ep2nd · 4 months
I'm gonna be real
I feel like Hypnos is an amazing dad, Hades Game, Percy Jackson, whatever
Also that the Oneroi are his sons just makes sense
In that sense...
Hypnos be like to his twin, Pwease don't kill my baby I know it's you job but I love em 🥺,
Like he has so many immortal children it's so hard for him to imagine his kids dieing, like he'd put them in a coma to save em or something
I feel like if they do die, or close to death, he may turn them into Oneroi, is that possible??, so he can always be with them
Man can go visit his kids in their DREAMS, Zeus got nothing on him, buddy would be visiting his kids probably to spite him, we all know that one myth
Last note, I feel like Phobetor, God of Nightmares and son of Hypnos, wouldn't give his siblings nightmares, and only them, gives everyone else nightmares too
Hypnos family is probably the only good functional loving family tell me I'm wrong
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Model references for Oneroi: Drowsie - Aether Gazer
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sleepnowmychild · 2 months
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The bed of Hypnos
Decided to depict the oneroi as lil spirit creatures since there’s so many of them it’d be impossible to get distinct appearances for all of them, and in some tellings they take a more spirit like form. Said to “swarm from the cave of Hypnos like bats into the night to deliver dreams” so I have them lil wings.
But here they are, having a snuggle and a nap with their favourite eeper :)
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ancientpersacom · 5 months
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Hypnos and the Oneroi
My headcanon is that the Oneroi take on more spirit like forms, aside from Morpheus who was the first one made and Hypnos was still working out how to make them. Morpheus is more like Hypnos’ flesh and blood child and the rest of them are more parts of his spirit or soul personified. They don’t talk with words, but can all understand each other and Hypnos can understand them too. They glow, fly around, make little giggly and chime like noises and can form into any shape they like to create the images in dreams with. They exist purely inside the dream scape and peoples dreams, so they don’t see much of other gods. They love to play games and pranks and have their hair done by Hypnos, they sleep in big cuddle piles and are overall cute little cheeky creatures.
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thestuffedalligator · 2 months
Adventurers know that — once the mana has been used up and the potions have been drunk and there are still bleeding wounds to heal — your last option, the absolute last option is to sleep.
You shouldn’t do this, they say. This isn’t reliable and it’s a very, very bad idea to sleep if you’re heavily injured. But, they say, but — sometimes, very rarely, an adventurer with a bleeding belly who goes to sleep in the bowels of the dungeon wakes up rested and restored. Bones are set. Flesh is mended. A miracle!
Very few know why this is. Humans and halflings and dwarves have their own theories — that the gods of sleep and dreams sometimes give their blessing to the sleeping, tend to their wounds in the night when magic is at its strongest.
Elves — who can sleep, but choose not to — know better.
Because the sleeping world has its own busy, buzzing ecosystem. Dusty oneroi flutter through the night on moth wings and feed on the salty sweat and tears of the sleeping, pollinating their minds with dreamstuff. Baku slink through the dark, shoulders moving with the liquid menace of tigers on the prowl. Nightmares scuttle in search of sleeping brains to torment.
And then there are the sandmen.
Humans and halflings and dwarves know about the sandmen and their bags of anesthetic golden sand.
They don’t know about their golden needles.
And the golden forceps.
And the golden bonesaw.
And every night the sandmen ooze through the dungeons, seeking wounded adventurers to mend. Nobody knows what the sandmen get out of this. Nobody knows how they select their patients. Nevertheless, in the dark, they dutifully ply their trade.
In the dark, the dungeons fill with butcher sounds.
Elves can sleep. They choose not to. They know better.
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gear-project · 4 months
Annon-Guy: I know it's for gameplay purposes, but when Slayer does Last Horizon on Bedman?...
What do you think of him BITTING and DRINKING the "blood" of a bed!?
People on YouTube have been pointing this out quite a bit.
"Too much Iron" is what he says, but it's actually a joke.
Slayer does in fact have a Winquote similar to this when speaking to Kum Haehyun in Xrd:
"How odd... Your blood has no taste. Its faint, but I sense something mellow yet full behind your veil."
