#Organised Crime AU
fandoms-in-law · 1 year
Harrington Organised Crime au idea
It was never that Steve didn't know where his parents got their money from. It was that he'd assumed they weren't expecting him to be part of it after they left him in Hawkins with promises of monthly visits that never happened.
Then they're in his hospital room after the upside down is finally closed, congratulating him on making profitable contacts and getting the police on his side without bribery.
Then Eddie is latching onto him, asking why Reefer Rick has said he's higher in the supply chain now, when he'd decided to get out of dealing after Chrissy. Steve hadn't been enthusiastic to explain his parents business, any more than he was over them trying to ensure his new friend remained in a role they found profitable.
And Steve is just wishing that they could keep the crime out of anything they're doing, when Robin suggests a method that even Nancy and Dustin think will work: running their own business. His parents would view it as a front and expansion, but they could make it genuine instead. After all, Hawkins is only a small town so it's easier to make money legitimately than however his parents expect him to, and they can still do business in its back rooms if they really want to.
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faofinn · 2 years
DAY 4: knife to the throat
Part 1 | Part 2
Fao didn’t see Harrison much. Working internationally for Fred, he was rarely in London. Fao had his own stuff to do, working on his skills and his career with the opportunities Steve had given him, but that didn’t mean he didn’t miss him. The week they’d had together had been such a whirlwind, and every opportunity after that had been an opportunity to just enjoy each other’s company before he had to disappear off like the ghost he was. Fao tried not to let it get to him, but it always hurt to watch him drive away. 
They didn’t talk business, had no communication with each other whilst they weren’t together, and Fao figured it was for a reason. He was still new to Fred’s family, though they had their history, and whilst he was certainly trusted, it was best to keep things on a need to know basis. Fao understood. There were things he didn’t need to know in order to do his job. It meant Fao had no idea when or if he’d next be back, so he just kept his head down and worked. The basement had been predominantly Finn’s domain, with Steve’s influence too, but now he spent more and more time down there he was starting to turn it into his own. Equipment, organisation, suggestions for changes. He tried not to step on anyone’s toes, but the more people he had to treat down there, the more he wanted to make changes. It was always going to adapt as their skills pool increased, and with Fao in full time and developing his natural talent and instincts, things evolved. 
He’d been down in the basement all day, music blaring, practising his sutures and doing paperwork. He’d been completely in a world of his own, knowing full well that Fred was in his office and Finn was sleeping off a migraine two floors up in his bedroom. When he headed upstairs to make coffee and get something to eat he was followed by the dog, who eagerly sniffed him for food. The coffee machine hummed as it worked, and he didn’t realise another person was in the room until he felt an arm across his chest and the cool blade of a knife pressed to his throat. 
“Guess who.” 
He didn’t acknowledge who’d spoken, or the fact Arrow hadn’t even reacted. Instead, he acted on instinct, twisting to dislodge himself from his attacker’s grasp and turning to face them, slamming them hard into the counter behind him. The glass that had been there fell to the floor and shattered, but Fao didn’t even notice. He reached to his waistband for his gun, pressing it into the taller man’s side. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” He growled. 
Harrison laughed, winded slightly but apparently unfazed by the gun. "That's not a nice welcome."
Fao jerked back. “Harrison?!”
He reached to grab Fao as he moved, struggling to keep himself upright. "Hey."
He frowned. “What’re you doing here?”
"Back for a few weeks."
Fao tucked his gun back into his waistband. “Oh. Want coffee?”
"Yeah, sure."
Fao hummed, still full of adrenaline, and turned to the coffee machine. He’d forgotten about the smashed glass at their feet, and he caught a shard in his bare foot. “Ah, fuck.” He hissed, but stepped away from it and plucked the piece out from the delicate skin. “How long have you been back?”
"How long does it take to get from Heathrow to here?"
“Oh, not that long.”
"There's your answer."
Fao laughed. “Fair enough.” He reached up for another mug from the cupboard, setting it under the coffee machine and sipping his own coffee. 
"Have you got any food in? I'm starved."
“Yeah, I went out the other day. What do you fancy?”
“I’d have picked you up from the airport if I’d have known you were coming back today.” Fao said, digging around in the fridge. 
"It's fine." He murmured, rubbing his face. "I didn't know I was coming home until an hour before my flight."
