#Op dont feel shame i do this too
thekingofwinterblog · 5 months
The Problem With Kuma
So as we delve through the flashback that tells the story of the Tyrant Kuma, there is something that's been bugging me, something it took me a while to figure out.
It wasnt Bad... But there was something that made it feel off in a way that other flashbacks in One Piece never really did.
And I finally figured out what it was.
The essence of a One Piece flashback, is not too surprisingly that it shows us how a character got to the current point, how they became the person they are in the present. Luffy and his crew, Law, the entire sun pirates, vivi and so many others.
On paper Kuma's backstory feels like it follows this trend... But there is one, huge, massive difference that makes the flashback feel... Well, to put it bluntly, rather than explaining how Kuma came to be, it instead completely rewrites his entire personality and removes every rough edge he had.
In pretty much every other OP flashback, we get a defining moment, usually a death, that served as the characters turning point, the moment they changed into someone very different than who they were before, or they doubled down on a preexisting trait.
zoro losing kuina in the most anticlimactic way possible, Nami losing bellemere, chopper losing Kiriluk, law losing Corazon, Robin losing everyone, the sun pirates losing fisher tiger and how his final confession completely changed jinbei's entire outlook on human/fishman relations.
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With Kuma, there are a lot of moments that FEEL like they should have been this moment where his soul was hardened into someone completely different than how he used to be, wheter it be losing Ginny, or learning Bonney had the same disease as her mother, which made him abandon the revolutionaries, selling his soul to the marines for Bonney's treatment... But the moment never really comes.
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The problem with Kuma is that he never really has a moment where he becomes the person we were introduced to him as. as the man who coldly told the gathered crew at thriller bark "What a shame" as he tried to wipe them from the face of the world.
The simple reality is that after everything we learn about him in his own flashback, this ultimately feels out of character. Kuma was introduced as a man willing to do the governments will and had hardned his soul to do so... but still possessed a very distinct sense of honor.
In the Kuma we get to see in the flashbacks, this man never existed, which just makes the way he acted at thriller bark look downright bizarre.
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Equally bizarre is the way his sending the straw hats to the corners of the earth is portrayed as a spur of the moment decision, rather than a calculated one.
Fans have speculated for years, and years, and years that Kuma had to have planned this out in great detail, because of a whole variety of factors, like how he knew exactly where to send them to let them each hone their craft, and the location of places such as the sky island nami was sent to(which changes location).
The reality is that this isnt a plan that he should have been able to wing it. The logical course of events is that Kuma decided on this course of action after seeing the limits of the straw-hat pirates at thriller bark.
Instead it was a decision made on the fly.
Ultimately what it comes down to, is that pre timeskip kuma, and the one we got when his backstory was revealed, are effectively two different characters, and not in a good way. Not in a sense where we got to see the true man that was hinted at all along, but instead in such a way that they dont really fit as two halves of a set.
I Think that when Oda was planning Kuma's backstory, he probably planned to make him a much more grey character, with a good core, but one who very much sold his soul for his daughter's future, and probably also one who had a dark side to him, the reason why he was truly feared as "The Tyrant" Kuma.
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And i think that is best excemplified into the moment that in the finished product earned him his nickname, the tyrant, as he desicively destroyed his predeseccor and wiped out his fleet.
It's a footnote, barely worth mentioning as he killed a very annoying and not particularily interesting character.
This could have been a way, way more interesting scene, if his death had been when Kuma overthrew him in the first place, and we got to see him stalk the palace, wiping out soldier after soldier, before finally reaching the actual target.
I've seen some argue that the point is that the government just created his backstory wholecloth as a propaganda backstory for one of their weapons, and while that might make logical sense, the way it's presented is not compelling. Instead it lessens Kuma as a character.
The reality is that Kuma as he has become now, is a very boring character. Lot's of interesting stuff happens around him, but kuma himself is just... a swell fellow, to whom HORRIBLE stuff constantly happens.
All the interesting players are the ones around him, Dragon, iva, ginny, bonney, the straw hat pirates, and so on.
The big problem with Kuma is that his big flashback doesnt explain how he came to be, it instead shows us that the aspects that made him interesting and stand out from the usual one piece character was never really a thing to begin with.
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radish-lesbian · 2 months
i hope it is okay if i vent here cause i don't know any other space where i can do so. i am a 20+ y/o female for reference, and the internet confuses and enrages me. the latest discourse i see happening is "trans women have periods" and it is making me so. so. mad. they don't have periods. they dont have the sexual organs to have the main part of a period - the shedding of the uterine lining and the journey from the egg from the ovaries to the uterus. it is now the trend to go around claiming to experience something that is so unique female, something that shows that we can carry children, something that was used against us in many cultures (like these menstruation huts) for centuries...and turn it into their latest hype? we are being gaslit. i know how a period feels like. i know how mittelschmerz feels like. i know how it feels like when the period cramps suddenly go up your butt. i know how it feels like when men claim you cannot make rational decisions because you bleed. just because they are feeling upset or have an upset stomach doesnt mean they have a 'period'. if they suffer from prolonged states of pain in that area, they should get their appendix checked out, that's all. or maybe eat healthier. i dont need a natal man to explain to me what a period is.
in the same breath, breastfeeding is the next trend for them. or "chestfeeding", because breasts are too cis-female for them i guess. with medication and other means they induce lactation and pretend it is the same as starting lactation close to giving birth. and then they claim their milk is as good as ours? their hormone and medication riddled milk compared to the milk we produce, which helps the baby grow and get stronger? even helping a sick baby by producing white blood cells? we aren't allowed to eat certain foods and take certain medications, but we should pretend that medication riddled milk is just as good as something our bodies have produced and perfected over millions of years of evolution?
i love being a woman. i love the fact that my breasts can feed a child in case i ever have one. even though my periods do annoy me, i love them because they show i am at a healthy weight and in a healthy body.
i hate how our struggles are being turned into a trend for natal men to follow and to pretend to suffer from our century-long struggles. what's next? somehow making a fetish out of abortions and miscarriages? making a fetish our of female cancers because it is gender affirming?
i wouldn't put it past them.
thank you for reading. you dont have to publish this ask. i just had to get it off of my chest as i cannot speak openly about it in my groups. which is a shame. have a good day OP.
I feel you anon. I’m sorry that you don’t have spaces in your groups to talk about this, I know that feeling and it can be very isolating. I also find it very ironic that menstruation, one of the most stigmatized female bodily functions, is now something natal males ‘desire’ to be capable of. How many of them would still claim to experience periods if they were not allowed to enter important places (like places of worship) due to having one? How many would claim periods if they were shut in a hut for a week every month due to it? They claim it as a fashion statement without having to deal with the real, material repercussions of it. Even if they experience abdominal cramping (which is not all a period is), one of the main stigma around menstruation is the physical bleeding that is deemed unclean, and the embarrassment and shame around it spilling. They physically cannot experience this.
It’s also disgusting to me that breastfeeding has become so sexualized. Breast milk is a miraculous, nutritious food for growing babies. You can’t even give babies WATER or COW’S MILK or they might die, since they need every ounce of the proper nutrition they can get. I suppose if anyone can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that male breast milk is equivalent and safe, I wouldn’t have an issue. However, it seems like many advocates are less concerned with the nutrition of the child and more about their own affirmations.
Female breastfeeding is also a whole other under-recognized source of oppression. Women must regularly pump, and getting breaks at work to do so is shamed. The nipple often becomes sore and chafed, or even infected, due to the constant stress put on it, which is extremely painful. Many spaces, including public and work spaces, lack a clean and comfortable place for pumping or breastfeeding. Women breastfeeding in public are shamed. No natal male producing a small amount of milk due to hormones will have these issues, as the volume and frequency of breastfeeding will not be the same.
The female body is amazing and strong and unique, but also punished and stigmatized for existing. People trying to co-opt it for their own pleasure fail to understand this. Stay strong anon.
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so there were some tags on this post that I wanted to respond to but that post was already long as fuck and this post could start a new conversation potentially so I'll just separate it.
#txt#meta#calico jack#op i love how much u love jack#my interpretation is slightly less nice to him but what i do appreciate is how ur like ''that could be canon! we just dont know!''#ive argued w izzy fans where im like ''ok i get what ur saying but i think that's ur interpretation not actual canon''#and theyre like ''well i think ur wrong <3''#like i'll ADMIT there's a chance ed and izzy were closer buddies in the past than i personally like to read them as#but they wont admit the opposite. so whatever#anyway aside from rapist jack my least fav jack interpretation has been pina coladas#thats right baby im still reading it. every now and then i skim the updates for the hell of it#and i was right it's a mediocre fic at best once it moves past the faxing meet-cute#and ofc the way it fails to rlly address the race issues in any meaningful way. lot of stede feeling guilty and ed being sad+horny#not rlly worth reading. anyway in a recentish update jack slut shamed ed in such a weird way i was like. What Is This#it felt so ooc and slimy. and like jack is supposed to be slimy but it was TOO slimy. cartoonishly slimy. did not like via @ourflagmeansgayrights
Damn really? I hadn't actually been reading Pina Coladas but I heard Coladas!Ed and Coladas!Jack got married and I was happy that there was finally a popular fic using Jack to his full effect. (I never touched Coladas because I prefer a finished fic and then there was the controversy tm so i decided I'll just skip it lol). I personally disagree that Jack would slut shame Ed ever not because I think it's too slimy for him but because I think he enjoys it when Ed is a slut. I know Jack would organize Ed's gang bang if asked.