If Slayer can tell that Zato's been eating Venom's bakery during a Duel, there's no doubt he could tell that Bedman's not just a "walking Bed" and that there's more to the Bedframe than meets the eye.
As for "biting" the Bedframe... I'm sure that's actually BAD for Slayer's teeth!
He probably has "other" ways of absorbing power from the Bedframe to revert to his Young Form, since the Bedframe itself runs on Oneroi: Dream Demon energy.
Slayer's also been known to tap in to his Youki (Dark Ki) reserves when he needs to.
Anyway, it's probably not possible to gain life force from an ordinary bed frame... but this is no ordinary bedframe, either:
It's an 8th Generation High Density Bedframe~... which apparently Romeo customized after he was forced in to the contraption... though the full story on Bedman remains to be told!
Just a reminder, however: the Bedframe itself is a "copy" of Romeo's Soul... it is not Romeo itself... much like how Eddie isn't Zato but still a "copy" of Zato's soul.
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taisoleil · 1 year
Sleep Asteroids 💤
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If you wanna get into dream interpretation as divination, it's called oneiromancy.
Here's some asteroids on how to work with your dreams:
(658) Asteria- Goddess of oneiromancy
(3258) Somnium- Spirits who create dreams
Morpheus (4197) - Son of Sleep/ Personifies dreams
The Somnium are called the Oneroi (Dreams) in Greek. The three fly through two pillars when the sun goes down. The horn pillar is finding god like prophecies from your dreams, the ivory one is where false/meaningless dreams are found.
More about dreams in my article here: https://www.taisoleil.com/articles/2021/10/12/tg9z2rfgrl0wdqb5sy0ph48gzrxukv?rq=Dream
As always, I got a 3 part Patreon exclusive covering more tea about dreams: https://www.patreon.com/posts/56817402?utm_campaign=postshare_creator
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crowdsourcedgender · 9 months
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[Image ID: 4 pride flags with 7 horizontal stripes. The middle stripe is much thicker, with an oval in the middle with the flag's symbol that the other stripes bend around. The top 4 stripes are a gradient from dark grey to white. The bottom three vary from flag to flag. First flag: gradient of brownish red to very dark brownish red, with a red triangle and a black dagger. Second flag: red, yellow, red, with a red and white circus tent. Third flag: peach, dark brown, very dark brown, with a stylised human figure with a cross on its face and a S on its torso. Fourth flag: a gradient of pale green to green, with a long, inverted green triangle with a stylised tree on it. The tree has a black trunk with a white, cloud shaped top and a hole in the centre. /End ID]
Daevagroupic | Hermangroupic | Chicagogroupic | Oneroigroupic
A goigender/-groupic gender associated with the Group of Interest [Daevites/ Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting/ Chicago Spirit/ Oneroi Collective] from the SCP wiki collaborative writing project.
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manuel-cojocaru · 8 months
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Dream sequences from experimental film Oneroi,by Manuel Cojocaru.
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mask131 · 2 years
So... I just watched “Blood of Zeus”
People had sold me as “one of the best shows about Greek myth” to have been recently made.
... No. X)
Don’t get me wrong, it is not a bad show. There are things I enjoyed in it. The art - I love the art, the designs, especially when they get freaky and weird (the giants, the Moirai, the Oneroi). And while I am not a fan of this video-game-like story with lots of gore, I am sure the fans of this type of stories will enjoy it.
BUT... I have two troubles with this show. The two main things that make me say “No” to the people who say it is a “good Greek mythology show”. 
1) Despite the opening message that it is a “lost story” of Greek mythology not part of the recorded canon... they actually don’t do anything new or unique. What they basically did was just take several elements of already-existing Greek myths, and copy-paste them without adding anything truly new to it. They had the opportunity to tell something truly unique - and they explicitely presented this show as this - and yet they... just copy-pasted. Even worse... they also stuck to the American interpretation of the Greek myths. At first I thought “Oh there’s nice little nods and details here and there to the original myths - they must have done their research!”. But... upon looking at all the episodes I realized that they visibly just did your superficial, basic research. Because what you have in this show are elements taken from Disney’s Hercules, from “Clash of the Titans”, from the 60s “Jason” movie, and even stuff found in comic books like Wonder Woman. 
