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Master Your Emotions..
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Openmind / Kevin Foakes (aka DJ Food / Strictly Kev), Original DIY Ninja Tune logo rubber stamp, mid 90s
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picsfortheday · 1 year
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kimzest · 4 months
💎Find Joy: Top Secrets Explained
Cherish yourself, love yourself always.
Tranquility is found in stillness.
Spread happiness like confetti.
Courage leads to success.
Seek adventure, savor experiences, grow.
Tap Here, Get Free Gift And Motivation.😍
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beautyupdate · 8 months
你覺得互相指責對方算是一個良好的溝通嗎?你覺得所謂的敞開心胸說出自己內心想要說的話算是一個良好的溝通嗎?如果這樣的溝通會讓對方感受到不舒服,那你可能要意識到這有可能是你在表達上可能出了一點問題?接下來就要跟大家分享,運用3個方式,讓自己能達到有效率的溝通。 #溝通達人 #溝通 #人際關係 #說話技巧 #表達方式 #表達 #感恩 #感受 #communication skill #thankful #feeling
你覺得互相指責對方算是一個良好的溝通嗎?你覺得所謂的敞開心胸說出自己內心想要說的話算是一個良好的溝通嗎?如果這樣的溝通會讓對方感受到不舒服,那你可能要意識到這有可能是你在表達上可能出了一點問題?接下來就要跟大家分享,運用3個方式,讓自己能達到有效率的溝通。 溝通達人 說出你的感受 說出你的感受,如此一來,對方就能理解你的感受,進而下次就不會對你有這樣子的行為跟態度,我想你一定會說,我都有跟對方講啊,但對方就是不懂我的心,但我想要詢問的是,你是在針對事情來找很多的理由跟藉口,還是有真心的去表達這件事情、這些話,讓你產生什麼樣的情緒? 說出你的感受 但必須要說的是,每個人都不是完美的,再來就是你不是他,而他也不是你,所以未來有可能還是會有類似的情況,只是這個情況會因為這個溝通而讓頻率減少,這是你必須要先知道的事情,我們無法去強求或是去控制別人一定要按照自己的話去做,或是按照自己的要…
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johnhmcintosh · 2 years
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A closed mind experiences life like a ship that sinks again and again. An open mind is like shuffling the deck chairs around on the Titanic – the ship still sinks. An open Heart is spontaneous and lives in the moment allowing Life to Live Life. It is shown ‘Perfectly’ where to go, what to do, what to say and to whom in every moment.
No matter how open-minded one may be, they are still experiencing life through the lens of separation and as such meet challenges everywhere, which is the normal state for the chaos, confusion and conflict that a world filled with opposites offers.
Only the one who ‘knows’ that “of themselves they are nothing” – that the body-mind-identity is a fiction and that the ONE SELF is their True state … lives without expectations or attachments, saying YES to What Is. This experience is NOT touched by the “slings and arrows” of the world-dream … ‘when’ this Awareness is unbroken.
LIFE: The Descent ‘from’ and Ascent ‘to’ the Awareness of Who’ You Really Are https://www.amazon.com/dp/1792977050    
BOOKS by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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zokione · 2 years
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Contentísimos de empezar este proyecto con larga vida, de creación de imagen visual, look and feel , imagen de marca y Brand book. En colaboración con TreeHouse Contentíssims de començar aquest projecte amb llarga vida, de creació d'imatge visual, look and feel , imatge de marca i Brandbook. En col·laboració amb TreeHouse . . . . . . #comunicacionGrafica #salmön #comunicacion #salmoncomunicacion #diseñopublicitario #agencia #advertisingDesign #design #publicidad #diseño #campaña #campaign #ad #advertising #jamesAhumado #spot #talentodigital #digital #openmind #commercial #undiaensalmon #fresando #contracorriente #packaging #embalaje #James #ahumado #libertad https://www.instagram.com/p/CjLrmVEjpQd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alaskassweetdump · 24 days
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clearwizardnerd · 27 days
"Akhir dari akal Sehat"
Ada sebuah kisah tentang seorang pria yang sangat bangga dengan kekayaannya. Dia memiliki rumah megah, mobil mewah, dan semua hal yang diinginkan banyak orang. Setiap hari, dia berjalan dengan kepala tegak, menyombongkan apa yang dia miliki kepada siapa pun yang mau mendengar. Dia merasa bahwa harta bendanya adalah segalanya, dan itu memberinya kekuasaan dan kehormatan di mata orang lain.