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imeverywoman420 · 10 months
damn after reading the reddit post about the relationship where you said "the girlfriend is going to kill op one day" like.... i feel like that's an extreme overreaction. ok ideally you don't date anyone who does anything you don't like, but in reality everyone is gonna do something you don't like, and if that thing they do is both pointless and harmful then it's fair enough to try to show them why it's pointless/harmful. and she did it in a silly fun way rather than shaming her
yeah calling her a "bitch" is too much but, not knowing their relationship, it's fairly likely that that's how they talk to each other when they're angry or in conflict. i don't agree with it but a lot of people have relationships like that. if that's not part of how they usually talk to each other then yeah she should leave (i would), if it is part of their usual dialogue then i think that's fucked up & not my kind of relationship, but there's still no actual evidence that op is in any way being victimized by her girlfriend
okay but you dont get in a relationship with someone you KNOW likes wearing makeup and then suddenly spring it on them that you hate that they wear it and want them to change
like not to be mean but im really concerned for you if you dont see how hostile and scary the gf is being.
how is wearing clown makeup- insinuating that her gf looks like a clown- not trying to shame her girlfriend?
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i think the bracket looks great, its impossible to make any bracket 100% balanced or you risk taking down half of your strongest contestants in round one which also kinda ruins the rest of the poll cause the remaining strong contestant will just sweep. i think not having the strongest against each other round 1 was a good call!! people will always complain about brackets, you see it with every poll blog.
id like to add, though, that sometimes the seemingly weakest link sweeps anyway, you see it a lot w niche fandoms where everyone knows each other, it takes one of them to reblog the poll and get everyone voting, like the infamous match up in noncanongayestbitches with delia/jessie winning. A lot of ppl harrassed op and claimed it was botted or whatever but literally theres one very famous artist who every shipper follows so ofc the fans go crazy and share it w everyone!! a tweet or a link in a discord server can change everything too. so i dont think the "weaker characters" are necessarily doomed.
tldr i think ur bracket is great actually and im v excited to campaign for my faves, especially the ones up against powerhouses
ough... thank you so much for your kind words anon. i'm a nervous person and planning bracket matchups, especially the early round ones, make me EXTRA nervous. but I do think I did okay on this one!! I'm sticking by it
I only heard about noncanongayestbitches poll situation after they deactivated :( I think it's a huge shame that bracket polls sometimes lead to a small sect of people thinking is okay to harass other users and say vile shit. when you're so right actually, the beauty of a tumblr bracket is that they can go in unexpected directions!!!!! I think it's wonderful when niche fandoms all gather round the campfire and share headcanons about their blorbos.
for this poll specifically it doesn't even feel accurate to say "weaker/stronger characters", a better word I should have used is "more well-known characters". all girlies on the bracket are undeniably autistic to me
I hope everyone is getting excited to platform their faves! I'm currently working on propaganda masterposts for Round 1, Side A which will either go up before or alongside the relevant character polls. and will be added to whenever I get more propaganda sent my way, so that everyone gets their voice heard on why their fave deserves to be crowned autistic girlie of all time!!
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princesstokyomoon · 1 year
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no shade to the op of this post at all, and definitely not to people who DO genuinely like a lot of popular stuff....
but im sleep deprived, and its 4am, and seeing this made me need to vent... it took me a LONG time to feel Genuinely comfortable with my hipster tastes. its taken me 20 years to feel even Slightly comfortable telling people i dont like something popular.
i would KILL for the hipster environment you apparently grew up in, cus i grew up surrounded by people who would only spend time with me if i agreed to watch marvel movies with them, and pretended i was having fun. i grew up around people that treated me like an alien because i didnt like harry potter. i grew up around people that looked at me as though i had two heads because i didnt like beyonce.
theres no shame in liking popular shit. and if you struggled with feeling like you werent allowed to like things /because/ they were popular, then i do have sympathy for you.
but you know what? i /cant/ agree that just because something is popular that its good.
i just cant.
theres no judgement to people who do enjoy those things i think are legitimately bad - there are PLENTY of things i do love, that i think are masterpieces, that i KNOW others think are bad.
and thats ok too!
and even if something IS good, that doesnt mean anyone is under an obligation to enjoy it. beyonce IS a good singer, shes just not for me.
im ALLOWED to not like things that EVERYONE around me tells me i should. and im allowed to like things that no one else gives a shit about.
neither taste in media makes someone a better person.
im a hipstery snob. and im happy being a hipstery snob. and i honest to god wish i had more hipstery snobs in my life, because im exhausted with feeling like i cant be myself about media i love or hate or any other emotion.
and hell, even as a hipstery snob, i can still like popular things. its never been hard for me to admit when i liked popular things, because there was always PLENTY of people - whether irl or offline - who eagerly support you in your love for popular things.
its much harder to find common ground with people over things theyve never heard of, no matter how much you might yell about those things. even the most accepting and welcoming friends wont ever Quite Get It, cus they dont feel that same love for whatever your rambling about.
i dont expect people to ever love what i love. i made peace with that a long time ago.
but it does get lonely seeing people bond over media they love in a way thats basically not gonna happen for me.
because the things i feel THAT passionate about arent things that other people care about.
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misqnon · 2 months
hi its march! my anon name changes with the months /j
ok thats fair if u didn't have a guess. maybe it just felt really obvious to me because i am... myself...
its hard NOT to ship op characters. they all have such fun dynamics!! hannyabul and magellan is like.. im being silly when i say i ship them,, but also they ARE kinda real boyfriends to me.
its such a shame when ppl ignore the silly side of zoro. he has a few extremely wholesome, adorable, fun moments with luffy in wano and.. yeah ... im excited for u to see the interactions they have. add that to the list of things i am excited for!! lol. do the 3 dangly earrings signify he uses 3 swords??? i Never noticed this but if so... thats genius?? either way they r so pretty and in wano they zoom in on his earrings multiple times and show them like . waving in the wind or something idk. its so .. i love it. one more thing im excited about LOL
HELL YEAH.. i honestly am not a huge fan of the wci arc. i really disliked it the first time i read it but i think there r a lot of things that contributed to that. i couldn't remember a lot of the story from before, i started it in the anime and then switched over to manga at some point so it was a bit of a jarring difference, i have complicated feelings about sanji, and i was really sleep deprived when i was reading it. it was super difficult to get through cuz it just felt like everything dragged on and on.. so when i was rereading i was really dreading coming back to that arc and having to slog through it again. but actually it wasn't that bad. its still nowhere near being a favorite for me, but it does have a lot of good moments. anyways i think u will have a much better time than me and im looking forward to seeing ur reactions!! (as usual)
dragon: "i miss my husband, sabo. i miss him a lot" /ref
one of the sanji tiktoks is actually extremely topical considering what arc ur on so ill probably send it when ur done with wci!!
i watched the scene u sent and!!! robin puts her WHOLE SOUL into that "i want to live!!!" i dont remember the japanese version that well tbh cuz its been so long since i watched it. so the dub is probably what i will remember when i think of that scene now...
i wont kill u for liking la luffy.... because i havent watched it yet LOL. i might end up agreeing with u (although tbh i doubt i will,, i tend to be more fond of things im familiar with). i like edgelord zoro but its only when he has a healthy amount of silliness to go along with it :( im very very sad to hear he isnt nearly as goofy in the live action. ive seen a few moments of him joking around but.. i miss u silly guy... i miss u....
live action usopp seems like he has more rizz than anime/manga usopp (forgive me for using slang. i have been told it sounds really odd when i do bc it sounds like an old man using it LOL). i think that is a very interesting choice!! cuz i love usopp and i do think hes really charming and a lovely person,, but i feel like him having 0 confidence in himself is so important to his character?? but he seemed like he was an enjoyable character to watch so maybe i shouldnt get too hung up on it.
tongue piercing doflamingo is canon to me too 🫡 its very fitting considering hes always doin something with his tongue
straw hat crew supports and encourages sanji to explore his gender because at the end of the day their friend is their friend and gender doesnt matter
im glad i didnt spoil anything phew!!