And as a result... I do understand why people said they watched the show for the art more than for the plot, because the story is just... just a big pot of mixed copy-and-paste. Sure someone who first discover this show with no previous knowledge of the works it takes inspiration of will probably enjoy the storyline. But for me, it just shows that despite giving themselves the opportunity to do a “lost story” never told yet, they literaly retold already-told stories. 
2) Friggin’ Christianity!
This show is friggin Christian! Or rather, it has a very obvious Christian mentality and mindset. 
“Demons” that are possessed and corrupted humans born of an horrible “cult” of slain giants - and who get possessed through a “dark communion” by eating the flesh of the giant... The titans being “gods of darkness” opposed to the Olympians “gods of light”... The gods “allowing” evil to make humanity “stronger in adversity” because Zeus plans for mankind to “inherit the earth”...  The demons enforcing a “convert or die” massacre throughout Greece... The idea that a greater pain and suffering in life will allow one’s soul an “easier travel into the otherworld”... Should I go on? 
Despite literaly making a Greek mythology tale, in Ancient Greece, with Greek gods and Greek monsters, this show actually uses Christian logic, a Christian mindset and Christian concepts to explain its plot and the Greek gods. Which is of course very unfitting - heck, it was precisely because of the appliance of a Christian mindset to Greek mythology that we had a “Hades=evil devil ruler of Hell”. 
So while Blood of Zeus is a very nice eye-treat with very cool visuals and fascinating concept art (unless you don’t like blood, in which case this show will be very hard to watch), it is certainly NOT a good adaptation of Greek myths. 
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charcherry-weekly · 3 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 204
Hello everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. Summer is in full swing and so are things happing in it!
Scarab City election results
Very recently, the first election in Scarab city has concluded, with a wide swath of representatives from the three districts taking up council seats together. Here are the results from NABCN:
North-West District (4 seats): - "Highblood Traditionalists" get 2 seats - Highbloods mostly live here. - "Clown Party" get 1 seat - Campaign leader Croola Visbea. - "Rust Majority" get 1 seat - For lowblood servants there, other options were apparently too soft. Central District (7 seats): - "Reformer Alliance" get 3 seats - Underperforming expectations. - "Rust Majority" get 1 seat - An appetite to turn the tables? - "Followers of the Sufferer" get 1 seat - Either uptick in religion or people being more open about it. - "Highblood Traditionalists" get 1 seat - Suspicions of manipulation, but can't be proven. - "Clown Party" get 1 seat - Maekyr Oneroi manages a surprise win. South-East District (6 seats): - "Reformer Alliance" get 4 seats - Due to the local campaign of Zaizzi Urziah. - "Followers of the Sufferer" get 1 seat - Similar level of support as in Central. - Independent candidates gets 1 seat. - A duo who claim they will share their single seat. Final local government/council composition (17 members): - Reformer Alliance - 7 seats. - Highblood Traditionalists - 3 seats. - Rust Majority - 2 seats. - Clown Party - 2 seats. - Followers of the Sufferer - 2 seats. - Independents - 1 seat.
Public analysis has speculated that while the Reformer alliance is in the majority, their lack of unified focus on what exactly to aim for will hamper their ability to agree upon policy, likely necessitating cooperation from other groups to enact meaningful change in this new age of governance for the first Neo Alternian city. Word on what may happen to mayor Arioha Ximarm is still unknown and likely something up for debate by the council soon.
Construction Mystery
Earlier this week, Train Fiend Skye called upon a number of individuals to lend their construction prowess towards accelerating the construction of new tunnel tubes connecting to the new and improved section near Charcherry North. Two in particular answered the call: Heir of Time Rise Emit (who has prior manual construction experience) and rogue of heart Charles (who has sburban server build gloves and ample experience using them for building projects). The three of them descended into the tunnels together, working to give form to a small section of an otherwise empty realm. While Rise performed minimal physical labor, they still managed to prove integral to keeping contact with Charles, after they had managed to go missing for a short amount of time, possibly even in a different dimension. Charles had apparently been building tube sections so fast that they had managed to reportedly enter a speed-activated portal. Relaying reports received from across The Heart Container Network, Rise was able to assuage any worries regarding Charles's whereabouts. Charles used a known method to return to the train tunnel and the party soon took a trolley back to the closest station, committing to documenting the anomaly that they had witnessed. Until the mystery is understood enough to work with, trains will be detoured around the site, to avoid any unfortunate train disappearances.
