#Oyster mushroom logs
agrinoon · 1 month
Before you purchase the products, careful examination is crucial. Numerous purchasers tragically ignore this pivotal step, prompting disappointment or monetary misfortune. Exploration ought to incorporate comprehension of different mushroom species, ideal developing circumstances, respectable merchants, and likely difficulties in development.
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My mushroom log
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slinkyslugs · 3 months
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I return from my winter dormancy 🫨
Enjoying the middle of the day sunshine and slight warmth! We started our King Oyster mushroom logs at the beginning of Feb, so check back in like 8 months...
Also another mushroom goblet, with a cute lil snail at the bottom. I'm also working on a snail yarn bowl that I'll try to post when it's done!
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nim-lock · 2 years
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the shrooms be sprootin
[picture of oyster mushrooms poking through some straw in a bucket]
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amerasdreams · 1 year
with all these edible mushrooms growing around here spring-fall, now that I know what they look like, it makes no sense to buy mushrooms.
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reading Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake really has me wanting to start growing edible mushrooms again despite the fact that my lab skills are terrible and it’s too hot here to grow the ones i actually like eating
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mossmosss · 1 year
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xxdemonicheartxx · 5 days
Most common funerary burials by flight:
Putting this one below the cut due to death mentions and burial descriptions I understand this can be a topic of discomfort no matter how vague one is when speaking on it <3
Arcane: opalization, the body is taken and layed in the shallows of intensely magic rich pools in a resting position, where it will rapidly opalize in a matter of weeks or months due to the volitile arcane energy of the land, sometimes individual scales are opalized instead and the rest of the body is cremated to be scattered amid their favorite place of study
Earth: mummification, the body is taken and embalmed, richly doused in spices, oils, and linen wraps, the organs removed are in canopic jars that resemble the dragon's own visage. Some earth mages practice petrification of the body as well upon request. Another practice is glass blowing cremated remains into colorful works of art, often colorful globes of glittering glass or glass sculptures of the deceased's visage
Shadow: the body is often cremated and the ashes greatly compressed into logs or bricks, before being soaked in spores and water to allow the mushrooms the the tangled wood to reclaim them and take them home. Other practices include burials or creating wrought iron burial markers. Celebrations of life are held around these burial sites
Light: due to the.... emperor problem.... graveyards have rapidly been destroyed and the fear of merging with Luminax sits like a stone in the heart of every imperial. Cremation is the most common practice as of now but celestial burials used to be common practice where the sun would always be able to touch you even in death (also known as sky burials) a new practice adopted from the earth flight includes taking these cremated remains and turning them into glass suncatchers
Plague: plague dragons believe that returning to the land you've survived is a must, dying of old age is a great achievement!! Often the body is returned to the land, buried or laid to be reclaimed by the ecosystem. Some more sentimental dragons or close loved ones will save scales or tan parts of wing membrane to carry close to their heart
Nature: burials are the most common practice, continuing to feed the shrieking wilds, some pathways have small markers or idols where loved ones frequent so that they can continue to pay homage in the labyrinthian jungle
Ice: ice dragons actually do not freeze their deceased, instead they take parts of membranes and tan them before tattooing a depiction of their loved one into their own hide, complete with a name, date of birth and date of death, its too cold to dig in this land so they cremate the remains and scatter them amid the tundra so in spring they can help the flowers return. The tanned memento is kept with a clan's priest, shaman, or spiritual leader with the rest of them, under expert care
Fire: forge pyres, often when fire dragons die their own heat resistance can make cremation a difficult process. So their remains are given to forge masters who are capable of reaching intense heat, working bellows and feeding the flames until the body is reclaimed by the flames. Other practices include caldera funerals, where the body is taken to be sunk in the lava of volcanoes or lava floes. Sometimes blackened skeletons can be reclaimed by loved ones in doing this
Wind: sky burials. The body is taken high up and laid under open sky for the sun and the wind to reclaim, it is believed that in doing this their spirit may continue to soar. Also refered to as celestial burials
Water: sinking of the body in designated graveyards is a common practice, often referred to as a burial at sea. Tiny tiny fragments of the dragon are often kept to be artificially put into oysters so that a pearl can be formed from their loved one's remains. Another practice is water cremation or Alkaline hydrolysis is another practice that is starting to gain traction
Lightning: the desert sand is not suitable for proper burials and grave markers aren't reliable in the shifting expanse, often the body is dehydrated first before undergoing electrical cremation, with no fluid the body will burn rapidly, the ashes then mixed with sand are placed amid one of hundreds of electrical storms with a tall metal rod in the center of the remains. To be struck by lightning turning them into "fulgurites" or "fossilized lightning" these unique and intimate structures are then returned to loved ones to be kept similarly to an urn
There are always exceptions to funeral practices. Dragons like obelisks and imperials often require additional care in the event the obelisk returns to stone or cremation is not an option for the imperial but these are the common or most popular practices in each region (non cannon)
As always I'd love to hear your own headcannons and takes too!!