i will accidentally influence u to like law more. just like u influence me to like sanji more. tradeoff /j
penis death... yeah... penis death.... i love it.. its so insanely funny to me. penis death. also i find it funny that he seems to have a milder reaction to chopper saying it compared to luffy. like is that his soft spot for the cute reindeer showing?? is it bc theyre both doctors?? idk i like to analyze his relationships with the straw hats..
im procrastinating on the tierlist (im actually very busy irl with moving) but i will no t forget to send it,, i swear!!
u probably have turned on sending images in asks but i do this on my phone and im also.. kind of a tumblr noob.. so i dont know how to .. i will look it up. or just send the tierlist (when i make it) in a separate ask on my computer.
in terms of favorite characters we have in common: link, sesshomaru (i still haven't finished inuyasha. its been .. 10 years or something), kagamine rin (although tbh i like len more (im not actually that into vocaloid.. just a little?)), crowley, robin, doflamingo
i do know a lot of the characters on there but havent actually consumed the media theyre part of to feel super attached to them. i have too many things i plan to watch/read/play and i just end up not doing any of it LOL
i will keep trying for sure 🫡 ive been drawing a lot more recently. because.. im hyperfixating on anime characters. did i already say that
im pretty sure that any characters that have black eyes oda just makes them brown whenever their eye color is visible. and similarly, the anime just makes anyone with black eyes have grey or white. i dont know if oda has thought abt most of his characters eye color,, or if he actually does just plan for them all to have brown eyes. but headcanoning crazy eye colors is more fun imo!!
the anime notoriously does NOT know what colors things are. my favorite guy law has grey eyes in the anime and theyre gold in the manga.. which is devastating!? cuz gold is way more interesting and fitting and... yeah. i will forever be upset abt that. if they're gonna whiten all the characters to such a crazy level why cant they change the eye colors that are objectively WRONG (following manga canon)
brown is a good choice for luffy!!
i also love nami having brown eyes. they're pretty!!
grey definitely does work for zoro!! idk hes pretty no matter what.. and i cant clearly picture any color for him. i think most muted colors would look good
usopp having brown would look good too!! i was trying to think of the characters color pallets when i was imagining their eye colors and tbh hes worn a lot of brown so.
YEAH i saw that colorspread n that was why i was like . . yknow what... brown eyed sanji.. bc he looks very pretty there tbh. to go on a bit of a tangent, im kinda a blue eyed hater because my whole family (outside of my dad) has blue eyes . I've seen too much of it.. its boring. my mom has literal baby blues tho theyre so bright and. yeah its.. its striking.. its cool. its interesting. but the rest of us just have regular blue eyes. theyre dark and kind of grey. its too boring!!! and . therefore.. brown eyed sanji.. brown eyed sanji is best .
i am so .. i miss robins early design .. they kept her blue eyes (which again.. are objectively wrong according to manga canon) but they just had to make her like. the palest member of the straw hats. i love her having blue eyes so im not complaining that they didnt fix it but its like ... why did u fix one thing and not the other... i find that very frustrating. i wish they had just kept both her skin color and her eyes LOL. also cowgirl robin was so cool 😢
franky with pink eyes is SO GOOD??? tbh no matter what eye color he has i think it should be bright and vibrant
thats what i was thinking too!! the purple goes with his color scheme.
no worries abt not being able to reply <3
dressrosa is by far my favorite arc!! and then next i think is wano, egghead (the most recent arc), and impel down
those are my absolute favorites but other ones i like are arlong park, syrup village, punk hazard, sabaody/post war/return to sabaody, marineford (this would be another absolute favorite if not for the fact its so painful), whatever arc zoro joined in, drum island, skypeia, and.. controversially i do like fishman island despite also finding it a bit boring
i also rly enjoyed the reverie (it counts as a separate arc on the wiki) this one is apparently directly after wci.. i can never remember when it takes place chronologically. theres not really any action but i dont even care... i dont read for action
people dont like post timeskip one piece as much for some reason? its confusing to me bc almost all my favorite arcs are post timeskip.. im loving the focus shifting to the whole world.. and i love reading about huge world events. and i love theorizing about things. its all very fun
its really hard to choose just a few favorites LOL. i keep wanting to add other arcs i really enjoyed . augh.
what are YOUR favorite arcs :o
no u’ve put me on the hannyabul and magellan train now. its my new otp. sorry. u did this
YEA HIS 3 EARRINGS ARE FOR HIS SWORDS!! and yes im. so excited for so MANY wano moments (that i know of but havent been completely spoiled for: everyone in beast pirate disguises, zoro and luffy reunion (+ everyone else ofc!) sanji’s raid suit and subsequent Germa Angst, THE ZORO / SANJI DEATH PACT??. DEMONIO FLEUR!?!??! (GOING TO LOSE MY MIND AT THAT ONE) AND MORE. and if theyre gonna be animation zoro’s earrings like that then damn. i got even more to look forward to on top of tht
i like wci but mostly for the sanji arc. i dont care much for the setting (although the alice in wonderland insp is cool!) and i actually love pudding but the fact she’s apparently 16 puts a bad taste in my mouth every time she’s on screen. it doesnt feel like its dragging on yet but as much as i do wanna continue i keep not having the motivation bc i know i still have quite a bit to go through vjbjfdkn. im glad u enjoyed it more ur second time tho!! (katakuri….gotta get to katakuri at least)
and yes…YES……SANJITOK/…
yea the opla is so fun and a great ride but like anything it has its problems! although im still just amazed that it somehow seemed to break the live action anime curse and be the only one to do so with moderate success and yet it adapted. probably one of the hardest and longest anime to adapt ever. like how. do tell me if u watch it!! 
jacob is just too hot to play usopp is the issue- KNDFSJSKL /HJ. it’s definitely still played as fake confidence but its a different flavor of it for sure.
and yes beautiful. gnc sanji my beloved. transji my beloved. sanji forced to lipsync for his life by iva my beloved
i am completely ok with this character influencing btw. tradeoff initiated. i actually saw a law post and thought of u the other day!! i was gonna send it to u but i was like i’ll wait for the next letter…so here
idk if this is fanon or canon a lot but ppl say law has a cuteness to weak animals bc of bepo. robin core
omg tumblr noob…i’ve been on this damn website for more than 10 years 😭
slay im glad we have some in common >:^) inuyasha was my first actual anime! and sesshomaru my first anime crush…wow. love that guy. [don’t watch the yashahime sequel. i dont wanna talk abt it 😐] and thats valid i love both the kagamine twins!!
i havent had time to draw but man…i draw like. in my mind. u know. i…i think about things…i COULD draw…that counts right,
i agree! i was surprised no one has asked in an SBS but i know it HAS to have been a question so maybe he has a reason he isnt answering??
I HEARD HIS EYES ARE GOLD IN MANGA WHICH IS SO FUCKING COOL?? GOLD EYES ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAV IN CHARACTER DESIGN!! and god. yea. yea. like oh okay you can get the colors wrong on everything and not change them to be right but u can make usopp whiter than a sheet. ok. i see how it is. they even lightened CHOPPER FOR PETE SAKE???
im not a blue eyed HATER but i definitely prefer brown eyes. as a brown eyes haver im pushing back on the blue eye supremacy with spite ‼️
dont even get me started on post timeskip robin. biggest downgrade. like at least franky is still himself and can change his hair and his face is still franky. someone else worded it best in saying oda took away so many features that made robin’s character design recognizable and unique that she feels like a completely different one. APPARENTLY robin was never supposed to be tan and anime assumed that too, but idc if u keep the blue then keep the skin color…its like. blatantly just colorism there
omg…DRESSROSA WAS VERY GOOD! that makes me think…hey have u seen this video . made by the same editor as the last one i sent u also…that makes me so excited to move forward. AND MAYBE ITS JUST BC IM GAY AS HELP BUT I LOOVVED IMPEL DOWN !! 70% FOR THE NEWKAMA AND 30% FOR CROCODILE
i didnt think fishman island was anywhere near as boring or badly paced as i heard. it was literally fine imo. not my favorite but not bad! except um. fishman island sanji can burn pls stop making me hate my favorite character (THOUGH I STAND BY RETURN TO SABAODY SANJI BEING WORSE THAN FISHMAN ISLAND. AT LEAST HE WASNT SNIFFIN PPL WHAT THE *FUCK* WAS THAT]
and i defintely see the post-timeskip haters points sometimes. there’s less time spent with the characters just. getting to interact and chill- partially bc the anime doesnt really do filler now but also partially bc now the crew is so large that oda never writes them all in one place. theyre always splitting up. and also the obvious things like robin getting sidelines and her design change, zoro is less silly, overall there’s less lightheartedness (although at times i can appreciate that). but the thing that bothers me most is it feels like oda got more brave with the off color jokes and sexualization and such. it was there pre timeskip (esp starting around thriller bark) but post timeskip its just like. sexualization and perv jokes are turned up to 200%. and yea im bitter bc sanji got worse in that aspect (although i actually prefer his post timeskip design! i like his stupid little goatee and his new suits/outfits are very nice! and his character development has obviously. gotten some spotlight) but damn if they couldnt give that to some of the other crew members too! though i digress. and ur right- the arcs and story HAVE improved and been super epic!
