll might do this” said England while using his wand and a spell to knock Roland’s guitar out of his hands and summoned magical binds on him so he doesn’t move. “Vhat iz zhis!? I demand jou to release me at once or suffer zhe consequences!” yelled Roland. “What consequences? With this binds on you, you can’t even do a thing” said England.
“Vhy jou little… vhen I get out of zhese binds und vhen I get mein hands on jou, jou’re-” before Roland can finish his sentence, Oliver covered his mouth with a handkerchief. “Say there lad, we make good team” said Oliver. “Uhh… team? I don’t think so, when I’m working with magic, I usually work alone” said England. “Oh nonsense lad, I’m pretty sure you don’t work alone. In fact don’t you work with Norway, you know the other magic user?” asked Oliver. “Well no, but usually I do work with others. But I don’t trust them at all with potions, because they usually drop them or spill the liquid all over themselves” said England. “So you do work with people. Too late to change what you said. I believe that you do work with people while performing magic” said Oliver.
“Whatever you bloody git. Speaking of which I’m heading upstairs to the kitchen to make tea” said England. With that England left the room and was heading up the steps to the kitchen, leaving Oliver behind. “I have no idea, why I didn’t ask him if I can come with. Say Roland since you’re going to be suck down here, might as well eat something. Speaking of eating I’m going upstairs to make cupcakes for you” said Oliver. Which Roland replies to only being able to grunt angrily while Oliver stands there looking at him, while smiling cheerfully. “Don’t worry I promise you that they’re not going to burn. See ya later poppet!” said Oliver. With that Oliver ran out of the room and up the stairs to England’s kitchen, while leaving behind an angry Roland who was about ready to scream.
While waiting for his tea to be done, England quickly leaves amount of text messages to his friends. But mostly he kept sending text messages to Germany, but mostly France to only call him a ‘bloody git’ or 'bloody frog’. Soon England heard his teapot whistling and England then came to the kitchen to taste his tea. While backing up, he accidentally bumped into Oliver. “Gah!” screamed England. “Oh my! No! Not the cupcakes!” yelled Oliver.
“Geez, why are you in my kitchen and how dare you bump into me!?” yelled England. “I was going to ask you the same question. In fact why are you in here making tea? I was just about to put my cupcakes into the oven, until you bumped into me causing me to drop the cake pan” said Oliver. “Cupcakes!? Why the bloody hell are you making cupcakes!? I thought my counterpart still makes scones!” yelled England. “Ah ah ah, even though I’m your counterpart it means that I’m the complete opposite of you. I have you know that I find scones disgusting and prefer cupcakes. By the way you swore, now pay up the swear jar” said Oliver will pulling out his swear jar from god who knows where. “Well that makes sense and hey! My scones aren’t disgusting. By the way I don’t have money to pay for swearing at you, in fact why do you even have a swear jar?” asked England. “Oh the jar? Well since I’m the opposite of you, I’m very sensitive to hearing swear words. They make me wanna throw up and rip my ears out. In fact with a swear jar, I’m making a living” said Oliver.
“How much money do you even get, when you hear a swear word?” asked England. “Well if I’m hearing a lot of them I make people give me five dollars” said Oliver. Oliver then put in another batch of cupcakes in the oven, he then turn to England only to ask “Say do you mind telling me of what kind of spell you used?” “I guess I can tell you” said England as a flashback appeared. “Alfred! Alfred! I have no time to play your kiddie games! Come back here now!” yelled England. “So little Alfred, are you ready to scare the living stocks out of your brother?” asked a man with long black hair, along with a curl with a face in the center, who was up in a tree with a child with blond hair.
“You’re sure bet I am, cause I’m the hero!” exclaimed the young boy. While moving to tree to tree, they suddenly stopped when they both saw England coming. “Geez! Why the bloody hell am I even bothering? Alfred, if you don’t show yourself to me then no cookies for you!” yelled England. “Boy, big brother Arthur seems very angry” whispered Alfred.
“Who cares? At the count of three we surprise Arthur” whispered the man while Alfred nods in agreement. “Okay, ready? 1… 2…. 3! NOW!” yelled the man as Alfred hold onto him tightly as the man grabbed onto a vine. They suddenly came down to England who was shocked and couldn’t move, as Alfred let go of the man and then clobbered his own brother. “Haha” laughed Alfred as he was on top of Arthur. “Okay enough of laughing, you got me. Now can you please get off of me so I can get up?” asked Arthur. As soon as Arthur got up, he picked up his little brother and looked up at his friend who was laughing on a vine, until he crashed into a tree.
