#Om mc
tsukii0002 · 2 days
Imagine the contrast of the coexistence between Mc and Solomon, a human who did not know that magic was real until relatively recently and another human who has lived for centuries and who uses magic as if it were breathing.
Imagine that little things at home where Solomon is always willing to use magic to solve it, while Mc always beats him to it in the most common and least magical way possible.
But above all imagine, Solomon's frustration, how can his magic be rendered useless in such a way? And if he has no magic, what can he bring to that home?
Solomon: Remember that blanket I told you had a hole in it, I think it's time to mend it *opening one of his books*
Mc: I've already mended it, with a few stitches it's as good as new.
Solomon: Oh…
Solomon: Mc, what was the table that was broken?
Mc: Oh, don't worry, I fixed it.
Solomon: Really? What spell did you use?
Mc: Ha, ha, Solomon, you don't need magic to wedge a table.
Solomon: Mc!! With this spell we will solve our rat problem!
Mc: *smiling* I've already taken care of that, no for nothing Barbatos is so happy with me.
Solomon: That's how you earn your premium tea leaves?
Solomon: Please tell me you didn't fix the shelf that was sagging *with a book under his arm*
Mc: *eating a muffin* Oops.
Solomon: Mc, I told you I'd fix it *pointing at the. with the book*
Mc: Solomon, it was tightening two screws, it's going to take you longer to look up such a mundane spell than to fix it manually.
Solomon: Mc… you're a sorceress, you should use magic more!
Mc: *funny* And you should use magic less!!! You're still a human, old man. By the way, remember those yellow spots on the tablecloth that bothered you so much?
Solomon: Yeah?
Mc: Well, I've already made them disappear and without magic.
Solomon: How????
Solomon is sitting, somewhat annoyed, on one of the balconies
Mc: Hey…
Solomon: …
Mc: Are you upset?
Solomon: … No.
Mc: *sighing as they stands next to him* Let's talk, tell me, why does it bother you so much that I solve things without magic?
Solomon: I'm not upset, we don't need to talk at all.
Mc: You know that communication is part of living together right? We are two people with different ways of living, if we don't talk how are we going to have a good cohabitation?
Solomon: … With the brothers you never had that problem.
Mc: Sure I have, maybe not with these things because Lucifer encourages certain stuff to be done manually, but we had to set a lot of guidelines when I started living with them.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: *sighing* I'm not upset… it's just that I'm used to doing everything with magic, even the smallest things, it's easier, faster.
Mc: Well, sometimes yes, but sometimes it's easier to do it without magic, and in my case I'm used to not use magic.
Solomon: *looking at them* I know, but there are things I can't do without magic.
Mc: But that's what I'm for, isn't it?
Solomon: *doubting* Then' what do I bring to our cohabitation?
Mc: *realizing*
Solomon: You cook, you do a lot of chores because you are faster, and you take care of a lot of things that allow you to have a routine… I feel that instead of living together, I am a guest...
Mc: Solomon...
Solomon: And if I can't even use my magic, Am I useless? without my magic I…
The two are silent for a moment
Mc: I'm sorry, I've minimized how you feel… and I've done things my way without taking you into account.
Solomon: Ha, ha, don't worry, *now kind of sad* It's not that big of a deal.
Mc: No, I told you, communication is part of living together and you should tell me what bothers you.
Solomon: *looking at them*
Mc: We can try to find a middle ground.
Solomon: How?
Mc: *thoughtful* Well, the day to day things we can do manually and the things that are very difficult or tedious we can use magic?
Solomon: *considering it seriously'* You could also teach me how to do tasks without magic, like how to wedge a table… and I could teach you spells that I usually use, like the one that sweeps the house by itself.
Mc: *smiling* We can also make a schedule so we don't step on each other's to-dos.
Solomon: *smiling too* And create a chat room exclusively for house stuff where we can let each other know if we're going to do something.
Mc: That sounds like a great idea Solomon.
Solomon: *more lively* And I'd also like to do certain chores together, like laundry or cooking.
Mc: … *feeling bad at Solomon's happy face* Yes… we can do that too.
This turned out to be longer than I thought, and what started as something funny has turned into a drama😅. I'm not going to lie to you, I love domestic dramas, day to day problems… so this post has turned into that because Solomon is used to live in a very different way than Mc, and living together for the first time is always complicated and habits are hard to change, and co-living is not always so great. Give me domestic situations between Mc and the rest of the cast please!!!! 🥺🥺
Anyway, if you've made it this far, thank you very much for reading🩷
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devildomangel · 2 days
Note: OOC, Himbo Dia
Playing Monopoly with Diavolo. When he lands on your hotel instead of paying with his in game currency, he pulls out his wallet which is as thick as his bakery and pays you with actual Grimm.