hmm..i think my favorite arcs would have to be [as of where i am currently] water 7/enies lobby, impel down, and dressrosa. whole cake will probably be up there when i finish it just bc of it being the My Guy Arc.
help im running out of one piece questions…uh…uh…any other strawhat headcanons? about anything!
p.s. i saw this and it made me laugh so hard
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lewkwoodnco · 6 months
okay so disclaimer this isn’t l&c related but I’m too much of a coward to talk abt this on my main blog anyways I’ve seen this post floating around lately and I absolutely hate it but I’m just so stunned by how many notes this has. Do so many ppl genuinely agree with this?? Cuz my first reaction was wow does this leave a bad taste in my mouth. At the risk of sounding nlog-esque I wholeheartedly disagree with this post and the sentiment. Like it’s kind of unbelievable to me that not a single rb of it (from what I have seen) has been like hey! let’s not shame like-minded ppl expressing interest, however excessively, maybe?? (Assuming we’re not talking abt personal posts) Never have I ever seen someone interact with a post I have written/reblogged and thought ‘ew they suck’ or smth of a similar effect just because I’m not mutuals with them or smth. Even now I don’t feel that this is an unpopular sentiment but frankly I cannotttt get over the sheer volume of notes on this thing. genuinely what the hell
and I get that it can be annoying. I have been so mean to some of the nicest ppl in my life because I felt they were annoying but I cannot begin to express how much I regret that and it’s smth I’m so very conscious of now. which is why the callously mean tone of that post rlly stung (for me). And it just scares/saddens me that there are ppl who I’m mutuals/friends with who might think that way and that makes me feel very icky. Of all the things ppl agree to disagree on this is smth I feel particularly strongly abt.
Of course there are certain exceptions like ppl expressing hate/transphobia or homophobia or racism etc but I don’t think that can be classified as ‘being annoying,’ that’s straight up discrimination. And I’m not hating on op btw I just rlly vehemently disagree and I dont want to pick a fight or anything so yea.
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bronze-main · 1 year
Look, ok maybe I’M the toxic one here, and I’ve never made a post that got hijacked, so my experience may not be super useful.
But, I am (I admit!) absolutely one of those people who says stuff like ‘wow you guys ___?’ or ‘lol I have no friends!’ or, like on a post trying to spread positivity, I’ll say stuff like ‘I think this advice is dumb ill just suffer.’
And like. I know it’s bad. I know it’s not helpful to anyone around me. But hey, have you considered that maybe it’s helpful to me?
Like, nobody wants to see their little ‘drink water you’ll feel so much better!’ post bomboarded with ‘but this isn’t gonna cure my depression :\’ and i get that. it’s irritating. But also, at least personally, when I leave tags like that on posts it’s like. Like growing pains? IDK it’s hard to describe.
Like i say ‘I feel like i can’t do that’ or ‘i dont know how to get to step 1 in this cool list of How To Be Better’ and i’ll express that. And it’s not for the OP and it’s not for my followers, it’s so that I can express my thoughts on a post that made me think or made me confused or whatever. Sue me, writing things out helps me sort out my thoughts.
I know that it’s annoying. But nobody wants to be left in the mental health dust, ok. I’m trying my best, too, it’s just my best often involves me aknowleding my own limits, and really, nobody wants to hear that. Especially not on a post that was not asking.
It just kind of feels like more of the same shaming people with anxiety and depression get when their brains are already telling them that they’re terrible for even having these problems. It took me a long ass time to realize that talking out my feelings and aknowleding them and asking for help was the cure, or at least much better than keeping it all bottled up inside and pretending everything was fine.
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abcdosaka · 2 years
im going to be honest. sometimes when people on here make like overly sexual or just disturbing and intrusive posts about like celebrities or twitch streamers or anybody, just random people, i just get mad that you put that concept in my head. it might be a bit selfish but blocking the post or the op is not enough sometimes, the fact that you made me think of the concept is already too much. and honestly even people who actively shame those ppl by screenshotting or whatever still piss me off bc again, giving my eyeballs access to that is putting that concept in my head. actually those ppl almost piss me off more bc like, what is anyone gaining from this. like u feel a mild sense of superiority for a minute, fine, but you still disturbed the fuck out of me and ill be honest, you’re probably gonna make the other person go even harder and become even more weird
like ppl are gonna do whatever they want but i gotta be blind to this shit. like other ppl can go ahead and care about that i feel like they got it but this is something i dont want to deal with.
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corvidcall · 2 years
there's a post (possibly a genre of posts?) that i see frequently where OP is mad about self care posts that are like "it's okay if you didn't brush your teeth today uwu" and op is mad because they didn't brush their teeth for a long time and now they have huge dental bills and i take umbrage with their idea that it was tumblrs fault that they didnt brush their teeth and if only people had been less nice to them, they would have known to brush more
listen, i didn't brush my teeth for many years. feeling bad about it didnt make me brush more. knowing that people thought it was gross didn't make me brush more. being shamed and guilted about it didn't make me brush more.
what DID help was figuring out what was actually the barrier between me and doing it, and then removing those barriers, even if they felt silly and like they shouldn't be barriers at all
for example:
PROBLEM: my toothbrush is too big to fit in the cabinet and I can't leave it on the counter, so I have to keep it in my bedroom and remember to bring it with me to brush
SOLUTION: buy a new, smaller toothbrush. i know i already have a perfectly good one that's nicer than the new one i bought, but a cheap toothbrush i actually use is a million times more valuable than an expensive brush i dont
PROBLEM: i dont want to brush immediately after i wake up, it feels gross and makes me gag
SOLUTION: i set an alarm for a few hours after i wake up and do it then. the teeth dont know the difference!
PROBLEM: i hate mint and i hate cinnamon. most toothpastes are mint and the ones that aren't mint are cinnamon
SOLUTION: start buying kids toothpaste. this has the added bonus of i think it's fun and whimsical
Being mad at yourself for not brushing isn't going to help. You KNOW you should be brushing your teeth. People who don't brush their teeth aren't UNAWARE that their dental hygiene is important!!! Posts that say "if you didn't brush your teeth, you don't need to feel ashamed about it" aren't hurting people, because shame and blame don't help people form healthier habits, and frankly, it's weird to pin the consequences of your unhealthy habits on people for not shaming you more!!!
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pwnyta · 2 years
Since its a One Piece day I tiered the Mugis relationships~
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Luffy and Zoro- Obviously my favorite. I love that Zoro seems to get actively dumber and more chaotic when hes with Luffy. Its always funny or cool (or sweet) when these two idiots are together.
And adding Nami into the mix. The three of them just have a special place in my heart. Namis great with either one of them and when the three of them are together... terrific. I hope the three of them get to be in a little mini group the next arc at some point.
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Zoro and Chopper? Again obviously. Theyre just too cute. Zoro even wanting to make Chopper proud in his dreams? So fucking cute.
Usopp and Nami- Its always been like on of my favorite duos in One Piece. Just a couple of smart, weak, scaredy cats just doing their best.
Adding Chopper to the mix doesnt hurt.
Luffy and Robins relationship will always be iconic. My favorite moment is Luffy telling Robin to say she wants to live and hear screaming it back to him and telling him to take her out to see with them. I mean... is there a more iconic moment? NOT TO ME.
Robin and Nami are always sweet... Namis relationships with women always hit different. I love that Nami is never jealous and mean to other women and in fact becomes just a big sweetie pie with them and its most noticeable with Robin.
Franky and Robin are obviously top tier... theyve been adorable together since Water 7. My favorite moment is still probably Franky resting his big stupid head on Robins lap... so cute.
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Chopper as well with Robin. Robin having a weak point for Chopper being cute... and her being mad at Franky when he got swapped into Choppers body is one of my favorite things in OP... even though Punk Hazard was one of my least favorite arcs.
Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy? They share the same brain cell and I love that for them and really in any configuration similar to Luffy/Zoro/Nami is good.
Robin and Brook in Wano has been great. I dont think theyve gotten too much time together before that but theres a lot of untapped hilarity to be had with them I feel.
I may hate Sanji and before ‘The Year of Sanji‘ I would have brushed aside Sanji and Luffys relationship but really their friendship was the only thing good about Sanjis story in Whole Cake. I ranked it this high just because it made sure Sanji wasnt a complete trash garbage character.
Zoro and Usopp are hilarious together. I love their banter on Water 7 and I love that Usopp stepped in front of Kizaru to protect Zoro. Good boys all around.