“Mm, that’s rough.” He said. “I’ve got last night's leftovers? Shepherd’s pie?”
"Anything." He repeated. 
“No food on the plane? Tell Fred to pay for an upgrade next time.” Fao joked, sticking the food in the microwave. 
"Yeah and I'd get poisoned."
Fao shook his head. “You’re always in the shit.” He said. “This won’t take long, feel free to grab your coffee from the side. I’ll sort the glass before I cut myself again.”
He hummed, pushing himself up to sit on the bench. "Yeah."
Fao quickly swept the shards up, checking the floor to make sure there were none lying around. Discarded, he cleaned the blood off of his foot again and then sipped his coffee, watching Harrison carefully. “You look like shit, Tomcat.” He said softly. “Are you okay?”
"Gee, thanks."
“I’m serious.” Fao said, moving closer to him. 
"I've just been busy."
He hummed. “Let me check you out once you’ve eaten?”
"Yeah, sure." He didn't have the energy to argue.
“You must be bad, if you’ve not even argued with me.” Fao joked. 
"I just haven't stopped."
Fao rested a hand on his knee. “You’ve got a chance for a breather now.”
Harrison flinched slightly. "Yeah, I guess."
Fao frowned but didn’t say anything, the microwave interrupting his thoughts. He tipped the food out onto a plate, grabbed a fork, and passed it to Hars. “Want to sit properly?”
"Sure." He pushed himself off, the plate by his side. The change in position had the room spinning and he stumbled, grabbing out instinctively. 
Fao grabbed his arm. “Hey, hey, careful.”
"I'm fine, 'm fine." He tried pushing Fao off, but his legs gave way and his eyes rolled. 
“Fucking hell, Harrison.” Fao muttered, stumbling under the weight of him as he tried not to let him hit the floor. He just about managed, gathering him in his arms. 
It took him a few moments to come to, giving a groan as he caught sight of Fao. "Oh."
“Hey, idiot.” He said fondly. 
"I feel like shit."
“I bet.” Fao murmured. “Want to sit up?”
"Yeah, help me up?"
Fao hummed. “Yeah, lean on me.” He said, helping Hars up to sitting. “Feeling okay?”
He hung his head. "Not great."
“Think you’ll be able to walk to the basement?”
"Yeah. I'm fine."
“Alright. When was the last time you ate?”
He hesitated. "What say are we on?"
“It’s Tuesday, but you’re probably jetlagged. If you can’t remember, that means it’s been too long.”
"I ate on Sunday."
“Yeah, too long.” Fao said. “Let’s get you downstairs and I’ll bring your food down.”
"Yeah." He agreed forlornly. 
Fao stood and offered him a hand. “Here, come on. Nice and slow.”
Harrison took it, wincing as he stood. He tested his leg, more a nervous habit than anything else.
“I’ve got you.” Fao said gently. 
"If you're already dragging me down, can you do me a favour?" He asked quietly, leaning into Fao.
"I just…I might have got a little bit stabbed."
“A little bit stabbed? Harrison, what the fuck?”
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kainereee · 1 year
Hit the road jack!
( triple threat, at the courtesy of the lovely @broh3m3 for sowing the seeds in my brain. )
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 4 months
more ghost au doodles rn, what the heck?
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AU by @tippytanpies
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sillystringsimpsons · 5 months
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Content warnings: brief mention of sexual abuse, cartoon imagery of blood, cigars, cigarettes, discussion of struggling to transition, discussion of physical trauma. This AU is centred around a criminal organisation and by default involves mature themes.
Over hours, through a painstaking design process, I created an illustrated map detailing the relationships between frontal characters in my Simpsons alternate universe, The Good Ones. A lot of love and effort has been put into this, so I hope you guys like it! If there are any characters you'd like to see drawn, just let me know.
More info and close ups of icons beneath cut!
I know I always say this, but interactions, especially questions would mean SOSOSOSOSOSOSO much to me, as I've put so much thought into this and would LOVE to yap to interested people about it. I know art is done for oneself, but it feels really good to share my creations and hyperfixations with the Simpsons community :)
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For every character, I drew a little icon and wrote a line of dialogue, in order to give some inside into their personality and traits in a concise way. A few further explanations and elaborations are given below!
Valentina 'Tits' Albertini Her icon is a visual pun, featuring two Great Tits drawn in the colours of the transgender flag.