Never play Monopoly with both Diavolo and Mammon 😔
Barbatos either watches in amusement or stops him. Depends on the player I guess 😭
He doesn't say shit when It's Diavolo and MC but immediately stops the young master when it's him and Mams
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I find it really funny that Mammon is genuinely one of the kindest demons,
• He rarely loses his temper
• He was picked to look after a human because of this and so he's the only brother that never attacks or genuinely threatens MC
• He adopts some random 9yr old orphaned human, is determined to pay for all her needs until she's an adult, and lets himself be extorted by the witches just so they continue to look after her
• He forgives any slight against him if the person who wronged him says sorry
• He has put Luke's happiness & safety over money multiple times
• His whole reason for Falling was just so he could follow Lucifer & continue supporting him while he was suffering
• He gave a birthday present he received to a random demon who tried to hurt him because he figured that demon needed something to make him happy
• Even though Raphael doesn't see the good in him, he still wanted to help Raphael see the beauty of the Devildom
• He was worried about Simeon and ready to fight Michael on Simeon's behalf
• He tries to give up a prize he would have won for Asmo
• The thing that makes him initially reach out to MC in Nightbringer is seeing them being nice to Levi
• Levi describes him as a "jerk with a heart of gold"
• Levi says Mammon makes friends easily and isn't selfish
• He cares deeply about consent
• MC says he's "innocent & genuine"
• MC says Mammon has "always been kind" and the others don't disagree
• He says that angels, demons & humans are all people and shouldn't be treated differently because of what they are
• He gets upset because of the way Cinderella's family treats her because he thinks family should love each other, and it doesn't matter if they are blood related or not
• He cries during nature documentaries
• He's the one that takes the first step to make things normal with Belphie again after what happened in Lesson 16 despite the fact that he was the one who was most outwardly affected by MC's death and was mocked for it by Belphie
The only thing stopping him from doing a complete 180° and becoming a villain is that MC has decided to use their considerable power for chaotic neutral level hijinks and not chaotic evil level destruction
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spark-river · 1 month
MC: Why are angels dressed sluttier than Asmo?
Simeon: Wha-?
Solomon: nudity was a form of purity too and in the end it's just a body.
Asmodeus: Michael definitely was the one to tell you that. He has his tits out.
Simeon: He doesn't?!
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fluffyluckyvampire · 4 months
What if the Demons and angles in Obey me have never cracked their back, simply because they never needed to/can't? Like, what if that's like... just a human thing. Imagine one of the brothers complaining about their back hurting, and MC is just like "oh just crack you back," and the brother is like, "CRACK YOUR WHAT?! 😨" and MC has to explain what 'cracking you back' means. Or, Imagine Solomon just stretches, and there's a loud 'pop', and everyone just automatically assumes he just broke his fucking back 💀.
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Mammon: Wait, wait, wait. So you're tellin' me that if Lucifer had been nicer, you would've never tried goin' up in the attic a second time?
MC: Yeah.
Levi: Wait, what? How…?
MC: Alright, look. There were two reasons why I wanted to go into the attic. One: I was hearing Belphie's voice from there asking for help, and two: Lou was acting suspicious as fuck about it with the whole threatening me and shit.
Lucifer: I-
MC: Shh, let me explain!
Lucifer: …
Belphie: Pff…
Satan: So what, you're saying that if Lucifer hadn't acted the way he did, you would've just given up? No trying to go into the attic, no suspicion, you would've just ignored Belphie's voice and went on with your day?
MC: Absolutely. I mean, think about it: I had just gotten here, and someone not wanting a stranger to go into certain parts of their house is kinda reasonable. And like I said, it wasn't the "not letting me go there" thing that made me want to go there, it was the suspicious behavior!
Because again, you threatened me and just started being an overall dick after you caught me trying to go upstairs.
Lucifer: MC-
MC: But I understand your reasons, you were worried, wanted to protect your family, and bla-bla-bla. Don't worry, it's fine. We've come a long way, I love you, you love me, and there's that. But going back to the topic…
Asmo: 🤭
Lucifer: 👿
Asmo: 😦🤐
MC: So the point is, you catch me going to the attic, and you threaten to kill me if I try doing it again. You don't try to explain, don't try to convince me I shouldn't go there, you just go: "I have this tea that will put you to endless sleep, muahahahaha."
All brothers (except Lucifer): *try not to laugh*
MC: And in my head, I go: "Bet. Imma see what the fuck's up there, and you old man, you ain't stopping me."