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creativesnek · 11 months
Mushroom Foraging Scare
“All right guys! Today, I’m out here with Peach, looking for some tasty mushrooms for dinner.”
Luigi panned the camera stick over him, capturing Peach on the shot. As he continued to film, Peach smiled and waved at the camera, her excitement evident. The sun-dappled forest provided a picturesque backdrop for their mushroom hunting adventure.
"Let's see if we can find some of those delectable chanterelles," Luigi said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. He adjusted his hat and led the way deeper into the woods, with Peach following closely behind.
As they ventured further into the forest, the air became cooler and filled with earthy scents. The ground was covered in a thick carpet of fallen leaves, making each step slightly crunchy under their feet. Luigi's eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of mushroom patches. As they did so, the man thanked the donations and let the comments flow.
The forest is so pretty 😍
New area unlocked
Damn, the dark web theory to mushroom foraging pipeline is REAL
Weeg looks so adorable and excited
Protecc this man at all cost
*SuperBro has donated 1500 bits! I will never understand y u like mushrooms so much🤢*
Luigi smirked at his brother’s words. Mario has always hated mushrooms, even when they were little. If Mama cooked with them, he’d pick them off his plate and give them to Luigi. To this day he finds it ironic, considering Peach is a Toad person. One can see it on the white freckles and reddish cheek that she bloomed from the royal mycelium. In the end, Mario ended up falling for the thing he disliked most and Luigi will never let him live it down. 
They continued onwards, stopping every now and then to look over a dead log before moving on. Luigi and Peach were taking their time, enjoying the outdoors and summer breeze. As they ventured deeper into the forest, Luigi and Peach marveled at the vibrant hues of green that surrounded them. 
So peaceful…
Do y’all have a club or smth I can join? Kinda wanna get into this🤔
Isn’t this… cannibalism for Peach?
“Peach, you got a question,” said Luigi.
Luigi stopped for a moment. “Someone asked if this is cannibalism for you.”
Peach threw her head back and laughed. The question has popped up several times, and honestly it doesn’t bother her. Newcomers are a common occurrence during streams; plus, it was an opportunity to educate people on Toadfolk culture and physiology. Peach jumped over a log, “No, this isn’t cannibalism for me,” she replied with a giggle. “Toads are born from a special and totally different form of mycelium, which is why we’re sentient. Mushrooms, on the other hand, don’t come from this and therefore aren’t sentient or anywhere near close to being my species.”
Luigi adjusted his camera. “Well, Peachie here is born from an even more special mycelium, which is why she looks more like me than normal Toads.”
Ohh ok
Peach just *spawns into existence* 🧍🏽‍♀️
Guys, king oysters 3 o’clock
The green-wearing man’s eyes widened. “King oysters?”
Luigi looked around, looking for the mushroom patch that the comment mentioned. And lo and behold, there it was to his right. Giggling like school children, the two ran towards it.
Freaking dorks, i luv them
Damn they really want those shrooms😂
The two made it to the patch, then dropped to their knees. Luigi angled the camera, making sure he had a proper shot of the beautiful fungi.
Pat the cap
i wanna poke it
By law, Luigi must pat the cap.