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Aside from Memphis, Valentina is the only other explicitly genderqueer character in the AU's focus (Lucy-Mae is heavily implied to fall under the nonbinary umbrella, but she never personally feels the need to explore it further, and is happy with identifying as female). Her former nickname was a play on how ballsy of a person she is within the mafia - though Cora is a wildcard, she makes very rash decisions: Valentina is both calculated and bold, and her current nickname is a crude (fittingly), but well-spirited adaptation introduced by Memphis. After coming out, she experiences backlash from Tony, who is concerned her late transition will impact the image of the mob. Memphis, being a trans man, asks him why Valentina is any different from himself, and in the heat of the moment, Tony exclaims that half the people in their own family have no idea that he's transgender, which leads to some tension between the two. Tits' main character arc revolves around her exploration of gender and gender expression, and the character that plays the biggest role in it is Tony's son, Michele (purposefully drawing parallels between Tony and Memphis' own relationship, and showing social change between generations).
Michele 'Softfoot Mikey' D'Amico His icon is a nod to his (in this AU) love of ballet, and how he uses it to his advantage in his role as an underboss.
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Michele is a simple evolution on Tony's canon son, Michael D'Amico. In this AU, he's been aged up to 23, and instead of having an unconventional love for cooking, has an unconventional love for ballet dance. Most all of his other traits have been kept the same, however, aside from the obvious fact that he's more rational and mature than his in-canon counterpart. He's straight, but is portrayed as very effeminate - and comfortably so. Mikey really just is a girlboss who never fails to (sometimes literally) slay.
Cora 'Connie the Howler' Mezzasalma Her icon plays on her nickname, portraying a dog with some of her key characteristics, such as a matching necklace given to her by her adoptive brother, as well as a splatter of blood - presumably from one of her usual 'errors'. Her nickname refers to the colloquial term howler, meaning a laughable mistake.
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Frankie's awkward adoptive sister of Greek origin, Cora was initially made with the sole purpose of providing a dynamic for Frankie, outside of his relationship with Johnny (which is still the primary relationship explored), but she really grew as a character. Initially I made the name 'Connie the Howler' on the fly as a sort of female version of 'Frankie the Squealer', but I ended up actually putting the effort in to rationalise it and bring it into her character. The result was an awesome little dynamic between two characters who were equally stupid, but in very different ways. She may be responsible for a number of incorrect hits, as well as a good few accidental deaths and injuries, but at the end of the day, she's a silly girl at heart who really synergises with her brother's anxious energy.
Maximus 'Legs' Legman & Luis 'Louie' Walters Both of their icons refer to an car accident the both of them got into, wherein Legs, ironically, suffered severe damage to his legs (resulting in the amputation of his left one), and Louie underwent significant cranial trauma.
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The two do admittedly have a closer relationship because of the shared experience, though they both experience significant impacts. Notably, Louie develops Broca's aphasia (yes, I know the injury is on the wrong side, that's my bad), a form of non-fluent aphasia where one's quality of speech and grammatical structure is significantly diminished - even though the words are in your head, you cannot get them out, usually due to damage to the area of the brain responsible for the production of speech. Louie really struggles in the aftermath, and has a difficult time adapting to his disability. Thankfully, he's got his friend there to help him through it.
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f1-disaster-bi · 8 months
BIG YES to new mafia au pls. but also omg please what is this rumour?? is there a link to the reddit post?