Pokedex Scramble!
Very recently, the pokedex database network has reportedly been producing curious errors, due to scrambled data from a flash drive containing approximately 12 videogames. To unscramble this data, Denizen Euphrosyne has enacted the Archipelago protocol, which will require willing volunteers to once again play a variety of scrambled games in the Game Room. Apparently this time, the game choice method has been made more robust, requiring participants to choose a secondary game, in addition to a primary game, to make sure that those who have their secondary as a primary can have backup in case the chosen game becomes too tiring to continue. However, it is important to note that for health reasons, two incomplete games should not be played back to back by a single participant within a twelve hour period.
Because of further complications (viruses infecting more data, requiring more games to be played beyond the original 12, as well as a fire emergency damaging a number of vr tubes), The initial meeting will be on July 11th, at the game room. Those from elsewhere who have their own ways to participate need not make the journey if impractical.
Classified ads
Do you need therapy? Have you been impacted by the cosmic creation game in some manner? Do you have weird problems that likely have supernatural factors? Contact Dr. Winters at 555-555-2425 to schedule an appointment, new client slots opening this July.
Chao babysitter wanted! Must be good with young children! Please contact a chao parent (most likely one from Desertia town) if you are interested.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don't write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand
Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams - Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
eyeshadow stand
Enchantment store: - Minimum Reveal Crystal (400 gp) (glass weapon) An invisible opponent hit is surrounded by a glowing aura for 1 round. - Frustrating spell scarab (2000 gp) (neck) 3 charges / day, reduces damage from spells and psionic powers. - Oil of Invisibility (300 gp) (potion) You become invisible. - Gauntlets of Reach (500 gp) (hands) 3 / day you spend 1 power point to increase melee range by 5 'until end of turn. - Hell's Robe (37000 gp) (body) +4 armor bonus to AC; you create flaming orbs that you can throw.
That should do it for this week. Skye managed to submit her custom fancase to a competition just in time, but I still gotta work on my own game for a different less competitive jam. I'm gonna be drawing upon everything I've got to get None Pizza with Left Beef Chapter 3 part 1 submitted to gaymak 2024 in time for the June 30th afternoon deadline. Let's gooooo!! https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/441/charcherry-weekly-issue-204
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thedogmanscave · 6 months
Gone but not Forgotten: HousePsych's Onyroid Page
The oneiroid webpage seems to have died... 🙁 luckily, I archived it and saved a copy!
Oneiroid is an illusory perception of reality, accompanied by a dream-like disorientation with the presence of dreamy unfolded fantastic pictures, pseudo-hallucinatory experiences that intertwine with the phenomenon up to its absolute replacement. With oneiroid, spatio-temporal disorientation (often a loss of orientation in the personality) varies somewhat from stunning (manifested by a lack of orientation) and amentia (found in a steady futile search for orientation).
The patient with onyroid takes part in the experienced pseudo-hallucinatory reality. The following typical signs of a neuroid can be distinguished: disorientation, transformation of the subject of perception, modification of the self. This pathology develops in stages, it is accompanied by emotional-volitional and motor failures, dysfunction of thinking and speech disorder.
Oneroi - what is it?
The pathology under consideration is expressed in a qualitative disorder of consciousness. Also, oneiroid this in psychology is a dream disorder, in addition, it can also be called a dream-like disorder.
Oneeroid is characterized by the absolute detachment of patients from the environment, a change in I up to its transformation. Their experiences have a fantastic content, they are rarely mundane, unfold in the form of alternating unreal scenes.
Onyroid cannot be attributed to syndromes specific to a specific ailment. Its etiology is due to both exogenous factors and endogenous factors. You can talk about the endogenous nature in the absence of the phenomenon of intoxication and signs of any clinically important organ dysfunctions.