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I dont think Luffy knows what he does for Brook but Thrillerbark was great. I love the scene of Luffy laying on the piano while Brook is playing and then Brook officially joins the squad. It was surprisingly sweet coming from those two morons.
I feel like Oda doesnt like drawing Franky much because it seems like he doesnt have so many scenes with the others... but when he does their usually super funny. Zoro Luffy and Brook all vibe with him and its great. I feel like he should get more especially with Usopp but ya know... I enjoy the moments  when they come.
The only other relationship with Sanji I enjoy is with Usopp. These two have a ton of moments together... Its a shame the fandom largely ignores them as a duo.
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Usopp gets along with basically everyone very easily a lot like Luffy I guess thats why hes ALSO the captain. But hes got a funny relationship with Robin too... Robin being comically serious and Usopp stressing about it is great though their best time together was obviously w7/cp9.
Brook and Chopper I dont remember too many scenes where they do stuff together except for in the movies where theyre very cute. I hope to see them together more.
Nami and Chopper too. I feel like mostly theyre together mostly when Usopp is also there but them by themselves???
Franky and Chopper similar.
Zoro and Brook started out real strong but they havent gotten much since which is a shame. I really liked that Brook saw Zoros sacrifice and kept his secret.
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I think I underrated Brook and Usopp now that i think about it... but maybe its because usually its not the two of them alone... but they do have some moments with others I find funny which usually involves Brook shenanigans and Usopp being forced to be a reasonable adult.
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Sanji and Chopper??? Theres probably moments that are cute but I cant think of anything specific.
Although I hate pervy stuff. Brook gets over his pervy stuff quickly so his relationship with Nami is actually kind of fun but they dont get too many moments together.
Nami and Franky???
I used to really like Sanji/Nami as a ship but my increasing hatred for Sanji has put an end to that. Nami is baby and deserves way better.
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Similar with Robin... but less so since Sanji never had a chance with her.
Theres nothing appealing about Zoro and Sanjis relationship to me but adding Luffy usually makes it a little better and causes maybe some fun moments occasionally.... but Sanji and Zoro fighting bogs everything down.
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Brook and Sanji usually only do perv shit together so...
Robin and Zoro do like NOTHING together which is a shame. I think its because itd be hard to derive comedy out of the two of the most mellow Mugis. Zoro really needs a catalyst to make him chaotic in one way or another and hes not gonna get that from Robin. Zoro being suspicious of Robin earlier was funny but now theyre just Nakama and theyre mostly just chill.
I cant wait to see some fun with Jinbe! Hes already got a great rapport with Robin and Luffy.
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genshin-latte · 3 years
Hi sweetheart! Can I request number 18 for Zhongli? Him saying the „first snow” line 🥺 I’m craving some Christmas kisses this year!!
And we enter December ❤️
This was supposed to be an offering to him but thats fine. He doesnt fit in my team, He isn’t that op and I dont have the resources to level him nor do I have a polearm. I dont want him I dont want- ☠️☠️💀 I will not whale.
Special thanks to @dietwiceshy and @tartaglia-simp for the big help with proofreading!! Please check them out 👀👀
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Prompt #18 : “You know, they say the first snow is special.”
Pairing : Zhongli x gn! Reader
Word count : 943 words
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The atmosphere only grew colder as the year draws to a close. Compared to the chilly air outside the warmth inside the tea house was rather comforting, but even more so the man sitting across you. You took a sip of your tea, the warm liquid soothing your throat.
“It has been getting a lot colder.” He uttered, pouring himself another cup.
“Hm, it has. It’s a bit weird since Liyue is usually quite warm... Oh..” your eyes shifted towards the clear glass behind your companion. Flecks of white gracefully falling from the sky, some settled upon the window, leaving light beautiful marks of frost on it. “It’s snowing..” you muttered.
Zhongli followed your eyesight. “Is that so?” he chuckled. This was a scenery he had seen countless of times, something he had grown used to seeing over his thousands years of life, but perhaps, to you, it means more than a mere change of season. He saw the hint of excitement in your eyes, a soft smile gracing his features as he asked, “Would you like to go outside?”
You watched him put his tea cup down, truthfully you were a little taken aback by his suggestion. It was rather rare for him to interrupt your tea dates; furthermore for something as trivial as snow. “Perhaps I’ve thought wrong but you seem excited to see the view.” He added.
“Was it obvious?” You asked, a little embarassed. It looks like you can never quite hide your emotions when you’re with him.
“Quite” Zhongli let out a little laugh, he’s very fond of your rather childlike side, it’s truly adorable. “It’d be best if we go now, before the snow gets too thick” he made sure to grab you a coat before leading you towards the door.
You could see light layers of snow starting to cover the roofs of Liyue harbor. The golden light of winter sunset illuminating the scenery. You leaned against the balcony, making sure to take in every inch of the dazzling view. The snow looked so much more stunning up close. The flakes of white felt cold against your skin, you held out your hand letting the droplets settle on your glove. Your partner only smiled, gently stroking your hair.
“They’re pretty.” You reflexively leaned to his touch, nuzzling against his shoulder, attempting to feel more of his warmth.
“It’s a shame they will melt away once the season ends” His words seemed distant, the glimmer in his eyes matching the colour of the sun down, it was as if he was reminiscing over a fond memory. “All the more reason to appreciate them while they last.” Your circled your arms around him, attempting to give him a little sense of comfort. He placed an arm on your shoulder in response
“I suppose.” A small laugh left his lips as he said his next words “I’ve heard a saying that the first snow is special.” When was the last time he had someone to share this special moment with? he couldn’t remember.
“I believe it was between lines of professing your love during the snow...” He turned to you, his hand lovingly caressing the side of your head before trailing down to cup your face. The view might be stunning but there’s truly nothing more he’d like to remember besides your features —the warmth and love you’ve thought him— in case you too were to melt away some day.
“If you were to confess during the first snow fall, you’ll stay together for a long time.” You placed your hand on his, shifting your head so you could plant a kiss on his palm. His heart fluttered at your small gesture
“Really? Then I must say I’m quite fond of you.” You giggled at his attempt on a confession. “I’m not sure if that’s how you do it.” Your trailed off, purposely sounding suggestive.
“Then tell me,” his other hand found it’s way to your chin, tilting you to face him, “how does one confess.” You could barely breath with how close he was, his handsome features seemed so much more alluring up close. His thumb lightly traced your bottom lip, and stayed there, as if he was testing if you would pull away.
You sighed. He was being much slower than you’d like. So you leaned in, brushing your lips against his. You felt him chuckle as he pulled you in for another kiss —this time, deeper, longer. He placed his hand on the back of your head, lightly tugging at your strands while his arm circled around your waist, keeping you locked in place. He kisses you tenderly, gently, he treats you like a precious part of him, one he can’t breathe without. The ice cold snow continue to fall, landing on your hair and shoulders but in that moment, you could only feel his warmth. Truthfully if you were both to freeze along with the weather, he wouldn’t mind. If only time were to freeze... You pull away, your smile literally beaming at him. He gives you another gentle caress, flashing you a fond smile.
“I’ll be here for next year’s first snow. And the next and the next.” You laughed, excited at the thought of being able to share these moments with him.
“I would be more than glad.”
How many more seasons will time allow to have you by his side? He doesn’t know. For the snow would melt away, and the most immovable earth, even one such as himself —someday must disappear. But until then he will cherish it, as the first snow promises you’d be together for many years to come.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. Ah, yes. Hades' dog. Cerberus. Guardian of the Underworld. And over there, we have Hades' other dogs that serve as a comic relief and/or to make Hades look like a dog dad.
Mushroom, Russell, 𝒞ℴ𝓇𝒹ℴ𝓃 ℬ𝓁ℯ𝓊, J.P, Fudge, ᵐᵉˡⁱ, Fudge and ʙ ɪ ɢ ᴊ ᴏ ʜ ɴ.
Rachel literally cannot come up with original names for anything. It's so sad.
2. rachel is so bad at actually aligning the gods to proper colors and symbolism that dionysus will probably be neon orange with purple splotches and she'll claim its some genius "twist" on semele's human skin and zeus's ... whatever he is. also no leaves or grapes because that doesnt fit the ~modern aesthetic~
3. have any of you guys watched OSP? RS "borrowed" most of her ideas from them too, especially in regards to her depiction of Hades, Zeus, and Demeter.
From OP: RS probably got most of her ideas off of tumblr tbh. She was on tumblr for a long time so it wouldn’t be surprising if it rubbed off on her.
4. LMAO that's also it like basically every god including hades was in some way related to different times of fertility. zeus was both biologically and nature via rain, demeter was for mothers, food, and the earth, hera for the period cycle and motherhood, and the list goes on and on. even as that other person said the "maidens" also were fertility, artemis and hecate especially. if anything being a fertility deity is one of the least rare things to be, but why would rachel know that 🙄
5. correct me if im wrong here, but didnt most ancient art of persephone depict her as "queenly" so ... as an adult? like she was supposed to look similar aged to hades and the rest of the olympians, not so young like rachel depicts her. idk where she thought the queen of the dead should be a airheaded teenager, but whatever.