Namun, di balik segala kemewahan itu, ada sesuatu yang perlahan-lahan menggerogoti kewarasannya. Setiap malam, saat semua orang sudah tidur, dia duduk sendirian di ruang tamunya yang luas, dikelilingi oleh barang-barang mahal, tapi dia merasa hampa. Keinginan untuk mempertahankan kekayaannya membuatnya terjaga sepanjang malam, khawatir kalau-kalau ada yang mencoba merampas apa yang dia miliki. Dia mulai merasa terisolasi, tidak bisa mempercayai siapa pun, bahkan teman-teman terdekatnya. Dia semakin terobsesi dengan harta bendanya, hingga lupa bagaimana caranya hidup dengan bahagia.
Akhirnya, pria itu sadar bahwa apa yang dia banggakan selama ini hanyalah ilusi. Harta yang dia anggap sebagai sumber kebahagiaan malah menjadi beban yang menggerogoti kewarasannya. Dia mulai kehilangan dirinya sendiri dalam bayang-bayang kekayaannya. Hingga suatu hari, dia memutuskan untuk berhenti mengejar harta dan mulai mencari makna hidup yang sebenarnya, yang bukan berasal dari materi, tetapi dari kebahagiaan yang sejati.
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serenestunners · 29 days
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Curiosity Fuels Beauty:
A curious mind is an attractive trait.
A woman who is eager to learn, explore, and discover new things brings a sense of adventure and openness that makes her even more beautiful.
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rishikeshyogaschool · 2 months
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🌿 🧘‍♀️ Unlock New Possibilities with Yoga at Rishikesh Yoga School 🧘‍♂️🌿
Intensive Yoga Learning: Dive into 50 hours of deep yoga practice, covering yoga philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methods.
Skill Development: Learn and refine your techniques in Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa under the guidance of our certified instructors.
Time-Saving Schedule: Perfect for those with limited time, our 50 Hour Yoga TTC offers intensive learning without a long-term commitment.
Personal Transformation: Experience a profound shift in body and mind, cultivating inner peace, mindfulness, and self-awareness.
Join us in Rishikesh and discover the transformative power of yoga. 🌟
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menchupicarzo · 4 months
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Be water 💦 my friend 🌷💖✨🫶.
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tesscruz · 4 months
✔Secrets to Joy: Unveiling Happiness
In every obstacle lies opportunity.
Happiness is an inside job.
Choose courage, conquer fears, flourish.
Value your self-worth, deeply.
You're deserving of love.
Unlock your motivation, tap here now.🎉
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saranice · 4 months
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Courage transforms ordinary into extraordinary. Stay resilient, keep shining, inspire. Choose happiness, be grateful. Nurture peace within your heart.
Unlock beauty: tap for more.
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lifestylereview · 5 months
Unlocking Abundance: Exploring Shifting Vibrations for Personal Transformation and Prosperity
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Exploring the Path to Prosperity:
In the pursuit of fulfillment and prosperity, individuals often seek diverse avenues to unleash their untapped potential. Amidst the spotlight, the Shifting Vibrations program emerges, claiming to offer a transformative journey towards abundance, wealth, and happiness. Anchored in the ancient Egyptian Frequency theory, the program zeroes in on activating the pineal gland, commonly referred to as the third eye. This comprehensive examination delves into the fundamental components, advantages, considerations, and user narratives surrounding Shifting Vibrations.
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