Clouding of consciousness according to the oneiric type is like a waking dream. It manifests itself in a clouding of consciousness, coupled with an influx of involuntarily arising representations of fantastic content. Figurative representations of patients always have an internal projection. In other words, with onyroid, the prevalence of pseudo-hallucinatory phenomena, unusually colorful and unusual, is detected, which distinguishes it from delirium. The environment is perceived as specially tuned as if a "performance" is being played.In addition, spatial-temporal disorientation is noted. So, for example, the patient realizes that he is in a medical institution and at the same time considers himself the commander of a spacecraft crossing the galactic expanses, and he perceives the surrounding medical staff and other patients as fellow astronauts.
What is oneiric syndrome? The behavior of a patient in a one-neyroid clouding of consciousness contrasts with his unrealistic pseudo-hallucinatory symptoms. The patient usually lies motionless, his eyes are covered, sometimes he makes smooth “flying” movements with his hands, observing his own adventures, as if from the side. There is also a violation of awareness of one's own age and perception of time. An individual may seem to have been in flight for several years. Sometimes an individual suffering from a neuroid can wander, smiling thoughtfully. In this case, sometimes the patient to persistent inquiries can tell some of his fantastic paintings of imagination .
Upon leaving the state of an onyroid attack, the individual retains memories of his own fantastic ideas, and the actual events during this attack, on the contrary, are forgotten.
Causes of Onyroid
The main factor generating a neuroid is considered heredity. If someone from the patient’s inner circle is diagnosed with psychosis with concomitant hallucinations and stupefaction or schizophrenia, then most likely the cause of the ailment in question is precisely heredity. But if the described abnormalities were not found in the family, then the oneiroid can be provoked by intense emotional experiences that prompted him to escape from reality into an illusory world.
In addition, the considered syndrome can also be triggered by physical factors, for example, head trauma, epipressures, poisoning with pharmacopeia drugs.
It should be noted that usually oneiric syndrome is a manifestation of recurrent or catatonic schizophrenia . Therefore, if the mental disorder became the cause of the described onyroid syndrome, the manifestations of the disease can last several days or even months.
In addition to these factors, the development of a neuroid can provoke:
- acute intoxication processes caused by the abuse of psychoactive drugs or narcotic drugs, as well as substances similar in purpose to the use of narcotic drugs (glue, acetone);
- exposure to certain drugs used for general anesthesia;
- a variety of infectious processes of bacterial etiology or viral genesis, passing with hyperthermia and intoxication;
- poisoning with alcohol-containing liquids;
- encephalitis of various nature;
- epilepsy , accompanied by the development of psychoses or mental convulsive seizures equivalent to epiprides;
- non-infectious genesis of organ pathology, accompanied by serious vascular disorders or changes in metabolic processes (myocardial infarction, renal and hepatic lesions with the formation of insufficiency of function);
- immune disorders (lupus erythematosus);
- endocrine dysfunctions (diabetes, adrenogenital syndrome, Addison's disease);
- heavily current pellagra;
- malignant neoplasms of various localization, if they lead to intoxication and cachexia.
Often, oneiric syndrome is a sign of somatogenic psychosis. It occurs due to the formation of encephalopathy of vascular genesis or intoxication etiology with a lot of severely ongoing somatic ailments. In an infectious process, the cause of impaired consciousness is often a diffuse lesion of neurons, the occurrence of toxic swelling of nerve structures, or interruptions in the microcirculation of the brain.
Symptoms and signs of a neuroid
In the debut of the development of the onyroid state, the patient’s mood becomes unstable, often increased or decreased. These affective disorders are accompanied by insomnia, alternating with colorful dreams. Patients suffer from fear of madness. With the addition of mental disorders, disorders of the emotional sphere become brighter, vegetative dysfunctions appear: algias in the myocardium, headaches, loss of appetite.
Gradually, with the escalation of affective disorders, delusions appear. As a rule, there is an unsystematic delirium of hypochondriacal content, delirium of persecution or death. Then he is inherited by the delirium of the double, either positive, in which the patient begins to consider the people around him as a familiar person who changes his appearance, or negative, in which the patient thinks that someone from his family or himself was replaced by a double.
