#Open-Source Programs
praxis-app · 4 months
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join the praxis discord - sign up - github
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mothcpu · 4 months
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Public Access Terminal <>
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tinylittlelilac · 27 days
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[again saying these are fictitious despite how obvious just in case happyele comes down with an iron fist 🤛]
- Bleeding Ink ♡ Letters From the Heart
By request, StarPro idols are being recruited for the next round of the dating sim Love★Star. Due to the conflicting schedule of a required appearance at a ball, Yuzuru declines the offer, but the game’s director suddenly rewrites the plot…
I find myself here again :) I have so much respect for enstars artists.. what they pump out 3+ times a week takes me 5 whole months . My gofd ! I really hope you guys like these 2 🙏 personally they don’t leave my head!
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allnought · 1 year
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jbird-the-manwich · 1 year
reblog this if you’re a linux, unix, old software, new software, copyleft, etc,  nerd please. My dash is currently the tiniest bit dead and it’s giving me the boreds. 
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ecrivainsolitaire · 1 year
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We need to open more conversations about software, intellectual property and tech literacy because every time something new happens on the internet everyone enters into crisis mode without actually knowing what to do about it. A lot of the moral panic over AI is this: nitpicking about names and scaremongering about art theft without really understanding any of the technology or legal frameworks they're discussing. (This is not to say AI is without its criticisms but people have been dropping the ball on this because they're focused on the wrong part of the equation.) A lot of the talk about NFTs and Twitter has been the same: dunking on technological changes without really understanding the root of the problem, mostly for clout and virtue signalling. We need to bring back the discussions of the early internet: freedom of information, privacy rights, right to repair, open source and public domain sustainability. Tumblr is mostly worried about moral righteousness and support, and those are all good things, but in this cyberpunk dystopia it's more important than ever to have a handle on the way technology influences our lives and how we can control it. Freedom of information is mutual aid. Digital autonomy is fighting the tech monopolies. Data gathering is the first step of capitalist propaganda. We can only crush our oppressors if we learn how to stop depending on them.
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bynux · 2 months
/* Filename: Discipline.scala */ for (i <- 1 to 1000) { println( f"$i%4d: I will not use code to cheat." ); } // >:3
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heart-ghost-studyblr · 2 months
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Some screen sharing of challenging backend Java code that I was testing, although it was quite basic, to be honest.
Additionally, my notebook contained a pretty basic code base for a producer class that I wrote by hand. I want to become very skilled in creating Java classes based on the producer-consumer pattern using Kafka.
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kais-radwan · 1 year
Can we upgrade open-source decentralized services, tools, and networks so decentralization can be the default options for startups and developers..?? can we achieve big tech's security and stability with decentralized networks ??
Share any thoughts or ideas you have... what you think ?
NOTICE: I'm not talking about web3 or crypto.
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lupucs · 6 months
Heya! I love your animations! I've wanted to 3D animate for quite some time. Should I start with blender or another software like SFM?
Thank you so much aah!! This might just be me being biased but Blender has always been my preferred choice for anything 3D-related. I never used SFM before so I can't give you any info on that, but from my experience Blender is a lot easier to get into than most industry-standard 3D software such as Maya or 3dsMax from Autodesk, plus it's free and just as viable for more advanced projects since it pretty much has everything you need to make animations. You can even use it as an editing tool. Hope this helps!!
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canadianlucifer · 26 days
i think my current philosophy is to just. make the fandom things you wanna see in the world. you wish more people made certain things? be the person who makes those things
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praxis-app · 3 months
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join the praxis discord - sign up - github
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Begging Tumblr users to finally discover Linux
Everyone keeps complaining about Google and advising to use Firefox etc while still using OS produced by Microsoft which is just like Google maybe worse. Linux is literally free and out there, there are so many different distributions produced in different countries and so much free open source software. Go grab yourself a flashdisk and do yourself a favour. Tbh if you get Ubuntu it is very easy to set up(seriously if you managed to download firefox and add Ublock you probably are very much capable of installing Ubuntu), has shit ton of support online, comes with many useful programs preinstalled and you can even get an add-on to make it look more like windows. Nothing is stopping you
Edit: people are also recommending Linux Mint a lot so you can give that a try! (Personally I have never used it but it looks very windows-like at least when it comes to the UI layout)
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daily-public-domain · 1 month
Day 152: NASA Project Gemini, concept art (John Gorsuch)
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–These images are part of the public domain, meaning you can do anything you want with them! (you could even sell them as a shirt, poster or whatever)–
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verycoolguy1917 · 1 year
Might write an actual blog post about this at some point but I hate how huge and unwieldy frontend development has become for even the simplest tasks. Just kind of sucks that we have to force web browsers to be these massive applications that do everything under the sun rather than having separate but efficient and easily manageable client programs for things like video, audio, forums, microblogging, etc. I think one of the bigger failures of Web 2.0 has been the fact that we don’t have open standards for the server-side presentation of various types of application info that can be easily consumed by client software that’s decoupled from the backend. Phone apps seem sort of like a half-step in the right direction, but having to download and learn the UI for six different apps that functionally do the same thing is tedious and stupid. Obviously capitalism is the problem here but hey, a man can dream.
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bitchfitch · 6 days
I'm trying out a new writing program bc jotterpad gets sad if there's more than 4k words in a document and also doesn't have free cross platform syncing, and. I keep closing out of the new program, doing something and coming back to keep writing, only to open the old draft of what I'm working on in Jotterpad and Immediately have a panic attack about how much progress didn't get saved (because the progress was in a different program)
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