I don't have the link but I think it was the deuxmoi reddit? The rumour is McLaren are annoyed at Lando because he keeps getting robbed when having one night stands and allegedly crime groups are now targeting him by this method 🤣
Which then gave birth to this little scene here:
Charles spotted his mark pretty easily. He had only just entered the high end VIP bar of the hotel when he spotted his mark alone at the bar. It was pretty empty for a Thursday night, and his mark was sipping at a drink that seemed to be a violent pink colour. He wasn't even dressed to fit the atmosphere of the bar. He was just wearing a simple pale blue hoodie over jeans and what were expensive sneakers. His hair was left free and messy, and probably hadn't been combed in at least a day which had Charles rolling his eyes a bit but hey, the look was cute. And it always helped when his mark was cute. It made it so much easier to seduce them and sleep with them. Then, once they were put cold, he could make away with some of their stupidly expensive watches or all the cash in their wallets before they woke up for a round two. An easy job, and one Charles often enjoyed because he liked sex and robbing dumb rich people of their things so he and his crew could feed their families. As he approached his mark, Lando as the brief had informed him, Charles knew this would be like any other job. "One vodka and lime, please", Charles asked as he settled at the bar, leaving a space between himself and Lando. The formula one rising star gave him a quick side ways glance. His eyes widened a little when Charles met his gaze, and a cute pink blush filled out over freckled cheeks, "Hi there, I'm Charles" He offered his hand out to Lando who shook it with a warm cautious hand. "Lando", the other answered softly before dropping his hand and turning away from Charles. "It's a beautiful night, no?" Charles continued, tapping his card when prompted by the bartender and accepting his drink, "So what brings you here, Lando?" He made sure to let his accent slip more on his name, and to bat his eyes as he sipped at his drink through his straw. "Work", Lando hummed but otherwise tried to keep to himself which annoyed Charles, but he liked a challenge. "Oh? And what kind of work has a cute man like you sitting here all alone?", Charles hummed, reaching out to touch Lando’s arm. Instead of making the other melt and turn towards him, the touch just made Lando sigh as he finished his drink. Charles watched in surprise as he started to undo his watch and held it out to Charles. "Just take it. We don't need to do this whole dance where I think a guy actually might be interested in me only to rob me, alright? I'm tired of it, so take the watch, and just leave me alone please"
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toolazytodecide · 1 year
If I had a nickle for every couple i shipped where the first thing one said to the other was "Fuck you." I'd have two nickles.
It's not a lot but it's weird it happened twice
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Do you have any spare yakuza au to suggest? I'm craving some criminal inuyasha and good girl kagome... Thanks💖
Hello, Anon! We do have a stack of Yakuza fics for you, and we took the liberty of splitting this list into two sections: Yakuza/Organised Crime. Unfortunately, there aren't a whole lot of Yakuza-centric fics that feature InuKag as the main pairing that are complete/ongoing. To rectify that, we took your bad-boy/good-girl stipulation and found some fics we think you'll love. Happy reading! 💓
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[Yakuza AU]
Everyone feared him, except for one person. Not being able to resist the challenge her intelligence rained on him, Inuyasha kept her in his gang for the sake of his sanity. Kagome was just a rich girl he plucked off the street to anger Fluffy, right?
The Bosses Daughter by darkiceone (M)
She ran away from home knowing that it was her only way out of a bloody life. After three years of being gone, she is forced back to that life, back to the yakuza life. In order to protect those she loves she will give up control of her life again to do so.
Love’s Smirking Revenge by Langus (M)
Inuyasha Takahashi is a seasoned detective heading the most publicized Yakuza murder investigation of the year. Kagome Higurashi is a journalist who likes a good mystery. When the two clash over the investigation will sparks fly or will they get burned?
More Than Words by @mamabearcat (E)
Inuyasha had made a new life for himself in Australia, far from his humble beginnings in Nishinari, Osaka. It was almost like he was a brand new person - as far as anyone knew, he was just a humble barista who made damn good coffee, and that's how it was going to stay. Kagome led a busy life, committed to her career as a Tender Coordinator in an NGO. She barely had time for herself, let alone getting out to meet someone. Sometimes she wondered if it was only the caffeine that kept her going.
Kagome loves coffee. Inuyasha is a barista. Sounds like a match made in heaven right? Only she speaks very little Japanese, and he’s just beginning to learn English and trying to make a new life for himself without the dangerous complications of his past. It’ll take a little work, but love is more than words.
Bad Company by @britonell (T)
AU, OneShot: She knew she would never get her Prince Charming, but she never wanted the son of a Yakuza Boss. Too bad.
The Walk Home by @fawn-eyed-girl (E)
Inuyasha is a reformed bad boy with a heart of gold. Kagome is a girl who keeps up a perfect image by day, and is a party girl by night. One night, Inuyasha saves Kagome from a potentially dangerous situation.
He realizes that he can’t leave her side; will she eventually realize that she likes having him there?
[Organised Crime]
Turn of Events by Bear5 (M)
Everyone feared him, except for one person. Not being able to resist the challenge her intelligence rained on him, Inuyasha kept her in his gang for the sake of his sanity. Kagome was just a rich girl he plucked off the street to anger Fluffy, right?