6. what i dont get is virginity as a concept is so misogynistic, yet rachel plays into it straight where no one questions why theres a whole society and scholarship around it, and persephone seems perfectly fine to keep it intact. until she all of sudden only has sexual feelings for hades, tho hades even shames her for seemingly not wanting to have sex (and also calls her a fertility goddess, so is it rare or not?) and i just, idk the whole idea is so dumb?? rachel why would you do this
7. if rachel's fans actually suggested/voted she add in persephone be assaulted i might throw up. why would anyone purposely ask for the lead character to be sexually assaulted because rachel wants her story to be more "serious" when she clearly cant depict it right and is using the actual assault in a disgusting way to push her romance along? if her fans suggested that theyre genuinely unwell. thats not ok.
8. IDK to me I think LO fails is because Rachel desperately is trying to make literal gods #Relatable and I just think that's not how the gods should be depicted? I'm not saying they can't have issues or flaws, but she doesn't even allow them that? They're all just boring archetypes? And because of this "Just Like Us" depiction is makes times it tries to be Fantasy (the AOW, Royal hierarchy, the Pom, Kronos, etc) it just doesn't mesh well at all and makes the world confusing over intriguing.
9. Honestly season one LO is kinda good? Don't get me wrong it DEFINITELY has it's flaws and shitty ideas but overall it was interesting and very cute in some episodes and there were more than 2 central characters. I agree with anon from previous posts that LO would have been so much better without "adult themes". Her take on toxic relationships and personal freedom would be enough in the light rom-com atmosphere and collage life(like it meant to be from the start). Ugh I'm so sad when I think about it, LO is such a shitshow in season 2 
10. Alright I'm seeing a lot of controversy I guess? Over the "sexy plant watering scene" and I'm gonna add my two cents on that as well as some other things of note.
1. The "Persephone waters plants in sexy lingerie" is a weird scene - because of the framing. One anon was wondering what's wrong with watering your plants in your undies - its nothing, theres no issue there. The issue (to me) is the way the narrative frames the scene: Thetis accuses Persephone of murder and of wanting to be romantically involved with Hades (despite knowing of his relationship with Minthe) and the scene shifts to Perse watering minthe the plant in lingerie. The reason it comes off as weird is because A). This is Thetis's recounting of events, so its not accurate and B). It feels as though the Only reason this shot was in the comic at all was because RS wanted another "girlboss" moment with Persephone looking sexy and being nearly naked (once again) and flaunting her power over Minthe via watering her while wearing lingerie as a way of saying "look who has the power here. I'm wandering around the place that could've been yours AND im f*cking your boyfriend/would-be husband"
(It feels like in Thetis version Persephone is some kind of sexy seductress villain but really RS just wanted to sexualize Perse again).
2. The narrative sometimes frames things oddly and that causes a disconnect. Like the scene (not sure which chapter) where Hades takes Persephone shopping and though she doesn't feel comfortable / doesn't want to have sex with him, she still asks him "dont you want me" and (again, to me anyway) it feels as though theres this gross unspoken message there of Persephone saying "dont you want me (even though im damaged goods / have been damaged / been used by somebody else) even though Hades has no knowledge of Persephones SA. It comes off as the only thing shes worried about (despite the SA just happening a week or so ago) is whether or not this new man who she barely knows will still be attracted to her / will want her after finding out shes been r*ped.
3. The more I read LO the more it feels as though every single character is really just an OC of RS's wearing Greek deity skin. Like as though RS wanted to tell a specific story but knew it might not have done well in its own so she slapped on a "Greek Myth / characters names" to boost the comics attention without actually doing any research into the culture. The characters feel as though they have Nothing in common with the actual Greek deities their supposedly based on and considering the few myths that Hades and Persephone Do show up in and in relation to LO's plot, I just dont understand Why their called by the Greek deities names. When was there Ever a myth where Persephone was on trial for murder? When did Hera - thw goddess of marriage and fidelity ever cheat on Zeus (espeically with his brother, Hades?) - (And yes, I know its a "modern retelling" but I feel as though there is a way to do that and incorporate themes / stories from the actual myths without making up nonsensical plot lines) The only reason I can think of for why their Greek deities is popularity purposes.
4. A while back someone came into one of my posts regarding my confusion over LO's trial plotline and they said that RS admitted she did not fully plan out the trial plot and is really just going week by week at this point (and I don't know if thats true or not) however! If it is true, then that feels like a huge oversight on her part as a writer. Most writers I know (myself included) like to have an outline for some plot points, maybe the beginning and end and then you fill in the gaps along the way. And I'm not saying you have plan out every single step to every chapter, but it seems like it would be a good thing to at least have some kind of idea or general direction for what happens during this arc in the story rather than flying by the seat of your pants, yeah? Wouldn't you want to have something a bit more concrete in mind when doing a so-called important story arc ?
5. I know this has been harped on again and again but, why why why would you have Persephone start off as a barely legal teenager whos just going into college vs the much much older business CEO who has rage issues and is into impressionable young women?
6. On another note: why does Persephone act as though being from Sicily is like the equivalent of someone from Georgia or Texas moving to New York as though (despite being a goddess) she acts as though she might be mocked for being some kind of "Greek god country bumpkin"?
7. The strange reinforcement / idea of a person (Perse in this case) Only being allowed to be attracted to her future husband and not being allowed to have any other connections or meaningful relationships, or experience especially considering her first "romantic" relationship started off with her being SA while on the flipside Hades (despite being hated by the underworld denizens) has connections and meaningful relationships outside of Persephone. Persephone has a strained relationship with her mother and her roommate / has little to no friends. Hades had Minthe, Hecate, the underworld, his business And his brothers to rely on. (Persephone doesn't seem to have much of a life outside of Hades while the opposite is not true).
8. I'm genuinely asking here - what do hades and Persephone like about each other? (Aside from each other's bodies). Sexual attraction is a thing but does Hades even know basic things about Persephone? Like her goals in life or ambitions, he'll her favorite food or color? (And because we Know their fated to be together / will get married) - Does he bother to get to know her friends or her mother (in a non antagonist way)?? Does he support her in any other way that has no relation to him and his needs?
9. In the printed novel version theres an extra chapter that (I think) is supposed to be Heras introduction / birthday party and Hades and Minthe show up. Hera has a vision of Hades getting married when he hands her a coat and she seema awfully excited about it - but why would she be? The chapter states that she cant see whos under the veil and considering hes currently dating Minthe wouldn't it be fair to assume hes marrying Minthe in this vision? And with how much Hera despises Minthe why would she be excited for Hades to be married unless she was 100% certain who he was marrying was not her? Also why would she be excited about him getting married if at that point, they were still having an off and on again affair? It just seems to raise more questions honestly.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 3 years
through the green glass door (*) loki laufeyson x reader
+++++++++ Guess who watched the first Thor movie 😁😁
(*) - leads to smut but it doesnt go all the way. but like, its super suggestive lol
Song: lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off by panic at the disco
@cynic-spirit +++++++++
"do you have any idea what the consequences will be if i get caught?!"
i exclaimed as quietly as possible,  my three friends giggling as they huddled around me.
"y/n, youre the most agile person we know. and we've all been dreaming of the fruit off that tree for ages. please."
Lenore said and i rolled my eyes.
"if i get caught im taking you three down with me."
i said, gripping the tree bark on the outside portion of the wall.
"we believe in you."
she said as i began climbing. i couldnt believe id let them talk me into this. but they were right, we had all been wanting the fruit off this tree for a very long time. it was forbidden to any outside the palace walls. something none of us had ever or would ever have the pleasure of enjoying. until now i suppose.
"im at the top."
i called back down to them still on the ground. they all cheered and clapped, jumping up and down as they giggled. but i wasnt triumphant just yet. i could see the tree, barely touching the branches of the one i was in. just over the garden wall.