Asmo, Beel & Mammon: 😨😦😳
Belphie & Satan: *wheezing in silence*
Lucifer: *glares at them*
MC: But that could've been prevented! Like, if you hadn't threatened me, and tried to explain why I shouldn't go there in the first place-
Lucifer: I couldn't tell you the truth.
MC: Well, you could've come up with anything! Because remember, I had just dropped here, in literal fucking hell. So you could've told me literally ANYTHING and I would've believed you. Like, you could've just told me the room was cursed by an evil spirit or something. Because I'd hear that and go: "Alright, have a nice day. I'm never stepping foot on these stairs again."
Beel: Pff...
MC: But nooo, Mr. Pride had to go: "I won't give you ANY explanation, and I will KILL you if you try going there again." And that combined with the strange voice asking for help? It did not give you a great look, I gotta say...
All brothers (except Lucifer): *already laughing their ass off at this point*
Lucifer: …
Belphie: Wow...
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7pink-prin-cess7 · 15 days
MC and Solomon recording a tiktok to that medieval cover of hips don't lie with the caption being something like "distracting the palace guards so a fellow sorcerer can sneak into the royal library and gain access to forbidden knowledge" in old English
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seiswi · 2 months
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why is there more of them??
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squishe-fiasco · 1 year
Mc: Good morning Kiddo!
Luke: I am not kid! I am thousands of years older than you Mc.
Mc: *jokingly* Ok Grandpa
Luke: *starting to tear up* But I'm your son.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
MC: Hey, Barbatos. Can you stop time?
Barbatos: Why do you ask?
MC: I’m exhausted and I really need to take a nap for a few hours, but I have too much going on.
Barbatos: I fear it would be quite irresponsible of me to stop the flow of time so that you may nap, MC.
MC: What if you took a nap with me?
Barbatos: I am not Belphegor. I’m afraid that tactic will not work on me.
MC: *sighing in disappointment* Okay. I'll ask Solomon. He might know a spell or something. And he'll definitely agree to nap with me.
Barbatos: …
Moments later, Barbatos found himself in his bed with MC cuddled up against him, snoozing peacefully. He mentally scolded himself for giving in so easily while his arms and tail tightened around MC protectively.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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tsukii0002 · 2 days
Lucifer: You must be more careful, for a human like you death can strike anywhere here in the Devildom!!!
Mc: Hey, saying that is a little rude... It's not like Thirteen is harassing me, she's not that kind of person.
Lucifer: ... Hear me out, you little shit.
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devildomangel · 5 months
MC who was sad that they didn't get to see the Solar Eclipse so Beel and Belphie decided to recreate it for them.
-MC, wearing sunglasses and sitting outside the HOL-
Lucifer: MC! What in the nine circles are you doing out here?
MC: I'm watching the eclipse.
Lucifer: We don't even have a sun in the devildom
MC: Shhh! It's starting!
Beel, Wearing a cardboard cut out of the sun: *Standing still*
Belphie: *Wearing a cardboard cut out of the moon, passes by Beel*
MC: Hell yeah
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Okay hear me out:
I rarely do proper headcanons with 0 canon foundation but
MC & Mammon play rock paper scissors whenever they have to take care of something they really don't wanna do but one of them really needs to do it
Lucifer's guilt complex is making him spiral and someone needs to talk him down? Rock-Paper-Scissors
Satan blew up the right side of the house and someone needs to deal with that? Rock-Paper-Scissors
Someone needs to carry a message to Mephisto from Lucifer and they both know it's going to become a back-and-forth pissing contest? Rock-Paper-Scissors
BUT MC always wins. No matter what Mammon chooses or how random he makes his choice - they always win
Mammon still hasn't realised that by making it a game of chance, a bet, a gamble he has guaranteed that MC will always win because y'know the actual fucking personification of games of chance, bets, gambling has given them his favour
MC 100% knows what's happening
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jeshiiru · 6 months
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世界一のお姫様踊りましょうか ?✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 6 months
*Mc petting a very angry looking demon brother on the head*
Mc: it don't bite.
Any normal & sane human: yes tf it does!
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nocreativityfornames · 8 months
Therapist: *looks up from her notebook* So, what brings you two here?
MC: He murdered me.
Belphegor: And I regret it.
MC: But Lucifer wants us to "actually talk about it" instead of making jokes that "make everyone concerned."
Belphegor: Can I nap in here?
MC: You have a nice office.
Therapist: Uh... *smiles nervously* How about we schedule weekly sessions from here on...?
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