“Ow! Who put that tree there!?” yelled the man in pain. “Looks like you got a piece of your own medicine!” laughed Arthur. “Not funny Arthur! I was just having some fun” said the man. “Now Alfred, since you’re going to be an actual country soon, I might as well tell you who my friend is” said England. “Is he a country like you?” asked Alfred.
“Close, but no. He’s the incarnation of a capital of a country” said England. “Is he the capital of your country?” asked Alfred. “You mean London? No, but I wish he was; however, he’s Korea’s capital and Korea’s older brother. He is known to be Seoul” said England. “Umm… England, you’re forgetting something else” said the capital. “Which is?” asked England.
“Little Alfred, I may be called Seoul but my name is Iyong ju” said Iyong ju. “That name sounds so cool. Where did you get that name from?” asked Alfred. “My brothers gave me that name” replied Iyong ju, “Brothers?” asked Alfred. “His brothers are the Asian countries of Japan and China, but his younger brother is Korea” said England. “So one day I get to see you with your brothers?” asked Alfred. “Of course you will” said Iyong ju with a smile, as England’s flashback ended.
“So let me get this straight, Iyong ju is a capital to a nation?” asked Oliver. “Why yes he is. Until that day when I stepped into Korea or so I thought it was, it was the same day where I regretted everything that I’ve done for him” said England with a sad face. Another flashback appeared. But this time only to skip after World War II and after the separation of Korea between America and the Soviet Union. “Yong Soo? Iyong ju? Are you two home?” asked England as he stepped into Korea’s home. England was searching for both the brothers until he heard a sound.
England searched for the source of the sound until he came across the door. England then heard the sound again and he then tried to open the door, but it was locked. England then pulled out his wand and after mumbling a spell, he got the door to open. England then went inside and to his surprise he was in Korea’s room. England saw broken glass and burnt furniture around the room, until he saw a mantel with a broken picture on it. England walked over to it and carefully picked it up.
A picture was shown in the frame, but the glass of the frame was broken. The picture of Korea was shown, along with Iyong ju next to him and both of them were smiling happily. The picture broke some of England’s feelings, he then took the picture out of the frame and placed it into his pocket as he set the frame back onto the mantel. England then turned to walk away from the mantel until he slipped over something and almost tripped. But England remained his balance and with a stern expression he asked himself “What was that?” England looked on floor until came across some blue and white cloth. That’s when he stumbled across the unconscious body of Korea.
“Yong Soo? Are you okay? Wake up!” yelled England with a panicked tone. England then picked up Korea and came into the living room and set him on the couch. England then gave Korea some painkillers and medical treatment. After an hour passed Korea slowly opened his eyes and noticed England coming from the kitchen with an ice pack and warm tea. “You’re not suppose to be moving, so here put this ice pack on your head” said England. “Thank you Arthur” said Korea.
“What happened here and why were you on the floor of your bedroom?” asked England. With a moment of pause, Korea was remembering his past moments before collapsing on the floor before saying “I was attacked” “By who?” asked England. “I was attacked by the Russians and by other words I mean by Ivan” replied Korea weakly. “Here drink some warm tea to conserve your energy” said England as he gave Korea a cup.
“Thanks again” said Korea as he took a sip. “Anyway after the war ended both Ivan and Alfred were starting to get off the edges” continued Korea. “You mean Alfred is fighting with Ivan?” asked England with a concerned expression. “Yes indeed. It wasn’t that long when they were fighting, they were both focused on my brothers and mostly me. They both decided to break Korea into two halves. However your brother was against it and came here to protect me from Russia. However he failed just like how I was trying to protect my brother” said Korea. “You mean Iyong ju” asked England. “Yes. Ivan had his men grab Iyong ju and I tried to help, but I was too scared of Ivan. I then forgot about my fears and focused on saving my brother. But I was knocked out and beaten by Ivan’s pipe” said Korea.