"youve got this."
i whispered to myself, stepping as lightly as i possibly could towards the wall. there was a creaking and i paused, taking a deep breath. it was fine. this was fine. so i kept going, jumping onto the top of the garden wall as the edge of the branch snapped. i took a staggered breath, still hidden within lots of leaves. but there, like a light in the distance i could see the golden fruit. i plucked one off the branch, its smell as it got closer becoming sweeter and sweeter.
then i saw another, plucking it too and tossing both to the ground below. there i saw the three of them, rushing over and picking them up. i grabbed another that was close enough to reach and dropped it down, so each of them could have one of their own. they all celebrated with happy noises of content as they devoured them. as i looked back up to grab another fruit i noticed there were none left nearer to me.
i complained, seeing one of the golden fruits just past the wall, barely out of reach. i knew i shouldn't be greedy but i went through all this trouble, it would be a shame to not have one for myself. so i stepped further, to the edge of the wall. i found a branch sturdy enough and planted my foot on it. i took one step, then another, and so on until i was nearing the trunk of the tree and the fruit i had seen from the wall.
i whispered, plucking it off the branch and sinking my teeth into it. it was just as sweet as it smelled and i was glad i had continued on my journey over the wall. that was at least until i took one wrong step, another branch breaking under me. then it was one branch after another, falling straight on my face in the grass below the tree. i groaned, lifting my head and my eyes going wide. there in front of me was a pair of black leather boots.
"um, i can explain."
i started, looking up and pausing again. there in front of me was the young prince, holding a book in one hand and a pear in the other, looking just as surprised to see me as i was to see him.
"im sure thats one hel of an explanation having dropped from the sky."
he stated and i moved to my knees quickly, bowing in front of him.
"yes, my prince. i am truly sorry."
he laughed and i looked at him confused.
"please, stand."
he said and i did as told, bowing my head.
"i have not seen you before."
"my prince?"
i raised a brow, watching him as he leaned against the tree.
"where do you come from?"
i cleared my throat.
"outside the palace my prince."
he laughed again.
"do you think me an idiot?"
he asked and i stopped breathing.
"of course not, how could you? you are but a peasant."
then i drew my brows.
"now you wait just a minute! i may not be of noble birth but that does not mean you will disrespect me. arrest me, for all i care, but i will not be spoken to like a-"
he said and i stopped.
he shook his head.
"what is your name?"
i opened and closed my mouth a couple times. then i inhaled sharply.
he stood off the tree, tucked the book under his arm, and offered me his hand.
"well y/n, i am of the impression that you are in need of a new dress."
i looked at him funny before looking down at my outfit. i was dirty and my skirt had torn when i fell out of the tree.
"you arent going to arrest me?"
i asked hesitantly and he smiled.
"i am not."
he said and i slowly took his hand.
"my prince i, i dont believe-"
"you dont need to believe, just trust me."
he said and i nodded. i followed him blindly inside, walking openly past the guards up the stairs and down a long glimmering hallway. it didnt necessarily feel right, but something about him made me want to keep walking. to keep following him.
"my prince-"
"call me loki."
he interrupted.
"um, loki, right. uh where are we going?"
he squeezed my hand before pulling me into a room.
"my chambers."
he said and i froze, the door closing behind us. then out of nowhere a woman appeared, bowing her head.
"bring us one of my mothers old dresses. my guest is in need of some new clothes."
he said in a suave tone, the woman walking past me and out the door.
"i dare say, my prince, i am not worthy of wearing the queens garb."
he looked at me and smiled, pulling a chair out from under a small golden table and sitting at it.
"i think she would disagree."
i smiled back in amusement and joined him at the table.
"why are you being so nice to me?"
i asked and watched as he took a drink.
"it has been a long time since someone has been able to get over garden wall and not get caught. i admire that."
i raised a brow.
"so you like that im mischievous?"
i questioned and he smirked.
i made a small noise of disbelief.
"i should have guessed. the midgaurdians call you, what, the god of mischief? it only makes sense you would like someone sneaking into the palace garden."
"my lord."
i heard from the door and both our gaze turned to the girl, holding a blue dress.
"ah yes, a perfect choice."
i watched as he took it from her, shooing her away afterwards. and then he started towards me, making me more curious.
"for the lady."
he said, offering it to me and i smirked at him.
"care to help me put it on?"
i made a face, realizing what i had just asked and almost couldnt believe myself for being so bold. but part of me also didnt regret it. and i couldnt help notice the knowing smile across his face as he led me to his bed. there he laid the dress out and moved to help me.
"a bit intrepid for someone who believed me to want to arrest them."
i looked over his face for a moment.
"theres something about you i cant get off of my mind."
"and that is?"
he asked, stepping behind me and undoing the top op my dress slowly. i just stood and stared ahead as he did so.
"though i know we could both be in large amounts of trouble with the king if he were to find out i am here, i still feel like i can trust you."
i said, looking at him over my shoulder and we both examined each other. his face was soft. softer than before. and the golden light peaking in over the terrace railing made him look more ethereal.
"i can trust you, cant i?"
i asked and his gaze shifted down my face.
"you can trust this."
he said calmly before capturing my lips in his. it was gentle and i could feel my heart knocking a my rib cage to be let out. i was kissing the boy prince. the heir apparent. and gods did it feel great.
i whispered when he pulled away, looking between his eyes for any reason not to trust him and coming up with nothing.
"do you still wish for my help?"
he bargained and i nodded.
"i wouldnt want anything else."
it was said in such a hushed tone im sure no one else would have been able to hear it had they been in the room. i stood there as he stripped me slowly. He began with finishing the top of my dress, letting the lacing down and pushing the fabric down off my shoulders. as the dress pooled at my ankles i was left there in my sark, a small shiver traveling up my spine as his fingers traced up my arm.
"may i?"
he asked, placing his other hand firmly at my waist, tugging at the fabric. i swallowed hard, almost feeling like i shouldnt be doing this.
i said quiet and bold.
"you are quite the woman."
he noted, pulling the sark up over my head and dropping it to the floor with my dress. i should have felt more exposed standing there naked but my back was still to him.
"Thank you my prince."
I said with some form of sincerity. He kissed my shoulder.
"I told you, call me Loki."
He whispered into my ear, sending goosebumps over my skin.
I half moaned, leaning back into him as his hands found their way to my hips again.
"May I touch you further?"
He questioned and I nodded against him, feeling his hand trail up my torso painfully slow. He kissed across my shoulder, up my neck, and onto my jaw before spinning me around swiftly. I gasped at the sudden movement, looking over his face as he stepped closer to kiss me properly. When he pulled away I noticed his clothes had also vanished, gone in a flash of green.
"May I make love to you?"
He asked, barely gracing my lips with his own.
"Please do."
I whispered against him before kissing him, again and again, until my back hit the soft silk of his bedding.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Enemies and Allies - Reader + Night court. the concept:
enemies forced together in alliance to save their courts. Politics, tension, "Once we're done here I will be the one to kill you." slow burn reader x an Illyrian? Not sure who yet
Part 1 of a possibly reoccurring fic.
