#Opinion Meme
disformer · 1 year
🔥 idw drift and how the fandom is about him?
Honestly my old 2021 vent post about Drift still holds up.
Drift, in my opinion, has a fantastic narrative arc about the struggle of living with yourself when historically ‘yourself’ is a huge prick and you hate him. It’s a character narrative you see a lot in MTMTE but I think Drifts arc threads the needle with the most success.
Drift lies to himself and others, he buys friendship, he desperately tries to weight the scales of his own soul through an initially botched religious fervour, he picks and chooses at his own convenience when his newfound moral code is rigid and when it’s flexible, all in search of an ethereal and elusive feeling of ‘forgiveness’. He wants to be allowed to be able to sleep at night.
It is ultimately futile, and his own self-awareness stops him from being able to settle and think ‘good enough’ and leave his crimes in the past. He decides throwing himself into hellfire faster is really the only true justice he can provide to the world before Ratchet grabs him by the scruff and pulls him bleating out of his own toxic head spiral of guilt and useless self-flagellation. He develops a more honest and coherent spirituality, he learns to allow others into his emotional space, he learns to live with himself. He grows up.
Idk whaddahell fandom does with this to get where they are sometimes. Dratchet in popular fanon is like Love Simon if Simon had a gun. Turning drift into a sexy slinky horny catboy is fine like, don’t be racist and have fun! But it loses a lot of its… texture. You run the risk of turning Drift from a largely self-motivated character who’s history with substance abuse and Being A Shithead forms a part of him that he hates but is still part of him into like… an edgy hazbin hotel alter ego.
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ihasafandom · 1 month
Hi! For the ask game, out of curiosity, Laios
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I enjoy him! He is a well thought out character that suits his story perfectly. And it's so interesting to see such explicit autistic traits (not just in Laois but man a lot in him) just... there! In the main character! Without making his character be ALL about his autism or doing the autistic savant thing or making him a tool for someone else's story.
He's got benefits and detriments and neutral things from his autistic traits, he's the leader of the party and essential to the story without the story being About his neurology, he's silly and kindhearted and capable in a really well-rounded way, and he's got multiple reasons for doing the things he does.
He's a good character! *pat pat* I just think he's neat.
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aquillis-main · 2 months
Hot Take: Knuckles isn't stupid (Fuck boom). he's just sheltered and social skills aren't his forte. It's annoying how the fandom tries so hard to put Knuckles into the Dumb Muscle trope.
Strongly agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly disagree
I'm just tired of everyone ignoring the many traps Knuckles had in Sonic 3 and Knuckles. Dude's surprisingly smart for all of his moments of silliness. Even his 'failed' plan in Forces would have worked had Infinite not shown up at any point.
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semperama · 5 months
☕️ superhero movies
Hate them lmao, I'm sorry.
The last Marvel movie I watched was Thor: Ragnarok, and that was only for Taika Waititi. I'd actually fallen off Marvel almost completely after Age of Ultron (a movie so utterly awful (to me) that my husband and I walked out of the theater afterward, looked at each other, and simultaneously said, "Okay, we're done.") but made an exception for Ragnarok, and after that, we were through.
Oh wait, I did actually see the first Black Panther movie too, but not in theaters, and I think we only decided to watch it after it had been nominated for an Academy Award.
On the DC side....ugh. I'm generally more drawn to the DC heroes than the Marvel ones, but unfortunately those movies have disappointed too. I loved the first Wonder Woman movie. Wonder Woman 1984 was very disappointing to me. I've seen both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, and while I confess I do love Batfleck, I find Zach Snyder extremely tedious (to be generous), and I thought Cavill's Superman was kind of...awkward? Stilted? I suffered through Justice League purely for Wonder Woman and regretted it, as it was easily one of the worst movies I've EVER seen in my life. I saw Birds of Prey, and that was a lot of fun at least. I haven't seen any of the others and I doubt I'll watch any more in the future, haha.
Listen: I love movies. I watch so many movies. I love action movies. I love big spectacles. Superhero movies have so much potential for me personally, so it's not the concept of superhero movies themselves that's disappointing to me. It's the fact that almost all of them are lacking at least one of: a coherent plot, a unifying theme, an interesting point of view, artistry, style, decent acting (a problem compounded by the overuse of CGI and the stupid way they try to keep things secret), and/or the slightest bit of pathos. At a certain point they all started to feel like a commercial for the next movie rather than a worthwhile story in themselves.
So yeah, sorry for the long rant, but until superhero movies stop being made by committee and start feeling like an artistic endeavor, I can't. I just can't.
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lunememes · 2 years
send 🌄 for a hill i will die on .
alternatively, send " hill " if you can't see the emoji .
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strikingskeletonsiege · 9 months
The best shoulder devil I could ask for and one of the first people I would call on to have my back. Sometimes a dick, eats my food, plays with my pets, still my best friend.
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vilefilth · 9 months
I liked your voice in my head. I wish things were better so I could hear it more. Sorry...