“Oh my, that’s terrible! What else has both Alfred and Ivan decided for your country?” asked England. “They spilt us up from each other. They took Iyong ju to the northern part of my country and called it North Korea and I remained by America were I’m no longer Korea, but I was called South Korea” said South Korea. 'It’s so disturbing to hear that Yong Soo has been separated from his brother, it’s even worse then splitting up both Germany and Prussia’ thought England. After a couple of years after 1945 it was already the start of the 1950s and during that time, England was called by America for a meeting.
“Okay Alfred, why am I here?” asked England as he walked through the doors. “Arthur, it’s terrible! My country got a distress call from South Korean officials that the North Koreans are going to attack South Korea!” yelled America while panicking and putting his head on the table just to start crying. 'Don’t tell me that the Koreans are now nationally called from whatever part the people are from’ thought England before America managed to get him out of his thoughts. “Another issue is that my country is also dealing with Ivan and this North Korean uprising! It’s even worse then the Great Depression from the early 1920s and 1930s! You know it almost broke me apart!” continued America. “So what do you want me to do about it? Do you realize that my country suffered the same kind of depression as you did? Even Francis that bloody frog, experienced it as well” said England. “I just… I just want your wisdom. I just want you to tell me what I should to do” said America while his head was still on the table.
“Well then like I always do, I side with the country who needs the most help. Trust me Alfred, I had to side with both Francis and Yao for both World Wars. That was also the time when Ivan came in to help” said England. “So you’re saying that I should side with South Korea against North Korea?” asked America as his read raised up from the table. “Yes you should. In fact I even heard that Ivan is going to side with North Korea” said England. “You’re right! I’m going to help South Korea defeat North Korea and save the world! I’m going to be a real hero after all, just like how I ended the second war by dumping two atomic bombs on Japan!” yelled America while standing up in a spotlight. “Ahh I see… so you’re going to be a hero again just like how you bombed Japan for about two times?” asked England while raising a brow. “Ahh… actually it was just a small tini-tiny accident” said America as he begin to laugh nervously.
After the Korean War it wasn’t long before South Korea helped England get into North Korea and which by helping I met by sneaking him in. “Are you sure this is where they kept your brother at?” asked England. “Yeah, I’m sure” replied South Korea. The two countries then went inside the building to find Iyong ju and get him out. They then found him, England was the first one to speak to him. “Iyong ju, I’m glad to see you again. How are you doing?” asked England. When Iyong ju spoke to him, his voice wasn’t smoothing and calming as it was before, it was now raspy.
“Doing? How do you think it is going for me?” asked Iyong ju “Uh… big brother do you remember me? You know your brother, Yong Soo also known as Korea?” asked South Korea. “Korea? There’s no Korea, only South Korea. I may be Iyong ju, but I’m no longer Seoul” said Jason. “What do you mean brother?” asked South Korea. “I mean that Seoul is dead and so is Korea. Only South Korea and North Korea are present and now you’re in North Korean territory boys” said Iyong ju with a grim look. “Okay you’re starting to scare me brother. Can you please stop?” asked South Korea with a nervous smile, until that’s when Iyong ju started to laugh hysterically and said with a grim smile on his face “You scared? That’s cute. I love to see the weak afraid”
“Okay Iyong ju we both know that’s not a nice way to treat your brother. Where are your manners?” asked England as he crosses his arms. “Me? Manners? Oh Arthur, you crack me up sometimes. Since you made me laugh, I suppose it’s time for me to literally break your funny bone” said Iyong ju while laughing at his own little joke until he was slapped on the face by South Korea. “Yong Soo? Why would you slap your brother like that?” asked England with a shocked and puzzled look. “Because of reasons. In fact I no longer know my own brother and I always thought of him as friend, but not anymore” said South Korea through clenched teeth and England even noticed a tear coming from his eye, when he was walking away. England soon followed South Korea and headed by to his country only to say goodbye to him. After years had passed it was already the start of the 1960s, England was in his office while looking at the picture of both South Korea and Iyong ju smiling together. “What happened to you, Iyong ju? You were so nice to me and your brother, but now you’re a jerk” said England while grabbing his cup to drink his morning tea.
He was about ready to do more paper work until, he heard a knock on his door, he quickly put the picture away underneath his plastic set of Revolutionary War army men. “Yes, the door is open. You can come in” said England. It was his secretary and she was holding something in her hand and she said to him “This is for you Mr. England. It’s from a friend” England then grabbed it and it turns out to be a letter, it even had his name written beautifully on the front. England then opened it and pulled out a piece of paper. He than read it and was left in a total shock, when his secretary was about to leave he stopped her only to say “Wait! Something is wrong! I need you to have our officials to call the former Allied Powers together for a meeting at the United Nations. There’s no time to waste” said England.