Sleeping with the Mob by LunaChick (X)
'"I can't afford to live without the loan. What Naraku wants, isn't money!" Kagome protested, hoping he would get the hint. A momentary look of displeasure crossed his face, before he smirked and replied, "What I want isn't money either." His golden eyes shown with a devilish glint.'
Three one-shots following this thread.
Lead Me Down the Garden Path by princesspvmpernickel (M)
Fear of unemployment made Kagome accept the first job offered: a job introducing her to infamous celebrity, Inuyasha Taisho. As the two get closer, she learns of dark secrets and a global scandal that make her question herself, her feelings, and Inuyasha. She didn't intend to get caught up in the violence and corruption of Inuyasha's past. She also didn't intend to fall in love.
The Delinquent Boyfriend by @artistefish (M)
Kagome knew she shouldn't be dating a 'bad boy'; between the bloody street-fights and the jealous tantrums, she supposed her friends were right to be concerned. But he'd shown her the world was nothing like she thought, and that labels never really fit.
The Militia by @senie-old-blog (M)
The Higurashi's started a rebellion to take down Governor Naraku and his bigoted agenda to separate youkai and humans. When they were murdered in cold blood, Kagome vowed to find the man who did it and get justice. She's trained twenty years for this and the only thing standing in her way now is the Captain of the 'The Militia'.
Club Shikon by Tsuki-no-oni (T)
As Kagome tries to make the best out of her life away from home, Inuyasha tries his best to survive as leader of a powerful gang in the big city. sometimes, love takes lives...
Delicate by @akitokihojo (T)
To trust someone, to let them in, what an unsettling ordeal. Kagome is easy and safe, and Inuyasha is difficult and guarded. She can put him at ease with a smile, simultaneously setting him on edge. It was nothing until it was something, creating absolute chaos and uncertainty within the both of them.
Million Dollar Man by @inussunflower (E)
Inuyasha is a troubled UFC fighter, who has quickly found comfort in the lap of luxury. However, his temper had landed him in trouble numerous times already in his short career. Lately, his publicist Miroku has had enough of his self-destructive ways. Exasperated, Miroku has decided it's best for Inuyasha to enter a public relationship, in an attempt to soften his public image. Enter Kagome Higurashi, a barista who works at a cafe a few blocks away from Inuyasha's flashy Manhattan apartment. Tempers and frustrations fly as Kagome and Inuyasha struggle in adjusting to a loveless relationship, but will time change that?
The Inugami by LoneStorm (T)
When Kagome Higurashi moved to the bad side of Chicago to help with her grandfather’s restaurant, she expected chaos. Being thrown into a fake gang, caught in the middle of a drug war and grudge that stretches centuries back in time, befriending a grumpy half demon along with a ragtag bunch of three other misfits… wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. High school AU. Inukag.
Love and War by Jinxx (M)
Inuyasha the leader of the notorious gang the Dogs falls for Kagome when she is mistaken for Kikyo in a gang war. He has a tough time keeping this young beauty safe but he has an even tougher time keeping his heart safe from her.
Sequel: Resurrection Remixed (M)
Human Compensation by LianaLyn (M)
Kagome is excited about her new job as a personal assistant to the hanyou, Inuyasha, but soon her simple life turns deadly when she discovers she's working for the mob. Can Inuyasha protect the innocent girl from his twisted and dangerous life?
Leverage by @witchygirl99 (E)
Kagome lowers her gun.
“Motherfucker,” Inuyasha hisses, glaring first at her and then at the dead body by her feet. “That was my goddamn kill. Again.”
That’s rich, coming from him. Kagome stares him dead in the eyes before shooting two more bullets into the chest of the target.
Everyone has a soulmate. Everyone has a soul mark to identify them with. For an assassin like Kagome, this form of leverage will leave nothing but blood.
The Story by Le-Tourbillon (M)
A destitute Kagome is struck by fate when she's adopted into the Inu-Taisho family. Struggling to find the meaning behind her fortune, Kagome discovers feelings for Inuyasha along the way. Sadly, it all comes to a crashing halt when someone abducts her with the intent of never letting go. Romance and Drama surround the two as they fight tooth and nail with, and for, each other.
Anew by Pie_Master (E)
Kagome Higurashi lived a life that she loved, but she didn't know it was a lie. Her best friend Sango always lived the truth but knowing the things her best friend was capable of she never wanted her to be apart of it. A simple event was thought to be left good until Kagome runs into a person that pushes her through the looking glass. Demons exists? Yes, they do Kagome.
