#On-Demand Programs
An ancient and terrible evil has seized my brain. Every couple years I have a deep Egyptian mythology brainrot that I've never let come to fruition in this plane. But this time around, after months of struggle for control of myself, I've lost the braincell to vicious and demanding hands. All thanks to @inonibird and their addictive stick gods, Sutekh has gained the upper hand. Expect a lot of this little shit.
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abirddogmoment · 3 months
Something unique to Rory out of all my dogs so far is how she needs dedicated focused attention during the day. At least once a day I have to put aside what I'm doing and give her my full attention in the form of full body pets, snuggles, or smooches. I call this Rory Appreciation Time and it is extremely cute.
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bonivers · 10 days
have 2 make a choice between a part-time job and a full-time job. and well. i hate making choices
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rad-roche · 1 year
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this'll be fun!
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lensdeer · 2 months
working with microsoft products is so fucking miserable I have never felt less in control of what I'm doing
like bro why even bother offering an "embed on your site" option if you're gonna demand user sign-in anyways? why did I have to manually fuck with URL query strings to create a direct download link? IF YOUR EMBED SUCKS SO MUCH WHY WON'T YOU LET ME DO IT MANUALLY WITH <object type=application/pdf data=""> AND THE DDL LINK AAAAAAAAAAA
I guess even if I waste multiple days working on this it's still faster than putting up with GoDaddy's dumbass limitations for uploaded files
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I think one of the main reasons I don't want to be famous is the lack of privacy. Like people suddenly feel entitled to your life. The explosion of influencers and online public figures has really warped our sense of respect and boundaries. I don't need to know my favourite internet person's daily routine or their what their private instagram full of people they've known since elementary school follow.
Like yeah, the person that sits in their dark house, with no lights and never opens the blinds is a little creepy but, the person standing at their window, yelling at them to open them, is terrifying.
"If you have done nothing to wrong, then there's nothing to hide."
And what authority do you have to look?
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lasseling · 2 months
2000 Doctors & Scientists Demand ‘Immediate’ Ban of Covid Shots
A whopping 2000 plus doctors, scientists, and academics have signed a declaration demanding governments around the world order an “immediate” ban on Covid mRNA shots.
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Hello, Pine (totally not menacing at all)
Thoughts on trans Chase and Bree?
Hello there! (wait, do you find me menacing?? 😭)
I don't really have any headcanons for LR at the moment, including trans Chase and Bree, but I don't have any negative feelings towards either or both!
I personally enjoy seeing one or both of these as a common headcanon amongst people in the fandom :]
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pricegouge · 23 days
android!ghost x transmasc reader!?
i’ve been missing out this isn’t just good food this is catering 🫶😩
(To clarify I mean catering in the sense of food at a formal event)
I love them both so much, those little freaks. I want 87 vignettes. I want reader giving Simon a ladder. I want Simon helping with reader's shots. I want reader to fuck with Simon's threshold limits just so he can overstim that plastic bastard til he shuts off. I want Simon to get it into his stupid robot head that he can't be a real boy until he knocks that man up
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whentherewerebicycles · 7 months
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martyrbat · 9 months
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the silent night of the batman — batman #219
(ID in alt!)
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butchprophet · 5 days
i need to find a new job already everyone manifest this for me
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goodie falken reference
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you can really tell the artist was in their batman era
Falken looking like he could be fighting someone on Batman Beyond the way artist was drawing him right here
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easykorean · 1 month
Easy to Learn Korean 1757 - End of life care (part one).
Continue reading Easy to Learn Korean 1757 – End of life care (part one).
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 4 months
No wonder the world looks so bleak. The only jobs people care about helping people get into are "high demand jobs" in short the trades or factory work. One is specialised( a lot of which require being good at math) and one will destroy your body.
In short its always about money and never about helping people do what they actually want to do.
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
hey. just woke up and drank a giant cup of milk&coffee.
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