The secretary did what she was told and soon a meeting was called at the United Nations in New York City. England was the first one to be there and after two hours had passed America, China, and France came. “What’s the big emergency? I was busy finishing my new relationship to Japan, until my boss came to me and said you wanted me to come for a meeting. So this better be good, aru” said China. “Oui! I agree vith Yao here, vat vould ze black sheep of Europe vant me to hear?” asked France. “For the last time stop calling me the black sheep of Europe you bloody frog!” yelled England. “Yeah Francis! Even the hero agrees you should stop” said America while eating a Big Mac from McDonald’s.
'Wow, I’m surprised that Alfred is on my side for once’ thought England until he cut off his thoughts by saying “Look, I know you guys don’t want to be here. But I just got a letter from Yong Soo informing me that something bad has happened to him” “Arthur, I got a letter from him as well. Even Japan got one, aru” said China. “Same as I” said France. “So everyone must of gotten a letter” said England. “Everyone did expect for me” said America while wiping his face with something. “Actually if you just take a look of what you’re using to clean yourself, you might see it!” yelled Canada as he grabbed America’s hand only to reveal a letter from South Korea, which was now covered in cheese, grease, and ketchup.
“Oh thank you! Umm…. who are you again?” asked America which Canada replied while face palming “I’m Canada! Your brother!” “Oh sorry about that dude!” said America. “You better be sorry” mumbled Canada. “Say Yao, since Yong Soo is a brother to both you and Japan, why not tell us what your letter said?” asked England. “Well you’re not going like this…. but….. uh….. he’s d-dead, aru” replied China with a tear in his eye who then put his head down in shame. “WHAT!?” yelled England, America, Canada, and France together.
“Yes you all heard me, Yong Soo is dead. I wasn’t long that I got this letter his boss told me he died. It even said so on the my version of the letter, it even said it on Japan’s version too, aru” said China. “Zhen vho killed him? I mean countries aren’t meant to die, but ve are all immortals. Unless ve’re forgotten or dissolved” said France. “He wasn’t forgotten or dissolved, he was like killed by a special type of poison, aru” said China. 'What? Poison? How can that be? There’s no way poison can kill a country. Unless it was like created by magic and by hatred of a person. In speaking of a person… Iyong ju! Why would he kill his own brother? That’s it to prove that he is the one and only Korea! Well he’s wrong!’ thought England. With anger rising through England, he pulled out his spell back and placed it on the table. He flipped through the pages until he stopped at a spell.
'Iyong ju I thought you were my friend, but since I knew what you did to your brother, you shall be cursed until you dissolve with it’ thought England while a tear came from his eye. England than pulled out his magic wand and while everyone was busy talking, he started put the spell into effect. The building then grew dark, until when the four other countries stopped fighting. “Hey didn’t it just got dark in here?” asked America while having a panicked expression on his face. Then the four turned to see, England summoning a spell from his spell book. “Oh no! Ze black sheep of Europe is using his black magic of death!” yelled France.
Then suddenly a large purple glowing pentagram appeared over England and was on the wall. “This looks very bad” said Canada nervously. England then was mumbling words in another language in a form of a mantra and soon the lights were back on. England then looked up from his spell book to see his friends embracing each other like if they saw a ghost. England then laughed at them saying “Wow I never seen you guys afraid and hug each other for dear life, like you’re going to die” “Not funny, aru!” yelled China.
“Yeah! I zhought you vere going to curse ze beautiful country of love vith your black magic” said France. “Arthur, the hero thought you were going to curse Germany for being mean to me, when I was helping rebuild his country, but found me eating a cheeseburger and he began to yell at me. It really broke my feelings and mostly my heart” said America. “Oh I wasn’t. I was just going to curse both you and Francis, until I used my energy to curse someone else” said England. “Who exactly?” asked Canada. “Oh nobody that meets in all of your interests” said England.