You never liked dealing with other courts, but Rhysand and Tamlin were possibly the two worst high lords to deal with. Helion would have been up there too if he wasn't so damn charming. And Beron didn't even count, considering he was your uncle. He was annoying automatically. And a damned fool for not showing up to the funeral. Tamlin was a brute shoved into power much too early. You could tell just from the way he carried himself. No nobility, no grace. Just the brutal beast that lurked under his skin. The way he didn't bother leaving any flowers along the coast line was further proof of his childish ways.   Rhysand was the polar opposite. The epitome of arrogance, grace, poise and political power. All words and strategy, enough to make you double take every time he opened his mouth. Constantly on the lookout for hidden meaning or loopholes in his word choice. He made your heart race with stress.  His spymaster and general though, were like two neutral, yet menacing gargoyles on either side of him. They were unsettling, especially with the shadows that crept over the spy. You tried not to stare at those curling around his shoulders, or the dull siphons that laid on each of their hands. Or the wings.  The wings would have been the worst part if there weren't other winged generals at the funeral. Peregryns guarded their high lord, one at each side much like Rhysand. Only they radiated sunshine, and light and goodness. Still terrifyingly deadly, though. Their polished armor and ceremonial scepters glinting from the overcast skies.  "A funeral should be a celebration... of the life that was. Please, join us." Tarquin said, voice thick. His mate's lip quivered. The ocean crashed against the sand, scooping up the flowers left to honor his son. Your heart squeezed at the tone change in his voice. The way he struggled to hold himself together for his court.  Vivienne turned from the crowd, and Tarquin followed. Her dark hair moved like water over her thin frame. They held each other for a long moment while the Summer court guards ushered guests to the large open beach house. You hesitated, looking out towards the ocean as it roiled. The dark water churned, seagulls overhead made no sound as they passed.  "Its been a long time, Autumn." The sultry voice was enough to make your skin crawl. He had kept the nickname since he'd met you. And in the two hundred years since. He did not forget such a remarkable introduction. Especially of someone who had your kind of power in an opposing court.  His eyes flashed with amusement when you turned, plastering on a charming smile. "I would have preferred longer, but the Cauldron works in strange ways sometimes." You retorted, and began walking away from him, grinding your teeth when he followed with ease.  He laughed and nodded. "Indeed it does, with the passing of Tarquin's only child." the not question was leading, looking to see if you knew anything of the murder. Anger spread though you at the subtle accusation. You couldnt let it show.  You had to keep your calm. Or he would surely suspect something of you. You could practically see the accusation scene play out when Night court invaded Autumn on Summer's behalf. Claiming that Autumn had killed the boy. "A parent should never outlive their own child." You said mournfully. You knew from experience how it ruined families after such a loss.  When you snuck a glance at his face, you could have swore you saw pain there. A longing that you didnt understand coming from him. It almost made you feel bad for him. You jolted yourself, forcing your mind to focus upon on your steps in the sand.  He paused for just a second before opening the bungalow door for you, inviting you to the wake. All courts dressed in mute tones of their colors, not one dared to raise their voice above the hushed murmurs. Rhysand gave a nod to his two generals in the corner, standing like statues. "I'll be seeing you then, Autumn." His eyes met yours and you swore you saw something linger there.  Before you could tell him to knock it off with the nickname, he was weaving his way across the room to the two Illyrians. Stopping every so often to give grim smiles to the families of Summer Court. His actions seemed genuine in nature. You dared not reach out a mental hand to him though, knowing you might not return with it intact.  + "And what of Night court?" Beron's slurred words were familiar. The old man had been wasting away in his own filth for years. After the Lady of Autumn disappeared, he had nothing left to keep him in line. His sons - Eris namely- made the important decisions in the court, but he still acted as ruler. The figurehead for important events and nothing more.  He had also become obsessed with the innate abilities of all the other high lords. Constantly comparing his own lingering power with the others. In two hundred years, his body had seemed to begin to wither. Directly after your birth, some said. And cursed you for their ruler's demise. After the shame of being one of the few courts to refuse to help win the war, Beron had given up completely. Still power hungry, but no longer driven.  "Night court seems to be fine. Not shaken by the murders." You surmised as best you could after your short interaction with the High Lord.  "Was it's high Lady there?" He asked with a grunt of a laugh. He was always undermining the role, laughing whenever you mentioned seeing the lady of Night. "She was not. I believe she was taking care of the babe, as the two generals were there." He shook his head, his gray hair falling in his face. "As a female should." You fought not to cringe or bite back at him. Even if he was your uncle, Beron would be a fantastic target if there was, in fact a murderer loose in Prythian. You shooed the tratirous thought away.  "Tarquin and Vivienne send their regards." You said, hoping he would allow you to take your leave. You glanced around to the cavernous space that encapsulated the dark throne room. The banners on the wall seemed lacking in color. Years of dust likely growing on them. The cracked stone floor showed its age as well, moss growing in the corners. He refused to let anyone touch up the dim room after his wife had gone.  Echoing steps sounded behind you. You turned on your heel calmly, but gripped your sword. Ready to defend your High Lord if needed.  Your mouth fell open at the sight of The Morrigan striding down the long hall. Eris on her heels behind her. She was a beacon of light among the dull ancient stone walls. Eris had a wicked grin on, eyes locked on his father.  +  "The Queens have been killed." She announced, no wavering in her tone. Your stomach hit the floor. Beron said nothing, didnt show any reaction in the slightest. As if he already knew. "And they sent you so I could be assured the court of Nightmares isnt lying?"  "They sent me because I saw to their end personally." Eris even glanced at her with the tone she used. She leveled a look at Beron.  He waved a hand, as if the Night court commander hadn't just announced that the biggest enemies to Prythian were dead."Cut off the head of the snake and more appear." He coughed after the shrug, his breathing labored. Eris hid a pained look that you knew all too well. The denial of his father's life coming to an end in front of him. You could have balked at him for the outright insult but kept your mouth shut. "High Lord.." you began, wanting to consult him on the weight of the situation. He glared at you, that familiar piercing stare that told you to stop whatever you were doing. As a child, that stare was enough to make you behave. You didn't dare think of what more than a stare Eris had to go through during his childhood.  Eris' jaw clenched before he began "Father, the Queens no longer pose a threat. This would be the perfect op-"  "Enough, boy!" Beron's voice echoed in the hall. Your cousin's face went red with shame. Fear settled in your stomach. If Beron  had no plan for moving forces to the continent to stablaise, there would be a power struggle. Even you knew that. "You assume I dont have a plan. We can discuss this when there are no wandering eyes or ears present." His tone was softer, but still laced with that High Lord's authority.  Mor's eyes could have killed them if she had the ability.  She snorted, and turned on a heel to leave. Her footsteps echoing in the long hall. "The Night Court's whore, going back to where she belongs." Beron mused to himself. She stopped dead in her tracks. Eris' face went pale when she turned. Your palms went sweaty at her eyes, like two daggers looking at him. She held up a hand. Light flashed, and suddenly there was a razor thin spear flying through the air.  You ran at The Morrigan before you knew what you were doing. Your hands were a flurry of movement as you tried to keep her down. Eris just watched, unable to move as he watched death race for his father.  A wet splatter, and Beron's chest was punctured by that golden spear. His mouth leaked blood, his eyes closing. Eris was rooted to the spot. Your body locked up, and Mor shoved you off of her with a grunt. She wasnt trying to win the fight, she could have obliterated you in a second if she was. You felt like you weren't in your body. She stood, wiping the blood from her face. You didnt remember hitting her that hard. Your mouth was dry, mind buzzing. Mor waved her hand again and the spear was gone.  "Have all the power you want, Eris. Our deal has been struck. Send your forces to Rask by next week." She scowled at the body on the throne. The male you had just wished death upon. The reality of it made everything fuzzy. Eris was still pale, his eyes not looking away from his father. "We will see you there." He said, voice weak. Distant.  You could only faintly hear Mor Winnow away. The roaring in your head was overwhelming. Your uncle dead on his throne. A hysterical laugh bubbled from Eris' chest. Only one, before you could catch his gaze and see the silent tears streaming down his cheeks. + "You killed the Queens and my father without consulting me first. I hardly think our deal was struck." Eris had been strange after his father's funeral. But for the first time since, you saw a glimpse of the old him. On the move to Rask, he had been that hollow shell he seemed like. Btu as soon as he laid eyes on Morrigan waiting at that tent, he seemed to put on more of a show.  Inside the tent seemed too small. It was enormous, but with everyone inside it was too hot. Too cramped. The sun beating down did not help. The two Illyrians in the corner leering at you and Eris was not helping either. "A deal's a deal young Lord. I suggest you choose your words more carefully next time." Rhys winked. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to hold back your tone. "You murdered him. I am being blamed for not guarding him well enough." Your reputation in the court had fallen.  Several Royal court members had been rumoured of your position inside the court, if you should be banished because of the death. None of them knew what actually happened. You and Eris had agreed on a believable story though, whoever had murdered Tarquin's son also reached Beron the night of the funeral. "I did not murder him. My lovely cousin however, did." Rhys drawled with a cat-like grin. It made you see red. Azriel grinned behind him. Those creepy shadows of his seemed more transparent in the sun. Mor glanced to you, her eyes not betraying anything she felt of the kill. You were hoping she would show some remorse for the death. Heat roiled in your stomach at the lack of care.  "Dont act so upset, Autumn." Rhys waved a hand, and you felt those clawd mental hands whisk across your shields. You snarled at him, reaching for your sword. You knew you couldnt win, even on your best of days. That didnt stop you though. Eris placed a hand on your arm. The two Illyrians had their siphon shields glowing in front of their high lord instantly. Rhys laughed calmly despite the tension in the room.  "You did give Mor quite the cut however, and burn it seems. Call it revenge." He folded his hand on the desk, wiping away dirt that wasnt there. Azriel's siphons burned brighter. His wings tightened behind his back. Mor still showed nothing, only looking from her cousin to Eris. Tense, her shoulders and posture radiated the worry. The tension of the room. Eris' jaw locked. He pulled you, willing you to let it go. You weren't proud of the fight with Mor. You wanted Beron to have at least died in an honorable way. But in the recent years with him hardly leaving his seat at the throne or his room at the castle, it made the chance of him seeing battle again nearly impossible.  "Maybe I should have done more." You muttered, sheathing your sword. The shadowsinger stepped forward, chest pushed out. His lips pulled back in a snarl, "Do not-" He began, voice a low threatening growl. "Azriel." Rhys said calmly, voice like honey. You grinned at the Shadowed one.  Rhys sighed and waved his tattooed hand in the air. Wine glasses appeared on the table he sat at. "Let's begin the real discussion at hand." He said calmly, pouring a glass. You glanced to Eris. He hesitated, but strode forward, taking a glass and downing it. + Eris was nearly drunk by the time you helped him out of the tent. After the long hours of dribble and stale conversation about diving resources, you couldnt blame him for having a few extra glasses of wine. He tripped on the rug going out. You caught him, but noticed shadows lingering around his torso.  "Get. Off."  You hissed, Not looking back. The shadows lingered for just a moment, then skittered away. You heard something like a sigh come from one of them as you led your cousin to his tent.
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