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unseelie-grimalkin · 2 years
Because you bully him so often, please say some nice things about the Master of Secrets. 🤭
This isn't grade school sort of "haha I'm pulling your hair because I have a crush on you", this is very much "I want to understand you from every angle and faucet, you are fascinating to me, what is your DEAL"
Like okay. Flannán? To me, he is very much a very comfortable coat, I've had this coat for years, and it keeps me warm no matter what, I can always rely on this coat, Flannán mac Lugh is a character archetype I know and love dearly. I may not know every detail about him, but I know enough that is comfortable and it brings me back to him constantly. I know him in a way that feels intimate, even without all the details in place.
Keagan? I know this guy too. He's Jumin Han spliced with David Xanatos (which, yes, this specific association, with Xanatos, is one of the highest compliments I can give Keagan, dear anon, because it's David Motherfucking Xanatos) by way of Mister Miracle (2017) (warning: suicide discussion, gore, blood, unreality) in that Keagan has a lot of potentials, as a narrative arc, to go into a lot of fascinating and phenomenal questions. And, in spite of all of this familiarity, in seeing his face in different people, in seeing different I know completely people in him...I don't actually fully know him in a way that feels...complete.
Hence why I constantly propose putting him in numerous different scenarios that are tortuous for him, but also why I pair him with an MC who is, potentially, exactly what he needs: I want to unlock the puzzle box. Because I do like him.
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misfits-of-zaun · 1 year
Jinx, and Ekko, because of course. 🖼 and also 💡
🖼 for Ekko's opinion of Jinx in 3 memes:
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💡 for what Ekko THINKS Jinx's opinion of HIM is:
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dyscomancer · 10 months
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justarandombrit · 3 months
I don't know
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disformer · 1 year
🔥on the transformers fandom?
I got a couple of these so;
I like it here! I have a lot of fun in the TF fandom, I love the source material, and I’d like to stick around and be silly here as long as I can! It’s a good size, it’s super weird, there’s a lot of people my age, it has a huge amount of fan infrastructure… it’s nice! Food gets put in my trough etc.
THAT SAID. That said. I have never been in a fandom before that had… such a low population of openly transfem or openly BIPOC/nonwhite artists, who are… allowed to be loud, comfortably. I’m friends with ppl in this fandom who, in public or no, will express a very real discomfort with speaking openly abt shit they deal with in the fandom and issues they don’t feel comfortable bringing to light because they (correctly) predict a knee-jerk harassment from members of fandom.
And it’s not uncommon for this to be the case, but it is uncommon for it to exist in a queer fandom that otherwise posits itself as extremely open-minded. I think it has something to do with the general barrier of entry (robots/cars) that stops a lot of tf fandom posts from breaking containment and getting eyes from outside the bubble, but the result is a lot of… comfortable white afab fandomgoers who go unchallenged on their shit.
This doesn’t really affect me personally; I’m white and I’m transmasc, but in my opinion it does contribute to a level of imaginative decay, where new ideas aren’t allowed the oxygen needed to challenge existing popular opinion lest they offend the privileged majority, and it’s quite sad. I genuinely don’t know how to go about fixing something this entrenched other than being openly annoying about it as often as possible.
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
Anonymous: 💭 + romance
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Romance huh?
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"I've never experienced it myself. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to feel that way for someone... to have someone feel so strongly about me.
Not that I think it's more important then friendships, I don't think it makes much sense to put one above the other you know. But it'd be nice to experience at least once.
How does one even know if their feeling is romantic or not?"
He's yet to get an answer to that,
"You know in Creta we have this custom where when you really love someone you gift them a ring tied to a red string, meant to symbolize the love that connects you.
Although some have taken to use it as simply a sign of their bond with someone, like a close friend, it's typically meant as romantic gesture. Kind of like giving an engagement ring like in Amestris."
Truth be told he's something of a hopeless romantic at heart,
Lab!life: "What row-mansss?"
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aquillis-main · 2 months
My hot take: if SatAM was its own thing, unrelated to Sonic completely, few would care about it.
Strongly agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly disagree
I bet you if you asked someone who only knows Sonic through the games to watch SatAM, they'd come to same conclusion you and I have: it's a terrible show that had nothing to do with Sonic. It needed Sonic to leech off of to even get to where it is today. Nobody actually really cares about it beyond 'it's not really Sonic'.
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semperama · 5 months
☕️ live music
Theoretically love BUT I have been to less concerts in my life than like...pretty much anyone I know. I'm not really sure why though? I think it's a combination of the fact that my parents wouldn't have let me go to concerts with friends when I was a teenager (not without an adult, at least, I was kind of sheltered in that way), and then as I got older my music tastes kind of stagnated and the bands I liked either weren't coming to my area or broke up and weren't touring at all anymore OR were hugely popular and thus too expensive for me to see when I was poor and in school, haha. I keep saying I'm going to start going to more concerts now that I have the means, but of course as an adult it's hard to find the time, especially with kids. I want to, though!
That said, what I really, really love is being at places that have kind of "informal" live music. Like, my town has a lot of markets in the summer that have local bands that mostly do covers and stuff, and I really enjoy the atmosphere of sitting on a camp chair or walking around with a drink in hand and hearing familiar music in the background. Or when you go to a restaurant and they happen to have a really cool music act that night that you didn't anticipate or plan for.
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mischievous-thunder · 17 days
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When it comes to Logan Wade's always serious about what the man thinks about him. He hides behind his witty banter but it still shows.
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