After that, the clinical symptomatology of the neuroid begins to be dominated by imaginative nonsense of fantastic content, transforming into antagonistic nonsense (Manichaean), which in structure is similar to mystical. The patient feels himself at the epicenter of the battle of the army of good and the forces of evil. The army of good (angels, “good” aliens) “sends” him positive hallucinations, and the army of evil (“evil” aliens, devils) sends negative messages. A patient suffering from a Manichaean type of delirium is often dangerous for the environment and his own person.
In the future, fantasies begin to suppress reality, the patient becomes a full-fledged actor in his own pseudo-hallucinations. With partial contact with reality, the patient can perform some motor acts that correspond to the nature of pseudo-hallucinations, but the activity of his level, characteristic of delirium , does not reach. With the loss of contact with reality, the patient refuses what is happening, goes into a catatonic stupor, does not react to the surrounding reality. Regardless of maintaining contact with reality, the patient's activity in his hallucinations exceeds the level of his liveliness in reality.
Most often, oneiroid is an emotional disturbance. And above all, the lability of emotions arises. Sometimes there is also a one-sided modification of emotions, distortion of negative emotions or emotions of positive content. There is a disorder of dreams: insomnia, alternating with vivid dreams. There is a fear in the patient to lose his mind. Later joins nonsense.
A kind of onyroid is due to the predominance of a certain affect , as a result of which its depressive form and expansive are distinguished. The first is characterized by apathy , powerlessness, anxiety, irritability , powerlessness, the second - by a sense of admiration, disheartened, insight.
Dysfunctions of the emotional sphere are accompanied by autonomic dysfunctions: loss of appetite, head and heart. Typical signs of an onyroid are disruptions in the affective region along with motor impairments.
As described above, the considered oneiric state is characterized by the presence of delirium, the essence of which is determined by the nature of pseudo-hallucinations. The delusional state grows gradually, after dysfunctions of the emotional sphere.
First, a delirious mood arises, which is delirium of death, persecution, hypochondriacal delirium. Partial disorientation appears.
Then there is a delusion of dramatization, accompanied by phenomena of symbolism. Here the delirium of a double of positive or negative is characteristic. At the described stage, psychic automatisms, verbal affective illusions , less often verbal hallucinations may appear. They are replaced by the paraphrenic stage, accompanied by the phenomena of first imaginative retrospective fantastic content of delirium, and then of Manichaean delirium. Here, the individual’s self-awareness is still preserved.
Oneiric hallucinations are fantastic. Dreaming in this disorder is not characterized by the presence of projection outside. They unfold within the mind, in the personal mental space. Therefore, they are considered not genuine hallucinosis, but pseudo-hallucinations. The images experienced by the patient are colorful, often of a fantastic orientation. Visual pictures, more often, resemble scenes, are associated with a certain storyline.
Despite the patient’s participation directly in the situations experienced by him, psychomotor agitation is unusual for a neuroid. Patients suffering from the described pathology, on the contrary, are more often numb. They are estranged from reality, facial expressions are like “frozen”, monotonous. Catatonic disturbances are not excluded. At the same time, there is a mismatch between the patient’s behavioral pattern in a real world and in a fantasy world invented by him, where he is an active figure.
The described phenomenon distinguishes oneiroid from delirium, characterized by increased activity of the subject, which is likely to cause self-harm or harm to the environment.
In addition to the listed symptoms, with onyroid, attention disorders are also noted, its absent-mindedness, and memory are characteristic. Memory impairment is manifested in amnesia . An individual who exits from an experienced state may not remember real events.
Classification and stages of development of a neuroid
The modern classification of ailments does not contain the term “oneiroid”, since it is not considered a separate ailment, but is a kind of qualitative clouding of consciousness. Oneroi is included in the concept of “delirium”.
Onyroid in psychology is considered a special variation of impaired consciousness.
According to the classification proposed by academician A. Snezhnevsky, the oneiroid is distributed according to the following signs, namely: orientation in events of reality and by nature and prevailing affect.
In their turn, depending on the orientation, they actually distinguish: a dreamlike and fantastically illusory oneiric syndrome. The first is characterized by a change in the self of the individual . It is characterized by the patient's complete detachment from external reality and his immersion in events that occur in the imagination. Secondly, fragments of reality are mixed with fantastic unreal figurative paintings.
Depressive onyroid and expansive are distinguished depending on the nature and dominant affect.