*Tao Coffee ☕donated 1000 bits! give pats to the mushroom pls*
“Hold on, lemme double check that they’re safe,” said Peach.
She laid on her stomach, inspecting the fungi before standing up and nodding. Luigi lifted his free hand and proceeded to give the requested pats to the king oyster mushrooms. Cheers and happy emoticons flooded the chat. Luigi set his camera stick down, angled towards them as they started digging some out. 
“Oh wow, these are big mushrooms,” he commented.
Peach slowly dug one out and lifted it to the air. “Look at this one! It’s bigger than my hand!”
The two talked back and forth as they collected the mushrooms, exclaiming their excitement.
Still don’t know how tf I got here…
Take a bite out of it
I wanna bite it
Luigi looked at his phone. “I highly recommend not eating raw mushrooms, especially freshly picked ones.”
Peach gasped. “Ohh, how are you going to cook them?”
“I was thinking of sauteeing them and then eating them with rice,” he replied.
The two started suggesting recipes (with the Chat drooling over the suggestion) but were suddenly interrupted by the sound of thunder. They looked up and gasped; the once sunny sky had suddenly turned dark. Luigi dropped the king oysters into a bag, then put them in his backpack. Peach frowned, “That storm’s coming in pretty quickly,” he said.
Luigi nodded in understanding and looked around. In the distance, he noticed an old building, covered in vines and shrubbery. It looked sketchy but it’ll have to do, the storm was rolling in quickly. He grabbed his stuff and made a beeline towards it; Peach followed closely behind. The rain started pouring behind them. 
As they approached the dilapidated building, Luigi could feel a sense of unease creeping up his spine. The creaking sound of the rusty gate swinging in the wind added to the eerie atmosphere surrounding them. Despite his reservations, he knew they had no other choice but to seek shelter within its mysterious walls.
Pushing open the heavy wooden door, a musty smell filled their nostrils, and their eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior. The room was cluttered with broken furniture and covered in layers of dust, as if it had been abandoned for years.
Sketchy af 🫤
Watch for glass or used needles u guys
Get out. Get outta there. 
Hell no, I’d rather stay out in the rain
*SuperBro donated 25 bits! Lu, Peach, keep an eye out.*
Heeding his brother’s and the chat’s words, they found a clean spot to sit and just wait. Bowser would be here soon to pick them up; he most likely noticed the clouds and is already on his way here. Luigi sighed, “Hey, at least we got our haul, right?” he said, trying to sooth the tension. Peach nodded.
An hour passed by. They tried to distract themselves by enjoying the sound of music or answering donation questions. Peach fiddled with her pocket knife, nervously looking around. Suddenly they heard glass breaking. Luigi's eyes widened in fear, his hand instinctively flying to cover his mouth to stifle any noise that might escape.
The group exchanged worried glances, their previous distractions forgotten in an instant. Peach's grip tightened around her pocket knife, her knuckles turning white as she prepared herself for whatever might come next. They had hoped for a peaceful evening, but it seemed fate had other plans.
Then they heard the horrible growl.
Omg do we call 911???!
dis so fake ong
^^ stfu. 😡
Hey there demons, it’s me ya boi
The duo shot up to their feet and booked it towards an exit, leaving the camera behind. They leaped over debris, screaming.
Someone call King!
He better come get his man
*King donated 1 bit! I’M OUTSIDE!*
They could see headlights from another exit. Peach and Luigi ran out into the rain. A large truck pulled closer. Both recognized it as Bowser’s standard vehicle. Without skipping a beat, they headed towards it as it meant safety. As Peach and Luigi dashed through the pouring rain, their hearts pounded with a mix of fear and determination.
Luigi headed towards the side and frantically got inside, wiping away wet hair from his face. Bowser picked him up by the scruff and pulled him inside further. Peach climbed inside, collapsing across the seats. There was silence except for their pants and the truck’s engine for a few seconds. Bowser touched his face, “Are you okay?!” 
“I-I’m okay…”
The concerned Koopa turned to look at the backseats. “Peaches, you good?!”