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dwdelaney-blog · 5 years
futbol - Cletus - nsa - dm - courthouse - bunn - natsec personnel - fibro - hamburger - shg - butler - sjh - h/k - spfldconsulting - inb - celletti - 404th - boosters - bleachers - trophies - things remembered - bush - Carlucci - vala guards - terr frame - arson frame - osfm - burton - carlock - cwlpdir - caths - they could have stopped this a long time ago - they could have denounced what they have been doing to me - instead they denied what they are doing and tried to conceal what has happened - somebody is telling these people that if they hit me w/ chem - they won't be punished - dod - gop - somebody - xa getup espn - michelle bland - kurtz krusty steil - Coltrane - Lincoln cab - kapernick - Cletus - clute - doj - Burkhardt - spkattys - hecla - nethercutt
Bigtech complicit w/ dia ci - driftnet - mute watchdog - elint - sigint - censors media and inds - worst kept secret - what keeps this thing going - people would talk and for some reason - everywhere I go - everybody seems to know who I am - where I am - im trying to make this thing stop - I want the defs punished - the police could stop this - I think dod could stop this and the gop and caths - what do you say to someone when you ask them to put something in their gastank and follow some guy around - who could do that - every town I go to - every street - every sidewalk - has people seem to know more about my life than me - wouldn't somebody have said something - if there was a legal case - and I won - this should stop - how is this not stopping - who is making this not stop
hefferon - cifa - Adolph zeman - Sylvester - gop - jeffe ron - op Cunningham - consent for organophosphates - fibro - cifa was me - sd - xa jeffe ron - mcds poison - chi gop - Huizenga - garbage - ftl - mace paolino - tusk - ron Jeremy - hedgehog - ni 10th - stl - roth - hou recruiters - xa twitter - tweets - cat paw - key chaney - mace - aqui - here - knights - horse - chess - ibt - clatfelter - ioicc - roadrunners - Ackermann - blessing - swift - centaur - burtt - mitch McConnell - Louisville - haspel - michelle bland - michelle beadle - smoking gun - kitty -
any one of these groups could stop this today - or yesterday
the gop - dod - caths - the po -
note you cant say gop w/o op - cifa - heffe ron - even if all the other groups didn't want to stop - any one of these groups could have stopped this a long time ago - and haven't
Ric Perry
When i was in tx - when ihad to leave spk - they did a homicidal threats frame - for perry - trump made him secty doe  -
they also said I made homicidal threats to gwb - this brings in usss and they used it to mobilize dod and tx parisans - xa carlyle comcast capranica - gk marty vala karl kemme - hou deps civaff - dutton bonilla - bill haley - charles s dutton - slee deprivation - the sleep thing created the fibro vulnerability - w/ the mcds poison on the banner job - exploited by op - pesticides insecticides - heffe ron - laffers - bob&tom - xa mardi gras - note saints dude chin - chigop wheaton - garland ruby - lil ruby - and see old college papers - deus ex machina - mokena ilgop - pisgah is thependlton guy xa kirk and vaq209 rufus wainwright
- pendleton oc terr frame - san onofre terr frame - honore de balzac - swattingchem - entertainment - illinois evening republican club - dirt - scso - russ steil - bob steil 3d shift -sgt - night mgr - rusteil cletus - xa ports auth cleat - roa - hanson does ports guards - springfield -
Bunn - schlumberger - sangamo meters - zito cellnet - ovp - ic collection - cwlpdir - coal - coal trains - ibew -
90’s – vadermatology – ftl hair loss – marginalization – isolation – erbacci cerone – aqui here unite – uk – ache – team lift – wal – ierc rosemary long – cheney embrace of dark side – sharmin doer – smith swimmers – shs – bob marley and cle both taught there – principles and agents – psyops moved to “civaff” skinner box – operant conditioning – ac – ace – ache – forced air – usaf – hvac – murphybrown – moo – res – fibro – spi link – burson – pr – brooks bro riot – Ackermann – Rothstein – porter – wackenhutt – HUIZENGA – is the fla chi link – garb trks – tusk – you keep it cold in here peg – suncruz – moscatiello – bso – bcrp – xa terry nelson wal – duane Gibson – omnimedia – xa pacman – Orlando – la links – saathoff – spi 37 burton – blago hiring scandal – dot hires – stefanski – gnuteck – outback guy – and roadrunners – lanning – ghs – alewelt – pr – pols – happy days – elections – psyops – ads – crosshairs – reticle – gone w/ the wind – GU – chem batt 404 – materials and methods – xa Henkel – dod – tactics in fibro – pain w/o leaving marks – invisible – how do these people think they should be able to get away with this – for all this time -