According to Demanova’s classification, onyroid states are divided into four variations: dreamlike (complete detachment from the outside world, immersion in imaginary events), stage-hallucinatory (is a consequence of schizophrenic delirium, sometimes senile dementia , fantastic hallucinations are noted), fantastic-illusory (occurs with schizophrenia, accompanied by a kaleidoscopic mixture of delirium and reality), dream-oriented (a consequence of psychoses that arose due to toxic damage I have brain structures).
Classical onyroid goes through certain stages of development: autonomic dysfunctions, general somatic pathologies, delusional disorder, depersonalization and derealization , onyroid catatonia .
At the initial stage, affective disorders are detected. Its duration can be weeks, or even months, due to the etiological factor. It is characterized by an escalation of emotional symptoms.
The period of crazy ideas is quite short - from a couple of hours to several days. The disease at the described stage speaks of itself through paranoid tendencies and by increasing emotional tension.
Delusions of dramatization can be observed longer (up to a month). It is manifested by illusory phenomena and detachment syndrome.
Paraphrenic delusions , the duration of which is no more than a few days, are inherent in the oriented onyroid stage.
True onyroid is considered the shortest stage. Therefore, it is on it that the detailed symptoms of a mental disorder are noted. After that, the clinical manifestations of the neuroid are minimized until they disappear.
Diagnosis and treatment of onyroid
Diagnosis of the described disease is carried out according to the clinical picture, and the family history, conditions of the patient’s vital activity and the ailments that he previously suffered are also taken into account. In order to identify the etiological factor, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination using laboratory tests and instrumental methods.
To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to differentiate onyroid with onyrism - a disorder of consciousness manifested by a violation of dreams. Onyrism arises due to a severe infectious process or a burn disease. It is characterized by the interweaving of reality in the consciousness of the subject with dreams. However, with onyrism, hallucinations and illusions of a fantastic content are absent, in contrast to the oneiric syndrome.
Almost always, treatment of a neuroid requires hospitalization.
If the disease was the result of drug abuse, a consequence of chemical intoxication or alcohol poisoning, detoxification urgent measures are taken. If the diagnosis revealed severe vascular pathologies, endocrine dysfunctions, infectious processes, then it is mainly necessary to treat these pathologies, since it was they that could give rise to the violation in question.
In order to eliminate the manifestations of the directly onyroid syndrome, the appointment of nootropics is shown, the action of which is aimed at stimulating memory, improving brain activity, and adjusting the functioning of the autonomic system. In addition, antipsychotics are actively used, which have an impact on the central nervous system. The purpose of their appointment is to eliminate hallucinations, stop delusional states, restore constancy of emotions.
Treatment of a neuroid in extreme circumstances, when antipsychotics and nootropics have proven to be ineffective, involves the use of electroconvulsive therapy. However, the effect of this method requires further study. Moreover, the effectiveness of this procedure has been repeatedly proven during the use in the treatment of depersonalization, hallucinatory syndromes and suicidal conditions.
To prevent the development of the onyroid syndrome, it is recommended to exclude the use of drugs, abuse of alcohol-containing fluids, try to avoid head injuries, be examined annually, timely eliminate organ dysfunctions, and develop stress resistance.
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sleepnowmychild · 3 months
Ok ok hear me out Hellenic besties who also like monster high.
So CA Cupid is the daughter of Eros right? Meaning the Greek gods are canon in the MH universe (also Deuce being son of Medusa means Greek myth figures in general are canon)
Twyla is the daughter of the boogie man, BUT she doesn’t like the whole nightmare thing so she’s got a strained relationship with her dad. She wants to bring nice dreams. So hear me out,,, Twyla studying under Hypnos. She grows up to become an Oneroi, works amongst Hypnos’ children. And because Hypnos DOES have some Oneroi that are nightmare gods, working under him and amongst them teaches her why nightmares are needed sometimes even if they’re scary.
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padfoot-lupin77 · 9 months
For the pronunciation thing!
Euterpe (the muse of music, i think?)