Just My Luck by banxbadxkarma (T)
Kagome was a small town girl from the back end of nowhere until one day her mom was offered an amazing job in the middle of Tokyo. Now the small town Kagome must move and adapt to a life of gangs run by incredibly hot leaders and a high school with more people in it then her old town! Yea life is going to be interesting...
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literary-sluts · 5 months
Death and Other Lies by finifugue <ao3>
tags: au - secret crime organisation, no f1 knowledge required, found home, warning cliffhangers and like... crime yk Lando Norris/Oscar Piastri centered, minor Alex Albon/George Russell, most other F* drivers (42k words)
what K thinks about it: son of a bitch! i read this when it was still WIP and it nearly killed me to wait for the last chapter. it's endearing in its pain, full of plot twists and hurting and it's just- so so good. i would rec this to anyone who has time for a one-sitting 50k and some crying because damn.
you can find the author here under @finifugue go give them some love
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Writing project update: 95 characters with full names, profiles and backstories and still counting
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makeanartsave · 2 years
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guess who just realised that crocus is technically a crime boss and that percy would LOVE to be the arm-candy-who-is-secretly-a-bodyguard 
and so i present to you: the flower girls in their sexy mafia!au (the U really isn’t all that A tho. they really are just sexy crime wives)
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pegasusknightsonly · 7 months
mall au Charlotte occupies a really huge part of my brain. she's Xander's trophy girlfriend who's been on/off with him for the best part of seven years and she's getting kind of sick of waiting for him to pop the question but at least this way he hasn't definitively said that he doesn't want to marry her. she's had a nose job a chin job a jaw sculpt lip and cheek fillers and her ears pinned back. because she was a pro boxer and she had to retire early due to a lifetime ban from competing after trying to claw an opponents eyes out. most of the work done on her face was to try and repair all the damage from boxing. the boob job and the BBL were for fun though. she wears kitten heels everywhere because she's five foot nine and scared that Xander will feel emasculated if she is taller than him. he has never noticed
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sillystringsimpsons · 4 months
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Your comment on my Amelia ref inspired me to make this! She doesn’t need to be official in the au, but here’s just some concept art for the funsies :3
Love this!!!!! Unfortunately Valentina's whole character arc is contingent on her and Memphis being the only transgender people within the family (also there's a lot of adjustments I'd need to make to existing dynamics) T_T
BUT I do still love this idea :333 so here's a little non-canon sketch of amelia and little suricato running from the northside perros (a minor street gang based in downtown springfield that I'm still properly developing - they used to be associates of the D'Amico family, and two of their members were responsible for planting the car bomb that disabled Louis and Max)
interactions hugely appreciated!!!! <3 also if you haven't already go follow @legstheoctomobster or else
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quillandink333 · 1 year
💌 || How long did it take them to realize they had feelings for you? Was it love at first sight, or did they need to get to know you better?
Ty for the ask Kimi!! Doing this one for the yakuza au
So in this universe (which is only loosely based on real Japanese history ok so bear with me lol just know that historical accuracy is selective for this au), Kazuma is the head of the Asougi Syndicate, whose primary source of income is from the prostitution ring in the red light district they operate (unbeknownst to its workers), and I’m one of the prostitutes serving at a “tea house” in said red light district who was sold into sexual servitude by her parents as an infant
With that context out of the way, I can talk about how we first meet! So obviously being the head of the yakuza, he goes undercover whenever he visits the red light district, so when I meet him for the first time I have no idea who he is. So I give him my services and realise he’s surprisingly respectful and considerate compared to any other man I’ve served??? So for me at least it was definitely love at first sight, but for Kaz I think it was more like lust at first sight which eventually developed into love (but I mean, he’s a manipulative control freak yandere who basically grooms me into doing what he wants and becoming completely dependent on him so like, depends on your definition of love haha)
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new-anon · 1 year
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long overdue art for the “heir to an organised crime family pushing his luck for a date with the exhausted and jaded ER nurse” AU
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varpusvaras · 7 days
An AU in which Jason, upon returning to Gotham, gets really swept up into the whole crime lord thing, and never gets the time to go through with his revenge plan.
It starts small. He comes back and gets to work, and after a while, he has managed to carve out some of the crime from crime alley. This gets him noticed among some of the people there. One night, a group of thugs approach him, but instead of wanting to fight him, they want to work for him.