What will make this stop - i thought of who could make this stop - who could ask people to do something wrong and have them do it - i don’t know how they do it - i think it something to do w/ cars - engines - exhaust - the physiology and the chem - is - it seems like - people from 404 are involved - dod - but others seem to do it without thinking twice about it - you would think the church would be most likely to want to do the right thing - and that’s possible -
This is where i should mention the link b/t ipi and paprocki - spi dio -
Ipi - 2p - toupe - whigs - peeps - humint - xa pii - and p&p - pap - padres - papal -
Paprocki - aqui - here unite - hockey - consent - go - green light - gop - rocky sylvester - ridgeview 1 - horses - ibt - ranger - mi - knights - chess -
Paprocki’s kid - is at ipi - xa gentlemen - mustache - ache - mus - the pope - the ipi is linked to koch bros - altria - winston - burson - the ads guys for tobacco -
The people that do tobacco ads - are also pols - and psych - psyops - burson - etc - xa h/k - xa winston and doj influence - burkhardt - republican attorneys -
I’m trying to make this thing stop - 9/10 GRD - not fine - not consent - ierc - perc - vala guard vio at dpr - cerone - crow - raven - vala - kcs - gk - kemme - 404th - et - alien - allen - poe - sonny - secty ag - cephus and reese - etu - king of the hill - ol hank - guards - 233 - spi armory - fox - roa - esgr - guard - ing - usng - Perdue - granja - krekels - cu - ted cruz - krewes - jester - nobody here but us chickens - the horns - foghorn - not consent - not green light - zito - red light -
Saw that there was a devos that was founder of amway and involved in Orlando magic
I don’t know what to think of this – but I remember two guys coming to my apt in sd – trying to sell me amway – I couldn’t figure out how they got in the building and why they wanted to sell me amway. It could be nothing – but I remember it – I couldn’t figure it out – I don’t buy amway or ever showed any interest in it – they were very clean cut – well dressed – I told them I didn’t want any amway and they left – it could be nothing – but the loft was radicalization frame – the cult – I think scientologists are involved – b/c h/k reps sci – the block the loft was on I think used to be owned by Lron – there was something written on the bldg. or something – xa – Orlando – saathoff – adm – andreas – agriculture – chem – Decatur – Wharton – Ackermann – xa fla bush – jeb – Carlucci – cia – goss – showbiz clowns – Wackenhut – Huizenga and garbage – mace paolino – moscatielo – suncruz – casino – Wharton was ad – spi caths – sci –
Don’t know what the link to doe is – or the group of people linked to erik prince – mi gop – there is a Romney link – mi gop – and kjell bc04 – xa chi/sd link – spi/sd link – bunn –
The amway thing could be nothing – but I remember it and not understanding it at the time – lots of stuff like that
saw that rove is an author - the book - triumph of William McKinley - I think is an attempt to respond to what I have said -
I think the book argues I am a proxy for his political enemies -that I am a sock puppet - a tech term for a computer puppet - triumph the comic dog - my fathers side of my family - irish -
it would be a mistake to say I am ashamed of who I am or where I come from - I am not going to talk about my family here and now - what is important is that if you read the book it is - I believe an attempt to respond to me - in effect - an acknowledgement of his involvement - note the link to kjell - is at uiuc - crs - Carlyle -
Have reason to believe some of this is linked to playing soccer against shg - xa vonde and bags and trophies frame - note direct link to caths - and butler moves to sjh - the thing w/ gray goes back before that - note cwlp - kcs kemme - xa bunn and natsec personnel - dm links - nsa - defs claimed I damaged or stole trophies from shg - I was in the bldg for an afternoon to do something involving the bleachers in the gym - the claim was used to mobilize the spi caths - athletes - against me - like all the other swatting/vigilantism frames at some point iwould have thought people would figure out that I didn't steal any trophies - I am not a pedophile  - they knew I wasn't a terrorist - they aren't fooling anyone w/ that nonsense
9/19 Barlow
Was wondering who is pushing this thing - how does everyone know about this - all these different towns - not everyone uses a computer -