The Oneroi
Okay, I’m gonna need to do some research on these, because I didn’t take into account that English pronunciations are completely different from the Greek ones so yeah give me a minute and I’ll add those in the original post
Update- I added them and the post is now pinned on my account :)
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gear-project · 7 months
Annon-Guy: Some things about Bedman?;
Is It a robot, a revenant or some kind of demon (because of the flesh like substance under It's face)?
Is Bedman? just a program or is It actually the original Bedman's spirit possessing the bedframe?
What kind of personality would you use to describe Bedman? as It is now? I know It's incapable of forming memories anymore, It's protective of Delilah, and until Delilah asked It to stop doing so, was self-destructive.
First: 8th Generation High Density Bedframe is its full name description as told in Guilty Gear Xrd.
Based on what we know, it has the ability to "catch dreams" via a Dream-Catcher Lattice it generates with its hands via Bedman's "Deja Vu" powers. (The power to Play Back Dreams like a Rewinded film).
The Label "Oneroi" is also printed on the Bedframe's hands, which suggests Bedman infused "Dream Demons" in to the frame to further expand his powers in the realm of Dreams.
As for the Bedframe in Guilty Gear Strive's events after Romeo's Demise: As far as can be determined, it is a spirit-replica of Bedman's remnant will possessing the Bedframe despite being a technically inanimate object.
You can think of it as a Magical Foci Beast, similar in the vein of Paracelsus (A.B.A.'s Key partner) and Izuna who was a Kanzashi Tsukumogami (an object given great care that gained a soul of its own).
The reason it is a "replica" of Bedman's will can be evidenced by its intelligence and powers that could at least temporarily bind Delilah's Magic for a time. This was originally something only Bedman could do with his powers, but was transferred to the Bedframe.
At the height of Bedman's power the Bedframe could completely regenerate from the damage it took from Bedman's battle with Slayer, but as of Strive's events, because Bedman is not present to fully repair the unit with his power, the damage has taken its toll.
The Bedframe itself seems to only have a short-term memory, based on its description in Strive, so it can only execute basic levels of communication at the moment.
More evidence that it is a replica of Bedman's Will is related to the idea that it concerned itself with Delilah as a priority, but also it is similar in fact to the way Eddie was born from Zato=ONE's body (a soul that got replicated inside a Kinjuu/Forbidden Beast Shadow Organism).
The gestures it makes around Delilah and the fact Delilah can identify it as her brother's Bed suggests that there is some unspoken almost psychic bond between herself and the Bedframe. This is simply conjecture, but it is likely that much like how Delilah states that she is more powerful than her Brother was... that power alone is part of what allows her to communicate with the Bed.
The frame's "head" is semi-organic, with a mouth (though it has a giant alarm clock inside its head that activates during Sinusoidal Helios).
It is still somewhat unclear the true origin of Bedman and the Bed itself... but most likely it is a combination of Bedman's power influencing the Bed as well as some heinous experiments done on Romeo and his sister prior to the events of Xrd.
I would venture to guess that the ones responsible for Bedman's origins are likely connected to Crow Kuruwaba, Happy Chaos, the Conclave, and especially the former members of the Postwar Administration Bureau.
Strive's story suggests that P.W.A.B. has been fully reformed since Millia Rage took command, but prior to this it was a den of Mad Scientists and Warmongers with no ethical restrictions on using either Gears or Humans for experiments.
This only paints a very dark picture about events that we don't know occurred in the shadows of the History of the Crusades.
(For further reading, read the Bedframe and GG Weapons tags).
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bookmothic-dyke · 1 year
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Updated Kith Icons for Echowalker. The Kiths are determined by the traumatic event that awakened you to the supernatural Dreaming, aka The Slumbering. Each Oneroi Kith also determines the type of supernatural entities your avatar might take after and draw powers from.
Changeling: Fantasy/Folkloric Entities
- Icon: Green Butterfy
- Slumbering: Mental Break, something bad happed psychologically.
Cryptid: Horror/Urban Legend Entities
- Icon: Orange Handprint
- Slumbering: Existential Crisis, found out stuff you shouldn’t.
Cyber: Sci-Fi Entities
- Icon: Pink Gear
- Slumbering: Broken, by someone/something, and something taken.
Chthonic: Undead Entities
- Icon: Red Skull
- Slumbering: Death, you were killed… you got better.
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