Jason, still fresh, with not much revenue coming for him yet, tells them that he isn't hiring because he cannot exactly pay them much. The thugs say that it doesn't matter, because they like what he is doing, and would like to be in on it anyway, and, well. If Jason has help managing other things, he can dedicate more time on his bigger plan, right?
Wrong. Things start to move much quicker now, and that means that more people come in and want to work for him. At this point Jason has money coming in, and he starts paying them, too, which makes more people come in, which in turn makes more money to come in as well. Jason can pay them more, and suddenly he notices a difference in many of the goons he has on his roster now. They seem happier. They joke more, many of them have better clothes on them, and they don't look so gaunt anymore, either.
Jason asks about it, once, and the goon tells him that they have had the money to buy actual groceries and new pair of boots, which makes living a lot more comfortable. They even got to buy their kid a new winter jacket! Now, if they save up a little bit, they will be able to get their kid new school books as well!
And Jason, Crime Alley boy Jason, who loved school and reading, feels his heart strings being violently yanked. Don't worry about the books, he says. I will take care of it.
At the end of the month, he has managed to organise a book delivery system for all the Crime Alley kids, where they get school books and picture books and science books about dinosaurs and angient Egypt and all that. He tells his goons that for every kid that stays in school for the semester, he will give them a bonus.
It works wonders. The amount of kids dropping out from school gets cut by 60 percent just during the first semester. The book system grows, and suddenly Jason finds himself pushing some money to get the old local library running again, to make things a bit easier. He even hires some people to run the system for him. Suddenly, he is like actually employing people. He needs an accountant. He hires one for himself, and then another one to run other funds.
Things just keep escalating after that. Local parent group starts to have meetings in the new library, and they put up a babysitting club and start a clothes exhange program as well, where you can bring all the clothes that are too small for you, and people get to take what they need home. A soup kitchen starts as well, first because the kids need snacks, and then it grows so much that Jason needs to find a place for it to run effectively and safely. Many local restaurants get into it as well, and their business starts to rise as well, because people who are fed and have warm clothes have more time and energy to seek for jobs. Many of them are still employed within just Crime Alley, though, because jobs elsewhere require an adress, and some people don't have those.
Jason thinks about himself, after his parents died, on the streets, trying to survive, and thinks never again. He tells his accountant to start budgeting for housing.
He needs to hire more people for it. He needs to run his crime empire, after all, he doesn't have the time for this.
He has so many people working for him now. There are a few thugs that were previously employed by other Gotham Rogues coming in as well, because they have heard good things about the Red Hood. The other Rogues are in and out of the prison or Arkham all the time and the pay isn't reliable and there is a high chance that you will get beaten up by one of the bats as well, and they don't really get offered medical services by their bosses, you know?
There's another thing. Jason now has to organize people to get first aid-training. And also get some sort of vaccination program going. And also get everybody dental.
It's all getting too much for him, really. He doesn't even have a high school diploma.
He mentions this to one of his goons one night, because they said that he looked stressed. Don't worry boss! The goon tells him. We will take care of things, if you want to go back to school! It would be a good example, too, for the older kids, who are still dropping out more than the little kids, you know?
So Jason goes back to school. God he loves school. He barely even thinks about his revenge plan anymore, because he is busy running his programs and studying and making plans with his goons.
He gets his diploma and then starts a community college so people can get degrees.
He then runs into an entirely new problem. The people look up to him, especially the kids. And now the kids also want to help him.
Jason, the second Robin, the bird with clipped wings, tells them no. Absolutely not. You are kids, go back to school, your bedtime is at nine.
He cannot control the older teens, though. They just tell him to fuck off and accept the help. Now train us, so we can start running the more specialized missions too. You can't be the only person jumping on rooftops. If you don't train us, we will do it anyway, dipshit. We ain't scared of you.
And suddenly Jason has his own vigilante team with him. His workers are unionizing. Some of them are actually running for the city council to get things addressed that need to be done the legal way. Crime rates have dropped by 70 percent around Crime Alley.
They can't really call it Crime Alley anymore, can they? It's Park Row again.
The bats are extremely confused by the new team. The Hoods, they call themselves. All of them with a red bat painted on their chests and fighting in an eerily similar manner to them.
Jason is not there on Thursdays. He is busy getting his English degree.
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