Checked the wiki on rush - it’s missing the simpsons references - it mentions the fam guy etc - xa the tv show w/ ailes - 92-96 - note fam is attys - marries in centenary cape - kc - nyc - palm - palm since 96 - that’s huge - xa huizenga - carlucci - xa karhl - chem - the show - the image - a reticle - and 24/7 - rett - gone - chem - sleep deprivation - 24/7 - rock around the clock - hic - butler - xa kc usattys - ailes does tv show - simpsons - cletus - aint gotta home - don’t listen to the show - i bet there are implied references to me in the show - from callers - ets - the call screener runs links - he has mentioned me on his show for years - that is one of the things keeping this going  - i think - maybe not -
Parfum2 Duraneb - wm=au - fdny - espn awards - nb Fw183 - fa - hefferon - ac - operant condtng - psyops is civaff - roa - tcb - bct -stryker - Barone loves elton john - he's a big fan J-e-t-s - timm and lopian - fuel specialists - stealing gasoline in mex - atomizer - bobmarley - mus - gentlemen - Ipi reps liquor/tobacco - auger - Got sig - -- Sent from Fast notepad Eib Noble - tnt - sb - espys - sen bill - eir - 8 - cle - not bs - etu - e&t -ent - au - ua - ib - bs- cat - nam - facio - baise -bunn - reticle - crosshairs - son - Nebulizer- tr - belz gym- bleachers - valco - nd Noble - tnt - sb - espy's - sen bill - eir - eir si - ierc - sere - 8 - cle - 404 - cletus - usn - fasci - not bs - etu - e&t - ent - au - ua - ib - bs - cat - nam - facio - dare - po - res - cpr - baise - bunn - reticle - cross hairs - son Nebulizer - bully - belize - belz gym - hunchback - bleachers - trophies - valco - Ecole - consent - green light - gop - tennis - barone lebron - bjorn - borg - trek - 90's - dennis - team lift - erbacci cerone - skiner box - academies - sylvanus - goat sucker - usn - xa af - falco - denver - riggleman - worm - ron riggle - dingo - clapper - hammer - kohl bros - kohl&kohl --
9/25 - douglas adams
hitchhikers guide - riggleman - consent - green light - gop -
fuck Lindsay graham
Bob gray - is that what this is about - is that who is pushing this - links to spfldconslting - chamber - h/k - chigop - shs - dmh - ioicc - hic - backyard baseball - usccb - pete hoekstra - vancil elmer - glu - fudd - comed - comer - usmc - laffers - swimmers - sharmin - hair - here - js - jsoc - pollo tropical - burkhardt - winston - altria - liuna - ibt - judicial elections - bob was thompsons patronage guy at cms - hr - xa bunn at natsec personnel - dod humint - dia -
If I am right about the different groups that could stop this - dod - po - caths - gop - the media - Who is making this thing go
0 notes
Okay I know I'm bugging you with all these father 2p asks and I'm sorry but I just love your writing and I want to keep sending you asks lol. How would 2ps react if they saw their young daughter sadly talking to the mirror and when they were about to ask what she was doing they see another girl on the mirror who looks like their daughter but is very scary. she comforts their daughter and tells her that she should take revenge from the ones who saddened her?
Oh no! I love these ask! You could never bother me with ask, or just ever bother me! :3
2p America:….maybe the walk through the graveyard at night was a bad idea. Well then.
2p France: My child is possessed, just great. annoyed old man
2p Russia: That is impossible! It is just a reflection! There are no such things as ghost and all that nonsense!
2p China:…please just tell me I’m high right now and imagining stuff. No, ok….AHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
2p Canada: I’m going to go call Flavio now.
2p Italy: Demon child! But taking revenge is great advice.
2p Germany: oohhhhhhh ok, ummmm,……I’m going to go call Luci. He’ll know what to do.
2p Japan: Sigh, I’ll go get my talisman
2p Romano: OMFG! THAT’S SOOOO CREEPY! Good thing I got my priest on speed-dial. Exorcism always fixes everything!
2p Prussia:….That’s really scary. Oh dear, I’m going to go call Roland,….maybe Luci would be a better choice this time.
2p Austria: Awwww, she picked up her first evil spirit!
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how would the 1ps react to the original poppy (since you did the 2ps with poppy)
America: Dude this is weird!
France: Love the outfits
Russia:…I’m confused
Canada: I don’t understand it, but I’m sure Poppy is having fun. That’s all that matters!
Italy: I like it!
Germany:…This looks like something Italy would like…
Romano: what the f*ck?
Prussia:… This is weirdly awesome
Austria: This is stupid
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