Peach gave him a weak thumbs-up. Bowser sighed and squeezed his boyfriend’s hand tightly. They took a moment to gather themselves. Peach slowly sat up and moved her ponytail over her shoulder, nervously running her hands through it. Luigi sighed and put his backpack on his lap. Then he froze. 
“I left my phone behind.”
Bowser stared straight ahead. Then took off his seatbelt. Luigi went to grab his arm but he got out before he could even touch him. He slammed the door close behind him, “Stay here.”
Peach and Luigi’s protests fell on deaf ears as the large koopa marched inside, smoke trails leaving his nostrils. They watched nervously as the minutes ticked by, fearful of what would happen next. Luigi knew Bowser was fully capable of defending himself, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t worry. 
They both jumped and screamed when the car door opened suddenly.
Bowser took his seat, getting comfortable on the custom-made seat fit for his shell. He handed Luigi the camera stick, which he had kept dry. Luigi took it, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. Also, it wasn’t some random crackhead or anything like that; just a bunch of asshole Boos playing pranks.”
The two sighed in relief. Luigi lifted the phone, trying to give the audience a reassuring smile.
He’s alive!
He lives!
Damn, Bowser lookin’ fine in the rain 👀🫦
Weeg, how could u cheatin on King? Disappointed 🙁
Bowser is King, dumbass.😑
The chat continued their expressions of relief (and the occasional bickering) as Luigi stayed on screen. Bowser wiped his hair back, then started the truck again. He also turned on the heater, “Let’s go home before you two catch a cold.”
Luigi smiled at him, “It’s my turn to make dinner.”
“Sounds good to me,” Bowser replied.
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agrinoon · 3 months
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Best Oyster mushroom logs
Agrinoon is one of the most reliable companies offering Oyster Mushroom Spawn to the customers worldwide and it is known for exporting the products to different countries. The company believes in offering quality products to the clients and the production process is elaborate and comprehensive. 
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worm-gar · 5 months
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Revisited that oyster mushroom tree and it was absolutely COVERED in shrooms. Unfortunately it’s been too cold at night and they’ve frozen so they weren’t any good but some of em were huge!!
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Bigger than the size of my hand!! I’ll have to check this log out again as it should hopefully set more flushes later once it warms up
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cheesiestart-redux · 19 days
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My oyster mushroom log is going well
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angelnachos · 3 months
What is your favorite mushroom
Tough call, honestly. I am going to divide the answer into "favorite mushroom to eat" vs. "favorite in general."
My favorite mushroom to eat is definitely Morel mushrooms. They are very tender and really do have a nice beef flavor. They are also super interesting shrooms. Morels do not have gills that release spores, but they have "pits" all over their caps. These pits produce cream/yellow spores. They are also completely hollow when cut open.
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In Poland, Morels were thought to be the work of the devil or signs of his work. According to german legend, the devil turned an old woman into a mushroom. To this day, it is an insult to call an older woman a "Morel."
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My favorite mushroom in general would definitely be the Oyster mushroom. They were the first mushroom I was reliably able to ID. Oysters are also super popular edibles and can be cooked in many different ways. They have a delicious shellfish flavor and a lot of health benefits.
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I love coming across these mushrooms on hikes. They always grow in large, beautiful clusters. They always grow on trees/logs, which is cool to see. They also hunt nematodes (tiny worms) by releasing a toxin that paralyzes and dissolves them. The resulting nematode goo is easier for the Oysters to digest. Hunting is an incredibly badass activity for a shroom to do! 😎
Thanks for the question, anon. Had to do some thinking about it. 👍🏾👍🏾
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liu-lang · 1 year
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a bit belated but for eid I made vegan versions of what we usually eat to celebrate. the dry curry rendang is usually made with chicken or beef but this time I used green jackfruit + oyster mushrooms. I surprisingly really like how it turned out ; the texture was spot on. It’s obvs lacking that «meat» taste but I think the flavours are still complex bc the rempah was still the same. I also don’t miss the meat taste and like how it’s much lighter on the appetite. If I had had more time, I would have tried a mixture of other mushrooms, I ended up just using what I had in the fridge. The real upside to this vegan version is tt I cooked it down in 3 hours versus the 8~ hours it takes to do it with beef.
For the nasi kuning i tried something new where in addition to using turmeric, I bloomed safflower in the coconut milk. Instead of making acar as the salad, I decided to make urap sayur. It can be any mix of veg that’s usually blanched but I wanted to avoid water logging as much as possible (to preserve optimal crunch) and didn’t want to bother with shocking in an ice bath so I steamed the veg. I julienned the veg so the thin strips reminded me a little bit of Thai green papaya salad. I used chayote, pumpkin, carrot, green beans, shallots, bird’s eye chili and snap peas. The thing that makes this urap is the cooking method for the veg + the dressing which is kerisik (freshly grated coconut that is toasted and sweetened with things like tamarind and gula jawa). I also fried up some extra firm tofu to go on top of it and increase protein.
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junewild · 10 months
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labor day hike. not pictured: a tub of the best blackberries; purple fingers; the first taste of oxalis; the sunglasses we lost in the creek; a dozen thorn scratches, all duly kissed; oyster mushrooms sheltered under a log; a field of lemon balm; the feeling of perfect peace.
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spidermilkshake · 2 years
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Ogres are often unfairly characterized as cruel brutes who capture folk and fatten them up for slaughter. It's perhaps more accurate to say they take part in forms of agriculture that the very humans, elves and dwarves that revile them have boiled down to an impartial process long ago--in many ways, learned from humans, though catered to the ogre society's preference for both an avoidance of mess and of good optics and ethics. Many of the different ogre communities are known to keep various animals in contained pasture for eventual meat slaughter--though getting the full years of the animals first and the various byproducts (largely wools, milks, and sometimes eggs) in the process. Once the various deepmara, dire rats, cattle, boars, giant arthropods or birds are old and hobble about under their ponderous weight and old age, ogre farmers tend to put them down via heavy crossbow or heavy axe in darkrooms, and utilize every part of the well-aged meat in roasts and especially sausage-making. Ogres are full carnivores, and so they have a special kinship with a select few tame cave bears... these beasts also quite like a succulent aged sausage, and so special measures must be taken to ensure their greedy pets do not demolish their winter's stores in a day or two!
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The Orcs have a wide variety of farming traditions to their name--though here is shown the Orcish method of mushroom farming in the deep places of their world. Orcish engineering fixes hooks into the walls of certain areas of lower light, and straight lengths of wood from either nearby Underforests or imported Surface woodlands if there are no neighboring forest zones are laid in them in rows and drilled to introduce fungal threads of edible species. As each log breaks down, new logs are slotted in, producing a deep, moist layer of compost behind the current logs. Aquaducts were built to channel water below the layers and down the rock walls to keep the humidity up enough for optimal mushroom fruiting, but as a side effect the common Deepwhisker catfish among a variety of alga and aquatic invertebrates of the Underground end up infiltrating these cool, shallow channels. Alongside this orc farmer is a loyal tamed timber wolf--as orcs are strong enough and independent enough to provide a wolf with a beneficial partnership.
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Many would not understand the concept of a Pixysh farmer, strictly due to the highly decentralized and anarchic manner in which Pixies operate. Individual Pixie family groups and small communes, however, do very much engage in care and encouragement of various tree and herbaceous plant species within their lands--most especially the fruiting shrubs, which provide sugary berries and fruits which can be more easily preserved for their high energy in winters. Here, a defensive Pixie farmer fights away various large birds and other threats from the family's rowan berry tree, grabbing up as many fruits as can fit in his satchel as possible at a time.
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Quickling society is as far removed from the remainder of Surface cultures as can get--isolated to their canopy cities in the southern Heartlands and the Nechola woodlands. Within these equatorial climes, they are known to engage in a number of farming techniques both high above the forest floor and down amongst the trunks--most notably, mushroom farming, such as the Quickling farmer shown here atop his silver wolf mount checking upon the new growth of Elm Oyster mushroom below the lowest basements of his people. Quicklings in the canopy are more known from taming various small falcons, parrotlets, and songbirds, as well as cultivating light-greedy crops such as tomatoes and sour-gherkins.
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